HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171227November PGA.pdflErtsra tr-G-lU"oL December 27,2017 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 RE: Monthly Deferred Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for the month of November 2017. This information is submitted in compliance with Order Number 33886 issued in the Company's Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment filing (Case No. AVU-G-17-04). This report is being filed in electronic format only per approval from the filing center. For the month of Novernber, cofilmodity costs were lower than the ernbedded PGA commodity WACOG, resulting in a rebate deferral in the amount of $137,219. Demand costs were lower than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a rebate deferral in the amount of $348,265. The year to date balance in the deferral account (including both commodity and dernand) is a rebate of $4,720,876 (including interest). The amount of amortization recorded for the month is $886,838 for a total surcharge balance of $5,065,718 (including interest). If you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to contact me at annette.brandon@avistacom.com or (509) 495 -4324. Thank you! Sincerely, Awwet}.eBYawdow Annette Brandon Sr. Regulatory Analyst State and Federal Regulation Enclosures rt (Eo r\ +CJ (E Ir s = ao\2. t\ ra (\AFo\o r\ (\l EEtrEv9TAtii& >(l!iE>.t) gteea G' so\ r!t\ ot\.tr-oN E'c,cLo- 5 Eg ,E g, eE!oL,o>ug< EE BoU (\t oa\ ruolt(tg o0 00l, a,ot0 trtrECa, (, i:'.aUg! =E Icl) '= IEE E t- oN U(,o(, .J-(, r! g!GtEbEIEr)a, a,'te =EEE ESEE u(E EEbrtb EEco=-(-OoJ3?<Eeo E!lBE^?<=Els' EoE.. e:<E tEiE E* s.E E;;Ab--.f.o88ITFQ}(.' goE =d=tcde/-i 5-ieo =fi-OUI(JO:) 2 ;'b' EE$gE R L] G' L - o 6t- BtioU 6ta EE!, rua-trtrG' JEEo .n.=.=E E i't'g ,I*6q* il EFseEErs E F.Efrfrfr8fri ,i-!:.N.N ,N.N.N.N qaEtrEEcE dEEF o o o o o o i(.ggSEEEEEE T =r;_&€E_E E$E OO o\ \oOO o\ .\ldi r,i di .,i6l€n .o. 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C.g =l coo.oo GE co ooE'aco co -go lX ! ac.(J tc)td, cp g a r; n i6 ono oLB co,nE=o ogItao .9g .e .E E,o2 aE E0to2iog o IEtor!l--;ou(9O6Yi€'Eo9l>EIf,EEdrotsz E9cht ET *E6: =i€go5igb!E'EI;E E-t Egoo6'i{B5vooE>cE E!9o.::6GC€;>t 5E xIIg_ a, c,Erc: =>f,: PEEr5l E.E8.e :dtt,ge *.8E39-s €E-aiEEo.a6 ;;!BeXEgfl*FE:EE ao !a>-!o..9o o .8 o,oao.Goo t,l EonCIeG a, t,c a! j 6 E2o o UJ(, Eo E,o EoEoo{ n do E 3 jIoc .E .g co oc,o coio o C B EoEo E 6 ogogo Eo0ulcld d!: uil ao c; E3ILco J lg- =Goog G o GEE-c!6Co3gI EF EEetOCOI -u6a 5E6aEqEFtrrt'eo cg6CP.g99 6} tsat ou En To E3 o c3 EJ GE 6 3 E6 l!c t!c E coL) tlo Gafg6 of Eo G ot otc(, co EfoE a,G t, GI o EsecgE] ;o 6 oo ooo f3i'td.!<o- 8F88oooo )8888odgo t EE:3866646 09e€8oooo6(,c,(90r9 [* i-$ III ttUtsI!98 88888o6a00I T t6888otsEiociqq!8 a6ctclc! oooaoooogE!E: ?9898 t E& E 3I d t !e Eg E f(J \ :B te frq EE [s E'[[t ItteEsISs F: E'? 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E Eqg'"EtFpEee{rat:E[$o'Ei'-'d - I og[ !t EEil.I$t;s ln I F6NO?ioo588 8QIFSii =E e I3'E'" ^ s E'' o0 oo oo oo oo Sgses-6oociIF ItFaielis[:g't'Es't st o ( P TT $E g $ g'F [,frE3E[ 33s- -o a 6tN 6 liit'rlis'ulii,ii'l'ffii :iiI*lis,g I! s 6,t i' !' u' a S8'ooooYgo =aE9l:s jr.-9qf 1s !o.iE 83-! Irc isseaoooooag 6eae arOOOOoi ieeae Sooooo Seaee-OOOOoo 6IOAEctE q6FEP 9g<o-o- .i.Fr 88e Fo iE:*i E$E"IF iitFss'!i:ffi'l r EcF E II EHEp 3A€F e EgiI > ttP6 FtsF> - d'- $ IIIIIg Ei'[gEElE o t ii!Eat-aa, 8r88oooci aI t8h8ao!oEIo8 oooo(9(,(,l, 89R9 6i66 B i$lraIII o TE!!!e oo o-tsI5 t \ 'rr \ I{t I It I Eo T e \ I @ 8 R.I.l ,8!,a J ) \ FGsl: TIE t:Ll8 t;lB t: oos8(og8 \rr r\\ ) r-Al--^d--aNQl- hotloli:;lai:tlsi'aoat65.-t6aE5dl8i."lei; ..1; I ---1.-.-l--- Ei' E!E iir oa !!l ilr II.9 6 tI il t(, co taaI F EI6 6o o.o3 fli otsc! t- rEo.t TEI. ! ZZ oooogg TT 2 oI e8 E \ 1Ill t d .i3 \ Tt \ I T tIto I Ej t IPl8 ct8sli ldi J. c8is a- ,II iii IEIi EPII II:I T Ei IE E55EEcIEo.l.Io!TII C!t.f(, E I .9!r!!tlis,.i J ri ri 3z.zzzeaz e9ra 6 ooc!oo 6Aoo o oooc,o C,tao r r rEiii iH5 Ii,urtiiii ETEBq i$l Ei o E r x \ \\i_\c 5 r; ahlS tr ll!:fli :.-:..['l- E H: ..ta aao(, i Fr ,3!g(t:EirOeo8r rii! tIctIE1 TlI6 ls r els'hs:ls 1". ]" EF EEoasi JIifldd' 2222 22 oooctoooooooo 3gg3iE ItslI irii- ,lE! ii,ii$il ili i$iE lr ti ds :I It Il I tIEIG IItah IIE Dl Uot rl i r !!lIF tI 8E sIiIo r!22oo I ;!arEi j r- .t8l 6tAC r! g E "Fl! \$> \\\ 1 t fr3 888 ETg..88- 8r8 B8b c8 uuo9uooJJJ)JJJo(,oouuoaE iEt2 z.I''lTTI tilRoo. Eo.6l!sBr..{ lE;!!!Eill;;;;l ouooo)JJJJ<<<<aouoooz77ZZ ''T1I ;-?d-ftFLo--ftiaSrclrrrITITIEIE8333U3 ri IE rl Ir!t;tt ooo(,ocruutJJJJJJJJJ<ataaa<a(oorJaJooaJuaJIIIII:TTIa<iltaaaarrrtttttt I ti:iBg":glihi I ;i :i :i i f :'lBl{a 6?a- alatti .' alelJ-1"1" t o 11: Blrla lc.ll sl:l l{-l-l t lEIE 8 G BrrrBBggB:i3 [. !cr e oouoooouJ))JJJJJ(<<<(<<<aroourJ(,uoa 3z? aa, za<<<<<<<ttrttttr 89c58Sootsiaar.de$srs drf tEg;!E8n!3EIt;;r;iit;l >-N-tFt?ntLOO-FfidadI l;ffill;rl 8888e8 S9;TT$;'{fr=$€\ T -at{ aa - lwartlllr$oruro.]ro qaa soara GL Accounl iloY.17 Co.t3 Iuchrr. 