HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171128Andrews Rebuttal.pdfDAVID J. MEYER vrcE ,RESTDENT AND cHrEF couNSEL EE[llH0y 2g Ail B: Sg REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS r_1i,!nAVrsrA coRpoRATroN rt\ttlt^[^1]p.LiQ p.o. Box 3t2t rr-\Jr\ ilTllij"lr.;i C0F,{},,{iSSlOil 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPoKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-312'7 TELEPHoNE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAV] D . MEYERGAVI STACORP . COM BEFORE THE IDAHO PT'BIJIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPL]CATION OE AV]STA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ]TS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTR]C AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO EOR AV]STA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) CASE NO. AVU-E-17-01 CASE NO. AVU-G-L7_O! REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OE ELIZABETH M. ANDREVIS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 I. INTRODUCTION A. PJ.ease state your na.me, business address, present position with Avista Corporation. and A. My address is employed by Requirements name is El-izabeth M. Andrews and my business 7477 East Mission,Spokane, as SeniorAvista Corporation j-n the State and Federal Regulation Department A. Have you previously provided direct testimony in this Case? A. Yes. My testimony covered accountj-ng and financial data in support of the Company's Two-Year Rate PIan for the period January L, 20LB through December 37, 2079. I explained the pro formed operating resul-ts, i-ncluding expense and rate base adjustments made to actual- operating results. In addition, I incorporated the Idaho share of the proposed adjustments of other witnesses in this case. f also provided direct testimony in support of the electric and natural gas revenue requirement efements of the Settfement Stipulation filed wj-th the Commission on October 20, 2011 . A. What is the scope of your testimony in this proceeding? A. My testimony is in response to the testimonies of Sierra CIub witness Dr. Hausman and reiterated by fdaho Andrews, Di Avista Corporation Washington. I am Manager of Revenue 10 11 12 13 t4 15 t6 71 1B t9 20 2t 22 23 1 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 T4 15 I. II. ]II. rv. Conservatj-on League witness Mr. Otto, concerning two capital project additions (one project in 20L6, and one in 2011) related to SmartBurn controls on Colstrip Units 3 and 4. I wil} also discuss the Company's plans for its in-progress depreciatj-on study, as it relates to CoIstrip. A. Are you sponsoring any exhibits to be introduced in this proceeding? A. No. A table of contents for my testimony is as fol-Iows: Description Page fntroduction Party Positj-ons on Settlement Agreement Colstrip Capital Additions Depreciation Study 1 2 5 B 76 71 18 II. Party Positions on SettLement Agreement 79 20 27 22 ZJ A. Before discussing the issues raised by Dr. Hausman and Mr. Otto, what is each of their positions with regard to the Settlement Stipulation fiJ.ed by the Settling Partiesl on October 20, 2Ol7? A. Representing the Sierra Club, Dr. Hausman does not recommend a change to the proposed revenue requirements or 1 The "Settling Parties" co1fectively include the Company, the Staff ofthe Idaho Public Utilitles Commission ( "Staff' ) , Clearwater PaperCorporatlon ("C1earwater"), Idaho Forest Group, LLC ("Idaho Forest"),and the Community Action Partnership Association of ldaho ("CAPAI"). TheIdaho Conservation League (*ICL"), and the Sierra Club, did not join lnthe Settfement Stipulation. Andrews, Di Avista Corporation aZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 rates in this proceeding, stating: The majority of issues included in the Settlement Agreement have nothing to do with CoIstrip, and therefore I hesitate to disturb a revenue requirement agreement that reflects a balance among the interests of a diverse group of stakeholders.2 He does however,propose the Commission costs associated with require Avista to remove 3 and future its Colstrip Units 2 Hausman, Di, p. 3 Hausman, Di, p.4 Otto, D;-, p. 2, 11. l4-20 11. 2-3. 1tr. tJ. 10 the capital 4 SmartBurn capital investment for purposes of aII proceedings.311 72 13 74 15 16 t1 1B 19 20 27 )1 23 For its part, Mr. Otto on behalf of the Idaho Conservation League, also supports the overa.Il revenue requirement.a/s However, consistent wj-th Dr. Hausman, Mr. Otto requests the Commission find the SmartBurn projects imprudent and order the Company to remove the cost from Avista's rate base going forward.6 A. PJ.ease describe the capital projects of concern by Dr. Hausman and Mr. Otto. A. Both witnesses, Dr. Hausman and Mr. Otto, have concerns regarding two capital projects completed at Colstrip Units 3 and 4 for which Avista has 15% ownership. Specifically, one project was completed in June 2076, and q 6, 11 5 He does, however, not support the provisj-on that limlts the ability of the Company to reduce base rates during the Two-Year Rate Plan lf there are reductions as a resul-t of the Company's depreciation study or the pending Hydro One acquisitlon of Avlsta. Otto, Di, pp 3:,22-4:20.6otto, Di, p. 11, 11. 