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20160512FCA Quarterly Report.pdf
Avista Corp. l4l1 East Mission P.O.Box3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 May 12,2016 Ms. Jean D. Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Dear Ms. Jewell: RE: AW-E-I 5-05/AVU-G-I 5-01 Electric and Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustnent Mechanism Ouarterly Report Attached for filing with the Commission is an electronic copy of Avista's Electric and Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism Quarterly Report. The report consists of spreadsheets showing the monthly revenue deferral calculations for January through March 2016. In addition, Avista has provided illustrative revenue deferral calculations for the non-residential electric group on a rate schedule basis as required in the Settlement Stipulation approved by the Commission in the above referenced docket. The other electric and natural gas groups consist of only one rate schedule each and therefore would not change under the rate schedule assumption. Also included in the report are the monthly general ledger balances resulting from the deferral and amortization activity during the first quarter of 2016. Questions regarding this filing should be directed to Tara Knox at (509) 495-4325. Patrick Ehrbar Manager, Rates and Tariffs Enc. Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 1st Quarter 2016 Avista Utilities Electric Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Idaho) Development of Electric Deferrals (Calendar Year 2016) AW-E-15-05 FCA Base - Rates Effective11112016 Revised Jan-16Line No. Revised Feb-16 lst Qurrter 2016 Mar-16 Total (a) Residential Group Total Actual Billed Customers Total Actual Usage (kWhs) Total Actual Base Rate Revenue Total Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Exlsdnp Castomen Actual Customers on System During Test Year Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer Fixed Cost Adjusment Revenue Actual Base Rate Revenue Actual Fixed Charge Revenue ActualUsage (kWhs) l,oad Change Adjustment Rate ($/kWh) Variable Power Supply Revenue Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Residential Revenue Per Customer Received Existing Customer Defenal - Surcharge (Rebate) New Castomets Actual Customers New Since Test Year Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Actual Base Rate Revenue Actual Fixed Charge Revenue Actual Usage (kWhs) Load Change Adjustnent Rate ($/kWh) Variable Power Supply Revenue Fixed Production and Transmission Rate per kWh Fixed Production and Transmission Revenue Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Residential Revenue Per Customer Received New Customer Defenal - Surcharge (Rebate) (b) Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports (t) - (22) Page 3 (7) x (8) (3) - (26) (4) - (27) (2) - (28) Page I (13) x (la) (l l) - (12) {ls) (e) - (16) Revenue Reports Page 3 (22)x(23) Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Page I (28) x (2e) Page I (30) x (31) Q6)-(27)-(3o)-(32) (e) - (33) (c) 104,670 131,084,155 12,085,367 5s3,s I 9 103,142 $81.83 8,439,893 I 1,955,335 545,690 129,678,9s 0.0228t 2,957,977 8,451,668 $81.94 (tt,77s) 103,066 $67.92 7,00,0,497 9,096,479 s45,t4s 98,491,957 0.02281 2,246,602 6,304,732 $61. I 7 69s.76s 103,063 $68.5s 7,064,569 9,014,924 544,518 97,884,970 0.02281 2,232,756 6,237,650 $60.52 826,9t9 309,271 $72.77 22,5U,959 20,994,050 s67.88 I.s I 0.909 4,821 $45.02 217,062 148,290 $30.76 68,772 (e)(d) t ) 3 4 ) 6 7 8 9 l0 ll 12 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 t8 l9 20 2l a) 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 33 34 35 36 104,648 104,774 99,743,0s9 98,974,038 9,213,041 $ 9,117,089 s53,172 $ 553,009 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ s $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ s $ 1,s28 $s0.78 77,594 130,032 7,830 t,405,191 o.0228r 32,0s2 0.02421 34,025 56,125 $36.73 21,469 1,582 $42. I 5 66,684 116,562 8,027 l,2st,t02 o.o228t 28,538 0.02421 30294 49,701 $3 r.42 16,981 t,7ll s42.s4 72,7U 102,165 8,491 r,089,068 0.02281 24,842 0.02421 26,371 42,462 $24.82 30,322 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 42 43 Cumulative Residential Deferral (Rebate/Surcharge E((37), (38), (40)9,766 $ 718,796 $ lO Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q1 2016.xlsx / Electric oeferral 1,572,213 Page 1 of 10 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 1st Quarter 2015 Avista Utilities Electric Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Idaho) Development of Electric Deferrals (Calendar Year 2016) AW-E-15-05 FCA Base - Rates Effective 11112016 Revised Jan-16Line No. Revised Feb-16 lst Qusrter 2016 Mar-16 Totrl (a) Non-Residentirl Group I Total Actual Billed Customers 2 Total Actual Usage (kWhs) 3 Total Actual Base Rate Revenue 4 Total Actual Fixed Charge Revenue 5 6 Ex!$s!@eg 7 Actual Customers on System During Test Year 8 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer 9 FixedCostAdjustmentRevenue l0 ll ActualBaseRateRevenue 12 ActualFixedChargeRevenue 13 Actual Usage (kWhs) 14 Load Change Adjustment Rate ($/kWh) 15 Variable Power Supply Revenue 16 Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue 17 Non-ResidentialRevenuePerCustomerReceived I 8 Existing Customer Defenal - Surcharge (Rebate) l9 20 2l New Cuslomers 22 Actual Customers New Since Test Year 23 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer 24 FixedCostAdjustmentRevenue t( 26 ActualBaseRateRevenue 27 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue 28 Actual Usage ftWhs)29 Load Change Adjustrnent Rate ($/kWh) 30 Variable Power Supply Revenue 3l Fixed Production and Transmission Rate per kWh 32 Fixed Production and Transmission Revenue 33 CustomerFixed CostAdjustment Revenue 34 Non-Residential Revenue Per Customer Received 35 NewCustomerDefenal - Surcharge (Rebate) t6 (e) 23,49s 87.656.637 7,63 I,858 620,881 2t,001 69,032 s226.86 5212.U 5,217,894 S 16,073,528 7,535,183 6l1,909 86,636,339 0.0228t t,976,175 4,947,@9 $ 15,323,092 $215.08 $221.97 270,795 $ 750,436 494 $122.13 60,331 $ 96,675 8,972 1,020,298 0.02281 23,273 0.026 I 5 26,676 37,754 S s76.41 22,577 $ (b) Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports (t) - (22) Page 3 (7) x (8) (3) - (26) (4) - (27) (2) - (28) Page I (13) x (la) (l r) - (12) -(ls) (e) - 06) Revenue Reports Page 3 (22)x(23) Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Page I (28) x (2e) Page I wtd avg (30) x (3 l) (26)-(27)-(30)-(32) (e) - (33) (c) 23,447 9s,022,514 8,164,841 6243s4 22,992 $240.83 5,537,260 8,060,169 616,088 93,898,660 o.o228l 2,141,828 5,302,2s3 $230.61 235,007 (d) 23,s29 90,491,94s 7,828,182 625,100 23,039 $230.84 5,3t8,374 7,730,448 616,213 89,456,107 0.02281 2,M0,494 5,071,741 $220.22 244,633 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ s $ 455 $129.6s s8,992 lM,672 8,266 1,123,854 0.0228t 25,635 0.026 I 5 29,383 41,388 $90.96 17.605 490 s124.27 60,89s 97,734 8,887 1,035,838 0.02281 23,627 0.02615 27,082 