HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151019Motion for Approval of Stipulation and Settlement.pdflIcE1\,'i:[] David J. Meyer, Esq Vice President and chief counsel of ?015 OCT I 9 Al{ ll: 20 Regulatory and Governmental Affairs lLjAHa! puLll !,J, . Avista Corporation U-iiliTl::;l C0Lihiirlslcl,l l4l I E. Mission Avenue P.O.Box3727 Spokane, Washington 99220 Phone: (509) 495-4316, Fax: (509) 495-8851 Karl Klein Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff P.O. Box 83720 Boise,lD 83720-0074 Phone: (208) 334-0312,Fax: (208) 334-3762 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) oF AVTSTA CORPORATTON DBA ) CASE NOS. AVU-E-15-05 AVISTA UTILITIES FOR AUTHORITY TO ) AVU-G-15-01 TNCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES ) FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS ) MOTION FOR APPROVAL OF SERVICE IN IDAHO ) STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT COMES NOW, Avista Corporation ("Avista" or ooCompany") and the Commission Staff, and hereby move the Commission for an Order accepting the Settlement Stipulation filed herewith. RP 56; 272;274. This Motion is based on the following: l. On June 1,2015, Avista filed an Application with the Commission for authority to increase revenue effective January I 2016 from electric and natural gas service in Idaho by 5.2%o and 4.5yo, respectively. If approved, the Company's 2016 revenues for electric base retail rates would have increased by $13.2 million annually; Company revenues for natural gas service would have increased by $3.2 million annually. Further, the Company requested an Motion for Approval of Stipulation - AVU-E- I 5-05 & AVU-G- I 5-0 I Page I increase to electric base retail revenue of $13.7 million (5.1%) and an increase in natural gas base retail revenue of $1.7 (2.2%) be effective January 1,2017. By OrderNo.33324, dated June 15, 2015, the Commission suspended the proposed schedules of rates and charges for electric and natural gas service. 2. Petitions to intervene in this proceeding were filed by Clearwater, Idaho Forest, CAPAI, ICL, and Snake River. By various orders, the Commission granted these interventions. See, IPUC OrderNos. 33331 and 33338. 3. Settlement conferences were noticed and held in the Commission offices on September 18,2015, and were attended by signatories to this Stipulation;r further discussions ensued. 4. Based on settlement discussions, the Parties whose signatures appear on the Stipulation have agreed to resolve and settle all of the issues in the case (hereinafter "Parties"). A copy of the signed Stipulation evidencing that settlement is enclosed as Attachment l. 5. The Parties recommend that the Commission grant this Motion and approve the Stipulation in its entirety, without material change or condition, pursuant to RP 274. 6. In light of the proposed settlement, the Parties ask that the Commission vacate the current case schedule. The Parties respectfully request that the Commission consider the Motion, the Stipulation, and the pre-filed testimony in support of the Stipulation at the time of the technical evidentiary hearings scheduled in this docket for November 23 and 24,2015. A customer hearing could occur at a date and time to be set by the Commission. The Parties request an Order allowing for the implementation of new rates, as per the Stipulation, on ' ICL was unable to attend the Settlement Conference; however, they did provide a "Position Statement" on September 17, 2015 providing their views, prior to the conference, on issues related to the proposed Fixed Cost Adjustment mechanisms and rate design. Motion for Approval of Stipulation - AVU-E-15-05 & AVU-G-15-01 Page2 January l, 2016. The testimony in support of the Stipulation will be filed on or before November 13,2015. 7. As noted in the Stipulation, the Parties agree that the Stipulation is in the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions are fair, just and reasonable. NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties respectfully request that the Commission issue orders in Case Nos. AVU-E-I5-05 and AVU-G-15-01: l. Granting this Motion and accepting the Stipulation (Attachment l), in its entirety, without material change or condition; and 2. Authorizing the Company to implement revised tariff schedules designed to recover the additional annual electric and natural gas revenue from Idaho customers consistent with the terms of the Stipulation; and 3. Authorizing that revised tariff schedules be made effective January l, 2016 consistent with the terms of the Stipulation. 9t/ Respectfully submitted tn sl ! ai,of October, 2015. Attorney for Avista Corporation Karl Klein Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff Motion for Approval of Stipulation - AVU-E-15-05 & AVU-G-15-01 Page 3 January 1,2016. The testimony in zupport of the Stipulation will be frled on or before November 13,2015. 7. As noted in the Stipulation, the Parties agre that the Stipulation is in the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions ate fair, just and reasonable, NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties respectfully rcquest that the Commission issue orders in CaseNos. AVU-E-15-05 and AVU-G-15-01: l. Granting this Motion and accepting the Stipulation (Attachment l), in its entirety, without material change or condition; and 2. Authorizing the Company to implement revised tariff schedules designed to l'ecover the additional annual electric and natural gas revenue from Idaho customers consi'stent with the terms of the Stipulation; and 3. Authorizing that revised tariff schedules be made effective January l, 2016 consistent with the ternrs of the Stipulation. Respectfully submitted this ldday of October, 2015. David J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation ,f"/ L/-'r,-tKarl Klbin \ Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorneys Geneml Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff Motion for Apploval of Stipulation - AVU-E-I5-05 & AVU-G-15-01 Page 3 MOTION FOR APPROVAL OF STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT CASE NOS. AVU.E.15.O5 & AVU-G-15.0I ATTACHMENT 1 David J. Meyer, Esq. Vice President and Chief Counsel of Regulatory and Governmental Affairs Avista Corporation 14l I E. Mission Avenue P.O.Box3727 Spokane, Washington 99220 Phone: (509) 495-4316, Fax: (509) 495-8851 Karl Klein Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 Phone: (208) 334-0312,Fax: (208) 334-3762 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) oF AVTSTA CORPORATTON DBA AVTSTA ) CASE NOS. UTILITIES FOR AUTHORITY TO ) TNCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES ) FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS ) SERVICE TN IDAHO ) STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT This Stipulation is entered into by and among Avista Corporation, doing business as Avista Utilities ("Avista" or "Company"), the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff), Clearwater Paper Corporation ("Clearwater"), Idaho Forest Group, LLC ("Idaho Forest"), the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho ("CAPAI"), the Idaho Conservation League ("ICL"), and the Snake River Alliance ("Snake River"). These entities are collectively referred to as the "Parties," and represent all ofthe parties in the above-referenced cases. The Parties understand this Stipulation is subject to approval by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC" or the "Commission"). AVU-E-15-05 AVU-G-15-01 STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-I5-05 & AVU.G-I5-01 Page I I. INTRODUCTION 1. The terms and conditions of this Stipulation are set forth herein. The Parties agree that this Stipulation represents a fair, just and reasonable compromise of all the issues raised in the proceeding, is in the public interest and its acceptance by the Commission represents a reasonable resolution of the multiple issues identified in these cases. The Parties, therefore, recommend that the Commission, in accordance with RP 274, approve the Stipulation and all of its terms and conditions without material change or condition. II. BACKGROUND 2. On June 1,2015, Avista filed an Application with the Commission for authority to increase revenue effective January 1,2016 for electric and natural gas service in Idaho by 5.2%o and 4.5%o, respectively. If approved, the Company's 2016 revenues for electric base retail rates would have increased by $13.2 million annually, and Company revenues for natural gas service would have increased by $3.2 million annually. The Company also requested an increase to electric base retail revenue of $13.7 million (s.lyo), and an increase in natural gas base retail revenue of $1.7 (2.2yo), effective January 1,2017. By OrderNo.33324, dated June 15,2015, the Commission suspended the proposed schedules of rates and charges for electric and natural gas service. 