HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151113Andrews Direct in Support of Stipulation.pdf{:lf:/al: tl,r'11 ?fii5 td,tl/ t3 fiH 9: 39 DAVID J. MEYER vrcE ,RESTDENT AND cHrEE couNSEL FoR lIlAlJo irtiff! icuTii-tTlEs ccMhtt$stoREGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 L41,L EAST MISS]ON AVENUE SPoKANE, WASHTNGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHoNE: (509) 495-43L6 EACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVI D . MEYERGAVI STACORP . COM BEFORE trHE IDAHO PUBLIC T'EII.,IUES COM!{TSSION ]N THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. AVU-E-15-05 OF AVISTA CORPORAT]ON EOR THE ) CASE NO. AVU-G-15-01 AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND ) D]RECT TESTIMONY NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTR]C ) OF ELIZABETH M. ANDREWS AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS ]N THE ) IN SUPPORT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ST]PULAT]ON AND ) SETTLEMENT FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 I.IIITRODUCTION a. address. PJ.ease state your nane, euployer and business A. My name is Elizabeth M. Andrews and I am employed by Avista Corporation ("Company" or "Avista") as Manager of Revenue Requirements in the State and Federal Requlation Department, at 741,1 East Mj-ssion Avenue, Spokane, Washington. A. Have you previously provided direct testimony in this Case? A. Yes. My previous direct testimony in this proceeding covered accountinq and financial data in support of the Company's need for the proposed increase in rates. I explained pro formed operating resul-ts including expense and rate base adjustments made to actual operating results and rate base. A. What is the scope of this pre-fiJ.ed testimony? A. The purpose of my testimony is to explain why the Stipulation is in the public interestr Els welI as describe and support the electric and natural gas revenue requirement elements of the Stipulation and Settlement ("Stipulation"), filed on October 16, 20L5 between the Staff of the Idaho Public Utllities Commission ("Staff'), Cl-earwater Paper Corporatj-on ("Clearwater"), Idaho Eorest Andrews, Di I Avista Corporation 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 I 9 l0 l1 t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 Group, LLC ("Idaho Forest"), the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho ("CAPAI"), the Idaho Conservation Leaque ("Conservation League"), the Snake River AIIiance ("Snake River") and the Company, which, if approved by the Commission, would resolve al-I of the issues in the Company's filing. These entj-tles are collectively referred to as the "Partiesr " and represent all parties in the above-referenced cases. Company witness Mr. Ehrbar discusses the non-revenue rel-ated elements of the Stipulation agreed to by the Parties, such as Rate Spread and Rate Design, the Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA) Mechanism, as well as other Stipulation components related to the Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) authorized l-evel of expenses and customer service-related initiatives and programs. A. Are you sponsoring any exhibits? copy 16, A. Yes. I am sponsoring Exhibit No. 1, which is a of the Stipulation and Settlement filed on October 20L5, wi-th the Commission. A. Please e:<trrJ.ain how the Parties arrived at the StipuJ.ation in ttris proceeding. A. The Stipulation is the product of settlement discussions hel-d in the Commission offices on September Andrews, Di 2 Avista Corporation 1 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 18, 2Ot5.L It represents a compromise among differing points of view, with concessions made by all Parties, to reach a balancing of interests. As wiLl be explained in the Company's testimony, the Stipulation represents a fair, just and reasonable compromise of the issues and is 1n the public interest. In addition, the Stipulation is the end result of extensive audit work conducted through the discovery process2, including various on-site audit visits by Commission Staff, and hard bargaining by al-l Partj-es in this proceeding. As discussed in my testimony, the Stipulation between the Parties resolved al-L issues associated with the calculation of the Company's requested cost of capital,including capital structure and cost components, and resolved al-l revenue reguirement issues. As discussed by Mr. Ehrbar, the Stipulation also addresses agreement regarding rate spread and rate design and the proposed FCA Mechanism. 