HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140815CAPAI Comments.pdfBrad M. Purdy Attorney at Law Bar No. 3472 2019 N. 17ft St. Boise,lD. 83702 (208) 384-1299 (Land) (208) 384-8511 (Fax) bmn Lrrc'lr, (/ill-rotma i l. co nr Attomey for Petitioner Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION TO INITIATE DISCUSSIONS WITH INTERESTED PARTIES ON AN EXTENSION OF THE EXISTNG RATE PLAN AND AVOID A GENERAL RATE CASE Fl,L:0['i1't {ii-' 201\ AUG I 5 P}{ l: 5lr ','rALi ,'i r:;l '..,. uT t/lti'i$'ioHr ;"i t ss tc r't BEF'ORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) CASE NOS. AVU-E-14-05 AVU-G-14-01 COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO'S COMMENTS ) ) ) ) ) COMES NOW, the Communication Action Parurership Association of Idaho (CAPAD and in accordance with Commission OrderNo. 33080, issued July 23,2014, submits comments in support of the Settlement Stipulation executed by, among others, CAPAI and filed with this Commission. I. Background: CAPAI notes that Avista went to considerable lengths to involve and inform all potential stakeholders, including CAPAI, well in advance of the filing of the Settlement Stipulation now pending approval, and met individually with each interested stakeholder before the first settlement conference and before circulating its initial draft of the stipulation to allow for an open discussion of the Company's objectives and the procedural options for pursuing those objectives. These meetings were face to face with each stakeholder group and allowed for a COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO'S COMMENTS thorough discussion of the Company's proposal as well as questions and concerns posed and held by stakeholders. The Company met far enough in advance with each stakeholder to allow for informal discovery, the refinement of stakeholder issues and concerns, and discussions regarding how to address those issues and concerns in a final, written settlement. In this regard, CAPAI appreciates Avista's openness and diligent attempts to involve all interested stakeholders from the outset of this case. il. CAPAI's Issues and Concerns: A. Procedure of Settlement Discussions. With respect to Avista, and at this point in time, CAPAI's primary areas of interest involve the current status and future of low income weatherization assistance ("LIWA"-both electric and the possible reinstatement of the natural gas progftrm) and aU related issues as well as continuing to obtain a better understanding of how many low income customers Avista actually serves, regardless of whether they receive any form of assistance, as well as those customers'consumption characteristics and the manner in which their monthly bills are affected by varying residential rate design possibilities including altering the amount of the customers' monthly basic service charge, the inverted, tiered rates structure of the residential class and variations within that latter characteristic and other possibilities. Pursuant to Order No.32788, issued in Case No. GNR-E-12-01, funding for Avista's low income weatherization program (LIWA) is no longer necessarily frozen at existing levels. See, Order No. 32788, p.I3 In addition, CAPAI has had the opportunity over the past two years to gain a better understanding of low-income consumption pattems that make the impact of residential rate design less uncertain. Thus, from a procedural standpoint, CAPAI was initially hesitant to allow the deferral of another general rate case in which it could raise and address COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO'S COMMENTS these issues and areas of concern. To its credit, however, Avista made its personnel available to respond to informal and expedited discovery requests which helped enable CAPAI to determine the potential negative consequences of forgoing an opportunity to raise its aforementioned interests and concerns at this time and in this case, balanced against the overall beneficial rate consequences of the Company's proposal. CAPAI, therefore, had the opportunity to engage in an expeditious back-and-forth process of advancing its knowledge of the subject matter involved and make the ultimate determination of whether the proposed settlement was in the best interests of the Company's low income customers, as well as the general body of ratepayers. CAPAI also wishes to acknowledge and express its appreciation for the fact that the Commission Staff made its personnel available for face-to-face meetings as well as numerous telephone conversations to engage in discussions of LIWA progftlms in general, and Avista's program in particular, in light of the fact that any suspension of reconsideration of such programs has expired. It is CAPAI's perception that these meetings and discussions were of considerable value in terms of understanding numerous aspects of LIWA progftrms, their operation and value as important resources, and the evaluation of their cost-effectiveness. CAPAI has taken careful note of Staffs thoughts and suggestions regarding potential means of increasing the cost- effectiveness of Avista's (and other utilities') LIWA progrcm and has already begun to assess and potentially apply certain of those thoughts and suggestions and will continue to do so. In that respect, the Settlement Stipulation was worded such that the benefits of this interaction with Staffand Avista will continue after this case is closed. B. Low Income Provision of Settlement Stipulation. The following language contained in Section IV(F) of the Settlement Stipulation reflects the involvement of CAPAI in this proceeding and of CAPAI's collaboration with Avista and COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCIATION OF TDAHO'S COMMENTS Staff to continue discussion and assessment of LIWA programs and the analysis of rate design impacts on low income customers into the near future: F. Meet and Confer Regarding Low fncome Issues - On or before October 14,2014, Avista will meet with Commission Staff and other interested Parties to this case to review the following issues: 1. Cost-effectiveness and appropriate funding of natural gas and electric demand-side management ("DSM") programs for low-income customers: Prior to the meeting, Avista will provide the parties with the 2013 DSM Impact Evaluation prepared by its consultant, Cadmus, as well as current information pertaining to the cost-effectiveness of its low-income progftrms in Idaho. In additiorq Avista will provide its analysis of when and under what conditions natural gas DSM programs will become cost-effective and program funding resumes. 2. Electri,c and natural gas usage by low-income customers in Avista's Idaho service territory and potential rate-design implications for such customers: Prior to the meeting, Avista will provide usage data for its Idaho residential customers for 20ll-2013. Avista will consult with the parties to identifr their specific data requirements. 3. No later than December 1,2014, the Parties will determine if a formal filing with the Commission is warranted based upon review of low- income DSM progfttm cost-effectiveness and low-income usage. The foregoing settlement provision was specifically crafted in a collaborative fashion between CAPAI, Avista and Staff and reflects the general course of action that the parties agreed was the most effrcacious in terms of moving forward with the operation and evaluation of LIWA programs to enhance their cost-effective manner without holding up the proposed overall settlement yet still incorporating timelines to ensure that these issues will be timely addressed. The low income provision also provides CAPAI with ample opportunity to continue working with Avista and Staff in better defining and calculating the number of Avista's low income customers and how differing residential rate design impacts those customers. COMMTINITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO'S COMMENTS UI. Conclusion: Though CAPAI believes that the time is appropriate to reassess ail LIWA progriams, including Avista's, and though CAPAI believes that there exist inherent dangers in avoiding general rate cases through ratemaking mechanisms designed solely for that purpose, it is CAPAI's position that, under the circumstances, the settlemcnt reached by the parties to this case is fair, just and reasonable and in the best interests of all ratepayers, including low income customers. CAPAI submits that the time-table outlined in the Settlement Stipulation for addressing low income issues is reasonable, realistic and will allow for a thorough discussion of the low income issues outlind in these comments and, therefore, recommends that the Commission approve the Settlement Stipulation as submitted. DATED, this l5th day of August,2014 l COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO'S COMMENTS CERTIFICATE OT' SERVICE I hereby certify that I caused to be served the foregoing docume,nt on the following by either hand delivery or U.S. Mail, first class, and via email: KellyNorwood David Meyer Avista Corporation P.O.Box3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 kelly-norwood@Evistaco{p. com david. meyer@avistacorp.com Dean J. Miller McDevitt & Miller, LLP 420W. Bannock St. Boise,lD 83702 j oe@mcdwitt-miller. com Peter J. Richmdson Gregory M. Adams 515 N. 27th St. Boise,ID 83702 peter@ichardsonadams.com greg@ichardsonadams.com Benjamin Q6s 710 N. Sixth Stneet Boise, D 83702 botto@idahoconservation.org Ken Miller P.O. Box 1731 Boise,ID 83701 kmiller@snakeriveralliance. org Date4 this 15th Day of August,2014 6COMMTJMTY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO'S COMMENTS