HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171024September PGA.pdfOctober 24,2017 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 RE: Monthly Defened Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for the month of Septernber 2017 . This information is submitted in compliance with Order Number 33635 issued in the Company's Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment filing (Case No. AVU-G-16-02). This report is being filed in electronic format only per approval from the filing center. For the month of Septernber, commodity costs were lower than the embedded PGA commodity WACOG, resulting in a rebate deferral in the amount of $1,205,028. Demand costs were higher than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a surcharge deferral in the amount of $366,051. The year to date balance in the deferral account (including both commodity and demand) is a rebate of $9,608,353 (including interest). The amount of anortization recorded for the month is $226,872 for a total rebate balance of $394,575 (including interest). If you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to contact me at annette.brandon@avistacom.com or (509) 49 5 -4324. Thank you! Sincerely, Awwetl,eBrawdow Annette Brandon Sr. Regulatory Analyst State and Federal Regulation Enclosures Aievtsra i G' c,a q, o D 5il co\ ?.r 6l?;O\Ol\o ats€aei! tid >GlaE>ctg3€ GI oo (! t- e ots !q) L -bo Fg,5 g, EE90(l)o>og< EE Eo(J a!G' '.9 q,& cru) C,6$,,Orrr6-E 'E-XEtr(uC!{ o o ro SHEliE*.N.N i.N EEEEE.=<<r<t!O\ rn FG|O r'r -ri,r .,i o+dr t- - g,lN€.-i €,N6lNYT {.) o.ta.t a)66 $^ H'. c9 t!=sr I eESSEEE tsEEEEE6 gI -.!,!!.N.N - ? ?8tststsE8tstsEEEEEE€*f<S<sEFol- rn (n \O-a.!<?r.ltr-€rnr.rr6t\o trl 9.\o\0tto oBHEEE ,5 HEiE -OElqa, r.|ui33 Olot\ o(\ i, G'o C) o.GT r.Q I o C'ctaUo. 6\ ) a ', r ! t aAtctt|.rct\Fta9c!qqq-tpl\Etr-JF-G6j+4 Er B.E =--If.i .j t- od Fi ;Cl \O Ft 6t atq!6t\lYI (.) 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Fir.d Oanand and Capaoty Rdart6 Vrriattr O.m.rxt (Tr.n pod) Cortr Hrdgc AcJvity Fiilnci.l Satlsnarts lnt 16 Pu.chaa6ftiln Tfiaimal Codrrnr Crrdil lnioailatlm trom odrarloum.la {,al.rtrd Co.tf: r6alt6 Go ^A 40lto00 00 Ar{ to/aoot CO AX tor1002 Go All to40l0 GoAlr toatoo 6t)AI toa7ro oo Alr tfi000 Go Air t- A--'niffiEffi t - t,rtt,azg,a0 / 2.2te.t32.02 \ ,) .cr,rlc.rr ' -', 'A ; /i ,oJoc.J'r , t0t,0'7..l3 r' zt ,na,v t (c8,.70,2r1 / ..:,'., ,1.t'1..' - MGEffiffi'EI'JS- lO l,n!.laE Lom O., at6 M Ch.nicdAcc,ud B.ok . F..r OJ 471 Uiarho Jqra.l Or a73W.l. F.Oo JoumJ DJ aTSlhdt.ndt. Prorttano F.. tU tl67 W rlo S.Lr tor