HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120731Application.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) AVISTA UTILITIES FOR AN ORDER APPROVING ) CASE: AVU-G-12-0S A CHANGE IN NATURAL GAS RATES AND CHARGES ) Application is hereby made to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for an Order approving a revised schedule of rates and charges for natural gas service in the state of Idaho. The Applicant requests that the proposed rates included in this Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA) filing be made effective on October 1, 2012. If approved as filed, the Company's annual revenue will decrease by approximately $3.6 million or about 5.4 1%. In support of this Application, Applicant states as follows: I. The name of the Applicant is AVISTA UTILITIES, a unit of AVISTA CORPORATION, a Washington corporation, whose principal business office is 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington, and is qualified to do business in the state of Idaho. Applicant maintains district offices in Moscow, Lewiston, Coeur d'Alene, and Kellogg, Idaho. Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to: Kelly 0. Norwood Vice President - State & Federal Regulation Avista Utilities P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 II. Attorney for the Applicant and his address is as follows: David J. Meyer Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory & Governmental Affairs Avista Utilities P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 III. The Applicant is a public utility engaged in the distribution of natural gas in certain portions of Eastern and Central Washington, Northern Idaho and Southwestern and Northeastern Oregon, and further engaged in the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. Iv. Eighteenth Revision Sheet 150, which Applicant requests the Commission approve, is filed herewith as Exhibit "A". Additionally, Fourteenth Revision Sheet 155, which Applicant requests the Commission approve, is also filed herewith as Exhibit "A". Also included in Exhibit "A" is a copy of Eighteenth Revision Sheet 150 and Fourteenth Revision Tariff Sheet 155 with the changes underlined and a copy of Seventeenth Revision Sheet 150 and Thirteenth Revision Tariff Sheet 155 with the proposed changes shown by lining over the current language or amounts. The existing rates and charges for natural gas service on file with the Commission and designated as Applicant's Tariff IPUC No. 27, which will be superseded by the rates and charges filed herewith, are incorporated herein as though fully attached hereto. VI. Notice to the Public of Applicant's proposed tariffs is to be given simultaneously with the filing of this Application by posting, at each of the Company's district offices in Idaho, a Notice in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by means of a press release distributed to various informational agencies, a draft copy attached hereto as Exhibit "E". In addition, a notice will be sent to customers as a bill insert prior to October 1, 2012, a copy of which is also included in Exhibit "E". VIII. The circumstances and conditions relied on for approval of Applicant's revised rates are as follows: Applicant purchases natural gas for customer usage and transports it over Williams Pipeline West (d.b.a. Northwest Pipeline Corporation), Gas Transmission Northwest (GTN), TransCanada (Alberta), TransCanada (BC) and Spectra Pipeline systems and defers the effect of timing differences due to implementation of rate changes and differences between Applicant's actual weighted average cost of gas (WACOG) purchased and the WACOG embedded in rates. Applicant also defers various pipeline refunds or charges and miscellaneous revenue received from natural gas related transactions including pipeline capacity releases. IX. This filing reflects the Company's proposed annual Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment (PGA) to: 1) pass through changes in the estimated cost of natural gas for the forthcoming thirteen months (Schedule 150), and 2) revise the amortization rate(s) to refund or collect the balance of deferred gas costs (Schedule 155). Below is a table summarizing the proposed changes reflected in this filing. Commodity Demand Total Amortization Total Rate Overall Sch. Change Change Sch. 150 Change Change Percent Service No. per therm per thin Change per therm per therm Chance General 101 ($0.02931) ($0.00849) ($0.03780) ($0.00890) ($0.04670) (5.02%) Lg. General 111 ($0.02931) ($0.00849) ($0.03780) ($0.00890) ($0.04670) (6.31%) Interruptible 131 ($0.02931) $0.00000 ($0.02931) ($0.00203) ($0.03134) (6.06%) X. Commodity Costs As shown in the table above, the estimated commodity cost (WACOG) change is a decrease of 2.9 cents per therm. The proposed WACOG is 33.3 cents per therm compared to the present WACOG of 36.2 cents per therm included in rates. The Company's natural gas procurement plan uses a diversified approach to procure gas for the coming PGA year. While the plan generally incorporates a structured approach for the hedging portion of the portfolio, the Company exercises flexibility and discretion in all areas of the plan based on changes in the wholesale market. The Company typically meets with the Commission Staff semi- annually to discuss the state of the wholesale market and the status of the Company's procurement plan. In addition, the Company communicates with Staff when it believes it makes sense to deviate from its procurement plan and/or opportunities arise in the market. Avista has been hedging gas on both a periodic and discretionary basis throughout 2012 for the forthcoming PGA year (thirteen months). Approximately 60% of estimated annual load requirements for the PGA year (October 2012 through October 2013) will be hedged at a fixed price, comprised of: 1) 11% of volumes hedged for a term of one year or less, 2) 29% of volumes from prior multi-year hedges, and 3) 20% of volumes from underground storage. Through June, the planned hedge volumes for the PGA year have been executed at a weighted