HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170612Andrews Exhibit 12.pdfDAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVID.MEYER@AVISTACORP.COM BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. AVU-E-17-01 OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE ) CASE NO. AVU-G-17-01 AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND ) NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC ) EXHIBIT NO. 12 AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE ) STATE OF IDAHO )ELIZABETH M. ANDREWS FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 (000'S OF DOLLARS) WITH PRESENT RATES WITH 2018 PROPOSED RATES Actual Per Proposed Pro Forma Line Results Total Pro Forma Revenues &Proposed No.DESCRIPTION Report Adjustments Total Related Exp Total a b c d e f REVENUES 1 Total General Business $243,447 $2,888 $246,335 $18,571 $264,906 2 Interdepartmental Sales 248 - 248 248 3 Sales for Resale 40,718 (27,950) 12,768 12,768 4 Total Sales of Electricity 284,413 (25,062) 259,351 18,571 277,922 5 Other Revenue 43,373 (35,361) 8,012 8,012 6 Total Electric Revenue 327,786 (60,423) 267,363 18,571 285,934 EXPENSES Production and Transmission 7 Operating Expenses 97,077 (30,052) 67,025 67,025 8 Purchased Power 50,455 (18,551) 31,904 31,904 9 Depreciation/Amortization 13,982 1,213 15,195 15,195 10 Regulatory Amortization 1,825 114 1,939 1,939 11 Taxes 7,770 868 8,638 8,638 12 Total Production & Transmission 171,109 (46,408) 124,701 - 124,701 Distribution 13 Operating Expenses 10,773 167 10,940 10,940 14 Depreciation/Amortization 16,202 221 16,423 16,423 15 Taxes 6,423 (2,951) 3,472 3,472 16 State Income Taxes 370 (669) (299) 952 653 17 Total Distribution 33,768 (3,232) 30,536 952 31,488 18 Customer Accounting 4,970 (52) 4,918 70 4,988 19 Customer Service & Information 6,824 (6,254) 570 570 20 Sales Expenses - 0 0 0 Administrative & General 21 Operating Expenses 23,418 419 23,837 42 23,879 22 Depreciation/Amortization 10,615 4,738 15,353 15,353 23 Regulatory Amortization (2,652) 2,862 210 210 23 Taxes - - - - 24 Total Admin. & General 31,381 8,019 39,400 42 39,442 25 Total Electric Expenses 248,052 (47,926) 200,126 1,064 201,190 26 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT 79,734 (12,497) 67,237 17,507 84,744 FEDERAL INCOME TAX 27 Current Accrual (15,566) (5,572) (21,138) 6,127 (15,011) 28 Debt Interest - (572) (572) (572) 29 Deferred Income Taxes 37,464 844 38,308 38,308 30 Amortized Investment Tax Credit (169) (27) (196) (196) 31 NET OPERATING INCOME $58,005 ($7,170)$50,835 $11,380 $62,215 RATE BASE PLANT IN SERVICE 32 Intangible $73,811 $20,068 $93,879 $93,879 33 Production 434,218 42,081 476,299 476,299 34 Transmission 224,511 27,437 251,948 251,948 35 Distribution 532,559 25,188 557,747 557,747 36 General 116,937 10,165 127,102 127,102 37 Total Plant in Service 1,382,036 124,939 1,506,975 - 1,506,975 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION 38 Intangible (13,492) (7,018) (20,510) (20,510) 39 Production (183,329) (5,586) ($188,915)(188,915) 40 Transmission (70,711) (3,120) (73,831) (73,831) 41 Distribution (184,073) (20,922) (204,995) (204,995) 42 General (40,159) (4,586) (44,745) (44,745) 43 Total Accumulated Depreciation (491,764) (41,232) (532,996) - (532,996) 44 NET PLANT BEFORE DFIT 890,272 83,707 973,979 - 973,979 45 DEFERRED TAXES (180,974) (25,786) (206,760) (206,760) 46 NET PLANT AFTER DFIT 709,298 57,921 767,219 - 767,219 47 DEFERRED DEBITS AND CREDITS (1,340) (84) (1,424) (1,424) 48 WORKING CAPITAL 31,481 (667) 30,814 30,814 49 TOTAL RATE BASE $739,439 $57,170 $796,609 $0 $796,609 50 RATE OF RETURN 7.84%6.38%7.81% 2018 Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 1 of 11 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 (000'S OF DOLLARS) WITH 2018 PROPOSED RATES WITH 2019 PROPOSED RATES 2018 2019 2019 2018 Proposed 2019 Proposed 2019 Pro Forma Line Pro Forma Total Pro Forma Revenues &Revenues &Proposed No.DESCRIPTION Total Adjustments Total Related Exp Related Exp Total a b c d e f g REVENUES 1 Total General Business $246,335 $0 $246,335 $18,571 $9,936 $274,842 2 Interdepartmental Sales 248 - 248 248 3 Sales for Resale 12,768 - 12,768 12,768 4 Total Sales of Electricity 259,351 - $259,351 18,571 9,936 287,858 5 Other Revenue 8,012 - 8,012 8,012 6 Total Electric Revenue 267,363 - 267,363 18,571 9,936 295,870 EXPENSES Production and Transmission 7 Operating Expenses 67,025 244 67,269 67,269 8 Purchased Power 31,904 - 31,904 31,904 9 Depreciation/Amortization 15,195 773 15,968 15,968 10 Regulatory Amortization 1,939 - 1,939 1,939 11 Taxes 8,638 410 9,048 9,048 12 Total Production & Transmission 124,701 1,427 126,128 - - 126,128 Distribution 13 Operating Expenses 10,940 137 11,077 11,077 14 Depreciation/Amortization 16,423 828 17,251 17,251 15 Taxes 3,472 199 3,671 3,671 16 State Income Taxes (299) (421) (720) 952 509 741 17 Total Distribution 30,536 743 31,279 952 509 32,740 18 Customer Accounting 4,918 62 4,980 70 37 5,087 19 Customer Service & Information 570 6 576 576 20 Sales Expenses - 0 0 0 Administrative & General 21 Operating Expenses 23,837 203 24,040 42 23 24,105 22 Depreciation/Amortization 15,353 5,356 20,709 20,709 22 Regulatory Amortization 210 - 210 210 23 Taxes - - - - 24 Total Admin. & General 39,400 5,559 44,959 42 23 45,024 25 Total Electric Expenses 200,126 7,797 207,923 1,064 569 209,556 26 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT 67,237 (7,797) 59,440 17,507 9,367 86,314 FEDERAL INCOME TAX 27 Current Accrual (21,138) (2,729) (23,866) 6,127 3,277 (14,462) 28 Debt Interest (572) (150) (722) (722) 29 Deferred Income Taxes 38,308 - 38,308 38,308 30 Amortized Investment Tax Credit (196) - (196) (196) 31 NET OPERATING INCOME $50,835 ($4,918)$45,917 $11,380 $6,090 $63,387 RATE BASE PLANT IN