HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181114FCA Quarterly Report.pdfAvista Corp. l4l I East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washin$on 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 /,:: ' C;: t-") :.;.. -'j i'r,l iil November 14,2018 Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Dem Ms. Hanian: RE: AVU-E-I 5-05/AVU-G-I 5-01 Electric and Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Ouarterly Report Attached for filing with the Commission is an electronic copy of Avista's Elecftic and Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjusbnent Mechanism Quarterly Report. The report consists of spreadsheets showing the monthly revenue defenal calculations for July, August and September 2018. In addition, Avista has provided illustrative nevenue deferral calculations for the non-residential elecfiic goup on a rate schedule basis as required in the Setflement Stipulation approved by the Commission in the above referenced docket. The other electric and natural gas groups consist ofonly one rate schedule each and therefore would not change under the rate schedule assunption. Also included in the report are the monthly general ledger balances resulting from the defenal and amortization activity during the 3rd quarter of 2018. Questions regarding this filing should be directed to Tara Knox at (509) 4954325. Patrick Ehrbar Director of Regulatory Affairs Enc. i rr(f, ::r a j",irr.rsr,a N o FI @o0|! CL a6 6t oFvIE d F p F s ts G" dN,d rj -o NFovN F 6 II s r fl*:H6(Ja>99 -.q9?Bcj poc,< 6 N6EEE Yegg e ==&,&,&,;s;e59 E E S: *::cEcr@dor oooC4. 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DECOUPLING PRIOR YE REG ASSET- DECOUPLING PRIORYE PRIORYE REG ASSET- REG ASSET- DECOUPLING PRIOR YE REG ASSET- DECOUPLING PRIOR YE 182329 REG ASSET - NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET - NON RES DECOUPLING - NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET - NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET - NON RES DECOUPLING 182339 file: lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q3 2018.xlsx / Accounting Balances Page 5 of 12 s86.67 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 3rd Quarter 2018 Deferred Revenue Approved for Recovery FerC Acct Accoun-inf B@Inning Service Period Balance Monthly Ferc Acct Desc Balance I 807 ,06 -256,842.01 1,287,063.05 I 808 '.97 I I 809 -l 707.62 t7.46 .60 I 807 1,396,256.64 -28,707.21 I I 808 t,367,549.43 -24,031.01 1,343,518.42 201 809 t8.42 7M.18 807 ,764.71 -237 808 460,233.03 -212,8U.70 247,348.33 201 809 33 -193,821.86 53,526.47 807 88 -17 732.38 l8l 808 l8l,068.50 -17 .64 809 163,266.86 -21,945.47 14t,321.39 -57 Jurisdiction:lD Accumulated Deferred lncome Tax Ferc Acct Accounting Service Period Beginning Balance Monthly Ferc Acct Desc Balance 808 97 12 747.42 747.42 -221 175.85 123.80 t.22 119.12 8t.50 l0l 101,655.89 37,100.38 138,756.27 REG ASSET. DECOUPLING SURCHARG REG ASSET. DECOUPLING SURCHARG ASSET- DECOUPLING SURCHARG REG ASSET- DECOUPLING SURCHARG ASSET - NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET - NON RES DECOUPLING ASSET - NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET. NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET. NON RES DECOUPLING 182328 I 82338 ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV DEFERRED REV ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV 283328 file: lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q3 2018.xlsx / Accounting Balances Page 6 of 12 REG ASSET- DECOUPLING SURCHARG -701,717.73 {46.478.85 Jurisdiction:ID Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 3rd quarter 2018 lncome Statement Accounts Deferred Revenue RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE 456328 NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE 456338 RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE 495328 NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE 49s338 Ferc Acct Accounting Period Beginning Monthly Acct Desc Balance 7t 807 t.t2 124.96 -21 2t l9 Amort of Prior Period Defened Revenue 7t 2l I10.03 19.s4 .23 -51 -l4l RES DECOUPLING DE DERES Ferc Accounting Service Period Beginning Balance Monthly Ferc 1,613,163.69 258,021.09 I 78 121 177 '.51 2t 184.78 .05 57 3.98 I 147.5t 179.40 I .17 1 160. l 5 10.97 .7'l ,750.86 ,768.24 file: lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q3 2018.xlsx / Accounting