HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170921August PGA .pdfAEvtsra o ldaho Public Utilities Commission Otlice of the SecretaryRECEIVED sEP 2 12017 September 2l,2Ol7 Boise, ldaho State of ldaho ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 RE: Monthly Deferred Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for the month of August 2017. This information is submitted in compliance with Order Number 33635 issued in the Company's Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment filing (Case No. AVU-G-15-02). This report is being filed in electronic format only per approval from the filing center. For the month of August, commodity costs were lower than the embedded PGA commodity WACOG, resulting in a rebate deferral in the amount of 51,323,184. Demand costs were higher than the PGA demand WACOG, resulting in a surcharge deferral in the amount of 5381,249. The year to date balance in the deferral account (including both commodity and demand) is a rebate of 58,76L,725 (including interest). The amount of amortization recorded for the month is 5219,009 for a total rebate balance of 5L67,468 (including interest). lf you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to contact me at annette.brandon@avistacorp.com or (509) 495-4324. Thank you ! Sincerely, Avtneitstsrand.ow Annette Brandon Sr. Regulatory Analyst State and Federal Regulation Enclosures oo G' 16o L' G'o o6o r- \- r, =ii € G.t.. F€o o\LOEE5EB*iid >GlG>V'PE& F G'6 di (! tso(:t\obo =,C.,cLA. ..$ l}Eo Eg ,E g, eE EOqr(J>og< Ffe oU >\.oEt),t'ttld ,o\,6,aG tarfral.-N a.-G)ta,660ECtrG'ta,. F^ S. g aE r!=ruE E B figH BEE.EES * sEE&Et!6EEEl! gJ SEE(fiEn.E.E.E.E;EE ;.N.N=.N EEj€FE$E jEiEi €Fln\ON\O.!oq\n.c-:o€r-a(hoOFtt'l 9o(^r. oo. qo6chqFr O\ (\t oBEE.E,fr'ti HEEE dO\e-aI \od$. 3 6or- o.'t ii GIo c, a_o lrl -ltctl \O € C> l- al € \Oac! q -- oq (\! n g ; s\EE il 3E B F E E 9 3-- FI \Ora q. o\ oq ."i o.- .d i oi rrttto{! ?.Q6FrYi cl ;o C,'c,(,A o€ot- -l -: -: -rul6Oo {<<<fl>>> ,Ha a e Do Ooarocoo EEECua) !i a'!..o.8BTtE .A'=OEE E JJJJJJJJoooooooo >,>>ieee ooaoooao()(,(,(,9(,Q(, JJJJJoaaoo aaooo g!6lbEAZa)a, (,t.LgE!s T.EEE 8eE€Lot>k EECo)-t-Oo!?< EEiE^t<=E7eEoE- -Ei(.E;*B! 6E-EE B;;T EHH oaoaoo(,(,(7(,oatJEi ra(NFd_^-ahd, iE9H f;=3i*!arrr(J iH3H 83e"2g.l !! U lu -J!r.l-}(33fir3Eetr8ed.^4,d4IIJHOBJYLV-L- =HlieEEiei 35HsE U' "' U) fi^x Egsxar"H EEfrEEEEEEEH fri^Z f;frei,lrl; ;Er;f;s3E;Er Eza Egg:gEsff =LrO =d.