average price of $3.09 per dekatherm ($0.309 per therm). The Company used a 30-day historical average of forward prices (ending July 19, 2012) by supply basin to develop an estimated cost associated with index/spot purchases. The estimated monthly volumes to be purchased by basin are multiplied by the (30-day) average price for the corresponding month and basin. These index/spot volumes represent approximately 40% of estimated annual load requirements for the coming year and the annual weighted average price for these volumes is $298 per dekatherm. Available underground storage capacity at Jackson Prairie represents approximately 20% of annual load requirements (38% of load requirements during the December to March withdrawal period). The estimated weighted average cost for all storage volumes is $2.10 per dekatherm. The Company also utilizes (optimizes) its underground storage capacity to provide additional benefits to customers beyond the winter/summer price differential and supply reliability. Overall prices today are lower than what was experienced in 2011. In February 2012, Avista filed an out-of-cycle PGA with the Commission, decreasing Schedule 150 rates by 5.6 cents per therm (from 41.8 cents to 36.2 cents). The Company believed that re-pricing the non-fixed price portion of its natural gas portfolio to reflect lower spot prices was appropriate, and was in compliance with the Commission's Order No. 32471 in Docket AVU-G-1 1-01 to file an application to amend its WACOG if "gas prices materially deviate" from the previously approved levels. Since that filing, which was approved by the Commission with an effective date of March 1, 2012, natural gas prices have stabilized, albeit at a much lower level than this time last year. Cash prices experienced over the storage injection season (April - September) have also been lower than 2011. This decreased pricing level has caused the storage WACOG to be lower than what is currently included in rates. With cash prices lower than levels experienced a year ago the forward prices for the upcoming PGA year, have also decreased. This decline has provided the opportunity to hedge natural gas through the Company's procurement plan at a cost below what is embedded in rates. XI. Demand Costs The Demand Costs shown in the table above primarily represents the cost of pipeline transportation to the Company's system, as well as any known or projected capacity releases. As shown in the table above, there is an overall slight decrease. Of particular note is the inclusion in the Company's filing of the effects of the recent Northwest Pipeline rate case which was approved by FERC. While that rate case caused an overall increase in demand costs for Avista, decreasing costs from the Canadian pipelines (Alberta and Spectra), and increasing estimated pipeline capacity releases more than offset the Northwest Pipeline increase. XII. Schedule 155 I Amortization Rate Change As shown in the table above, the proposed change in the amortization rates is an increase in the current refund rate of $0.00890 per therm. Currently the refund rate is $0.02885 per therm which the Company proposes to increase to $0.03775 per therm. This increase in the refund rate is driven by the recent decline in the wholesale cost of natural gas which has resulted in a net refund deferral balance of approximately $3.1 million. If approved as filed this balance should be refunded to customers over the next 13 months, assuming normal weather. XIII. Inclusive of the Company's Schedule 191 (Natural Gas DSM funding - proposed rate decrease) filing made July 30, 2012 (see Advice 12-04-U), the average residential or small commercial customer using 60 therms per month would see a decrease of $4.42 per month, or approximately 7.9%. The present bill for 60 therms is $55.78 while the proposed bill is $51.36. Including the "out-of-cycle" PGA approved by the Commission in Case No. AVU-G- 12-01, the average residential or small commercial customer using 60 therms per month would see a decrease of $7.77 per month, or approximately 13.1%, assuming the Company's applications are approved effective October 1, 2012. XIV. Exhibit "C" attached hereto contains support for the rates proposed by Applicant contained in Exhibit "A". xv. Applicant is requesting that Applicant's rates be approved to become effective on October 1, 2012. Applicant requests that, if appropriate, the Commission adopt the procedures prescribed by Rule 201-2 10, Modified Procedure. Applicant stands ready for immediate consideration on its Application. xv'. WHEREFORE, Applicant requests the Commission issue its Order finding Applicant's proposed rates to be just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory and to become effective for all natural gas service on and after October 1, 2012. Dated at Spokane, Washington, this 30t1 day of July 2012. AVISTA UTILITIES BY Kelly 0. Norwood Vice President, State and Federal Regulation STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of Spokane ) Patrick Ehrbar, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: that he is the Manager of Rates and Tariffs for Avista Utilities; that he has read the above and foregoing Application, knows the contents thereof, and believes the same to be true. Patrick D. Ehrbar Manager, Rates & Tariffs SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me this 301h day of July 2012. &' lii rvj4 NOTh \ . piBUG •) Az Z If I I t $ n or Notary ic in for the lot State of ashington, residing in Spokane. AVISTA UTILITIES Case No. AVU-G-12-O -~> EXHIBIT "A" Proposed Tariff Sheets July 30, 2012 Eighteenth Revision Sheet 150 Replacing U.C. No.27 Seventeenth Revision Sheet 150 150 AVISTA CORPORATION d/bfa Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 150 PURCHASE GAS COST ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To pass through changes in costs resulting from purchasing and transporting natural gas, to become effective as noted below. RATE: (a)The retail rates of firm gas Schedules 101, 111 and 112 are to be increased by 