HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140903Avista 2014 IRP Appendices.pdf2014 Natural Gas Integrated Resource Plan Appendices August 31, 2014 Safe Harbor Statement This document contains forward-looking statements. Such statements are subject to a variety of risks, uncertainties and other factors, most of which are beyond the Company’s control, and many of which could have a significant impact on the Company’s operations, results of operations and financial condition, and could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. For a further discussion of these factors and other important factors, please refer to the Company’s reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The forward- looking statements contained in this document speak only as of the date hereof. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement or statements to reflect events or circumstances that occur after the date on which such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for management to predict all of such factors, nor can it assess the impact of each such factor on the Company’s business or the extent to which any such factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices TABLE OF CONTENTS: APPENDICES Appendix 0.1 TAC Member List ............................................................................. Page 1 0.2 Comments and Responses to the 2014 IRP ............................................. 2 Appendix 1.1 Avista Corporation 2014 Natural Gas IRP Work Plan ................................ 7 1.2 IRP Guideline Compliance Summaries ................................................... 10 Appendix 2.1 Economic Outlook and Customer Count Forecast ................................... 25 2.2 Customer Forecasts by Region ............................................................... 34 2.3 Demand Coefficient Calculations ............................................................ 64 2.4 Heating Degree Day Data ....................................................................... 70 2.5 Demand Sensitivities and Demand Scenarios ......................................... 75 2.6 Demand Forecast Sensitivities and Scenarios Descriptions .................... 77 2.7 Annual Demand, Avg Day Demand & Peak Day Demand (Net of DSM) . 80 2.8 Demand Before and After DSM ............................................................... 84 2.9 Detailed Demand Data ............................................................................ 88 Appendix 3.1 Avista Gas CPA Report Final 4/23/2014 ................................................. 99 3.2 Environmental Externalities ................................................................... 127 Appendix 4.1 Current Transportation/Storage Rates and Assumptions ...................... 131 4.2 Alternate Supply Scenarios ................................................................... 132 Appendix 5.1 Monthly Price Data by Basin ................................................................. 133 5.2 Weighted Average Cost of Capital ........................................................ 139 5.3 Supply Side Resource Options ............................................................. 140 5.4 Avoided Costs Detail ............................................................................. 141 Appendix 6.1 High Case Demand and Resources Selected Graphs ........................... 157 6.2 Other Scenario Peak Day Demand Table ............................................. 159 Appendix 7.1 Distribution System Modeling ............................................................... 163 Appendix 8.1 TAC Meeting #1 ................................................................................... 169 8.2 TAC Meeting #2 ................................................................................ 256 8.3 TAC Meeting #3 ................................................................................ 324 8.4 TAC Meeting #4 ................................................................................ 426 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 0 APPENDIX 0.1: TAC MEMBER LIST ORGANIZATION REPRESENTATIVES Avista John Lyons Linda Gervais Jon Powell Lori Hermanson Jason Thackston Pat Ehrbar Kerry Shroy Terrence Brown Annette Brandon Shawn Bonfield Laura Pendergraft Grant Forsyth Tom Pardee Mike Diedesch Clint Kalich Cascade Natural Gas Company Brian Robertson Jon Whiting Fortis BC Dana Wong Ken Ross Intermountain Gas Mike McGrath Shelli Chase Idaho Public Utility Commission Matt Elam Rick Sterling Terri Carlock Northwest Gas Association Ben Hemson Dan Kirschner Northwest Industrial Gas Users Ed Finklea Northwest Natural Gas Tammy Linver Mark Thompson Northwest Pipeline Teresa Hagins Ray Warner Oregon Public Utility Commission Ryan Bracken Erik Colville Lisa Gorsuch Oregon CUB Nadine Hanhan Puget Sound Energy Gurvinder Singh Phillip Popoff TransCanada David White Jay Story Washington Attorney General’s Office Lea Daeschel Mary Kimball Washington Utility and Transportation Commission David Nightingale Brad Cebulko Chris McGuire WA Department of Commerce Greg Nothstein Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 1 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 0 APPENDIX 0.2: COMMENTS AND RESPONSES TO 2014 DRAFT INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN The following table summarizes the significant comments on our DRAFT as submitted by TAC members and Avista’s responses. These comments are those not directly incorporated into the primary document. The planning environment in this IRP cycle was especially challenging given some of the most challenging economic volatility seen in decades coupled with industry changing dynamics in natural gas production. We continued our robust, flexible demand forecasting methodology that captured a broad range of demand forecasts fully vetted with our TAC. This IRP produced reduced forecasted demand scenarios and no near term resource needs even in our most robust demand scenario. We appreciate the time and effort invested by all our TAC members throughout the IRP process. Many good suggestions have been made and we have incorporated those that enhance the document. Document Reference[1] Comment/Question Avista Response 3 – DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT Avista has a DSM preference adder, but does not quantify many natural gas non-energy benefits (NEBs). In chapter 9 the company has committed to analyzing “non-natural gas benefits” as an action item. Perhaps this is an area the company could work with the Energy Trust of Oregon, the advisory group and other regional actors to quantify NEBs. The Commission’s Policy Statement on the Evaluation of the Cost-Effectiveness of Natural Gas Conservation Programs in Docket UG-121207 has a preference for a fully developed Total Resource Cost test, and staff would like to see the company works towards that end. It is Avista’s policy to include all non-natural gas impacts that can be quantified in a manner that is sufficiently rigorous and reasonable to defend to a critical but reasonable audience. Where such degrees of rigor cannot be met the Company is committed to measuring the presence of non-natural gas impacts to the extent possible so as to facilitate the discussion of non-quantifiable non-natural gas impacts. The primary non-natural gas impacts currently quantified by the Company are non-natural gas energy savings (electric, propane and other non-natural gas fuels), water and sewage savings. Additionally, for low-income programs, the Company has a valuation of health and human safety investments and provision of baseline end-use services. The Company treats the importation of funding from outside of the Avista ratepayer population as offsetting the customer incremental cost and not as a non-natural gas impact, but the consequences to the Total Resource Cost test is similar. The Company has a mechanism with the site-specific program to capturing unusual and unique non-natural gas impacts and incorporating them into the cost- effectiveness analysis. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 2 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 0 3 – DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT As staff asked in its acknowledgment letter in Docket UG-111588, Avista should include an analysis and narrative describing the “trigger point” avoided cost value, where the conservation programs of the company become cost-effective. The Company has committed to monitoring the weighted average cost of gas (WACOG) as a proxy for the avoided cost between Integrated Resource Plans. Though the WACOG and the avoided cost differ in some significant and important ways, a significant upward movement in the WACOG would tend to indicate a similar movement in the avoided cost. This could then trigger an immediate re- evaluation of the potential between IRP cycles. Earlier analysis indicated that an increase of approximately 90% in the avoided cost would be necessary to deliver a portfolio that was cost-effective under the Total Resource Cost test. 3.10 – DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT The targets for 2015 and 2016 for Oregon are substantially lower than 2013 and 2014 (161 and 111 versus 225 and 250). Please provide more information about why there is such a large reduction. OPUC may be interested in the Company continuing current levels of acquisition. Please present a case where that can happen and what measures could fall within the exception criteria in Order 94-590, Docket No. UM 551. Incremental economic potential in the 2015 and 2016 biennium is 454 and 235 dekatherms. In the previous study, incremental economic potential for 2013 and 2014 was 486 and 642 dekatherms. The lower economic potential in the current study reflects lower avoided cost projections. This flows through to achievable potential and the targets for 2015 and 2016 are lower than they were for 2013 and 2014. See the comparison of avoided costs in the separate tab. 3.12– DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT Good discussion on developing a regional natural gas market transformation organization. Does Avista have a timeline? Can this conversation be expanded? Please update the final draft with the most current information. The interested regional natural gas utilities are continuing the process of developing a proposal for review by the full Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) board. The deadline for completing that proposal is the end of the calendar year, but every attempt is being made to expedite that process. The best opportunity for interested parties to contribute to that discussion will be as part of the NEEA board review. 3.2 – DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT Please provide more details about how ramp rates were calculated and how they were or weren’t consistent with assumptions used by the Northwest Power Planning Council. Also, please include a side by side comparison with explanation of differences. EnerNOC Consulting Services (now AEG) used the Council's Sixth Plan ramp rates as a starting point for the Avista study. Then, we made adjustments to the ramp rates in the early years of the projection to better align with Avista's recent program accomplishments. The ramp rates were also adjusted in the out years for some measures. The resulting Avista ramp rates are presented in the two tabs: Equip_Ramp Rates and Non_Equip_Ramp Rates. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 3 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 0 3.4 – DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT More details are needed about how achievable potential was calculated and how each of the elements mentioned were incorporated in practice. In each year of the forecast, some number of appliances fail and need to be replaced. If a measure is cost effective, then the ramp rate is applied to determine what fraction of the market installs the cost-effective option. For example, the ramp rate in 2015 for furnaces in the commercial sector, a cost-effective measure, is 20%. Therefore, 20% of the furnaces that fail in 2015 are replaced with the energy-conservation measure (high efficiency furnace) and the remaining furnaces are replaced with the baseline option. 3.6 – DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT Please describe why only 74 percent of economic potential is achievable by 2034. Provide details regarding underlying assumptions and data files. This 74% is actually a very high share of economic potential and reflects the combination of lost-opportunity and non lost opportunity measures, with ramp rates in the out years of up to 65% and 85% respectively. 3.8 – DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT In the Oregon achievable potential numbers; please explain what assumptions are made about which measures are included. Are only TRC cost effective measures (and those measures required by law) included in projections? How is low income handled relative to cost effectiveness? Please include a sensitivity case and numbers for the occasion where current exceptions to cost effectiveness are continued beyond the current two year window. A comprehensive measure list was included in the analysis. The total resource cost test (TRC) was used for cost-effectiveness screening with a minimum threshold of 1.0. Only measures that are considered cost-effective are included in economic, and therefore acheivable potential. The residential sector was segmented by housing type. Low income was not specifically considered as part of the CPA. However, the low-income segment is considered in the development of programs. 4.4 – SUPPLY SIDE RESOURCES The last sentence of first full paragraph mentions a process to acquire value from each transaction. Please identify how that process is carried out and identify who is involved. The value of a transaction for the purchase of natural gas can encompass many different aspects both financial and non-financial and is assessed at the time the transaction is executed. Our natural gas buyers are actively assessing the most cost effective way to meet customer demand and optimize unutilized resources. Therefore value cannot be necessarily measured from a single transaction. It may be a series of transactions that span across timeframes of a day, week, month or season. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 4 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 0 4.11 – SUPPLY SIDE RESOURCES Jackson Prairie paragraph mentions that Avista will look for exchange and transportation release opportunities. Please discuss how the opportunities will be monitored and what will be done with the intelligence gathered through such monitoring. These opportunities can be discovered in a number of ways. For example, buyers may be contacted from marketers or other utility counterparts. When the opportunity presents itself we assess if it makes sense from a financial impact to customers as well as a reliability concerns. 5.20 – INTEGRATED RESOURCE PORTFOLIO Avista has TF-2 service for its storage at Jackson Prairie. Presumably the company draws down JP during cold events when demand is high. Is TF-2 firm capacity? If not, please explain why the company feels it can rely upon the service for meeting peak demand. TF2 is a firm service as noted on NWP website: "TF2 allows for contracting a daily amount of firm service for a specified number of days rather than a daily amount on an annual basis as is usually required." 5.23 – INTEGRATED RESOURCE PORTFOLIO ACTION ITEM discusses routine LDC activities. The action items should not include actions that are “normal” utility activities. The action plan items should be specific and measurable. With no resource deficiency in our expected case, there are no specific and measurable near term action items. 6.5 – ALTERNATE SCENARIOS The last paragraph highlights a structural problem with the IRP analysis. The point of calculating PVRR is to be able to compare alternate portfolios (different ways of meeting forecast demand). See Guideline 1.c. Please expand the discussion to explain the intended PVRR calculation value and why in this IRP the value is not there. Using PVRR analysis to compare various scenarios where some of the assumptions are similar is a very useful analysis. However, looking strictly at PVRR calculations without considering the assumptions of each scenario is not appropriate. For example the PVRR of our Expected scenario is higher than the PVRR of the High Growth scenario. However, there are lower supply costs and demand that remains unserved in the High Growth Scenario so selecting the lowest PVRR scenarios is not applicable. There are also non-economic factors that may make the selection of one scenario over the other based on pure PVRR analysis undesirable. 7 – DISTRIBUTION PLANNING Will you be describing all projects on Table 7.1 and 7.2? We only provide detail on specific projects that were driven from IRP analysis. We have provided major capital expenditures for informational purposes only. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 5 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 0 8.2 – ACTION PLAN There is no action item that speaks to the exception period for non-cost effective measures that will sunset in April 2015, and what action will be taken to address this ongoing situation. Ongoing situation of Oegon DSM program will be addressed outside of the IRP through its Annual Plan, Year-End Reporting, and tariff filings. IRP Action Plan was updated to reflect the progress made on the 2013/2014 Action Items Ordered by the Commission. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 6 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 1 APPENDIX 1.1: AVISTA CORPORATION 2014 NATURAL GAS INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN WORK PLAN IRP WORK PLAN REQUIREMENTS Section 480-90-238 (4), of the natural gas Integrated Resource Plan (“IRP”) rules, specify requirements for the IRP Work Plan: Not later than twelve months prior to the due date of a plan, the utility must provide a work plan for informal commission review. The work plan must outline the content of the integrated resource plan to be developed by the utility and the method for assessing potential resources. Additionally, Section 480-90-238 (5) of the WAC states: The work plan must outline the timing and extent of public participation. OVERVIEW This Work Plan outlines the process Avista will follow to complete its 2014 Natural Gas IRP by Aug. 31, 2014. Avista uses a public process to obtain technical expertise and guidance throughout the planning period via Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meetings. The TAC will be providing input into assumptions, scenarios, and modeling techniques. PROCESS The 2014 IRP process will be similar to that used to produce the previously published plan. Avista will use SENDOUT® (a PC based linear programming model widely used to solve natural gas supply and transportation optimization questions) to develop the risk adjusted least-cost resource mix for the 20 year planning period. This plan will continue to include demand analysis, demand side management and avoided cost determination, existing and potential supply-side resource analysis, resource integration and alternative sensitivities and scenario analysis. Additionally, Avista intends to incorporate action plan items identified in the 2012 Natural Gas IRP including more detailed demand analysis regarding use per customer, demand side management results and possible price elastic responses to evolving economic conditions, an updated assessment of conservation potential in our service territories, consideration of alternate forecasting methodologies, and the changing landscape of natural gas supply (i.e. shale gas, Canadian exports, and US LNG exports) and its implications to the planning process. Further details about Avista’s process for determining the risk adjusted least-cost resource mix is shown in Exhibit 1. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 7 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 1 TIMELINE The following is Avista’s TENTATIVE 2014 Natural Gas IRP timeline: subject to change Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 8 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 1 EXHIBIT 1: AVISTA’S 2014 NATURAL GAS IRP MODELING PROCESS Demand Forecast by Area and Class  Customer counts  Use per customer  Elasticity Gas Prices  Basis differential  Volatility  Seasonal Spreads Existing Supply-Side Resources  Costs  Operational Characteristics   Demand-Side Resources  Assess DSM resource options  Integrate DSM in resource portfolio Weather  20-year NOAA average by area plus Peak Day weather SENDOUT® Optimization Run Identify when and where deficiencies occur in the 20- year planning period. Enter all Future Resource Options:  Demand-Side  Supply-Side SENDOUT® Optimization Run Solve for deficiencies and incorporate those into the least costs resource mix for the 20-year period. Determine Base Case Scenario Avoided Cost Determination Compile Data and Write the IRP Document. Key Considerations  Resource Cost  Peak vs. Base Load  Lead Time Requirements  Resource Usefulness  “Lumpiness” of Resource Options Sensitivity/Scenario Analysis  Customer Counts  Use per customer  DSM  Monte Carlo  Etc. Price Curve Analysis Gate Station Analysis Planning Standard Review Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 9 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 1 APPENDIX 1.2: WASHINGTON PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION IRP POLICIES AND GUIDELINES – WAC 480-90-238 Rule Requirement Plan Citation WAC 480-90-238(4) Work plan filed no later than 12 months before next IRP due date. Work plan submitted to the WUTC on August 31, 2011, See attachment to this Appendix 1.1. WAC 480-90-238(4) Work plan outlines content of IRP. See workplan attached to this Appendix 0.1. WAC 480-90-238(4) Work plan outlines method for assessing potential resources. (See LRC analysis below) See Appendix 1.1. WAC 480-90-238(5) Work plan outlines timing and extent of public participation. See Appendix 1.1. WAC 480-90-238(4) Integrated resource plan submitted within two years of previous plan. Last Integrated Resource Plan was submitted on August 31, 2012 WAC 480-90-238(5) Commission issues notice of public hearing after company files plan for review. TBD WAC 480-90-238(5) Commission holds public hearing. TBD WAC 480-90-238(2)(a) Plan describes mix of natural gas supply resources. See Chapter 4 on Supply Side Resources WAC 480-90-238(2)(a) Plan describes conservation supply. See Chapter 3 on Demand Side Resources WAC 480-90-238(2)(a) Plan addresses supply in terms of current and future needs of utility and ratepayers. See Chapter 4 on Supply Side Resources and Chapter 5 Integrated Resource Portfolio WAC 480-90- 238(2)(a)&(b) Plan uses lowest reasonable cost (LRC) analysis to select mix of resources. See Chapters 3 and 4 for Demand and Supply Side Resources. Chapter 5 details how Demand and Supply come together to select the least cost/best risk portfolio for ratepayers. WAC 480-90-238(2)(b) LRC analysis considers resource costs. See Chapters 3 and 4 for Demand and Supply Side Resources. Chapter 5 details how Demand and Supply come together to select the least cost/best risk portfolio for ratepayers. WAC 480-90-238(2)(b) LRC analysis considers market- volatility risks. See Chapter 4 on Supply Side Resources WAC 480-90-238(2)(b) LRC analysis considers demand side uncertainties. See Chapter 2 Demand Forecasting WAC 480-90-238(2)(b) LRC analysis considers resource effect on system operation. See Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 WAC 480-90-238(2)(b) LRC analysis considers risks imposed on ratepayers. See Chapter 4 procurement plan section. We seek to minimize but cannot eliminate price risk for our customers. WAC 480-90-238(2)(b) LRC analysis considers public policies regarding resource preference adopted by Washington state or federal government. See Chapter 2 demand scenarios Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 10 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 1 WAC 480-90-238(2)(b) LRC analysis considers cost of risks associated with environmental effects including emissions of carbon dioxide. See Chapter 2 on demand scenarios WAC 480-90-238(2)(b) LRC analysis considers need for security of supply. See Chapter 4 on Supply Side Resources Rule Requirement Plan Citation WAC 480-90-238(2)(c) Plan defines conservation as any reduction in natural gas consumption that results from increases in the efficiency of energy use or distribution. See Chapter 3 on Demand Side Resources WAC 480-90-238(3)(a) Plan includes a range of forecasts of future demand. See Chapter 2 on Demand Forecast WAC 480-90-238(3)(a) Plan develops forecasts using methods that examine the effect of economic forces on the consumption of natural gas. See Chapter 2 on Demand Forecast WAC 480-90-238(3)(a) Plan develops forecasts using methods that address changes in the number, type and efficiency of natural gas end-uses. See Chapter 2 on Demand Forecast WAC 480-90-238(3)(b) Plan includes an assessment of commercially available conservation, including load management. See Chapter 3 on Demand Side Management including demand response section. WAC 480-90-238(3)(b) Plan includes an assessment of currently employed and new policies and programs needed to obtain the conservation improvements. See Chapter 3 and Appendix 3.1. WAC 480-90-238(3)(c) Plan includes an assessment of conventional and commercially available nonconventional gas supplies. See Chapter 4 on Supply Side Resources WAC 480-90-238(3)(d) Plan includes an assessment of opportunities for using company- owned or contracted storage. See Chapter 4 on Supply Side Resources WAC 480-90-238(3)(e) Plan includes an assessment of pipeline transmission capability and reliability and opportunities for additional pipeline transmission resources. See Chapter 4 on Supply Side Resources WAC 480-90-238(3)(f) Plan includes a comparative evaluation of the cost of natural gas purchasing strategies, storage options, delivery resources, and improvements in conservation using a consistent method to calculate cost-effectiveness. See Chapter 3 on Demand Side Resources and Chapter 4 on Supply Side Resources WAC 480-90-238(3)(g) Plan includes at least a 10 year long- range planning horizon. Our plan is a comprehensive 20 year plan. WAC 480-90-238(3)(g) Demand forecasts and resource evaluations are integrated into the long range plan for resource acquisition. Chapter 5 Integrated Resource Portfolio details how demand and supply come together to form the least cost/best risk portfolio. WAC 480-90-238(3)(h) Plan includes a two-year action plan that implements the long range plan. See Section 8 Action Plan WAC 480-90-238(3)(i) Plan includes a progress report on the implementation of the previously filed plan. See Section 8 Action Plan Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 11 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 1 WAC 480-90-238(5) Plan includes description of consultation with commission staff. (Description not required) See Section 0 Introduction WAC 480-90-238(5) Plan includes description of completion of work plan. (Description not required) See Appendix 1.1. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 12 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 1 APPENDIX 1.2: IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION IRP POLICIES AND GUIDELINES – ORDER NO. 2534 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENT FULLFILLMENT OF REQUIREMENT 1 Purpose and Process. Each gas utility regulated by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission with retail sales of more than 10,000,000,000 cubic feet in a calendar year (except gas utilities doing business in Idaho that are regulated by contract with a regulatory commission of another State) has the responsibility to meet system demand at least cost to the utility and its ratepayers. Therefore, an ‘‘integrated resource plan’’ shall be developed by each gas utility subject to this rule. Avista prepares a comprehensive 20 year Integrated Resource Plan every two years. Avista will be filing its 2014 IRP on or before August 31, 2014. 2 Definition. Integrated resource planning. ‘‘Integrated resource planning’’ means planning by the use of any standard, regulation, practice, or policy to undertake a systematic comparison between demand-side management measures and the supply of gas by a gas utility to minimize life-cycle costs of adequate and reliable utility services to gas customers. Integrated resource planning shall take into account necessary features for system operation such as diversity, reliability, dispatchability, and other factors of risk and shall treat demand and supply to gas consumers on a consistent and integrated basis. Avista's IRP brings together dynamic demand forecasts and matches them against demand- side and supply-side resources in order to evaluate the least cost/best risk portfolio for its core customers. While the primary focus has been to ensure customer's needs are met under peak or design weather conditions, this process also evaluates the resource portfolio under normal/average operating conditions. The IRP provides the framework and methodology for evaluating Avista's natural gas demand and resources. 3 Elements of Plan. Each gas utility shall submit to the Commission on a biennial basis an integrated resource plan that shall include: 2014 IRP to be filed on or before August 31, 2014. The last IRP was filed on August 31, 2012. A range of forecasts of future gas demand in firm and interruptible markets for each customer class for one, five, and twenty years using methods that examine the effect of economic forces on the consumption of gas and that address changes in the number, type and efficiency of gas end-uses. See Chapter 2 - Demand Forecasts and Appendix 2 et. al. for a detailed discussion of how demand was forecasted for this IRP. An assessment for each customer class of the technically feasible improvements in the efficient use of gas, including load management, as well as the policies and programs needed to obtain the efficiency improvements. See Chapter 3 - Demand Side Management and DSM Appendices 3 et.al. for detailed information on the DSM potential evaluated and selected for this IRP and the operational implementation process. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 13 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 1 An analysis for each customer class of gas supply options, including: (1) a projection of spot market versus long-term purchases for both firm and interruptible markets; (2) an evaluation of the opportunities for using company-owned or contracted storage or production; (3) an analysis of prospects for company participation in a gas futures market; and (4) an assessment of opportunities for access to multiple pipeline suppliers or direct purchases from producers. See Chapter 4 - Supply-Side Resources for details about the market, storage, and pipeline transportation as well as other resource options considered in this IRP. See also the procurement plan section in this same chapter for supply procurement strategies. A comparative evaluation of gas purchasing options and improvements in the efficient use of gas based on a consistent method for calculating cost-effectiveness. See Methodology section of Chapter 3 - Demand-Side Resources where we describe our process on how demand-side and supply-side resources are compared on par with each other in the SENDOUT® model. Chapter 3 also includes how results from the IRP are then utilized to create operational business plans. Operational implementation may differ from IRP results due to modeling assumptions. The integration of the demand forecast and resource evaluations into a long-range (e.g., twenty-year) integrated resource plan describing the strategies designed to meet current and future needs at the lowest cost to the utility and its ratepayers. See Chapter 5 - Integrated Resource Portfolio for details on how we model demand and supply coming together to provide the least cost/best risk portfolio of resources. A short-term (e.g., two-year) plan outlining the specific actions to be taken by the utility in implementing the integrated resource plan. See Chapter 8 - Action Plan for actions to be taken in implementing the IRP. 4 Relationship Between Plans. All plans following the initial integrated resource plan shall include a progress report that relates the new plan to the previously filed plan. Avista strives to meet at least bi-annually with Staff and/or Commissioners to discuss the state of the market, procurement planning practices, and any other issues that may impact resource needs or other analysis within the IRP. 5 Plans to Be Considered in Rate Cases. The integrated resource plan will be considered with other available information to evaluate the performance of the utility in rate proceedings before the Commission. We prepare and file our plan in part to establish a public record of our plan. 6 Public Participation. In formulating its plan, the gas utility must provide an opportunity for public participation and comment and must provide methods that will be available to the public of validating predicted performance. Avista held four Technical Advisory Committee meetings beginning in January and ending in April. See Chapter 0 - Introduction for more detail about public participation in the IRP process. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 14 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 1 7 Legal Effect of Plan. The plan constitutes the base line against which the utility's performance will ordinarily be measured. The requirement for implementation of a plan does not mean that the plan must be followed without deviation. The requirement of implementation of a plan means that a gas utility, having made an integrated resource plan to provide adequate and reliable service to its gas customers at the lowest system cost, may and should deviate from that plan when presented with responsible, reliable opportunities to further lower its planned system cost not anticipated or identified in existing or earlier plans and not undermining the utility's reliability. See section titled "Avista's Procurement Plan" in Chapter 4 - Supply-Side Resources. Among other details we discuss plan revisions in response to changing market conditions. In order to encourage prudent planning and prudent deviation from past planning when presented with opportunities for improving upon a plan, a gas utility's plan must be on file with the Commission and available for public inspection. But the filing of a plan does not constitute approval or disapproval of the plan having the force and effect of law, and deviation from the plan would not constitute violation of the Commission's Orders or rules. The prudence of a utility's plan and the utility's prudence in following or not following a plan are matters that may be considered in a general rate proceeding or other proceedings in which those issues have been noticed. See also section titled "Alternate Supply-Side Scenarios" in Chapter 5 - Integrated Resource Portfolio where we discuss different supply portfolios that are resonsive to changing assumptions about resource alternatives. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 15 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 1 APPENDIX 1.2: OREGON PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION IRP STANDARD AND GUIDELINES – ORDER 07- 002 Guideline 1: Substantive Requirements 1.a.1 All resources must be evaluated on a consistent and comparable basis. All resource options considered, including demand- side and supply-side are modeled in SENDOUT® utilizing the same common general assumptions, approach and methodology. 1.a.2 All known resources for meeting the utility’s load should be considered, including supply-side options which focus on the generation, purchase and transmission of power – or gas purchases, transportation, and storage – and demand-side options which focus on conservation and demand response. Avista considered a range of resources including demand-side management, distribution system enhancements, capacity release recalls, interstate pipeline transportation, interruptible customer supply, and storage options including liquefied natural gas. Chapter 3 and Appendix 3.1 documents Avista’s demand-side management resources considered. Chapter 4 and Appendix 5.3 documents supply-side resources. Chapter 5 and 6 documents how Avista developed and assessed each of these resources. 1.a.3 Utilities should compare different resource fuel types, technologies, lead times, in-service dates, durations and locations in portfolio risk modeling. Avista considered various combinations of technologies, lead times, in-service dates, durations, and locations. Chapter 5 provides details about the modeling methodology and results. Chapter 4 describes resource attributes and Appendix 5.3 summarizes the resources’ lead times, in-service dates and locations. 1.a.4 Consistent assumptions and methods should be used for evaluation of all resources. Appendix 5.2 documents general assumptions used in Avista’s SENDOUT® modeling software. All portfolio resources both demand and supply-side were evaluated within SENDOUT® using the same sets of inputs. 1.a.5 The after-tax marginal weighted- average cost of capital (WACC) should be used to discount all future resource costs. Avista applied its after-tax WACC of 4.93% to discount all future resource costs. (See general assumptions at Appendix 5.2) 1.b.1 Risk and uncertainty must be considered. Electric utilities only Not Applicable 1.b.2 Risk and uncertainty must be considered. Natural gas utilities should consider demand (peak, swing and base-load), commodity supply and price, transportation availability and price, and costs to comply with any regulation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Risk and uncertainty are key considerations in long term planning. In order to address risk and uncertainties a wide range of sensitivity, scenario and portfolio analysis is completed. A description of risk associated with each scenario is included in Appendix 2.6. One of the key risks is the “flat demand” risk as described in Chapter 1. Avista performed 15 sensitivities on demand. From there five demand scenarios were developed (Table 1.1) for SENDOUT® modeling purposes. Monthly demand coefficients were developed for base, heating demand while peak demand was contemplated through modeling a weather planning standard of the coldest day on record (see heating degree day data in Appendix 2.4). Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 16 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 1 Avista evaluated several price forecasts and selected high, medium and low price scenarios for modeling purposes. The annual average prices are then weighted by month using fundamental forecast data. Additionally, the Henry Hub price forecasts are basis adjusted using the same fundamental forecast data. Four supply scenarios were also evaluated, see Table 4.3. These supply scenarios were combined with demand scenarios in order to establish portfolios for evaluation. Ultimately 9 portfolios were evaluated (See Table 6.3 for the PVRR results). Avista stochastic modeling techniques for price and weather variables to analyze weather sensitivity and to quantify the risk to customers under varying price environments. While there continues to be some uncertainty around GHG emission, Avista considered GHG emissions regulatory compliance costs in Appendix 3.2. As currently modeled, we include a carbon adder to our price curve to capture the costs of emission regulation. Utilities should identify in their plans any additional sources of risk and uncertainty. Avista evaluated additional risks and uncertainties. Risks associated with the planning environment are detailed in Chapter 0 Introduction. Avista also analyzed demand risk which is detailed in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 discusses the uncertainty around how much DSM is achievable. Supply-side resource risks are discussed in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 and 6 discusses the variables modeled for scenario and stochastic risk analysis. 1c The primary goal must be the selection of a portfolio of resources with the best combination of expected costs and associated risks and uncertainties for the utility and its customers. Avista evaluated cost/risk tradeoffs for each of the risk analysis portfolios considered. See Chapter 5 and 6 plus supporting information in Appendix 2.6 for Avista’s portfolio risk analysis and determination of the preferred portfolio. The planning horizon for analyzing resource choices should be at least 20 years and account for end effects. Utilities should consider all costs with a reasonable likelihood of being included in rates over the long term, which extends beyond the planning horizon and the life of the resource. Avista used a 20-year study period for portfolio modeling. Avista contemplated possible costs beyond the planning period that could affect rates including end effects such as infrastructure decommission costs and concluded there were no significant costs reasonably likely to impact rates under different resource selection scenarios. Utilities should use present value of revenue requirement (PVRR) as the key cost metric. The plan should include analysis of current and estimated future costs of all long- lived resources such as power plants, gas storage facilities and pipelines, as well as all short-lived resources such as gas supply and Avista’s SENDOUT® modeling software utilizes a PVRR cost metric methodology applied to both long and short-lived resources. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 17 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 1 short-term power purchases. To address risk, the plan should include at a minimum: 1) Two measures of PVRR risk: one that measures the variability of costs and one that measures the severity of bad outcomes. 2) Discussion of the proposed use and impact on costs and risks of physical and financial hedging. Avista, through its stochastic analysis, modeled 200 scenarios around varying gas price inputs via Monte Carlo iterations developing a distribution of Total 20 year cost estimates utilizing SENDOUT®’s PVRR methodology. Chapter 6 further describes this analysis. The variability of costs is plotted against the Expected Case while the scenarios beyond the 95th percentile capture the severity of outcomes. Chapter 4 discusses Avista’s physical and financial hedging methodology. The utility should explain in its plan how its resource choices appropriately balance cost and risk. Chapter 4, 5, and 6 describe various specific resource considerations and related risks, and describes what criteria we used to determine what resource combinations provide an appropriate balance between cost and risk. 1d The plan must be consistent with the long-run public interest as expressed in Oregon and federal energy policies. Avista considered current and expected state and federal energy policies in portfolio modeling. Chapter 5 describes the decision process used to derive portfolios, which includes consideration of state resource policy directions. Guideline 2: Procedural Requirements 2a The public, including other utilities, should be allowed significant involvement in the preparation of the IRP. Involvement includes opportunities to contribute information and ideas, as well as to receive information. Parties must have an opportunity to make relevant inquiries of the utility formulating the plan. Chapter 0 provides an overview of the public process and documents the details on public meetings held for the 2014 IRP. Avista encourages participation in the development of the plan, as each party brings a unique perspective and the ability to exchange information and ideas makes for a more robust plan. While confidential information must be protected, the utility should make public, in its plan, any non- confidential information that is relevant to its resource evaluation and action plan. The entire IRP, as well as the TAC process, includes all of the non-confidential information the company used for portfolio evaluation and selection. Avista also provided stakeholders with non-confidential information to support public meeting discussions via email. The document and appendices will be available on the company website for viewing. The utility must provide a draft IRP for public review and comment prior to filing a final plan with the Commission. Avista distributed a draft IRP document for external review to all TAC members on May 25, 2014 and requested comments by July 13, 2014. Guideline 3: Plan Filing, Review and Updates 3a Utility must file an IRP within two years of its previous IRP acknowledgement order. This Plan complies with this requirement as the 2012 Natural Gas IRP was acknowledged on 4/30/2013. 3b Utility must present the results of its filed plan to the Commission at a public meeting prior to the deadline for written public comment. Avista will work with Staff to fulfill this guideline following filing of the IRP. 3c Commission staff and parties should complete their comments and recommendations within six months of IRP filing Pending Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 18 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 1 3d The Commission will consider comments and recommendations on a utility’s plan at a public meeting before issuing an order on acknowledgment. The Commission may provide the utility an opportunity to revise the plan before issuing an acknowledgment order Pending 3e The Commission may provide direction to a utility regarding any additional analyses or actions that the utility should undertake in its next IRP. Pending 3f Each utility must submit an annual update on its most recently acknowledged plan. The update is due on or before the acknowledgment order anniversary date. Once a utility anticipates a significant deviation from its acknowledged IRP, it must file an update with the Commission, unless the utility is within six months of filing its next IRP. The utility must summarize the update at a Commission public meeting. The utility may request acknowledgment of changes in proposed actions identified in an update Because the 2012 IRP was not acknowledged until April 30, 2013 the Company did not submit an annual update as the 2014 IRP process was well underway by the anniversary date of the acknowledgement. The Company provided updates and comparisons to its 2012 IRP during its 2014 IRP TAC meetings held on January 24, 2014, February 25, 2014, March 26, 2014, and April 23, 2014, in which Commission Staff and other TAC members were present. In addition the Company provided an update during its Natural Gas Quarterly update meeting held on April 17, 2014. No request for acknowledgement was required as no significant deviation from the 2012 IRP was anticipated. 3g Unless the utility requests acknowledgement of changes in proposed actions, the annual update is an informational filing that:  Describes what actions the utility has taken to implement the plan;  Provides an assessment of what has changed since the acknowledgment order that affects the action plan, including changes in such factors as load, expiration of resource contracts, supply-side and demand-side resource acquisitions, resource costs, and transmission availability; and  Justifies any deviations from the acknowledged action plan. The updates described in 3f above explained changes since acknowledgment of the 2012 IRP and an update of emerging planning issues. The updates did not request acknowledgement of any changes. Also, as directed in Order No. 13-159, per the 2013- 2014 Action Plan, the Company continued its DSM programs in Oregon with a minimum savings goal of 225,000 therms in 2013 and 250,000 therms in 2014. On April 30, 2014, the Company submitted its 2013 DSM Annual Report to Commission Staff which included updates and progress in meeting the DSM Action Items contained in Order No. 13-159. Lastly, as ordered the Company developed a potential mechanism for allocating funding for a separate low- income energy efficiency program and submitted a report to Commission Staff outlining the mechanism on October 30, 2013. On January 8, 2014 the Company filed a tariff to implement the low-income energy efficiency program, which was approved with an effective date of March 1, 2014. Guideline 4: Plan Components At a minimum, the plan must include the following elements: 4a An explanation of how the utility met This table summarizes guideline compliance by Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 19 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 1 each of the substantive and procedural requirements. providing an overview of how Avista met each of the substantive and procedural requirements for a natural gas IRP. 4b Analysis of high and low load growth scenarios in addition to stochastic load risk analysis with an explanation of major assumptions. Avista developed five demand growth forecasts for scenario analysis. Stochastic variability of demand was also captured in the risk analysis. Chapter 1 describes the demand forecast data and Chapter 5 provides the scenario and risk analysis results. Appendix 5 details major assumptions. 4c For electric utilities only Not Applicable 4d A determination of the peaking, swing and base-load gas supply and associated transportation and storage expected for each year of the plan, given existing resources; and identification of gas supplies (peak, swing and base-load), transportation and storage needed to bridge the gap between expected loads and resources. Figures 0.6 and 0.7summarize graphically projected annual peak day demand and the existing and selected resources by year to meet demand for the expected case. Appendix 6.1 and 6.2 summarizes the peak day demand for the other demand scenarios. 4e Identification and estimated costs of all supply-side and demand-side resource options, taking into account anticipated advances in technology Chapter 3 and Appendix 3.1 identify the demand-side potential included in this IRP. Chapter 4 and 5 and Appendix 5.3 identify the supply-side resources. 4f Analysis of measures the utility intends to take to provide reliable service, including cost-risk tradeoffs. Chapter 5, 6, and 7 discusses the modeling tools, customer growth forecasting and cost-risk considerations used to maintain and plan a reliable gas delivery system. These Chapters also captures a summary of the reliability analysis process demonstrated at the second TAC meeting. Chapter 4 discusses the diversified infrastructure and multiple supply basin approach that acts to mitigate certain reliability risks. Appendix 2.6 highlights key risks associated with each portfolio. 4g Identification of key assumptions about the future (e.g. fuel prices and environmental compliance costs) and alternative scenarios considered. Appendix 5 and Chapter 5 describe the key assumptions and alternative scenarios used in this IRP. 4h Construction of a representative set of resource portfolios to test various operating characteristics, resource types, fuels and sources, technologies, lead times, in-service dates, durations and general locations - system-wide or delivered to a specific portion of the system. This Plan documents the development and results for portfolios evaluated in this IRP (see Table 4.3 for supply scenarios considered). 4i Evaluation of the performance of the candidate portfolios over the range of identified risks and uncertainties. We evaluated our candidate portfolio by performing stochastic analysis using SENDOUT® varying price under 200 different scenarios. Additionally, we test the portfolio of options with the use of SENDOUT® under deterministic scenarios where demand and price vary. For resources selected, we assess other risk factors such as varying lead times required and potential for cost overruns outside of the amounts Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 20 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 1 included in the modeling assumptions. 4j Results of testing and rank ordering of the portfolios by cost and risk metric, and interpretation of those results. Avista’s four distinct geographic Oregon service territories limit many resource option synergies which inherently reduces available portfolio options. Feasibility uncertainty, lead time variability and uncertain cost escalation around certain resource options also reduce reasonably viable options. Chapter 4 describes resource options reviewed including discussion on uncertainties in lead times and costs as well as viability and resource availability (e.g. LNG). Appendix 5.3 summarizes the potential resource options identifying investment and variable costs, asset availability and lead time requirements while results of resources selected are identified in Table 5.5 as well as graphically presented in Figure 5.18 and 5.19 for the Expected Case and Appendix 6.1 for the High Growth case. 4k Analysis of the uncertainties associated with each portfolio evaluated See the responses to 1.b above. 4l Selection of a portfolio that represents the best combination of cost and risk for the utility and its customers Avista evaluated cost/risk tradeoffs for each of the risk analysis portfolios considered. Chapter 5 and Appendix 2.6 show the company’s portfolio risk analysis, as well as the process and determination of the preferred portfolio. 4m Identification and explanation of any inconsistencies of the selected portfolio with any state and federal energy policies that may affect a utility's plan and any barriers to implementation This IRP is presumed to have no inconsistencies. 4n An action plan with resource activities the utility intends to undertake over the next two to four years to acquire the identified resources, regardless of whether the activity was acknowledged in a previous IRP, with the key attributes of each resource specified as in portfolio testing. Chapter 8 presents the IRP Action Plan with focus on the following areas:  Modeling  Supply/capacity  Forecasting  Regulatory communication  DSM Guideline 5: Transmission 5 Portfolio analysis should include costs to the utility for the fuel transportation and electric transmission required for each resource being considered. In addition, utilities should consider fuel transportation and electric transmission facilities as resource options, taking into account their value for making additional purchases and sales, accessing less costly resources in remote locations, acquiring alternative fuel supplies, and improving reliability. Not applicable to Avista’s gas utility operations. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 21 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 1 Guideline 6: Conservation 6a Each utility should ensure that a conservation potential study is conducted periodically for its entire service territory. EnerNOC performed a conservation potential assessment study for our 2014 IRP. A discussion of the study is included in Chapter 3. The full study document is in Appendix 3.1. Avista incorporates a comprehensive assessment of the potential for utility acquisition of energy-efficiency resources into the regularly-scheduled Integrated Resource Planning process. 6b To the extent that a utility controls the level of funding for conservation programs in its service territory, the utility should include in its action plan all best cost/risk portfolio conservation resources for meeting projected resource needs, specifying annual savings targets. A discussion on the treatment of conservation programs is included in Chapter 3 while selection methodology is documented in Chapter 5. The action plan details conservation targets, if any, as developed through the operational business planning process. These targets are updated annually, with the most current avoided costs. Given the challenge of the low cost environment, current operational planning and program evaluation is still underway and targets for Oregon have not yet been set. 6c To the extent that an outside party administers conservation programs in a utility's service territory at a level of funding that is beyond the utility's control, the utility should: 1) determine the amount of conservation resources in the best cost/ risk portfolio without regard to any limits on funding of conservation programs; and 2) identify the preferred portfolio and action plan consistent with the outside party's projection of conservation acquisition. Not applicable. See the response for 5.b above. Guideline 7: Demand Response 7 Plans should evaluate demand response resources, including voluntary rate programs, on par with other options for meeting energy, capacity, and transmission needs (for electric utilities) or gas supply and transportation needs (for natural gas utilities). Avista has periodically evaluated conceptual approaches to meeting capacity constraints using demand-response and similar voluntary programs. Technology, customer characteristics and cost issues are hurdles for developing effective programs. See Chapter 3 Demand Response section for more discussion. Guideline 8: Environmental Costs 8 Utilities should include, in their base-case analyses, the regulatory compliance costs they expect for CO2, NOx, SO2, and Hg emissions. Utilities should analyze the range of potential CO2 regulatory costs in Order No. 93- 695, from $0 - $40 (1990$). In addition, utilities should perform sensitivity analysis on a range of reasonably possible cost adders for NOx, SO2, and Hg, if applicable. Avista’s current direct gas distribution system infrastructure does not result in any CO2, NOx, SO2, or Hg emissions. Upstream gas system infrastructure (pipelines, storage facilities, and gathering systems) do produce CO2 emissions via compressors used to pressurize and move gas Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 22 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 1 throughout the system. The Environmental Externalities discussion in Appendix 3.2 describes our analysis performed. See also the guidelines addendum reflecting revised guidance for environmental costs per Order 08-339. Guideline 9: Direct Access Loads 9 An electric utility's load-resource balance should exclude customer loads that are effectively committed to service by an alternative electricity supplier. Not applicable to Avista’s gas utility operations. Guideline 10: Multi-state utilities 10 Multi-state utilities should plan their generation and transmission systems, or gas supply and delivery, on an integrated-system basis that achieves a best cost/risk portfolio for all their retail customers. The 2014 IRP conforms to the multi-state planning approach. Guideline 11: Reliability 11 Electric utilities should analyze reliability within the risk modeling of the actual portfolios being considered. Loss of load probability, expected planning reserve margin, and expected and worst-case unserved energy should be determined by year for top-performing portfolios. Natural gas utilities should analyze, on an integrated basis, gas supply, transportation, and storage, along with demand-side resources, to reliably meet peak, swing, and base-load system requirements. Electric and natural gas utility plans should demonstrate that the utility’s chosen portfolio achieves its stated reliability, cost and risk objectives. Avista’s storage and transport resources while planned around meeting a peak day planning standard, also provides opportunities to capture off season pricing while providing system flexibility to meet swing and base-load requirements. Diversity in our transport options enables at least dual fuel source options in event of a transport disruption. For areas with only one fuel source option the cost of duplicative infrastructure is not feasible relative to the risk of generally high reliability infrastructure. Guideline 12: Distributed Generation 12 Electric utilities should evaluate distributed generation technologies on par with other supply-side resources and should consider, and quantify where possible, the additional benefits of distributed generation. Not applicable to Avista’s gas utility operations. Guideline 13: Resource Acquisition 13a An electric utility should: identify its proposed acquisition strategy for each resource in its action plan; Assess the advantages and disadvantages of owning a resource instead of purchasing power from another party; identify any Benchmark Resources it plans to consider in competitive bidding. Not applicable to Avista’s gas utility operations. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 23 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 1 13b Natural gas utilities should either describe in the IRP their bidding practices for gas supply and transportation, or provide a description of those practices following IRP acknowledgment. A discussion of Avista’s procurement practices is detailed in Chapter 4. Guideline 8: Environmental Costs a. BASE CASE AND OTHER COMPLIANCE SCENARIOS: The utility should construct a base-case scenario to reflect what it considers to be the most likely regulatory compliance future for carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and mercury emissions. The utility also should develop several compliance scenarios ranging from the present CO2 regulatory level to the upper reaches of credible proposals by governing entities. Each compliance scenario should include a time profile of CO2 compliance requirements. The utility should identify whether the basis of those requirements, or “costs”, would be CO2 taxes, a ban on certain types of resources, or CO2 caps (with or without flexibility mechanisms such as allowance or credit trading or a safety valve). The analysis should recognize significant and important upstream emissions that would likely have a significant impact on its resource decisions. Each compliance scenario should maintain logical consistency, to the extent practicable, between the CO2 regulatory requirements and other key inputs. Avista’s current direct gas distribution system infrastructure does not result in any CO2, NOx, SO2, or Hg emissions. Upstream gas system infrastructure (pipelines, storage facilities, and gathering systems) do produce CO2 emissions via compressors used to pressurize and move gas throughout the system. The Environmental Externalities discussion in Appendix 3.2 describes our process for addressing these costs. b. TESTING ALTERNATIVE PORTFOLIOS AGAINST THE COMPLIANCE SCENARIOS: The utility should estimate, under each of the compliance scenarios, the present value of revenue requirement (PVRR) costs and risk measures, over at least 20 years, for a set of reasonable alternative portfolios from which the preferred portfolio is selected. The utility should incorporate end- effect considerations in the analyses to allow for comparisons of portfolios containing resources with economic or physical lives that extend beyond the planning period. The utility should also modify projected lifetimes as necessary to be consistent with the compliance scenario under analysis. In addition, the utility should include, if material, sensitivity analyses on a range of reasonably possible regulatory futures for nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and mercury to further inform the preferred portfolio selection. The Environmental Externalities discussion in Appendix 3.2 describes our process for addressing these costs. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 24 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.1: ECONOMIC OUTLOOK AND CUSTOMER COUNT FORECAST I. Service Area Economic Performance and Outlook Avista’s core service area for natural gas includes Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho, and Southwest Oregon. Smaller service islands are also located in rural South-Central Washington and Northeast Oregon. Our service area is dominated by four metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs): the Spokane-Spokane Valley, WA MSA (Spokane-Stevens counties); the Coeur d’Alene, ID MSA (Kootenai County); the Lewiston-Clarkson ID-WA, MSA (Nez Perce-Asotin counties); and the Medford, OR MSA (Jackson County). These four MSAs represent the primary demand for Avista’s natural gas and account for 75% of both customers (i.e., meters) and load. The remaining 25% of customers and load are spread over low density rural areas in all three states. Figure 1: Employment Recovery since the End of the Great Recession, 2009-2013 Data source: Employment from the BLS; population from the U.S. Census. -7% -6% -5% -4% -3% -2% -1% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% Ja n -07 Ap r -07 Ju l -07 Oc t -07 Ja n -08 Ap r -08 Ju l -08 Oc t -08 Ja n -09 Ap r -09 Ju l -09 Oc t -09 Ja n -10 Ap r -10 Ju l -10 Oc t -10 Ja n -11 Ap r -11 Ju l -11 Oc t -11 Ja n -12 Ap r -12 Ju l -12 Oc t -12 Ja n -13 Ap r -13 Ju l -13 Oc t -13 Ye a r -ov e r -Ye a r , S a m e M o n t h S e a s o n a l l y A d j . Non-Farm Employment Growth (Dashed Shaded Box = Recession Period) Avista MSAs U.S. 1.7% 1.3% 1.0% 0.8% 0.5%0.6% 0.9% 0.0% 0.2% 0.4% 0.6% 0.8% 1.0% 1.2% 1.4% 1.6% 1.8% 2.0% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 An n u a l G r o w t h Population Growth in Avista MSAs Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 25 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 Compared to the U.S. as a whole, our service area has been slow to recover from the Great Recession. Although the U.S. recession officially ended in June 2009 (dated by the National Bureau of Economic Research), our service area did not start a significant employment recovery until the second half of 2012 (Figure 1, top graph). As a result, service area population growth, which is significantly influenced by in-migration through employment opportunities, remains much lower than pre-recession levels (Figure 1, bottom graph) and has recovered at a much slower rate than anticipated in the 2012 IRP (Figure 2). In 2011, Avista’s MSA population growth fell to around 0.5%, the lowest since the late 1980s. Since population growth is a long- run proxy for residential and commercial customer growth, this IRP shows a significant downward revision in total forecasted customers in WA-ID and OR compared to the 2012 IRP (Figure 3). Industrial customer growth, which is not significantly correlated with population growth, has been close to zero since the end of Great Recession. Over the same time period, our rural service areas have seen very little growth in total customers. Figure 2: Comparison of Average Annual Population Growth from 2011 to 2012 Data source: Actual population growth calculated U.S. Census data. In large part, the downward revision in this IRP reflects an assumed lower long-run GDP growth in the U.S., which filters down to our service area as lower employment growth relative to the U.S. In turn, this translates into lower population growth due to slower in-migration. The current assumption for long-run GDP growth is 2.5%, significantly lower than the to 3% assumption in the 2012 IRP. Based on demographic and productivity trends, the 2.5% growth assumption is consistent with a growing consensus that long-run GDP growth with be in the 2.2-2.7% range. For example, the Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) 2014 Annual Energy Outlook forecast assumes a 2.4% annual average growth rate out to 2040. Finally, since GDP is both a measure of output and income, the lower GDP growth assumption also implies slower industrial production growth and household income growth compared to the 2012 IRP. 1.6% 2.5% 1.9% 0.4% 1.0% 0.8% 0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% Spokane, WA Coeur d'Alene, ID Medford, OR Av e r a g e A n n u a l G r o w t h 2012 IRP Base Case Forecast Actual Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 26 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 Figure 3: Comparison of Forecasted Customer Growth WA-ID and OR, 2014-2040 II. Forecast Process and Methodology Figure 4 summarizes the forecast process for natural gas. In non-IRP periods, the forecast from Financial Planning and Analysis (FPA) is generated by schedule for each class (residential, commercial, and industrial) out five years. For schedules with the most load and customers, forecasts are generated from regression models that are either pure ARIMA models or ARIMA transfer function models. Pure ARIMA models use only past values of therm use per customer (UPC) or customers to forecast future UPC or customers. ARIMA transfer function models are based on weather, non-weather seasonal factors, long-run time trends, economic drivers, and ARIMA error correction terms. These are standard time-series models that are estimated using SAS/ETS software. The FPA customer forecasts are used as input into Sendout® to generate the IRP load forecasts for gas purchase decisions. Sendout® forecasts are compared against FRP forecasts to ensure that there are no significant deviations between the two forecasts. Over five year forecast horizon, the deviations are not typically material on an aggregate annual basis. 