HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171103Testimony of Stipulation and Settlement.pdfrdaho Public utilities commission Otfice of the,SecretaU Nov 0 3 2017 Avista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O.Box3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509489-0500 TollFree 800-727-9170 *wsrBoise,ldaho Corp. FILED ELECTRONICALLY AND VIA OVERNIGHT MAIL November 3,2017 Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 Re Case Nos. AVU-E-I7-01 and AVU-G-I7-01 Testimony in Support of Stipulation and Settlement Enclosed for filing with the Commission in the above-referenced docket are the original and nine copies of Avista Corporation's Testimony in Support of Stipulation and Settlement. Please direct any questions related to this filing to Patrick Ehrbar at 509.49s.8620. Sincerely, J. Meyer Vice President, Chief Counsel for Regulatory & Govemmental Affairs Enclosures c: Service List ldaho Public Utilities Commission'-* - otticest tp,?t;'3t"o Nov 0 3 2017 David J. Meyer. Esq. Vice President and Chief Counsel of Regulatory and Governntental Affairs Avista Corporation l4l I E. Mission Avenue P.O. Box 3727 Spokane" Washington 99720 Phone: {509) 495-4316, Fax: (509.1 495-8851 Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Conrmission Staff P.O. Box 83720 Boise.ID 83720-0074 Phone: (208) 334-0312, Fax: (208)334-3762 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION DBA AVISTA UTILITIES FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE IN IDAHO Boise,ldaho BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTII,ITIES COMMISSION CASE NO AVU-E-17-01 AVL]-G-17-01 STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT This Stipulation is entered into by and among Avista Corporation. doing business as Avista Utilities ("Avista" or "Company"), the Staff of rhe ldaho Public Utilities Comnrission ("Staff), Clearwater Paper Corporation ("Clearwater"), Idaho Forest Group, LLC ("ldaho Forest"), and the Cornmunity Action Partnership Association of ldaho ("CAPAI"). These entities are collectively referred to as the "Settling Parties". The ldaho Conservation League ("ICL"). and the Sierra Club, do not join in the Seltlement Stipulation. The Settling Parties under.stand this Stipulalion is subject to approval by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC" or the "Commission"). STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E-I7-OI & AVU-G-I7-OI .,n,oH*89'l Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 5 of 59 I. INTRODUCTION I . The terms and conditions of this Stipulation are set forth herein. The Settling Parties agree that this Stipulation represents a fair, ju.,it and reasonable compromise of all the issues raised in the proceeding, is in the puhlic interest and its acceptance by the Commission represents a reasonable resolution of the multiple issues identified in this casc. The Settling Parties. therefore, recommend that the Commission, in accordance with RP 274, approve the Stipulation and all of it.r lerm.s and conditions without maLerial change or condition. II. BACKGROUND 2. On June 9,2017. Avista filed an Application with the Commission for authority to increase revenue eft'ective January I . 201 I and January I , 2019 for electric and natural gas service in ldaho. The Company propo.sed a Two-Ycar Rate Plan with an incrcase in electric base revenue of $ 18.6 million or 7 .5Vc for 2018, and $9.9 million or 3.7%'for 2019. With regard to natural gas, the Company proposed an increase in base revenue of $3.5 million or 8.87c lor 2018 (5.1?e an a billed basis), and $2.1 million ar 5.A% for 2019 (3.3% on a billed basis). By Order No- 33808, dated June 30.2017. the Commission suspended the proposed schedules of rates and charges for electric and natural gas service. 3. Petitions to intervenc in this proceeding were filed by Clearwater, Idaho Forest, CAPAI, Idaho Conservation League, and the Siena Club. The Commission granted these interventions through IPUC Order Nos. 338M, 33815 and 338?9. 4. A settlement conference was noticed and held in the Commission offices on September 29.ZOl7.and was attended by the Settling Parties to this case.r As a compromise of I The Sicrra Club was unable to attrnd the rcttlcmenl conlrrrcncc. STIPTILATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU.E-I7.OI & AVU-G-I7-OI =*,riisg#Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule '1, Page 6 of 59 positions in this case, and for other consideration as set forth below, the Settling Parties agree to the following terms: III. TERMS OF THE STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT 5- Overview of Settlement and Revenue Reouirement. The Settling Parties agree that Avista should be allowed to inrplement revised tariff schedules designed to increirse annual hase electric revenue by $ 12.9 million, or 5.27o (on a billed basis the increase is 5. l7r), effcctive January l, 2018, and increase hase revenues by $4.5 million, or l.9t/c 1on a billed basis the increase is L7%'1, effective January l. 2019. For natural gas, the Settling Parties agree that Avista should be allowed to increase natural gas base revenue by $1.2 million, rtr 2.9?c (l.gEc, on a billed husis). effectivcJanuary l,2018, and$l.l million. or2.7o/c (l.87con ahilledbasisl.et-fectiveJanuary l. 20r9. 6. Two Year Stay-Out. Thc Parties agree that, in recognition of the two-year rate plan covered by this Stipulation (January l, 2018 - December 31, 2019). Avista will not file another electric or natural ga-s general rale case to increase base rates befnre May j1,2019, and any such rates will nor go into effect prior to January l. 2020. This does not apply to tariff filings authorized by or contemplated by lhe ternrs of the Power Cost Adjustment (PCA;, Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA). the Purchased Gas Adjustrnent tariff (PGA), or other miscellaneous annual filings. Avista agrees that the base rales established by this Stipulation will, in conjunction with the PCA, PGA, and DSM Rider, provide Avista with the opportunity to recover all foreseen and unforeseen costs lbr the period January I , ?018 through Decemher 3 I , 2019 (the "Stay-out Period"). Accordingly. Avista agrees that it will not file deferred accounting requests or requests to create a regulatory asset during the Stay-out Period. except in extraordinary circumstances. For purposes of this paragraph extraordinary circumstances will not include changes in inter-jurisdictional allocation STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-I7-OI & AVU-C-I7-OI Exhibfft69# Case Nos. AVU-E-'l7-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 7 of 59 methodology, accounting changes, or costs related to the Company's participation in Energy lmbalanee Markets. 7 . Cost of Capital. The Settling Parties agree lo a 9.5 percent retLlm on equity. with a 50.0 percent common equity ratio. The capiral structure and resulting rate of return is as set fbrth below: Component Capital Structure Cost lryeighted Cost Debt Conunn ft1uit-v Total 50qc 50E( 5.72Vc' 9.50Vc 2.86%, 4.75?c 1007r 7.61% A. ELEC]TRIC REVENUE REQT]IREMENT 8. Overview of Electric Revenue Reguirement (January 1.2018). Below is a sumnrary table and descriptions of the electric revenue requirement components agreed to by the Settling Panies effective January 1.2018: Table No. I STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E.I7.OI & AVU.G.I7-OI .,n,oHf,B:,9 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule '1 , Page 8 of 59 SUMMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO ELECTRIC REVENUE REQUIREMENT Etr'FECTTIT JANUARY I, 20IE (000s otDollar':s) Revenue Requirenrent Ratc Base Amount as Filed: Adjustments: Cost of Capitul Company 2017 Nct Rrte Base UJrlates M isce lla ne ous Company U plate s : Rc gula tory Amort ira t ion. Unc ollec tihlc s, Maintenlrre and IS/[T Expenses. Removc Ol'ltcr lrr-cnlivcs and Rcducc Non-Clfficcrs Irru-enlivcs Reducc Ol'ficer Latrrr ExJrnst:s Reducc 2017 ISflT Capital Prtrjccts Dclay lvlctcr Data Managerncnt Proict Recoverv to January l. 2019 Rcmovc 3018 Expensr: Dclay Rccovcry toJanaury I.:0t9 i.) 30ttt Lshor Increuse ii.) 20lti Underground Etluiprncnl Inspction ExJxnsc MLscclhnerxs Adjusmxnts: Bnard of Dircctor Expcnses. Injurir.'s arxl Danuges. l"*gal and Environm;ntal Expenses. Rcnxrval ol'Expbing lxasc Exgrnse and Inclusion of 0&M Savings Adjusted Amounts Effeclive January l, 20lE $ $ $ 5 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 18.57 t $ 7e6,609 (2.flH) 5ri $ lr2 ( l.e!6 )(39.rt (lr5) {2761 $ ( roTt $ (.111t (270) (671) $ t2,890 $ ) lr. I (l ( i. ) 7 a. Cost of Capital. As previously described (see Paragraph 7 above). This adjustment reduces the overall revenue requirement by $2.604 million. b. Company 2017 Net Rate Base Updates. Reflects adjustments to net rate base to update information related to 2017 capital additions. including related depreciation expense, as well as the impact on Accumulated Depreciation and Accumulated Deferred Federal Income Taxes, to reflect balances as of December 3 I ,2A17 , This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement b-v $58,000 and reduces net rflle ha.se hy $1.926 million. c. Miscellaneous Company Updates. Reflects adjustments to expenses to update inforrnation related to removal of the expiring Colstrip credit anrortization. uncollectible expense, maintenance expense associated with the Company's Colstrip generation plant, and annualized incremental Information Service/lnformation Technology (IS/IT) labor positions added in 2017. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $ I 12,000. d. Remove Officer Incentives and Reduce Non-Officer lncentives. Reflects the removal of all officer incentives. This adjustment also reduces incentives for Non-Officers to a lAATo payout ratio. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $393,000. e. Reduce Officer Labor Expenses. Reduces officer labor expenses to an agreed-upon level. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $l 15,000. f, Reduce 2017 IS/IT Capital Projggs - Reduces certain capital investments related to IS/IT refresh and expansion projects planned during 2017. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $276,0(X), and reduces net rate base by $ I .762 million. STTPLTLATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU.E.I?-OI & AVU-C-I7.OI ExhibRflggl' Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 9 of 59 g. Dclay Meter Data Management Proiest Recoverv to January l. 20lj, Removes the Meter Data Management System expected to go into sen'ice in 2017. This systenr is delayed tbr recovery until January 1,2019. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $1.075 million. and reduces net rate base by $6.834 million. h. Remove 2018 Expense: Delay Recovery to January 1.2019. i. 2018 Labor Increase. Removes the 2018 incremental non-executive lahor increases, and includes them with the.lanuary I.2019 rate change. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue reguirement by $447,000. ii. 2018 Underground lnspection Eouinment Expense. Removes the 2018 underground equipment inspection costs. and includes them with the January 1,2019 rate change. This adjustment decrease.s the overall revenue requirement by $270.000. i. Miscellaneous Adiustments. Reflects the net change in operating expenses related to: I ) removing requested additional Board of Director expenses ($270,000;; 2) removing legal expenses allocated to ldaho electric in error ($42,000); 3) removing expenses associated with certain leases expiring during the 20ltl rate year ($192,000):3) removing certain 2016 environmental cleanup costs allocated to ldaho electric in error ($a8,000); 4) inclusion of the O&M savings associated with the Company's new website application ($23,0001; 5) reducing the six-year average of injuries and damages ($ I I ,000); and 6) the net effect of renroving certain other miscellaneous A&G expenses ($85.000). The net eft'ect of this adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirenrent by $671.000. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E.I7-OI & AVU-G.I7-OI .,n'otftEg,9 Case Nos. AVU-E-'17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 10of59 ,. Overview of Electric Revenue Requirenrent (Junuary I.2019). Below is a sumnrary table and descriptions of the incremental Electric revenue requirernent components agreed to by the Settling Parties effective January l. 2019: Table No.2 SUIIIMARY TABLE OT ADJUSTI\TENTS TO ELEC]TRIC REVENTIE REQUIREI\TENT TTFECTIYE JANUARY I. 2019 (000s of Dollars) Revenue Requirement Rate llase a. Rale Basc Amounl Efrective January l. 2018 Incremental Revenue Adjustment to January l. 20lU Rate Change (see Tabel No. l): ) Add Me tcr Dala Man;rgcnrcnt Proie t ) Add 2018 Related Capitaland ExJxnscs: i. 20lt{ Capitrl Additlns on an AMA Basrs ri ProJrcrty Tax EnJrcruse on 20ll{ Planl Adtlitirns iii. l0l8 Annualized Laht lncrease rv. 2Olti Undr-'rground Etluiprnent Inspcctnn Exl--nsc Januarl'1.2019 Incremental Revenue Adjustment and Rate Base Amount {rbove January l,20lE Rcte Chunge - see Table No. lf $ 786.087 r.075 $ 6.8.14 b. $ $ $ $ $ 1.9_18 6ll 61li 270 $ 2.071 $ 4,S4{ $ 711.992 a. Add Meter Data Manaeement. Adds the Meter Data Management System expected to go into service in October of 2017. This system is included for recovery effective January I ,2019. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $ I .075 million, and increases net rate base by $6.834 million. b. Add 2018 Expenses. i. 2018 Capital Additions on an AMA Basis. lncludes certain 2018 capital additions on an AMA basis. This adjustnrent increases the overall revenue requirement by $1.938 million, and increases net rate base by $2.071 million. ii. 2018 Property Taxes. Includes property t&\ expense associated with 2018 capital additions. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $613.000, STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT_ AVU-E-I7.OI & AVU-G-I7-OI ='n,offt€g',7Case Nos. AVU-E-17-0'1 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 11 of59 lY 2018 Annualized Labor lncrease. Includes the 2018 annualized non- executive labor increases. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $648,000 2018 Underground lnsLection Equipment Expense. Includes the 2018 underground equipment inspection costs. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $270.0ffi, B. NATURAL GAS REVENUE REOT]IREMENT 10. Overview of Natural Gas Revenue Reguireryent (Januarv l. 2018). Below is a summary table and descriptions of the natural gas revenue requirement components agreed to bv the Settling Parties effective January l, 2018: Cost of Capital. As previously described (see Paragraph 7 above). This ad.justment reduces the overall revenue requirement by 5470,000. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-I7-OI & AVU-C-I7,OI .,n'ff1ff # Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-'17-0'l E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 12 of 59 il SUNIMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTIITENTS TO NATURAL GAS RE}TNUE REQUIRENTENT EFFtrCTIVI JANUARY I, 2018 (ll00s of Dollars) Revenue Requirement Rate Brec Amount as Filed: Adjustments: Crxt of Caphal Company 2Ol7 Net Ratc Base Uglatcr Miscelhneous Comlnny Uplatcs: Uncolhctiblcs and IS/lT Exgrcnses. A dlust Wcuthur Ntrrm,r lizal in Renrrre Offtcr lr*-entives and Reduce Ncrn-Offrers lnccntivcs Rcducc ()fficcr Lahn Expenses Reduce 2017 ISAT Capital Projects Rcrmve Mcter Data Managenrnt Projcct: Dclay Rccovcry tr: January l. ?019 Renmve 2018 Lahrr ExJxnsc: Dc'hy Rccovcry to Junaury 1.2019 Misce llaneous Adjustrrnts: Board of Dkectrr Erpenses, Injurbs anrl Danragc-s. Advertising Ex;tnses. Lcgirl ExJrnses, Rennval of Expbing Lease Ex;rense and lrru.^lusi'rn oi O&M Savings/ExJrnscs. Ad.iusted .Amerunts Effective January 1,20lE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,ty) $ r.r80 $ 144.932 a.l lr. ) c.) d.) c.) t,) g.) h.) i.) (47|'.,t -124 $ l0 { l.l6l) ( l05r (2u) 143) $ (4r5) $ ( 130, (3mI (: 14 ( 1.860 $ 3,,1E0 $ 144,E07 I I Cornpanv 2017 Net Rate Base Updates. Reflects ad.iustments to net rate base to update information related to 2017 capit;rl additions, including related depreciation expense, as well ir.s the impact on Accumulated Depreciation and Accumulated Deferred Federal Income Taxes, to rellect balimces a.r of December 3l ,2017 . This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $324,000 and increases nel rate base by $2.199 million. Misccllaneous Company Updates. Reflects ad.iustnrents to expenses to update inlbrmation related to uncollectible expense and annuaiized incremental [S/lT labor positions added in 2017. This adjustment increases the ol'erall revenue requirement hy $20.000, d. Adiust Weat her Normalization.Reflects a natural ga.\ rl'cuther normalization adjustment, which increases lest year billing determinants, thereby increasing test year (present) revenue. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $1.162 million. Remove Officer Incentives and Reduce Non-Officer Incentives. Reflects the removal of all officer incentives. This adjustment also reduces incentives for Non-Officsrs to a lA0Vo payout ratio. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by s 105,000. Reduce Officer Labor Exnenses. Reduces oftjcer labor expenses to an agreed upon Ievel. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $29,000. Reduce 2017 IS/[T Capital Projects - Reduces certain capital investments related to IS/IT refresh and expansion projects planned during 2017. This adjustnrent desreases the overall revenue requirement by $43,000. and reduces net rate base by $214,000. STTPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E.I7.OI & AVU-G.I7-OI .,n'.fflHg.,? Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 13of59 h u e t'" (, h. Delay Meter Data Management Project Recoverv to January l. 2019. Removes the Meter Datu Management System expected to go lnto service in 2017. This systcnt is delayed for recovery until January t,2019. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $415,000, and reduces net rate base by SI.860 million. i. Remove 2018 Labor Expense: Dela-v Recovery to January l" 2019. Removes the 2018 incremental non-executive labor increases, to be included with the January l, 2019 rate change. This adjustment decreases the overallrevenue requirement try $120,000. .t Miscellaneous Adiustments.Reflects the net change in operating expenses related to l) removing requested additional Board of Director expenses ($70,000); ?) removing legal expenses allocated to ldaho natural gas in error ($3,000); 3) removing expenses associatcd with certain leases expiring during the 2018 rate year (S53,000); 3) removing advertising expenses allocated to ldahn naturul gas in error ($25.fi)O); ;l) inclusion ol' the O&M savings associated with the Company's new wehsite application ($6,000)t 5) reducing the six-year average of injuries and dantages (S 1 27,000); and 6) the net effect of removing certain other miscellaneous A&C expenses ($16,000), The net effect nf this adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $300.000. I l. OJerview of Natural Gas Revenue Requirement (January l. 2019). Below is a summary table and descriptions of the incremental Natural Gas revenue requirement components agreed to by the Settling Panies effective January I , 2019: STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU.E.I7-OI & AVU-G-I7.OI .,nB*flf 19 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-"|7-0'1 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 14 of 59 Tatrle No. { a. Adtl Meter Data Management. Adds the Meter Data Management System expected to go into service in October of 2017. This system is included for recovery effective January l. 2019. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $415.000, and increases net rate base by $1.860 million. b. Add 2018 Related &pital and Expenses. i" 2018 Capital Additions on an AMA Basis. Includes certain 2018 capital additions on an AMA basis. This adjustment increases the overall revenue rcquiremr.:nt by $414.000. and decreases net rate base try $852,000r. ii. 2018 Property Taxes. Includes property tax expense associated with 2018 capital additions. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $ 122,000. iii. 2018 Annualized Labor Increase. Includes the 2018 annualized non-executive labor increases. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $ 181,000 I Rcmoving the intpact ot'3018 capil{l additions. as well as removlng the impact on accumulatcd dcpreciation and accumulatcd dcferrcd t-ederal incc.)me l.L\cs on trxal nct planl during 2018, has the rcsult o[decreusing overall net ratc hasr'. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-|7-01 =,nPotffE.llCase Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-0'l E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 15 of 59 a.) b.) l. ii. iii. SUMMARYTABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO NATURAL GAS REVENUE Rf,QUIREMENT EFTECTIVT JANUARY I, 2OI9 (000s of Dollan) Revenue Requirement Rate Base Rate Base Amount Efrective Januaw l, 2018 Incrcmental Revenue Adiustment to January l,20f E Rale Change (see TabelNo. l): Add Mctcr DUH Munagement Proicct Add 20ltt Rclatcd Capilal aad ExJrnscs: 2tlltt Capital Addilions on an AMA tsasis Proprty Tax Exgrnsc on 2018 Plant Addititxrs Annuirlizr'd 201ti Latxr Increase January 1,2019 Increnrental Revenue Adjustment and Rate Base Amount (above January l, 2018 Rate Change - see Table No. I ) $ t44,932 $ I,I32 t45 $ $ $ 5 .il5 $ r.l{$ 4t4 tn Irit $( C. OIHERSETTLEMENTCOMFONENTS I l. PCA Authorized Lrvel of Expense. The new level of power supply revenues, expenses. rerail load and Load Change Adjustment Rate resulting from the January I,2018 settlement revenue requirement for purposes of the rnonthly PCA mechanism calculations are detailed in Appendix A. 12. Electric and Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanisnrs Authorized Basc. The new level of baseline values for the electric and natural gas fixed cost adjustment mechanism (FCA) resulting from the January 1,2018 and January 1,2019 settlement revenue requirenrents are detailed as follows: . Appendix B - 2018 Electric FCA Base . Appendix C - 2019 Electric FCA Base r Appendix D - 2018 Natural Gas FCA Base . Appendix E - 2019 Natural Gas FCA Base D. COST OT SERVICE/RATE SPREAD/RATE DESIGN/LOW INCOME I 3. Cost of Service/Rate Spread (Base Rate Chanees). The Settling Parties do not agrce on any particular cost of service methodology. In recognition, however, that certain rate schedules are generally above their relative cost of service or could be with modest modilications to allocation methodology, the Settling Parties agree that Schedules 25 and 25P should receive 75% oftheoverallpercentagebaseratechangesfortheJanuary l,20lSandJanuary l,20l9increases. All other schedules, except Schedule I, should receive a pro-rata allocation of the Company's original request. The remaining revenue requirement should be spread to Schedule l. For natural gas, the Settling Parties agreed to a pro-rata allocation of the Company's original request for base rate changes on January 1,2018 and January l,2019, but with restated present hase revenue reflecting the effects of the agreed-upon natural gas weather normalization adjustment. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-I7.OI & AVU.G-I7-OI '*Bfl{f"l#Case Nos. AVU-E-17-0'l and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule'1, Page'16 of 59 14. Rate Desiqn. The Settling Parties agree lo the rate design changes proposed by the Company in Mr. Ehrbu's direct testinrony for both the January l, 2018 and January I , 3019 base rate increases.3 For the electric Residential Basic Charge (Schedule I ), thc Settling Parties agreed that it will increase from $5.75 per month to $6.00 per month efl-ective January I, 201 8, an increase of $0.25 per nronth. For the natural gas Ceneral Service Basic Charge (Schedule l0l), the Settling Parlie.s agreed that it will increase from $5.25 per month to $6.00 per month eflective January l, ?018, an increase of $0.75 per month. For thc rale changes cffective January l. 2019, thc hase rcvenuc increases would tre collected through the volumetric energy rates, with no changes to the basic charges. Appendix F provides a sunrmary of the current and revised rates and charges (as pe r the Settle ment ) tbr electric and natural gas service r5 Rcsu lt ins Pc'rcentase lncrease hv F-lectric Service Schedrrle The fotlowing tables reflect the agreed-upon percentage increase by schedule for electric service Effective January l, 20lE Increase in Base Rates lncrease in Billing RatesRate Schedule ResirJentialScheduh I Gerpral Servbe Schcdubs I l/12 l-arge Ge neral Serlice Schedubs 2ll22 Extra large GeneralSerlice Scbedrile 25 Clearwater Paper Sclrdub 25P Punping Service Schedules 31132 Suret & Area Lighrs Sctrdules 4l -48 Over':all 5.1?r 5.4?c 5.4Vc 3.970 3.97a 5.9% 5.ZVa 52%_ 5.9Vr 5.ZVa 5.71c 4.77c 4.87e 6.lvr 5.lVo 5.6% 1 This includes thc proposcd removal of High-Pressurc Sorlium Yapor lightrng options and the cusl('mer arca light calculation me thodology described in the tlircct testimony of Company $'rtness Mr. Ehrbar on pp. 22-23- In addition. thc Scttling Parties agrcc with Mr. Ehrbar's proposal lo olket the currcot Schcdulc 97 (Elcctric Earnings Test Dcterral) rebate of $2.7 million. which expires on Dcccntber 31. 20 t7 (as outlined on pp. 8-9 of his direct tcstinrony). witlr $ 1.5 million relatcd to thc e'lcctric earnings test lbr calcndar year 201-5 , STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-17-01 e,r,PuflS6 l) Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 17of59 Effective .Ianuarv l, 20t9 Rate Schedtrle ResidentialSchedule I CeneralServbe Schedules I l/12 L;rrge Gerrral Service Schedules 2 I /22 Extra larg'e CeneralSerrte Scheduh 25 Cbarwater Paper Schedule 25P Punping Senbe Sclrcduhs 3ll12 Streer & Area Lights Schedules 4l -48 Overall Increase in Base Rates lncrease in Billing Rates 1.97c t.7?a 1.87c, t.3?c 1.3?c 2.07a t.\va 2.37c 2.19o 2.3Vr 2.2Vc 2.Zo/c 2.47a 1.9% 16. Resultins Percentage Increase by Natural Gaq Servic€ Schedule. The following tahles reflect the agreed-upon percentage increase by schedule lbr natural gas sen'ice: fffeciive January l, 2018 1.8% 2e% Inrrtase in Base Rates Increase in Biling RatesRate Schedule General Servbe Schedule l0l t*erge Gerreral Servbe Sclrdules I I lll 12 Intemrptible Service Scheduhs I 3 I /l -32 Traru;portation Servbe Sctrdub I 16 Special Contracts Schedub I 48 Overall Effective January l, 2019 Rate Schedule Gercral Servbe Sckduh l0l large CrerrralServicc Schedubs I I l/l l2 Interrupuble Servhe Schedubs 13 | I 132 Transporlation Serube Schedub 146 Special Contracts Schedub I48 Overall 3.?Va 1.47c O.OVc 3.A%, a.Ova 23% Irrcrcase in Base Rates Incrcase in Billing Rates 2.7Vc A.7Vc A.OVc 3.0V,, A.UVc 1s% 3.UVo 1.37o 0.UVa 2.7Vc A.O$c 2J_%_ 2.lVr 4.7% 0.0%, 2.7Vc o.a% 1.E% STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-I7-OI & AVU-G.I7-OI Pase 14ExhibifNo. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-'l7-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 18 of 59 17. Electric Cost of Service Workshop. The Settling Parties agree. prior to thc Company's next generxl rate case tiling, to meet and confer regarding the Conrpany's electric cost of service study. The purpose of the workshop will he to discuss the merits of differing cost of service melhodologies. Based on the input from the workshop, the Company agrees to provide, at a minimum, three cost of service studies reflective of the thesc difl'ering mcthodologies in its next general rate case. The Company will provide available intbrmation. studies and data requested by any of the Settling Parlies so as lo enable meaningful workshop participation and discnssion of issues. Unless it decides to do so, a Partl,shall not be bound by workshop discussions and may contest cost of service and rate spread issues in subsequent proceedings. 18. Collaboratiol on Low Income Issues. The Compuny and interested parties will nreet and conf'er to consider whether the Low Income Weatherization Program ancl Energy Conservation Education Program funding should be increased frorn the current Conrmission- approved levels of $700,000 and $50,0fi) respectively. Discussion topics will include the need lor additional funding. how additional funds will he used, how nruch additional funding will be necessary. and what inrpact lhe increase will have on the energy efficiency tariff rider (Schedules 9l and l9l ) balance. If panicipants agree that a funding increase is necessary, the Company agrees to make any necessary filing(s) with the Commission on or before December 3 I , ?017. 19. Natural Gas Service Rules. The Conrpany and interested parties will meet and confer to review the Commission's Service Rules frrr Gas Utilities (IDAPA 3l-l l.0l ) to detennine which provisions should be retained and/or modified, and. if the participants agree. incorporale those changes into the Cor-npany's tariff. Any changes requiring Commission approval. e.g., tariff revisions, will be submitted hy the Company on or before July l, 2018. 20. Natural Gas Meter Placement Rules. The Company and interested parties will meet and confer to review its meter placement and proteclion policies and practices and determinc. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-17-01 .*?oflfffol# Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-'17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1 , Page '19 of 59 based on the agreement of the partics. what additional steps should be taken to revise the Company"s current policies ancl practices. Any necersary clranges rcquiring Ceimrnission approval, e.g., tariff revisions, will be submitted by the Company on or helbre July I, 2018. 2l, Service Ouality/Perfomrance Measures. Avista has established Service Quality Performance, Customer Guarantees and a Service Quality Measure Report Card for its customers in Washington. The Company and interested parties will work to develop similar performance standards. customer guarantees and a reporting mechanism for its ldaho customers. Following those discussions, the Company will file its proposal rvith the Conrmission requesting implementation on or before July l. 2018. IV. OTHER GENERAL PROVT"SIONS 22. The Settling Parties agree that this .Stipulation rcpresents a compromise of the po.sitions of the Settling Parties in this case. As provided in RP 272. othcr than any testimony filed in support of the approval of this Stipulation, and except to the extent necessary for a Setlling Parly to explain before the Commission its own statements and positions with respect to the Stipulation. all statements made and positions taken in negotiations relating to this Stipulation shall be confidential and will not be adrnissible in evidence in this or any other proceeding. 