HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170815FCA Quarterly Report.pdfAvista Corp. l41l East Mission P.O.Box3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 August 14,2017 Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83702 U Dear Diane: RE: AVU-E-15-05/AVU-G-1 5-01 Electric and Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Ouarterly Report Attached for filing with the Commission is an electronic copy of Avista's Electric and Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Quarterly Repott. The report consists of spreadsheets showing the monthly revenue deferral calculations for April, May and June 2017. In addition, Avista has provided illustrative revenue defenal calculations for the non- residential electric group on a rate schedule basis as required in the Settlement Stipulation approved by the Commission in the above referenced docket. The other electric and natural gas groups consist of only one rate schedule each and therefore would not change under the rate schedule assumption. Also included in the report are the monthly general ledger balances resulting from the defenal and amortization activity during the 2nd quarter of 2017. Questions regarding this filing should be directed to Tara Knox at (509) 495-4325 Patrick Ehrbar Senior Manager, Rates and Tariffs Enc. ,i'ivtsta Avi*a Ctrporation Fixed Co$Adiudmetr Mshanism ld.ho Jurisdidion quafrerly Repodfor 1i Quader 2017 Avirt. Utilitls Elfftric tritcd Cct Adjrstmot MehDiu (ldrho) DcvclopDctrt of Elcctrlc Deferrdt (Cdcrdtr Yerr 2017.) A1'u-E-16-03 FCA Bsc - Rrter Eficctiye l/l/2017 Lh.No. Sour@ J.cl7 tr b-17 M.r-17 AIE!1 Mrl.l7 lI QoMer 2M Qu.n rml1 2011 tu&l7 Tobl Td.l 2017 YTD Tohl (a) n dd.nahl Croup Total Aclusl Bill€d Custmffi Toul Aotul U$ge (kwhs) Tohl Actual Fixed Ch{ge Revmw E lgioc Ctdon.6 Actual CNomffi on Sysm During Teg Yed MmiH] Fr\ed Cd Adj. RflmE ps CBmtr Fixed Cct AdjMeil RevmE Actual Be Rit€ Revaue Adal Fixed Chege Rflaue A6al Usge (kwhs) Load Chms€ AdjMnt Rate ($AWh) Vdable Pows Sumly R4oE CMmsFixed C6t AdjMt R*flE Residmlial Rfl6G Ps Cutus Rseived Existins CNoma Deferal - Smhtrg€ (R€bak) Nd CMfrafr Actual C&m6 Nil Sin@ Tes Yea MmoJy f ixed Cos Adj Revmueps CNms Fixed C61 AdjlMeot R€vmu€ Actual BeR teRevoue Actual Fix€d Chtrge Revoue Actual Usge GWhs) Load Chdge AdjEmat Rae (i&Wh) Vdiabl€ Powtr Supply Revenre Fixed Prodrctim md TralMi$ion Rate per kwr Fixed kodwtio ed TrglMision RevaE CNoms Fixql Cd AdjlMot Ramue Residmtial R€vmE Ptr CuMtr R@ived Nil CNms Defqml - Smhtrge (RebaE) Intftst on Deftral Morthly R6ld.nll.l D.fcrd Tobl. (c)(d)(€)(0 G)(h) l 2 3 I 6 7 8 9 l{,lt l2 13 t4 l5 l6 11 l9 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 3t 32 33 34 35 38 39 40 4t 42 43 R€v6E R€pons Revfie RWns R€vnu R€pons RevmE Repons 105,837 l 56,261,4 l9 I t4,796.751 t 585,033 105.929 I I1,712.98 I 1o,6t9.060 $ 612,694 105,939 l@,522.142 s10,384,205 3 613,267 los,734 87,208,482 I 8.334,941 s 6t3.178 t05,61 I 81,254,247 $ 7,750,389 $ 6t4.122 t05,458 69,755,030 I 6.720,450 $ 6t3,682 3t7.705 371,491,19 35,8m,Or7 I,810,9% 3 t6,803 234,2t7,159 22.n5,1& 1,8,(),982 614,508 615,7t4,958 58,05.796 3,651,976 : 160 s26.76 57,798 $ 4,941 $4s.33 224.261 S 6.074 I 1,02ts29.63 136.68 t79,9v S 4U,221 (r) -(22) Page 3 Ct) x (8) (3) - (26) (4) - (27) (2) - (28) Page I (13) x (14) (n) - (r2) {15) t04,280 s&r 19 s 8,778,%l $ t4.634,t99 $ 576,652 t54,5v,t52 $ 0.02416 $ 3,733,545 $ t0,324,003 $9.m $ (r,545,021) lft 551 I iNl I ilr:61 0.024 l6 41,731 0.02459 42,480 69,959 $44.93 I 1,357 10/,,219 t66.34 $ 6,918,034 $ 10380,618 | &3,624 110,270,291 $ 0.02416 $ 2,664,130 $ 1,212, 4 9.17$ (294,830) 88.443 9.07o 1.412.7tJ7 0.02416 34.856 0.0245, 35,482 59,035 $35.78 4,412 tu,l9 $69.52 $ 7,2e,001 $10,252,238$ 603,6?3 108,153,026 $ 0.02416 s 2.612.971 $ 7,035,588 $67 52$ 208,413 i s43. I 3 75,e3 $ 0.024t6 $ $ 31.093 $$ 0 02459 $$ 33.688 $$ 55,59r $ $31.95$ r9.4s2 $ $ 227,865 $ $ 0.s32) $ I At/o 103,838s s2.m s 5.42OA52 3 8,213,872$ 02,748 85,959,869 s 0 02416 $ 2,076,7m $ 5,534,333 $53.30 $ (113,88r) $32 38 61.399 0 02416 30,166 0 02459 30.708 49.764 $26.25 I r.635 (t02,246\ 687 I Uav/o t03,593 J 48.53 s 5,027,498 3 7,649,280 t 603,1?3 80,225,490 s 0.024t6 s I,938,248 $ 5,10?,859 $49.31 $ (80,360) 103,298g 43.11 3 4355,605 $ 6.629,301s 60t,937 68,840,778 s 0.02416 $ 1,663,t93 $ 4,364.17t $42.25 $ 91.434 312,758 $73.35 i 22,94t,011 $ 35,367,056$ 1.783,949 372,957,469 I 0.02416 $ 9,010,652 s 24,512,455 3?8.57 $ (r,61r,438) 310,729 147.96 $ 14,903,556 i 22,492,453$ t,807,859 235,026.t31 s 0.02416 $ 5,678,231 s 15.qx362 s48.29 t (102,m?) 621,487 s60.70 $ 31,U4,512 $ 57,859,508s 3,591,807 07,983,ffi $ 0.02416 $ l 4,688,884 $ 39,578,817 $63.48 $ (r,734,24s) Rev6E Repotrs Pag€ 3 (22) x Q3) R€v6E Rc?ors R€vdE Repons RevdE R€potu Page I (28) x (29) Page I (30) x (31) (26) - (27) - (30)- (32) (9) - (r6) (e) -(33) $ 95223 8t,3t7 3 $41 t6 61.907 :,\ $30.r r0.7s $ r$ 0 02416 $ 24,855 $ 0.02459 $ 25,301 $ 40.0$ $ $r9.82 20,752 $ (59,608) $ 401 $ I 00'/o $ $ I $ $ $ $ $ ,369,156 002416 22.088 002459 22 485 34.831 $16 l3 22. 