150,000 175,000 200,000 225,000 250,000 275,000 300,000 325,000 350,000 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 F 20 1 5 F 20 1 6 F 20 1 7 F 20 1 8 F 20 1 9 F 20 2 0 F 20 2 1 F 20 2 2 F 20 2 3 F 20 2 4 F 20 2 5 F 20 2 6 F 20 2 7 F 20 2 8 F 20 2 9 F 20 3 0 F 20 3 1 F 20 3 2 F 20 3 3 F 20 3 4 F 20 3 5 F 20 3 6 F 20 3 7 F 20 3 8 F 20 3 9 F 20 4 0 F To t a l C u s t o m e r s WA-ID Region (Annual Growth: 2014 IRP Base Case = 1.0%, 2012 IRP Base Case = 1.6%) WA-ID 2014 IRP Base Case Forecast WA-ID 2012 IRP Base Case Forecast 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 F 20 1 5 F 20 1 6 F 20 1 7 F 20 1 8 F 20 1 9 F 20 2 0 F 20 2 1 F 20 2 2 F 20 2 3 F 20 2 4 F 20 2 5 F 20 2 6 F 20 2 7 F 20 2 8 F 20 2 9 F 20 3 0 F 20 3 1 F 20 3 2 F 20 3 3 F 20 3 4 F 20 3 5 F 20 3 6 F 20 3 7 F 20 3 8 F 20 3 9 F 20 4 0 F To t a l C u s t o m e r s OR Region (Annual Growth: 2014 IRP Base Case = 0.9%, 2012 IRP Base Case = 1.7%) OR 2014 IRP Base Case Forecast OR 2012 IRP Base Forecast Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 27 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 Figure 4: Avista’s Forecast Process for Natural Gas Financial Planning and Analysis (FPA) Gas Forecast Accounting revenue reports for ID, WA, and OR customer count and load data. Forecast Drivers: HDD, GDP, IP, non-farm employment, and population. Update spreadsheet with new data each month. Gas forecast is done twice a year, in June and December. During IRP years, one of these forecasts will be extended to produce the long-run customer projections. The FPA forecast is largely based on an ARIMA based approach with historical billed load data. Generate a monthly forecast of customers and load by rate schedule. The forecast is 5-years out non-IRP years and 20- years out in IRP years. All forecasts assume average weather using a 20-yer moving average of HDD. FPA customer forecasts sent to Gas Supply. Customer forecasts are used in Sendout® to (1) generate an aggregate load forecast for firm customers and (2) verify that it lines up with the annual aggregated load forecast from FPA. This process is a cross verification of both forecasts and ensures there are no material differences between the forecasts used for financial forecasting and gas purchase decisions. A 20-year moving average also applied in the Sendout®. forecast. Sendout® and FPA forecasts are sent to Resource Accounting. The FPA firm load forecast is converted into load shares by schedule, and these shares are applied to the Sendout® forecast to generate the load forecast by firm class and schedule. The forecast is allocated from the Sendout® total to capture the unbilled portion that is not present in the billed data used by FPA. The forecasted loads are converted to revenues that reflect both billed and unbilled dollars. Forecasts for transportation and interruptible schedules come directly from the FPA forecast, and not Sendout®. The final revenue forecast from Resource Accounting is sent back to FPA for use in the company’s earnings model. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 28 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 Economic Drivers in Five Year Customer Forecasts Population growth is the key driver for the residential customer forecast. Because of the high historic correlation between residential and customer forecasts, population is also an indirect driver in forecast for commercial customers. As will be discussed below, the implicit assumption is that commercial customer growth tends to follow along with residential growth. Population growth forecast is one of the key drivers behind the customer forecast for residential schedules 101 in WA-ID and 410 in OR. These two schedules represent the majority of customers and, therefore, drive overall residential customer growth. Because of their size and growth potential, a multi-step forecasting process has been developed for the Spokane-Spokane Valley-Coeur d’Alene combined MSAs and the Medford MSA. Figure 5 describes the forecasting process for population growth for these MSAs. Figure 5: Forecasting Population Growth The forecasting models for regional employment growth are: [1] [2] SPK+KOOT is for the combined area of Spokane, WA (Spokane MSA) and Kootenai, ID (Coeur d’Alene MSA), and JACK is for Jackson County, OR (Medford MSA). GEMPy is employment growth in year y, GGDPy,US is U.S. real GDP growth in year y. DKC is a dummy variable for the collapse of Kaiser Aluminum in Spokane, and DHB is a dummy for the housing bubble, specific to each region. The average GDP forecasts are used in the estimated model to generate five-year employment growth forecasts. Averaging the GDP forecasts reduces the systematic errors of a single-source forecast. Discussed below, employment growth forecasts are then used to generate population growth forecasts. The major MSA forecasting models for regional population growth are: [3] [4] D2001=1 and D1991=1 are outlier dummy variables for recession impacts. GEMPy-1,US is U.S. employment growth in year y-1 and GEMPy-1,CA is California Employment growth in year y-1. Because of its close proximity to CA, CA employment growth is better predictor of Medford’s population growth than U.S. growth. Average GDP Growth Forecasts:  IMF, FOMC, Bloomberg, etc.  Average forecasts out 5-yrs. Non-farm Employment Growth Model:  Model links year y, y-1, and y-2 GDP growth to year y regional employment growth.  Forecast out 5-yrs. Regional Population Growth Models:  Model links regional, U.S., and CA employment growth to regional population growth.  Forecast out 5-yrs for Spokane, WA; Kootenai, ID; and Jackson, OR.  Averaged with GI forecasts.  Compare population forecasts to base customer forecasts for residential schedules 101 (WA) and 410 (OR).  Adjust base forecasts if large differences with base and population forecasts exist. EMP GDP Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 29 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 Forecasts generated from [3] and [4] are combined with GI’s population (GIPOP) forecasts for the same areas in the form of a simple average. As with the GDP forecasts, averaging with GI’s population forecast reduces the systematic errors of a single-source forecast. In the case of Spokane-Kootenai, the forecasted growth rate is broken apart by to generate an individual rate for each MSA: [5] [6] Forecasts [5] and [6] are applied to base-line residential schedule 101 (WA-ID) and 410 (OR) customer forecasts generated by ARIMA models. If the base-line forecast appears are in line with the population growth forecasts from [5] and [6], then no direct adjustment is made to the base-line ARIMA forecasts. However, if the base-line ARIMA forecasts appear to be too low or too high relative to the population forecast, [5] and [6] are applied to adjust the base-line forecasts so that the final annual growth rate of forecasted customers matches the forecasted population growth rate, FAvg(GPOPy) for each major MSA. For La Grande, OR (Union County); Klamath Falls, OR (Klamath County); and Roseburg, OR (Douglas County), GI’s forecasts are used in lieu of in-house forecasts. Because of their small size, the WA service areas around Stevenson, WA (Skamania County) and Goldendale, WA (Klickitat County) are not broken out for forecasting purposes. The Lewiston-Clarkston area is aggregated into the Spokane and Kootenai customer count used for forecasting; therefore, it is not considered separately. Given its close proximity to the Medford area, this is also the case for Grants Pass, OR (Josephine County). The residential customer forecasts, generated from the process described above, are then used as a driver in the forecasts for commercial schedule 101 (WA-ID) and schedule 420 (OR). The exception is Roseburg, OR, where there is little correlation between residential and commercial customer growth. As with residential schedules 101 and 410, commercial schedules 101 (WA) and 420 (OR) are the main drivers of overall commercial customer growth. This is a three step process. First, historical residential customers are used as an explanatory variable in an ARIMA model for forecasting commercial customers. Second, commercial ARIMA models for WA, ID, and OR are estimated from historical commercial and residential customer data. Third, five year commercial forecasts for schedules 101 or 420 are generated using the 101 or 410 residential customer forecasts in the commercial ARIMA models estimated with historical data. This method assumes this historical high correlation between residential and commercial customer growth continues in the future. Long-Run IRP Forecasts after the Five Year Forecast Horizon Forecasts for IRP years are extend out from the five year forecasts by first assuming long-run values as inputs into [1] and [2]. As discussed above, the current assumption is a long-run GDP growth rate of 2.5%. This assumption generates long-run growth rate for employment growth, which is used in [3] and [4]. Finally, GI’s long-range forecasts are combined with [3] and [4] to produce a base-line residential growth rate for the largest MSAs. As with the 5-year out forecast, the smaller service areas in OR rely on GI’s forecasts as a proxy for residential customer growth, which currently extend to the early 2040s. With the exception of Roseburg, OR, commercial customer growth is assumed to be equal to residential customer growth. This assumption is based on long-run relationship between residential and commercial customer growth after 2018. Figure 6 shows system wide same month, year-over-year residential and commercial customer growth (top graph) and industrial customer growth (bottom graph) for the 2007-2013 period. Figure 6: Year-over-Year Customer Growth for the Three Rate Classes, 2007-2013 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 30 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 Figure 6 demonstrates that residential and commercial growth rates are highly correlated and maintain similar levels over the long-run—both classes’ growth rates averaged about 1% over this period. This growth is slightly higher than population growth because of the housing boom and existing households retrofitting with natural gas. However, by the end of 2009, with the collapse of the housing bubble and increased natural gas saturation, customer growth moved in line with population growth. For Roseburg, OR, it is assumed commercial customer growth will continue at an annual rate 0.02% after 2018, which reflects average commercial growth since 2008. In contrast, the behavior of Industrial customer growth looks quite different. Customer growth is both lower and more volatile. The average growth rate over this period is -0.4%, reflecting a trend of nearly flat or slowly declining customers, depending on the service area region. In addition, the standard deviation of growth is 3.7% compared to 0.6% for both residential and commercial growth—over five times higher. The current IRP forecast reflects this historical trend of weak growth. Some energy industry analysts believe the U.S.’s increased supply of natural gas and oil will attract industrial production back from overseas locations. However, in this IRP, we do not assume plentiful energy supplies in the U.S. will alter long-run trends in industrial customer growth in our service area. Establishing High-Low Cases for IRP Customer Forecast The customer forecasts for this IRP include high and low cases that set the expected bounds around the base-case. In the WA-ID area, the high and low cases were set by altering base case assumptions about U.S. and regional employment growth in equation [3] for the Spokane-Coeur d’Alene region. In particular, the high-case reflects more optimistic assumptions about long-run growth and the low case reflects more pessimistic assumptions. The WA-ID high case effectively assumes long-run employment growth of over 2.0% (compared to a base-case of around 1.7%), while the low-case assumes growth under 0.5%. In the OR area, a similar approach was used for the Medford area using equation [4]. The Medford area high case also assumes long-run employment growth of over 2.0% (compared to a base-case of around 1.5%), while the low- case assumes growth under 0.5%. The range for employment growth was obtained by looking at different scenarios of U.S. GDP growth, as was well as the historical distribution of employment growth rates since the early 1990s for our service area, U.S., and California. The areas of Klamath Falls, Roseburg, and La Grande were -0.5% 0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% Ja n -07 Ap r -07 Ju l -07 Oc t -07 Ja n -08 Ap r -08 Ju l -08 Oc t -08 Ja n -09 Ap r -09 Ju l -09 Oc t -09 Ja n -10 Ap r -10 Ju l -10 Oc t -10 Ja n -11 Ap r -11 Ju l -11 Oc t -11 Ja n -12 Ap r -12 Ju l -12 Oc t -12 Ja n -13 Ap r -13 Ju l -13 Oc t -13 Ye a r -ov e r -Ye a r , S a m e M o n t h Residential (blue Line) and Commerical (red line) -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% Ja n -07 Ap r -07 Ju l -07 Oc t -07 Ja n -08 Ap r -08 Ju l -08 Oc t -08 Ja n -09 Ap r -09 Ju l -09 Oc t -09 Ja n -10 Ap r -10 Ju l -10 Oc t -10 Ja n -11 Ap r -11 Ju l -11 Oc t -11 Ja n -12 Ap r -12 Ju l -12 Oc t -12 Ja n -13 Ap r -13 Ju l -13 Oc t -13 Ye a r -ov e r -Ye a r , S a m e M o n t h Industrial Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 31 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 considered separately by looking the historical distributions population growth rates since the 1980s. Since the early 1980s, annual population growth as averaged less than 1% in these three areas. Table F.1 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 32 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 Table F.2 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 33 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION WASHINGTON AND IDAHO Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 34 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION WASHINGTON AND IDAHO Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 35 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION WASHINGTON AND IDAHO Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 36 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION WASHINGTON AND IDAHO Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 37 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION WASHINGTON AND IDAHO Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 38 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION WASHINGTON AND IDAHO Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 39 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION MEDFORD Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 40 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION MEDFORD Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 41 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION MEDFORD Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 42 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION MEDFORD Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 43 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION MEDFORD Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 44 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION MEDFORD Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 45 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION ROSEBURG Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 46 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION ROSEBURG Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 47 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION ROSEBURG Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 48 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION ROSEBURG Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 49 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION ROSEBURG Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 50 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION ROSEBURG Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 51 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION KLAMATH FALLS Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 52 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION KLAMATH FALLS Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 53 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION KLAMATH FALLS Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 54 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION KLAMATH FALLS Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 55 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION KLAMATH FALLS Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 56 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION KLAMATH FALLS Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 57 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION LA GRANDE Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 58 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION LA GRANDE Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 59 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION LA GRANDE Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 60 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION LA GRANDE Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 61 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION LA GRANDE Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 62 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.2: CUSTOMER FORECASTS BY REGION LA GRANDE Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 63 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.3: DEMAND COEFFICIENTS Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 64 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.3: WA/ID BASE COEFFICIENT CALCULATION Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 65 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.3: MEDFORD BASE COEFFICIENT CALCULATION Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 66 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.3: ROSEBURG BASE COEFFICIENT CALCULATION Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 67 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.3: KLAMATH FALLS BASE COEFFICIENT CALCULATION Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 68 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.3: LA GRANDE BASE COEFFICIENT CALCULATION Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 69 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.4: HEATING DEGREE DAY DATA MONTHLY TABLES Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 70 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.4: HEATING DEGREE DAY DATA MONTHLY TABLES Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 71 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.4: HEATING DEGREE DAILY MONTH BY AREA Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 72 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.4: HEATING DEGREE DAILY MONTH BY AREA Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 73 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.4: HEATING DEGREE DAILY MONTH BY AREA Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 74 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.5: DEMAND SENSITIVITIES SUMMARY OF ASSUMPTIONS – DEMAND SCENARIOS Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 75 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.5: DEMAND SCENARIOS PROPOSED SCENARIOS Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 76 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.6: DEMAND FORECAST SENSITIVITIES AND SCENARIOS DESCRIPTIONS DEFINITIONS DYNAMIC DEMAND METHODOLOGY – Avista’s demand forecasting approach wherein we 1) identify key demand drivers behind natural gas consumption, 2) perform sensitivity analysis on each demand driver, and 3) combine demand drivers under various scenarios to develop alternative potential outcomes for forecasted demand. DEMAND INFLUENCING FACTORS – Factors that directly influence the volume of natural gas consumed by our core customers. PRICE INFLUENCING FACTORS – Factors that, through price elasticity response, indirectly influence the volume of natural gas consumed by our core customers. REFERENCE CASE – A baseline point of reference that captures the basic inputs for determining a demand forecast in SENDOUT® which includes number of customers, use per customer, average daily weather temperatures (including an adjustment for global warming) and expected natural gas prices. SENSITIVITIES – Focused analysis of a specific natural gas demand driver and its impact on forecasted demand relative to the Reference Case when underlying input assumptions are modified. SCENARIOS – Combination of natural gas demand drivers that make up a demand forecast. Avista evaluates each sensitivities impact. SENSITIVITIES The following Sensitivities were performed on identified demand drivers against the reference case for consideration in Scenario development. Note that Sensitivity assumptions reflect incremental adjustments we estimate are not captured in the underlying reference case forecast. Following are the Demand Influencing (Direct) Sensitivities we evaluated: REFERENCE CASE PLUS PEAK – Same assumptions as in the Reference Case with and adjustment made to normal weather to incorporate peak weather conditions. The peak weather data being the coldest day on record for each weather area. LOW & HIGH CUSTOMER GROWTH – In our low customer growth Sensitivity, annual customer growth rates under perform the reference rate of growth by 40% over our 20 year planning horizon while annual customer growth rates exceed the reference rate by 60% in our high growth Sensitivity. NATURAL GAS VEHICLES (NGV) AND/OR COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS (CNG) VEHICLES – NGV/CNG vehicles assumed to produce a 15% cumulative incremental demand over our 20 year planning horizon. Our assumption utilized market consumption estimates from an independent analysis on NGV/CNG vehicle viability. The analysis indicates significant challenges exist to widespread adoption but did provide a scenario for significant market penetration (10% in 10 years). Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 77 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 ALTERNATE WEATHER STANDARD (COLDEST DAY 20 YRS) – Peak Day weather temperature reduced to coldest average daily temperature (HDDs) experienced in the most recent 20 years in each region. DSM – Reference case assumptions including the potential DSM identified by the Conservation Potential Assessment provided by Global Energy Partners. See Appendix 4.1 for full assessment report. PEAK PLUS DSM – Reference plus peak weather assumptions including the potential DSM identified by the Conservation Potential Assessment provided by Global Energy Partners. See Appendix 4.1 for the full assessment report. ALTERNATE USE PER CUSTOMER – Reference case use per customer was based upon 3 years of actual use per customer per heating degree day data. This sensitivity used five years of historical use per customer per heating degree day data. Following are the Price Influencing (Indirect) Sensitivities we evaluated: EXPECTED ELASTICITY – For our expected elasticity Sensitivity, we incorporate reduced consumption in response to higher natural gas prices utilizing a price elasticity study prepared by the American Gas Association. LOW & HIGH PRICES – To capture a wide band of alternative prices forecasts, we use the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s “very low” and “very high” natural gas price forecast scenarios with first five years modified to include blend of recent market prices (Nymex forward prices) consistent with our Expected price forecast. CARBON LEGISLATION LOW CASE – Utilizes carbon cost adders quantified by independent analysis from Consultant #1. They identify both an adder reflecting carbon allowances as well as an adder to capture the effect of increased natural gas demand as more gas turbines come online to replace coal plants and back up wind generation. The allowance adder escalates from $14/ton in 2022 to $22/ton by 2033. CARBON LEGISLATION MEDIUM CASE –Utilizes carbon cost adders quantified by independent analysis from Consultant #1. They identify both an adder reflecting carbon allowances as well as an adder to capture the effect of increased natural gas demand as more gas turbines come online to replace coal plants and back up wind generation. The allowance adder escalates from $8.32/ton in 2021 to $14.83/ton by 2033. This is the expected carbon adder utilized in our carbon case sensitivities. CARBON LEGISLATION HIGH CASE – Utilizes carbon cost adders quantified by independent analysis from Consultant #1. They identify both an adder reflecting carbon allowances as well as an adder to capture the effect of increased natural gas demand as more gas turbines come online to replace coal plants and back up wind generation. The allowance adder escalates from $16/ton in 2021 to $28/ton by 2033. EXPORTED LNG – Beginning in 2017, we apply an estimate of $.50/mmbtu incremental adder each year to regional natural gas prices to capture upward price pressure because of exports of LNG to Asian and European counties. There is much uncertainty about the region price impact LNG will have. It is highly dependent on many things including which export facilities get built and the pipeline infrastructure used to serve them. There are several analyses that have been conducted where the price impact can be minimal to $1.00/mmbtu. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 78 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 SCENARIOS After identifying the above demand drivers and analyzing the various Sensitivities, we have developed the following demand forecast Scenarios: AVERAGE CASE – This Scenario we believe represents the most likely average demand forecast modeled. We assume service territory customer growth rates consistent with the reference case, rolling 30 year normal weather in each service territory, our expected natural gas price forecast (Consultant #1), expected price elasticity, and the CO2 cost adders from our Carbon Legislation Medium Case Sensitivity, and DSM. The Scenario does not include incremental cost adders for declining Canadian imports or drilling restrictions beyond what is incorporated in the selected price forecast. EXPECTED CASE – This Scenario represents the peak demand forecast. We assume service territory customer growth rates consistent with the reference case, a weather standard of coldest day on record in each service territory, our middle range natural gas price forecast (Consultant #1), expected price elasticity, and the CO2 cost adders from our Carbon Legislation Medium Case Sensitivity, and DSM. HIGH GROWTH, LOW PRICE – This Scenario models a rapid return to robust growth in part spurred on by low energy prices. We assume customer growth rates 60% higher than the reference case, coldest day on record weather standard, incremental demand from NGV/CNG, our low natural gas price forecast, no price elasticity, DSM, and no CO2 adders. LOW GROWTH, HIGH PRICE – This Scenario models an extended period of slow economic growth in part resulting from high energy prices. We assume customer growth rates 40% lower than the reference case, coldest day on record weather standard, our high natural gas price forecast, expected price elasticity, and CO2 adders from our Carbon Legislation Medium Case Sensitivity. ALTERNATE WEATHER STANDARD – This Scenario models all the same assumptions as the Expected Case Scenario except for the change in the weather planning standard from coldest day on record to coldest day in 20 years for each service territory. As noted in the Sensitivity analysis, this change does not affect the Klamath Falls and La Grande service territories which have each experienced their coldest day on record within the last 20 years. A case incorporating Exported LNG was not included in this IRP’s scenario analysis. There is much uncertainty about the location and timing of exported LNG and its potential price impacts. The forecasters we subscribe to have incorporated some level of export LNG into their price forecasts and therefore our expected price curve does include an export LNG assumption. At this time the effects of LNG are minimal given the robust North American supply picture. Avista will closely monitor developments with export LNG for the potential price and infrastructure impacts. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 79 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.7: ANNUAL DEMAND, AVERAGE DAY DEMAND AND PEAK DAY DEMAND (NET OF DSM – CASE AVERAGE Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 80 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.7: ANNUAL DEMAND, AVERAGE DAY DEMAND AND PEAK DAY DEMAND (NET OF DSM) – CASE HIGH Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 81 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.7: ANNUAL DEMAND, AVERAGE DAY DEMAND AND PEAK DAY DEMAND (NET OF DSM) – CASE LOW Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 82 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.7: ANNUAL DEMAND, AVERAGE DAY DEMAND AND PEAK DAY DEMAND (NET OF DSM) – CASE COLDEST IN 20 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 83 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.8: PEAK DAY DEMAND BEFORE AND AFTER DSM WA/ID Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 84 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.8: PEAK DAY DEMAND BEFORE AND AFTER DSM MEDFORD/ROSEBURG Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 85 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.8: PEAK DAY DEMAND BEFORE AND AFTER DSM KLAMATH FALLS Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 86 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.8: PEAK DAY DEMAND BEFORE AND AFTER DSM LA GRANDE Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 87 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.9: DETAILED DEMAND DATA EXPECTED MIX Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 88 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.9: DETAILED DEMAND DATA EXPECTED MIX Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 89 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.9: DETAILED DEMAND DATA LOW GROWTH HIGH PRICE Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 90 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.9: DETAILED DEMAND DATA LOW GROWTH HIGH PRICE Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 91 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.9: DETAILED DEMAND DATA HIGH GROWTH LOW PRICE Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 92 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.9: DETAILED DEMAND DATA HIGH GROWTH LOW PRICE Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 93 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.9: DETAILED DEMAND DATA AVERAGE MIX Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 94 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.9: DETAILED DEMAND DATA AVERAGE MIX Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 95 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.9: DETAILED DEMAND DATA COLDEST IN 20 YEARS Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 96 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 APPENDIX 2.9: DETAILED DEMAND DATA COLDEST IN 20 YEARS Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 97 APPENDIX - CHAPTER 2 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 98 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 APPENDIX 3.1: AVISTA GAS CPA REPORT 4/23/2014 Avista Natural Gas Conservation Potential Assessment Results April 23, 2014 2 Topics • Overview of analysis approach • Market characterization • Energy market profile • Baseline projection • Conservation potential Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 99 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 3 Approach Update Develop energy market profiles and project the baseline Customer surveys (optional) Secondary data Forecast assumptions Prototypes and energy analysis Characterize the market Utility dataCustomer surveys (optional) Secondary data DSM measure list Measure descriptionAvoided costs Perform measure screening Apply customer participation rates Recent program resultsBest-practices research Base-year energy use by fuel & segment Base-year profiles and baseline projection by fuel, segment & end use Technical and economic potential Achievable potential Input Data Analysis Steps Results 4 Approach Market Dimension Segmentation Variable Dimension Examples 1 State Washington, Idaho, and Oregon 2 Sector Residential, Commercial, and Industrial 3 Building type Residential: Single family, Multi Family,and Mobile Home Commercial: Small Commercial and Large Commercial Industrial: All sectors combined 4 Vintage Existing and new construction 5 End uses Space heating, water heating, appliances, process, etc. (as appropriate by sector) 6 Appliances/end uses and technologies Technologies such as furnaces, boilers, ovens, fryers, etc 7 Equipment efficiency levels for new purchases Baseline and higher-efficiency options as appropriate for each technology Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 100 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 Market Characterization 6 Avista market characterization (All states, 2013) Avista Total 2013 Sales (1,000Thrm)# of Meters Average Use per Meter (Thrm) Residential 199,115 288,088 691 Small Commercial 51,825 30,410 1,704 Large Commercial 74,664 3,875 19,266 Industrial 5,015 255 19,649 Total 330,619 322,628 1,025 • Based on 2013 Avista gas sales data • Excludes transport and Oregon 444 Residential60% Small Commercial16% Large Commercial23% Industrial1% Avista Natural Gas Use (2013) Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 101 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 7 Avista market characterization (2013) Washington Rate Class 2013 Sales (1,000Thrm)% of Sales # of Meters % of Meters Average Use/Meter (Thrm) Residential 101 102,680 59%135,792 90%756 Small Commercial 101 17,267 10%11,971 8%1,442 Large Commercial 111,132 51,078 29%2,469 2%20,687 Industrial 101,111,112 2,384 1%134 0%17,756 Washington total 173,409 100%150,366 100%1,153 Idaho Rate Class 2013 Sales (1,000Thrm)% of Sales # of Meters % of Meters Average Use/Meter (Thrm) Residential 101 46,336 61%67,415 89%687 Small Commercial 101 7,725 10%7,292 10%1,059 Large Commercial 111,132 19,968 26%1,335 2%14,961 Industrial 101,111,112 2,222 3%94 0%23,698 Idaho total 76,250 100%76,136 100%1,001 Oregon Rate Class 2013 Sales (1,000Thrm) % of Sales # of Meters % of Meters Average Use/Meter (Thrm) Residential 410 50,099 62%84,881 88%590 Small Commercial 420 26,833 33%11,146 12%2,407 Large Commercial 424 3,618 4%72 0%50,484 Industrial 420,424 410 1%27 0%15,044 Oregon total 80,960 100%96,126 100%842 Residential Sector Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 102 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 9 Avista residential market characterization (All states, 2013) All States Residential 2013 Sales (1,000 Therms)# of Meters Average Use per Household (Therms/HH) Single Family 165,435 224,253 738 Multi Family 16,935 35,706 474 Mobile Home 16,745 28,128 595 Total 199,115 288,088 691 Single Family78% Multi Family12% Mobile Home10% Avista Residential Natural Gas Use (2013) 10 Avista residential market characterization (2013) Washington 2013 Sales (1,000 Therms)% of Sales # of Meters % of Meters Average Use/Meter (Therms) Single Family 86,211 84%106,732 79%808 Multi Family 9,743 9%19,147 14%509 Mobile Home 6,726 7%9,913 7%678 Washington total 102,680 100%135,792 100%756 Idaho 2013 Sales (1,000 Therms)% of Sales # of Meters % of Meters Average Use/Meter (Therms) Single Family 38,758 84%52,719 78%735 Multi Family 4,496 10%9,708 14%463 Mobile Home 3,081 7%4,989 7%618 Idaho total 46,336 100%67,415 100%687 Oregon 2013 Sales (1,000 Therms)% of Sales # of Meters % of Meters Average Use/Meter (Therms) Single Family 40,466 81%64,803 76%624 Multi Family 2,695 5%6,851 8%393 Mobile Home 6,938 14%13,227 16%525 Oregon total 50,099 100%84,881 100%590 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 103 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 11 Avista residential market characterization (2013) • Energy Market Profiles •Characterize energy use by sector, segment, end use, and technology •Existing, replacement, and new construction • Accounts for •Codes and standards •Previous DSM results •Equipment saturation and fuel shares Space Heating 77% Water Heating 20% Appliances 1%Miscellaneous 2% 12 Energy