SERVICE 32 Intangible $93,879 $21,287 $115,166 $115,166 33 Production 476,299 22,187 498,486 498,486 34 Transmission 251,948 18,747 270,695 270,695 35 Distribution 557,747 27,377 585,124 585,124 36 General 127,102 8,408 135,510 135,510 37 Total Plant in Service 1,506,975 98,006 1,604,981 - - 1,604,981 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION 38 Intangible (20,510) (15,142) (35,652) (35,652) 39 Production (188,915) (14,089) (203,004) (203,004) 40 Transmission (73,831) (4,296) (78,127) (78,127) 41 Distribution (204,995) (23,519) (228,514) (228,514) 42 General (44,745) (5,146) (49,891) (49,891) 43 Total Accumulated Depreciation (532,996) (62,192) (595,188) - - (595,188) 44 NET PLANT BEFORE DFIT 973,979 35,814 1,009,793 - - 1,009,793 45 DEFERRED TAXES (206,760) (20,828) (227,588) (227,588) 46 NET PLANT AFTER DFIT 767,219 14,986 782,205 - - 782,205 47 DEFERRED DEBITS AND CREDITS (1,424) - (1,424) (1,424) 48 WORKING CAPITAL 30,814 - 30,814 30,814 49 TOTAL RATE BASE $796,609 14,986 $811,595 $0 $0 $811,595 50 RATE OF RETURN 6.38%5.66%7.81% 2019 Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 2 of 11 AVISTA UTILITIES Calculation of General Revenue Requirement Idaho - Electric System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 Incremental 2018 2019 2019 Line (000's of (000's of (000's of No.Description Dollars)Dollars)Dollars) 1 Pro Forma Rate Base $796,609 $811,595 2 Proposed Rate of Return 7.81%7.81% 3 Net Operating Income Requirement $62,215 $63,386 4 Pro Forma Net Operating Income $50,835 $45,917 5 Net Operating Income Deficiency $11,380 $17,469 $6,089 6 Conversion Factor 0.61277 0.61277 0.61277 7 Revenue Requirement $18,571 $28,508 $9,936 8 Total General Business Revenues $246,583 $265,154 9 Percentage Revenue Increase 7.53%3.75% Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 3 of 11 Proposed: ProForma Capital ProForma Weighted Component Structure Cost Cost Total Debt 50.00%5.72%2.86% Common 50.00%9.90%4.95% Total 100.00%7.81% AVISTA UTILITIES Pro Forma Cost of Capital Idaho - Electric System Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 4 of 11 Line No.Description Factor 1 Revenues 1.000000 Expenses: 2 Uncollectibles 0.003746 3 Commission Fees 0.002275 4 Idaho Income Tax 0.051254 5 Total Expenses 0.057275 6 Net Operating Income Before FIT 0.942725 7 Federal Income Tax @ 35%0.329954 8 REVENUE CONVERSION FACTOR 0.612771 AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor Idaho - Electric System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 5 of 11 AVISTA UTILITIES Rate Year Ending December 31, 2018 IDAHO ELECTRIC RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 (000'S OF DOLLARS) Results of Deferred Deferred Debits,Restate Working Eliminate Line Operations FIT Credits & Reg Capital Capital B & O No.DESCRIPTION Rate Base Amortizations 2016 EOP Taxes Adjustment Number 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 2.01 Workpaper Reference E-ROO E-DFIT E-DDC E-RCAP E-WC E-EBO REVENUES 1 Total General Business $243,447 $0 $0 $0 $0 ($3,371) 2 Interdepartmental Sales 248 - 0 - - 0 3 Sales for Resale 40,718 - 0 - - 0 4 Total Sales of Electricity 284,413 0 0 0 0 (3,371) 5 Other Revenue 43,373 - 0 - - (1) 6 Total Electric Revenue 327,786 0 0 0 0 (3,372) EXPENSES Production and Transmission 7 Operating Expenses 97,077 - (50)- - 0 8 Purchased Power 50,455 - - - 0 9 Depreciation/Amortization 13,982 - 2 - - 0 10 Regulatory Amortization 1,825 - 0 - - 0 11 Taxes 7,770 - 0 - - 0 12 Total Production & Transmission 171,109 0 (48)0 0 0 Distribution 13 Operating Expenses 10,773 - 0 - - 0 14 Depreciation/Amortization 16,202 - 0 - - 0 15 Taxes 6,423 - 0 - - (3,353) 16 State Income Taxes 0.051254 370 - 2 0 0 (1) 17 Total Distribution 33,768 0 2 0 0 (3,354) 18 Customer Accounting 4,970 - 0 - - 0 19 Customer Service & Information 6,824 - 0 - - 0 20 Sales Expenses 0 - 0 - - 0 Administrative & General 21 Operating Expenses 23,418 - 0 - - 0 22 Depreciation/Amortization 10,615 - 0 - - 0 23 Regulatory Amortization (2,652)- 0 - - 0 24 Taxes 0 - 0 - - 0 25 Total Admin. & General 31,381 0 0 0 0 0 26 Total Electric Expenses 248,052 0 (46)0 0 (3,354) 27 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT 79,734 0 46 0 0 (18) FEDERAL INCOME TAX 28 Current Accrual (15,566)- 16 - - (6) 29 Debt Interest 0 8 1 (282) 7 0 30 Deferred Income Taxes 37,464 - 0 - - 0 31 Amortized ITC (169)- 0 - - 0 32 NET OPERATING INCOME $58,005 ($8)$29 $282 ($7)($12) RATE BASE PLANT IN SERVICE 33 Intangible $73,811 $0 $0 $1,982 $0 $0 34 Production 434,218 - 0 21,503 - 0 35 Transmission 224,511 - 0 8,094 - 0 36 Distribution 532,559 - 0 7,920 - 0 37 General 116,937 - 0 5,032 - 0 38 Total Plant in Service 1,382,036 - - 44,531 - - ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION/AMORT 39 Intangible (13,492)- 0 (1,456) - 0 40 Production (183,329)- 0 2,392 - 0 41 Transmission (70,711)- 0 (262) - 0 42 Distribution (184,073)- 0 (6,142) - 0 43 General (40,159)- 0 (1,548) - 0 44 Total Accumulated Depreciation (491,764) - - (7,016) - - 45 NET PLANT 890,272 - - 37,515 - - 46 DEFERRED TAXES (180,974) (806) - (9,388) - - 47 Net Plant After DFIT 709,298 (806) - 28,127 - - 48 DEFERRED DEBITS AND CREDITS (1,340) - (84) - - - 49 WORKING CAPITAL 31,481 - - - (667) - 50 TOTAL RATE BASE $739,439 ($806)($84)28,127 (667) $0 51 RATE OF RETURN 7.84%0 52 REVENUE REQUIREMENT (416) (90) (58) 3,125 (74) 19 Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 6 of 11 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 (000'S OF DOLLARS) Line No.DESCRIPTION Adjustment Number Workpaper Reference REVENUES 1 Total General Business 2 Interdepartmental Sales 3 Sales for Resale 4 Total Sales of Electricity 5 Other Revenue 6 Total Electric Revenue EXPENSES Production and Transmission 7 Operating Expenses 8 Purchased