3. Petitions to intervene in this proceeding were filed by Clearwater, Idaho Forest, CAPAI, ICL, and Snake River. The Commission granted these interventions through IPUC OrderNos. 33331 and 33338. STIPULATTON AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E- I 5-05 & AVU-G. I 5-O I Page2 4. A settlement conference was noticed and held in the Commission offices on September 18, 2015, and was attended by signatories to this Stipulation.l Based upon the discussions among the Parties, as a compromise of positions in this case, and for other consideration as set forth below, the Parties agree to the following terms: III. TERMS OF THE STIPULATION AI\D SETTLEMENT 5. Overview of Settlement and Revenue Requirement. The Parties agree that Avista should be allowed to implement revised tariff schedules designed to recover $1.7 million in additional annual electric revenue, and $2.5 million in additional annual natural gas revenue, which represent a 0.69%o and 3.49Yo increase in electric and natural gas annual base tariff revenues, respectively. New electric and natural gas rates would become effective January l, 2016. 6. Cost of Capital. The Settling Parties agree to a 9.5 percent return on equity, with a 50.0 percent common equity ratio. The capital structure and resulting rate of return is as set forth below: Conrnonent Capital Strucfuie Cost Weishted Cost Debt 50% 5.34% 2.67% Conrnon Equity 50% 9.50% 4.7 5% Total 100% 7.42o/o I ICL was unable to attend the Settlement Conference; however, they did provide a "Position Statement" on September 17,2015 providing their views on issues related to the proposed Fixed Cost Adjustment mechanisms and rate design. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E.I5.05 & AVU-G.I5-OI Page 3 A. ELECTRIC 7. Overview of Electric Revenue Requirement. Below is descriptions of the electric revenue requirement components agreed to by 1,2016: a summary table and the Parties for January SUMMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO ELECTRIC REYENUE REQUIREMENT EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2016 (000s ofDollan) Revenue Requirrment Rate Base Amount as Filed: Adjustme nts: Cost of Capital Revise 201 5 Capital Additions Remove 2016 Capital Additbns Revise Deferred Debits and Credits to Reflect 2015 Balances Remove 2016 Expenses i. Insurance Expense ii. Information Services & Technolory iii. Non-ExecutiveLabor iv. O&M Offsets Update 2015 Emphyee Benefit Costs Adjust Injuries and Damages Expense Remove Officer Incentives and Restate Non-Officer Incentives Inch.rde Four-Year Amortizatbn of 2015 Propct Compass Deferral Include Four-Year Amortizatbn of Lake Spokane Defenal Include Palouse Wind in PCA Miscellaneous A&G Adjustnents: Director & Officer Insurance, Board of Director Expenses, Reallocation of Legal Expenses, Removal of Environmental Cleanup Costs, and Rernoval of Miscellaneous Agreed-To Expenses Adjusted Amounts Efrective January 1,2016 $ 13,230 $ 749,225 $ $ $ $ (2,438) (3,345) $ (r (548) $ 1,78e 52 $ l3l (62) (521) (385) 212 481 (8) (100) (66e) (l le) (3,500) .) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (580) _$ r.700 $ 7s rr, vv Cost of Capital. As previously described (see Paragraph 6 above). This adjustment reduces the overall revenue requirement by $2.438 million. Revise 2015 Capital Additions. Reflects adjustments to updated information related to 2015 capital additions, including the delay in completion of the Nine Mile Hydroelectric Capital Project from 2015 to 2016 and the impact on depreciation expense, as well as accumulated depreciation (A/D) and accumulated deferred federal b. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-I5.05 & AVU-G.I5.OI Page 4 income taxes (ADFIT). This adjustment reduces the overall revenue requirement by $3.345 million and reduces rate base by $16.125 million. Remove 2016 Capital Additions. Reflects the removal of proposed 2016 capital additions) and related depreciation expense, as well as the impact on A/D and ADFIT. This adjustment reduces the overall revenue requirement by $548,000 and increases rate base by $1.789 million2. Revise Deferred Debits and Credits. Revises the deferred debits and credits regulatory balances to reflect balances as of December 2015, rather than the 2016 balances as proposed by the Company. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $52,000 and increases rate base by $131,000. Remove 2016 Expenses. These adjustments remove 2016 incremental expenses or offsets as proposed by the Company, including: i. Insurance Expense - This adjustment reduces the overall revenue requirement by $62,000, by removing20l6 incremental expenses. ii. Information Services & Technoloey - This adjustment reduces the overall revenue requirement by $521,000, by removing 2016 incremental expenses. Non-Executive Labor - This adjustment reduces the overall revenue requirement by $385,000, by removing 2016 incremental expenses. O&M Offsets - This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $212,000, by removing 2016 offsets related to 2016 capital additions removed in sub-paragraph c. above. 2 Removing the impact of 2016 capital additions, as well as removing the impact on accumulated depreciation and accumulated deferred federal income taxes on total net plant during 20 I 6, has the result of increasing overall net rate base. STTPULATTON AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E-I 5-05 & AVU-G-I 5-OI c. d. I lt. lv. Page 5 Update 2015 Employee Benefit Costs. Reflects updated information related to 2015 incremental pension and medical costs. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $48 1,000. Adjust Injuries and Damages Expense. Revises the six-year average of injuries and damages. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $8,000. Remove Officer Incentives and Restate Non-Officer Incentives. Reflects the removal of officer incentives and adjusts the non-officer incentive six-year average from a 102%to a l00Yo payout. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $100,000. Include Four-Year Amortization of 2015 Project Complrss Deferral. Revises the two- year amortization of the 2015 Project Compass Deferral, as proposed by the Company, to a four-year amortization. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $669,000. Include Four-Year Amortization of Lake Spokane Deferral. Revises the two-year amortization of the Lake Spokane Deferral, as proposed by the Company, to a four- year amortization. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $119,000. Include Palouse Wind in PCA. Reflects the removal of the Palouse Wind Power Purchase Agreement net expenses from base power supply expense. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $3.5 million. See Paragraph 8 below for further information related to Palouse Wind. l. Miscellaneous A&G Adjustments. Reflects the removal of net administrative and general (A&G) expenses related to: l) removing an additional 40Yo of Idaho electric Director and Officer insurance expense ($114,000); 2) removing legal expenses h. J. k. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-15-05 & AVU-G-I5-OI Page 6 allocated to Idaho electric in error ($5,000); 3) removing 213 of environmental cleanup expenses incurred in 2014 ($322,000); 4) removing miscellaneous expenses as agreed to ($65,000); and removing additional Board of Director expenses included in 2014 ($74,000). This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $580,000. 8. Palouse Wind. The Parties agree that, for purposes of this case, the recovery of costs related to the Palouse Wind Power Purchase Agreement ("PPA") will continue to be included in the PCA, subject to the current sharing (90% customer, l0olo Company). B. NATURAL GAS 9. Overview of Natural Gas Revenue Requirement. Below is a summary table and descriptions of the Natural Gas revenue requirement components agreed to by the Parties: SUMMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO NATURAL GAS REVENUE REQUIREMENT EFFECTIVE JANUARY I, 2016 (000s ofDollan) Revenue Requirement Rate Base Amount as Filed: $ 3,205 S 127,498 Adjustments: a.) Cost of Capital $ (415) b.) Revise 2015 Capital Additbns $ 440 $ 3,758 c.) Remove 2016 Capital Additims $ (76) $ 669 d.) Revise Deferred Debis and Credits to Relbct 2015 Balances $ (3) e.) Remove 2016 Expenses i. Inswance Expense $ (16) ii. lnformatbn Services & Technobry $ (132) iii. Non-Execr.rtive Labor $ (185) f) Update 2015 Employee Beneft Costs $ 129 C.) Adjust Injurbs and Damages Expense $ (126) h.) Remove Offrcer Incentives and Restate Non-Offrcer Incentives $ (25) i.) Inchrde Fow-Year Amortizatirn of 2015 Project Cornpass Deferral $ (168) Miscellaneous A&C Adjusrnents: Diector & Offrcer Insurance, Board of Director Expenses, Reallocation ofLegal Expenses, and Removal of Miscellaneous Agreed-To Expenses $ (128) Adjusted Amounts Eftctive January 1,2016 $ 2,500 $ 13f STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-I5-05 & AVU-G-I5-OI Page 7 d. Cost of Capital. As previously described (see Paragraph 6 above). This adjustment reduces the overall revenue requirement by $415,000. Revise 2015 Capital Additions. Reflects adjustments to updated information related to 2015 capital additions and the impact on depreciation expense, as well as A,/D and ADFIT. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $440,000 and increases rate base by $3.758 million. Remove 2016 Capital Additions. Reflects the removal of proposed 2016 capital additions and related depreciation expense, as well as the impact on A/D and ADFIT. This adjustment reduces the overall revenue requirement by $76,000 and increases rate base by $669,0003. Revise Deferred Debits and Credits. Revises the deferred debits and credits regulatory amortization expense to reflect 2015 expenses, rather than 2016 expense levels as proposed by the Company. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $3,000. Remove 2016 Expenses. These adjustments remove 2016 incremental expenses as proposed by the Company, including: i. Insurance Expense - This adjustment reduces the overall revenue requirement by $16,000, by removing2016 incremental expenses. ii. Information Services & Technology - This adjustment reduces the overall revenue requirement by $132,000, by removing 2016 incremental expenses. Non-Executive Labor - This adjustment reduces the overall revenue requirement by $185,000, by removing 2016 incremental expenses. 'id STIPULATTON AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E.15-05 & AVU-G-Is-OI Page 8 Update 2015 Employee Benefit Costs. Reflects updated information related to 2015 incremental pension and medical costs. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $129,000. Adjust Injuries and Damages Expense. Revises the six-year average of injuries and damages. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $ 126,000. Remove Officer Incentives and Restate Non-Officer Incentives. Reflects the removal of officer incentives and adjusts the non-officer incentive six-year average from a 102%to a 100%o payout. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $25,000. Include Four-Year Amortization of 2015 Project Compass Deferral. Revises the two- year amortization of the 2015 Project Compass Deferral, as proposed by the Company, to a four-year amortization. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $l 68,000. Miscellaneous A&G Adjustments. Reflects the removal of net administrative and general (A&G) expenses related to: 1) removing an additional 40Yo of Idaho Director and Ofhcer insurance expense ($29,000); 2) removing legal expenses allocated to Idaho natural gas in error ($1,000); 3) removing miscellaneous expenses as agreed to ($79,000); and removing additional Board of Director expenses included in 2014 ($19,000). This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $128,000. C. OTHERSETTLEMENTCOMPONENTS PCA Authorized Level of Expense. The new level of power supply revenues, January 1,2016expenses, retail load and Load Change Adjustment Rate resulting from the (}E' h. J. 12. STIPULATTON AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-15-05 & AVU-G-I5-OI Page 9 settlement revenue requirement for purposes of the monthly PCA mechanism calculations are detailed in Appendix A. 13. Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism. The Parties agree that Avista will implement electric and natural gas Fixed Cost Adjustment mechanisms ("FCA"). The electric and natural gas FCAs are illustrated in Appendices B and C and will commence concurrently with the natural gas and electric rate changes January l, 2016. Below are the key components of the mechanisms: A. FCA Mechanisms Term. The Parties agree to an initial FCA term of 3 years, with a review of how the mechanisms have functioned conducted by Avista, Staff, and other interested parties following the end of the second full-year. Avista may seek to extend the term of the mechanism prior to its expiration. B. Rate Groups. There will be two rate groups established for both the electric FCA and natural gas FCA: Electric Customer Rate Groups: l. Residential - Schedule I 2. Commercial - Schedules I l, 12,21,22,31,32 Natural Gas Rate Groups: l. Residential - Schedule l0l 2. Commercial - Schedules I I I and ll2 C. Existing Customers and New Customers. The Parties have agreed that revenue related to certain items discussed below would not be included in the FCA for new customers. The result is that the Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue-Per-Customer for new customers will be less than the Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue-Per-Customer for existing customers. For new electric customers added after the test period, recovery of STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-I5-05 & AVU.G-l5-OI Page l0 incremental revenue related to fixed production and transmission costs would be excluded from the electric FCA. For new natural gas customers added after the test period, recovery of incremental revenue related to fixed production and underground storage facility costs would be excluded. These modifications are included in Appendices B and C to the Stipulation. D. Ouarterly Reportine. Avista will file, within 45 days of the end of each quarter, a report detailing the FCA activity by month. The reporting will also include information related to the deferrals by rate group, what the deferrals would have been if tracked by rate schedule, use and revenue-per-customer for existing and new customers, and other summary financial information. Avista will provide such other information as may be reasonably requested, from time to time, in the future quarterly reports. E. Annual Filings. On or before July 1, the Company will file a proposed rate adjustment surcharge or rebate based on the amount of deferred revenue recorded for the prior January through December time period. The rate adjustment would be calculated separately for each Rate Group, with the applicable surcharge or rebate recovered from each group