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20160812FCA Quarterly Report.pdf
Avista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 August 12, 2016 Ms. Jean D. Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 4 72 W. Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Dear Ms. Jewell: RE: AVU-E-15-05/AVU-G-15-0l Electric and Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Quarterly Report cno en 0 :z C: c., N C) CJ1 w ;o rn 0 rn < rn 0 Attached for filing with the Commission is an electronic copy of Avista's Electric and Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Quarterly Report. The report consists of spreadsheets showing the monthly revenue deferral calculations for April through June 2016. In addition, Avista has provided illustrative revenue deferral calculations for the non-residential electric group on a rate schedule basis as required in the Settlement Stipulation approved by the Commission in the above referenced docket. The other electric and natural gas groups consist of only one rate schedule each and therefore would not change under the rate schedule assumption. Also included in the report are the monthly general ledger balances resulting from the deferral and amortization activity during the second quarter of 2016. Questions regarding this filing should be directed to Tara Knox at (509) 495-4325. Patrick Ehrbar Senior Manager, Rates and Tariffs Enc. Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Idaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter 2016 Avista Utilities Electric Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Idaho) Development of Electric Deferrals (Calendar Year 2016) AVU-E-15-05 FCA Base -Rates Effective 1/1/2016 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter Line 2016 2016 2016 YTD No. Source A(!r-16 Mar-16 Jun-16 Total Total Total (a) (b) (f) (g) (h) Residential Group Total Actual Billed Customers Revenue Reports 104,662 104,433 104,351 2 Total Actual Usage (kWhs) Revenue Reports 78,430,364 67,867,540 73,254,6 19 3 Total Actual Base Rate Revenue Revenue Reports $ 7,274,548 $ 6,313.939 $ 6,763,443 4 Total Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Revenue Reports $ 554,501 $ 554,696 $ 553,909 6 Exi,·ti11g C,utomer.,· 7 Actual Customers on System Outing Test Year (I)-(22) 102,937 102,491 102,127 309,271 307,555 616,&26 8 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer Page 3 $ 54.63 $ 50.15 $ 44.42 $72.77 $49.75 $61.29 9 Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (7) X (8) $ 5,623,088 $ 5,140,413 $ 4,536,490 $ 22,504,959 $ 15,299,99 1 $ 37,804,949 Ill II Actual Base Rate Revenue (3)-(26) $ 7,183,192 $ 6,237,707 $ 6,681,2 10 12 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue (4)-(27) $ 545,846 $ 544,977 $ 542,950 13 Actual Usage (k Whs) (2)-(28) 77,464,163 67,080,715 72,410,324 14 Load Change Adjustment Rate ($/kWh) Page I $ 0.02281 $ 0.02281 $ 0.02281 15 Variable Power Supply Revenue (13) X (14) $ 1,766,958 $ 1,530,111 $ 1,651,679 16 Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (11)-(12)-(15) $ 4,870,388 $ 4,162,618 $ 4,486,581 $ 20,994,050 $ 13,519,587 $ 34,513,637 17 Residential Revenue Per Customer Received $47.31 $40.61 $43.93 $67.88 $43.96 $55.95 18 Existing Customer Deferral -Surcharge (Rebate) (9)-(16) $ 752,700 $ 977,795 $ 49,909 $ 1,510,909 $ 1,780,404 $ 3,291,313 21 New Cwttomen· 22 Actual Customers New Since Test Year Revenue Reports 1,725 1,942 2.224 4,821 5,89 1 10,712 23 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer Page 3 $33.90 $31.13 $27.57 $45.02 $30.59 $37.09 24 Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (22) X (23) $ 58,478 $ 60,446 $ 61,308 $ 217,062 $ 180,232 $ 397,295 LJ 26 Actual Base Rate Revenue Revenue Reports $ 91,356 $ 76.232 $ 82,232 27 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Revenue Reports $ 8,655 $ 9,719 $ 10,958 28 Actual Usage (kWhs) Revenue Reports 966,201 786,825 844,295 29 Load Change Adjustment Rate ($/kWh) Page I $ 0.02281 $ 0.02281 $ 0.02281 30 Variable Power Supply Revenue (28) X (29) $ 22,039 $ 17,947 $ 19,258 31 Fixed Production and Transmission Rate per kWh Page I $ 0.02421 $ 0.02421 $ 0.02421 32 Fixed Production and Transmission Revenue (30) X (31) $ 23,396 $ 19,052 $ 20,444 33 Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (26) -(27) -(30) -(32) $ 37,267 $ 29,513 $ 31,572 $ 148,290 $ 98,35 1 $ 246,641 34 Residential Revenue Per Customer Received $2 1.60 $15.20 $14.20 $30.76 $0.55 $0.62 35 New Customer Deferral -Surcharge (Rebate) (9)-(33) $ 21,212 $ 30,933 $ 29,736 $ 68,772 $ 81,88 1 $ 150,653 16 . ---37 Toi,;j Residential Deferral:" Surcharge (Rebate) (18)+(35) --$-773,912 $1,008,727 $ 79,645 $ 1,579,681 $1,862,285 $ 3,441,966 38 ~ferral -Revenue R!!