Balances PageT of t2 -200,960.67 -72,895.75 Acct Desc Balance AMORTIZATION RES DECOUPLING DE AMORTIZATION RES DECOUPLING DE 156329 685,72s.88 AMORTIZATION NON-RES DECOUPLIN AMORTIZATION NON-RES DECOUPLIN AMORTIZATION NON.RES DECOUPLIN 95,905.21 AMORTIZATION NON-RES DECOUPLIN AMORTIZATION NON-RES DECOUPLIN AMORTIZATION NON-RES DECOUPLIN 19s339 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 3rd Quarter 2018 Jurisdiction:lD lnterest Expense/lncome Ferc Acct Ferc Acct Desc Service Period Balance Balance I 807 0.00 ll I 808 0.00 ll I 809 -24,644.11 0.00 -24,644.11 0.00 I 807 '.27 0.00 '.27 I 808 '.27 0.00 '.27 1 809 07.27 0.00 '.27 0.00 I 807 10.65 0.00 4,1 0.65 I 808 tu.05 0.00 10.65 I 809 10.65 0.00 10.65 0.00 I 807 ll,376.6?0.00 11.376 67 808 11,376.67 0.00 1,376.67 809 0.00 ll 0.00 Financial Reporting Contra Asset Accounts Jurisdiction:lD Ferc Ferc Acct Desc Service Accounting Beginning Monthly Ending Balance 804 0.00 0.00 0.00 805 0.00 0.00 0.00 806 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 804 0.00 0.00 0.00 805 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 806 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 804 0.00 0.00 0.00 805 0.00 0.00 0.00 806 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 804 0.00 0.00 0.00 201 80s 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INT INC ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU INT INC ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU INT INC ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU INT INC ON OTH DEFERRALS.IV FU INC ON DEFERRALS-IV FU INT EXP ON OTH DEFERRALS.IV FU EXP ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU EXP DEFERRALS-IV FU INT EXP ON OTH DEFERRALS.IV FU INT EXP ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU 19328 1328 CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV 253311 CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE 253312 CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL 45631 1 CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL 495311 file: lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q3 2018.xlsx / Accounting Balances 0.00 0.00 Page 8 of 12 INT INC ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU INT EXP ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU 0.00 Net lnterest lncome 0.00 0.00 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 3rd Quarter 2018 NOTES 1) The following table shows how the decoupled revenue per customer has tracked with use per customer for each quarter of 2018. The similarity of the percentage change indicates that the mechanism is working as intended. Summarized Quarterly and Year to Date Use per Customer and Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Per Customer. Change versus Authorized YTD wtd Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Average Electric Residential Change in Use per Customer (51) (103) (15) Change in FCA Revenue per Customer -50.30 -iS.qZ -51.87 Deferral per Average Customer 50.30 59.42 51.87 Electric Non-Residential Change in Use per Customer (258) (465) (389) Change in FCA Revenue per Customer -S+.Ot -522.88 -519.55 Deferral per Average Customer 54.01 522.88 519.56 % -2.9o/o -3.0% -4.4o/o -3.2o/o -0.8% -0.5% 2.2% 5.0% Natural Gas Residential Change in Use per Customer Change in FCA Revenue per Customer Deferral per Average Customer Natural Gas Non-Residential Change in Use per Customer Change in FCA Revenue per Customer Deferral per Average Customer 6 s3.12 -s3.12 93 s108.64 -S1os.G4 (8) -Sg.es s3.3s 99 s34.64 -s34.64 -so.s2 So.s2 (11) -S49.04 S49.04 2) lf the FCA mechanism had been determined by schedule the electric residential and both natural gas groups would not change. The electric non-residential group would consist of three separate rate schedule groups. Pages 10 through 12 of this report show the illustrative calculations for the electric non-residential group on a by schedule basis. 3) The contra asset accounting shown on page 8 is for financial reporting purposes only. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles allow revenue recognition from alternative revenue programs up to the amount expected to be collected within 24 months following the end of the annual period in which they are recognized. Due to the 3% annual rate increase limitation a portion of a 2018 surcharge may not be fully recovered bV 1213t12020 and therefore would not be recognizable as income for financial reporting purposes in 2018. The income statement impact of any contra deferral entries will be eliminated for normalized ldaho resu lts reporting. file: lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q3 2018.xlsx / Notes Page 9 of 12 !.