7 lL4,402 (169) tm% $ re.58s $ $37 3l $ 39,682 S $ (r,591,756) $ $ 10,?03 $ $ 432,%l $ 3t3,327 $ 746,288 s 21.045 S 33,123 $ 0,169 $ 4,539,730 $ 3,r91.622 $ 7.731,352 124.58 $ 309,185 $20 5l $28.05 55,355 S 95,036 (47,452) $ (r,639,2G) 3r9 $ t1,O2Z Tohl Residmtial Defnal - Suchtrge (Rebate) (18) + (35) D€ftral - Revmue R€latql Expen*s R€\'Cov Fetor t (r,s33,664) t (285,e58) $ 10,312 $ 1,923l.Wo l.Wo$ (635)$ (1,388)$ (r,414)$ (1,363)S (r,431)$ (r,@)$ (3,437)$ (4,203)$ (7,640) $(r5219r5)t(2E5,4alS tupr9 30029r)$ (60,530$ rr2r23 S(1584,.s)$ (5rJ3O$0135126) Cstm6 Deposit Rate Avg Bdme Cdc CmulativeRe$dorialDef€ral(Rebateysmhsge q(37).(38),(40) $ (1,523,986) $(1,809,409) $(1,584,490) g(1,68?,41t) $(1,7€,e9) q1,635,826) lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Repofr Q2 2017.x1s / Eledric Dereral Page 1 of 11 Line Avitt Utilitic! Eldtric Fircd C6t Adjutamcnt Mdhstrilm (Idrho) D.vclopDcrt ofElcctrlc Dcfcrrds (Crlcrd.r Ycrr 2017) AVU-E-16-03 FCA Brie - R.tes Elfcctiv. l/l/2017 NahR6ftladd Gnt, Toul Acrurl Billcd cl,fu6 Tobl Actud Usgc (kwhs) Toul Adul Ba$ Rak R€mE Tottl A€tual Fixcd Chrgo RffiE WgSgMAdal C&m6 o Syrm Duing Td Yee Mmthly Fixed Cos Adj RwaE ptr Cdms Fixcd Cd Adjlment RwmE Adud Br* R.le Revau€ Aturl Fix€d CharSe Rs6ue A@rl U$8e (kwhs) Lood Chuge Ad.iMar RaE (t !vh) VtrirbL Pd6 Supply Rd€nE Csm6 Fixcd Cd Ad.ilffit Rw6E N@-R6id.ntial R*aE P6 Cuffid R@ved Exi$ing CNm6 Defaral - Swhsge Ecbrt€) Nil Cttutd Acsal CMmGNil Sine Td Yer MmlNy Fixcd Cd Adj. RsmE p6 CNms Fixed Cd Adjdmnl Rw6E Actual Be Rrt R.mue AcNal Fixed ChrrSc Roaue A@al U$8c (kwhs) Losd Che8. AdrlMml R6E (gkwh) Vriable PN6 Supply RevmE Fix.d Prcduifi ed Tmision Rrtc per kwh Fixed ProdEtim md Tmsision Rd6E ClfudFixcd Cd AdjllstmlRffiE Nm-Rsidential Rfl6u Ptr Cutue Recivcd N* CNtm6 Dcfml - Surchsge (Rebate) Tdtl )fteRciLdirl M$d - s!rhr8. (R.be) DddEl -RffiERcld.dExpqs Avina Cqporation Fircd Cos Adiusment M6hanirm ldaho Jurirdidion Quefrerly R.pod for 1i Quaner 2017 187 lt 16.50 45,64 Ii $r2r.s 50.48n I 1l r'rj r,, liE 0.02416 !7,41 0.025tr 38,879 51,957 st39.65 (7,476) st22.76 53.891 $ 23,214 12lL66 $ 4,913,39 s 1 ,5a1,2243 711,558 86,3{t,O20 I 0.02416 I 2,086,168 I 4,789,498 3206.32 s 123,902 23,302 s2t5.45 $ 5,020.504 3 7,435.504 t 7t7,391 83,336,646 t 0.024t6 I 2,013,4t3 I 4,704,694 $01.m I 315,809 $r l7 93 56.811 $ {)o2Jl6 $ 30.5?5 S 002yb s 1.715 $ 40.1?8 $ $83 77 16.44/ s 140,365 S(%) $ tw, {n, $ t2.94 50,369 S $l 20.04 63,983 t 1,241 $120 43 149.456 $ l.l Qurra.r 2rd Qu.n.rml72017 2OI7 YTD No. Sorrce J.bl7 IGblT Mrr-17 Apr-17 M.'-17 Jun-t7 Tol.l Toarl Td.l (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 c) O) I 2 3 1 6 1 8 2 u t2 t3 t4 l5 I6 t7 l9 2l 22 21 ;; 27 28 29 30 3l 32 33 34 t: 37 38 39 10 4l 43 RsaE Rcpois RdaE Rryotu RdaE R.pois RcmE Repons 2'.655 s.242.198 t 8.598.397 t 671,262 23.tr8 49,6/.3,74 t 7,984,633 t 719,542 23.146 94.186.354 I 8,296,308 I 730.524 23,685 79,ffi,121 t 7.164,355 t 724.A9 23.6X 87,6t 1,539 3 7.703.q8 I 725,514 7 I,069 2U.012.2y 24,879,338 2.121,328 71,216 251,661,009 22,403,125 2,t79,U2 tQ.as 533,733,263 0,242,1il 4,30t, I 70 23.815 u,382.747I 7.535.t62 t 730,2{) (t) - (22\ Prgc 3 Cr) x (8) (3) - (26) (1) -Q7) (2) - (28) Psse I (13) x (la) (ll)-(r2){ls) 23,268 $209.09I 4,865,022 I 8,479,3t3s (62,421 96,930,?86t 0.02416J 2,t41,848s 5,475,043 $235.103 (610.022) 23,253 $21E.32 3 5,076,5.tO 3 7,839,959 I 709,184 88,092.346 3 0.02416 I 2,128,311 3 5,002,46t 32tS.l3 I 74,0?6 23.W s220.t3 $ 5,135,162 $ 8,170,747s 719,039 92f/4,U7 s 0.02416 s 2,243,t32 $ 5,26,577 s223.48 3 (73.415) 23239 1202.70 s 4,7t0,466 s 7,065,2413 712,468 14,652,626 I 0.024t6 t 1,9m247 I 4,452,525 Jl9l.a) 3 257,941 69,828 12l5.9l t 15,076,724 3 24,490,019 t 2,090,6,1,1 277,867,979 I 0.02416 s 6,713,290 s 15,686.65 s2u.64 s (609,36r) 69.155 $209.94 $ 14,644,169 s 22,087, 9 s 2,t4t,423 b4337,292 $ 0.02416 3 5.99.829 s 13,946,7t7 319.94 s 691,652 89,583 t2t2.93 $ 29.72t,$3 s 46,577,988 I 1.232,$7 5?6,n527t s 0.024t6 s 12,7t3,119 s 29,632,802 t2 | 2.30 I 88,29t(9) - 06) RrymE Repons Page J (22)x (23) RchE Repods RdaE R€ponr RchE RcpoG P"g. I (28) x (29) PaSc I {d rvg (30) x (3 l) (26) - (27) - (3O)- (32) l l9o8j 8 EJI tiil {t: o.g2416 31,684 0.02506 32,865 45,695 3llt.07 (6r l) t 389,319 II 306E4 II 4,204.275 I t.6t 2,702 lr l?.18 $ t8.6? l7t,t94 t 320,650 315,457 t 7s.776 38,4t9 3 69,103 1,123.111 S 1,521,92 l:i 5,,1 i Il txa 1 0.02416 S 32,4t | $ 0.02506 $ 33,620 $ 48,045 $ 3109.44 y9 lli $ ll ai) $ r)l: orr I 0.o24t6 s 24.452 t 0.02506 I 25,361 3 37.738 S s84.61 12,632 ts 5,86 t t2 sl I r)16 lr)l 0024 16 25,271 0.0506 26.2t6 35,325 w.2t 2A,659(9) - (33) (18)+(35) Re Cdv Fets CNmtr Depcit Rate AvB Bslme Cdc f,{(37). (38), (40) (610,632) | 66,ffi $ (67,s69) t 270,573 I 4,106 J (448) $ 4s4 t (r,8r9) S lW. l.