HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170609Application.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 lHrnsrn ili:: .: :I i i/i: Ll Gorp. June 8,2017 Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702 RE: Tariff I.P.U.C. No. 28 (Electric) and Tariff I.P.U.C. No. 27 Grlatural Gas) Docket Nos. AVU-E-I7-01 and AVU-G-I7-01 Enclosed for filing with the Commission are an original and nine copies of an Application by Avista Corporation, dba Avista Utilities (Avista), dated June 8, 2017 for approval of revised electric and natural gas rates. Avista has also included for filing nine copies of its prepared direct testimony, and exhibits in support of its revised rates, as well as three copies of workpapers showing how test period data were adjusted. Please note that the workpapers of Clint G. Kalich are being provided in electronic format only due to the voluminous nature of these files. Computer-readable copies of the testimony, exhibits, and workpapers, required under Rule 231.05, are included on the attached compact disc. Attached to the Application is the form of Customer Notice and form of Press Release to be issued by the Company. Additionally, Avista has included the Attorney's Certificate and Claim of Confidentiality Relating to Portions of Avista's Exhibits and Workpapers. Please direct any questions related to the transmittal of this filing to Liz Andrews at 509-495- 8601.. Sincerely, Da J Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory & Govemmental Affairs Enclosures CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ! HEREBY CERTIFY that I have this 8th day of June, 2017, served the foregoing application, and Avista's Direct Testimony and Exhibits in Docket No. AVU-E-17-01 and AVU-G-17-01, upon the following parties, by mailing a copy thereof, properly addressed with postage prepaid to: Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission Statehouse Boise, lD 83720-5983 Jean.jewell@puc. idaho.qov Karl Klein Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorneys General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, lD 83702-0659 donald. howell@puc. idaho.oov Marv Lewallen 28530 SW Canyon Creek Rd. - South Wilsonville, OR 97070 marv@malewallen.com Scott Atkison ldaho Forest Products 171 Highway 95 N. Grangeville, lD 83530 scotta@ idahoforestgrcrup. com Ken Miller Snake River Alliance 223 N 6th Street, Suite 317 Boise, lD 83702 km i I le r@s n a kerivera I I ia n ce. orq Larry Crowley The Energy Strategies lnstitute, lnc. 5549 S. Cliffsedge Ave Boise, lD 83716 crowleyla@aol.com Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N 17th Street Boise, lD 83720 bmpurdv@hotmail.com Peter J. Richardson Greg M. Adams Richardson Adams 515 N. 27th Street PO Box 7218 Boise, lD 83702 peter@richardsonadams. com q req@richardsonsdams.com Dean J. Miller, Lawyer 3620 E. Warm Springs Boise, lD 83716 deanimiller@cableone. net Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th St. Boise, lD 83702 botto@ ida h ocgnservati on. o ro Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, lD 83703 dreadino@mindsprino.com Paul Kimball Sr. Regulatory Analyst I-- DAVID ,J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 L41,L EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4315 FACSIMILE: (509) 495- 8851- DAVID . MEYER@AVISTACORP . COM *') njl ll: lC BEFORE THE TDAIIO PT'BI,IC IITII,ITTES COMMISSION IN THE IvIATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO CASE NO AVU-E- 17 - 01 AVU-G-]-7 -0]- APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 Application is hereby made to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for an Order granting Avista Corporation (Applicant, Company, or Avista) the authority to increase its rates and charges for electric and natural gas service to electric and natural gas customers in the State of Idaho, to be effective on ,January 1-, 201-8 and ,fanuary 1-, 201,9 . In this filing Avista is proposing a Two-Year Rate Plan with an increase in el-ectric base revenues of $18.5 million or 7.52 for 201-8 and $9.9 million or 3.7* for 201-9.r wit.h regard to natural gas, the Company is reguesting an increase in base revenues of $3.5 million or 8.8? for 2018 (5.7% on a billed basis) , and $2.1- million or 5.0? for 20L9 (3.3? on a billed basis). In support of this Application, Applicant states as follows: The name of the Applicant is Avista Corporation, dba whose principal20 Avista Utilities, a Washington corporation 1 on a billed revenue basis, t.he percentage increase ,January 1, 20L8 is 7 .92 , and f or ,January l, 201-9 the j-ncrease is 4 .22 . These bi1Ied percentage increases reflect the new and expiring rebates proposed under electric tariff Schedule 92. Application of Avista Corporation Case Nos. AW-E-17-01- & AW-G-l-7-01- l_0 1-1 L2 1_3 L4 l_5 L6 L7 l_8 L9 I Page 1 of 1,9 l- business office is L4L]- East Mission Avenue, business in Spokane, the State2 3 4 5 5 Washington, which is gualified to do of Idaho. Avista maintains district. Coeur d'A1ene, Moscow, and LewisLon, offices in Sandpoint, Idaho. Communications engaged in the electric power portions of as well as 7 I 9 t_0 1l_ L2 l_3 L4 1_5 L5 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 z6 27 28 29 30 31 32 in reference to this Application should be addressed to the following David ,J. Meyer, Esq. Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory & Governmental Affairs Avista Corporation P.O. Box 3727 l-41-l- E. Mission Ave Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Phone: (509) 495-43L6 Fax: (509) 495-8851- David. Meyer@avistacorp . com Kelly Norwood Vice President - State and Federal Regul-ation Avista Utilities P.O. Box 3727 1411 E. Mission Ave Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Phone: (509) +gS-4267 Fax: (s09) 495-88s1 Kel Iy. Norwood@avistacorp . com Electronically - AvistaDockets@Avistacorp. com Avista generation, II. is a public utility primarily transmission and distribution of 33 and the distribution of natural gas in certain 34 eastern and central V'Iashington, northern Idaho, Application of Avista Case Nos. AW-E-17-01 Corporation & AVU-G- l_7 - 0l_Page 2 of 1-9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 distribution Oregion. The Commission, Commission, Montana Public of natural gas in northeast and southwest Company is subject to the jurisdiction of this and Transportationthe Washington Utilities the Public Utility Commission Service Commission, and the of Oregon, the Federal Energy 8 9 Regulatory Commission . Applicant' s electric service III. existing base rates and charges for 10 were approved No.33582, dated as a result of the l-l- Commission's Order December 28, 20L5, in L2 Case No. AVU-E-I-5-03. The existing rates and charges for electric service on file with the Commission (designated as Applicant's Tariff No. 28) are incorporated herein as though fulty attached hereto. t-3 l4 15 15 a7 18 Applicant's existing base rates and charges for nat,ural 1,9 gas service were approved as a result of the Commission's 20 Order No. 33437, dated December 18, 201-5, in Case No. AVU- G-15-01. The existing raLes and charges for natural- gas service on file with the Commission (designated as 27. Application of Avista Corporation Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-l-7-01 IV 22 Page 3 of 19 l- 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 Applicant's Tariff No. 27) are fully attached hereto. incorporated herein as though v. The electric and natural gas rates and charges which Applicant desires to have the Commission approve are filed herewith as Exhibit A. Also incl-uded in Exhibit A are copies of the tariff schedules showing the proposed changes by striking over the existing rates and underlining the proposed raLes. Company witness Mr. Ehrbar ful1y describes in his testimony and exhibits the proposed changes. vr. The circumstances and conditions relied upon, and justificaLion for, the approval of t.he proposed increase in rates for electric and natural gas service are as follows: ApplicanL's present electric and natural gas rates will not produce sufficient revenue to provide operating income required to al-low t.he Applicant the opportunity to earn the 7.81,% rate of return being requested and supported in this Application. The Applicant's last electric and natural gas general rate case change (Case Nos. AVU-E-15-03 and AVU-G-15-01) in 10 l_ l- L2 l_3 L4 l_5 l_5 L7 18 L9 20 21- 22 23 Application of Avista Case Nos. AW-E-L7-0L Corporation & AVU-G-t-7-01 Page 4 of L9 l_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Idaho was ef fective in lTanuary 2OL7 and ,January 201-6, respect j-veIy. The primary factor driving the Company's electric and natural gas revenue increase requests in 2018 and 2019 is an increase in net plant investment from currently authorized. For 20L8, there is also a net increase in power supply expenses. A reduction in usage for two electric rate groups has also contributed Lo the need for a revenue increase. There is a slight decrease in distribution, operaLion and maintenance (O&M), and administrative and general (A&G) expenses for both electric and natural gas operations, compared to current authorized levels. Unless the increased rates as requested in this filing 10 1l_ t2 l_3 l4 15 16 L7 18 t9 20 2L 22 have the opportunity to a fair rate of return on its investment. Applicant's evidence in support of its need for increased electric and natural gas rates is based on a 12- month ended December 31, 2Ol5 test year. Applicant's rate base evidence is presented on an end-of-period basis. Documentation showing how the test year data was adjusted is provided in the test.imony and exhibits of Company witness Ms. Andrews. are approved, Applicant' s reasonable and it will not Application of Avista Case Nos . AVU-E- l-7 - 01- rates will not be fair, Corporation & AVU-G-t_7-01_ just and realize 23 Page 5 of L9 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 Applicant provides utility service in states ot.her than Idaho. A jurisdictional separati-on of all investments, revenues and expenses allocated or assigned in whole or in part to the Idaho utility business regulated by this Commissj-on is described in the testimony and exhibits of Ms. Andrews. VII. Applicant's evidence will show that an overall rate of return of 7.81-? is fair, just and reasonable. The Company's exhibits and testimony support an increase in retail electric and natural gas revenue of $18.6 million and $3.5 miIlion, respectively, for 201,8 and $9.9 million and i2.a mi11ion, respectively, for 2019. Simultaneous with the filing of t.his Application, Applicant has filed its prepared direct testimony and exhibits in support of its revised rates, as well as workpapers showing how test year data were adj ust.ed. VIII. A complete justification of the proposed increases in electric and natural gas rates is provided in the testimony Application of Avista Corporation Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01- & AVU-G-17-01 10 11 1,2 13 t4 15 15 1-7 18 1-9 20 2L 22 Page 5 of l-9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and exhibits of Company witnesses. These witnesses and a brief summary of their testimony are as foI1ows. Mr. Scott L. Morris, Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Avista, presents the Company's policy testimony and provides an overview of Avista Corporation. He will summarize the Company's proposal in this filing for a Two-Year Rate PIan, and general rate case "stay-out" period. He wiII explain why there is a continuing need for retail rate increases, not just for Avista, buL for the 10 electric and natural gas utilit.y industry in general. Mr. 1l- Morris will address our continuing capital investments, and L2 how they are designed to accomplish, and balance, three 13 primary objectives: 1) provide safe, reliable service; 2) L4 achieve high customer satisfaction; and 3) maintain a l-5 reasonable cost to customers. Finally, he will briefly 15 explain the Companyrs customer support programs in place to L7 assist our customers. l-8 Mr. Mark Thies, Senior Vice President, Chief financial L9 20 2t 22 Officer and Treasurer, will provide a financial overview of the Company and wiII explain the proposed capital structure, overall rate of return, and AvisLa's credit ratings. He wilI also discuss, among other things, the Company's capital expenditures program. Application of Avista Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01- Corporation & AVU-G-17-01_ 23 Page 7 of 1-9 1 2 3 4 Mr. Adrien McKenzie,as President of Financial Concepts and Applications (FINCAP), Inc., has been retained to presenL testimony with respect to the Company's cost of common equity. He concludes that: In order to refl-ect the risks and prospects associated with Avista's jurisdictional utility operations, his analyses focused on a proxy group of l-8 other utilities with comparable investment risks; Because investors' required return on equity is unobservable and no single method should be viewed in isolation, he applied the DCF, ECAPM, CAPM and risk premium methods to estimate a fair ROE for Avista, as well as referencing the expected earnings approach; 5 6 7 8 a 9 10 t_ t_ L2 13 L4 15 l_5 L7 l_8 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 a a a Based on the results of these analyses, he concluded t.hat the cost of equity f or the proxy group of utilities is in the 9.5 percent to 10.7 percent range , oy 9 .6 percent to 1-0.8 percent af ter incorporating an adjustment to account for the impactof common equity flotat.ion cost.s; ?Dd, As reflected in the testimony of Mark T. Thies, Avista is requesting a fair ROE of 9.9 percenL, which fal1s below the 1,0.2 percent midpoint of his recommended range. Considering capital market expectations, the exposures faced by Avista, and the economic reguirements necessary to maintain financial integrity and support additional capital investment even under adverse circumstances, it is his opinion that 9.9 percent represents a conservative ROE for Avista. 33 Mr. Scott Kinney, Director of Power Supply, will provide an overview of Avista's resource planning and power supply operations. This includes summaries of the Company's34 Application of Avista ease Nos. AW-E-17-01 Corporation & AVU-G-17-01 Page 8 of L9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 generation resources, the current and future load and resource position, and future resource pIans. As part of an overview of the Company's risk management policy, he wiII provide an update on the Company's hedging practices. He will also address hydroelectric and thermal project upgrades, followed by an update on recent developments regarding hydro relicensing. Mr. Clint Kalich, Manager of Resource Planning & Power Supply Analyses, will describe the Company's use of the AURORAxT'ae dispatch model , ot "Dispatch Mode1. " He will explain the key assumptions driving the Dispatch Model's market forecast of electricit.y prices. The discussion includes the variables of natural gds, Western Interconnect loads and resources, and hydroelectrj-c conditions. He will also describe how the model dispatches Avista's resources and contracts to maximize customer benefit and tracks their values for use in pro forma calculat.ions. Finally, he will present the modeling results provided to Company witness Mr. Johnson for his power supply pro forma adjustment calculations. Mr. William ,fohnson,WhoIesale Market.ing Manager, testimony will identify and explain t.he proposed normalizing and pro forma adjustments to the 2OL6 test period power Application of Avista Corporation Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01 & AVU-G-17-01 Page 9 of L9 I 9 10 11 L2 13 1-4 15 L5 L7 18 t9 20 2L 22 23 1 supply revenues and expenses, and describe the proposed 2 1evel of expense and Load Change Adjustment Rate (LCAR) for 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) purposes, using the pro forma costs proposed by the Company in this filing. Ms . ,Jody Morehouse, Director of Gas Supply, will planning process,describe Avista's natural gas procurement provide an overview of the Jackson Prairie natural gas storage facility, and provide an overview of the 201-5 Natural Gas Integrated Resource Plan. Ms. Heather Rosentrater, Vice President Company's 10 of Energy 1-1 Delivery will provide an overview of the Company's electric L2 and natural gas energy delivery facilities, she will also l-3 discuss our electric reliabilit.y obj ect.ives, tlrpes of 14 investments, and system performance, and explain the factors 15 driving our investment in electric distribution 1-6 infrastructure. Her testimony wilt explain why our planned L7 investments in electric distribution are necessary to 18 maintain the current leve1s of asset health and performance l-9 of our system and will discuss the need for each distribution 20 capital project and program by the "Investment Driver" 2L classification used to categorize our infrastructure 22 investment needs. She will describe how our planned 23 compliance with mandatory federal standards for transmission Application of Avista Corporation Case Nos. AVU-E-17-01- & AVU-G-1-7-01 Page l-0 of L9 l_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 planning is driving a greater demand for new investment, and why our planned investments in our natural gas distribution system are necessary in the time frame they are being carried out. Fina11y, she will explain why each capital investment planned for our general plant and fleet areas are necessary to support the efficient delivery of service to our customers, today and into the future. Mr. ,Jef f Schlect, Senior Manager, FERC Policy and Transmission Services, describes Avista's transmission revenues and expenses included in the Company's request for rate relief over the Two-Year Rate Plan effective ,January 1, 201,8 and ending December 31, 201-9. Mr. Jim Kensok, Vice President and Chief Information and Security Officer, will provide an overview of IS/IT and describe t.he costs associated with Avista's information technology programs and projects. He will also describe the additional expenses reguired to support a range of new and updated applicat.ions and systems necessary to support. Company cyber and general security, emergency operations readiness, electric and natural gas facilities and operations support, and customer services. l_0 11 L2 13 1"4 15 L6 1-7 18 19 20 21" 22 Application of Avista Case Nos . AVU-E- l-7 - 0l- Corporation & AVU-G-17-01_Page 11 of 1-9 l_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 I Ms. Karen Schuh, Senior Regulatory Analyst, wiII explain how the Company's capital investments in utility plant from December 3L, 201-5 through December 31, 20L9 are incorporated into the proposed revenue reguirements in this case Ms. Elizabeth Andrews, Senior Manager of Revenue Requirements, will cover accounting and financial data in support of the Company's Two-Year Rate PIan for the period ,fanuary l-, 2OLg through December 31, 20L9. She will explain pro formed operating results, including expense and rate base adjustments made to actual- operating results and rate base. Mr. Kevin Christie, Vice President, Customer Solutions, wiII provide an overview of the Company's Customer SoluLions organization, our Customer Service & Support programs, what we are doing to meet our evolving customer expectations, and Avista's products and services initiatives in Idaho. Ms. Tara Knox, Senior Regulat.ory Ana1yst, wiII cover the Company's electric revenue normalization adjustments and the electric cost of service study performed for this proceeding. Mr. ,Joseph Mi1Ier, Senior Regulatory Analyst, will cover the Company's natural gas revenue normalization Application of Avista Corporation Case Nos. AW-E-l-7-01- & AVU-G-17-0L 9 10 t_ t_ L2 13 L4 15 L5 1,7 1_8 L9 20 2L 22 23 Page L2 of 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 adjustments and cost of proceeding. Mr. Patrick Ehrbar service study performed for this Senior Manager of Rates and Tariffs, discusses the spread of the proposed 2018 and 2019 electric and natural gas revenue increases among the Company's electric and natural gas general service schedules. His testimony will also describe the changes to the rates within the Company's electric and natural gas service schedules. t_0 11 L2 Avista has provided under separate cover an Attorney's 13 Certificate And Claim Of Confidentiality Relating To L4 Portions Of Avista's Exhibits and Workpapers pursuant to L5 Idaho Code Section 9-340D and IDAPA 31.0l-.01.067 and 15 31.01-.01.233 t7 18 x. Notice to the public of the proposed rates and charges, pursuant to IDAPA 31.01-.01 .L25, wiII be given to customers by distributing a customer notice, 4s a bill stuffer, to each customer over a billing cycle (June L3,20L7 through 1,9 20 IX 2A 22 Application of Avista Case Nos. AW-E-l-7-01- Corporation & AVU-G-l-7-01 Page 13 of 19 1 JuIy L2, 20L7), and by a news release, both of which are 2 3 4 5 5 7 I attached as Exhibit B. 9 xr. Portions of the Company's Application and accompanying testimony and exhibits are based on computer models. Documentation and explanation on some of the models have already been provided to Commission St.aff. Additional documentation and explanation are provided with testimony, exhibits and workpapers in this fiting. Further information can be provided upon request. 10 11 1,2 13 XII. The ApplicanL stands ready for immediate consideration of this Application. WHEREFORE Applicant requests the Commission issue its Order finding the proposed rates and charges to be fair, just, reasonable and nondiscriminatory. The Applicant is also requesting that. the Commission suspend the Applicant's fiting with a proposed effective date of 'January L, 2018. Under the Company's Two-Year Rate Plan proposal, the L4 15 l_5 L7 l-8 L9 20 2L 22 suspended tariffs for 20L9 would go into effect on ,Tanuary 23 L, 20L9, as stated on those tariff sheets. Application of Avista Case Nos. AVU-E-l-7-01 Corporation & AW-G-17-0r-Page L4 of L9 L 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 DATED at Spokane, Washington, this 8th day of June 201,7. AVISTA CORPORATION / .