~ Expenses __ ~ev Conv Fact.2!, ___ $ (4,349) $ _ (5,650) $ (288) $ (8,73~ s_ (10,287) s £19,017) 39 Customer Deposit ~te 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% ---\631 -2]24 -$-40 Interest on Deferral Avg Balance Cale $ $ 2,371 $ $ 1,262 6,825 $ 8,087 41 Monthly Residential Deferral Totals s 771,194 $ 1,005,448 $ 82,181 $ 1,572,213 $ 1,858,823 s 3,431,036 42 43 Cumulative Residential Deferral (Rebate)/Surcharge l:((37), (38), (40)) $ 2,343,407 $ 3,348,855 $ 3,431,036 ID Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 2016.xlsx / Electric Deferral Page 1 of 11 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Idaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter 2016 Avista Utilities Electric Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Idaho) Development of Electric Deferrals (Calendar Year 2016) A VU-E-15-05 FCA Base -Rates Effective 1/1/2016 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter Line 2016 2016 2016 YTD No. Source Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Total Total Total (a) (b) (f) (g) (h) Non-Residential Group I Total Actual Billed Customers Revenue Reports 23,475 23,528 23,499 2 Total Actual Usage (kWhs) Revenue Reports 88,220,053 89,741,843 88,4 14,014 Total Actual Base Rate Revenue Revenue Reports $ 7,526,996 $ 7,680,3 16 $ 7,658,230 4 Total Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Revenue Reports $ 625,008 $ 624,449 $ 622,682 6 Exi\·ting C11.\'tomer.,· 7 Actual Customers on System During Test Year (!) • (22) 22,988 22,975 22,921 69,032 68,884 137,916 8 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer Page 3 $224.72 $218.11 $230.00 $232.84 $224.27 $228.56 9 FixedCostAdjustmentRevenue (7)x(8) $ 5,165,869 $ 5,010,992 $ 5,271,754 $16,073,528 $15,448,616 $ 31,522,144 11 Actual Base Rate Revenue / (3) • (26) $ 7,439,511 $ 7,589,398 $ 7,554,903 12 Actua!FixedChargeRevenue (4)-(27) $ 616,536$ 614,075$ 611 ,459 13 Actual Usage (kWhs) (2) -(28) 87,300,642 88,801,644 87,334,583 14 Load Change Adjustment Rate ($/kWh) Page I $ 0.02281 $ 0.02281 $ 0.02281 15 Variable Power Supply Revenue (13) x (14) $ 1,991,328 $ 2,025,565 $ 1,992,102 16 CustomerFixedCostAdjustmentRevenue (11)-(12)-(15) $ 4,831,646 $ 4,949,758 $ 4,951 ,343 $15,323,092 $14,732,747 $ 30,055,839 17 Non-Residential Revenue Per Customer Received $210.18 $215.44 $216.02 $221.97 $213.88 $217.93 18 Existing Customer Deferral· Surcharge (Rebate) (9) -(16) $ 334,223 $ 61,234 $ 320,412 $ 750,436 $ 715,868 $ 1,466,304 21 New c,,...tomer.,· 22 Actual Customers New Since Test Year Revenue Reports 487 553 578 1,439 1,618 3,057 23 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer Page 3 $120.98 $117.42 $123.82 $125.24 $120.78 $122.88 24 Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (22) x (23) $ 58,917 $ 64,932 $ 71 ,568 $ 180,218 $ 195,417 $ 375,635 26 Actual Base Rate Revenue Revenue Reports $ 87,486 $ 90,918 $ 103,326 27 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Revenue Reports $ 8.472 $ 10,374 $ 11.223 28 Actua!Usage{kWhs) RevenueReports 919,411 940.199 1,079,431 29 Load Change Adjustment Rate ($/kWh) Page I $ 0.02281 $ 0.02281 $ 0.02281 30 Variable Power Supply Revenue (28) x (29) $ 20,972 $ 21,446 $ 24,622 31 FixedProductionandTransmissionRateperkWh Page I wtdavg $ 0.02615 $ 0.02615 $ 0.02615 32 Fixed Production and Transmission Revenue (30) x (31) $ 24,038 $ 24,582 $ 28,222 33 Customer Fixed Cost Adjushnent Revenue (26) -(27) -(30) -(32) $ 34,004 $ 34,517 $ 39,259 $ 117,280 $ 107,780 $ 225,060 34 Non-Residential Revenue Per Customer Received $69.82 $62.42 $67.92 $81.50 $66.61 $73.62 35 NewCustomerDeferral-Surcharge(Rebate) (9)-(33) $ 24,913$ 30,415 $ 32,308$ 62,939$ 87,636$ 150,575 37 -Total Non-Residential Deferral • $;,..charge (Rcl>;;;j" -(18)+ (35) -$ 359,135 $ 91,650 $ 352,7~ 813,374 38 Deferral· Revenue Related !expenses Rev <::onv Factor $ (J,9,31) $ (354) S_il,&51) $ {~,336} 39 Customer Deposit Rate 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 40 lnterestonDeferral -" --AvgBalanceCal-c--$-" 824 $ 1,011 $ 1,196 $ 978 $ 3,032 $ 4,010 4 LMonthly Non-Residential Deferral Totals $ 358,028 S 92,307 $ 352,065 $ 810,016 $ 802,400 $ 1,612,416 Cumulative Non-Residential Deferral 43 (Rebate)/Surcharge ~((37), (38), (40)) $ 1,168,044 $ 1,260,352 $ 1,612,416 ID Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 2016.xlsx / Electric Deferral Page 2 of 11 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Idaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter 2016 Avista