(Xf/o l0{f/o l.Wo 1U,6 (2.316) I W/. r5r.697 $ $tz2 24 (2,241) $ (611.602) $ 4,t t2 3 113.4{ $ $77 65 57,754 $ 755,46 S (s.o79) J 265,t31 s98. I 3 55,513 I 43,8er (967) $ t $ $ TI Inted on Defetrsl I (2s3)S (478)t (479)3 (395)J (226)$ (25)t (t2to)$ (ffi)t (1,8s6) t (60a,77e)s 6sr7{ s (67594)t Xu6t I rrJx s }alr, s (d8699)s 749rfl S r,0p82 $ (66.779) $ (54r,r05) $ (d[.6r) $ (34o.341) $ (201.14s) 3 t40.982 lD Fixed Cost Adiuitment Repofr Q2 2017.x1s / Eledric D.reral C@uldivc Nm-Rcsi&irtisl Defdral (RebeYSmh{B€ Page 2 ot 11 t $ $ t s 3 s 3 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Ad.iustment Mechanism ldaho lurirdiction Quarterly Report for 1st Quarter 2017 Avlrte Udlltle Nrtlrd Grt FLcd Cort AdJurtmcrt Mcch.nllm (Idrho) Dcvelopmeot of Nrturrl G.r Defcml! (Cdender Ycer 2017) AW-Cr15-01 FCA B.* - Rrt$ lrlcdyr l/l/2016 1*qun.r 2ndq[nc.Lla. 20tl m17 20I7YTDNc So!rc. JrEl? F.0.U M.r-t? Apr-1, M.y-l? Jor-l? Tohl Toad Tel(a) O) (c) (d) (c) (0 (O G) (o) (p) (B) RBld.ntLl GmcP (3) - (25) (4) -(2V (2) - (2t) I 2 3 : 6 7 8 9 tolt t2 l: t6 t7 It l9 2t 22 23 2: 26 281lt 3l 32 33 34 35 36 37 3t 39 a0lt 42 43 T&l Acual Billcd CsmcE Tml Actud Usgc Cnrm3)Tdl Acbat B.e RrG Rcwnuc Tdl Acult Fixd Chrgc Rcvd* EdduC@.d AcnEl Cubltm @ Sy.bn Duing Td Yd Modly Fixcd Coa Adj. R.vmuc lEr Cumct Fix.d Cd Adjuhmt Rcmuc Acul Br& fuE Ravouc Actd Fixcd Clugc R*@E Acul U$8. Cnrcms) Ctlffiq Fixd Cd Adjumot R.vcne Rradofd Rcvcmc Pcr Csbmd R*ircd Exi$ing CMcr D.fcdl . Sehdgc (Rcb.e) NdCvtuM Acul CBbmers Naw Sin* Tcal Y.e Md$ly Fixcd Cost Adj. Rcvoue pct Custmcr Fixad Co$ Adjumcnt Rcvenue Aci8l Fixcd Cht8c Ravanuc Acid Ueg. (Itcm6) Fixed Production sd UC Sbngc RlE pcr Them Fixed Production md UG Sbnga Rcvenue Cultoner Fixcd Cosl Adjuffienl Ravcnue Rcsidcntial Rcvenuc Pcr CGbmer Rffiivod Ncw CusMcr D.fcml - Surchege (Reb!c) Tel Residential Defeml - Surchdge (Rebare) Inbrcst 6 Deferal Mollhly R.dd.rdrl Dd.ril TobL Cmulative Rcsid.ntill Defcml (RcbaE)/Surchege $52 D 201.120 3.986 t46.05 It3,543 i 225.9112 t 20.522 $ 130.3t9 $llt 29 t(rJ. I r)3 0.02769 S 15,378 $249.7 $ $61.5 I (45.376) $ 0.02769 tll,9l5 $ 193,545 i $4t.56 (10,002) $ 0.02769 $ 9.7t0 $ 158,t69 S $3t.77 6,234 $ 80.0 I I |.233.197 990.960 423.t41 239,878 27.254,239 t4.293,027 1.265.523 239.929 t,654,632 5,381,010 t.269.155 479,807 35.908,871 19.674.03t 2.534.674 75,469 t t0.t8 I 766,345 t 929.021 t ,100.670 t,152.0m t J28,352 $7.00 I 239.993 I157 $l5.ll 65.t36 $ r 5[ 11,955 13,139 25.$5c9.59 t46.26 $r5.t2 $30.32 43,561 $ J53.066 $ 207.t79 S 760.946 106.037 22.285 t75.418 0.02769 4,457 7t,t95 $lt.ll (r3.059) 0.02769 2,24t 36,519 $ $t.04 7,042 $ 602,210 $ $50.37 (49,144) $ 235,090 $ $17.89 (27,210) $ 837.300 $33.37 (76.354) Revenue Reporo RavenG Repotu Rfvenc Repotu Relmue Repoft 79.942 t2.030.330 I 6.185.931 t 42r.632 79y)5 {.E07,641 2.723320 422.681 79,923 2.613.794 t.ufi.nl 422.633 D.924 80.012 8,205.105 7,01t.t04 {.331.284 $ 3.74.&3 421.576 S {22.315 (r) - (22) Plge 3 (ax(8) (ll)-(12){15) (9) . (15) Rav6E Reporo Page 3 (22, x (13) 75,938 i4&tti 3,7t 1,910 t 4,105,302$ 401.053 7,n4,7U t 3.704.2,18 $48.7tJ 7.62 75,914 t42.n s 3,246,694 $ 3,5t5.r47I ,t0r,299 6,(j.5,5a2 I 3.rt3.t48 91.94I 62.t46 76,O70 t56.01 s 4,253,220 $ 5,m1,730$ 401.606 \,474,943 $ 5.100,t25 s72.30 s (1,236,905) 75,755 s 2{6t r,t67,t5l I 2.574.5623 400.967 4,541.559 s 2.r73.59J 12t.693 (305.744) 75.56 I 16.04 I t2t\D1 3 t.560.693 3 40034t 2.43E.376 3 1.150.145 $15.36 t 51.752 149.24 $ il22r.824 $ 13.592,179 t r203.958 25.915.31 I $ 12.388.221 s54.35 $ (r.166,394 226,790 $ r6.97 $ 3,t4t293 t 5,w,2n s 1.201,9E4 8. 13 I,935 s 3,&22s3 $17.03s (14.000) 4y.7t2 t33.14 t r5.070.! r7 I 18,656,456 s 2,405.942 34,U7.246 3 16,250,514 t35.74 t (1.180.394 RcvenE RepoG Rav6E Reporc Rev€nE Rcpotu Prg. I (30) x (31) (25)-(24-(30)-(32) 1ll0 l23.a 9t.4t3 H8 7tl lt 7tl 266 081 o.o2769 7,36t lL9,676 s2t.23 (21.r93) 316.733 $ t.017.582 67.171 S t2a.B6 522.697 $ 1,861.625 6t e3E 3 700.849 23.r7t $ 61,565 8r.re7 t 1138,928 (18) + (35) Rev Conv F&td Cuslomer Deposil Rate (e) - (33) Avg B.lae Cdc r((34. (38). (0)) $ (1.282,281) $ 7.409 I OUo/r $ (531) (2.340) $14! I 006/o (1,064) s 69.080 $ (326.938) $ (399) $ r.tt9 $ I .0e/. t.le/o (1,037) $ (1,145) $ 247.035 $ (1.215.540) $ (r.42' $ 7.023 S I o(ft (l.l4t) $ (2.632) $ (4l.2to) $ il.256.75t) 238 $ 7.2A 3t.692 S (224) $ I 0e/" (!,?6, q (3,558) $ (6.190) $(rr75,or)r (3Jeo) s 67143 s (326.193)r 37J(x S 2416o S0rll,r49)r ({4530)J(rJs5679) $ (r.275.403) S(t.278.793) $(1.2il.t49) $(t.537.342) $(1.500.139) $(1.255.679) lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Repod Q2 2017.xlsx / Natural Gas Deferral Page 3 of 11 Avlita Corporation Fired Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho lurididion Quarterly Report for 1* quarter 2017 Avlsts Utllltlcs Neturd Ges Fircd Cost Adjlrtmeot Mcchrnirm (Idrho) Development ofNrturrl Ges Defcndr (Crlcndrr YGrr 2017) Avl,-G-ts-Ol FCA Brsc - R tcs Effcctivc l/l/2016 Lh. No. Sourca J.El7 F.b.l7 M.r-17 AMll U!El7 l3tQoncr 2ndQi.d.r 2017 201? 2017 YTD Jrn-17 Toul Tohl Tot.l (a) NolndH.llal Grorp (b) Ravd* RapoG RcvmE Rcpotu RcvmE Rcporo R.vdw RepoG L452 2.561.436 &0.512 146.358 l.4lr 9403.10 t 568.770 t 7t9,64r s 140.404 2.495,t24 I 649237 $,160. I 3 s (m.46t) I 33{9.57 14.335 I I )!li 0.02869 1.902 I 3.084 $3r9.1 l 1.253 <D2t5l 45t l.0e/" 1.4.16 t.9t7.762 79E.003 t45.97t (c)(d)(c)(0 (s)o)(o)(p)(s) I 2 3 ! 