HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160831Deferred Cost Report JUL 2016.pdf August 31, 2016    State of Idaho  Idaho Public Utilities Commission  P.O. Box 83720  Boise, Idaho 83720‐0074    RE:  Monthly Deferred Cost Report    Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for July 2016.   This information is submitted in compliance with Order Number 33402 issued in the  Company’s Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment filing (Case No. AVU‐G‐15‐02). This report is  being filed in electronic format only per approval from the filing center.    If you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to call me at (509)  495‐4873.    Sincerely,    Ryan Finesilver     Ryan Finesilver  Regulatory Analyst  State and Federal Regulation    Enclosures    Avista Utilities State of Idaho Gas Costs Deferred and Amortized Last Year Total Balance Ending 10/31/15 <Refund> or Surcharge Refunded or <Surcharged> To Customers Interest <Refunded> or Surcharged to Customers Balance Ending <Refund> or Surcharge Refunded or <Surcharged> To Customers Interest <Refunded> or Surcharged to Customers Balance Ending <Refund> or Surcharge (4,033,698.74)$ 1,749,967.71$ (5,899.98)$ (2,289,631.01)$ 61,912.60$ (179.11)$ (2,227,897.52)$ Balance Ending 10/31/15 <Refund> or Surcharge <Refund> or Surcharge Deferred Interest <Refund> or Surcharge Deferred Balance Ending <Refund> or Surcharge <Refund> or Surcharge Deferred Interest <Refund> or Surcharge Deferred Balance Ending <Refund> or Surcharge $0.00 (5,149,733.72)$ (31,241.81)$ ($5,180,975.53)(652,890.09)$ (6,292.64)$ ($5,840,158.26) Balance Ending 10/31/15 <Refund> or Surcharge Net Refund or <Surcharge> To Customers Interest <Refund> or Surcharge to Customers Balance Ending <Refund> or Surcharge Net Refund or <Surcharge> To Customers Interest <Refund> or Surcharge to Customers Balance Ending <Refund> or Surcharge ($4,033,698.74) ($3,399,766.01) ($37,141.79) ($7,470,606.54) ($590,977.49) ($6,471.75) ($8,068,055.78) $0.00 $0.00 Note 1 - Amortization is recorded in Account 191000 based on Seventieth Revision Sheet 155, effective 10/1/15. This Sheet increases the rates of firm Schedules 101 and 111 by $2.886 cents per therm in all blocks and decreases the rates of Schedule 131 by $3.020 cents per therm. Note 2 - Firm Firm Firm Interruptible Interruptible (before revenue conversion) Schedule 101 Schedule 111 Schedule 112 Schedule 131 Schedule 132 Demand Cost $10.90900 $10.90900 $10.90900 Commodity Cost $25.19800 $25.19800 $25.19800 $25.19800 $25.19800 Total Gas Cost $36.10700 $36.10700 $36.10700 $25.19800 $25.19800 Summary of Deferral (Note 2) Total of Amortization and Deferrals Twenty first Revision Sheet 150, effective 10/1/15, governs the accounting of deferred gas cost differences. These differences are recorded monthly to Account 191010 and are based on the weighted average cost of gas, excluding gross revenue factor, per therm as follows; the effectives of revenue adjustment items, per therm as follows; November - June 2016 Account Activity July 2016 Account Activity Summary of Amortization (Note 1) (0 . 