-- By: Da ,J.Meyer Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory & Governmental Affairs Avista Corporation Application of Avista Coryoration Case Nos. AVU-E-L7-OL & AVt -G-17-01 Page 1-5 of l-9 l_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss County of Spokane ) David,J. Meyer, being duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That he is the Vice President and Chief Counsel of Regulatory and Governmental Affairs of Avista Corporation; That he has read the foregoing Application, knows the contents thereof, and believes the same to be true. l_0 1_ t- L2 L3 David iI. Meyer L4 l-5 L6 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of ,fune 20L7 . L7 t_8 L9 20 2L Notary Public in and for the State Washington, residing in Spokane Application of Avista Corporation Case Nos. AVt -E-L7-01 & AVU-G-1,7-0a L Ha NOTAA vre Pugutc Op Page l-5 of L9 EXHIBIT A Tariff Pages :'l' :., : -.! tXl'l il: CI0 ,-a_t!rr-r!.r- : r i - f i,_,,-; - _1,) 2018 Tariffs AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE . FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose when all such service used on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE Per Meter Per Month Basic charge $6.00 Charge Per Therm Base Rate 52.0396 OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 175 - Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment 35.4470 (0e.844r) 00.000d 01.8186 Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate "79.4600 Minimum Charge: $6.00 'The rates shown above as "Other Charges' may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158, See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDIT]ONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. Effective July 9,2017lssued June 9, 2017 Twelfth Revision Sheet 101 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet :101l.P.U.C. No.27 lssued by By Kelly O. Norwood ,*JruJ^,Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utitities SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM . IDAHO AVAII-ABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose when all such service used on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE Per Meter Per Month Basic charge $+35 Charge Per Therm: Base Rate ffi$ OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment 35.4470, (0e.8440) 01.8186 Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate "?w$ Minimum Charge: $5*5 " The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158, See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. lssued January 3,2017 Effective February3,2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 Eleventh Revision Sheet 101 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 1Ol By Avista Kelly O. Norwood ,Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM . IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose when all such service used on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE Per Meter Per Month Basic charge $6.00 Charge Per Therm Base Rate 52.039d OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment 35.447( Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment (09,8440) Schedule 175 - Fixed Cost Adiustment 00.000d Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency RiderAdjustment 01.818P Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check Municipal Fee Total Bllling Rate " Z94gllg Minimum Charge: $6.00 * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Gharges for the actual rates in effect. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. Effective July 9, 2017lssued June 9, 2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 Twelfth Revision Sheet 101 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 101 By Utilities Kelly O. Norwood ,Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 111 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE. FIRM.IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. AII such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 175 - Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment MONTHLY RATE: First 200 Next 800 Next 9,000 AllOver Base Rate $0.55045 $0.32709 $0.2434s $0.18815 Schedule 150 $0.35447 $0.35447 $0.35447 $0.35,{47 Schedule 155 $(0.0e844) $(0.09844) $(0.0e844) $(0.0e844) Schedule 175 Schedule 191 $0.00978 $0.00978 $0.00978 $0.00978 Billing Rate * $0.81626 $0.s9290 $0.50926 $0.45396 * The rates shown above as "O(her Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: $110.09 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9,2017 l.P.U.G. No.27 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 111 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 111 Utilities By Kelly Nonrtood ,*,Jru,J^ , Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 111 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM.IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPL!CABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFlNITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment MONTHLY RATE: First 200 Next 800 Next 9,000 Allover Base Rate 5e€75dsls#, 23J€€$ {€s84S Schedule 150 35.4470, 35.447$ 35.447i, 35.447i, Schedule 155 (0e.8440) (0e.8440) (0e.8440) (0e.844C) Schedule 191 00.9786 00.9780 00.e780 Billing Rate* 76S55S 5S#35S 603S4S4,W$ 00.9786 * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: ${€+75 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. lssued January 3,2017 Effective February 3,2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 Twelfth Revision Sheet 111 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 111 by By Kelly Norwood , Mce-President, State & FederalRegulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 111 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. AII such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 175 - Fixed Cost Adiustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency RiderAdjustment MONTHLY RATE: First 200 Next 800 Next 9,000 AllOver Base Rate $0.55045 $0.32709 $0.24345 Schedule 150 $0.35447 $0.35447 $0.35447 $0.35447 Schedule 155 $(0.0e844) $(0.0e844) $(0.0e844) $(0.0e844) Schedule 175 $ $ $ Schedule 191 $0.00978 $0.00978 $0,00978 $0.00978 Billing Rate * $0.81626 $0.59290 $0.50926 $0.45396$0.1881s $ * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: $110.09 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9,2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 111 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 111 By Kelly Norwood , Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM.IDAHO AVA!LABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Tra nsportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEF!NITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment MONTHLY RATE: Base Rate First 200 $0.55045 Next 800 $0.32709 Next 9,000 $0.24345 AllOver $0,18815 Schedule 150 $0.35447 $0,35447 $0.35447 $0.35447 Schedule 191 $0.00978 $0.00978 $0.00978 $0.00978 Billing Rate * $0.91470 $0.69134 $0.60770 $0.552,t0 * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: $110.09 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9,2017 l.P.U.C.. No.27 Fourteenth Revision Sheet 1 12 Canceling Thirteenth Revision Sheet 112 By Kelly O. Nonrood uruuzl' ssued 4 J^, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVTSTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE. FIRM - ]DAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 Transportation Service for C u stomer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency RiderAdjustment MONTHLY RATE: First 200 Next 800 Next 9,000 All over Base RateW$e{g$n#$, {€3e+d Schedule 150 35.4470 3s.447f, 3s.447i, 35.470, Schedule 191 00,978C 00,978C 00.9780 00.978C Billing Rate* 8e800s 683+9$ 6e,ge8s 54806S * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actuat rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Gharge: $100,75 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules lssued January 3,2017 Effective February3,2017 l.P.U.C.. No.27 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 112 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 112 by By Kelly O. Norwood , Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM.IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Tra nspo rtation Se rvice for C ustomer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEF!NITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment MONTHLY RATE: Base Rate First 200 $0.55045 Next 800 To32?og Next 9,000 $024345 AllOver $0.18815 Schedule 150 $0.31147 $0,3s447 $0.35447 $0.35447 Schedule 191 $0,00978 $0,00978 $0.00e78 $0.00978 Billing Rate * $0.91470 $0.69134 $0.60770 $0.5s240 * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reftect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Gharge: $110.09 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. Effective July 9, 2017lssued June 9, 2017 l.P.U.C,. No.27 Fourteenth Revision Sheet 112 Canceling Thirteenth Revision Sheet 112 By Kelly O. Norwood , Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORAT]ON d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE . IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such seruice used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE Per Meter Per Month Charge Per Therm Base Rate 23.9100 OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment 24.0s8A (10.2220 00.978d Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * 38.724$* The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as paft of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer's actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 23.9101 per therm. Effective July 9, 2017lssued June 9,2017 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 131 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 131l.P.U.C. No.27 lssued by Avista UtilitiesBv / Kelly O. Norwood,ru n/*-,-rrJ- Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/bla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE . IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE:Per Meter Per Month Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 21572$, OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment 24.0580, (10.222i\ 00.9780 Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * 36#8Sf* The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Tota! Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer's actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by Z+57$ per therm. Effective February3,2017lssued January 3,2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 Twelfth Revision Sheet 131 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 131 lssued by By Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION dibla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1)A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE:Per Meter Per Month Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 23.910C OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment 24.0580 (10.2220) 00.e786 Check Municipal Fee Total Bllling Rate * 38.724G* The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shal! be determined by subtracting the Customer's actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 23.910d per therm. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9,2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 131 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 131 lssued by By Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 132 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2)The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE:Per Meter Per Month Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 23.9100 OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment 24.058i, 00.9780 Check MunicipalFee Total Billing Rate * 48.9460* The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipalfees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer's actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 23.9101 per therm. lssued June 9,2017 Effective July 9, 2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 Fifteenth Revision Sheet 132 Canceling Fourteenth Revision Sheet 132 Kelly O. Norwood , Vice President, State & Federal RegulationBymJ^,t rJ AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 132 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2OO2 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subiect to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE Per Meter Per Month Charge Per Therm Base Rate z+#$, OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment 24.0s8(, 00.978C Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * 4;PS08,* The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipalfees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer's actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 2+W per therm. lssued January 3,2017 Effective February3,2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 Fourteenth Revision Sheet 132 Canceling Thirteenth Revision Sheet 132 By Kelly O. Norwood , Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 132 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE . IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak intermptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1,2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE Per Meter Per Month Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 23.910t, OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment 24.0580 00.9780 Check MunicipalFee Total Billing Rate * 48.946d* The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipalfees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer's actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 23.910d per therm. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9, 2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 lssued by By Fifteenth Revision Sheet 132 Canceling Fourteenth Revision Sheet 132 Kelly O. Norwood , Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 146 TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER.OWNED GAS. IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Commercial and lndustrial Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year provided that the Company's existing distribution system has capacity adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To transportation service for a Customer-owned supply of natural gas from the Company's point of interconnection with its Pipeline Transporter to the Company's point of interconnection with the Customer. Service shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering for use by a single customer. MONTHLY RATE: $250.00 Customer Gharge, plus Charge Per Therm Base Rate 13.851d OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check Municipal Fee 13.8sllTotal Billing Rate " ANNUAL MINIMUM: $37,628 unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. * The rates shown above as'Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a genera! rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Effective July 9, 2017lssued June 9, 2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 Utilities Twelfth Revision Sheet 146 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 146 Kelly O. Norwood ,Vice President, State & Federal RegulationByruJ^,*J l.P.U.C. No.27 Eleventh Revision Sheet 146 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 146 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 146 TRANSPORTATION SERV]CE FOR CUSTOMER-OWNED GAS. IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Commercial and lndustrial Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year provided that the Company's existing distribution system has capacity adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE To transportation service for a Customer-owned supply of natural gas from the Company's point of interconnection with its Pipeline Transporter to the Company's point of interconnection with the Customer. Service shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering for use by a single customer. MONTHLY RATE: $3609 Customer Charge, plus Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 1m#, OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check Municipal Fee +2,W$Total Billing Rate * ANNUAL MINIMUM: $341550 unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. * The rates shown above as 'Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Effective February3,2017lssued January 3,2017 By Kelly O. Nonrvood ,Mce President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 146 TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER.OWNED GAS . IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Commercial and lndustrial Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year provided that the Company's existing distribution system has capacity adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To transportation service for a Customer-owned supply of natural gas from the Company's point of interconnection with its Pipeline Transporter to the Company's point of interconnection with the Customer. Service shal! be supplied at one point of delivery and metering for use by a single customer. MONTHLY RATE: 3259.00 Customer Charge, plus Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 13.851d OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check Municipal Fee 13.85,ldTotal Billing Rate " ANNUAL MINIMUM: $37.628 unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Effective July 9,2017lssued June 9, 2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 Twelfth Revision Sheet 146 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 146 By Utilities Kelly O. Norwood ,Vice President, State & Federal Regulation 2019 Tariffs AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE. FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natura! gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose when all such service used on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE:Per Meter Per Month Basic charge $6.00 Charge Per Therm: Base Rate s5.4360 OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 175 - Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment 35.447i, (0e.844p) 00.000d 01.8181 Check Municipal Fee Total Billlng Rate "82.857i, Minimum Charge: $6.00 " The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the conesponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective January 1,2019 l.P.U.C. No.27 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 101 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 101 Kelly O. Norwood ,Vice-President, State & Federal RegulationByry*/^,*J AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose when all such service used on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE Per Meter Per Mqnth $6.00Basic charge Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 52S3gd OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adiustment Schedule 175 - Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment 35.4470, (0e.844d) 00.000c 01.8180 Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate *79"4€e0 Minimum Charge: $6.00 * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff, Etfective July 9,2017lssued June 9, 2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 Twelfth Revision Sheet'l 01 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 101 Avista Kelly O. Norwood ,Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORAT]ON d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE . FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose when all such service used on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE Per Meter Per Month Basic charge $6.00 Charge Per Therm: Base Rate ss.436d OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 175 - Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment 35.447i, (0s.844/) 00.0001 01.8181 Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate *82.867i Minimum Charge: $6.00 * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. Effective January 1,2019lssued June 9,2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 101 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 101 By ities Kelly O. Nonrood ,Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.27 Fourteenth Revision Sheet 111 Canceling Thirteenth Revision Sheet 111 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 111 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one poant of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 175 - Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment MONTHLY RATE: First 200 Next 800 Next 9,000 AllOver Base Rate $0.58440 $0.33054 $0.24602 $0.19014 Schedule 150 $0.35447 $0.3s447 $0.35447 $0.35447 Schedule 155 $(0.0e844) $(0.0e844) $(0.0e844) $(0.09844) Schedule 175 $- $- $ $- Schedule 191 $0.00978 $0.00978 $0,00978 $0.00978 Billing Rate * $0.85021 $0.s9635 $0.51183 $0.4s595 * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under CIher Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: $116.88 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. Effective January 1,2019lssued June 9, 2017 Utilities By Kelly Noruvood ,a*1ryJ^, Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 111 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPL!CABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINIT!ONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adiustment Schedule 175 - Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment MONTHLY RATE First 200 Next 800 Next 9,000 AllOver Base Rate $es5gl6 $ffi $+24315 $0;18816 Schedule 150 $0,35447 $0.35447 $0.35447 $0.35447 Schedule 155 $(0.0e844) $(0.0e844) $(0.0e844) $(0.0e844) Schedule 175 $ $ $ $ Schedule 191 $0.00978 $0.00978 $0.00978 $0.00978 Billing Rate * $o"8{sr8 $os8300 $e5093t $Oc{5385 * The rates shown above as "Other Charges' may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: $14OJg The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9, 2017 t.P.U.C. No.27 lssued by By Thirteenth Revision Sheet 111 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 111 Kelly Nonuood , Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1'11 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adiustment Schedule 17 5 - Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment MONTHLY RATE: Base Rate First 200 $0.58440 Next 800 $0.33054 Next 9,000 $0.24602 AllOver $0.19014 Schedule 150 $0.35,147 $0.35447 $0.35,{47 $0.35,147 Schedule 155 $(0,0e844) $(0.0e844) $(0.0e844) $(0.0e844) Schedule 175 $ $ $ $ Schedule 191 $0.00978 $0,00978 $0.00978 $0.00978 Billing Rate * $0.85021 $0.59635 $0.5{183 $0.45595 * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: $116.88 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules, Effective January 1,2019lssued June 9, 2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 Fourteenth Revision Sheet 11't Canceling Thirteenth Revision Sheet 111 by By lities Kelly Norwood , Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM. IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March '1, 2OO2 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment MONTHLY RATE Base Rate First 200 $0.58440 Next 800 $0.33054 Next 9,000 $0.24602 AllOver $0.19014 Schedule 1s0 $0.35447 $0.35447 $0.35447 $0.35447 Schedule 191 $0.00978 $0.00978 $0.00978 $0.00978 Billing Rate * $0.94855 $0.69479 $0.61027 $0.58t39 * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actuat rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Gharge: $116.88 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective January 1,2019 Fifteenth Revision Sheet 112 Canceling Fourteenth Revision Sheet 112LP.U.C.. No. 27 lssued by By Kelly O. Norwood,*JruJ^, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE. FIRM. IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natura! gas service available. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2OO2 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Tra nsportation Se rvice for C ustomer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment MONTHLY RATE Base Rate First 200 $.e569$5 Next 800 $432709 Next 9,000 $0*4345 AllOver $'*l€8{€ Schedule 150 $0.35447 $0.35447 $0.35447 $0.35447 Schedule 191 $0.00978 $0.00978 $0.00978 $0.00978 Billing Rate * $99{470 $oss{34 $os0r70 $.elE6il40 * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule '158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: $14OJg The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9,2017 l.P.U.C.. No.27 Fourteenth Revision Sheet 112 Canceling Thirteenth Revision Sheet 112 by By Kelly O. Norwood , Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE. FIRM - ]DAHO AVA!LABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has natural gas service available. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Trans portatio n Service fo r C ustomer-Own ed Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. DEFINITIONS: Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment MONTHLY RATE: Base Rate First 200 $0.58440 Next800 $0.33054 Next 9,000 $0.24602 AllOver $0.19014 Schedule 150 $0.35447 $0.35447 $0.35447 $0.35447 Schedule 191 $0.00978 $0.00978 $0 00978 $0,00978 Billing Rate * $0.94865 $0.69479 $0.61027 $0.5543e * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Minimum Charge: $116.88 The minimum charge calculation is based solely on the base rate per therm noted above and is not inclusive of the adder schedules. Effective January 1,2019lssued June 9, 2017 l.P.U.C.. No.27 Fifteenth Revision Sheet 112 Canceling Fourteenth Revision Sheet 112 By Utilities Kelly O. Norwood , Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is availabb to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE:Per Meter Per Month Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 25.1060, OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment 24.0580 (10.222i) 00.978C Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * 39.920,* The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. ANNUAL M!NIMUM: Each Customer shal! be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer's actua! usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 25.1061 per therm. Etfective January 1, 2019lssued June 9, 2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 lssued by By Avista Utilities Fourteenth Revision Sheet 131 Canceling Thirteenth Revision Sheet '131 Kelly O. Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal RegulationruJ^,^*rJ AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE . IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE:Per Meter Per Month Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 23S{e6 OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment 24.0580, (10.222i) 00.9780 Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * *7i24i* The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer's actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 23sle$ per therm. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9, 2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 lssued by By Thirteenth Revision Sheet 131 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 131 Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1)A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE Per Meter Per Month Charge Per Therm: Base Rate 2s.1O6i OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adiustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment 24.0580 (10.2220) 00.978d Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate * 39.9200* The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under CIher Charges for the actual rates in effect. ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer's actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 25.1060 per therm. Effective January 1,2019lssued June 9, 2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 lssued by By Fourteenth Revision Sheet 131 Canceling Thirteenth Revision Sheet 131 Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.27 Sixteenth Revision Sheet 132 Canceling Fifteenth Revision Sheet 132 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 132 ]NTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE . IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2)The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. Gustomers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for C ustomer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE:Per Meter Per Month Charge Per Therm Base Rate 25.1060 OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment 24.058$ 00.9780 Check MunicipalFee Total Billing Rate * 50.142i,* The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipalfees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annua! Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer's actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 25.1061 per therm. EFfective January 1, 2019lssued June 9, 2017 Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood ,^-rJryJ^, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 132 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE . IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas seruice, adequate for the service requested by Customer. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Servi ce for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE Per Meter Per Month Charge Per Therm Base Rate 23€4€lO OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency RiderAdjustment Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment 24.0580 00.9786 Check Municipal Fee Total Billlng Rate * 48S{.86* The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipalfees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer's actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 23Slel per therm. Effective July 9,2017lssued June 9, 20'17 l.P.U.C. No.27 Fifteenth Revision Sheet 132 Canceling Fourteenth Revision Sheet 132 ed by By Kelly O. Nonryood , Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 132 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak intenuptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE Per Meter Per Month Gharge Per Therm Base Rate OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 191 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment 2s.1O6i 24.0580 00.9780 Check Municipal Fee Total Billing Rate " SOIA$* The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipalfees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer's actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 25.106d per therm. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective January 1,2019 l.P.U.C. No.27 lssued by By Sixteenth Revision Sheet 132 Canceling Fifteenth Revision Sheet 132 Kelly O. Nonrood , Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 146 TRANSPORTAT]ON SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER.OWNED GAS - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Commercial and lndustrial Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year provided that the Company's existing distribution system has capacity adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To transportation service for a Customer-owned supply of natural gas from the Company's point of interconnection with its Pipeline Transporter to the Company's point of interconnection with the Customer. Service shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering for use by a single customer. MONTHLY RATE: $250.00 Customer Gharge, plus Charge Per Therm: Base Rate M.5424 OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check MunicipalFee 14.542i,Total Billing Rate * ANNUAL MINIMUM: $39,355 unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158- See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective January 1, 2019 l.P.U.C. No.27 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 146 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 146 Kelly O. Norwood ,Vice President, State & Federal Regulation Avistaby Bym J^,-"J AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 146 TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER-OWNED GAS. IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Commercial and lndustrial Customerc in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year provided that the Company's existing distribution system has capacity adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To transportation service for a Customer-owned supply of natural gas from the Company's point of interconnection with its Pipeline Transporter to the Company's point of interconnection with the Customer. Service shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering for use by a single customer. MONTHLY RATE: $250.00 Gustomer Charge, plus Charge Per Therm Base Rate +3€51# OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check Municipal Fee 13^95+fTotal Billing Rate * ANNUAL MINIMUM: $37$28 unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. * The rates shown above as'Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. Effective July 9,2017lssued June 9, 2017 l.P.U.C. No.27 Twelfth Revision Sheet 146 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 146 By Kelly O. Norwood ,Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 146 TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER.OWNED GAS . IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Commercial and lndustrial Customers in the State of ldaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year provided that the Company's existing distribution system has capacity adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To transportation service for a Customer-owned supply of natural gas from the Company's point of interconnection with its Pipeline Transporter to the Company's point of interconnection with the Customer. Service shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering for use by a single customer. MONTHLY RATE: $250.00 Cuetomer Charge, plus Charge Per Therm Base Rate 14.542i OTHER CHARGES: Schedule 158 - Tax Adjustment Check Municipal Fee 14.542$Total Billing Rate * ANNUAL MINIMUM: $39.355 unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. * The rates shown above as "Other Charges" may not always reflect the actual rate as this base tariff sheet cannot be updated when suspended as part of a general rate filing. The Total Billing Rate shown above does not include municipal fees, and is therefore subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. See the corresponding rate schedules under Other Charges for the actual rates in effect. lssued June 9,2017 Effective January 1, 2019 l.P.U.C. No.27 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 146 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 146 By Avista Utilities Kelly O. Norwood ,Vice President, State & Federal Regulation \/F- t)....t- r:; :-l ,nll lt:iii 2018 Tariffs I.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 1 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 1 lssued by By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE . IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service for domestic purposes in each individual residence, apartment, mobile home, or other living unit when all such service used on the premises is supplied through a single meter. Where a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for the conduct of business or where a portion of the electricity supplied is used for other than domestic purposes, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. However, if the service for all domestic purposes is metered separately, this schedule will be applied to such service. When two or more living units are served through a single meter, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. MONTHLY RATE: $6.00 Basic Charge, plus First 600 kwh 91260 per kWh All over 600 kwh 10.1910 per kWh Monthly Minimum Charge: $6.00 OPTIONAL SEASONAL MONTHLY CHARGE: A $6.00 monthly charge shall apply to Customers who close their account on a seasonal or intermittent basis, provided no energy usage occurs during an entire monthly billing cycle while the account is closed. Customers choosing this option are required to notify the Company in writing or by phone in advance and the account will be closed at the start of the next billing cycle following notification. lf energy is used during a monthly billing cycle, the above listed energy charges and basic charge of $6.00 shall apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residential and Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9,2017 ru J^,^*"J l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 1 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 1 AVISTA CORPORATION cUb/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service for domestic purposes in each individual residence, apartment, mobile home, or other living unit when all such service used on the premises is supplied through a single meter, Where a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for the conduct of business or where a portion of the electricity supplied is used for other than domestic purposes, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. However, if the service for all domestic purposes is metered separately, this schedule will be applied to such service. When two or more living units are served through a single meter, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. MONTHLY RATE: $5J5 Basic Charge, plusFirst 600 kwh e,WO per kWh All over 600 kwh gM$ per kWh Monthly Minimum Charge: $5Js OPTIONAL SEASONAL MONTHLY CHARGE: A $&75 monthly charge shall apply to Customers who close their account on a seasonal or intermittent basis, provided no energy usage occurs during an entire monthly billing cycle while the account is closed. Customers choosing this option are required to notify the Company in writing or by phone in advance and the account will be closed at the start of the next billing cycle following notification. lf energy is used during a monthly billing cycle, the above listed energy charges and basic charge of $5#5 shall apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residential and Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued December29,2016 Effective January 1,2017 By Avista Utilities Kelly O. Non^/ood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 ssued by By Twelfth Revision Sheet 1 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 1 AVISTA CORPORATION d/bia Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE . IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service for domestic purposes in each individual residence, apartment, mobile home, or other living unit when all such service used on the premises is supplied through a single meter. Where a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for the conduct of business or where a portion of the electricity supplied is used for other than domestic purposes, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. However, if the service for all domestic purposes is metered separately, this schedule will be applied to such service. When two or more living units are served through a single meter, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. MONTHLY RATE: $6.00 Basic Charge, plusFirst 600 kwh 9.126d per kWh All over 600 kwh 10.19'ld per kWh Monthly Minimum Charge: $6.00 OPTIONAL SEASONAL MONTHLY CHARGE: A $6.00 monthly charge shal! apply to Customers who close their account on a seasonal or intermiftent basis, provided no energy usage occurs during an entire monthly billing cycle while the account is closed. Customers choosing this option are required to notify the Company in writing or by phone in advance and the account will be closed at the start of the next billing cycle following notification. lf energy is used during a monthly billing cycle, the above listed energy charges and basic charge of $6.00 shall apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residential and Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97, lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9,2017 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 11 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 11 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation Utilities By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 1 GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges $13.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge:First 3650 kwhAllOver 3650 kwh 10.4890, per kWh 7.509C per kWh Demand Charge: No charge for the first 20 kW of demand. $6.00 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Minimum: $13.00 for single phase service and $20.10 for three phase service; unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate-Schedule 97. Effective July 9, 2017lssued June 9, 2017 7+J^,*J l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 11 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 11 AVISTA CORPORATION cUb/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 1 GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric servic available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: S+2SO Basic Gharge, plus Energy Charge:First 3650 kwh All Over 3650 kwh *7eO per kWhw perkwh Demand Charge: No charge for the first 20 kW of demand. $e75 per kW for each additional kW of demand Minimum: $42ee for single phase service and $49J9 for three phase service; unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Schedule 75, Energy Etficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate-Schedule 97. Effective January'1, 2017lssued December29,2016 By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 11 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 11 by By AVISTA CORPORAT]ON d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 11 GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAII-ABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for al! power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges $13.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge:First 3650 kwhAllOver 3650 kwh 10.489d per kWh 7.509d per kWh Demand Charge: No charge for the first 20 kW of demand. $6.00 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Minimum: $13.00 for single phase service and $20.10 for three phase service; unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate-Schedule 97. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9, 2017 Avista U Kelly O. Nonarood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 21 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 21 Kelly O. Nonivood, VP, State & Federal Regulation Utilities By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 21 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE. IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 250,000 kwh 6.855C per kWh All Over 250,000 kwh 5.851d per kWh Demand Charge: $425.00 for the first 50 kW of demand or less. $5.50 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kv (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20$ per kW of demand per month. Power Factor Adjustment Charge: lf Customer has a reactive kilovoltampere (kVAr) meter, he will be subject to a Power Factor Adjustment charge, as set forth in the Rules & Regulations. Minimum: $425.00, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The current 12-month billing including any charges for power factor correction shall be not less than $10.00 per kW of the highest demand established during the current 12- month period provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the elimination of any demand occasioned by an operation totally abandoned during such 12-month period. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customers served at 11 kv or higher shall provide and maintain alltransformers and other necessary equipment on their side of the point of delivery. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9, 2017 m J^,*"J l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 2'1 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 21 by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 21 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available, APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 250,000 kwh W+, per kWh All Over 250,000 kwh 5396f per kWh Demand Charge: $4OgeO for the first 50 kW of demand or less. $5i5 per kW for each addltional kW of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kv (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20$ per kW of demand per month. Power Factor Adj ustment Charge: lf Customer has a reactive kilovolt-ampere (kVAr) meter, he wil! be subject to a Power Factor Adjustment charge, as set forth in the Rules & Regulations. Minimum: $4eO,00, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The current 12-month billing including any charges for power factor correction shall be not less than $10.00 per kW of the highest demand established during the current 12- month period provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the elimination of any demand occasioned by an operation totally abandoned during such 't2-month period. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITlONS: Customers served at 11 kv or higher shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on their side of the point of delivery, Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. Effective January 1, 2017lssued December29,2016 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 21 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 21 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 21 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service availade. APPL!CABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shall provide and maintain alltransformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 250,000 kwh 6.855d per kWh All Over 250,000 kwh 5.851d per kWh Demand Charge: $425.00 for the first 50 kW of demand or less. $5.50 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service al 11 kv (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20$ per kW of demand per month. Power Factor Adjustment Charge: lf Customer has a reactive kilovolt-ampere (kVAr) meter, he will be subject to a Power Factor Adjustment charge, as set forth in the Rules & Regulations. Minimum: $4251Q$ unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The current 12-month billing including any charges for power factor correction shall be not less than $10.00 per kW of the highest demand established during the current 12- month period provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the elimination of any demand occasioned by an operation totally abandoned during such 12-month period. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customers served at 11 kv or higher shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on their side of the point of delivery. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferra! Rebate Schedule 97. Effective July 9, 2017lssued June 9, 2017 By lities Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Twelfth Revision Sheet 25 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 25 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation ,*"J AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25 EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 25,000 kVA. The average of the Customeds demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. lf the Customer has less than twelve months of billing history, the Customer must have a minimum of six consecutive billing months of demand of at least 2,500 kVA in order to receive service under this schedule. New Customers must meet the above criteria or othenrise provide the Company with reasonable assurance that their peak demand will average at least 2,500 kVA. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 500,000 kwh 5.6941, per kWh All Over 500,000 kwh 4.821A per kWh Demand Charge: $14,000.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. $5.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20$ per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $750,690 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. For a customer who has taken service on this schedule for less than 12 months, the annual minimum will be prorated based on the actual months of service. The annual minimum will also be prorated if base rates change during the 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month ('l 1,000,000 kWh's annually), plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9, 2017 4 ,J^ l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 25 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 25 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25 EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE.]DAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 25,000 kVA. The average of the Custome/s demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. lf the Customer has less than twelve months of billing history, the Customer must have a minimum of six consecutive billing months of demand of at least 2,500 kVA in order to receive service under this schedule. New Gustomers must meet the above criteria or otherwise provide the Company with reasonable assurance that their peak demand will average at least 2,500 kVA, Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 500,000 kwh 5#SgS per kWh All Over 500,000 kwh m7+, per kWh Demand Charge: ${3S09-90 forthe first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. $4JS per kVA for each additional kVA of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20$ per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $+04Agg Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. For a customerwho has taken service on this schedule for less than 12 months, the annual minimum will be prorated based on the actual months of service. The annual minimum will also be prorated if base rates change during the 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month (11,000,000 kWh's annually), plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base Effective January 1, 2017lssued December29,2016 By Utilities Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Twelfth Revision Sheet 25 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 25 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25 EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE.IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 25,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. tf the Customer has less than twelve months of billing history, the Customer must have a minimum of six consecutive billing months of demand of at least 2,500 kVA in order to receive service under this schedule. New Customers must meet the above criteria or otherwise provide the Company with reasonable assurance that their peak demand will average at least 2,500 kVA. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 500,000 kwh 5.694d per kWh All Over 500,000 kwh 4.8216, per kWh Demand Charge: $14.000.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. $5.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20$ per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover specia! conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: S750.690 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. For a customer who has taken service on this schedule for less than 12 months, the annual minimum will be prorated based on the actual months of service. The annual minimum will also be prorated if base rates change during the 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month (1 1,000,000 kWh's annually), plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base Effective July 9,2017lssued June 9, 2017 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation LP.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 25P Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 25P by By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25P EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE TO CLEARWATER PAPER'S FACILITY - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Clearwater Paper Corporation's Lewiston, ldaho Facility APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements with a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 110,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. Customer shall provide and maantain all transformers and other necessary equipment on its side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: 4.5860 per kWh Demand Charge: $14,000.00 forthe first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. 1st Demand Block: $5.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand up to 55,000 kvA. 2nd Demand Block: $2.50 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand above 55,000 kvA. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, it will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20$ per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $672,460 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month, plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base revenues only. Any other revenues paid in billed rates (such as the DSM Tariff Rider Schedule 91) do not factor into the annual minimum calculation. Effective July 9, 2017lssued June 9,2017 ru J^,*J l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 25P Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 25P AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25P EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE TO CLEARWATER PAPER'S FACILITY - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAII-ABLE: To Clearwater Paper Corporation's Lewiston, ldaho Facility APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements with a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 110,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on its side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges Energy Charge: 4,W$ Per kwh Demand Charge: $+q590€g for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. 1"t Demand Block: $4+5 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand up to 55,000 kvA. 2nd Demand Block: $2*5 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand above 55,000 kvA. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, it will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20$ per kVA of demand per month, Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $ffi€80 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month, plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base revenues only. Any other revenues paid in billed rates (such as the DSM Tariff Rider Schedule 91) do not factor into the annual minimum calculation. Effective January 1, 2017lssued December29,2016 By Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 25P Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 25P AVISTA CORPORAT]ON d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25P EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE TO CLEARWATER PAPER'S FACILITY.IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Clearwater Paper Corporation's Lewiston, ldaho Facility. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements with a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 110,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on its side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: 4.6W"6, Per kWh Demand Charge. $14.000.00 for the flrst 3,000 kVA of demand or less.'t't Demand Block: $5.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand up to 55,000 kvA. 2nd Demand Block: $2.50 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand above 55,000 kvA, Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, it will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 2Ai, per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $672.460 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month, plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base revenues only. Any other revenues paid in billed rates (such as the DSM Tariff Rider Schedule 91) do not factor into the annual minimum calculation. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9, 2017 lssued By Kelly O. Nonuood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Avista Twelfth Revision Sheet 31 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 31 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 31 PUMPING SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available APPLICABLE: To service through one meter for pumping water or water etfluents, including incidental power used for other equipment and lighting essential to the pumping operation. For such incidental service, Customer will furnish any transformers and other necessary equipment. Customer may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer and will have service available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in ownership or control of property served. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $11.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge: 10.4180 per kWh for the first 85 l(A/h per kW of demand, and for the next 80 KWh per kW of demand but not more than 3,000 KWh. 8.880d per KWh for all additional lOVh. Annual Minimum: $12.00 per kW of the highest demand established in the current year ending with the November billing cycle. lf no demand occurred in the current year, the annual minimum will be based on the highest demand in the latest previous year having a demand. Demand: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month determined, at the option of Company, by a demand meter or nameplate input rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: lf Customer requests the account to be closed by reason of change in ownership or control of property, the unbilled service and any applicable annual minimum will be prorated to the date of closing. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. Effective July 9,2017lssued June 9, 2017 ru J^,*,J l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 31 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 31 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 31 PUMPING SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service through one meter for pumping water or water effluents, including incidental power used for other equipment and lighting essential to the pumping operation. For such incidental service, Customer will furnish any transformers and other necessary equipment. Customer may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer and will have service available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in ownership or control of property served. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $lg$g Basic Charge, Plus Energy Charge: 9.6eg$ per kWh for the first 85 l(Vh per kW of demand, and for the next 80 t(Wh per kW of demand but not more than 3,000 KWh. 81874 per l(A/h for alladditional t(Arh. AnnualMinimum: $12.00 per kW of the highest demand established in the current year ending with the November billing cycle. lf no demand occurred in the current year, the annual minimum will be based on the highest demand in the latest previous year having a demand. Demand: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month determined, at the option of Company, by a demand meter or nameplate input rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: lf Customer requests the account to be closed by reason of change in ownership or control of property, the unbilled service and any applicable annual minimum will be prorated to the date of closing. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued December 29, 2016 Effective January 1, 2017 by By Avista Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 31 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 31 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 31 PUMP]NG SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service through one meter for pumping water or water effluents, including incidental power used for other equipment and lighting essential to the pumping operation, For such incidental seryice, Customer willfurnish any transforners and other necessary equipment. Customer may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer and will have service available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in ownership or control of property served. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $1 1.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge: 1CI.4186 per kWh for the first 85 lftVh per kW of demand, and for the next 80 KWh per kW of demand but not more than 3,000 t( /h. 8.880d per t(A/h for all additional KWh. Annual Minimum: $12.00 per kW of the highest demand established in the current year ending with the November billing cycle. lf no demand occurred in the current year, the annual minimum will be based on the highest demand in the latest previous year having a demand. Demand: The average kW supplied durihg the lSminute period of maximum use during the month determined, at the option of Company, by a demand meter or nameplate input rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: lf Customer requests the account to be closed by reason of change in ownership or control of property, the unbilled service and any applicable annual minimum will be prorated to the date of closing. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Defenal Rebate Schedule 97. Effective July 9, 2017lssued June 9, 2017 By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 41 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 41 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE.IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-todawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv Fixture & Size (Lumens) lVletal Standard No Pole Code Rate Wood Pole Code Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate Direct Burial Code Rate Developer Contributed Code Rate Single Mercurv Vaoor 7000 20000 41',t $ 16.32611 27.88 416 $ 16.32 *Not available to new customers accounts, or locations. #Decorative Curb. lssued June 9,2017 Effective July 9, 2017 ru J^,ffiJ l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 41 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 41 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE.IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAIIABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPL!CABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv Fixture & Size (Lumens) MetalStiandard No Pole Code Rate Wood Pole Code Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate Direct Burial Code Rate Developer Contributed Code Rate Sinole Mercurv Vapor 7000 411 $ 19810000 611 19,3920000 611 25€3 416 $1# *Not available to new customers accounts, or locations. #Decorative Curb. Effective January 1,2017Issued December29,2016 By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 41 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 41 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE.IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv Fixture & Size (Lumens) MetalStandard No Pole Code Rate Wood Pole Code Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate Direct Burial Code Rate Developer Contributed Code Rate Sinole Mercurv Vaoor 7000 20000 41',t $ 16.32611 27.88 416 $ 16.32 "Not available to new customers accounts, or locations. #Decorative Curb. Effective July 9, 2017lssued June 9, 2017 By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 42 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 42 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation ,""rJ By AV]STA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. Closed to new installations of sodium vapor lamps as of Janu ary 1 , 2018, except where Company and customer agree, sodium vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. MONTHLY RATE: Pole F MetalStandardFixture Wood & Size No Pole Pole Code Rate Code Rate Sinole Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts)50w 235 $11.49100w 935 12.03100w 435 13.98 431 $ 14.65200w 535 23.19 531 23.88250W 635 27.20 631 27.91400w 835 40.83 831 41.51 150W Double Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts) 100w200w 545 $46.36 #Decorative Curb Decorative Sodium Vaoor 100W Granville 100W Post Top 100W Kim Light Pedestal Base Code Rate 432 $26.41532 35.57632 39.61832 53.26 Direct Burial Code Rate 234# 914.34 434# 15.07433 26.41533 35.57633 39.61 Developer Contributed Code Rate 436 536 636 $14.65 23.88 27.91 542 60.24 936 21.81 446 $29.41546 47.05 474* 4U* 439*' 27.29 26.18 15.08 *16'fiberglass pole**25'fiberqlass pol June 7 ru J^ !.