6 7 8: T@l AcE l Billed Cu@cE T@l Acoal UsBe (Th€ms) Tel Acbd Fixed Chsge Revenue Exkt*CMm Acnd C&mers od SysEm Duing Test Yar Mmlhb Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Cusmn Fixed Cos Adjsment R€vmu. 12 AcMl Fixed Chege Rerenue 13 AcMl Usge Clllems) I 6 Custmer Fixed Cost Adjuffient ReYenue 17 Non-ResidcniEl Revenue PerCuiomer Rrc€ired l8 ExisMS Cutmer Deferal - Suchege (Rebat€) 20 2t Yq-g@!!e4 22 AcMl CBtomers Ne{ Since Test Yee 23 MonNy Fi\ed Cost Adj. Rercnue per Customer 24 FixedConAdjusmentRe\cnue 26 Acul Be RaG Rercnue 27 Acul Fi\ed Chdge Re\ enue 28 ACMI Usge (Thems) 3 I Fixed Prodwuon md UG Sbnge Rate per Them 32 Fixed Prodmtion md UG Stomge Revenue 33 Cuslmer Fixed Cosl Adjutueil Rerenue 34 Non-ResidentulRelenuePerCBtmerRs€ilcd 35 Ner Custmer Defeml - Surchuge (Reb.t.) 37 T@l Non-Relidertial Defmd - Smhege (Rebae) 3t Deferal - Re@E Relsred Expen$s 39 ,10 IDErestmDeferal 4l Morily Nor-Rc.l&rd.l l}fsrd Toolt 42 43 Cmula!\€ Non-Residenrial Deferal (Reb6t€)/Suchffge 1,400 l,l4t. l4t 52?.397 $ 93t,00,s 138.021 2,9t0,773 t 799,964 t571.42I (r72.587) l.407 s27a.75$ 392.197 s u2,4E8t 142.093 r.t6t.tt I 3 540,395 t455.r53 (248,19t) 1.401 i2m.50 3 280.qm t 446,103 I l4l.5t6 1,305.775 s 3u.5r7 32t236 i (23.617) t,4la 4,220 1210.35 t45r.3t I 2v'.$a t 1.904.&6 s 399,562 $ 2.449,939 t 142.943 t 4t5.927 t.225.2t6 9.255.136 s 255,620 $ 2,034,012 $81.48 l4El.99 I 40.&9 S (129,196) 4,222 t229.6t$ 970.536 t 1,628,153s 426.62r 4.399.871 $ 1,20t.532 1284.59t (230.996) 3{ 94 .4 rdr34 $ 16.777 S 8.023 S t6.30t 77 t3tt.7,t 14314 S 22.91r $ 7.3E7 t 123A3 3t) s2{.80 9,,130 I J.515 3.r82 .lt.E8t 1.440 I.455 1.344,663 1,375.063 456.965 $ 433334 t45.5t5 $ t46.872 4.332 9.,1t0,139 2,520,t14 437,29t 4.34 I 4,637,,16t 1.690303 43t,362 8,673 t4.[1,627 4,2t0.tn 875.653 4.442 J340.60I 2.t75,35t i 4,07t092I E42.54t 13,55J.007 $ 3,235,544 t3E3.27$ (360.!92) $t 71 9l 6.7E1 {t $t2.47 7,{tl 3 33772 t 3.92' I t{9t{E 3 1.443 t.4373,935.y1 2.983,156 749,069 $ 0.924 145.525 l-5.40t (D - (22) P.8e 3 (D x (t) (3) - (26) (41- Q7) (2) - (28) (lD-(12){15) 1.409 $502.94 70E.64t 722.292 137.502 3.8,49,239 584,790 s415.04 l23.E5E(9) - (16) Rev6E RcpoG P.sc 3 (22) x (23) RrvcnB RcpoG R.vmE RcpoG RevaE Rcpos Prgc I sld rvg (30) x (31) (26) -(24. (30) -(32) Csmer Deposi Rse Avt B.Ler C.lc t s ll2 ll9t3tt.t7 ll99.!2 43,554 I 23.695 $ 231 t29t.t2 67,28 70,636 I 62.149 $ 21.36J I ll.74r $ 221N3 I 237 .6t7 t 132.765 33,105 462,620 (9) - (33) $ (r8) + (35) t RevcdvF&br $ $ 0.02869 s 2.076 $ 13.455 $363.65 $ 928 $ (17r.659) | 992 LWo 0 02869 4,294 25.54,t $ s623.03 (18.063) $ 22.756 I (r3l) s t.0(]f/o 0 02869 2.476 16.27E $47an ( 1.444) tn.4t4 (707) L0ff/o $ 0.02869 $ 1.402 $ 10.231 s262.33$ (801) s (2,{t,96) 3 1.439 I 0a/" 0.02869 t.t 16 7.818 $200.45 (1.035) (24,652\ 142 l.w" 86.4 t 0 $374.07 ( 19. t6t) (379,354) 2.192 $ s $ $ t s t $ s $ s $ 12.817 $ 43.593 $ s382 29 336 33 737 S (19.898) $ (r2E.a59) S (230.891) I 742 S t.450 S $ 5l$ 30s (74)$ (210)t (323)$ (324)3 ES (857)$ (E4e) s rrr,73,$0?0,635)s (7rr3t)s(a1,76e,s (2132)s 22J.tr,o27,7r0)3(ax),30r)s(3t,0r) q(34.(36).(,r0)) I 12t.757 t (48.E79)l (r27.7r0)3 (375.479)S (400.311)S G7a.0ll) lO Fixed Cost Ad.iustment Report Q2 2017.xlsx/ NatuEl Gas Deferal Paae 4 of 11 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for lst Quarter 2017 Balance Sheet Accounts GL Account Balance Accounting Period : '2017(N, 2Ol7O5,2O77O5' Juisdiction:ID FCA Oeferred Revenue Frc Acct Ferc Accl Desc A@ounting Sewie Period Begiming Balmce Monthly Balmce 201705 20t706 201704 20t705 20t706 20t706 -201 201704 127. Prior Year FCA '.90 .75 -247 769.t7 1.30 .94 149. l3 138.69 74 .7t .98 -201 1.60 78.92 1.30 t.24 l-r.i.di"ti,on, ID f erc Acct Accoutlng Period tJe$mng Balmce Monthly .61 .93 2,196.18 ll 7 ll t2 4t7 .92 501 l4 Balmce .93 l3 1706 l3 GL Accou nt Ba la nce Accou nti ng Period i' 2017 04, 2017 05, 2OL7 06' Juisdiction:lD 501 1705 501 418.27 t706 418.62 Accumulated Deferred lncome Tax Trc Acct Ferc Accl Desc A€outsng Senice Period 1704 Begiming Balmce 13.63 Monthly 78 47,599.031705l,52l,l Balmce 1706 1704 1705 t706 -367 .34 t4 -367. 4 REG ASSET.DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET.DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET.DECOUPLING DEFERRED -51,335. REG ASSET.DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET.DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET.DECOUPLING DEFERRED GD REG OECOUPLING D DECOUPLING D ASSET NON-RES DECOUPLING D REG ASSET REG 186338 186328 REG ASSET- OECOUPLING PRIOR YE REG ASSET- DECOUPLING PRIOR YE REG ASSET- DECOUPLING PRIOR YE PRIOR YE REG REG REG ASSET. NON RES DECOUPLING REG ASSET. NON RES OECOUPLING REG ASSET. NON RES DECOUPLING 182339 ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV -305,6 ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV 283328 file: lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 2017.xlsx / Accountin8 Balances l9 52 Page 5 of 11 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 1st Quarter 2017 lncome Statement Aocounts G L Account Balance Accou nti n8 P eriod :' 20\7 04, 201705, 201706' -t*i"-di"tion,Io Deferred Rcvcnue terc A€outlng tsegrmrng Period Balmce 736.