on a uniform cents per kWh or per therm basis. The proposed tariff (Schedule 75 for electric, Schedule 175 for natural gas) included with that filing would include a rate adjustment that recovers/rebates the appropriate deferred revenue amount over a twelve-month period effective on October I for electric (to match with Power Cost Adjustment and Residential Exchange annual rate adjustments time period) and November I't for natural gas (to match with the annual Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment rate adjustment time period). The deferred revenue amount approved for recovery or rebate would be transferred to a balancing account and the revenue surcharged or rebated during the period would reduce the deferred revenue in the balancing account. After STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-I5-05 & AVU-G-Is.OI Page ll determining the amount of deferred revenue that can be recovered through a surcharge (or refunded through a rebate) by Rate Group, the proposed rates under Schedules 75 and 175 would be determined by dividing the deferred revenue to be recovered by Rate Group by the estimated kWh sales (Electric FCA) or therm sales (Natural Gas FCA) for each Rate Group during the twelve-month recovery period. Any deferred revenue remaining in the balancing account at the end of the amortization period would be added to the new revenue deferrals to determine the amount of the proposed surcharge/rebate for the following year. F. Interest. lnterest will be accrued on the unamortized balance in the FCA balancing accounts at the Customer Deposit Rate.a G. Accounting. Avista will record the deferral in account 186 - Miscellaneous Deferred Debits. The amount approved for recovery or rebate would then be transferred into a Regulatory Asset or Regulatory Liability account for amortization. On the income statement, the Company would record both the deferred revenue and the amortization of the deferred revenue through Account 456 (Other Electric Revenue), or Account 495 (Other Gas Revenue), in separate sub-accounts. The Company would file quarterly reports with the Commission showing pertinent information regarding the status of the current deferral. This report would include a spreadsheet showing the monthly revenue deferral calculation for each month of the deferral period (January - December), as well as the current and historical monthly balance in the deferral account. o Based on Order No. 33187 in Case No. GNR-U-14-12,the deposit rate for 2015 is 1.0%. annually. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-I5-05 & AVU-G.Is-OI The rate is updated Page 12 H. 3%o Rate Increase Cap. An FCA surcharge, by rate group, cannot exceed a3%o annual rate adjustment, and any unrecovered balances will be carried forward to future years for recovery. There is no limit to the level of the FCA rebate. D. COST OF SERVICE/RATE SPREAD/RATE DESIGN 14. Cost of Service. For electric operations, the Company prepared an analysis using a system load factor peak credit method of classiffing production costs, allocating 100% of transmission costs to demand, and allocating transmission costs on a twelve-month basis. For settlement purposes, the Parties agreed to use a pro-rata allocation based on the Company's proposed 25%o move towards unity for purposes of spreading the revised electric revenue requirement, while not agreeing on any particular cost of service methodology. For natural gas operations, the Company proposed that all rate schedules be moved approximately 33Yo towards unity. For settlement purposes, the Parties agreed to use a pro-rata allocation of the Company's natural gas rate spread percentages from its original filing for purposes of spreading the revised revenue requirement. 15. Rate Spread/Rate Design (Base Rate Changes). (a) As indicated above, the Parties agreed that the increase in base revenues would be spread to all electric and natural gas rate schedules on a pro-rata allocation of the Company's rate spread percentages from its original filing. (b) Electric Rate Design. The Parties agree that the revenue requirement for each electric service schedule will be applied as a uniform percentage increase to each volumetric energy rate as shown in Appendix D. Fixed monthly charges and fixed and variable demand charges will remain unchanged. The elechic Residential Basic Charge STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-I5-05 & AVU-G-I5-OI Page 13 (Schedule l) will remain at $5.25 per month. Finally, the street and area light codes and calculation methodology described in Mr. Ehrbar's direct testimony will be adopted. (c) Natural Gas Rate Desisn. The Parties agree that the Basic Charge for Schedule 101 will increase by $1.00 per month, from $4.25 to $5.25. The revenue requirement for all other natural gas service schedules will be applied as a uniform percentage increase to each volumetric energy rate as shown in Appendix D. (d) Appendix D provides a summary of the current and revised rates and charges (as per the Settlement) for electric and natural gas service. 16. Electric Rebate Extension. Through rate Schedule 97, customers are receiving a rebate of $0.00091 per kWh for 2015 (approximately $2.8 million). This rebate rate was first approved in the Company's 2012 general rate case, Case No. AVU-E-12-08. As a part of the settlement stipulation approved by the Commission in Case No. AVU-E-14-05, the rebate rate was extended through December 31,2015 using the 2013 electric earnings sharing deferral. For 2014, Avista deferred approximately $5.6 million under the electric earnings sharing. The Parties agree to use the $5.6 million deferral balance from 2014 and extend the Schedule 97 rebate rate for 2016 andz}fis. This information is shown on Appendix E. 17. Natural Gas Rebate Extension. Through rate Schedule 197, customers are receiving a rebate of $0.01489 per therm through December 31,2015 (approximately $1.2 million). This rebate rate was first approved in the Company's 2012 general rate case, Case No. AVU-G-12-07. As a part of the settlement stipulation approved by the Commission in Case No. AVU-G-I4-01, the rebate rate was extended for 2015 using the 2013 natural gas earnings sharing deferral, as well as the Schedule l9l Natural Gas Energy Efficiency funding balance. For 2014, Avista deferred approximately $0.2 million under the natural gas earnings sharing. The Company is 5 The electric and natural gas earnings sharing is in place for the 20 I 3 -20 I 5 rate plan. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU.E-I5-05 & AVU-G-I5.OI Page 14 proposing to use the $0.2 million natural gas deferral balance from 2014 to partially offset the expiration of the $1.2 million rebate that will occur on January l, 2016. This information is shown on Appendix E. 18. Resultinq Percentase Increase by Electric Service Schedule. The following tables reflect the agreed-upon percentage increase by schedule for electric service: Increase in Base Increase in Rate Schedule Resijential Schedub I General Service Schedules 11/12 Large General Service Schedubs 21122 Exra Large General Service Schedule 25 Clearwater Paper Schedule 25P Pwrping Service Schedules 3ll32 Street & Arealr$ts Schedules 4l-48 Overall Rates Bilting Rates 19. Resulting Percentage Increase by Natural Gas Service Schedule. The following tables reflect the agreed-upon percentage increase by schedule for natural gas service: 0.9% 0.5% 0.6% 0.6% 0.4% 0.7% 0.8% 0J% 0.9% 0.s% 0.6% 0.6Yo 0.4% 0.7% 0.8%W. Increase in Base Rates Increase in Billing Increase Net of New& Rate Schedule General Service Schedule 101 Large General Service Schedules lll/ll2 Intemryt. Sales Service Schedules l3l/I32 Billing Rates Expirine Rebate 7.7% 3.7% 7.s%o 4.t% t.5% 2.7% 5.2% 3,5ils s.3% 3.1% 4.8% 3.l%o 4,8 /s Transportation Service Schedule 146* 5.2% Overall 6.9% * excludes commodity and interstate pipeline transportation costs 20. CustomerService-Relatedlssues. (a) Low-Income Usage Data. The