8tor.e..ccl JPR/URIE rl .loo'tlot JP lqcctons JP l/lflhdnmlr e$200 Go Ar t0t100 Go A,l (.167.703.91f 4!J!e!qItt 3 Cbv Bdn (Ot ESTMI trYtrtdr.t S aoCto0@lll 3 . TdlcbtBlin lLtlagoA t - ffi A, B..h (Ot ESVAA) lr{.ctoor ?ot l X.t 8tor.e. 0nl.ctloo.ywitt&rud. l{rCUT PURCHAICt (OL Erttn.lr Rrnoi) Commody Purarialar Fu.d Denand aild Capaofy RdG..c! V.ri.!ao knaod (Trxrporr) Codr l{cde. A.lhity Fir.rlcid SaUcnlG il! hbrEo PurdraG troan Tham[l Codrana Crldil (38,973.6r I /ffiEIEIETT r0at00 Go all !ott00 Go Af toa000 (]D ar toa@r Go Ax toaoo2 Go A,l to.oro Go Att t0rl6o0 Go At{ toa7ro Go Alt tlr000 Go Ax (38,973,5r ) t Holf,l.oo.r frioltr othrloornala ff.rr.d Coat : WA lmbd.ic. trqlr OJ a36 !0t1000 OO Ail lO lmbd.n6 from OJ a36 UChamE lAccnd Brokr Fccl IN tl7't flill,lo Journd DJ {73 trydr F.rgp Joumd OJ a73lLnh.ndi$ Proar..ite Faa OJ {67w nO S.lG3 h,r R.r.L Plry.ic.l.id Eooto{rr -F.fir GSALES Hamd Erdl.nga Rocnr GST/HST R.coo (Qu.turly) D., a37 FAFB Conmo<lity lbr Anda[oo ELmcnt rylLienat€. (l.mi{nrurd) WMO Buy/S.l Tr.nrgortildr R.cov!,y- p.rr th?qEh OJ a53 WA/IO G.r Purdr$.d fm.r klE tlllc Arpi.fi (AtxtuC) ToEI C6l. ior Oahft.l lmlodl.re txt gr. co.t .lt3too Go Afl 'alt000 GO At{ 'ltt7!O GO At{ Totrl ,rlIrl GLE Tord OJ aso t ro.scttta 'I 'il:13? .i > guttt,r;t . ! 11 t I ll,D,,/ t I l.Tt33IiJt v! mr.t.I /t orJltifll / \ aoa000 @ A,l t0'1000 OO Arl a0a0t7 0D Ar{to{ol, oo AI l0a0r, co Ax toaol! Go AI aatooortllta0ortLtr: .tao2t oo Ax l0.t0o0 @ Ax t0.lo00 GO A,{ toaoot oox{ t04000 oo Ara (r0a,ta8.rl,(t.,tle.u ?.000sl!.lai.tL 2,rt2.a 3,0al..7 r0I7c.aa lrtta,?7trt, ltrt.000r0) (tt{{rtl I JIIII,l I B 0It tolmml Edry 1a72,597.C01 hBrt rr GLE S*r (1,30r.3t5.!31 lnplt tr GtE S.h. l{.0.0..7t 90}lnpul tr GLE Silcr (8 0r..772.061 H Wrr. G.r A6srtlreGD Cod.UOt 7 WA lO Gar Co.rilao{ t 't262tr7. x' PM 3 AFutsta Gas by GL Account - Estimate Ac,Gountlng lonft: 20t?l t Okpctlon: ALL Sawlcc Codc: GD Str.t gy: ALt JurlrdlcUon: Ail Ilcel Typr: ALL CounlcrPr(y: ALL Exclude lntr.-Co Heet Rrto: Y Derl llumbcr Exclurlom: N PRIOR PEROEAL VOLU;;ETYPE USBTU (cREDrT) OEBrT CURRENT UONTH (tr9.t36.00' o90.0t6 8ol tc2.6r6 r0 Ir0.08r.50 Ir6a.rr't ?8 P.$: 3 Pn,{Ort . !2,Se/1, 0l 0r 59 PMorr$aaa: fltrcuT ,Po|.tbygrrl TOTAL usD (!79,3rt r0 tr0.0Er tt8a,?r I 20 r"747 CURREI{T VOLUilE Tf{BTU PRIOR PERrcD tr,226 0t GO COUT{TERPARTY PURCHASE Nqlhfi.t Plprk. Corpo.ttl,on.+Xdr.r Alumlnum a Ch.mkal Ctrpo.rtaon, i Xcrtrnrt a9r*rr CoE d6+poerl lqr.td EnJty. ltc. sr.cn Enity . Wofcsl Er.rg, hc. 8e.cft Emlt,.li,. rc{$E Tg, hG. lFGt' Cmrgy .Uir.tqrt Cna.a, lrc. fr.nrc.nrd. fo0{1. nta UDr L|d. f.anrcrnrdr Foltlllr l|F Um Lld. fmocsrda l.o[ Crt l?mailb3l6 Lad, I rnmCrnrr llovr ca tn.mlidon L6. 00r{04001€o-Ar{{)L IPOiI TPO'II IPOffI ACCISP ACCTcS IPORI ACCTGS ACCIGS IFORI ,l tr-, J r- J E2.7.7 1a l6.a19 15 16.a19.15 la3o.4/r135 ,l .)v JJ tl(ttErl PlF0m Col?o..$6 taqirrnd Ae.lha Co.Dor.tlon $9.ch Em!!, .ltaaldrl Emrgy lrc. I tF.G|i Er.e'.fYotdalEmftUhG. i f mrc.Drdr forill. tlp. Um Lld. i rorcmeOr fotfr i,. Llrd LiC I I 001{oalrc2GD.A}loL Gt Cort. FX Hcdgc Ail i e*uc"reca".t I TOTALS TOTALS: 0€o.At{.()L TOTALS rorALs TOTALS TOTALS IFORI 'PORIACCTSP ACCTGE IPORT lccrGs IPORI lil3o.aa1 35 tro.?ra33 t2.3a2..r5.1r 12.2s2.7000a t{i.1r8 fit trt,?G3 r9 6rC9 10, (tt. io1 v yJ (tr 10r 0s) t00 (tr.10r 091 2tt.1la 263.71a t9t,sa _-rt''o,. (tlt.rilt) _ ('9r.rt3, 1.00 l@ t70,'tg2 3l Ir2.rn.3' 1r2.3o0.3?ACCTGS tr2.!@.3' 1r2.3q,.t, Wallt f rgo !Gurltl.., LLC | *,,r..rr r*u,,i.., *c o0't {0ac00-Go-ANoL lntrrcompany Ger Purchurt AN I llrtr corponlo I I 0Ol€lla730.GO.At{OL Gu Stongo Withdrewel Al{ I Jxrrs F.rtrb .AX : 001{0tl00.GD.At{.I)L B.t Storage lnl.ctlon AN l l*t*Ltt.el Ii 001{08200€o-Ail.(,L FSWPS aswPS gsrwS FSWPS BSWPS t6tt.963 50 13.12.379 50 $t5.168 63 t601.696 50 1a71.63 r0 |t 2.3re.50 !ra5 rcl.6r $fi.e$.50 (152.906.r5' tt,ra!.2,9 tt 3509.Er0 68 11.7.0.?69 38 GA5 SIOR SIOR 1509.048 88 3a28 ?30 39 t ?t.rrO tt t{2! 130 !9 v (tac7.r039r) (3,.4rr03.9r tt0s,6ai t6 y'** 3,.28.r30.33 t{r t68.263 3I) 189 TOTALS: {, hl\ k}y\)D (96t,703.911 r*r.rGi,,1iJ _lyi.$r a I._l (r52.906 '51 AFwsra Gas by GL Account - Estimate Accountlng lonth: 2017t'l Dlrcc'llon: ALL Scrvlcc Codc: GO Sfrt gy: ALL Jurl.dlctlon: AX Ilcrl Typo: ALL CounLrP.ily: ALL Ercludc lntr.Co Hcrt Rdc: Y Dcrl Numbcr Erclurloor: il Prgr: 2 Fnor ttLr 12t6ll1 03:0t'59 P[,Oarbae; }{trcUl .rpefibtlbrt COUNTERPARTY PRIOR PEROEAL vOLUUETYPE t$r{BTU CURREilT VOLUf,E TI{BTU (cREOrT) OEBlT CURRET{T tot{TH PRIOR PERIOD GD PURCHASE car inrnportatloi lf -Ooillnlon Cilf, Ouaata, P9.lIr.. llc . Ooitl,ton En.rg, olr.t r Flr.lkr., LLC Gx f[nril[Iff l:cltratl Go.fordon G[ fmmlrlao tlo.tln t Ccloredm+{Gl R.urc.a trc. i ltqlh[tt Plp.In. Cof,aatbn I Xqtrarl ,lgaLa. Cor!...Odr+Aybo C6po[dil tas$ur apdit. CqF..!dr-ocL.t Cflrit, PUO llo. ! tadilffill Plp.lkr. CorF.rlon4ouL Eilrf, mrtrlhe Amrt. LLC ..o.rrnrl PlFLoa Col?or.t on+lcl R.rffi hc. ACgrEP rccISP IPORI rPORT IPORI IPORI IPOfl? 'PORIIPIORl (! I lc 03) Ir.lso (r 32,!l,S?C.?9 (rl:l.St.20t t3.c9l.caa.6* 6r.!0e,rro) (ta:10.500 0) 6r?3.m0.01 6llE.375.O' ($!E t2.