HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170518FCA Quarterly Report.pdfo o Avista Corp. 14l I East Mission P.O. Box3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 May 15,2017 Commission Secretary Idatro Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street Boise,Idatro 83702 Dear Commission Secretary: RE: AVU-E-I 5-05/AVU4-1 5-01 Elecgic and Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adiustmcnt Mechanism Quarterly Report Attached for filing with the Commission is an electronic copy of Avista's Electric and Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Quarterly Report. The report consists of spreadsheets showing the monthly revenue deferral calculations for January, February and Maxch 2017. In addition, Avista has provided illustrative revenue deferral calculations for the non-residential electric group on a rate schedule basis as required in the Settlement Stipulation approved by the Commission in the above referenced docket. The other electric and natural gas groups consist ofonly one rate schedule each and therefore would not change under the rate schedule assumption. Also included in the report are the monthly general ledger balances resulting from the deferral and amortization activity during the lst quarter of 2017. Questions regarding this filing should be directed to Tara Knox at (509) 495-4325. Patrick Ehrbar Senior Manager, Rates and Tariffs Enc. o oU64 Ia" Ia^I6" €q N o A F ht oh H { 4 E o E4p d 6 E5C) I G oocl uo ItsoN dtoqqc goE =E- oU!o.x o E E d Eo ao 6 Oo sEss8d60Foi rj oi FgF3;R+3N N 666€ooIl6hi€-hh-:6o6n+o+a+ F6FS6NI;F6dhY<ts-',66ts600h€.ijof oi+ --:6rNv mIsr-!o- oiN ooo o o F6ooioo + 6 6':666ts6F6sNs $8$lh- sIs3;RdEx d qoo 0 0 oio9666-nd666-6666-: 666ts+O+6hF+ -oi6!!ri9!Firilloi6eY6Y66-'.--60O : ge oe406 0 6oFeooooPoirO-h6@6'F+oF+ot+oh6H.$8S83q3"d- $^o o oo oaooa o NdF6-aoa9lsh6€-6h@h-:h66d{F$t6AmS."'hqsq$gE=- \o o o AO 6Oe O oSs NZr- .iN aS-9oB3E$-a\F o6-Os- -^ a- 9.rroo-6O-rj ri --a o6-6 FFOOF6OF 6FdN ON6- 60o: 660tN6066600 - r':€"€ -o aF6ddN F N 6 r) o r G oS= ! 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D A o () d go ! o4 z At5 N Fo OE ct FIdE rI fi F AI o0 EC5z ts aaI.E:aoEl,o E qtC;9t!,E U<qt=rE9i=sE- 6-OE !H9eEE!8 4z&,;e,i;e2o =I- c<'dza-tIEE.9Er! =.8 E; =v E-; E EqE = 9D> il o,<za< E,2co€8nzoeNCgooEE 6c-aoREE; -EH33bu f *r--tso90#Ee'5-;EEEEE6U6p o o Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 1st Quarter 2017 Balance Sheet Accounts GL Account Balance Accounting Period :'2OUO7, 2Ot7O2, 20f7 B' ffiii"-tion,lo FCA Deferred Revenue Ferc Acct Accomting Seryice Period Begiming Baluce Monthly Ferc Acct Desc Balance 201701 7l 7t 00 20t'702 35 201703 35 224,919.27 08 20 t70 I 19.47 0l 20t702 t27.52 53 201703 792.53 67 49.t3 201701 2,556,423.60 -3,t63,202.69 -606,779.09 201'102 -606,'179.09 16 -541 04 93 20t703 -54 I 104.93 -67 98 201701 500,252.55 -378,503.81 t2t 748 74 20t702 t2t,748.74 -170,627.98 -48,8',19.24 201 703 127 75 Juisdiction:ID Prior Year FCA Ferc Acct Ferc Accounting Pqiod Begiming Balance' Momhly ActiYity Ending Balmce 20t70t 0.00 55 201'102 4,031 55 4,034,919. t8 20t703 l8 L6l 20t701 0.00 34 702 70 04 703 57 701 0.00 95 702 95 t3 08 703 19.99 Sum: 701 0.00 702 417 22 50t 20t703 50 417 57 501 601 G L Accou nt Balance Accou nti ng Pe riod :' 2Ol7 07, 2Ol7 02, 2Ol7 03' ffin'lD Accumulated Deferred lncome Tax Ferc Acct Accouaing Begiming Monthly Ferc Acc,t Desc Swice Period Balmce Balance 701 t22,312.94 712,841.81 7t.13 702 7t 13 I 10.88 '703 I 10.88 75 I t3.63 Sum:681 {99.31 701 -455 