79-20. Andrews, Di Avista Corporation 3 1 2 3 4 tr 6 1 o 9 one prolect was completed in These two projects, June 2071. AS discussed further in the witness Mr. Thackston, both of SmartBurn controls for Colstrip satisfy emj-ssions of nitrogen oxides ( "NOx" ) at the facility as part of a strategic decision to environmental objectives. rebuttal- testimony of Company relate to the install-ation As discussed further capital projects in 2076 $359, 000, respectively, for prevention emission installation of a very 10 be1ow, Idaho's share of these and 201'7, total $685,000 and a total- of $1,044,000.7 I do not. As discussed by Mr. Thackston, were done in an effort to proactively install- the lastT1 79 11 a. Do you agree with Dr. Hausman or Ml. Otto's 12 proposal that the Cornrnission should order Avista to 13 effectively \\write off" these two specific SmartBurn L4 projects? A. No, these projects SmartBurn as 15 76 1B available, l-ow cost, NOx polluti-on control prior to the expected expensive emission post-combustion ? When recommending the project disallowance amount for the IPUC toconsider, Dr. Hausman incfudes capital project amounts of $1,993,516 forthe 201,6 capital pro j ect and $ 1 ,04'l , 47'7 f or the 2071 capital pro j ect . These amounts were provided ln response to Sierra Club data requests, inwhich the Company did not explain that these balances were Avistaproject total-s rather than only Idaho's share of the projects. Andrews, Di Avista Corporati-on 4 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 8 9 control technoJ-ogy caIIed Sel-ective Catalytic Reduct j-on (SCR) in future years. decisionIn the 2072 in many surrounding States and the Sierra CIub was al-so litigating against Colstrip to require SCR for alleged "New Source Review" violations. The owners, therefore, chose to install SmartBurn in an effort to manage a future regulatory obligation in a strategic and cost-effective manner.s Furthermore, these projects were prudent and moved into timeframe, SCRs were being ordered 10 service in 2016 and 20L1 , thereby benefiting customers. The 11 SmartBurn technology was install-ed on one unit (Unit 4) in L2 2016; the same rationale supported the instal-Iation on the 13 other (Unit 3) tn 201-'7. This Commission previously included 74 in rates the capital expenditures on SmartBurn for Unit 4 in 15 Case No. AVU-E-16-03, with no party taking issue with this 76 investment. 77 18 III. Colstrip Capital Additions 19 9. Please provide the overall cost of the SmartBurn 20 Colstrip capital projects and ldaho's share of these 2l projects. 22 A. Table No. 1 below, shows the two specific Colstrip 23 Units 3 and 4 SmartBurn projects. 24 Andrews, Di Avj-sta Corporati-on trJ 8 Thackston, Di, p. 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 o 9 1 Tab].e No. 1 Table No. 1 separates these two projects between: 1) the project completed in June 2076, which was already included in Avista's 2076 general rate case (Case No. AVU-E-16-03) and reflected in current rates; and 2) the project completed in June 2011, incfuded j-n this proceeding and a part of the 10 11 72 13 overall revenue requirement agreed to by the Parties in the 14 Settl-ement fil-ed wj-th the Commj-ssion on October 21, 2077. 15 Accordingly, only the project completed in 2011 is at issue 16 j-n this proceeding, since the project completed in 2016 is I7 already built into rates as used and usefuJ- plant in the 1B prior rate case (Case No. AVU-E-16-03). Indeed, no party 19 objected to this plant item in the prior case. Essential-Iy, 20 the Sierra CIub is seeking to col-IateralIy attack a prior 27 Commission determination approving rates as just and 22 reasonable, at least as to the SmartBurn installed on Unit 23 4. (See Order No. 33682 at Case No. AVU-E16-03.) 