Ril.l. Pn .acJ .nd Bebd -F|qtt oSAIES Drhmd Erclung: Ranmc GSTI}IST Rccon (Cbrra,t) OJ atT FAFB Cornodily fo' And!flon ELm.ftLrr/Llen [rc. (..fl*.rilud) WA/ID BuytEel Tnal9ort tbn R.corrst p.3t lh.oqh OJ ast WA/IO G.r Arctul.d froln lnanIrf Ar9tdt (tuos.l) Total Coan b. O.funl hclodlnC mtg.r co.n Tolrl rro,n OLE ToLl OJ ato a0.000 Go Ar t0a000 00 Ax 40.000 Go Axtoiot7 00 Axtoaotr@Ar aorlot, @ Ar{ toaot! oo Ara tra!000&ra!t0oralt?rtrt$'tooAr{ toa000 00 Afl toaooo 60 ^rtoaofi @Ar toa000 @ Ar $$ns / tt.lacr! r',Na / z:2tll,t,g "aEttt verrt.Il Jt*fflst ,r o,ra62,3rl.02l z trTara0tot J e tlttooo Go Ax at3000 GD x{ .1t373{l GO Ata 3 3t lr.tx.,,,l / to D.f.r"ll Entry 1ra2,954.25) lnput lr GLE Srlcs (1,702,ra9.77, ln9ul lr GLE S.lG6 l!,!0?,!!2.!91 lrpul r GLE Sslci (6,l.52,t71.02' l-Itf,Itlil x Wfinl Ciar Aa@srnertc.r Cat lrolT WA lD O$ Codrs!9a I t rryaaot13 ra PM 3tittI 3ttt 3t AEvtsra GD PURCHASE Trrnrpoiatlon Al{ Osld6 8r.rty q[ll ilpd|r, LLC Oc.ttlildt Cilrgrq,.al' Pa9afi'l. LLC Gr llanbtlorr Lal.rril ColDat.Sn GE Imla.lon Lo.inlt Co.Dordon{lcl ia.ffa.a lm. Xr{ili.l Ph.fnaCol?C.abn XddmttA0-taco'podfon{Aybt Corrmtld Xqttrt PlFdtr CarDaatbn-lclrt Co{nty PUO ,ao. I lHu.r Plp.tna Co.po..do6-rorrh lnaltr L.rf.dne Amrk. ltc lao.drrrl PlFalaa CorIor.Udr+lol taaorrta. lns Gas by GL Account - Estimate Accountlng tonth: 201709 Olrectlon: ALL Servlcc Codc: GO Str.t.gy: ALL Jurlrdlctlon: Alt Dol Typr: ALL Counto; Prrty: ALL Ercludo lnlrr-Go Hrd Retc: Y Dcel l{umber Exclurlm.: N ACCISF ACCTSF rPOFT IPffiT TPONT IPORT iFONI IPOfiT IPORT ptqc; 2 Pnd0r!r. t(NX/!, 01,5E 22 PilOdrbor: I{IJCUT .r?gotbr!4..t sr85,33a 9a t1.tto.(, 3rt5.3X.9a (3:r.rt20) ta.aag,rt,0e $22A1,.8.4t (t t0,t00.@) (tr23,000.00) (tr36,l?5.00) (tr 1t 03)F, (t (1LF/ i I (k- )\l .J CURREIIT VOLUIIE MTBTU (cREDrr, DEBrT COUNTERPARTY PRIOR PEROEAL VOLUf,ETYPE fmBTU PRIOR PERIOO CURRENT ilOTTH TOTAL uso ^#vlsr:a Gas by GL Account - Estimate Accountlng tonth: 201709 Olrcctlon: ALL Scwlcc Codc: GO SFrtcgy: ALL JutLdlctlon: Ail Dcrl fypr: ALL CountrrPrrty: ALL Ercludr lntr.€o H..t Ratc: Y DclailumbcrErcludonr: ]{ PRIOR PERDEAL VOLU1EIYPE rtBTU CURREI{T VOLUtTIE MUBTU (cREDL) OEBIT CURREI{T TOXTH 96.l 19,o. t52.2e!.t. 63.6r) Prgr: 3PndO.b t0r0a/17 0l:gar2, PlrOd.ber. NUCUI JpgaaDrllarl TOTAL USD (tr5a 1s2.291 1. (33 (L,8ll.al U GD COUt{TERPARTY PURCHASE 3e.ch CffiE, . W6tco..l Enar!, hc. 8r.cu'. Eiaf!, . Wttcod Emfiy ltc E .crra EmOy . Ur.llco.l Enariy }rc fmrcmtd. Folrrl tla.lrt r tld. fmcr.d. foi& Ar.Um. Ltd. filican.dr iacr Gx Immllbtr Ltd. Imrcanada alcw C[ Tmlalon ltd. PRIOR PERIOO ts65 t6 t2,.22.