1 ICL was unable to attend the Settlement Conference; however, they did provide a "Position Statement" on September 17, 2015 provi-dingtheir views on issues related to the proposed Fixed Cost Adjustment mechanisms and rate design.2 For its part, Avista responded to over 176 production requests(including sub-parts) from IPUC Staff and other interveningparties. Andrews, Di 3 Avista Corporation I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 13 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t A. Iltry is the StipuJ.ation in ttre pubJ.ic interest? A. The Stipulation is in the "public interest" for several reasons. The Stipulation was the product of the give-and-take of negotiation that produced an "end result" that is just and reasonable. In addition, it is supported by the evidence, demonstrating the need for rate adjustments to provide recovery of necessary expenditures and investment, the costs of which are not offset by a growth in sal-es margins. The Settlement enjoys broad-based support from a variety of constituencies, including CAPAI, Clearwater, Idaho Forest, the Conservation League, and the Snake River Alliance, serving to address their specific needs, and the Staff of the Commissi-on, representing all customers. A. Would you briefJ,y sumrarize the Stipulation? A. Yes. Under the terms of the Stipulation, as discussed further by Mr. Ehrbar, Avista woul-d implement revised tarlff schedules deslgned to recover additional annual el-ectric and natural gas revenue effective January t, 201,6. These rate changes are designed to provide retail revenues necessary to allow the Company the Andrews, Di 4 Avista Corporation I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 14 15 l6 t7 18 t9 20 2t opportunity to earn the return agreed Stipulation for the 2016 rate period.3 3 There was no agreement byrelief originally requested by from filing for general rateof this proceeding. to in the the Parties regardlng the 2017 ratethe Company, nor is Avista precludedrel-ief for 201'7 after the conclusion Andrews, Di 5 Avista Corporation For electric operations, the Parties agree to an overafl base rate increase of 0.12 (0.7% on a biIled basis) or $1.7 million in el-ectric annua] base tarif f revenues. In addition, the Parties have agreed to the proposed extension of Schedule 97 extending the el-ectric rebate extension in fu1l ($2.8 million annually) for two years through December 2017. Therefore, a residential customer using an average of 929 kilowatt hours per month would see a $0.75r er 0.92, increase per month for a revised monthly bill of $85.74. (See Exhibit No. t, Paragraph 18, for the January 7, 2016 percentage change in rates by rate schedule. ) For natural 9ds, Avista would implement revised tariff schedules designed to recover $2.5 million in additional annual natural gas revenue, representing an overall 3.5% (4. BB on a billed basis) increase. fn addition, the Parties have agreed to the proposed extensj-on of Schedule L97, extending the natural gas rebate extension in part ($0.2 million of the current 1 1L 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1l t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 l7 l8 t9 20 2l 22 23 $1.2 million) through December 20L6.Therefore, residential- customer using an average of 6L therms per month would see a $3.19, or 5.4e", J-ncrease per month for a revised monthly bilI of $62.41". (See Exhibit No. L, Paragraph 19, for the ,January in rates by rate schedul-e. ) , 201,6 percentaqe change In determining these revenue increases, the Partj-es have agreed to varj-ous adjustments to the Company's original filing,which are summarized in the testimonyStipulation, and described be1ow. further in my 1 of of The Stipulation ca1ls for an overall rate 7.422, determined using a capital structure 508 common stock equity and 50E debtr dn of return consisting authorized 342. implement return on equity of 9.58 and cost of debt of 5. Lastly, the Parties agree that Avista wil-l- electric and natural gas Fixed Cost Adjustment mechanisms ("FCA"), which will commence concurrently with the natural gas and electric rate changes ,January L, 20L6. The key components of the el-ectric and natura1 gas FCA Mechanisms are described by Mr. Ehrbar in more detail, and are lllustrated in Appendlces B and C of the Andrews, Di 6Avista CorporatJ-on Stipulation attached as Exhibit No. l-. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 l1 t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 l7 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 II. HISTORY OF FILING 9. P1ease describe the Comtrrany's general rate case request, as fiJ.ed. A. On June !, 201,5, Avista filed an Application with the Commlssion for authority to increase revenue effective January t, 2016 for electric and natural- gas service in Idaho by 5.22 and 4.52, respectively. If approved, the Company's 201,6 revenues for electric base retail rates would have increased by $13.2 mil-1ion annua11y, and Company revenues for natural gas service woul-d have increased by $3.2 million annuaIIy. The Company also requested an increase to electric base reta j-l- revenue of $ 13 . 7 million (5 . 18 ) , and an increase in natural gas base retail revenue of $1.7 (2.2e") , effective January t, 2011. By Order No. 33324, dated June 15,201.5, the Commission suspended the proposed schedules of rates and charges for electrj-c and natural gas service. The Company proposed utilizing the results of its electric and natural- gas service studies, sponsored by Company witnesses Ms. Knox and Mr. Miller, respectively, as a guide to spread the overall requested electric and natural gas revenue increases by rate schedul-e on a basis which: 1) moved the rates for nearly all the schedules Andrews, Di 7 Avj-sta Corporatj-on 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1l t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 l7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 closer to the cost of providing service, and 2) resulted in a reasonabfe range in the (net) proposed percentage increase across the schedules. The spread of the proposed efectric and natural- gas increases generally resulted in the rates of return for the various service schedules moving approximately 252 closer to the overall- rate of return (unity) for electrlc, and approximately 338 cl-oser to the overall- rate of return for natural gas. The Company also requested electric or natural gas residential basic charge increases from $5.25 to $8.50 for electric, and from $4.25 to $8.00 for natural gas. A. I[hat are the primary factors driving the Coryany's need for electric and natural gas increases? A. The primary factor drj-ving the Company's proposed electric and natural gas revenue increases in 201,6 and 201,1r dS discussed in the Company' s dj-rect filing, is an increase in net plant investment. Specific capital investments over the period 2015-20L1 dj-scussed by other Company witnesses include, among other things, replacement of the Company's Customer Information System (Project Compass) described by Mr. Kensok, and upgrades to certain major generati-ng facilities, such as the Nine Mile Rehabil-itation project discussed by Mr. Kinney. In 2016, these increased costs for electric operations are Andrews, Di 8 Avj-sta Corporation I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 l5 l6 t7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 offset, in part, by a reduction in net power supply and transmission expenditures . However, for 2011 net power supply expenses contribute significantly to the proposed incremental revenue increase requested for 2017. Approximately 403 of the 201-1 proposed revenue increase is related to the expiration of a capacity sales agreement with Portland General Electrj-c on December 31, 20L6, increasing overall net power supply costs. III. RE\IENT'E REQUIREMENE EI,E['EN![S OF TIIE STIPI'IATION A. PJ.ease erqrJ.ain ttre derivation of ttre Electric and Natural Gas Revenue Requirements outlined in ttre StipuJ.ation. A. The Parties agreed that Avista would implement revlsed tariff schedules designed to recover additional- annual electric and natural gas revenue, effective January 1t 20L6. These increases are designed to provide sufficient retail revenues for the 20L6 rate period, which would provide the Company with the opportunity to earn the return agreed to in the Stipulation. While Avista's filing requested 201,6 and 2077 electric revenue requirement increases of $73.2 million and $13.7 mi11ion, respectively, effectj-ve January 1 of Andrews, Di 9 Avlsta Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 I6 t7 t8 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 each year, the Parties only agreed to a 2016 increase effective January L, 20L6. Agreed-upon adjustments, including the agreed-upon rate of return, result in a recommended electric revenue requirement j-ncrease of $1.7 million effective January 1, 2016. Similarly, while the Company requested 2016 and 201,7 natural gas revenue requirement increases of $3.2 mil1ion and $1.7 milIion, respectively, effective January L of each year, the Parties only agreed to a 2016 increase effective January L, 2416. Agreed-upon adjustments, including the