HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130611PGA May 2013.pdfJune 11,2013 State of ldaho ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 8?720 Boise,ldaho 8372fJ.0074 BE: Monthly Deferred Cost Report Attached is the PGA monthly report of activity in the Gas Deferral Accounts for May 2013. This information is submitted ln compliance with Order Number 32651 issued in the Company's most recent Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment filing (Case No. AVU-G-12-05).Ihis report is being filed in electronic format only per approvalfrom the filing center. tf you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to call me at (509) 495-4324. Sincereln furrx,- ffia*Lr\=** Annette Brandon Regulatory Analyst State and Federal Regulation Enclosures tsNo6 eie t- r.)o o6 -esr5rEs FE6Cco-a eE.(tF Eg EEEt-o N F -![E5irEEoU' tqo !,o EoEE E5EE5o EE3B-uEro r€9E!E6Oo9o= HEoo3Etboe82EE.gF!t.Et$ clF E-EeEeEEg.o:tPTEXrrr E #Ee, E;E $eFg* €.gbo EEgE =+r ii *E E i E#EE.6 E agEE E g ; $3s EEE $ EE:35;t g :ESE:= o tJo- ^c883;.a c- E5EE; €ETEErga;BEdsEa 5g6g6 €;E EE=68<;ul I oIsf,o3oE EE(,E,EE oc .9.()g.o 6b3oo.c ocEE'6 aCL6o xo6tlsg o6ci(,o<i..iro- 6 (D.cF a oo2 5 EgriE 6U, F6,f,ra)C)r F.96E3trR 66 r,$ Egi? E E9 EEE o@oo22 to Ets GcIG: E4 3e(it I sEaEFOEioEt,o<- r;Bs 6o $ O etE EgE at)&rroGcim u E, u tIo(,t alt C'N =o G.a6rtc,t o- f;r gEH Fc,IGci 5 'gBs 6 o r!c, 0 ./\aEBiE AE E;€E:(,E?P q T{laa(, 4 ta II f,=; r $*fE E.l xcEe a t!o ?9. EIt E EaI E6 (rlgt =I a 6 ba E E d, EafltoE !Ea!a E EeEE!!ir!;!5<liac, (z'e) (e'e) (z'e) (e'e) (?'€l tnurEJ -l- =(Ft e ,F{n 000'(no'r X r$'sauePg lunalrY 0'0I 0'0I o'0g G, :,ur o o-I v,1!tJF =Fra = Ft (> 000'000'tr X I$'suuePg 1unax,V ,ZI ,ZI (o's) z) z) z) rvrrt:FFi-.6. (s'e) 0'0 0'0 0'0 0'0 0'0 0'0 0'0 e'0 oC''svLC(EEo6tO. :E'o.!to:poF'r -(L{rEt-l-orl-oo tutJ-oa- 000'000'I I tf 'sarueleg lunq,,v (p'(Dl4lfr(3,ral: ,.:ll A^:AAAAAIA'N.('rttr,r?O(Dir(o(,)(o(oC)co0,6tO .<t CO i\ CD (\l t\.m oo -jlN oi o rrf did.tO @ll.) O r.(c) i:lcr)C{ .qlo O ri(Q $l'Crlc.i c\ilc.i a'i ctiri r.i rt:] ,:l :i :ii,:ti"!::::lr::,i: :::: )::lll eipis e:S$ asr'i r_..'__i__: __- IIl..:,1 li: li:illi::;ll::lll,i;::ll ll" ii..**--i-i---- -.+-.. .+.'- + 6', 6'616' nl o o t<r l(o@to.rn I Lr(r)r(!sf.t t{, ol,oi dr f-'O)i(r) COo) |{,ltrlto rr,rt li ,,i1, ,:.;ii $rl O ritft N.Olit (o(\t C{ (O (O F-rO}1(f) O)|r)F60(f)(\riNt or o 'trcf oi*Lro d(() - *.tf) (oitrlicO O,t\ N aEI CO 6l() 0O F* (\t t\l (\,l (\t $r fl) N Glvlvlvvvvlvv,r it : il:.lrl-, :: t'.i i:1,:::,i):'. E:f;:E,FiSi$lg,C: rOrocod(r,\t {\l(D u':rd@ar, (}:O)Olroqrfi-6i@. ;(>- '..:tO--o) (o,Go(o r,o or(\I.r '(3)1r, rr, (f,rGl(r) (otoF*_t{h l : '. (r):oa1_*i rl:lr, lr (ol@ (\l, 6l rltD:.rf !3l rl\l : :l .L ol\r(o $l'(D NIo,\'r l('tlc' GI l,: Irlct -j(3 1nl]oi ll FI(o:co cf, Sl ^i^l ';i;i,(r) l(\l' :(4, l$l:lod el5 I: I iorL'{l I ito''.. l5"!j- - : .ilri t::':-i i.CL# > ()o(.LOOa Q .z,o' :':t.::il:,il :i:: '.]..ri:: OO l'-Oicio NSII I lrrld. ' : el iil.ll;.:;;- i^i^'.@rltr: il*,(t i$,s, ig,li: : llor: : I ltii r :af,ii:-,r , .. " I ; i -CL: > ()(D9 00)U) g ZrO' r(O.sl.€ r (Y':q,Iti, a Itflr) i I o3 Behnce $heet AccounE 1910(X, rnd t91015 Ending Balanm Ociober 31, 2012 Acrivity AmortlzeUon$ {s53,fl14.94) 90,758.61 244,313.75 228,187.79 15'1,796.66 146,885.24 fi3,722.10 52,6s4.83 : : (s40.16) (884.se) (605.10) w7.281 (323.20) (219.05) (154.08) Deierrel$- s 873,005.72$ (37,6s2.21) $ (1.3s8,486.16)$ 187,567.52$ 110,192.86)$ (115,237.771$ 98.129.57$-$-$-$- Totals (953,644.94) $ 963,764.33$ 200,6e1.58 $(1,130,2S8.37)$ 339,364.1E$ 76,692.38$ (15,515.67)$ 148.7&4.40$-$-$-$-$--5-ffi&- lnterest 201?11 $ 201212 $ 20130't $ 201302 $ 201303 $ 201304 $ 201305 $ 201306 $ 201307 $ 201308 $ 2013@ S 201211 $ 241212 $ 201301 $ 201302 $ 201303 $ 201304 E 201305 t 201306 201307 201308 201309 201310 $ $ $ $I $ $ 547.09 752.?2 314.53 (173.10) (124.33) (203.37) (213.16) $ t3e3.07)$ 67.83$ (2go.s7)$ (620.38)$ (447.53) $ 1422.42)$ (367.24)$-$-$-$-$--$--lrm56t$ (3,373.28)-rre- Defenal Hold Back Transhrto 191015 Endlng Behnce $ ffifinrffi Beginning Balance 201210 lnterest $ tl,551,2S1.67) (1,252.741 (1,293.82) (1,294.90) (1,2es.e8) (1,297.06) (1,298.14) (1,299.22) $(1,551,291.67) $ (1,2S2.74) $ (1.2e3.82)$ (1,294.90) $ (1,295.98) $ (1.297.06) s (1.298.14)$ (1,2s9.22) 201211 $ 2:0121? $ 201301 $ 201S2 S 201303 S 201304 S 2013&r S Ending Balane Total AII DefunaUAmortization Accounts