Utilities Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Idaho) Development of Natural Gas Deferrals (Calendar Year 2016) AVU-G-15-01 FCA Base -Rates Effective 1/1/2016 2nd Quarter Line 1st Quarter 2016 2016 2016 YTD No. Source Aer-16 May-16 Jun-16 Total Total Total (a} (b) (f) (g) (h) (o) (p) (s) Residential Group Total Actual Billed Customers Revenue Reports 78,247 78,230 78,297 Total Actual Usage (Therms) Revenue Reports 2,663,108 1,813,664 1,388,507 3 Total Actual Base Rate Revenue Revenue Reports $ 1,677,033 $ 1,269,350 $ 1,071.981 4 Total Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Revenue Reports $ 413,651 $ 413,691 $ 414,412 6 Exi\·ting C,utomers 7 Actual Customers on System During Test Year (1)-(22) 76,047 75,764 75,622 228,544 227,433 455,977 8 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer Page 3 $ 24.66 $ 16.04 $ 10.18 $49.23 $16.97 $33.14 9 Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (7) X (8) $ 1,875,051 $ 1,215,273 $ 769,902 $ 11,251,795 $ 3,860,226 $ 15,112,021 Ill II Actual Base Rate Revenue (3)-(26) $ 1,614,705 $ 1,231,283 $ 1,036,947 12 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue (4)-(27) $ 402,578 $ 401,302 $ 400,805 13 Actual Usage (Therms) (2)-(28) 2,555,762 1,759,877 1,343,537 16 Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (11) -(12)-(15) $ 1,212,128 $ 829,981 $ 636,142 $ 9,922,894 $ 2,678,251 $ 12,601,145 17 Residential Revenue Per Customer Received $15.94 $10.95 $8.41 $43.42 $11.78 $27.64 18 Existing Customer Deferral -Surcharge (Rebate) (9)-(16) $ 662,923 $ 385,292 $ 133,760 $ 1,328,901 $ 1,181,975 $ 2,510,876 19 21 New Cu,\·fomer.\' 22 Actual Customers New Since Test Year Revenue Reports 2.200 2.466 2,675 5,924 7,341 13,265 23 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer Page 3 $23.23 $15.11 $9.59 $46.04 $15.53 $29.16 24 Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (22) X (23) $ 51,100 $ 37,262 $ 25,655 $ 272,770 $ 114,017 $ 386,787 26 Actual Base Rate Revenue Revenue Reports $ 62,328 $ 38,067 $ 35.033 27 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Revenue Reports $ 11,074 $ 12,389 $ 13,607 28 Actual Usage (Therms) Revenue Reports 107,346 53,787 44,970 ·~11 31 Fixed Production and UG Storage Rate per Thenn Page 1 $ 0.02769 $ 0.02769 $ 0.02769 32 Fixed Production and UG Storage Revenue (30) X (31) $ 2,972 $ 1,489 $ 1,245 33 Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (26) -(27) -(30) -(32) $ 48,282 $ 24,189 $ 20,181 $ 224,534 $ 92,652 $ 317,185 34 Residential Revenue Per Customer Received $21.95 $9.81 $7.54 $37.90 $12.62 $23.91 35 New Customer Deferral -Surcharge (Rebate) (9)-(33) $ 2,818 $ 13,073 $ 5,474 $ 48,237 $ 21,365 $ 69,602 36 Total Resident;;;j Deferral"':' Surcharg; (Reba;) n-665,741 3 9s'.36s $1 139,234-l,3Tl,138 -1,20:\340 -$ 37 (18) + (35) $ $ $ $ 2,580,478 38 Deferral -R,everme Related ExJ"'.nses R~Conllictqr $ (3,830) $ (2,226) $ (773) $ (7,678) $ _(~222.. $_ _(14,5W -39 Customer Deposit Rate 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 40 Tni:'est :D':fe.;r--------Av7 Balance c';1;'° -~$ n 1,418 41 Monthly Residential Deferral Totals $ 663,328 $ 397,999 $ 140,546 $ 1,370,852 $ 1,201,874 $ 2,572,726 42 43 Cumulative Residential Deferral (Rebate )/Surcharge L((37), (38), (40)) $ 2,034,180 $ 2,432,180 $ 2,572,726 ID Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 2016.xlsx / Natural Gas Deferral Page 3 of 11 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Idaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter 2016 Avista Utilities Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Idaho) Development of Natural Gas Deferrals (Calendar Year 2016) AVU-G-15-01 FCA Base -Rates Effective 1/1/2016 2nd Quarter Line 1st Quarter 2016 2016 2016 YTD No. Source A~r-16 Mar-16 Juo-16 Total Total Total (a) (b) (f) (g) (h) (o) (p) (s) Non-Residential Group Total Actual Billed Customers Revenue Reports 1,425 1,433 1,426 2 Total Actual Usage (Thenns) Revenue Reports 1,268,963 1,210,358 1,031,812 3 Total Actual Base Rate Revenue Revenue Reports $ 456,530 $ 403,956 $ 362.799 4 Total Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Revenue Reports $ 143,810 $ 144,730 $ 144,138 6 Exi,·tin,: Customer..· 7 Actual Customers on System During Test Year (1)-(22) 1,410 1,417 1,409 4,204 4,236 8,440 8 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer Page 3 $278.75 $200.50 $2 10.35 $45 1.17 $229.82 $340.08 9 Fixed Cost Adjushnent Revenue (7) X (8) $ 393,034 $ 284,108 $ 296,386 $ 1,896,723 $ 973,528 $ 2,870,25 1 II Actual Base Rate Revenue (3) • (26) $ 45 1,440 $ 401 ,195 $ 357,658 12 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue (4)-(27) $ 142,299 $ 143,118 $ 141,998 13 Actual Usage (Thenns) (2)-(28) 1,253,553 1,203,953 1,016,700 16 Customer Fixed Cost Adjushnent Revenue (11)-(12)-(15) $ 309,141 $ 258,077 $ 215,660 $ 1,719,203 $ 782,879 $ 2,502,082 17 Non-Residential Revenue Per Customer Received $219.25 $182.13 $153.06 $408.94 $184.82 $296.46 18 Existing Customer Deferral -Surcharge (Rebate) (9)-(16) $ 83,892 $ 26,031 $ 80,726 $ 177,520 $ 190,649 $ 368,169 20 21 New Customer..