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 42 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 42 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by company. APPL!CABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv MetalStandard Fixture & Size Sinqle Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vaoor (Nominal Rating in Wafts)50w 235 ${€€9100w 935 11,19100w 435 13sO 431200w 53s Z+5+ 531250W 635 2s30 631400w 835 3+98 831 150W Double Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts) 100w200w 545 $43#l #Decorative Curb Decorative Sodium Vaoor 100W Granville 100W Post Top 100W Kim Light Wood No Pole Pole Code Rate Code Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate Direct Burial Code Rate Developer Contributed Code Rate $ffin-4 25J6 383r 432 532 632 832 $2456 3338 3e84 4954 234# $4e 434# 14pp433 ?./t€6 436 $1+63533 33S8 536 n2+633 36€4 636 2536ffi936 20*9 542 56€3 446 $ 2735546 43,76 474* 484', 438** 2+38Mw *16'fiberglass pole**25'fiberglass pole Effective January 1,2017lssued December29,2016 By Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 42 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 42 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. Closed to new installations of sodium vapor lamps as of Januav 1,2018. except where Company and customer aoree. sodium vapo,flgInps may be installed to provide compatibilitv with existino light sources. MONTHLY RATE Pole MetalStandardFixture Wood & Size No Pole Pole Code Rate Code Rate Single High-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts)50w 235 $11.49100w 935 12.03100w 435 13.98 431 $ 14.65200w 53s 23.19 531 23.88250W 635 27.20 631 27.91400w 835 40.83 831 41.51 150W Double Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vaoor (Nominal Rating in Watts) 100w200w 545 $46.36 #Decorative Curb Decorative Sodium Vaoor 100W Granville 100W Post Top 100W Kim Light Pedestal Base Code Rate 432 $26.41532 35.57632 39.61832 53.26 542 60.24 Direct Burial Code Rate Developer Contributed Code Rate $14.65 23.88 27.91 936 2',t.8',1 446 $29.41546 47.05 234# $',t4.34434# ',t5.07433 26.41 436533 35.57 536633 39.61 636 474" 484* 438** 27.29 26.18 15.08 *'16'fiberglass pole ,201une By Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eighth Revision Sheet 42A Canceling Seventh Revision Sheet 42A lssued by By Kelly O. Nonrvood, VP, State & FederalRegulation AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities MONTHLY RATE Wood No Pole _PoleCode Rate Code Rate Single Lioht Emittino Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts)70w 935L 12.0370w 4351 13.98 4311107W 5351 23.19 5311248W 8351 40.83 8311 Doubb Lioht Emittino Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts)70w 441L 29.41107W 5451 46.36 #Decorative Curb Decorative LED 70W Granville 475L 20.99 70W Post Top SCHEDULE 424 - Continued Pole Facilitv MetalStandard Fixture & Size Pedestal _Base Code Rate Developer Qontributed Code Rate Direct Burial Code Rate 434L# 15.07 4331 26.41 5331 35.57 8331 53.26 14.65 23.88 41,51 432t 5321 8321 26.41 35.57 53.26 4361 5361 8361 14.65 23.88 41.51 29.41 47.05 442L 542L 41.93 60.24 446L 5461 474L* 27.29 484L. 26.18 *16'fiberglass pole Custom Strcet Lloht Calculatlon Customers who choose to add street light fixtures that are outside of the offerings listed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following rate calculation. The three components detailed below will be added together to develop the new Schedule 42 rate. Step 1 - The capital component will be determined by multiplying an engineering estimate of the installed cost of the new light component, or fixture, by the Capital Recovery Factor of 13.903%. Step 2 - The maintenance component will either be the embedded maintenance cost of a similar existing fixture or an engineering estimate of the maintenance cost of a new fixture. The maintenance component for an existing light can be derived by subtracting the Schedule 46 (energy) light code monthly charge from the same Schedule 44 light code monthly charge (maintenance and energy). Step 3 - The energy component will either be the energy cost of the same wattage light under Schedule 46 or the calculation of a new custom fixture detailed on Schedule 46. lssued June 9,2017 Effective July 9, 2017 ru ,J^,*"J l.P.U.C. No.28 Seventh Revision Sheet 42A Canceling Sixth Revision Sheet 42A AVISTA CORPORAT]ON dba Avista Utilities MONTHLY RATE: SCHEDULE 42A - Continued Pole Facilitv MetalStandard Sinole Lioht Emittino Diode (LEDI (Nominal Rating in Watts)70w 9351 11,1970w 4351 S 4311107W 5351 21** 5311248W 8351 3+98 8311 Double Lioht EmittingDiode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts) 70w107W 5451 4eA2 #Decorative Curb 44'.tL W 442L 542L Fixture & Size Decorative LED 70W Granville 475L 19Sg 70W Post Top Wood No Pole Pole Code Rate Code Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate Direct Burial Code Rate 434L# W 4331 4# 5331 33S8 8331 M Developer Contributed Code Rate #w+ 38St 432L 5321 8321 4# 3+08Qg 4361 5361 8361 {€€3w+ 38St 27*6 4917.6 39S0 56€3 446L 5461 474L', 484L. 2538 ?435 "16'fiberglass pole Custom Strcet Lloht Calculatlon Customers who choose to add street light fixtures that are outside of the offerings listed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following rate calculation. The three components detailed below will be added together to develop the new Schedule 42 rale. Step 1 - The capital component will be determined by multiplying an engineering estimate of the installed cost of the new light component, or fixture, by the Capital Recovery Factor of #I5iI}%. Step 2 - The maintenance component will either be the embedded maintenance cost of a similar existing fixture or an engineering estimate of the maintenance cost of a new fixture. The maintenance component for an existing light can be derived by subtracting the Schedule 46 (energy) light code monthly charge from the same Schedule 44 light code monthly charge (maintenance and energy). Step 3 - The energy component will either be the energy cost of the same wattage light under Schedule 46 or the calculation of a new custom fixture detailed on Schedule 46. lssued December29,2016 Effective January 1, 2017 Utilities Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eighth Revision Sheet 42A Canceling Seventh Revision Sheet 42A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities 14.65 23.88 41.51 SCHEDULE 42A - Continued MONTHLY RATE: MetalStandard Sinole Liqht Emittino Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts)70w 9351 12.0370w 4351 1E9q 431L107W 5351 23.19 s31L248W 8351 40.83 8311 Double Lioht Emittino Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts) Fixture & Size 70w107W 5451 46.36 #Decorative Curb Decorative LED 70W Granville 475L 20.99 70W Post Top Wood No Pole Pole Code Rate Code Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate Direct Burial Code Rate 434L# 15.07 4331 26.41 5331 35.57 8331 53.26 Developer Contributed Code Rate 432L 5321 8321 26.41 35.57 53.26 4361 5361 8361 14.05 23.88 41.51 441L 29.41 442L 542L 41.93 60,24 446L 5451 29.41 47.05 474L', 27.29 484L', 26.18 *16'fiberglass pole Custom Street Lloht Calculatlon Customers who choose to add street light fixtures that are outside of the offerings listed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following rate calculation. The three components detailed below will be added together to develop the new Schedule 42 rate. Step 1 - The capital component will be determined by multiplying an engineering estimate of the installed cost of the new light component, or fixture, by the Capital Recovery Factor of 13.903%. Step 2 - The maintenance component will either be the embedded maintenance cost of a similar existing fixture or an engineering estimate of the maintenance cost of a new fixture. The maintenance component for an existing light can be derived by subtracting the Schedule 46 (energy) light code monthly charge from the same Schedule 44 light code monthly charge (maintenance and energy). Step 3 - The energy component will either be the energy cost of the same wattage light under Schedule 46 or the calculation of a new custom fixture detailed on Schedule 46. Effective July 9, 2017lssued June 9,2017 By Utilities Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Avista Eleventh Revision Sheet 44 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 44 Kelly O. Nonrvood, VP, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 44 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations effective Januarv 1. 2016. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv Metal StandardFixture & Size (Lumens)No Pole Code Rate Sinole Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vaoor100w 435 $10.68200w 535 16.09250W 635 18.09310W 735 20.61400w 835 28.82150W 93s 14.00 Wood Pole Code Rate Pedestal -BaseCode Rate 432 $10.68532 16.09632 18,09 Direct DeveloperBurial Contributed Code Rate Code Rate 534 16.09633 18.09 832 28.82 936 14.00 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards, luminaries and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. All such facilities will conform to Company's design, standards and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company willfumish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. 431 631 $10.68 18.09 lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9, 2017 ru J^,*J l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 44 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 44 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 44 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH.PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal govemments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installatiols effective Januarv 1. 2016. APPL!CABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv Fixture & Size (Lumens)No Pole Code Rate Single High-Pressure Sodium Vaoor100w 435 $ss3 200w 250W 310W 400w 150W MetalStandard Wood Pole Code Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate Direct DeveloperBurial ContributedCode Rate Code Rate 53414,97535 635 735 835 935 11,97 {c83 19,17 26A+8€2 431 631 $s93 1&83 $9S3 11,97ffi 432 532 632 633 46€3 832 26€4 936 {332 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards, luminaries and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. All such facilities will conform to Company's design, standards and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities, Company willfurnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. lssued December29,2016 Effective January 1,20'17 By Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 44 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 44 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 44 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH.PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federalgovernments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations effective Januarv 1. 2016. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv Metal StandardFixture & Size (Lumens)No Pole Code Rate Sinole Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vaoor100w 435 $10.68200w 535 16.09250W 635 18.09310W 735 20.61400w 83s 28.82150W 935 14.00 Wood Pole Code Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate 432 $L0.68s32 16.09632 18.09 Direct DeveloperBurial ContributedCode Rate Code Rate 534 16.09633 18.09 431 631 $1!-09 18.09 832 28.82 936 14.00 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards, luminaries and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. AII such facilities willconform to Company's design, standards and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company willfurnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. Effective July 9,2017lssued June 9, 2017 By ities Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 45 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 45 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal RegulationBy AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24,1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE Per Luminairg Dusk to Dawn ServiceCode Rate Fixture & Size (Lumens) Mercury Vaoor10000 51520000# 615 #Also includes Metal Halide. $ 7.84 14.23 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing all standards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency RiderAdjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 9,2O17 Effective July 9, 2017 ru ,J^,-*"J l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 45 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 45 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVA!LABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24,1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Per Luminaire Dusk to Dawn ServiceCode Rate Fixture & Size (Lumens) Mercurv Vapor10000 5'1520000# 615 #Also includes Metal Halide. $#s$24 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing allstandards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. Effective January'1,2017lssued December29,2016 By Utilities Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 45 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 45 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE . IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Per Luminaire Dusk to Dawn ServiceCode Rate Fixture & Size (Lumens) Mercury Vapor10000 51520000# 615 #Also includes Metal Halide. $ 7.84 14.23 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing all standards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. Effective July 9, 20'17lssued June 9, 2017 By Avista Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 46 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 46 Avista Utilities Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH.PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of loca!, state, or federal governments in all Idaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Per Luminaire Dusk to Dawn ServiceCode Rate Fixture & Size (Lumens) Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts)100w 435200w 535250W 635310W 735400w 835150W 935 $ 4.87 9,08 11.18 13.29 16.96 7.02 Custom Lisht Calculation Customers who choose to add custom light fixtures outside of the offerings detailed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following custom rate calculation. Custom Rate = Wattage of Customers Street Light * 365 Hours * Energy Rate The embedded energy rate under Schedule 46 is 10.201$ per kWh. Effective July 9,2017lssued June 9, 2017 By4 ,J^,*J l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 46 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 46 by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE. IDAHO HIGH.PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAII.ABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annua! operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Per Luminaire Dusk to Dawn ServiceCode Rate Fixture & Size (Lumens) Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts)100w 435200w 535250W 635310W 735400w 835150W 935 $4s3 9,45 {€r4e 42*6 15,77 653 Custom Light Calculation Customers who choose to add custom light fixtures outside of the offerings detailed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following custom rate calculation. Custom Rate = Wattage of Customers Street Light * 365 Hours * Energy Rate The embedded energy rate under Schedule 46 is 9.,€ef per kWh. lssued December29,2016 Effective January 1,2017 Avista Kelly O. Nonlrood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 46 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 46 By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAIIABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Per Luminaire Dusk to Dawn ServiceCode Rate Fixture & Size (Lumens) Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominat Rating in Watts)100w 435200w 535250W 63s310W 73s400w 835150W 935 $ 4.87 9.08 11.18 13.29 16.96 7.02 Custom Lioht Calculation Customers who choose to add custom light fixtures outside of the offerings detailed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following custom rate calculation. Gustom Rate = Wattage of Customerc Street Light * 365 Hours " Energy Rate The embedded energy rate under Schedule 46 is 10.201i, per kWh lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9, 2017 Avista Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Avista Eleventh Revision Sheet 47 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 47 Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING . MERCURY VAPOR . IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: ln all ldaho territory served by Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with mercury vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. Mercury vapor lamps will be available only to those customers receiving service on October 23, 1981. MONTHLY RATE: Charge per Unit Nom Lumens) Luminaire (on existing standard) Luminaire and Standard: 30-foot wood pole Galvan ized steel standards: 25 foot 30 foot Pole Facilitv 7.000 $ 16.32 30-foot wood pole 55-foot wood pole 2O-foot fiberglass-d irect burial 20.42 23.88 32.18 Monthlv Rate per Pole $ 6.71 13.01 6.71 10.000 $ 19.76 20.000 $ 28.06 38.59 39.67 lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9, 2017 ry J^,*J l.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 47 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 47 lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING - MERCURY VAPOR . IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAII.ABLE: ln all ldaho territory served by Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPL!CABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with mercury vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. Mercury vapor lamps will be available only to those customers receiving service on October 23, 1981. MONTHLY RATE Charge per Unit Nomi Lumens) 7.000 $1# 10.000 $ 1€39 20.000 $ 2+1sLuminaire (on existing standard) Luminaire and Standard: 3O-foot wood pole Galvanized steel standards: 25 foot 30 foot Pole Facilitv {ass ru+2933 3H 3+99 Monthlv Rate oer Polq $ 63+ 12446Z 30-foot wood pole S5-foot wood pole 2O-foot fiberglass-direct bu rial lssued December29,2016 Effective January 1,2017 Avista Kelly O. Nonrvood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Eleventh Revision Sheet 47 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 47 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING . MERCURY VAPOR . IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: ln all ldaho territory served by Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPL!CABLE: To annual operation of dusk-todawn area lighting with mercury vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. Mercury vapor lamps will be available only to those customers receiving service on October 23, 1 981. MONTHLY RATE: Charge per Unit Nomi Lumens) 7.000 $ 16.32 10.000 $ 1e.76 20.000 $ 28.06Luminaire (on existing standard) Luminaire and Standard: 30-foot wood pole Galvanized steel standards: 25fioot 30 foot Pole Facilitv 20.42 23.88 32-,18 38.59 39.67 Monthly Rate per Pole $ 6.71 13.01 6.71 30-foot wood pole S5-foot wood pole 20-foot fiberglass-direct burial lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9,2017 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Utilities Eleventh Revision Sheet 49 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 49 Kelly O. Norwood, Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 49 AREA LIGHTING.IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: ln all territory served by the Company where exasting secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-todawn area lighting with high-pressure sodium vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. MONTHLY RATE: HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratino in Watts) Lufninaire Cobrahead Decorative Curb 100W Post Top w/16-foot decorative pole 100W Kim Light wl25-footfiberglass pole 400W Flood (No pole) LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) Luminaire Cobrahead Decorative Curb 70W Granville w/16-foot decorative pole 70W Post Top w/16-foot decorative pole 248W Flood (No Pole) Pole Facilitv 3O-foot wood pole 40-foot wood pole S5-foot wood pole 20-foot fiberglass 2S-foot galvanized steel standard 3O-foot galvanized steel standard* 25-foot galvanized aluminum standard* 30-foot fiberglass-pedestal base 3O-foot steel-pedestal base 3S-foot steel-d irect bu ried (Nominal Ratins in Watts) 100w 200w $ 13.02 $ 17.21 13.02 250W $19.89 400w $ 25.53 31.20 31.42 19.74 Charge per Unit 70w 107w $ 13.02 $ 17.21 13.02 32.76 31.42 248W $ 25.53 31.20 Monthly Rate oer Pole $ 6.71 11.03 12.98 6.71 10.49 11.59 12.81 32.07 29.60 29.60 Effective July 9, 2017lssued June 9,2017 By ru ,J^,t*J !.P.U.C. No.28 Tenth Revision Sheet 49 Canceling Ninth Revision Sheet 49 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 49 AREA LIGHTING. IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: ln all territory served by the Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with high-pressure sodium vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. MONTHLY RATE: HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratinq in Watts) Luminaire Cobrahead Decorative Curb 70W Granville W16-foot decorative pole 70W Post Top w/16-foot decorative pole 248W Flood (No Pole) Pole Facilitv 3O-foot wood pole 4O-foot wood pole S5-foot wood pole 2O-foot fiberglass 2S-foot galvanized steel standard 3O-foot galvanized steel standard* 25-foot galvan ized alumi num standard* 3O-foot fiberglass-pedestal base 30-foot steel-pedestal base 35-foot steel-di rect buried 100w 200w 2s0w $ 1+++ $ 1€++ fi+6e 12J4. 