HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130930L.Hermanson DI.pdfDAVID ,J. MEYER VICE PRESTDENT AND CHTEF COT]NSEL OF REGULAToRy & GoVERNMENTAL AFFATRS :iil SI:= 3.1 r ii iil: I? AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 L4L]- EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-43]-G EI,IAIL : david. mever@avistacorp . com BEFORE THE IDNIO PUBI.IC UTII.ITIES COMMISSION rN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. AW-E-13- OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR A ) CASE NO. AW-G-].3- FINDING OF PRUDENCE FOR 2OIO-20I2 ) EXPENDITURES ASSOCIATED WITH ) PROVIDING ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS ) PTNECT TESTIMONY ENERGY EFFICTENCY SERVICE IN THE ) OT' STATE OF IDAHO ) LORI B. HERI,IANSON ) FOR AVTSTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC A}ID NATURAL GAS) I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 T4 t5 16 l7 18 l9 20 2l I.IIITRODUCTION O. Please state your name, employer and busineEs addrese. A. My name is Lori Hermanson. I am employed by Avista as a Senior Resource Analyst. My business address is 141L East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington. a. Would you please describe your education and buEinesE e:qlerience? A. I graduated from Wal1a Walla University in L994 with Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting. I received a Masters in Business Administration from Eastern Washington University in L999. I joined the Company in 1,997 in the Budget, Forecasting and Analysis Department. My duties included work assocj-ated with corporate Operations and Maintenance as well as Capital budgets. In 2000, I transferred to the Energy Delivery Accounting department where my responsibilities included financial and accounting supervision for Demand-Side Management (DSM) among other operational areas of the company. I oversaw the Company's Hermanson, Di Avista Corporation I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 T6 t7 l8 19 20 miscellaneous billing and damage claims uncollectibles, plant amortization and corporate revenue. I joined the DSM team in June 2004 to assist in cost-effectiveness and related analyses and reporting. I am now managing external evaluation, measurement and verification (EM&V) activities to include process, impact and market studies including, but not limited to, conservation potential assessment studies. I was employed by the ,foint Center for Higher Education beginning in 1995 until joining the Company in 1-997. O. What ie the scope of your testimony in this proceeding? A. I will report on program cost-effectiveness for 20L0-20L2 as well as the retentj-on and management of external Evaluation, Measurement and Verification (EM&V) activities and result j-ng reports. The evaluated savj-ngs (claimed savings adjusted by the realization rate) are used in the attached exhibit and analyses. The process reports are an annual evaluation of the current operations of DSM programs. Hermanson, Di Avj-sta CorporatJ-on I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 ll t2 l3 t4 15 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 O. Are you sponeoring any exhibits to in this proceeding? A. Yes. I am sponsoring Exhibit No. which summarizes Idaho DSM energy savings be introduced 3, Schedule 1 and levelized costs. Schedule 2 pages L and 2 are a summary of Idaho- specific cost-effectj-veness by regular and 1ow-income programs for 2010-20L2. Additional EM&V reports are included as Exhibit No. 3, Schedules 3, and 4. These are: 1) Avista 20L2 Idaho Electric fmpact Evaluation (August 30, 2OA3 prepared by Cadmus) and 2) Avista 20L2 Idaho Gas Portf o1j-o Impact Evaluation (,Ju1y 30, 20L3 prepared by Cadmus). The 2010-201-2 DSM Annual Reports have previously been filed with the Commission as well as impact and process reports on previous program years. External EM&V reports on the Company's DSM activities completed each calendar year were included in the appendix of each DSM Annual Report. II. COST-EFFECTIVENESS O. Would you please sumrnarize the Company's ldaho energy efficiency expenditures for 2010-2OL2? Hermanson, Di Avista Corporation 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l t2 13 t4 15 t6 t7 18 t9 20 2t 22 A. Yes. During 201-0 -20L2, the Company incurred