43.612* per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. (b)The rates of interruptible Schedules 131 and 132 are to be increased by 33.285* per therm. (c)The rate for transportation under Schedule 146 is to be decreased by 0.000* per therm. WEIGHTED AVERAGE GAS COST: The above rate changes are based on the following weighted average cost of gas per therm as of the effective date shown below: Demand Commodity Total Schedules 101 10.327* 33.285* 43.612* Schedules 111 and 112 10.327* 33.285* 43.612* Schedules 131 and 132 .000* 33.285* 33,285* The above amounts Include a gross revenue factor. Demand Commodity Total Schedules 101 10.289* 33.162* 43.451* Schedules 111 and 112 10.289* 33.162* 43.451* Schedules 131 and 132 .000* 33.162* 33.162* The above amounts do not include a gross revenue factor. BALANCING ACCOUNT: The Company will maintain a Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account whereby monthly entries into this Balancing Account will be made to reflect differences between the actual purchased gas costs collected from customers and the actual purchased gas costs incurred by the Company. Those differences are then collected from or refunded to customers under Schedule 155— Gas Rate Adjustment. by Avista Utilities By Kelly 0. Norwood - Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation ...: ,1JJ Eighteenth Revision Sheet 150 Replacing LP.U.C. No.27 Seventeenth Revision Sheet 150 150 AVISTA CORPORATION dibla_Avista_Utilities SCHEDULE 150 PURCHASE GAS COST ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To pass through changes in costs resulting from purchasing and transporting natural gas, to become effective as noted below. RATE: (a)The retail rates of firm gas Schedules 101, 111 and 112 are to be increased by 43.6112 per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. (b)The rates of interruptible Schedules 131 and 132 are to be increased by 43.612t per therm. (C) The rate for transportation under Schedule 146 is to be decreased by 0.0000 per therm. WEIGHTED AVERAGE GAS COST: The above rate changes are based on the following weighted average cost of gas per therm as of the effective date shown below: Demand Commodity Total Schedules 101 10.327 33.285t 43.612 Schedules 111 and 112 10.327 33.285t 43.612 Schedules 131 and 132 .0000 33.285t 33.285 The above amounts include a gross revenue factor. Demand Commodity Total Schedules 101 10.289 33.162t 43.451 Schedules 111 and 112 10.289t 33.162t 43.451 Schedules 131 and 132 .0000 33.162t 33.162 The above amounts do not include a gross revenue factor. BALANCING ACCOUNT: The Company will maintain a Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account whereby monthly entries into this Balancing Account will be made to reflect differences between the actual purchased gas costs collected from customers and the actual purchased gas costs incurred by the Company. Those differences are then collected from or refunded to customers under Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment. ssued July 30, 2012 By Kelly 0. Norwood - Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation Seventeenth Revicion Sheet 150 Replacing l.P.U.C. No.27 Substitute Sixteenth Revicion Sheet 150 150 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 150 PURCHASE GAS COST ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To pass through changes in costs resulting from purchasing and transporting natural gas, to become effective as noted below. RATE: (a)The retail rates of firm gas Schedules 101, 111 and 112 are to be increased by 47.392 per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. (b)The rates of interruptible Schedules 131 and 132 are to be increased by 36.2160 per therm. (c)The rate for transportation under Schedule 146 is to be decreased by 0.0000 per therm. WEIGHTED AVERAGE GAS COST: The above rate changes are based on the following weighted average cost of gas per therm as of the effective date shown below: Demand Commodity Total Schedules 101 11.1760 36.2160 47.392 Schedules 111 and 112 11.17-60 36.2460 47.392 Schedules 131 and 132 .0000 36.2460 36.216 The above amounts include a gross revenue factor. Demand Commodity Total Schedules 101 41.1350 36.0920 47.217 Schedules 111 and 112 11.1350 36.082 47.217 Schedules 131 and 132 .0000 36.0820 36.082 The above amounts do not include a gross revenue factor. BALANCING ACCOUNT: The Company will maintain a Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account whereby monthly entries into this Balancing Account will be made to reflect differences between the actual purchased gas costs collected from customers and the actual purchased gas costs incurred by the Company. Those differences are then collected from or refunded to customers under Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment. February 10, 2012 Effective y Avista Utilities By Kelly 0. Norwood - Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation Fourteenth Revision Sheet 155 Canceling LPIJ.C. No.27 Thirteenth Revision Sheet 155 155 AVISTA CORPORATION ri/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 155 GAS RATE ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO UITIT"U'll To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To adjust gas rates for amounts generated by the sources listed below. MONTHLY RATE: (a)The rates of firm gas Schedules 101 and 111 are to be decreased by 3.7750 per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. (b)The rate of interruptible gas Schedule 131 is to be decreased by 3.5170 per therm. SOURCES OF MONTHLY RATE: Changes in the monthly rates above result from amounts which have been accumulated in the Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account as described in Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment and Schedule 156 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued by Avista Utilities By felly Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AJI I.P.U.C. No.27 Fourteenth Revision Sheet 155 Canceling AVISTA CORPORATION dibla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 155 GAS RATE ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO 155 AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To adjust gas rates for amounts generated by the sources listed below. MONTHLY RATE: (a)The rates of firm gas Schedules 101 and 111 are to be decreased by 3.775 per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. (b)The rate of interruptible gas Schedule 131 is to be decreased by 3.517 per therm. SOURCES OF MONTHLY RATE: Changes in the monthly rates above result from amounts which have been accumulated in the Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account as described in Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment and Schedule 156 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. July 30, 2012 y Avista Utilities By Kelly Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation Thirteenth Revicion Sheet 155 Canceling I.P.U.C. No.27 Twelfth Revicion Sheet 155 155 AVISTA CORPORATION dlbla Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 155 GAS RATE ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To adjust gas rates for amounts generated by the sources listed below. MONTHLY RATE: (a)The rates of firm gas Schedules 101 and 111 are to be decreased by 2.8850 per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. (b)The rate of interruptible gas Schedule 131 is to be decreased by 3.314 0 per therm. SOURCES OF MONTHLY RATE: Changes in the monthly rates above result from amounts which have been accumulated in the Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account as described in Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment and Schedule 156 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly Norwood, Vice President, State & Federal Regulation AVISTA UTILITIES Case No. AVU-G-12-O EXHIBIT "B" Notice of Public Applicant's Proposed Tariffs July 30, 2012 AVISTA UTILITIES NOTICE OF IDAHO TARIFF CHANGE (Natural Gas Service Only) Notice is hereby given that the "Sheets" listed below of Tariff IPUC No. 27, covering natural gas service applicable to Idaho customers of Avista Utilities have been filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) in Boise, Idaho. Eighteenth Revision Sheet 150 canceling Seventeenth Revision Sheet 150 Fourteenth Revision Sheet 155 canceling Thirteenth Revision Sheet 155 Fourteenth Revision Sheet 155 updates the amortization rate used to refund or recover previous gas cost differences and Eighteenth Revision Sheet 150 updates the forward- looking cost of natural gas purchased for customer usage. These tariffs request an annual revenue decrease of approximately $3.6 million, or about 5.4%. This request is a Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment (PGA) that is filed annually to reflect changes in the cost of gas purchased to serve customers. Any increases or decreases resulting from these PGA filings directly result from the cost of gas purchased in the marketplace; Avista makes no additional profits from these rate changes. If the Company's request is approved, and including the Company's July 30, 2012 rate reduction request for Schedule 191, the average residential or small commercial customer using 60 therms per month will see an decrease of $4.42 per month, or approximately 7.9%. The present bill for 60 therms is $55.78 while the proposed bill is $51.36. Larger commercial customers served under Schedules 111 can expect to see an average decrease of about 8.5%, with the higher percentages due to lower base rates. However, actual customer increases will vary based on therms consumed. This filing requests an effective date of October 1, 2012. Copies of the proposed tariff changes are available for inspection in the Company's offices or can be obtained by calling (509) 495-4565 or writing: Avista Utilities Attention: Manager, Rates & Tariffs P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, WA. 99220-3727 July 31, 2012 AVISTA UTILITIES Case No. AVU-G-12-Oc EXHIBIT "C" Workpapers July 30, 2012 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Calculation of Overall Rate Change Schedule 101 Schedule 111/112 Schedule 131 (currently no customers) Schedule 132 Schedule 146 Sch 150 Sch 150 Sch 156 Sch 156 Sch 155 Sch 155 Sch 155 Total Budgeted Gas Cost Gas Cost Gas Cost Gas Cost Amortization Amortization Amortization Amortization Total Annual Per Therm Annual Per Therm Annual Per Therm Annual Direct Chg Sch 155 Sch 150/155/156 Therms Inc <Dec> Inc <Dec> Inc <Dec> Inc <Dec> Inc <Dec> Inc <Dec> <Refunds> Inc <Dec> Inc <Dec> 54,077,713 ($003780) ($2,044,138) ($000890) ($481,292) ($481,292) ($2,525,430) 20,693,825 ($003780) ($782,227) ($000890) ($184,175) ($184,175) ($966,402) ($002931) ($000203) 440,428 ($002931) ($12,909) ($12,909) ($22,978) ($22,978) ($22,978) ($386) ($386) ($386) ($1,915) ($1,915) ($1,915) ($22,589) ($22,589) ($22,589) ($665,467) ($47,868) ($713,335) ($3,552,609) $65,712,904 -5.41% Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 Customer 4 Customer 5 75,211,966 ($2,839,274) Total Budgeted Annual Revenue Percent of Increase <Decrease> Page 1 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Average Increase Per Customer (Based on Budget) Sch Budgeted Average Average Annual Monthly No. Of Usage Usage Customers 101 54,077,713 4,506,476 75,118 Basic Charge 111 20,693,825 1,724,485 1,371 First 200 Next 800 Next 9,000 Over 10,000 131 132 440,428 36,702 Average Present Total Proposed Total Estimated Estimated Mo. Usage Rate Present Rate Proposed Monthly Increase Per Cust. Cost Cost Increase Percentage 60 $0.85883 $51.53 $0.81213 $48.73 $4.25 $4.25 $4.25 $55.78 $52.98 ($2.80) -5.02% 1,258 $0.86634 $173.27 $081964 $163.93 $0.73419 $587.35 $0.68749 $549.99 $0.65840 $169.87 $0.61170 $157.82 $0.60846 $0.56176 $930.49 $871.74 ($58.75) -6.31% $0.51725 $0.48591 -6.06% 36,702 $0.55039 $20,200.41 $052108 $19,124.67 ($1,075.74) -5.33% Page 2 Avista Utilities Calculation of Idaho Proposed Rates Sch Description No. 101 General 111 Large General First 200 Next 800 Next 9,000 Over 10,000 112 Large General First 200 Next 800 Next 9,000 Over 10,000 131 Interruptible 132 Interruptible 146 