73. The Settling Parties submit this Stipulation to the Commission and recommend approval in its entirety pursuant to RP 274. Settling Parties shall suppofl this Stipulation before the Commission. and no Settling Party shall appeal a Commission Order approving the Stipulation or an issue resolved by the Stipulalion. If this Stipulation is challenged by any person not a party to the Stipulation, the Settling Parties to this Stipulation reserve the right to f-ile testimony, cross- examine witnesses and put on such case as they deenr appropriate to respond fully to thc issues presented, including the right to raise issues that are incorporated in the settlement terms embodied STTPULATION AND SETTLEMENT * AVU.E.I7-OI & AVU-G-I7-OI .,.nBit$E 19 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-0'l E. Andrews, Avista Schedule '1, Page 20 of 59 in rhis Stipulation. Notwithstanding this reservation of rights, the Settling Parties to this Stipulation agree that they willcontinue to support the Commission's adoption of the terms of this Stipulation. 24. If the Commission rejects any part or all of this Stipulation or imposes any additional materialconditions on approval of this Stipulation, each Settling Party reserves the right, upon written notice to the Commission and the other Parties to this proceeding, within l4 days of the date of such action by the Commission, to withdraw from this Stipulation. ln such case, no Setrling Party shall he bound or prejudiced hy the terms of this Stipulation, and each Settling Party shall be entitled to seek reconsideration of the Commission's order, Frle testimony as it chooses, cross*examine witnesses, and do all other things necess&ry to put on such c&se as it deerns appropriotc. In such case, the Settling Parties immediately will request the prompt reconvening of a prehearing conference for purposes ofestablishing a procedural schedule for the conrpletion of the case, in accordance u'ith law. 25. The Settling Partics agree that this Stipulation is in the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions iue fair, just and reasonable. 26. No Settling Party shall be bound, benefited or prejudiced by any position asserled trr the negotiation of this Stipulation, except to the extent expressly stated herein, nor shall this Stipulation be construed as a waiver of the rights of any Settling Party unless such rights are expressly waived herein. Execution of this Stipulation shall not be deemed lo constitule an acknowledgrnent by any Settling Party of thc validity or invalidity of any particular method, theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery. No Settling Party shall be deemed to have agreed that any method, theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery employed in arriving at this Stipulation is appropriate for resolving any issues in any other proceeding in the future. No findings of fact or conclusions of law other than those stated herein shall be deemed to be implicit in this Stipulation. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G- 17-01 =*Bflg6 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-0'l E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 2'l of 59 27. 'l'he obligations of the Scttling Parties undcr this Stipulation arc subject lo thc Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, if any. by a court of competcnt jurisdiction. 28. 1'his Stipulation may he executed in countcrparts and each signed counterparl shall constitute an original documenl. DA'l"rD tnir!$ay of October,20l7. Avista Corporation J. Meyer Attomey for Avista Cnrporation Clearwater Paper Corporation Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Paper Idaho Public Utilities Commissinn Stalf By Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorney Ccneral Idaho Foresl Group By: Ronald William.s Attorney for ldi*ro l;orest Group l,l,C Communi ty Action Partncrship Association of ldaho By Brad Purdy Attorney lor CAPAI STIPIII.ATION AND SETTLIMI]N1'* AVU-[-17-01 & AVU-G-I7-01 I'}age l8 Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule '1, Page 22 ol 59 27. The obligations of the Settling Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, if any, by a court of competent jurisdiction. 28. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. DATED tnis Mayof october, 2o I 7. Avista Corporation Staff By:- D"rid J. M. Attorney for Avista Corporation Clearwater Paper Corporation Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Paper A General Idaho Forest Group Ronald Williams Attorney for ldaho Forest Group LLC By Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho B Brad Purdy Attorney for CAPAI STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU.E. I 7-O I & AVU-C. I 7.O I .,nfofl$fo 19 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 23 of59 27. The obligations of the Settling Parties rurdcr this Stipulatior are subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accondance ryith its terrns and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, if any, by a court of competent juri sdiction. 28. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart slrall constitute an original document. 'll^'"'^^v*nt-day of October, 20 t 7.DATED Avista Corporation David J. Mcyer Attorney fior Avista Corporation By Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Paper Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff Brandon Karpsn Deputy Attorney General Idaho Forest Group Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho Brad Purdy Attorney for CAPAI STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU.E-17.A' & AVU-C-I7-OI Ronald Willianx Attorney for ldaho Forest Group LLC Page 18 Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-0'l E. Andrews, Avista Schedule '1, Page 24 of 59 27. The obligations of the Scttling Panies under this Stipulation are suhjcct lo lhc Comrnission's approval ol'this Stipul*tion in accordance u'ith its tcrtns arrd conditiorts itnd upon such approval bcing upheld on appcal. if an1'. by a court of compclcrrt jurisdiction. 28. This Slpulalion may bc executed in counlcrprrts and cach signed counlerp:Irl shall conslitutc an original documcnt. DATED lhis 1o day of octobcr. 2017. Avista Corporation ldaho Puhlic tJtilitics Commissiorr Stall' Ill B): Darid J. Me1'cr Anornel' for Av ista Corporation Clcarrvater Paper Corporation ll.r Petcr Richardson Attorney for Cleant,ater Papcr Brandon Karpen Dcpull Allomcl, Ccncral Idaho Fo;5st (iroup ^.t4 Ill.r Community Action Partnership Association ol'ldaho B]': Brad Purdl' Altornc)" for CA['Al sTtt,tIt,A't'toN AND slil'Tt.llM[N'r * Avtr-[-r7-0I & AVU-C-I7-0I Ronald S'illianrs Altorncy lirr Llaho Forr.st Croup l.l-C Pagc lt{ Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-'|7-0'l E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 25 of 59 77. 'the obligations of the Settling Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terrns and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, if any, by a court of competent jurisdiction. 28. 1'his Stipulation may be executed in counlerparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. DATED this _ day of October,2Ul7. Avista Corporation Idaho Public tjtilities Commission Sta{I By: David J. Meyer Attomey for Avisla Corporation Clearwater Paper Corporation Peter Richardson Attornsy fbr Clearwater Paper Community Action Partnership Association ofldaho Brandon Karpen Deputy Attomey General Idaho Forest Group Ronald Williams Altorney for ldalro Forest Group LLC Brad Purdy Exhibit No. '17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 26 of 59 Attorney for CAPAI i APPENDIXA Exhibit No. '17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-'17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 27 ot 59 i aL E.i EI E E ilitsl F' IlR ;il .'' 8l R TE flH $g$ IE Tjaio atcIoF o o- o 6 o ts, 6 6 oql o o Nri6 o G!. o! o 6 0 N. o g 6os ooFrio o o_ 6 o s.t o o- o 8866rio lori {i -lId ttxJtadcaoIEdI -!tIHo?lEX!81 Iq o o 5-N R. o 0-o o- a o a\Ntso- 6 o"o s. 4N ci i- 6 cleo 6o o N. o n F O 69-oN- t6tiI- 6a-o o-5 -s N P Sl g E11.E6-6lF.o-EssFEl 8SS o- 6, dl 6.1 ol r..{Bs83l :; ----l ;oilRF.ts613,he$Re81 33qdDlolFlal a^i6o'lc-ilooo-l ;IolOeI 6e6000Ifr!roo@ftIOOfligSelrdEE*-EEI; r;:Egl sEEli;eBluFfl[B'Eil ;; 6eo-l a6955il! 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PI g Z ?, E E : s T qr?a- Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 32 of 59 CE f g- roxozt!Co- 2otr5) CLtr F 1t! ll,J FUJvl r-{IT\Fl la, = ci2 lr., U :83-l;;- 8H- *;!;!;-nl;_ i;itEIiisll E: !siiEg iI5 r'l; , Bigi; 6 ^TNE.,- A I6;'nfi 3:ts r. ! ;iiSleiiir,ri;:;6::ttE'i,! i-l'?r ?JriiE;{ ts =E-.* i. lsTi 5irliiE!rI *31 i$xi ii :iiE;IEiItcaJN4a4E 9::!:*t1* IJ .: II .,1 IrI5I!alrIIsi..l irl (): {;I'i; agr r I Tri!I[tr!tI! l,i!.tgi I !rItti!lci3.I 3ii 3i; !s I FaF a ,, 3Ji<L!lrl t! Eo ?I= r.i 33i E=!fl i ,t-En 3'5=O.4 - =EEEr;gl .!.1E 5 .<;.q5' C)s-r.i *.!I-=!ET I E=o:€E"AIa! tJ &rmll Sc.nrf. Avt]€-lr{1 S.trm!4Ca.a Loi FrEr P.!r Ctocl Incntrrhr By Dannd 12 CP(b) (cl (d (c)(n $yrlrr Di6t lBct rt.a fuiqlood Cod CoEpontib n Currd nct,n t, 6cnldu,a Btdl.lim lt!.111,5t2 irlgnirr$ ,5,6rtrl Ortloluo.r S0,!65,311 Comm Io0lCrmdFrI Rao'u AVr$lA !nUIr[s Ra,,'l$ lo Cost 6y f$daillComroiart S!,iqr!;| totiB Iidvc l,lfi&a litLd f,c.,rr$o 3l,2016 ldiio J|n5dclptr rb*iru!rr!09,{$lr l0 0l 0l 0t F)t4ac$ ErrrLngs Lrt.L4. Plnplt! stc.ll Sa'ylCD q{I$afl.(l gafttoacP Srym A$t$n[ Sct! ,1.22 Scll 25 Sct 25F S.h 3!-12 Sd lijo (rl R3.16{trl Srr., Sdr I (h) Ga.|.'rl Srnm Sdt i 1-'l? sn 0390s t{,_0s6r 30 0203. l0 0lsalt t0.03070 10.00$r? tc.03a43 r,oatr t{.0.?0? t0!r0r3 t0 0302? 100r972 14 03tlt9 t0.cc896 tc.02cc. s) 0il50 s0,0358? t01isi9t i0 !0il7 l{.s756 10.017?! wn,fil s0.0009, $.0a6s7 l{ 03516 t0.00635 34 033e2 t0.01 5!? a.{,t57 51,5r8 ?166,070 t0rll06 $.00re $0,19129 t0.0aar3 15,rta.Ea 15.!11,432 et,r0J,20t 1e,l9t,05r 13.s03,St 2,123,85 t0:1t.3?6 3,731rio s,c29,re7 e.e3.r76 2,0r6,62t 3ts,a. t!.1rr,077 r1,0tr.60i 1r,0,t0,6|? t.tit.in $rtr38 2.0r0,r6t {1,579,ilr 2{,191,966 r,200,?0{ /,{66,3U 7,700 197 2 as0,0t1 93?,181 59?,t95 2IA.5&'t.000 106,90!.000 37.31?,000 6t.0r0.c00 t9.9{5000 19 il5.c{0 5.9{.000 3.615.000 6I I 9 10 !t t2 t1 1t 16 t, !g !e tt ?r to(llr? t0.0r5rt 10.10219 g!0r02r t0.01563 t005?t0 t0.090!17 3c?liBa Flrdnond Coai Coopclr.nl, d throt,n Crrrfir&boPmei*too ,l1t.204.61t 17J71,556 l!347.?15 250n,652 12,9:9,lrlTdt.rirro.r 2t,sl..Ot 11,11t.?36 1S59,C25 5,a38.615 ?,556,?0tO$aufon 6!.062.0€ 3r.031,65e 9,!5t,3r{ 12.161.tt9 2,000rfi Coon o an,/l2.tl6 z$,rii.tgl 6,3S3,fi0 f,19{,O7 1ffa35$ €rgcreo rr llilrt P&&clidtr f,&misin tl8}ho!o Ccmr T@ Curul l&ldod Rr&r lolrl Uaitfir Clranl Cotl Eroc.&dsSlIWh Pmductor trllEmilsi6t DrlS0tm Coirmn Id,!lC$fi unihnn l{.ad.d fuLJ lds!. io Cod fuio t Cuo.il l&r t0.c!8s7 c.9t t0.r813 1.0',! 1t,!10.3,8 2 '16,EC032.rSl 2.44a,313 I 163,15r r05,t0? 2,ra6.t6s 051.{0s ,lt: 798 51 042 2538.391 5E .tor ?la,r8r.c00 1r6,s:,641 32,35r,t6r 1r.86r,923 20.!1S.10t 10,0St05 i,675,030 3.591.$ti s0.0t9ct t0.00865 t01203r I00r550 3C0.r37 !{.e0r9? $.{,?IEo t0.022rt 30.0!E 0 l{.00fi0 t0,02.60 10.0i?5t t0r366? l0 0cE3i $ 0t07! !0.01 r0€ sc 0!n16 $.cor r5 3C C0S60 t0.sl6! t0 0x6R tc 00i49 t0 0fi89 tc 00c7{ loi3se3 14.00671 10.0J55r tc.0t592 3t 0s9-! m.00382 t6 190t1 i0rlrt6 s.00350 100 t0.1013, 0.91 srt66! 1.15 t{I0758? l0t 3C 05ra5 !.0? $.09rt{} 097 n ?i ?{ 25 u fmd.r.l Cod CorFonltrd ProFo.{ ndrlil !y Ethil[hpr3dJclon lt9.l?0,405 ,rf,Brirtirn nilLicz Drldhd6' 6!,75r,699 conrnon 17,10?J0l (7.'t23,$7 1 r,260,910 3l,a&,t{t 25,?fi,915 r5 06?,{64 a,02/t,56? 1t./r7,00t ,"503,$5 $,5r,1,m! 5,329.3.7 r4.095 5r2 7,01!,t06 1! r5lr., 2,6rA.I5r 1,091.29t 2,Cil,llr 'rJ,gr1.aol J.034,t06st.til 2,589,t( t,195,.c a20,607 ?a2.691 98c nl .t3,t16 5{,601 2.12L788 €13.r93 Tobr P,oIo6€d Rlb Rrvro Cm lolal Prnporod lrobd Rlr! trFtsxl'i{Illt ProOoclm Irtt riatotr ohrih,0cr Coilril Ioad Unlilr ilr5.d fllb6 219.1?3.000 rr5,1q),000 39.t71m0 s1,E02.m ?c,72800t1 19.89c00 5,019cco 3.81r,m0 t0!t6r? 9,.0220t Bl 03??6 gl0?05s lirr?o. 30.007il 10.00rt. $-0164 t0.04595 91.0878, t0.r00fi t0r07a $.0815{ 10.06101 t0054Er grl}96t5 t0.38s80 ll ti 3a 3s t6 rl It !0 a0 l'l a7 {I trncfo.l Cart Corlrnr|l, i fillo'ltl n.qlrda.l Rllnpro11*ton 1t9,il!,e3t Trfiadrilo11 ?r,t?s,cq, l,irrftnor 6t,n6.l7l Cmm Iold Uniae$ C,crt a0,c€?,t6? r{,124,368 2r,9lt,.3E rr.$1,291 t3,zt.tfft t?..3!.&11 !,22rC10 5.9ra,?t2 z.?ta.9ar 2,9t0.s9 l{,151.369 9,?t' rt rt,lla,ca2 zlrtsll 352.tn a7,nc.8ra 26,ra0u 6,069ca r,!t?,641 ?.6s,re6 2J55,7E? !,8r,r6t! 619,932 tt!,173,00 1njfi.,12 31,04e3$ ,2,6cr.rc{ 2,1t0.7r5 19,6!!,/'1 6.009,Jm !.87t.r{t t0(}1035 t0.Dog{t t0,02192 t0.0161t t0 0{?78 t0.0r0s t0 0a6? !0!?3., t0.03gtr 1000003 t0.02655 fi.010/t lo.0399l $,.motl 10.0?016 t0.01t6c I0 03?.0 t0.00r0 i$.006ct &m800 $qlr$ g0 00016 $oma i0 00/!5 2IJ7.n. all.t52 2.ua.8r0 l0 03705 t0 c0r31 i0 s3t60 ,crt66t {fi.N22 5i.609 ?,na,n2 g) 03191 t0r0rr7 t0.r078rl ta.046d6 i6m. !c Co.t ldb d P@- 84.1m C.mil R{n.a b ?rwrn Co.l Rrlo 0.!5 'l,l lrtaR rlcrhffi l2'meCo tl,t20,!00 fh Aw€-t?{,lll)€tc S.hn rlCOS LF PC rtntod/ CrrcoslEtltiE !.0 0E787 t0.r 06i3 oga 0,G sr5at, lrt t, at6.o0 $m0a $00r0r m.059a t.ls illt 0.s l.r0 0.ll oJa lur{000} t|r,000 |,elt000 eotE R.le Yo.r D09e5r $J9C$0 03/ 0.96 0,l trt $!.000 15100 P.ol6 a ol a CASE NO. AVU-[-17-01 SITTLEMENT STIPUIATION APPINDIX B Page 4 - Cost of Service Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 33 of 59 2t t0.ortit t0$102 t0.00rrr I 2 t a 5 Line No. AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor ldaho - Electric System NA/EIVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 Description 1 Revenues Expenses: Uncollectibles Commission Fees 1.000000 1,000000 0.003563 0.003563 0.002275 0,002275 Factor 2 ldaho lncome Tax 0.0s1264 Total Expenses 0.057102 Net Operating lncome Eefore FIT 0.942898 Federal lncome Tax @ 3596 0.330014 BEVEN U E CONVERSION FACTOR 0.612884 0.00s838 0.994t62 Page 5 - Rev Conversion Factor Exhibit No. '17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 34 of 59 3 4 5 6 7 I Revised per Staff_PR_079, Attachment A CASI NO. AVU-E-17-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULAT'ON APPENDIX B APPENDIX C Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-'l7-0'1 and AVU-G-'17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule '1, Page 35 of 59 o., .sE lEco rl A.)o0r!g E !..q E 9E,!at3,!.a;r.<Ll r,rOrdttoo69NnodNR a.t 64hmF rA 4r 88t8oeoo-^d.d ; o -dO?F- r- re e. -a\Oh o\(}6rCrgE-is,g-r, = \o+o\€ dc !or=cardO\OrO-otd60l.i t! a'= rio\-OYdrlovlO-:o\o oo€ro8.8.8.8. 6fl-6t6-6, NNhOs-qr€n\O6S EOt€c)rt\O r{ON- fi€re r€do 6q 606qett *o\ -\Doon9c{er i: €.oc46rr oh.? €- 6N\g \Odtj1t€ Of,oo6 -6 €o Fe 4 r rO.^qoa{tg. -i .{frNit eg. rrraa €\c6a{ at-55 rr6firrOOrO\dFhha(r\onai!!d!!cO\E'l^l-F -OdO6d .d -d E ,, ara u1 9l 8888 r-SFod6.pri ci e; \CO€\9Ohr:-i\d-Ohaitd ri N N*€ e,qa =&EEI,,E >6i,7 F a, tA E EA9EvgEO9;dzovF ce99 3ta) <) ooae 8r€r+Fje6r*6 a.' sc'\q\Ce -66rrO* t - o.6|die{'t!Fj --NY\O-O-GoOvi oi ci\o o6ata, oeooeoeooooo ^r-\646Ca€caF-o oo\g\6noo\66t(O !r. \O \O \O.dA'dloiN---C -O\Ogoh€oreilm .A rra aA tA oooo5000600<>-: q.i o( oi6€rr.q.---.1s\ce.lF ma€. O\?difl i mYGoor o. N ,., Erd.i.)lr.l=;)=>ol- czI')OHE z A-fiEr=(/ e*" 2d rlq J U)oa, -- H9z a17 I rrrFJ2>rlOoFr uu, Ixoz UJLo. zotr Jf trv',Fzu, =tfJ F[l elo FlIqj f c,zU u i!,E-..NNFvF66erEnr:9ax'Em€odqEN6r&rat, iOdc,tE ;ai coZ r,m€€g)50*h6ac- O- e: d- .dit \o g\ d l/) -ON?h.3--vlH-E qr;d*138-& **1nn&-oci6i 3 so,;Jr E 7-6gEELo9-E.T J -Y E f TE To*t'q eSEYEHTEEE!<<E0(J< 6\c,r€A U EA?E6Eed..E :, = o!'a ?<,Oo(>egueEE Eg"E5 PsE-.oJE'-E c-E q= 'JJ Up1,9, 368 :i:! ri OU22,UUUgdd ttrooct t-? (JUE€UO,*t|(& 5 & h qr5#B;n.E:Egu IvE A! 9d =ir &t=lB EUE!rB B.XUhi! €6= a0€ J \O \Occ claJJ 6doaND 0a r{r *AJ5&3. o!3: E EqiE I!At\^-.=q6E5 E E E ';& F F e E e=:.-E Atr C--5=@!5t.?EE{uaoO - sh I !!i!TEqr9-O--E- dtE ET5#E c-'.a$$ Z u ,ig E Eq; E H: IE;gE d 63idol oEEEETEEgEBEgoa6d7,^m&E h AE6990L>>F --*- -ooeo_o-qo.?d\+Foac{-hone€d<t++! \ON a.l 1-o,- ,! 3ld: EUaS =,,-o5 ETE: ><!Eil/.6EE E 3f .EE3 E.9EE i E'Y E 8e.:9:rtr.c).e I< 9=td-! Ea. -9 Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 36 of 59 IJL&; :,! oL'!c, OJ.Il! ooo|!6- 6FO -qtdn-'* 36G- $- aa ;dFqFi ! !t TI*3o7- UxozlJJdo- oF5:)LtrVIFzIJ =ljJJLFlr,lvl Fto Nrl ul f CJzU U 66 66S 0.6.F6{O6A -a t d,FF€tsC-1 .a o9te:4D & I-a $ !:ay-C*& nI .:!4 aa tg i. E^l!n!: IiE E I.: g!Es :Er-t"lfiilra6lJFulil;r+.iE'r .rl<!!J<b: t!A9 b BI5(JN AEE*{E 15F, liE; Etiiixi3 :: II e {igegc !I b E E Eq g c E 5€ 8I 3.! : Iii t) o .uIz B 3r '$g Hi 5 Z Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule I, Page 37 of 59 o!.5 CLl! ra .n (I.,oo(l,o- t:2 ? *pb.iri>{*EE8 I ; -[I da i -tE =q"u Et Fdr.aa tE ;C e! !3E!tii:*IrZf f J3r {it{f!JIiiiU" ra !.!< I!E*85i?:it:iuiEEEllEBaJreedE7- " iEll ! iiilrli* Iiss;i3il :3 ttrd 3.c .'!9.,'c.d] a<-v!.1--Cl€-r-E.Hn r< lr.af ---t .E n--a:oa]sFir-qr:,lll .---r,,-hql -hFi..-An ',-o6F Fn{6-q,:--blora6*-a naa-cq?--l t-rlqlor1 aaooo-o?-^ ^-9-:.qito6--G..-o.Td,<.q C>- r-. ac----:1.,- o!i6o--:&8.BFEi \6t,o...6_- 1 b 3 o' ! a q 8 3€.{ E b n F : 8 .1. FEtct a$ f" ! v ?l: i$ 1" =f g ri: s a{ + ad a 5.t rC 8I if, !iI i3t T I ! l=' lfl{sf,l i*gt : ,= f I }F t p$ nr of B :E = I!: i: c8!- I;:: : q8- !8*ts3;;l 6..FF-$6 €al_O-4r :frEEERl Je r'ar a'J-.rr *€aa-.q-l-6F"Gl a-,er6- *-*i6d6l,:,1--O.O-aCl fEi=;!?B 4ir-reEo;.t;E!88rrr-i.jr'da! { :: ,* B t I: 1 , E t n I ;, x I E E Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 38 of59 U =ozl!oA zoFs:)o.FtF?lri Et!J EItlvl e(()r\elu:) c,zu U '* ? {.F-Fo\a 1'r.1aF.-,iixr.=89:81q€--.1--Jsn,iln Ef:x3S!tF,*-1rr!e-1Ctr€Fc6-6*,-r+^-6.tD_1qF.-.-i ".it,A: ^il,:La -!3;^ib; d*I'!riI I rJ $f,*i EB,igitg;i tlt!ctIi l"r l"lIt !t ltII TJ TT13 I! I;ir x :; {! xEi l*i! lEg3ii qlii gi.i N. !...6 ! t ,,a6roo-rFtr 6Faeo-^-e4)a F 5 t u 9<'c 3bl;.-u!E^!21 9r;ir !.i sR: t= !eEA'-aZ iEEE€ - =EiEJ!.a8 i=1iE ,*.E€3 rl4.!r> _;!'z I :ELO 0Er Ea3 BQI t ,, , $r!6ri &.rrrio. AvU{-f 7& 8.lrm*n Cd, 201, Lol(tfr&Pr.t gl.rrl 1 r$niason E, Irit!,|d l? CF (b) {c) lo} F}(,i Strtr O!$rilon fd, Fsrlctf.irl Con Cdreolr'lt d Cmit t Un DI SclE(lrl Rt&rtm ill,6'l5.zm Ir3rm.3loo ?5,066.12t Ddttuail 59,1t6190 Csmon lolrlConmln.! Rrwu. AV,SiA UlluTtts Foao!€ b C06{ b, t l,i{fr$i Caauomd &rmry fd br Ttr.tN il6M1E frt*loacrr!5, ]l 20i6 lddls Juirdcl,s Elrct'r t tll, lil 6i (r) t tacorl Ertalargr E&rlrtaSni,. CrnSaD,E, 8*liecF Sdrlt-22 &n35 Sdt?S tol R.rda*, S*uc. S.n 1 (hi G*r6o1 SanaE Sei rt-12 0t,?*., {r) (m} hmprg Srsrt6 Smrrr ArD Li{$L &h 3!-3? Scn tug t 2 i a 6 E I r0 r5.111,01t l5lrt,972 e5,00s.6{ 12.ru.393 r3,{3E.6gr 9.9n,017 3.67tJs0 3,1?8..r2't r..5?,900 2,70C,?00 a.611.9r0 r0,153,s69 [,185.t3 r.93?,538 3E 878 2.109,i0r !rl,1ta 2,023.619 t0.0]r93 I00t6t6 l0 03!tr s0 01627 {'l].]23 51.1?.l 2.$'-a.Et? {/.6E5.117 ?9,267,800 7,556.209 7.E3{.055 t 821,0t0 e60C.221 982,6,13 620.509 r46.ifi.0{n r&,1$,&0 3r,11100 52,070.000 19,e.6.0m r9,!{r,m0 5,131.M0 3.6r5.00i ErFasr.dr,r$tl Bod.don lrl.lMrlhn 0k&Ifdr Cqinon Iottl CunolUddtd Rdls trc 03802 $.$e4t t8 01005 t0.0r615 Ir 00839 ,i,006,l ti 02501 3nA?2lt 5{ 0r,l' t0!!006 !0 02r13 $ o?cm t{.039{5 10.0s81 10.019t5 t00l?0/ t0.0366. tc,0q,8g lcs6fi lc 6190 t0r3r05 10,&?r/ 10.00090 I00{,7r7 tc 03097 $0r0383 t0 19033 3C 0a5S0 to_otso $ 09611 l0 i0r19 t0.0r02r t0 055r! l0 0520r t0.09007 t0.rrr6r f unCiooal Coi Ctrrornh, Unilm Ccn.ol R.tun ll 12 !3 ia t$ rt l? t6 r9 20 21 Proor{oo lrmutirrio6 0itihrto.! Ednffi Toarl UnrhnCurnoaCo.l 1ta.{1i.471 ?5.065,271 t9.t9r.s6 ar.s7.36e {7,tir0rgt rl,Eu51 3r.3,l.72C &.a85.rer ,3tt2.04r ?,9C3.5i6 0,9,7.|tc 65t2.33. 21.&r.ts3 ,.36,6S r2.017 365 7.r3i.ta[ r2.83:.153 2.s0t.n0 t,910.915 2.050.?51 1!.225.459 ?.0es.E8r 3re06{ 2.!(l,950 z1{0,995 19?,5m 2.11[.0r! 't.008,t1a {09.981 50.095 ?,l8r.3C2 6t2.is r$.s8trm t!6.m.16c $2,t65.