<,<ecJd Hg=gFE=;HEE=EEtr{rf - € (J t - oo - € t - e (J .rEEa8)t d8e?a -eu&oof :i ,i:LUd ,, O tE5i.EE ;FFUU h hl 6tEL oF! c qtLc troU 6l d oooooooooo oooooalrntrn\o 88888888 ooOOoOOOO-t(^\OFGoOT-- ,3EEE Elooo(/I - er c't oo f \ CSC-gl]o E il 9lcI oc co 0,,q to E EoL' .5E!J3 co !, o o ag o 0oIo ooF !ioa,c Bi=FI: -aciq9€.sE 66i.a? eito6,.J t,gco oEo =6otaC:tt,c,oE o ooE6 c)oE6 G o aE =C, l,Eo lo Eo !ca> i t is C!oI,o j& oogo I -g ccEeo o).g nG 3: D o E,a 6coto E g co olc' coE Eo oo, c z 3 c.9orI 3 n .Eto f Gtc Gt ao, Gc Eooz tio,oo o!Ji; 3 ,Ea6 .Lor!oc, Gc o5 coo oo EE Gc\ Eo ,o'toE ra I Ei io Eto EIoc EEooE6.tltosCE.-o E}OEsfBEtcza*!riiI I O B.I(\<;o+E5-gOdrG!.c ! €TEd'IEEEc.rcrrEE!IE fi 5t r roo'g oa .EG GlCtoo*t Eo o€6.98oC6gffEC EEHlrh $re2E9a.>tc€tost $a eiIo!ooc a G o GE E EG o 6,CTl 6o 3 co 6fU G G .sEo l o,a G!.>f oE Eo G oo co o E: o co Gc gJ Coo tI0, 3 3 nto !,!o G .gE 9r, Gio Gt :,6a 6E oooz ai I i fo .go .E oo ooRo! o f EcEtl 6Io !,o=o -io E oectCI6coo!o Gz at oE Ptcoo .Et Ecl I O)E ocl. 3 - doc0, E,o:E2c.g.cts) gao6o Gc go'- G,p cou co oo =c o! tlco ?oo ooaoEo, coo ea,2 o o coaac.go a),(,'50d ]o 6o ts2 t|-/o6 ao foI 2IF dc,oF2; =o 2 Foz t3 dQ3 iiEE83 .! 6 .Ett E.a o,E os Eoo2 ljoo!o It{oao3:uO;lj,.q .!2 Hg|oaeg<G =aB?ooi- 6 !io aa.9!.}a, .eoooeog G o U Efi 6aaG o n)ctlooilEU ao oc:.9.o B (9 Eo c,o E6!,oes 6 ci E,eol,co Iotl)c,(., 6 .} U o Eil T6 to=o cor!,Ao oc 6f Eo i! 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"L:::.: 5F_r. 55! eI[ 3s o Ii E l;'la s= p5g ll$ I i EEE'i.p= iii Is.rlo- i o , fuo"r*= aEg: in(- .fi 8ct \ \:\ \r !I{Eti888I;IglEooo(O?O{ Dr.t -E5\ FEFteEeeq?YAFa?OOOr-5tP9 E.E.T' EfFFrieee6:8853000E oFhod r,jdhs: - Ft30t$ttB?Y5-67ooar- I: Bijli" IiFFSEees?s5-!r666a?66--n OrftEsEP i g Ptr0F8FessE:iE3[ooo:nii ElinsseseF:Bf;SEOOOflr3jg E 6 S3BF88 8E:gF;f;ooottrEe. : I iaisee e?vFNaooooE-sRgxciecirftE-s*i !I EI $tc!t ts !tf, E i It $!!.IIiti! st 8lltc:'lli: e ,[];" '|qE" ,lrlE, "ITIC ol{l: ll= a]f,iF e.iElS. ,lJ;"dillg' ldl= ,li;="lii3 " l-l= ,lJu"dlil; d l1u elEl€ solEh - tsr [-8l{!8 Eoltla o t$!ir rlels noi!!: olri;I t-li Iisr "ilr t- I " l]a $lrr o39 !t '!. HtrIt :l "il; fl;.i I6 I I'il3 !ls t' I'iiL lF-.: o Ril: $r olf t'i ii1 " iir"Fi; ]'l'll E E;.R "ETT-g EE ifd o Egl! E![irs:tIo oo eflls i,- :s8 tstitr'S Ai=-(: -3 eE o oo Io to Ee Be Io Et0sPssE=:=toofia88ooE EEgE t F EEEg EgEE EEgE EgEE EgEg s: E IttoooIII -'fi! tItf6:5Iiiitit BAD 3 O E E g.p.' E9Pfioa PEE?t8rH:88.3". E8 lerooETEErEE'EiE"8eE EIEEEEF E l.l" E El." EEBgEE EBaP.i; r- .,{ !