{.576 ?9 ,i, p/ ,l TL I Irorn Iuso I I frwsr,a CorP. lnteroffice Menrcrandum Rates and Tariff Administration DATE: 5t17117 TO: Christine Machado, Resource Accounting FROM: Annette Brandon SUBJECT: S-Day Peak Allocator Attacfied is he latest consecutive $Day Peak Firm Sales requirement analysis. This analysis develops the three-year ave€ge percentage of firm sales gas purchased and delivered for \IVashington and ldaho. The average is based on the maximum firm sales requirements for five consecutive days for each of the past three heating s€asons. The calculation method used was approved by the Washington Utilities and Transportaton Commission in Docket No. U€9-3105. The following new percentiages for Washington and ldaho should be used effective Novombor 1, 2017 : 69.06% "Washington ldaho Total lf you have any questions about this please call me a|4324 30 94o/o 100.00o/o - CECoo6 460.! .H _!Ett66.lEEEcooEEE155ct .tt toooEEEt!! C6ErJ3cccccc ('roo(\l.\.loai E 5{tr:!!6E E(, I ifII d\ l3- lGa6lc; g E Co of{Eto :!i(,Io o toa,:E o,tao Ctra o2 o)oocl-laF.,)ei trr'('(ot(,)r..:c{ ooa,toF lr:t NN"IGldGidro (o a.lt c.lr. e.j t'lEI $E Ei 3eo.'rEe€a-=8r iE ct!tG.(\l ,\ a,ro. Gl ct-('roorl\l.t6)Gl-\ .Y 8at-a 6aoaE,.}t2 octartcroclc,?LlN,\l'!61ci c\i ut1646d)tdt,. cri GrO(DN s6ot (toot ou)j or ro c, c, ctoo,otdc;Ul !tt-; dr (o c, ct(o orort(ool')t!t- F roGIio CtIt {, tto|o. (t(rl GIdq ro oNro o d {,o{)ot- olu "ll co....8.Q.9.9 "9 Ef;f,6E r 89888ttolr,,-ccctl.!GGO= FFFFF iatg oEE-tb9!E'A rrrir e€eE EsssEEEEEE atfE llaU' aEcll6(J o_ tsoI _tI) a:.IEo e 3 -arou, o E.co9r E 6I ao E!a3r a10: aoti58E(.)o; -eE8al- ?EN *EE!9EE!EgiJ'iiEt:i o6tI6 6 5ti dlotNra!oat GI ,att,c,r' Fo6ctlOqo (loi.t\ollr). ) a,)ol!t, GIra,d),') (, 8d() a,,d ooo ooo o ooo o o ctocl ooo o6) t.iot- tF. () arr. (,onlci@ir rt .\.. E(a dl6crctOO)(\aGlci 6i(oOrtt?l- t?tooFO,o.Ncri;8Br,i; Ottrro(t rat oaN@N;;do (\l .r!O(\lto c.j gl ta, c, -6)ttl -Ne 88oooo6o!0rci cil,larl- r 6NlOrt N .,Ioc!c,ra!td l)oro!r@6rtur;hh rrtooocro?OlRtsF';cl lltocrri- a!, ct G.iofiot', @?OhrooN-l:{\' ttSooco\.D- ctlFrl.'CTN.,I6Nd c,i ooE6 E P Eo! oocoo o00cro !t n. E C' (oNorot!t?(lao C'o6| c.iot- t (ilocl66l1'tN.,i rrtNC'q 6 o aGIc) crtoc,Fl L)I\6 E 5ii -Q o. r!xr* Ec -oF6l(t EFe?Fa EE 5 .D T E Eo o aa E Eo,s€€s €cecE,,lllr.rr= 1'o o NNNrNirFF.\|?G.OrFG.Nfe-?F -FGTFNF(\a-tC!-FN(\ldltvl(\lF?r(i, .tl.oBILEE.,trIIE co o,f og ::IE,ltEctC T Eet.=o=ado{E€llleeeeeEL:,=.=.! ! Ou, lrlrlrttt!F a; J I E6 It! ChocGP Ii E! ET Iiolsr: l$. "l; "l:loll!tlc.j l8 t; "l* I \\ >>>\ \>\\ )\r ooooool F.iatre T-E-' =iE. \ t!FI E sI a)L4 Ii, E! F at sI 4 8II, s ,l E c J Iar7 t-lq t3 l= lR. 5tol g slrt EI EI ,9 tn.tg I'l3 t$ 66$OO60 6hdo60i6Ar3666q q r. cl 6- i.5-dd6t66i3-r- 66SOOO6 EITfiITE;i'l.i;.,id666codO ET$6$TEdSd6SF" EHTSAs"rdBh'Cti t-latu6-Gd6t-A6ilii6tc-dFF6tlCdfCiCa' - 6 -eJ.l L16606$O6 ddn6ooiadd6a ooooooo0L r I .r\ : > sl H'1sl E"q ;ll=lutdI g,l gt sldsflgt H.l !.1 il'] ! 11 Jt <t I i E T E3 XExie39iIi oorodraa6al6crrra^rf,IJt60---doaaddq- ---J-HAflllh !r- 13 ----l:---t-8;F lCdfis lil. .:..1: E!Itrdddd = o'l -d F EI ul.I d EI 8 on 3 lgoaoGl5666-Atvt nl ut { e- q.l6dF<n dt 06 I aa:a oo€o OO-dAt oaoooo C' 8t I g=l :'i: $ti l- {el egdo \ To d clcr- 2t lIEE T- 5 Er_ !HsI- ifl" ,E E6 sl*oto.at ilr. -l: !Id 8883336d5666q4qqq4oooooo IE t: la l6lo l-' -1. Jliilq 'l- 0!t T Z. .;, 6: E [ffi"(,oo ooooo o 6 5 if' 5 EI il= tt,l!lg ,x B*4aIll EI tizt *lr otl t alr'lt lR.anE- 16' .J ' aG6dnqr-q.o-Q q.\d t 6Ft,!I; !6'95Rt "H'g$ dff-d-flR6ooi-Ad6loooooooo 466069 4iff66660646666E664 !'.- o9$o90 ol8:8dJ^'J .t dnFi-ffN6ooF-^n6a -i6ddid-oooooooo d66F666ONAGdCAqorqrrndrvl -a5l6dda Gda^dr'l q. p.i8-d8. 606.{A E 666$06 oo0600 60000s AVTSTA UruTfs Sdicrrrfi &mtiarrr I Aho.rqrrtqr.lla Waarllabo . G.aGt .ti Or tm!.r I :tot, C!E l\tdr--16r.adgm-t6LJc ChrO.Ffi r0llrro!Oilronm ,\ lffi- tor.fr-45ao tfiirl O.adl.fdlm8t a Orf,lG le 00 PG^ FGA O.our.ne TOWllCArErrab.! OBC FAIESItll! &t"f$ U.ft! idr rtt (10 0010.) (10 o0t0{l D6r,l $u$ h.Lra.a atltcl C &ta.trrbr tl0, ttl, trl, ttt. ttl tod !tl. llnoB.t $.o$.xtortlr.t.ta Erl 3tm t0.3tGE5 lol.trt t0g0rr9 to !.trg 30.035E0 t0 05510 t0 02229 t0 022?9 lo 0'19t0g) 0r910 TNAP sdr lil $ol00r0r0 $.till5 to ot0r0 to.4frt Pr{ ,0 tirffi Om m Tlritrit .r ,aildlL rr t . Lr@ Geomt Effio - Fhh f cmrrrl.r| r bE 0r. s a{01 to ,aO ih.m.: tllltCtS l03,al29 t05o2r9 t034t29 tlot ill l0 33209 l!0t aa 00oexx) to055t0 (to10Go3) to0???t(t009501) t00r5e0 (!0a066!) 100"?29 !0 0rsErg,015t1 kwn cna,!. o, ,.m[ici afidri..rl,aiilfrda6$.m,01-1,@amr Ou6 t.Oo.lmay'*-t- ,cr-r*6 4lrfti ra.lxat l.o hfrt:Iilinn dria ol !050720 t03!209 9t.340t4 t033109t0?59.1 totr209 t0 03t0. $qteo. t0.0390. l0 03t0. l0 0t5El l0 orStr t0 0lStr $ 01600 t0 01600 l0 01600 (to0m5l (t0 orts) {10 or8:t5l (t0 0,l!51 t0.0rstr !o0rc00 too|ltl t001600 te!flre toraa0ilx,ll.e ttot,aall$s lolilr0l0.roallaI.6C w,4l0rfttl itol,s.,laatIrlarlo"ilor!9,.lors$Tfile tlot.a4rse$e t.tarr$.lcar} t0 a7ll. 10.71$o t0.cail,,gr.ffGl to.l'ra03t0.!&lte t0.6r6:zl t0r7rtt Icilrtaat[.I?itnICOi r:1r1200 ir6it20t.t.000ar.rOw l.60naGr Xawm dtaoa ol l.li..la llJl.!sr.egmfrt 10,00 ltana l0.0ol{3 0O0 ri6rl5.00I{0000ndr Os 50.m ltarir Aarui tltlrir .luec ir 250 e0iamr filr[ lcb/aa mtual t0cf, IDG| loyrr2o lo3:Ir09 t0 34031 to 33209g, ?5943 t0 33109 u,{'!O Otttt , ,n1pn ,ft$')l0 0r@ot0.01@& 0rn00 to 33:xxl f',' I/ I Gfrff. I h. fin r.lrxa tc a.0 !ma: t252 26 t0.13c0.