Company and interested parties will meet and confer prior to the Company's next general rate case in an effort to identiff low income STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-I5-05 & AVU-G-I5-OI Page 15 customers served by the Company, quantify the number of customers so identified, and determine those customers' usage patterns. An initial meeting shall occur no later than June 30, 2016, with follow-up meetings to occur as the attendees may deem appropriate. (b) Collaboration on Low-lncome Weatherization. The Company and interested parties will meet and confer prior to the Company's next general rate filing in order to assess the Low Income Weatherization and Low Income Energy Conservation Education Programs and discuss appropriate levels of cost-effective, low-income weatherization funding in the future. An initial meeting shall occur no later than June 30, 2016, with follow-up meetings to occur as the attendees may deem appropriate. IV. OTHER GENERAL PROYISIONS 21. The Parties agree that this Stipulation represents a compromise of the positions of the Parties in this case. As provided in RP 272, other than any testimony filed in support of the approval of this Stipulation, and except to the extent necessary for a Party to explain before the Commission its own statements and positions with respect to the Stipulation, all statements made and positions taken in negotiations relating to this Stipulation shall be confidential and will not be admissible in evidence in this or any other proceeding. 22. The Parties submit this Stipulation to the Commission and recommend approval in its entirety pursuant to RP 274. Parties shall support this Stipulation before the Commission, and no Party shall appeal a Commission Order approving the Stipulation or an issue resolved by the Stipulation. If this Stipulation is challenged by any person not a party to the Stipulation, the Parties to this Stipulation reserve the right to file testimony, cross-examine witnesses and put on such case as they deem appropriate to respond fully to the issues presented, including the right to raise issues that are incorporated in the settlement terms embodied in this Stipulation. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-15-05 & AVU-G-Is-OI Page 16 Notwithstanding this reservation of rights, the Parties to this Stipulation agree that they will continue to support the Commission's adoption of the terms of this Stipulation. 23. If the Commission rejects any part or all of this Stipulation or imposes any additional material conditions on approval of this Stipulation, each Party reserves the right, upon written notice to the Commission and the other Parties to this proceeding, within 14 days of the date of such action by the Commission, to withdraw from this Stipulation. [n such case, no Party shall be bound or prejudiced by the terms of this Stipulation, and each Party shall be entitled to seek reconsideration of the Commission's order, file testimony as it chooses, cross-examine witnesses, and do all other things necessary to put on such case as it deems appropriate. In such case, the Parties immediately will request the prompt reconvening of a prehearing conference for purposes of establishing a procedural schedule for the completion of the case. The Parties agree to cooperate in development of a schedule that concludes the proceeding on the earliest possible date, taking into account the needs of the Parties in participating in hearings and preparing testimony and briefs. 24. The Parties agree that this Stipulation is in the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions are fair, just and reasonable. 25. No Party shall be bound, benefited or prejudiced by any position asserted in the negotiation of this Stipulation, except to the extent expressly stated herein, nor shall this Stipulation be construed as a waiver of the rights of any Party unless such rights are expressly waived herein. Execution of this Stipulation shall not be deemed to constitute an acknowledgment by any Party of the validity or invalidity of any particular method, theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery. No Party shall be deemed to have agreed that any method, theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery employed in arriving at this Stipulation is appropriate for resolving any issues in any other proceeding in the future. No findings of fact STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-I5-05 & AVU-G.Is.OI Page 17 or conclusions of law other than those stated herein shall be demed to be implicit in this Stipulation. 26. The obligations of the Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval of ttris Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, if any, by a court of competent jurisdiction. 27. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed oounterpart shall constitute an original document. 'uvt DATED tlti, l(o.' 6yof october, 2o I 5. Avista Corporation Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff By:By: for Avista Corporation Karl Klein Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorneys General Clearwater Paper Corporation Idaho Forest Group By:By: Peter Richardson Attomey for Clearwater Paper ldaho Conservation League By: Benjamin J. Otto Attorney for ICL Dean J. Miller Attomey for Idaho Forest Group LLC Snake River Alliance By: KelseyNunez Anorney for Snake RiverAllianoe STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AW.E- 1 5.05 & AW.G- I 5.0 1 Page 18 or conclusions of law other than those stated herein shall be deemed to be implicit in this Stipulation. 26. The obligations of the Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, if any, by a court of competent jurisdiction. 27. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. DATED tfris dday of October,2015. Avista Corporation By: David J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation Clearwater Paper Corporation Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff By: Idaho By: Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Paper Idaho Conseryation League By: Benjamin J. Otto Attorney for ICL Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorneys General Forest Group Dean J. Miller Attorney for Idaho Forest Group LLC River Alliance KelseyNunez Attorney for Snake River Alliance By: Snake By: STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU.E.Is.Os & AVU.G.Is.OI Page l8 or conclusions of law other than those stated herein shall b€ deerned to be implicit in this Stipulation. 26. The obligations of the Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordanoe with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, f *y, by a court of competentjurisdiction. 27, This Stipulation may be executed in counterputs and each signed counterpart shall constinrte an original document. DATED this _ day of October, 2015. Avista Corporation By: David J. Meyer Attomey for Avista Corporation Idaho By: Benjamin J. Otto Attomey forICL Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff By: I(arl Klein Brandon Ikrpm Deputy Attomeys General Forest (houp By: Idaho DeanJ. Miller Attonrey for Idalp Forest Group LLC RiverAlliance KelseyNunez Attorney for Snake River Alliance Snake By: Petei-Richardson /{b/o Attorney for Clearuarer Paper STIPULATION A}.ID SETTLEMENT _ AW-8.I5-05 & AVI'I-G.I5.OI Page 18 or conclusions of law other than those stated herein shall be deemed to be implicit in this Stipulation. 26. The obligations of the Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, if any, by a court of competent jurisdiction. 