_sEES di, tE[[;EEi; I I rl:i guisi"l13 gE= ilirri :-.i Etesise,{.SF:ElI",E'Et I te :I'8ao 'doi; FtrFeSeel(rF:H8I"!BE8e t,o I Joj; -e ![Eetsel'€F:tE$"e:r'cir Edo6- -A6-l- Joe? -! EIia5lflii'Es E$ii" dnYfll-ao 6NFN t(t do lll ,-," ]li"tlllr,,;iffi: i;e! 'il:iii'i I' I ao 3.e E, EIil'R38 rj .\i oEeeRgtrffod.{ oo oo ![9aE .i3 EEE6'EAg' d.t EaeR8860.J it oo o !--xo!8eR 6r(-o !-raiRi qt 5Eg'E3r oe:E9FPT:igI e.a to3d !Id fE IiIIII i IIIE o 'u I ! 8R888o6060o T 8888oloo i Qeeee 6000oooo8e89 c9te T $ IalII 88 otsor ;'l';il;i]iil' oaaa!' o' \\\\\ \ o \Els3li t: ls ln l: li' Eti Eir Eii rls Irl ET I ta Ro_ o 3E TToo j Et , 8 ;it: ) \ 3 8. 6 .i \ > Er tdtEI U:ItI g o i E(Jt6 rf'+)eg ftTNO a aI t IJ E T )^ 618 dls3lsqo 1\ J- E IIir I giIg 5it5!#! I $s!l: t: IIrtl: >-l EEIa atEEI ccl IE88 .C EEt3lt5lF F] Ir II JE $ - >l- I H*r r3i TEI. T T ItE ?; R ?I{ sor p 2 U Eb t $lttt\ 11111 ,iriiiiii'i I lria!siir i}EI tp tt I r3z egs IE8 22222oooooooo(,fJ EE::ETEggil 8 i 2Z2Z2Z oooooooo(,(,(,(,ttEg:3TT;TTT .-ia it I I. ) nIJF G, tSgt16 {t !. 3tIl is clqrl &tF 'd r\rr.- l-*al--6t ldoal-(F .,; 'ld - llo dr- lc6at;t-ft t&adldi ::"[:]:" ll tF IEt= lH aa.-O-FO-46-l-(Hi{t{itstsrataa- aai aE z2 6cloo eO2 2(,< <ao ctl{o o Effi I$I :ri It irlE itii!sE,{ i}F E EE TT e E 3t!r T[ I [g-i aI,ltrl liili,il IiEiEI!Isiifl I!o rEl::l8tlcc-atillrl TI]ool l! ,l' a6trl EI l! lFtolzl< Efc9I g aEF d3z .l atototEIral tHt>ot EEI ,l flilLl8 IIE o 8 Eo 6 @ 9 ! EIzztsF tts F't a\q)F a \I.{ .l8tc 3lLC rl I:or) E!rl ! a ) a >>\\\ >>\ .l1 tff . 'l"|llt ff FTFllc lg5tooofiadT'g 8tE3r=loo o_ 6- €_ aacc Gl.t,!.!q.!ccccoa TE=gEEEE;I;;ii >-Fo7ft-ff;LO-FfrNAAI lirItffi1 rl 3€ic rl l\ >:t: ) \ > \ >\!rr r\\ * o a------'aaaaaal{(t.-?riFGr-rF-CaciGidri.i.i.iGi I !tlr t d{: 1il' h6a6-da-caa a- aiaa t- ld.l.l iJ .at I la h E fl !'ET' I"-q E'r' \\ ;F5 I t; 9E5=gE!EE!EEiitiiiltil ooo.ho6oo.hl 883 Strgng 3IE:6 ooo8P8s3 ao3TGGoi rto >----1IIffiIffit.!q.la.!.!.!nGCaOA600 >-ft-N-nFLOO,-frdo !IIIiiIIooooooouatqoooqo6 6 G\: 65t -6ar-o6 o o GL Aecounl Aug-t7 Cotta Lrrcho.3to?.o..ccl JPR IRIE I{ -100.10! JP lnj.don! JP vVft,xrmb t0t200 Go Ar{rotrm Go ax (2,r0E,7lta.t3) !22r3tt..t ItmlSatm Go Atl I (1,6E6.a09.35) r0t20000Ax ! !0fio0 co Ax 3 Clry Baan (QUESTAA) ln 6c.to.lr O.y g!!i! (OUESTAA) mhdBw{g Tot l Oey Brlan Tdrl ta.t gtor.g. (lnl.ctlon.lrwltirh.wrlr l't CUT PURCI{AIEE (OL Ertf,n.t R.portl Cortmodty Pu.ciart Frad tlqtr.nd rr€ Crpedty Rdcacr V..l.ba t m.nd Orxr0o.t) Co.t3 iLrle. A.dvity Fh.ndd S.6.m.0trlihrs Prrdt.r. t'om Th.nnal Codrr.n Cirdit ln ormaton hom otha.loomrlr Oatarrrd Coatr: t34fi6GOM t t0a000 Go Ail t0a00r Go Ara !0a002 Go ar{ toaoto Go Ax !oaa00 Go Ax IO.,IO GD Ail fir000 GD At{ -J 3 flILr.ot.gl (co,,nffiy) -' 3 7.4{2.!a!.f{tlrxlrntndy)I l2ar,r1,/!'