(10.0{913} 00 o.ert) t003rxr. to 0390{ &03e0. lo orcr. t0 01402 lccn][faa t !.tatrlhm loliil:frr tm ttr.mr$l-l.qroailtI,qrl.!0,mncilr0.qrr{5.o0..G Orar 2t.0O itsfrrAnftdltmn iufr oafuGraruga sch.lEL l22 - Hrdr AnMt Loid Fxlor trra Oalffit S.M . FiEI rmofralff b b{ irar 6 agrxt !o ,aa tha@:ftannd[iad,L,oltm{ra*ra lcilrilcl.r.t fanloalillfh!00nffi$l.l.mOi6rrt.00l-10,O01m.rc.Or-2t.06i.uOc2a.@irrillfi[aa fiffin irn ddltafr, dlrgt Li-& lll .Irtrr5l8.mtir to.U Osilro,Or-:li"molt f,r6,Or-to,@rffiOn gr.ooh.flir Aa(alfinrl,B drfc.&.O0 1252 2e l0 io.6a L 3!to1 t0 35670 9,.33104 lo 2rJg, to tttol t022202 to.3n0{ l0 I'1r25 $.!!toa t0 0161r to 0t01. t0 016r l0 0tGla to 016ra !0 0ra62 t0 0ra62 lo 0t.62 t0 0190. t0 0390.& 03904 l0 03901 t6 0!t04 re g) 0!.62 to 01.6, v lo loa56 lo rltoa & 33i?0 to.3:tao.lld 2rtr, $.!taol$ ezlo? 10.33{. I0 rarni gr.$lto. .'$hA to orct. !o oraci 1o.01.04 to 0t.01 to 0l.O,l !0 0r.01 t0 3tao. to 0r.62 l0 01.6:l to,0r.62 to.0r{62 t0 0r.6? ll.?5?r, lo29ar6gl2029l to2tfi5t0 1906, to29.16 t0 rt662 to 29.15 l0 0t52r t0 013r, l0 01rr1 t0 01521 l0 0r.04 to 0r{0, t0 0r.0.a$ 0taor g) 0r0l{ 30.0r6ra to 0tcta l0 0161. l0 0t61. t0 0390{ l0 0i90./t0.ra6rc t0.65tt? to.t m-, iluY .tr 91.253r, t029116t020rtl to2t lcgt 1906, to.2tar6 l0 rt662 lo rt tt lo 0r521 to 0r5?1 to 0rs21 t{t 0!5rr lo.lrart t0.t3c$l t0'tltloa lo.trGt u.27n1 nil,,u},,Otu r r0.m0 $615:12r0.00r 25.m $.$6!6 t49cG0,srol 10.000 t055r? tro.ao50.m0 H. to.5a90, t1.00, l0 -!@L-EE! I!Add I,l I,r I 20r t.00t I 501r,6r r0.or 25.00r rtul+attlwa EI ,0 lo rto29 ffi $04523 70 l0 uta6oEr g) 13160 200 t0 3:1.59r.000 to.Ga{gtowr t05ta02 lr0l.aatt:t t? 3il4 2' I 20t t.@l Itot a{ t33 t, lr 1a 2t 5m $.sttor.000 t0.r2550 a2t2Atr3 93 lr55 66$m 16 t2.5a5 4l Il0lrmr 10.0t a6.@r 10.000 t06{2r,25,000 to.leou6r t0 !1G05 u, L260 I r0.!or 2t.00r ro 000 10.000 to.Srcrt 25.000 tolrGl,flr.000 tO5l,a0t 3a9t 50 tto,a 60 t9 00t9m t0 Er 19.00 t9 00 t0 8lr ?00r.m ffi t0 3,6390 10.70{21 t0.62t3! lo0 r.000r0@ 25.000dt totE&r &rt2ralo.rt.tt tn 9r t0 C}:toa 3r!a tGgt.5tot] t6?6 rG 10505!a t2.L3.tglJtEl69 AVr6IA UtUTCS Sdraar! Srflnrar I Slwbff Srd! o, Wadtigto . Ca:e&(ri Oaa a5{iraar I Atl,h.lro.r,.do,3.t aut. l50- tg6. tS. t15. te! .rld le:l Erdulta dlacr af fldr(trr. til 6... lftall &[Js srirE &Lut lrr-tD Er-8r &illl Er t0 0t905gl 08010$ 07.2e t0 0551r l0 00056 t0 0@56 l0 qro56 l0 00056 to 00056 TEl',O t0 000!3 t0.lor{agt @0a3 t0fraato@!3 !0.0ar..&.oq}t! g,!ra5 g, 0mE3 tor!'1lt naro!l0.6st Sdr.fiL lal llo0ny Rm 1200.00Pln Rwcnuc By RaE Sclredule 6!r lbrWA Dab Sowce: FinarEal Rcporthg oeUCdor.ly Perlod: 2Ol71l frE s.rr(rfrf, oc.c SUhc oaFmlnilt MA.r qry Lrc.ec Qty | *nrrr fnt I nO rnr.ee r,rarrr 0r0l. Fltr,rAr{)GEflcn LSEn Rffi lto 0102. ftEsocrlrut DEqxrr\tr RDEi lr0 oru - Frnrr{ tGE GEn sctv nm Ito 0u2 . Fnil{lncE GEn SESV $m t50 0r2r . FrRr,r-|0 Ar{ittA Lo o f,rn rto 0122 - FIRil-l{ Arfi,Al. L(ID iltXR 150 OI3?. INIERf,TFIIEIfSENV RDCN I5O 0l{5.TnAflsP$rorsrGAs nlD€n r50 Or-.I-Io,ll 0 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r,s,qtr 6. trl rru,& n7n tAnS xr..06 l,r:15 .u.rrr,$ YTD t r.9r YTD nffirlfn!, {1,s87,{90 65,738 17,05t,207 s2.7* r.2&,518 u0,197 2E4,053 l&288 62rt;t etta,trStt J -, 4*trdrY > - **5I[*]?.,*ij 'Sf*" Sttr' thtd&Jt' l?a- l., ll h '' ';; fr'n. Dtc tnnhs )4t;' J* tu 'L,.? 1 grrt* Paoc3d4 FoetntrroltfO*t I Run oatr: Doc 5. lOlT U It g Q l$ss aJ5- ?-r1-)<'-*a-e E{+.A qd6F -F ! Eq t] 6fiali6-166F6*58HnFS!rtt8ddffdn-di66660G666000 o6600066666q a 6 t Itr xo aa€aats-Fir6Na6Adox6tad6dftooaadl6ddddifJil.adJ.idq1[8-r.r-fi-r.Qr.q nnH6-aFtitl- o $ 3 ; n'66' 3l E, t eI-t!tirEt!;:,irg.l ,i\r \STei , 1 sriE $ { s\{"\ S '$s , -l-t,s\ N \ s ,; * S\ F a { \,s)s * Q a c{ { -* A -\.s \}e-f-\ SrS B \ s \.N { \{ tq EH ll I <i ;tnio Et E E ii F a o bIITt 8u i IgrlII n8888n598RIP ,_tiFn$E$rdtiH!" c 3 FNgEgESEFNEF" *dss'E$fdJC$C I3--8 $ ! F--6aO4nFtG-E'58'qC!TET6.. .t-r.lJJat:o-.Stiddl= E I I EGaSdad-Fna, "IlSFgSErtlEtr;{{iHii:ixEdfla.6ah0afrt8E:e rFtFf:tISfaEIi;$3tB[5gi[[!.!5 . cl ^i.ari J ii'i J d Jri Gllcft,>; q Iq F t I 3SAh5rH38*nSr 8.3.1:sl{ift:p rsfE t E -. d ir.i.. -' r aai!-oats-aA-6-64-OFfi.!FFr-OFaarO. Ciz'issderC$a, €- 4.1 r. \ rte_ q. r. !1 r,!! sr a i * = r e ' 6 G r d o o I F il i I!- E I *iTESTTSSEf,Itr"dEgFStin.9i$ia8 -.iri.r...i -66aaFn6iaaF. :8RE8TEET*C8 I aH.?.3.i:ildgtt'iFEI Oddaa ari : ::!:?=i:.!3!!itiiti!!t$t i: I o6666600-66 \ F t!F I1! I I E I ! ln a sli tdp1e l--_l ll*dn [--1" l$f;H lcss 5tEldI8 3 E EI 8l ETItatli ,i ri Ireo I la l* L ti I h t{ l. -tst H=1 fl"1 EI H'l l3fls 1- -l-l^ -t-It -16tq. aI{. lB 813pJl l,,-l- 18! 1., l"= |*qu l== ot H aE -Bl H EI EIdq t R q so pJ h l$ c E B EIug a dt !=E- Et t Iu Eu $s I tE I 5-ilf;-1" E f T d B t g8or- tst q ah. E TII - -l:t!ildd sl de fllst ! \ u $ct tl it nti -l: 5{t F l!le=sl16EErt5li \o iIo-tEE<FEE cax-;tb>:9 6g- f, ? il nlltlj 5l rl EIota,l e{t-EIA.}i !.olIiE x.