over $20.0 million in electric expenditures and nearly $5.4 million in natural gas expenditures, for a total of over $25.3 million supportj-ng energy efficj-ency. Of this amount, more than $1.7 million was contributed to the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) in support of its market transformation ventures. Approximately, 63* of electric expenditures and 58? of natural gas expenditures were returned to ratepayers in the form of incentives. Over $1 mi11ion, ot 4 percent of Idaho energy efficiency expenditures, was spent on evaluation of our energy efficiency programs during these years in an effort to contJ-nua11y improve on the design and implementatj-on of our program offerings. Table No. 1 - Summary of Idaho DSM Expenditures (2010 -20]-2) Hermanson, Di Avista Corporation Total Expenditures NEEA Loca! Expenditures EM&V EM&V as Percent of Total Electric Proorams $20,010,255 $1,771,6U $18,238,621 $730,090 3.90% Natural Gas Proorams $5,370,602 nla $5,370,602 $314,514 5.90% Total $25.380.857 $1.771.6U $23.609.223 $1.044.604 4.1Oo/o I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l t2 13 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 2I O. Would you please srmmarize the Company'e energy efficiency-related savings for 2010-20L2? A. Yes. As shown in Exhibit No. 3, Schedule 1-, Lines 13 and a4, from,January L, 2O1,O through December 31, 201-2, over 109,L00 first-year MWhs and 95O,822 first-year therms of energy savings were acquj-red from Idaho DSM projects. This includes the Company's Idaho portion of NEEA savings f or 20L0-20L2 of 1,2 ,6L4 MWh. A11 1ocaI acquisition amounts included in the exhibits are evaluated (verified) gross savings estimates. Gross savings are the reduction in energy consumption resulting from energy efficiency programs, updates in codes and standards, and naturally-occurring adoption. On a net basis, electric programs achieved 81,5L0 MWh and natural gas programs achieved 632,380 therms in first- year savings f or this t j-me period. Net savings are reductions in energy consumption that is attributable to an energy efficiency program, net of customers who would have participated in the energy efficiency upgrades without the presence of the utility's programs. Hermanson, Di Avista Corporation I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1l t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 l7 l8 19 20 2t Table No. 2 - First Year Energy Savings (2010-20L2) the for * Includes L2,614 Mwh Pagesland2of energy savings by both Idaho electric from NEEA Exhibit No. 3, Schedule 2 details regular and 1ow-income portfolios and natural gas DSM programs based on verified savings. O. Were the Company'E DSM programs cogt-effective? A. Yes. Idaho electric programs have been cost- effective from both Total Resource Cost (TRC) test and Program Administrator Cost (PAC) test perspectives. Page l- of Exhibit No. 3 , Schedule 2 , Line 1-5 shows that the 201-0-201,2 TRC benefit-to-cost ratio of l-.91 for the Idaho electrj-c DSM portfolio is cost-effective, with a residual TRC benefit to customers of $29.9 million (Line l-4). The 201-0 -20L2 PAC, also known as the Utility Cost Test (UCT) , benefit-to-cost ratio of 3.35 (Line 28) is also cost- effective, with a residual PAC benefit of nearly $42.4 (Line 27) miIlion. The levelized TRC and PAC costs are Hermanson, Di Avista CorporatJ-on Evaluated (cross) Evaluated (Net) El-ectric Programs l_09,l_00 Mwh*81,610 MWh Natural Gas Programs 950,822 Therms 532,380 Therms 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 13 t4 15 t6 t7 18 t9 20 2t $36.55 and $1-9.97 per MWh, respectively, as shown on Page 1 of Exhibit 3, Schedule 1-, Line 28 and 34. The overall porEfolio of measures has a weighted average measure life of approximately 1-3 years for 2010 -20L2. Page 2 of Exhibit No. 3, Schedule 2 illustrates Idaho natural gas DSM program portfolio cost-effectiveness under both t.he TRC and PAC tests. The Company's 201,0-201-2 TRC benefit-cost ratio was L.59 (Iine 15). The 20]-0-2012 PAC benefit cost ratio is 3.33 (1ine29). Therefore, the Idaho natural gas DSM portfolio passes the TRC and PAC tests for 201-0-2012. The levelized TRC and PAC costs are $1.13 and 52.8 cents per therm, respectively, as shown on Page l- of Exhibit No. 3, Schedule 1. The overall portfollo of measures has a weighted average measure life of approxi-mat,eIy 21 years for 201-0-201,2. For cost-effectiveness, the Company includes only those non-energy benefits that are document,ed and quantifiable and is, therefore, a conservative estimate. There are a number of legitimate non-energy TRC benefits that the Company was unable to quantify with sufficient rigor in order to j-nclude within the cost-effectiveness Hermanson, Di Avista Corporation I 2 3 4 5 6 analysis such as changes health. ElecEric and natural gas are based on evaluated savings in comfort, product,ivity or cost-effectiveness results acquisition for 201-0 -201,2. 7 8 9 l0 l1 t2 13 t4 15 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 O. Please summarize the Company's conclueions on cost-effectiveness. A. The Company's expenditure of tariff rider revenue has been reasonable and prudent. The fdaho portfolio of programs covering all customer classes has been offered with a total savings of over 109,1-00 MWh and 950,822 therms during 20L0-201-2. This was achieved at a Ievelj-zed TRC cost of $6.55 per MWh and $1.1-3 per therm. The Tariff Rider and energy efficiency programs have been successful. Participating customers have benefited through lower energy bi1ls. Non-participating customers have benefit,ed from the Company having acquired lower cost resources in the form of DSM, as well as maintaining the energy efficiency message and j-nfrastructure for the benefit of our servj-ce territory. Hermanson, Di Avista Corporation I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 t4 15 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 III. EVAIJUATION, MEASUREMENT & VERIFICATION A. What evaluation of the Companyre DSM programs have occurred? A. As noted by Company witness Folsom, Cadmus performed independent (or "third-party") impact and process evaluati-on on Avistars DSM programs for the 201,0- 2012 time period covered by the Company's request in this case. ' Impact evaluation is intended t,o verify, and adjust as necessary, "cIaimed" savj-ngs.Process evaluation reviews "procedures" for continual improvement. a. What is the purpose of *Impact and ProceEE" evaluationg? A.Impact evaluation is intended to independently verify "claimed" savj.ngs. This results in a realization rate which is applied to the claimed savings resulting in an adj ust,ed estimate of savings or evaluated savJ-ngs . Process evaluation reviews procedures and implementation of programs for continual improvement. A. Please describe the evaluation activitieg that Cadmus wae hired to conduct. 'cadmus was retained, after process, to perform impact a competitive Reguest- for-Proposal and process evaluations. Hermanson, Di Avista Corporation 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 t2 13 t4 l5 t6 t7 18 l9 20 2t A. Cadmus was originally hired to conduct independent process and impact evaluations on the calendar years 2010 and 20LL eIectric and natural gas DSM portfolio, to evaluate the deemed savings and underlying assumptions of the Company's TRM, and to provide a high- leve1 assessment of the Company's EM&V resources. It was also to provide a gap analysis of potential areas that may need strengthening through increased evaluation in future years. Since then, Cadmus has been retained for another two years to conduct impact and process evaluations, as well as some market analysis for the 201-2 and 201,3 electric and natural gas DSM portfplio. The Company chose to extend this contact as a cost-savings measure to Ieverage evaluation work already completed while providing a deeper evaluation for the 201,2 and 201-3 program years. The Company plans to issue an RFP for independent evaluation services for 20L4 and 2015 later this year. Cadmus' evaluation efforts included billing analysis as appropriate and actual field measurement as necessary and feasible. In addition, the team provided process evaluation on the portfolio and market evaluation of some Hermanson, Di 10 Avista Corporation I 2 J 4 5 6 key programs, participants as where anomalies O. Doeg t,estimony? surveying of participant,s and non- well as updates on net-to-gross in areas existed in past studies. that complet,e your pre-f iled direct A. Yes, it does. Hermanson, Di l-l- Avista Corporation