.oa'ldrlm,,d)3 .4.Ie.$-lonney)i taI0fiJ,3or,,,?0dty)t !0a,ltl.Ja'/(@ttffiey)I t0rae .$ icoatfltdty)3 (ta.ltl.,,,llrs,I',f,lod,u) > J,Jq e 1tf , 14 W knbrl.n6 fm,n OJ a36 lD Irnbahnca lrfir OJ 4!6ll ClrGtrf:d A.crud Brokcr Fc.. tU 471 llizrrp Jqrnd OJ 473l/t.lt Farlo Joum.l OJ a73tlcrdrrndix Proo.ri4 Fcc OJ 467 WA/IO S*r ror Rct b Phyrac.l uxl Boolout -Fro.yr GSALES Oa(..?rd Errrung. Ravanua GSTTHST R.con (Qu..Lry) il 437 FAFB Cornodlty lor Aa(faon Elaa.nmy/Ugrncocr (t.lil{nr|D wA/lO &rrfs.r T,.nr9o.btadr R.cowry- p.3r th.ough OJ a53 WA/IO 6a! Purdrslcd fro.n krbrrlrb A.phal (Annud) Total Coata ior mrr.l lndodnt lrA oaa codt ff-;I?f,{nrr to oot r.t Enw totrooocoAil 3!0ta000GOXl 3a0.l000GOArl a ao.Ot? GO Atl 3 40017 00 Ail I ao'lol7 OO AL l aolort oD Ax t att000,'Ota00rrt*t7,: Iattolt OO Atrl t !0'1000 GO Alil 3 10{000 00 A}t lo.oot oo^ll 3 toao@ Go All l3!,lEtsefirxratnoatyl l*l|,2.atlr/,cpwndty),10010 lwwnocfrv)1l,ZI2,1t r,lcr,art|pdty) lOll.'/lv(@Innlo(,ly) a,ot .,,r{co,,,,,od,ty) U,lra.?fl' (@fin&y) ll,l? l,ral n ilco/'vnodt y )(t t0o0.01,{connodty,-,tl@mmo(ny) 1,l|lJ|l1!0ll/r*artnot \ taltcoo Go Ail .att000 GO Atl.l8t7t0 Go Afl t (xt,3rl.t4)! lt,rtt.020.rr1t 1!J!!,!60.681 lnputrr GLE S.Lt lnpl,ll t( GLE S.l.. tnput fr GLE Sdr. (8,r r9,rtr.!7, Joum.l , a30 Enlw Or.Ct.2t21n?272 tla21u?J.A.t ti.llo.tal.nt' .co ff.lr.h? Th.mrl A}l ILDC Pu?ch... 117600 7Z ZZ t ztz6al, tzzz I t.ttl.l/lo.O7 t rntr.€o T.rnrt r Thormrl AI (Lt C g.l. to Th. rt237a co AA t r.r lrn, on FX for 2 monttr out 2a57a5ZZA.t tatMn on FI ior2 montrs out E0a700.Go.AN t 3 ,rovlda Boolout dolla'l tor sEC ]aoortlno,rr.Go.AN t t 14000.GD.AN t 7.000.00 3 Ar{ Odorlrauon Erpanra Accru.llto.ztzz I t (7,000.Atl Odorlta0on Erp.nf. Accrurl 1l[.22-Z' .co.AA 14t020.72.72 003000.c0.^^ 232620.C0.A^ 903000.co-AA t (30. 112600.4..zit I to.oo 212130.2272 I e3O.3lr.t, zt26a1,.t;t.rz t t8to.!37.l rl ztaa?,J.zzz.t 246.230-ri ,,t21to.7f..zz t {266,2t0.71 Tot.l Olh€r P(3 r2,!t2,6tr.60 3 62.!t2.ttt. Iot l trom GLE Yot.l OJ tl:}o 3 H Wat .lG.. AccoqltnEloat CeEUO1T Wa lO Gaa CodaAre 17 glEir2o! 73 S PU s o Gas by GL Account - Estlmate o AlitvrsTA GD PURCHASE p.g.: z Priit Ori. O9,Sr1? 02:Oa:51 PM Olt b...: Nt CUf r.pgubltlc.l Accountlng Month: 201708 Dlructlon: ALL Sorvlcc Godc: GO Sbetogy: ALL Jurlrdlctlon: Ail lloel Typr: ALL Countar P.rty: ALL Excludc lntrr.Co Hcet Ratc: Y Dml l{umbor Erclurlonr: t{ Tr.n.portrllon AN Odil.