(r th *' qa.q. Ii oo0 qi I R8qn ooo To' t o_ a o g I I E d F ! i'j d E Revenue By Rate Sdtcrlule G..!or ID Data Sourcc: Fhildd R@rdn9 Dln t+dltco D.dy Pcdod:2Ol71l nlE sdr.dulc D6c 0t0r - rnr4 ArD GElCi I sEr rm tgl 0lll -Fnil-uRGEGEt{$ev Im r50 0t12 ' FtRr+uRGt GEr{ Sttl/ tDm t5{' Or-.I .totrl 8tlfle t atlrmh.nt , n*r C, U$gG Qty i Rarlrr! Arnt YTD Aya.g. ttdlrt YtD Ur.ee r,orrJu J0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 757,589 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o t t J 19,tt7,.fi 7,W,q7 1a7,76 2r,ta+tat l l,81rs 2rtl,cr. I .^llfu\ P.oc 3 ol ,t IU&*mrdlrrOnly I lun Drte; oGC 5, 201, frvtsta AWSTAUI'LITIES Schcduh Sumrurlc. I Stoatcuta s;trtt ol ldrho . Gr] E fbc$w 0L tlovmtbfi t, 20{7 Bare t 0.21072 3 E 0.21372 t 0,21072 3 a o.21e72 PGArucocRE SLEO PGA Amqut.lro,r R.T Sdr t55Rate FCA OstrlR.t R.b Sdr 173 Sdr ls! Igffl lnclud.t .{t ct ol gch.duh. lt0, t5t, t76, ltl .nd t97. t6.2t 0.76Et7 3r00.75 0.26180 0.7G556 o.t8t3a 0..99E3 0.tta50t 3100.7t 0.350.2 0.tta17 0.66996 0.tt82c 0.$423 y'scmo,* ror - c.rr-rr s".,r."u B$ic Cnrrgc x Pcr lhcrm E5.25t 0.t77a6 3 SchG.lub l t t - Lrrac G.o..rl S.n ic. It co.rtu.ttloon b hor Oun or tqual to 200 tftaflm: Minimumchargecil < t100.75 Plu3 t o, thcfmt ulad tirxt 3 It conaunpdo.t L l?t&r t t.n 200 thGnna: FGl200 trtcfm! 3 0 5fi175 t201.1.0000t.r?nr 3 0,3105a 3 1,001-10,000 thcrmc I 0.23783 tOt,Crlo,000tlcril! t 0.1t381 3 Scfic{h-da t t2 - Lrroa G6flGral ScrvicA l, cottlumgtbo b L.a th.n or.qu.l ro 200 th{mt:MiflirumcJr.fcof < 1100.76 Plw I of thrrm ure<t lirmr E It co.lrunilon L ert.hrthan 200t lctlt: First 20O thnnr 3 0.60375 3201-1,@0hcnrtr t 031054 3t,001-l0.00lhcnrtr t 0.237E1t 3 OYcr 10.000ltxflrr I o.ltgAt I 0 32449 t (0.06662) 3 0.0246G t 0.0161E I 032449 3 (0.0t8E2) 3 0016,15 t 0.00978 t 032.40 t (0.08E62) t 00rcr5 t 0.00078 I 0 32.lag 3 (006862) 3 0.01615 t 0.00978 t032449 I (008862) 3 0.01615 3 0.00076 I 0.32.!19 3 (0,06E62) 3 0016tS a 000078 I 0 32449 E t 001615 t 00097E t 0 32.4S t 0 32alt9 t0.32'!lg $ 0 32a,t9 $ 3 0.01616 I 0,0007E3 001615 t 0.00€7Et 0.0161$ 3 0.0007E 100161s t 00(n70 I l0me78 1 g.a{rr i 0.0097E I 0.4a8ar st 3I N 0$tl dL scrgda tra. ffi.rruEu. s.rvrc' Pa,hcm tuiirrll ilinitn m ch.,gc b 250,60 sch.duE tSt . Fltcmrotiblc s.rvi:e Parth.m AnnulMhimum cfieeE 6 250.000 mlnu3 aclual annual U3aeg Unlei 0 2rEgl 3 0.2r89r s $ qt Scnaddc t4G - Trao!66.ffi.r Scn ic. fu Cutioflr.r Or,rEd Gs EaJc Ch.rlc lZliJo,JPcrtn.rn t 0,t2740 3 Annutliliimurn dralc b 334.550l'nt e&Id !ilxrd rEagc I _./ \3 t12c.00 0.r2740 $Yn-*9oh' t OYcr I 0.a4O.11 t0 0O t Ore. $ 0.1{6f1 t000 0 t Therms Ey ad! 200 t 0 28[0 r,000 t 058134 10,000 3 0.9€63 ovcr t 0 aa3,61 3r00.75 t36,84 Ir r8.55 36SE 75 t 201 r,(x,1 t0,@t sr00 75 $36,&r 0, r8.55 t65S 75 t 20r I,00r r0,@r 200 3 0 350.2 r.o@ 3 066096 10,000 I 0 36t25 ouir 3 0 5!123 0 orGr t 0 75017 35 25 35.25 I II I 3 E 6 d I 1.o $g Gid !lit rllIii $$ttr. I t.\ it $$ S *$ot R I:-r\54 I! Eo I II I I.\ rl {\:DbS I \ t, E\.ra.a?:.r S[r- i\\is\1 s \t-Jv ll o 3 r! ,,I iis .!6 b EIt rl UC!ItIt3 I T, HEEfrfiEtsS3fi3I^!r!!.!.!n'_raa..!ano6€oooooooo0 d I Itr TU --r66nOaNadOE-6rF-aa6aFdiidfEsSJ$ril-a6a-aantt-hddildciei.l^i.t,{^id xi .i il TI , $$i$iEilEiiEI=a-,iir'.- ..l 3 .lI II I $f,FBE6FArnSEhn6dEdaanoot: ii$JSixinsfFiE ir,!la--t !atII --46--Fao-64nPsStEE!tnEn o dddrr,io-CdJdr{r,ea 666500606609 II I -eei.nl.lla.!.{qqEi{i'{{}.{$$E${E !i""dr.i'.f.l : : :::: ::::::h38888888P8t r:i$6$1flH$Eiil >t cI cI t ti -Grnin-I i,[[i$lir3eil;i EfiEEN!i3E!i! t -E {r:f;nii.e'e{r.E lsd.'ddrlsfii.r.ji,{ri t€ $II T ao6ia--csrisRtSgxBgSu :.t'nxiCtCr(Cx':t6..{r....:.r1 SYFiiid 6A-On-66-6rA. EgSI'5Rf,8:IE I s{{s.ff.n:$td$dI'!7 r66ait t6 s Er!:?:ic.l:=!rii;ilii!$t { 6S6060669 oo66GO \ E t atgt I t IIlI II I I II I I t I I tIt-J d sJ! :l' tt.tta t:I! Eg J' E688 TE83ad !drs lr I li IJri E" i E $" E E != I : tt $' fl,;'u , '$ l-.-- fl,1!!tt u" llr il * l.r.={- lE E E Isl lr r il!" itt+f n' c It g qt r_$t ''l; t aill't'l I -t-itl{!ttt:-t- EE,A aratS55r..* $x ?!s it t-t,[ I IE o 2 9ta3 I l- ooooGoo StiFt'JJJ 8:El6065 iFt I 6 EiI!tat I Rwenue By Rate Schedule Ga for Wl D& Source: Financial Rcporting Oil.lJPd.Ed tEly Accounung Pcdod: 2ol71l fEffifcOG OTOI . FIRI,I A'() GEIENAL SER 0102 - f,tstDEr{Tl r. usGJrYT 0lll - Flru,t-l nGE Gan sERv OtI2. FN'i.tlRGE GEX SERV 0t2t - Fm{+0 ArtruAL LoAo 0t22 - Rn,FHl Armr^L toAD OTTI. INTER$FTIAE SERV 01.16 . Ix^r{sP s1rc orsl G s M-l6a I lrlre DrEtthfia rf.trQty tJr.gc Cfv in"-.rfnrt'YfDftr..epifru! YfDUr.eG , vmna,rrf,lt i rm r5t rDm l't RIm r5t Rltm 195 RIH 15' NDH TsE tm l3E nlom 155 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o .1.128,036 -1,6t2 -!t3.02 l -l .19,t32 I 0 0 JI .r0,9r[,921 .16,560 .3,57,9i12 .t -r65.6t9 -l -8 0 .ta,..L6:l )r .r,ror,clt / p'oru.lltl NrK {t 6utt cnr- t,,}$fzruv utrs rnt,Ytl- +** t?? l'., llz *":;-t'f*::WN' Paqc I ol 4 Fo.Inbnultra0nly I iunO.ta: Dcc5,2017 W at\ I t.lr -6lnrr, 6a' {,,v \ | r'l vl fillL-- 'Q;nttrtitvt; Auku l,tlldcr sleholwrhhs0n ocurloFtrsrt ol &nofthrtloa Ratr rotal Nov/t7 DccllT lzahB Frb/r8 Mar,/18 Agrllt Mry/18 lualLS Ju[18 Aut/tE Scp/18 OcV18 Iotal Nov/l7 Dp.cltT l,o.hE Frb/18 Mar/18 AP./18 Mry/r8 Jun/18 tulllS Aug/r8 Scp/1E Oct/r8 Tot.l Nov/l7 O!c/l7 E^llt Fcb/18 MatlLS Aoiltr Mrv/r8 lun/18 lull16 Aut/t6 Scp/18 Oct/r8 RCF 1.fitr5 AMORTIIANON iAIE CAICUUNOil S.h.ddc lot t _--:_.