4 ) (1 . 1 ) (1 . 3 ) (1 . 4 ) (1 . 0 ) (1 . 9 ) (2 . 1 ) (2 . 4 ) (2 . 7 ) (3 . 1 ) (3 . 8 ) (4 . 4 ) (0 . 6 ) (1 . 6 ) (2 . 3 ) (2 . 6 ) (3 . 1 ) (4 . 0 ) (4 . 4 ) (5 . 2 ) (5 . 8 ) 0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   (7) (6) (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) 0 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Ac c o u n t  Ba l a n c e s ,  $1  X 1, 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 AVISTA UTILITES Deferral Balance  Prior Yr Current Yr (1 . 7 ) (1 . 1 ) (0 . 7 ) (0 . 5 ) (0 . 2 ) (0 . 1 ) 0. 0   0. 1   0. 1  0. 2  0. 3  0. 4   (3 . 7 ) (3 . 4 ) (3 . 0 ) (2 . 8 ) (2 . 5 ) (2 . 4 ) (2 . 4 ) (2 . 3 ) (2 . 2 ) 0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   (4) (4) (3) (3) (2) (2) (1) (1) 0 1 1 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Ac c o u n t  Ba l a n c e s ,  $1  X 1, 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 AVISTA UTILITES Amortized Chart  Prior Yr Current Yr (2 . 1 ) (2 . 2 ) (2 . 0 ) (4 . 2 ) (1 . 2 ) (2 . 0 ) (2 . 0 ) (2 . 3 ) (2 . 6 ) (2 . 9 ) (3 . 5 ) (4 . 0 ) (4 . 3 ) (5 . 0 ) (5 . 3 ) (5 . 4 ) (5 . 6 ) (6 . 4 ) (6 . 7 ) (7 . 5 ) (8 . 1 ) 0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   (9) (8) (7) (6) (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) 0 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Ac c o u n t  Ba l a n c e s ,  $1  X 1, 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 AVISTA UTILITES Total Chart  Prior Year Current Year 2014 / 201 2015 / 201 2014 / 201 2015 / 201 2014 / 201 2015 / 201 Nov (2.1) (4.3) Nov (0.4) (0.6) Nov (1.7) (3.7) Dec (2.2) (5.0) Dec (1.1) (1.6) Dec (1.1) (3.4) Jan (2.0) (5.3) Jan (1.3) (2.3) Jan (0.7) (3.0) Feb (4.2) (5.4) Feb (1.4) (2.6) Feb (0.5) (2.8) Mar (1.2) (5.6) Mar (1.0) (3.1) Mar (0.2) (2.5) Ap (2.0) (6.4) Ap (1.9) (4.0) Ap (0.1) (2.4) Ma (2.0) (6.7) Ma (2.1) (4.4) Ma 0.0 (2.4) June (2.3) (7.5) June (2.4) (5.2) June 0.1 (2.3) Jul (2.6) (8.1) Jul (2.7) (5.8) Jul 0.1 (2.2) Aug (2.9) 0.0 Aug (3.1) 0.0 Aug 0.2 0.0 Sep (3.5) 0.0 Sep (3.8) 0.0 Sep 0.3 0.0 Oct (4.0) 0.0 Oct (4.4) 0.0 Oct 0.4 0.0 Nov (2,051,019 (4,342,874 Nov (370,318) (640,603)Nov (1,680,701 (3,702,271 Dec (2,161,255 (4,952,266 Dec (1,094,667 (1,590,940 Dec (1,066,588 (3,361,326 Jan (2,024,934 (5,332,794 Jan (1,328,071 (2,303,619 Jan (696,863) (3,029,175 Feb (4,152,736 (5,378,335 Feb (1,437,600 (2,603,493 Feb (456,435) (2,774,842 Mar (1,215,415 (5,647,454 Mar (971,537) (3,103,479 Feb (243,878) (2,543,975 Ap (1,991,696 (6,390,149 Ap (1,908,351 (3,958,355 Ap (83,345) (2,431,794 Ma (2,076,137 (6,708,586 Ma (2,074,292 (4,362,532 Ma (1,845) (2,346,054 June (2,302,026 (7,458,545 June (2,362,722 (5,180,976 June 60,696 (2,277,570 Jul (2,586,851 (8,055,985 Jul (2,706,482 (5,840,158 Jul 119,631 (2,215,826 Aug (2,915,241 0 Aug (3,102,943 Aug 187,702 Sep (3,483,731 0 Sep (3,751,112 Sep 267,381 Oct (4,021,717 