Transportation Proposed Proposed Proposed Present Present Total Present Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Proposed Rate 150 155 156 191 (DSM) 199 (DSIT) Rate $038679 $0.43612 ($0.03775) $0.02697 $081213 $040806 $0.43612 ($003775) $0.01321 $0.81964 $0.27591 $043612 ($003775) $0.01321 $0.68749 $020012 $043612 ($003775) $0.01321 $0.61170 $0.15018 $0.43612 ($003775) $0.01321 $0.56176 $0.40806 $0.43612 $0.01321 $085739 $0.27591 $0.43612 $0.01321 $0.72524 $0.20012 $0.43612 $001321 $0.64945 $0.15018 $0.43612 $0.01321 $059951 $0.17626 $0.33285 ($0.03517) $0.01197 $048591 $0.17626 $033285 $0.01197 $0.52108 $0.10671 $010671 Page 3 Avista Utilities Calculation of Idaho Present Rates Sch Description Present Present Present Present Present Total No. Tariff Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Present Rate 150 155 191 (DSM) 199 (DSIT) Rate 101 General $0.38679 $047392 ($0.02885) $0.02697 $0.85883 111 Large General First 200 $0.40806 $0.47392 ($0.02885) $0.01321 $0.86634 Next 800 $0.27591 $0.47392 ($0.02885) $0.01321 $0.73419 1,0001 -10,000 $0.20012 $0.47392 ($0.02885) $0.01321 $0.65840 Over 10,000 $0.15018 $0.47392 ($0.02885) $0.01321 $060846 112 Large General First 200 $040806 $0.47392 $0.01321 $0.69519 Next 800 $0.27591 $0.47392 $0.01321 $0.76304 1,0001 - 10,000 $0.20012 $0.47392 $0.01321 $0.68725 Over 10,000 $0.15018 $0.47392 $0.01321 $0.63731 131 Interruptible $017626 $0.36216 ($0.03314) $0.01197 $0.51725 132 Interruptible $0.17626 $0.36216 $0.01197 $0.55039 146 Transportation $0.10671 $0.10671 Page 4 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Recap of Rate Changes Including GRF Previous Proposed Increase Rate Rate <Decrease> Schedule 150 (Gas Costs) Schedule 101 $0.47392 $0.43612 ($0.03780) Schedule 111 $0.47392 $043612 ($0.03780) Schedule 112 $0.47392 $0.43612 ($0.03780) Schedule 131 $0.36216 $0.33285 ($0.02931) Schedule 132 $036216 $0.33285 ($0.02931) Schedule 146 $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.00000 Schedule 156 (Gas Costs) Schedule 101 $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.00000 Schedule 111 $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.00000 Schedule 112 $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.00000 Schedule 131 $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.00000 Schedule 132 $0.00000 $0.00000 $000000 Schedule 146 $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.00000 Schedule 155 (Gas Cost Amortization) Schedule 101 ($0.02885) ($0.03775) ($0.00890) Schedule 111 ($0.02885) ($0.03775) ($0.00890) Schedule 112 $000000 $0.00000 $0.00000 Schedule 131 ($003314) ($0.03517) ($0.00203) Schedule 132 $000000 $000000 $0.00000 Schedule 146 $0.00000 $000000 $0.00000 Combined Schedule 150, 155 & 156 Schedule 101 $0.44507 $0.39837 ($004670) Schedule 111 $0.44507 $0.39837 ($0.04670) Schedule 112 $0.47392 $0.43612 ($0.03780) Schedule 131 $0.32902 $0.29768 ($0.03134) Schedule 132 $0.36216 $0.33285 ($0.02931) Schedule 146 $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.00000 Page 5 Avista Utilities State of Idaho - Weighted Average Cost of Gas For 10/1/12 - 10/31/13 (13 Months) Annual System 13 M System Idaho Idaho Billing Billing Rate System Demand Commodity Determinants Determinants Per Therm Total Cost Costs (1) Costs (2) (Therms) (Therms) 30.010% 30.569% NORTHWEST PIPELINE (Note 3) TF-2 Demand Charge 29,061,300 31,483,075 $0040220 $1,266,273 $380,009 TF-2 Variable Transportation Charge 54,027,270 $0003000 $162,082 $49,547 SGS-1 Commodity Washington 37,870,120 $0210000 $7,952,725 Idaho 16,157,150 $0210000 $3,393,002 $3,393,002 TF-1 Demand Charge 558,085,000 604,592,083 $0040220 $24,317,147 $7,297,576 End User Cap. Releases 2,555,000 2,767,917 $0040220 $111,328 Variable Transportation Charge 85,225,510 $0.003180 $271,017 $82,847 OTHER PIPELINES TCPL Alberta (NOVA) Demand 345,375,310 378,263,690 $0.01841 $6,963,790 $2,089,833 TCPL - BC (ANG - FOOTHILLS) 52,564,015 57,028,356 $006618 $3,773,956 $1,132,564 GTN Demand 352,369,710 $000930 $3,275,868 $983,088 GTN Variable Transportation Charge 125,000,000 $000058 $72,500 $22,163 Spectra Energy - Westcoast Energy 35,992,970 38,992,384 $003376 $1,316,483 $395,077 OTHER Gas Purchases 64,588,630 $038992 $25,184,399 $25,184,399 Capacity Releases ($13,400,000) ($4,021,340) Terasen Reservation Credit ($6,500,000) ($1,986,985) GRI Funding $32,000 Total 118,615,900 $58,160,570 $8,256,807 $26,776,973 Estimated Therms 80,251,880 80,745,745 Proposed WACOG $043451 $010289 $033162 Gross Revenue Factor (GRF) 100.3718% 100.3718% 100.3718% Proposed WACOG Including GRF $043612 $010327 $033285 Present Gas Costs Including GRF $047392 $011176 $036216 Rate Change Including GRF ($003780) ($000849) ($002931) Sch 101 Sch 101 Note 1-Based on 5 day peak study Sch 111 Sch 111 Note 2 - Annual Commodity Percentage Sch 112 Sch 112 Note 3-Based on a blended rate of current and the NWP GRC Settlement that will become effective 1/1/13 Sch 131 Sch 132 Page 6 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Estimated Commodity WACOG (Based on 30 Day Average Forward Price at 7/19/2012) Executed Planned Total Cost of Cost of Total Hedged Hedged Index Idaho Transport Idaho Executed Planned Cost of Cost of Net Idaho Volumes Volumes Volumes Purchased Fuel Deliveried Hedged Hedged Hedged Index Idaho Purchase Volumes Volumes Volumes Volumes Volumes Volumes Volumes Comm. Costs WACOG October 2012 2,798,390 2,744,190 5,542,580 (79560) 5,463,020 $1,124,159 $1,124,159 $668,093 $1,792,252 $032807 November 4,372,410 69,770 5,205,490 9,647,670 (138,220) 9,509,450 $2,375,407 $19,109 $2,394,516 $1,425,642 $3,820,158 $0.40172 December 4,435,420 70,780 2,916,800 7,423,000 (134,540) 7,288,460 $2,409,638 $21,237 $2,430,875 $875,206 $3,306,081 $045360 January 2013 4,346,360 69,360 1,237,640 5,653,360 (106,520) 5,546,840 $2,361,255 $21,451 $2,382,706 $382,789 $2,765,495 $049857 February 3,802,530 60,680 2,995,860 6,859,070 (90,690) 6,768,380 $2,065,805 $18,791 $2,084,596 $927,770 $3,012,366 $0.44506 March 4,401,600 70,240 1,913,880 6,385,720 (55,660) 6,330,060 $2,391,264 $21,677 $2,412,941 $590,675 $3,003,616 $0.47450 April 993,630 686,510 4,207,820 5,887,960 (85,560) 5,802,400 $302,004 $209,134 $511,138 $1,281,846 $1,792,984 $030901 May 584,840 271,700 2,639,370 3,495,910 (49,850) 3,446,060 $190,258 $82,854 $273,112 $804,875 $1,077,987 $0.31282 June 554,050 257,390 1,430,460 2,241,900 (32,250) 2,209,650 $180,240 $78,640 $258,880 $437,045 $695,925 $031495 July 658,480 305,910 1,152,620 2,117,010 (30,110) 2,086,900 $214,212 $94,599 $308,811 $356,440 $665,251 $031877 August 657,840 305,610 1,153,300 2,116,750 (30,850) 2,085,900 $214,005 $94,666 $308,671 $357,244 $665,915 $031925 September 632,070 293,640 1,628,570 2,554,280 (36,550) 2,517,730 $205,621 $91,941 $297,562 $509,923 $807,485 $032072 October 1,099,370 759,560 3,755,150 5,614,080 (80,300) 5,533,780 $341,461 $241,836 $583,297 $1,195,596 $1,778,893 $032146 29,336,990 3,221,150 32,981,150 65,539,290 (950,660) 64,588,630 $14,375,329 $995,935 $15,371,264 $9,813,144 $25,184,408 $0.38992 Page 7 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Total Gas Costs Without GRF For 10/1/12 - 10/31/13 (13 Months) Demand Commodity Total Proposed Gas Costs Before GRF Schedules 101 -112 $0.10289 $0.33162 $0.43451 Schedules 131 - 132 $0.33162 $033162 Present Gas Costs Before GRE Schedules 101-112 $011135 $036082 $0.47217 Schedules 131 - 132 $0.36082 $0.36062 Increase <Decrease> Before GRF Schedules 101 -112 ($0.00846) ($0.02920) ($0.03766) Schedules 131 - 132 ($0.02920) ($0.02920) Proposed Gas Costs Including GRE Schedules 101 -112 $010327 $033285 $043612 Schedules 131 - 132 $0.33285 $0.33285 Present Gas Costs Including GRE Schedules 101 -112 $011176 $036216 $0.47392 Schedules 131 - 132 $0.36216 $0.36216 Increase <Decrease> Including GRE Schedules 101 -112 ($000849) ($002931) ($0.03780) Schedules 131 - 132 ($002931) ($0.02931) Page 8 Contract Number Contract Demand of Number Rate Schedule (Dth's) Days 100010 TF-1 Firm Transportation 133,270 365 100164 TF-1 Firm Transportation 10,000 365 100314 TF-2 Jackson Prairie 7,962 365 136948 TF-1 Firm Transportation 5,000 365 136950 TF-1 Firm Transportation 5,330 365 Total Firm Transportation Less: TF-2 Jackson Prairie Less: End User Capacity Releases Net TF-1 Firm Transportation Annual Daily Daily Annual 13 Month Contract Rate Rate System System Demand (Note 1) (Note 2) Costs Costs (Dth's) 48,643,550 $0.37883 $0.41000 $19,564,801 $21,195,201 3,650,000 $0.37883 $0.41000 $1,468,057 $1,590,395 2,906,130 $0.37883 $0.41000 $1,168,867 $1,266,273 1,825,000 $0.37883 $0.41000 $734,029 $795,198 1,945,450 $0.37883 $0.41000 $782,475 $847,681 58,970,130 $ 23,718,229 $ 25,694,748 (2,906,130) (1,168,867) ($1,266,273) (255,500) (102,764) ($111,328) 55,808,500 $ 22,446,598 $ 24,317,147 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Northwest Pipeline Note 1 - From NWP Third Revised Sheet No. 5, Fifth Revised Volume No. 1 TF-1, Large Customer, System-Wide (MMBTu) currently in effect. Note 2 - From NWP GRC Settlement, new rates will become effective 1/1/13 Page 9 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Gas Transmission NW Corporation FTS-1 FTS-1 F-00177 F-00177 (Oct - Mar) (Apr - Sept) FTS-1 FTS-1 System F-00178 F-002591 Total MMBTu's 54,823 30,000 20,782 25,000 Number of Effective Days (13 Mos) 213 181 396 396 13 Months MMBTu's 11,677,299 5,430,000 8,229,672 9,900,000 35,236,971 Daily Non-Mileage Rate (Note 1) $0039216 $0.039216 $0.039216 $0.039216 Mileage Rate (Note 1) $0.000498 $0.000498 $0.000498 $0000498 Mileage 103.39 102.96 117.22 108.29 Total Mileage Rate $0.051490 $0.051270 $0.058380 $0.053930 Fixed 13 Month Amount $457,937 $212,943 $322,735 $388,238 1,381,853 13 Month Mileage Based Amount $601,264 $278,396 $480,448 $533,907 1,894,015 Total 13 Month Amount $1,059,201 $491,339 $803,183 $922,145 $3,275,868 Note I - Gas Transmission NW, Fourth Revised Volume No. 1-A, Part 4.1 Effective 2/07/12 Page 10 Avista Utilities State of Idaho TransCanada Pipeline - Foothills (ANG) Daily Annual 13 Months Daily Annual KM Mileage Mileage Contract Contract No. of Contract Rate KM Costs Costs Demand (Gj) Mos Demand (Gj) (Note 1) AVA- F8 (Firm) 31,100 12 373,200 $001675934 170.7 $1,067,658 $1,156,630 AVA-F4 (Firm) 58,284 6 349,704 $001675934 170.7 $1,000,440 $1,167,180 AVA- F4 (Firm) 31,892 6 191,352 $001675934 170.7 $547,423 $638,660 AVA-F2 7,159 6 42,954 $001675934 170.7 $122,884 $143,365 AVA-F8 22,508 12 270,096 $0.01675934 170.7 $772,696 $837,087 AVA-F8 (Firm) 16,441 12 197,292 $001675934 170,7 $564,417 $611,452 AVA-F6 (Firm) 16,817 12 201,804 $001675934 170.7 $577,325 $625,435 184,201 1,626,402 $4,652,843 $5,179,809 Canadian Exchange Rate 100% 100% $4,652,843 $5,179,809 Less: Oregon Portion 47,705 $1,205,017 $1,405,853 Total 136,496 $3,447,826 $3,773,956 Annualized Therms GJ to Dth Conversion Factor 1.055056 Dth Per Day 144,011 Days 365 WA/ID Annualized Therms 52,564,015 Note I * FT Firm Service Rate, effective January 1, 2012 (Canadian cents/Gj/Km/Month) Page 11 Avista Utilities State of Idaho TCPL BC (NOVA) Demand Calculation Annual 13 Month change Mileage Mileage Annual 13 Month Rate Costs Costs Contract Contract In U.S. In U.S. Demand (Dth) Demand (Dth) Dollars Dollars 100% $64,090 $69,431 372,592 403,641 100% $1,022,052 $1,107,223 5,941,746 6,436,892 100% $760,574 $823,955 4,421,628 4,790,097 100% $908,451 $984,155 5,281,322 5,721,432 100% $418,521 $453,398 2,433,089 2,635,846 100% $63,436 $68,722 368,786 399,518 100% $3,654,395 $3,958,928 21,244,986 23,015,402 100% $326,283 $353,473 1,896,861 2,054,933 100% $1,143,967 $1,601,554 4,762,473 5,714,968 $ 8,361,769 $ 9,420,839 46,723,483 51,172,729 $ 6,180,936 $ 6,963,790 34,537,531 37,826,369 $2,180,833 $2,457,049 12,185,952 13,346,360 $ 8,361,769 $ 9,420,839 46,723,483 51,172,729 Annual Contract No. Annual Monthly Monthly Mileage Contract No. Demand of Contract Mileage Mileage Costs (Gj) Days Demand (GJ) Rate Rate In Canadian (Note 1) Dollars 2010-445837 (Firm) 1,077 365 393,105 $4.959 $0163036 $64,090 2010-445834 (Firm) 17,175 365 6,268,875 $4.959 $0163036 $1,022,052 2010-445835 (Firm) 12,781 365 4,665,065 $4.959 $0.163036 $760,574 2010-445836 (Firm) 