400w$H5 1OgW Granvi{le w/l6'feet deeerative pele 30.17 100W Post Top w/16-foot decorative pole W 100W Kim Light wl25-foolfiberglass pole {€-36 400W Flood (No pole) LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) Luminaire Cobrahead Decorative Curb *# Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratinq in Watts)70w 107w $ 1214 $ 4{i++ 12,11 3e+7N2 248W $ 33+5 w Monthly Rate r}er Pole $ 634 M 12,47&4 9J6 10,78 11,91 29€3meE8 lssued December29,2016 Effective January 1, 2017 By Kelly O. Norwood, Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 49 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 49 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 49 AREA LIGHTING - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: !n all territory served by the Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with high-pressure sodium vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. MONTHLY RATE: HIGH PRESSU SODIUM VAPOR Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratino in Watts) Luminaire Cobrahead Decorative Curb 100W Post Top W16-foot decorative pole 100W Kim Light wl25-footfiberglass pole 400W Flood (No pole) LIGHT EMITTING DIODE [ED) Luminaire Cobrahead Decorative Curb 70W Granville w/16-foot decorative pole 70W Post Top w/16-foot decorative pole 248W Flood (No Pole) Pole Facilitv 30-foot wood pole 40-foot wood pole S5-foot wood pole 2O-foot fiberglass 25-foot galvanized steel standard 30-foot galvanized steel standard* 2S-foot galvanized aluminum standard* 3O-foot fiberg lass-pedesta I base 3O-foot steel-pedestal base 35-foot steel-direct buried 100w 200w 250w $ 13.02 $17.21 $l_9,89 13.O2 400w $ 25.53 31.42 19.74 31.20 Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratinq in Watts)70w 107w $ 13.02 $ 17.21 13.02 32.76 31.42 248W $ 25.s3 31.20 Monthly Rate per Pole $ 6.71 1 1.03 12.98 6.71 10.49 1 1.s9 12.81 32.07 29.60 29.60 lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9, 2017 uti Kelly O. Nonruood, Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Sixth Revision Sheet 49A Canceling Fifth Revision Sheet 49A Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 49A - Continued Custom Area Liqht Galculation Customers who choose to add area light fixtures that are outside of the offerings listed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following rate calculation. The three components detailed below will be added together to develop the new Schedule 49 rate. Step 1 - The capital component will be determined by multiplying an engineering estimate of the installed cost of the new area light component, or fixture, by the Capital Recovery Factor of {3.903%. Step 2 - The maintenance component will be an engineering estimate of the maintenance cost of a new fixture. Step 3 - The energy component will either be the energy cost of the same wattage light under Schedule 46 or the calculation of a new custom fixture detailed on Schedule 46. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The Company will install, own, and maintain the facilities for supplying duskto- dawn area lighting service using overhead circuits. At the request of Customer, Company will install underground cable for such service provided Customer, in advance of construction, pays Company the excess cost of such installation, The Company willfurnish the necessary energy, repairs, and maintenance work including lamp and glassware replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. lndividual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company's operating schedules and requirements, The Company will assess the Customer the following removal charges if the Customer requests to discontinue service under this schedule within the initialfive-year contract period: $25 per luminaire $75 per pole Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 9,2o17 Effective July 9,2O17 rria{a I l}il By ru ,J*,"r-rr"l l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Sixth Revision Sheet 49A Canceling Fifth Revision Sheet 49A AVISTA CORPORAT]ON dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 494 - Continued Custom Area Liqht Calculatlon Customers who choose to add area liqht fixtures that are outside of the offerinos listed aboye will be quoted a fixed monthlv rate based on the followino rate calculation. The three components detailed below will be added tooether to develoo the new Schedule 49 rate. Step 1 - The caoital component will be determined bv multiplvinq an enqineerinq estimate of the installed cost of the new area lioht component. or fixture. bv the Caoital Recoverv Faclor of 13.903%. Step 2 - The maintenance comoonent will be an enoineering estimate of the maintenance cost of a new fixture. Step 3 - The enerov component will either be the enerqv cost of the same wattaqe lioht under Schedule 46 or the calculation of a new custom fixture detailed on Schedule 46. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The Company will install, own, and maintain the facilities for supplying dusk-to- dawn area lighting service using overhead circuits. At the request of Customer, Company will install underground cable for such service provided Customer, in advance of construction, pays Company the excess cost of such installation. The Company willfurnish the necessary energy, repairs, and maintenance work including lamp and glassware replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. lndividual lamps will be replaced on burnout as soon as reasonably possible after notification by Customer and subject to Company's operating schedules and requirements. The Company will assess the Customer the following removal charges if the Customer requests to discontinue service under this schedule within the initial five-year contract period: $25 per luminaire $75 per pole Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9,2017 Avista Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 97 REBATE OF ELECTRIC EARNINGS TEST DEFERRAL. IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. PURPOSE: To adjust electric rates for revenues related to the electric earnings test deferral as set forth in Case No. AVU-E-17-01. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of electric Schedules 1,11, 12,21,22,25,25P,31, 32 and 4149 are to be decreased by 0.0506 per kilowatt-hour in all blocks of these rate schedules. TERM: The energy charges will be reduced for a twelve month period, from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 20'18. Any residual balance will be trued up in a future PCA filed by the Company. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. lssued June 9,2017 Effective July 9,2017 l.P.U.C. No.28 Third Revision Sheet 97 canceling Second Revision Sheet 97 Kelly Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ,^-rJ 97 Byry J^ AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 97 REBATE OF ELECTRIC EARNINGS TEST DEFERRAL - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. PURPOSE: To adjust electric rates for revenues related to the electric eamings test deferra! as set forth in Case No. AVU-E-{€-OS. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of electric Schedules 1,11, 12,21,22,25,25P,31, 32 and 41-49 are to be decreased by +O$+d per kilowatt-hour in all blocks of these rate schedules. TERM: The energy charges wil! be reduced for a twenty feur month period, from . Any residual balance will be trued up in a future PCA filed by the Company. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. lssued December21,2015 Effective January 1, 2016 l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Second Revision Sheet 97 canceling First Revision Sheet 97 97 Avista Kelly Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 97 REBATE OF ELECTRIC EARNINGS TEST DEFERRAL - IDAHO AVAIIABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. PURPOSE: To adjust electric rates for revenues related to the electric earnings test deferral as set forth in Case No. AVU-E-17-01. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of electric Schedules 1,11, 12,21,22,25,25P,31, 32 and 41-49 are to be decreased by 0,0500 per kilowatt-hour in all blocks of these rate schedules. TERM: The energy charges will be reduced for a twelve month period, from Januarv 1. 2018 throuoh December 31. 2018. Any residual balance will be trued up in a future PCA filed by the Company. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Effective July 9,2017lssued June 9, 2017 LP.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Third Revision Sheet 97 canceling Second Revision Sheet 97 97 Kelly Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation 2019 Tariffs l.P.U.C. No.28 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 1 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 1 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation Avista AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service for domestic purposes in each individual residence, apartment, mobile home, or other living unit when all such service used on the premises is supplied through a single meter. Where a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for the conduct of business or where a portion of the electricity supplied is used for other than domestic purposes, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. However, if the service for all domestic purposes is metered separately, this schedule will be applied to such service. When two or more living units are served through a single meter, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. MONTHLY RATE: $6.00 Basic Charge, PlusFirst 600 kwh 9.5030 per kWh All over 600 kwh 10.6111 per kWh Monthly Minimum Charge: $6.00 OPTIONAL SEASONAL MONTHLY CHARGE: A $6.00 monthly charge shall apply to Customers who close their account on a seasonal or intermittent basis, provided no energy usage occurs during an entire monthly billing cycle while the account is closed. Gustomers choosing this option are required to notify the Company in writing or by phone in advance and the account will be closed at the start of the next billing cycle following notification. lf energy is used during a monthly billing cycle, the above listed energy charges and basic charge of $6.00 shall apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residential and Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 9, 20'17 Effective January 1,2019 By ru ,J^,^*"d l.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 1 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 1 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE . IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLlCABLE: To service for domestic purposes in each individual residence, apanment, mobile home, or other living unit when all such service used on the premises is supplied through a single meter. Where a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for the conduct of business or where a portion of the electricity supplied is used for other than domestic purposes, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. However, if the service for all domestic purposes is metered separately, this schedule will be applied to such service. When two or more living units are served through a single meter, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. MONTHLY RATE: $6.00 Basic Charge, plusFirst 600 kwh WO per kWh All over 600 kwh 1e,191i, per kWh Monthly Minimum Charge: $6.00 OPTIONAL SEASONAL MONTHLY CHARGE: A $6.00 monthly charge shall apply to Customers who close their account on a seasonal or intermittent basis, provided no energy usage occurs during an entire monthly billing cycle while the account is closed, Customers choosing this option are required to notify the Company in writing or by phone in advance and the account will be closed at the start of the next billing cycle following notification. lf energy is used during a monthly billing cycle, the above listed energy charges and basic charge of $6.00 shall apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residential and Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9,2017 By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 1 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 1 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE . IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAIISBLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service for domestic purposes in each individual residence, apartment, mobile home, or other living unit when all such service used on the premises is supplied through a single meter. Where a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for the conduct of business or where a portion of the electricity supplied is used for other than domestic purposes, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable. However, if the service for all domestic purposes is metered separately, this schedule wil! be applied to such service. When two or more living units are served through a single meter, the appropriate general service schedule is applicable, MONTHLY RATE: $6.00 Basic Charge, PlusFirst 600 kwh 9.503d per kWh All over 600 kwh 10.61 10 per kWh Monthly Minimum Charge: $6.00 OPTIONAL SEASONAL MONTHLY CHARGE: A $6.00 monthly charge shall apply to Customers who close their account on a seasonal or intermittent basis, provided no energy usage occurs during an entire monthly billing cycle while the account is closed. Customers choosing this option are required to notify the Company in writing or by phone in advance and the account will be closed at the start of the next billing cycle following notification. lf energy is used during a monthly billing cycle, the above listed energy charges and basic charge of $6.00 shall apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residential and Farm Energy Rate Adjustment Schedule 59, Temporary Power Gost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective January 1,20'19 By Avista Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 11 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 11 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation ""rJ AVISTA CORPORATION dibla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 1 GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $13.00 Basic Gharge, plus Energy Charge:First 3650 kwh All Over 3650 kwh 10.9660 per kWh 7.6800 per kWh Demand Charge: No charge for the first 20 kW of demand. $6.00 per kW for each additional kW of demand Minimum: $13.00 for single phase service and $20.10 for three phase service; unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. DETVIAND: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Defenal Rebate-Schedule 97. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective January 1, 2019 By 4 J^ l.P.U.C, No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 11 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet '11 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 1 GENERAL SERVICE. IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $13.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge:First 3650 kwh All Over 3650 kwh l04gg{ per kWh 7S09C per kWh Demand Charge: No charge for the first 20 kW of demand. $6.00 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Minimum: $13.00 for single phase service and $20.10 for three phase service; unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter, SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate-Schedule 97. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9, 2017 By Avista Kelly O. Nonrrood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 11 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 11 By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 1 1 GENERAL SERVICE - ]DAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $13.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge:First 3650 kwh All Over 3650 kwh 10.9660 per kWh 7.6806 per kWh Demand Charge: No charge for the first 20 kW of demand. $6.00 per kW for each additional kW of demand Minimum: $13.00 for single phase service and $20.10 for three phase service; unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Seruice under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate-Schedule 97. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective January 1, 2019 Avista Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 21 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 21 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal RegulationBy AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 21 LARGE GENERAL SERV]CE . IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 250,000 kwh 7.193i, per kWh All Over 250,000 kwh 6.140$ per kWh Demand Charge: $425.00 for the first 50 kW of demand or less. $5.50 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kv (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20$, per kW of demand per month. Power Factor Adjustment Charge: lf Customer has a reactive kilovolt-ampere (kVAr) meter, he will be subject to a Power Factor Adjustment charge, as set forth in the Rules & Regulations. Minimum: $425.00, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The current 12-month billing including any charges for power factor correction shall be not less than $10.00 per kW of the highest demand established during the current 12- month period provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the elimination of any demand occasioned by an operation totally abandoned during such 12-month period. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customers served at 11 kv or higher shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on their side of the point of delivery. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. Effective January 1,2019lssued June 9, 2017 4 U J^,*J l.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 21 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 21 by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 21 I.ARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 250,000 kwh 6€55d per kWhAllOver 250,000 kwh +8+tO per kWh Demand Charge: $425.00 for the first 50 kW of demand or less. $5.50 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kv (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20$ per kW of demand per month. Power Factor Adjustment Charge: lf Customer has a reactive kilovolt-ampere (kVA| meter, he will be subject to a Power Factor Adjustment charge, as set forth in the Rules & Regulations. Minimum: $425.00, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The cunent 12-month billing including any charges for power factor correction shall be not less than $10.00 per kW of the highest demand established during the current 12- month period provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the elimination of any demand occasioned by an operation totally abandoned during such 12-month period. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customers served at 1 1 kv or higher shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on their side of the point of delivery. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9, 2017 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 21 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 21 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 21 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 250,000 kwh 71930 per kWh All Over 250,000 kwh 6.1400 per kWh Demand Charge: $425.00 for the first 50 kW of demand or less. $5.50 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kv (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20$ per kW of demand per month. Power Factor Adjustment Charge: lf Customer has a reactive kilovolt-ampere (kVAr) meter, he will be subject to a Power Factor Adjustment charge, as set forth in the Rules & Regulations. Minimum: $425.00, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The current 12-month billing including any charges for power factor correction shall be not less than $10.00 per kW of the highest demand established during the current 12- month period provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the elimination of any demand occasioned by an operation totally abandoned during such 12-month period. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customers served at 11 kv or higher shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on their side of the point of delivery. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. Effective January 1, 2019lssued June 9,2017 By Avista Utilities Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & Federal Regulation 1.P.U.C. No.28 By by Thirteenth Revision Sheet 25 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 25 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation ,-r*J AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25 EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 25,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fallwithin these demand limits for service under this schedule. lf the Customer has less than twelve months of billing history, the Customer must have a minimum of six consecutive billing months of demand of at least 2,500 kVA in order to receive service under this schedule. New Customers must meet the above criteria or otherwise provide the Company with reasonable assurance that their peak demand will average at least 2,500 kVA. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 500,000 kwh 5.9320, per kWh All Over 500,000 kwh 5.0220 per kWh Demand Charge: $14,000.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. $5.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20$ per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MtNIMUM: $775,020 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. For a customer who has taken service on this schedule for less than 12 months, the annual minimum will be prorated based on the actual months of service. The annual minimum will also be prorated if base rates change during the 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month (1 1,000,000 kWh's annually), plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base Effective January 1,2019lssued June 9, 2017 4 J^ l.