· 22 Actual Customers New Since Test Year Revenue Reports 15 16 17 53 48 IOI 23 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer Page 3 $241.80 $173.93 $182.47 $391.62 $198.16 $299.68 24 Fixed Cost Adjusbnent Revenue (22) X (23) $ 3,627 $ 2,783 $ 3,102 $ 20,756 $ 9,512 $ 30,268 26 Actual Base Rate Revenue Revenue Reports $ 5,090 $ 2,761 $ 5,141 27 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Revenue Reports $ 1,511 $ 1,612 $ 2,141 28 Actual Usage (Thenns) Revenue Reports 15.410 6,405 15,112 31 Fixed Production and UG Storage Rate per Thenn Page I wtd avg $ 0.02869 $ 0.02869 $ 0.02869 32 Fixed Production and UG Storage Revenue (30) X (31) $ 442 $ 184 $ 433 33 Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (26) -(27) -(30) -(32) $ 3,136 $ 965 $ 2,567 $ 29,270 $ 6,669 $ 35,939 34 Non-Residential Revenue Per Customer Received $209.10 $60.32 $150.99 $552.27 $138.93 $355.83 35 New Customer Deferral -Surcharge (Rebate) (9)-(33) $ 491 $ 1,818 $ 535 $ (8,514) $ 2,843 $ (5,671) 37 Total Non-Residential Defemtl -Surcharge (Rebate) ~ (18) + (35) $ $ s 81,261 r -s $ 84,383 27,848 169,006 193,493 362,498 38 Deferral -Revenue Related Expe~ Rev Conv Factor $ _ (485) $ (150) $ (466) _s _ (1,026) S _{ill2) $ (~)27) 39 Customer Deposit ~e 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% Ini erest on Deferral ~-M -$ 40 Avg Balance Cale $ 175 s 222 s 267 168 $ 664 s 832 41 Monthly Non-Residential Deferral Totals s 84,073 s 27,920 s 81,062 s 168,148 s 193,055 s 361,203 43 Cumulative Non-Residential Deferral (Rebate)/Surcharge ~((37), (38), (40)) $ 252,221 $ 280,141 $ 361,203 ID Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 2016.xlsx / Natural Gas Deferral Page 4 of 11 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Idaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter 2016 Balance Sheet Accounts GL Account Balance Accounting Period : '201604, 201605, 201606' Jurisdiction: ID FCA Deferred Revenue Ferc Acct 186328 186338 Accounting Beginning Ferc Acct Desc Service Period Balance Monthly Activity REG ASSET-DECOUPLING DEFERRED ED 20 1604 1,572,212.96 771,193.75 REG ASSET-DECOUPLING DEFERRED 20 1605 2,343,406.71 1,005,448.41 REG ASSET-DECOUPLING DEFERRED 201606 3,348,855.12 82,180.66 Electric Service Sum: 1,858,822.82 REG ASSET-DECOUPLING DEFERRED GD 201604 1,370,851.75 663,328.45 REG ASSET-DECOUPLING DEFERRED 201605 2,034,180.20 397,999.44 REG ASSET-DECOUPLING DEFERRED 201606 2,432,179.64 140,545.94 Natural Gas Service Sum: 1,201,873.83 FERC Acct 186328 Sum: 3,060,696.65 REG ASSET NON-RES DECOUPLING D ED 201604 810,016.25 358,027.90 REG ASSET NON-RES DECOUPLING D 201605 1,168,044.l5 92,307.36 REG ASSET NON-RES DECOUPLING D 201606 1,260,35 1.51 352,064.98 Electric Service Sum: 802,400.24 REG ASSET NON-RES DECOUPLING D GD 201604 168,148.01 84,073.13 REG ASSET NON-RES DECOUPLING D 201605 252,221.14 27,919.67 REG ASSET NON-RES DECOUPLING D 201606 280,140.81 81,062.09 Natural Gas Service Sum: 193,054.89 FERC Acct 186338 Sum: 995,455.13 GL Account Balance Accounting Period : '201604, 201605, 201606' Jurisdiction:ID FCA Accumulated Deferred Taxes Ferc Acct 283328 Accounting Beginning Ferc Acct Desc Service Period Balance Monthly Activity ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV ED 201604 -833,780.20 -395,227.58 ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV 201605 -1,229,007. 78 -384,214.52 ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV 201606 -1,613,222.30 -1 51,985.97 Electric Service Sum: -931,428.07 ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV GD 201604 -538,649.95 -131,970.86 ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV 201605 -670,620.81 -27,019.34 ADFIT DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV 201606 -697,640.15 -49,200.9 l Natural Gas Service Sum: -208, 191.11 FERC Acct 283328 Sum: -1,139,619.18 file: ID Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 2016.xlsx / Accounting Balances Ending Balance 2,343,406.71 3,348,855.12 3,431,035.78 2,034,180.20 2,432,179.64 2,572,725.58 : I 1,168,044.15 1,260,351.5 1 1,612,416.49 252,221.14 280,140.81 361,202.90 I Ending Balance -1,229,007.78 -1,613,222.30 -1, 765,208.27 -670,620.81 -697,640.15 -746,84 1.06 I