38, I 38 $77.83 22.7s7 1,439 $12s.24 180,218 117,280 $81.50 62,939 $ $ $ $ $ s $ $ $ $ 42 43 Cumulative Non-Residential Defenal (Rebate/Surcharge r(37), (38), (40) Res line(43) +Non-Res line (43) zst_3sg $517,656 $ t,236Ast $ 810,016 2.382.22926t,l2s $44 Total Cumulative Deferral lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report ql 2016.xlsx / Electric Deferral Page 2 of 10 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 1st Quarter 2015 Avista Utilities Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Idaho) Development of Natural Gas Deferrals (Calendar Year 2016) AVU-G-15-01 FCA Base - Rates Effective 11112016 Line No. Revised Jen-15 Revised Feb-15 1st Quartel 2016 Totrl (a) Residentirl Group I Total Actual Billed Customers 2 Total Actual Usage (Therms) 3 TotalActualBaseRateRevenue 4 Total Actual Fixed Charge Revenue 5 6 ExisfinsCastomen 7 Actual Customers on System During Test Year 8 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer 9 Fixed Cost Adjustrnent Revenue l0 I I Actual Base Rate Revenue 12 ActualFixed ChargeRevenue 13 Actual Usage (Therms) t4 l5 16 Customer Fixed Cost Adjustrnent Revenue 17 Residential Revenue Per CustomerReceived I 8 Existing Customer Deferral - Surcharge (Rebate) l9 20 2l NewCustonen 22 Actual Customers New Since Test Year 23 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer 24 Fixed Cost Adjushnent Revenue 25 26 Actual Base Rate Revenue 27 AcnalFixedChargeRevenue 28 Actual Usage (Therms) 29 30 3l Fixed Production and UG Storage Rate per Therm 32 Fixed Production and UG Storage Revenue 33 Customer Fixed Cost Adjusfnent Revenue 34 Residential Revenue Per Customer Received 35 New Customer Deferral - Surcharge (Rebate) 36 (b) Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports (l) - (22) Page 3 (7) x (8) (3) - (26) (4) - (27) (2) - (28) (r r) - (12) -(rs) (e) - (r6) Revenue Reports Page 3 (22) x(23\ Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Page I (30) x (3 l) (26)-(27)-(30)-(32) (e) - (33) (c) 78,021 8,841,051 4,615,976 371,823 76,205 $s6.04 4,270,786 4,sts,207 365,036 8,643,785 4, I 50, l7l $s4.46 l20,6ls (d) 78,174 6,46t,869 3,501267 4t2,062 76,196 $48.88 3,724,522 3,412,771 401,916 6,297,692 3,010,862 $39.s 1 713,660 (e) 78,273 5,909,720 3,242,492 412,462 76,143 $42.77 1,256,487 3,r63,589 401,728 s,766,947 2,761,861 $36.27 494,626 2,t30 $40.29 85,8 r 5 78,902 t0,734 142,773 0.02769 3,953 64,215 $30. ls 21,600 228,544 $49.23 11,251,795 9,922,894 $43.42 1,328,90t 5,924 $46.04 272,770 224,s34 $37.90 48,237 (o) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,816 ss2.79 95,875 t00,770 8,787 t97,266 0.02769 5,462 86,52 l $47.64 9,1s4 1,978 $46.05 91,081 88y'90 10,146 la,t77 0.02769 4,546 73,798 $37.31 17,281 Customer Deposit Rate 42 43 Cumulative Residential Deferral (Rebate)/Surcharge r((37), (38), (40)129,326 $ 856,556 $ 1,370,852 lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Ql 2015.xlsx / Natural Gas Deferral Page 3 of 10 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 1st Quarter 2016 Avista Utilities Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechenism (Idaho) Development of Natural Gas Deferrals (Calcndar Yeer 2016) AVU-G-15-01 FCA Base - Rates Effective Uln0l6 Line No.Sourcc Revised Jan-16 Revised Feb-16 fut quarter 20t6 Totel (a) Nor-Residentiel Group I Total Actual Billed Customers 2 Total Actual Usage (Therms) 3 Total Actual Base Rate Revenue 4 Total Actual Fixed Charge Revenue 5 6 Existins Custorrun 7 Actual Customers on System During Test