agreed-upon rate of return, result in a recommended natural- gas revenue requirement increase of $2.5 mil-l-ion effective January 1, 20L6. No agreement was made by the Parties regarding the 2Ol7 electric and natural gas proposed increases by Avista, and Avista is not precluded from filing for 20L7 general rate relief after the conclusion of this proceeding. A. Please erqrlain ttre Parties' agreaent with regard to an Auttrorized Rate of Return, inclu.ling the Return on Equity. A. The Parties have agreed to an overal-l rate of return of 7.422, based on a return on equity of 9.52, an equity component at 504 and cost of debt of 5.348. By Andrews, Dl 10 Avista Corporation I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 comparison, the Company's orlginal filing requested an overall rate of return of 1.62%, a return on equity of 9.92, an equity component of 50? and cost of debt of 5.34%. A. Please provide an overview of the tevenue requireuent adjustnents agreed to by the Parties resulting in the overal.J. eJ.ectric and natural gas revenue requireoents. A. A number of the adjustments, agreed to by the Parties, resulted in removlng 20L6 increased costs for recovery to be determined in a future rate period, as well as reducing certaln expenditures to the agreed-upon levels by the Parties. The Parties agreed to revenue requirements that reflect the adjustments shown below in the excerpted tables from the Stipul-ation: Andrews, Di 11 Avista Corporation I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 15 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2l 22 23 Andrews, Di L2 trab].e 1: E].ectric Revenue Requirenent SUMMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO ELECTRIC REVENUE REQUIREMENT ETFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2016 (000s of Dollars) Revenue Requirrment Rate Base Amount rs Filed: Adjustments: Cost of Capital Revise 2015 Capital Additbns Remove 2016 Capital Additirm Revbe Defened Debits and Credits to Refhct 2015 Balances $ 13,230 $ 749,22s $ $ $ s .) Remove 2016Expenses i. Insurance Expense ii. Information Services & Technology iii. Non-ExecrfiveLabor iv. O&M Offsets Update 2015 Employee Beneft Costs Adlrst Injuries and Damages Expense Remove Officer Incentives and Restate Non-Officer Incentives Include Four-Year Amortizatbn of 2015 Project Compass Deferral Inchrde Four-Year Amortization oflake Spokane Deferral ) Incfude Palouse Wind in PCA Mbcellaneous A&G Adjusments: Director & Officer Insurance, Board of Director Erpenses, Reallocatbn of Legal Expenses, Removal of Environmental Cleanup Coss, and Removal of Mkcellaneous Agreed-To Expenses Adjusted Amounts Efrective January 1, 2016 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (2438) (3345',) $ (l6,r2s (s48) $ 1,78952 $ r3l (62) (s2l) (38s) 212 481 (8) (lo0) (66e) (lte) (3.500) $ (580) $ 1,700 $ 7 Tab].e 2: Natural Gas Revenue Requirement SUMMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO NATURAL GAS REVENUE REQUIREMENT EFFECTIVE JANUARY I, 2016 (000s of Dollrn) Revenue Requirement Rate Base Amountas Filed; $ 3,205 $ 127,498 Adjustments: a.) Cost of Capital $ (415) b.) Revbe 2015 Capital Additions $ 440 $ 3,758 .) Remove 2016 Capital Additions $ (76) $ 669 ) Revbe Deferred Debits and Credis to Refbct 2015 Balances $ (3) .) Remove 2016 Expenses i. Insuance Expense $ (16) ii. Information Services & Technology $ (132) iii. Non-Executive Labor $ (185) f,) Updat€ 2015 Employee Benefil Costs $ 129 Adjust Injurbs and Damages Expense $ (126) Remove Offrcer Incentives and Restate Non-Offrcer Incentives $ (25) Include Four-Year Amortizatbn of20l5 Project Compass Deferral $ (168) Miscellarrcous A&G Adjushents:Director & Offrcer Insuance, Board of Director Expenses, Reallocatbn ofLegal Expenses, and Removal of Miscellaneous Agreed-To Expenses $ (128) Adjusted Amounts Effective January l, 2016 $ 2,500 $ 131,925 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 l1 t2 l3 t4 15 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 As can be seen by a review of the individual- line descriptions provided within the summary tables excerpted from the Stipulation, the adjustments accepted for settlement purposes cover a broad range of revenue and cost categories, including the authorized rate of return. The individual adjustments shou1d not be viewed in isolation; rather, they should be viewed 1n total as part of the entire Stipulation, and are the resuLt of hard bargaining and compromise. A. Ilould you pJ.ease eJ.aborate on ttre individua1 J.ine iteus contained rittrin ttre excerpted tabJ.es? A. Yes. A description