Page 5 of 11 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Idaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter 2016 Income Statement Accounts GL Account Balance Accounting Period : '201604, 201605, 201606' Jurisdiction: ID FCA Deferred Revenue Ferc Acct 456328 456338 495328 495338 Accounting Beginning Ferc Acct Desc Service Period Balance Monthly Activity RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE ED 201604 -1,570,951.26 -769,562.92 RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE 201605 -2,340,514.18 -1,003,077.62 RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE 201606 -3,343,591.80 -79,356.88 FERC Acct 456328 Sum: -1,851,997.42 NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE ED 201604 -809,038.31 -357,204.05 NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE 201605 -1, 166,242.36 -9 1,295.95 NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE 201606 -1,257,538.31 -350,868.49 FERC Acct 456338 Sum: -799,368.49 RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE GD 201604 -1,369,459.57 -661,910.28 RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE 201605 -2,031,369.85 -396, 139.23 RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE 201606 -2,427,509.08 -138,461.43 FERC Acct 495328 Sum: -1,196,510.94 NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE GD 201604 -167,979.82 -83,898.05 NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE 201605 -251,877.87 -27,697.94 NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE 201606 -279,575.81 -80,794.98 FERC Acct 495338 Sum: -192,390.97 GL Account Balance Accounting Period : '201601, 201602, 201603' Jurisdiction:ID FCA Interest Income or Expense Ferc Accounting Beginning Monthly Acct Ferc Acct Desc Service Period Balance Activity 419605 INT INC ON 0TH DEFERRALS-IV FU ED 201604 -2,239.64 -2,454.68 INT INC ON 0TH DEFERRALS-IV FU 201605 -4,694.32 -3,382.20 INT INC ON 0TH DEFERRALS-IV FU 201606 -8,076.52 -4,020.27 Electric Service Sum: -9,857.15 INT INC ON 0TH DEFERRALS-IV FU GD 201604 -1 ,560.37 -1,593.25 INT INC ON 0TH DEFERRALS-IV FU 201605 -3, 153.62 -2,08 1.94 INT INC ON 0TH DEFERRALS-IV FU 201606 -5,235.56 -2,351.62 Natural Gas Service Sum: -6,026.81 FERC Acct 419605 Sum: -15,883.96 431605 INT EXP ON 0TH DEFERRALS-IV FU ED 201604 0.00 0.00 INT EXP ON 0TH DEFERRALS-IV FU 201605 0.00 0.00 INT EXP ON 0TH DEFERRALS-IV FU 201606 0.00 0.00 Electric Service Sum: 0.00 INT EXP ON 0TH DEFERRALS-IV FU GD 201604 0.00 0.00 INT EXP ON 0TH DEFERRALS-IV FU 201605 0.00 0.00 INT EXP ON 0TH DEFERRALS-IV FU 201606 0.00 0.00 file: ID Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 2016.xlsx / Accounting Balances Ending Balance -2,340,514.18 -3,343,59 1.80 -3,422,948.68 l -1,166,242.36 -1,257,538.3 1 -1 ,608,406.80 j -2,031,369.85 -2,427,509.08 -2,565,970.51 ~ -251,877.87 -279,575.81 -360,3 70. 79 ~ Ending Balance -4,694.32 -8,076.52 -12,096.79 -3,153.62 -5,235.56 -7,587.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 000 Page 6 of 11 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Idaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter 2016 Financial Reporting Contra Asset Accounts GL Account Balance Accounting Period : '201604, 201605, 201606' Jurisdiction:ID Ferc Acct 2533 11 4953 11 Accounting Beginning Ferc Acct Desc Service Period Balance Monthly Activity CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV GD 201604 0.00 -370,342.00 CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV 201605 -370,342.00 -348, 721.00 CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRED REV 201606 -719,063.00 -81,034.00 Natural Gas Service Sum: -800,097.00 FERC Acct 25331 1 Sum: -800,097.00 CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL GD 201604 0.00 370,342.00 CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL 201605 370,342.00 348,721.00 CONTRA DECOUPLING DEFERRAL 201606 719,063.00 81,034.00 Natural Gas Service Sum: 800,097.00 FERC Acct 495311 Sum: 800,097.00 file: ID Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 2016.xlsx / Accounting Balances Ending Balance -370,342.00 -7 19,063.00 -800,097.00 I 370,342.00 719,063.00 800,097.00 I Page 7 of 11 NOTES Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Idaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter 2016 1) The following table shows how the decoupled revenue per customer has tracked with use per customer for the 1st and 2nd quarters of 2016. The similarity of the percentage change indicates that the mechanism is working as intended. Summarized Quarterly and Year to Date Use per Customer and Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Per Customer Change