market profile for Washington, single family UEC Intensity Usage (Therms) (Therms/HH) (MMThrm) Space Heating Furnace 87.8% 623.3 547.1 58.4 Space Heating Boiler 3.6% 705.8 25.5 2.7 Space Heating Other Heating 8.6% 600.0 51.7 5.5 Water Heating Water Heater 60.8% 256.1 155.6 16.6 Appliances Clothes Dryer 8.3% 30.8 2.5 0.3 Appliances Stove/Oven 10.3% 57.4 5.9 0.6 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 1.1% 219.0 2.5 0.3 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 100.0% 16.9 16.9 1.8 807.7 86.2 End Use Technology Saturation Total Space Heating 77% Water Heating 19% Appliances 1% Miscellaneous 3% Energy Usage, Washington Single Family Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 104 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 13 Assumptions in the residential baseline projection • Projection of growth without conservation programs • Incorporates •Customer growth, about 1.5% per year •Differences in new homes (i.e., larger than average dwellings) •Per capita income growth, about 2.1% per year •Retail price forecast •Trends in end-use/technology saturations •Equipment purchase decisions •Building codes and appliance standards Today's Efficiency or Standard Assumption Next Standard (relative to today's standard) End Use Technology 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Furnace Boiler Water Heater (<=55 gallons) Water Heater (>55 gallons) Clothes Dryer Range/Oven Miscellaneous Pool Heater 5% more efficient EF 0.59 EF 0.59 Conventional No Standing Pilot Light EF 0.82 Space Heating EF 0.82 Water Heating EF 0.62 Condensing Technology AFUE 90% -Non- weatherized AFUE 90% -Weatherized Appliances 14 Residential baseline projection results • Residential sector use increases 13% from 199 million therms to 224 million therms • Use per household decreases by 21% •Larger home size and income effects are offset by efficiency standards - 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 Intensity (Thrm/HH) - 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 Annual Use (1,000Thrm) Space Heating Water Heating Appliances Miscellaneous Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 105 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 Commercial Sector 16 Avista commercial market characterization (2013) Washington 2013 Sales (1,000Thrm)% of Sales SqFt Average Use/SqFt (Thrm) Small Commercial 17,267 25%47,567,634 0.36 Large Commercial 51,078 75%77,391,189 0.66 Washington total 68,345 100%124,958,823 0.55 Idaho 2013 Sales (1,000Thrm)% of Sales SqFt Average Use/SqFt (Thrm) Small Commercial 7,725 28%22,293,951 0.35 Large Commercial 19,968 72%31,695,198 0.63 Idaho total 27,693 100%53,989,149 0.51 Oregon 2013 Sales (1,000Thrm)% of Sales SqFt Average Use/SqFt (Thrm) Small Commercial 26,833 88%81,311,800 0.33 Large Commercial 3,618 12%6,030,062 0.60 Oregon total 30,451 100%87,341,862 0.35 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 106 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 17 Avista commercial market characterization (2013) • Energy Market Profiles •Characterize energy use by sector, segment, end use, and technology •Existing, replacement, and new construction • Accounts for •Codes and standards •Previous DSM results •Equipment saturation and fuel shares Space Heating 65% Water Heating 21% Food Preparation 13% Miscellaneous 1% 18 Energy market profile for Oregon, large commercial EUI Intensity Usage (Therms)(Therms/sqf (MMThrm) Space Heating Furnace 45.2% 0.24 0.11 0.6 Space Heating Boiler 29.8% 0.77 0.23 1.4 Space Heating Other Heating 16.6% 0.21 0.04 0.2 Water Heating Water Heater 42.5% 0.32 0.14 0.8 Food Preparation Oven 16.2% 0.06 0.01 0.1 Food Preparation Fryer 16.2% 0.09 0.02 0.1 Food Preparation Broiler 16.2% 0.09 0.02 0.1 Food Preparation Griddle 16.2% 0.07 0.01 0.1 Food Preparation Range 16.2% 0.07 0.01 0.1 Food Preparation Steamer 16.2% 0.12 0.02 0.1 Miscellaneous Pool Heater 1.2% 0.09 0.00 0.0 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 100.0% 0.01 0.01 0.1 0.600 3.6 Total End Use Technology Saturation Space Heating 62% Water Heating 23% Food Preparation 14% Miscellaneous 1% Energy Usage, Oregon Large Commercial Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 107 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 19 Assumptions in the commercial baseline projection • Projection of growth without conservation programs • Incorporates •Floor space growth, about 1.1% per year •Differences in new construction •Retail price forecast •Trends in end-use/technology saturations •Equipment purchase decisions •Building codes and appliance standards Today's Efficiency or Standard Assumption Next Standard (relative to today's standard) End Use Technology 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Furnace Boiler Water Heating Water Heater Miscellaneous Pool Heater Space Heating EF 0.82 AFUE 76% EF 0.82 EF 0.80 20 - 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 An n u a l Us e (1 , 0 0 0 T h r m ) Space Heating Water Heating Food Preparation Miscellaneous - 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 In t e n s i t y (Th r m /Sq f t ) Commercial baseline projection results • Commercial sector use increases 2% from 127 million therms to 130 million therms • Use per square footage decreases by 19% •Energy consumption stays relatively flat while floor space increases Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 108 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 Industrial Sector 22 Avista industrial market characterization (2013) State 2013 Sales (1,000 Therms)Square Feet Average Use/SqFt (Therms) Washington 2,384 3,009,759 0.79 Idaho 2,222 2,927,137 0.76 Oregon 410 564,683 0.73 All states total 5,015 6,501,579 0.77 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 109 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 23 Avista industrial market characterization (2013) • Energy Market Profiles •Characterize energy use by sector, segment, end use, and technology •Existing, replacement, and new construction • Accounts for •Codes and standards •Previous DSM results •Equipment saturation and fuel shares Space Heating 6% Process 87% Miscellaneous 7% 24 Energy market profile for Idaho, industrial EUI Intensity Usage (Therms) (Therms/sqft) (MMThrm) Space Heating Furnace 9.6% 0.017 0.00 0.00 Space Heating Boiler 81.3% 0.055 0.04 0.13 Space Heating Other Heating 4.8% 0.015 0.00 0.00 Process Process Heating 100.0% 0.656 0.66 1.92 Process Process Cooling 100.0% 0.001 0.00 0.00 Process Other Process 100.0% 0.004 0.00 0.01 Other Other Uses 100.0% 0.050 0.05 0.15 0.76 2.22Total End Use Technology Saturation Space Heating 6% Process 87% Miscellaneous 7% Energy Usage, Idaho Industrial Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 110 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 25 Assumptions in the industrial baseline projection • Projection of growth without conservation programs • Incorporates •Floor space decline, about 0.5% per year (space consolidation) •Differences in new construction •Retail price forecast •Trends in end-use/technology saturations •Equipment purchase decisions •Building codes and appliance standards Today's Efficiency or Standard Assumption Next Standard (relative to today's standard) End Use Technology 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Furnace Boiler Space Heating AFUE 76% EF 0.82 26 Industrial baseline projection results • Industrial sector use decreases 10% from 5 million therms to 4.5 million therms • Use per square footage slightly decreases by 1% - 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 Annual Use (1,000Thrm) Space Heating Process Miscellaneous - 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 Intensity (Thrm/Sqft) Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 111 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 27 Baseline projection –all sectors • Overall increase in use 8% • Average annual growth 0.4% - 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 Annual Use (1,000Thrm) Residential Small Commercial Large Commercial Industrial 28 Energy conservation measures • Assessed 1,785 measures • Measure attributes •Average lifetime •Energy savings •Cost •Timing of standards •Base-year saturation •Applicability / feasibility • Example: Washington, Single Family, Existing Technology Efficiency Level Lifetime Equipment Cost Energy Usage (Therms/year)Off Market Furnace 100.0%20 $3,651 565 2014 Furnace 97.5%20 $4,056 551 2014 Furnace 94.0%20 $4,259 531 2014 Furnace 87.7%20 $4,462 495 2034 Furnace 81.6%20 $6,084 461 2034 SK: Same number of measures as the previous slide. I believe we didn’t change the measure list Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 112 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 29 Conservation potential assumptions • Three levels of potential •Technical potential – all applicable measures are implemented, regardless of cost •Economic potential – all cost-effective measures • TRC test with B/C ratio ≥ 1.0 (Idaho and Oregon) • UCT test with B/C ratio ≥ 1.0 (Washington) •Achievable potential – accounts for market acceptance and rates at which programs can realistically be implemented • Based on Sixth Plan ramp rates SK: Same number of measures as the previous slide. I believe we didn’t change the measure list $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $/MMThrm Avoided Costs 30 Summary of CPA results (across all states) • Achievable potential begins at 40% of economic potential in 2015 and reaches 74% by 2034 2015 2016 2019 2024 2034 Baseline Forecast 328,757 331,980 338,917 336,073 358,562 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (1,000Thrm) Achievable Potential 1,677 2,639 9,854 20,369 36,110 Economic Potential 4,153 5,877 17,317 32,220 48,528 Technical Potential 12,207 18,677 51,810 96,562 162,236 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (% of Baseline) Achievable Potential 0.5%0.8%2.9%6.1%10.1% Economic Potential 1.3%1.8%5.1%9.6%13.5% Technical Potential 3.7%5.6%15.3%28.7%45.2% Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 113 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 31 Summary of CPA results (continued) 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 2015 2016 2019 2024 2034 Energy Savings (% of Baseline Forecast) Achievable Potential Economic Potential Technical Potential Savings by State - Washington Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 114 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 33 Total potential results, Washington 2015 2016 2019 2024 2034 Baseline Forecast 171,422 172,719 175,548 173,273 179,456 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (1,000Thrm) Achievable Potential 1,287 2,024 7,742 15,656 26,259 Economic Potential 3,127 4,385 13,330 24,445 35,042 Technical Potential 6,620 9,963 26,953 50,035 81,431 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (% of Baseline) Achievable Potential 0.8%1.2%4.4%9.0%14.6% Economic Potential 1.8%2.5%7.6%14.1%19.5% Technical Potential 3.9%5.8%15.4%28.9%45.4% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 2015 2016 2019 2024 2034 Energy Savings (% of Baseline Forecast) Maximum Achievable Potential Economic Potential Technical Potential 34 Residential potential results, Washington 2015 2016 2019 2024 2034 Baseline Forecast 101,488 102,205 104,445 103,847 112,733 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (1,000Thrm) Achievable Potential 370 682 4,604 8,733 12,938 Economic Potential 964 1,471 7,571 13,180 16,955 Technical Potential 3,017 4,832 15,965 28,899 49,110 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (% of Baseline) Achievable Potential 0.4%0.7%4.4%8.4%11.5% Economic Potential 1.0%1.4%7.2%12.7%15.0% Technical Potential 3.0%4.7%15.3%27.8%43.6% Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 115 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 35 Residential results –Key measures, Washington Measure / Technology 2024 Cumulative Savings (1,000Thrm) Insulation -Infiltration Control 2,561 Water Heating -Low Flow Showerheads 1,269 Ducting -Repair and Sealing 1,182 Home Energy Management System 1,100 Thermostat -Clock/Programmable 682 Water Heating -Thermostat Setback 595 Water Heating -Hot Water Saver 429 Water Heating -Tank Blanket/Insulation 330 Water Heating -Faucet Aerators 259 Water Heating -Pipe Insulation 153 Insulation -Ceiling 61 Boiler -Pipe Insulation 58 Insulation -Attic Hatch 49 Insulation -Wall Cavity 5 Total 8,733 Water Heating 35% Space Heating 65% 36 Commercial potential results, Washington 2015 2016 2019 2024 2034 Baseline Forecast 67,462 67,947 68,368 66,870 64,746 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (1,000Thrm) Achievable Potential 893 1,305 3,020 6,704 13,100 Economic Potential 2,138 2,874 5,635 11,012 17,839 Technical Potential 3,555 5,061 10,803 20,762 31,923 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (% of Baseline) Achievable Potential 1.3%1.9%4.4%10.0%20.2% Economic Potential 3.2%4.2%8.2%16.5%27.6% Technical Potential 5.3%7.4%15.8%31.0%49.3% Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 116 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 37 Commercial results –Key measures, Washington Measure / Technology 2024 Cumulative Savings (1,000Thrm) Space Heating -Heat Recovery Ventilator 1,545 Energy Management System 702 Custom Measures 474 Boiler -Hot Water Reset 420 Water Heating -Faucet Aerators 398 Furnace -Maintenance 391 Boiler -Maintenance 363 Space Heating -Furnace 357 Thermostat -Clock/Programmable 336 Insulation -Ceiling 293 Advanced New Construction Designs 271 Insulation -Wall Cavity 262 Boiler -High Efficiency Hot Water Circulation 197 Food Preparation -Fryer 179 Food Preparation -Oven 129 Food Preparation -Steamer 113 Food Preparation -Range 101 Food Preparation -Griddle 81 Water Heating -Tank Blanket/Insulation 53 Space Heating -Boiler 34 Water Heating -Hot Water Saver 4 Total 6,704 Water Heating 10% Space Heating 80% Food Preparation 10% 38 Industrial potential results, Washington 2015 2016 2019 2024 2034 Baseline Forecast 2,472 2,567 2,735 2,555 1,977 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (1,000Thrm) Achievable Potential 24 38 118 220 220 Economic Potential 25 39 124 253 248 Technical Potential 48 69 184 374 398 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (% of Baseline) Achievable Potential 1.0%1.5%4.3%8.6%11.1% Economic Potential 1.0%1.5%4.5%9.9%12.6% Technical Potential 1.9%2.7%6.7%14.6%20.1% Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 117 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 39 Industrial results –Key measures, Washington Measure / Technology 2024 Cumulative Savings (1,000Thrm) Process -Boiler Hot Water Reset 196 Insulation -Wall Cavity 16 Space Heating -Heat Recovery Ventilator 9 Total 220 Space Heating 11% Process 89% Savings by State - Idaho Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 118 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 41 Total potential results, Idaho 2015 2016 2019 2024 2034 Baseline Forecast 77,988 79,291 82,115 82,171 89,483 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (1,000Thrm) Achievable Potential 228 342 1,031 2,320 4,503 Economic Potential 571 803 1,984 3,881 6,209 Technical Potential 2,818 4,387 12,471 23,483 40,252 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (% of Baseline) Achievable Potential 0.3%0.4%1.3%2.8%5.0% Economic Potential 0.7%1.0%2.4%4.7%6.9% Technical Potential 3.6%5.5%15.2%28.6%45.0% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 2015 2016 2019 2024 2034 Energy Savings (% of Baseline Forecast) Maximum Achievable Potential Economic Potential Technical Potential 42 Residential potential results, Idaho 2015 2016 2019 2024 2034 Baseline Forecast 46,978 47,633 49,132 49,102 55,990 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (1,000Thrm) Achievable Potential 6 18 263 496 874 Economic Potential 10 31 434 756 1,117 Technical Potential 1,239 2,065 7,276 13,308 24,129 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (% of Baseline) Achievable Potential 0.0%0.0%0.5%1.0%1.6% Economic Potential 0.0%0.1%0.9%1.5%2.0% Technical Potential 2.6%4.3%14.8%27.1%43.1% Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 119 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 43 Residential results –Key measures, Idaho Measure / Technology 2024 Cumulative Savings (1,000Thrm) Water Heating -Pipe Insulation 219 Water Heating -Tank Blanket/Insulation 144 Water Heating -Low Flow Showerheads 124 Boiler -Pipe Insulation 6 Insulation -Ceiling 3 Total 496 Space Heating 2% Water Heating 98% 44 Commercial potential results, Idaho 2015 2016 2019 2024 2034 Baseline Forecast 28,645 29,129 30,299 30,572 31,360 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (1,000Thrm) Achievable Potential 220 320 760 1,786 3,478 Economic Potential 559 768 1,543 3,083 4,921 Technical Potential 1,533 2,253 5,014 9,808 15,689 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (% of Baseline) Achievable Potential 0.8%1.1%2.5%5.8%11.1% Economic Potential 2.0%2.6%5.1%10.1%15.7% Technical Potential 5.4%7.7%16.5%32.1%50.0% Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 120 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 45 Commercial results –Key measures, Idaho Measure / Technology 2024 Cumulative Savings (1,000Thrm) Space Heating -Heat Recovery Ventilator 687 Energy Management System 213 Boiler -Hot Water Reset 174 Boiler -Maintenance 137 Space Heating -Furnace 130 Food Preparation -Fryer 88 Boiler -High Efficiency Hot Water Circulation 72 Food Preparation -Oven 64 Food Preparation -Steamer 56 Food Preparation -Range 50 Water Heating -Faucet Aerators 40 Food Preparation -Griddle 40 Water Heating -Tank Blanket/Insulation 26 Insulation -Ceiling 8 Total 1,786 Space Heating 79% Water Heating 4% Food Preparation 17% 46 Industrial potential results, Idaho 2015 2016 2019 2024 2034 Baseline Forecast 2,365 2,530 2,684 2,497 2,133 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (1,000Thrm) Achievable Potential 3 4 7 38 151 Economic Potential 3 4 8 43 172 Technical Potential 46 69 181 368 434 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (% of Baseline) Achievable Potential 0.1%0.1%0.3%1.5%7.1% Economic Potential 0.1%0.1%0.3%1.7%8.1% Technical Potential 1.9%2.7%6.8%14.7%20.3% Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 121 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 47 Industrial results –Key measures, Idaho Measure / Technology 2024 Cumulative Savings (1,000Thrm) Process -Boiler Hot Water Reset 28 Insulation -Wall Cavity 10 Total 38 Space Heating 25% Process 75% Savings by State - Oregon Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 122 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 49 Total potential results, Oregon 2015 2016 2019 2024 2034 Baseline Forecast 79,346 79,969 81,255 80,629 89,623 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (1,000Thrm) Achievable Potential 161 273 1,081 2,393 5,349 Economic Potential 454 690 2,004 3,894 7,276 Technical Potential 2,769 4,327 12,387 23,043 40,553 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (% of Baseline) Achievable Potential 0.2%0.3%1.3%3.0%6.0% Economic Potential 0.6%0.9%2.5%4.8%8.1% Technical Potential 3.5%5.4%15.2%28.6%45.2% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 2015 2016 2019 2024 2034 Energy Savings (% of Baseline Forecast) Maximum Achievable Potential Economic Potential Technical Potential 50 Residential potential results, Oregon 2015 2016 2019 2024 2034 Baseline Forecast 49,029 49,426 50,374 50,070 55,947 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (1,000Thrm) Achievable Potential 8 27 376 679 1,368 Economic Potential 14 44 595 1,006 1,690 Technical Potential 1,326 2,218 7,699 13,823 24,244 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (% of Baseline) Achievable Potential 0.0%0.1%0.7%1.4%2.4% Economic Potential 0.0%0.1%1.2%2.0%3.0% Technical Potential 2.7%4.5%15.3%27.6%43.3% Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 123 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 51 Residential results –Key measures, Oregon Measure / Technology 2024 Cumulative Savings (1,000Thrm) Water Heating -Pipe Insulation 251 Water Heating -Tank Blanket/Insulation 181 Water Heating -Faucet Aerators 135 Water Heating -Low Flow Showerheads 104 Insulation -Ceiling 4 Boiler -Pipe Insulation 4 Total 679 Water Heating 99% Space Heating 1% 52 Commercial potential results, Oregon 2015 2016 2019 2024 2034 Baseline Forecast 29,902 30,115 30,433 30,134 33,296 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (1,000Thrm) Achievable Potential 153 245 704 1,704 3,944 Economic Potential 440 645 1,407 2,876 5,545 Technical Potential 1,434 2,097 4,657 9,158 16,232 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (% of Baseline) Achievable Potential 0.5%0.8%2.3%5.7%11.8% Economic Potential 1.5%2.1%4.6%9.5%16.7% Technical Potential 4.8%7.0%15.3%30.4%48.7% Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 124 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 53 Commercial results –Key measures, Oregon Measure / Technology 2024 Cumulative Savings (1,000Thrm) Space Heating -Heat Recovery Ventilator 712 Space Heating -Furnace 329 Water Heating -Faucet Aerators 154 Water Heating -Tank Blanket/Insulation 90 Food Preparation -Fryer 76 Food Preparation -Oven 55 Boiler -Maintenance 53 Food Preparation -Steamer 48 Food Preparation -Range 43 Energy Management System 37 Food Preparation -Griddle 34 Insulation -Ceiling 30 Boiler -Hot Water Reset 29 Boiler -High Efficiency Hot Water Circulation 13 Total 1,704 Water Heating 13% Space Heating 64% Food Preparation 23% 54 Industrial potential results, Oregon 2015 2016 2019 2024 2034 Baseline Forecast 415 427 448 425 380 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (1,000Thrm) Achievable Potential 0 1 1 10 36 Economic Potential 0 1 1 11 41 Technical Potential 8 12 30 63 77 Cumulative Natural Gas Savings (% of Baseline) Achievable Potential 0.1%0.1%0.3%2.4%9.6% Economic Potential 0.1%0.1%0.3%2.7%10.9% Technical Potential 1.9%2.7%6.8%14.7%20.3% Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 125 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 55 Industrial results –Key measures, Oregon Measure / Technology 2024 Cumulative Savings (1,000Thrm) Process -Boiler Hot Water Reset 7 Insulation -Wall Cavity 3 Total 10 Space Heating 26% Process 74% Ingrid Rohmund irohmund@enernoc.com Bridget Kester bkester@enernoc.com Sogol Kananizadeh skananizadeh@enernoc.com Sharon Yoshida Syoshida@enernoc.com Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 126 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 APPENDIX 3.2: ENVIRONMENTAL EXTERNALITIES OVERVIEW (OREGON JURISDICTION ONLY) The methodology for determining avoided costs from reduced incremental natural gas usage considers commodity and variable transportation costs only. These avoided cost streams do not include environmental externality costs related to the gathering, transmission, distribution or end-use of natural gas. Per traditional economic theory and industry practice, an environmental externality factor is typically added to the avoided cost when there is an opportunity to displace traditional supply-side resources with an alternative resource with no adverse environmental impact. REGULATORY GUIDANCE The Oregon Public Utility Commission (OPUC) issued Order 93-965 (UM-424) to address how utilities should consider the impact of environmental externalities in planning for future energy resources. The Order required analysis on the potential natural gas cost impacts from emitting carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric-oxide (NOx). The OPUC’s Order No. 07-002 in Docket UM 1056 (Investigation Into Integrated Resource Planning) established the following guideline for the treatment of environmental costs used by energy utilities that evaluate demand-side and supply-side energy choices: UM 1056, Guideline 8 - Environmental Costs “Utilities should include, in their base-case analyses, the regulatory compliance costs they expect for carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SO2), and mercury (Hg) emissions. Utilities should analyze the range of potential CO2 regulatory costs in Order No. 93- 695, from $0 - $40 (1990$). In addition, utilities should perform sensitivity analysis on a range of reasonably possible cost adders for nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and mercury (Hg), if applicable. In June 2008, the OPUC issued Order 08-338 (UM1302) which revised UM1056, Guideline 8. The revised guideline requires the utility should construct a base case portfolio to reflect what it considers to be the most likely regulatory compliance future for the various emissions. Additionally the guideline requires the utility to develop several compliance scenarios ranging from the present CO2 regulatory level to the upper reaches of credible proposals and each scenario should include a time profile of CO2 costs. The utility is also required to include a “trigger point” analysis in which the utility must determine at what level of carbon costs its selection of portfolio resources would be significantly different. ANALYSIS Unlike electric utilities, environmental cost issues rarely impact a natural gas utility's supply-side resource options. This is because the only supply-side energy resource is natural gas. The utility cannot choose between say "dirty" coal-fired generation and "clean" wind energy sources. The supply-side implication of environmental externalities generally relates to combustion of fuel to move or compress natural gas. Avista’s direct gas distribution system infrastructure relies solely on the upstream line pressure of the Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 127 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 interstate pipeline transportation network to distribute natural gas to its customers and thus does not directly combust fuels that result in any CO2, NOx, SO2, or Hg emissions. Upstream gas system infrastructure (pipelines, storage facilities, and gathering systems), however, do produce CO2 emissions via compressors used to pressurize and move natural gas. Accessing CO2 emissions data on these upstream activities to perform detailed meaningful analysis is challenging. In the 2009 Natural Gas IRP there was significant momentum regarding GHG legislation and the movement towards the creation of carbon cap and trade markets or tax structure. Since then, the momentum has slowed significantly. Where there is still a focus on reducing GHG emissions and improving the nation’s carbon footprint, the timing of implementing a carbon cap and trade/tax framework has been delayed. Additionally, the pricing level of the framework has been greatly reduced.. Whichever structure ultimately gets implemented, Avista believes the cost pass through mechanisms for upstream gas system infrastructure will not make a difference in supply-side resource selection although the amount of cost pass through could differ widely. Table 3.2.1 summarizes a range of environmental cost adders we believe capture several compliance futures including our expected scenario. The CO2 cost adders reflect outlooks we obtained from one of our consultants, and following discussion and feedback from the TAC, have been incorporated into our Expected, Low Growth/High Price, and Alternate Planning Standard portfolios. The guidelines also call for a trigger point analysis that reflects a “turning point” at which an alternate resource portfolio would be selected at different carbon cost adders levels. Because natural gas is the only supply resource applicable to LDC’s any alternate resource portfolio selection would be a result of delivery methods of natural gas to customers. Conceptually, there could be differing levels of cost adders applicable to pipeline transported supply versus in service territory LNG storage gas. From a practical standpoint however, the differences in these relative cost adders would be very minor and would not change supply-side resource selection regardless of various carbon cost adder levels. We do acknowledge there is influence to the avoided costs which would impact the cost effectiveness of demand-side measures in the DSM business planning process. CONSERVATON COST ADVANTAGE For this IRP, we also incorporated a 10 percent environmental externality factor into our assessment of the cost-effectiveness of existing demand-side management programs. Our assessment of prospective demand-side management opportunities is based on an avoided cost stream that includes this 10 percent factor. Environmental externalities were evaluated in the IRP by adding the cost per therm equivalent of the externality cost values to supply-side resources as described in OPUC Order No. 93-965. Avista found that the environmental cost adders had no impact on the company’s supply-side choices, although they did impact the level of demand-side measures that could be cost-effective to acquire. REGULATORY FILING Avista will file revised cost-effectiveness limits (CELs) based upon the updated avoided costs available from this IRP process within the prescribed regulatory timetable. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 128 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 TABLE 3.2.1: ENVIRONMENTAL EXTERNALITIES COST ADDER ANALYSIS (2012$) Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 129 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 3 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 130 Appendix - Chapter 4 APPENDIX 4.1: CURRENT TRANSPORTATION/STORAGE RATES AND ASSUMPTIONS Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 131 Appendix - Chapter 4 APPENDIX 4.2: ALTERNATE SUPPLY SCENARIOS Existing Resources Existing + Expected Available GTN Fully Subscribed Resources Currently contracted capacity net of long term releases Currently contracted capacity net of long term releases Currently contracted capacity net of long term releases Currently available GTN Capacity Release Recalls Capacity Release Recalls NWP Expansions NWP Expansions Satellite LNG Satellite LNG Rates Current Rates Current Rates Current Rates INPUT ASSUMPTIONS Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 132 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.1: MONTHLY PRICE DATA BY BASIN EXPECTED PRICE Scenario Index Gas Year Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Expected Case AECO 2013-2014 3.26$ 3.65$ 4.18$ 3.34$ 3.44$ 3.42$ 3.37$ 3.38$ 3.37$ 3.30$ 3.33$ 3.18$ Expected Case AECO 2014-2015 3.28$ 3.26$ 3.34$ 3.38$ 3.48$ 3.36$ 3.35$ 3.39$ 3.45$ 3.49$ 3.54$ 3.61$ Expected Case AECO 2015-2016 3.78$ 3.91$ 3.96$ 3.88$ 3.93$ 3.73$ 3.60$ 3.61$ 3.62$ 3.45$ 3.36$ 3.38$ Expected Case AECO 2016-2017 3.52$ 3.45$ 3.45$ 3.49$ 3.54$ 3.40$ 3.37$ 3.39$ 3.40$ 3.40$ 3.42$ 3.46$ Expected Case AECO 2017-2018 3.60$ 3.61$ 3.62$ 3.62$ 3.59$ 3.38$ 3.31$ 3.28$ 3.25$ 3.23$ 3.25$ 3.27$ Expected Case AECO 2018-2019 3.48$ 3.40$ 3.25$ 3.28$ 3.36$ 3.22$ 3.18$ 3.16$ 3.19$ 3.18$ 3.21$ 3.25$ Expected Case AECO 2019-2020 3.46$ 3.46$ 3.24$ 3.32$ 3.45$ 3.32$ 3.28$ 3.30$ 3.31$ 3.32$ 3.32$ 3.39$ Expected Case AECO 2020-2021 3.53$ 3.47$ 3.33$ 3.40$ 3.57$ 3.57$ 3.57$ 3.60$ 3.59$ 3.62$ 3.67$ 3.72$ Expected Case AECO 2021-2022 3.84$ 3.89$ 3.96$ 3.95$ 3.85$ 3.60$ 3.54$ 3.52$ 3.52$ 3.52$ 3.63$ 3.68$ Expected Case AECO 2022-2023 3.95$ 3.97$ 3.94$ 3.93$ 3.91$ 3.71$ 3.58$ 3.55$ 3.55$ 3.56$ 3.65$ 3.71$ Expected Case AECO 2023-2024 4.02$ 4.11$ 4.22$ 4.26$ 4.26$ 4.04$ 3.92$ 3.89$ 3.88$ 3.90$ 3.99$ 4.05$ Expected Case AECO 2024-2025 4.34$ 4.43$ 4.50$ 4.48$ 4.45$ 4.26$ 4.23$ 4.22$ 4.21$ 4.23$ 4.30$ 4.37$ Expected Case AECO 2025-2026 4.61$ 4.69$ 4.67$ 4.70$ 4.70$ 4.47$ 4.40$ 4.37$ 4.36$ 4.38$ 4.45$ 4.50$ Expected Case AECO 2026-2027 4.79$ 4.85$ 4.73$ 4.67$ 4.76$ 4.45$ 4.39$ 4.36$ 4.36$ 4.38$ 4.44$ 4.49$ Expected Case AECO 2027-2028 4.83$ 4.86$ 4.71$ 4.67$ 4.71$ 4.48$ 4.44$ 4.42$ 4.42$ 4.44$ 4.52$ 4.58$ Expected Case AECO 2028-2029 5.05$ 5.12$ 5.24$ 5.32$ 5.30$ 4.98$ 4.92$ 4.88$ 4.86$ 4.87$ 4.93$ 4.98$ Expected Case AECO 2029-2030 5.32$ 5.37$ 5.36$ 5.24$ 5.21$ 4.84$ 4.72$ 4.69$ 4.68$ 4.69$ 4.78$ 4.85$ Expected Case AECO 2030-2031 5.42$ 5.50$ 5.40$ 5.27$ 5.30$ 5.04$ 5.01$ 4.98$ 5.02$ 5.04$ 5.12$ 5.20$ Expected Case AECO 2031-2032 5.67$ 5.39$ 5.45$ 5.47$ 5.65$ 5.42$ 5.39$ 5.31$ 5.20$ 5.20$ 5.39$ 5.44$ Expected Case AECO 2032-2033 5.73$ 5.59$ 5.70$ 5.73$ 5.87$ 5.67$ 5.66$ 5.61$ 5.53$ 5.53$ 5.75$ 5.80$ Expected Case Malin 2013-2014 3.62$ 4.53$ 4.69$ 3.81$ 3.83$ 3.82$ 3.78$ 3.77$ 3.77$ 3.71$ 3.74$ 3.61$ Expected Case Malin 2014-2015 3.71$ 3.75$ 3.79$ 3.83$ 3.82$ 3.76$ 3.74$ 3.79$ 3.86$ 3.90$ 3.96$ 4.03$ Expected Case Malin 2015-2016 4.25$ 4.43$ 4.49$ 4.39$ 4.30$ 4.16$ 4.04$ 4.01$ 4.03$ 3.89$ 3.85$ 3.83$ Expected Case Malin 2016-2017 4.04$ 3.99$ 3.97$ 3.97$ 3.93$ 3.88$ 3.91$ 3.92$ 3.93$ 3.96$ 4.00$ 4.00$ Expected Case Malin 2017-2018 4.17$ 4.17$ 4.16$ 4.12$ 4.02$ 3.92$ 3.91$ 3.85$ 3.83$ 3.87$ 3.92$ 3.90$ Expected Case Malin 2018-2019 4.08$ 4.00$ 3.85$ 3.82$ 3.83$ 3.81$ 3.82$ 3.81$ 3.84$ 3.86$ 3.92$ 3.96$ Expected Case Malin 2019-2020 4.09$ 4.05$ 3.79$ 3.79$ 3.91$ 3.93$ 3.89$ 3.91$ 3.94$ 3.98$ 4.00$ 4.04$ Expected Case Malin 2020-2021 4.20$ 4.14$ 3.83$ 3.88$ 4.06$ 4.22$ 4.15$ 4.19$ 4.24$ 4.27$ 4.35$ 4.40$ Expected Case Malin 2021-2022 4.55$ 4.49$ 4.41$ 4.30$ 4.27$ 4.16$ 4.13$ 4.11$ 4.11$ 4.15$ 4.29$ 4.34$ Expected Case Malin 2022-2023 4.63$ 4.54$ 4.45$ 4.45$ 4.45$ 4.35$ 4.21$ 4.13$ 4.14$ 4.15$ 4.36$ 4.42$ Expected Case Malin 2023-2024 4.76$ 4.68$ 4.72$ 4.64$ 4.79$ 4.69$ 4.51$ 4.49$ 4.51$ 4.56$ 4.66$ 4.72$ Expected Case Malin 2024-2025 5.05$ 5.02$ 5.00$ 4.83$ 4.93$ 4.90$ 4.86$ 4.83$ 4.90$ 4.92$ 5.01$ 5.05$ Expected Case Malin 2025-2026 5.33$ 5.27$ 5.22$ 5.20$ 5.28$ 5.14$ 5.05$ 5.02$ 5.08$ 5.10$ 5.21$ 5.24$ Expected Case Malin 2026-2027 5.52$ 5.53$ 5.28$ 5.09$ 5.24$ 5.11$ 5.05$ 5.03$ 5.04$ 5.08$ 5.15$ 5.22$ Expected Case Malin 2027-2028 5.56$ 5.48$ 5.26$ 5.16$ 5.26$ 5.14$ 5.08$ 5.08$ 5.10$ 5.17$ 5.25$ 5.31$ Expected Case Malin 2028-2029 5.78$ 5.69$ 5.80$ 5.72$ 5.68$ 5.54$ 5.51$ 5.47$ 5.52$ 5.55$ 5.63$ 5.68$ Expected Case Malin 2029-2030 6.01$ 5.94$ 5.88$ 5.68$ 5.64$ 5.47$ 5.37$ 5.34$ 5.36$ 5.42$ 5.52$ 5.58$ Expected Case Malin 2030-2031 6.14$ 6.08$ 5.98$ 5.75$ 5.73$ 5.65$ 5.64$ 5.62$ 5.69$ 5.75$ 5.85$ 5.91$ Expected Case Malin 2031-2032 6.37$ 6.02$ 5.95$ 5.97$ 6.07$ 5.90$ 5.85$ 5.77$ 5.65$ 5.67$ 5.89$ 5.99$ Expected Case Malin 2032-2033 6.26$ 6.12$ 6.23$ 6.25$ 6.29$ 6.14$ 6.13$ 6.06$ 5.99$ 6.01$ 6.26$ 6.35$ Expected Case Rockies 2013-2014 3.53$ 4.56$ 4.66$ 3.77$ 3.79$ 3.77$ 3.75$ 3.74$ 3.73$ 3.67$ 3.70$ 3.57$ Expected Case Rockies 2014-2015 3.67$ 3.72$ 3.76$ 3.80$ 3.78$ 3.71$ 3.71$ 3.76$ 3.82$ 3.86$ 3.91$ 3.96$ Expected Case Rockies 2015-2016 4.17$ 4.39$ 4.45$ 4.36$ 4.26$ 4.12$ 4.01$ 3.98$ 3.99$ 3.85$ 3.80$ 3.78$ Expected Case Rockies 2016-2017 3.95$ 3.95$ 3.93$ 3.93$ 3.89$ 3.83$ 3.83$ 3.82$ 3.83$ 3.85$ 3.88$ 3.89$ Expected Case Rockies 2017-2018 4.07$ 4.13$ 4.12$ 4.08$ 3.98$ 3.84$ 3.81$ 3.75$ 3.73$ 3.72$ 3.77$ 3.75$ Expected Case Rockies 2018-2019 3.92$ 3.95$ 3.81$ 3.77$ 3.78$ 3.72$ 3.69$ 3.68$ 3.68$ 3.71$ 3.76$ 3.76$ Expected Case Rockies 2019-2020 3.84$ 3.91$ 3.75$ 3.75$ 3.77$ 3.71$ 3.70$ 3.72$ 3.73$ 3.75$ 3.78$ 3.81$ Expected Case Rockies 2020-2021 3.90$ 3.98$ 3.78$ 3.80$ 3.82$ 3.87$ 3.94$ 3.92$ 4.00$ 4.03$ 4.09$ 4.11$ Expected Case Rockies 2021-2022 4.15$ 4.25$ 4.21$ 4.12$ 3.92$ 3.78$ 3.75$ 3.73$ 3.73$ 3.75$ 3.85$ 3.88$ Expected Case Rockies 2022-2023 4.13$ 4.14$ 4.15$ 4.11$ 4.04$ 