| 72 17.09 Monthly 101.558.14 Balmce l.6l 86.47 l3 61.90 Acct GL Account Balance Accounting Period :'201704, 201705,201706' JGtiTor,lD lnterest Expense/lncome Ferc '104 ll .72 t6 74705 706 104 706 104 705 706 7 .76 706 7t7.26 247 786. l3 Tm Acct A@omting Begiming Service Period Balmce Mmthly Ferc Acct Desc -l ,131.57 104 705.59 I Balmce .70 .79 .99 70 704 705 '106 704 t7.t2'105 706 '704 705 705 106 -l -2t 14.45 31.57 7.20.04 RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE NON.RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE NON.RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE RESIOENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE 495328 NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE NON.RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE 495338 r605 INC ON FU INC ON OTH DEFERRALS.IV FU INC ON OTH EXP ON OTH EXP ON 4,/ file: lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 2017.xlsx / AccountinS Balances Page 5 of 11 Nel lnteresl lncome -1 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Ad,ustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 1st Quafter 2017 Financial Reportint Contra Asset Accounts GL Account Balance Accounting Period : '2017(N, 2Ol7O5,2O17O5' Juisdiction:ID Ferc FercAcct Desc Swice Accomting Begiming Mmthly 0.00704 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ending Balmce 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L00 .00 1.00 140.00 -7t 1.00 t3 0.00105 706 104 706 704 705 706 704 705 706 704 70s 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,735.00 5l 161.00 .00 57 0.00 0.00 10.00 -57.10.00 -51 7t 704 705 706 CONTRA DEFERRED REV OECOUPLING DEFERRED REV DECOUPLED DEFERRED DECOUPLED DEFERRED DECOUPLED DEFERRED DECOUPLING DEFERRAL file: lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 2017.xlsx / Accounting Balances Page 7 of 11 0.00 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 1st Quarter 2017 NOTES 1) The following table shows how the decoupled revenue per customer has tracked with use per customer for each quarter ol2OL7. The similarity of the percentage change indicates that the mechanism is working as intended. Summarized Quarterly and Year to Date Use per Customer and Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Per Customer. Change versus Authorized YTD wtd Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Average Electric Residential Change in Use per Customer 138 15 153 Change in FCA Revenue per Customer SfS.Og 50.45 515.50 Deferral per Average customer -s15.03 -sO.+S -515.50 Electric Non-Residential Change in Use per Customer 343 (6421 (300) Change in FCA Revenue per Customer SZS.SZ -531.82 -56.06 Deferral per Average Customer -525.82 Saf.AZ 56.06 32 s1s.20 -51s.20 583 S88.e5 -s8s.e6 158 s173.39 -S173.39 33 'Ls.72-iLs.72 74L 5262.44 -5262.44 % 2.7% 43% -t.3% -0.5o/o 8.Oo/o 7.9% 8.2% 12.9% Natural Gas Residential Change in Use per Customer Change in FCA Revenue per Customer Deferral per Average Customer Natural Gas Non-Residential Change in Use per Customer Change in FCA Revenue per Customer Deferral per Average Customer 2 so.s2 -so.s2 2) lf the FCA mechanism had been determined by schedule the electric residential and both natural gas groups would not change. The electric non-residential group would consist of three separate rate schedule groups. Pages 9 through 11 of this report show the illustrative calculations for the electric non-residential group on a by schedule basis. 3) The contra asset accounting shown on page 7 is for financial reporting purposes only. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles allow revenue recognition from alternative revenue programs up to the amount expected to be collected within 24 months following the end of the annual period in which they are recognized. Due to the 3% annual rate increase limitation a portion of the 2016 surcharge may not be fully recovered by LZl3tl2018 and therefore was not recognizable as income for financial reporting purposes in 2015. The 2017 entries reflect the recognition of 2016 amounts expected to be recovered during 2019. The income statement impact of the contra deferral will be eliminated for normalized ldaho results reporting. 0 file: lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 2017.xlsx / Notes Page 8 of 11 Avista Corporation Fixed Cos Adjustment Mechahism ldahoJurididioh Quanerly Rcpon for 1st Quarter 2017 Avitlt Udllda Elstrlc FLcd Cot Adjurtmnt Mehrilrm odrho) Non-RBlde[drl by scbcdrle Elct]ic Dcfcml sccurio (CrLndrr Yerr 2017) AW-E-16-{,3 FCA Bu - Rrl6 E lecdvc 1/112017 LL.Nc Sorc Jrel, F.b-17 MrFl? Apr-l? M.J-t7 Jun-17 2017 Tolrl ,!d Qun r70t1 ,0|7YTD Iotd Totrl Er.ECtRrC r{Ot{-REStDCt{ItAt 8Y RA?E S(,|EDUU [,t-usTRATtvE (a) S.t drh tl/12 Intsd on Dcfcml Monlhly S.h.duL lln2 D.f.ml Td.l, Cumul.livr Schcdulc I l/12 D€fcral (Rebateysurcharsc (b)(c)(d)(e)(8)(h) I 3 ! 6 1 8 9il,ll t2 l3 l4 l5 l6 t1 t8 20 2t 23 ?! 