15,266 365 5,572,090 $4.959 $0.163036 $908,451 2010-445836 (Firm) 7,033 365 2,567,045 $4.959 $0.163036 $418,521 2010-447082 (Firm) 1,066 365 389,090 $4.959 $0.163036 $63,436 2010-447082 (Firm) 61,410 365 22,414,650 $4959 $0.163036 $3,654,395 2010-447082 (Firm) 5,483 365 2,001,295 $4.959 $0.163036 $326,283 2006-245371 (Firm) 33,276 151 5,024,676 $6.876 $0.226050 $1,143,967 49,295,891 $ 8,361,769 Washington/Idaho Portion Oregon Portion Note 1 - Rate Schedule FT-D expressed in GJ, effective 1/1/11 Page 12 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Westcoast Energy - Demand Calculation Rate Schedule FT-D, Appendix A, Effective 4/1/12 Demand Rate per month (C$) (10 cubed/rn cubed) Daily Demand (*12 mos1365 days) Convert to GJ (/38.25) Convert to MMBtu's (*1 .055056) Convert to U.S. Dollars Billing Determinants Contract Demand E3M3 Number of Days Annual Contract Demand E3M3 Conversion Factor GJ Conversion Factor Dth Total Annual Costs Washington/Idaho Percentage Washington/Idaho Portion Total 13 Months Costs (Annual Costs / 12Mos * 13Mos) $459.64 $15.1115 $0.395071 $0.416822 100% $0.416822 272.0 365 99,280.0 38.25 3,797,460 1.055056 3,599,297 $1,500,266 81% $1,215,215 $1,316,483 Page 13 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Budget Information - Therms Rate Sch. Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Total 101 3,237302 6,899,109 9,523,289 9160,047 7,251,059 6,517,822 4,303,468 2,416141 1,299,247 1,104,470 1,051,995 1,313,764 3,273,833 57,351,546 111 2,173,122 2,551,190 2,857,723 2,631,003 2,198,156 1,781,799 1,467,584 1,003,118 890,546 957,124 1,007,364 1,175,096 2,206,509 22,900,334 132 52,600 59,154 50,643 44,139 38,289 36,904 31,349 26,795 19,856 25,297 26,537 28,865 53,437 493,865 Total Sales 5,463,024 9,509,453 12,431,655 11,835,189 9,487,504 8,336,525 5,802,401 3,446,054 2,209,649 2,086,891 2,085,896 2,517,725 5,533,779 80,745,745 Page 14 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Recap of Changes To Schedule 150/156 Anticipated Effect Date 10/1/12 CENTS PER THERM Schedule 101 Current Rate Proposed lncr<Decr> Proposed Rate Schedule 111 Current Rate Proposed lncr<Decr> Proposed Rate Schedule 112 Current Rate Proposed Incr<Decr> Proposed Rate Schedule 131 Current Rate Proposed lncr<Decr> Proposed Rate Schedule 132 Current Rate Proposed lncr<Decr> Proposed Rate Schedule 146 Current Rate Proposed lncr<Decr> Proposed Rate Commodity Demand Charge Total 0.36216 0.11176 0.47392 (0.02931) (0.00849) (0.03780) 0.33285 0.10327 0.43612 0.36216 0.11176 0.47392 (0.02931) (0.00849) (0.03780) 0.33285 0.10327 0.43612 0.36216 0.11176 0.47392 (0.02931) (0.00849) (0.03780) 0.33285 0.10327 0.43612 0.36216 0.36216 (0.02931) (0.02931) 0.33285 0.33285 0.36216 0.36216 (0.02931) (0.02931) 0.33285 0.33285 Page 15 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Calculation of Changes to Schedule 155 Current Proposed Total Rate Rate Proposed lncr <Decr> lncr <Decr> lncr <Decr> Firm Customers, Schs 101 & 111 Firm Customers, Schedules 112 Interruptible Customers, Schedules 131 Interruptible Customers, Schedules 132 Transportation Customers, Schedules 146 ($002885) ($003775) ($000890) ($003314) ($003517) ($000203) Page 16 Avista Utilities Idaho Gas Tracker Calculation of New Amortization Rate Schedule 155 Amortization Total All Firm All Sales Rate Revenue Amortization Customers Customers Before GRF Adjustment Rate Schedule 101 ($0.00257) ($0.03504) ($0.03761) ($0.00014) ($003775) Schedule 111 ($000257) ($0.03504) ($003761) ($0.00014) ($003775) Schedule 112 Schedule 131 ($003504) ($0.03504) ($0.00013) ($0.03517) Schedule 132 Page 17 Avista Utilities Idaho Gas Tracker Balances at 6/30/12 Unamortized Current Deferrals Deferrals Total Adjustments Total (Acct 191000) (Acct 191010) (Note 1) All Firm Customers 1,363,736.02 (1,568,952.54) (205,216.52) (205,216.52) All Sales Customers (718,714.72) (2,074,598.06) (2,793,312.78) (6,164.83) (2,799,477.61) Customer 1 (9,750.08) (13,227.60) (22,977.68) (22,977.68) Customer 2 (0.31) (385.36) (385.67) (385.67) Customer 3 Customer 4 (1,915.05) (1,915.05) (1,915.05) Customer (9,576.36) (13,012.96) (22589.32) (22,589.32) 625,694.55 (3,672,091.57) (3,046,397.02) (6,164.83) (3,052,561.85) Note 1 - Balance in Account 254335, Idaho DSIT Amortization, as of 6/30/12 Page 18 Avista Utilities Idaho Gas Tracker Calculation of Amortization Rate Firm Customers (Schedules 101 & 111) Estimated Estimated Total Balance Sch 101 Sch 111 Estimated Amortization Interest To Be Therms Therms Therms ($0.00257) 1.00% Amortized ($205,216.52) (191,476.95) (167,339.12) (135,646.11) (105,443.52) (81,236.79) (59,965.57) (45,177.76) (36,424.25) (30,824.49) (25,549.67) (20,276.21) (13,894.07) 184.70 October 2012 3,237,302 2,173,122 5,410,424 $13,904.79 ($165.22) November 6,899,109 2,551,190 9,450,299 24,287.27 (149.44) December 9,523,289 2,857,723 12,381,012 31,819.20 (126.19) January 2013 9,160,047 2,631,003 11,791,050 30,303.00 (100.41) February 7,251,059 2,198,156 9,449,215 24,284.48 (77.75) March 6,517,822 1,781,799 8,299,621 21,330.03 (58.81) April 4,303,468 1,467,584 5,771,052 14,831.60 (43.79) May 2,416,141 1,003,118 3,419,259 8,787.50 (33.99) June 1,299,247 890,546 2,189,793 5,627.77 (28.01) July 1,104,470 957,124 2,061,594 5,298.30 (23.48) August 1,051,995 1,007,364 2,059,359 5,292.55 (19.09) September 1,313,764 1,175,096 2,488,860 6,396.37 (14.23) October 2013 3,273,833 2,206,509 5,480,342 14,084.48 (5.71) 57,351,546 22,900,334 80,251,880 $206,247.34 ($846.12) Page 19 Avista Utilities Idaho Gas Tracker Calculation of Amortization Rate Sales Customers (Schedules 101,111 & 131) Estimated Estimated Estimated Total Balance Sch 101 Sch 111 Sch 131 Estimated Amortization Interest To Be Therms Therms Therms Therms ($003504) 1.00% Amortized ($2,799,477.61) October 2012 3,237,302 2,173,122 5,410,424 $189,581.26 ($2,253.91) (2,612,150.26) November 6,899,109 2,551,190 9,450,299 331,138.48 (2,038.82) (2,283,050.60) December 9,523,289 2,857,723 12,381,012 433,830.66 (1,721.78) (1,850,941.72) January 2013 9,160,047 2,631,003 11,791,050 413,158.39 (1,370.30) (1,439,153.63) February 