27. This Stipulation may be executed in counterpafts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. DATED this _ day of October,2015. Avista Corporation Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff By: Karl Klein Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorneys General By: David J. Meyer Attomey for Avista Corporation Clearwater Paper Corporation By: Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Paper Idaho Conservation League By: Beqiamin J. Otto Attorney for ICL Dean J. Miller Attorney for Idaho Forest Group LLC Snake River Alliance By: Kelsey Nunez Attorney for Snake River Alliance STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-I 5-05 & AW-G-Is-OI Page l8 or conclusions of law other than those stated herein shall be deemed to be implicit in this Stipulation. 26. The obligations of the Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, if any, by a court of competentjurisdiction. 27. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. DATED this _ day of October, 20[5. Avista Corporation Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff By:By: By: David J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation Clearwater Paper Corporation Karl Klein Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Forest Group Dean J. Miller Attorney for Idatro Forest Group LLC Snake River Alliance By: Kelsey Nunez Attorney for Snake River Alliance By: Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Paper Idaho By: League Attorney for ICL STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E.I5.05 & AVU.G-Is.OI Page 18 or conclusions of law other than those stated herein shall be deemed to be implicit in this Stipulation. 26. The obligations of the Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, if any, by a court of competent jurisdiction. 27. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. DA Aviista Corporation TED this l5 Ou, of October, 2015. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff By: Avrsta By:- David J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation Clearwater Paper Corporation By: Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Paper Conservation League Karl Klein Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Forest Group Dean J. Miller Attorney for Idatro Forest Group LLC By: Idaho Snake River Alliance ,,, (-LQ-k44By: Benjamin J. Otto Attorney for ICL Kelsey Attorney for STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E.I5-05 & AVU.G.15-01 Page 18 or conclusions of law other than those stated herein shall be deemed to be Stipulation. By: I implicit in this 26. The obligations of the Parties under this Stipulation axe subject to the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and upopr such approval being upheld on appeal, if any, by a court of competent jurisdiction. 27. This Stipulation may be executed in counterpans and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. DATED this _ day of October, 2015. Avista Corporation Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff By: David J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation C learwater Paper Corporation By' Karl Klein Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Forest Group Dean J. Miller Attorney for Idaho Forest Crroup LLC Snake Rivcr Alliance Kelsey Nunez Attomey for Snake River Alliance By: Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Paper Idaho Conservation League By:By: Benjamin J. Otto Attorney for ICL Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho Attorney for CAPAI STTPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-I5-05 & AVU-G-I5.01 Page 18 =FOFE|r) 5 v 6'i<-si FE<O!56E8at6iJ ? ozo oo o ot6 El s olot o Pl o- EI R olzl @ $t $ 6t Et $ctFEl edolol 6 9l dHx EoEr e;I N Eoot 6_trl Nfl N-l .Eopoooo ooooo-o6fi oo ooooE EoEo.Eqo oa o E Eo =Eo ; =o oE I 6 Eo .2EF oG oo?E =o--96o-o o Ga .EoE Eop-E.; oE! !o .>Ec.EotrEO o6€ep 6^s rt E Eq 3r *ssE xoo0Eo.;o oG ># 6 ql EE EtlON -E€t 93:tr aoi E x= E; g6 ?i: o=},8 E E>- : b =*: cE!o ioaN' o oooo@oNOONN-o- o. o- 6{ o- o-t@-O60NONON{NNOIrj--.joqd-eeOO @oNo@o@ONONF@o@@ooddrjdJFjON6NNONINN@Nd----eodF6OOO OFOOO€@+FONd6dooooJo-od@---dooooNNo+6N6! dJJao.f?66AO o@@o@ooo+oNtFNO@Oooii{dd.jdF@NNNGN+ON6XJJJEqd?eOqG Ft@o@oNN6ON6O-O@OOotdord-jdO{ONNts@ooNoNdJ--o6{@@oG ts+NO@OO6NNNOo6NNOOot{-o-@---dooooNEo{6N@Oct----e@.fF69OO oo@oOONNNN*- t_ N^ N" o. ta-ONO@FG6@tsONtstso@N@ood----@ef@6eG otsoo@a@FFNNOFOONO?@-oto@---do@NoNooooNotsd,jjeefta 6 0 G oooo@o@ON@NNOF+NOodd+odJG{OO@NNFooNN60@-JJqeF'6 @ 6 6 o@@o@oooNoNo FN@OFOONONN6FOFNOOd,j--o@d -@O96 o@oo@EoooNN6\ts_N.o{o.o-tsN6@FE@oooN6o++N@o!i----oQidF6OEC .xEtroqd oo"el sEI N ot- El x @oNEI EotN>l aFsl IEI N flt No>t o_EI EclNst i =o@@@o- 6iNNN9Gl o6l aiFI o GG Eso}EE6-to--*i2gsiOEEOEEooFJ IctxUJ o2o_EE: EEt e9 =h,i'iP8;BEEgE.EsE'gEr.P?EEEgEE E EfiE6o-FFEUIO. +NOO@NON@NNEo- o_ o- N- o- o-OON@FtstsoNoNoOONN6NdJJ@ertFee6O @ts{oFo@OtsNFOOO@OoFA_ O_ -_ O_ @_ o_60+666o- o- F- F- @- 6-F@@NO?{FF966FeO6t 600tsLr66EdOINNFO9l dN-@citrtoo@@ol?60@RIN-6idaixt -666 @otosroFOOol Or@@el +o-FjriEI OtFNot6N@:l,j6iN-d5l -66e oFo{N6tstLr6OO@El--d;diNEIsRt-Exl oNFt6@ec 60ioEI g $ E EEl N B I Egl N@Fo s1 BBg; -AFOts@F@OFN@or@{--ciEl oooN,I NNNO46-N{a66e oF@O 60oF-O9lct6-dda@N5lo-F-@.t:4t6N@{-6@ee ooooOOrO !+O{Sz_lNNoo3lo_o-o"q.NN{@ a606 @NNN@@oNONOFvdctdri6t ron =l N_o.tscl.@NN@6e64 o@N@N6FOo-F.l.q =loOO{Eto6@696NObar doidd6@66 OFOFNOO-zl@o!.oa?51 3 S N;xt*@o6El -- c'i N- +LlEoac N@tsoNN+OxN-O-N^q;l-6Fo =l e F I ssl ssEs @oFt6N66 ooooONtsFdlFO@ts6l -- e- c,i dEIFON@FeeO NOOFo60@iOl-f,l ctotJdtrl 6F@@6t 6@O =l dcnddeqee 9d5reEot 3Ed3&6=qEEB PliE-edE23 OFFts60t{o60{E E EEoooooooodooo EE-l *ElEEIs2 =lEe gl Eg q f= Elccr ilEN IdIfiE d-EE al €gE EI EEE= EIO , .trc{ Xl(J rE > El E E;E iI t:F.l (Eslb9.ExctJ) > -bi<-E9 &OJ-r (!.^= r Tt -th= EfiE9 =lJ).4fP ll,gl) t = C,zovl(! 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fie Trletue lilonths Ended December 31, 2014 01/01/16 0 (s) (h) 0) 0 (k) (l) (m) Residential General LargeGen ExfaLags ExfaLarge Pumping Steet& Sysbm SeNice Service Service Gen Service Service CP Service Arsa Lighb Tot l Sch 1 Sch 1112 Sch21-22 Sch 25 Sch 25P &h 31-32 &h 4'149 116,381,261 43,834,300 15,151,702 26,940,838 11,113,743 16,942,287 2,009,519 388,872 25,875,928 9,718,351 3,934,119 6,U4,n1 2,249,812 3,351,999 364,384 42,983 61,351,755 8,831,66s 10,29,769 14,076,269 1,699,164 428,169 2,077J64 2,459,555 41,363,055 21,554,m4 6,430,410 7,'127,612 2,089,282 2,735,95 826,933 s98,589 244,972,0W 104,939,000 36,46,000 54,359,000 17,152,000 23,458,000 5,28,000 3,490,000 $0.03787 $0.03820 $0.04174 $0.0385s $0.03s1s $0,03s66 $0.03407 $0.02862 $0.00842 $0.00847 $0.01084 $0.00889 $0.00712 $0.00706 $0.00618 $0.00316 $0.01996 $0,02600 $0,02970 $0,02014 $0,00s37 $0.00090 $0.03521 $0.18101 $0.01346 $0,01879 $0,01771 $0.01020 $0.00661 $0.00s76 $0.01402 $0.04405 $0.07972 $0.09146 $0.09999 $0.07779 $0.0542s $0,04938 $0.08948 $0.25684 fl5,n9,071 46,239,37't 14,119,565 26,099,426 10,965,434 15,396,018 1,9U,232 395,025 2s,531,066 11,315,196 3,299,985 5,714,435 2,170,174 2,634,'191 352,m5 44,880 62,527,167 33,660,930 9,307,333 13,023,320 1,642,916 $1,n9 2,01s,160 2,54s,7n 41.684.69s 23.11221s s.880.131 6.816.316 2.050.518 2.400.469 812.6U 612.411 244,972,000 114,327,712 32,637,014 51,653,498 16,829,043 n,762,457 5,1U,232 3,598,045 '11 Poduction12 Transmbsion'13 Disfibution14 Coflnon 15 Tobl Unibrm Cur€ntCost Expressed as $/kwh16 Production 17 Transmission18 Distibution19 Common20 TotalCurent lJnifdm Melded Rabs 21 Rdonucb Colt R.to.t Cumit R.t6 $0.037s0 $0.04030 $0.03898 $0.00831 $0.00986 $0.00909 $0.02035 $0.02934 $0.02564 $0.01356 $0.02014 $0.01620 $0.0373s $0.03468 $0,03241 $0,03364 $0.0A07 $0.00818 $0,00686 $0.005s5 $0,00s97 $0.00330 $0.01864 $0,00520 $0.00070 $0.03416 $0.18735 $0.0097s $0.00&19 $0.0050s $0.01378 $0.04s07 $0.07972 $0.09964 $0.08991 $0.07392 $0.05323 $0.04371 $0.08755 $0.26480 0.92 1.'t'l 0.971. 