Power 9 Depreciation/Amortization 10 Regulatory Amortization 11 Taxes 12 Total Production & Transmission Distribution 13 Operating Expenses 14 Depreciation/Amortization 15 Taxes 16 State Income Taxes 17 Total Distribution 18 Customer Accounting 19 Customer Service & Information 20 Sales Expenses Administrative & General 21 Operating Expenses 22 Depreciation/Amortization 23 Regulatory Amortization 24 Taxes 25 Total Admin. & General 26 Total Electric Expenses 27 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT FEDERAL INCOME TAX 28 Current Accrual 29 Debt Interest 30 Deferred Income Taxes 31 Amortized ITC 32 NET OPERATING INCOME RATE BASE PLANT IN SERVICE 33 Intangible 34 Production 35 Transmission 36 Distribution 37 General 38 Total Plant in Service ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION/AMORT 39 Intangible 40 Production 41 Transmission 42 Distribution 43 General 44 Total Accumulated Depreciation 45 NET PLANT 46 DEFERRED TAXES 47 Net Plant After DFIT 48 DEFERRED DEBITS AND CREDITS 49 WORKING CAPITAL 50 TOTAL RATE BASE 51 RATE OF RETURN 52 REVENUE REQUIREMENT Uncollectible Regulatory Injuries FIT/DFIT SIT/SITC Revenue Miscellaneous Expense Expense and ITC/PTC Expense Normalization Restating Damages Expense 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 E-UE E-RE E-ID E-FIT E-SIT E-RN E-MR $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,422 $0 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,422 0 0 0 0 - - (6,736) 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1,314)0 0 0 0 - - (18) (1) 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 - - 323 0 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 305 (1) 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 - - - 0 9 (4)1 - 172 100 1 9 (4)1 0 172 100 1 (175)0 0 - - 20 0 0 0 0 - - (6,263) 0 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 86 (25)- - 12 (9) 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 - - 2,652 0 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 86 (25)0 0 2,664 (9) (166)82 (24)0 172 (3,173)(9) 166 (82)24 0 (172)1,859 9 58 (29)8 57 (60) 651 3 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 1 - - 0 0 0 0 - (27) - 0 $108 ($53)$15 ($58)($85)$1,208 $6 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 - - - 0 - - - - - - - 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 (176) 87 (25) 95 138 (1,972) (10) Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 7 of 11 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 (000'S OF DOLLARS) Line No.DESCRIPTION Adjustment Number Workpaper Reference REVENUES 1 Total General Business 2 Interdepartmental Sales 3 Sales for Resale 4 Total Sales of Electricity 5 Other Revenue 6 Total Electric Revenue EXPENSES Production and Transmission 7 Operating Expenses 8 Purchased Power 9 Depreciation/Amortization 10 Regulatory Amortization 11 Taxes 12 Total Production & Transmission Distribution 13 Operating Expenses 14 Depreciation/Amortization 15 Taxes 16 State Income Taxes 17 Total Distribution 18 Customer Accounting 19 Customer Service & Information 20 Sales Expenses Administrative & General 21 Operating Expenses 22 Depreciation/Amortization 23 Regulatory Amortization 24 Taxes 25 Total Admin. & General 26 Total Electric Expenses 27 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT FEDERAL INCOME TAX 28 Current Accrual 29 Debt Interest 30 Deferred Income Taxes 31 Amortized ITC 32 NET OPERATING INCOME RATE BASE PLANT IN SERVICE 33 Intangible 34 Production 35 Transmission 36 Distribution 37 General 38 Total Plant in Service ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION/AMORT 39 Intangible 40 Production 41 Transmission 42 Distribution 43 General 44 Total Accumulated Depreciation 45 NET PLANT 46 DEFERRED TAXES 47 Net Plant After DFIT 48 DEFERRED DEBITS AND CREDITS 49 WORKING CAPITAL 50 TOTAL RATE BASE 51 RATE OF RETURN 52 REVENUE REQUIREMENT Restate ID Nez Perce Colstrip /2015 Storm Restate Incentives PCA Settlement CS2 3-year Debt Restated Adjustment Maintenance Amortization Interest TOTAL 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 R-Ttl E-RI E-PCA E-NPS E-CCOM E-SA E-RDI $0 $837 $0 $0 $0 $0 $246,335 - - 0 0 0 0 248 - - 0 0 0 0 40,718 0 837 0 0 0 0 287,301 - - 0 0 0 0 36,636 0 837 0 0 0 0 323,937 - (2,409) (36)0 0 0 94,563 - - 0 0 0 0 50,455 - - 0 0 0 0 13,984 - - 0 (209)0 0 1,939 - - 0 0 0 0 7,770 0 (2,409)(36)(209)0 0 168,711 - - 0 0 0 0 10,773 - - 0 0 0 0 16,202 - - 0 0 0 0 3,070 12 - 2 11 (11)- 664 12 0 2 11 (11)0 30,709 - 2 0 0 0 0 4,817 - - 0 0 0 0 561 - - 0 0 0 0 - (240) 2 0 0 0 0 23,244 - - 0 0 0 0 10,615 - - 0 0 210 0 210 - - 0 0 0 0 - (240)2 0 0 210 0 34,069 (228)(2,405)(34)(198)199 0 238,868 228 3,242 34 198 (199)0 85,069 80 292 12 69 (70)(412)(14,896) - - 0 0 0 0 (266) - 843 0 0 0 0 38,308 - - 0 0 0 0 (196) $148 $2,107 $22 $129 ($130)$412 62,119 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $75,793 - - 0 0 0 0 455,721 - - 0 0 0 0 232,605 - - 0 0 0 0 540,479 - - 0 0 0 0 121,969 - - - - - - 1,426,567 - - 0 0 0 0 (14,948) - - 0 0 0 0 (180,937) - - 0 0 0 0 (70,973) - - 0 0 0 0 (190,215) - - 0 0 0 0 (41,707) - - - - - - (498,780) - - - - - - 927,787 - - - - - - (191,168) - - - - - - 736,619 - - - - - - (1,424) - - - - - - 30,814 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $766,009 8.11% (242) (3,438) (36) (210) 211 (672) (3,744) Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 8 of 11 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 (000'S OF DOLLARS) Line No.DESCRIPTION Adjustment Number Workpaper Reference REVENUES 1 Total General Business 2 Interdepartmental Sales 3 Sales for Resale 4 Total Sales of Electricity 5 Other Revenue 6 Total Electric Revenue EXPENSES Production and Transmission 7 Operating Expenses 8 Purchased Power 9 Depreciation/Amortization 10 