23 702 .23 457 778.67 703 778.67 -5 7.90 -509 REG ASSET.DECOUPLING OEFERRED REG ASSET.DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET-DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET-DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET.DECOUPLING DEFERRED ED GD REG ASSET-DECOUPLING DEFERRED I 186338 EDNON-RES DECOUPLING D NON-RES DECOUPLING D NON.RES DECOUPLING D R GD NON.RES OECOUPLING D NON-RES DECOUPLING D DECOUPLING D 182329 t82339 ECOUPLING GD R Sum: DECOUPLING PRIOR YE PRIOR YE PRIOR YE PRIOR YE PRIOR EDDECOUPLING DEFERRED REV DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV file: lD Fixed Cost Adiustment Report Q1 2017.xlsx / Accounting Balances 7 t6.57 Page 5 of 11 o o lncome Statement Accounts GL Account Balance Accounting Petiod :'2O17O7, 2Ot7O2, 201703' Juisdiction:lD Defurred Revenue Acct Accouting Seruice Period Ferc Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 1st Quartet 2OI7 Balmce Monthly Ferc Acct Desc 20t70t 20t702 201703 201701 20t702 20t703 20t70t 20t702 20t703 20t702 20t703 GL Account Balance Accounting Period : '2OL7OL,2O\7O2,2OL7O3' t*ird-iiitn,lo lnterest Expense/tncome Balance 0.00 I t.27 t.27 .28 .47 74.12 67 0.00 I t5 t6 607 70 I 0.00 133.70 197.53 t2 I 33.70 t9'7 .53 t'7.09 .03 7t7.26 0.00 -t2t t2 33 756.96 t27 Ferc Acct Ferc Acct Desc Accomting Seruice Period 70t 201702 20t703 701 102 1703 Begiming Balmie Montldy Balance' 0.00 l9 -5,487. l9 t9 76 95 .29 .47 74 10.1 0 -7,904.U 0.00 887 45 887 45 887.45 1,866.43 2.7s3.88 2,753.88 r,892.43 4.646.31 531 3l 531 3t 69 11059 705 59 -l 0.00 74 70t 702 703 70t 0.00 1702 531.31 1703 RESIDENTIAL 456328 456338 495328 4 19605 GD ED GD INC ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU INC ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU INC ON INC ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU INC ON OTH OEFERRALS.IV FU INC ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU EXP ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU EXP ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU EXP ON OTH DEFERRALS]V FU EXP ON OTH DEFERRALS.IV FU EXP ON OTH DEFERRALS.IV FU EXP OEFERRALS-IV FU file: lD Fixed Cost Adiustment Report Ql 2017.xlsx / Accounting Balances Page 6 of 11 o o Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 1st Quarter 2017 Financial Reporting Contra Asset Accounts GL Account Balance Accounting Period :'201701, ZO|7O2, 201703' Juisdiction:ID Ferc Ferc Accl Oesc Sericc Accormting l70l 1702 1703 l70l 1702 1703 l70 t 1702 1703 t70l 1702 1703 Begiming Balme Monthly 0.00 0.00 Sum: t2.00 0.00 Sum: 0.00 7.00 7 | 0.00 .00 Suml 0.00 .00 177 Ending Balmce .00 7.00 .00 10.00 87.00 702.00 .00 10.00 l 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 00 1.00 72.00 00 971.00 t6.00 971 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 l70l -158,958.00 -'il .00 00 00 0.00 1702 .00 1703 170 I 1702 16.00 t'77 1703 702.00 CONTRA DECOU CONTRA DECOU CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV CONTRA DECOUPLING OEFERRED REV 2533 I t CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE CONTRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE TRA DECOUPLED DEFERRED REVE DECOUPLING DEFERRAL DECOUPLING DEFERRAL DECOUPLING DEFERRAL CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL 49531t file: lO Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q1 2017.xlsx / Accounting Balances PaBe 7 of 11 o Summarized Quarterly and Year to Date Use per Customer and Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Per Customer. Change