{ ooFI (uoo.!o- t*tdIF t- l^tgl6i t:t^tat9. t9 l=t.l t:l. I dt" t:l.tata t: t- l.- t: 6 e9- a66NtsAa sts ts653E;d-eF FO r d F9- q=a_h.6t iE{ 'i oi oo' .{ N6ooo-!ooo6660h=6h€! 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I Ez 3a FO dF tl .1 - ?..' --9a Rd . $- Xei Bg$ i/i d) i.= 1eD; sqr 466 e6."o F N s6 ^s TEEE &&c,&9999 &&&& E Eg ?Esx 6NaQ 63?! eErd cQ ;EE { gc :i2 u E . E. ' :ggi $gis tssgrigg *gis sssgEEglEi ig g! o E !t a!a A l! c & J 3orII F d E F2 6 u&zozu&FUU rl>IFIgt FI 3l =t E.9EG Ee PNCLootrrAGocf =o.-9Er -E63 5Erlrg* er;ocJt.o:'60xsoc,Uo '5 9:5z 6 d 6 6 Id(-) .E^:9 5ai{E .E€ t, €.c.E !EE1ZlPq -ooeE3<tiA; >< .5 ti Eo=:=:*D o 3.,,ft'E C'l.EEiP>: oa<tiZ< F 6 5 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 3rd Quarter 2018 Ealance Sheet Accounts GLAccount Balance Accounting Period :'201807, 201808, 201809' -l*i.ai"uo"rn FCA Defurred Revenue REG ASSET.DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET-OECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET-DECOUPLING DEFERRED DEFERRED REG ASSET-DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET DEFERRED D REG REG ASSET NON.RES DECOUPLING D REG ASSET NON.RES DECOUPLING D NGD REG ASSET NON-RES DECOUPLING D REG ASSET NON-RES DECOUPLING O GD I 86328 I 86338 Ferc Accounting Beginning Service Period Balance Prior Year FCA Monthly Activity Ending Balance 1,040,325.30 64,590.28 1,104,915.58 Acct Jurisdiction:ID Ferc Acct Desc .23 807 808 809 807 808 809 807 808 809 807 808 809 15.58 -2 203,577.il '.8 I 5 5l 99.80 141 14t,454.05 -79,794.77 61,659.28 .17 645,332.41 8t,696.54 727 727 2 .83 939,057.78 78 t77 471 .43 -21 1.87 -t 1.87 109.55 104,962.32 -33,454.60 138,416.92 .71 -l I REG ASSET. - DECOUPLING PRIOR YE REG ASSET- DECOUPLING PRIOR YE ED PRIOR YE REG ASSET. DECOUPLING PRIOR YE REG ASSET. GD 182329 REG ASSET - . NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET - NON RES DECOUPLING ED . NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET - GD RES DECOUPLING l 82339 Ferc Acct Ferc Acct Desc Accormting Service P€riod 808 r 809 Beginning Balangg Ending Balance -2,830,366.8 I -2,3s8.U -2,832,725.45 '725.45 -7 .81 -l Monthly Activity 1.53 -l t,&7,204.82 -1,372.67 -1,648,577.49 ,114.59 -1 613,990.07 5l 1.66 614,501.73 6l r.73 5 12.08 6l 13.81 61s,013.81 512.51 6l 15.24 -316.26 1.50 -379,83 I .50 -316.53 -380,148.03 148.03 -3t6.79 -949.58 586.67 file: lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q3 2018.xlsx / Accounting Balances Page 5 of 12 I 1 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 3rd Quarter 2018 Defierred Revenue Approved for Recovery Ferc Accounting Service Period Beginning Balance Monthly ActivityAcctFerc Acct Desc f,lcling Balance r 807 .05 l 808 .97 l .08 l 809 l,037 -176,707.62 861,117.46 787.60 I 807 707.21 I .43 l 808 ,549.43 -24,031.01 1,343,518.42 l 809 8.42 784.18 I I 807 697 7U.71 -237 1.68 .03 -21 70 247..33 l 809 247,348.33 -193,821.86 53,526.47 t7 732.38 l8l .50 181,068.50 -17,801.64 163,266.86 -21 t4l .39 -57 Jurisdiction:ID Accumulated Defurred lncome Tax Ferc Accounting Beginning Service Period Balance Monthly Acct Ferc Acct Desc Balance 73,486.1t -285,813.54 808 -285,813.54 97 l2 747.42 809 747.42 -221 75.85 138,123.80 807 1.22 1t9.72 I .50 808 1.50 101 .89 809 101,655.89 37,100.38 138,756.27 REG ASSET- DECOUPLING SURCHARG REG ASSET- DECOUPLING SURCHARG REG ASSET. DECOUPLING SURCHARG REG ASSET- DECOUPLING SURCHARG REG ASSET. DECOUPLING SURCHARG ED GD ED GD REG ASSET - NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET - NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET - NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET. NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET. NON RES DECOUPLING l 82328 I 82338 ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV 283328 file: lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q3 2018.xlsx / Accounting Balances Page 6 of 12 -701 Jurisdiction:ID Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 3rd quarter 2018 lncome Statement Accounts Deferred Revenue RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE 456328 NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE NON.RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE NON.RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE 456338 RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE 495328 NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE NON.RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE 495338 Ferc Acct Ferc Acct Desc Accounting Beginning Service Period Balance Monthly .91 -l808 809 101,674.71 2l l,l10.03 807 808 -21 20 I 809 -l -l -51 2l l9 Amort of Prior Period Defurred Revenue 19.54 -80,230.34 104,0s6.21 Balance 807 -l .71 .90 t.t2 -8 807 808 702.s9-l4l809 807 808 809 .23 -5 AMORTIZATION RES DECOUPLING DE AMORTIZATION RES DECOUPLING DE AMORTIZATION RES DECOUPLING DE 456329 AMORTIZATION NON.RES DECOUPLIN AMORTIZATION NON-RES DECOUPLIN AMORTIZATION NON-RES DECOUPLIN 456339 AMORTIZATION RES DECOUPLING DE AMORTIZATION RES DECOUPLING DE AMORTIZATION RES DECOUPLING DE 495329 AMORTIZATION NON.RES DECOUPLIN AMORTIZATION NON.RES DECOUPLIN AMORTIZATION NON-RES DECOUPLIN 495339 Ferc Ferc Acct Desc Accounting Service Period Beginning Balance Ending Balance 20 I 807 1,613,163.69 258,021.09 1,871,184.78 20 1 808 184.78 20 I 809 Monthly ActivityAcct t2 .05 r 20 l 807 I 33.53 201 808 147.51 2 809 1,687 ,, ,750.86 l .51 .71 .91 .24 8.32807 808 809 807 808 809 .17 25,160.r 5 17,890.59 file: lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q3 2018.xlsx / Accounting Balances Page 7 of 12 -200,960.67 .40 -72,895.75 685,725.88 645,140.55 95,905.2'l 57,907.97 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 3rd Quarter 2018 Jurisdiction:lD lnterest Expense/lncome Fsrc Acct Ferc Acct Desc Accotmting Service Period Beginning Balance Monthly Activity Ending Balance 201807 -24,U4.tt 0.00 -24,U4.11 20 l 808 ll 0.00 ll 20 I 809 0.00 l1 0.00 20 I 807 107.27 0.00 1o7.27 20 l 808 107.27 0.00 107.27 20 l 809 10,107.27 0.00 -10,107.27 0.00 201807 l4,l 10.65 0.00 l4,l 10.65 20 l 808 l10.65 0.00 I10.65 20 I 809 I10.65 0.00 I10.65 0.00 20 I 807 0.00 20 I 808 tt,376.6'l 0.00 11,376.67 20 1 809 0.00 tt,376.67 0.00 Financial Reporting Contra Asset Accounts Jurisdiction:ID Ferc FercAcct Desc Service Accounting Period Beginning Monthly lading BalanceAcctBalance 20 1 804 0.00 0.00 0.00 201 80s 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 1 806 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 I 804 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 l 805 0.00 0.00 0.00 20t 806 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 1 804 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 1 805 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 l 806 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 1 804 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 I 805 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 I 806 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 l 804 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 I 805 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 I 806 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 l 804 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 I 805 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 l 806 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INT INC ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU INT INC ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU INT INC ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU INT INC ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU INT INC ON OTH DEFERRALS.IV FU DEFERRALS-IV FU DEFERRALS-IV FU INT EXP ON OTH DEFERRALS.IV FU INT EXP ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU INT EXP ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU INT EXP ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU INT EXP ON OTH DEFERRALS.IV FU l 9328 1328 CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV DECOUPLING DEFERREO REV CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERREO REV DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE NTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE NTRA DECO CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE l2 CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL 4563 I I CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL 4953 I 1 file: lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report q3 2018.xlsx / Accounting Balances 0.00 Page 8 of L2 ll Net lnterest Income 0.00 0.00 0.00