-ru. Amort Ratc (o.o!ro57l 15,592,584 22,l,61,7@ 22,2S9,360 17,710,u9 15,093,0S7 9,r39,987 ..933,991 2,947,ta' 2,11r,78 2,17L,370 z,s?L702 7,058,673 8,sos,567 8,156,679 6,452,/l81 5,578,170 3,5E9,0r9 2,132,626 r,603,32s 1,603,390 r,721,494 2,Ot5,0r1 Amort Rate (0.0474S1 6m,836 551,980 519,728 4tr,78t 385,2r0 286,t09 2U,201 r9r,022 218,7t3 2$,!74 2r7,gtg with RCF (0.095041 r,i113,855.71 2,073.168.76 2,018.:t64.E5 r,607,670.09 1,36t,56r.20 824,767.n t[a7,3E!1.{B 267,250.20 212.:!r0.21 r96,E88.?3 233,279.43 with RCf (0.(xs731 (28,319' I (23,71..u1 s (rE,237.721 s (13,376.861 S 19,382.711 I 16..32.61' 5 14,721.e3) I (3,766.98) t (3,127.7.1 s (2,sr2.011 s (2,fi'6.521 I (9,792.565) (7,743,U01 (5.7419831 (4,r48,6901 (2,789,51r1 (1,967,177) (1,52.,scr1 (1,26r,0261 (l,o5L8r4l l8sr.so7l 1525,23.1 (3,3E5.2521 (2,758,7341 (2,1ss,63r1 (1,57&4681 (r,265,4571 (1,0m,2251 (813,2971 (725,5631 (607.sosl (480,2871 (32s,st3l (17&88{} (r53,143' (r28,8641 (r05,3231 (E8,2621 171,t711 161,757l. (55,8s7) (r5,5131 (3{,03U (21,8661 lntcrcJt Irlancr voluma 3.2516 5{rr.rrt,6r.o6l t24,577,619 =l ' l,o4t tf : , ""1F., I r.; '/ Arnon Rate *lth RCf (0.07475'(0.0783s1 Balan€ volumc 9(3,9o4,05E.7E) s2,84O,S70 lnt!rrst 3.2516 lntc.cat 3.25ra (g,Esel s (8,3101 t (6,6{51 S ls,18s| s (3,eru s (3,0611 I 12,.931 I (2,1221 s (1,$31 5 lr,.7rl s (l,090l $ s27.66S.98 5 635,827.53 S 609,7a6.55 s .82,350.55 S {r6,E12.11 S 268,294.52 s 159,422.93 S 1r9,855.t0 5 1r9,860.2t 5 128,689.05 t 155.863.s0 I 136 Schcdulc 121 Bdrm Vdrmcs l206,s9.rEl .,121.227 28,508 S 25,190 s 24,660 S 22,859 S 18.325 S 13,608 t 10,306 s 9,063 s 10,381 I 1r,690 s 12,211 S (s221 (1191 (3t11 (3r8' 12631 (2211 (1891 (r631 (1371 (r081 (761 0 , I1 SllllI:X3:lli | "'/Lfiltdi kil .A*unhu/r'Y*!#,ffitt/a; du t nqrtfiol,I N(,ID..Afisla-..wA - Ph+-AtWh nunl ( -pyt4a4,t'Jor1 r tll PaBc: l0 of I I Avista Utilities State of Washington Schedule 155 - Temporary Refunds/Charges Amortization Acct 191000 Est. Balance At 6130/t7 Customer S Customer SL Customer W Schedule 101 & 102 Schedule 111 Schedule 121 Schedule 131 Schedule 146 Total (1s8.62) (2s.e4) (185,95) (228,674.991 (309,641.04! (109,661.75) 0.00 0.00 h3o,-hm Qt (48,600.78) (14,589.281 {67,281.06} (11,178,061.061 (3,904,058.78) (206,869.88) 0.00 0.00 Current Deferrals (Acct 191010) At 6/30111 (48,442.16) (14,563.34) (57,095,11) (10,949,385.07) 13,594,417.741 (97,208.13) 0.00 0.00 Total for Amortization ffuwetu *ranrftr+t tYrYlff AmortirationOnly S (15,288,989.721 large Customers S (130,57t.t21 s (15,419,560.84) & = (wo,61t.vj 0l4,^,e +\,/l N utwvil fta Acaotmfr \ I (1u ootf til?Ls I " " ;;;':i;;0"5- t0t.r1 lld'o juob'M ?ht' ' "',hhrh rncnl 'i g' 11Ju V(o{xrc ' 7o t1 lnput - Amortization Ealances Page;9 of 11 \ E -6 oa loi nqe-gr6 8t 8Boc,[] TIE.ile'ql.1 "1" t I6' d(,l ElolEI EIdUI a !r-!tln e. t66 l'- lE8lod H$H"-l- e CIol sla H<t IeeC.9o E E gt d2tFI oo t\.l6 l: tttcrtsOF{DO otUIclalsrlg <t ucl!t>td EIolEI q,EI@l atel --^3=.5 c, cc.E? et g g= ItOl(5 ! a -\ )I N c 3 o 63 <hdt8F Eet -t6U -t EE H \ OFoo3.ftlB4gial trl lc!.1=o€ Io o odooa.gt-f,ElltJ{ !tot G:ci5i-t,g EI cloz1 5=E55* t2 e -3t -!t B.x €a rrt' G o N Odoo @dO! o q o-I Revenue By Rate Schedule Glt fior ID Dlta Source: Finarcial Rcpoi0ng Ira. upd.Ed DrlY A@oundne Pcrlod: l0rrll nlb Sdl&rc Ocrc ffiig Octtfltlttrtt tlcIi sy lJ..g. Qty i Rafiilc m l.fD Av.rrgr oul . flRM-IARGt. Gtrrr sERv RrDen 155 0 o .r00,92s / ou-dl.Iotl o o -7r\21, lilffi YIDUiT0G rron rcttrrri .5,321,879 -2,t 15,150 -rlt,oD 0 0 o 0 0 o PaEe 3 of . Fctorrrll,rrOnU I Run OaE: Dc( 5, 201, frwsra #fr. AvBu tltlftlcr ldrto Gsor.3.th.t Ornloprnt of llrErth.lhn i.r.* Rrtc Schcduh: lol-132 SATES AMORflZAfiON lsch 101.1311 Salcs Thcrms Llnc ilo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 r0 ll L2 r3 Itl r5 r6 1? IE Amortlrations (0.48111 Ealancc I P,21r,$81 lntr'rit l.(x)n TOTAT AMONTIZANOI{ RAIES 954,S76.t9 s 1,239,15/1.91 s r,173,796.05 s 9G,064.9r s 820.356.77 $ sr1,020.90 s 3m,175.66 S 205,a14.17 s 196.971.59 I t!n,5r8.r7 5 21r.786.(n I : ,) - t,()()rB I = ,4q414 Nov-17 Occ-17 lrn-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 Mry.l8 Jun-18 Jul-18 Al4-18 S.p-18 Oct-rt 10,E3lr,m8 I 1r,063.838 s r3,322,0{5 S 10,306,119 t 9ilq?8s s s,799,8S2 s 3,.6,t56 S 2,331,359 I 2,235,537 5 2,26a,439 s 2,17L,n1 5 (s,612.121 9m2.7il (3,70r.271 (2,836.9r1 12,r19.r01 (r,566.r21 (r,229.421 (1,019.791 (8s2.971 (688.{81 (5r5,r81 (6,162,173.391 (5,02&121.231 13.8s8,326.451 (2,953,098.4s1 (2,134,8SO.781 (1.62s.395.00' lr,t26,$9.761 11,122.05s.181 (925,936.561 {727,106.871 15o9,836.051 s s sII 5I s sI 5 \1€or htnnr@tthon) i '' [4,fi nu]' Urrtutrf,ioYit foeV i J tl'tt N*i,<l*l fut Acautnhry / nru 1ur ,Dab. Aruet/ /A4 A* (h(ry{/tott/ tut 7 /adht &,t &h)t,t 0 - t0 tkl ttJn@Wr, ([u -lo - 2o it ) SrL.Ailoilh.doo Amort, Ratr without ?aycnur $ntltlvc corts I (0.(E8lrl Tab. Amortiration Page: 8 of 11 t II os J tss{\-\1 .-\\ c5\s\\q\* $$s l<- ;sjt* iYi'$3 :3,.- 'a s:ss -,, \$ I 3 {$$$ R $sis,v ; c\ 1]s * e(\ \ T b + €r-1 \1( Y + o E i t "{ tt s E ,,, at4!E'fEEgcxo l td s a r Irtt t(t 8-t8RF F I I II E8 I ia ri,,ir : : t I i,,, Lrrrlnl5e3a3 rdi: s:' -1:. =lo! r,Ii "1: :di -t-^J-BgX-gr -t- lds- rlr -1" r :lr: Elf "1" !