versus Authorized YTD Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Average % Electric Residential Change in Use per Customer (270) (222) (492) -8.6% Change in FCA Revenue per Customer -$15.09 -$17.37 -$32.46 -8.9% Deferral per Average Customer $15.09 $17.37 $32.46 Electric Non-Residential Change in Use per Customer (705) (407) (1,112) -4.6% Change in FCA Revenue per Customer -$34.63 -$31.18 -$65.81 -4.8% Deferral per Average Customer $34.63 $31.18 $65.81 Natural Gas Residential Change in Use per Customer (38) (32) (70) -16.8% Change in FCA Revenue per Customer -$17.62 -$15.59 -$33.21 -16.7% Deferral per Average Customer $17.62 $15.59 $33.21 Natural Gas Non-Residential Change in Use per Customer (809) (586) (1,395) -15.4% Change in FCA Revenue per Customer -$119.10 -$135.02 -$254.12 -12.5% Deferral per Average Customer $119.10 $135.02 $254.12 2) If the FCA mechanism had been determined by schedule the electric residential and both natural gas groups would not change. The electric non-residential group would consist of three separate rate schedule groups. Pages 9 through 11 of this report show the illustrative calculations for the electric non-residential group on a by schedule basis. 3) The contra asset accounting shown on page 7 is for financial reporting purposes only. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles allow revenue recognition from alternative revenue programs up to the amount expected to be collected within 24 months following the end of the annual period in which they are recognized. Due to the 3% annual rate increase limitation a portion of the 2016 natural gas surcharge may not be fully recovered by 12/31/2018 and therefore is not recognizable as income for financial reporting purposes in 2016. The income statement impact of the contra deferral will be eliminated for normalized Idaho results reporting. file: ID Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 2016.xlsx / Notes Page 8 of 11 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Idaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter 2016 Avista Utilities Electric Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Idaho) I ILLUSTRATIVE Non-Residential by Schedule Electric Deferral Scenario (Calendar Year 2016) ELECTRIC NON-RESIDENTIAL BY RATE SCHEDULE AVU-E-15-05 FCA Base -Rates Effective 1/1/2016 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter Line 2016 2016 2016 YTD No. Source Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Total Total Total (a) (b) (f) (g) (h) Schedule 11/12 Total Actual Billed Customers Revenue Reports 20,930 20,983 20,990 2 Total Actual Usage (kWhs) Revenue Reports 25,681,761 26,927.4 12 27,198,444 3 Total Actual Base Rate Revenue Revenue Reports $ 2,654,524 $ 2.759,533 $ 2,770,714 4 Total Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Revenue Repons $ 2 12,623 $ 213,191 $ 213,212 6 Existing C11.,·tomer.,· 7 Actual Customers on System During Test Year (I) -(22) 20,469 20,459 20,444 61,466 61,372 122,838 8 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer Page 3 $ 99.61 $ 9602 $ 95.22 $114.67 $96.95 $105.82 9 Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (7) X (8) $ 2,038,942 $ 1,964,392 $ 1,946,590 $ 7,048,256 $ 5,949,924 $ 12,998,180 Ill II Actual Base Rate Revenue (3)-(26) $ 2,605,070 $ 2,712,631 $ 2,716,499 12 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue (4)-(27) $ 208,038 $ 207,838 $ 207,756 13 Actual Usage (kWhs) (2)-(28) 25,205,723 26,501,674 26,693,954 14 Load Change Adjustment Rate ($/kWh) Page I $ 0.02281 $ 0.02281 $ 0.02281 15 Variable Power Supply Revenue (13) X (14) $ 574,943 $ 604,503 $ 608,889 16 Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (11) -(12)-(15) $ 1,822,090 $ 1,900,290 $ 1,899,855 $ 6,758,562 $ 5,622,234 $ 12,380,796 17 Residential Revenue Per Customer Received $89.02 $92.88 $92.93 $109.96 $91.61 $100.79 18 Existing Customer Deferral -Surcharge (Rebate) (9)-(16) $ 216,853 $ 64,102 $ 46,736 $ 289,694 $ 327,690 $ 617,384 20 21 New Cu.,·tomer.,· 22 Actual Customers New Since Test Year Revenue Reports 461 524 546 1,362 1,531 2,893 23 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer Page 3 $57.47 $55.40 $54.93 $66.02 $55.86 $60.64 24 Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (22) X (23) $ 26,493 $ 29,027 $ 29,994 $ 89,918 $ 85,514 $ 175,433 26 Actual Base Rate Revenue Revenue Repons $ 49,455 $ 46.902 $ 54,214 27 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Revenue Repons $ 4,585 $ 5,353 $ 5,456 28 Actual Usage (kWhs) Revenue Repons 476,038 425,738 504,490 29 Load Change Adjustment Rate ($/kWh) Page I $ 0.02281 $ 0.02281 $ 0.02281 30 Variable