Regulatory Amortization 11 Taxes 12 Total Production & Transmission Distribution 13 Operating Expenses 14 Depreciation/Amortization 15 Taxes 16 State Income Taxes 17 Total Distribution 18 Customer Accounting 19 Customer Service & Information 20 Sales Expenses Administrative & General 21 Operating Expenses 22 Depreciation/Amortization 23 Regulatory Amortization 24 Taxes 25 Total Admin. & General 26 Total Electric Expenses 27 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT FEDERAL INCOME TAX 28 Current Accrual 29 Debt Interest 30 Deferred Income Taxes 31 Amortized ITC 32 NET OPERATING INCOME RATE BASE PLANT IN SERVICE 33 Intangible 34 Production 35 Transmission 36 Distribution 37 General 38 Total Plant in Service ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION/AMORT 39 Intangible 40 Production 41 Transmission 42 Distribution 43 General 44 Total Accumulated Depreciation 45 NET PLANT 46 DEFERRED TAXES 47 Net Plant After DFIT 48 DEFERRED DEBITS AND CREDITS 49 WORKING CAPITAL 50 TOTAL RATE BASE 51 RATE OF RETURN 52 REVENUE REQUIREMENT Pro Forma Pro Forma Pro Forma Pro Forma Pro Forma Pro Forma Pro Forma Power Transmission Labor Labor Employee IS/IT Property Supply Rev/Exp Non-Exec Exec Benefits Costs Tax 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 E-PPS E-PTR E-PLN E-PLE E-PEB E-ISIT E-PPT $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 - - - - - 0 0 (27,950) - - - - 0 0 (27,950)0 0 0 0 0 0 (27,883) (741) - - - 0 0 (55,833)(741)0 0 0 0 0 (27,980) 76 433 - (67) 0 0 (18,551) - - - - 0 0 - - - - - 0 0 0 0 - - - - - 0 868 (46,531)76 433 0 (67)0 868 - - 236 (38) 0 0 - - - - - 0 0 - - - - - 0 402 (477)(42)(61)1 9 (17)(65) (477)(42)175 1 (29)(17)337 - - 117 - (16) 0 0 - - 10 - (1) 0 0 - - 0 - - 0 0 - - 385 (15) (54) 329 0 - - - - - 0 0 - - - - - 0 0 - - - - - 0 0 0 0 385 (15)(54)329 0 (47,008)34 1,121 (14)(167)312 1,205 (8,825)(775)(1,121)14 167 (312)(1,205) (3,089) (271) (392) 5 58 (109)(422) - - - - - 0 0 - - - - - 0 0 - - - - - 0 0 ($5,736)($504)($728)$9 $109 ($203)($783) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 - - - - - 0 0 - - - - - 0 0 - - - - - 0 0 - - - - - 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 0 - - - - - 0 0 - - - - - 0 0 - - - - - 0 0 - - - - - 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 9,361 822 1,189 (15) (177) 331 1,278 Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 9 of 11 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 (000'S OF DOLLARS) Line No.DESCRIPTION Adjustment Number Workpaper Reference REVENUES 1 Total General Business 2 Interdepartmental Sales 3 Sales for Resale 4 Total Sales of Electricity 5 Other Revenue 6 Total Electric Revenue EXPENSES Production and Transmission 7 Operating Expenses 8 Purchased Power 9 Depreciation/Amortization 10 Regulatory Amortization 11 Taxes 12 Total Production & Transmission Distribution 13 Operating Expenses 14 Depreciation/Amortization 15 Taxes 16 State Income Taxes 17 Total Distribution 18 Customer Accounting 19 Customer Service & Information 20 Sales Expenses Administrative & General 21 Operating Expenses 22 Depreciation/Amortization 23 Regulatory Amortization 24 Taxes 25 Total Admin. & General 26 Total Electric Expenses 27 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT FEDERAL INCOME TAX 28 Current Accrual 29 Debt Interest 30 Deferred Income Taxes 31 Amortized ITC 32 NET OPERATING INCOME RATE BASE PLANT IN SERVICE 33 Intangible 34 Production 35 Transmission 36 Distribution 37 General 38 Total Plant in Service ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION/AMORT 39 Intangible 40 Production 41 Transmission 42 Distribution 43 General 44 Total Accumulated Depreciation 45 NET PLANT 46 DEFERRED TAXES 47 Net Plant After DFIT 48 DEFERRED DEBITS AND CREDITS 49 WORKING CAPITAL 50 TOTAL RATE BASE 51 RATE OF RETURN 52 REVENUE REQUIREMENT Planned Pro Forma Pro Forma 2018 Capital Add O&M Underground FINAL 2017 EOP Offsets Equip Inspection TOTAL 3.08 3.09 3.10 F-Ttl E-CAP16 E-OFF E-PUEI $0 $0 $0 $246,335 - - - 248 - - - 12,768 0 0 0 259,351 - - - 8,012 0 0 0 267,363 - - - 67,025 - - - 31,904 1,211 - - 15,195 - - 1,939 - - - 8,638 1,211 0 0 124,701 - (299) 268 10,940 221 - - 16,423 - - - 3,472 (316) 18 (14) (299) (95)(281)254 30,536 - - - 4,918 - - - 570 - - - 0 - (52) - 23,837 4,738 - - 15,353 - - - 210 - - - - 4,738 (52)0 39,400 5,854 (333)254 200,126 (5,854)333 (254)67,237 (2,049) 117 (89) (21,138) (306) - - (572) - - - 38,308 - - - (196) ($3,499)$216 ($165)$50,835 $18,086 $0 $0 $93,879 20,578 - - 476,299 19,343 - - 251,948 17,268 - - 557,747 5,133 - - 127,102 80,408 - - 1,506,975 (5,562) - - (20,510) (7,978) - - (188,915) (2,858) - - (73,831) (14,780) - - (204,995) (3,038) - - (44,745) (34,216) - - (532,996) 46,192 - - 973,979 (15,592) - - (206,760) 30,600 - - 767,219 - - - (1,424) - - - 30,814 30,600 - - $796,609 6.38% 9,610 (353) 270 18,571 Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 10 of 11 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 (000'S OF DOLLARS) Line No.DESCRIPTION Adjustment Number Workpaper Reference REVENUES 1 Total General Business 2 Interdepartmental Sales 3 Sales for Resale 4 Total Sales of Electricity 5 Other Revenue 6 Total Electric Revenue EXPENSES Production and Transmission 7 Operating Expenses 8 Purchased Power 9 Depreciation/Amortization 10 Regulatory Amortization 11 Taxes 12 Total Production & Transmission Distribution 13 Operating Expenses 14 Depreciation/Amortization 15 Taxes 16 State Income Taxes 17 Total Distribution 18 Customer Accounting 19 Customer Service & Information 20 Sales Expenses Administrative & General 21 Operating Expenses 22 Depreciation/Amortization 23 Regulatory Amortization 24 Taxes 25 Total Admin. & General 26 Total Electric Expenses 27 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT FEDERAL