$1 ;l:i s'lt' -t: 3 Rll ^ ilr."t- ;J;rild =:l;i$l -t- ndl- il8 - "l: ETT 8' t trr (6t $,8 Egugoo Et6Eoo E6g 900 {EE 6r! artBEE ET3 8TR iiir;;; E8El = !!s EIE 661gEa *io3= I = Fc. tr! tr! Efe E IC3 g{! q Tg ! $ I !I iii Ita s- E E ! rag( J r nd^33 t Ear :I ga?rl,aa !c !d Id Ia Ic t a I .i td Td n c J d I. q *ar 3Iri ; ! I It! , i E itu i B IIttt d a Iriirti3 ! E i J'E I I IIII allaa66a6a6a6T5 Eg iI.B ''rd i iH. eET 8 Et ig:' I j ri !E.F C 8! Elrc p ,i r!: Ij ciqEin qt 5- !E t 3r Ift Ia t8. F. E^.!: II!I E>F E- Itlllr eI aE a t'd d rr Ei:. { 85 E:i C r (, { , , I , ( t A; :l, il :t a t :, I : + t t ! I T 6 ! E !I IEET a\ a\ n t Not \ 5oorf(.i Fo.\l N lLNf\a\trFFFFFocrcrooAQNTN PFEFF6rt ait (.t ai, a,!CI6INNN sggEGG oooo_o.o,ETEooo222 gg GS ooo- o-li 1ia, a,22 ieq !t l\o.\l ct N 88o-E.i NNooNA ggg iEGE oooo-oo-xxxoaJa,zzz ,\ t\ t\crcroaaN >\> \ !EItIr€:€ddd ci,*O Jt 99.E .h.Be ooo- 6-!iroo22 N c,N gggggg E€EGTG ooooo(,o- o- o- o- o- o-E.!TTEEEoaroeroozzz zzz tsFF]\.\FooooooNeeeaq FFFFFF )r I \ I G-IlF?!thE6lal,)€la6lJttO6.G..?l\C}F???C'CIdctcicicici0o*0tto I G (9L Toz lsoN ts o o zZ- ;a <-)c oao Elrl aao EEtt IDE E oa,t oe3(taoc, o o IG, l\'\,\FFE??FFoooooNNNNN F?FFF r?FFF Ft\i\oooeNs CI CI C' C' C'8888rc!4r600C,c,OOC'cidcicicitlos)rDO oaooGEa/OrA6aOCG'(\G'NG'tttttcroclctoO*E 6O .o -o It .o.ot66E6D.6AEE6AOoo66 .o trEE {,-HTiEas rFN?NOFFerClCrFC)(\lG.ai, ? oo N.+) o ?(\t(\lGt6{aOOO?C{GltFF??FF ????Gl(r| t $Eo FFoo roFG.O ?6 C' C'!D U) . -1 r ; ) \ ,\ tragflOttftlOtitL6 Fl\Gt'Cr'C'C'C'OC'IOC'6. ??O?ClCtd ddGiciciciI, JDJ)JIJ}UDTt ,) ItFo {i)€o.!rC' CIOC ?Ct6aoocr6oaldci0J| >a\lrreEg€xEE??G. a 6Ootar a Gqcq q qCt CT C' C' C'ott 0 a) d) Qoo orstGI3 eooI(J or fi(,, o2BfrPoc,5E Eoo lOslo o, Boo 8(f C') taEE ?(\FGa-NrNlOOC)rF(\aN(vrClrt?F?fF ro* EEE r5. r..EEEEEEEEEA.c:Ol),ll)88ttEt CI aato6G' C'0 o E (\lai o otJIol E G .tsEo E lo o 6 oco 3 ol66l-lol6i:lo\ol olEI ol 6l FI otolGI EIol EIarlO] -91clo>tololol ol tl\lol =lEI i otr s,c6 =c.e6 EbsaeoIaa,trt\o(\ EI ntuflol EI<tJIdolFI dEIclclr!lrl olNI el otottlclclot GINI!loI EI<lolclGlEI 6l.rlg EIot EI EIolol el g.,Ate o- 5I(,36 e Eo $a6 a,6g =sEg6 UIgE d6 6I6l s,lolol 8l GIEI EI GINI EIol EI<lol'tr1 Gl o-l clol6lIIel.I :l;l o 6E llCo Eo6 ft;ga EI: il5 B.,E.!lo6a, P6Eo coE 6goc HS5rot52lEg2El,i -tE_llH Eo CI.Etooo 3oooo (D c::oc,a, (9 ) HE E a, ;Ezz Nfifisf€ E TTG,U --!,' CaaGGottdctOr) G-6cl 66dt7!688t.idc;,tto FC, Eoc 3 $E; AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Ljtilities SCHEDULE 155 GAS RATE ADJUSTMENT - WASHINGTON AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Washington where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To adjust gas rates for amounts generated by the souroes listed below MONTHLY RATE: (a) The rate of ftrm gas Schedule 101 and 102 is to be decreased by 9.5040 per therm. (b) The rate of firm gas Schedule 111 is to be decreased by 7.835d per therm in all blocks of this schedule. (c) The rates of firm gas Schedules 112 and 122 are to be decreased by 0.000, per therm in all blocks of these schedules. (d) The rate of firm gas Schedule 121 is to be decreased by 4.9731, per therm in all blocks of this schedule. (e) The rate of interruptible gas Schedule 131 is to be decreased by 0.0000 per therm. (0 The rate of interruptible gas Schedule 132 is to be decreased by 0.@00 per therm. (g) The rate of gas Schedule 146 is to be decreased by 0.000S per therm. SOURCES OF MONTHLY RATE: Changes in the monthly rates above result from amounts which have been accumulated in the Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account as described in Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The above Monthly Rates are subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Effeciive November 1,2017lssued August 31,2017 wN u-29 Twentieth Revision Sheet 155 Canceling Nineteenth Revision Sheet 155 (NXI) (R) (t) (t) (R) (t) KellyNonrood,Vice-President,State/FederalRegulation Berg, Jenny Frcm: Scnt: To: Berg, Jenny Wednesday, November 29,20L7 10:07 AM Meister, Keri FW: Rate Review - NovemberSubject: HiKeri, Annette reviewed the rates review spreadsheet and we are good to go. From: Berg, Jenny Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 10:03 AM To: Brandon, Annette <Annette.Brandon@avistacorp.com> Subject: RE: Rate Review - November Perfect - I will keep the rate referencing Collins on the Revenue Rotes tab (it has the contract) and eliminate the Collins Agreement rate on the Ofr lntervenor Funding tab. Thanks again! From: Brandon, Annette Sent Wednesday, November 29, 2017 9:58 AM To: Berg, Jenny <Je rr nv. Be re @a villOqo rp co nl> Subject: RE: Rate Review - November There was an amortization rate for a deferral of it - and yes that is zero. But what you have highlighted is the contract itself. The contract is a long-term contract that would only change if we renegotiated that. That is not something typically done unless it expired. From: 8erg, Jenny Scnt Wednesday, November 29,2017 9:55 AM To: Brandon, Annette <Annetto Brandon@avistacoro.com> Sublect: RE: Rate Review - November Right, I just wanted confirmation that both Collins rates (one on the Revenue Rotes tab & the other on the OR lntervenor Funding tab) will stay the sarrle, so I highlighted them in yellow and added my comments. I thought you mentioned something about Collins in the meeting, but I must have been mistaken. I will leave both on there with no changes and take off the highlights/comments. Thank you so much for the reviewl From: Brandon, Annette Scnt Wednesday, November 29,2017 9:46 AM To: Berg, Jenny <Jennv.Berq@avistacorp.com> Sublect: RE: Rate Review - November I tverything looks fine .lenny t'm not sure why Collins is highlighted yellow? Those are long term contracts and as far as I know there have been no changes. From: Berg, Jenny Sent: Tuesday, November 2L,2Ot7 10:17 AM To: Brandon, Annette <Annette.Brandon@avistacorp.co m> Subject: Rate Review - November Good Morning Annette, Attached is the rates review workbook for November 2017. All rate changes have been highlighted in green. I also highlighted ln yellow the rates related to the Collins Agreement. lf I recall per our meeting, lthought this rate went away as of November 2017. Can you please confirm? lt's on the rate review workbook twice, but l'm not sure if one or both rates can be removed. lf l've missed anything, please let me know. Thank you, Jenny Berg Resource Accounling Analyst frvtsra ftr' reftoor{ plce!3 rroltly the rordof ano delclo thl3 ema{ from your iyrtsm lhank you CONFIDENTLAUfY NOTICE: The contcnts of this cmail me3rrrge end eny altechmGnts arc rntended rolely for thc addross€€{sl and may contsrn confrdcntiel and/or privilegcd intomalion and mey bc legally prolocted fom dieclosure lf you arr ool the inlended recipi?nt of thB m€ssage or an agenl of the intended recipient. or it this rnessage has been addGss€d to you m e.ror. pleas€ immedialely alert the Eender by roply email and then delete this mes8age snd any adacrrments 2 lr Berg, Jenny From: Scnt: To: Brandon, Annette Friday, November L7,20L710:13 AM Berg, Jenny; Meister, Keri; Groome, Carolyn JP BalanceSubJcct: 426500 ls the appropriate place to charge that rP Balance balance. Anncllc Brondon AVTSIA l/nfmgS ,t " I lrt l. Eft; molllo: onncllc.brondon@ovlrlocoro.com CONFIDENI lALlf Y NOTICE. The contcnls o, thrs cmsil ,ncssaga and any tltrchmcnB are rnlcndrd lohly for thc addreE3ss(o, and may conlein confid€ntral snd/or pnvihged rnformation and may be Egally protocted from disclosure lf you sro nol thc intanded reqpionl ot thi6 mossage or 8n agent of thc intended tecipient, or f this message has be€n addrEssed to you rn €nor ptsase immedistely alerl the scnd€r by reply email and then delete lhis message and any attachments. LNr;k hil,e ^r1.,l,ti\t, ,{ 11 (! c,ulfu,v A0--U ;l"ul ltve,ril 0m hrJ*nurutpt &tl Vubiwl (Quc ) )rrr t"lto?q-&D wA uL.Aau{oo-27'72 t:('{y53o..Ttt \ ( l,z, ) (Putt,.cta) ) YI.n&lt^v101 {-J0 I Lru tB t|fi J.u t4.qq I Berq, Jenny Frcm: Brandon, AnnetteScnt Tuesday, November 2L,2017 8:58 AMTo: Berg, JennySubicct FW: lExtemall RE: Remaining Deft *'flfii*'wlilry;1'-Nd/ (ba!^w&wrur, ) ::"*,T:LTil5l"ff:,:Ii",H;1:l;'^?iucrdaho'govt , ] rL wu)r* &:-o- It> To:Brandon,Annette<Annette.Brandon@avistacorp.com> / fi?, fitDN . Qb - tb Subfect [Externall RE: Remalning Deferral Balance V''' t'-' ' v € to,xgl x * tD,atrJ { HiAnnette, We don't have a problem with moving the S12k balance into the PGA amortization. We would request that when you file the PGA next year, that you would spell it out in the Application, and that we could track it through the reconciliation of the amortization balance. That way we could add a paragraph or two in our PGA comments approving the transfer and then we can finally get the residual balance otf the books. Donn From: Brandon, Annette Imailto:Annette. Brandqn@avistacoro.com] Sent: Monday, November 20,2Ol7 2:14 PM To: Donn English <Donn.Enelish@puc.idaho.sov> Subject Remaining Deferral Balance Good afternoon Donnl Hey I have a guestion on a remaining deferral balance we are carrying on our books from a prior rate case. lf you recall, a few rate cases back we had a "hold-back" of PGA balances which were used to offset some of our GRC lncrease. This was tracked in its own general ledger account separate from the PGA. That account has approximately $12,00O in it (we owe customers) due to differences in volumes Can ljust transfer that S12K to the PGA Amortization bucket? The hold-back was spread out among the same rate schedules and interest rate as the PGA accounts. Or is that something I would need to wait until the next PGA is filed? molllo: onnGllc.brondonooyltlocoro.com CONFIDENTIAIITY NOTICE ThG contcnte ot thb cmail m€r$age and any attschmenlg are rntcnded solely for lhe eddressec(!) and may contarn confdenlral andlor privrlcgcd rnformalion and may be legally protcctad from discloture lf you are not the intended recipient of thrs message or an agent of the intonded recipient, or rl lhis mecsagc has besn addresssd lo you an eno, plcas€ ammediately alert lhe send€r by reply email and then delete thrs mes3age and any attachment3 I Annelfe Brondon Av,sr UfrtII,ES ll