(lr 19.?t9,857 20,'t61,'ll9 18.747.3ra 5,672rS 3.557.130 €ro6r.d - ln$i Proorrtdt lrmirriur fis&lur!m Cairtto.t Iotl Cmrl lrdhm ilrlhd Rcra i&rrur b Co.l. Buo n Cuml Rltt. i0 03rr5 $0819 t0.0e004 ie 01622 10.0. r 0? 10.Q978 tafi740 l0.m3a 30r379t !0 00/95 to02r.2 50.01a$ t0 0ttJo $.m22 til.0t651 !{.fi160 $0359' t0"0070? 30.&'fi lc.00rr0 t0 !3618 ,0 @r35 !0.@E6 t0.00?0? !0.c35r0 t0 0c55r s0-035e7 91.01859 ,0.0m? t6.$J75 $ lmri t0,0r!9, tc 08110 r.00 t0.10t5t 08{ to$$r s0.076a $.05843 t0.05ril t0,r}9303 t029055 t.rs t 06 0.9t lrr 0.ri t,o1 22 2l 2a 25 26 fcnClol[l CodcorDon.nb tl Propo.:d f,d|ln !, 6chd$h Pro&ictm 119,U69,!1i fm$i..ror 2t.t li,l99 tlrribdt€n 6i,427.700 Canrnn 50,608.96 {7,}?6,710 1:,319,681 3:.765,il5 ?6,t6?.261 15.t29.577 {sr.t65 1t.638.?47 7,998,?e1 ?6.r8S.5t6 6,a12.327 ta,l3t5r7 a,$7.610 r3,an,g09 2,70{,r37 unisr 2,966.5Ct 13 !0r.08t l.!71,1$6 36r.0t6 ?.r13.n6, a?c6,5?1 {25,Us 2,2*,,2t1 r.0r!.3i3 125,!:! 5t.zti 2,?50.0i4 649 7t' IoldPmrmdRrt6RlW Co,lm 26tOrm0 r7,xt9,0m $.tl3!& 55E75.000 11,001"000 m.trt,0c0 5.93r.000 !,u1s0 gl0rr!1 ,0rux6 iL02,9r l0rrar $.008!0 t0r075r 30.01731 1020607 s0ortat0ll n 3! 31 35 !0 t7 3t ,0 10 tl 11 Iobr Prlpo.idtLld.dnlls 3i.0$l1 Fcndloill Corl CorDaomt! tl Unlhril R.qirxLd R,llm I 19,6E6,{78 2!,r35,U3 65,36{,r'0 5C,tr0.969 t010?47 |tt0s09 t0.$60, l0i5r7t t0.0t560 t.fr9826 t0J9t0? Prod/nnon traril$it r O.t ldbn Coffi fdl UndornCod {9.2ll.176 !t.tri,t2r ir lu.06r 26,2!0.352 11 {a9.01r l,r!9.r69 9.8 1 a.2ta r.0q3..0, 26otr.106 5,9!0,?72 I 3.r?5.902 t,02t,st! 13,r,1.919 2,fi5,d9! ?,M,?t2 3,0J!,9t' I 3.[3{.3C0 2,19:.t74 35r !3{ 2.r(xta3 2.2t1.924 .16.r92. 2,355.12r t.07ai1: r?N.E$8 5t.?19 2.r99,04 5t6.5ll ,ta.01?.m0 r2t"lr3.A9 3{.856.668 sl,a{r,roa 2r,a7{57: r9.!e?.331 6 rA.653 3.9a0.05. €rFarcd r ltllltr PrcdE&G It'Eii|iirl gttiltlon Crfitrt Iotst Ur{om Had.dRd.. ,0.0G53 10.0005! t0outl tc11r21 t00{l9t l0!1006 t0c3tr7 J0I2a6t t{.03969 t0"00r93 I[.0?568 30.01 9r3 t0.0r0rl !0r0s?3 50 02068 l!,rt?16 tc 0i757 tc.c0rtc 5{.t05r7 t0.rl08t9 g0 olEt6 t0.00t25 t0 0&97 $ 00716 tc.03r22 10.03?tr 10!0?5! tc 00r2r l{.ottor 10"2{8r, 10.0'r,5 30.01920 lc 009.1 i.tw. to Csl Rrdo tt Fmgorrd f,lt..1C0 fl crrnrt ldnd. E PrDF..d coet ido lll 4l trrtimhilil tt,aL'oo0 Fb. AW{-17{1,|U€h. S.elorltG08 tF PCli.ltod' $,n€dE It'I! It.1S6t 09t ora i1{fi,001 lc.ts€? t.t5 i0t 0,561301 $.lE181 t01 0r ,l$,000 097 0.r0 a{t,000 09? !r4,000 PqcZda 10.06?39 1.0a 0.1, s0.06c'il 0.tt r.ttt000 t.tef,0{o 20le Rd€ Y!l. t0.1fl-r6 $.asa c.980.98 CASE NO, AVU-E-17-O1 SETILEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX C Page 4 - Cost of Service Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule '1, Page 39 of 59 Itlol l{.0{?r ,0.00ur 10.0t70! 10.00{t{t0.00$t AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor ldaho - Electric System TWELVE MONTHS ENDEO DECEMSER 3T,20T6 Line No. Description Faclor 1 Revenues 1.000000 1.000000 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Expenses; Uncollectibles 0.003553 0.003563 Commission Fees 0.00227s 0.00227s ldaho lncome Tax 0.051254 Total Expenses 0.0s7102 0.005838 Net Operating lncome Before FIT 0.942898 0.994162 Federal lncome Tax @ 35%0.330014 REVENUE CONVERSION FACTOR 0.612884 Revised per Staff_PR_079, Attachm€nt A Page 5- Rev Conversion Factor Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 40 of 59 CASE NO. AVU-E.17.Ol SETTLEMENT STIPUI.ATION APPENDIX C APPENDIX I) Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-0'l and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 41 of 59 il, 2o t!& d(,dl(sL €ral flo\*Fvi 6CCooc hNF.EE=a9.-d9EUE !.;*Itr<lr1 r'- e.lc.l sOlt(\t \9 F6\OhFtG<'. 3i 'lroa{ : co ,IQtocqt'- \C roF-qq+ o ra.t N eat civfcrrO<l6c.d r- a,,. q] :c>aFdljl"d6.a d.N.,EJ= vd6A*&6 J -.iGl,=FrIrl > ;)2eAGJ t! ltl0a/Ut) g o-E-6€FF,\./ d - \O ra a-, -!t-FlO^:,E--NrO =rhF-E N-t e"O h-'A Flo oz s<3noOr,rrO\o€?N.i&\3.,\6tt<ts66t-E -€o\E oq;iD61' UdVa,t, * tA **.3 tj, 0 et fiS ON -€A\OO€t\NFI e+* h(>ori (> r-d.i*6O\o. o- lA tJa 8=o.qo-FN.! r:( r.l \o g\\a !a6c:nc;en oooooct-FOO\FF -O^'l mCOa{\CsthO-O.a\OFmcrttrN\ora rnN o ooO -ra € OtFt .r] -i or '*" q^ \fl -6\. a- .n-€r ae y7 iJ, 4 888ctof\haa-\o-€C--9? 9aav1EQA;IUu->?, ogF 9G w:* --. EL'9 dU.1, >,6 t'-F G ,a, (4 CEA A 06EE{, l)EEcoo6 U(J>>oozz 9 Or r(' t*-!o (t.l .1 c6 aq, ? a!z &c,il= ti[) t 32.EsR =G\tc(<ql*i -! 3oE9ESUES =E!E!uuE2 =d oe?;i E.E E;u.a* E tt'- ,E;{4* ,.; ^J6-vL-.3LJ,UT: ( -dtGX qloz- 6' Ea -9q, q)a uxozul4c zoF5:)L F Fzr! =IJJt-Flu(/, r.tot.e{ t,) r I ao.gJ o Ee9*59u ^&OE c & ^?.5 b io;; gZE E;ce,:90#E Y E trbE.;gi>sd5><<ctU< ^c,C)s qJ ri e= oe)aa(cUD UOed ccoi,EC a,EE ooUU!otOUxxt& Ir .: lcE-q* &;'_. d tZZ C3u I\-5 u- 9* =l& aI}i=lUU+tr cU6 Er3i.xL) (' tr 6?.= \o trJ \e \Oc9JJ ctrJJ EEoc-o -eac, n(r ^ &, 9,,-r, E EgEg I{ J (n t)E. r !0* C C EE5E EF.E s b bE! 6E EL.:< >, /;I&E EFE;T 1.stE.EeE;EE€Eii8*E'nE E;sEIE ra6\o t I ,Jj e) (, i6' Ed()lNC =o6cGlv585zEiEci6 e45!ruEAA<oa,dEE$fi,E'4=.9=,Ii EEt-01- -F.l 6 dnqh\c Exhibit No. '17 Case Nos. AVU-E-I7-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1,Page42of59 CLCn, EI oL,,!o.Iu- o, EOo6- oxoZt!o-d otr5fd Ft/tFzlrJ =uJJ El! oIN If e r'1 * c-11 a r* +rfrn l-. tr tn !.a, q)7 9 lu& tr(, 0 thoU'o{,x It (i c{rt { \o€tt. e 6t C) C) a,d, a otro u, (J ].L).o aZk o 6oF .'l caC.l..16+\cd Q +r!o\ Ft.t IA {)bo(d c)aq(, c,& cxr g EI E bl 6 El < SI ; 3l ,qul - rl I<l ir \o,r1 a.lq aa e & ra;\o C?l a c-,1 q) Eo a Ut-C) q) tr(J o otr a €- a U t)*, cn Nt+ s \o ooa- rg (d {J cl-) c)d o o tro at) UqrokC)5F zH(Eq) tt)o)I. a\ 'f,.4l*, aiOl(\ i & rrl{rrt O \oa(..t o 1)o0ct t C) ,o rl cl a/,q) a t, oV) + Eo:a*HI E\IH EI Esl E-tl; $e HI E Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 43 of 59 E "Ei.=a E,EL9eaz 6! tr0,€ ah(Jg. (uu 0 u)ql(J dt ;z I o(usttr6r:'Et 5?nvaEQr,2b5Er-t:.Eto-9=\q,!-FqEo gEEEEEEE'5E9brDtlta'.E!ll)g i.i5'i - 15'E< E<=u;t 'ro -Q i-n:+lro)-2rZl6=< GI6aLEIs;<Z.-o g(, Easo o) q,tr .1 z uotral!c I qJq0l!o- ?t: EFs,an {r . - t --r-1. -11 uu,*rl, : r r;l-^;. =rl;,2 :: !l= _:"1: :"_:lrr.f;.,q81;:: -=lt 1t,r5l{ :. : " :l'. ri ,=1. es E=lt :.""1: ;t aSli -'. l: "":l: ;; , ;l=E! 3811.t: pr,r=li 'l= !,: ;;lj -t: -t :i a- -t {- el i 3r.: i1: 5 --t ! *C i Isl , g: -t:3 :. I, : 9. ': *( 8; t_- t r-.,; a 6l i: 2 3 t { , t s t : I. I tr t F t t s x :a E f, a t ox ztuLo- zotrJ:)TL FvlFzlal =r.r,J) El4l -{o Fel(, f -a { s:a- d: lt.a^ilse eI} rf,t!i l, iful rI6 !=* tr=I;* s iitIif Eiiffl i:;r i:=:ic: iii{fgr Isiiiii gits IIl. _o -a -u -u; EE ET iT. TX.i; !i ,t Et I;i rl Eg [i kli{ri Ii I; i;!I {! P! f! ?!ii!iiiirii{ii f,$lll !ll ffll lll i:: {it ! 1IIi $ii!iirli.' E, T:T 6, tui! Exhibit No.'17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-I7-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 44 ol 59 ts t , T t (J ?!2, L-r;.€:=,1 rEYa -,3 E=;!5 Eit crE&E'EEE€'ts = lrl ?,3E p.E:5' t58<=YEI EI3 r 9 2'<t!:3 ;= !c E E&c?!I- I '' AVISTA UIILIIIES Cfiiprly Sc$bm.nl Sl,nmry by Funofion 'dth Usruln Anslyli! Crsa 201 8 Rrvtru Fo. th! Yfit Eacod o.c.mbs. 3t, 2018 (b) {c} (c} (c) l?t Syrirm UnB DororlDttdl Icr{ (c) RcriO6ntlrl Sawle scn 10.| Nsaursl Ga! Ulllily ldsho Judrdictlon (h) Lrrro Flm Sr,vicr Sctl 't t 1 U) lr*Grrupl SaM6 Sd|l3l ([) Tmnlpon Srrvlc€ sdl 146 trtcilofll Coal Conpofi.rl. .t cmnl ;lira Poi,slho Uildlrlro$d Sto.lgc &atdbult i Cmlu ToLlcmdR.t F.nnl,. E duoa Cod ol G.r w, R],t{!!a Ep, UsOn pc. Ttrm rt Cu?rfil iaia, I Ptodrctis S t,nd.'9Bnd Sl0.C. l0 Ost$utfi i1 Co'll|non 12 Tohl CrrErt Mrlh l\.lldad nda Fr Tncm funcilmal Cota Cmpilntr at t nlfo,ttt Cmnt ittum PrEdr.€t'{t uid.rD'oso Sro€ec Odrb!khCom Totll U,rlorD CrrMl Cort Errl/do Cilt ol Gr w / Rawu Erp lold Urrrdm Cirmnt,liL.!h uf,!,n pJ ltffin l Lrn[om Clml fuiJm PrcdiJctton Uilrsliorfi, Stslg. ol*rbJls Colmf, Tolrl Cuilsrt ljnilm Urlrn iicLhd n.l. D; Thxn 25 ,lfflln to Coat Rilo al Cm.tt trl|t a3t.t3 313,0451,893,S52 ',rl3,425,?;.g83,foo ?t,84s.721,r,4:t!.954 0.350.6dt 123.1i4 612_581 4.t35.ErE !,188.089 3.173 37,000 21t4,X4 t2,179 0 0 0 ao,6at.o!0 lt,rit,t97 a,tto,a2t 0 aot.a.ll o0 43e..e3 'r,&a7.e28 28,ris.2.9 11.572.4N2 t23.r5a 39r.'re8 3.r&.038 ,,1!l.6.tt 32rt 37.000 267,3/rl s2.0?, |c,00515 IC.0i93' ta.3lrr5 tc.1 s5c5 t0 00529 t0,eGo to.30060 ,0. t7068 $0.@t:3 to.0r68t so.rE33E 90.09079 t0 00000 t0,00000 30 00000 lo-0c000 0 t0.035r3 tc.0t9E5 s0,3 t0?7 t0.00529 t0.0rg:ril t0 37003 to.0ct2t t0.02203 30 ?c73' 10.00000 90.c0c00 30 00c00 to.001 r3 t0 0r3r3 t0 09?795!.133e:) t0 1866? tO 063t9 !O.C0(Oo 10,0J188l0.a?52t 10.63fit $.,'!tt 10.00{00 to.t!a9a tao,rat,om tr,lrt tl, t.t6o,att 0 aor.al! 3r3.G5 1,trt,6?9 u*s.afo t0 r00,r5a 'to,t4r,000 ra,tto,a2a a,cllt,0rl c a00.a4700000 ,t3 ra :6 1t l? r0 1g & 2,t ?2 2t 7a o 0 t0 00il 3 l0 01308 t0.0847 t0.03183 l0,r7a2a ,.00 &.e$$ o.ri to.ur:D t.t1 30,00000 !,00 t0.llatt t,00 Frncltdl Cora CoiYtonarlr lt 'oPr..t tttal m Proocllo.l27 Un(dlro0d Srdrlo?a *rlnblnlo. 2e Cornon!0 Totrl F?opaad irlai.Y.trIt Ertt t i Corr ol Ga, w, RHrx/a Erp.32 lot l lt Oh i.e.rrl,..t P'oro..d tr t t Tmfi:r Rita! i6 aosrran37 foid PrSor.O lr.rEh Mddd F.ie pct Tlum Oatrlbuloo Cmlllon Toitl Urilo{n PrtDord C6a Erd|l6a C6t o( G8 r , Ratrs ErO- fod Ur$oor PrcgcJrd lrac,n tirof pd Thlm J U.tlm P&9ot6d ndm Prrrcbo thdc9Twnd 8io.!9.D[mLfih Cqrymn 101.1 Fropord t r,,rn M!.gr iladod Ral. For lh.nt 50 XaOID to Coal ,aat}o aa t rororo irtx a3S.L0 313,€0r,735,888 ,t.2at,&e ?t,lE.t,u? a,&o311lr 65a.320 t0.0ct (tr r23. t5: t2r,va 4.!!4,t20 r.50t,r00 0 0 0 c 3,271 39 48S 27t,210 Ei 890at.7!1,000 l,rat,at? I,w]tz1 0 rr!,tt! al,72r,ooo ta,tct ttT 7p$,a7t 0 illr,a$ $,116? t0 r?006 to06r51 t0,m0m &.032arto-a3tot 3o.gttt! lo.$:nt 10.00000 ,o..tattoa 0c 38 3E t0rt {3 a3 a.l a5 a6 17 a0 a9 funclilt Co.t Cmrorrrtl d Urttqn PaPHd it m PtoOlrclrm Lndo.lDsri sltrrto {3r.a86 1.7?3,3:O ?7.8?6.31. 1 t.?3a 600 38,64' 21t,537 6.744 3!3.080 1.27a.969 2! 5!5.805 rqt9r.77? t?a.r5, (0e.llo 3.S53,:7? 1,tra.,:Go 0 0 o ar,72r,oo0 tt,{ttrtr t,lltr,rtt o0000 at,a,0l. a1,t2t,000 lt,at3.il, !.}rr,7t!0 ata,ota to.00:29 l0 02155 to-398A7t0.11r00 lgl7.1r ,00i7$ to@oco 1003?a2lo.illror lo.tttrr to,:$m r.ul000 to.rasz! 0.n t.:1 0.00 r.00 l.lt o.97 AVU-G-17-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENCIIX D Page 4 - Cost of Service Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 45 of 59 tc.005r5 lo.0?020 tc.32gr! lo.rc629 to01 766 to r6s67 30.0000t 30.