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 25 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 25 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25 EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 25,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. lf the Customer has less than twelve months of billing history, the Customer must have a minimum of six consecutive billing months of demand of at least 2,500 kVA in order to receive service under this schedule. New Customers must meet the above criteria or otherwise provide the Company with reasonable assurance that their peak demand will average at least 2,500 kVA. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 500,000 kwh 5€946 per kWh All Over 500,000 kwh 4&+O per kWh Demand Charge: $14,000.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. $5.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20$ per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $7ge€gg Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. For a customer who has taken service on this schedule for less than 12 months, the annual minimum will be prorated based on the actual months of service. The annual minimum will also be prorated if base rates change during the 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month (11,000,000 kWh's annually), plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base Effective July 9,2017lssued June 9, 2017 By Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 25 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 25 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25 EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE. IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements when all such service taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 25,000 kVA. The average of the Custome/s demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. lf the Customer has less than twelve months of billing history, the Customer must have a minimum of six consecutive billing months of demand of at least 2,500 kVA in order to receive service under this schedule, New Customers must meet the above criteria or otherwise provide the Company with reasonable assurance that their peak demand will average at least 2,500 kVA. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:First 500,000 kwh 5.932i, per kWh All Over 500,000 kwh 5.022i, per kWh Demand Charge: $14,000.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. $5.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20$ per kVA of demand per month Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $775.020 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. For a customer who has taken service on this schedule for less than 12 months, the annual minimum will be prorated based on the actual months of service. The annual minimum will also be prorated if base rates change during the 12-month period, The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month (1 1,000,000 kWh's annually), plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base Effective January 1,2019lssued June 9, 2017 By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation LP.U.C. No.28 Avista Twelfth Revision Sheet 25P Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 25P Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25P EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE TO CLEARWATER PAPER'S FACILITY - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Clearwater Paper Corporation's Lewiston, ldaho Facility APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements with a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 110,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on its side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: 4.769Q, per kWh Demand Charge: $14,000.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. 1st Demand Block: $5.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand up to 55,000 kvA. 2nd Demand Block: $2.50 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand above 55,000 kvA. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, it will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 2Og, per kVA of demand per month. Minimum. The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $692,590 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month, plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base revenues only. Any other revenues paid in billed rates (such as the DSM Tariff Rider Schedule 91) do not factor into the annual minimum calculation. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective January'1,2019 By ru ,J^,^*"J l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 25P Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 25P AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25P EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE TO CLEARWATER PAPER'S FACILITY - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Clearwater Paper Corporation's Lewiston, ldaho Facility. APPLICABLE: To general seruice supplied for all power requirements with a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 110,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on its side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge:4#O per kWh Demand Charge: $14,000.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. 1't Demand Block: $5.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand up to 55,000 kvA. 2nd Demand Block: $2.50 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand above 55,000 kvA. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, it will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20$ per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $672#6e Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 916,667 kWh's per month, plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base revenues only. Any other revenues paid in billed rates (such as the DSM Tariff Rider Schedule gl) do not factor into the annual minimum calculation. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9,2O17 By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Twelfth Revision Sheet 25P Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 25P AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 25P EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE TO CLEARWATER PAPER'S FACILIry.IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Clearwater Paper Corporation's Lewiston, ldaho Facility APPLICABLE: To general service supplied for all power requirements with a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 110,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for service under this schedule. Customer shall provide and maintain all transformers and other necessary equipment on its side of the point of delivery and enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: 4.7690, per kWh Demand Charge: $14,000.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. 1st Demand Block: $5.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand up to 55,000 kvA. 2nd Demand Block: $2.50 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand above 55,000 kvA. Primary Voltage Discount: lf Customer takes service at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, it will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20$ per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $q92,590 Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined during the April billing cycle for the previous 12-month period. The annual minimum is based on 9'16,667 kWh's per month, plus twelve months multiplied by the monthly minimum demand charge for the first 3,000 kVa of demand. The annual minimum reflected above is based on base revenues only. Any other revenues paid in billed rates (such as the DSM Tariff Rider Schedule 91) do not factor into the annual minimum calculation. Effective January 1,2019lssued June 9, 2017 Avista Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Utilities Thirteenth Revision Sheet 31 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 31 Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 31 PUMPING SERVICE.IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available APPLICABLE: To service through one meter for pumping water or water effluents, including incidental power used for other equipment and lighting essentialto the pumping operation. For such incidental service, Customer will furnish any transformers and other necessary equipment. Customer may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer and will have service available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in ownership or control of property served. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $11.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge: rc.872{ per kWh for the first 85 lOVh per kW of demand, and for the next 80 KWh per kW of demand but not more than 3,000 KWh. 9.2670 per K/Uh for all additional KWh, Annual Minimum: $12.00 per kW of the highest demand established in the current year ending with the November billing cycle. lf no demand occurred in the current year, the annual minimum will be based on the highest demand in the latest previous year having a demand. Demand: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month determined, at the option of Company, by a demand meter or nameplate input rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: lf Customer requests the account to be closed by reason of change in ownership or control of property, the unbilled service and any applicable annual minimum will be prorated to the date of closing. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Defenal Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 9,2017 Effective January 1, 2019 By ru J^,^r*l l.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 31 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 3'1 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 31 PUMPING SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Gompany has electric service available. APPLICABLE: To service through one meter for pumping water or water effluents, including incidenta! power used for other equipment and lighting essentialto the pumping operation. For such incidental service, Customer willfumish any transformers and other necessary equipment. Customer may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer and will have service available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in ownership or control of property served. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $11.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge: #4180 per kWh for the first 85 KA/h per kW of demand, and for the next 80 l$Vh per kW of demand but not more than 3,000 KWh. 8€8gf per l(A/h for all additional l(Afh. AnnualMinimum: $12.00 per kW of the highest demand established in the current year ending with the November billing cycle. lf no demand occurred in the current year, the annual minimum will be based on the highest demand in the latest previous year having a demand. Demand: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month determined, at the option of Company, by a demand meter or nameplate input rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: !f Customer requests the account to be closed by reason of change in ownership or control of property, the unbilled service and any applicable annual minimum will be prorated to the date of closing. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. Effective July 9, 2017lssued June 9, 2017 By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 31 Canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 31 By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 31 PUMPING SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available APPLICABLE: To service through one meter for pumping water or water effluents, including incidental power used for other equipment and lighting essentialto the pumping operation. For such incidental service, Customer will furnish any transformers and other necessary equipment. Customer may be required to enter into a written contract for five (5) years or longer and will have service available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in ownership or control of property served. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $11.00 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge: 10.8720 per kWh for the first 85 lOVh per kW of demand, and for the next 80 KWh per kW of demand but not more than 3,000 KWh. 9.2670, per KWh for all additional KWh. AnnualMinimum: $12.00 per kW of the highest demand established in the current year ending with the November billing cycle. lf no demand occurred in the current year, the annual minimum will be based on the highest demand in the latest previous year having a demand. Demand: The average kW supplied during the 1S-minute period of maximum use during the month determined, at the option of Company, by a demand meter or nameplate input rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: lf Customer requests the account to be closed by reason of change in ownership or control of property, the unbilled service and any applicable annual minimum will be prorated to the date of closing. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Fixed Cost Adjustment Schedule 75, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective January 1,2019 Avista Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Avista Twelfth Revision Sheet 41 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 41 Kelly O, Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation ,^*rJ AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE-IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv Fixture & Size (Lumens) Metal Standard No Pole Code Rate Wood Pole Code Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate Direct Burial Code Rate Developer Contributed Code Rate Sinqle Mercurv Vapor 7000 20000 411 $ 16.93611 28.92 416 $ 16.93 tNot available to new customers accounts, or locations. #Decorative Curb. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective January 1,2019 ru ,J^ l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 41 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 41 lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE.IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24,1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv Fixture & Size (Lumens) Metal Standard No Pole Code Rate Wood Pole Code Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate Direct Burial Code Rate Developer Contributed Code Rate Single Mercury Vaoor 7000 20000 411 $1632611 4&416 $ 1€3rI *Not available to new customers accounts, or locations. #Decorative Curb. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9,2O17 Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 41 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 4't AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE.IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24,1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application, MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv Fixture & Size (Lumens) l\ilelal Standard No Pole Code Rate Wood Pole Code Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate Direct Burial Code Rate Developer Contributed Code Rate Sinole MercurL.Vaoor 7000 20000 411 $ 16.93611 28.92 416 $ 16.93 *Not available to new customers accounts, or locations. #Decorative Curb. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective January 1,2019 lssu By Avista Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 lssued by By Twelfth Revision Sheet 42 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 42 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & FederalRegulation ,*r1 AVISTA CORPORAT]ON d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAII-ABLE: To agencies of loca!, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. Closed to new installations of sodium vapor lamps as of January 1,2018, except where Company and customer agree, sodium vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitu MetalStandard Fixture & Size Wood No Pole Pole Code Rate Code Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate Direct Burial Code Rate 234#- $14.87 434#' 15.63433 27.39533 36.89633 41.08 Developer Contributed Code Rate Sinole High-Pressure Sodium Vaoor (Nominal Rating in Watts)50w 235 $11.92100w 935 ',12.48100w 435 14.50 431200w 535 24.05 531250W 635 28.21 631400w 835 42.35 831 150W $ 15.19 24.77 28.95 43.05 432 532 632 832 $27.39 36.89 4'1.08 55.24 436 536 636 936 $15.19 24.77 28.95 Double High-Pressure Sodium Vaoor (Nominal Rating in Watts) 100w200w 54s $48.08 #Decorative Curb Decorative Sodium Vaoor 100W Granville 100W Post Top 100W Kim Light u2 62.48 22.62 446 $ 30.50546 48.80 474* 484* 439*. 28.30 27.15 15.64 '16'fiberglass pole "25'fiberolass ool ne ru J^ l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 42 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 42 by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by company. APPL!CABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. Closed to new installations of sodium vapor lamps as of January 1,2018, except where Company and customer agree, sodium vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv MetalSiandard Fixture & Size Wood No Pole Pole Code Rate Code Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate Direct Burial Code Rate 234# $1\A,l 434# 4€s7433 W4533 3557633 395+ Developer Contributed Code Rate Single High-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts)50w 235 $11,49100w 935 {+03100w 435 ffi 431200w 535 23J9 531250W 635 27=n 631400w 835 4033 831 150W Double High-Pressure Sodium Vaoor (Nominal Rating in Watts) 100w200w 545 $4+36 #Decorative Curb Decorative Sodium Vapor 100W Granville 100W Post Top 100W Kim Light $ 1.4S5 23€8 z7-9+ 41,51 432 532 632 832 $26++3# 39Stm 436 536 636 $1455 23€8 27*+ 542 *Zt 936 W+ 446 $ 294+546 47,05 474' 484* 439** 272f. 2C4a4# *16'fiberglass pole '*25',lssued June Avista Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 42 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 42 By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAIl.ABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in al! ldaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application, Closed to new installations of sodium vapor lamps as of January 1,2018, except where Company and customer agree, sodium vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv _ MetalStandgltlPedestal Direct DeveloperBase Burial Contributed Code Rate Gode Rate Code Rate Fixture Wood & Size No Pole Pole Code Rate Code Rate Sinole Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vaoor (Nominal Rating in Watts)50w 235 $11.92100w 935 12.48100w 435 14.50 431 $ 15.19200w 535 24.05 531 24.77250W 635 28.21 631 28.95400w 835 42.35 831 43.05 150W Double High-Pressure Sodium Vaoor (Nominal Rating in Watts) 100w200w 545 $48.08 #Decorative Curb Decorative Sodium Vaoor 100W Granville 100W Post Top 100W Kim Light 432 $27.39532 36.89632 41.08832 55.24 234# $14.87434# 15.63433 27.39533 36.89633 41.08 $1 s.1 9 24.77 28.95 436 536 636 936 542 62.48 22.62 446 $ 30.50546 48.80 474* 484* 438** 28.30 27.15 15.64 *16'fiberglass pole*25'fiberolass ool 17ne Avista Utilities Kelly O. Nonivood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Ninth Revision Sheet 42A Canceling Revision Sheet 42A Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation Avista By AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size SCHEDULE 42A - Continued Pole MetalStandard Wood No Pole Pole Code Rate Code Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate Direct Burial Code Rate 4341# 15.63 4331 27.39 5331 36.89 8331 55.24 Developer Contributed Code. Rate Sinole Light Emittino Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts)70w 9351 12.4870w 4351 14.50 431L107W 5351 24.0s 5311248W 8351 42.35 8311 Double Lioht Emiftino Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts)70w 4411107W 5451 48.08 #Decorative Curb Decorative LED 70W Granville 475L 21.77 70W Post Top 15.19 24.77 43.05 432L 532L 8321 27.39 36.89 55.24 4361 5361 8361 15.19 24.77 43.05 30.50 442L 542L 446L 5461 30.50 48.80 43.49 62.48 474L', 484L', 28.30 27.15 *'16'fiberglass pole Guatom Street Lloht Calculatlon Customers who choose to add street light fixtures that are outside of the offerings listed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following rate calculation. The three components detailed below will be added together to develop the new Schedule 42 rale. Step 1 - The capital component will be determined by multiplying an engineering estimate of the installed cost of the new light component, or fixture, by the Capital Recovery Factor of 13.903%. Step 2 - The maintenance component will either be the embedded maintenance cost of a similar existing fixture or an engineering estimate of the maintenance cost of a new fixture. The maintenance component for an existing light can be derived by subtracting the Schedule 46 (energy) light code monthly charge from the same Schedule 44 light code monthly charge (maintenance and energy). Step 3 - The energy component will either be the energy cost of the same wattage light under Schedule 46 or the calculation of a new custom fixture detailed on Schedule 46. lssued June 9,2017 Effective January 1,2019 v+J^,*"J l.P.U.C. No.28 Eighth Revision Sheet 42A Canceling Seventh Revision Sheet 42A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 42A - Continued MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size Pole Facilitv MetalStandard Wood No Pole Pole Code Rate Code Rate Single Lioht Emittino Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Wafts)70w 9351 4W70w 4351 1338 4311107W 5351 2+1€ 5311248W 8351 40€3 8311 Double Lioht Emitting Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts)70w 441L 2941107W 5451 4€36 #Decorative Curb Decorative LED 70W Granville 475L 2OSg 70W Post Top 432L 5321 8321 4361 5351 8361 