HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131112PGA October 2013.pdfft*uf3 November LL,zOLg State of Idaho ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 8372O-OO7 4 RE: Monthly Deferred Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for October 2013. This information is submitted in compliance with Order Number 3265L issued in the Company's most recent Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment filing (Case No. AVU-G-12-05). This report is being filed in electronic format only per approval from the filing center. lf you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to call me at (509) 495-4324. Sincerely, Awne,ttettsrand,ow Annette Brandon Regulatory Analyst State and Federal Regulation Enclosures s@ Noo@ $@ Nc?o oooF.to @ooNao@ s@ Nqo6 !t(o Nooe $(o Na?oe r+ @ F.oo6 $@ No cie EcG Faqi fEoEoo E oooE eS,P *; o Jig bEE EB o .E oo o.2 o[ - araooclf - F FE =d dc)>5 Et =- -6 98.'-qo=eh $o-N;S 19o$FO FVEE Eg-#e.- trE 6EEI A 33oEof.^tr86 rE Etc $ =OFNX(/J d -oErf =;iI ql 6 tr 96ei ig rE =drYll cEEEE 3dfrgtr 6iIot $ E H OE XE;88 P=9 6 b,; Egets9oe ii€sEPP _,P :=EE 8 160tro - c5o.=-ot g gua -c 6 oG h;sbE n,9b;( 0fiE3E E;8EI e-s99( 68 EBsE IEE:6P a6<; B= *ro :.ru o,oozz to E o t (!t Eo.EcH =G-=-ol*ooorl,,9;>.II G<cnO ooEto; .9E .sEorclE 'aoc .9.oeo Eo looE aC'6o6 Eq6o Ioo-oEoEoooooooo_ @oEF oooz @ooNao@ Ez>(J E3FE66OF 4.o E PErEEl=E o.9c6 E(,,OzY oo' o E oo6tt Gt.9t!NEoc oEoF o oz 6Eooo o F(, E E =(t G oF C" tiootr^ P)ur! E EEE*e;m (CoC6 c!(i o Hsb.z €3os6dEOE<o = u;Es ooc e 6E El, oE t+EE 5ou9 P @qoi.-@t*N 6 :=o E =ooo ooN oltEo CIo aD N oN oI Eo oz P-E:$UJE Eo E.t *E; cc C(c( r( A uEEs ccCr{( 6 5E E! crE#Er =o=5:oG9 P No+h\ l.-r: @ (c uG E* i t,ur=iiEsE 55 E=e' r{o{I(. Ggo 4 ooz o GN Eo E o e(! E E ={, o- OJtt u0f otra (g JHI\ ooo'ooo'I X I$'sarue;eg lunollv (Eo (ULLorFoo tl IJJ tsJFf f,tn Itl UJEJFD Fln = o o-I oooo ooo'000'tr x trS'salueleg lunorrv z) z) zl (o'e) s'z) 'zl zl NFlOriNo.)+ (s'z) (r'o) I 000'0oo'r x rS'serueleg lunollv 0'0 0'0 0'0 €'0 z'0 i'o ,'0 oL''C-c(uE(uEOr =,oN PLLoiFOF'--!cL ELLorhoo (EiP _oF co, 5(J I Balance Sheet Accounts 191000 and 191015 Ending Balance October 31 ,2012 Activity Amortization $ (953,644.94) Deferral$- $ 873,005.72 $ (37,652.21) $ (1,358,486.16) $ 187,567.52 $ (70,1e2.86) $ (119,237.77) $ 96,129.57 $ 316,646.56$ 269,453.32 $ 1 12,699.1 I $ (78,276.44\ $ (593,179.97) $ (401,523.54) $ 547.09 $ 752.22 $ 314.53$ (173.10) $ (124.33) $ (203.37) $ (213.16) $ (41.35) $ (84.14) $ (56.3s) $ (23.19) $ 52.13$ 746.94 Total $ (953,644.94) $ 963,764.33 $ 206,661.58 $ (1,130,298.37) $ 339,364.18 $ 76,692.38$ (15,515.67) $ 148,784.40$ 358,728.25 $ 301,023.52 $ 147,894.71$ (33,688.86) $ (465,506.91) $ 897,903.54 $ (3e3.0a $ 67.83 $ (2e0.57) $ (620.38) $ (447.53) $ (422,42) $ (367.24) $ (156.08) $ 1 18.68 $ 305.83 $ 353.68$ 55.42 $ (1,7e5.85) $- 201211 $ 90,758.61 201212 $ 244,313.79 201301 $ 228,187.79 201302 $ 151,796.66 201303 $ 146,885.24 201304 $ 103,722.10 201305 $ 52,654.83 201306 $ 42,081.69 201307 $ 31,570.20 201308 $ 35,195.53 201309 $ 44,587.58 201310 $ 127,673.06 $ 1,299,427.08 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ lnterest 201211 201212 201301 201302 201303 20't304 20't305 201306 201307 201 308 201 309 201310 Deferral Hold Back Transfer to 1 9101 5 Endlng Balance Beginning Balance 201210 lnterest $ (2,542.79) $ (1,551,291.67) (940.16) (684.39) (605.1 0) (447.28) (323.20) (219.05) (154.08) (1',t4.73) 202.82 362.22 376.87 3.29 (1,292.74) (1,293.82) (1,294.90) (1,2s5.98) (1,2s7.06) (1,298.14) (1,299.22) (1,300.30) (1,301 .39) (1,302.47) (1,303.56) 87,259.04 T-T4o-0,-i?6"60-i E $ (1,551,291.67) $ (1,292.74) $ (1,293.82) $ (1,294.90) $ (1,29s.98) $ (1,2s7.06) $ (1,298.14) $ (1,299.22) $ (1,300.30) $ (1,301.39) $ (1,302.47) $ (1,303.56) $ 87,259.05 20121',t $ 201212 $ 201301 $ 201302 $ 20'1303 $ 201304 $ 201305 $ 201306 $ 201307 $ 201308 $ 201309 $ 201310 $ Ending Balance Total All Deferral/Amortization Accounts TiiF3s"B4s/s)