HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130103Comment.pdfJean Jewell From: Wayne Hart Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 8:16 AM To: Jean Jewell Subject: FW: Avista Rates 4vu 6—i-0'/AiJl1 -42O7 From: dave schaible [mailto:daschaiblehotmaiLcom] Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 5:18 PM To: Wayne Hart Subject: Avista Rates Commissioner Hart - I've received notice (with billing statement) that Avista is requesting a rate increase, and is soliciting comments from the public - that's me. 1.Avista's notice starts out in their first paragraph that they want to increase Idaho's rate to 7.3%. That is a distraction for residential users. In a chart below that, Avista wants to raise residential users to 7.8%, which is the 2nd highest rate just below Transportation Service (whatever that is). 2.Avista also advertises "Buck - a - Block" which is a $1.00 donatation to renewable energy, thereby raising you monthly bill $1.00. That's backwards logic to me. Renewable energy should be cheaper, not more expensive, unless they have the mind set that they need to get rich over night vs over 30 years. More thought needs to go into producing cheaper energy. Expensive energy is one of several reasons why jobs went to China. For example, how many businesses, malls, factories, could have their own solar and wind energy sources on their roofs, etc.? These wouldn't be 100%, but reduce costs enough to get people back to work. And if you did any Christmas shopping, you should know more people need\ to get back to work, because the kids running the stores don't know anything. And I'm sure you can come up with more reasons of your own to support the above. Also, CERTAIN commodities such as energy should not be under the stress of providing dividends to the rich that can afford to buy stocks. It's been my life long opinion that that's blood money. I didn't vote for Obama either. Business loans like other businesses would be more proper. David Schaible