INCOME TAX 28 Current Accrual 29 Debt Interest 30 Deferred Income Taxes 31 Amortized ITC 32 NET OPERATING INCOME RATE BASE PLANT IN SERVICE 33 Intangible 34 Production 35 Transmission 36 Distribution 37 General 38 Total Plant in Service ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION/AMORT 39 Intangible 40 Production 41 Transmission 42 Distribution 43 General 44 Total Accumulated Depreciation 45 NET PLANT 46 DEFERRED TAXES 47 Net Plant After DFIT 48 DEFERRED DEBITS AND CREDITS 49 WORKING CAPITAL 50 TOTAL RATE BASE 51 RATE OF RETURN 52 REVENUE REQUIREMENT Rate Year Ending December 31, 2019 INCREMENTAL 2018 Planned Planned Planned Pro Forma Pro Forma 2019 2019 I FINAL Capital Add Capital Add Capital Add Property Labor FINAL FINAL TOTAL 2018 AMA 2018 EOP 2019 AMA Tax Non-Exec TOTAL TOTAL F-Ttl 19.01 19.02 19.03 19.04 19.05 F-Ttl F-Ttl E-CAP17 E-CAP18E E-CAP19 E-PPT19 E-PLN19 $246,335 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $246,335 $0 248 - - - 0 - 248 $0 12,768 - - - 0 - 12,768 $0 259,351 0 0 0 0 0 259,351 0 8,012 - - - 0 - 8,012 $0 267,363 0 0 0 0 0 267,363 0 67,025 - - - 0 244 67,269 $244 31,904 - - - 0 - 31,904 $0 15,195 179 464 130 0 - 15,968 $773 1,939 0 1,939 $0 8,638 - - - 410 - 9,048 $410 124,701 179 464 130 410 244 126,128 1,427 10,940 - - - 0 137 11,077 $137 16,423 220 323 285 0 - 17,251 $828 3,472 - - - 199 - 3,671 $199 (299) (121) (154) (81) (31)(33) (720) ($421) 30,536 99 169 204 168 104 31,279 743 4,918 - - - 0 62 4,980 $62 570 - - - 0 6 576 $6 0 - - - 0 - 0 $0 23,837 0 203 24,040 $203 15,353 1,964 2,226 1,166 0 - 20,709 $5,356 210 - - - 0 - 210 $0 - - - - 0 - - - 39,400 1,964 2,226 1,166 0 203 44,959 5,559 200,126 2,242 2,859 1,500 578 619 207,923 7,797 67,237 (2,242)(2,859)(1,500)(578)(619)59,440 (7,797) (21,138) (785) (1,001) (525) (202)(217) (23,866) ($2,729) (572) 5 (224) 69 0 - (722) ($150) 38,308 - - - 0 - 38,308 $0 (196) - - - 0 - (196) $0 $50,835 ($1,463)($1,634)($1,044)($376)($402)$45,917 ($4,918) 93,879 $7,943 $8,615 $4,729 $0 $0 $115,166 $21,287 476,299 6,006 12,140 4,041 0 - 498,486 $22,187 251,948 3,425 12,628 2,694 0 - 270,695 $18,747 557,747 7,276 10,678 9,423 0 - 585,124 $27,377 127,102 2,204 5,764 440 0 - 135,510 $8,408 1,506,975 26,854 49,825 21,327 - - 1,604,981 98,006 - - - (20,510) (4,774) (4,774) (5,594) 0 - (35,652) ($15,142) (188,915) (4,683) (4,683) (4,723) 0 - (203,004) ($14,089) (73,831) (1,414) (1,414) (1,468) 0 - (78,127) ($4,296) (204,995) (7,766) (7,766) (7,987) 0 - (228,514) ($23,519) (44,745) (1,355) (1,355) (2,436) 0 - (49,891) ($5,146) (532,996) (19,992) (19,992) (22,208) - - (595,188) (62,192) 973,979 6,862 29,833 (881) - - 1,009,793 35,814 (206,760) (7,411) (7,411) (6,006) - - (227,588) ($20,828) 767,219 (549) 22,422 (6,887) - - 782,205 14,986 (1,424) - - - - - (1,424) $0 30,814 - - - - - 30,814 $0 $796,609 (549) 22,422 (6,887) $0 $0 $811,595 $14,986 6.38%5.66% 18,571 2,317 5,524 826 613 656 28,507 9,936 Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 1, Page 11 of 11 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO NATURAL GAS RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 (000'S OF DOLLARS) Actual Per 2018 Proposed Pro Forma Line Results Total Pro Forma Revenues &Proposed No.DESCRIPTION Report Adjustments Total Related Exp Total a b c d e f REVENUES 1 Total General Business $61,184 $ (22,110)$39,074 $3,480 $42,554 2 Total Transportation 486 18 504 504 3 Other Revenues 33,083 (33,013) 70 70 4 Total Gas Revenues 94,753 (55,105) 39,648 3,480 43,128 EXPENSES Production Expenses 5 City Gate Purchases 52,496 (52,496) - - 6 Purchased Gas Expense 455 (18) 437 437 7 Net Nat Gas Storage Trans 914 (914) - - 8 Total Production 53,865 (53,428) 437 - 437 Underground Storage 9 Operating Expenses 407 (0) 407 407 10 Depreciation 206 15 221 221 11 Taxes 88 31 119 119 12 Total Underground Storage 701 46 747 - 747 Distribution 13 Operating Expenses 6,129 218 6,347 6,347 14 Depreciation 4,901 457 5,358 5,358 15 Taxes 2,535 (833) 1,702 1,702 16 State Income Taxes 60 (41) 19 179 198 17 Total Distribution 13,625 (199) 13,426 179 13,605 18 Customer Accounting 3,010 (497) 2,513 10 2,523 19 Customer Service & Information 1,539 (1,157) 382 382 20 Sales Expenses - - - - Administrative & General 21 Operating Expenses 5,696 188 5,884 8 5,892 22 Depreciation/Amortization 2,666 1,374 4,040 4,040 23 Regulatory Amortizations (30) (1) (31) (31) 24 Taxes - - - - 25 Total Admin. & General 8,332 1,561 9,893 8 9,901 26 Total Gas Expense 81,072 (53,673) 27,399 197 27,596 27 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT 13,681 (1,432) 12,249 3,283 15,532 FEDERAL INCOME TAX 28 Current Accrual (910) (566) (1,476) 1,149 (327) 29 Debt Interest - (64) (64) - (64) 30 Deferred FIT 4,626 - 4,626 4,626 31 Amort ITC (8) (4) (12) (12) 32 NET OPERATING INCOME $9,973 ($798)$9,175 $2,134 $11,309 RATE BASE: PLANT IN SERVICE 33 Underground Storage $11,228 $564 $11,792 $11,792 34 Distribution Plant 198,502 10,712 209,214 209,214 35 General Plant 34,820 7,055 41,875 41,875 36 Total Plant in Service 244,550 18,331 262,881 - 262,881 ACCUMULATED DEPREC/AMORT 37 Underground Storage (4,311) (274) (4,585) (4,585) 38 Distribution Plant (66,440) (6,532) (72,972) (72,972) 39 General Plant (10,045) (2,428) (12,473) (12,473) 40 Total Accum. Depreciation/Amort.