{on lDfill Oi-.ar tlp.afr. LLC OmhLil lrr5r Orilr Ar.lh., ILC Gaa f'.naraaaa.! llaaom.l CollootLor O.. lffanhrlfr tlorlrm.tcolDo[tlsdlol i.u't{ k!c. ilo.tlffi.l FIDaLla ColDoraffr lltrttrrl Fhalra Cortoralra.r+Anrl. Ca.Doraoon Xordr{.| H!.fa. Corrc.da+Clrf Coil, ArO ta.. I Ndl|m.t AP..i. CorDc.nco+.or*. tn .iU lrt.fie Amdca tLC Ito.trHt n9a.!. CorDcdfon+lcl t.lqrca. fE, ACCTSP ACCTSP TPOTII TPORT TPORI IPORI IPORT IPORI IPORI (lr29 rr) tr,a5o.6 ti9r.5r2.r5 63,arE.ar) l..59ar22.Gl (12,L3,oatr.0a) (t 4ar5o,q,) 0r27.r@,(,0) (t!42.987 t' -t-'tp-', -(. ! tu., PRIOR PERDEAL VOLUilETYPE TUBTU CURREilT VOLUME rmBTu (CRED]TI OEBTT COUT{TERPARTY PRIOR PERIOD CURREl{T ilor{TH TOTAL USD w ,d'd"' { o Gas by GL Account - Estimate aAlivtsra P.e. 3Ri,{Drta: ogG/!' 02 0a:61 Ptloi&6!.: NUCUr.rpe.twtAc€ountlng tonth: 20t708 Dlrcctlon: ALL Sorvlco Codc: GO Stnt gy: ALL Jurlrdlctlon: AH Ilcrl Typo: ALL Count rParty: ALL Ercludc lntre4o Hcat Rrtc: Y Dcrl l{umbcr Erclurlonr: t{ COUNTERPARTY PRIOR PERDEAL VOLUTETYPE I1BTU CURR€NT VOLUilE TTBTU (cREO|T) DEBrT CURRETIT IIONTH PRIOR PERIOD TOTAL uso GD PURCHASE taorotErl ,rb.]r. Cqprdci+ltL.. Almh6 f Ciralcd Go6o[dm, Lo.ftral Plf.llr. CorDo.doiiPu!.1 tama lriiiy, hc, tp.ct Gilty.Wr.tca..t Cmrt, hc Ep.ch E .rly.tLatcoaat Cn O, he t aclra Crla.ty. t{aacoar Cna.g hc. TmGrnrdr fcoo{a Fba Unaa L!a. Trrtacan-t Faodtaa Fl a Uaar Ltd. T,.ntcandr ]lova Gat rr$firLrtor li.l. Innaclrrda taort Gar Tnnmlrlon Ltd- 00r{0400r€D.ANoL TFO*T TPORT ACCTGS ACCTSP 'PORTACCTGS IPOAT ACCTCS TPORT (3r.505 9r) (t t,6a r. r2) (L,302 oot ot't.rrr.ro) (ti02,lfi.rt) lr0Ir3.00 t6a.cr5.o. trs,zat.tt 3a..a.tS.t3 Cr. It / (ll,!.1 (1r,t60.70, 32r55,6a6.75 t2.2a7,1l,.05 J6It3-t'l E TOTALS: frrn.port Ch.rgGr Ail Gra Ianr6llrl6 llodhrtt Co.loilgs raqlhnt n9.ha ColDq.lo l{o.{tntl tlp.lna Co.Do?rUo ,|o.o!Ell Plp.loa Corlmrtqt Xodnrol Ap.ln! CoaF..iqi C!.ckr lrrfy . $ratco.t !ffig, ltrG. t9.ck Effigtl .llrtl@.| Emgy t!c. ?mcu.dt Folr{L l+. Um lid, fiacm.dr Fmtilb Plfr Lh.r Lrd. rFostl ACCTSP ACCISP rPORI TPORI IPORT ACCT6S IPORT ACCTGS tc,a.c.rr tr r7.El L2,ca&$ 1.00 t.(E (3r5r.t7, t@ (t158 11.17 n (3..284.ee1 t00 (ta,aa3,63l l.e,ar3.02 3aa.$e r000'l{0it002€D-At{.I)L TOTALSI / P./trtrl G.t Cort. FX Hcdgo Ail Avtlt| Co.po.ado Flnencltl Orrlvellvct Al{ W.llr Far3o tr0dSa., LLC W.lt F.rto tcuitt.l Ll.C W.ltt F.lg. tHranor, LLC Wdl. F..go ts.ltLr, Ll-G 00t{0il0l0.GD.Attl.DL TOTALS: 00t€04600-GO-A,{.DL TOTALS: 35a.a90.60 15,1.a90.60 15a..90 60 6S$IPS FSWPS SSWPS FAWPS fswPs FSWPS BSWPS ESWPS (16.t38.0o) t38.549.00 $2.