26 21 28 29 30 3l 32 33 14 35 3t 39 40 4l 4l Totl Atul Billcd C6oftR Tobl Atul Usec (twhs) Tohl AcMl Be Rdc R.vfiuc Tohl Actul Fircd CharSc Rw6ue E ktlh, CtAot6 Actul Cdolffi on Sy3t m Duing Tc$ Yee Mon$ly Fixcd Cost Adi. R.vcnue Fr Customr Fixcd Cost AdjurtMl Rdcnuc Actul B4c Rale R€voB Actul Fir.d Chege Rcvcoue AcMl UdSc (kwl$) led Chrngc AdjMt R t€ (lAWh) Verieble Pow Suply Rcvouc CBom Fixcd cd AdiuMr Rd€nk Rdiloti.l Rdou. P6 cdoffi Rdcived ExbtiDS Cutom D€fml - SuctEgc (Rcbe) NdCttu.6 Adul CBbl6 Ncw Simc T6t Yd Moilhly Fircd Cd Adj. RdcrE pd CBroer Fircd Cost AdjutMt Rdcnuc AcMl 8e Fde Rcvcnuc Acu! Fixcd Chsgc Rcvcour AcMl UsSc (l[,hs) toad Chrog. Adjwmil Raic (S/kWr) Variable Pow Supply Rcv€Nc Fix.d ProdEtion .nd Tnnsmission Ret pcr kwh Cus(omer Iixed Cosl Adjuslmenl R€venre Resideoli.l R€venue PerCslomer Reeived Ncw Cusromcr D€f€ml - Sucharge (Rebate) Tohl Sch.dulc I l/l 2 Defcml - Smhtr8€ (Rcbate) Dcfcml - R.vcnuc R.l.tcd ExpcsB Rcv@uc R€poG Rcv@uc R€pofr Rcv.nu€ Rfl(s R.vcnuc Rryns 21,|2 39,463,590 11.86t,633 ,233.e63 2 t.l3l 33,394J34 $3,386,516 I 255.8r r 2t.t99 33,l]3,613 t3,378,733 $ 257.t78 21.111 27.70t,593 12,896,623 $ 255,39r 21, | 50 :r,079.r59 t2,9t9,402 $ 256.458 2t 261 26.845.5t9 $1.796.485 t 251305 63,442 t05,882,137 t0,633,882 146,952 63,564 82,626,97 I 8,612,5t0 111,261 t2t,006 t88,509,t08 19,241',392 1.518,2t 3 ( r) - (22) Prgc 3 (7) x (8) 20,745 3l 09.60 s2,273,609 s3,79S,1 I 8 s 229,924 38,694,?43 t 0.024r6 I 934,865 $2,610,1:9 st26.79 I (356,720) 20,140 st07.60 s2,231,64s $3,114,8,10 $ 25t.t55 32.59 I,484 s 0.02416 $ 787,410 12,776,215 tl09.75 3 (44,630) 20,186 s107.80 s2240,653 $3,319,t64t 252,t93 32,543,835 $ 0.02416 I 78625e t228O,7 t2 I r 09.?2 I (40,05e) 20,716 t 94.71 s1,9s4,E98 $2,839,529s 2s1321 27.176,821 J 0.024r6 s 655,592 st,93 1,6r0 193.24 I 21388 20,704 $ 90.83 il,8E0,564 12,868,979 $ 251,0?9 27,600,957 $ 0.02416 s 666,139 fi,95r,06r 194.24 $ (70,497) 20,760 s 86.54 $ I,796,5,10 J2,142,636t 252.4s2 2{i,329,180 I 0.02416 s 536,1 l3 $.E54,07t st9.3l t (57,531) (r) - (26) (4t - (27\ (2)-(28) P.g. I (13) r (la) flr)-(r1){r5) 62,271 s108.33 s 6,745,901 t t0,429,t 2l I 731272 103,830,062 s 0.02416 s 2,508,534 t 7,1t7,3t5 S I I 5.,t2 s (441,,{09) 62,t80 s90.58 $ s.632,002 $ 8,451,145 3 754,858 81,106J58 I 0.02416 t 1,959,544 s 5,736J43 s92.26 $ 004,740) t,3g $53.?4 s 74,381 $ 161,365 $ t6.403 $ 1.520.0t3 $ 65,109 s41.M s 9,213 s (e5J68) J ?04 $ 0,175) 124,451 199.46 s t2,317,909 $t 8,880,266 $ t,4E8,130 I 84,917,020 $ 0.02416 $ 4,468,0?8 s t2,924,058 sr03.t5 3 (546,14e) 2,555 $58.64 $ 149,828 s 366,126 s 30,083 $ 3,572,088 $ 148,3{rl $58.08 $ I,445 , (5,14,704) | 3,612 s (2.002) R.vcnuc R.potu P.9.3 122\ x (23\ Rcvow Rcpons R€vcnw Rcponr RcvcnB Rcpon3 P.ge I (28) r (2e) Prgc I (30) x (31) (26) -(27) - (30) - (32) (9) - ( l6) 1e) - (3t) (18) + (35) R* Conv Fstor Custoftr Dcpsit R.!€ Av8 Bslec C.lc qG?), Gt), (,lo)) 165.20s 21,9i0 .'t $ 0.024r6 s r8,575 s 0.0:818 $ 21,8 t6 $ 29,084 $79.25 S (5.154) 3 (36r,874) t 2.399 1.00./. s (150) s64.02 25.010 s l. 0.024t6 s 16,995 $ 0.02E3E S t9,960 $ 30.0& $ $76.8S (5.034) $ 149,664' S 300 $ l.0oo/" (320) I t,l?l t64.43 s 75.441 $ 204,76t 3 13,68t $ 2.052,075 $ {l],275 $71.1 I $ (7,828) $ (449236) I 2,968 s (827) $ $ $ $ $ s $ $ 3 s t64. r l 26.481 0.02416 14,007 0.01818 I 6,451 24,t26 $58.42 2,i6t (37,698) 269 r.00% (357) s56 r4 23.616 0 02416 |],678 0.02818 t4,E90 24.454 $58.0S (818) 22.410 (157) tfr',% (361) t54 04 24.642 o.o24l 6 I t,570 0.0:838 t3,5E9 :9,EE4 $41.61 4,151 (65,740) 4't4 t$% (381) s5r.49 26.t01 oo24t6 12,415 0.02E38 r4,65 r 20.110 $40_97 5.lll ts2.l97t 387 r 00% (431) J(359.515) t (.e,6ra) t (37,7rO 3 2r,950 t (6s,6,a7) S (52,2,ar) $ (,a,r7,o!rs) I (9sp39) t (543,r3,a) t (359.615) S (409,309) $ (47.095) S (425.145) t (4e0.7e2) S (543.034) lD tixed Cost Adjustment Repod Q2 2017.x|q / Eledric by khedule PaBe 9 of 11 Avista CorrDration Fixed Co$ Adjusmeil Mechanirh ldaho ruriididion Quarterly Rcpn for 1$ Quaner 2017 Avklr Utilitica Elstric FLed Cul AdjuttmcDa McchrlirE (ld.ho) Non-R.sidcntid by Schcdulc Electric Defernl Scctrrrio (CrlcDdrr Ycrr 2017) AW-E-16-03 FCA Brte - Rrtct Elfcctive l/l/2017 ILI.USIRATIVE ELECTRIC NON-RESIOE'{TIAI BY RATE SCHEOUU klQu.ilcr 2rdQuder20t1 2ot1Lioe 2OI? YTD Nu Sorm JelT F.b-,17 Mrr-l? ApFl? M.y-17 Jup-17 Tolrl Tdd fdrl(r) (b) (c) (d) (€) (0 e) (h) s $ s I I 2 3 : 6 1 8 ll t2 l3 l4 l5 t6 t7 t8 2l 22 23 ?! 26 27 28 29 30 3l 33 34 12 ,7 3t 39,o 1.1 43 Sci.doh 2ll22 Tobl Atul Billed Cutolffi ToEl Atul UsSc (tvb) Ravduc Raptu Rd6uc RcpoB Rdae Rcpo6 R.vd* Rcpons l,140 55,r6r.763 14,397,271g 424,721 t,t22 5:,17E,786 t4,123,798 I 449,607 l. l,l4 57,t77,il1 14,555.800 s 459.313 t.t35 4t.74622O 33,%e,56r t 453.491 |,t37 5J,793,5Er 14,431,461 s 455,132 LB6 51,945.:01 s4.225.6t 8 I 457,4U 3,,{06 164,617,666 r3,176,670 r,333,664 3.408 I 56.4E5.003 12.632.653 r,366,089 6,il4 32t,to2,669 25,t09,524 2.699,153Tobl Adul Fiid Chsrg€ Ramuc Exlsdfi Cadons Actul Cutoltm on S)6tm Duing Td Y.e Monitly Fixcd C$t Adj. Rcvou ps CNtom Fixcd Cst AdjBtm.il R.vcnuc Actul Be R lc RavGDuc Acel Fixcd Ch.r8c R.vrnuc Acul U$gc (twhs) Led Chqc Adillmt Rrtc ($AWr) V.ri.blc PoE SWDty Rilmuc CbbM Fix.d Cd Adjultmt R.voE NofrRcaildtial Rdauc Pcr Ccbms R6cived Exkting Cdom Dcfml - Smhugc (Rcbrt€) Nd