@ooc 30 00000 lo00lr3 t0 0r369 t0 00000 't,00 0.17 0.00!.ta5l Crmoa X.rttr to Prcpotoit CoA iilo o (,,l!IIc .9 q) o{-) !JbD.oo- \o{o.q tn oqa rlr.D roC)qo IIoe () oxoz[!LIL zotrs3o-t- Fz 14, l4JJFFU I I(, I !f oo ^1o F€C.l.+qF {\c(\I o l*.(\.ta{ t\0 tq on,2 c0, E !uG oiFo 1d.r*t IR tl (Uo. E'q, .9 C,& *oFu lLz (/)&EI zo(J lu7zIl] I!d o\ CIx6,F 9EoIJtr ?o1,(, rt t-.Eo €!, @ a) Eo(,,E 00 d 6)o.o {)z aa,too.,1,t! aqoF xdF(, oatc (,(' (a c d I(,t! EIo c Eo() g -a 3E&=EO., C'a.cTD i5 o c* B I E atjnl*Id EEEO9EtrE€A!?EErEF'EuaF(l=rr:D:C6a d Ezif;22Fa.ra is92, l.l .:LBF ao Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 46 of 59 r^ \o F-E ..1 ratrlo7 lgl l=l I APPENDIX E, Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 47 of 59 e,.5 q, o CD el oa0(!& 8., ooeoooco-i ^i -i odO_-.tAth a{q €r E EEE.su! E I5;lr<td 4eta16(A a- Il: q'lt<ud =>ol- d iL)o*5 tt) o- o-k-3\NFOL,lN--h- -qt--O,,1.:---Fe =Fb ryE- el:o o-'a rl & oZ !irrOyr OC-f-qO\o- .p- n" ry .s,S\PC,\SiA -tshht.g -€6E 3ie; It 0d @roaFOO \O N.,}a.t t---\o-:'-i t-saG a OmOF-rtr \ofioa r\c €.-l'* 6lFlr.jq; oo6(3 OrtO\.fNC,lBfro\\ar o\ r-r"I N 6 .41 <3 atnAq$o .,t6Ar o\&ftd .a tA rtA(> rydq.&Ol o \o. IAG C\oC.cc) elo\6a{ I\ ,t7 u, 6r. Fl rj O6 € \o\c 6 ggQa oocc <)- o. q o_F-,eCO\fNO\ -OC)NaJ-a6- Or Os nl (\l 6F3 Car\ e *ro-6hrt\o(! qor (: (3 fr&N dm \C F h\GlN ?el o ? o\rFlFlor<td?? o6 <tF\0, d f\G 6,A9raA NOer'lhCaGlrl\O--O\ O-dN J d2. cIgrolZu-oi-. UEEEU' J = 1-Ln,vJtll>J2tAirl l:: lllo"t O J - a4€ E 6tz EO 5E i,32'Ee= = a!\a-aqf-\* r?I..i0i--.9AEH.E E PE,E;6Ii7 lCE oos:E5IasI\-l?i(=e .1*! =,'-,E:+ECh ^-ro>g=t GX!iiacZ-Elt) E EL ! .J u.lxtrztrJLo- zoF5:)o-F Fztr, [r EiJVI r{o F I) oz tr, IJ ,A tA *A .19 aA,A Vl V, g, tA Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-0'l and AVU-G-17-0'1 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 48 of 59 tA rA U' tlt o.A e9A =o3E\J2EU#; F 9; =o1EQ9EUU.>,, OUF {ro (JU {,tzz f *l,.s-l o Ei-59s,LCr--o9C2 c&, -Y5 E aE EzE !;at)' t': !l oo0':= \., E b& E I.3 t 5>tr(ir><<.au< !o^ o[ :l)on E ilYr9 IcqJtn AEr-r,=u+CE+Hi2 =89jE I!.! o t ;EsEE Er.Y>JJ'- v o--EE E :Ea-6tr ,E;J.Ee.2FEeIU? ESgETE ;3 E E gI ^C)€rE qJis €e UU ol)uo&d ot) aa ooU()!!o9lx J 6 a v?Ji E";aEZoLi Ii-'E a- !)& =ii &,t=E0 0fE gLJ Q ()EE= OE,r.; cea.? co\0 J O\OtrcJJ JJ ddoo-oEav, s(r a o odbau- F v Y,-rat(la. -ootsr!!; E g g?!cc!,2v_ziBc(s.-3 E E; <aroE!-t:tjoEAda(,_NtrD E E EEF>>F -rr*-c.l 6t6\gr*r,\o * B tt rJc6, t f 1' YroL'Eo.x1! o]o0|! CL a'lt !i \o ool-. {)a o) a) f- \o r-\o!+ a s'o\q(\l6ofic.l .A (,)b0(dA. oo\$$\tfl gq \oo\\or-a.l .a al c.i E ct v)C)a!o ()a + t-(., E ,h U t<C,I q) E() a)& 0,tr Claa o U "oiux t& aa tu () Eo a,a5 Lq, E 7 6o U .q)l_ al I tr C) od, ill E hl +-El <Sl u .11 6vl oilHal 'E 0., Eo tt U t)o. L),c(, C'& otr v2)? noQ€ox E .AL(.) V, (J (! u-oH 7 GIC' ae)F f{ () g C) "s*lLl o !l 5tl =ga 3l <ul t;oJR =lvMo ,$l ; af o\€c{ G -t r.-r]a.) al.f, if \osr- oc@€ r\lc.'l.'l rrl Q Oe.tr.I \o 01r! @ "6 () lrJxazlr,.LC zotr33L!-tul Fzt.l.l trJJ Et!tt r{o F (, f oz lJ.,1,1 L) e (\t rg d (,a {, C'& a)o{t(,o. 3 Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-'|7-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 49 of 59 ?'ii *aa.? q).3= E,EL9eaZ c c{1, |,,e) q,(aL q1 cr,cl ?L 6lz I c)(ulttlCr='oJtsaav5EUa' .9liF-saoetr.c!EI(l)-9=\Crd- =r3sa&E.-VOEEEts5;gT-J =aHvr.- a. a,Atl(te; <.1 5'f r 'Et'E<.q-<FYtrrE,o-r,f:,?ll C|r frEI-lr/ -clGt5LEI€5z7 ctc) Easc) t)H z c,E J @c'a l!ta OJ@G *: 5 tn lt ;!;a _t- El! 1' r.l1 -l- ,l;F't -:tr .t Elr ,l; 1: l,l'; :l; 1:EJa 9tF t. 3l: .)4. :l; l= CIE =1,cl- =l;'1, I e E : ri eg $ 16:'; 'AJ: -a t* at "69r *t ! -.f.-t !-: rq I 5, sl t :1 qi-,: It ie a ta { x t t l. t ,t E lalx6zlr,,o-il zotr5)&trtlFzt! L!' FIJJ eto Frt I l d2 llJttl (J ;E , F I ! 8 : i E Et[,tgiit>rcrtrt a si i;: €=i+ r€i I E t!tt!trItrJ EItiE9t I E E ii IF : I E .r IFI ?Ia, T! $i .*.:: trlr!t.I rt ,iv.: i EX 7ri T EI Erg3 [!!cJ,!.:3 ,lq i trEI l!r Ilr1t[!lfal!Jr!t;i fr!i aI tt TItt t: .,: i {!i TI Iflf < 0 Uiltf, ri[ -il f! ii fl{ii iilu ITiI E EilrtIiti I Il I I a i3 c EI EI lll; rtEi <n;;l.^ r, A € :..!Jl * i t i ii ri:iE_I6IET iEEiIJAF'I Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-I7-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 50 of 59 r t,, 3o 7 .lB ;E;i,itF€:a3 EF: l.i{t;E53E;.!'!t .E J.1tri B<=v !.l?OTEIT o>< i:!, 5E0 a Eto t I 3: 1- "!lq .rtierJi7l"2 :I iIII AVISTA UTILITIES Corrpsny Ssnlonsrl Summ.ry !y Fuidloi wifi Margfi Afialyrll C.rc ?O 19 Ravln6 For lh. Yoa End.d olccltlbct 31, 2O1 6 (c)(d, (0)(D){e} Rs3ldmllal Sawica scrr lot Natldrd Gr! Ulility ldrro Jwlldldlon (h) L.qsFim S!rrlcr Sch ttl 0) l,rtirrup( 5lwlct Sch t3t (x) Trrntpon Sal1llcc Sch la6LJno Dcasrpton (r) Syscrn Tolsl t 0 0 0 000 1 2 3 a s 'l fmdhr.l Cdrcmpor!.nt'l Cuilil n,ln Prgdrrc0s Undr.lnrtd SbrlgE ClirrhJton Cofinoo Toaal cu"ut Rila l.[rx EEtudr Coll cr' Gu l/, ftmat Erp To(.l lrrlln f,rv.ru ll clJl'.d ntlr Urlkr pF Than !t Cwd RrtGt I P.od6lion C Undl'lrw$ Sldrgo l0 Dlltnbutlon 1l Cmmon 12 Totif Cwl'll Mze rn $rl6rd R$. P., Th.m FsaIml Cdl Co{rfonontt .t t nllofi! C$rcnt lLtunrt, PrEtatl('n,4 undfryffi,slorllE'15 Ddribets l0 Cdrionl7 TolC ljfftm Cuffitt Cslt6 Erctu(,l Corotc[t, / R.w!Expl, Told Ua{ofln Cl,ttrtl irxlm Urfh p!.Thann al t rmCsffit Rrtm Prorlctirt Uid..gmnd Stoltoa Ottttuicrt Corttlolr Tol.i Cumnl Unffi MryF $.to!c R.lr p.t Thc.m Yrllln to Ccrt Rrllo rl Cunrn Hrl.. !45.533 r.El?,0,{0 ?6.316.a36 12.$3,990 t25,12'l 506,0t7 I.t5't.263 'r,s0,014 3.326 3?.116 264.058s 930 3r8,080 r.090,59a ?1,*1,@i t0.418,'t26ao,tar,ooo tt,ltartt, e,c3o,a2t o 0 a0r.ctl {0,r4r,000 tl,lti,t}, a,rro,a2r 0 .r0t.crt t0 m523 s0.or9a t0 s9i5 e0.4163 90.00536 t0 0r8t9 l0 36r0, S! 1?61t 10.00538 l0 021 r0 t0 ?0417 l0 67.2 m.00m0 !0 00000 t0.00000 l0 00000 10.001 r5 ,a.012.92 t0 09133 !o.03353 2A ?r 2? 23 2A lo.11t2a lo.attr, $.rtta7 10.00000 t0.r3t t 4.16,533 il8,0$ r2g,lt7 0 3,326r.5!0,144 1.178.385 rI8.2O7 0 16.t55 ?0.321,087 22,7f2,22n 3.O92a22 0 259.+4ar2.rt5.236 ro.roa.'t(3 ,.184 eat 0 s,126il0,a'1t000 la,gtl,lra 6,lt0rl! 0 l[,ato00000.o,aat,ooc L,t7:,trt a,tto,r:,0 lra,alo ao oaa $ 00!88 $.m538 lc 00000 lo, 0o ,t r 51001687 loort3: t0.0re2t $.00000 10.0126. t0 30654 t0.370tr to 1586? E0_00(D0 to.o!r7{ l0 r.2& t0,1s6 t0.05sa1 t0.00000 t0,03325to.a?na $.aa&a! to.ztxt t0.00000 tc.l!a?a r.00 0.tt 1.2'0.00 t.02 furcuonal Cotl Cmpd.raa ra Prcpo!.d ndr3 28 PEo.Eiifr ,7 Und.rgroind 8Ur.Ct28 olrhbulE l29 CorYndlt0 fotrlProtca.dtdai.ffi3t Edrjd.Corl ol GrwrRrYsrrElg.lil fddl.rrylnnffioraPtora..i,t .l Ptocslbn UnfiO@rtd Slfiaetr ortrh.rbr Caffi Totar Utr{am Ptlpdd Coll Erd/da Cod il Oa! r , Revrns Er9. Tolr, Urilom F.lporrd t .r!i4 tlr,llf, p.. r'l.m al tlftin PE9or.6 Rdrm P6didlon Un6{rurd Bfarlgo DEtrrbuals CEnII!on loaal P.ofoad U.rm Ma'gn MCdad Rab tat lhm tt Cartrt lrrBln to Prcpor.d Colt RIio 42.441.000 t6.2rl,ar, 7,tta.alt 000 14 622 1.7tt 8t? 29,o73.873 12,5tG 'tA 318,07? l.?.s.{ar u.09s.145 t0,863,1t0 125,12. 622.1a7 .r,883,64t 1.593.609 s 3?0 40.2f7 2el,0e1 0n,003 0 0 0 o0 a24,rt3 00 TtEm 8l ,6 Cffion f, rDrd ProoorGd ua.al4 tl..10.d Frli p.r ?rm Fun(ilmd geal Conpomnt! rt Un om Poporld ndm l2,Lt00 Jt,ttl,lt? 7,l3a.rul 0 lta,ail $ 3A7tO t0,00000 ,0 1d?00 t0 1$l4e to.06848 $o.m&o & 03i.r0 tO.tO222 l0.tLtt t0.l0all tO-00001, t0.t,l|30 35 39.o 4t a2 aa a1 at a8 t7 4t 49 50 .16,W A1t.O72r.rao,o4, 1,?ir,ot72t,m8,664 23,7t6 arslaCE,SaT tl.0e0.'r10 125j2a a!3,c8, 3.983.a12 1..35,90C 3 326 39.9rt 2r9,012 s9.626 0 o o o.z,r.r,(m !art9.r!r,tt .tr3 o a2t,l2l000a0 a1a.t,ilo t3,/llt.I.lt a,t67,r1a 0 .2!,r2, E0.cc613 t{[0ie3e tq32a52 $0.r{07 to.co538 $.mr16 ll).tor/5 to.t87cl 10.m538 !0 0t775 lo.l7r'1, to,cir6s $.0m00 to 00cco $-000m !o.oco00 lo.m!15 l0.cr3il t0.0s62 10.03416i.9:u2 r,00 ott ur.trato 0.t o,tt t0.2tata 1.ro 1.1, t0.00000 0,00 o.00 l0.ra6x t.0l 0.0t CASE NO. AVU-G-17-01 SETTTEMENT STIPUIATION APPENDIX E Page 4 - Cost of Service Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 51 of 59 l0"oal' 10.020rt!a t0.020a1 JO.O72$ t0.00@ o I(!l!co OJ gaL) rnobolEo. \o !co.; lgl an r{ ooc; <t|.oln Eo o Eoo-i o a" /i 3a.t rr o t-e,lalo o 3 o o ooo: U xozUJro- zo F 5fc\-tr Fz UJ UJ El!vl o (9 f oz IJvt U aoto..l {q * o 11o l-'o.&N!fq c OJ EGL.,t! oio IGa*t t!a IUCLEo't al)& Fl) ,:.z a& I& 2oU Frpzpl t!& s oxc,l- !) Eo(Jq (go a)trr Fll o,E.o {,r0 C)troItr il, .ts EC)o-o oz ogI *,BJ E F. ,<6FruIo( {,(, ar1 6'o otlr eo() g€;6srito0r9asE) oo {, 0c :oaaj rn &FI!s3a:EEEtrta!.2EteHi'EuaFe:h:3:EA4 6 ezFUStdV) tt z crtFgIF ?-aai=3 EI Jfrl-F Nrit l.- (*a)cJ Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 52 of 59 \o,l APPE,I{DIX F Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 53 of 59 (o o (,o!(! 0- EO 3<3i !--{bIEo llJa>gH ,Eh,(fiS={TEr5+oai>b<EE te EE BEIF 'n&EELuisErE'EI T,58E*-: IEd3 pP6A EE x fFB!5*trFra5*i, -t! &EEgiE oB :io ;E E4*a E d po a $idi !1, e ll:{*:l**Sl }rtca(dtoln.i .i .i r.i .i iti -l ri $EEBEEgg;-doci4;dGifttoftftt*F6*.t63 rl]t)r:attlrq,9.4qqo!qiil6odcic<icdlci oOOAGOFFGdts€O6N9-O-FAt-6lt-F 6EO6?6 IFSCF6-@l{-66Nildod-O66--i tsie4tiltGea€FeNol!46.ts!-6-o-oJq6060a601 €-aGN--4OS-qrrg )lra:r:.*rrtl:lqt!.?nq-J.9 _t 0O00-6 IF6Otsor6ltFOONNF46N.46660-tr ooN@tsocto6FC&6-?lFEts@601 i<ioirooo'o1oF66dF-46---96s*- nR-sa =;'-n;i EittEs taE BEEFt bEIBsrE: ^pO6 f;p ,! gE-3 !cE igE,9trr sF! p- F$ Ita.hiiE9..EE .6,;Eg,fiEr EI$;Eg3 oz ot eG'iFt5ErFtr.: o (,€Eg.l 606?6<atuddGlOo6OTOOiOr:dto-,jdrioll.-66NN4*6-*-6rQ--itF3"E EEIgel ED .n Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-I7-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule "1, Page 54 of 59 E&!o E_EEiE ESTEf*E d **:(rl*.rrE*aGlt\r:!--lqa6ai--€l 6 hiftCNlqOhdditl6_F_l-o-qqqE988P8EEZ*-oeS :l:(:.*:.*A:.!!.9\!!-lnooooooorc ao6€o06?i66llN*ft-ooo6- **l?:rrr:ftqAre!qqq'!.![-5EdD 6rF(GoOl O@@F6oO610FG6FEOOdiiGj666*.i*r-s F€O+6t{E'IONGO-o-qo.rr-€J12cFNoO60l @66eOdt;6060d56 Nft.(d-:-:Et3:-N"6i E i*rl s ErB E;FPr; ' r EE EIEH 6e! nE oF-dN6Oo66-GDNqo -oGtstsO6,i;.\t-6-O..jBrt; El6@-lqO-d-l-tsod_qo-6-c.qFlo!R600Eoa;dGr-0*6A.a-rg --oEEoco gHI EBd3trt ;EE 5iE:;1ftY3t'iUa0;>o^godltF2Wu - Eu;BE 6}HBi.EEE= g6t EHi E ooft€FQaodA6GO?