0 Oct (4,406,464 Oct 384,747 Net Deferrals Bal Deferral Balance (191010) Unamortized Bal (191000) 191000 191010 Amortization Deferral Total Ending Balance October 31, 2015 (4,021,717.61)$      ‐$                       (4,021,717.61)$ -$ Activity Activity 805110 & 431600/41960 GLW 191000 / 19101 difference 201511 320,961.56$          (638,633.68)$        (317,672.12)$ (321,155.92)$ (321,155.92)$ -$ 201512 342,184.00$          (947,704.86)$        (605,520.86)$ (609,392.22)$ (609,392.22)$ -$ 201601 335,476.75$          (711,721.06)$        (376,244.31)$ (380,527.96)$ (380,527.96)$ -$ 201602 252,679.15$          (293,760.13)$        (41,080.98)$ (45,542.09)$ (45,542.09)$ -$ 201603 231,380.09$          (495,906.47)$        (264,526.38)$ (269,118.54)$ (269,118.54)$ -$ 201604 112,550.78$          (850,231.73)$        (737,680.95)$ (742,694.52)$ (742,694.52)$ -$ 201605 86,028.19$            (399,009.33)$        (312,981.14)$ (318,436.67)$ (318,436.67)$ -$ 201606 68,707.19$            (812,766.46)$        (744,059.27)$ (749,959.78)$ (749,959.78)$ -$ 201607 61,912.60$            (652,890.09)$        (590,977.49)$ (597,439.19)$ (597,439.19)$         -$ 201608 ‐$                         ‐$                       -$ -$ -$ -$ 201609 ‐$                         ‐$                       -$ -$ -$ -$ 201610 ‐$                         ‐$                       -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,811,880.31$ (5,802,623.81)$ (3,990,743.50)$ Interest 201511 (1,514.58)$ (1,969.22)$ (3,483.80)$ 201512 (1,239.53)$ (2,631.83)$ (3,871.36)$ 201601 (958.20)$ (3,325.45)$ (4,283.65)$ 201602 (713.94)$ (3,747.17)$ (4,461.11)$ 201603 (512.84)$ (4,079.32)$ (4,592.16)$ 201604 (369.96)$ (4,643.61)$ (5,013.57)$ 201605 (287.53)$ (5,168.00)$ (5,455.53)$ 201606 (223.30)$ (5,677.21)$ (5,900.51)$ 201607 (169.06)$ (6,292.64)$ (6,461.70)$ 201608 -$ 201609 -$ 201610 -$ (5,988.94)$             (37,534.45)$           (43,523.39)$ Deferral Hold Back Transfer to 191015 -$ Ending Balance (2,215,826.24$ (5,840,158.26$ (8,055,984.50$ Ending Balance October 31, 2015 (11,981.13)$           (11,981.13)$ Amortization 201511 -$ (9.98)$ -$ 201512 -$ (9.99)$ -$ 201601 -$ (10.00)$ -$ 201602 -$ (10.01)$ -$ 201603 -$ (10.02)$ -$ 201604 -$ (10.03)$ -$ 201605 -$ (10.03)$ -$ 201606 -$ (10.04)$ -$ 201607 -$ (10.05)$ -$ 201608 -$ -$ -$ 201609 -$ -$ -$ 201610 -$ -$ -$ Interest 201511 (9.98)$ (9.98)$ 201512 (9.99)$ (9.99)$ 201601 (10.00)$ (10.00)$ 201602 (10.01)$ (10.01)$ 201603 (10.02)$ (10.02)$ 201604 (10.03)$ (10.03)$ 201605 (10.03)$ (10.03)$ 201606 (10.04)$ (10.04)$ 201607 (10.05)$ (10.05)$ 201608 -$ 201609 -$ 201610 -$ Ending Balanc (12,071.28$ -$ (12,071.28$ (2,227,897.52)$ (5,840,158.26)$ Total All Deferral/Amortization Account (2,215,826.24$ #(8,068,055.78$ GL Check 201607 191000 (172,084.16)$     191010 (7,883,900.34)$  (8,055,984.50)$  191015 (12,071.28)$        Total Idaho (8,068,055.78)$ -$ Balance Sheet Accounts 191000 and 191010 GL Wand Activity to Balance Check Balance Sheet Accounts 191015