24 As can be seen in Table No. 1 above, the total cost to 25 Avista, based on its 15% ownership share, for the 2016 and Andrews, Di Avista Corporation 6 Colstrip Projects lncluded in Case No. AVU-E-17-01 Sierra Club Data Response Project Description Project lD Project ln Service Cost WA Share lD Share Date Revenue Gross Rate Requirement Base SC_3-7 Smartburn-Nox 10023705 t,047,4I7 88,467 35&950 6l30l2ot7 S 98,682 $ fSA,gSO Colstrip Projects !ncluded and Approved in Case No. AVU-E-16-03 ln Service Date Revenue Gross Rate Requirement Base Project DataResponse ProjectDescription ProjectlD Cost WAShare lDShare SC_3-6 Smartburn-NOx 10022t11 1,993,516 1,308,345 ffi'L7t 6/30120L6 S 73,635 S ees,rZr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 U 9 2011 projects, is approximately $1,994,000 and $1,047,000 respecti-vely.e This share i-s further al-Iocated to Avista's Idaho and Washington jurisdictions based on the Company's Production,/Transmission (P /T) all-ocation ratio of approximately 34% Idaho/ 66e" Washington. Idaho's share, therefore, for the 20L6 and 2077 capital projects, is approximately $685,000 and $359,000, respectively, for a total- of $1,044,000. A. What is the revenue reguirenent impact on customer rates for these two projects? A. As shown in Table No. 1 above, the annual revenue requirement currently included in customers' rates (approved i-n Case No. AVU-E-16-03 and effective January 7, 207'7), related to the June 20L6 completed SmartBurn project, is approximately $74, 000. The incremental revenue requirement amount incl-uded in this case, and included in the Settl-ement Stipulation, is approximately $39, 000. e The overall cost for the SmartBurn project instafl on Unit 4 in 2076 was less expensive than the SmartBurn project lnstal-f on Unit 3 in 2071,primarily because the design work compatible for both units was completed in 2076. Andrews, Di Avista Corporation 10 11 l2 13 t4 15 76 t1 1B 79 '7 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 III. DEPRECIATION STT'DY A. Dr. Hausman refers to the depreciation rates for the Colstrip projects as "stal.e" and r\outdated", and that the Coryany should have filed its depreciation direct filed case.lo Do study prior to filing the Company's A. No, I do not. rates are not stale requirement to incl-ude The Company's or outdated, you agree? depreciationcurrent and there was no 10 the depreciation study within the Company's current general rate case in Idaho. The Company's prior depreciation study, completed in 201,2, reviewing plant as of December 31 , 201-0 , was approved by the Commi s s ion j-n 201,3. Due to the length of time to complete a depreciation study, and the fact a utility typically would not expect its assets to change so significantly to requi-re a depreciation study sooner, the Company typically completes its depreciation studies approximately every five years. The timing of this depreciation study is consistent with that plan: utilizrng 20L6 plant bal-ances, completion of study in late 20!1, with Commission filings and expected changes in rates in each of its juri-sdictj-ons in 2018. A. IVtren does Avista orpect to file its depreciation study with this Comission? A. The Company expects to file its depreciation study Andrews, Di Avista Corporation 11 72 13 74 15 !6 77 1B L9 20 27 22 B ZJ roHausman, Di, p.36, I1.3-6. 1 in the first quarter of 2018. The parties the study, and the appropriate of these changes can be determined by the at that time. will- have the ti-me 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 they need accounting Commission to review 10 A. Does Avista agree with Mr. Hausman that because of the in-process depreciation study, it may be premature for the Parties to agtree on a revenue requirement in this case?11 A. No, I do not. Dr. Hausman assumes the new depreciation study may have an impact on the depreciable 1i-ves of the Colstrip Units 3 and 4 assets, due to a shortened depreciable Iife of these assets agreed-to in a recent Puget Sound Energy case in the State of Vflashington.)'2/L3 However, the Company's current depreciation study for Colstrip goes out to 2034-2036. Based on preliminary discussions with the consul-tant performing the Company's study, these dates wilI not materially change. The appropriate place to raise concerns about accelerating the depreciation schedule for Colstrip should occur in the regulatory filing for the updated depreciation llHausman, DI, p. 37, 11. 4-5.l2Hausman, DI, pp. 35-36.13The shortened period discussed by Dr. Hausman appears to be based on anegotiated settl-ement wlth Puget Sound Energy regardi-ng the depreciationperi-od for that company's 25 percent ownershlp interest in ColstripUnits 3 and 4. That settlement has not been approved by the WashingtonUtilities and Transportation Commission yet and the shortened perlod isnot otherwise supported by a depreciation study. Andrews, Di Avista Corporation 11 t2 13 t4 15 I6 l1 18 79 20 9 1 2 3 4 schedule, including that of CoIstrip. A. Does that conclude your pre-fiIed rebuttal testimony? A. Yes, it does. Andrews, Di Avista Corporation 10