(80,796) (9,234) (90,030) - (90,030) 41 NET PLANT 163,754 9,097 172,851 - 172,851 42 DEFERRED FIT (35,280) (3,169) (38,449) (38,449) 43 Net Plant After DFIT 128,474 5,928 134,402 - 134,402 44 GAS INVENTORY 3,809 - 3,809 3,809 45 GAIN ON SALE OF BUILDING - - - - 46 OTHER (69) - (69) (69) 47 WORKING CAPITAL 6,218 447 6,665 6,665 48 TOTAL RATE BASE $138,432 $6,375 $144,807 $0 $144,807 49 RATE OF RETURN 7.20%6.34%7.81% 2018 WITH PRESENT RATES WITH 2018 PROPOSED RATES Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, Page 1 of 9 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO NATURAL GAS RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 (000'S OF DOLLARS) 2018 2019 2019 2018 Proposed 2019 Proposed 2019 Pro Forma Line Pro Forma Total Pro Forma Revenues &Revenues &Proposed No.DESCRIPTION Total Adjustments Total Related Exp Related Exp Total a b c d e f g REVENUES 1 Total General Business $39,074 $39,074 $3,480 $2,137 $44,691 2 Total Transportation 504 - 504 504 3 Other Revenues 70 - 70 70 4 Total Gas Revenues 39,648 - 39,648 3,480 2,137 45,265 EXPENSES Production Expenses 5 City Gate Purchases - - - - 6 Purchased Gas Expense 437 7 444 444 7 Net Nat Gas Storage Trans - - - - 8 Total Production 437 7 444 - - 444 Underground Storage 9 Operating Expenses 407 0 407 407 10 Depreciation 221 10 231 231 11 Taxes 119 9 128 128 12 Total Underground Storage 747 19 766 - - 766 Distribution 13 Operating Expenses 6,347 85 6,432 6,432 14 Depreciation 5,358 217 5,575 5,575 15 Taxes 1,702 112 1,814 1,814 16 State Income Taxes 19 (100) (80) 179 110 209 17 Total Distribution 13,426 314 13,741 179 110 14,030 18 Customer Accounting 2,513 37 2,550 10 6 2,566 19 Customer Service & Information 382 3 385 385 20 Sales Expenses - - - - Administrative & General 21 Operating Expenses 5,884 51 5,935 8 5 5,948 22 Depreciation/Amortization 4,040 1,413 5,453 5,453 23 Regulatory Amortizations (31) - (31) (31) 24 Taxes - - - - 25 Total Admin. & General 9,893 1,464 11,357 8 5 11,370 26 Total Gas Expense 27,399 1,844 29,243 197 121 29,561 27 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT 12,249 (1,844) 10,405 3,283 2,016 15,704 FEDERAL INCOME TAX 28 Current Accrual (1,476) (646) (2,121) 1,149 706 (266) 29 Debt Interest (64) (16) (80) - - (80) 30 Deferred FIT 4,626 - 4,626 4,626 31 Amort ITC (12) - (12) (12) 32 NET OPERATING INCOME $9,175 ($1,182)$7,992 $2,134 $1,310 $11,436 RATE BASE: PLANT IN SERVICE 33 Underground Storage $11,792 $601 $12,393 $12,393 34 Distribution Plant 209,214 8,716 217,930 217,930 35 General Plant 41,875 7,482 49,357 49,357 36 Total Plant in Service 262,881 16,799 279,680 - - 279,680 ACCUMULATED DEPREC/AMORT 37 Underground Storage (4,585) (328) (4,913) (4,913) 38 Distribution Plant (72,972) (6,831) (79,803) (79,803) 39 General Plant (12,473) (4,888) (17,361) (17,361) 40 Total Accum. Depreciation/Amort.(90,030) (12,047) (102,077) - - (102,077) 41 NET PLANT 172,851 4,752 177,603 - - 177,603 42 DEFERRED FIT (38,449) (3,112) (41,561) (41,561) 43 Net Plant After DFIT 134,402 1,640 136,042 - - 136,042 44 GAS INVENTORY 3,809 - 3,809 3,809 45 GAIN ON SALE OF BUILDING - - - - 46 OTHER (69) - (69) (69) 47 WORKING CAPITAL 6,665 - 6,665 6,665 48 TOTAL RATE BASE $144,807 $1,640 $146,447 $0 $0 $146,447 49 RATE OF RETURN 6.34%5.46%7.81% 2019 WITH 2018 PROPOSED RATES WITH 2017 PROPOSED RATES Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, Page 2 of 9 AVISTA UTILITIES Calculation of General Revenue Requirement Idaho - Natural Gas Incremental 2018 2019 2019 Line (000's of (000's of (000's of No.Dollars)Dollars)Dollars) 1 Pro Forma Rate Base $144,807 146,447$ 2 Proposed Rate of Return 7.81%7.81% 3 Net Operating Income Requirement $11,309 $11,438 4 Pro Forma Net Operating Income $9,175 7,992$ 5 Net Operating Income Deficiency $2,134 $3,446 $1,310 6 Conversion Factor 0.61333 0.61333 0.61333 7 Revenue Requirement $3,480 $5,618 $2,137 8 Total Base Distribution Revenues $39,578 $43,058 9 Percentage Base Distribution Revenue Increase 8.79%4.96% 10 Total Present Billed Revenue $61,255 $64,735 11 Percentage Billed Revenue Increase 5.68%3.30% Description TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, Page 3 of 9 Proposed: Pro Forma Capital Pro Forma Weighted Component Structure Cost Cost Total Debt 50.00%5.72%2.86% Common Equity 50.00%9.90%4.95% Total 100.00%7.81% AVISTA UTILITIES PRO FORMA COST OF CAPITAL Idaho - Natural Gas Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, Page 4 of 9 AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor Idaho - Natural Gas System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 Line No.Description Factor 1 Revenues 1.000000 Expenses: 2 Uncollectibles 0.002839 3 Commission Fees 0.002275 4 Idaho State Income Tax 0.051301 5 Total Expenses 0.056415 6 Net Operating Income Before FIT 0.943585 7 Federal Income Tax @ 35%0.330255 8 REVENUE CONVERSION FACTOR 0.613330 Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, Page 5 of 9 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO NATURAL GAS RESULTS Rate Year Ending December 31, 2018 TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 (000'S OF DOLLARS) Per Deferred Deferred Debits, Restating Working Eliminate Uncollectible Regulatory Line Results FIT Credits & Regulatory 2016 Capital B & O Expense Expense No.DESCRIPTION Report Rate Base Amortizations Capital EOP Taxes Adjsutment Number 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 2.01 2.02 2.03 Workpaper Reference G-ROO G-DFIT G-DDC G-CAP16 G-WC G-EBO G-UE G-RE REVENUES 1 Total General Business $61,184 -$ $0 -$ -$ ($1,061)$0 $0 2 Total Transportation 486 - - - - (8) - - 3 Other Revenues 33,083 - - - - - - - 4 Total Gas Revenues $94,753 - $0 - - ($1,069)$0 $0 EXPENSES Production Expenses 5 City Gate Purchases 52,496 - - - - - - - 6 Purchased Gas Expense 455 - - - - - - - 7 Net Nat Gas Storage Trans 914 - - - - - - - 8 Total Production 53,865 - - - - - - - Underground Storage 9 Operating Expenses 407 - - - - - - - 10 Depreciation/Amortization 206 - - - - - - - 11 Taxes 88 - - - - - - - 12 Total Underground Storage 701 - - - - - - - Distribution 13 Operating Expenses 6,129 - - - - - - - 14 Depreciation/Amortization 4,901 - - - - - - - 15 Taxes 2,535 - - - - (1,064) - - 16 State Income Taxes 0.051301 60 - 0 - - (0) 25 (1) 17 Total Distribution 13,625 - 0 - - (1,064) 25 (1) 18 Customer Accounting 3,010 - - - - - (497) - 19 Customer Service & Information 1,539 - - - - - - - 20 Sales Expenses - - - - - - - - Administrative & General 21 Operating Expenses 5,696 - - - - - - 24 22 Depreciation/Amortization 2,666 - - - - - - - 23 Regulatory Amortizations (30) (1) 24 Taxes - - - - - - - - 25 Total Admin. & General 8,332 - (1) - - - - 24 26 Total Gas Expense 81,072 - (1) - - (1,064) (472) 23 27 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT 13,681 - 1 - - (5) 472 (23) FEDERAL INCOME TAX 28 Current Accrual (910) - 0 - - (2) 165 (8) 29 Debt Interest - 3 - (22) (4) - - - 30 Deferred FIT 4,626 - - - - - - - 31 Amort ITC (8) - - - - 32 NET OPERATING INCOME 9,973$ (3)$ 1$ 22$ 4$ (3)$ 306$ (15)$ RATE BASE PLANT IN SERVICE 33 Underground Storage $11,228 -$ $0 116$ -$ $0 $0 $0 34 Distribution Plant 198,502 - - 3,676 - - - - 35 General Plant 34,820 - - 1,236 - - - - 36 Total Plant in Service 244,550 - - 5,028 - - - - ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION/AMORT 37 Underground Storage (4,311) - - (65) - - - - 38 Distribution Plant (66,440) - - (2,297) - - - - 39 General Plant (10,045) - - (454) - - - - 40 Total Accumulated Depreciation/Amortization (80,796) - - (2,816) - - - - 41 NET PLANT 163,754 - - 2,212 - - - - 42 DEFERRED TAXES (35,280) (325) - 8 - - - - 43 Net Plant After DFIT 128,474 (325) - 2,220 - - - - 44 GAS INVENTORY 3,809 - - - - - - - 45 GAIN ON SALE OF BUILDING - - - - - - - - 46 OTHER (69) - 47 WORKING CAPITAL 6,218 - - - 447 - - - 48 TOTAL RATE BASE 138,432$ (325)$ -$ 2,220$ 447$ -$ -$ -$ 49 RATE OF RETURN 7.20% 50 REVENUE REQUIREMENT 1,367 (36) (1) 246 50 5 (500) 24 Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, Page 6 of 9 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO NATURAL GAS RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 (000'S OF DOLLARS) Line No.DESCRIPTION Adjsutment Number Workpaper Reference REVENUES 1 Total General Business 2 Total Transportation 3 Other Revenues 4 Total Gas Revenues EXPENSES Production Expenses 5 City Gate Purchases 6 Purchased Gas Expense 7 Net Nat Gas Storage Trans 8 Total Production Underground Storage 9 Operating Expenses 10 Depreciation/Amortization 11 Taxes 12 Total Underground Storage Distribution 13 Operating Expenses 14 Depreciation/Amortization 15 Taxes 16 State Income Taxes 17 Total Distribution 18 Customer Accounting 19 Customer Service & Information 20 Sales Expenses Administrative & General 21 Operating Expenses 22 Depreciation/Amortization 23 Regulatory Amortizations 24 Taxes 25 Total Admin. & General 26 Total Gas Expense 27 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT FEDERAL INCOME TAX 28 Current Accrual 29 Debt Interest 30 Deferred FIT 31 Amort ITC 32 NET OPERATING INCOME RATE BASE PLANT IN SERVICE 33 Underground Storage 34 Distribution Plant 35 General Plant 36 Total Plant in Service ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION/AMORT 37 Underground Storage 38 Distribution Plant 39 General Plant 40 Total Accumulated Depreciation/Amortization 41 NET PLANT 42 DEFERRED TAXES 43 Net Plant After DFIT 44 GAS INVENTORY 45 GAIN ON SALE OF BUILDING 46 OTHER 47 WORKING CAPITAL 48 TOTAL RATE BASE 49 RATE OF RETURN 50 REVENUE REQUIREMENT Injuries FIT / DFIT SIT / SITC Revenue Miscellaneous Restate Restate and Expense Expense Normalization &Restating Incentive Debt Restated Damages Gas Cost Adjust Interest Total 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 G-ID G-FIT G-SIT G-RNGC G-MR G-RI G-RDI R-Ttl $0 -$ -$ (21,049)$ $0 $0 -$ 39,074$ - - - 26 - - - 504 - - - (33,013) - - - 70 $0 - - (54,036) $0 $0 - 39,648 - - - (52,496) - - - - - - - (29) - - - 426 - - - (914) - - - - - - - (53,439) - - - 426 - - - - - - - 407 - - - - - - - 206 - - - - - - - 88 - - - - - - - 701 - - - - - - - 6,129 - - - - - - - 4,901 - - - - - - - 1,471 (6) - 35 24 0 3 - 140 (6) - 35 24 0 3 - 12,641 - - - (60) - - - 2,453 - - - (1,163) - - - 376 - - - - - - - - - 125 - - (48) (2) (63) - 5,732 - - - 198 - - 2,864 - (31) - - - - - - - - 125 - - 150 (2) (63) - 8,565 119 - 35 (54,487) (2) (60) - 25,163 (119) - (35) 451 2 60 - 14,485 (42) - - 158 1 21 (77) (693) - - - - - - - (23) - - - - - - - 4,626 - - (4) - - - - (12) (77)$ -$ (31)$ 293$ 1$ 39$ 77$ 10,588$ $0 -$ -$ -$ $0 $0 -$ 11,344$ - - - - - - - 202,178 - - - - - - - 36,056 - - - - - - - 249,578 - - - - - - - (4,376) - - - - - - - (68,737) - - - - - - - (10,499) - - - - - - - (83,612) - - - - - - - 165,966 - - - - - - - (35,597) - - - - - - - 130,369 - - - - - - - 3,809 - - - - - - - - (69) - - - - - - - 6,665 -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 140,774$ 7.52% 126 - 51 (478) (2) (63) (126) 663 Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, Page 7 of 9 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO NATURAL GAS RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 (000'S OF DOLLARS) Line No.DESCRIPTION Adjsutment Number Workpaper Reference REVENUES 1 Total General Business 2 Total Transportation 3 Other Revenues 4 Total Gas Revenues EXPENSES Production Expenses 5 City Gate Purchases 6 Purchased Gas Expense 7 Net Nat Gas Storage Trans 8 Total Production Underground Storage 9 Operating Expenses 10 Depreciation/Amortization 11 Taxes 12 Total Underground Storage Distribution 13 Operating Expenses 14 Depreciation/Amortization 15 Taxes 16 State Income Taxes 17 Total Distribution 18 Customer Accounting 19 Customer Service & Information 20 Sales Expenses Administrative & General 21 Operating Expenses 22 Depreciation/Amortization 23 Regulatory Amortizations 24 Taxes 25 Total Admin. & General 26 Total Gas Expense 27 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT FEDERAL INCOME TAX 28 Current Accrual 29 Debt Interest 30 Deferred FIT 31 Amort ITC 32 NET OPERATING INCOME RATE