Year 8 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer 9 Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue 10 ll ActualBaseRateRevenue 12 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue 13 Actual Usage (Therms) t4 l5 I 6 Customer Fixed Cost Adjusunent Revenue 17 Non-Residential Revenue Per Customer Received I 8 Existing Customer Defenal - Surcharge (Rebate) l9 20 2l NewCustomen 22 Actual Customers New Since Test Year 23 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer 24 FixedCostAdjustmentRevenue 25 26 Actual Base Rate Revenue 27 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue 28 Actual Usage (Therms) 29 30 3 I Fixed Production and UG Storage Rate per Therm 32 Fixed Production and UG Storage Revenue 33 Customer Fixed Cost Adjusfinent Revenue 34 Non-Residential Revenue Per Customer Received 35 New Customer Deferral - Surcharge (Rebate) 36 (b) Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports (t) - (22) Page 3 (7) x (8) (3) - (26) (4) - (27) (2) - (28) (r r) - (12) -(rs) (e) - (16) Revenue Reports Page 3 (22)x(23) Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Page I wtd avg (30) x (3 l) (26)-(27)-(30)-(32) (e) - (33) (c) l,4l I 2,846,717 823,502 138,t63 t,393 $502.94 700,60r 8 10,126 136,349 2,8n,724 673,776 $483.69 26,825 (d) 1,4 l6 2,341,568 706,7s8 142,689 1,399 $448. l4 626,949 696,225 140,976 2,314,794 555,249 $396.89 71,700 (e) 1,430 2,149,728 646,144 tM,t45 1,412 4,204 $403.10 $451.17 s69,173 $ r,896,723 632,509 142,331 2,109,170 490,178 $ 1,719,203 $347.15 $408.94 78,995 $ 171,520 (o) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ s $ $ $ l8 $436.28 7,853 13,377 r,8 t4 v,993 0.02869 1,004 10,560 $586.64 (2,706) t7 $388.74 6,609 10,533 1,713 26,774 0.02869 768 8,052 $473.67 (1,4M\ l8 s349.67 6,294 $ 13,63s 1,814 40,558 0.02869 t,163 t0,658 $ $592.12 (4,364) $ 53 $391.62 20,756 29,270 $552.27 (8,s l 4) 42 43 Cumulative Non-Residential Deferral (Rebate/Surcharge Total Cumulative Deferral >((37), (38), (40) Res line(43) +Non-Res line (43) 23,973 153,300 93,865 $ 168,148 9s0,421 $ 1,539,000 lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Ql 2015.xlsx / Natural Gas Deferral Page 4 of 10 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 1st Quarter 2015 Balance Sheet Accounts G L Accou nt Bala nce Accou nting Period :' 2OL6OL, 2OL6O2, 20 1603' Jurisdiction:lD FCA Deferred Revenue REG ASSET-DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET.DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET-DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET-DECOUPLING DEFERRED REG ASSET NON-RES DECOUPLING D ASSET NON-RES DECOUPLING D ASSET NON-RES DECOUPLING D Ferc Acct Ferc Acct Desc 201601 20 I 603 Eloctrlc SeMce 201602 20 I 603 Natural Gas Service 201602 20 I 603 Electric Servica 201602 Natural Gas Servlce GL Account Balance Accounting Period : '201601, 20t602,201503' Jurisdiction: ID Accounting Beginning Service Period Balance FCA Accumulated Deferred Taxes Monthly Activity Ending Balance 0.00 10,081.46 10,081.46 10,08 I .46 709.634.02 7 t9,715.48 719,7 t5 .48 8s2.497.48 I 572.212.96 1,s72,212.96 0.00 l29,ss I .01 129,551.01 129,55 l.0l 727,376.19 856,927.20 s13.924.55 1.370.851.75 1,370,851.75 0.00 366.763.60 763.60 366,'.763.60 346,412.69 713,176.29 7 t3,t76.29 96,839.96 810,016.25 Sum: 810,016.25 000 24,006.91 24,006.91 24,006.9t 69.882.78 93.889.69 93,889.69 74,258.32 168,148.01 Sum: 168,148.01 Ferc Ferc Acct Desc Service Beginning Monthly Balance Activity Accounting Period Balance 