HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130724PGA June 2013.pdf61. tt"o."'" July 24, 2013 State of ldaho ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ldaho 8372A-W74 RE: Monthly Deferred Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for June 2013. This information is submitted ln compliance wilh Order Number 32651 issued in the Company's most recent Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment filing (Case No. AVU-G-12-05}.Ihis report is being filed in electronic format only per approvalfrom the filing center. lf you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to call me at {509} 495-4324. Sincerely, rtr@- gzar,/nrr Annette Brandon Regulatory Analyst State and Federal Regulation Enclosures Er =6o.E+ IoEE EE; f;ss tt T E s Eo E E T ooc, Io3Ir c ErD!rfEc oc ,9()Eo cots,o ID.c qcECDao ->o<L(goxoEI} I?o-coooo(3o(,,o" 6ocF oooz ooo6tE 6or' 6oo Eo E Eo(.) oc;o !,o, 6ltoEocE Eo oSE:oEo-,ccofa6-utso o *!iog6csoE 5 osEe a!g E EEo o =+r: 6 -oo6ooEOac;E'=oa.E _ !, ofoN O or\ O oXE F EEs R =&E;EoEoE E.EE[; -BE$H .i;att, a tr 5srt a trEEiSg I.959€**,Io€ooo EE€E =E5rX6: rdr*RX cOGo o;: tE f€*E "E 6tEsEEEE tspx -o No uN s o $$= s ,E;E;gF ti€ ;TEE 8t=ooo- ^cg;s?q c- o fEES€E6a $EHAig T E,-Et O oh-- > ogo5 o ()E4CEE;Eg EE =.96 E<;ut 3 o - .i,ruooozz !oB!o E !tq ta t e TEE =![?rt!i:<ttr(, a E;go Ea ;E; $ Hr.,i+ HsEtiE;!vo a t.-N NooZ EEGt oaI€E:d, : oF F-Eoo,i+B EEEf;f; aoF'F€6ldo (l a., Egoiicgr< -EOg -oE36<- 'gBs F!Ft a ETEE EE EEiE 5crE9e oq €o .-i!t a i u E oIg G' ctfl a +NoG.t a'o- €4,fi+ g IE; nEicc: e 4 **Es 6 f:Ffie s ;$Eg t!EEE€ =olE;E 6tq.T ar? !Oq c, Grt ooJ I*gs I !a{G i1t:o e ao-t !ltt!o E obtE Ei'6 Or{(\ 000'fi10t x trs 's*ru8lc8luncrrv vtourI]-tr-rgd-5{ FLvtoE v,ETF -Jtr3 * !3 e (roEi6;T 000'00ot x r$'s.fuqe8 uno}lv o GLI e) el (o'e) z) r) z) (s'z) (\lF, 0'0 0"0 0'0 0'0 o'0 0'0 o'0 e'o oLrt LCtEgtg6!ort,ox.QJ*JL.ottr€ \.]iL.t-ol|-ocI (Et P trar) 000'(Xt0't X fg'raruElEg Unor'V Balancs Sheet Accountr t91000 end ttlOl5 Ending Balance Oclobar 31, 2012 Acfivity lnterest Arnortlza0on$ (953,644.94) Deferral $- $ 873,005.72$ (37,652.21) $ (1,358,486.15) $ 187,567.52$ t70,192.86)$ {r 19,237.77)$ 96,'129.57 $ 316,646.56$-$-$-$-T-TTim65i $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total $ (953,644.94) $ 963,7M.33$ 206,661.58 $ (1,130,298"37) $ $9,3e4.18$ 76,692.38$ (1s,515.67) $ 148,784.40 $ 358,728.25$-$-$- $ 948,181.08 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $I 241211 $ 90,758.61 201212 $ 244,313.79 201301 $ 228,187.79 201302 $ 151,796.66 201303 $ 146,885.24 201304 I 103,722.10 201305 $ 52,654.83 201306 $ 42,081.69 201307 $ - 201s08 $ - 201309 $ - 201310 S -T867m71 201211 $ 201212 $ 201301 $ 201302 E 201303 $ 201304 t 201305 $ 201306 $ 201307 201308 201309 201310 (940.16) (6&4.39) (605.10) $47.2e1 (323.20) (219.05) (154.08) (r 14.73) T 67effit 547.08 75?.4 3't4.53 (173.10) (1?4.33) (203.37) (213.16) (41.35) (393.07) 67.83 (290.57) (620.38) (/147.53) (4U.42) (367.24) (156-08) : 858.53 $-$ (2,629.46) Dehrral Hold BackTmnshrto 19't015 Endlng Brlrnce T--Tirl's6-TfoI - $- Br.ffiWffiffi-re103 Beginn ing Balance 201 2l O lnterest $ (1,551,291.67) (1,2s2.741 (1,293.82) (1,2%.90) (1,295.98) (1,297.06) (1,298.14) (1,299.22) (1,300.30) $ (1,5s1,291 67) $ (1,292.74',) $ (1,293.82) $ (1,294.90) $ (1,295.98) $ (1,297.06)$ (1,298.14)s (1,299.2) $ (1,300.30) 201211 $ 201212 S 201301 $ 201302 $ 201303 S 201304 $ 201304 $ 201304 $ Ending Bolance Total All DeftrraUAmortization Accounb TIIJ89,-7EzTEIffi