cutunaB Adul CMmN NewSincc Tcsl Yce Moatbly Fixed Cost Adj. Rdcruc po CBtoms Fixcd Cosr Adjutmnt Rcvcnuc AcMl Be Ratc Rcvcnuc AcMl Fied Ch.rgc Rcv6u. Actul Us8. GWhs) tDad Ctaagc AdjMt Rirc (SAWh) Veiable Pow Supply Rcvouc Fixcd Prcduion end TBnsmission Ratc pcr kwh Cusiomer Fixed Cost Adjushenr Revenue Non-Residenrial Revcnuc P€r Curomer Rec€iv€d N* Cusromr Defeml - Suchargc Gebare) Totsl Schedule 2ll22 D.fcml - Smhlrge (Rebate) Dcfc@l - Rcvauc Rchr.d Exp.E6 ll 16 ll t6 $1,097.99 S1,162.14 $1,t83.56 S1,t03.05 s 1427,r , tt,599 $ 20,120 3 17,6,19 16 s1,152.03 52,993 139,023 t6,775 1,620,040 50 96 $t,147.66 S1,149.75 57,383 3 il0,376 151,060 $ 290,083 2t,747 i 3a,522 1.773,6,l{) S 3,393,680 44,t 14 $ $959.00 r,879 $ {124,382) J 896 t 43.770 $ $8?5.41 13.613 S 251,891 3 fl,602) S E7,884 $s15.46 22,492 t27,508 (706) (r). (22) P.9.3 (7) x (8) (3) -(25) (4) - (27) (2) -(28) P.gc I (13)x(14) (l r) -(12) {r5) I,1 20 s2,315.5? 12,593,416 14.312,121 s 446,585 s5,0l5r0r $ 0.02416 il,329,184 t2,596,351 s2,3 t8. I 7 $ (2,915) 1,127 s2,171.69 12,4s4,2s1 14,353,100s 419,985 54,634,323 I 0.024t6 il,319.95J s2,6t 3,t 50 $2,3 t8.58 s (158,899) I,t 06 s2,305.52 $2.549.908 14.l 7sr09 s ,143,983 51.727.026 s 0.024t6 st 249,125 t:,48:j0l 17,244.30 $ 61,107 1,127 J2,f47.40 !2,645,515 14,508,838 s 452,921 s6,536271 s 0.02,{6 11,368,312 12,6a1 SU s2,384.12 s (42,070) t.t t9 $2,187.11 J2,,t48,071 s3,928,7,t6 I ,14?,093 4827t.020 t 0.02416 fl,156:28 s2,3tsA24 12,059.t9t 132,646 t,t19 s2,320.10 $2.596,t95 $4,t80,727 $ 450.664 5t.424,442 t 0.02415 $1,242J1 5 $:.487,648 12,223.10$ 108,547 3,360 s2,216.69 | 7,649,674 $13,037,847 t 1,315,889 t62,997,626 I 0.02416 t 3,93t,023 3 7,762,935 s2,3r6.35 3 (133351) 3,358 s2,274.48 s 1,631,102 $12.481.594 t 1.144.341 154.7t 1.363 I 0.02416 s 3,731,821 s 7,399,424 t22o3.52s 218,218 5,7t8 s2215.58 s 15281,376 s25,519,441 s 2,66t232 3 I 7,708,989 t 0.02416 s 7,675.149 s r5,1E2,360 12259.95t t05,016(e) - ( l6) Rcvcnuc Repos Pr8c l (22) x (23) RcvaE Rc?ons Rcvauc R@ns RcvaE Rcpons Psgc I (2t) r (29) Prg. I *davg (30) x (31 ) (26) - (27) - (30) -(32) (e) - 133) (18) + (35) Rcv Conv F*rd CustomerD.posilR to Arg Bahmc Calc q(37), (38), (40)) s lt,t7ig 1?i9 517.{0 t 0.02416 s t2,741 s 0.02,10? $ 12,695 $ 13,995 $,076.57 s 278 $ 45,952 I 40.123 t 6.412 I 6.4mt40.M0 17s2m st.t67.5l t9,848 $ \.1 0.024t6 s 18,789 t 0.01407 $ r8.7r9 $ 19,293 $ s l.t 34.85 555 $ (2,360) J203 t.wo ll $ t (158,620)t 1,06t L00% $ (56) 0.024t6 t3,33 r 0.02401 l],281 15,653 $978.31 2.946 70,653 (455) t.00./, (r02) 0.02416 13,ffi7 0.0:407 13,0r8 14,465 $850.91 5,655 (36115) 283t.w, (t8) 0.02416 $ I 1,48t $ 0.02407 $ I t,43E $ I I,504 $ s7l 8.9e 6.145 S l3t,?91 3 (892) 3 1.0.f/, (,16) $ sl,t 69 79 t9.887 0.02416 l],58] 0.02407 r2,535 12.974 $763.t I 6.9t 2 I t5,459 (730) tNo/" 58 s $ $ $ $$ $ $ t 3 (256) t 23 S (233)lniffit on D€fml Morttly S.h.d!L 2112, Ir.t ml Toirl Cumulative Schcdulc 2ll22 Defcral (Rebatc)/Sucharye so3?,6rr)l 70,095 3(36'210)$r37,r3,r s (2J30)trraJrT t(r23.7,r2)t 2503r s r26J69 $(r57,6r8) $ 187,52:) S(t:3.742) $ 14.rI S rr,782 $ r26.569 lO fixed CostAdjustment Repod Q2 2017.x1s / Eledric by Schedule Page 10 of 11 $ $ $ 3 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adiustment Mechanism ldaho .lurisdidion Quanedy Report for lst Quarter 2017 Avistr Utilitics Electric Fired Cost AdiuitmeDt Mcchaniso (Idrho) Non-Rtridetrti.l by Schedule Elcctric Deferr.l Scenario (Crlendar Ycrr 201, AW-f,-16-03 FCA Bare - Rrtes Ellective l/1/2017 Ltne 20r7 20t7 vmNo. Souc. J&t? f.b-17 Mrr-17 Apr-17 Miy-17 JelT Totrl Tobl Toarl(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (D (s) G) Sch.duh 3ll32 I ToElAcMlBillcdcutom RflBucR€poG I.40.1 1.415 1.403 l.4li 1.i99 1.4-l: 4,221 4244 8,4652 TohlAtulusgc(kwhs) RevcnueR.poru 1,616.815 1.069.9t1 3.885.6:4 3.ll6.el0 :l 140.099 5.591.026 11,512,451 12,549,015 24,121,486 3 ToblAtulBs.RdeRcvauc RcvaeRcpoft S lll.49l $ 174.lle t 361.774 $ leE.l(/ S l47oj9 $ 51j.060 1,068,585 1,158,262 2,226,84A 4 ToblAtulFix.dchagcRwow RcvneR@o(s S 12.576 $ 14.1t4 s t4,0lt $ t4,ttE S r1,e84 $ l4tl0 40.112 42,492 83.2M (l) - (22) P.ge 3 (7) x (8) (3)-(26) (4t - <2't\ (2) -(28) P.ge I (13) r (14) (r r) - (r2) {r5) t,396 t91.32 $ 127,481 $ 331,095 $ 12,513 3,@t,720 $ 0.02416 $ 87,018 $ 23r,564 $r65.88 $ (104,084) tA01 s153.50 $ 215,968 $ 349,2t0 $ 14,0.16 3,113,836 s 0.02416 $ 9r,176 s 243,988 sl73.4l $ (28,020) I $l 12.90 s 903 $ 2a loqsi7 296.116 $ 0.02416 s 7,t55 $ 0.01588 $ 4199 s 12,878 $1,609.69 $ (l r,9?4) s {3e,e94) 1,394 $143.31 $ 199,775 s 342,74s $ 13,924 3,664,735 $ 0.024t6 $ 88,540 $ 240281 $172.31 $ (40,506) $105.41 $ 949$ s 19.019 s s 89S 2:0,88c I 0.02416 3 $ 5,337 $ $ 0.01688 s $ 3,729 i I 9,87s $ $1,09?.26 t (8,927) t i (49,433) t 1,404 s166.32 $ 233,513 $ 296,966 t 14,048 3,2M,785 $ 0.02416 I 17,428 $ 205391 $146.36 $ 2{r.022 $r22.33 l, l0l I l9l 90 ll.l25 0.02416 293 0.0t688 20s 610 $67.81 491 2t,5t3 1,390 s244.21 $ 339,450 $ 346,124 $ 13,894 1,731,162 $ 0.02416 $ 90,145 $ 242,015 sr74.r6 $ 97,365 t,423 8168.72 I 524,683 $ 5l2,l4l $ 14,280 5,583,024 I 0.02416 $ 134,886 $ 362,975 $255.08 $ t61,709 4,191 s129.43 s 543,224 $ 1,023,051 $ 40,484 I t,04029 I $ 0.02416 $ 266,133 $ 7r5,834 $r 70.56 $ (172.6r0) ,od Qutr r 2011 4,211 $260.29 $ 1,09?,646 $ l,l55,2ll s 42.222 12,518.971 $ 0.02416 $ 302J58 $ 810,550 $192.21 $ 287,096 8,4r4 $195.02 $ 1,640,8?0 $ 2,178,281$ 82,106 2?,ss9262 $ 0.02416 s 569,192 $ t,526,384 $r 81.4 | $ 114,486 $l $ $ $ $ $ 6 7 8: ll t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 l9 2t 22 23 ?! 