@,!t (t5E.0t6.50t tt32.!Ct !O (tcr,ts7 ,51 (tra.a73 r3) 1221.359..1 t36 5.9 362.606 38 (t56.016.sO1 1r32.168 50 (s6r.r07 15, (tla.a73 t3) 322r.4!t9.1 (t6 Ger Purchercr AN Avlrta Corpqa{on Storago Wlhdrtwrl AN 001{Oil730€D-AN-OL TOTALS: GAS 2,(i.52a t306.r30.9r t3o6.r5s9t t35{'.509.55 3150.59955 3350.599 55 s350 599 5s 3a22,3t5.6 !a22.3E5.t 216,521 183,594Jetrm P..lrla . All 001{0Eroo-Go-ANoL TOTALS: sloR lE3,59a t{22,3t5.8 $422 3C5 vl I ) ) I ACCTGS I t ao H *Ini N ct Sc, at 88oazG o GoEc UJ ,s (lE ts s il-l =o. s(n h o$l aoa c6=6.tsEo E 0Ea, 0,6 oGo 3 €@rDoooNN6r (ororo(o(o(oF?FFFfooooooNNNNNN FFFF?? 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EEEEE EOOtltO-EEEE C GESEE6 EFl-|-F-]- t- <t) E. orG'(rt- FI EtFN lqINl@ld l* l.INtF-l(ot6 lrote-lot5l+ toor(rot(\o)(\lto)tod-rtNNF(O6t N tlt\OoN OOo olf,d r,idocla"r oo oNooINr! .tcr o,tdtNF €NU'('tNotr!qolEOIFtdrG.C{FaO c,t (oNo)Ot<vlft(, OrNt-!ta U}!tN rD N o 5sal83 E! EB!E,Ef;i E-E roa'' E{. "}' @olo 3- 3Oldt 6GT rtc! c.i :a et!I EE-?beb\EEIEAJ-o rrrlE flg€E EeecEEEEEI.rtrtrElItrEEEF tl 3) o. 6aoodgo \ .1 t \ t\2> Ar?6OOOO()NirclG.66arri ci Gi88.; Foooooo crcroooo l.tt?o!clcrcrooNrOa't .t- 6tNO(\.!t?ott? FFe{FGlFN-,6FrN.\l(,rc)GaFFFO (olO(\ oro- C' !t !.r!,rt 36-(,)!t c,EFt- ot ro or,|.l. OrU] J'oolz 6oF l.loIts=lE.ol>ct=J tol- EE lis lxul-Oto=tc tll! cl-r f lir liE ofTToEo3r, t-.9=6>'c:3,t EE E€ EEg8 ooooo Ia Berg, Jenny From: Sent: To: Subjcct: No changes. From: Berg, Jenny Sent: Thursday, August 3L,2OL7 3:18 PM To: Brandon, Annette <Annette.Erandon@avistacorp.com> Subfect: Rate Review - August Hi Annette, Attached is the rates review workbook for August 2017. No changes were made. lf l've missed anything or you have any questions, please let me know, Thank you! Jenny Berg Resource Accounting Analysl ^iiiststA 'eoF€nl 9a€as8 noltty the sender and debl€ lhl3 efiarl f.onr your tlrrtefl Thanh you CONr lDENTlAl,.lIY NOTICE T he contents of thrs email message and any attachmenb ere intended oolely for the sddressee(sl and may contarn confdental and/or privileged rnlormslion and may be legally protccted fiom disclosure lf you are not the inlended recipienl o{ lhis message or an agent of the intended recipienl or if this message has been addressed lo you in error please immediately alerl the send€r by r€ply emeil and then delete this message and any attachments Brandon, Annette Tuesday, September 05, 2017 10:24 AM Berg, Jenny RE: Rate Review - August I