HomeMy WebLinkAbout20121011Defelice DI.pdf DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVID.MEYER@AVISTACORP.COM BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. AVU-E-12-08 OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE ) CASE NO. AVU-G-12-07 AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND ) NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC ) DIRECT TESTIMONY AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE ) OF STATE OF IDAHO ) DAVE B. DEFELICE ) FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) DeFelice, Di 1 Avista Corporation I. INTRODUCTION 1 Q. Please state your name, employer and business 2 address. 3 A. My name is Dave B. DeFelice. I am employed by 4 Avista Corporation as a Senior Business Analyst. My 5 business address is 1411 East Mission, Spokane, 6 Washington. 7 Q. Please briefly describe your educational 8 background and professional experience. 9 A. I graduated from Eastern Washington University 10 in June of 1983 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business 11 Administration, majoring in Accounting. I have served in 12 various positions within the Company, including Analyst 13 positions in the Finance Department (Rates Section and 14 Plant Accounting) and in the Marketing/Operations 15 Departments, as well. In 1999, I accepted the Senior 16 Business Analyst position that focuses on economic 17 analysis of various project proposals as well as 18 evaluations and recommendations pertaining to business 19 policies and practices. 20 Q. As a Senior Business Analyst, what are your 21 responsibilities? 22 DeFelice, Di 2 Avista Corporation A. As a Senior Business Analyst, I am involved in 1 financial analysis of numerous projects within various 2 departments such as Engineering, Operations, 3 Marketing/Sales and Finance. 4 Q. What is the scope of your testimony? 5 A. My testimony and exhibits in this proceeding 6 will cover the Company’s proposed pro forma adjustments1 7 for capital investments in utility plant for the 2013 rate 8 period. In addition, my testimony and exhibits will cover 9 the Company’s proposed changes in depreciation rates 10 pertaining to electric and natural gas plant-in-service 11 using the recently completed depreciation study. 12 Q. Are you sponsoring any exhibits? 13 A. Yes. I am sponsoring Exhibit 11, Schedules 1 14 through 3 which were prepared under my direction, and have 15 been included to provide supporting information for the 16 pro forma capital investment costs as described in this 17 testimony. In addition, Exhibit 11, Schedules 4 through 6 18 have been included to provide supporting information on 19 the depreciation study that the Company recently 20 conducted. 21 1 Company witness Ms. Andrews incorporates the Idaho share of the adjustments in her revenue requirement calculation. DeFelice, Di 3 Avista Corporation II. CAPITAL INVESTMENT RECOVERY 1 Q. What does the Company's request for rate relief 2 include regarding investment in utility plant to serve 3 customers? 4 A. As in prior rate cases, Avista started with rate 5 base for a historical period. For this case we started 6 with the average-of-monthly-averages (AMA) for the twelve 7 months ended December 31, 20112. Adjustments were made to 8 reflect certain capital additions, as described in detail 9 below: 10 (1.) An adjustment was made to record capital 11 at December 31, 2011, together with the 12 associated accumulated depreciation and 13 deferred federal income taxes at a 2011 end-14 of-period (EOP) basis. This adjustment 15 includes annualizing the associated 16 depreciation expense on the plant-in-service 17 at December 31, 2011. 18 (2.) An adjustment was also made to reflect 19 all 2012 capital additions (excluding 20 2 The Company used the Twelve Months Ended June 30, 2012 on an AMA basis for its test period for its results of operations and all rate base items, except plant, including plant cost, accumulated depreciation and accumulated deferred federal income taxes. Plant rate base for December 31, 2011 AMA was used to simplify the pro forma adjustments, and was then adjusted to reflect rate base for the 2013 rate year at an AMA basis. DeFelice, Di 4 Avista Corporation distribution related capital expenditures made 1 that are associated with connecting new 2 customers to the Company's system) together 3 with the associated accumulated depreciation 4 and deferred federal income taxes at a 2012 5 EOP basis. This adjustment included 6 associated depreciation expense and offsets to 7 expenses for the pro forma additions. These 8 specific capital additions are identified 9 later in my testimony. In addition, the 10 plant-in-service at December 31, 2011 was 11 adjusted to a 2012 EOP basis. 12 (3.) An adjustment was also made to reflect 13 all 2013 capital additions (excluding 14 distribution related capital expenditures made 15 that are associated with connecting new 16 customers to the Company's system) together 17 with the associated accumulated depreciation 18 and deferred federal income taxes at a 2013 19 AMA basis. This adjustment included 20 associated depreciation expense and offsets to 21 expenses for the pro forma additions. These 22 specific capital additions are identified 23 DeFelice, Di 5 Avista Corporation later in my testimony. In addition, the 1 plant-in-service at December 31, 2012 was 2 adjusted to a 2013 AMA basis. 3 The utility plant investment that we have included in 4 this filing represents utility plant that will be "used 5 and useful" in providing service to customers during the 6 period that new retail rates from this filing will be in 7 effect. In addition, the plant investment that was pro 8 formed into this case was matched with offsetting factors. 9 Including the costs associated with this investment in 10 retail rates provides a proper "matching" of revenues from 11 customers, with the costs associated with providing 12 service to customers (including the cost of utility plant 13 to serve those customers). 14 In the Idaho PUC’s Order No. 29602, for Case Nos. 15 AVU-E-04-1 and AVU-G-04-1, dated October 8, 2004, the 16 Commission stated, at page 10, that: 17 Once a test year is selected, adjustments are 18 made to test year accounts and rate base to 19 reflect known and measurable changes so that 20 test year totals accurately reflect anticipated 21 amounts for the future period when rates will be 22 in effect. The Idaho Supreme Court has described 23 "rate base" as "the utility’s capital investment 24 amount." Industrial Customers of Idaho Power v. 25 Idaho PUC 134 Idaho 285, 291, 1 P.3d 786, 792 26 (2000). Adjustments to test year accounts 27 generally fall into three categories: 1) 28 normalizing adjustments made for unusual 29 DeFelice, Di 6 Avista Corporation occurrences, like one-time events or extreme 1 weather conditions, so they do not unduly affect 2 the test year; 2) annualizing adjustments made 3 for events that occurred at some point in the 4 test year to average their effect as if they had 5 been in existence during the entire year; and 3) 6 known and measurable adjustments made to include 7 events that occur outside the test year but will 8 continue in the future to affect Company income 9 and expenses. 10 11 If utility plant investment that is being used to 12 serve customers is not reflected in retail rates then the 13 retail rates will not be "just, fair, and reasonable," 14 i.e., it would not be just or reasonable for customers to 15 receive the benefit provided by the utility investment 16 without paying for it, and the retail rates would not 17 provide revenues sufficient to provide recovery of the 18 costs associated with providing service to customers. 19 Q. Is the Company's application of these ratemaking 20 principles in this filing consistent with prior general 21 rate cases? 22 A. Yes. In prior cases, the objective has been the 23 same -- to include in retail rates the investment, or rate 24 base, that is providing service to customers, and ensure 25 that there is a proper matching of revenues and expenses 26 during the period that rates are in effect. 27 DeFelice, Di 7 Avista Corporation Q. How are we assured that the capital additions 1 pro formed in this case will actually occur for 2012 and 2 2013? 3 A. Many of the 2012 projects are already underway 4 or completed either through actual construction, contracts 5 signed, and /or materials ordered. In addition, the 6 actual and planned capital expenditures for the utility 7 for the years 2007 through 2011 are shown in Table 1 8 below. The table shows that actual capital expenditures 9 have been very close to the planned expenditures on a 10 consistent basis. In fact, the five year average of 11 actual expenditures is 100% of the planned expenditures. 12 I believe it is fair to conclude that there is a high 13 level of confidence that the planned capital expenditures 14 for 2012 and 2013 will occur and it is reasonable for them 15 to be included for recovery in retail rates. 16 Table 1 17 Planned Expenditures ($ millions) Actual Expenditures ($ millions) Percentage of Planned 2007 $183.6 $198.4 108% 2008 $190.0 $205.4 108% 2009 $202.0 $199.7 99% 2010 $228.3 $213.5 94% 2011 $249.1 $237.7 95% Five Year Average $210.6 $210.9 100.0% DeFelice, Di 8 Avista Corporation Q. How does new investment in utility plant change 1 rate base over time for ratemaking purposes? 2 A. Historically (until roughly the last five 3 years), the annual dollars spent by the Company on new 4 utility plant was relatively close to the level of 5 depreciation expense, with the exception of years where 6 the Company invested in major new generating projects.3 7 Net rate base stayed at a relatively constant level and 8 the use of the rate base amount from a prior year, i.e., a 9 historical test year, would be adequate for setting rates 10 for the upcoming year, because there was little change in 11 the net plant investment used to serve customers. 12 In more recent years, however, Avista’s investment in 13 utility plant has significantly exceeded depreciation 14 expense. Because of this, rate base in the rate year is 15 significantly greater than the historical test period AMA 16 rate base. 17 The only way to ensure that retail rates are just, 18 fair, and reasonable is for the utility plant investment 19 that is being used to serve customers be properly 20 reflected in retail rates, net of appropriate offsets. 21 This makes it necessary for the Company to pro form plant 22 3 Recognizing that a portion of the costs associated with certain capital additions are offset by additional revenues. DeFelice, Di 9 Avista Corporation investment that is in service after the historical test 1 year, and will be in service during the rate year so that 2 rate base for the pro forma rate year is representative of 3 the level of investment used to serve customers. The 4 Company’s pro forma adjustments in this case properly 5 reflect any offsets, and include adjustments to ensure a 6 proper matching with test period loads. 7 Q. What is the historical and projected level of 8 annual capital spending for Avista? 9 A. Avista’s annual capital requirements have 10 steadily increased from approximately $130 million in 2005 11 to approximately $260 million in 2012. Capital 12 expenditures of approximately $509 million are planned for 13 2012-2013 for customer growth, investment in generation 14 upgrades and transmission and distribution facilities, as 15 well as necessary maintenance and replacements of our 16 natural gas utility systems. Capital expenditures of 17 approximately $1.2 billion are planned for the five year 18 period ending December 31, 2016. Schedule 1 of Exhibit 11 19 reflects this trend that Avista has experienced and what 20 is planned for in the near future. 21 Q. What is driving the significant investment in 22 new utility plant? 23 DeFelice, Di 10 Avista Corporation A. As Company witnesses Mr. Kinney and Mr. 1 Lafferty, in particular, explain in their testimony, the 2 Company is being required to add or upgrade new generation 3 facilities, expand transmission and distribution 4 facilities due in part to customer growth in our service 5 area, reliability requirements, and needed capacity 6 upgrades. Other issues driving the need for capital 7 investment include an aging infrastructure, physical 8 degradation, and municipal compliance issues (e.g., 9 street/highway relocations), etc. 10 While the rate of increases experienced in recent 11 years for the cost of materials (concrete, copper, steel, 12 etc.) has abated somewhat, the cost of materials and 13 equipment is still orders of magnitude higher than what 14 they were even a few years ago, causing the cost of these 15 new facilities to be significantly higher than in the 16 past. Accordingly, the annual costs associated with the 17 new facilities will be significantly higher than the 18 annual costs of the Company’s older, existing facilities. 19 Q. What data is available that depicts the 20 significant increase in the cost of utility plant assets 21 that have been added in recent years as compared to the 22 cost of the facilities being replaced? 23 DeFelice, Di 11 Avista Corporation A. Using the Handy-Whitman Index Manual4, the 1 Company analyzed several major categories of plant. 2 Schedule 2 of Exhibit 11 depicts the increases in 3 costs of transmission substations, transmission equipment, 4 distribution substations, and distribution equipment that 5 the utility industry has experienced over the past fifty 6 years. These charts show what these categories of plant 7 have cost historically on a relative scale. For example, 8 on Page 4 of Schedule 2, and also shown in Illustration 1 9 below, distribution poles fifty years ago would have a 10 cost of only 9% of the current replacement cost. 11 4 “The Handy-Whitman Index of Public Utility Construction Costs”, published by Whitman, Requardt and Associates, Baltimore, Maryland. The Handy-Whitman Indexes of Public Utility Construction Costs show the level of costs for different types of utility construction. Separate indices are maintained for general items of construction, such as reinforced concrete, and specific items of material or equipment, such as pipe or turbo-generators. Handy-Whitman Index numbers are used to trend earlier valuations and original cost at prices prevailing at a certain date. DeFelice, Di 12 Avista Corporation Illustration 1 1 2 The chart above, and those on Schedule 2, show that 3 the cost of the same equipment and facilities that are 4 being added today are multiple times more expensive than 5 those facilities installed in the past. Our retail rates 6 are "cost-based" and reflect the low cost of the old 7 equipment serving customers. When the equipment is 8 replaced, it requires an increase in rates to reflect the 9 much higher cost of the new equipment. 10 Q. With respect to Avista’s proposed pro forma 11 capital additions, would there be some operation and 12 $0.00 $10.00 $20.00 $30.00 $40.00 $50.00 $60.00 $70.00 $80.00 $90.00 $100.00 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Handy Whitman Cost Index Distribution Equipment -Accts 364, 365 & 368 Poles (FERC Acct. 364)OH Conductors (FERC Acct. 365)OH Line Transformers (FERC Acct. 368) DeFelice, Di 13 Avista Corporation maintenance (O&M) savings associated with the replacement 1 of some of the aging equipment with new equipment? 2 A. Not when you look at the total utility as a 3 whole, which is how ratemaking is done5.On a net basis, we 4 will continue to experience O&M costs to maintain a system 5 that continues to age. Our O&M costs are continuing to go 6 up over time, not down, as shown in Illustration 2 below. 7 Illustration 2 8 9 At some point our facilities approach the end of 10 their useful lives and need to be replaced before they 11 fail. Our general practice is to attempt to replace our 12 aging equipment before it fails, because it is not only 13 5 As described below, all of the capital that was pro formed was reviewed for any offsets and any specific offset that was identified was included in the filing as a separate restating adjustment (O&M Savings Adjustment) as a reduction to O&M costs. $- $5.0 $10.0 $15.0 $20.0 $25.0 $30.0 $35.0 $40.0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 $12.1 $13.2 $17.5 $17.2 $19.0 $7.9 $8.3 $8.4 $9.9 $10.4 $7.9 $8.6 $8.6 $8.7 $9.4 Mi l l i o n s ID Electric O&M Costs Excluding Fuel Generation Transmission Distribution $27.9 $30.1 $34.5 $35.8 $38.8 DeFelice, Di 14 Avista Corporation less costly to replace this equipment on a structured, 1 planned basis, but it also results in more reliable 2 service to customers, which is expected by all utility 3 stakeholders. If our practice were to avoid replacing 4 utility equipment until it failed, the reliability of our 5 system would suffer. 6 Therefore, it is imperative that we continue every 7 year to reinvest and upgrade a portion of our utility 8 system, in addition to the investments to meet mandatory 9 reliability requirements, so that our system will continue 10 to provide reliable service. 11 The reinvestment and upgrades actually serve, to a 12 large extent, to allow the Company to avoid additional 13 costs in the future associated with maintenance - not to 14 reduce the overall level of existing O&M costs. 15 16 III. DESCRIPTION OF CAPITAL PROJECTS 17 Q. Please provide a listing of the 2012 capital 18 projects that were pro formed in this filing. 19 A. Exhibit No. 11, Schedule 3, Page 1, details the 20 capital projects that will be transferred to plant in 21 service in 2012 and included in this filing. A listing 22 and/or description of the capital projects and their 23 DeFelice, Di 15 Avista Corporation system costs that will transfer to plant in service in 1 2012 and that are included in this filing follows: 2 3 Generation ($40.103 million - system): 4 5 The electric generation projects that will transfer 6 to plant in service are described in detail in Mr. 7 Lafferty’s direct testimony. A listing of these 8 projects follows: 9 10 Thermal - Coyote Springs Capital Projects - 11 $4,030,000 12 Thermal - Coyote Springs LTSA Cash Accrual - 13 $5,100,000 14 Thermal - Colstrip - $3,154,000 15 Hydro - Noxon Rapids Unit 4 Runner Upgrade - 16 $8,300,000 17 Hydro - Base Hydro - $1,440,000 18 Hydro - Regulating Hydro - $2,081,000 19 Thermal - Kettle Falls Capital Projects - $4,245,000 20 Hydro - Little Falls Powerhouse Redevelopment - 21 $600,000 22 Hydro - Post Falls Intake Gate Replacement - 23 $4,688,000 24 Hydro - Clark Fork Implement PME Agreement - 25 $3,339,000 26 Hydro - Spokane River Implementation (PM&E) - 27 $2,805,000 28 Hydro - Other Small - $321,000 29 30 31 Electric Transmission ($28.160 million - system): 32 The electric transmission projects that will transfer 33 to plant-in-service are described in detail in Mr. 34 Kinney’s direct testimony. A listing of these 35 projects and system costs follows: 36 37 Reliability Compliance Projects 38 Spokane-CDA 115 kV Line Relay Upgrades - $900,000 39 SCADA Replacement - $1,310,000 40 System-Replace/Install Capacitor Banks - 41 $2,000,000 42 Bronx Cabinet 115 kV Substation Rebuild - 43 DeFelice, Di 16 Avista Corporation $2,500,000 1 Power Transformers - Transmission - $952,000 2 3 Contractual Required Projects 4 Thornton 230kV Switching Station - $4,350,000 5 Colstrip Transmission - $410,000 6 Tribal Permits - $325,000 7 8 Reliability Improvement Projects 9 Moscow City-N Lewiston 115kV Reconductor - 10 $2,500,000 11 Burke Thompson A&B 115kV Reconductor - $2,500,000 12 Millwood 115 kV Substation Rebuild - $2,000,000 13 Noxon-Hot Springs 230 kV Line Re-route - $500,000 14 15 Reliability Replacement Transmission Projects 16 Transmission Minor Rebuilds - $2,370,000 17 Power Circuit Breakers - $1,200,000 18 Hatwai 230 kV Breaker Replacement - $614,000 19 Transmission Asset Management Projects - 20 $3,479,000 21 Other Small Projects – $250,000 22 23 Electric Distribution ($65.123 million - system): 24 25 Idaho Distribution Projects 26 The Idaho-specific electric distribution projects 27 totaling $10.507 million that will transfer to plant-28 in-service are described in detail in Mr. Kinney’s 29 direct testimony. A listing of these projects 30 follows: 31 32 Wood Pole Management - $3,576,000 33 PCB Related Distribution Rebuilds - $2,057,000 34 System Distribution Reliability Improve Worst 35 Feeders - $722,000 36 Power Transformer Distribution - $492,000 37 Blue Creek 115kV Rebuild - $1,905,000 38 Distribution – Pullman & Lewis Clark - $650,000 39 Distribution – Cda East & North - $855,000 40 10 & Stewart Dx Int - $250,000 41 42 Idaho Distribution Replacement Projects 43 The Idaho specific Distribution equipment 44 replacements and minor rebuilds projects totaling 45 $5.857 million that will transfer to plant-in-service 46 DeFelice, Di 17 Avista Corporation are described in Mr. Kinney’s direct testimony. A 1 listing of these projects follows: 2 3 Electric Distribution Minor Blanket Projects - 4 $3,235,000 5 Failed Electric Plant Distribution Line Relocation 6 - $1,014,000 7 Distribution Line Relocation - $692,000 8 Electric Underground Replacement - $441,000 9 Other Small Projects - $475,000 10 11 Washington Distribution Projects 12 The following electric distribution projects are 13 specific to the Washington jurisdiction and are 14 directly assigned to that jurisdiction. 15 16 Washington Distribution and Replacement Projects - 17 $22,612,000 18 System Efficiency Feeder Rebuild - $7,371,000 19 Distribution – Spokane North & West - $1,910,000 20 Millwood Substation Rebuild - $1,000,000 21 Pullman (Turner) Substation Rebuild - $609,000 22 Metro feeder upgrade - $502,000 23 Wood Substation Rebuild – Orin - $300,000 24 Spokane Electric Network Increase Capacity - 25 $1,650,000 26 Spokane Smart Circuit Project - $5,400,000 27 Pullman Smart Grid Demonstration Project - 28 $6,300,000 29 Smart Grid Workforce Training Project - $1,105,000 30 31 General ($20.027 million - system): 32 Security Initiative - $500,000 33 Primarily for physical security measures at office 34 facilities including the Mission Street Campus and 35 the Back-Up Control Center, substations and 36 generating stations. The major expenditures for 2012 37 and 2013 will be to continue installing an emergency 38 alert system on floors two and one at the Mission 39 Campus. Floors five, four and three have been 40 installed previously. 41 42 Structures and Improvements - $5,757,000 43 This is a group of capital maintenance projects that 44 Facilities Management coordinates at the Spokane 45 DeFelice, Di 18 Avista Corporation Central Operating Facilities and Avista branch 1 facilities - offices and service centers. For 2012, 2 planned projects include: roof replacements, HVAC 3 system replacement at some branch offices, energy 4 efficiency window and lighting projects, security 5 projects, asphalt overlays and replacement, as well 6 as some capital repair projects in existing 7 buildings. 8 9 Office Furniture - $520,000 10 This project is for the capital maintenance, 11 improvements, and furniture for 50 plus Avista 12 Offices and Service Centers (over 700,000 square feet 13 total). 14 15 Stores Equipment - $450,000 16 Equipment utilized in warehouses throughout the 17 service territory. This includes equipment such as 18 forklifts, manlifts, shelving, cutting/binding 19 machines, etc. These funds are used for capital 20 stores equipment company-wide. 21 22 Tools, Lab & Shop Equipment - $1,250,000 23 Expenditures in this category include all large tools 24 and instruments used throughout the Company for 25 natural gas and/or electric construction and 26 maintenance work, distribution, transmission, or 27 generation operations, telecommunications, and some 28 fleet equipment (hoists, winch, etc) not permanently 29 attached to the vehicle. 30 31 HVAC Renovation Project - $4,300,000 32 The heating, ventilating, and air conditioning 33 systems throughout the Spokane Central Operating 34 Facilities are approximately fifty years old and are 35 in need of replacement. In 2007, the Company 36 initiated a multi-year HVAC renovation project that 37 involves replacing central air handling units and 38 distribution systems in three buildings - the Spokane 39 Service Center, the general office building, and the 40 cafeteria auditorium building. The building envelope 41 of the general office building was also renovated 42 with high efficiency glass and insulation. The 43 project will also achieve asbestos abatement and life 44 safety (fire sprinkler) additions. New controls will 45 also be installed which will enable energy 46 DeFelice, Di 19 Avista Corporation conservation. Present estimates indicate cost 1 savings of approximately $430,000 per year in energy 2 use, a 36% reduction in energy costs once all phases 3 have been completed, currently planned to be 4 completed in 2013. The 2012 project will produce 5 approximately $28,632 per year (system) in reduced 6 energy costs, which have been reflected as a 7 reduction to O&M costs. 8 9 Dollar Road Land Purchase & Facility Expansion - 10 $2,500,000 11 In order to accommodate expansion in our Natural Gas 12 department, an additional 8 acre parcel was purchased 13 adjacent to our Dollar Road Service Center. Site 14 improvements required by the City and County were 15 completed in 2010 and 2011. In 2011, Avista 16 constructed a 6000 sq. ft. storage building designed 17 to protect valuable construction equipment from the 18 weather. Gas meters are currently being stored in the 19 facility as well as construction equipment used to 20 install gas distribution pipe. In 2012, Avista will 21 construct a 12,900 sq. ft. 6-bay fleet facility. The 22 facility will enable Avista to service CNG vehicles 23 and gas department vehicles on-site. The service of 24 the gas vehicles is currently taking place at a 25 leased facility several miles north of the Dollar Rd. 26 property. The Dollar Rd. expansion will include a 27 CNG filling station for the Avista fleet and CNG 28 customers. The justification of the fleet facility 29 is found in efficiencies gained by having mechanics 30 on-site to maintain Avista vehicles. $2.5 million is 31 budgeted for the Fleet expansion in 2012. Avista will 32 close down the leased Madelia Facility upon the 33 completion of the Dollar Road Fleet Facility 34 Expansion. 35 36 Long Term Campus Re-Structuring Plan - $4,500,000 37 The campus restructuring plan is a 2-year, 3 phase 38 plan to address critical parking and office space 39 needs. Avista employees are forced to park on 40 residential streets which sometimes disturbs our 41 neighbors. Moreover, Avista does not meet the 42 current city requirements for handicap and carpool 43 parking spaces. The campus restructuring will create 44 109 additional parking spaces for employees inside of 45 the Avista property. Avista is currently leasing 46 DeFelice, Di 20 Avista Corporation office space for 75 employees that cannot fit into 1 the current facility layout. In 2012, Avista will 2 construct a $4,500,000 - 30,000 sq. ft. contemporary 3 warehouse to replace a warehouse that was designed to 4 meet the needs of a 1950’s utility. In 2013, 5 Facilities will remodel the old warehouse to then 6 accommodate 120 cubicles, meeting rooms, offices and 7 restroom facilities. By remodeling the old 8 warehouse, Avista will make wise use of the square 9 footage and return employees to a central location. 10 The budget for the warehouse renovation is 11 $5,000,000. The 3rd phase of the plan is to construct 12 a 50 space parking lot on the Ross Court property 13 adjacent to the Avista campus. 14 15 WSDOT Highway Preservation/Maintenance of Right of 16 Ways - $250,000 17 In order to operate our electric system within State 18 highway rights-of-way, the Company needs to 19 preserve/maintain right-of-ways. Existing right of 20 ways have expired and Avista must seek new agreements 21 with the State. 22 23 Transportation ($11.293 million - system): 24 Transportation Equipment - $11,293,000 25 Expenditures are for the scheduled replacement of 26 trucks, off-road construction equipment and trailers 27 that meet the Company's guidelines for replacement 28 including age, mileage, hours of use and overall 29 condition. This also includes additions to the fleet 30 for new positions or crews working to support the 31 maintenance and construction of our electric and 32 natural gas operations. 33 34 Technology ($39.354 million - system): 35 36 Information Technology Refresh Blanket - $9,974,000 37 A program to replace obsolete technology according to 38 Avista’s refresh cycles that are generally driven by 39 hardware/software manufacturer and industry trends to 40 maintain business operations. 41 42 Information Technology Expansion Blanket - $6,863,000 43 A program to deliver technology associated with 44 expansion of existing solutions. This includes 45 technology expansion for the entire workforce, 46 DeFelice, Di 21 Avista Corporation business process automation and increases in 1 technology to support efficient business processes. 2 3 Enterprise Business Continuity - $496,000 4 Avista has developed an Enterprise Business 5 Continuity Plan (EBCP) to facilitate emergency 6 response and business continuity activities in 7 fulfillment of our mission. The program supports the 8 Enterprise Business Continuity objectives by 9 providing a framework for emergency response, 10 technology recovery, alternate facilities and 11 business continuity activities. The program provides 12 communications, escalation and operational procedures 13 necessary for efficient response to events. Support 14 of the Enterprise Business Continuity Plan mitigates 15 risk and minimizes the impact on the shareholders, 16 customers, employees, and the community during and 17 following an incident requiring activation of the 18 EBCP. Through the development and maintenance of 19 standardized mission critical plans and comprehensive 20 alternate facilities planning, exercises and testing, 21 the response, recovery and restoration efforts are 22 synchronized, which in turn, lowers the risk of 23 direct, indirect, tangible or intangible losses. 24 Through on-going development, maintenance, review, 25 and testing of the critical alternate operating 26 procedures in support of critical business processes, 27 process and procedure gaps are identified. This 28 process will ensure the readiness of systems, 29 procedures, processes, and people during emergency 30 operations and provide an environment of constant 31 improvement. 32 33 IT for Facilities Projects - $430,000 34 This project is for the additional technology 35 required to support remodeling or other facility 36 work. The IT Facilities Projects include the 37 following: Second Floor Conference Room Remodel, 38 Coeur d’Alene CPC Remodel, CSS Facility Project, 39 Fleet Services Audio Visual Equipment Installation, 40 IT for CIS/EAM Project Workspace and Steam Plant 41 Facility Cubicle Additions. 42 Technology Projects Minor Blanket - $560,000 43 This item is intended to be used for small technology 44 projects. These projects are small items that 45 DeFelice, Di 22 Avista Corporation provide for improvements in how Avista provides 1 services to our customers. Examples of projects 2 approved under this program are adding new features 3 and functions to the Claims system, adding an 4 additional module to the Rates Software product, 5 adding additional software for Apprentice Craft 6 training and adding additional features to the 7 Contract Management System. 8 9 Moducom Replacement - $3,805,000 10 This project is to replace the critical crew 11 communication system that facilitates the 12 coordination of Avista’s crews for the restoration, 13 operations and installation of electric and gas 14 services to our customers. 15 16 Microwave Replacement Project - $664,000 17 The project is designed to replace the aging and no 18 longer supported microwave equipment with a supported 19 technology. These systems support the communication 20 for protection and relaying of the electrical 21 transmission systems that allow the reliable delivery 22 of electricity throughout our service territory. 23 24 DIMP Infrastructure - $290,000 25 This project is for adding functionality to the Gas 26 Compliance Application to meet the mandated 27 requirements of the Distribution Integrity Management 28 Program (DIMP). 29 30 Next Generation Radio - $14,125,000 31 This project is refreshing Avista’s 20 year old Land 32 Mobile Radio (LMR) system that is used for critical 33 crew communications during outage restoration and 34 daily operations of maintaining the electric and 35 natural gas distribution and transmission systems. 36 Avista continues to maintain a private Land Mobile 37 Radio system because the offerings available from 38 public providers cannot provide communication 39 throughout our rural service territory and, as a 40 portion of our nation’s critical infrastructure, it 41 is imperative that Avista have a communication system 42 that will operate in the event of a disaster to help 43 safeguard the general public. The driver for this 44 project is a mandate from the Federal Communications 45 DeFelice, Di 23 Avista Corporation Commission (FCC). The FCC has, through Rule Making 1 and Order no. RM-9332 release date December 23, 2004, 2 ruled that all licensees in the Industrial/Business 3 Radio Pool operating in the 150-174 MHz and 421-512 4 MHz bands migrate to spectrum efficient narrowband 5 technology by January 1, 2013. Failure to act would 6 result in violation of the FCC Narrow banding mandate 7 (Rule 9332), and as quoted from the order, "Operation 8 in violation of the Commission's rules may subject 9 licensees to appropriate enforcement action, 10 including admonishments, license revocation, and/or 11 monetary forfeitures of up to $16,000 for each such 12 violation or each day of a continuing violation and 13 up to $112,500 for any single act or failure to act." 14 15 High Voltage Protection Upgrade - $2,147,000 16 This project is for changes at substations to improve 17 the safety of telecommunication personnel and 18 equipment. Telecommunication companies identified a 19 concern with the safety of their employees around 20 communication equipment located at high voltage 21 substations. The result was that high voltage 22 protection & isolation standards were created 23 requiring that Avista take corrective actions or risk 24 having the communication circuits to substations 25 disabled. This affects Phone, Modem, SCADA, and / or 26 Metering & Monitoring systems at the substations. 27 This project was created to mitigate this risk as 28 well as to lower potential risks to personnel and 29 equipment. 30 31 Jackson Prairie Storage ($0.630 million - system): 32 Jackson Prairie Storage Project - $630,000 33 These projects include various capital improvements 34 that Avista and its partners will complete at Jackson 35 Prairie facility in 2012. 36 37 Natural Gas Distribution ($24.663 million - system): 38 Gas Reinforce – Minor Blanket - $975,000 39 This annual project will reinforce portions of the 40 existing natural gas system to ensure continued 41 reliable service during a design day for areas that 42 have had low pressure problems due to increased 43 growth and/or system demand. This project will 44 DeFelice, Di 24 Avista Corporation identify and install new sections of gas main to 1 improve the operating reliability and performance of 2 the gas distribution system. Execution of this 3 program on an annual basis will ensure the 4 continuation of reliable gas service that is of 5 adequate pressure and capacity. 6 7 Replace Deteriorated Pipe - $800,000 8 This annual project will replace sections of existing 9 natural gas piping that are suspect for failure or 10 have deteriorated within the natural gas system. 11 This project will address the replacement of sections 12 of natural gas main that no longer operate reliably 13 and/or safely. Sections of the natural gas system 14 require replacement due to many factors including 15 material failures, environmental impact, increase 16 leak frequency, or coating problems. This project 17 will identify and replace sections of main to improve 18 public safety and system reliability. 19 20 Regulator Station Reliability Projects - $400,000 21 This annual project upgraded or replaced various 22 regulator stations within the natural gas 23 distribution system, improving station reliability 24 and reducing operation and maintenance costs. 25 Existing stations required upgrades due to many 26 factors, such as replacement of obsolete equipment 27 and improvement in regulation technology. 28 29 Natural Gas Replacement Street/Highways - $2,200,000 30 This annual project will replace sections of existing 31 natural gas piping that require replacement due to 32 relocation or improvement of streets or highways in 33 areas where natural gas piping is installed. Avista 34 installs many of its facilities in public right-of-35 way under established franchise agreements. Avista 36 is required under the franchise agreements, in most 37 cases, to relocate its facilities when they are in 38 conflict with road or highway improvements. 39 40 Cathodic Protection Projects - $1,000,000 41 This annual project upgraded, replaced, or installed 42 cathodic protection systems required to ensure 43 compliance with PHMSA regulations regarding proper 44 cathodic protection of steel mains. 45 46 DeFelice, Di 25 Avista Corporation Gas Distribution Non-Revenue Blanket - $4,571,000 1 This annual project will replace sections of existing 2 natural gas piping that require replacement to 3 improve the operation of the natural gas system but 4 are not linked to new revenue. The project includes 5 improvements in equipment and/or technology to 6 improve system operation and/or maintenance, 7 replacement of obsolete facilities, replacement of 8 main to improve cathodic performance, and projects to 9 improve public safety and/or improve system 10 reliability. 11 12 Isolated Steel Replacement - $1,700,000 13 The Company is implementing a special cathodic 14 protection program for the purpose of finding and 15 addressing isolated steel in its natural gas piping 16 systems. T 17 18 19 Over Built Pipe Replacement Blanket - $500,000 20 This annual project will replace sections of existing 21 gas piping that have experienced encroachment or have 22 been overbuilt i.e., where a structure has been built 23 over existing gas piping. It will address the 24 replacement of sections of gas main that no longer 25 can be operated safely and will identify and replace 26 sections of main to improve public safety. All types 27 of overbuilds will be addressed with the primary 28 focus of the project being overbuilds in manufactured 29 home developments. 30 31 Gas Telemetry - $650,000 32 The projects will include the installation of six 33 flow computers to replace existing aging 34 infrastructure. Additionally this project includes 35 all new telemetry installations, to include both 36 wireless and hard wired. 37 38 Replacement 6" PE - $1,250,000 39 Work consists of replacement of approximately 32,000’ 40 of existing 3” PE main due to an Idaho Department of 41 Transportation road improvement project. The project 42 includes installation of new 6” PE main along the new 43 Hwy 95 and Pope Rd frontages from Chilco Rd to 44 Remington Rd. The existing 3” PE main will be 45 abandoned. 46 DeFelice, Di 26 Avista Corporation 1 Old Hwy 95 Relocation - $3,001,000 2 Old Hwy 95 relocation project started in Q4, 2011. 3 This consists of the relocation of approximately 4 15,000’ of existing steel high pressure main and 5 approximately 8,300’ of existing PE main. The 6 relocation will be completed by installing a new 6” 7 high pressure main and a new 6” PE main along Old Hwy 8 95 from the vicinity of Hwy 53 to Chilco Rd and 9 abandoning the existing facilities. 10 11 Aldyl A Pipe Replacement - $5,000,000 12 This project is a Washington and Oregon Distribution 13 project in 2012 and 2013. The Company is undertaking 14 a twenty-year program to systematically remove and 15 replace select portions of the DuPont Aldyl A medium 16 density polyethylene pipe in its natural gas 17 distribution system in the States of Washington, 18 Oregon and Idaho. 19 20 Klamath Falls Lateral - $2,500,000 21 This project is an Oregon distribution project, and 22 is not included in Idaho rate base. 23 24 Other Small Natural Gas Distribution Projects - 25 $116,000 26 27 Q. What are the 2013 capital projects that are pro 28 formed in this filing? 29 A. Exhibit No. 11, Schedule 3, Page 2, details the 30 capital projects that will be transferred to plant in 31 service in 2013 and included in this filing. A listing 32 and/or description of the capital projects and their 33 system costs that will transfer to plant in service in 34 2013 and that are included in this filing follows: 35 36 Generation ($26.725 million - system): 37 DeFelice, Di 27 Avista Corporation 1 The electric generation projects that will transfer 2 to plant in service are described in detail in Mr. 3 Lafferty’s direct testimony. A listing of these 4 projects follows: 5 6 Thermal - Colstrip - $10,639,000 7 Thermal – Rathdrum CT - $917,000 8 Hydro - Base Hydro - $800,000 9 Hydro - Regulating Hydro - $2,928,000 10 Hydro - Kettle Falls Capital Projects - $960,000 11 Hydro - Little Falls Powerhouse Redevelopment - 12 $3,939,000 13 Hydro – Nine Mile Redevelopment - $2,602,000 14 Hydro - Clark Fork Implement PME Agreement - 15 $3,453,000 16 Hydro - Spokane River Implementation (PM&E) - 17 $240,000 18 Hydro - Other Small - $247,000 19 20 Electric Transmission ($34.975 million - system): 21 The electric transmission projects that will 22 transfer to plant-in-service are described in 23 detail in Mr. Kinney’s direct testimony. A listing 24 of these projects and system costs follows: 25 26 Reliability Compliance Projects 27 Spokane-CDA 115 kV Line Relay Upgrades - 28 $1,450,000 29 SCADA Replacement - $450,000 30 System-Replace/Install Capacitor Banks - 31 $1,050,000 32 Moscow 230 kV Substation Rebuild - $8,090,000 33 Bronx Cabinet 115 kV Substation Rebuild - 34 $2,500,000 35 Power Transformers - Transmission - $2,065,000 36 Irvin 115kV Switching Station - $1,150,000 37 Opportunity 115kV Switching Station - $1,550,000 38 Opportunity 12F2 - $400,000 39 40 Contractual Required Projects 41 Lancaster 230kV Interconnection - $4,600,000 42 Colstrip Transmission - $463,000 43 Tribal Permits - $332,000 44 45 DeFelice, Di 28 Avista Corporation Reliability Improvement Projects 1 Moscow City-N Lewiston 115kV Reconductor - 2 $2,450,000 3 Burke Thompson A&B 115kV Reconductor - $2,500,000 4 5 Reliability Replacement Transmission Projects 6 Transmission Minor Rebuilds - $2,200,000 7 Power Circuit Breakers - $1,200,000 8 Hatwai 230 kV Breaker Replacement - $215,000 9 Transmission Asset Management Projects - 10 $2,310,000 11 12 Electric Distribution ($52.634 million - system): 13 14 Idaho Distribution Projects 15 The Idaho specific electric distribution projects 16 totaling $16.08 million that will transfer to plant-17 in-service are described in detail in Mr. Kinney’s 18 direct testimony. A listing of these projects 19 follows: 20 21 Wood Pole Management - $3,883,000 22 System Efficiency Feeder Rebuild - $3,163,000 23 PCB Related Distribution Rebuilds - $899,000 24 Power Transformer Distribution - $1,750,000 25 Distribution – Cda East & North - $500,000 26 Distribution – Pullman & Lewis Clark - $500,000 27 System Wood Substation Rebuild - $3,705,000 28 N. Moscow Increase Capacity - $1,680,000 29 30 Idaho Distribution Replacement Projects 31 The Idaho specific Distribution equipment 32 replacements and minor rebuilds projects totaling 33 $5.075 million that will transfer to plant-in-service 34 are described in Mr. Kinney’s direct testimony. A 35 listing of these projects follows: 36 37 Electric Distribution Minor Blanket Projects - 38 $3,235,000 39 Failed Electric Plant Distribution Line Relocation 40 - $1,037,000 41 Distribution Line Relocation - $803,000 42 43 Washington Distribution Projects 44 DeFelice, Di 29 Avista Corporation The following electric distribution projects are 1 specific to the Washington jurisdiction and are 2 directly assigned to that jurisdiction. 3 4 Washington Distribution and Replacement Projects - 5 $23,022,000 6 Feeder Automation Upgrades - $2,501,000 7 Distribution – Spokane North & West - $500,000 8 Millwood Sub Rebuild - $3,000,000 9 Metro feeder upgrade - $498,000 10 Spokane Electric Network Increase Capacity - 11 $1,763,000 12 Pullman Smart Grid Demonstration Project - 13 $195,000 14 15 General ($21.145 million - system): 16 17 Security Initiative - $500,000 18 Primarily for physical security measures at office 19 facilities including the Mission Street Campus and 20 the Back-Up Control Center, substations and 21 generating stations. The major expenditures for 2012 22 and 2013 will be to continue installing an emergency 23 alert system on floors two and one at the Mission 24 Campus. Floors five, four and three have been 25 installed previously. 26 27 Structures and Improvements - $3,400,000 28 This is a group of capital maintenance projects that 29 Facilities Management coordinates at the Spokane 30 Central Operating Facilities and Avista branch 31 facilities - offices and service centers. For 2013, 32 planned projects include: roof replacements, land 33 acquisition for facility expansion, energy efficiency 34 projects, security enhancement projects, asphalt 35 overlays and replacement, construction of new storage 36 buildings, as well as some capital repair projects in 37 existing buildings. 38 39 Office Furniture - $200,000 40 This project is for the capital maintenance, 41 improvements, and furniture for 50 plus Avista 42 Offices and Service Centers (over 700,000 square feet 43 total). 44 45 Stores Equipment - $450,000 46 DeFelice, Di 30 Avista Corporation Equipment utilized in warehouses throughout the 1 service territory. This includes equipment such as 2 forklifts, manlifts, shelving, cutting/binding 3 machines, etc. 4 5 Tools, Lab & Shop Equipment - $1,250,000 6 Expenditures in this category include all large tools 7 and instruments used throughout the Company for gas 8 and/or electric construction and maintenance work, 9 distribution, transmission, or generation operations, 10 telecommunications, and some fleet equipment (hoists, 11 winch, etc) not permanently attached to the vehicle. 12 13 HVAC Renovation Project - $9,500,000 14 The heating, ventilating, and air conditioning 15 systems throughout the Spokane Central Operating 16 Facilities are approximately fifty years old and are 17 in need of replacement. In 2007, the Company 18 initiated a multi-year HVAC renovation project that 19 involves replacing central air handling units and 20 distribution systems in three buildings - the Spokane 21 Service Center, the general office building, and the 22 cafeteria auditorium building. The building envelope 23 of the general office building was also renovated 24 with high efficiency glass and insulation. The 25 project will also achieve asbestos abatement and life 26 safety (fire sprinkler) additions. New controls will 27 also be installed which will enable energy 28 conservation. Present estimates indicate cost 29 savings of approximately $430,000 per year in energy 30 use, a 36% reduction in energy costs once all phases 31 have been completed, currently planned to be 32 completed in 2013. The 2013 project will produce 33 approximately $28,632 per year (system) in reduced 34 energy costs, which have been reflected a reduction 35 to O&M costs. 36 37 Long Term Campus Re-Structuring Plan - $5,000,000 38 The campus restructuring plan is a 2-year, 3 phase 39 plan to address critical parking and office space 40 needs. Avista employees are forced to park on 41 residential streets which sometimes disturbs our 42 neighbors. Moreover, Avista does not meet the 43 current city requirements for handicap and carpool 44 parking spaces. The campus restructuring will create 45 109 additional parking spaces for employees inside of 46 DeFelice, Di 31 Avista Corporation the Avista property. Avista is currently leasing 1 office space for 75 employees that cannot fit into 2 the current facility layout. In 2012, Avista will 3 construct a $4,500,000 - 30,000 sq. ft. contemporary 4 warehouse to replace a warehouse that was designed to 5 meet the needs of a 1950’s utility. In 2013, 6 Facilities will remodel the old warehouse to then 7 accommodate 120 cubicles, meeting rooms, offices and 8 restroom facilities. By remodeling the old 9 warehouse, Avista will make wise use of the square 10 footage and return employees to a central location. 11 The budget for the warehouse renovation is 12 $5,000,000. The 3rd phase of the plan is to construct 13 a 50 space parking lot on the Ross Court property 14 adjacent to the Avista campus. 15 16 WSDOT Highway Preservation/Maintenance of Right of 17 Ways - $250,000 18 In order to operate our electric system within State 19 highway rights-of-way, the Company needs to 20 preserve/maintain right-of-ways. Existing right of 21 ways have expired and Avista must seek new agreements 22 with the State. 23 24 Smart Grid Workforce Training Center - $595,000 25 Avista is partnering with several utilities and 26 colleges in the region to develop a smart grid 27 workforce training program over the next three years. 28 As a result of this partnership Avista will be 29 upgrading the Jack Stewart Training Center with a 30 substation and distribution training facility for 31 smart grid technology, updating Avista training 32 programs for apprentices, journeymen and pre-line 33 school students to incorporate smart grid technology; 34 and developing several online curriculum offerings to 35 be shared by utilities and colleges in Washington, 36 Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Utah. 37 38 Transportation ($6.639 million - system): 39 Transportation Equipment - $6,639,000 40 Expenditures are for the scheduled replacement of 41 trucks, off-road construction equipment and trailers 42 that meet the Company's guidelines for replacement 43 including age, mileage, hours of use and overall 44 condition. This also includes additions to the fleet 45 DeFelice, Di 32 Avista Corporation for new positions or crews working to support the 1 maintenance and construction of our electric and 2 natural gas operations. 3 4 Technology ($27.950 million - system): 5 6 Information Technology Refresh Blanket - $9,974,000 7 A program to replace obsolete technology according to 8 Avista’s refresh cycles that are generally driven by 9 hardware/software manufacturer and industry trends to 10 maintain business operations. 11 12 Information Technology Expansion Blanket - $6,863,000 13 A program to deliver technology associated with 14 expansion of existing solutions. This includes 15 technology expansion for the entire workforce, 16 business process automation and increases in 17 technology to support efficient business processes. 18 19 Enterprise Business Continuity - $482,000 20 Avista has developed an Enterprise Business 21 Continuity Plan (EBCP) to facilitate emergency 22 response and business continuity activities in 23 fulfillment of our mission. The program supports the 24 Enterprise Business Continuity objectives by 25 providing a framework for emergency response, 26 technology recovery, alternate facilities and 27 business continuity activities. The program provides 28 communications, escalation and operational procedures 29 necessary for efficient response to events. Support 30 of the Enterprise Business Continuity Plan mitigates 31 risk and minimizes the impact on the shareholders, 32 customers, employees, and the community during and 33 following an incident requiring activation of the 34 EBCP. Through the development and maintenance of 35 standardized mission critical plans and comprehensive 36 alternate facilities planning, exercises and testing, 37 the response, recovery and restoration efforts are 38 synchronized, which in turn, lowers the risk of 39 direct, indirect, tangible or intangible losses. 40 Through on-going development, maintenance, review, 41 and testing of the critical alternate operating 42 procedures in support of critical business processes, 43 process and procedure gaps are identified. This 44 process will ensure the readiness of systems, 45 procedures, processes, and people during emergency 46 DeFelice, Di 33 Avista Corporation operations and provide an environment of constant 1 improvement. 2 3 IT for Facilities Projects - $430,000 4 This project if for the additional technology 5 required to support remodeling or other facility 6 work. The IT Facilities Projects include the 7 following: Second Floor Conference Room Remodel, 8 Coeur d’Alene CPC Remodel, CSS Facility Project, 9 Fleet Services Audio Visual Equipment Installation, 10 IT for CIS/EAM Project Workspace and Steam Plant 11 Facility Cubicle Additions. 12 Technology Projects Minor Blanket - $560,000 13 This item is intended to be used for small technology 14 projects. These projects are small items that 15 provide for improvements in how Avista provides 16 services to our customers. Examples of project 17 approved under this program are adding new features 18 and functions to the Claims system, adding an 19 additional module to the Rate Software product, 20 adding additional software for Apprentice Craft 21 training and adding additional features to the 22 Contract Management system. 23 24 Microwave Replacement Project - $1,523,000 25 The project is designed to replace the aging and no 26 longer supported microwave equipment with a supported 27 technology. These systems support the communication 28 for protection and relaying of the electrical 29 transmission systems that allow the reliable delivery 30 of electricity throughout our service territory. 31 32 Next Generation Radio - $7,593,000 33 This project is refreshing Avista’s 20 year old Land 34 Mobile Radio (LMR) system that is used for critical 35 crew communications during outage restoration and 36 daily operations of maintaining the electric and gas 37 distribution and transmission systems. Avista 38 continues to maintain a private Land Mobile Radio 39 system because the offerings available from public 40 providers cannot provide communication throughout our 41 rural service territory and as a portion of our 42 nation’s critical infrastructure it is imperative 43 that Avista have a communication system that will 44 operate in the event of a disaster to help safeguard 45 DeFelice, Di 34 Avista Corporation the general public. The driver for this project is a 1 mandate from the Federal Communications Commission 2 (FCC). The FCC has, through Rule Making and Order 3 no. RM-9332 release date December 23, 2004, ruled 4 that all licensees in the Industrial/Business Radio 5 Pool operating in the 150-174 MHz and 421-512 MHz 6 bands migrate to spectrum efficient narrowband 7 technology. Failure to act would result in violation 8 of the FCC Narrow banding mandate (Rule 9332) as 9 quoted from the order "Operation in violation of the 10 Commission's rules may subject licensees to 11 appropriate enforcement action, including 12 admonishments, license revocation, and/or monetary 13 forfeitures of up to $16,000 for each such violation 14 or each day of a continuing violation and up to 15 $112,500 for any single act or failure to act." 16 17 DIMP Infrastructure - $525,000 18 This project is for adding functionality to the Gas 19 Compliance Application to meet the mandated 20 requirements of the Distribution Integrity Management 21 Program (DIMP). 22 23 Jackson Prairie Storage ($1.000 million - system): 24 Jackson Prairie Storage Project - $1,000,000 25 These projects include various capital improvements 26 that Avista and its partners will complete at Jackson 27 Prairie facility in 2013. 28 29 Natural Gas Distribution ($23.202 million - system): 30 Gas Reinforce – Minor Blanket - $800,000 31 This annual project will reinforce portions of the 32 existing gas system to ensure continued reliable 33 service during a design day for areas that have had 34 low pressure problems due to increased growth and/or 35 system demand. This project will identify and 36 install new sections of gas main to improve the 37 operating reliability and performance of the gas 38 distribution system. Execution of this program on an 39 annual basis will ensure the continuation of reliable 40 gas service that is of adequate pressure and 41 capacity. 42 43 DeFelice, Di 35 Avista Corporation Replace Deteriorated Pipe - $800,000 1 This annual project will replace sections of existing 2 natural gas piping that are suspect for failure or 3 have deteriorated within the natural gas system. 4 This project will address the replacement of sections 5 of natural gas main that no longer operate reliably 6 and/or safely. Sections of the natural gas system 7 require replacement due to many factors including 8 material failures, environmental impact, increase 9 leak frequency, or coating problems. This project 10 will identify and replace sections of main to improve 11 public safety and system reliability. 12 13 Regulator Station Reliability Projects - $400,000 14 This annual project upgraded or replaced various 15 regulator stations within the natural gas 16 distribution system improving station reliability and 17 reducing operation and maintenance costs. Existing 18 stations required upgrade due to many factors such as 19 replacement of obsolete equipment and improvement in 20 regulation technology. 21 22 Natural Gas Replacement Street/Highways - $2,250,000 23 This annual project will replace sections of existing 24 natural gas piping that require replacement due to 25 relocation or improvement of streets or highways in 26 areas where natural gas piping is installed. Avista 27 installs many of its facilities in public right-of-28 way under established franchise agreements. Avista 29 is required under the franchise agreements, in most 30 cases, to relocate its facilities when they are in 31 conflict with road or highway improvements. 32 33 Cathodic Protection Projects - $500,000 34 This annual project upgraded, replaced, or installed 35 cathodic protection systems required to ensure 36 compliance with PHMSA regulations regarding proper 37 cathodic protection of steel mains. 38 39 Gas Distribution Non-Revenue Blanket - $4,782,000 40 This annual project will replace sections of existing 41 natural gas piping that require replacement to 42 improve the operation of the natural gas system but 43 are not linked to new revenue. The project includes 44 improvements in equipment and/or technology to 45 improve system operation and/or maintenance, 46 DeFelice, Di 36 Avista Corporation replacement of obsolete facilities, replacement of 1 main to improve cathodic performance, and projects to 2 improve public safety and/or improve system 3 reliability. 4 5 Isolated Steel Replacement - $2,818,000 6 The Company is implementing a special cathodic 7 protection program for the purpose of finding and 8 addressing isolated steel in its natural gas piping 9 systems. 10 11 Over Built Pipe Replacement Blanket - $500,000 12 This annual project will replace sections of existing 13 gas piping that have experienced encroachment or have 14 been overbuilt. It will address the replacement of 15 sections of gas main that no longer can be operated 16 safely and will identify and replace sections of main 17 to improve public safety. All types of overbuilds 18 will be addressed with the primary focus of the 19 project being overbuilds in manufactured home 20 developments. 21 22 Reinforce - Chase Rd Gate Station in Post Falls, 23 Idaho - $2,102,000 24 This project consists of reinforcing the Rathdrum 25 and greater Coeur d'Alene area by installing a new 26 gate station near Chase Rd and extending high 27 pressure main to reinforce the existing Rathdrum/CDA 28 high pressure distribution system. Reinforcement of 29 the system is required to continue to provide 30 reliable service to the Rathdrum and greater CDA 31 area. Additionally, the addition of the new gate 32 station will provide for future growth within the 33 area around Chase Rd., Post Falls ID. 34 35 Aldyl A Pipe Replacement - $8,250,000 36 This project is a Washington and Oregon Distribution 37 project in 2012 and 2013. The Company is undertaking 38 a twenty-year program to systematically remove and 39 replace select portions of the DuPont Aldyl-A medium 40 density polyethylene pipe in its natural gas 41 distribution system in the States of Washington, 42 Oregon and Idaho. 43 44 DeFelice, Di 37 Avista Corporation IV. SUMMARY OF ADJUSTMENTS 1 Q. What was the net impact to electric rate base 2 for the capital adjustments pro formed in this case? 3 A. Idaho Electric net rate base for capital 4 investment increased $31,750,000, from 2011 AMA basis of 5 $601,146,000 to 2013 AMA basis of $632,896,000. Table 2 6 below summarizes the adjustments included in the case. 7 Table 2 8 9 Q. What was the net impact to natural gas rate base 10 for the capital adjustments pro formed in this case? 11 A. Idaho Natural gas net rate base for capital 12 investment increased $2,899,000, from 2011 AMA Basis of 13 $100,371,000 to 2013 AMA Basis of $103,270,000. Table 3 14 below summarizes the adjustments included in the case. 15 ($000's)Adjustment 1 Rate Base 2011 AMA Adjust 2011 to EOP Basis Rate Base 12/31/11 EOP Adjust 12/31/11 Vintage to 12/31/12 EOP 2012 Capital Additions to 12/31/12 EOP Adjust 12/31/11 Vintage to 2013 AMA 2012 Capital Additions to 2013 AMA 2013 Capital Additions to 2013 AMA Pro Formed Rate Base 2013 AMA Plant 1,084,252$ 21,703$ 1,105,955$ -$ 56,962$ -$ -$ 21,143$ 1,184,060$ A/D (374,808) (8,832) (383,640) (30,945) (1,193) (15,710) (1,651) (477) (433,616) DFIT (108,298) (3,407) (111,705) (2,988) (1,132) (489) (778) (456) (117,548) Rate Base 601,146$ 9,464$ 610,610$ (33,933)$ 54,637$ (16,199)$ (2,429)$ 20,210$ 632,896$ Adjustment 2 Adjustment 3 DeFelice, Di 38 Avista Corporation Table 3 1 2 Q. What was the approach to computing the pro forma 3 adjustments for investment in capital projects? 4 A. The Company used the same general approach that 5 was used in the two previous general rate cases. Company 6 witness Ms. Andrews includes the following four 7 adjustments: 8 2011 Capital Adjustment - Adjusts the 2011 historical 9 period rate base stated on an AMA basis to an EOP basis. 10 The revenue-producing distribution plant for the 2011 11 capital additions was not adjusted to EOP, to maintain the 12 matching of revenues and costs associated with these 13 assets. 14 2012 Capital Adjustment - First, the plant that was 15 in service at December 31, 2011, was depreciated through 16 2012, adjusting accumulated depreciation and DFIT to a 17 December 31, 2012 EOP basis. Second, 2012 capital 18 ($000's)Adjustment 1 Rate Base 2011 AMA Adjust 2011 to EOP Basis Rate Base 12/31/11 EOP Adjust 12/31/11 Vintage to 12/31/12 EOP 2012 Capital Additions to 12/31/12 EOP Adjust 12/31/11 Vintage to 2013 AMA 2012 Capital Additions to 2013 AMA 2013 Capital Additions to 2013 AMA Pro Formed Rate Base 2013 AMA Plant 179,866$ 2,142$ 182,008$ -$ 11,285$ -$ -$ 2,596$ 195,889$ A/D (57,914) (1,963) (59,877) (5,325) (252) (2,902) (382) (86) (68,824) DFIT (21,581) (420) (22,001) (1,018) (241) (256) (187) (92) (23,795) Rate Base 100,371$ (241)$ 100,130$ (6,343)$ 10,792$ (3,158)$ (569)$ 2,418$ 103,270$ Adjustment 2 Adjustment 3 DeFelice, Di 39 Avista Corporation additions, excluding the revenue-producing distribution 1 plant was pro formed on a December 31, 2012 EOP basis. 2 2013 Capital Adjustment - First, the plant that was 3 in service at December 31, 2011, was depreciated through 4 2013, adjusting accumulated depreciation and DFIT to a 5 2013 AMA basis. Second, the 2012 pro formed capital 6 additions were depreciated through 2013, adjusting 7 accumulated depreciation and DFIT to a 2013 AMA basis. 8 Third, 2013 capital additions, excluding the revenue-9 producing distribution plant were pro formed on a 2013 AMA 10 basis. 11 Q. What other impact does the 2012 and 2013 capital 12 additions have in this case in addition to the rate base 13 impact? 14 A. Depreciation expense has been computed for the 15 2012 and 2013 plant vintages for the pro forma rate year 16 on an AMA basis for 2013. 17 Q. How were the offsets determined for the pro 18 formed plant investment? 19 A. Each capital addition was analyzed to determine 20 any offsets (e.g. reduced O&M costs, reduced load losses, 21 etc.). Maintenance records were reviewed to determine 22 whether any specific maintenance costs were incurred in 23 DeFelice, Di 40 Avista Corporation the test period that would be reduced or eliminated by the 1 investment at the facility. For transmission projects, 2 analyses were conducted to determine the amount of 3 potential load loss savings that would be achieved. Those 4 costs were quantified and included as a reduction to O&M 5 costs in the O&M Savings restating adjustment included by 6 Ms. Andrews in the revenue requirement. 7 In addition, the output from generation assets is 8 included in the Aurora power cost model. Therefore, to 9 the extent that the additional investments serve to either 10 preserve or increase generation from the generation 11 projects, the benefits are reflected in the Aurora model. 12 Q. What is the rationale behind the removal of 13 capital expenditures for connecting new customers? 14 A. The pro forma capital expenditures for 2012 and 15 2013 that the Company included in this filing excludes 16 distribution related capital expenditures made that are 17 associated with connecting new customers to the Company’s 18 system. The Company recognizes the fact that new 19 customers provide incremental revenue that helps offset 20 the revenue requirements of the distribution related 21 capital additions that the Company incurs to provide 22 service to those customers. The adjustments discussed 23 DeFelice, Di 41 Avista Corporation above completely eliminated the AMA 2011, the EOP 2012, 1 and the AMA 2013 capital activity related to new customer 2 connections in order to avoid an unintended mismatch of 3 revenues exceeding the cost to serve customers. 4 5 V. DEPRECIAITON STUDY 6 Q. Why did Avista have a depreciation study 7 performed? 8 A. Avista hired Gannett Fleming, Inc. to undertake 9 a depreciation study of its depreciable electric, gas and 10 common plant in service as of December 31, 20106 for plant 11 excluding transportation vehicles, and for transportation 12 vehicles as of December 31, 2011. The Summary of the 13 study is included as Exhibit 11, Schedules 5 and 6. The 14 objective of this assignment was to recommend depreciation 15 rates to be utilized by Avista for accounting and 16 ratemaking purposes. Also, it is sound accounting 17 practice to periodically update depreciation rates to 18 recognize additions to investment in plant assets and to 19 reflect changes in asset characteristics, technology, 20 salvage, removal costs, life span estimates and other 21 6 The studies were completed by Gannett Fleming, Inc. in 2012. The Company used the depreciation rates from these studies and applied them to the plant balances at June 30, 2012, to compute the deprecation study impact. DeFelice, Di 42 Avista Corporation factors that impact depreciation rate calculations. The 1 Company last changed its depreciation rates in Idaho 2 effective January 1, 2008, in accordance with Order No. 3 30498 dated February 6, 2008, issued in Case Nos. AVU-E-4 07-11 and AVU-G-07-03. The depreciation rates approved by 5 the Commission were developed from a study based on 6 depreciable plant balances at December 31, 2006. The 7 Company typically conducts depreciation studies at 8 approximately five-year intervals. 9 Q. What is the main purpose of a depreciation 10 study? 11 A. The objective of the study was to arrive at 12 depreciation rates to be utilized by Avista for accounting 13 and ratemaking purposes. The annual accrual rates 14 proposed in this filing were calculated in accordance with 15 the straight-line method of depreciation, using the 16 average service life procedures and the remaining life 17 basis, based on estimates which reflect considerations of 18 historical evidence and expected future conditions. 19 Q. Why is depreciation especially important to a 20 utility? 21 A. An electric and natural gas utility is very 22 capital intensive; that is, it requires a tremendous 23 DeFelice, Di 43 Avista Corporation investment in generation, transmission and distribution 1 equipment, with long lives, in order to provide service to 2 customers. Thus, the annual depreciation of this 3 equipment is a major item of expense to the utility. 4 Regulated prices are expected to allow the utility to 5 fully recover its operating costs, earn a fair return on 6 its investment and equitably distribute the cost of the 7 assets to the customers who are receiving service from 8 these facilities. If depreciation rates are established 9 at an unreasonable low or high level for ratemaking 10 purposes, the utility will either over or under recover 11 its operating costs in the appropriate period, which will 12 shift either costs or benefits from current customers to 13 future customers. 14 Q. Please explain the concept of depreciation. 15 A. There are several definitions of depreciation. 16 The following definition is referenced from the American 17 Institute of Certified Public Accountants7: 18 Depreciation accounting is a system of 19 accounting which aims to distribute 20 the cost or other basic value of 21 tangible capital assets, less salvage 22 (if any), over the estimated useful 23 life of the unit (which may be a group 24 7 American Institute of Certified Public Accountants by the Committee on Terminology, “Accounting Terminology Bulletin,” Review and Resume Number 1(1953). DeFelice, Di 44 Avista Corporation of assets) in a systematic and 1 rational manner. It is a process of 2 allocation, not of valuation. 3 Depreciation for the year is the 4 portion of the total charge under such 5 a system that is allocated to the 6 year. Although the allocation may 7 properly take into account occurrences 8 during the year, it is not intended to 9 be a measurement of the effect of all 10 such occurrences. 11 12 The actual payment for utility plant assets occurs in 13 the period in which it is acquired through purchase or 14 construction. Depreciation accounting spreads this cost 15 over the useful life of the property. The fundamental 16 reason for recording depreciation is to provide for 17 accurate measurement of a utility’s results of operations. 18 Capital investments in the buildings, plant, and equipment 19 necessary to provide natural gas and electric service are 20 essentially a prepaid expense, and annual depreciation is 21 the part of those expenses applicable to each successive 22 accounting period over the service life of the property. 23 Annual depreciation is an important and essential factor 24 in informing investors and others of a company’s periodic 25 income. If it is omitted or distorted, a company’s 26 periodic income statement is distorted and would not meet 27 required accounting and reporting standards. 28 DeFelice, Di 45 Avista Corporation Q. What other key terms are used in the 1 depreciation study? 2 A. These definitions are as follows: 3 Service Value – The difference between original cost and 4 net salvage of utility plant. 5 Net Salvage – The salvage value of property retired less 6 the cost of removal. 7 Salvage Value – The amount received for property that 8 has been retired, less any cost incurred in connection 9 with the sale or in preparing the property for sale; or, 10 if retained, the amount at which the material 11 recoverable is chargeable to materials and supplies 12 (inventory), or other appropriate account. 13 Cost of Removal – The cost of demolishing, dismantling, 14 tearing down or otherwise removing utility plant, 15 including the cost of transportation and handling 16 incidental thereto. 17 Service Life – The time between the date utility plant 18 is includible in utility plant in service and the date 19 of its retirement. 20 STUDY RESULTS AND DETAILS 21 Q. Please summarize the phases and methods used in 22 the depreciation study? 23 DeFelice, Di 46 Avista Corporation A. The study consisted of the following phases: 1 Phase One estimates the service life and net salvage 2 characteristics for each depreciable group. This was done 3 by compiling historical plant data and analyzing it to 4 determine historical trends of survivor and net salvage 5 characteristics. This phase also involves obtaining 6 additional information from the Company’s personnel 7 relating to operations of the plant and making judgments 8 of average service life and net salvage characteristics. 9 Phase Two calculates the composite remaining lives 10 and annual depreciation accrual rates. This phase was done 11 by using the straight-line remaining life method, using 12 remaining lives weighted consistent with the average 13 service life procedure. 14 Q. What were the changes in electric depreciation 15 rates that were recommended as a result of the study? 16 A. Following is a table that shows the system 17 existing rates and the recommended rates: 18 Depreciation Rates 19 Existing % Recommended % 20 Functional Electric Group 21 Steam Production Plant 2.74 1.93 22 Hydraulic Production Plant 2.14 1.83 23 Other Production Plant 3.01 3.08 24 Transmission Plant 2.05 1.82 25 Distribution Plant 2.71 2.91 26 General Plant 7.12 7.20 27 Transportation Vehicles 2.86 8.92 28 29 DeFelice, Di 47 Avista Corporation Q. What does that represent in terms of a 1 percentage change in depreciation expense? 2 A. By utilizing the new rates recommended in the 3 study and applying them to system plant (excluding 4 transportation vehicles) balances for the twelve-months-5 ended June 30, 2012, Idaho electric’s portion of 6 depreciation expense increased by approximately .11%. 7 Q. Would you summarize the findings and 8 recommendations of the depreciation study using the 9 functional groups listed above? 10 A. Yes. The composite rate for electric property 11 excluding transportation vehicles under the study changed 12 from 2.60% to 2.43%. As a group, average service life 13 changes were mostly increases and Net salvage increased. 14 Idaho electric depreciation expense increased a net 15 of $475,351 primarily due to increased expense of $439,156 16 for Transportation Vehicles. Also, the increase in expense 17 of $1,849,642 for distribution plant, decreased expense of 18 $1,374,479 for generation plant and decrease of $405,633 19 for transmission plant contributed to the overall 20 increase. For generation plant, Steam Production Plant 21 depreciation expense decreased due to minor changes in net 22 salvage and estimated service lives, resulting in an 23 DeFelice, Di 48 Avista Corporation increase in the remaining service life. Hydraulic 1 Production Plant expense decreased primarily due to the 2 Noxon Rapids facility, which saw increased levels of 3 negative net salvage offset by increased expected service 4 lives. Other Production Plant expense increased primarily 5 due to the Coyote Springs facility, which saw a decrease 6 in service lives, as well as, an increase in negative net 7 salvage. Transmission Plant Expense decreased due to 8 increased service lives. Details of the average service 9 life and net salvage by FERC account are listed in Exhibit 10 11, Schedule 4. The increase in the transportation equipment rate 12 from 2.86% to 8.92% is mostly due to the fact that it has 13 been more than 20 years since the depreciation rates on 14 mileage-based transportation vehicles has been reviewed. 15 Also, when reviewing the Company’s historical mileage-16 based rates, the consultant categorized the equipment into 17 new groups for analysis purposes, and for purposes of 18 using a straight-line method. When the equipment was 19 analyzed in these new groups, it appeared that the Company 20 was depreciating transportation vehicles at a slower rate 21 than the peer utilities included in the analysis and 22 therefore, the rate was adjusted. 23 DeFelice, Di 49 Avista Corporation Q. What were the changes in natural gas 1 depreciation rates that were recommended as a result of 2 the study? 3 A. Following is a table that shows the system 4 existing rates and the recommended rates: 5 Depreciation Rates 6 Existing % Recommended % 7 Functional Gas Group 8 Underground Storage Plant 1.83 1.53 9 Distribution Plant 2.35 2.48 10 General Plant 4.70 4.52 11 Transportation Vehicles 2.86 8.92 12 13 Q. What does that represent in terms of a 14 percentage change in depreciation expense? 15 A. By utilizing the new rates recommended in the 16 study and applying them to system plant balances 17 (excluding transportation vehicles) for the twelve months 18 ended June 30, 2012, Idaho natural gas depreciation 19 expense increased by approximately .96%. 20 Q. Would you summarize the findings and 21 recommendations of the depreciation study for natural gas 22 plant? 23 A. Yes. The composite rate for natural gas 24 property under the study changed from 2.37% to 2.63%. As 25 a group, average service life changes were mostly 26 decreases. Net salvage changes were mostly decreases due 27 DeFelice, Di 50 Avista Corporation to increased levels of cost of removal. Idaho natural gas 1 depreciation expense increased $478,513 primarily due to 2 increased expense of $235,199 for distribution plant and 3 increased expense of $162,201 for transportation vehicles. 4 Q. Is the Company proposing to change the 5 depreciation methodology for any of its assets categories? 6 A. Yes. The Company is proposing to switch the 7 depreciation method applicable to specific classes of 8 transportation equipment from mileage-based depreciation 9 rates to straight-line depreciation rates. The Company is 10 proposing to do this for several reasons. The prior 11 depreciation studies and depreciation rate modifications 12 have not included changes to the mileage-based 13 depreciation rates applicable to certain transportation 14 equipment. It has been many years since the depreciation 15 rates for certain transportation assets have been studied 16 and they need to be updated. According to the 17 depreciation consultant, straight-line depreciation for 18 transportation equipment is the standard method being used 19 by other utilities. Moreover, Avista installed a new 20 computer software system in July 2012, to calculate 21 depreciation, and the new software is not designed to use 22 mileage-based depreciation rates. Modifying the software 23 DeFelice, Di 51 Avista Corporation to accommodate mileage-based depreciation rates would 1 increase internal costs and inefficiencies. The Company has included depreciation rates for 3 transportation vehicles in Exhibit 11, Schedule 6. The 4 Company accounts for transportation depreciation expense 5 by allocating the overall costs to capital and to expense 6 through a pooling process based on the actual usage of the 7 vehicle on specific projects. The Idaho electric share of 8 the depreciation expense increase is $439,156 and the 9 Idaho natural gas increase is 162,202. The Idaho electric 10 capital increase is $619,830 and the Idaho natural gas 11 capital increase is $124,776, as shown in Exhibit11, 12 Schedule 4. Q. Is the Company proposing a depreciation rate 14 change to a new type of asset? 15 A. Yes. The Company is in the process of converting 16 to a new customer service information system (CIS). The 17 first phase of the CIS system is planned to go into 18 service in 2013. Typically, new software added to the 19 Company’s books has a life of 5 years. However, due to 20 the dollar magnitude of this project, spanning over 21 several years and over several areas of the Company, a 22 revised rate that is similar to the trend with other 23 DeFelice, Di 52 Avista Corporation utilities undergoing the same type of system, has been 1 recommended by the Company’s consultant. The Company 2 requests that the Commission approve a depreciable life of 3 15 years for the new system, with a depreciation rate of 4 6.6 percent. These types of assets are generally 5 amortized over their useful life which, in this case is 6 best represented by 15 years. This is discussed in the 7 study performed by Gannett Fleming, Inc, provided in 8 Exhibit 11, Schedule 6. 9 Q. Is it important to maintain uniform depreciation 10 rates on common plant by the Company’s three 11 jurisdictions? 12 A. Yes. Avista has made a similar depreciation 13 filing with the Washington Utilities and Transportation 14 Commission and the Public Utility Commission of Oregon. 15 It is important that the Company maintain uniform plant 16 accounts and depreciation rates on common plant that gets 17 allocated to the various services and jurisdictions in 18 which the Company operates. In the event different 19 depreciation rates or methods were to be ordered, it would 20 result in multiple sets of depreciation accounts and 21 records that would need to be adjusted annually for 22 changes in allocation factors, which would impose a costly 23 DeFelice, Di 53 Avista Corporation administrative burden on the Company and unnecessary 1 expense for the Company’s ratepayers. 2 Q. What is the impact of the proposed changes in 3 depreciation rates? 4 A. The Pro Forma Depreciation Adjustment reflects 5 an increase in electric depreciation expense due to the 6 utilization of new depreciation rates that were the result 7 of the detailed depreciation study performed by Gannett 8 Fleming, Inc., explained earlier. The effect of this 9 adjustment is to decrease Idaho electric operating income 10 before federal income tax by $475,351. The same 11 adjustment for natural gas operations is to decrease Idaho 12 operating income before federal income tax by $478,512. 13 These amounts are calculated on Exhibit 11, Schedule 4 14 (Depreciation Study – EOP Adjustment Summary). 15 16 VI. CONCLUSION 17 Q. What is the impact of the restating and pro 18 forma capital investment adjustments? 19 A. The proposed adjustments will result in a closer 20 matching of revenues to cost of service at the time new 21 rates go into effect at the conclusion of this general 22 rate proceeding. Without the proposed adjustments, the 23 DeFelice, Di 54 Avista Corporation Company will not have the opportunity to earn its allowed 1 rate of return on investment during the rate year. 2 Q. Does this conclude your pre-filed direct 3 testimony? 4 A. Yes, it does. 5 DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVID.MEYER@AVISTACORP.COM BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. AVU-E-12-08 OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE ) CASE NO. AVU-G-12-07 AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND ) NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC ) WORKPAPERS AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE ) OF STATE OF IDAHO ) DAVE B. DEFELICE ) FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) Capital Expenditures $0 $50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 2005** 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 (i n m i l l i o n s ) Electric T&D Other ET Growth Generation Gas Environmental 230 kV Project $250 Planned $132 $158 $198 $205 ** 2005 excludes $57.5 for the purchase of the second half of Coyote Springs 2 and $17.8 for the office building purchase. $207 $257 $247 $200 $252 $220 $258 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 1, Page 1 of 1 $120.00 Handy Whitman Cost Index   Transmission Substations $100.00  $80.00  $60.00  $40.00  $20.00  $0.00  1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Structures & Improvements (FERC Acct. 352)Station Equip. (FERC Acct. 353) Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 2, Page 1 of 4 $90.00  $100.00 Handy Whitman Cost Index Transmission Equipment ‐Accts 354, 355 & 356 $70 00 $80.00  $60.00  $70.00  $40.00  $50.00  $ $30.00  $10.00  $20.00  $0.00  1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Towers & Fixtures (FERC Acct. 354)Poles & Fixtures (FERC Acct. 355)OH Conductors (FERC Acct. 356) Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 2, Page 2 of 4 $90.00  $100.00 Handy Whitman Cost Index Transmission Equipment ‐Accts 354, 355 & 356 $70 00 $80.00  $60.00  $70.00  $40.00  $50.00  $ $30.00  $10.00  $20.00  $0.00  1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Towers & Fixtures (FERC Acct. 354)Poles & Fixtures (FERC Acct. 355)OH Conductors (FERC Acct. 356) Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 2, Page 3 of 4 $40.00  $50.00  $60.00  $70.00  $80.00  $90.00  $100.00 Handy Whitman Cost Index Distribution Equipment ‐Accts 364, 365 & 368 $0.00  $10.00  $20.00  $30.00  1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Poles (FERC Acct. 364)OH Conductors (FERC Acct. 365)OH Line Transformers (FERC Acct. 368) Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 2, Page 4 of 4 Avista 2012 Capital Additions Detail (System) $ (000's)$ (000's) Generation:General: Thermal - Coyote Springs Capital Projects 4,030 Security Initiative 500 Thermal - Coyote Springs LTSA Cash Accrual 5,100 Structures & Improvements 5,757 Thermal - Colstrip 3,154 Office Furniture 520 Hydro - Noxon Rapids Unit 4 Runner Upgrade 8,300 Stores Equip 450 Hydro - Base Hydro 1,440 Tools Lab & Shop Equipment 1,250 Hydro - Regulating Hydro 2,081 COF HVAC Improvement 4,300 Thermal - Kettle Falls Capital Projects 4,245 Dollar Rd land purchase & facility expansion 2,500 Hydro - Little Falls Powerhouse Redevelopment 600 Long-term Campus Re-Structuring Plan 4,500 Hydro - Post Falls Intake Gate Replacement 4,688 WSDOT Highway Franchise Consolidation 250 Hydro - Clark Fork Implement PME Agreement 3,339 20,027 Hydro - Spokane River Implementation (PM&E) 2,805 Other Small 321 Transportation: 40,103 Transportation Equipment 11,293 Electric Transmission: Technology: Spokane/CDA relay upgrade 900 Information Technology Refresh Blanket 9,974 SCADA Replacement 1,310 Information Technology Expansion Blanket 6,863 System Replace/Install Capacitor Bank 2,000 Enterprise Business Continuity 496 Bronx-Cabinet 115 kV rebuild/reconductor 2,500 IT for Facilities projects 430 Power Transformers - Transmission 952 Technology Projects Minor Blanket 560 Thornton 230 kV Switching Station 4,350 Moducom Replacement (RTCCS) 3,805 Colstrip Transmission 410 Microwave Replacement with Fiber 664 Tribal Permits 325 DIMP Infrastructure 290 Moscow city-N Lewiston 115 kV Reconductor 2,500 Next Generation Radio 14,125 Burke-Thompson A&B 115 kV Reconductor 2,500 High Voltage Protection Upgrade 2,147 Millwood 115 kV Substation Rebuild 2,000 39,354 Noxon-Hot Springs 230 kV Line Re-route 500 Transmission Minor Rebuilds 2,370 Gas Storage: Power Circuit Breakers 1,200 Jackson Prairie Storage 630 Hatwai 230 kV Breaker Replacement 614 Asset Management Replacement 3,479 Natural Gas Distribution: Other Small 250 Gas Reinforce-Minor Blanket 975 28,160 Replace Deteriorating Gas System 800 Regulator Reliable - Blanket 400 Electric Distribution:Gas Replace-St&Hwy 2,200 Wood Pole Management 13,025 Cathodic Protection-Minor Blanket 1,000 System Efficiency Feeder Rebuilds - WA 7,371 Gas Distribution Non-Revenue Blanket 4,571 PCB Related Distribution Rebuilds 3,812 Isolated Steel Replacement 1,700 Distribution Spokane North and West - WA 1,910 Aldyl-A Pipe Replacement 5,000 System Dist Reliability Improve worst feeders 1,950 Overbuilt Pipe Replacement Blanket 500 Millwood Sub Rebuild - WA 1,000 Gas Telemetry 650 Power Transformers - Distribution 1,450 Replacement - 6" PE (Idaho) 1,250 Pullman (Turner) Substation Rebuild - WA 609 Old Hwy 95 Relocation (Idaho) 3,001 Metro feeder upgrade - WA 502 Klamath Falls Lateral (Oregon) 2,500 Wood Substation Rebuild – Orin, WA 300 Other Small 116 Elect Distribution Minor Blanket 8,300 24,663 Failed Electric Plant 2,200 Distribution Line Relocation 1,900 Total Non-Revenue Capital 229,353 Electric Underground Replacement 1,792 Spokane Electric Network Increase Capacity -WA 1,650 Growth/Revenue - Producing 30,789 Spokane Smart Circuit - WA 5,400Pullman Smart Grid Demonstration Project - WA 6,300 Total Capital Additions in 2012 260,142 Smart Grid Workforce Training Center - WA 1,105 Blue Creek 115 kV Rebuild - ID 1,905 Distribution - Pullman & Lewis Clark - ID 650 Distribution - Cda East & North - ID 855 10 & Stewart Dx Int - ID 250 Other Small 887 65,123 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 3, Page 1 of 2 Avista 2013 Capital Additions Detail (System) $ (000's)$ (000's) Generation:General: Thermal - Colstrip 10,639 Security Initiative 500 Thermal – Rathdrum CT 917 Structures & Improvements 3,400 Hydro - Base Hydro 800 Office Furniture 200 Hydro - Regulating Hydro 2,928 Stores Equip 450 Hydro - Kettle Falls Capital Projects 960 Tools Lab & Shop Equipment 1,250 Hydro - Little Falls Powerhouse Redevelopment 3,939 COF HVAC Improvements 9,500 Hydro – Nine Mile Redevelopment 2,602 Long-term Campus Re-Structuring Plan 5,000 Hydro - Clark Fork Implement PME Agreement 3,453 WSDOT Highway Franchise Consolidation 250 Hydro - Spokane River Implementation (PM&E) 240 Smart Grid Workforce Training Center 595 Hydro - Other Small 247 21,145 26,725 Transportation: Electric Transmission:Transportation Equipment 6,639 Spokane/CDA relay upgrade 1,450 SCADA Replacement 450 Technology: System Replace/Install Capacitor Bank 1,050 Information Technology Refresh Blanket 9,974 Moscow 230 kV Substation Rebuild 8,090 Information Technology Expansion Blanket 6,863 Bronx-Cabinet 115 kV rebuild/reconductor 2,500 Enterprise Business Continuity 482 Power Transformers - Transmission 2,065 IT for Facilities projects 430 Irvin 115kV Switching Station 1,150 Technology Projects Minor Blanket 560 Opportunity 115 kV Switching Station 1,550 Microwave Replacement with Fiber 1,523 Opportunity 12F2 400 Next Generation Radio 7,593 Lancaster 230 kV Interconnection 4,600 High Voltage Protection Upgrade 525 Colstrip Transmission 463 27,950 Tribal Permits 332 Moscow city-N Lewiston 115 kV Reconductor 2,450 Gas Storage: Burke-Thompson A&B 115 kV Reconductor 2,500 Jackson Prairie Storage 1,000 Transmission Minor Rebuilds 2,200 Power Circuit Breakers 1,200 Natural Gas Distribution: Hatwai 230 kV Breaker Replacement 215 Gas Reinforce-Minor Blanket 800 Asset Management Replacement 2,310 Replace Deteriorating Gas System 800 34,975 Regulator Reliable - Blanket 400 Gas Replace-St&Hwy 2,250 Electric Distribution:Cathodic Protection-Minor Blanket 500 Wood Pole Management 12,016 Gas Distribution Non-Revenue Blanket 4,782 System Efficiency Feeder Rebuilds 8,001 Isolated Steel Replacement 2,818 PCB Related Distribution Rebuilds 2,925 Aldyl-A Pipe Replacement 8,250 Feeder Automation Upgrades - WA 2,501 Overbuilt Pipe Replacement Blanket 500 Distribution Spokane North and West - WA 500 Reinforce Gate Station Post Falls Idaho 2,102 Millwood Sub Rebuild - WA 3,000 23,202 Power Transformers - Distribution 2,100 Metro feeder upgrade - WA 498 Total Non-Revenue Capital 194,270 Elect Distribution Minor Blanket 8,300 Failed Electric Plant 2,250 Growth/Revenue - Producing 36,162 Distribution Line Relocation 2,200 Spokane Electric Network Increase Capacity - W 1,763 Total Capital Additions in 2013 230,432 Pullman Smart Grid Demonstration Project - WA 195 Distribution - Cda East & North - ID 500 Distribution - Pullman & Lewis Clark - ID 500 System Wood Substation Rebuilds - ID 3,705 N. Moscow Increase Capacity - ID 1,680 52,634 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 3, Page 2 of 2 AVISTA UTILITIES Depreciation Study - EOP Adjustment Summary For the Year Ended June 30, 2012 Production Plant: Steam Production Plant (1,095,760) Hydraulic Production Plant (477,102) Other Production Plant 198,383 Total Production Plant (1,374,479) Transmission Plant (405,633) Distribution Plant: Washington - Idaho 1,849,642 Total Distribution Plant 1,849,642 Electric General Plant : Electric Direct Allocated North (ED AN)(320,503) Electric Direct Washington (ED WA)- Electric Direct Idaho (ED ID)243,896 Total General Electric Plant (76,607) Common Plant: Common Allocated All (CD AA)520,132 Common Allocated North (CD AN)38,328 Common Idaho (CD ID)(76,032) Common Washington (CD WA)- Total Common Plant Allocated to Electric 482,428 TOTAL ELECTRIC PLANT 475,351 Common Plant: Common Direct Allocated All (CD AA)141,118 Comon Direct Allocated Norther (CD AN)10,181 Common Direct Idaho (20,884) Common Direct Washington - Total Common Plant Allocated to Gas 130,415 Underground Storage Plant (31,717) Gas Distribution Plant: Allocated North 4,521 Idaho 235,199 Washington - Total Distribution Plant 239,720 Gas General Plant: Gas Direct Allocated North (GD AN)8,650 Gas Direct Idaho (GD ID)130,898 Gas Direct Washington (GD WA)- Gas Direct Allocated All (GD AA) 547 Total Gas General Plant 140,095 TOTAL GAS PLANT 478,513 Gas- Adjustment for Proposed Study Rates Electric - Adjustment for Proposed Study Rates Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 4, Page 1 of 14 AVISTA UTILITIES Depreciation Study - Study Adjustment Summary For the Year Ended June 30, 2012 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] Account Number Description June 30, 2012 EOP Plant Balance Existing Rate Adjusted Annual Deprec. (EOP) Proposed Study Rate Proposed Annual Deprec. (EOP) Increase or (Decrease) Washington Electric Allocation Idaho Electric Allocation Washington Natural Gas Allocation Idaho Natural Gas Allocation Oregon Natural Gas Allocation $%$%$$$$$$$ STEAM PRODUCTION PLANT KETTLE FALLS STATION 310.3 Removing Property of Others 138,175 2.19 3,026 1.45 2,004 (1,022)(667)(355)0 0 0 310.4 Easements & Permits 10,000 2.19 219 1.45 145 (74)(48)(26)0 0 0 311.0 Structures & Improvements 21,315,324 2.34 498,779 1.51 321,861 (176,918)(115,421)(61,497)0 0 0 311.1 Structures & Improvements-Landfill 3,657,628 3.61 132,040 2.79 102,048 (29,992)(19,567)(10,425)0 0 0 312.0 Boiler Plant Equipment 41,517,241 3.31 1,374,221 1.93 801,283 (572,938)(373,785)(199,153)0 0 0 314.0 Turbogenerator Units 13,345,231 3.18 424,378 2.12 282,919 (141,459)(92,288)(49,171)0 0 0 315.0 Accessory Electric Equipment 10,486,189 2.74 287,322 1.56 163,585 (123,737)(80,726)(43,011)0 0 0 316.0 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 2,612,149 2.68 70,006 1.74 45,451 (24,555)(16,020)(8,535)0 0 0 Total 93,081,937 3.00 2,789,991 1.85 1,719,296 (1,070,695)(698,522)(372,173)0 0 0 COLSTRIP UNIT 3 311.0 Structures & Improvements 50,897,110 2.28 1,160,454 1.56 793,995 (366,459)(239,078)(127,381)0 0 0 312.0 Boiler Plant Equipment 78,157,012 2.70 2,110,239 1.93 1,508,430 (601,809)(392,620)(209,189)0 0 0 313.0 Generators 3,385 2.94 99 0 (99)(65)(34)0 0 0 314.0 Turbogenerator Units 22,550,770 3.39 764,471 2.79 629,166 (135,305)(88,273)(47,032)0 0 0 315.0 Accessory Electric Equipment 9,549,749 2.49 237,789 1.73 165,211 (72,578)(47,349)(25,228)0 0 0 316.0 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 8,902,173 2.26 201,189 1.46 129,972 (71,217)(46,462)(24,755)0 0 0 Total 170,060,199 2.62 4,474,241 1.90 3,226,774 (1,247,467)(813,847)(433,619)0 0 0 COLSTRIP UNIT 4 311.0 Structures & Improvements 50,029,557 2.35 1,175,695 1.68 840,497 (335,198)(218,683)(116,514)0 0 0 312.0 Boiler Plant Equipment 50,454,907 2.83 1,427,874 2.20 1,110,008 (317,866)(207,376)(110,490)0 0 0 313.0 Generators 3,385 2.94 99 0 (99)(65)(34)0 0 0 314.0 Turbogenerator Units 15,750,606 3.50 551,271 2.88 453,617 (97,654)(63,709)(33,945)0 0 0 315.0 Accessory Electric Equipment 6,706,343 2.59 173,694 1.88 126,079 (47,615)(31,064)(16,551)0 0 0 316.0 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 4,258,512 2.46 104,759 1.62 68,988 (35,771)(23,337)(12,434)0 0 0 Total 127,203,310 2.70 3,433,392 2.04 2,599,189 (834,203)(544,234)(289,968)0 0 0 Total Steam Production Plant 390,345,446 2.74 10,697,624 1.93 7,545,259 (3,152,365)(2,056,603)(1,095,760)0 0 0 HYDRAULIC PRODUCTION PLANT CABINET GORGE 330.3 Removing Property of Others 6,783,237 2.27 153,979 2.00 135,665 (18,314)(11,948)(6,366)0 0 0 330.31 Removing Property of Others-Conservation 242,033 2.27 5,494 1.53 3,703 (1,791)(1,168)(623)0 0 0 330.4 Land Easements 365,924 2.75 10,063 2.33 8,526 (1,537)(1,003)(534)0 0 0 330.41 Land Easements-Conservation 450,386 2.03 9,143 1.63 7,341 (1,802)(1,176)(626)0 0 0 331.0 Structures & Improvements 9,911,596 1.62 160,568 1.50 148,674 (11,894)(7,759)(4,135)0 0 0 331.1 Structures & Improvements-Fish & Wildlife 23,538 1.50 353 1.78 419 66 43 23 0 0 0 331.2 Structures & Improvements-Recreation 818,460 1.64 13,423 2.03 16,615 3,192 2,083 1,109 0 0 0 331.26 Structures & Improvements-Rec Info 24,242 2.47 599 1.32 320 (279)(182)(97)0 0 0 332.0 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways 17,988,268 1.79 321,990 1.13 203,267 (118,723)(77,455)(41,268)0 0 0 332.1 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways-Fish & Wildlife 12,445,558 2.51 312,384 1.90 236,466 (75,918)(49,529)(26,389)0 0 0 332.15 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways-Fish & Wildlife 1,003,259 2.29 22,975 1.80 18,059 (4,916)(3,207)(1,709)0 0 0 332.2 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways-Recreation 107,153 1.91 2,047 1.73 1,854 (193)(125)(68)0 0 0 333.0 Waterwheels, Turbines & Generators 37,878,792 2.59 981,061 2.04 772,727 (208,334)(135,917)(72,417)0 0 0 334.0 Accessory Electric Equipment 5,603,295 1.43 80,127 2.97 166,418 86,291 56,296 29,995 0 0 0 335.0 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 3,265,067 3.78 123,420 0.38 12,407 (111,013)(72,425)(38,588)0 0 0 335.1 Misc. Power Plant Equipment-Fish & Wildlife 110,521 2.99 3,305 1.28 1,415 (1,890)(1,233)(657)0 0 0 335.2 Misc. Power Plant Equipment-Recreation 21,109 - 0 0.96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 336.0 Roads, Railroads & Bridges 1,098,564 2.05 22,521 1.96 21,532 (989)(645)(343)0 0 0 Total 98,141,002 2.26 2,223,452 1.79 1,755,408 (468,044)(305,350)(162,693)0 0 0 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 4, Page 2 of 14 AVISTA UTILITIES Depreciation Study - Study Adjustment Summary For the Year Ended June 30, 2012 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] Account Number Description June 30, 2012 EOP Plant Balance Existing Rate Adjusted Annual Deprec. (EOP) Proposed Study Rate Proposed Annual Deprec. (EOP) Increase or (Decrease) Washington Electric Allocation Idaho Electric Allocation Washington Natural Gas Allocation Idaho Natural Gas Allocation Oregon Natural Gas Allocation LITTLE FALLS 330.1 Settlement 4,200,000 1.87 78,540 1.98 83,160 4,620 3,015 1,605 0 0 0 330.3 Removing Property of Others 13,634 2.47 337 3.35 457 120 78 42 0 0 0 330.4 Land Easements 3,627 7.03 255 5.60 203 (52)(34)(18)0 0 0 331.0 Structures & Improvements 1,188,042 0.12 1,426 1.94 23,048 21,622 14,107 7,515 0 0 0 332.0 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways 5,051,136 1.51 76,272 1.72 86,880 10,608 6,921 3,687 0 0 0 332.2 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways-Recreation 14,366 1.74 250 1.85 266 16 11 5 0 0 0 333.0 Waterwheels, Turbines & Generators 3,971,076 0.51 0 2.40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 334.0 Accessory Electric Equipment 2,048,289 0.93 19,049 2.74 56,123 37,074 24,187 12,887 0 0 0 335.0 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 144,437 1.18 1,704 0.69 997 (707)(462)(245)0 0 0 Total 16,634,607 1.07 177,833 1.51 251,134 73,301 47,823 25,478 0 0 0 LONG LAKE 330.3 Removing Property of Others 171,080 2.04 3,490 2.36 4,037 547 357 190 0 0 0 330.4 Land Easements 246,562 5.68 14,005 4.42 10,898 (3,107)(2,027)(1,080)0 0 0 331.0 Structures & Improvements 2,101,615 0.12 2,522 1.99 41,822 39,300 25,640 13,660 0 0 0 331.1 Structures & Improvements-Fish & Wildlife 64,872 - 0 0.60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 331.2 Structures & Improvements-Recreation 205,234 4.60 9,441 2.27 4,659 (4,782)(3,119)(1,663)0 0 0 332.0 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways 16,567,093 1.10 182,238 1.65 273,357 91,119 59,446 31,673 0 0 0 332.2 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways-Recreation 105,639 1.31 1,384 1.82 1,923 539 352 187 0 0 0 333.0 Waterwheels, Turbines & Generators 8,823,605 1.29 113,825 2.46 217,061 103,236 67,352 35,884 0 0 0 334.0 Accessory Electric Equipment 2,823,134 0.82 23,150 2.63 74,248 51,098 33,336 17,762 0 0 0 335.0 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 529,440 1.58 8,365 1.22 6,459 (1,906)(1,243)(663)0 0 0 Total 31,638,274 1.14 358,420 2.01 634,464 276,044 180,094 95,950 0 0 0 MONROE STREET 331.0 Structures & Improvements 7,935,872 1.82 144,433 1.71 135,703 (8,730)(5,695)(3,035)0 0 0 331.1 Structures & Improvements-Fish & Wildlife 206 2.43 5 0.97 2 (3)(2)(1)0 0 0 331.2 Structures & Improvements-Recreation 507,701 2.51 12,743 1.68 8,529 (4,214)(2,750)(1,464)0 0 0 332.0 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways 9,971,706 1.72 171,513 1.39 138,607 (32,906)(21,468)(11,438)0 0 0 333.0 Waterwheels, Turbines & Generators 11,030,835 2.28 251,503 1.95 215,101 (36,402)(23,749)(12,653)0 0 0 334.0 Accessory Electric Equipment 1,685,038 2.97 50,046 2.82 47,518 (2,528)(1,649)(879)0 0 0 335.0 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 33,564 2.04 685 1.19 399 (286)(187)(99)0 0 0 336.0 Roads, Railroads & Bridges 50,448 2.17 1,095 1.86 938 (157)(102)(55)0 0 0 Total 31,215,370 2.04 632,023 1.75 546,797 (85,226)(55,602)(29,624)0 0 0 NINE MILE 330.3 Removing Property of Others 9,937 1.66 165 2.48 246 81 52 29 0 0 0 330.4 Land Easements 980 4.59 45 4.29 42 (3)(2)(1)0 0 0 331.0 Structures & Improvements 3,943,110 2.35 92,663 1.98 78,074 (14,589)(9,518)(5,071)0 0 0 332.0 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways 13,465,538 2.16 290,856 1.83 246,419 (44,437)(28,990)(15,446)0 0 0 332.1 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways-Fish & Wildlife 3,535 2.23 79 2.04 72 (7)(5)(3)0 0 0 332.2 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways-Recreation 92,744 2.35 2,179 1.86 1,725 (454)(297)(158)0 0 0 333.0 Waterwheels, Turbines & Generators 9,627,201 3.03 291,704 2.17 208,910 (82,794)(54,015)(28,779)0 0 0 334.0 Accessory Electric Equipment 2,636,794 2.57 67,766 2.80 73,830 6,064 3,957 2,108 0 0 0 335.0 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 296,788 2.31 6,856 0.88 2,612 (4,244)(2,769)(1,475)0 0 0 336.0 Roads, Railroads & Bridges 625,181 2.64 16,505 1.93 12,066 (4,439)(2,896)(1,543)0 0 0 Total 30,701,808 2.50 768,818 2.03 623,996 (144,822)(94,483)(50,339)0 0 0 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 4, Page 3 of 14 AVISTA UTILITIES Depreciation Study - Study Adjustment Summary For the Year Ended June 30, 2012 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] Account Number Description June 30, 2012 EOP Plant Balance Existing Rate Adjusted Annual Deprec. (EOP) Proposed Study Rate Proposed Annual Deprec. (EOP) Increase or (Decrease) Washington Electric Allocation Idaho Electric Allocation Washington Natural Gas Allocation Idaho Natural Gas Allocation Oregon Natural Gas Allocation NOXON RAPIDS 330.3 Removing Property of Others 29,413,622 2.02 594,155 1.80 529,445 (64,710)(42,217)(22,493)0 0 0 330.4 Land Easements 10,607 2.83 300 2.08 221 (79)(52)(27)0 0 0 330.41 Land Easements-Conservation 550,000 1.84 10,120 1.50 8,250 (1,870)(1,220)(650)0 0 0 331.0 Structures & Improvements 13,682,735 1.77 242,184 1.48 202,504 (39,680)(25,887)(13,793)0 0 0 331.1 Structures & Improvements-Fish & Wildlife 97,471 1.84 1,794 1.72 1,677 (117)(76)(40)0 0 0 331.2 Structures & Improvements-Recreation 1,097,426 1.85 20,302 2.03 22,278 1,976 1,289 687 0 0 0 331.26 Structures & Improvements-Rec Info 11,359 1.86 211 1.32 150 (61)(40)(21)0 0 0 332.0 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways 30,394,918 1.79 544,069 1.12 340,423 (203,646)(132,859)(70,787)0 0 0 332.1 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways-Fish & Wildlife 1,337,205 2.61 34,870 1.81 24,203 (10,667)(6,959)(3,708)0 0 0 332.15 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways-Fish & Wildlife 481,128 1.76 8,468 1.71 8,227 (241)(157)(84)0 0 0 332.2 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways-Recreation 97,348 2.16 2,103 1.70 1,655 (448)(292)(156)0 0 0 333.0 Waterwheels, Turbines & Generators 88,231,827 2.89 2,549,900 1.98 1,746,990 (802,910)(523,819)(279,091)0 0 0 334.0 Accessory Electric Equipment 14,204,134 2.53 359,365 2.79 396,295 36,930 24,094 12,836 0 0 0 335.0 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 3,003,969 0.97 29,139 0.80 24,032 (5,107)(3,332)(1,775)0 0 0 335.1 Misc. Power Plant Equipment-Fish & Wildlife 355,980 1.40 4,984 0.74 2,634 (2,350)(1,533)(817)0 0 0 335.2 Misc. Power Plant Equipment-Recreation 17,559 1.40 246 1.61 283 37 25 12 0 0 0 336.0 Roads, Railroads & Bridges 246,561 2.12 5,227 1.89 4,660 (567)(370)(197)0 0 0 Total 183,233,849 2.38 4,407,437 1.81 3,313,927 (1,093,510)(713,405)(380,104)0 0 0 POST FALLS 330.3 Removing Property of Others 23,167 4.18 968 4.03 934 (34)(23)(12)0 0 0 330.4 Land Easements 2,708,437 3.79 102,650 2.81 76,107 (26,543)(17,317)(9,226)0 0 0 331.0 Structures & Improvements 1,231,528 0.36 4,434 2.09 25,739 21,305 13,900 7,406 0 0 0 331.1 Structures & Improvements-Fish & Wildlife 2,665 0.16 0 1.35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 331.2 Structures & Improvements-Recreation 135,166 0.24 324 2.29 3,095 2,771 1,807 964 0 0 0 332.0 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways 6,059,581 2.72 164,821 1.71 103,619 (61,202)(39,928)(21,274)0 0 0 332.1 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways-Fish & Wildlife 16,133 2.86 461 1.97 318 (143)(94)(49)0 0 0 332.2 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways-Recreation 268,670 3.09 8,302 1.78 4,782 (3,520)(2,296)(1,224)0 0 0 333.0 Waterwheels, Turbines & Generators 2,233,651 0.16 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 334.0 Accessory Electric Equipment 715,555 0.14 1,002 2.78 19,892 18,890 12,324 6,566 0 0 0 335.0 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 222,773 2.68 5,970 1.15 2,562 (3,408)(2,224)(1,184)0 0 0 Total 13,617,326 2.12 288,932 1.74 237,048 (51,884)(33,851)(18,033)0 0 0 UPPER FALLS 330.3 Removing Property of Others 63,564 2.48 1,576 3.66 2,326 750 489 261 0 0 0 331.0 Structures & Improvements 731,233 0.12 877 1.77 12,943 12,066 7,872 4,194 0 0 0 331.2 Structures & Improvements-Recreation 31,387 - 0 1.65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 332.0 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways 7,613,854 1.20 91,366 1.85 140,856 49,490 32,287 17,203 0 0 0 332.2 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways-Recreation 61,644 1.36 838 1.85 1,140 302 197 105 0 0 0 333.0 Waterwheels, Turbines & Generators 1,186,151 0.90 10,675 2.53 30,010 19,335 12,614 6,721 0 0 0 334.0 Accessory Electric Equipment 4,268,226 1.85 78,962 2.81 119,937 40,975 26,732 14,243 0 0 0 335.0 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 106,857 2.30 2,458 1.05 1,122 (1,336)(871)(464)0 0 0 Total 14,062,916 1.35 186,752 2.19 308,334 121,582 79,320 42,263 0 0 0 Total Hydraulic Production Plant 419,245,152 2.14 9,043,667 1.83 7,671,108 (1,372,559)(895,454)(477,102)0 0 0 OTHER PRODUCTION PLANT BOULDER PARK 341.0 Structures & Improvements 1,200,177 2.63 31,565 2.54 30,485 (1,080)(705)(375)0 0 0 342.0 Fuel Holders, Producers & Access.115,970 2.71 3,143 2.62 3,038 (105)(68)(36)0 0 0 343.0 Prime Movers 57,216 3.01 1,722 2.52 1,442 (280)(183)(98)0 0 0 344.0 Generators 30,610,885 2.84 869,349 2.94 899,960 30,611 19,971 10,640 0 0 0 345.0 Accessory Electric Equipment 442,525 2.97 13,143 6.03 26,684 13,541 8,835 4,707 0 0 0 346.0 Miscellaneous Equipment 7,200 2.69 194 2.87 207 13 9 5 0 0 0 Total 32,433,973 2.83 919,116 2.97 961,816 42,700 27,859 14,843 0 0 0 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 4, Page 4 of 14 AVISTA UTILITIES Depreciation Study - Study Adjustment Summary For the Year Ended June 30, 2012 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] Account Number Description June 30, 2012 EOP Plant Balance Existing Rate Adjusted Annual Deprec. (EOP) Proposed Study Rate Proposed Annual Deprec. (EOP) Increase or (Decrease) Washington Electric Allocation Idaho Electric Allocation Washington Natural Gas Allocation Idaho Natural Gas Allocation Oregon Natural Gas Allocation COYOTE SPRINGS 341.0 Structures & Improvements 11,405,511 2.76 314,792 2.34 266,889 (47,903)(31,252)(16,651)0 0 0 342.0 Fuel Holders, Producers & Access.19,221,240 2.85 547,805 2.72 522,818 (24,987)(16,302)(8,685)0 0 0 344.0 Generators 124,928,503 2.92 3,647,912 3.00 3,747,855 99,943 65,203 34,740 0 0 0 345.0 Accessory Electric Equipment 12,823,980 3.10 397,543 6.14 787,392 389,849 254,338 135,511 0 0 0 346.0 Miscellaneous Equipment 1,344,378 2.76 37,105 2.95 39,659 2,554 1,667 887 0 0 0 Total 169,723,612 2.91 4,945,157 3.16 5,364,613 419,456 273,654 145,802 0 0 0 KETTLE FALLS 342.0 Fuel Holders, Producers & Access.89,232 4.74 4,230 3.66 3,266 (964)(628)(336)0 0 0 343.0 Prime Movers 9,071,493 4.71 427,267 3.24 293,916 (133,351)(86,998)(46,353)0 0 0 344.0 Generators 3,718 4.98 185 4.09 152 (33)(22)(11)0 0 0 345.0 Accessory Electric Equipment 13,820 4.47 619 6.68 923 304 198 106 0 0 0 Total 9,178,263 4.71 432,301 3.25 298,257 (134,044)(87,450)(46,594)0 0 0 LANCASTER CT 342.0 Fuel Holders, Producers & Access.91,978 4.98 4,581 3.67 3,376 (1,205)(785)(420)0 0 0 344.0 Generators 208,506 4.98 10,384 3.70 7,715 (2,669)(1,741)(928)0 0 0 300,484 4.98 14,965 3.69 11,091 (3,874)(2,526)(1,348)0 0 0 NORTHEAST TURBINE 341.0 Structures & Improvements 649,565 0.98 6,366 1.64 10,653 4,287 2,797 1,490 0 0 0 342.0 Fuel Holders, Producers & Access.31,460 - 0 2.93 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 343.0 Prime Movers 9,089,743 3.01 (264,021)0.81 (264,021)0 0 0 0 0 0 344.0 Generators 2,605,232 - 0 2.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 345.0 Accessory Electric Equipment 1,236,035 8.54 105,557 12.49 154,381 48,824 31,852 16,971 0 0 0 346.0 Miscellaneous Equipment 257,741 1.24 3,196 2.51 6,469 3,273 2,135 1,138 0 0 0 Total 13,869,776 1.47 (148,902)(0.67)(92,518)56,384 36,784 19,599 0 0 0 RATHDRUM TURBINE 341.0 Structures & Improvements 3,258,386 3.95 128,706 3.12 101,662 (27,044)(17,644)(9,400)0 0 0 342.0 Fuel Holders, Producers & Access.1,695,808 4.10 69,528 3.57 60,540 (8,988)(5,864)(3,124)0 0 0 343.0 Prime Movers 3,658,328 3.61 132,066 2.77 101,336 (30,730)(20,048)(10,682)0 0 0 344.0 Generators 48,858,107 3.37 1,646,518 3.77 1,841,951 195,433 127,501 67,932 0 0 0 345.0 Accessory Electric Equipment 2,567,151 3.56 91,391 5.89 151,205 59,814 39,023 20,791 0 0 0 Total 60,037,780 3.44 2,068,209 3.76 2,256,694 188,485 122,968 65,517 0 0 0 SOLAR 344.01 Generators 149,250 5.00 7,463 5.30 7,910 447 291 157 0 0 0 345.01 33,048 6.00 981 6.50 2,148 1,167 761 407 0 0 0 182,298 8,444 10,058 1,614 1,052 564 0 0 0 Total Other Production Plant 285,726,186 3.01 8,239,290 3.08 8,810,011 570,721 372,341 198,383 0 0 0 TOTAL GENERATION 1,095,316,784 2.58 27,980,581 2.19 24,026,378 (3,954,203)(2,579,716)(1,374,479)0 0 0 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 4, Page 5 of 14 AVISTA UTILITIES Depreciation Study - Study Adjustment Summary For the Year Ended June 30, 2012 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] Account Number Description June 30, 2012 EOP Plant Balance Existing Rate Adjusted Annual Deprec. (EOP) Proposed Study Rate Proposed Annual Deprec. (EOP) Increase or (Decrease) Washington Electric Allocation Idaho Electric Allocation Washington Natural Gas Allocation Idaho Natural Gas Allocation Oregon Natural Gas Allocation TRANSMISSION PLANT 350.3 Removing Property of Others 1,487,566 1.26 18,743 1.24 18,446 (297)(194)(103)0 0 0 350.4 Land Rights 15,068,667 1.28 192,879 1.30 195,893 3,014 1,967 1,047 0 0 0 352.0 Structures & Improvements 16,718,576 1.61 269,169 1.65 275,857 6,688 4,363 2,325 0 0 0 353.0 Station Equipment 205,389,478 2.39 4,908,809 2.33 4,785,575 (123,234)(80,398)(42,836)0 0 0 354.0 Towers & Fixtures 17,122,353 1.87 320,188 1.80 308,202 (11,986)(7,820)(4,166)0 0 0 355.0 Poles & Fixtures 146,046,506 1.84 2,681,716 1.38 2,015,442 (666,274)(434,677)(231,596)0 0 0 356.0 OH Conductor & Devices 112,872,491 1.93 2,178,043 1.59 1,794,673 (383,370)(250,110)(133,260)0 0 0 357.0 UG Conduit 2,605,488 1.58 41,167 1.64 42,730 1,563 1,020 543 0 0 0 358.0 UG Conductor & Devices 2,330,072 1.73 40,310 2.02 47,067 6,757 4,409 2,348 0 0 0 359.0 Roads & Trails 1,872,246 1.65 30,892 1.66 31,079 187 122 65 0 0 0 Total 521,513,443 2.05 10,681,916 1.82 9,514,964 (1,166,952)(761,318)(405,633)0 0 0 DISTRIBUTION PLANT - IDAHO 360.4 Land - Easements 1,701,811 1.28 21,783 1.34 22,804 1,021 0 1,021 0 0 0 361.0 Structures & Improvements 5,201,943 1.80 93,635 1.62 84,271 (9,364)0 (9,364)0 0 0 362.0 Station Equipment 37,019,347 2.60 962,447 1.97 729,281 (233,166)0 (233,167)0 0 0 364.0 Poles, Towers & Fixtures 97,629,855 2.66 2,596,955 2.31 2,255,250 (341,705)0 (341,704)0 0 0 365.0 OH Conductor & Devices 64,502,634 2.46 1,586,767 2.82 1,818,975 232,208 0 232,208 0 0 0 366.0 UG Conduit 31,309,614 2.71 848,491 2.71 848,490 (1)0 (2)0 0 0 367.0 UG Conductor & Devices 49,418,587 4.24 2,095,364 5.63 2,782,267 686,903 0 686,902 0 0 0 368.0 Line Transformers 65,567,248 2.00 1,311,345 2.11 1,383,469 72,124 0 72,124 0 0 0 369.1 OH Services 17,367,824 1.69 293,516 2.92 507,140 213,624 0 213,624 0 0 0 369.3 UG Services - Other 29,504,196 1.59 469,117 2.57 758,258 289,141 0 289,141 0 0 0 370.1 Meters 20,865,122 2.39 711,068 7.65 1,533,585 822,517 0 822,516 0 0 0 373.1 Street Lighting & Signal Sys-Mercury Vapor 1,688,006 1.08 18,230 1.36 22,957 4,727 0 4,727 0 0 0 373.2 Street Lighting & Signal Sys-UG Conductor 1,583,779 1.23 19,480 1.91 30,250 10,770 0 10,770 0 0 0 373.3 Street Lighting & Signal Sys-Decorative 3,807,580 1.02 38,837 2.45 93,286 54,449 0 54,449 0 0 0 373.4 Street Lighting & Signal Sys-Sodium Vapor 7,029,876 2.82 198,243 3.48 244,640 46,397 0 46,397 0 0 0 Total 434,197,422 2.59 11,265,278 3.02 13,114,923 1,849,645 0 1,849,642 0 0 0 DISTRIBUTION PLANT - WASHINGTON 360.4 Land - Easements 160,933 1.28 2,060 1.34 2,157 97 97 0 0 0 0 361.0 Structures & Improvements 12,448,595 1.80 224,075 1.62 201,667 (22,408)(22,408)0 0 0 0 362.0 Station Equipment 69,208,610 2.60 1,799,480 1.97 1,363,410 (436,070)(436,070)0 0 0 0 364.0 Poles, Towers & Fixtures 153,920,695 2.66 4,095,044 2.31 3,555,568 (539,476)(539,476)0 0 0 0 365.0 OH Conductor & Devices 104,319,570 2.46 2,566,056 2.82 2,941,812 375,756 375,756 0 0 0 0 366.0 UG Conduit 52,526,536 2.71 1,423,469 2.71 1,423,469 0 0 0 0 0 0 367.0 UG Conductor & Devices 89,514,408 6.38 5,711,425 5.63 5,039,661 (671,764)(671,764)0 0 0 0 368.0 Line Transformers 130,670,534 2.00 2,613,424 2.11 2,757,148 143,724 143,724 0 0 0 0 369.1 OH Services 28,759,690 1.69 486,039 2.92 839,783 353,744 353,744 0 0 0 0 369.2 UG Services - Spokane Network 2,931,477 1.59 46,610 2.73 80,029 33,419 33,419 0 0 0 0 369.3 UG Services - Other 46,715,950 1.59 742,784 2.57 1,200,600 457,816 457,816 0 0 0 0 370.0 Meters 26,946,426 2.39 430,456 3.39 1,013,186 582,730 582,730 0 0 0 0 373.1 Street Lighting & Signal Sys-Mercury Vapor 3,086,219 1.08 (8,193)1.36 41,973 50,166 50,166 0 0 0 0 373.2 Street Lighting & Signal Sys-UG Conductor 1,326,787 1.23 16,319 1.91 25,342 9,023 9,023 0 0 0 0 373.3 Street Lighting & Signal Sys-Decorative 4,427,500 1.02 45,160 2.45 108,474 63,314 63,314 0 0 0 0 373.4 Street Lighting & Signal Sys-Sodium Vapor 12,357,905 2.82 348,493 3.48 430,055 81,562 81,562 0 0 0 0 Total 739,321,835 2.79 20,542,701 2.84 21,024,334 481,633 481,633 0 0 0 0 ELECTRIC GENERAL PLANT - ED AN 370.0 Meters 157,018 3.28 5,150 3.76 5,904 754 492 262 0 0 0 390.1 Structures & Improvements 3,262,256 1.85 59,919 1.67 54,480 (5,439)(3,646)(1,794)0 0 0 391.1 Computer Equipment 2,278,029 17.67 402,528 21.28 41,688 (360,840)(241,867)(118,973)0 0 0 393.0 Stores Equipment 369,845 2.25 8,322 4.58 16,939 8,617 5,776 2,841 0 0 0 394.0 Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment 1,772,190 4.22 74,786 4.78 84,711 9,925 6,652 3,272 0 0 0 395.0 Laboratory Equipment 776,035 7.72 59,910 13.73 106,550 46,640 31,262 15,378 0 0 0 397.0 Communication Equipment 35,233,681 5.84 1,902,619 2.81 990,066 (912,553)(611,675)(300,877)0 0 0 398.0 Miscellaneous Equipment 14,649 2.37 347 13.31 1,950 1,603 1,074 529 0 0 0 Total 43,863,703 6.11 2,513,581 2.97 1,302,288 (1,211,293)(811,932)(399,362)0 0 0 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 4, Page 6 of 14 AVISTA UTILITIES Depreciation Study - Study Adjustment Summary For the Year Ended June 30, 2012 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] Account Number Description June 30, 2012 EOP Plant Balance Existing Rate Adjusted Annual Deprec. (EOP) Proposed Study Rate Proposed Annual Deprec. (EOP) Increase or (Decrease) Washington Electric Allocation Idaho Electric Allocation Washington Natural Gas Allocation Idaho Natural Gas Allocation Oregon Natural Gas Allocation ELECTRIC GENERAL PLANT - ED ID 390.1 Structures & Improvements 1,973,731 1.85 36,514 1.67 32,961 (3,553)0 (3,553)0 0 0 391.1 14,649 2.85 3,182 21.60 3,164 (18)0 (18)0 0 0 393.0 Stores Equipment 14,745 2.25 332 4.58 675 343 0 343 0 0 0 394.0 Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment 370,781 4.22 15,647 4.78 17,723 2,076 0 2,076 0 0 0 395.0 Laboratory Equipment 95,422 7.72 7,367 13.73 13,101 5,734 0 5,734 0 0 0 397.0 Communication Equipment 2,687,642 5.38 144,728 2.81 75,312 (69,416)0 (69,416)0 0 0 398.0 Miscellaneous Equipment 2,299 2.35 54 13.31 306 252 0 252 0 0 0 Total 5,159,269 4.18 207,824 2.78 143,242 (64,582)0 (64,582)0 0 0 ELECTRIC GENERAL PLANT - ED WA 390.1 Structures & Improvements 487,645 1.85 9,005 1.67 8,144 (861)(861)0 0 0 0 391.1 Computer Equipment 2,607,570 19.83 517,081 0 (517,081)(517,081)0 0 0 0 393.0 Stores Equipment 10,739 2.25 242 4.58 492 250 250 0 0 0 0 394.0 Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment 1,151,597 4.22 48,597 4.78 55,046 6,449 6,449 0 0 0 0 395.0 Laboratory Equipment 175,888 7.72 13,578 13.73 24,149 10,571 10,571 0 0 0 0 397.0 Communication Equipment 7,453,572 5.40 402,493 2.81 209,445 (193,048)(193,048)0 0 0 0 Total 11,887,011 6.02 990,996 2.50 297,276 (693,720)(693,720)0 0 0 0 COMMON PLANT GENERAL PLANT - CD AA 389.3 Removing Property of Others 1,709,412 1.16 19,829 1.56 26,667 6,838 3,302 1,624 919 441 551 390.1 Structures & Improvements 57,502,872 1.85 1,063,803 2.00 1,150,057 86,254 41,652 20,488 11,595 5,561 6,958 391.0 Office Furniture & Equipment 8,085,131 9.62 777,790 17.63 1,425,409 647,619 312,738 153,833 87,056 41,750 52,244 391.1 Computer Equipment 39,454,553 19.83 7,825,010 23.70 9,350,729 1,525,719 736,776 362,412 205,093 98,357 123,079 394.0 Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment 6,237,056 4.25 265,075 4.93 307,487 42,412 20,481 10,074 5,702 2,735 3,421 395.0 Laboratory Equipment 355,663 3.27 11,630 14.29 50,824 39,194 18,927 9,310 5,269 2,526 3,162 397.0 Communication Equipment 9,445,327 7.24 724,166 3.40 321,141 (403,025)(194,622)(95,733)(54,176)(25,981)(32,512) 397.2 Communication Equipment-Portable 2,088,168 7.80 162,877 11.95 249,536 86,659 41,848 20,585 11,649 5,587 6,991 397.7 Communication Equipment-Lease 515,853 - 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 398.0 Miscellaneous Equipment 390,402 7.28 28,421 40.48 158,035 129,614 62,591 30,788 17,424 8,356 10,456 Total 125,784,437 8.27 10,878,601 10.37 13,039,885 2,161,284 1,043,693 513,381 290,531 139,332 174,350 GENERAL PLANT - CD AN 389.3 Removing Property of Others 25,277 1.16 293 1.56 394 101 53 26 13 7 0 389.4 Land Easements 39,787 3.15 1,253 0.39 155 (1,098)(579)(285)(159)(76)0 390.1 Structures & Improvements 5,311,990 1.85 98,272 2.00 106,240 7,968 4,202 2,067 1,149 551 0 391.1 64,110 2.85 12,713 21.60 13,848 1,135 598 295 163 79 0 393.0 Stores Equipment 1,564,329 3.22 50,371 4.33 67,735 17,364 9,155 4,503 2,504 1,201 0 394.0 Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment 301,172 4.25 9,235 4.93 14,848 5,613 2,960 1,456 809 388 0 395.0 Laboratory Equipment 180,869 3.27 5,914 14.29 25,846 19,932 10,509 5,169 2,875 1,379 0 397.0 Communication Equipment 6,706,500 7.24 184,413 3.40 228,021 43,608 22,993 11,310 6,289 3,016 0 397.2 Communication Equipment-Portable 651,784 7.80 50,839 11.95 77,888 27,049 14,262 7,016 3,901 1,871 0 398.0 Miscellaneous Equipment 5,038 7.28 367 40.48 2,039 1,672 882 434 241 116 0 Total 14,850,856 2.72 413,670 3.62 537,014 123,344 65,035 31,991 17,785 8,532 0 GENERAL PLANT - CD ID 390.1 Structures & Improvements 4,802,372 1.85 88,844 2.00 96,047 7,203 0 5,667 0 1,537 0 393.0 Stores Equipment 188,321 3.22 6,064 4.33 8,154 2,090 0 1,644 0 446 0 394.0 Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment 9,141 4.25 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 395.0 Laboratory Equipment 3,876 3.27 127 14.29 554 427 0 336 0 91 0 397.0 Communication Equipment 4,052,986 7.24 293,436 3.40 137,802 (155,634)0 (122,424)0 (33,210)0 397.2 Communication Equipment-Portable 0 - 0 11.95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 398.0 Miscellaneous Equipment 52 7.26 4 40.48 21 17 0 14 0 3 0 Total 9,056,748 4.39 388,475 2.68 242,578 (145,897)0 (114,763)0 (31,133)0 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 4, Page 7 of 14 AVISTA UTILITIES Depreciation Study - Study Adjustment Summary For the Year Ended June 30, 2012 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] Account Number Description June 30, 2012 EOP Plant Balance Existing Rate Adjusted Annual Deprec. (EOP) Proposed Study Rate Proposed Annual Deprec. (EOP) Increase or (Decrease) Washington Electric Allocation Idaho Electric Allocation Washington Natural Gas Allocation Idaho Natural Gas Allocation Oregon Natural Gas Allocation GENERAL PLANT - CD WA 390.1 Structures & Improvements 6,752,745 1.85 124,942 2.00 135,055 10,113 7,956 0 2,158 0 0 393.0 Stores Equipment 143,165 3.22 4,610 4.33 6,199 1,589 1,250 0 339 0 0 394.0 Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment 35,984 - 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 395.0 Laboratory Equipment 12,143 3.27 397 14.29 1,735 1,338 1,053 0 285 0 0 397.0 Communication Equipment 464,257 - 0 3.40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 397.2 Communication Equipment-Portable 0 0 11.95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 398.0 Miscellaneous Equipment 39 7.30 3 40.48 16 13 11 0 2 0 0 Total 7,408,333 2.09 129,952 1.93 143,005 13,053 10,270 0 2,784 0 0 GAS PLANT UNDERGROUND STORAGE 350.2 Rights of Way 59,812 1.69 1,011 1.85 1,107 96 0 0 67 30 0 351.1 Structures & Improvements 853,305 1.44 12,288 1.51 12,885 597 0 0 415 182 0 351.2 Compressor Station 282,549 1.44 4,069 1.38 3,899 (170)0 0 (118)(52)0 351.3 Measuring & Regulating Station 52,850 1.44 761 1.37 724 (37)0 0 (26)(12)0 351.4 Office 110,236 1.44 1,587 1.60 1,764 177 0 0 123 54 0 351.41 Pump House 61,656 1.44 888 1.37 845 (43)0 0 (30)(13)0 352.0 Storage Wells 12,482,373 1.73 215,945 1.15 143,547 (72,398)0 0 (50,375)(22,023)0 352.2 Reservoirs 203,330 2.35 4,778 2.36 4,799 21 0 0 14 6 0 352.3 Cushion Natural Gas 5,359,690 1.88 100,762 0.42 22,511 (78,251)0 0 (54,447)(23,804)0 353.0 Lines 1,044,477 2.36 24,650 1.51 15,772 (8,878)0 0 (6,177)(2,700)0 354.0 Compressor Station Equipment 11,485,755 1.81 207,892 1.87 214,784 6,892 0 0 4,796 2,096 0 355.0 Measuring & Regulating Equipment 213,733 4.88 10,294 27.71 59,226 48,932 0 0 34,046 14,885 0 356.0 Purification Equipment 407,617 2.35 9,568 1.36 5,544 (4,024)0 0 (2,799)(1,224)0 357.0 Other Equipment 1,485,004 2.01 29,849 2.20 32,670 2,821 0 0 1,963 858 0 Total 34,102,387 1.83 624,342 1.53 520,077 (104,265)0 0 (72,548)(31,717)0 DISTRIBUTION PLANT - GD AN 375.0 Structures & Improvements 21,450 1.96 420 1.83 393 (27)0 0 (19)(8)0 376.0 Mains 2,512,521 1.81 45,477 2.39 60,049 14,572 0 0 10,133 4,439 0 378.0 Measuring/Regulating Station Equipment 57,440 3.06 1,758 3.58 2,056 298 0 0 208 90 0 379.0 Measuring/Regulating City Gate Equipment 0 3.08 0 2.87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 2,591,411 1.87 47,655 2.41 62,498 14,843 0 0 10,322 4,521 0 DISTRIBUTION PLANT - IDAHO 374.4 Land - Easements 63,135 1.28 808 2.01 1,269 461 0 0 0 461 0 375.0 Structures & Improvements 269,267 1.96 5,278 1.83 4,928 (350)0 0 0 (350)0 376.0 Mains 81,222,184 1.81 1,470,122 2.39 1,941,210 471,088 0 0 0 471,088 0 378.0 Measuring/Regulating Station Equipment 2,054,167 3.06 62,858 3.58 73,539 10,681 0 0 0 10,681 0 379.0 Measuring/Regulating City Gate Equipment 4,186,573 3.08 128,946 2.87 120,155 (8,791)0 0 0 (8,791)0 380.0 Services 47,581,908 2.77 1,318,261 2.42 1,151,482 (166,779)0 0 0 (166,779)0 381.0 Meters 21,203,965 3.20 679,853 2.76 608,554 (71,299)0 0 0 (71,299)0 385.0 Measuring/Regulating Industrial Equipment 628,040 1.85 11,619 1.88 11,807 188 0 0 0 188 0 Total 157,209,239 2.34 3,677,745 2.49 3,912,944 235,199 0 0 0 235,199 0 DISTRIBUTION PLANT - WASHINGTON 374.4 Land - Easements 1,098 1.28 14 2.01 22 8 0 0 8 0 0 375.0 Structures & Improvements 516,113 1.96 10,116 1.83 9,445 (671)0 0 (671)0 0 376.0 Mains 145,769,579 1.81 2,638,453 2.39 3,483,893 845,440 0 0 845,440 0 0 378.0 Measuring/Regulating Station Equipment 3,154,465 3.06 96,527 3.58 112,930 16,403 0 0 16,403 0 0 379.0 Measuring/Regulating City Gate Equipment 1,797,027 3.08 55,348 2.87 51,575 (3,773)0 0 (3,773)0 0 380.0 Services 97,819,595 2.78 2,713,733 2.42 2,367,234 (346,499)0 0 (346,499)0 0 381.0 Meters 43,331,294 3.23 1,398,205 3.24 1,243,608 (154,597)0 0 (154,597)0 0 385.0 Measuring/Regulating Industrial Equipment 2,343,125 2.43 56,938 1.88 44,051 (12,887)0 0 (12,887)0 0 Total 294,732,296 2.37 6,969,334 2.48 7,312,758 343,424 0 0 343,424 0 0 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 4, Page 8 of 14 AVISTA UTILITIES Depreciation Study - Study Adjustment Summary For the Year Ended June 30, 2012 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] Account Number Description June 30, 2012 EOP Plant Balance Existing Rate Adjusted Annual Deprec. (EOP) Proposed Study Rate Proposed Annual Deprec. (EOP) Increase or (Decrease) Washington Electric Allocation Idaho Electric Allocation Washington Natural Gas Allocation Idaho Natural Gas Allocation Oregon Natural Gas Allocation GAS GENERAL PLANT - GD AN 391.1 6,650 4.04 1,319 21.60 1,436 117 0 0 81 36 0 394.0 Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment 429,651 4.69 20,151 4.00 17,186 (2,965)0 0 (2,003)(961)0 395.0 Laboratory Equipment 119,462 4.54 5,424 16.74 19,998 14,574 0 0 9,850 4,724 0 Total 555,763 10.77 26,894 6.95 38,620 11,726 0 0 7,928 3,799 0 GAS GENERAL PLANT - GD ID 394.0 Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment 444,947 4.69 20,868 4.00 17,798 (3,070)0 0 0 (3,070)0 395.0 Laboratory Equipment 22,304 4.54 1,013 16.74 3,734 2,721 0 0 0 2,721 0 397.0 Communication Equipment 449,761 4.36 19,610 2.86 12,863 (6,747)0 0 0 (6,747)0 Total 917,012 4.87 41,491 3.75 34,395 (7,096)0 0 0 (7,096)0 GAS GENERAL PLANT - GD WA 390.1 Structures & Improvements 1,879,442 2.96 55,632 3.53 66,344 10,712 0 0 10,712 0 0 393.0 Stores Equipment 84,271 3.93 3,312 4.65 3,919 607 0 0 607 0 0 394.0 Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment 1,255,806 4.69 59,022 4.00 50,232 (8,790)0 0 (8,790)0 0 395.0 Laboratory Equipment 68,391 4.54 3,105 16.74 11,449 8,344 0 0 8,344 0 0 397.0 Communication Equipment 556,417 4.36 24,260 2.86 15,914 (8,346)0 0 (8,346)0 0 Total 3,844,327 4.43 145,331 3.85 147,858 2,527 0 0 2,527 0 0 COMMON GAS GENERAL PLANT - GD AA 391.0 Office Furniture & Equipment 378,871 9.62 36,447 6.49 24,589 (11,858)0 0 (5,718)(2,742)(3,400) 391.1 Computer Equipment 53,705 19.83 10,650 21.60 11,600 950 0 0 458 220 273 394.0 Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment 1,320,758 5.11 67,491 5.06 66,830 (661)0 0 (319)(153)(190) 395.0 Laboratory Equipment 82,554 4.49 3,707 7.16 5,911 2,204 0 0 1,063 510 632 397.0 Communication Equipment 992,932 5.13 50,937 3.84 38,129 (12,808)0 0 (6,175)(2,961)(3,672) Total 2,828,820 5.93 169,232 5.20 147,059 (22,173)0 0 (10,691)(5,126)(6,357) Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 4, Page 9 of 14 AVISTA UTILITIES Depreciation Study - Study Adjustment Summary For the Year Ended June 30, 2012 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] Account Number Description June 30, 2012 EOP Plant Balance Existing Rate Adjusted Annual Deprec. (EOP) Proposed Study Rate Proposed Annual Deprec. (EOP) Increase or (Decrease) Washington Electric Allocation Idaho Electric Allocation Washington Natural Gas Allocation Idaho Natural Gas Allocation Oregon Natural Gas Allocation GAS PLANT - OREGON UNDERGROUND STORAGE 351.2 Compressor Station 1,044 1.44 13 1.92 20 7 0 0 0 0 7 351.4 Office 17,663 1.44 254 1.93 341 87 0 0 0 0 87 352.0 Storage Wells 894,130 1.73 15,468 2.02 18,061 2,593 0 0 0 0 2,593 352.2 Reservoirs 1,464,162 2.35 34,408 2.21 32,358 (2,050)0 0 0 0 (2,050) 352.3 Cushion Natural Gas 450,620 1.88 8,472 1.80 8,111 (361)0 0 0 0 (361) 353.0 Lines 62,304 2.36 1,470 1.80 1,121 (349)0 0 0 0 (349) 354.0 Compressor Station Equipment 2,865,217 1.81 51,860 2.02 57,877 6,017 0 0 0 0 6,017 355.0 4,267 2.81 208 27.71 1,182 974 0 0 0 0 974 357.0 Other Equipment 7,961 2.01 160 2.47 197 37 0 0 0 0 37 Total 5,767,368 1.90 112,313 2.07 119,268 6,955 0 0 0 0 6,955 DISTRIBUTION PLANT 374.4 Land - Easements 96,478 1.28 1,235 2.01 1,939 704 0 0 0 0 704 375.0 Structures & Improvements 267,099 2.25 6,010 1.85 4,941 (1,069)0 0 0 0 (1,069) 376.0 Mains 139,318,513 1.31 1,825,073 2.08 2,897,825 1,072,752 0 0 0 0 1,072,752 378.0 Measuring/Regulating Station Equipment 3,838,661 1.44 55,258 2.97 114,008 58,750 0 0 0 0 58,750 379.0 Measuring/Regulating City Gate Equipment 1,481,613 1.45 21,484 2.76 40,893 19,409 0 0 0 0 19,409 380.0 Services 58,547,705 1.78 1,042,149 1.83 1,071,423 29,274 0 0 0 0 29,274 381.0 Meters 36,020,309 2.34 842,875 3.30 1,149,048 306,173 0 0 0 0 306,173 385.0 Measuring/Regulating Industrial Equipment 1,246,470 0.65 8,102 1.29 16,079 7,977 0 0 0 0 7,977 387.0 Other Equipment 539 - 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 240,817,387 1.58 3,802,186 2.20 5,296,156 1,493,970 0 0 0 0 1,493,970 GAS GENERAL PLANT 390.1 Structures & Improvements 3,282,363 0.62 20,351 1.72 56,457 36,106 0 0 0 0 36,106 393.0 Stores Equipment 57,227 4.22 2,415 4.89 2,798 383 0 0 0 0 383 394.0 Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment 920,755 9.20 84,709 5.35 49,260 (35,449)0 0 0 0 (35,449) 395.0 Laboratory Equipment 187,966 12.41 23,327 17.63 33,138 9,811 0 0 0 0 9,811 397.0 Communication Equipment 956,848 14.67 122,381 6.71 64,205 (58,176)0 0 0 0 (58,176) 398.0 Miscellaneous Equipment 2,367 4.18 99 5.07 120 21 0 0 0 0 21 Total 5,407,526 4.99 253,282 3.81 205,978 (47,304)0 0 0 0 (47,304) TOTAL PLANT STUDIED 3,757,133,377 101,863,380 101,183,498 (679,882)(3,246,055)36,195 592,062 316,311 1,621,614 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 4, Page 10 of 14 AVISTA UTILITIES For the Year Ended June 30, 2012 Electric: Account Number Average Service Life Curve Net Salvage Average Service Life Curve Net Salvage Steam Production Plant 310.3 Removing Other Property SQ 0 SQ 0 310.4 Easements SQ 0 SQ 0 311.0 Structures & Improvements 65 S1.5 (5)70 S1.5 (10) 311.1 Structures & Improvements - Landfill 50 S3 0 50 S3 0 312.0 Boiler Plant Equipment 60 R1 (10)60 R1 (10) 314.0 Turbogenerator Units 50 O1 (10)40 R0.5 (5) 315.0 Accessory Electric Equipment 55 S1.5 (5)50 R3 0 316.0 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 50 R2 0 53 R2 0 Hydraulic Production Plant 330.3 Removing Property of Others 100 R4 0 100 R4 0 330.31 Removing Property of Others-Conservation 75 R3 0 100 R4 0 330.4 Land Easements 75 R3 0 75 R3 0 330.41 Land Easements-Conservation 75 R3 0 75 R3 0 331.0 Structures & Improvements 110 R0.5 (5)110 R2 (20) 331.1 Structures & Improvements-Fish & Wildlife 50 R2.5 0 50 S2.5 0 331.2 Structures & Improvements-Recreation 50 R1 0 50 S0.5 (5) 331.26 Structures & Improvements-Rec Info 50 R1 0 45 R2.5 0 332.0 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways 100 R1.5 0 100 R1 0 332.1 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways-Fish & Wildlife 60 S1 0 60 S1 0 332.15 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways-Fish & Wildlife 60 S1 0 60 S1 0 332.2 Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways-Recreation 60 S1 0 60 S1 0 333.0 Waterwheels, Turbines & Generators 60 R1.5 (5)65 R1.5 (10) 334.0 Accessory Electric Equipment 45 R2.5 0 38 R2.5 (5) 335.0 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 65 R1 0 65 R1.5 0 335.1 Misc. Power Plant Equipment-Fish & Wildlife 40 R3 0 40 R3 0 335.2 Misc. Power Plant Equipment-Recreation 40 R3 0 40 R3 0 336.0 Roads, Railroads & Bridges 60 S2.5 0 55 S2 0 Other Production Plant 341.0 Structures & Improvements SQ 0 55 S4 0 342.0 Fuel Holders, Producers & Access.55 R3 0 55 R3 (10) 343.0 Prime Movers 50 S2.5 0 55 S2.5 0 344.0 Generators 45 R3 0 45 R1 0 344.01 Generators - Solar 25 S2.5 0 345.0 Accessory Electric Equipment 40 S1.5 0 20 S2 (5) 346.0 Miscellaneous Equipment SQ 0 35 R3 0 Electric Transmission Plant 350.3 Removing Property of Others 75 R4 0 75 R4 0 350.4 Land Rights 75 R4 0 75 R4 0 352.0 Structures & Improvements 60 R4 (5)60 S2 (5) 353.0 Station Equipment 47 R3 (15)45 R2.5 (10) 354.0 Towers & Fixtures 70 S3 (20)70 R4 (15) 355.0 Poles & Fixtures 60 R3 (30)65 R2.5 (15) 356.0 OH Conductor & Devices 60 R3 (25)65 R2.5 (10) 357.0 UG Conduit 60 R4 0 60 R4 0 358.0 UG Conductor & Devices 55 S3 0 50 S2 0 359.0 Roads & Trails 65 R4 0 65 R4 0 Electric Distribution Plant 360.4 Land - Easements 75 R4 0 361.0 Structures & Improvements 55 R3 (10)60 R2.5 (10) 362.0 Station Equipment 42 R1.5 (10)45 R1.5 0 364.0 Poles, Towers & Fixtures 50 R2.5 (25)55 R2.5 (25) 365.0 OH Conductor & Devices 50 R2.5 (15)50 R3 (20) 366.0 UG Conduit 45 R3 (10)50 S2 (25) Current Parameters Proposed Parameters Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 4, Page 11 of 14 AVISTA UTILITIES For the Year Ended June 30, 2012 367-ID UG Conductor & Devices 35 S2 (15)28 S2 (20) 367-WA UG Conductor & Devices 28 L4 (15)28 S2 (20) 368.0 Line Transformers 44 R2 (5)44 R2 (5) 369.1 Services 60 R3 (25)55 R4 (40) 369.2 Undergrd Services 60 R3 (25)55 R4 (40) 369.3 Undergrd Services - Other 60 R3 (25)55 R4 (40) 370.1 Meters - ID 38 S1 0 18 L0.5 0 370.2 Meters - ID AMR 38 S1 0 15 S2.5 0 370.2 Meters - WA 38 S1 0 35 S0 0 373.1 Mercury Vapor 32 R2.5 (15)35 R2.5 (25) 373.2 Undergrd Conductor 32 R2.5 (15)35 R2.5 (25) 373.3 Decorative & Metal Standards 32 R2.5 (15)35 R2.5 (25) 373.4 High Pressure Sodium Vapor Lights 32 R2.5 (5)35 R2.5 (30) Electric General Plant 390.1 Structures & Improvements 55 S2 (5)48 S2 (5) 391.1 Computer Equipment 5 SQ 0 5 SQ 0 392.0 Transportation Equipment 11 S3 10 15 L2.5 20 393.0 Stores Equipment 25 SQ 0 25 SQ 0 394.0 Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment 20 SQ 0 20 SQ 0 395.0 Laboratory Equipment 15 SQ 0 15 SQ 0 396.0 Power Operated Equipment 15 L2 10 16 S0.5 5 397.0 Communication Equipment 15 SQ 0 15 SQ 0 398.0 Miscellaneous Equipment 10 SQ 0 10 SQ 0 Gas Underground Storage 350.2 Rights of Way 50 R3 0 50 R3 0 351.1 Structures & Improvements 55 S2.5 (5)55 S2.5 (5) 351.2 Compressor Station 55 S2.5 (5)55 S2.5 (5) 351.3 Measuring & Regulating Station 55 S2.5 (5)55 S2.5 (5) 351.4 Office 55 S2.5 (5)55 S2.5 (5) 351.4 Pump House 55 S2.5 (5)55 S2.5 (5) 352.0 Storage Wells 50 R3 (10)50 R3 0 352.2 Reservoirs 45 R3 0 45 R4 0 352.3 Cushion Natural Gas 50 R4 0 50 R4 0 353.0 Lines 55 S2.5 (25)55 S2.5 0 354.0 Compressor Station Equipment 45 S4 (10)50 S2.5 0 355.0 Measuring & Regulating Equipment 35 R3 (10)35 R3 0 356.0 Purification Equipment 30 S3 0 30 S3 0 357.0 Other Equipment 40 S2.5 0 40 R2 0 Gas Distribution Plant 374.4 Land - Easements 50 R3 0 375.0 Structures & Improvements 50 R2.5 (5)50 R2.5 0 376.0 Mains 65 R3 (25)55 R2.5 (30) 378.0 Measuring/Regulating Station Equipment 36 R1.5 (5)35 R1.5 (15) 379.0 Measuring/Regulating City Gate Equipment 36 R2 (5)40 S0.5 (15) 380.0 Services 45 R4 (25)45 R2.5 (20) 381.0 Meters 40 S2.5 (10)36 R1.5 (2) 385.0 Measuring/Regulating Industrial Equipment 45 R3 (5)50 R2 (15) Gas General Plant 390.1 Structures & Improvements 35 S.05 (5)30 S1 0 392.0 Transportation Equip Class 7&8 11 S3 5 15 L2.5 10 393.0 Stores Equipment 25 SQ 0 25 SQ 0 394.0 Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment 20 SQ 0 20 SQ 0 395.0 Laboratory Equipment 15 SQ 0 15 SQ 0 396.0 Power Operated Equip 15 L2 10 16 S0.5 20 397.0 Communication Equipment 15 SQ 0 15 SQ 0 398.0 Miscellaneous Equipment GAS PLANT - OREGON Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 4, Page 12 of 14 AVISTA UTILITIES For the Year Ended June 30, 2012 Natural Gas Storage and Processing Plant 351.2 Compressor Station 55 S2.5 (5) 351.4 Office 55 S2.5 (5) 352.0 Storage Wells 50 R3 0 352.2 Reservoirs 45 R4 0 352.3 Non-Recoverable 50 R4 0 353.0 Lines 55 S2.5 0 354.0 Compressor Station 50 S2.5 0 357.0 Other Equipment 40 R2 0 DISTRIBUTION PLANT 374.4 Land - Easements 50 R3 0 375.0 Structures & Improvements 55 S4 (5)50 R2.5 (5) 376.0 Mains 70 L4 (25)55 R2.5 (30) 378.0 Measuring/Regulating Station Equipment 35 R1.5 (5)35 R1.5 (15) 379.0 Measuring/Regulating City Gate Equipment 45 S5 (5)40 S0.5 (15) 380.0 Services 50 R4 (25)45 R2.5 (20) 381.0 Meters 45 S3.5 (10)36 R1.5 (2) 385.0 Measuring/Regulating Industrial Equipment 45 R3 (5)50 R2 (15) 387.0 Other Equipment 15 R4 0 12 S3 0 GAS GENERAL PLANT 390.1 Structures & Improvements 35 R1.5 (5)30 S1 0 391.1 Computer Equipment 5 SQ 0 15 SQ 0 393.0 Stores Equipment 25 SQ 0 25 SQ 0 394.0 Tools, Shop & Garage Equipment 20 SQ 0 20 SQ 0 395.0 Laboratory Equipment 15 SQ 0 15 SQ 0 396.0 Power Operated Equipment 20 S1 10 16 S0.5 20 397.0 Communication Equipment 15 SQ 0 15 SQ 0 397.2 Communication Equipment - Portable 10 SQ 0 20 SQ 0 Transportation Equipment ELECTRIC TRANSPORTATION AND POWER OPERATED EQUIPMENT 392.2 Transportation Equipment - Light Trucks 10 R2 10 392.3 Transportation Equipment - Medium Trucks 12 L4 10 392.4 Transportation Equipment - Heavy Trucks 15 L3 15 392.5 Transportation Equipment - Other 15 L0 5 396.3 Power Operated Equipment - Medium Trucks 12 L4 10 396.4 Power Operated Equipment - Heavy Trucks 15 L3 15 396.5 Power Operated Equipment - Other 15 L0 5 GAS (WA and ID) TRANSPORTATION AND POWER OPERATED EQUIPMENT 392.2 Transportation Equipment - Light Trucks 10 R2 10 392.3 Transportation Equipment - Medium Trucks 12 L4 10 392.4 Transportation Equipment - Heavy Trucks 15 L3 15 392.5 Transportation Equipment - Other 15 L0 5 396.4 Power Operated Equipment - Heavy Trucks 15 L3 15 396.5 Power Operated Equipment - Other 15 L0 5 GAS (OR) TRANSPORTATION AND POWER OPERATED EQUIPMENT 392.2 Transportation Equipment - Light Trucks 10 R2 10 392.3 Transportation Equipment - Medium Trucks 12 L4 10 392.4 Transportation Equipment - Heavy Trucks 15 L3 15 392.5 Transportation Equipment - Other 15 L0 5 396.5 Power Operated Equipment - Other 15 L0 5 COMMON TRANSPORTATION AND POWER OPERATED EQUIPMENT 392.1 Transportation Equipment - Autos 6 L3 5 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 4, Page 13 of 14 AVISTA UTILITIES For the Year Ended June 30, 2012 392.2 Transportation Equipment - Light Trucks 10 R2 10 392.3 Transportation Equipment - Medium Trucks 12 L4 10 392.4 Transportation Equipment - Heavy Trucks 15 L3 15 392.5 Transportation Equipment - Other 15 L0 5 396.3 Power Operated Equipment - Medium Trucks 12 L4 10 396.5 Power Operated Equipment - Other 15 L0 5 Note: Accrual rate for the new CIS System installed in 2013 will be 6.67% Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 4, Page 14 of 14 AVISTA CORPORATION SPOKANE, WASHINGTON DEPRECIATION STUDY CALCULATED ANNUAL DEPRECIATION ACCRUALS RELATED TO ELECTRIC, GAS AND COMMON PLANT AT DECEMBER 31, 2010 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 1 of 616 AVISTA CORPORATION Spokane, Washington DEPRECIATION STUDY CALCULATED ANNUAL DEPRECIATION ACCRUALS RELATED TO ELECTRIC, GAS AND COMMON PLANT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2010 GANNETT FLEMING, INC. - VALUATION AND RATE DIVISION Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 2 of 616 Gannett Fleming, Inc. Valuation and Rate Division P.O. Box 67100 • Harrisburg, PA 17106-7100 | 207 Senate Avenue • Camp Hill, PA 17011-2316 t: 717.763.7211 • f: 717.763.4590 www.gannettfleming.com   March 23, 2012 Avista Corporation 1411 Mission Avenue Spokane, WA 99220-3727 Attention Ms. Christy Burmeister-Smith Vice President and Controller Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to your request, we have conducted a depreciation study related to the electric, gas and common plant of Avista Corporation. The study results include annual depreciation rates as of December 31, 2010. The attached report presents a description of the methods used in the estimation of depreciation, summaries of annual and accrued depreciation, the statistical support for the life and net salvage estimates and the detailed tabulations of annual and accrued depreciation. Respectfully submitted, GANNETT FLEMING, INC. JOHN J. SPANOS Vice President Valuation and Rate Division JJS/krm 053991 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 3 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 4 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 5 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 6 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 7 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 8 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 9 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 10 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 11 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 12 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 13 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 14 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 15 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 16 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 17 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 18 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 19 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 20 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 21 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 22 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 23 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 24 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 25 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 26 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 27 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 28 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 29 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 30 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 31 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 32 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 33 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 34 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 35 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 36 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 37 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 38 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 39 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 40 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 41 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 42 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 43 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 44 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 45 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 46 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 47 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 48 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 49 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 50 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 51 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 52 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 53 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 54 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 55 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 56 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 57 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 58 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 59 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 60 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 61 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 62 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 63 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 64 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 65 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 66 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 67 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 68 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 69 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 70 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 71 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 72 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 73 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 74 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 75 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 76 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 77 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 78 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 79 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 80 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 81 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 82 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 83 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 84 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 85 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 86 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 87 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 88 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 89 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 90 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 91 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 92 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 93 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 94 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 95 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 96 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 97 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 98 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 99 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 100 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 101 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 102 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 103 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 104 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 105 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 106 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 107 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 108 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 109 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 110 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 111 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 112 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 113 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 114 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 115 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 116 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 117 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 118 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 119 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 120 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 121 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 122 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 123 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 124 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 125 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 126 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 127 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 128 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 129 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 130 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 131 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 132 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 133 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 134 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 135 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 136 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 137 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 138 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 139 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 140 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 141 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 142 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 143 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 144 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 145 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 146 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 147 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 148 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 149 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 150 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 151 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 152 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 153 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 154 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 155 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 156 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 157 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 158 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 159 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 160 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 161 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 162 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 163 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 164 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 165 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 166 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 167 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 168 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 169 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 170 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 171 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 172 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 173 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 174 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 175 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 176 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 177 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 178 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 179 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 180 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 181 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 182 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 183 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 184 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 185 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 186 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 187 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 188 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 189 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 190 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 191 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 192 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 193 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 194 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 195 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 196 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 197 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 198 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 199 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 200 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 201 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 202 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 203 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 204 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 205 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 206 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 207 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 208 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 209 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 210 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 211 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 212 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 213 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 214 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 215 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 216 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 217 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 218 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 219 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 220 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 221 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 222 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 223 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 224 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 225 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 226 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 227 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 228 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 229 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 230 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 231 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 232 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 233 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 234 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 235 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 236 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 237 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 238 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 239 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 240 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 241 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 242 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 243 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 244 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 245 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 246 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 247 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 248 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 249 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 250 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 251 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 252 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 253 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 254 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 255 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 256 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 257 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 258 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 259 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 260 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 261 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 262 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 263 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 264 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 265 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 266 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 267 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 268 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 269 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 270 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 271 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 272 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 273 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 274 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 275 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 276 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 277 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 278 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 279 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 280 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 281 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 282 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 283 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 284 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 285 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 286 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 287 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 288 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 289 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 290 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 291 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 292 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 293 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 294 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 295 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 296 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 297 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 298 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 299 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 300 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 301 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 302 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 303 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 304 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 305 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 306 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 307 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 308 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 309 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 310 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 311 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 312 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 313 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 314 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 315 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 316 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 317 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 318 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 319 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 320 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 321 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 322 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 323 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 324 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 325 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 326 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 327 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 328 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 329 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 330 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 331 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 332 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 333 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 334 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 335 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 336 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 337 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 338 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 339 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 340 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 341 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 342 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 343 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 344 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 345 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 346 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 347 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 348 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 349 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 350 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 351 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 352 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 353 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 354 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 355 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 356 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 357 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 358 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 359 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 360 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 361 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 362 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 363 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 364 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 365 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 366 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 367 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 368 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 369 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 370 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 371 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 372 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 373 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 374 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 375 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 376 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 377 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 378 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 379 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 380 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 381 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 382 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 383 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 384 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 385 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 386 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 387 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 388 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 389 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 390 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 391 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 392 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 393 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 394 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 395 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 396 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 397 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 398 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 399 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 400 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 401 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 402 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 403 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 404 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 405 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 406 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 407 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 408 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 409 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 410 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 411 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 412 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 413 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 414 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 415 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 416 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 417 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 418 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 419 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 420 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 421 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 422 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 423 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 424 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 425 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 426 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 427 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 428 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 429 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 430 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 431 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 432 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 433 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 434 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 435 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 436 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 437 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 438 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 439 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 440 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 441 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 442 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 443 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 444 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 445 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 446 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 447 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 448 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 449 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 450 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 451 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 452 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 453 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 454 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 455 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 456 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 457 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 458 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 459 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 460 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 461 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 462 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 463 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 464 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 465 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 466 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 467 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 468 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 469 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 470 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 471 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 472 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 473 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 474 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 475 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 476 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 477 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 478 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 479 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 480 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 481 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 482 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 483 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 484 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 485 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 486 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 487 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 488 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 489 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 490 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 491 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 492 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 493 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 494 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 495 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 496 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 497 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 498 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 499 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 500 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 501 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 502 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 503 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 504 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 505 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 506 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 507 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 508 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 509 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 510 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 511 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 512 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 513 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 514 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 515 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 516 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 517 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 518 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 519 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 520 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 521 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 522 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 523 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 524 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 525 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 526 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 527 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 528 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 529 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 530 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 531 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 532 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 533 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 534 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 535 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 536 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 537 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 538 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 539 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 540 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 541 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 542 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 543 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 544 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 545 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 546 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 547 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 548 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 549 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 550 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 551 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 552 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 553 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 554 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 555 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 556 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 557 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 558 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 559 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 560 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 561 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 562 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 563 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 564 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 565 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 566 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 567 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 568 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 569 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 570 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 571 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 572 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 573 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 574 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 575 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 576 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 577 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 578 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 579 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 580 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 581 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 582 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 583 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 584 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 585 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 586 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 587 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 588 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 589 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 590 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 591 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 592 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 593 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 594 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 595 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 596 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 597 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 598 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 599 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 600 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 601 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 602 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 603 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 604 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 605 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 606 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 607 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 608 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 609 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 610 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 611 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 612 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 613 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 614 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 615 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 5, Page 616 of 616 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 1 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 2 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 3 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 4 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 5 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 6 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 7 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 8 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 9 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 10 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 11 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 12 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 13 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 14 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 15 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 16 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 17 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 18 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 19 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 20 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 21 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 22 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 23 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 24 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 25 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 26 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 27 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 28 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 29 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 30 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 31 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 32 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 33 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 34 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 35 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 36 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 37 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 38 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 39 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 40 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 41 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 42 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 43 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 44 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 45 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 46 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 47 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 48 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 49 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 50 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 51 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 52 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 53 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 54 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 55 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 56 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 57 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 58 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 59 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 60 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 61 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 62 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 63 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 64 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 65 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 66 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 67 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 68 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 69 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 70 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 71 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 72 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 73 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 6, Page 74 of 99 Exhibit No. 11 Case Nos. AVU-E-12-08 and AVU-G-12-07 D. 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