HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170518Report.pdfAvista Corp. l4l I East Mission P.O.Box3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 April27,2017 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission 4T2W.WashingtonSt. Boise, lD 83702-5983 i i;-= ri,rl --.1 (;) N1 *_t Attention: Ms. Diane Hanian, Secretary Re: Case Nos. AVU-E-16-01 and AVU-G-16-01 - Avista Utilities Ql 2017 Fee-Free Payment Program Report Dear Ms. Hanian: On April 1,2016 the Commission issued OrderNo.33494 in Case Nos. AVU-E-I6-01 and AVU-G-16-01 approving Avista Corporation's, dba Avista Utilities (Avista or Company), petition for an order authorizing accounting and ratemaking treatment of its residential fee-free payment program. In its petition, the Company sought to defer the costs associated with offering the fee-free payment for up to 36 months from the time the program went into effect. The fee- free payment program was successfully launched on February 19,2017. In its petition, the Company agreed to provide updates to the Commission every six months about the program's progress. In the Company's Washington and Oregon jurisdictions it agreed to provide updates to the Commission every three months. For consistency across jurisdictions and ease of reporting, the Company will be providing updates to the Idaho Commission every three months that coincide with the quarters of the calendar year. l lPage Avista's residential fee-free payment program encompasses previous methods of payments that were assessed a fee or not available. The program includes the following payment methods and channels: . Credit and debit card payments made through a Customer Service Representative (CSR), through the Company's Integrated Voice Recognition (IVR) system, through its website as a one-time guest payment, through its website as an authenticated user, and for Automatic Payment Service (APS) payments. o Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments made through a CSR, through the Company's IVR system, and through its website as a one-time guest payment. Prior to the launch of the program customers could free of charge by ACH through the Company's website as an authenticated user and for APS payments. Also, prior to the launch of the program APS payments were limited to only ACH payment methods. The following table represents the residential payment information for the Company's Idaho customers by month: Table No. 1 Pavments January February March Total Payments 107,837 99,575 I l3,l9l Fiserv Payments 12.784 49,393 Fee-Free Fiserv 3,607 11,044 Kubra Fee-Free Equivalent*7,505 4,837 Total Fee-Free 7,505 8,444 | 1,044 Fee-Free Payments as 7o of Total 7.0Y.8.5%9.8% *Kubra Fee-Free Equivalent - these payments represent the Kubra payments received from February l " - 186 that would have come through the fee-free payment program. Kubra did not process APS payments, which Fiserv now does, including the ability for customers to sign up for APS by credit or debit card. Table No. 2 below includes additional detail on certain payment channels. This information is highlighted to monitor trends in customers' payment behavior. 2ll'agc Table No.2 Chart No. 1 below displays the payment trends from Table No. 2 Chart No. I 2017 lD Residential Payment Trends 40,000 35,000 -30,000 25,000 20,000 1s,000 10,000 5,000 la nuarY --{*-Total APS Payments **--Tolal Card Payrnents q*Miriled & Lobby Payrnents*+-Pay Slation Paynlents February , CSR Payments --+-Web Based Payments cu E & o March ---lVR Payments For historical comparison purposes Table No. 3 displays residential payment data from 2015 and 2016. The column labeled "Payments Subject to Convenience Fee" represents the Payment Method January February March APS bv ACH 13,861 14,892 18,562 APS bv Debit or Credit Card 10 198 TotalAPS Payments 13,861 14,902 18,760 Total Card Payments 7,049 7,839 10,094 CSR Payments r.796 2,203 3,050 IVR Payments 2,671 2,930 3,489 Mailed & Lobby Payments 3s.286 30,723 3s,783 Pay Station Payments 5,835 5,461 6,029 Web Based Payments 25,390 23.226 24,094 3ll'}agc payments that were previously charged a fee and no longer do through the Company's fee-free payment program. Table No.3 Year # of Residential Payments Payments Subject to Convenience tr'ee 7o of Total 20t5 1.287.8s7 71,537 s.6% 2016 1.29t.s98 83.179 6.4% Chart No. 2 graphically shows the trend in fee-free payments in 2017 compared to the historical annual average in 2015 and20l6. Chart No. 2 ldaho Fee-Free Payments by Month Compared to Historical Averages 9.8% 8.5/o 7,00/o 5 Jan-17 Mar-17 The Company has not yet deferred any costs associated with the fee-free payment program as it is still working through the invoice process with Fiserv. \2.O% LO.Ao/o LA% 6.4% 4.O% 2,4% o.o% Feb-l^7 *2017 "*2015 Avg *261a Ort 4lPagc Please direct any questions regarding this report to Shawn Bonfield at 509-495-2782 or shawn.bontield@avistacom.com or myself at 509-495-4975 or Iinda.gervais@avistacorp.com Sincerely, .4cbdd *rsato Sr. Manager Regulatory Policy Avista Utilities 5lPage