BASE PLANT IN SERVICE 33 Underground Storage 34 Distribution Plant 35 General Plant 36 Total Plant in Service ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION/AMORT 37 Underground Storage 38 Distribution Plant 39 General Plant 40 Total Accumulated Depreciation/Amortization 41 NET PLANT 42 DEFERRED TAXES 43 Net Plant After DFIT 44 GAS INVENTORY 45 GAIN ON SALE OF BUILDING 46 OTHER 47 WORKING CAPITAL 48 TOTAL RATE BASE 49 RATE OF RETURN 50 REVENUE REQUIREMENT Pro Forma Pro Forma Pro Forma Pro Forma Pro Forma Pro Forma Pro Forma Pro Forma 2018 Labor Labor Employee IS/IT Property Capital Add O&M Atmospheric Test FINAL Non-Exec Exec Benefits Costs Tax 2017 EOP Offsets & Leak Survey TOTAL 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 G-PLN G-PLE G-PEB G-ISIT G-PPT G-CAP16 G-OFF G-AT F-Ttl $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 -$ -$ -$ 39,074$ - - - - - - - - 504 - - - - - - - - 70 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 - - - 39,648 - - - - - - - - - 13 - (2) - - - - - 437 - - - - - - - - - 13 - (2) - - - - - 437 0 - (0) - - - - - 407 - - - - - 15 - - 221 - - - - 31 - - - 119 0 - (0) - 31 15 - - 747 143 (23) - - - - 98 6,347 - - - - - 457 - - 5,358 - - - - 231 - - - 1,702 (17) 0 2 (4) (13) (85) 1 (5) 19 126 0 (21) (4) 218 372 1 93 13,426 70 - (10) - - - - 2,513 6 - - - - - - - 382 - - - - - - - - - 96 (4) (13) 86 - - (13) - 5,884 - - - - - 1,176 - - 4,040 (31) - - - - - - - - - 96 (4) (13) 86 - 1,176 (13) - 9,893 311 (4) (46) 82 249 1,563 (12) 93 27,399 (311) 4 46 (82) (249) (1,563) 12 (93) 12,249 (109) 1 16 (29) (87) (547) 4 (33) (1,476) - - - - - (40) - - (64) - - - - - - - - 4,626 - - - - - - - - (12) (202)$ 2$ 30$ (53)$ (162)$ (976)$ 8$ (60)$ 9,175$ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 448$ -$ -$ 11,792$ - - - - - 7,036 - - 209,214 - - - - - 5,819 - - 41,875 - - - - - 13,303 - - 262,881 - - - - - (209) - - (4,585) - - - - - (4,235) - - (72,972) - - - - - (1,974) - - (12,473) - - - - - (6,418) - - (90,030) - - - - - 6,885 - - 172,851 - (2,852) (38,449) - - - - - 4,033 - - 134,402 - - 3,809 - (69) - 6,665 -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4,033$ -$ -$ 144,807$ 6.34% 330 (4) (48) 86 263 2,105 (13) 99 3,480 Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, Page 8 of 9 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO NATURAL GAS RESULTS TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 (000'S OF DOLLARS) Line No.DESCRIPTION Adjsutment Number Workpaper Reference REVENUES 1 Total General Business 2 Total Transportation 3 Other Revenues 4 Total Gas Revenues EXPENSES Production Expenses 5 City Gate Purchases 6 Purchased Gas Expense 7 Net Nat Gas Storage Trans 8 Total Production Underground Storage 9 Operating Expenses 10 Depreciation/Amortization 11 Taxes 12 Total Underground Storage Distribution 13 Operating Expenses 14 Depreciation/Amortization 15 Taxes 16 State Income Taxes 17 Total Distribution 18 Customer Accounting 19 Customer Service & Information 20 Sales Expenses Administrative & General 21 Operating Expenses 22 Depreciation/Amortization 23 Regulatory Amortizations 24 Taxes 25 Total Admin. & General 26 Total Gas Expense 27 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FIT FEDERAL INCOME TAX 28 Current Accrual 29 Debt Interest 30 Deferred FIT 31 Amort ITC 32 NET OPERATING INCOME RATE BASE PLANT IN SERVICE 33 Underground Storage 34 Distribution Plant 35 General Plant 36 Total Plant in Service ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION/AMORT 37 Underground Storage 38 Distribution Plant 39 General Plant 40 Total Accumulated Depreciation/Amortization 41 NET PLANT 42 DEFERRED TAXES 43 Net Plant After DFIT 44 GAS INVENTORY 45 GAIN ON SALE OF BUILDING 46 OTHER 47 WORKING CAPITAL 48 TOTAL RATE BASE 49 RATE OF RETURN 50 REVENUE REQUIREMENT Rate Year Ending December 31, 2019 INCREMENTAL 2018 Pro Forma Pro Forma Pro Forma Pro Forma Pro Forma 2019 2019 I FINAL Capital Add Capital Add Capital Add Property Labor FINAL FINAL TOTAL 2018 AMA 2018 EOP 2019 AMA Tax Non-Exec TOTAL TOTAL 19.01 19.02 19.03 19.04 19.05 F-Ttl G-CAP18 G-CAP17E G-CAP18 G-PPT18 G-PLN18 F-Ttl F-Ttl 39,074$ -$ -$ -$ $0 $0 39,074$ -$ 504 - - - - - 504 - 70 - - - - - 70 - 39,648 - - - $0 $0 39,648 - - - - - - - - - 437 - - - - 7 444 7 - - - - - - - - 437 - - - - 7 444 7 407 - - - - 0 407 0 221 3 4 3 - - 231 10 119 - - - 9 - 128 9 747 3 4 3 9 0 766 19 6,347 - - - - 85 6,432 85 5,358 53 140 24 - - 5,575 217 1,702 - - - 112 - 1,814 112 19 (30) (37) (17) (6) (9) (80) (100) 13,426 23 103 7 106 76 13,741 314 2,513 - - - 37 2,550 37 382 - - - - 3 385 3 - - - - - - - - 5,884 - - - - 51 5,935 51 4,040 521 582 310 - - 5,453 1,413 (31) (31) - - - - - - - - - 9,893 521 582 310 - 51 11,357 1,464 27,399 547 689 320 115 174 29,243 1,844 12,249 (547) (689) (320) (115) (174) 10,405 (1,844) (1,476) (192) (241) (112) (40) (61) (2,121) (646) (64) 2 (40) 21 - - (80) (16) 4,626 - - - - - 4,626 - (12) - - - - - (12) - 9,175$ (358)$ (408)$ (229)$ (75)$ (113)$ 7,992$ (1,182)$ 11,792$ 204$ 204$ 193$ $0 $0 12,393$ 601 209,214 2,139 5,611 966 - - 217,930 8,716 41,875 2,632 3,456 1,394 - - 49,357 7,482 262,881 4,975 9,271 2,553 - - 279,680 16,799 (4,585) (108) (108) (112) - - (4,913) (328) (72,972) (2,279) (2,279) (2,273) - - (79,803) (6,831) (12,473) (1,463) (1,463) (1,962) - - (17,361) (4,888) (90,030) (3,850) (3,850) (4,347) - - (102,077) (12,047) 172,851 1,125 5,421 (1,794) - - 177,603 4,752 (38,449) (1,317) (1,443) (352) - (41,561) (3,112) 134,402 (192) 3,978 (2,146) - - 136,042 1,640 3,809 - - - - 3,809 - - (69) (69) - 6,665 - 6,665 - 144,807$ (192)$ 3,978$ (2,146)$ -$ -$ 146,447$ 1,640$ 6.34%5.46% 3,480 559 1,172 101 122 184 5,617 2,137 Exhibit No. 12 Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01 E. Andrews, Avista Schedule 2, Page 9 of 9