22 23 24 25 26 Fundional Cost Componfits.t Prop6od Rdum by Scheduls Produclion Transmbsion Disfibution Common Total PDposed Rate Revenue Exryessed re $/kwh 116,879,049 44,076,123 15,198,811 27,043,470 11,161,961 16,990,473 2,017,744 390,467 26,179,912 9,878,907 3,963,927 6,27s,248 2,n5,703 3,374,367 368,344 43,475 61,998,205 30,216,681 10,848,984 14,204,700 1,717,451 431,172 2,0973n 2,481,887 41,614,774 21,711,289 6,456,278 7,16s,582 2,101,88s 2,745,987 831,s83 602,171 246,672,000 105,883,000 36,468,000 54,689,000 17,257,0N 23,s42,000 s,315,000 3,518,000 2t 2E P,odudion Tnnsmi$im $0.03E03 to.03E4r to.0{r87 10.03870 t0.00530 t0.03t7 t0.0:}[21 l0.0nt1 t0.00E52 t0.00861 t0.01092 t0.00898 t0.00720 30.00710 30.fl162/t t0.00320 29 30 3l JI 12 34 35 36 Cornron Tohl Pmpossd Melded Rates Expessed as WkWh37 Poduction38 Transmission 39 Distihtlion40 Common 41 Total Unifom irelded Rat€s Func{ional Cost Compon$ts rt Uniform Requ6led Retum Production Transmission Distribution Common TotalUnitum Cosl $0.02018 $0.02634 $0.02989 $0.0m33 $0.00543 $0.00091 $0.035s6 $0.1826s $0.00665 $0.mr/8 $0.01410 $0.0/1432$0.01354 $0.01892 $0.0129 $0.01025 $0.08027 $0.09228 $0.100{6 30.07826 $0.054s8 $0.049s6 $0.09011 $0.25890 115,740,980 46,444,790 14,212,425 26,215,374 11,014,149 15,4&t,41s 1,993,047 396,780 25,838,799 '1'1,451,581 3,339,761 5,783,313 2,196,331 2,665,941 3s6,451 45,421 63,160,604 33,987,985 9,399,691 13,168,414 1,661,391 336,043 2,0%,774 2,570,307 4'1,93'1,6'17 23,245,244 5,914,647 6,859,212 2,063,251 2,415,291 817,619 616,354 246,672,000 115,129,600 32,866,523 s2,026,313 16,935,122 20,881,690 5,203,891 3,628,861 $0.03766 $0.04048 $0.03915 $0.00841 $0.m998 $0.00920 $0.0205s $0,02962 $0.02589 s0.0136s s0.02026 $0.01629 $0.03751 $0.03484 $0.03255 $0.03379 $0.02920 $0.008a $0.00695 $0.00561 $0.00604 $0.00334 $0.01884 $0.00525 $0.00071 $0.03453 $0.18916 $0.00982 $0.00653 s0.m508 s0.01386 $0.04536 1.'13 1.12 1.02 t.0t '1.05 r.l0 0.92 0.9r0.99 1.0042R*au. to Colt Rltlo rt Pmpotad Rat$ Cumnt Rwlnu. to PDpomd Cott R.ilo T.Ert R{ilur ln6o$ $0.08027 $0.10034 $0.09054 $0.07445 $0.053s6 $0.01396 $0.08822 $0.26706 1.02 0.97 1.04 1.01 0.96 r,700,000 10,190,000 (3,129,000) (2,333,000) (217,000) (2,s76,000) 43 Appendix B (74,000)139,000 Page 4 of 4 tFl (Esf,E9E*E'4 >:!i<:EY doo-) (Ettt = cLE'<co!cf;.9;ioSijul ^ oHluggsR ;.=-*+HAF=G: O{ -tF-iH ts N-ENOfzaQ)c)) q&fttAUoz OOO co aooo s O Eooo oo, ' o- = -oidiof + r- E; Eo6rca st rl t..q Erhqlrvt1t)_o=i.EaaHrr<ri ooo \o o 6 oF- F-r|h i a.looo oo O O OO\ sr-ooooo t\ | I o q o^v) .o^ci- oo"nri -d -: ri 91 <t -.; 6i \d - r.- cd ri \06100 O\ O \O €r \O Hh \o \o c-l \o\o rl+ol OOO O\ \O O!+ mr \O -tooooo \o € o- oo6lci \ot,-o^o^o- o"' ' \ .o^ o^dl qr;r} qr:C>H- =t >l N -oO oO O\ -oo\lc.rF- Y + F-OI O \O Ora-a-.lci fr O rl caoo O\ t-- \OO orN- r -o\ + \oh6l CA h cnc{ 6lal Or O O\OO- co N r-O\oo\ a- N-(\lo ra \o tr)$+- c.l -t O\\Oc.lo O\ -t F-rloo\o \o *o\co ci co 6l os4sl 40 6 6 ooo = 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E €. bl a. sl 1 2 : sl 1$r s € sl r ;El I e # Sl I -C.lCf|- .EE*!!0#+aha e.EL(J>.az cl q)E chq)& oC)L a HI dL Ez ^ioQ)€EEE1tv5E9ro.2 lF{Ets9=\.g EEEE&EEE:#.sRgri D=Esh s ?EiiEi=() I r;8P.r:d lil €) >a gET 6tALE E€z7 Eq) a 6 0)a s: t=F{ (E<f b?.ExErrt > -bf<,",E9s(l,-(!,r= 4E'< Fe EfiE9 =lJloF:irLUgDt = cizo (!(J (J .xE oo.CL --.--loo66GFlO --600lots66F616vi.i .i riloi-l= ssar:l+<^ 6" 6" \ r"16^ N Olaoi ..f +ld "^"_-t_66aF+l+ -- -- N- oI €-l+-ts666h16 6" h^ N 6"16" "-"."t:9- 6- 6- o! 6-16-dooF6l- F^ o" - 6^l-^ ::=""1" oh66dlh6i Fi ai o dildi6{-€€l-1 6 - n-16- ="._"t_d o F 6 hlFa o o F +lFoidr r;+loio ts - 6 6lh6 o^ - 9"16" _.-.-l-F 6 S F dlFo- d- h- n- h-lo\F d o 6 Nlh o" 6 d Lle" _""_"1" 6- 6- 6- -- 6-10-t 6 t F -lro- N- N N-l*- "^":l_FF6NOIO6- 6- -- 6- 6-16-660FFl++Nd-Gl6 ---^_t-ada6Nl-6- 6- 6- O- o-ld-646NNl-q. \ N --lF- :-_-:l:66rN6166^ a- o- q 6-l h-FoNao166FSN€IFF^ r" N O-l-- "".__t.+o6+6loo- r" d" o\ {-l --oo96Flr F- F- 6 r-l€-6l< _^^-^t:6€h<al+ 6..fJ6..f|..i6d+6-16 oo' -i +l'd t- EE IE EE BE F- \ d..l aq aa t!sR:ddi9N o- RE88d:dd +o EF \ oi r' EEEE99999944r? u? u? b?E& E& Ets. E&EE q3 EB E! so 0 u 0 u 0 e N(oEt E,9 E,9 !.8 Etr =-: # slEg Eg IE Eg $€EiEB! $=ggggg$=ritlEE;EEaEE€EilgFFgqF q$l+Bi|FB F E;5iE-ep !!::9!99RFSA33E5*R H ! d6 N= d3 d* dF E,xglxElxg,xea ae aa d6 3F dd 39' I =E FEr I {: d:Elu 5E *="lt-I e$ aNsle g= E= It."I ad sEI td ci j: t^ F rele p 3 I II eN *Eal. $' .e" It." alo E" r*'l-: I *r- a:<I ctF 3€B rl. R- E"(J <1" - =-tclLIrlE I Fi *Br E la 9 -L E l" :6g IgE I =d sNv...t | -- q 6" IEYo:la :' R'E*E"l- : ) Eii I r* a$sr{Eile I" i'.= E FE Is3E; I "ggfli ,1. BF Es :.q4 I EE* ,1" ii sE E= IEE I gi eEz\ flo F^- e-- -lEIqt 5 I H3 3+_E .l^ 8r d!> a lq -tdd IlaEgI" EF TF,l= aI str Ex €sl-E6 I I It.IEEt??l.:.!toaIg E E IFFI o !l€I .$e {l .{= l*ts€E$EE lrl -dmnh6F€6 1 2 4 6 7 I I 10 11 12 Functional Gost ComponanE at Curront Ret6 Produclion Underground Storag€ Distribution Common Total Curent Ratc Revenue Exclude Cost of Gas w / Revsnua Exp. Total Margin Revonue at Curent Rate3 Margin per Them at Curmt Rates Produciion Underground Storage Disiribution Common 36,173,000 29,139,8U00 337,031 1,746,119 24,249,W 9,840,1 81 235,918 1,135,497 I 9,367,003 8,401,406 97,'.t71 56't,698 4,6',t4,U6 't,352,211 '1,39S 2,5425,600 43,324,16,393 222,22614,2U 72,fiO 8,625,127 0 67,596 340,45200 36,t73,000 29,139,8U $0.00413 $0.00423$0.02137 $0.0203E90.29681 S0.34761$0.12044 $0.15080 6,625,127 67,596 34rJ,452 $0.00423 $0.00423 $0.00094 $0.02448 $0.01695 $0.01600 $0.20107 $0.14042 $0.08207 $0.05893 $0.04299 $0.02672 Total Cunent Margin Melded Rate p€rThsrm J0.4275 t0.523O3 t0.28870 Functionel Cost Components at Unifom Currsnt Rstum 337,0311,689,279 ',t,231,419 416,370 24,223,976 20,2tfi,739 3,685,561 10.20459 30.12574 5,255 36,23544,',t49 197,526 13 Produc{ion 14 Underground Storage 15 Distribuiion '16 Common 17 Total Unifom Cunsni Cost 1 8 Exclude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp. 19 Total Unifom Cunsnt Margin 235,918 97 ,17'.1 1,399 2,542 9,922,715 8,625,255 1,215,502 13,913 68,045 36,t73,@0 30,3E9,331 5,414,605 U,7't6 304,34E00000 36,173,000 30,389,331 5,414,605 64,716 3tt4,348 20 21 23 24 Margin per Therm at Uniform Cunent Retum Produdion Underground StoEge Distribution Common Total Cunst Unifom Margin Melded Raie perTham targin to CGt Ratio at Curent Rates $0.00413 $0.02068 $0.29650 s0.12145 s0.00423 $0.02210 $0.36430 00.15481 $0.00423 $0.01814 $0.16061 $0.00423 $0.00094 $0.01590 $0.01338 $0.13363 $0.07295 $0.0s297 s0.04211 $0.02513 25 40.4r'.275 1.00 30.545a5 t0.23595 tO.195E7 i0.112/O l.oa 1-12 Line DescriDtion AVISTA UTILITIES Company Settlement Summary by Funclion with Margin Anelysis Case FortheYearEndedDecember3l, 2014 (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 Natural Gas Utility ldaho Jurisdiclion (s) (h) U) (k) Residential Large Firm lnterrupt TransportSeMce SeMce Service SeMce Sch 101 Sch 111 Sch 131 Sch 146 SyEtem Total 26 27 2A 29 30 31 32 Func{imal Cost Compononts d Propocod Ratea Produclion Underground Storage Distribution Common Total Proposed Rate Revanue Excluda Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp. Totrl targin Rsvenue at Propo36d Rat6s Them at 36 Common37 Total Prcposed Margin Melded Rate perTherm Func-tiond Coat Componsnb at Unitom Prcposod Retum Production UndErground StoEge Distribution Common Total Unifom Proposed Cost Exclude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp. Total Uniform Proposed Margin Margin per Therm at Uniform Prcposed R6tum Production Underground Storage Distribution Margin to Gost Rdio at Proposod Ratos Currsnt M.rgin to Propolad Co3t Ratio 10270295 8,801,083 1,379,992 14,709 74,511 38,673,000 31,37O,8U 6,871,1n 72,596 35E,45200000 4't $0.20929$0.12571 $0.15797 $0.06014 $0.04452 $0.0275230.47335 $0.53307 a0.29942 30.21973 30.1s238 337,031 235,91E 97,171 1,399 2.U2'1,903,251 1,387,397 469,110 s,920 40,82526,093,052 21,E0E,556 4,022,507 8,472 213,5171q33qffi 8,9A9,242 1,b5,'t12 14,474 70,88 3E,673,000 32,421,113 5,853,900 7O,2A5 327,72i200000 $0.00413 $0.00423 $0.00423 s0.00423 $0.00091$0.02330 s0.02490 $0.02044 $0.01792 $0.01508$0.31938 $0.39144 $0.17529 $0.14671 $0.07886 337,031 235,9't8 97,17 11,951,059 1,306,768 591,232 26,114,6't6 2't,O27,O55 4,@2,732 1.00 0.97 0.94 0.00 Appendix c 1,399 2,542 6,200 /16,859 50,2EE 2y,g1 38 39 40 4'l 42 43 44 45 $ 47 4A 49 Common $0.12656 $0.16135 $0.05513 $0.04381 $0.02616 Total Proposed Unifom Margin Molded Rate per Them t0.47335 10.58192 30.25510 30.21267 t0.12104 51 1.'