of these adjustments for electrj-c and natural 9ds, resulting in the revenue requirements effective January 1, 20L6 foIlows. Cost of Capital - (Table 1 and Table 2, line a. ) The overall revenue requlrement reduction of the change in cost of capital, reduces the overall revenue requirement for electric by $2.438 million and for natural gas by $415,000. Revise 2015 Capital Additions (Table l- and Table 2, Iine b. ) The 20L5 electric and natural gas capital additions were updated by Avista to reflect adjustments for updated informati-on, including, for example, the delay in completion of the Nine Mile Hydroelectric Andrews, Di t-3Avista Corporation 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 13 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 2I 22 Capital Project from 201,5 to 2016 and the impact on depreciation expense, as well as accumulated depreciation (A/D) and accumulated deferred federal income taxes (ADFIT) . For electric, this adjustment to update capital investment reduces the overal-1 revenue requirement by $3.345 million and reduces rate base by $76.L25 mi11ion. For natural 9ds, this adjustment increases the overalf revenue requirement by $440,000 and increases rate base by $3.758 mill-ion. Remove 201-6 Capital- additions (TabLe 1 and Table 2t line c. ) The 2016 electric and natural gas capital additions adjustmentsr ds proposed by the Company 1n its original filings, were removed, delaying recovery by Avista of the associated revenue requirement until future rate case proceedings. Total depreciation expenses and rate base, net of accumufated deprecj-ation and accumulated deferred j-ncome tax, reflect balances as of year-end December 31, 20L5.For electric, this adjustment reduces the overall revenue requirement by $5481000 and increases rate base by $1.789 million. For natural gasr this adjustment decreases the overall Andrews, Di 1,4Avista Corporation I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 15 l6 t7 18 19 20 2t revenue requirement by $75,000 and increases rate base by $669, 000.4 Revise Deferred Debits and Credits to reflect 201-5 Bafances (Tabl-e 1 and Tabl-e 2, Iine d. ) Deferred debits and credj-ts regulatory adjusted to reflect balances and amortizations were 2015 amortj-zation expense and regulatory balances as of December 31, 2015, rather than the 201-6 expense and regulatory balances as proposed by the Company. For electric, this adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $52r000 and increases rate base by $131,000. Eor natural 9ds, this adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $3,000. Remove 2016 Expenses (Table 1 and Table 2, line e.) The following adjustments remove 20L6 expenses pro formed in the Company's original filing, delaying recovery of those expenditures until future rate case proceedings: Insurance Expense - (Tab1e 1 and Table 2, l1ne e., i.) 2016 incremental- insurance expenses related to general liability, directors and officers (*D&O") Iiability, and property insurance were a Removing the j-mpact of 20L6 capital additions, as well as removing the impact on accumulated depreciation and accumulated deferred federal- income taxes on total net plant during 2016, has the result of increasing overall net rate base, but reducing overall revenue requirement, due primarily to reduced depreciation expense. Andrews, Di 15Avista Corporation I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 13 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 removed. This adjustment reduced the electric revenue requirement by $62r 000 and reduced the natural gas revenue requirement by $16,000. Information Servj-ces & Technology (Tabl-e 1 and Tabl-e 2, Iine e. , ii. ) 20L6 incremental information service and technology expenses, related to the Company's replacement of the Company's Customer Service Information System, and increased costs to support various business processes, application support, additional security requirements, annual contractual agreements and malntenance and license fees were removed. This adjustment reduced the el-ectric revenue requj-rement by $521r 000 and reduced the natural gas revenue requirement by $132, 000. Non-Executive Labor (Table 1 and Table 2, l-ine e. , iii. ) 2016 incremental non-executive labor increases rel-ated to increases approved by the Board of Directors for 201,6 for its non-union, non- executive employees, as well as the 2Ol6 union contract increases for union employees was removed. This adjustment reduced the electric revenue requirement by $385,000 and reduced the natural gas revenue requirement