3.94$ 3.83$ 3.80$ 3.82$ 3.84$ 3.93$ 3.99$ Expected Case Rockies 2023-2024 4.22$ 4.29$ 4.32$ 4.30$ 4.25$ 4.15$ 4.03$ 3.98$ 4.00$ 4.01$ 4.10$ 4.21$ Expected Case Rockies 2024-2025 4.43$ 4.50$ 4.72$ 4.72$ 4.61$ 4.52$ 4.53$ 4.50$ 4.55$ 4.57$ 4.62$ 4.66$ Expected Case Rockies 2025-2026 4.85$ 4.88$ 4.90$ 4.90$ 4.84$ 4.73$ 4.67$ 4.64$ 4.67$ 4.69$ 4.75$ 4.83$ Expected Case Rockies 2026-2027 4.97$ 5.02$ 5.10$ 5.00$ 4.96$ 4.86$ 4.83$ 4.81$ 4.84$ 4.85$ 4.92$ 4.97$ Expected Case Rockies 2027-2028 5.19$ 5.24$ 5.10$ 5.07$ 4.99$ 4.89$ 4.88$ 4.85$ 4.88$ 4.91$ 4.99$ 5.05$ Expected Case Rockies 2028-2029 5.39$ 5.45$ 5.50$ 5.43$ 5.36$ 5.24$ 5.22$ 5.15$ 5.18$ 5.21$ 5.27$ 5.29$ Expected Case Rockies 2029-2030 5.54$ 5.56$ 5.55$ 5.44$ 5.28$ 5.16$ 5.05$ 5.02$ 5.05$ 5.08$ 5.17$ 5.24$ Expected Case Rockies 2030-2031 5.58$ 5.65$ 5.61$ 5.52$ 5.36$ 5.27$ 5.26$ 5.24$ 5.31$ 5.36$ 5.44$ 5.47$ Expected Case Rockies 2031-2032 5.81$ 5.64$ 5.53$ 5.55$ 5.62$ 5.49$ 5.44$ 5.35$ 5.25$ 5.26$ 5.47$ 5.54$ Expected Case Rockies 2032-2033 5.76$ 5.67$ 5.76$ 5.78$ 5.81$ 5.71$ 5.69$ 5.61$ 5.55$ 5.56$ 5.79$ 5.86$ 2012$ Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 133 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.1: MONTHLY PRICE DATA BY BASIN EXPECTED PRICE Scenario Index Gas Year Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Expected Case Stanfield 2013-2014 3.60$ 4.56$ 4.66$ 3.72$ 3.76$ 3.73$ 3.72$ 3.73$ 3.73$ 3.67$ 3.69$ 3.53$ Expected Case Stanfield 2014-2015 3.67$ 3.66$ 3.72$ 3.76$ 3.78$ 3.67$ 3.71$ 3.75$ 3.81$ 3.85$ 3.90$ 3.94$ Expected Case Stanfield 2015-2016 4.17$ 4.43$ 4.49$ 4.39$ 4.24$ 4.08$ 3.96$ 3.97$ 3.99$ 3.82$ 3.77$ 3.74$ Expected Case Stanfield 2016-2017 3.95$ 3.99$ 3.97$ 3.88$ 3.85$ 3.78$ 3.78$ 3.78$ 3.79$ 3.81$ 3.85$ 3.87$ Expected Case Stanfield 2017-2018 4.15$ 4.18$ 4.17$ 4.03$ 3.94$ 3.79$ 3.76$ 3.69$ 3.68$ 3.69$ 3.73$ 3.71$ Expected Case Stanfield 2018-2019 4.04$ 4.00$ 3.85$ 3.83$ 3.75$ 3.76$ 3.64$ 3.62$ 3.65$ 3.66$ 3.71$ 3.85$ Expected Case Stanfield 2019-2020 3.91$ 4.04$ 3.79$ 3.70$ 3.82$ 3.75$ 3.71$ 3.72$ 3.76$ 3.78$ 3.80$ 3.84$ Expected Case Stanfield 2020-2021 4.01$ 4.07$ 3.84$ 3.79$ 3.96$ 4.02$ 3.98$ 4.01$ 4.04$ 4.07$ 4.15$ 4.19$ Expected Case Stanfield 2021-2022 4.45$ 4.48$ 4.46$ 4.36$ 4.17$ 4.00$ 3.96$ 3.93$ 3.93$ 3.95$ 4.09$ 4.13$ Expected Case Stanfield 2022-2023 4.56$ 4.54$ 4.35$ 4.35$ 4.28$ 4.15$ 4.03$ 4.01$ 4.01$ 4.02$ 4.13$ 4.18$ Expected Case Stanfield 2023-2024 4.65$ 4.68$ 4.74$ 4.57$ 4.64$ 4.48$ 4.34$ 4.31$ 4.30$ 4.32$ 4.45$ 4.51$ Expected Case Stanfield 2024-2025 4.97$ 5.02$ 4.90$ 4.78$ 4.81$ 4.70$ 4.69$ 4.65$ 4.67$ 4.69$ 4.78$ 4.83$ Expected Case Stanfield 2025-2026 5.24$ 5.27$ 5.24$ 5.10$ 5.10$ 4.93$ 4.85$ 4.82$ 4.85$ 4.86$ 4.96$ 5.11$ Expected Case Stanfield 2026-2027 5.42$ 5.47$ 5.30$ 5.05$ 5.13$ 5.02$ 4.86$ 4.83$ 4.84$ 4.86$ 4.92$ 5.12$ Expected Case Stanfield 2027-2028 5.45$ 5.48$ 5.27$ 5.06$ 5.11$ 5.05$ 4.89$ 4.88$ 4.90$ 4.93$ 5.01$ 5.20$ Expected Case Stanfield 2028-2029 5.67$ 5.69$ 5.82$ 5.79$ 5.61$ 5.39$ 5.34$ 5.29$ 5.32$ 5.34$ 5.42$ 5.46$ Expected Case Stanfield 2029-2030 5.95$ 5.96$ 5.94$ 5.74$ 5.54$ 5.41$ 5.17$ 5.14$ 5.14$ 5.18$ 5.28$ 5.48$ Expected Case Stanfield 2030-2031 6.06$ 6.11$ 6.00$ 5.82$ 5.66$ 5.59$ 5.46$ 5.44$ 5.48$ 5.53$ 5.61$ 5.68$ Expected Case Stanfield 2031-2032 6.31$ 6.02$ 5.94$ 5.97$ 6.06$ 5.74$ 5.69$ 5.60$ 5.48$ 5.48$ 5.69$ 5.80$ Expected Case Stanfield 2032-2033 6.25$ 6.11$ 6.22$ 6.24$ 6.29$ 5.98$ 6.08$ 5.89$ 5.81$ 5.82$ 6.07$ 6.16$ Expected Case Sumas 2013-2014 3.93$ 5.31$ 4.68$ 3.87$ 3.83$ 3.60$ 3.66$ 3.60$ 3.63$ 3.50$ 3.56$ 3.40$ Expected Case Sumas 2014-2015 3.82$ 3.97$ 3.98$ 3.91$ 3.82$ 3.55$ 3.65$ 3.61$ 3.67$ 3.67$ 3.78$ 3.84$ Expected Case Sumas 2015-2016 4.33$ 4.65$ 4.66$ 4.46$ 4.30$ 3.92$ 3.91$ 3.83$ 3.84$ 3.64$ 3.61$ 3.62$ Expected Case Sumas 2016-2017 4.11$ 4.21$ 4.14$ 4.04$ 3.93$ 3.59$ 3.68$ 3.64$ 3.65$ 3.59$ 3.67$ 3.75$ Expected Case Sumas 2017-2018 4.22$ 4.39$ 4.34$ 4.20$ 4.03$ 3.65$ 3.63$ 3.54$ 3.51$ 3.43$ 3.50$ 3.58$ Expected Case Sumas 2018-2019 4.11$ 4.22$ 4.02$ 3.90$ 3.84$ 3.50$ 3.48$ 3.43$ 3.46$ 3.42$ 3.45$ 3.47$ Expected Case Sumas 2019-2020 3.94$ 4.26$ 3.96$ 3.86$ 3.79$ 3.50$ 3.58$ 3.56$ 3.58$ 3.56$ 3.56$ 3.60$ Expected Case Sumas 2020-2021 4.01$ 4.29$ 4.00$ 3.95$ 3.95$ 3.75$ 3.86$ 3.86$ 3.85$ 3.85$ 3.90$ 3.92$ Expected Case Sumas 2021-2022 4.52$ 4.70$ 4.63$ 4.43$ 4.22$ 3.80$ 3.85$ 3.79$ 3.79$ 3.77$ 3.88$ 3.91$ Expected Case Sumas 2022-2023 4.63$ 4.76$ 4.62$ 4.37$ 4.18$ 3.92$ 3.86$ 3.79$ 3.84$ 3.78$ 3.90$ 3.95$ Expected Case Sumas 2023-2024 4.50$ 4.90$ 4.91$ 4.65$ 4.58$ 4.29$ 4.22$ 4.16$ 4.19$ 4.13$ 4.26$ 4.33$ Expected Case Sumas 2024-2025 4.81$ 5.23$ 5.18$ 4.87$ 4.76$ 4.51$ 4.53$ 4.48$ 4.51$ 4.46$ 4.57$ 4.65$ Expected Case Sumas 2025-2026 5.08$ 5.49$ 5.41$ 5.27$ 5.05$ 4.72$ 4.69$ 4.63$ 4.66$ 4.61$ 4.72$ 4.74$ Expected Case Sumas 2026-2027 5.26$ 5.69$ 5.47$ 5.22$ 5.07$ 4.68$ 4.70$ 4.63$ 4.67$ 4.63$ 4.72$ 4.75$ Expected Case Sumas 2027-2028 5.31$ 5.70$ 5.44$ 5.23$ 5.05$ 4.71$ 4.72$ 4.67$ 4.71$ 4.70$ 4.78$ 4.81$ Expected Case Sumas 2028-2029 5.74$ 5.91$ 5.99$ 5.86$ 5.68$ 5.23$ 5.24$ 5.14$ 5.19$ 5.18$ 5.24$ 5.26$ Expected Case Sumas 2029-2030 6.02$ 6.25$ 6.31$ 5.81$ 5.64$ 5.08$ 5.02$ 4.94$ 4.99$ 4.97$ 5.06$ 5.12$ Expected Case Sumas 2030-2031 6.13$ 6.39$ 6.47$ 5.89$ 5.76$ 5.28$ 5.32$ 5.24$ 5.35$ 5.34$ 5.42$ 5.47$ Expected Case Sumas 2031-2032 6.38$ 6.41$ 6.16$ 6.19$ 6.11$ 5.58$ 5.45$ 5.19$ 5.34$ 5.33$ 5.50$ 5.62$ Expected Case Sumas 2032-2033 6.30$ 6.43$ 6.55$ 6.58$ 6.34$ 5.83$ 5.73$ 5.49$ 5.67$ 5.67$ 5.87$ 5.98$ 2012$ Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 134 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.1: MONTHLY PRICE DATA BY BASIN HIGH GROWTH LOW PRICE Scenario Index Gas Year Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2013-2014 3.44$ 3.35$ 3.36$ 3.38$ 3.50$ 3.48$ 3.44$ 3.45$ 3.43$ 3.42$ 3.45$ 3.47$ High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2014-2015 3.50$ 3.43$ 3.55$ 3.56$ 3.70$ 3.63$ 3.56$ 3.55$ 3.52$ 3.51$ 3.55$ 3.61$ High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2015-2016 3.63$ 3.54$ 3.45$ 3.46$ 3.62$ 3.55$ 3.49$ 3.51$ 3.48$ 3.45$ 3.46$ 3.50$ High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2016-2017 3.54$ 3.45$ 3.41$ 3.43$ 3.54$ 3.44$ 3.37$ 3.37$ 3.35$ 3.34$ 3.36$ 3.41$ High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2017-2018 3.42$ 3.31$ 3.30$ 3.29$ 3.40$ 3.33$ 3.28$ 3.28$ 3.26$ 3.24$ 3.25$ 3.29$ High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2018-2019 3.40$ 3.27$ 3.11$ 3.12$ 3.31$ 3.22$ 3.17$ 3.14$ 3.12$ 3.10$ 3.12$ 3.17$ High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2019-2020 3.30$ 3.18$ 3.06$ 3.11$ 3.37$ 3.28$ 3.21$ 3.18$ 3.14$ 3.13$ 3.15$ 3.20$ High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2020-2021 3.28$ 3.13$ 3.12$ 3.16$ 3.38$ 3.28$ 3.20$ 3.16$ 3.08$ 3.07$ 3.13$ 3.18$ High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2021-2022 3.27$ 3.24$ 3.32$ 3.36$ 3.48$ 3.38$ 3.31$ 3.25$ 3.22$ 3.21$ 3.29$ 3.34$ High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2022-2023 3.39$ 3.32$ 3.20$ 3.19$ 3.32$ 3.19$ 3.05$ 2.99$ 2.96$ 2.94$ 3.01$ 3.06$ High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2023-2024 3.27$ 3.25$ 3.24$ 3.27$ 3.43$ 3.31$ 3.18$ 3.11$ 3.06$ 3.05$ 3.14$ 3.18$ High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2024-2025 3.29$ 3.31$ 3.39$ 3.37$ 3.50$ 3.39$ 3.33$ 3.28$ 3.22$ 3.22$ 3.30$ 3.35$ High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2025-2026 3.44$ 3.42$ 3.31$ 3.33$ 3.48$ 3.35$ 3.24$ 3.17$ 3.13$ 3.12$ 3.20$ 3.25$ High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2026-2027 3.40$ 3.39$ 3.23$ 3.15$ 3.45$ 3.24$ 3.16$ 3.08$ 3.05$ 3.04$ 3.13$ 3.18$ High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2027-2028 3.35$ 3.32$ 3.07$ 3.04$ 3.32$ 3.16$ 3.09$ 3.03$ 2.98$ 2.98$ 3.05$ 3.11$ High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2028-2029 3.33$ 3.30$ 3.30$ 3.36$ 3.58$ 3.37$ 3.31$ 3.24$ 3.20$ 3.18$ 3.24$ 3.28$ High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2029-2030 3.44$ 3.44$ 3.42$ 3.31$ 3.63$ 3.34$ 3.26$ 3.19$ 3.15$ 3.13$ 3.19$ 3.26$ High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2030-2031 3.57$ 3.52$ 3.32$ 3.22$ 3.61$ 3.41$ 3.36$ 3.29$ 3.28$ 3.27$ 3.34$ 3.39$ High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2031-2032 3.55$ 3.31$ 3.27$ 3.28$ 3.44$ 3.28$ 3.27$ 3.19$ 3.08$ 3.07$ 3.21$ 3.26$ High Growth & Low Prices AECo 2032-2033 3.37$ 3.31$ 3.31$ 3.30$ 3.45$ 3.28$ 3.27$ 3.22$ 3.10$ 3.08$ 3.24$ 3.31$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2013-2014 3.90$ 3.87$ 3.85$ 3.85$ 3.88$ 3.88$ 3.85$ 3.84$ 3.84$ 3.83$ 3.86$ 3.91$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2014-2015 3.93$ 3.93$ 4.00$ 4.01$ 4.04$ 4.03$ 3.96$ 3.95$ 3.93$ 3.92$ 3.97$ 4.02$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2015-2016 4.09$ 4.06$ 3.98$ 3.97$ 3.99$ 3.99$ 3.93$ 3.90$ 3.89$ 3.89$ 3.94$ 3.96$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2016-2017 4.07$ 3.98$ 3.92$ 3.91$ 3.93$ 3.91$ 3.91$ 3.89$ 3.89$ 3.89$ 3.94$ 3.94$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2017-2018 3.99$ 3.88$ 3.84$ 3.80$ 3.83$ 3.87$ 3.87$ 3.85$ 3.84$ 3.87$ 3.92$ 3.92$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2018-2019 4.01$ 3.86$ 3.70$ 3.66$ 3.78$ 3.81$ 3.81$ 3.79$ 3.77$ 3.79$ 3.82$ 3.87$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2019-2020 3.93$ 3.77$ 3.61$ 3.59$ 3.83$ 3.89$ 3.82$ 3.79$ 3.78$ 3.78$ 3.82$ 3.86$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2020-2021 3.95$ 3.80$ 3.63$ 3.63$ 3.87$ 3.93$ 3.78$ 3.74$ 3.73$ 3.73$ 3.81$ 3.86$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2021-2022 3.98$ 3.84$ 3.76$ 3.71$ 3.89$ 3.95$ 3.90$ 3.84$ 3.82$ 3.84$ 3.95$ 4.00$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2022-2023 4.06$ 3.88$ 3.71$ 3.71$ 3.86$ 3.83$ 3.69$ 3.57$ 3.55$ 3.53$ 3.72$ 3.76$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2023-2024 4.00$ 3.82$ 3.75$ 3.66$ 3.96$ 3.96$ 3.77$ 3.71$ 3.69$ 3.71$ 3.82$ 3.85$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2024-2025 4.01$ 3.89$ 3.89$ 3.72$ 3.98$ 4.03$ 3.96$ 3.89$ 3.91$ 3.91$ 4.01$ 4.03$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2025-2026 4.16$ 4.00$ 3.86$ 3.83$ 4.06$ 4.01$ 3.89$ 3.83$ 3.84$ 3.84$ 3.96$ 4.00$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2026-2027 4.14$ 4.07$ 3.77$ 3.58$ 3.94$ 3.90$ 3.82$ 3.74$ 3.74$ 3.75$ 3.84$ 3.91$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2027-2028 4.09$ 3.94$ 3.62$ 3.52$ 3.87$ 3.82$ 3.74$ 3.69$ 3.66$ 3.70$ 3.78$ 3.84$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2028-2029 4.06$ 3.88$ 3.86$ 3.77$ 3.97$ 3.93$ 3.90$ 3.84$ 3.87$ 3.85$ 3.93$ 3.98$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2029-2030 4.13$ 4.00$ 3.94$ 3.75$ 4.06$ 3.97$ 3.91$ 3.84$ 3.83$ 3.87$ 3.94$ 3.98$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2030-2031 4.29$ 4.11$ 3.90$ 3.70$ 4.04$ 4.02$ 4.00$ 3.93$ 3.94$ 3.98$ 4.06$ 4.09$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2031-2032 4.25$ 3.95$ 3.77$ 3.78$ 3.86$ 3.76$ 3.73$ 3.65$ 3.54$ 3.53$ 3.71$ 3.82$ High Growth & Low Prices Malin 2032-2033 3.90$ 3.85$ 3.83$ 3.83$ 3.87$ 3.75$ 3.74$ 3.67$ 3.56$ 3.56$ 3.76$ 3.86$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2013-2014 3.86$ 3.84$ 3.82$ 3.81$ 3.85$ 3.83$ 3.82$ 3.81$ 3.80$ 3.79$ 3.81$ 3.86$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2014-2015 3.89$ 3.89$ 3.97$ 3.97$ 4.01$ 3.97$ 3.93$ 3.92$ 3.89$ 3.88$ 3.93$ 3.95$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2015-2016 4.02$ 4.02$ 3.94$ 3.94$ 3.95$ 3.95$ 3.90$ 3.87$ 3.84$ 3.84$ 3.89$ 3.91$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2016-2017 3.98$ 3.94$ 3.89$ 3.87$ 3.90$ 3.86$ 3.83$ 3.80$ 3.79$ 3.78$ 3.82$ 3.84$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2017-2018 3.89$ 3.83$ 3.80$ 3.76$ 3.79$ 3.79$ 3.78$ 3.75$ 3.74$ 3.73$ 3.77$ 3.77$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2018-2019 3.85$ 3.81$ 3.66$ 3.61$ 3.73$ 3.73$ 3.68$ 3.65$ 3.61$ 3.64$ 3.67$ 3.68$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2019-2020 3.68$ 3.63$ 3.57$ 3.54$ 3.69$ 3.67$ 3.62$ 3.60$ 3.57$ 3.56$ 3.60$ 3.62$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2020-2021 3.65$ 3.65$ 3.57$ 3.55$ 3.63$ 3.58$ 3.57$ 3.48$ 3.49$ 3.48$ 3.54$ 3.57$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2021-2022 3.58$ 3.61$ 3.57$ 3.52$ 3.54$ 3.57$ 3.52$ 3.46$ 3.44$ 3.44$ 3.52$ 3.54$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2022-2023 3.56$ 3.49$ 3.41$ 3.37$ 3.45$ 3.41$ 3.30$ 3.24$ 3.23$ 3.22$ 3.29$ 3.33$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2023-2024 3.46$ 3.43$ 3.35$ 3.31$ 3.42$ 3.42$ 3.29$ 3.20$ 3.18$ 3.17$ 3.26$ 3.34$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2024-2025 3.38$ 3.38$ 3.61$ 3.62$ 3.66$ 3.65$ 3.63$ 3.56$ 3.56$ 3.56$ 3.62$ 3.64$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2025-2026 3.68$ 3.61$ 3.53$ 3.52$ 3.61$ 3.60$ 3.51$ 3.44$ 3.44$ 3.43$ 3.50$ 3.58$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2026-2027 3.59$ 3.57$ 3.59$ 3.48$ 3.66$ 3.65$ 3.60$ 3.52$ 3.53$ 3.52$ 3.61$ 3.65$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2027-2028 3.71$ 3.70$ 3.47$ 3.43$ 3.60$ 3.57$ 3.53$ 3.45$ 3.45$ 3.45$ 3.52$ 3.58$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2028-2029 3.67$ 3.63$ 3.56$ 3.47$ 3.65$ 3.64$ 3.61$ 3.51$ 3.52$ 3.52$ 3.58$ 3.59$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2029-2030 3.66$ 3.63$ 3.61$ 3.51$ 3.70$ 3.66$ 3.59$ 3.52$ 3.52$ 3.52$ 3.58$ 3.64$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2030-2031 3.73$ 3.67$ 3.53$ 3.46$ 3.67$ 3.64$ 3.61$ 3.54$ 3.56$ 3.59$ 3.65$ 3.66$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2031-2032 3.68$ 3.56$ 3.36$ 3.36$ 3.42$ 3.35$ 3.32$ 3.23$ 3.13$ 3.12$ 3.29$ 3.36$ High Growth & Low Prices Rockies 2032-2033 3.40$ 3.39$ 3.36$ 3.36$ 3.38$ 3.32$ 3.30$ 3.22$ 3.13$ 3.11$ 3.29$ 3.37$ 2012$ Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 135 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.1: MONTHLY PRICE DATA BY BASIN HIGH GROWTH LOW PRICE Scenario Index Gas Year Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2013-2014 3.82$ 3.87$ 3.85$ 3.76$ 3.81$ 3.79$ 3.80$ 3.81$ 3.79$ 3.79$ 3.81$ 3.82$ High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2014-2015 3.89$ 3.83$ 3.93$ 3.94$ 4.01$ 3.94$ 3.92$ 3.91$ 3.89$ 3.87$ 3.91$ 3.93$ High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2015-2016 4.02$ 4.06$ 3.98$ 3.98$ 3.93$ 3.90$ 3.85$ 3.87$ 3.84$ 3.81$ 3.86$ 3.87$ High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2016-2017 3.97$ 3.99$ 3.93$ 3.82$ 3.86$ 3.82$ 3.77$ 3.75$ 3.75$ 3.75$ 3.78$ 3.81$ High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2017-2018 3.97$ 3.88$ 3.85$ 3.70$ 3.75$ 3.74$ 3.73$ 3.70$ 3.69$ 3.69$ 3.73$ 3.73$ High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2018-2019 3.97$ 3.86$ 3.70$ 3.67$ 3.69$ 3.77$ 3.63$ 3.60$ 3.58$ 3.59$ 3.62$ 3.77$ High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2019-2020 3.75$ 3.75$ 3.61$ 3.50$ 3.74$ 3.71$ 3.63$ 3.60$ 3.60$ 3.58$ 3.62$ 3.65$ High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2020-2021 3.76$ 3.73$ 3.63$ 3.54$ 3.77$ 3.73$ 3.61$ 3.57$ 3.53$ 3.53$ 3.61$ 3.65$ High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2021-2022 3.88$ 3.84$ 3.82$ 3.76$ 3.80$ 3.79$ 3.73$ 3.67$ 3.64$ 3.63$ 3.75$ 3.80$ High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2022-2023 4.00$ 3.88$ 3.61$ 3.61$ 3.70$ 3.63$ 3.51$ 3.45$ 3.42$ 3.41$ 3.49$ 3.52$ High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2023-2024 3.89$ 3.82$ 3.76$ 3.59$ 3.80$ 3.75$ 3.59$ 3.53$ 3.49$ 3.48$ 3.60$ 3.64$ High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2024-2025 3.92$ 3.89$ 3.79$ 3.68$ 3.86$ 3.82$ 3.79$ 3.71$ 3.68$ 3.68$ 3.77$ 3.81$ High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2025-2026 4.07$ 4.00$ 3.88$ 3.72$ 3.88$ 3.81$ 3.69$ 3.63$ 3.61$ 3.60$ 3.71$ 3.86$ High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2026-2027 4.03$ 4.02$ 3.79$ 3.53$ 3.82$ 3.82$ 3.63$ 3.55$ 3.53$ 3.53$ 3.62$ 3.81$ High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2027-2028 3.98$ 3.94$ 3.63$ 3.43$ 3.72$ 3.73$ 3.55$ 3.49$ 3.46$ 3.46$ 3.54$ 3.73$ High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2028-2029 3.95$ 3.88$ 3.88$ 3.83$ 3.90$ 3.78$ 3.73$ 3.66$ 3.66$ 3.65$ 3.73$ 3.76$ High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2029-2030 4.07$ 4.02$ 4.00$ 3.81$ 3.97$ 3.91$ 3.72$ 3.64$ 3.61$ 3.63$ 3.70$ 3.88$ High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2030-2031 4.21$ 4.13$ 3.92$ 3.76$ 3.98$ 3.96$ 3.81$ 3.75$ 3.74$ 3.75$ 3.82$ 3.87$ High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2031-2032 4.18$ 3.94$ 3.77$ 3.78$ 3.86$ 3.60$ 3.56$ 3.48$ 3.36$ 3.35$ 3.52$ 3.62$ High Growth & Low Prices Stanfield 2032-2033 3.88$ 3.83$ 3.82$ 3.82$ 3.87$ 3.59$ 3.69$ 3.51$ 3.38$ 3.37$ 3.56$ 3.67$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2013-2014 3.97$ 4.09$ 4.02$ 3.91$ 3.88$ 3.66$ 3.73$ 3.68$ 3.70$ 3.62$ 3.68$ 3.70$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2014-2015 4.04$ 4.15$ 4.19$ 4.09$ 4.04$ 3.82$ 3.87$ 3.77$ 3.74$ 3.69$ 3.79$ 3.83$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2015-2016 4.18$ 4.28$ 4.15$ 4.05$ 3.99$ 3.74$ 3.80$ 3.72$ 3.69$ 3.63$ 3.70$ 3.75$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2016-2017 4.14$ 4.21$ 4.10$ 3.98$ 3.93$ 3.63$ 3.68$ 3.62$ 3.61$ 3.53$ 3.60$ 3.69$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2017-2018 4.04$ 4.10$ 4.01$ 3.87$ 3.84$ 3.60$ 3.59$ 3.54$ 3.52$ 3.43$ 3.50$ 3.60$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2018-2019 4.04$ 4.08$ 3.87$ 3.74$ 3.78$ 3.50$ 3.47$ 3.40$ 3.39$ 3.34$ 3.36$ 3.39$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2019-2020 3.79$ 3.97$ 3.78$ 3.66$ 3.71$ 3.46$ 3.50$ 3.44$ 3.41$ 3.36$ 3.38$ 3.41$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2020-2021 3.76$ 3.95$ 3.80$ 3.71$ 3.75$ 3.46$ 3.49$ 3.42$ 3.34$ 3.30$ 3.36$ 3.38$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2021-2022 3.95$ 4.06$ 3.99$ 3.83$ 3.84$ 3.59$ 3.62$ 3.53$ 3.50$ 3.46$ 3.54$ 3.57$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2022-2023 4.07$ 4.10$ 3.88$ 3.63$ 3.60$ 3.40$ 3.33$ 3.23$ 3.25$ 3.16$ 3.27$ 3.29$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2023-2024 3.74$ 4.04$ 3.93$ 3.66$ 3.75$ 3.57$ 3.48$ 3.38$ 3.37$ 3.29$ 3.41$ 3.46$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2024-2025 3.77$ 4.11$ 4.07$ 3.76$ 3.82$ 3.63$ 3.63$ 3.54$ 3.53$ 3.45$ 3.57$ 3.62$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2025-2026 3.91$ 4.22$ 4.05$ 3.90$ 3.82$ 3.60$ 3.53$ 3.43$ 3.43$ 3.35$ 3.47$ 3.50$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2026-2027 3.88$ 4.24$ 3.96$ 3.70$ 3.76$ 3.47$ 3.47$ 3.35$ 3.37$ 3.29$ 3.41$ 3.44$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2027-2028 3.83$ 4.16$ 3.80$ 3.59$ 3.65$ 3.39$ 3.38$ 3.28$ 3.27$ 3.24$ 3.31$ 3.34$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2028-2029 4.02$ 4.10$ 4.05$ 3.90$ 3.97$ 3.62$ 3.63$ 3.50$ 3.53$ 3.48$ 3.54$ 3.56$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2029-2030 4.14$ 4.32$ 4.38$ 3.88$ 4.06$ 3.58$ 3.56$ 3.44$ 3.46$ 3.41$ 3.48$ 3.52$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2030-2031 4.27$ 4.42$ 4.39$ 3.83$ 4.08$ 3.65$ 3.67$ 3.55$ 3.60$ 3.56$ 3.63$ 3.66$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2031-2032 4.25$ 4.34$ 3.99$ 4.00$ 3.90$ 3.44$ 3.33$ 3.07$ 3.23$ 3.20$ 3.33$ 3.44$ High Growth & Low Prices Sumas 2032-2033 3.93$ 4.16$ 4.15$ 4.16$ 3.92$ 3.44$ 3.33$ 3.10$ 3.25$ 3.22$ 3.36$ 3.49$ 2012$ Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 136 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.1: MONTHLY PRICE DATA BY BASIN LOW GROWTH HIGH PRICE Scenario Index Gas Year Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2013-2014 3.26$ 3.65$ 4.18$ 3.34$ 3.90$ 3.88$ 3.84$ 3.85$ 3.83$ 3.82$ 3.85$ 3.87$ Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2014-2015 3.90$ 3.83$ 4.15$ 4.16$ 4.30$ 4.23$ 4.16$ 4.15$ 4.12$ 4.11$ 4.15$ 4.21$ Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2015-2016 4.23$ 4.14$ 4.25$ 4.26$ 4.42$ 4.35$ 4.29$ 4.31$ 4.28$ 4.25$ 4.26$ 4.30$ Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2016-2017 4.34$ 4.25$ 4.41$ 4.43$ 4.54$ 4.44$ 4.37$ 4.37$ 4.35$ 4.34$ 4.36$ 4.41$ Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2017-2018 4.42$ 4.31$ 4.60$ 4.59$ 4.70$ 4.63$ 4.58$ 4.58$ 4.56$ 4.54$ 4.55$ 4.59$ Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2018-2019 4.70$ 4.57$ 4.61$ 4.62$ 4.81$ 4.72$ 4.67$ 4.64$ 4.62$ 4.60$ 4.62$ 4.67$ Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2019-2020 4.80$ 4.68$ 4.66$ 4.71$ 4.97$ 4.88$ 4.81$ 4.78$ 4.74$ 4.73$ 4.75$ 4.80$ Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2020-2021 4.88$ 4.73$ 4.84$ 4.87$ 5.09$ 5.00$ 4.91$ 4.87$ 4.79$ 4.78$ 4.84$ 4.89$ Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2021-2022 4.99$ 4.95$ 5.32$ 5.36$ 5.48$ 5.38$ 5.31$ 5.25$ 5.23$ 5.21$ 5.30$ 5.34$ Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2022-2023 5.39$ 5.32$ 5.39$ 5.38$ 5.51$ 5.38$ 5.24$ 5.18$ 5.15$ 5.13$ 5.20$ 5.24$ Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2023-2024 5.45$ 5.43$ 5.71$ 5.74$ 5.90$ 5.78$ 5.65$ 5.59$ 5.54$ 5.53$ 5.61$ 5.66$ Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2024-2025 5.76$ 5.78$ 6.04$ 6.03$ 6.16$ 6.04$ 5.99$ 5.93$ 5.88$ 5.87$ 5.95$ 6.00$ Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2025-2026 6.09$ 6.08$ 6.25$ 6.27$ 6.42$ 6.29$ 6.18$ 6.11$ 6.06$ 6.05$ 6.14$ 6.19$ Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2026-2027 6.34$ 6.33$ 6.45$ 6.37$ 6.67$ 6.46$ 6.38$ 6.30$ 6.27$ 6.26$ 6.35$ 6.40$ Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2027-2028 6.57$ 6.54$ 6.57$ 6.54$ 6.82$ 6.66$ 6.59$ 6.53$ 6.48$ 6.48$ 6.55$ 6.61$ Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2028-2029 6.82$ 6.80$ 7.07$ 7.14$ 7.36$ 7.15$ 7.09$ 7.02$ 6.98$ 6.95$ 7.02$ 7.06$ Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2029-2030 7.21$ 7.21$ 7.47$ 7.36$ 7.68$ 7.39$ 7.31$ 7.24$ 7.20$ 7.18$ 7.24$ 7.31$ Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2030-2031 7.62$ 7.57$ 7.64$ 7.54$ 7.94$ 7.73$ 7.68$ 7.62$ 7.60$ 7.59$ 7.66$ 7.71$ Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2031-2032 7.87$ 7.64$ 7.87$ 7.88$ 8.04$ 7.88$ 7.86$ 7.79$ 7.68$ 7.66$ 7.81$ 7.86$ Low Growth & High Prices AECo 2032-2033 7.96$ 7.91$ 8.28$ 8.27$ 8.42$ 8.25$ 8.24$ 8.19$ 8.07$ 8.05$ 8.21$ 8.28$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2013-2014 3.62$ 4.53$ 4.69$ 3.81$ 4.28$ 4.28$ 4.25$ 4.24$ 4.24$ 4.23$ 4.26$ 4.31$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2014-2015 4.33$ 4.33$ 4.60$ 4.61$ 4.64$ 4.63$ 4.56$ 4.55$ 4.53$ 4.52$ 4.57$ 4.62$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2015-2016 4.69$ 4.66$ 4.78$ 4.77$ 4.79$ 4.79$ 4.73$ 4.70$ 4.69$ 4.69$ 4.74$ 4.76$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2016-2017 4.87$ 4.78$ 4.92$ 4.91$ 4.93$ 4.91$ 4.91$ 4.89$ 4.89$ 4.89$ 4.94$ 4.94$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2017-2018 4.99$ 4.88$ 5.14$ 5.10$ 5.13$ 5.17$ 5.17$ 5.15$ 5.14$ 5.17$ 5.22$ 5.22$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2018-2019 5.31$ 5.16$ 5.20$ 5.16$ 5.28$ 5.31$ 5.31$ 5.29$ 5.27$ 5.29$ 5.32$ 5.37$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2019-2020 5.43$ 5.27$ 5.21$ 5.19$ 5.43$ 5.49$ 5.42$ 5.39$ 5.38$ 5.38$ 5.42$ 5.46$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2020-2021 5.55$ 5.40$ 5.34$ 5.35$ 5.58$ 5.65$ 5.50$ 5.46$ 5.44$ 5.44$ 5.52$ 5.58$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2021-2022 5.70$ 5.55$ 5.76$ 5.71$ 5.90$ 5.95$ 5.90$ 5.84$ 5.82$ 5.84$ 5.95$ 6.00$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2022-2023 6.07$ 5.88$ 5.90$ 5.89$ 6.05$ 6.02$ 5.87$ 5.75$ 5.74$ 5.72$ 5.91$ 5.95$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2023-2024 6.19$ 6.01$ 6.22$ 6.13$ 6.43$ 6.43$ 6.24$ 6.18$ 6.16$ 6.19$ 6.29$ 6.33$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2024-2025 6.48$ 6.37$ 6.55$ 6.38$ 6.64$ 6.68$ 6.62$ 6.54$ 6.57$ 6.57$ 6.66$ 6.68$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2025-2026 6.82$ 6.66$ 6.80$ 6.76$ 6.99$ 6.95$ 6.83$ 6.77$ 6.78$ 6.78$ 6.89$ 6.93$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2026-2027 7.08$ 7.01$ 6.99$ 6.79$ 7.16$ 7.12$ 7.04$ 6.96$ 6.95$ 6.97$ 7.06$ 7.13$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2027-2028 7.31$ 7.16$ 7.12$ 7.02$ 7.37$ 7.32$ 7.23$ 7.18$ 7.16$ 7.20$ 7.28$ 7.33$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2028-2029 7.56$ 7.38$ 7.63$ 7.54$ 7.74$ 7.71$ 7.67$ 7.61$ 7.64$ 7.63$ 7.71$ 7.76$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2029-2030 7.91$ 7.78$ 8.00$ 7.80$ 8.11$ 8.03$ 7.96$ 7.89$ 7.88$ 7.92$ 7.99$ 8.04$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2030-2031 8.34$ 8.16$ 8.23$ 8.03$ 8.37$ 8.34$ 8.32$ 8.26$ 8.27$ 8.30$ 8.39$ 8.42$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2031-2032 8.57$ 8.27$ 8.37$ 8.38$ 8.46$ 8.36$ 8.33$ 8.24$ 8.13$ 8.13$ 8.31$ 8.41$ Low Growth & High Prices Malin 2032-2033 8.50$ 8.44$ 8.80$ 8.79$ 8.83$ 8.72$ 8.70$ 8.64$ 8.53$ 8.52$ 8.72$ 8.83$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2013-2014 3.53$ 4.56$ 4.66$ 3.77$ 4.25$ 4.23$ 4.22$ 4.21$ 4.20$ 4.19$ 4.21$ 4.26$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2014-2015 4.29$ 4.29$ 4.57$ 4.57$ 4.61$ 4.57$ 4.53$ 4.52$ 4.49$ 4.48$ 4.53$ 4.55$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2015-2016 4.62$ 4.62$ 4.74$ 4.74$ 4.75$ 4.75$ 4.70$ 4.67$ 4.64$ 4.64$ 4.69$ 4.71$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2016-2017 4.78$ 4.74$ 4.89$ 4.87$ 4.90$ 4.86$ 4.83$ 4.80$ 4.79$ 4.78$ 4.82$ 4.84$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2017-2018 4.89$ 4.83$ 5.10$ 5.06$ 5.09$ 5.09$ 5.08$ 5.05$ 5.04$ 5.03$ 5.07$ 5.07$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2018-2019 5.15$ 5.11$ 5.16$ 5.11$ 5.23$ 5.23$ 5.18$ 5.15$ 5.11$ 5.14$ 5.17$ 5.18$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2019-2020 5.18$ 5.13$ 5.17$ 5.14$ 5.29$ 5.27$ 5.22$ 5.20$ 5.17$ 5.16$ 5.20$ 5.22$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2020-2021 5.25$ 5.25$ 5.28$ 5.27$ 5.34$ 5.29$ 5.28$ 5.19$ 5.21$ 5.20$ 5.25$ 5.28$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2021-2022 5.29$ 5.32$ 5.57$ 5.52$ 5.55$ 5.57$ 5.52$ 5.47$ 5.44$ 5.44$ 5.52$ 5.54$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2022-2023 5.57$ 5.49$ 5.59$ 5.56$ 5.64$ 5.60$ 5.49$ 5.43$ 5.41$ 5.41$ 5.48$ 5.52$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2023-2024 5.65$ 5.61$ 5.82$ 5.79$ 5.89$ 5.89$ 5.76$ 5.67$ 5.65$ 5.64$ 5.73$ 5.81$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2024-2025 5.86$ 5.85$ 6.27$ 6.28$ 6.32$ 6.31$ 6.28$ 6.21$ 6.22$ 6.21$ 6.28$ 6.29$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2025-2026 6.33$ 6.27$ 6.47$ 6.46$ 6.55$ 6.54$ 6.45$ 6.38$ 6.38$ 6.37$ 6.44$ 6.52$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2026-2027 6.53$ 6.50$ 6.81$ 6.70$ 6.88$ 6.87$ 6.82$ 6.74$ 6.75$ 6.74$ 6.83$ 6.87$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2027-2028 6.93$ 6.92$ 6.96$ 6.93$ 7.09$ 7.07$ 7.03$ 6.95$ 6.95$ 6.94$ 7.02$ 7.08$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2028-2029 7.17$ 7.13$ 7.34$ 7.25$ 7.42$ 7.41$ 7.38$ 7.29$ 7.30$ 7.30$ 7.35$ 7.37$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2029-2030 7.43$ 7.40$ 7.66$ 7.56$ 7.75$ 7.72$ 7.64$ 7.57$ 7.57$ 7.57$ 7.64$ 7.70$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2030-2031 7.78$ 7.72$ 7.86$ 7.79$ 8.00$ 7.97$ 7.93$ 7.87$ 7.89$ 7.91$ 7.98$ 7.99$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2031-2032 8.01$ 7.89$ 7.96$ 7.96$ 8.01$ 7.95$ 7.92$ 7.83$ 7.73$ 7.72$ 7.89$ 7.96$ Low Growth & High Prices Rockies 2032-2033 8.00$ 7.99$ 8.33$ 8.33$ 8.35$ 8.29$ 8.27$ 8.19$ 8.09$ 8.08$ 8.25$ 8.34$ 2012$ Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 137 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.1: MONTHLY PRICE DATA BY BASIN LOW GROWTH HIGH PRICE Scenario Index Gas Year Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2013-2014 3.60$ 4.56$ 4.66$ 3.72$ 4.21$ 4.19$ 4.20$ 4.21$ 4.19$ 4.19$ 4.21$ 4.22$ Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2014-2015 4.29$ 4.23$ 4.53$ 4.54$ 4.61$ 4.54$ 4.52$ 4.51$ 4.49$ 4.47$ 4.51$ 4.53$ Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2015-2016 4.62$ 4.66$ 4.78$ 4.78$ 4.73$ 4.70$ 4.65$ 4.67$ 4.64$ 4.61$ 4.66$ 4.67$ Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2016-2017 4.77$ 4.79$ 4.93$ 4.82$ 4.86$ 4.82$ 4.77$ 4.75$ 4.75$ 4.75$ 4.78$ 4.81$ Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2017-2018 4.97$ 4.88$ 5.15$ 5.00$ 5.05$ 5.04$ 5.03$ 5.00$ 4.99$ 4.99$ 5.03$ 5.03$ Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2018-2019 5.27$ 5.16$ 5.20$ 5.17$ 5.19$ 5.27$ 5.13$ 5.10$ 5.08$ 5.09$ 5.12$ 5.27$ Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2019-2020 5.25$ 5.25$ 5.21$ 5.10$ 5.34$ 5.31$ 5.23$ 5.20$ 5.20$ 5.18$ 5.22$ 5.25$ Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2020-2021 5.36$ 5.33$ 5.34$ 5.25$ 5.48$ 5.44$ 5.32$ 5.28$ 5.25$ 5.24$ 5.32$ 5.37$ Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2021-2022 5.59$ 5.55$ 5.82$ 5.76$ 5.80$ 5.79$ 5.73$ 5.67$ 5.64$ 5.64$ 5.75$ 5.80$ Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2022-2023 6.00$ 5.89$ 5.79$ 5.79$ 5.88$ 5.81$ 5.69$ 5.63$ 5.60$ 5.59$ 5.68$ 5.71$ Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2023-2024 6.08$ 6.01$ 6.24$ 6.06$ 6.27$ 6.22$ 6.07$ 6.00$ 5.96$ 5.95$ 6.07$ 6.12$ Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2024-2025 6.39$ 6.36$ 6.44$ 6.33$ 6.52$ 6.48$ 6.44$ 6.36$ 6.34$ 6.33$ 6.43$ 6.46$ Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2025-2026 6.72$ 6.66$ 6.81$ 6.66$ 6.82$ 6.75$ 6.63$ 6.56$ 6.55$ 6.54$ 6.65$ 6.80$ Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2026-2027 6.97$ 6.96$ 7.01$ 6.75$ 7.04$ 7.03$ 6.85$ 6.77$ 6.75$ 6.75$ 6.83$ 7.02$ Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2027-2028 7.20$ 7.16$ 7.13$ 6.93$ 7.22$ 7.23$ 7.05$ 6.99$ 6.96$ 6.96$ 7.04$ 7.23$ Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2028-2029 7.45$ 7.38$ 7.65$ 7.60$ 7.67$ 7.56$ 7.50$ 7.43$ 7.44$ 7.42$ 7.50$ 7.54$ Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2029-2030 7.85$ 7.80$ 8.06$ 7.86$ 8.02$ 7.97$ 7.77$ 7.69$ 7.66$ 7.68$ 7.75$ 7.93$ Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2030-2031 8.26$ 8.18$ 8.25$ 8.09$ 8.30$ 8.29$ 8.14$ 8.07$ 8.06$ 8.08$ 8.15$ 8.19$ Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2031-2032 8.51$ 8.27$ 8.37$ 8.37$ 8.45$ 8.20$ 8.16$ 8.08$ 7.96$ 7.94$ 8.12$ 8.22$ Low Growth & High Prices Stanfield 2032-2033 8.48$ 8.43$ 8.79$ 8.78$ 8.83$ 8.56$ 8.66$ 8.47$ 8.35$ 8.34$ 8.53$ 8.63$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2013-2014 3.93$ 5.31$ 4.68$ 3.87$ 4.28$ 4.06$ 4.13$ 4.08$ 4.10$ 4.02$ 4.08$ 4.10$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2014-2015 4.44$ 4.55$ 4.79$ 4.69$ 4.64$ 4.42$ 4.47$ 4.37$ 4.34$ 4.29$ 4.39$ 4.43$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2015-2016 4.78$ 4.88$ 4.95$ 4.85$ 4.79$ 4.54$ 4.60$ 4.52$ 4.49$ 4.43$ 4.50$ 4.55$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2016-2017 4.94$ 5.01$ 5.10$ 4.98$ 4.93$ 4.63$ 4.68$ 4.62$ 4.61$ 4.53$ 4.60$ 4.69$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2017-2018 5.04$ 5.10$ 5.31$ 5.17$ 5.14$ 4.90$ 4.89$ 4.84$ 4.82$ 4.73$ 4.80$ 4.90$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2018-2019 5.34$ 5.38$ 5.37$ 5.24$ 5.28$ 5.00$ 4.97$ 4.90$ 4.89$ 4.84$ 4.86$ 4.89$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2019-2020 5.29$ 5.47$ 5.38$ 5.26$ 5.31$ 5.06$ 5.10$ 5.04$ 5.01$ 4.96$ 4.98$ 5.01$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2020-2021 5.36$ 5.55$ 5.51$ 5.42$ 5.47$ 5.18$ 5.21$ 5.13$ 5.05$ 5.02$ 5.07$ 5.10$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2021-2022 5.66$ 5.77$ 5.99$ 5.83$ 5.84$ 5.59$ 5.62$ 5.53$ 5.50$ 5.46$ 5.54$ 5.57$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2022-2023 6.07$ 6.10$ 6.07$ 5.82$ 5.78$ 5.59$ 5.52$ 5.41$ 5.43$ 5.35$ 5.45$ 5.48$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2023-2024 5.93$ 6.23$ 6.41$ 6.14$ 6.22$ 6.04$ 5.95$ 5.85$ 5.84$ 5.76$ 5.89$ 5.94$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2024-2025 6.24$ 6.58$ 6.72$ 6.42$ 6.47$ 6.29$ 6.28$ 6.19$ 6.18$ 6.11$ 6.22$ 6.28$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2025-2026 6.57$ 6.88$ 6.98$ 6.83$ 6.76$ 6.54$ 6.47$ 6.37$ 6.36$ 6.29$ 6.41$ 6.43$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2026-2027 6.82$ 7.18$ 7.18$ 6.92$ 6.98$ 6.69$ 6.69$ 6.57$ 6.59$ 6.51$ 6.63$ 6.66$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2027-2028 7.05$ 7.38$ 7.30$ 7.09$ 7.15$ 6.89$ 6.87$ 6.78$ 6.77$ 6.74$ 6.81$ 6.84$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2028-2029 7.52$ 7.60$ 7.82$ 7.67$ 7.74$ 7.40$ 7.41$ 7.28$ 7.31$ 7.26$ 7.32$ 7.34$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2029-2030 7.92$ 8.09$ 8.43$ 7.93$ 8.12$ 7.64$ 7.62$ 7.49$ 7.51$ 7.47$ 7.53$ 7.58$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2030-2031 8.33$ 8.47$ 8.72$ 8.16$ 8.40$ 7.98$ 8.00$ 7.88$ 7.93$ 7.89$ 7.96$ 7.99$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2031-2032 8.58$ 8.66$ 8.59$ 8.59$ 8.50$ 8.04$ 7.93$ 7.67$ 7.82$ 7.79$ 7.92$ 8.04$ Low Growth & High Prices Sumas 2032-2033 8.53$ 8.75$ 9.12$ 9.12$ 8.88$ 8.41$ 8.30$ 8.07$ 8.21$ 8.19$ 8.33$ 8.45$ 2012$ Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 138 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.2: WEIGHTED AVERAGE COST OF CAPITAL Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 139 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.3: POTENTIAL SUPPLY SIDE RESOURCE OPTIONS Ad d i t i o n a l R e s o u r c e s J u r i s d i c t i o n Si z e Co s t / R a t e s Av a i l a b i l i t y M o d e l e d C a s e ( s ) No t e s Pi p e l i n e C a p a c i t y R e l e a s e R e c a l l s WA / I D 28 , 0 0 0 D t h / d N W P L f i x e d r a t e 20 1 8 Ye s E x p e c t e d / H i g h R e c a l l p r e v i o u s l y r e l e a s e d c a p a c i t y G T N C a p a c i t y WA / I D 25 , 0 0 0 - 7 5 , 0 0 0 Dth / d GT N r a t e 20 1 3 Ye s E x p e c t e d / H i g h Cu r r e n t l y a v a i l a b l e u n s u b s c r i b e d c a p a c i t y f r o m K i n g s g a t e t o Sp o k a n e G T N C a p a c i t y OR 25 , 0 0 0 - 5 0 , 0 0 0 Dth / d GT N r a t e 20 1 3 Ye s E x p e c t e d / H i g h Cu r r e n t l y a v a i l a b l e u n s u b s c r i b e d c a p a c i t y ; r e q u i r e s e x p a n s i o n o f Me d f o r d L a t e r a l G T N M e d f o r d L a t e r a l E x p a n s i o n OR 25 , 0 0 0 - 5 0 , 0 0 0 Dth / d GT N r a t e 20 1 4 Ye s E x p e c t e d / H i g h Ad d i t i o n a l c o m p r e s s i o n t o a l l o w m o r e g a s t o f l o w f r o m G T N m a i l i n e to t h e l a t e r a l N W P E x p a n s i o n WA / I D 75 , 0 0 0 D t h / d N W P L f i x e d r a t e x 3 20 1 8 Ye s E x p e c t e d / H i g h T r a n s p o r t e x p a n s i o n f r o m S u m a s / J P t o W A / I D N W P E x p a n s i o n OR 50 , 0 0 0 D t h / d N W P L f i x e d r a t e x 5 20 1 8 Ye s E x p e c t e d / H i g h T r a n s p o r t e x p a n s i o n f r o m S u m a s / J P t o O r e g o n St a t e l l i t e L N G W A / I D S a t e l l i t e L N G WA / I D 27 0 , 0 0 0 c a p a c i t y ; 90 , 0 0 0 d e l i v e r y f o r 3 d a y s $1 3 2 m i l l i o n c a p i t a l c o s t $ 1 m i l l i o n a n n u a l O & M N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 8 Y e s E x p e c t e d / H i g h M e d f o r d / R o s e b u r g S a t e l l i t e L N G OR 13 5 , 0 0 0 c a p a c i t y ; 45 , 0 0 0 d e l i v e r y f o r 3 d a y s $6 6 m i l l i o n c a p i t a l c o s t $ 8 5 0 , 0 0 0 a n n u a l O & M N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 8 Y e s E x p e c t e d / H i g h K l a m a t h F a l l s S a t e l l i t e L N G OR 45 , 0 0 0 c a p a c i t y ; 15 , 0 0 0 d e l i v e r y f o r 3 d a y s $2 2 m i l l i o n c a p i t a l c o s t $ 8 5 0 , 0 0 0 a n n u a l O & M N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 8 Y e s E x p e c t e d / H i g h L a G r a n d e S a t e l l i t e L N G OR 45 , 0 0 0 c a p a c i t y ; 15 , 0 0 0 d e l i v e r y f o r 3 d a y s $2 2 m i l l i o n c a p i t a l c o s t $ 8 5 0 , 0 0 0 a n n u a l O & M N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 8 Y e s E x p e c t e d / H i g h Co m p a n y O w n e d L i q u i f a c t i o n L N G W A / I D WA 60 0 M M c f ca p a c i t y ; 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 de l i v e r y f o r 4 d a y s $7 5 m i l l i o n c a p i t a l c o s t , $ 2 m i l l i o n a n n u a l O & M N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 8 No Co n s i d e r e d a n d d i s c u s s e d b u t n o t t a k e n t o f u l l c y c l e m o d e l i n g . Ex p o r t L N G A n O r e g o n E x p o r t L N G F a c i l i t y OR 25 , 0 0 0 D t h / d P i p e l i n e c h a r g e $ 1 . 