versus Authorized YTD QL Q2 Q3 Q4 Average Electric Residential Change in Use per Customer L38 138 Change in FCA Revenue per Customer SfS.Ol 515.03 Deferral per Average Customer -515.03 -515.03 O Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for Lst Quarter 20L7 NOTES 1) The following table shows how the decoupled revenue per customer has tracked with use per customer for each quarter of 20L7. The similarity of the percentage change indicates that the mechanism is working as intended. % Electric Non-Residential Change in Use per Customer Change in FCA Revenue per Customer Deferral per Average Customer Natural Gas Residential Change in Use per Customer Change in FCA Revenue per Customer Deferral per Average Customer Natural Gas Non-Residential Change in Use per Customer Change in FCA Revenue per Customer Deferral per Average Customer 343 s2s.82 -s2s.82 32 Si.s.20 -S1s.20 583 s88.s5 -s88.s5 343 S2s.82 -S2s.82 32 S1s.20 -Si.s.20 s83 s88.s6 -Saa.go 4.O% 6.9% 3.O% 4.O% to.2% LO3% 9.7% 6.6% 2) lf the FCA mechanism had been determined by schedule the electric residentialand both naturalgas groups would not change. The electric non-residential group would consist of three separate rate schedule groups. Pages 9 through 11 of this report show the illustrative calculations for the electric non-residential group on a by schedule basis. 3) The contra asset accounting shown on page 7 is for financial reporting purposes only. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles allow revenue recognition from alternative revenue programs up to the amount expected to be collected within 24 months following the end of the annual period in which they are recognized. Due to the 3% annual rate increase limitation a portion of the 2016 surcharge may not be fully recovered by L2l3Ll2OL8 and therefore was not recognizable as income forfinancial reporting purposes in 2015. The 2017 entries reflect the recognition of 2015 amounts expected to be recovered during 2019. The income statement impact of the contra deferral will be eliminated for normalized ldaho results reporting. file: lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q1 2017.xlsx / Notes Page 8 of 11 oO ooo@Go na t.T G a F T rd EDdr€o do- -Ss -eF iNNa<634Nts6-;No+no6=66O!6r-FN66YOOa++F6O6--'+d ci .ir: 446e66 -9-FaB .d NFNN rN sEd 9@rr€o.rj ci 6i do -Ssr:+ -*R -Rs\88" -6F" I rNNat-taNr€-6-'O;NO+n6h+66O!-r--N66YOOa++F6Oh--'+E 8 'rri @444AA e ^se 6 4 6q m ! s o 6 & o s o - o S - 6'o€6r-OahN-.66€<S=r,6r+oorF66Gd3€ c+iA+l€+3c.i Fa hoov *o6oool6666-Nts666Nm!6o=o-6+-6€a+6NhorN-'9ci of of 6eq6oe66qoe - A o € €. € n - o + 9 C Co S6:6r6r,-66€€-6€OO6Yo€€+*6-6o€oG6oEd.*gQgseP.Dd g j roo 66OA66 o6+eo-F5 -ts'6-r+++dO6lno9bFZ+ ai ^i .f e OO q t +46\6hFAOh -660-v@ o oQ a q46e460q -Ro 6oro-*o+XlI :6 r 6 - O':r,od+h46603R.t-gqEqFRE 4ooooa 6<6e-o95 -N=-ON'Ni6N+d69Fr;oi+t]+oSe"6N5Y66L6rd6060-'6 -i od 6i 4e 4@4 6 g E€*a a8 E !(1 ->dE, + EO.Ee 9d I fi-a5PE E<(J N ooo6Fi'q o qid-6;&lebi.,-vo o o {x Etx IlrrG^d'^-ceEA6LOrooo ooodd,d 6.N &ar -Ad d I 6 8: o :EF oooo &&dd d&dd F.N Fd6 F N I NAoi .'i 6 Ed 6.I 6 -6FOFT 60 to dd ei oi r t^ oB-Fr€ oi +-a6-O: 6Ar -9r* olEoE ! oU IxroN d oqoe coE ! oU!o.x o o3-F.rg 6i -Par:or9ao=ri 6i F6.tg n€.r6c o CISiC) o,9p ^=- N 6 + 6 € r €O- N 6 Sr € r € O O F N 6 n 6<F @ O Q -.6- -dN d N Nl N N N N 6 m 6 6 6 6+0 o 6 + =<= fl{Ft_ IF!&€Alod< Eo=4n +x! 6zil eOL.Err= sp: 2g.E E12 U ET.E ?,,E,9-.,8 . g$;E5E sli5r H; ETEEaE: EE+;E J$cE+EEgs* -=t;ii tI ?EEE E }"? 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