.t7 1.03 1.09 1..t3 0.9e l.M Page 4 of4 =F(stb96*EEE: E3 $E? T tEp 5EE8a9aij c,zoooo sssssssso?qcqa\c\ooooocroo o .xEcoCLCL N O @ r- O N *lO)sf, 6) l\ - 6 @ CDI@O_ o_ o{ <{)_ ro- <r)_ tol -_l'* (o rO t= (f) (, (')l O)O(oIOTNCO€91$ -@@€t@ N@@ t Crl O rO t l- colO b -l{- F- Q o e r., Nl I =O)rd)-(E{*(D|F- -O@@6@ J dob @ (o @ N @ rf) (oto IO, N \f - O) st (Ol @ CLo- @- o)- N_ \t_ (f)- rf,l t- E(c' (O * r- (Y) rr) (f)l t* Oo(?rOq(!r4)rat $ F-@@er@ Noo@ 3_ Egssssssss 9eo)ro@(otF0oF t9ctcrcrcrctcicrci d5a i.t EPC{,(v) o CD l'- (\l rr) OIN ; E,@ (O @ q;1 $ - -l ls 3.=@_ t_ (o_ q to_ (o_ lr,l(o_ :- -.oeir..j co.oal@ E EO(r)lOFN(,!)grl\f-@@66 N Ou@ q fti ttr5; 6e9€aNeesEere fi.PI F F' C' O G' NIO - .\on-O-9){l}U)tts Edoooo i _(UEo uE6G-*EE b, or@orN@@otN EE:(O CD lr, lr, lr, l- O)l f\ .Y Y! XO)N(fr-$N$l o) 9?.4 EsEs.5$8d$ pE g - 4tel6Ul (\l , !o 6 r 98 =i g"= Ets HE 6 -S-N-pS$-? o Ee o'=N*ii-s E,;EE;i co) o 0,e E Ee Ez g gT e6 Et_;E8s)Ep e * eE 5gTH E9 ;EEE =.frHB,.Eg- g Eg a fiEeIssE= g1 $$E-Nd)*ro(ol'-@ a AJi 6. EEH"E,IEl $ pg" 6t -c sl EHgIO'(rtrl I HEfl'":"1 sEOlE88la(E E LIYl-O(,l'o-cl --lolU'Io o=l] CL lJ EEEIeogiul(€(l *i,l' EEd" ;-l E tlu :.1 $.Elo _.1 ==l troo oo. o _9 in EoF Eo m EoF uJJ8B= Hrr:llJo O -ENurQ;.| (r, i,{ut,v_eg.fr EEdtEa PFzrIJut E 9lf uro!):i 6EgiHd .o TtiuroE EHfrHg Eatfrl/I= E=E2E #treI 3 eH3*X"l EHA-L-Y, #O.o oGm n, s s s s s s sls;i lo - t\ o s o (ol O6'El q r a? c! a r 99F ?{l |r, o o, (o t or Fl oiE r]l trr - - o9rloel(L o@oo(f)@oIsf(v)@Nl()@-lE -., (r) (t) l(, 6 (O N Nlq E Hl FjJe.i@@@@t ooolto trl g;l-it*ftr$ g zog9 ZEoo26EOOoEoD ,HE 8,El,I AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIG, CASE NO. AVU.E-15.05 PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COMPONENTS BY SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 2016 (a) General Proposed Proposed Base Tariff Present Present Rate Billing Base Tariff Sch. Rate OtherAdi.(1) Billino Rate lnc/(Decr) Rate Rate(b) (c) (d) (e) (fl (g) Residential Service - Schedule I Basic Charge Energy Charge: First 600 kwhs All over 600 k\A/hs General Services - Schedule 11 Basic Charge Energy Charge: First 3,650 k\rVhs All over 3,650 k\Ms Demand Charge: 20 kW or less Over 20 kW Laroe General Service - Schedule 2l Energy Charge: First 250,000 kwhs All over 250,000 kWhs Demand Charge: 50 kW or less Over 50 kW Primary Voltage Discount $5.25 $0.08146 $0.00101 $0.09096 $0.00101 $10.00 $0.09634 $0.00148 $0.07178 $0.00148 no charge $5.2slkw $0.06297 $0.00086 $0.05373 $0.00086 $350.00 $4.7slkw $0.20lkw $0.0s212 $0.00019 $0.044t4 $0.00019 $12,500 $4.50/kva $0.2olkwPresent: $683,420 $0.04254 $0.00008 $12,500 $4.50/kva $2.00/kva $0.2olkwPresent: $617,940 $8.00 $0.09299 $0.00117 $0.07927 $0.001 17 Extra Laroe General Seruice - Schedule 25 Energy Charge: First 500,000 kwhs All over 500,000 kWhs Demand Charge: 3,000 kva or less Over 3,000 kva Primary Volt. Discount Annual Minimum Clearwater - Schedule 25P Energy Charge: all k\A/hs Demand Charge: 3,000 kva or less 3,000 - 55,000 kva Over 55,000 kva Primary Volt. Discount Annual Minimum Pumoinq Service - Schedule 3'l Basic Charge Energy Charge: First 165 kwkwh All additional kWhs $5.25 $0.08247 $0.09197 $10.00 $0.09782 $0.07326 no charge $5.25lkW $0.06383 $0.054s9 $350.00 $4.75lkW $0.2olkw $0.05231 $0.04433 $12,500 $4.50/kva $0.2olkw $0.04262 $12,500 $4.50/kva $2.00/kva $0.2olkw $8.00 $0.09416 $0.08044 $0.00 $0.00078 $0.00087 $0.00 $0.00052 $0.00038 no charge $0.00047 $0.00041 $0.00 $0.00039 $0.00032 $0.00018 $0.00 $0.00066 $0.00056 $5.25 $0.08325 $0.09284 $10.00 $0.09834 $0.07364 $5.2slkw $0.06430 $0.0s500 $350.00 $4.7slkw $0.2olkw $0.05270 $0.04465 $1 2,s00 $4.50/kva $0.20lkw $687,360 $0.04280 $12,500 $4.5O/kva $2.00/kva $0.2olkw $619,920 $8.00 $0.09482 s0.08100 $5.25 $0.08224 $0.09r83 $10.00 $0.09686 $0.07216 no charge $5.2slkw $0.06344 $0.0s414 $350.00 $4.7s/kw $0.2olkw $0.05251 $0.04446 $12,500 $4.5O/kva $0.2olkw $0.04272 $r2,500 $4.50/kva $2.00/kva $0.2o/kw $8.00 $0.09365 $0.07983 (1) lncludes all present rate adjustments: Schedule 59 - Residential & Farm Energy Rate Adjustment, Schedule 66 - Temporary Power Cost Adjustment, Schedule 91 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment, and Schedule 97 - Eamings Test Rebate. Stipulation and Settlement Case No. AVU-E-15-05 and AVU-G-15-01 Avista Page 2 ol 4Appendix D =-(!\foY iD=E+E;E.n OEi FP<(uE 6(UE8ato.ij c;z o)o(uo EE;5I' $sErE$ =egH'[[eucc;liEH= $;H$E$ sISfl= 3ga+a* P * ;8 fl^ :!:e !e:e a a ;Eg$fl= 33833: EEgEl'gE*;"R oIc-EEE= EEEH" ;sna;l$ 3 g!|. eSSsp 88 EHT"EgEEB= o .xEcoo-o. o slOIqlOI OI @ IoG Eoo6 @ aNNci N @ oo Eoa so ci @ N o- o@ @ N s@6 oi @ N o Eoo Eocoo Nqci H "{d s dlN Ft@rl o@6oi ddbtd EIPzl q3 ,El4 EoEo@ ooocIoC Eo oo g J8coo oooF CoE-9oa EoIeL 9.oEgoa9>EQpEuooouEo FdF oyo.E o.Ecac6xCUEUo e toooN6NEi:f.=6oooocoE=8.,l'uEs +5E6N6OiO5&,6o 6u)06ooa=E=bnbE6E b=.9 b=<E< f,p6E.EE 6@do9o o Eo oO oE-EE6E605ada be b EsEJE'6trb-<ft<i;u6ooo?3?EEE E9EEo9EEE,N =d-d oQo660 o@o =E=o'!@L @5br52\2ol oPtsP EtiEeoo a 569 ciBH= sSaaEE':E*l co E ,uEl ***!e>eieF6NNOQ{-.i{iciii R9r-oHo-B.6iaeoi0-' q EHsssE B gE 8d;6e :e:e:eie:eA|:\9.!qolFOFOO0 EHi SEEH= riHir EEtI= EgEeSEseH' EEE EEE El.9- E:r EEE,' i5 ;Ix$;l[ gg eNora@ AVISTA UTILITIES TDAHO GAS, CASE NO. AVU-G-i5{1 PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COMPONENTS BY SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 2016 Present Base Present Distribution Billing Present Tvoe of Service Rate Rate Adi.(1) Billino Rate(a) (b) (c) (d) General Seruice - Schedule 101 Basic Charge Usage Charge: All therms 54.25 $0.45372 $0.4474'.1 $0.90113 Lame General Service - Schedule 1ll Usage Charge: First 200 therms 200 - 1,000 therms 'l ,000 - 10,000 therms All over 10,000 therms Minimum Charge: per month per therm lnterruDtible Service - Schedule 132 Usage Charge: All Therms Transoortation Service - Schedule 146 $4.25 $0.47500 $0.44741 $0.92241 $0.31030 $0.44741 $0.75771 $0.2309s $0.44741 $0.67836 $0.17850 $0.44741 $0.62s91 $95.00 $9s.00 $0.00000 $0.44741 $0.44741 $0.20459 $0.37021 $0.57480 $22s.00 $225.00 $0.12075 Sch 197 - 2013 General Earnings TestRate & PGA Rebatelncrease Exoiration(e) (D 1r.00 10.02374 $0.01,189 $0.02875 $0.01'l89t0.00924 30.01/Ag $0.00688 $0.01't89$0.00531 $0.01/Ao $5.7s $0.0{489 $0.01513 $0.01,189 $0.00 30.00665 Sch 197 - 2014 Earnings Test Rebate Credit (2) (s) ($0.00268) ($0.00268) ($0.00268) ($0.00268) ($0.00268) ($0.00268) ($0.00268) Proposed Billing Rate (h) $5.25 $0.93708 $0.96337 $0.77916 $0.697,t5 $0.6,li143 $100.7s $0.4s962 $0.60214 Proposed Base Dbtribution Rato (D 05.25 $0.47746 $0.50375 t0.319s4 $0.23783 $0.18381 $100.75 $0.00000 $0.21972 $22s.00 30.'t2740 Basic Charge Usage Charge: All Therms i22s.00 ($0.00268) 10.12472$0.1 2075 (1) lncludes Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment, Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment, and Schedule 1 97 - PGA/DSM Rebate (2) The 2014 Eamings Test Rebate Credit will be effective January '1, 2016 through December 31, 2016 Stipulation and Settlement Case No. AVU-E-15-05 and AVU-G-15-01 Avista Page 4 of 4Appendix D Schedule 197 Present Rebate Exoirinq I 2/31/201 5 Rebate of 2013 Earnings Test & DSM Deferrals GeneralService Large General Service lnterruptible Service Rate Schedule 101 1',t11112 131t132 Total Pro Forma Therms 55,714,011 22,947,786 330,396 2013 Earnings Rebate & DSM Reduction$ 829,s82$ 341,693$ 4,920 Uniform Cents Reduction Prooosed Rebate Effective 1/{/16 - 1?31/16 Rebate of 2014 Earnings Test 78,992,193 $ 1,176,194 0.01489 2014 Earnings Pro Forma RebateTherms Reduction 55,714,011 $ (149,314) 22,947,786 $ (61,500) 330,396 $ (885) 2,707,661 $ (7,257) 81,699,854 $ (218,956) GeneralService Large GeneralService lnterruptible Service Transportation Service Rate Schedule 101 111t112 131t132 146 Total 2014 Earnings Test Balance Uniform Cents Reduction $ $ (219,212) (0.00268) Stipulation and Settlement Case No. AVU-E-15-05 and AVU-G-15-01 Avista Page 1 of 1Appendix E