Power Supply Revenue (28) X (29) $ 10,858 $ 9,711 $ 11,507 31 Fixed Production and Transmission Rate per kWh Page I $ 0.02998 $ 0.02998 $ 0.02998 32 Fixed Production and Transmission Revenue (30) X (31) $ 14,272 $ 12,764 $ 15,125 33 Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (26) -(27) -(30) -(32) $ 19,739 $ 19,074 $ 22,126 $ 70,837 $ 60,938 $ 131,775 34 Residential Revenue Per Customer Received $42.82 $36.40 $40.52 $52.01 $0.71 $0.75 35 New Customer Deferral -Surcharge (Rebate) (9)-(33) $ 6,755 $ 9,953 $ 7,868 $ 19,082 $ 24,576 $ 43,658 -,h -----14Tss's ---37 Total Schedule 11/12 Deferral -Surcharge (Rebate) (18)+(35) $ 223,607 s 54,604 $ 308,775 $ 352,266 $ 661,04 1 38 Deferra!..;..Jievenue l:lela!ed Expenses --~ Rev Conv Factor J... _ (1,253) $ (370) s __ (270) $ (1,674) $ _(1,893) $ (3,567) 39 Customer Deposit Rate 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% Interest :n Deferral -Avg Balance Cak $ $ 473 $ 526 $ 469 $ 1,348 $ 1,817 40 349 41 Monthly Schedule 11/12 Deferral Totals s 222,703 $ 74,157 $ 54,860 $ 307,571 s 351,721 s 659,291 4 "} 43 Cumulative Schedule I I /12 Deferral (Rebate )/Surcharge ~((37), (38), (40)) $ 530,274 $ 604,431 $ 659,291 ID Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 2016.xlsx / Electric by Schedule Page 9 of 11 . • Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Idaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter 2016 Avista Utilities Electric Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Idaho) ILLUSTRATIVE Non-Residential by Schedule Electric Deferral Scenario (Calendar Year 2016) ELECTRIC NON-RESIDENTIAL BY RATE SCHEDULE AVU-E-15-05 FCA Base -Rates Effective 1/1/2016 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter Line 2016 2016 2016 YTD No. Source Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Total Total Total (a) (b) (f) (g) (h) Schedule 21/22 I Total Actual Billed Customers Revenue Repons 1,146 1,141 1,135 2 Total Actual Usage (kWhs) Revenue Reports 59,191,389 57,983,245 54,497,263 3 Total Actual Base Rate Revenue Revenue Reports $ 4,570,206 $ 4.491,236 $ 4,294,026 4 Total Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Revenue Reports $ 401.100 $ 399,957 $ 398.207 6 Exi\·ting C11.domen· 7 Actual Customers on System During Test Year (I )-(22) 1,134 1,126 1,119 3,383 3,379 6,762 8 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer Page 3 $2,490.00 $2,395.52 $2,487.77 $2,451.48 $2,457.78 $2,454.63 9 Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (7) X (8) $ 2,823,659 $ 2,697,357 $ 2,783,819 $ 8,293,365 $ 8,304,835 $ 16,598,200 II Actual Base Rate Revenue (3)-(26) $ 4,533,205 $ 4,448,231 $ 4,245,741 12 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue (4)-(27) $ 397,333 $ 395,047 $ 392,587 13 Actual Usage (kWhs) (2)-(28) 58,758,029 57,478,485 53,929,583 14 Load Change Adjustment Rate ($/kWh) Page I $ 0.02281 $ 0.02281 $ 0.02281 15 Variable Power Supply Revenue (13)x (l4) $ 1,340,271 s 1,311,084 $ 1,230,134 16 Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (11)-(12)-(15) $ 2,795,601 $ 2,742,100 $ 2,623,02 1 s 7,864,320 $ 8,160,722 $ 16,025,042 17 Non-Residential Revenue Per Customer Received $2,465.26 $2,435.26 $2,344.08 $2,324.66 $2,415.13 $2,369.87 18 Existing Customer Deferral -Surcharge (Rebate) (9)-(16) $ 28,058 $ (44,743) $ 160,798 $ 429,046 $ 144,113 $ 573,159 LU 21 New C1utomers 22 Actual Customers New Since Test Year Revenue Reports 12 15 16 37 43 80 23 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer Page 3 $1,214.00 $1,167.94 $1,212.92 $1,195.41 $1 ,197.53 $1,196.55 24 Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (22) X (23) $ 14,568 $ 17,519 $ 19,407 $ 44,230 $ 51 ,494 $ 95,724 26 Actual Base Rate Revenue Revenue Reports $ 37,001 $ 43.005 $ 48,285 27 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Revenue Repons $ 3,767 $ 4,910 $ 5.620 28 Actual Usage (k Whs) Revenue Reports 433,360 504,760 567,680 29 Load Change Adjustment Rate ($/kWh) Page I $ 0.02281 $ 0.02281 $ 0.02281 30 Variable Power Supply Revenue (28) X (29) $ 9,885 $ 11,514 $ 12,949 31 Fixed Production and Transmission Rate per kWh Page I wtd avg $ 0.02487 $ 0.02487 $ 0.02487 32 Fixed Production and Transmission Revenue (30) X (3 )) $ 10,778 $ 12,553 $ 14,118 33 Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (26) -(27) -(30) -(32) s 12,571 $ 14,028 $ 15,598 $ 40,067 $ 42,198 $ 82,265 34 Non-Residential Revenue Per Customer Received $1,047.61 $935.20 $974.90 $1,082.90 $0.82 $0.86 35 New Customer Deferral -Surcharge (Rebate) (9)-(33) $ 1,997 $ 3,491 $ 3,808 $ 4,163 $ 9,296 $ 13,459 ---(4i'.isii s 37 Total Schedule 21122 Deferral-Surcharge (Rebate) (18) + (35) $ 30,055 $ 164,607 $ 433,208 $ 153,409 $ 586,618 38 Deferral -Revenue Related Ex~nses --Rev Conv Factor $ (162) $ 259 $ (929) S (2,479) $ _(833) $ (3,312) ----39 Customer Deposit Rate 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 40 Interest on Deferral Avg Balance Cale $ 372 $ 367 $ 419 $ 408 $ 1,158 s 1,566 41 Monthly S<hedule 21n2 Deferral Totals s 30,264 s (40,626) S 164,096 s 431,138 s 153,735 s 584,872 -- 43 Cumulative Schedule 21/22 Deferral (Rebate)/Surcharge i:((37), (38), (40)) $ 461,402 $ 420,776 $ 584,872 ID Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 2016.xlsx / Electric by Schedule Page 10 of 11 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Idaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter 2016 Avista Utilities ,I Electric Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Idaho) ILLUSTRATIVE Non-Residential by Schedule Electric Deferral Scenario (Calendar Year 2016) ELECTRIC NON-RESIDENTIAL BY RATE SCHEDULE A VU-E-15-05 FCA Base -Rates Effective 1/1/2016 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter Line 2016 2016 2016 YTD No. Source Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Total Total Total (a) (b) (f) (g) (h) Schedule 31/32 I Total Actual Billed Customers Revenue Reports 1,399 l,404 1,374 2 Total Actual Usage (k Whs) Revenue Reports 3,346,903 4,831.186 6,718,307 3 Total Actual Base Rate Revenue Revenue Reports $ 302,266 $ 429,547 $ 593,490 4 Total Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Revenue Reports $ l l,285 $ l l,30 l $ l 1,263 6 Exi,·ti11i: C,utomen.· 7 Actual Customers on System During Test Year (l)-(22) l,385 1,390 1,358 4,183 4,133 8,3 16 8 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer Page 3 $169.48 $196.98 $331.94 $163.04 $232. I I $197.37 9 Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (7) X (8) $ 234,734 $ 273,796 $ 450,778 $ 681,987 $ 959,308 $ 1,641,295 II Actual Base Rate Revenue (3)-(26) $ 301,236 $ 428,536 $ 592,663 12 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue (4)-(27) $ I 1,165 $ I 1,190 $ I l,I 16 13 Actual Usage (kWhs) (2)-(28) 3,336,890 4,821,485 6,71 l,046 14 Load Change Adjustment Rate ($/kWh) Page I $ 0.02281 $ 0.02281 $ 0.0228 1 15 Variable Power Supply Revenue (13)x (14) $ 76,I 14 $ 109,978 $ 153,079 16 Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (I I)-(12)-(15) $ 213,956 $ 307,368 $ 428,468 $ 700,210 $ 949,791 $ 1,650,00 1 17 Non-Residential Revenue Per Customer Received $154.48 $221. 13 $315.51 $167.39 $229.81 $198.41 18 Existing Customer Deferral -Surcharge (Rebate) (9)-(16) $ 20,778 $ (33,571) $ 22,3 I I $ (18,223) $ 9,517 $ (8,706) 21 New CtL\'lomer.\' 22 Actual Customers New Since Test Year Revenue Reports 14 14 16 40 44 84 23 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer Page 3 $123.5 I $143.54 $24 1.89 $) 18.45 $172.93 $)46.99 24 Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (22) X (23) $ 1,729 $ 2,010 $ 3,870 $ 4,738 $ 7,609 $ 12,347 26 Actual Base Rate Revenue Revenue Reports $ 1,030 $ !,OJ I $ 827 27 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Revenue Reports $ 120 $ Ill $ 147 28 Actual Usage (k Whs) Revenue Reports 10,0 13 9,701 7,26 1 29 Load Change Adjustment Rate ($/kWh) Page I $ 0.02281 $ 0.02281 $ 0.02281 30 Variable Power Supply Revenue (28) X (29) $ 228 $ 221 $ 166 31 Fixed Production and Transmission Rate per kWh Page I wtd avg $ 0.01764 $ 0.01764 $ 0.01764 32 Fixed Production and Transmission Revenue (30) X (31) $ 177 $ 171 $ 128 33 Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (26) -(27) -(30) -(32) $ 505 $ 508 $ 386 $ 1,554 $ 1,399 $ 2,953 34 Non-Residential Revenue Per Customer Received $36.10 $36.28 $24. 12 $38.85 $0. 18 $0.24 35 New Customer Deferral -Surcharge (Rebate) (9)-(33) $ 1,224 $ 1,502 $ 3,484 $ 3,184 $ 6,210 $ 9,394 -----(isi+(35) -(32,070)$ -(15,039) $ is,121 ~ 688 37 Total Schedule 31/32 Deferral -Surcharge (Rebate) $ 22,001 $ 25,795 $ l§_ Deferral -Revenue Related _Expenses --R~ £on". F act~,r $ -(120) $ .J2.4 ~ j l29) 1 _ 105 $ -(W s 50 39 Custom<::_Dep~t Rate 1.00% 1.00% 100% --------(7) $ (10) $-(2 iis 40 Interest on Deferral Avg Balance Cale $ (3) $ 59 $ 38 41 Monthly Schedule 31/32 Deferral Totals s -21,878 $ (31,883) S 25,656 s (14,875) S 15,651 s 776 43 Cumulative Schedule 3 I /32 Deferral (Rebate )/Surcharge L((37), (38), (40)) $ 7,003 $ (24,880) $ 776 44 Total Cumulative Non-Residential Deferral if calculated Sch I 1/12 line (43) +Sch 21/22 $ 998,679 $ 1,000,327 $ 1,244,940 by Schedule line (43) +Sch 31/32 line (43) JD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q2 2016.xlsx / Electric by Schedule Page 11 of 11 .