26 27 2E 29 30 33 34 l: 38 39 4 4)_ 43 Exisdpe Cutuna6 Actul CBbmcre on Systm Duing Tesr Ycar Montly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue pcr Cutoms Fixed Cost Adjwtment Revenue Actul Bs€ Rste Revenue AcMl Fixed Chagc Revenu€ Actul Usge (kwhs) kad Change Adjushat Rate ($AWrr) Viliable Porer SuDply Rwcnuc Cutontr Fixcd Cost Adjuhot Revmw Non-Rcsidential Revcnue P€r C$bmr Reccived ExisliDg Cutoms Deferal ' Suchege (R€bate) NdCutund Adul Customes New Since Tesl Yee Mondily Fixed C$l Adj. R€v€nu€ ps Cuslom.r Fixed Cost Adjuhenr Rev.nk Actul Basc Rate Revenue Actul Fixed Charge Revenue Afral UsaSe fiWhs) t ad Change Adjsmnt Rate ($AVh) Vaiablc Powr Supply Revaue Fixcd Production and Tmnsmission Rate Fr kvh Fixed PrcdudioD md Tmmission Rcvoue Cutomer Fixed Cost Adjutmor Revenue NoFReridcnlial Rdcnue Per Customer Rseived New Custom Ddeml - SmhsrSe (Rebste) Tobl Schcdule 3ll32 Defcml - Swhrrge (Rcb.tc) Dcfsl - R.v6u€ ReLtcd Expass lntorsl on Dcferal Monthly Schedul. Sll32 Dcfenrl Totrls Cmulaliv€ Schedule I l/32 Defenal (Rebatc)/Suchilge J 0.02416 t 2r7 I 0.01688 t t52 t 460 $ 23,46 S 1,528 S 24,994 $50.86 S5t.07 5e7',7.77 $56.58 $490.08 $ 1.t59 s 1,98t $ (21,1,t4) $ 3,631 $ 07,514) $ 98,524 $ 163,6m $ (193,754) S 290,727 $ 96,973 (e) - (r6) Revenue Repofls P.ge l (22\ x 123, R€venue Repons Revetrue Rcpons Revmue Rwft Pas€ I (28) x (:9) Prgc I udavg (30) x (I) (:26\-(27)-(30\-132) 167.11 s 4?0 $ I.19i I 5.1:5 s 0.024t6 $ 365 $ 0.0r688 $ 255 $ 713 $ 101.92 s (243) t (104,32? 5l $ 146.68 7,181 48,566 498 562,224 qt4 8,937 0.02416 216 0.01 688 l5l 458 '79.62 27 $191.05 5,158 3,032 210 30,064 24 $96.75 45,535 228 s32,t60 9 s21t20 2,441 919 m 9,002 t $ s $ $ S t,617 (e) - 113) (18) + (35) Rev Conv Factor C$tomer D€psit Rate Avg Balance Calc l((37), (38), (40)) $ 700s 188$ 272$ (r88)$ (65s)$ (r,087)$ l,16l $ (1,930)$ (770) I .OO./. L00% L000/o 1 .00% I .U)o/o I .No/o $ (43)$ (103)$ (r40)$ (r49)$ (96)$ 12 $ (286)$ (233)$ (520) so03,67r)t (3r,9r)!r)$ (49J0r)s 28,175 s 91,77t 5162,611 J (192,880)3 28E,563 $ 95,6t3 $ (103,671) $ (143,579) $ (192,880) $ (164.704) $ (66,931) $ 95.683 ETECIRIC NON.RCSIDENTIAL 8Y RATE SC}IEDUIE ITLUSTRATIVE 44 Tot l Cumul.tivc Noo-R6id.rtld D.fcrrrl if line(43)+Sch3l/32line(43) $(620113) $(640,4t1) $(753,716) $(s75J37) $(545,9'1) S(320,781) lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Repon Q2 2017.xlsx / Eledric by khedule Page 11 of 11 s $ s s $ $ s $ >zF,><96-S. ,:-!=.c E E'x' =EEao >.: 3IE(,>;9e6oEt do E6;aElFJES ='.i63' ;'33.UE6 +A' Fj:^ ooi {6 =lof. ogo B 6EIu { zt; Oo 6'o a)ooE! fior-- a=)o :f l!E=x33s+c O9;.9i E:*kt' O cbf3 oo -f9<!8 =of6'3 { { D?{ E?{ 7 D { ?{ :l xog {q t p - iC = {E p -'{3< mFE{1 zozuEg0ilz{E-E ,t -{m ilICFm lF IE16l{ IB t<IE o p lrj .)<->>> nz> -l-la-lxc$-obba='=aoooo3: 8ij&ggg &ig Esss€ H*9=;; ae6 *rr5e Fffi#[ti#E a-Ee-a flrlgg3EFEti-}pEFratf I 5E f ;ql3 Bf a;rsaHe' ;EillgH 3 {$g 3 Bili h #oo B<gr : Esg q' o g a $d q ?til$Erf 5 ilir*g H af yt?i== ''+=ds E +H3s€dBi[ 3r3 *'[*g*ipi,E-Eafirs 'Epiggg 3 Brtrfl'g "t E 60 g =oR:1d =.<o 6'6qT Cd', 163 >N {E:rF?e-P a m p'* suoou 'e 6'q'-6aQi N 'a'- '- {'6'-{a-9 a FFFF t-tt EBBB is=x6,e 3,8Y^ 6 A5 a o F PE: ^oE:r! po--- '066ri b:-foE6E55rv-vPv6eCC,rq!xFooo^^"^o44'll?a-N-h h he5 I EEB; aaa .)>?Foi52^edoE G iiUE +Pg <^ ax x !a TB9 6' M{ q9OO@qQ6 1., "@ P J..'a_-6606N{Sq€aaa€pa{6N 9 -.o.5 i5.5 _e 9 .a =.a{d465{€-6;{N-N6-5N-O.-59;euou5- oB- o4a9ao@@ ao!orF.YsFsSri -VjA@@q5rQuU :- - i A { - 5 5 -3u56-uo{cu 9q64qQ6@NNAN ^ ,- i9 q o'u p'o ieA6{daoh-a@p_5=_o_{V_-j--5 _-=_o6E)P555-*O={A'- { - - 6 U 5 A.- A 9;*o65qQ -3a qQq4a4@@Npapigqouu'uig56-da5u-59No=oo:<upoo=o'o;iieE?r'-'-'o3\U'- - q F A A 6 U. 69Jp€oqa+\ -3o AQqqp@996 -{N--goo'-pto "ep-^u6:{qaupa?-6X6-O5OieXilqE'ooa'u '6X,q -:- - Q - P P N O i -FXo[6-{o -3- a9A@p@6@q -{N-'oaoiapto "o{--uoiQuo-NOq-6-O-@oos X'o'@ E'6'o 'o 'u X'{Aa-6b-q{{6-OJX-43{ao 5f 5 a oaa p6e €9EON-'rcoo"op:-r"qu.-qu!pq50u;{ &.5.o tr _a P P .6 _.OUOQ-5-5Oqd{a:{--@U45.-6 ==-*oepo oKo qOQe-644 ai)I"N J' -o _65---qO6{S{j\66OauaNS66 ,- = _{ _6 i3 -o _a _e !, = !..)+6Uu5AP-O=NO.--b-6{POi-{ 9S*5oPN- {3- A qQO @q 6 @ J,.:- j- -6 -q -{aA-{5Oo--uutouua6.tg.-pF-a.f- pg|.,{E{u59--OA-5 i- 5 5 - q u 5 o - @9X-5o--6 NSo gOAe-6OO i--N.5 si9o J.)q--65OOA6U-5€U61A6-{U9=i9.i3.{90.o.-3.s -oQosQ-N€;55r-q{-Pa6O.-u9;--6aao e&- 4AA 4 'ua-JA65uo666N'o'o'- '- g'q66Np.66a6 -B- sFA 5 U Q UIU a o a o o N N P P lP N N NPalr o a e {}q 5 u p - o a - { o (5 o N -o@ { q 6 s u p -=Q 6 { q (5 O N - GGG NNP@{6 4A946 qq4aq46@ e p'o'p lj9ir- P;J h€op 'a 6 q'- p'g 'o _6 )o _a i- -p9Q ,N ,O -5{o@ pN{p iSOP -6€{-N'U --'Ar€OO Iu-oB- 'oR-3Be .?8. 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