0.00 -131,840.80 - 13 1,840.80 t602 -131.840.80 -369.616.35 -501,457. l5 I 603 -501,457.15 -332,323.0s -833,780.20 Electric Service Sum: -833,780.20 0.00 -53.722.90 -53,722.90 -s3,722.90 -279,040.64 -332,7 63.54 201603 -332.763.54 -20s,886.41 Natural Gas Service Sum: -538,649.95 file: lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q1 2015.xlsx / Accounting Balances Page 5 of 10 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 1st Quarter 2016 lncome Statement Accounts GL Account Balance Accounting Period :'20L601., 207602, 201503' Jurisdiction:lD FCA Deferred Revenue Ferc Acct Accounting Service Period Beginning Balance Monttrly Ferc Acct Desc 201602 01601 01602 20 I 603 sGt18. 20t602 20 I 603 FGRSAGet tt95ll3E GL Account Balance Accounting Period :'2OL6OL, 20L602, 201503' Jurisdiction:lD Ending Balance 0.00 -t0,077.26 -10,077.26 -10.077.26 -709,330.06 -719.407 32 201603 -7 t9,407 .32 -851,s43.94 -1,570,951.26 0.00 -366,610.85 -366,610.85 -366,610.85 -345,962.90 -',112,573.',15 1 603 -712,573.75 -96,464.56 -809,038.31 0.00 -129.497.05 -129,497.05 -129,497.05 -726,965.33 -8s6,462.38 -856,462.38 -s12,997.19 -1,369,459 57 Sun: -1,@#60.5? 0.00 -23,996.91 -23,996.91 -23,996.9t -69,833.68 -93,830.59 -93,830.59 -74,149.23 -167,979.82 sum: -t67 FCA lnterest lncome or Expense RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE NON.RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE TIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE RESIDENTIAL DECOUPLING DEFERRE NON-RES DECOUPLING DEFERRED RE Ferc Acct Ferc Acct Desc Accounting Beginning Service Period Balance Monthly Activity Ending Balance - 156.95 -753.7s -9 t 0.70 -2,239.64 -63.96 -63.96 -459.96 -s23.92 Electric Service Natural Gas Service Electric Service t602 20t603 201601 20 I 603 20 I 603 0.00 - 156.95 -9 I 0.70 0.00 -63 96 -s23.92 - 1.036.45 Sum: -1,560.37 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sum:0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 20t602 0.00 20 I 603 0.00 Natural Gas Service OTH DEFERRALS.IV FU INT INC ON OTH DEFERMLS-IV FU TH DEFERRALS-IV FU INT INC ON OTH DE INT INC ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU INT EXP ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU INT EXP ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU INT EXP ON OTH INT EXP ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU INT EXP ON OTH DEFERRALS-IV FU file: lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q1 2015.xlsx / Accounting Balances 0.00 Page 5 of 10 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 1st Quarter 2016 NOTES 1) The following table shows how the decoupled revenue per customer has tracked with use per customer for the 1st quarter of 2016. The similarity of the percentage change indicates that the mechanism is working as intended. Summarized Quarterly and Year to Date Use per Customer and Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Per Customer Change versus Authorized Annual Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Average % Electric Residential Change in Use per Customer (270) (2701 -7.9% Change in FCA Revenue per Customer -515.09 -515.09 -7.0% Deferral per Average Customer 515.09 5L5.09 Electric Non-Residential Change in Use per Customer (705) (705) -5.7% Change in FCA Revenue per Customer -534.63 -534.53 -5.0% Deferral per Average Customer 534.63 534.53 Natural Gas Residential Change in Use per Customer (38) (38) -L2.2% Change in FCA Revenue per Customer -5L7.62 -5L7.52 -L7.9% Deferral per