-FoFoa6iuidioo6o'ttFO6ft?06EA**-rS 8 IIE3cr t5 I riiirEi: ! $s EII $sr i a E e g D C'Nj.t! o:o (,o ll, * :t :a :a :e )a :lt6a(ooFot{idriaivio'l qoo&3oIEE6 AVISTA UTILITIES IOAHO ELECTRIC, CASE ilO. AVU.E.I7.OI PRESEilT AND PROPOSED RATE COirlPOttlENTS BY SCHEDULE Effectlve January 1, 2018 Rorldentlel Service - Schedule I Basic Chargo Energy Charge. Farst 600 kwhs All over 600 kWhs Base Tarifl Pr$ent Presanl Sch. Rate OllrrMi.(It Biilino Rate(b) (c) (d) $5 75 s5.75 (a) Ganerel Rate lnclloecrl {e} 30.25 t0.00486 t0.00543 11.00 t0.00513 t0.00,rs2 no ch.rge $0.25l1{W i0.00340 t0,00290 $25.00 50.25ew 10.00200 $0.00!69 1500 $0 2Slkva 1500 $0 25/kva $0.25lltva t1.00 t0.00558 t0.00,f73 Schedule 97 Earnlngs Tesl lncruere (0 Propored Bllling R.to (s) Propored Baso Tariff R6to (ht t0.0893s t0.0s977 t0.r 021 7 $0.07a08 no charge $6 00/kw 10,06662 t0.05686 t/r25.00 $5.5o/kw s0 20/kw t0.05499 30.04656 t14,000 $5 00Ava s0.2o/kw t14,000 $5.00/kva $2 SOikva $0.20/kw t0.10r60 t0.0E660 t6.00 $6.00 Generrl Servlcee - Schcdule ll Basic Charge 512-00 Energy Charge First 3,650 kWhs $0.09704 AU ov6r 3,650 kwhs $0.07216 Demand Charge: 20 kW or less no chargo Over 20 kW $5,7511(W Lrpc Qgnrfrl Servlce - Schoduh tl Energy Charge: FilEl250.000 kwhs $0.06322 All over: (2) lncludos all prerer S0.05396 Demand Charge: 50 kW or less $400 00 Over 50 kW $5.25/hW Primary Voltage Discount $0.20/kW Ertn Lame Gcnenl Sorvlce -Schodub 2E Energy Charge: Flrst 500,000 kwh8 $0.05299 All over 500.000 kWhs $0.04487 Demand Charge: 3.000 kva or less $13,500 Over 3,000 kva l4.75kva PdmaryVoh. Discounl $0.20/kW Annuel Minimum P.esent: $0 08449 s0.09434 $'13,500 $4 75/kva $2.25kva s0.20/kw Pregent: $0 00267 $0 00267 $0 08716 $0 09701 t0.000a1 t0.00Oifi t0.000{r t0.0004, t0.000at t0.000dt t0.000{1 30.000a1 Proposed: 10.00011 t0.00{N{ t0.09243 t0.1 02Es t0.r0s95 t0.07786 g6 00/kw 10.06953 t0.05977 $425.00 $5.50/kw s0.20/kw t0.0542t t0.04585 $r4,000 $5 00/xva $0,2oew 1730,7iE0 tra,000 $5.00/kva $2.50/kva $0 20/kw 1667.720 t0.10607 t0.09007 $0.00337 s0.00337 $0,00250 s0 00250 ($0 001 1 2) ($0.00112) $12.00 s0 J0041 $0.07553 no charge t5,7Sll(W $0.06572 $0,05646 $400 00 $s 25/kw $0 20rkw $0 05187 $0 04375 $13.500 $4.7Skva $0.2o/rw tr 3.00 $r 3.00 Clerrvat r -Sch.dul. 25P Energy Charge: all kWhs Demand Charge: 3.000 kva or less 3,000 - 55,000 kva Over 55,000 kva Primary VolL Discount Annual Minimum Purnolno s.rYlc. . Schadul. 3l Basic Charge Energy Charge: First 165 kw/kwh$ ,Atl additional kWhs $704.290 Proposecr: $0.04308 ($0.00128) $0 04180 30.0014,0 t0.00041 10.0430t t0.01452 $13.500 ${.7S/kva E2.25ftva S0 20n(W $63s,880 s10 00 $0.09605 $0.08187 $0 00306 $0 00306 310.00 $0.09911 $0 08493 3rr.00 fir.00 ('1) lndudes all pressnt rate adJusfnonts: Schoduls 59 - Residential & farm €nergy Rate Adluslment, Sc*reduls 66 - Temporary Power Cost AdJustmeot, Schedule 91 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjuetrnent. and Schedulo 97 - Earnings Test Dsforral Page 2 o{ 6 AW-E-'17-01 SETTTEMENT SIIPUIATION Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 55 of 59 App€ndrx F - 2018 Eloctric AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC, CASE NO, AVU.E.I7{I PRESEXT ATD PROPOSED RATE COI'POI{E}IIS BY SCHEOULE Effective January'1, 201 9 (a) Reridontirl Servicc - Scheduh I Easic Charge Energy Charger Firsl 500 kWhs All over 600 kWhs SaseTarf, Presenl Present Scfi. Ratr Ofl.rAdi.('t) Fillino Rala(b) (c) (d) $6 00 $6 00 Geoerel RNt€ lnc/{I}ecrl (e, t0.00 t0.00rE1 t0.00202 10.00 10.0021t ,0.00079 no chrrge t0.00rrt t0.00t32 t0.00 t0.000r7 t0.0007a 30,00 I0.0020E t0.0017, Schodulc 97 Eamingr leel lncroato (0 Propoeed Billing Rrto {s} Proposed Bare Trriff Rale (ht t0.09r10 t0-r0r73 30.10.35 10.07./67 t0.08817 t0.05Er8 t425.00 $5 softw s0 20rkw 30.05586 t0.04730 t14,000 $5.o0r'kva $0.20/kw $14,000 $5.00lkva $2.50/.kva $0.20/tW t0.r0368 t0.08837 36.00 t6.00 Generel Servicer . Schedule 11 Batic Charge $13.00 Energy Charge: Firsl 3.650 kWhs $0.10217 All over 3.650 kWhs $0.07408 Demand Charge: 20 kW or lesg no charge Over 20 kW $6.00/kW Lrror Gcnerel Srrvlce. Schcdub 2l Eneryy Charge: Firsl 250.000 kWhs $0 06662 All ov6r: (2) hg&Slqt all prsser $0.05686 Demand Charge: 50 kW or less $425.00Over50kW $550/kW Primary Voltage Discount $0.20/kW Ertn Lerll Generat Sorvhc -Schcdulc ?5 Energy Charge: Fi€l 500,000 kwhs 00.05499 All over 500,000 kWhs $0.04656 Demend Charger 3,000 kva or less $14,000 Over 3,000 kva $5,00lkva Pnmary Volt. Discount S0.20/l(W Annual Miaimum Present: s0.08935 $0 09977 $r4.000 $5.00/kva $2.s0lkva 30"20fiw Pr6$enl: $0 00308 $0.00308 $0.09243 $0.1 0285 t0,00050 t0.00050 t0.00050 f0.00050 $0.000t0 t0.00050 30.00050 t0.000fl) s0.000s0 t0.000s0 t0.00/474 t0.10537 30.10863 10.079r 5 10.0715E t0.001s| 3{25,00 $5.50&W s0 20/kw t0.0s565 $0.04709 t0.10765 30.0923,1 $13.00 $0.10595 $0 07786 no charge s6 00/kw $0.06953 $0.05977 s425.00 $5.50'kw S0.20,tW s0 05428 $0 (N585 $14.000 $5.00&va $0 20/rW $3.00 tr3.00 s0 00378 90.00378 t0 00291 E0 0029r (s0.00071 ) ($0.00071 ) no cht?ge$6.00/hw $6.00/kw Clcerratc . Schcdule 25P Energy Charge all kWhs Dsmand Charge: 3,000 kva or less 3,000 - 55,000 kva Over 55.00O kva Primary Volt. Discount Annual Minimum Puraolno Slarlco - Schedub 3l Easic Charge Energy Charge: First 165 kWkWhs All additional kwhs s730,740 $0 04452 ($0 00087) $0.04365 t0.00072 t0.00050 $0.0,1487 t0.04s2. N14.000 $5.00/kva $0.201kwPropossd: t739,6E0 Proposed; $14,000 $5 00nvs tr2.50/kva s0.2o/kw $505,640 $1.{,000 $5.OOtva $2 50/lva s0 20&w $657,720 $1 1.00 $0.1 01 60 $0 08560 $0.00347 $0 00347 $11 00 $0.1 0507 $0 09007 tlr.00 111.00 (1) tnc&l&s all presenl rah edjustments: Sciedule 59 - Residential E Farn Energy R8t6 Adju8tm€nt, Scrred{le 66 - Temporsry PowBr Coal Adjustment, Schedulc 91 - Eoergy E$iciency Rirlw Adjuslment, and Schedule 97 - Eamings Te3t Oeferr.l AW-E-IT.oI SETTLEMENTSTIPUIAT|ON Exhibf,fgS6f 6 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 56 of 59 Appendix F - 2019 Electric (o o.q (1,o,(0o. 610oN;l-83oRBh#*8!'gaBdooo oog*,a;E: 0aE g$. -NI E o I8t 3Et-t;l saoa It)lrt:frt*6notsots "6;ci$idFt o-NR i s R 8i 3gr:BSAg O' oo-8ge;a:E'F$ g' i*ain3 -;::ooO\\?-FA 0aco ro o !oF zotr 5fo.FaFzul =UJ)F i.t,.t) cts d) fie E;s! ET3e .O .6 EE EA EE"9oflE qs EU*e EE8'E,9bIE2z Prti-8$ .$.r EIp5di Eg 9e EiEil {e HEI30 I:EE ;3PgloooaEEl $Eig. * Eu te*g'd-6tct 8= a,fc-rt$- !E! H" ig. liiEi: EH' tJ ot oN;io,tr(!aoE() or ul a(!(!) o,ao(! G. l& .x!tcoao olzl Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 57 of 59 :i:.*:r:trtiit\ql:q.SftOONAF oY ot36 3l E 3;l :t$t*:(*NtsOOOO dooa(t?sg i=EEE OFNSBorgg3g*3;l 3do6 N arq6a ;$Bxa|.E$I' ff E o s Br * t-O01 609,A t{ssts*di;ctlici.i o.-NNXoTBB$b-.^a:-i oo!gslE:66B$!' EgossfiBBGsa; ;ooo\-{l oJco od @ 6oF fia Ft {-eEi8f;.6r0 EEtc EBrE qs Esei Ei EA EEEEqd fr= gg .!.n EEp6 de 9-o5! ## !i rr giEl a8 E gEE EEEgEE OrbEtt' ^- <,itEEs'Ff,E lEs;, Ec-t f, 5= l#gP' i5 ;g' iiiii:E$" g 5 3E -llloo!fti8E!8frEIETeF .UUJ ofo.ru=E;}85 *ruextlEu' IEE H* oz o(,.\l Br!)co g ooEut AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO GAS, GASE NO. AVU.G.17-01 PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COMPONENTS BY SCHEDULE Effective January {, 20{8 Tvoe of Seryigg (a) Gsneral Sorvice - Schedule l0'l Basic Charge Usage Charge. Alltherms Presenl Base Present Distribution Eilling PresentRate RateAdi.(1} Billino Rate(b) (c) (d) $s.2s $0.47746 $0.27421 $s.25 $0.75167 General Rate lncreass (e) s0.75 30.00617 $0.00990 $0.00266 30.00108 $0.001$3 $1.98 $25.00 10.00337 Proposed Billing Rate (0 Proposed Bage Distribution Rate (s) $8.00 $0.48363 30.51365 $0.32220 00.239E1 $0.1853it 3102.73 10.00000 $250.00 s0.1307? Laroe Generel Servlce - Schedule 111 Usage Charge: First 200 therms $0 50375 200 - 1,000 therms $0.31954 1,000 - 10,000 therms $0.23783 Allover 10,000 therms $0.'18381 Minimum Charge: per month $100 75 per therm $0.00000 Tranamiletlon Sorulce - Schedule 146 Basic Charge $225"00 Usage Charge.AllTherms S0 12740 lnterruotlble Servlce - Schedule I31 Usage Charge:AllTherms $A.21972 $0.14814 $0.36786 30-00637 30.37'[23 S0.22809 $0.26581 $0,26s81 $0.26581 $0.26581 $0.769s6 $0.58s35 $0.50364 $0.44962 s6.00 $0.7s784 $0.77946 $0.s880'l $0.50562 s0.4s'lt5 sl02.7s $0.2658r 0250.00 t0.r3077 $100.75 $0,26581 $0.26581 $225.00 $0.12740 (1 ) lncludes Schedule 1 50 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustmenl, Schedule 155 - and Gas Rate Adjustment, Schedule 19't - DSM AVU-G-17-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION Page 5 of 6 Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-1 7-01 and AVU-G-I7-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 58 of 59 Appendix F - 2018 Natural Gas AVISTA UTILITIES toAHo GAS, CASE ito. AVU-G.I7-{rl PRESENT AND PROPOSEO RATE COMPOilENTS BY SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 2O1g Tvoe of Serviee (a) General Servlce - Schedule 101 Basic Charge Usage Charge: Alltherms Present Base Presenl Distribution Billing PresentRate Rate Adj.{1l Elllinq Rate(b) (c) (d) $6 00 $0.48363 $A.27421 $6.00 $0,75784 General Rate !ncreasg (e) i0.00 la.u724 $0.01725 00.00r82 $0.00130 $0.0010s s3.45 t0.00 30.00s64 Proposed Ellllng Rate (0 Propoted Base Dlatrlbutlon Rate (s) $6.00 $0.s0087 t0.53090 $0.32/t02 $0.24117 $0.18639 3i06.18 30.00000 s2s0.00 s0.r344t larqc General Scrvice - Schedule lll Usage Charge: First 200 therms $0 51365 200 - 1,000 therms 80.3222A 1,000 - 10,OO0 therms $0.23981 Allover 10,000 therms $0.18534 Minimum Charge: per month $10273pertherm $0 00000 Tranroortatlon Servlce - Schedule {48 Basic Charge $250.00 Usage Charge:AllTherms S0 13077 lnterruoUble Servlce - Schsdule 131 Usage Charge:AllTherms S0.22609 $0.'14814 $0.37423 $0.26581 $0.26581 s0.26581 80.26581 $0.77346 $0.58801 $0.50s62 $0.45115 s6.00 $0.77508 $0.7967r s0.58983 30.50698 s0.45220 $106.18 t0.26581 3250.00 $0.1344' $102.73 $0.26s81 $0.26s81 $250.00 $0.1 3077 $0.37423 00.22609 (1) lncludes Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment, Schedule 155 and - Gas Rate A-djustment, Schedule 191 - OSM. AVU€-I7-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION Page 6 of 6 Exhibit No. 17 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-'l7-0'1 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule '1, Page 59 of 59 Appendix F - 2019 Natural Gas I