* 55,C6r.5r (1168 871 t.(x) (9.E71.!t) t00 Cdp€..1tff+Llr. Al[nhr6 I Ch.illcaa CorF[0on. CdFoa.tbndFugat tdnd eniey, lrc, IPORI TFORT ACCTSP ACCTGS rPORI ACCIGS IPORI IPORT ACCTGS (3rs.335,00) (lgs.086,g0) tr0.a27.30 Ir0,a2? 30 s965.36 t6.r,?63.06 12,.22.90 trg).5r9.6 r ta45.205.68 35.661.51 tC.03t.7,1 32.2OE.t20 ?t 12.2!5,752 02 I ? t.I 001{04001€O-ANOL TOTALS: Tran.porl Chrrg'r Ail G$ IraMlrds ,aflllurt Crpqralon tadhill W. CorDqaoo. l{dilntl Plp.ftta CcrD{rt6 X{tlilti PlFir. CorDa.tbn Xo.ttmal Plpafno Corpo.afbn t,.ctr. Emrg, .lv..lcorl Em.gy hc. !r.ch Eilli, . W6lc0!t Em.iy hc. Tmrcr.d. fodttb Pl9. Umr Ltd. Tmrcs..t. Foodrlb Pba Uilt Ltd. Cort - FX Hcdgc Ail AYlat ColD{rim 00't {04002€D.AN{)L TOTALS: 001{O40iO€O.A}|OL TOTALS: IPONT Accrgp moRr ACCISP IPORT ACCTOS TFONI IPOEI ACCYOS t@ 300 (35,090.3t) 3sl..tr.l't tto,.rG..3 ACCIGS 1r0.5@_5t 170.ldt.6! I I I l ,ro.*.rrl_.*-t tro$st I *I; (, Q .lt N FoN :t Eo F ctNBeO! Ee €E = ra,Io FoNio t\t\|\I\l\rFF?FocroooNNNN6I FFFFFd) cr c) c) oa,NNNNN aD o ct!ccc CGG oooo- o- o-xEtorarozz2 EEEEE GOa)C' C' IOdt rl roolo(toood<rc;5g|- ?C'ct atooC' C'gqC'Ooci o) or6Clt\OG.6ao€o€OO trrrEE€rtr€E??.{ t. G-oE a -qqc q qctoo o ctoa)- o - oGoo66aO9loroNNG.G'G|C' CI C' C' C'6€rC!CrCtC' C' C' C' C'O'6OO ,\r\66-CtG.6rt,GI C' CIoooao0 caI,t(tct-laCt ci ciAO ar! GtGOoo8tci c;!) 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Gito E Eco E 6Eca3Eo E E(, o aCc E,oo:E2to u, o) ${ ctQGIG.\ltc,ro+F NFCt i UIo E:,o oo60o (EI Berq, Jennv From: Scnt: To: Brandon, Annette Monday, october 02,2oL7 1:53 PM 8erg, Jenny RE: Rate Reviary - SeptemberSubJecu No changes.s From: Berg, Jenny Sent: Friday, September 29,2OL7 1:20 PM To: Brandon, Annette <Annette.Brandon@avistacorp.com> Subfect: REr Rate Review - September HiAnnette, Attached is the rates review workbook for September 2017. No changes were made. lf l've missed anything or you have any questions, please let me know. Thank youl Jenny Berg Resource Accountirq Analyst ^JlisrctA reopcnl dca,r rlolfy lhe renalcr an6 dGleE lhrr cnral frofir yo0r 3yabn! Trunl ,ou CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE. Tha contcntE of thb €mail mGssegc and any attschmcnts are antended solely for the sddrcassc(sl and may contarn conridentiel and/or privilsgcd inlormrlion and may be lagally protected from disclosure. lf you arc not thc intcnded reqpient of lhlt message or an ag€nl ol the int€nded rocipienl, or il lhic messegc har becn addrcrsrd to you in srror pleasc immediatcly alerl th€ sander by r6ply email and lhen delele lhis message €nd any attachments I