Average Customer 5L7.62 5L7.62 Natural Gas Non-Residential Change in Use per Customer (809) (809) -L3.5o/o Change in FCA Revenue per Customer -5119.10 -5119.10 -8.8% Deferral per Average Customer 511.9.10 5119.10 2) lf the FCA mechanism had been determined by schedule the electric residential and both natural gas groups would not change. The electric non-residential group would consist of three separate rate schedule groups. Pages 8 through 10 of this report show the illustrative calculations for the electric non-residential group on a by schedule basis. 3) The accounting entries for January and February were adjusted in March due to a revision to the programming of the New Customer Report. January and February reports were re-run with the corrected query and the revised results incorporated into the revised January and February deferral calculations shown on pages 1 through 4 of this report. file: lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q1 2015.xlsx / Notes Page 7 of 10 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 1st Quarter 2016 Avista Utilities Electric Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Idaho) Non-Residential by Schedule Electric Deferral Scenario (Calendar Year 2016) AW-E-15-05 FCA Base - Rates Effective l1112016 Source Revised Jrn-16Line No. Revised Feb-16 lst Querter 2016 Mer-15 Total R.:.'! (a) Schedule ll/12 I Total Actual Billed Customers 2 TotalActualUsage(kWhs) 3 TotalActualBaseRateRevenue 4 TotalActualFixedChargeRevenue 56 Erlsgts@. 7 Actual Customers on System During Test Year 8 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer 9 FixedCostAdjustmentRevenue l0 ll ActualBaseRaleRevenue 12 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue 13 Actual Usage (kWhs) 14 Load Change Adjustment Rate ($AWh) 15 Variable Power SupplyRevenue 16 Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue 17 Residential Revenue Per Customer Received 18 Existing Customer Deferml - Surcharge Eebate) t9 20 2l New Customers 22 Actual Customers New Since Test Year 23 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer 24 FixedCostAdjustmentRevenue 25 26 ActualBaseRateRevenue 27 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue 28 Actual Usage (kWhs) 29 Load Change Adjustment Rate ($/kWh) 30 Variable Power Supply Revenue 3l Fixed Production and TransmissionRate per kWh 32 Fixed Production and Transmission Revenue 13 Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue 34 Residential Revenue Per Customer Received 35 New Customer Deferral - Surcharge (Rebate) 36 (b) Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports (r) - (22) Page 3 (7) x (8) (3) - (26) (4) - (27) (2) - (28) Page I (13) x (14) (l r) - (12) -(ls) (e) - (16) Revenue Reports Page 3 (22)xQ3) Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Page I (28) x (29) Page I (30) x (3 l) (26)-(27)-(30)-(t2) (e) - (33) (c) 20,896 3s,042,120 ?,447,0t9 2n,628 20,466 $123.75 2,532,667 3,383,574 206,988 34,396,189 0.02281 784,577 2,392,009 $l 16.88 140,658 (d) 20,972 31,166,559 3,135,989 212,542 20,508 $l I 1.36 2,283,77? 3,077,910 207,626 30,594,587 0.02281 697,861 2,172,42t $10s.93 I I 1,356 (e) 20,960 31,3t7,073 3,160,740 212,243 20,492 $108.91 2,231,8t2 3,103,232 207,s84 30,754,760 0.02281 701,516 2,194,132 $107.07 37,680 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 430 $71.40 30,700 63,444 4,640 &5,931 0.02281 14,734 0.02998 19,366 24,705 $s7.4s s,995 64 $64.2s 29,8t I 58,079 4,916 571,972 0.02281 13,047 0.02998 17,148 22,969 $49.50 6,843 468 $62.84 29,407 57,508 4,6& 562,313 o.02281 12,826 0.02998 16,859 23,163 $49.49 6,244 61,466 $l14.67 7,048,256 6,758,562 $109.96 289,694 1,362 $66.02 89,918 70,837 $52.01 19,082 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 42 43 Cumulative Schedule I l/12 Deferral (Rebate)/Surchz r((37), (38), (40)r4s,902 g 263.627 S lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q1 2015.xlsx / Electric by Schedule 307,57t Page 8 of 10 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 1st quarter 2016 Avista Utilities Electric Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Idaho) Non-Residential by Schedule Electric Deferral Scenario (Calendar Year 2016) AW-E-15-05 FCA Base - Rates Effective 11112016 Revised Jan-16Line No. Revised Feb-.15 lst Qurrter 2016 Mar-15 Totel (a) Schedule 2122 I Total Actual Billed Customers 2 Total Actual Usage (kWhs) 3 Total Actual Base Rate Revenue 4 Total Actual Fixed Charge Revenue 5 6 Exislinp Customers 7 Actual Customers on System During Test Year 8 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer 9 FixedCostAdjustmentRevenue l0 l1 ActualBaseRateRevenue 12 ActualFixedChargeRevenue 13 Actual Usage (kWhs) 14 load Change Adjustment Rate ($/kWh) l5 Variable Power SupplyRevenue 16 Customer Fixed Cost Adjuslment Revenue l7 Non-Resideatial Revenue Per Customer Received I 8 Existing Customer ftefenal - Surcharge (Rebate) l9 20 2l New Customen 22 Actual Customers New Since Test Year 23 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer 24 FixedCostAdjustmentRevenue 25 26 ActualBaseRateRevenue 27 ActualFixedChargeRevenue 28 Actual Usage (kWhs) 29 Load Change Adjustment Rate ($/kWh) 30 VariablePowerSupplyRevenue 3l Fixed Production and Transmission Rate per kWh 32 Fixed Production and Transmission Revenue 33 Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue 34 Non-Residential Revenue Per Customer Received 35 New CustomerDefenal - Surcharge (Rebate) 36 (b) Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports (1) - Q2) Page 3 (7) x (8) (3) - (26) (4) - (27) (2) - (28) Page I (13) x (la) (l l) - (12) -(ls) (e) - (16) Revenue Reports Page 3 (22)xQ3) Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Page I (28) x (2e) Page I wtdavg (30) x (31) (26)-(27)-(30)-(32) (e) - (33) (c) 1,142 56,4 I 5,383 4,401,422 401,438 1,129 $2,469.06 2,787,566 4,361,015 397,908 s5,945,443 0.02281 1,276,16 2,686,99t $2,379.97 100.575 (d) 1,146 56,449,761 4,435,933 401,263 1,134 92,461.82 2,791,968 4,397,476 397,403 55,997,961 0.02281 1,277,3r3 2,722,759 $2,401.02 71,209 (e) r,132 51,678,493 4,054,375 397,355 1,120 $2t21.28 2,711,832 4,016,310 393,155 s1,231,273 0.02281 1,168,585 2,454,570 $2,191.58 2s7,262 t2 $ 1,180.50 t4,16 38,06s 4,2N 447,220 0.02281 10,201 0.02487 11,122 12,541 $1,045.09 t,62s $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ s $ $ $ l3 $1,203.79 15,649 40,407 3,530 469,940 0.02281 10,719 0.02487 11,687 14,471 $1, l 13. l3 t,179 12 $1,201.24 14,4t5 38,457 3,860 451,800 0.0228t 10,306 0.02487 11,236 13,056 $1,087.97 t,359 3,383 $2,451.48 8.293.365 7,864,320 s2,124.66 429,U6 37 s1,195.41 44,230 40,067 $1,082.90 4,163 $ $ $ s $ $ s $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Customer Deposit Rate A) 43 Cumulative Schedule 21122 Defenal @ebate/Surcharge E(37), (38), (40)l0l,2l4 $ 173,486 $ lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Q1 2015.xlsx / Electric by Schedule 431,138 Page 9 of 10 Avista Corporation Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism ldaho Jurisdiction Quarterly Report for 1st Quarter 2015 Avista Utilities Electric Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Idaho) Non-Residential by Schedule Electric Deferral Scenario (Calendar Year 2016) AVU-E-I5-05 FCA Base - Rates Effective 11112016 ITLUSTRATIVE ELECTRIC TTOIT.RESIDENTIAL BY RATE SCHEDUTE Revised Jan-16 Revised Feb-16 lst Quarter Mar-16 Total 2016 Line No.Source (a) Schedule 3l/32 I Total Actual Billed Customers 2 Total Actual Usage (kWhs) 3 Total Actual Base Rate Revenue 4 Total Actual Fixed Charge Revenue 56 Bblt@7 Actual Customers on System During Test Year 8 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer 9 Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue l0 I I Actual Base Rate Revenue l2 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue l3 Actual Usage (kWhs) 14 Load Change Adjustment Rate ($ikWh) l5 Variable Power Supply Revenue 16 Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue 17 Non-Residential Revenue Per Customer Received l8 Existing Customer Deferral - Surcharge (Rebate) l9 20 2l New Customers 22 Actual Customers New Since Test Year 23 Monthly Fixed Cost Adj. Revenue per Customer 24 FixedCostAdjustmentRevenue 25 26 Actual Base Rate Revenue 27 Actual Fixed Charge Revenue 28 Actual Usage (kWhs) 29 Load Change Adjustment Rate ($/kWh) 30 Variable Power Supply Revenue 3l Fixed Production and Transmission Rate per kWh 32 Fixed Production and Transmission Revenue 33 Customer Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue 14 Non-Residential Revenue Per Customer Received 35 New Customer Deferral - Surcharge (Rebate) 36 37 Total Schedule 3 I /32 Dafernl - Surcharge (Rebate) 38 Deferral - Revenue Related Expenses 39 40 InterestonDefenal 4l Monthly Schedule 3182 Deferrrl Totals 42 a\ Cumulative Schedule 3ll32 Defenal'- (Rebate)/Surcharge (b) Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports (t) - (22) Page 3 (7) x (8) (3) - (26) (4) - \27) (2) - (28) Page I (13) x (14) (lr)-(12)-(ls) (e) - (16) Revenue Reports Page 3 (22) x (23) Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Revenue Reports Page I (28) x (29) Page I wtd avg (30) x (31) (26)-(27)-(30)-(32) (e) - (33) (18) + (3s) Rev Conv Factor Customer Deposit Rate Avg Balance Calc :((37), (38), (40)) $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ s $ $ $ s s s $ $ $ $ s $ $ s s $ s s s $ $ (c) 1,409 3,565,01I 3 I 6,400 I I ,288 1,397 $172 70 24t,2ss 3 I 5,580 lt,t92 3,557,028 0.02281 8l,136 223,253 st59.8l I 8,003 (d) l,4l I 2,875,625 256,259 1,295 1,397 $ l s6.00 217,932 255,062 I l,l 84 2,863,5s9 0.02281 65,3 I 8 I 78,560 $t27.82 39,372 (e) 1,403 4,66t,071 416,743 tt,282 I,389 $ 160.40 222,800 415,641 I 1,t70 4.6s0,306 0.02281 106,073 298,397 s214.83 (7s,s98) 14 sl 16.89 1,636 1,102 fi2 10,76s 0.02281 246 0.0t764 190 555 $39.62 1,082 (74516) 431 l.00Yo l8 4,1 83 $r63 04 681,987 700,210 $167.39 (18.223) 40 $l18.4s 4.738 1,554 $38 85 3,1 84 (15,039) 105 59 $ S s $ s $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ t2 s r 2s.8s I ,510 820 96 7,983 0.0228 I 182 o.ot164 l4l 401 s33.45 1,109 19,l I I (1o4) l.00yo 8 l4 $l13.68 1,592 1,197 ln 12,066 0.02281 27s 0.0t764 213 598 $4273 993 40,36 (n7\ 1.00% t3 $ $ $ s $ $ $ 19,015 $ 19,0t5 $ 40,171 $ 59,1 86 $ (74061) $ ( l 4,87s) (14,E75) Total Cumulative Non-Residential Deferral iI calculated by Schedule Sch I l/12 line (43) +Sch 2ll22 line (43) +Sch 31132 line (43) S 266,13t $496,298 $44 723,834 lD Fixed Cost Adjustment Report Ql 2016.xlsx / Electric by Schedule Page 10 of 10