0 0 / D t h / d No v e m b e r 2 0 1 8 No Co n s i d e r e d a n d d i s c u s s e d b u t n o t t a k e n t o f u l l c y c l e m o d e l i n g . p l u s p i p e l i n e b u i l d t h r o u g h A v i s t a s e r v i c e t e r r i t o r y . Ot h e r R e s o u r c e s C o n s i d e r e d C i t y g a t e d e l i v e r i e s WA / I D / O R No Re p r e s e n t s t h e a b i l i t y t o b u y a d e l i v e r e d p r o d u c t f r o n a n o t h e r u t i l i t y or m a r k e t e r . L i m i t e d c o u n t e r p a r t i e s t o s t r u c t u r e t r a n s a c t i o n In g r o u n d S t o r a g e C a l i f o r n i a No De p e n d e n t o n G T N b a c k h a u l o r c o n v e r t t o b i d i r e c t i o n a l p i p e l i n e J P E x p a n s i o n No De p e n d e n t o n N W P E x p a n s i o n o r o t h e r T p o r t a r r a n g e m e n t s b a c k t o se r v i c e t e r r i t o r y M i s t No De p e n d e n t o n N W P E x p a n s i o n o r o t h e r T p o r t a r r a n g e m e n t s b a c k t o se r v i c e t e r r i t o r y ; L o n g t e r m s u b s c r i p t i o n m a y n o t b e a v a i l a b l e Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 140 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.4: EXPECTED CASE AVOIDED COST Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 141 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.4: LOW GROWTH CASE AVOIDED COST Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 142 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.4: HIGH GROWTH CASE AVOIDED COST Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 143 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.4: CARBON LEGISLATION – MEDIUM CASE AVOIDED COST Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 144 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.4: COLD DAY 20 YR WEATHER STANDARD AVOIDED COST Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 145 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.4: WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AVOIDED COSTS - LOW GROWTH/HIGH PRICE CASE APPENDIX 5.4: NATURAL GAS OREGON AVOIDED COSTS - LOW GROWTH/HIGH PRICE CASE Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 146 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.4: LOW GROWTH – HIGH PRICE MONTHLY DETAIL Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 147 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.4: LOW GROWTH – HIGH PRICE MONTHLY DETAIL Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 148 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.4: LOW GROWTH – HIGH PRICE MONTHLY DETAIL Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 149 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.4: EXPECTED MONTHLY DETAIL Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 150 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.4: EXPECTED MONTHLY DETAIL Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 151 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.4: EXPECTED MONTHLY DETAIL Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 152 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.4: HIGH GROWTH – LOW PRICE MONTHLY DETAIL Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 153 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.4: HIGH GROWTH – LOW PRICE MONTHLY DETAIL Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 154 Appendix - Chapter 5 APPENDIX 5.4: HIGH GROWTH – LOW PRICE MONTHLY DETAIL Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 155 Appendix - Chapter 5 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 156 Appendix - Chapter 6 APPENDIX 6.1: HIGH GROWTH CASES SELECTED RESOURCES VS. PEAK DAY DEMAND EXISTING PLUS EXPECTED AVAILABLE Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 157 Appendix - Chapter 6 APPENDIX 6.1: HIGH GROWTH CASES SELECTED RESOURCES VS. PEAK DAY DEMAND EXISTING PLUS EXPECTED AVAILABLE Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 158 Appendix - Chapter 6 APPENDIX 6.2: PEAK DAY DEMAND TABLE HIGH GROWTH Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 159 Appendix - Chapter 6 APPENDIX 6.2: PEAK DAY DEMAND TABLE LOW GROWTH Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 160 Appendix - Chapter 6 APPENDIX 6.2: PEAK DAY DEMAND TABLE COLDEST IN 20 YEARS Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 161 Appendix - Chapter 6 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 162 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 7 APPENDIX 7.1: DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MODELING OVERVIEW The primary goal of distribution system planning is to design for present needs and to plan for future expansion to serve demand growth. This allows Avista to satisfy current demand-serving requirements while taking steps toward meeting future needs. Distribution system planning identifies potential problems and areas of the distribution system that require reinforcement. By knowing when and where pressure problems may occur, the necessary reinforcements can be incorporated into normal maintenance. Thus, more costly reactive and emergency solutions can be avoided. COMPUTER MODELING When designing new main extensions, computer modeling can help determine the optimum size facilities for present and future needs. Undersized facilities are costly to replace, and oversized facilities incur unnecessary expenses to Avista and its customers. THEORY AND APPLICATION OF STUDY Natural gas network load studies have evolved in the last decade to become a highly technical and useful means of analyzing the operation of a distribution system. Using a pipeline fluid flow formula, a specified parameter of each pipe element can be simultaneously solved. Through years of research, pipeline equations have been refined to the point where solutions obtained closely represent actual system behavior. Avista conducts network load studies using GL Noble Denton’s SynerGEE® 4.6.0 software. This computer-based modeling tool runs on a Windows operating system and allows users to analyze and interpret solutions graphically. CREATING A MODEL To properly study the distribution system, all natural gas main information is entered (length, pipe roughness and ID) into the model. "Main" refers to all pipelines supplying services. Nodes are placed at all pipe intersections, beginnings and ends of mains, changes in pipe diameter/material, and to identify all large customers. A model element connects two nodes together. Therefore, a "to node" and a "from node" will represent an element between those two nodes. Almost all of the elements in a model are pipes. Regulators are treated like adjustable valves in which the downstream pressure is set to a known value. Although specific regulator types can be entered for realistic behavior, the expected flow passing through the actual regulator is determined and the modeled regulator is forced to accommodate such flows. FLUID MECHANICS OF THE MODEL Pipe flow equations are used to determine the relationships between flow, pressure drop, diameter and pipe length. For all models, the Fundamental Flow equation (FM) is used due to its demonstrated reliability. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 163 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 7 Efficiency factors are used to account for the equivalent resistance of valves, fittings and angle changes within the distribution system. Starting with a 95 percent factor, the efficiency can be changed to fine tune the model to match field results. Pipe roughness, along with flow conditions, creates a friction factor for all pipes within a system. Thus, each pipe may have a unique friction factor, minimizing computational errors associated with generalized friction values. LOAD DATA All studies are considered steady state; all natural gas entering the distribution system must equal the natural gas exiting the distribution system at any given time. Customer loads are obtained from Avista’s customer billing system and converted to an algebraic format so loads can be generated for various conditions. Customer Management Module (CMM), a new add-on application for SynerGEE, processes customer usage history and generates a base load (non-temperature dependent) and heat load (varying with temperature) for each customer. In the event of a peak day or an extremely cold weather condition, it is assumed that all curtailable loads are interrupted. Therefore, the models will be conducted with only core loads. DETERMINING NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS’ MAXIMUM HOURLY USAGE DETERMINING DESIGN PEAK HOURLY LOAD The design peak hourly load for a customer is estimated by adding the hourly base load and the hourly heat load for a design temperature. This estimate reflects highest system hourly demands, as shown in Table 1: This method differs from the approach that we use for IRP peak day load planning. The primary reason for this difference is due to the importance of responding to hourly peaking in the distribution system, while IRP resource planning focuses on peak day requirements to the city gate. APPLYING LOADS Having estimated the peak loads for all customers in a particular service area, the model can be loaded. The first step is to assign each load to the respective node or element. GENERATING LOADS Temperature-based and non-temperature-based loads are established for each node or element, thus loads can be varied based on any temperature (HDD). Such a tool is necessary to evaluate the difference in flow and pressure due to different weather conditions. Table 1 - Determining Peak* Hourly Load Peak Hourly Base Load Peak Hourly Heat Load Peak Hourly Load + = Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 164 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 7 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) Several years ago Avista converted its natural gas facility maps to GIS. While the GIS can provide a variety of map products, its power lies in its analytical capability. A GIS consists of three components: spatial operations, data association and map representation. A GIS allows analysts to conduct spatial operations (relating a feature or facility to another geographically). A spatial operation is possible if a facility displayed on a map maintains a relationship to other facilities. Spatial relationships allow analysts to perform a multitude of queries, including:  Identify electric customers adjacent to natural gas mains who are not currently using natural gas  Display the ratio of customers to length of pipe in Emergency Operating Procedure zones (geographical areas defined by the number of customers and their safety in the event of an emergency)  Classify high-pressure pipeline proximity criteria The second component of the GIS is data association. This allows analysts to model relationships between facilities displayed on a map to tabular information in a database. Databases store facility information, such as pipe size, pipe material, pressure rating, or related information (e.g., customer databases, equipment databases and work management systems). Data association allows interactive queries within a map-like environment. Finally, the GIS provides a means to create maps of existing facilities in different scales, projections and displays. In addition, the results of a comparative or spatial analysis can be presented pictorially. This allows users to present complex analyses rapidly and in an easy-to-understand method. BUILDING SYNERGEE® MODELS FROM A GIS The GIS can provide additional benefits through the ease of creation and maintenance of load studies. Avista can create load studies from the GIS based on tabular data (attributes) installed during the mapping process. MAINTENANCE USING A GIS The GIS helps maintain the existing distribution facility by allowing a design to be initiated on a GIS. Currently, design jobs for the company’s natural gas system are managed through Avista’s Facility Management (AFM) tool. Once jobs are completed, the as-built information is automatically updated on GIS, eliminating the need to convert physical maps to a GIS at a later date. Because the facility is updated, load studies can remain current by refreshing the analysis. DEVELOPING A PRESENT CASE LOAD STUDY In order for any model to have accuracy, a present case model has to be developed that reflects what the system was doing when downstream pressures and flows are known. To establish the present case, pressure charts located throughout the distribution system are used. Pressure charts plot pressure (some include temperature) versus time over several days. Various locations recording simultaneously are used to validate the model. Customer loads on SynerGEE® are generated to correspond with actual temperatures recorded on the pressure charts. An accurate model’s downstream Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 165 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 7 pressures will match the corresponding location’s field pressure chart. Efficiency factors are fine-tuned to further refine the model's pressures. Since telemetry at the gate stations record hourly flow, temperature and pressure, these values are used to validate the model. All loads are representative of the average daily temperature and are defined as hourly flows. If the load generating method is truly accurate, all natural gas entering the actual system (physical) equals total natural gas demand solved by the simulated system (model). DEVELOPING A PEAK CASE LOAD STUDY Using the calculated peak loads, a model can be analyzed to identify the behavior during a peak day. The efficiency factors established in the present case are used throughout subsequent models. ANALYZING RESULTS After a model has been balanced, several features within the SynerGEE® model are used to translate results. Color plots are generated to depict flow direction, pressure, pipe diameter and gradient with specific break points. Reinforcements can be identified by visual inspection. When user edits are completed and the model is re-balanced, pressure changes can be visually displayed, helping identify optimum reinforcements. An optimum reinforcement will have the largest pressure increase per unit length. Reinforcements can also be deferred and occasionally eliminated through load mitigation of DSM efforts. PLANNING CRITERIA In most instances, models resulting in node pressures below 15 psig indicate a likelihood of distribution low pressure, and therefore necessitate reinforcements. For most Avista distribution systems, a minimum of 15 psig will ensure deliverability as natural gas exits the distribution mains and travels through service pipelines to a customer’s meter. Some Avista distribution areas operate at lower pressures and are assigned a minimum pressure of 5 psig for model results. Given a lower operating pressure, service pipelines in such areas are sized accordingly to maintain reliability. DETERMINING MAXIMUM CAPACITY FOR A SYSTEM Using a peak day model, loads can be prorated at intervals until area pressures drop to 15 psig. At that point, the total amount of natural gas entering the system equals the maximum capacity before new construction is necessary. The difference between natural gas entering the system in this scenario and a peak day model is the maximum additional capacity that can be added to the system. Since the approximate natural gas usage for the average customer is known, it can be determined how many new customers can be added to the distribution system before necessitating system reinforcements. The above models and procedures are utilized with new construction proposals or pipe reinforcements to determine the potential increase in capacity. FIVE-YEAR FORECASTING The intent of our load study forecasting is to predict the system’s behavior and reinforcements necessary within the next five years. Various Avista personnel provide information to determine where and why certain areas may experience growth. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 166 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 7 By combining information from Avista’s demand forecast, IRP planning efforts, regional growth plans and area developments, proposals for pipeline reinforcements and expansions can be evaluated with SynerGEE®. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 167 APPENDIX – CHAPTER 7 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 168 1 2014 Avista Natural Gas IRP Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 1 January 24, 2014 Portland, Oregon Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 169 2 Agenda •Introductions & Logistics •Purpose of IRP and Avista’s IRP Process •Avista’s Demand Overview and 2012 IRP Revisited •Economic Outlook and Customer Count Forecast •Demand Forecast Methodology •Dynamic Demand Forecasting •Demand Side Management •Questions/Wrap Up Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 170 3 2014 IRP Timeline •August 31, 2013 – Work Plan filed with WUTC •January through April 2014 – Technical Advisory Committee meetings. Meeting topics will include: – Demand Forecast and Demand Side Management – January 24 – Supply/Infrastructure, Natural Gas Pricing, and Potential Case Discussion– February 25 – Distribution Planning, SENDOUT® Preliminary Output Results and Further Case Discussion – March 26 – SENDOUT® results – April 23 •May 30, 2014 – Draft of IRP document to TAC •June 30, 2014 – Comments on draft due back to Avista •July 2014 – TAC final review meeting (if necessary) •August 31, 2014 – File finalized IRP document Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 171 4 Purpose of Gas Integrated Resource Planning •Comprehensive long-range resource planning tool •Fully integrates forecasted demand requirements with potential demand side and supply side resources •Process determines the least cost, risk adjusted means for meeting demand requirements for our firm residential, commercial and industrial customers •Responsive to Idaho, Oregon and Washington rules and/or orders Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 172 5 Avista’s IRP Process • Comprehensive analysis bringing demand forecasting and existing and potential supply-side and demand-side resources together into a 20-year, risk adjusted least-cost plan • Considers: – Customer growth and usage – Weather planning standard – Demand-side management opportunities – Existing and potential supply-side resource options – Risk – Public participation through Technical Advisory Committee meetings (TAC) •2012 IRP completed and filed in all three jurisdictions on August 31, 2012 and acknowledged Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 173 6 Avista’s Demand Overview and 2012 IRP Re-Visited Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 174 7 Avista’s Demand Overview Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 175 8 – Population of service area 1,590,341 365,000 electric customers 331,000 natural gas customers •Have one of the smallest carbon footprints among America’s 100 largest investor-owned utilities •Committed to environmental stewardship and efficient use of resources Service Territory and Customer Overview •Serves electric and natural gas customers in eastern Washington and northern Idaho, and natural gas customers in southern and eastern Oregon State Total Customers % of Total Washington 157,557 47% Oregon 97,404 29% Idaho 76,739 23% Total 331,700 100% Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 176 9 2013 Customer Make Up and Demand Mix 88.34% 11.63% 0.03% Customer Make up Oregon 89.94% 9.97% 0.10% Customer Make up WA-ID 62.5% 36.2% 1.3% Annual Demand WA-ID 64.1% 35.7% 0.2% Annual Demand Oregon Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 177 10 Historical Demand Mix 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Industrial 1% 1% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Commercial 36% 36% 37% 37% 37% 37% 37% Residential 63% 63% 61% 61% 61% 61% 61% WA-ID 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Industrial 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Commercial 11% 10% 11% 11% 11% 10% 10% Residential 89% 90% 89% 89% 89% 89% 90% Klamath Falls 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Industrial 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Commercial 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% Residential 88% 88% 88% 88% 88% 88% 88% LaGrande 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Industrial 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Commercial 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% Residential 88% 88% 88% 88% 88% 88% 88% Medford/Roseburg Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 178 11 Seasonal Demand Profiles 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec De k a t h e r m s Klamath Falls 0 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec De k a t h e r m s WA-ID 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec De k a t h e r m s Medford/Roseburg Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 179 12 Daily Demand Profiles 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 0 20 40 60 80 100 De k a t h e r m s 2013 Average Temp (°F) WA-ID 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 De k a t h e r m s 2013 Average Temp (°F) Klamath Falls 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 0 20 40 60 80 100 De k a t h e r m s 2013 Average Temp (°F) Medford/Roseburg 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 0 20 40 60 80 100 De k a t h e r m s 2013 Average Temp (°F) LaGrande Historical Peak (-7°F) Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 180 13 Avista’s 2012 Natural Gas IRP Re-Visited Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 181 14 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 182 15 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 183 16 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 184 17 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 185 18 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 186 19 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 187 20 Year First Unserved Scenario Comparisons 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 WA/ID Medford/Roseburg Klamath La Grande Fi r s t -Ye a r De m a n d U n s e r v e d Figure 1.13 -First Year Peak Demand Not Met with Existing Resources Scenario Comparisons Expected Case High Growth & Low Prices Low Growth & High Prices Cold Day 20yr Average Case Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 188 21 Best Cost/Risk Resources Expected Case – WA/ID 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 Dth Existing GTN Existing NWP Spokane Supply GTN Capacity Add Peak Day Demand Current Short Figure 1.10 - Expected Case - WA/ID Selected Resources vs. Peak Day Demand (Net of DSM ) FEB 15 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 189 22 Best Cost/Risk Resources Expected Case – Medford/Roseburg Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 190 23 Best Cost/Risk Resources Expected Case – Klamath Falls Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 191 24 Our Biggest Risk Last IRP “Flat Demand” Risk Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 192 25 December 8, 2013 Cold Weather Stats Area Actual HDD Peak HDD Actual Demand (Dth/d) Forecasted Peak Demand (Dth/d) Klamath Falls 72 72 12,656 12,830 LaGrande 65 74 6,709 7,310 Medford 52 61 48,060 53,120 Roseburg 44 55 13,058 13,930 Washington/Idaho 57 82 218,178 257,650 Note: Klamath Falls and Medford set record high loads. LaGrande and Roseburg had second highest demand days. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 193 26 Near Term Action Items • Demand trend monitoring • Demand side management cost effectiveness and targets • Gate station analysis On-going Action Items • Price elasticity study inquiry • NGV/CNG and other demand potential • Supply side resource trends/availability • Meet regularly with Commission Staff Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 194 27 Economic Outlook and Customer Forecast Development Grant D. Forsyth, Ph.D. Chief Economist Grant.Forsyth@avistacorp.com Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 195 28 Load Forecasts-Two Step Process •First, forecast customers (C) by month by schedule (s) by residential (r), commercial (c), industrial (i)—for example, Ct,y,s.r •Forecast use per customer (U) by month by schedule by class—for example, Ut,y,s.r •Load forecast (L) is the product of the two: Lt,y,s.r = Ct,y,s.r X Ut,y,s.r For weather sensitive schedules a 20-yr MA defines normal weather. For non-IRP years, forecast is run out 5- yrs. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 196 29 Forecast Method—Methodology Change •5-year out forecasts: ARIMA based models with economic drivers and traditional smoothing models. •For IRP years, will push out 5-year forecasts based on longer-run growth assumptions and historical relationships. •SAS/ETS software. •Also consider external analysis such as the University of Oregon’s Regional Economic Indexes. Framing forecast in a broader economic context. •Model building is dynamic and model improvements/changes constant. •Forecast is lower than last IRP…Why? Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 197 30 WA-ID Region: 2014 IRP and 2012 IRP 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 F 20 1 5 F 20 1 6 F 20 1 7 F 20 1 8 F 20 1 9 F 20 2 0 F 20 2 1 F 20 2 2 F 20 2 3 F 20 2 4 F 20 2 5 F 20 2 6 F 20 2 7 F 20 2 8 F 20 2 9 F 20 3 0 F 20 3 1 F 20 3 2 F 20 3 3 F 20 3 4 F 20 3 5 F 20 3 6 F 20 3 7 F 20 3 8 F 20 3 9 F 20 4 0 F To t a l C u s t o m e r s WA-ID Region (Annual Growth: Current Base = 1.0%, Previous IRP Base = 1.6%) WA-ID Base WA-ID 2012 IRP Base Forecast Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 198 31 OR Region: 2014 IRP and 2012 IRP 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 F 20 1 5 F 20 1 6 F 20 1 7 F 20 1 8 F 20 1 9 F 20 2 0 F 20 2 1 F 20 2 2 F 20 2 3 F 20 2 4 F 20 2 5 F 20 2 6 F 20 2 7 F 20 2 8 F 20 2 9 F 20 3 0 F 20 3 1 F 20 3 2 F 20 3 3 F 20 3 4 F 20 3 5 F 20 3 6 F 20 3 7 F 20 3 8 F 20 3 9 F 20 4 0 F To t a l C u s t o m e r s OR Region (Annual Growth: Current Base = 0.9%, Previous IRP Base = 1.7%) OR Base OR 2012 IRP Base Forecast Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 199 32 The Relationship Between Classes Customers Residential Commercial Industrial Load Residential Commercial Industrial Residential 1.00 Residential 1.00 Commercial 0.83 1.00 Commercial 0.94 1.00 Industrial -0.44 -0.35 1.00 Industrial 0.33 0.34 1.00 Year-over-year Growth, Gas Correlations by Class, Jan. 2006-May 2013 Residential customer growth is approximately equal to population growth in the long-run. Commercial customer growth is highly correlated with and approximately equal to residential growth in the long-run. Industrial’s correlation to residential is lower and negative. Customer numbers stable or slightly declining. (1) Estimate with historical data: Ct,y,WA101.r = α0 + ωSDDt,y + ARIMAЄt,y(10,1,0)(0,0,0)12 (3) Estimate with historical data: Ct,y,WA101.c = α0 + α1 Ct,y,WA101.r + ωSDDt,y + ARIMAЄt,y(12,1,0)(0,0,0)12 (2) 5-yr forecasts of Ct,y,WA101.r adjusted (post-forecast) for forecasted population growth to get C*t,y,WA101.r (4) 5-yr forecasts of Ct,y,WA101.c are generated by using C*t,y,WA101.r in the estimate of (3). Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 200 33 Getting to Population as a Driver Average GDP Growth Forecasts:  IMF, FOMC, Bloomberg, etc.  Average forecasts out 5-yrs. Non-farm Employment Growth Model:  Model links year y, y-1, and y-2 GDP growth to year y regional employment growth.  Forecast out 5-yrs. Regional Population Growth Models:  Model links regional, U.S., and CA employment growth to regional population growth.  Forecast out 5-yrs for Spokane, WA; Kootenai, ID; and Jackson, OR.  Averaged with GI forecasts.  Compare population forecasts to base customer forecasts for residential schedules 1, 101, and 410.  Adjust base forecasts if large differences with base and population forecasts exist. EMP GDP By assuming different long-run values for regional employment growth, we can obtain long-run residential and commercial customer growth rates for base, low, and high cases. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 201 34 WA-ID Region, 2012-2040 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 F 20 1 5 F 20 1 6 F 20 1 7 F 20 1 8 F 20 1 9 F 20 2 0 F 20 2 1 F 20 2 2 F 20 2 3 F 20 2 4 F 20 2 5 F 20 2 6 F 20 2 7 F 20 2 8 F 20 2 9 F 20 3 0 F 20 3 1 F 20 3 2 F 20 3 3 F 20 3 4 F 20 3 5 F 20 3 6 F 20 3 7 F 20 3 8 F 20 3 9 F 20 4 0 F To t a l C u s t o m e r s WA-ID Region (Annual Growth: Low = 0.5%, Base = 1.0%, HIgh = 1.5%) WA-ID Base WA-ID Low WA-ID High Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 202 35 OR Region, 2012-2040 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 F 20 1 5 F 20 1 6 F 20 1 7 F 20 1 8 F 20 1 9 F 20 2 0 F 20 2 1 F 20 2 2 F 20 2 3 F 20 2 4 F 20 2 5 F 20 2 6 F 20 2 7 F 20 2 8 F 20 2 9 F 20 3 0 F 20 3 1 F 20 3 2 F 20 3 3 F 20 3 4 F 20 3 5 F 20 3 6 F 20 3 7 F 20 3 8 F 20 3 9 F 20 4 0 F To t a l C u s t o m e r s OR Region (Annual Growth: Low = 0.5%, Base = 0.9%, HIgh = 1.4%) OR Base OR Low OR High Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 203 36 OR by Individual Region, 2012-2040 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 20 1 2 20 1 4 F 20 1 6 F 20 1 8 F 20 2 0 F 20 2 2 F 20 2 4 F 20 2 6 F 20 2 8 F 20 3 0 F 20 3 2 F 20 3 4 F 20 3 6 F 20 3 8 F 20 4 0 F To t a l C u s t o m e r s Medford Region (Annual Growth: Low = 0.5%, Base = 1.1%, High = 1.7%) Medford Base Medford Low Medford High 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 22,000 20 1 2 20 1 4 F 20 1 6 F 20 1 8 F 20 2 0 F 20 2 2 F 20 2 4 F 20 2 6 F 20 2 8 F 20 3 0 F 20 3 2 F 20 3 4 F 20 3 6 F 20 3 8 F 20 4 0 F To t a l C u s t o m e r s Roseburg Region (Annual Growth: Low = 0.3%, Base = 0.6%, High = 1.0%) Roseburg Base Roseburg Low Roseburg High 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 22,000 20 1 2 20 1 4 F 20 1 6 F 20 1 8 F 20 2 0 F 20 2 2 F 20 2 4 F 20 2 6 F 20 2 8 F 20 3 0 F 20 3 2 F 20 3 4 F 20 3 6 F 20 3 8 F 20 4 0 F To t a l C u s t o m e r s Klamath Region (Annual Growth: Low = 0.3%, Base = 0.6%, High = 1.0%) Klamath Base Klamath Low Klamath High 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 9,000 20 1 2 20 1 4 F 20 1 6 F 20 1 8 F 20 2 0 F 20 2 2 F 20 2 4 F 20 2 6 F 20 2 8 F 20 3 0 F 20 3 2 F 20 3 4 F 20 3 6 F 20 3 8 F 20 4 0 F To t a l C u s t o m e r s La Grande Region (Annual Growth: Low = 0.2%, Base = 0.4%, High = 0.6%) La Grande Base La Grande Low La Grande HighAvista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 204 37 Future Modeling • Attempt to integrate employment and/or population directly into the residential customer model. • Continue to explore the best way to model price, household income, and household size. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 205 38 Example: West Household Size and Usage, 2009 RECS 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 or More In d e x o f U s a g e R e l a t i v e t o 1 P e r s o n H o u s e h o l d , Ho u s e h o l d S i z e = 1 Persons in Household Electricity Natural Gas Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 206 39 Demand Forecast Methodology Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 207 40 Natural Gas Demand Forecasting Financial Planning and Analysis Resource Accounting Gas Supply Rates Regulatory Staff Industry Stakeholders Average Demand Procurement Planning PGA Corporate Budget IRP Peak Day Planning IRP Scenario Analysis Other Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 208 41 Natural Gas Demand Forecast Use per Customer Weather Forecast Customer Forecast What goes into the Natural Gas Demand Forecast? Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 209 42 Customer Forecast by Class Start with national economic forecasts then drill down to regional economies Population growth expectations and employment Company-specific knowledge about sub-regional construction activity, trends and historical data The Customer Forecast Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 210 43 Weather Forecast Most recent 20 year HDD’s Planning Standard Other The Weather Forecast Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 211 44 Weather •NOAA 20 year actual average daily HDD’s (1994- 2013) •Peak weather includes two winter storms (5 day durration), one in December and one in February •Planning Standard – coldest day on record •Sensitivity around planning standard including – Normal/Average – Coincidental vs. Non-coincidental – Coldest in 20 years – Monte Carlo simulation Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 212 45 Use per Customer Most recent year(s) of historical use: •“Big Meter” Data • 5 Areas • Allocated based on “little meter” data Determine Base Demand Determine Heat Demand Determine “Super Peak” Demand The Use per Customer Forecast Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 213 46 The Use per Customer Forecast cont. • Historical data is used to determine initial base and heat coefficients. • Adjustments are made to incorporate DSM and price elastic responses. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 214 47 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 215 48 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 216 49 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 217 50 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 218 51 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 219 52 Demand Modeling Equation – a closer look SENDOUT® requires inputs expressed in the below format to compute daily demand in dekatherms. The base and weather sensitive usage (degree-day usage) factors are developed outside the model and capture a variety of demand usage assumptions. # of customers x Daily weather sensitive usage / customer # of customers x Daily base usage / customer Plus Table 3.2 Basic Demand Formula Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 220 53 1.Customer annual growth rates: 2.Use per customer coefficients – Flat all classes, 5 year, 3 year or last year average use per HDD per customer 3. Weather planning standard – coldest day on record WA/ID 82; Medford 61; Roseburg 55; Klamath 72; La Grande 74 Developing a Reference Case Customer count forecast Use per customer coefficients Weather Reference Case Demand Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 221 54 Dynamic Demand Methodology Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 222 55 Dynamic Demand Methodology Demand Influencing – Conditions that DIRECTLY affect core customer volume consumed Price Influencing –PRICE SENSITIVE conditions that, through price elasticity, INDIRECTLY affect core customer volume consumed Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 223 56 Demand Customer Growth •New Construction •Conversion/Direct Use •Economy Customer Mix Shifts •Res/Com/Ind •Core vs. Transport •Interruptible Weather •Normal •Planning Standard •Other Technology •Increased efficiency/DSM •New Uses •Demand Response 3rd Party Demand Trends •Thermal Generation •Non-Core Customer •LNG Exports Supply Trends •Conventional vs. Unconventional •Canadian Imports •LNG Pipeline Trends •Regional Pipeline Projects •National Pipeline Projects •International Pipeline Projects Other •Storage •Climate Change Legislation •Energy Correlations (i.e. oil and gas) Demand Drivers Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 224 57 Customer Growth and Mix – Demand Influencing •Key driver in demand growth •Can change the timing and/or location of resource needs •Currently we model expected, high, and low growth scenarios •New construction vs. conversions •Residential/Commercial/Industrial vs. Transportation •New uses – CNG/NGV Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 225 58 Weather Standard – Demand Influencing •Has the potential to significantly change timing of resource needs •Significant qualitative considerations – No infrastructure response time if standard exceeded – Significant safety and property damage risks •Current Peak HDD Planning Standards – WA/ID 82 – Medford 61 – Roseburg 55 – Klamath 72 – LaGrande 74 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 226 59 Global Warming – Demand Influencing •There is a lack of studies or information on the affect global warming has on peak weather conditions •Uncertain whether any change in timing of resource needs •Peak and trough weather appears more volatile – does not influence the peak •Will reduce annual consumption over time for LDC but could increase consumption for thermal generation •Proposing to remove global warming adjustment Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 227 60 Technology – Demand Influencing •Demand side management initiatives will reduce demand HOWEVER, it is dependent upon customers willingness/ability to participate. •Development of new uses for natural gas •CNG •NGV •LNG •???NG •Demand response (Smart Grid) •New technologies in Demand Side Management Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 228 61 Price Elasticity Factors Defined • Price elasticity is usually expressed as a numerical factor that defines the relationship of a consumer’s consumption change in response to price change. • Typically, the factor is a negative number as consumers normally reduce their consumption in response to higher prices or will increase their consumption in response to lower prices. • For example, a price elasticity factor of -0.13 means: – A 10% price increase will prompt a 1.3% consumption decrease – A 10% price decrease will prompt a 1.3% consumption increase Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 229 62 Price Elasticity •Establishes factors for use in other price influencing scenarios •Very complex relationship – we use historical data however…… •Historical data has DSM, rate changes (PGA, general rate, etc.), economic conditions, technological changes, etc. •History is not necessarily the best predictor of future behavior Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 230 63 2007 AGA Study Results •American Gas Assn Study – National results • Short-run -0.09 •Long-run -0.18 – Pacific & Mtn Region results • Short-run -0.07 & -0.07 • long-run -0.12 & -0.10 –Min-Max range • Short-run +0.01 to - 0.13 •Long-run -.01 to -.29 •Avista Specific Results – Oregon • Short-run -0.08 • long-run -0.13 – Idaho • Short-run -0.05 • long-run -0.10 – Washington • Short-run -0.12 • long-run -0.14 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 231 64 Price Elasticity Assumptions From 2012 IRP Elasticity Assumption Real Price annual increase within 30% High Negative .20 Expected Negative .13 Low No response Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 232 65 3rd Party Demand Trends – Price Influencing •Gas fired generation – the largest contributor to future growth •Coal plant retirements driving gas for power •CNG/NGV Transportation Fleets •Export LNG •Non-firm customer trends Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 233 66 Supply Trends – Price Influencing •Not all its “Frack-ed” up to be or “Fracking” Awesome •Shale is Everywhere •O’ Canada vs. Canada Dry •LNG Export •Basis - Location, location, location Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 234 67 Pipeline Trends – Price Influencing •Regional Pipeline Proposals •N-Max/Palomar – cross Cascades pipeline (NWN, GTN and NWP) •Pacific Connector – from Jordan Cove LNG to various interconnects in the Pacific Northwest (Williams, Fort Chicago Energy Partners, and PG&E) •National Pipeline Proposals •International Pipeline Proposals Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 235 68 Other Supply Issues – Price Influencing •Storage •Climate Change and Carbon Legislation •Energy Correlations Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 236 69 Sensitivities, Scenarios, Portfolios Sensitivities Demand Supply Scenarios Group demand drivers into meaningful sets Group supply drivers into meaningful sets Portfolios Bringing together demand and supply scenarios Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 237 70 Demand Sensitivities from 2012 IRP What do we want to consider for 2014? Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 238 71 Mix and Match to Make Scenarios Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 239 72 The Goal – A Bunch of Meaningful Lines 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Mdth/d Figure 1.1 Average Daily Demand 2012 IRP Demand Scenarios (Net of DSM Savings) Average Case -Mix Expected Case -Coldest on Record -Mix Coldest in 20 years -Mix High Growth & Low Prices -Mix Low Growth & High Prices -Mix 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Mdth/d Figure 1.2 Peak Day (Feb 15) 2012 IRP Demand Scenarios (Net of DSM Savings) Average Case -Mix Expected Case -Coldest on Record -Mix Coldest in 20 years -Mix High Growth & Low Prices -Mix Low Growth & High Prices -Mix Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 240 73 Forecast Methodology Considerations • Know the goal – what is the purpose of the forecast? • Know your data – what you have, what you need • Is there sufficient quantitative data available? • Is the change small or large? • Is their conflict among decision makers? • Are the relationships among variable complicated? • Have there been similar situations? Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 241 74 Demand Side Management Lori Hermanson Utility Resource Analyst Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 242 75 Agenda • DSM in the last IRP – Target/Acquisition • What’s happened since the last IRP – Cost-effectiveness comparison • What’s different with avoided costs? • Proposed DSM modeling methodology • Business planning process Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 243 76 DSM in the 2012 IRP - Annual 30,000 32,000 34,000 36,000 38,000 40,000 42,000 44,000 46,000 Md t h Annual Demand Before and After DSM Total System Total System Demand Total System Demand after DSM Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 244 77 DSM in the 2012 IRP – Peak Day 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 Md t h Peak Day Demand Before and After DSM Total System Total System Demand Total System Demand after DSM Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 245 78 2012 IRP DSM Targets • 2013 targets & (Unverified) acquisition (achievable potential) • OPUC established “minimum” target State Therms Target % Achieved Idaho 18,804 364,000 5.17 Oregon 217,177 289,000 75.14 Washington 595,614 893,000 66.70 Therms Target % Achieved 217,177 225,000 96.52 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 246 79 Recap of Recent History • Idaho – Schedule 190 suspended effective 10/1/12 • Oregon – two year cost- effectiveness pass and revised savings expectation for 2013-2014 • Washington – WUTC adopted the gross UCT as the cost-effectiveness test for natural gas DSM Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 247 80 Cost-effective Test Comparison • Total Resource Cost (TRC) = (avoided costs + non-energy benefits) ____________________ (customer incremental cost + non-incentive utility costs) • Utility Cost Test (UCT) = avoided costs __________________ incentives + non-incentive utility costs Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 248 81 TRC vs UCT TRC • Traditional cost- effectiveness metric • Includes non-energy benefits • Results in programs that influence customer decisions UCT • Customer costs are ignored • Incentives are reduced in order to offer programs below avoided costs • Ignore free-riders in order to be cost-effective Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 249 82 Avoided Costs (2013 $) 2009 IRP 2012 IRP 2014 IRP* Annual Winter Annual Winter Annual Winter WA/ID $12.56 $12.88 $5.31 $5.40 ?? ?? OR $12.74 $13.18 $5.34 $5.45 ?? ?? *Similar avoided costs levels anticipated from the upcoming IRP Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 250 83 Proposed DSM Modeling Methodology Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 251 84 Business Planning Process • IRP generated target (CPA achievable potential) • Bottom-up evaluation of all measures regardless of cost- effectiveness • Add in non-incentive utility costs • Evaluate with final avoided costs • Process results in updated operational plan Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 252 85 Questions? Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 253 86 2014 IRP Timeline •August 31, 2013 – Work Plan filed with WUTC •January through April 2014 – Technical Advisory Committee meetings. Meeting topics will include: – Demand Forecast and Demand Side Management – January 24 – Supply/Infrastructure, Natural Gas Pricing, and Potential Case Discussion– February 25 – Distribution Planning, SENDOUT® Preliminary Output Results and Further Case Discussion – March 26 – SENDOUT® results – April 23 •May 30, 2014 – Draft of IRP document to TAC •June 30, 2014 – Comments on draft due back to Avista •July 2014 – TAC final review meeting (if necessary) •August 31, 2014 – File finalized IRP document Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 254 87 Tentative Agenda for the Next TAC Meeting • Natural Gas Prices • Supply Side Resources (Current and Future) • Transportation • Storage • Other • Gate Station Analysis Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 255 88 2014 Avista Natural Gas IRP Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 2 February 25, 2014 Portland, Oregon Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 256 89 Agenda •Introductions & Logistics •Update from NWP and GTN •Regional and Avista’s Supply Side Resources/Resource Optimization •Gate Station Analysis •Solving Unserved Demand Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 257 90 2014 IRP Timeline •August 31, 2013 – Work Plan filed with WUTC •January through April 2014 – Technical Advisory Committee meetings. Meeting topics will include: – Demand Forecast and Demand Side Management – January 24 –Supply and Infrastructure, Gate Station Analysis, Supply Side Resources, Resource Optimization – February 25 – Distribution Planning, Natural Gas Pricing, CNG/NGV, SENDOUT® Preliminary Results and Further Case Discussion – March 26 – SENDOUT® results – April 23 •May 30, 2014 – Draft of IRP document to TAC •June 30, 2014 – Comments on draft due back to Avista •July 2014 – TAC final review meeting (if necessary) •August 31, 2014 – File finalized IRP document Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 258 91 Regional and Avista’s Supply and Infrastructure Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 259 92 NWP Presentation Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 260 93 GTN Presentation Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 261 94 Connecting Supply and Storage with Customers Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 262 95 Storage – A valuable asset •Peaking resource •Improves reliability •Enables capture of price spreads between time periods – Inter seasonal spreads – Intra seasonal spreads •Enables efficient counter cyclical utilization of transportation (i.e. summer injections) •May require transportation to service territory •In-service territory storage offers most flexibility Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 263 96 Regional Natural Gas Storage Resources Jackson Prairie Natural Gas Facility Chehalis, Washington Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 264 97 Washington and Idaho Owned Jackson Prairie • 7.7 Bcf of Capacity with approximately 346,000 Dth/d of deliverability Oregon Owned Jackson Prairie • 823,000 Dth of Capacity with approximately 52,000 Dth/d of deliverability Leased Jackson Prairie • 95,565 Dth of Capacity with approximately 2,654 Dth/d of deliverability Avista’s Storage Resources Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 265 98 Interstate Pipeline Resources • The Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) brings together the various components necessary to ensure proper resource planning for reliable service to utility customers. • One of the key components for natural gas service is interstate pipeline transportation. Low prices, firm supply and storage resources are rendered meaningless to a utility customer without the ability to transport the gas reliably during cold weather events. • Acquiring firm interstate pipeline transportation provides the most reliable delivery of supply. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 266 99 • TransCanada Alberta (NOVA) – Transporting gas out of Alberta, Canada • TransCanada BC (ANG) – Transporting gas through BC, Canada to US • Spectra Energy (WestCoast) – Transporting gas from western BC Canada to US • Gas Transmission Northwest (GTN) – Transporting gas from Canada/US border to CA • Williams Pipeline West (NWP) – Transporting gas from western BC and US Rockies • El Paso Ruby Pipeline – Transporting gas from the Rockies to Malin Regional Transportation Resources Source: NWGA Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 267 100 Overview of Transportation AECO Station 2 Sumas Stanfield Rockies Jackson Prairie Malin Starr Rd Kingsgate Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 268 101 Proposed Pipeline Infrastructure •Pacific Connector/Jordan Cove •N-Max/Palomar •Washington Expansion •Oregon LNG Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 269 102 Pipeline Contracting Simply stated: The right to move (transport) a specified amount of gas from Point A to Point B A B Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 270 103 Rate Structure •Pipeline charges a higher demand charge and a lower variable or commodity charge Straight Fixed Variable (SFV) •Pipeline charges a lower demand charge and a higher variable or commodity charge Enhanced fixed variable •Pay the same demand and variable costs regardless of how far the gas is transported Postage Stamp Rate •Pay a variable and demand charge based on how far the gas is transported Mileage Based Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 271 104 Types of Pipeline Contracts Firm Transport •Contractual rights to: •Receive •Transport •Deliver •From point A to point B Interruptible Transport •Contractual rights to: •Receive •Transport •Deliver •From point A to Point B AFTER FIRM TRANSPORT HAS BEEN SCHEDULED – and can be BUMPED later! Seasonal Transport •Firm service available for limited periods (Nov-Mar) or for a limited amount (TF2 on NWP) •Usually matched, paired or utilized with storage. Alternate Firm Transport •The use of firm transport outside of the primary path •Priority rights below firm •Priority rights above interruptible Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 272 105 Postage Stamp Rate Postage Stamp: Same costs regardless of distance or locations Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 273 106 Pipeline Revenue NWP Example: Postage Stamp • Postage Stamp (NWP) – Pay $0.37 to reserve the space • Whether you use it or not – Pay $0.03 when used • Only when you use it – Net $0.40 • Demand Charge = $0.37 • Commodity Charge = $0.03 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 274 107 Mileage Rate Mileage Base: Pay based on how far you move the gas Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 275 108 Pipeline Revenue GTN Example: Mileage Based • Mileage Based (GTN) – Pay $0.01 per mile to reserve the space • Whether you use it or not – Pay $0.002 per mile when used • Only when you use it – $0.021 per mile when used • Demand Charge = $0.01 • Commodity Charge = $0.002 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 276 109 Interruptible Rates • Pay as you go! • Pay full firm rate for any gas transported (may be discounted) – Pay $0.37 equivalent to cost to reserve the space – Pay $0.03 variable charge when used – Net $0.40 for all gas transported • So IT rate is $0.40 • NO GUARANTEE it will flow. • Can be “BUMPED” by Firm Shippers Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 277 110 Fuel Rates To move gas through the pipelines the gas is compressed to a higher pressure. To run the compressors, the pipeline takes some of your gas – this is referred to as pipeline fuel. It is a percent of what you are transporting. For example, if we purchase 1000 Dth in a supply basin, we will only receive 975 Dth at our gate station for the customers. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 278 111 Pipeline Contracting Transport contract #123 with “primary” points A to B A B Transport Contract 123 C D Transport Contract 123 Firm Service Pt to Pt Alternate Firm (non-primary points) Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 279 112 Capacity Firm or Not? Firm: • Primary Receipt • Delivery Path Secondary: • Any part not firm • Requires knowledge and experience to rely on interruptible No on NWP Yes on GTN Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 280 113 Capacity Firm or Not? Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 281 114 Capacity Firm or Not? Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 282 115 Capacity Firm or Not? Firm Point to Point Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 283 116 Capacity Firm or Not? Alternate capacity – flex delivery point - Subject to cuts through constraints Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 284 117 Pipeline Capacity can be “lumpy” Expansion Expansion 5 years? $ 10 years? $$ 15 years? $$$ Alternatives can be expensive and timing unknown Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 285 118 How to Manage the “LUMPS” • Transport Optimization – Contract Terms (seasonal) – Long term releases – Short term releases – Daily Optimization – Segmentation Daily basin spread arbitrage Short Term Long Term Segmentation Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 286 119 Long Term Releases •1 year – 20 plus years •Negotiated – but subject to bidding •Can be subject to recall •Cannot exceed Maximum Rate Short Term Releases •Less than 1 year (can be for 1 day) •Negotiated – but subject to bidding •Can be posted for bidding only •“Sweet Heart” rules prevent rolling from term to term •Can be higher than Max Rate Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 287 120 Daily Transportation Optimization Example: Cost to own transport is $0.70 • Whether used or not (demand) Cost to actually move gas is $0.10 AECO Malin Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 288 121 Daily Transportation Optimization AECO Price is $4.00 AECO Malin Malin Price is $4.50 Buy AECO gas at $4.00 Pay $0.10 to transport it (fuel costs) Sell Malin gas at $4.50 Net is $4.50-$4.00 is $0.50; less $0.10 to transport yields $0.40 We have reduced customer’s costs by $0.40 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 289 122 Segmentation Primary Path: Sumas to CDA 10,000 Dth/day Guaranteed Delivery Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 290 123 Segmentation Segment: Sumas to JP – FIRM 10,000 Dth/day JP to CDA – FIRM 10,000 Dth/day Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 291 124 Segmentation Segment: Sumas to JP – FIRM 10,000 Dth/day JP to Spokane – FIRM 10,000 Dth/day Starr Rd to CDA – FIRM 10,000 Dth/day One payment 3 x capacity Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 292 125 Pipeline Optimization Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 293 126 Points Along the Pipe Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 294 127 Gate Stations My house Pipeline Receipt Pt Delivery Pt/Gate Station Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 295 128 Pipeline Contracting Gate stations may have the ability to deliver volume in excess of contract demand. This may be a result for future growth and construction efficiencies. 10,000 2000 Contract Demand: 10,000 MDDO’s: 11,000 3000 4000 2000 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 296 129 Pipeline Contracting Blending of Pipelines under Avista’s service territory has many positive results but dramatically adds to the complexity of planning. 10,000 2000 Contract Demand: 10,000 MDDO’s: 11,000 3000 4000 2000 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 297 130 Zones Along the Pipe Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 298 131 Jackson Prairie Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 299 132 Modeling Transportation In SENDOUT® •Start with a point in time look at each jurisdiction’s resources •Contracts – Receipt and Delivery Points •Rates •Contractual vs. Operational •Contractual can be overly restrictive •Operational can be overly flexible •Incorporating operational realities into our modeling can defer the need to acquire new resources. •Gas Supply’s job is to get gas from the supply basin to the pipeline citygate. •Gas Engineering/Distribution’s job is to take gas from the pipeline gate to our customers. •The major limiting factor is receipt quantity – how much can you bring into the system? Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 300 133 Modeling Challenges • Supply needs to get gas to the gate. • Contracts were created years ago, based on demand projections at that point in time. • Stuff happens (i.e. growth differs from forecast). • Sum of receipt quantity and aggregated delivery quantity don’t identify resource deficiency for quite some time however….. • The aggregated look can mask individual city gate issues, and the disaggregated look can create deficiencies where they don’t exist. • In many cases operational capacity is greater than contracted. • Transportation resources are interconnected (two pipes can serve one area). • WARNING – we need to mindful of the modeling limitations. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 301 134 What is in SENDOUT® ? Inside: • Demand forecasts at an aggregated level • Existing transportation resources and current rates • Receipt point to aggregated delivery points/“zone” • Jurisdictional considerations • Long term capacity releases • Potential resources, both supply and demand side Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 302 135 What is outside SENDOUT®? Outside: • Gate station analysis • Forecasted demand behind the gate • Growth rates consistent with IRP assumptions • Actual hourly/daily city gate flow data • Gate station MDDO’s • Gate station operational capacities Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 303 136 CONFIDENTIAL – Do Not Distribute Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 304 137 City Gate Analysis Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 305 138 City Gate Analysis Issues to Address • MDQ vs. MDDO • Our gate vs. Pipeline gate • Operational capacity vs. contracted capacity • Pipeline differences • Zonal vs. Point Specific • Laterals and Mainlines Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 306 139 Forecasting Demand Behind the Gate • Our IRP desire has always been to forecast to as granular a level as possible using the available data. • Attempts to forecast demand behind the gate using existing forecasting methodology has been challenging. • Revenue data does not have daily meter reads for core customers making regression analysis on a use per HDD per customer difficult. • DSM would become more burdensome than it already is. • Some towns can be served by multiple pipelines and the mix can change over time. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 307 140 Forecasting Demand Behind the Gate cont. While there are challenges, there is modeling that we can do to help identify more granular city gate deficiencies. • Utilize daily/hourly pipeline flow data from each meter station to estimate what demand could be on a peak day or any heating degree day. • Apply growth factors to estimate what the demand could grow to consistent with IRP assumptions/methodology. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 308 141 The Pieces and Parts Supply Basin (40,000 MDQ) • Contracted MDQ • Basis for billing (i.e. what we pay for) Pipeline Citygate (15,000 MDDO 18,000 Op Cap) • Contracted MDDO • Operational Capacity • Not always the same volumes, provides flexibility on the system • Point where the gas enters the LDC’s system • What’s behind the gate? Avista Gate Avista Demand (5,000 Dth/d) Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 309 142 From Supply Basin to Meet Demand Pipeline Citygate (15,000 MDDO 15,000 Op Cap) Avista Gate Avista Demand (18,000 Dth/d) Pipeline Citygate (30,000 MDDO 35,000 Op Cap) Pipeline Citygate (5,000 MDDO 10,000 Op Cap) Avista Gate Avista Gate Avista Demand (5,000 Dth/d) Avista Demand (17,000 Dth/d) Total (50,000 MDDO 60,000 Op Cap) Total 40,000 Dth/d Supply Basin (40,000 MDQ) Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 310 143 Not all gates are created equal Pipeline Citygate (15,000 MDDO 15,000 Op Cap) Avista Gate Avista Demand (18,000 Dth/d) Pipeline Citygate (30,000 MDDO 35,000 Op Cap) Pipeline Citygate (5,000 MDDO 10,000 Op Cap) Avista Gate Avista Gate Avista Demand (5,000 Dth/d) Avista Demand (17,000 Dth/d) Total (50,000 MDDO 60,000 Op Cap) Total 40,000 Dth/d Supply Basin (40,000 MDQ) OK OK OK Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 311 144 Where is the deficiency? Pipeline Citygate (15,000 MDDO 15,000 Op Cap) Avista Gate Avista Demand (18,000 Dth/d) Pipeline Citygate (30,000 MDDO 35,000 Op Cap) Pipeline Citygate (5,000 MDDO 10,000 Op Cap) Avista Gate Avista Gate Avista Demand (5,000 Dth/d) Avista Demand (17,000 Dth/d) Total (50,000 MDDO 60,000 Op Cap) Total 40,000 Dth/d Supply Basin (40,000 MDQ) Interstate Pipeline Issue Avista Distribution Issue Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 312 145 Where is the deficiency? Pipeline Citygate (15,000 MDDO 15,000 Op Cap) Pipeline Citygate (30,000 MDDO 35,000 Op Cap) Pipeline Citygate (5,000 MDDO 10,000 Op Cap) Total (50,000 MDDO 60,000 Op Cap) Supply Basin (40,000 MDQ) Pipeline Issue • Can they get you the supply you have contracted for? • Can they get it through the gate? Solutions • Mainline expansion • Upgrade the meter station • Realignment of MDDO Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 313 146 Where is the deficiency? Avista Gate Avista Demand (18,000 Dth/d) Avista Gate Avista Gate Avista Demand (5,000 Dth/d) Avista Demand (17,000 Dth/d) Total 40,000 Dth/d Avista Issue • Do you have enough mainline capacity? • Is it a gate station design issue? • What is your demand behind the gate? Solutions • Distribution system enhancements • High pressure looping • New gate station • Recall capacity releases • Acquire additional pipeline capacity • Existing • Expansion • Storage • On system vs. Off System • Peaking agreements Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 314 147 Solving Unserved Demand Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 315 148 When unserved demand does show up…… There are few questions we need to ask: 1.Why is the demand unserved? 2.What is the magnitude of the short? (i.e Are we 1 Dth or 1000 Dth’s short?) 3.What are my options to meet it? Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 316 149 When current resources don’t meet demand what do we consider? • Transport capacity release recalls •“Firm” backhauls •Contract for existing available transportation •Expansions of current pipelines •Peaking arrangements with other utilities (swaps/mutual assistance agreements) or marketers •In-service territory storage •Satellite/Micro LNG (storage inside service territory) •Large scale LNG with corresponding pipeline build into our service territory •Structured products/exchange agreements delivered to city gates •Biogas •Avista distribution system enhancements •Demand side management Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 317 150 New Resource Risk Considerations •Does is get supply to the gate? •Is it reliable/firm? •Does it have a long lead time? •How much does it cost? •New build vs. depreciated cost •The rate pancake •Is it a base load resource or peaking? •How many dekatherms do I need? •What is the “shape” of resource? •Is it tried and true technology, new technology, or yet to be discovered? •Who else will be competing for the resource? Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 318 151 Sensitivities, Scenarios, Portfolios Sensitivities Demand Supply Scenarios Group demand drivers into meaningful sets Group supply drivers into meaningful sets Portfolios Bringing together demand and supply scenarios Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 319 152 Supply Scenarios from the 2012 IRP Table 5.2 Supply Scenarios Existing Resources Existing + Expected Available GTN Fully Subscribed Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 320 153 Supply Scenarios for the 2014 IRP Supply Scenarios ????? ????? ????? ????? • Do they get gas to the gate? • Does this affect pricing at the basins? • Rank the risk of these scenarios. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 321 154 Questions? Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 322 155 2014 IRP Timeline •August 31, 2013 – Work Plan filed with WUTC •January through April 2014 – Technical Advisory Committee meetings. Meeting topics will include: – Demand Forecast and Demand Side Management – January 24 – Supply and Infrastructure, Gate Station Analysis, Supply Side Resources, Resource Optimization – February 25 –Distribution Planning, Natural Gas Pricing, CNG/NGV, SENDOUT® Preliminary Results and Further Case Discussion – March 26 – SENDOUT® results – April 23 •May 30, 2014 – Draft of IRP document to TAC •June 30, 2014 – Comments on draft due back to Avista •July 2014 – TAC final review meeting (if necessary) •August 31, 2014 – File finalized IRP document Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 323 156 2014 Avista Natural Gas IRP Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 3 March 26, 2014 Coeur d’Alene, ID Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 324 157 Agenda •Introductions & Logistics •Distribution System Planning •CNG/NGV Initiatives •Natural Gas Prices •Procurement Planning •Preliminary Results and Scenario Discussion Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 325 158 2014 IRP Timeline •August 31, 2013 – Work Plan filed with WUTC •January through April 2014 – Technical Advisory Committee meetings. Meeting topics will include: – Demand Forecast and Demand Side Management – January 24 – Supply and Infrastructure, Gate Station Analysis, Supply Side Resources, Resource Optimization – February 25 –Distribution Planning, Natural Gas Pricing, CNG/NGV, SENDOUT® Preliminary Results and Further Case Discussion – March 26 – DSM CPA results, further SENDOUT® results and Stochastic analysis – April 23 •May 30, 2014 – Draft of IRP document to TAC •June 30, 2014 – Comments on draft due back to Avista •July 2014 – TAC final review meeting (if necessary) •August 31, 2014 – File finalized IRP document Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 326 159 Distribution System Planning Terrence Browne, Senior Gas Planning Engineer Natural Gas Technical Advisory Committee March 26, 2014 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 327 160 Mission • Using technology to plan and design a safe, reliable, and economical distribution system Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 328 161 Gas Distribution Planning Overview • Scope of Gas Distribution Planning • SynerGEE Load Study •Preparing a Load Study •Balancing Model •Validating Model • Planning Criteria • Interpreting Results • Long-term Planning Objectives • Sharing Load Study Results • Electronic Pressure Recorders • Project Examples Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 329 162 __ Pup Pdown Q L || D __ 5 Variables for Any Given Pipe Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 330 163 Scope of Gas Distribution Planning Supplier Pipeline High Pressure Main Reg. Distribution Main and Services Reg. Reg. Gate Sta. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 331 164 Scope of Gas Distrib. Planning cont. Gate Sta. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Gate Sta. Gate Sta. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 332 165 SynerGEE Load Study • Simulate distribution behavior • Identify low pressure areas • Coordinate reinforcements with expansions • Measure reliability Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 333 166 35 DD 30’ F Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 334 167 Preparing a Load Study •Estimating Customer Usage •Creating a Pipeline Network •Join Customer Loads to Pipes •Convert to Load Study Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 335 168 Estimating Customer Usage •Gathering Data – Days of service – Degree Days – Usage – Name, Address, Revenue Class, Rate Schedule… Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 336 169 Estimating Customer Usage cont. •Degree Days – Heating (HDD) – Cooling (CDD) •Temperature - Usage Relationship – Load vs. HDD’s – Base Load (constant) – Heat Load (variable) – High correlation with residential Avg. Daily Heating Cooling Temperature Degree Days Degree Days ('Fahrenheit) (HDD) (CDD) 85 20 80 15 75 10 70 5 65 0 0 60 5 55 10 50 15 45 20 40 25 35 30 30 35 25 40 20 45 15 50 10 55 5 60 4 61 0 65 -5 70 -10 75 -15 80 -17 82 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 337 170 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 338 171 Heat Base Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 339 172 Estimating Customer Usage cont. •Peaking Factor – Peaking Factor = 6.25% of daily load – “Observed ratio” of greatest hourly flow to total daily flow at Gate Stations •Industrial Customers – Model maximum hourly usage per Contractual Agreement – Firm Transportation customers only – Low Temperature-Usage correlation Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 340 173 Creating a Pipeline Network • Elements – Pipes, regulators, valves – Attributes: Length, internal diameter, roughness • Nodes – Sources, usage points, pipe ends – Attributes: Flow, pressure Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 341 174 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 342 175 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 343 176 Join Customer Loads to a Model • Residential and commercial loads are assigned to pipes • Industrial or other large loads are assigned to nodes Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 344 177 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 345 178 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 346 179 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 347 180 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 348 181 Balancing Model • Simulate system for any temperature – HDD’s • Solve for pressure at all nodes Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 349 182 35 DD 30˚ F Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 350 183 Validating Model •Simulate recorded condition •Pressure Recorders – Do calculated results match field data? •Gate Station Telemetry – Do calculated results match source data? •Possible Errors – Missing pipe – Source pressure changed – Industrial loads Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 351 184 41 psig Location: N. Orchard, Moscow ID Observation Date: Friday, March 1st Hi = 35˚ F Low = 25˚F Avg = 30˚F = 35 DD Validating Model cont. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 352 185 35 DD 30˚ F N. Orchard Moscow, ID Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 353 186 • Reliability during design HDD – Spokane 82 HDD – Medford 61 HDD – Klamath Falls 72 HDD – La Grande 74 HDD – Roseburg 55 HDD • Maintain minimum of 15 psig in system at all times – 5 psig in lower MAOP areas Planning Criteria Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 354 187 35 DD 30˚ F Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 355 188 50 DD 15˚ F Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 356 189 65 DD 0˚ F Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 357 190 Interpreting Results •Identify Low Pressure Areas – Number of feeds – Proximity to source •Looking for Most Economical Solution –Length (minimize) – Construction obstacles (minimize) – Customer growth (maximize) Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 358 191 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 359 192 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 360 193 65 DD 0’ F Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 361 194 65 DD 0’ F R Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 362 195 82 DD -17’ F R Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 363 196 Long-term Planning Objectives •Future Growth/Expansion •Design Day Conditions •Facilitate Customer Installation Targets Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 364 197 • Gas Planning Proposals • Gas Planning AOI Sharing Load Study Results Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 365 198 Gas Planning Proposals • Proposed pipe - dashed line • Gas Planning recommendations for main extensions Add 4” Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 366 199 Gas Planning AOI • Different colors to show the types of areas • Geographic-specific information to help make decisions Low pressure Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 367 200 Electronic Pressure Recorders • Daily Feedback • Real time if necessary Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 368 201 Post Falls State Line Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 369 202 Hayden Lake Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 370 203 South Hayden Lake Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 371 204 Compressed Natural Gas Services Marc Schaffner, Strategic Initiatives Manager Natural Gas Technical Advisory Committee March 26, 2014 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 372 205 Natural Gas Reserves and Utilization U.S. Natural Gas Reserves The U.S.’s total recoverable resource base at 2,384 trillion cubic feet Projected to meet total domestic demand over the next 100 years This year’s estimates rose significantly at 22.1 percent since 2010 Source: Potential Gas Committee (PGC) Natural Gas Vehicles (NGV) Worldwide Estimated 15 million natural gas vehicles (NGVs) Asia and Middle East 8.8M, South America 4.3 M, Africa .16M and North America .14M NGVs on U.S. Highways Estimated 120,000 NGVs on U.S. highways Estimated 15,000 NGVs were added to U.S. highways in 2012 Source: American Clean Skies The Future of NGVs • Since 2003, the use of natural gas for vehicles has doubled in the U.S. • The number of natural gas fueling stations is expected to more than double by 2015 • Natural gas is projected to overtake oil as the most-used fuel in the U.S. by 2030 Source: IEA World Outlook Report Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 373 206 U.S. CNG Infrastructure 1,334 Private and Public Refueling Stations Source: U.S. Department of Energy, February 2014 <5% in Oregon, Washington and Idaho Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 374 207 U.S. CNG Infrastructure 585 Public Refueling Stations Source: U.S. Department of Energy, March 2013 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 375 208 Avista’s Investment in Compressed Natural Gas Environmentally responsible It’s clean and efficient 25% less CO2 emissions than gasoline or diesel A vital part of an alternative transportation portfolio Cost effective Lowers fuel costs Tax credits and incentives Reduces dependency on imported fuel sources Natural gas is an abundant, domestic resource A clean fueling solution across an increasing range of NGV classes Extends benefits to commercial fleets and private operators Mobilizes safe and reliable CNG equipment Vehicles Public fueling infrastructure Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 376 209 Over the past 25 years Avista has fueled light duty vehicles, service continuity equipment and fork lifts with CNG Ten of our gas operating centers have maintained private CNG refueling infrastructure over that time period 2011, we began devising plans to upgrade CNG infrastructure at our highest volume service centers in Idaho, Oregon and Washington 2012, we completed construction of a new refueling station at our Mission Avenue service center in Spokane, WA 2013, we completed a second Spokane refueling station at our Dollar Road gas service center Q2 of 2014 we intend to start on construction of a new refueling station at our Coeur d‘ Alene, ID and begin upgrading an existing station at Klamath Falls, OR Q4 of 2014 construction of a new refueling station at White City, OR is projected to begin Avista CNG – Yesterday and Today Spokane Refueling Stations Mission Avenue (top) Dollar Road (bottom) Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 377 210 Avista’s CNG Station Schedule CNG Refueling Location Project Status Compression Capability Storage Capacity Public Access * Mission Avenue SC Spokane, Wash. Completed 2012 125 HP Compressor 202 SCFM 280 GGE at 4500 psi Dollar Road SC Spokane, Wash. Completed 2013 125 HP Compressor 202 SCFM 280 GGE at 4500 psi X Coeur d’Alene SC Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Construction 2014 (2) 50 HP Compressors 75 SCFM 280 GGE at 4500 psi X Klamath Falls SC Klamath Falls, Ore. Upgrade 2013-14 30 HP Compressor 60 SCFM 90 GGE at 4500 psi White City Industrial Medford, Ore. Construction 2014-15 200 HP Dual Compressor 300 SCFM 450 GGE at 4500 psi X * Public access subject to regulatory approval Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 378 211 CNG Investment Recovery CNG fueling equipment can be effectively treated like conventional utility infrastructure • gas pipe and regulators, power poles and transformers • compressors, storage vessels and dispensers The financial tests and investment recovery mechanisms are familiar • standard service agreements may be offered to anchor fleet operators with special provisions that define annual consumption minimum, schedule and deficiency requirements However… CNG fueling infrastructure offers an average operating life of 20 years The service life of commercial grade NGVs ranges from 5 to 10 years Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 379 212 Investment Recovery Illustration Avista’s Investment $1M capital to fund a turn key CNG station Consumption minimum 350k gas gallon equivalents (GGE) annually* Consumption schedule 10 years CNG Rate $2.00 per GGE * equivalent to approximately 35 natural gas fueled waste hauling vehicles Dollar Road CNG Fuel Dispenser Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 380 213 Natural Gas Vehicle Investment Recovery Waste Hauling NGV Customer Investment $35,000 per vehicle Miles per gallon 3 Annual mileage 25,000 CNG per gallon $2.00 Diesel per gallon $4.00 Estimated payback 25 months Annual fuel savings $16,800 Five–year ROI 238% Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 381 214 Make or Buy Decisions Point of Sale Customer Billing CNG Station Maintenance and Service Continuity • Availability of full service providers • Transaction processors • Billing cost per unit of measure • Required menu of services • Technical expertise and equipment monitoring systems • Planned maintenance - resources and costs • Unplanned repairs and restoration - resources and costs • Outage response and service continuity Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 382 215 Avista Contributors Energy Solutions Account Executives Customer Solutions Regional Business Managers Government Relations Lobbyists Legal Counsel Risk Real Estate Contract Administration Real Estate Legal Property Acquisition Regulatory Rates & Tariffs Treasury Billing Analysis Financial Planning & Analysis Facilities Project Management Fleet NGV Management CNG Infrastructure Maintenance Distribution Infrastructure Gas Engineering Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 383 216 Organizational Capability What are we learning? • The value of broad-based collaboration occurring across a dynamic natural gas for transportation marketplace. Private & public sector customers, industry associations, government, contractors and vendors What skills are we developing? • NGV acquisition and maintenance • CNG fueling infrastructure planning, construction and maintenance • CNG/NGV consultation What value does Avista’s CNG capability provide our employees, customers and business community? • A more robust portfolio of energy offerings • Enhanced revenue and cost saving opportunities for regional businesses • An innovative, sustainable way to positively affect environmental quality and energy independence Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 384 217 Thank You Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 385 218 Natural Gas Prices Kelly Fukai, Manager of Natural Gas Planning Natural Gas Technical Advisory Committee March 26, 2014 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 386 219 What Drives the Natural Gas Market? Natural Gas Spot Prices (Henry Hub) Supply – Type: Conventional vs. Non-conventional – Location – Cost Demand – Residential/Commercial/Industrial – Power Generation – Natural Gas Vehicles Legislation – Environmental Energy Correlations – Oil vs. Gas – Coal vs. Gas – Natural Gas Liquids Weather Storage ??? Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 387 220 Short Term Market Perspective Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 388 221 The Long Term Fundamentals Demand • Economy (Recession, Depression, Inflation, etc.) • Industrial Demand • Power Generation • Any NG (LNG, NGV, CNG) US Natural Gas Supply and Production • Resource Base • Drilling Efficiency • Associated Gas Global Dynamics – LNG Imports and Exports North American Storage Capacity Correlation (or lack thereof) with other energy products The Environment • Carbon Legislation • The “F” Word – FRACKING • Renewable Portfolio Standards Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 389 222 Shale is almost EVERYWHERE Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 390 223 Changing the Flow Dynamics Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 391 224 NGL’s Impact on the Cost to Produce NGL’s enhance the production economics for producers. NGL’s are a main contributor to understanding why gas production companies continue to produce even with gas prices at very low levels. The following table illustrates how the economics can improve with a credit for NGL’s. Shale Play Cost to Produce without NGL’s Credit Cost to Produce including NGL’s Credit Marcellus $4.81 $2.83 Montney $3.85 $0.57 Barnett $5.39 $2.41 Note: These costs are indicative of the historical impact. The costs can vary from play to play and company to company and will change as market conditions change. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 392 225 Canada Dry vs. Canada Not Dry Why won’t Canada be dry? • Tons of JV money • IP rates are proving to be better than anticipated. • Horn River IP rates have increased 150% • Economics are pretty good too. • Duverney in particular is liquids rich. Source: NEB Canada’s Energy Future 2013 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 393 226 Current vs. Historical US Dry Gas Production Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 394 227 Source: EIA January Drilling Productivity Report The Learning Curve Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 395 228 Forecasted Natural Gas Production Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 396 229 Oil and Gas Production are like Peas and Carrots More oil = More gas Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 397 231 Carbon Prices • Currently our consultant forecasts include carbon tax adders to the Henry Hub gas price. • Adders start in early 2020’s • Modest adders • One will drop carbon in next long term forecast. • Primarily a demand effect • Can result in demand change due to price elastic response, however tax must be significant enough to trigger. • Could possibly trigger increased usage due to fuel switching. • May increase the DSM potential. • Changes total portfolio costs but does not necessarily change the resource mix. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 398 232 How prices affect IRP Planning? • Major component of the total cost • Change in price can trigger price elastic response •THE major piece of avoided costs and therefore cost effectiveness of DSM • Can change resource selection based on basin differentials • Storage utilization Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 399 233 IRP Natural Gas Price Forecast Methodology 1.Examine fundamental forecasts (Consultant #1, Consultant #2, EIA, etc.) 2.Forward prices 3.Carbon legislation adder beginning in 2022 ($8.49/ton grows to $15.24/ton) 4.Basin adjusted based on forecasted 5.Monthly shape set based on forecasted 6. 50% Nymex, 50% blended Consultants Year 1 7. 40% Nymex, 60% blended Consultants Year 2 8. 30% Nymex, 70% blended Consultants Year 3 9. 20% Nymex, 80% blended Consultants Year 4 10. 10% Nymex, 90% blended Consultants Year 5 11.100% blended Consultants Year 6 – 18 12.100% Consultant #1 year 18 - 20 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 400 234 2012 IRP Forecasted Prices Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 401 235 Current Long Term Henry Hub Forecasts NOMINAL Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 402 236 Current Long Term Henry Hub Forecasts REAL Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 403 237 Low – Med – High from 2012 IRP NOMINAL Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 404 238 Proposed Price Forecasts NOMINAL Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 405 239 Low – Med - High from 2012 IRP REAL Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 406 240 Proposed Price Forecasts REAL Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 407 241 Regional Price Assumptions Regional Price as a percent of Henry Hub Price AECO Sumas Rockies Malin Stanfield Consultant1 Forecast Average 84.0% 92.0% 90.6% 95.4% 93.2% Consultant2 Forecast Average 88.5% 94.4% 95.1% 97.0% 95.0% Historic Cash Three Yr Average 87.4% 98.4% 96.9% 99.2% 97.5% Prior IRP 87.0% 88.3% 89.4% 91.1% 90.2% Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 408 242 Monthly Price Shape Monthly Price as a percent of Average Price Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Consult1 104.7% 104.2% 96.8% 95.9% 96.6% 98.2% Consult2 101% 101.6% 101.5% 98.9% 98.8% 98.5% Prior IRP 102% 101.5% 98.5% 98.0% 98.5% 100.5% Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Consult1 99.2% 99.7% 98.9% 99.4% 101% 105.2% Consult2 99.3% 99.3% 100.3% 99.3% 100.5% 101.1% Prior IRP 101.5% 102.0% 98.5% 98.5% 99.0% 103% Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 409 243 Procurement Planning Kelly Fukai, Manager of Natural Gas Planning Natural Gas Technical Advisory Committee March 26, 2014 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 410 244 Procurement Plan Philosophy Mission To provide a diversified portfolio of reliable supply and a level of price certainty in volatile markets. We cannot accurately predict what natural gas prices will do, however we can use experience, market intelligence, and fundamental market analysis to structure and guide our procurement strategies. Our goal is to develop a plan that utilizes customer resources (storage and transportation), layers in pricing over time for stability (time averaging), allows discretion to take advantage of pricing opportunities should they arise, and appropriately manages risk. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 411 245 Review conducted with SOG includes: • Mission statement and approach • Current and future market dynamics • Hedge percentage • Resources available (i.e. storage and transportation) • Hedge windows (how many, how long) • Long term hedging approach • Storage utilization • Analysis (volatility, past performance, scenarios, etc.) Comprehensive Review of Previous Plan Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 412 246 A Thorough Evaluation of Risks Risk Assessment Load Volatility •Seasonal Swings Price •Cash vs. Forward Market Liquidity •Is there enough? Counterparty •Who can we transact with? Foreign Currency •What’s our exposure? Legislation •Does it impact our plan? Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 413 247 Procurement Plan Structure The procurement plan incorporates a portfolio approach that is diversified in terms of: –Components: The plan utilizes a mix of index, fixed price, and storage transactions. –Transaction Dates: Hedge windows are developed to distribute the transactions throughout the plan. –Supply Basins: Plan to primarily utilize AECO, execute at lowest price basis at the time. –Delivery Periods: Hedges are completed in annual and/or seasonal timeframes. Long-term hedges may be executed. Transactions are executed pursuant to a plan and process; however, the procurement plan allows Avista to be flexible to market conditions and opportunistic when appropriate. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 414 248 21% 18% 17% 44% 2014-2015 Procurement Plan Components All Jurisdictions Prior Year Hedges Storage Withdrawals One Year or Less Hedges Index Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 415 249 Preliminary Modeling Results Kelly Fukai, Manager of Natural Gas Planning Natural Gas Technical Advisory Committee March 26, 2014 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 416 250 1.Customer annual growth rates: 2.Use per customer coefficients –3 year average use per HDD per customer 3. Weather planning standard – coldest day on record WA/ID 82; Medford 61; Roseburg 55; Klamath 72; La Grande 74 Developing a Reference Case Customer count forecast Use per customer coefficients Weather Reference Case Demand Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 417 251 Reference Demand Case Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 418 252 Demand Sensitivities 20 Yr Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 419 253 Demand Sensitivities- Preliminary Results Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 420 254 Mix and Match to Make Scenarios Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 421 255 Demand Scenarios – Proposed Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 422 256 Demand Scenarios – Preliminary Results Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 423 257 First Year Unserved – Preliminary Results Need: Chart showing first year unserved Figure 1.13 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 424 258 2014 IRP Timeline •August 31, 2013 – Work Plan filed with WUTC •January through April 2014 – Technical Advisory Committee meetings. Meeting topics will include: – Demand Forecast and Demand Side Management – January 24 – Supply and Infrastructure, Gate Station Analysis, Supply Side Resources, Resource Optimization – February 25 – Distribution Planning, Natural Gas Pricing, CNG/NGV, SENDOUT® Preliminary Results and Further Case Discussion – March 26 –DSM CPA results, further SENDOUT® results and Stochastic analysis – April 23 •May 30, 2014 – Draft of IRP document to TAC •June 30, 2014 – Comments on draft due back to Avista •July 2014 – TAC final review meeting (if necessary) •August 31, 2014 – File finalized IRP document Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 425 259 2014 Avista Natural Gas IRP Technical Advisory Committee Meeting 4 April 23, 2014 Spokane, WA Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 426 260 Agenda •Introductions & Logistics •Demand Side Management Potential •Assumptions Review •Demand Sensitivities and Scenarios Updates •Supply Side Resource Options •Stochastic Analysis •Key Issues & Document Discussion Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 427 261 2014 IRP Timeline •August 31, 2013 – Work Plan filed with WUTC •January through April 2014 – Technical Advisory Committee meetings. Meeting topics will include: – Demand Forecast and Demand Side Management – January 24 – Supply and Infrastructure, Gate Station Analysis, Supply Side Resources, Resource Optimization – February 25 – Distribution Planning, Natural Gas Pricing, CNG/NGV, SENDOUT® Preliminary Results and Further Case Discussion – March 26 –DSM CPA results, further SENDOUT® results and document discussion – April 23 •May 30, 2014 – Draft of IRP document to TAC •June 30, 2014 – Comments on draft due back to Avista •July 2014 – TAC final review meeting (if necessary) •August 31, 2014 – File finalized IRP document Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 428 262 Demand Side Management CPA Results Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 429 263 Assumptions Review Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 430 264 1.Customer annual growth rates: 2.Use per customer coefficients – 3 year historical use per customer by class 3. Weather planning standard – coldest day on record WA/ID 82; Medford 61; Roseburg 55; Klamath 72; La Grande 74 Developing a Reference Case Customer count forecast Use per customer coefficients Weather Reference Case Demand Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 431 265 WA-ID Region: 2014 IRP and 2012 IRP 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 F 20 1 5 F 20 1 6 F 20 1 7 F 20 1 8 F 20 1 9 F 20 2 0 F 20 2 1 F 20 2 2 F 20 2 3 F 20 2 4 F 20 2 5 F 20 2 6 F 20 2 7 F 20 2 8 F 20 2 9 F 20 3 0 F 20 3 1 F 20 3 2 F 20 3 3 F 20 3 4 F 20 3 5 F 20 3 6 F 20 3 7 F 20 3 8 F 20 3 9 F 20 4 0 F To t a l C u s t o m e r s WA-ID Region (Annual Growth: Current Base = 1.0%, Previous IRP Base = 1.6%) WA-ID Base WA-ID 2012 IRP Base Forecast Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 432 266 OR Region: 2014 IRP and 2012 IRP 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 F 20 1 5 F 20 1 6 F 20 1 7 F 20 1 8 F 20 1 9 F 20 2 0 F 20 2 1 F 20 2 2 F 20 2 3 F 20 2 4 F 20 2 5 F 20 2 6 F 20 2 7 F 20 2 8 F 20 2 9 F 20 3 0 F 20 3 1 F 20 3 2 F 20 3 3 F 20 3 4 F 20 3 5 F 20 3 6 F 20 3 7 F 20 3 8 F 20 3 9 F 20 4 0 F To t a l C u s t o m e r s OR Region (Annual Growth: Current Base = 0.9%, Previous IRP Base = 1.7%) OR Base OR 2012 IRP Base Forecast Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 433 267 Natural Gas Prices Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 434 268 Price Elasticity: What does the research show? Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 435 269 Price Elasticity Proposed Assumptions • The data is a mixed bag at best: • 8 of 9 super regions have statistically significant short and long run elasticities. • At a state level only 10 of 50 show statistical significant elasticities. • In some cases, the estimated elasticities are positive. We incorporated a -.15 price elastic response for our expected elasticity assumption. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 436 270 Carbon Legislation Sensitivities Carbon Legislation Case 2013 2033 Low 5.00$ 5.00$ Medium 8.32$ 14.83$ High 16.00$ 28.00$ *Real Dollars per Ton of CO2 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 437 271 Demand Sensitivities & Scenarios Update Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 438 272 Sensitivities, Scenarios, Portfolios Sensitivities Demand Supply Scenarios Group demand drivers into meaningful sets Group supply drivers into meaningful sets Portfolios Bringing together demand and supply scenarios Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 439 273 Sensitivity Analysis Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 440 274 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 441 275 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 442 276 Demand Sensitivity Analysis – DIRECT Peak Day Demand Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 443 277 Demand Sensitivity Analysis – DIRECT Peak Day Demand Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 444 278 Demand Sensitivity Analysis – DIRECT Peak Day Demand Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 445 279 Demand Sensitivity Analysis – DIRECT Peak Day Demand Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 446 280 Demand Sensitivity Analysis – INDIRECT Peak Day Demand Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 447 281 Demand Sensitivity Analysis – INDIRECT Peak Day Demand Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 448 282 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 449 283 Scenario Analysis Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 450 284 Proposed Scenarios Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 451 285 Existing Resources vs. Peak Day Demand Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 452 286 Existing Resources vs. Peak Day Demand Expected Case – Medford/Roseburg (DRAFT) Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 453 287 Existing Resources vs. Peak Day Demand Expected Case – Klamath Falls (DRAFT) Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 454 288 Existing Resources vs. Peak Day Demand Expected Case – La Grande (DRAFT) Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 455 289 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 456 290 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 457 291 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 458 292 Resource Options for Meeting Unserved Demand Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 459 293 Potential New Supply Resources Considerations • Availability – By Region – which region(s) can the resource be utilized? – Lead time considerations – when will it be available? • Type of Resource – Peak vs. Baseload – Firm or Non-Firm – “Lumpiness” • Usefulness – Does it get the gas where we need it to be? – Last mile issues • Cost Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 460 294 Supply Resources Available Additional Resource Size Cost/Rates Availability Notes Capacity Release Recall 30,000 Dth NWPL Rate 2018 Recall of previously released capacity Unsubscribed GTN Capacity Up to 50,000 Dth GTN Rate plus Upstream TCPL Now Currently available unsubscribed capacity from Kingsgate to Stanfield or Malin plus associated Alberta transport NWP Expansion Up to 50,000 Dth NWPL Rate x 4 2016 Expansion from Sumas/JP to WA/ID or Sumas/JP to OR Citygate Deliveries Variable Varies Now Represents the ability to buy a delivered product from another utility or marketer. Limited counterparties Satellite LNG 90,000 Dth w/30,000 Dth deliverability $6.5 Million capital cost plus $350K O&M 2016 Provides for peaking services and alleviates the need for costly pipeline expansions. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 461 295 Supply Resources Available Additional Resource Size Cost/Rates Availability Notes Medford Lateral Exp 25,000 Dth GTN Rate 2016 Additional compression to facilitate more gas to flow from mainline GTN to Medford. Malin Backhauls 25,000 GTN Rate Now Currently available Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 462 296 Future Supply Resources Other Resources Considered Additional Resource Size Cost/Rates Availability Notes Co. Owned LNG 600,000 Dth w/ 150,000 of deliverability $75 Million plus $2 Million annual O&M 2020 On site, in service territory liquefaction and vaporization facility Various pipelines – Pacific Connector, Cross-Cascades, etc. Varies Precedent Agreement Rates 2018 Requires additional mainline capacity on NWPL or GTN to get to service territory Large Scale LNG Varies Commodity less Fuel 2018 Speculative, needs pipeline transport In Ground Storage Varies Varies Varies Requires additional mainline transport to get to service territory Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 463 297 DSM Avoided Cost •Avoided cost determined by comparison to the marginal supply side resources to meet incremental demand, primarily commodity costs. •Preliminary avoided costs were provided to Enernoc for cost effectiveness testing and development of the DSM acquirable potential. •Potential is then input into SENDOUT® and avoided costs are re-evaluated. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 464 298 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 465 299 Stochastic Analysis Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 466 300 What is it? •Stochastic vs. Deterministic •Facilitates a statistical approach to analysis •Reiterative runs of SENDOUT (e.g. 200 “Draws”) •Utilizes statistically generated price curves and weather patterns derived from historical data •Develops a distribution of the “draws” results – Normal and lognormal distribution Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 467 301 Analytical Objectives •Weather – Validate reasonableness of our weather planning standard – Compare demand and unserved results – Quantify potential alternate weather planning standards via comparison of alternate aggregate NPV portfolio costs •Price – Substantiate preferred portfolio selection (commodity cost perspective) – Compare distribution of aggregate NPV cost to preferred portfolio Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 468 302 Avistsa IRP Total 20 Year Cost 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 $9.2 8 $9.3 4 $9.4 0 $9.4 6 $9.5 1 $9.5 7 $9.6 3 $9.6 8 $9.7 4 $9.8 0 $9.8 5 $9.9 1 $9.9 7 $10. 0 2 $10. 0 8 $10. 1 4 $10. 1 9 $10. 2 5 $10. 3 1 $10. 3 7 $10. 4 2 $10. 4 8 $ Billions Fr e q u e n c y 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Cu m u l a t i v e Frequency Cumulative Mean 90th Percentile 95th Percentile 5% P(Cost>10.127)=5% 10% P(Cost>10.067)=10% Average: 9.854 StdDev: 0.169 Min: 9.285 90% percentile: 10.067 95% percentile: 10.127 Max: 10.422 VectorGas™ Reports EXAMPLE ONLY Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 469 303 Sample Weather Pattern Medford HDDs - Four example draws Medford Monte Carlo HDD Results 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Nov- 0 9 Jan- 1 0 Mar-1 0 May- 1 0 Jul-1 0 Sep- 1 0 Nov- 1 0 Jan- 1 1 Mar-1 1 May- 1 1 Jul-1 1 Sep- 1 1 Nov- 1 1 Jan- 1 2 Mar-1 2 Da i l y H D D Draw 4 Draw 12 Draw 46 Draw 148 Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 470 304 Key Issues / Document Discussion Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 471 305 Highlights of the 2014 IRP •No near-term resource needs under most scenarios. •Lower long term customer growth rates. •20 year rolling average is the new “normal”. •No global warming adjustment. •Updated DSM potential and resultant avoided costs. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 472 306 2012 IRP Acknowledgement Comments • Describe more clearly derivation of growth scenarios, including high and low in demand forecasting chapter. • Use 5 year use per customer data set • Provide a comparative avoided cost analysis in future IRP’s • Do an analysis and/or narrative describing the “trigger point” avoided cost value where conservation programs become cost-effective. • Between IRP’s compare modeling assumptions with actual demand. • Include a Washington specific city gate analysis, including a narrative of its conclusions as a result of such analysis. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 473 307 2012 IRP Acknowledgement Comments • Include an easily identifiable progress report that relates new plan to previous plan. • Reconcile inconsistencies between models used in demand forecasting and implementation and description of these models. • Hold public outreach meetings in locations convenient for customers. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 474 308 2012 IRP Acknowledgement Comments • Continue DSM programs in Oregon to achieve minimum savings of 225,000 therms in 2013 and 250,000 therms in 2014. • Provide results of the following: • Savings and cost effectiveness of DSM program. • Actions taken to reduce delivery costs, including admin and audit costs. • Actions taken to increase cost effective efficiency measures in the portfolio. • Analysis of non-natural gas benefits of existing and proposed measures. • Analysis of measure lives for all measures. • Develop mechanism for allocating funding for a separate low-income energy efficiency program. • Pursue possibility of regional elasticity study through NWGA or AGA. • Assess potential demand impact from NGV/CNG vehicles and other new uses of natural gas. Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 475 309 Key Issues •Where’s the Demand? – Even flatter demand – How long does this trend continue? – What impacts on consumption? Temporary or permanent change? – What is the demand boost? • Resource Management – Prudent management of resource length •“The Price is Right” – $5 gas forever? •Environmental Impacts – Carbon Tax? – Hydraulic Fracturing Bans Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 476 310 2014 IRP Timeline •August 31, 2013 – Work Plan filed with WUTC •January through April 2014 – Technical Advisory Committee meetings. Meeting topics will include: – Demand Forecast and Demand Side Management – January 24 – Supply and Infrastructure, Gate Station Analysis, Supply Side Resources, Resource Optimization – February 25 – Distribution Planning, Natural Gas Pricing, CNG/NGV, SENDOUT® Preliminary Results and Further Case Discussion – March 26 – DSM CPA results, further SENDOUT® results and document discussion – April 23 •May 30, 2014 – Draft of IRP document to TAC •June 30, 2014 – Comments on draft due back to Avista •July 2014 – TAC final review meeting (if necessary) •August 31, 2014 – File finalized IRP document Avista Utilities 2014 Natural Gas IRP Appendices 477