by $185,000. Andrews, Di 16 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 t3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t O&M Offsets (Table l, Iine e., iv. ) In the Company's direct filing, 2016 capital additions were reviewed for any net O&M offsets, both j-ncreases in expenses and savings that are expected in the 2016 rate period. Specific expenses and savings for 2076 identi-fied and included in the Company's direct fiJ-ing were removed, consistent wi-th the removal of 20L6 capital additions noted above.This adjustment increased the electric revenue requirement by $21,2,000. Update 2015 Employee Benefit Costs (Tab1e l- and Table 2, line f. ) Employee benefit costs include costs assocj-ated with pension and medical- insurance and post- retirement expenses included in the Company's direct filing. Pension expense was determined in accordance with Accounting Standard Codification 715 (ASC-715) by an independent actuarial firm, Towers Watson, which is reviewed by the Company's outside accounting firm annually for reasonableness and comparability to other companJ-es. s Medical j-nsurance and post-retirement expense includes costs associated with the employee and s In October 2013, the Company revised its defined benefit pension plan such that, as of January 1t 201-4t the plan is no longer offered to its non-union employees hired or rehired by Avista on or after January 1, 2014. A defined contrlbution 401(k) plan replaced the deflned benefit pension plan for all non-union employees hired or rehired on or after ,January 1, 201-4. Andrews, Di l1 Avista Corporation 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 t8 t9 retiree medical- plans and the EAS 106 expense, which records the costs associated with post retirement medical.6 This adjustment reflects updated information, and reflects employee benefits at a 201,5 expense 1evel. This adjustment increased the electric revenue requirement by $481,000 and increased the natural gas revenue requirement by $129,000. Adjust fnjuries and Damaqes Expense - (Table 1 and Table 2, line g.) Injuries and damages expense is a restating adjustment that replaces the accrual recorded in the test period with the six-year rolling average of actual injuries and damages payments not covered by insurance. This adjustment revises the six-year rolling average as proposed by Staff. This adjustment reduced the electric revenue requirement by $8r 000 and reduced the natural gas revenue requirement by $L26,000. Remove Officer Incentives and Restate Non-Officer Incentives (Table l- and Table 2 , l-ine h. )This adjustment removes the officer portion of the employee 6 In October 2013 the Company revised its health care benefit plan for non-union employees hired or rehired on or after January L, 2074. Upon retj-rement the Company will no longer provide a contribution towards his or her medical premiums. The Company will provide access to the retiree medical p1an, but the non-union employees hired or rehired on or after January L,201,4, will- pay the fuII cost of premiums upon retirement. In addition, beginning January 1-, 2020, the method for cafculating health insurance premiums for non-union retirees under age 65 and active Company employees will be revi-sed. The revlsion wiII resuft in separate health insurance premiums for each group. Andrews, Di 18 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 17 l8 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 incentive expense included in the Company's original filing. This adjustment also adjusts the Company's proposed non-officer six-year average incentj-ve payout percentage of L02Z to 1003, as proposed by Staff. This adjustment reduced the electric revenue requirement by $100,000 and reduced the natural gas revenue requj-rement by $25, 000. Include Four-Year Amortization of 2015 Project Compass Deferral- - (Table 1 and Tabl-e 2, Iine i.) fn Case Nos. AVU-E-14-05 and AVU-G-14-01, the Commission approved an all-party settlement, in which the Parties agreed that eighty-percent (BOt) of the revenue requirement associated with Project Compass duri-ng 201,5, beginning the month the Project qoes into service, would be deferred, without a carrying charge, for recovery in a future proceeding. The B0? figure was arrived at through negotiation for calendar year 20L5 only. The deferral was due, in part, to the uncertainty of the timing of the in-service date for the project. This project was moved into service on February 2, 2015. In the Company's direct filed case the Company proposed a two-year amortization of the deferred