1.4S5 2339 41,51 ru+ 3557 5€*6 Pedestal Base Code Rate Direct Burial Code Rate 434L# 16,07 4331 W+ 5331 35€7 8331 5+26 Developer Contributed Code Rate 442L 542L 4rs 6034 446L 5461 4455 2338 4',1.61 N4+ 4745 474L* W 484L* 26Ja '16'fiberglass pole Cugtom Strcet Llqht Calculatlon Customers who choose to add street light fixtures that are outside of the offerings listed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following rate calculation. The three components detailed below will be added together to develop the new Schedule 42 rale. Step 1 - The capital component will be determined by multiplying an engineering estimate of the installed cost of the new light component, or fixture, by the Capital Recovery Factor of 13.903%. Step 2 - The maintenance component will either be the embedded maintenance cost of a similar existing fixture or an engineering estimate of the maintenance cost of a new fixture. The maintenance component for an existing light can be derived by subtracting the Schedule 46 (energy) light code monthly charge from the same Schedule 44 light code monthly charge (maintenance and energy). Step 3 - The energy component will either be the energy cost of the same wattage light under Schedule 46 or the calculation of a new custom fixture detailed on Schedule 46. lssued June9,2O17 Effective July 9,2017 Avisa Kelly O. Nonvood, VP, State & Federal Regulation Ninth Revision Sheet 42A l.P.U.C. No.28 Canceling Revision Sheet 42A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities 15.19 24.77 43.0s 441L 30.50 SCHEDULE 42A - Continued MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size MetalStandard Wood No Pole Pole Code Rate Code Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate Direct Burial Code Rate Developer Contributed Code Rate 446L 5461 Sinole Lioht Emiftino Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts)70w 9351 12.4870w 4351 14.50 4311107W 5351 24.05 5311248W 8351 42.35 8311 Double Light Emittino Diode (LED) (Nominal Rating in Watts) 432L 5321 8321 442L 542L 27.39 36.89 55.24 43.49 62.48 4341# 15.63 4331 27.39 5331 36.89 8331 55.24 4361 15.19 5361 24.77 8361 43.05 70w107W 5451 48.08 #Decorative Curb 30.50 48.80 Decorative LED 70W Granville 475L 70W Post Top 21.77 474L', 28.30 484L', N.15 "16'fiberglass pole Custom Streat Liqht Calculation Customers who choose to add street light fixtures that are outside of the offerings listed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following rate calculation. The three components detailed below will be added together to develop the new Schedule 42 rale. Step 1 - The capital component will be determined by multiplying an engineering estimate of the installed cost of the new light component, or fixture, by the Capital Recovery Factor of 13.903%. Step 2 - The maintenance component will either be the embedded maintenance cost of a similar existing fixture or an engineering estimate of the maintenance cost of a new fixture. The maintenance component for an existing light can be derived by subtracting the Schedule 46 (energy) light code monthly charge from the same Schedule 44 light code monthly charge (maintenance and energy). Step 3 - The energy component will either be the energy cost of the same wattage light under Schedule 46 or the calculation of a new custom fixture detailed on Schedule 46. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective January 1,2019 By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Utilities Twelfth Revision Sheet 44 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 44 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 44 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE . IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations effective Januarv 1. 2016. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole Facilitv Fixture & Size (Lumens)No pgte Code Rate Sinole Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vaoor100w 435 $11.08200w 535 16.69250W 635 18.76310W 735 21.38400w 835 29.891s0w 935 '.14.52 MetalStandard Wood Pole Code Ratp Pedestal Base Code Rate Direct DeveloperBurial ContributedCode Rate Code Rate 534 16.69633 18.76 431 631 $11.08 18.76 432 532 632 $1 1.08 16.69 18.76 832 29.89 936 14.52 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards, luminaries and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery, All such facilities will conform to Company's design, standards and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company will furnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. Effective January'1, 2019lssued June 9, 2017 Byru ,J^,^r=r-l l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 44 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 44 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 44 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO H IGH.PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations effective Januarv 1. 2016. APPLICABLE: To annualoperation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pola Facilitv Fixture & Size (Lumens) MetalStandard No Pole Code Rate Direct DeveloperBurial ContributedCode Rate Code Rate Sinqle Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vapor100w 435 $10,68200w 535 4#250W 635 48S9310W 735 2eS1400w 835 W150W 935 1440 Wood Pole Code Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate 432 $1e€8532 {6€9632 1€S9 431 631 $10-€8 {8S9 5341€{g633 1€Sg 832 28€2 936 {490 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards, luminaries and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. All such facilities will conform to Company's design, standards and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company will furnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. Effective July 9,2017lssued June 9,2017 By Kelly O. Nonryood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 44 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 44 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 44 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - !DAHO HIGH.PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations effective Januarv 1. 2016. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Pole traeilihl Fixture & Size (Lumens) MetalStandard No Pole Code Bate Wood PoleCode Rate Pedestal Base Code Rate Single Hioh-Pressure Sodium Vaoor100w 435 $11.08200w 535 16.69250W 635 18.76310W 735 21.38400w 835 29.891s0w 935 14.52 43'.\ 631 432 s32 632 $1'!.08 18.76 $ll-gg 16.69 18.76 832 29.89 Direct Developer , Hu.rial 9entributedCode Rate Code Rate 534 16.69633 18.76 93614.52 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing and owning standards, luminaries and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. All such facilities will conform to Company's design, standards and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company willfurnish the necessary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement. Repairs and maintenance work will be performed by Company during regularly scheduled working hours. Effective January 1,2019lssued June 9, 2017 By ities Kelly O. Nonryood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 By Twelfth Revision Sheet 45 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 45 Kelly O. Nonrrrood, VP, State & FederalRegulation ,*J AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24,1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE Fixture & Size (Lumens) Per Luminaire Dusk to Dawn Code Rate Mercurv Vaoor 10000 515 $ 8.13 14.7620000# 615 #Also includes Metal Halide. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing al! standards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to controlthe hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. Effective January 1,2019lssued June 9, 2017 ry J^ LP.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 45 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 45 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAIIABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24,1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Per Luminaire Dusk to Dawn ServiceCode Rate Fixture & Size (Lumens) Mercurv Vapor10000 51s20000# 615 #Also includes Metal Halide. $ 7€4 1413 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing all standards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjushent Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. Effective July 9, 2017lssued June 9, 2017 By tilities Kelly O. Nonrood, VP, State & FederalRegulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 45 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 45 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAII.ABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24,1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibility with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annualoperation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE Per.Luminaire Dusk to Dawn ServiceCode Rate Fixture & Size (Lumens) Mercurv Vapor10000 515200a0# 615 #Also includes Metal Halide. $ 8.13 14.76 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible forfinancing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing all standards, luminaires, and necessary circuitry and related facilities to connect with Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to control the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91 and Earnings Test Deferral Rebate Schedule 97. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective January 1, 2019 By Utilities Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 46 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 46 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation '-# AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAII.-ABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Per Luminaire Dusk to Dawn ServiceCode Rate Fixture & Size (Lumens) Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts)100w 435200w 535250W 635310W 735400w 835150W 935 $ 5.05 9.42 11.60 13.78 17.59 7.28 Custom Lioht Calculation Customers who choose to add custom light fixtures outside of the offerings detailed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following custom rate calculation. Custom Rate = Wattage of Customers Street Light * 365 Hours * Energy Rate The embedded energy rate under Schedule 46 is 10.5809 per kWh. Effective January 1,2019lssued June 9,2017 Byry ,J^ l.P.U.C. No.28 ued by By Eleventh Revision Sheet 46 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 46 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Per Luminaire Dusk to Dawn ServiceCode Rate Fixture & Size (Lumens) Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watts)100w 435200w 535250W 635310W 735400w 835150W 935 $ 4,97 9S8 11,19 {€+9 4eg6w Custom Light Calculation Customers who choose to add custom light fixtures outside of the offerings detailed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following custom rate calculation. Gustom Rate = Wattage of Gustomers Street Light * 365 Hours * Energy Rate The embedded energy rate under Schedule 46 is 1O*046 per kWh. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9, 2017 Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 46 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 46 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODI UM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all ldaho territory served by CompanY. APPL!CABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Per Luminaire Dusk to Dawn ServiceCode Rate Fixture & Size (Lumens) Hiqh-Pressure Sodium Vaoor (Nominal Rating in Watts)100w 435200w 535250W 63s310W 735400w 835150W 935 $ 5.0s 9.42 11.60 13.78 17.59 7.28 Oustom Lioht Calculation Customers who choose to add custom light fixtures outside of the offerings detailed above will be quoted a fixed monthly rate based on the following custom rate calculation. Gustom Rate = Wattage of Gustomers Street Light * 365 Hours * Energy Rate The embedded energy rate under Schedule 46 is t0.580S per kWh. Effective January'1,2019lssued June 9,2017 By Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 47 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 47 Kelly O. Nonlrood, VP, State & Federal RegulationBy AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING . MERCURY VAPOR. IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAII.ABLE: In all ldaho territory served by Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with mercury vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. Mercury vapor lamps will be available only to those customers receiving service on October 23, 1981. MONTHLY RATE Charge per Unit Nominal Lumens) Luminaire (on existing standard) Luminaire and Standard: 30-foot wood pole Galvanized steel standards: 25 foot 30 foot Pole Facility 24.77 33.38 40.02 41.14 7.000 $ 16.93 21.18 10.000 $ 20.49 Monthlv Rate per Pole $ 6.96 13.49 6.96 20.000 $ 29.10 30-foot wood pole S5-foot wood pole 2O-foot fi berglass-d irect bu rial Effective January 1, 2019lssued June 9,2017 ru J^.,'o,, l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 47 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 47 AVISTA CORPORAT]ON d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING - MERCURY VAPOR - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAII.ABLE: In all ldaho territory served by Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with mercury vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. Mercury vapor lamps will be available only to those customers receiving service on October 23, 1981. MONTHLY RATE: Charge per Unit Nominal Lumens) 7.000 $ {#2 10,000 $ 19,76 20,000 $ 2836Luminaire (on existing standard) Luminaire and Standard : 3O-foot wood pole Galvanized steel standards 25loot 30 foot Pole Facilitv 44 23€8 32# 38Sg 39S7 Monthlv Rate per Pole $ 6,71 13+1cJl 30-foot wood pole S5-foot wood pole 2O-foot fiberglass-d irect burial lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9, 2017 Utilities Kelly O. Norwood, VP, State & Federal Regulation !.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 47 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 47 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING . MERCURY VAPOR . IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: ln all ldaho territory served by Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with mercury vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. Mercury vapor lamps will be available only to those customers receiving service on October 23, 1981. MONTHLY RATE Charge per Unit Nominal Lumens) Luminaire (on existing standard) Luminaire and Standard: 30-foot wood pole Galvanized steel standards: 25 foot 30 foot Pole Facility 7.000 $ 16.93 21.18 3O-foot wood pole S5-foot wood pole 20'foot fi berg lass-d irect bu rial 24.77 33.38 40.42 41.14 Monthlv Rate per Pole $ 6.96 13.49 6.96 10.000 $ 20.49 20.000 $ 2e.10 lssued June 9,2017 Effective January 1, 2019 lssued By Avista Kelly O. Nonarood, VP, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 49 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 49 Kelly O. Nonrood, Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 49 AREA LIGHTING.IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: !n allterritory served by the Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk{o-dawn area lighting with high-pressure sodium vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. MONTHLY RATE: HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratinq in Watts) Luminaire Cobrahead Decorative Curb 100W Post Top w/16-foot decorative pole 100W Kim Light w/25-foot fiberglass pole 400W Flood (No pole) LIGHT EMITTI DIODE {LED) Luminaire Cobrahead Decorative Curb 70W Granville w/16-foot decorative pole 70W Post Top w/16-foot decorative pole 248W Flood (No Pole) Pole Facilitv 30-foot wood pole 4O-foot wood pole S5-foot wood pole 20-foot fiberglass 25-foot galvanized steel standard 30-foot galvanized steel standard* 25-foot galvanized aluminum standard* 3O-foot fiberg lass-pedestal base 3O-foot steel-pedestal base 3S-foot steel-direct buried 100w 200w 250w $ 13.s0 $ 17.85 $20.63 13.50 32.59 20.47 400w $ 26.48 32.36 Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratinq in Watts)70w 107w $ 13.s0 $ 17.85 13.50 33.98 32.59 248W $ 26.48 32.36 Monthly Rate oer Pole $ 6.96 11.44 13.46 6.96 10.88 12.02 13.29 33.26 30.70 30.70 lssued June 9, 2017 Effective January 1, 2019 ru ,J^,ffirl l.P.U.C. No.28 Eleventh Revision Sheet 49 Canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 49 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 49 AREA LIGHTING.IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: ln all territory served by the Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with high-pressure sodium vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. MONTHLY RATE: HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratino in Watts) Luminaire Cobrahead Decorative Curb 100W Post Top d16-foot decorative pole 100W Kim Light W25-foot fiberglass pole 400W Flood (No pole) LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) Luminaire Cobrahead Decorative Curb 70W Granville W16-foot decorative pole 70W Post Top w/16-foot decorative pole 248W Flood (No Pole) Pole Facilitv 3O-foot wood pole 40-foot wood pole 55-foot wood pole 2O-foot flberglass 25-foot galvanized steel standard 3O-foot galvanized steel standard" 25-lool galvanized aluminum standard* 3O-foot fiberg lass-pedestal base 3O-foot steel-pedestal base 3S-foot steeldirect buried 100w 200w 250w $ s2 $ 17,21 ${.e€g 1332 400w $ 2553 3142 19,7,1 31ls Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratino in Watts)70w 107w $ €s2 $ 17,21 1€S2 w?w 248W $ 2ss3 w Monthly Rate per Pole $ 6,71 1-1=03 1258 6++ 1€=49 {4=59 12-91w7 29Se 29€g lssued June 9, 2017 Effective July 9,2017 By Utilities Kelly O. Nonrood, Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation l.P.U.C. No.28 Twelfth Revision Sheet 49 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 49 lssued by By AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 49 AREA LIGHTING - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: ln allterritory served by the Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with high-pressure sodium vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more, MONTHLY RATE: HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratino in Watts\ Luminaire Cobrahead Decorative Curb 100W Post Top M16-foot decorative pole 100W Kim Light M25-foot fiberglass pole 400W Flood (No pole) LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) Luminaire Cobrahead Decorative Curb 70W Granville w/16-foot decorative pole 70W Post Top W16-foot decorative pole 248W Flood (No Pole) Pole Facilitv 30-foot wood pole 4O-foot wood pole S5-foot wood pole 2O-foot fiberglass 2S-foot galvanized steel standard 3O-foot galvanized steel standard* 2S-foot galvanized aluminum standard* 3O-foot fiberglass-pedestal base 3O-foot steel-pedestal base 3S-foot steel-direct buried 100w 200w 250w $ 13.50 $ 17.8s $20.63 13.50 400w $ 26,48 32.59 20.47 32.36 Charge per Unit (Nominal Ratinq in Watts)70w 107w $ 13.50 $ 17.8s 13.50 33.98 32.59 248W $ 26.48 32.36 Monthly Rate oer Pole $ 6.96 11.44 '13.46 6.96 10.88 12.02 13.29 33.26 30.70 30.70 lssued June 9,2017 Effective January 1, 2019 Kelly O. Norwood, Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 97 REBATE OF ELECTRIC EARNINGS TEST DEFERRAL . IDAHO AVAII.ABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. PURPOSE: To adjust electric rates for revenues related to the electric earnings test deferral as set forth in Case No. AVU-E-17-41. MONTHLY RATE The energy charges of electric Schedules 1, 11, 12,21,22,25,25P,31, 32 and 41-49 are to be decreased by 0.000d per kilowatt-hour in all blocks of these rate schedules. TERM: Any residual balance will be trued up in a future PCA filed by the Company. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this taritf. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Effective January 1,2019lssued June 9, 2017 l.P.U.C. No,28 Fourth Revision Sheet 97 canceling Third Revision Sheet 97 Kelly Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation 97 Avista Byru ,J^,^r*J AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 97 REBATE OF ELECTRIC EARNINGS TEST DEFERRAL. IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. PURPOSE: To adjust electric rates for revenues related to the electric earnings test defenal as setforth in Case No. AVU-E-17-01. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of electric Schedules 1, 11, 12,21,22,25,25P,31, 32 and 41-49 are to be decreased by 0S5ed per kilowatt-hour in all blocks of these rate schedules. TERM: . Any residual balance will be trued up in a future PCA filed by the Company. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. lssued June 9,2017 Effective July 9, 2017 l.P.U.C. No.28 Third Revision Sheet 97 canceling Second Revision Sheet 97 97 Kelly Noruood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 97 REBATE OF ELECTRIC EARNINGS TEST DEFERRAL - IDAHO AVAII-ABLE: To Customers in the State of ldaho where Company has electric service available. PURPOSE: To adjust electric rates for revenues related to the electric earnings test deferral as set forth in Case No. AVU-E-17-01. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of electric Schedules 1 , 11, 12, 21, 22, 25, 25P, 31, 32 and 41-49 are to be decreased by 0.0000 per kilowatt-hour in all blocks of these rate schedules. TERM: Any residual balance will be trued up in a future PCA filed by the Company. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. lssued June 9, 2017 Effective January 1,2019 l.P.U.C. No.28 Fourth Revision Sheet 97 canceling Third Revision Sheet 97 97 Utilities Kelly Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation