HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140718PGA June 2014.pdfJuly L7,2OL4 State of ldaho ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 8372O-OO7 4 RE: Monthly Deferred Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for June 20L4. This information is submitted in compliance with Order Number 32651 issued in the Company's most recent Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment filing (Case No. AVU-G-12-05). This report is being filed in electronic format only per approvalfrom the filing center. !f you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to call me at (509) 495-4324. Sincerely, Awwettatsrond,ow Annette Brandon Regulatory Analyst State and Federal Regulation Enclosures oc6 E -gE olullh o s ulullE e! 313[: EE llt =8 ll.P ll; *l*lo @l@lI sl:lI o S holbolE EE qBI;; EE IIf : -o I ILO I I '9o = -l-lEH .EflEIsg =iaalalHB E; lli;f e 3 l[ EP:E lll IaEE lll 39Pa w*loll Eap: [sl8ll 9sEE =ebl\ll 2:9rf .;33l3ll 9 f $3* EE lll EEefiE E l[$ra!re lll E;ffiEE +;lsll 3;EAE -5EIRI EEEsr ,i;Hl;! EEIsH iE llEEEg= E lleE-=6 lI c39PE II ;a).= = o OO--il E< F Hb- - rc 6 ots h oEEre Z =flEE6 : ;xo"o o (56E o.: o - oI$gfi ?,Eg E EigEEEEEE :.;oooooozzz t,o Eo E t,t(!t,otoHoiEEOEtg?r,8is 9-;,> .l1l l!<oo o6tooaEtrt! o 6Nto E o ri ot- EiB,UJEEo E.c8* !eEdGV ttG Nooz 6 ooo oeo= o 6oF Ei$ TEE9i c fi#; (c{{coIq e !t ol=N> EE =<o?.cE =o6< = u;Es o@ciNo 6 btEE 6EoL6PE; =o:5:oc9F F..: Nqt.(o @ E o c =ooo t oN (! = oN olltro oz EL =ooEa9llrJ tl ; IE; ('Jo \t N66 e u;gs Nc@N@- $ @ Et$t oEPE'io=5 5trEo.o $ (oooo6o @ (Eo oGJ E-: t,uJ=EEgE.;E €-9,6o oao,$ooG'q 6 oo2 Eo 6 Eo E o F(! E E =o co, =(J Iln UJEJFf Fln = )3C ooo'ooo'r x rS'sa3ueleg lunollv co fL)r o CLr lnf!!6F?JL'FE'DS FStno o o F.t r-{ ri r-{ r-l (\l ooo'OOO'r x rS'salueleg lunollv ooo o, $oc\l (o o6t a N c o?o \o qo (,o. eoo qo qo qo oo (A co- No, 6.r- r.C, ct)\rOo,- (f,o-$6to- |or,cri$D (f)@s- (f) r- sc!@- (O(o sc!@- (o(o v$@- o,$lo E(n Eo .Ntso ENcf (f) oN N oN o,ci qo ao c!o o co ci ci ci qo c!o (')o @N@ c",(o@ i.-O) oN(o tqNo,(f, lO(oc! ss c.)oF--so, oooq @ o(o- (o @(oN. (f,o $o- lr)c.) o,o,lO-oF- (f)(o lO- lJ) N o, nO ry no\t00 oz oo)o co-) -oolr Lo = Lo >!P([= =+ .> a o:,oo U) oo oz ooo co-) -oolr o o o = oE 5-) o)ofo<@ oc oo o, ooC(E6m (E L o)oo $oN 0., oN (o ci lr) c.i o,oi (ori ri (o c.t SGoi e.i qo co co qo Nct--oc)rO (o(")(o COc\trJ) c.i f.-(o t--t-too- N @q (ooa? (o cr)@F- c")c\t (") o,or() F-@o{(, NNrJ) o,Nt*"N o@(o- F*(t) c.i (O oN NoN olo oqo U?o c?o ao u?o AIoo r{c 00d ryo ao c.)lr)lr) c")f.-@ 00lr)qono6 o, lJ)- otro !tN +(f)o N\t\t+ot oq 00N|l) (o(o O)- F-N$ (O(o- @oo" @r() lo lo(o- rr"oc!i- CDN- F-t-F-.oo!t oz ooo co-, -oo TL o = Lo >!P(U= =+ i)-, of ooo oc oz ooo co-) ooIL o = Lo G = ocf-)f- cDofo<o oo om an ELo)oo 0)z $oN c., oN cN \(o o?(o c!t oq(o ol(o no?(oN ci od oci od rO o- @@ O)- (o o, F--(') o,(o\ o,@-(') @coF*- atlo s (o(oN- F-(f) @-(o (f,(O(fr- CD O)- (O (o$(fr- (o(f)- (O tNlr)- N Or- N o oo o 6.' oN c! oot qo o,{o o,ct qo ro c; u?o toooo nc ao !o ci NNN. o, @l{)t-(o N (o(o + OJ ct)@(o- lOF-lr) l()s o,O)t (f, @(o- N(f) rO 1r)(o @- @@(o oq6 o,$o- c.)(tN o(,c\! $tt s ct.t-os @(o rO F-lr) oz ooo co-) -ootL Lo = Lo >!r(U= =; :f-) of oon oc oz ooo co-) -ooiL o = Lo o oEI-)f-, EDO:ro4(h ()o B8l.nce SheetAccoun6 191000 tnd 191015 Amorfzations (57,537.24) Deferral Ending Balance Odober 31, 2013 Aclivity Total $ (57,537.241 (398.36) $ (590,702.07) $(591,100.43)(2,064.03) $ (1,932,633.70) $(1,934,697.73)(1,757.48) 0 (334,411.s3) $(336,16e.0r)(1,789.76) $ (433,256.2s) 0 (185,046.01)(1,386.21) $ 182,724.56 $ 181,338.75(834.70) $ (160,906.07) S(161,740.77)(454.la)$560,642.48$560,188.00(376./a) I 360,116.29 $ 359,739.81 $-$-$- 20'1311 $ 20'1312 $ 201401 $ 201402 $ 201403 $ 201404 $ 201405 $ 201406 $ 201407 S 201408 $ 201409 $ -s-$-$201410$ - $ - $ -s (s,061.50) $ (2,348,425.89) $ (2,357,487.39) lnterest Beginning Balance 201210 Amorlization 201311 201312 201401 201402 201403 20110/- 201,105 2011/)6 201407 201408 201409 201410 $ E $ 95.06 95.21 94.94 $ (1,478,312.21) 2013,|.| $ 1110,007.26 20131? S 2U,512.49 201401 $ 174,295.08 201402 $ 177,397.83 201tt03 $ 137,459.18 201404 $ 82,904.13 201rt05 $ 45,495.19 20itt06 $ 37,997.65 201407 201408 201409 201110 $ (23,254.27) $ (1,478,312.21) $ $ $ $ $ $ 0 $ (3e6.82) (7,162.82) (2,3e8.13) (2,719.99) (2,826.64) (2,819.91) (2,655.70) (2,274.26',) (2e5.23) (7,062.251 (2,298.98) (2,622.241 (2,730.13) (2,724.251 (2,560.4e) (2,179.32) $ $ 0 $ s 0 $ $ $ s 0 $s 78'1.38 Defenal Hold Back Transf$ to 191015 Ending Belence 3 (65,E17.361 0i $ 0i $i E s s 0 $ 140,007.26 20/.,512.49 174,295.08 177,397.83 137,459.1 8 82,904.13 45,495.19 37,997.65 s (1,173.e4) $ (r,031.02) E (874.(N) $ (728.23) $ (se7.65)I (506.33)$ (453.2s)$ (418.83)$-$-3- lnterest 20131 I 201213 201trc,| 201102 201403 20140/, 201405 201404 201407 201408 201409 201410 Ending Balance Total All Defenal/Amortizaiion Accounts $ $ s (506.3it) (453.25) (418.83) (549,844.05)0 (2,371,680.16) 112,921,521.211