electric and natural gas revenue requirement amounts associated with Project Compass for calendar year 201,5.This T9Andrews, DiAvista CorporatJ-on I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 18 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 adjustment revises the Compass Deferral over adjustment reduced the $669,000 and reduced the by $168,000. amortization of the Project a four-year period. This electric revenue requirement by natural- gas revenue requirement Include Four-Year Amortization of Lake Spokane Deferral (Table 1", Iine j. ) In Case No. AVU-E-13-05 (see Order No. 329L7), the Company sought, and received approval of an Accounting Order to defer the costs related to the improvement of dissolved oxygen Ievels in Lake Spokane. Order No. 329L7 authorized the Company to defer and transfer Idaho's share of these cosLs (approximately $473,000) to FERC account L82.3 (Other Regulatory Assets) for later recovery, with no carrying charge. fn the Company's direct filed case the Company proposed a two-year amortizatlon of the Lake Spokane Deferral-. This adjustment revises the amortization of the Lake Spokane Deferral over a four-year period. This adjustment reduced the electrlc revenue requirement by $119,000. Include Palouse Wind in Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA") Mechanism (Tabl-e 7, l-ine k. ) The Parties agree that, for purposes of this case, the recovery of costs Andrews, Di 20Avista Corporation 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 related to the Palouse Vflind Power Purchase Agreement (*PPA") wil-I continue to be included in the PCA, subject to the current sharing (908 customer, l0% Company). This adjustment removes the Palouse Wind PPA expenses from the pro forma power supply adjustment included in the Company's original fiJ-ing. This adjustment reduced the electrj-c revenue requirement by $3.5 million. Miscellaneous Adjustments (Table L, line l- and Table 2, line j. ) The Company adopted, for settlement purposes, Staff's proposal to adjust or remove various administrat j-ve and general (A&G) expenses including: 1) removing an additional 40* of Idaho electric Director and Of f icer j-nsurance expense ($114, 000 electrj-c / $29, 000 naturaf gas); 2) removing 1ega1 expenses allocated to Idaho in error ($5,000 electric / $trOOO natural 9as); 3) removj-ng two-thirds of environmental cleanup expenses incurred in 20L4 ($322,000 electric) ; 4) removing miscellaneous expenses as agreed to ($65r000 electric / $79r 000 natural 9as) ; and removing additional Board of Director expenses included in 201,4 ($74,000 efectric / $19,000)This adjustment reduced the electric revenue requirement by $580r 000 and reduced the natural gas revenue requirement by $128,000. Andrews, Di 27Avista Corporation I 2 aJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l t2 l3 l4 l5 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 A. P1ease sumarize ttre iupact of theee adjustnents on the electric and natural. gas lc:venue requirenents agrreed to by the Parties. A. The adjustments discussed above, and agreed to by the Parties, reduce Avista's electric revenue requirement request of $13.23 million to $1.7 million, and its natural gas revenue requirement request of $3.205 mlllion to $2.5 mil-llon, resultlng in a 0.'7% el-ectric and 3. 5? natura.I gas base rate increase. Net rate base f or electric and natural gas is $735.02 million and $131.925 mi11ion, respectively, effective January 1, 2076. IV. CONCI,USION O. In conclusion, rhy is this StipuJ.ation in the pubJ.ic interest? A. This Stj-pulation strikes a reasonable balance between the interests of the Company and its customers, incJ-uding its low-income customers. As such, it represents a reasonabl-e compromise among differing interests and points of view. The terms of the Stipulation represent base rate increases designed to provide necessary retail- revenues. The Parties have agreed that the Company has demonstrated the need for revenue requirement increases Andrews, Di 22Avista Corporation I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 lt t2 f or both its electri-c providing recovery of period. and natural gas operations, thus its costs over the 2016 rate In the fj-naI analysis, however, any settlement reflects a compromise in the give-and-take of negotiations.The Commission has before it a Stipulation that is supported by sound analysis and supporting evidence, the approval of which is in the public interest. A. Does this conclude testimony? A. Yes, it does. youa pre-fiJ.ed .li rect Andrews, Di 23Avista Corporation