7,251,059 2,198,156 9,449,215 331,100.49 (1,061.34) (1,109,114.48) March 6,517,822 1,781,799 8,299,621 290,818.72 (803.09) (819,098.85) April 4,303,468 1,467,584 5,771,052 202,217.66 (598.33) (617,479.52) May 2,416,141 1,003,118 3,419,259 119,810.84 (464.65) (498,133.33) June 1,299,247 890,546 2,189,793 76,730.35 (383.14) (421,786.12) July 1,104,470 957,124 2,061,594 72,238.25 (321.39) (349,869.26) August 1,051,995 1,007,364 2,059,359 72,159.94 (261.49) (277,970.81) September 1,313,764 1,175,096 2,488,860 87,209.65 (195.30) (190,956.46) October 2013 3,273,833 2,206,509 5,480,342 192,031.18 (79.12) 995.60 57,351,546 22,900,334 80,251,880 $2,812,025.87 ($11,552.66) Page 20 Avista Utilities Idaho Gas Tracker Revenue Adjustment Factor From General Rate Case AVU-G-1 1-01, Filed 7/05/11 Commission Fees $0.002039 Uncollectibles $0.001665 $0.003704 Calculation of Revenue Adjustment Factor 11(1 - 0 )= 1.003718 Page 21 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Account 191000 Detail 6/30/11 7/31/11 7/31/1I 7/31/11 8/31/11 8/31/11 8/31/11 Balance Amortization Interest Balance Amortization Interest Balance Firm Customers 1,779,700.67 (10,417.53) 1,478.74 1,770,761.88 (9,278.39) 1,471.77 1,762,955.26 All Sales Customers (2,480,406.48) 165,548.19 - (1,998.02) (2,316,856.31) 147445.65 (1,869.28) (2,171,279.94) Customer 1 (57,503.42) (47.92) (57,551.34) (47.96) (57,599.30) - Customer 2 (22.44) (0.02) (22.46) (0.02) (22.48) Customer 3 (3,437.77) (2.86) (3,440.63) (2.87) (3,443.50) - Customer 4 Customer (37,087.85) (30.91) (37,118.76) (30.93) (37,149.69) Total (798,757.29) 155,130.66 1 (600.99) (644,227.62) 138,167.26 (479.29) (506,539.65) Page 22 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Account 191000 Detail 9/30/11 9/30/11 9/30/11 PGA 10/31/11 10/31/11 Amortization Interest Balance Transfer Amortization Interest Balance Firm Customers (10,390.94) 1,464.80 1,754,029.12 (109,606.78) (23,063.51) 1,360.74 1,622,719.57 All Sates Customers - 165,125.63 (1,740.59) (2,007,894.90) (947,467.17) 174,71296 (2,400.04) (2,783,049.15) Customer 1 (48.00) (57,647.30) (10,477.69) (56.77) (68,181.76) Customer 2 (0.02) (22.50) (78.58) 100.81 (0.04) (0.31) Customer 3 (2.87) (3,446.37) 3,437.77 8.60 Customer 4 - Customer (30.96) (37,180.65) (11,317.96) 39,010.01 (24.16) (9,512.76) Total 154,734.69 1 (357.64) (352,162.60) (1,078,948.18) 194,198.04 1 (1,111.67) (1,238,024.41) Page 23 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Account 191000 Detail 11/30/11 11/30/11 12/31/11 12/31/11 1/31/12 Amortization Interest Balance Amortization Interest Balance Amortization Interest Firm Customers (41,322.54) 1,335.05 1,582,732.08 (53,049.55) 1,296.84 1,530,979.37 (49,171.09) 1,255.33 All Sales Customers - 319,856.12 (2,185.44) (2,465,378.47) 409,366.44 (1,883.92) (2,057,895.95) 379,389.69 (1,556.84) Customer 1 58,520.79 (32.43) (9,693.40) (8.08) (9,701.48) (8.08) Customer 2 (0.31) (0.31) - Customer 3 Customer 4 Customer 5 (7.93) (9,520.69) (7.93) (9,528.62) (7.94) Total 337,054.37 1 (890.75) (901,860.79)1 356,316.89 1 (603.09) (546,146.99)1 330,218.60 1 (317.53) Page 24 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Account 191000 Detail 1/31/12 2/29/12 2/29/12 2/29/12 3/31/12 3/31/12 3/31/12 4/30/12 Balance Amortization Interest Balance Amortization Interest Balance Amortization Firm Customers 1,483,063.61 (40,774.46) 1,218.90 1,443,508.05 (36,497.69) 1,187.72 1,408,198.08 (21,501.42) All Sales Customers - (1,680,063.10) 314,573.05 (1,26898) (1,366,759.03) 281,578.01 (1,021.65) (1,086,202.67) 165,882.41 Customer 1 (9,709.56) (8.09) (9,717.65) (8.10) (9,725.75) _ Customer 2 (0.31) (0.31) (0.31) Customer 3 - Customer 4 - Customer 5 (9,536.56) (7.95) (9,544.51) (7.95) (9,552.46) Total (216,245.92) 273,798.59 (66.12)1 57,486.55 1 245,080.32 1 150.02 1 302,716.89 1 144,380.99 Page 25 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Account 191000 Detail 4/30/12 4/30/12 5/31/12 5/31/12 5/31/12 6/30/12 6/30/12 6/30/12 Interest Balance Amortization Interest Balance Amortization Interest Balance Firm Customers 1,164.54 1,387,861.20 (14,661.38) 1,150.44 1,374,350.26 (11,754.63) 1,140.39 1,363,736.02 All Sales Customers - (836.06) (921,156.32) 113,111.83 (720.50) (808,764.99) 90,686.45 (636.18) (718,714.72) Customer 1 (8.10) (9,733.85) (8.11) (9,741.96) (8.12) (9,750.08) - Customer 2 (0.31) (0.31) (0.31) - Customer 3 Customer 4 - Customer 5 (7.96) (9,560.42) (7.97) (9,568.39) _______ (7.97) (9,576.36) Total 312.42 447,410.30 98,450.45 413.86 546,274.61 78,931.82 488.12 625,694.55 Page 26 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Recap of Acct 191010 Balance 7/311I1 Demand & Interest Balance 8/31/11 Demand & Interest 6/30/11 Commodity Capacity Rel. 7/31/11 Commodity Capacity Rel. Deferral Deferrals Deferral Deferrals Customer 1 (1,017.37) (3,903.15) 1,711.60 (1.76) (3,210.68) (6,708.19) 1,708.79 (4.76) Customer 2 - (78.37) (0.07) (78.44) (0.07) - Customer 3 Customer 4 Customer 5 - (1,922.16) (2,207.97) (2.52) (4,132.65) (3,462.61) (4.89) Firm Customers (1,439,952.56) 425,576.42 (1,022.62) (1,015,398.76) 476,992.83 (647.42) Sales Customers (141,932.88) (219,886.36) (209.90) (362,029.14) (275,045.81) (416.29) - (1,584,903.34) (225,997.48) 427,288.02 (1,236.87) 1,384,849.67) (1,384,849.67)11 (285,216.61)1 478,701.62 1 (1,073.43) OK OK Page 27 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Recap of Acct 191010 Balance 9/30/11 Demand & Interest Balance PGA 10/31/11 Demand & 8/31/11 Commodity Capacity Rel. 9/30/11 Transfer Commodity Capacity Rel. Deferral Deferrals Deferral Deferrals Customer 1 (8,214.84) (3,737.58) 1,482.52 (7.79) (10,477.69) 10,477.69 (1,738.58) (107.41) Customer 2 - (78.51) (0.07) (78.58) 78.58 Customer 3 Customer 4 Customer - (7,600.15) (3,709.93) (7.88) (11,317.96) 11,317.96 (2,451.72) Firm Customers (539,053.35) 429,716.73 (270.16) (109,606.78) 109,606.78 (35,706.78) Sales Customers (637,491.24) (309,315.80) (660.12) (947,467.16) 947,467.17 (257,684.09) - (1,192,438.09) (316,763.31) 431,199.25 (946.02) (1,078,948.17) 1,078,948.18 (261,874.39) (35,814.19) OK OK Page 28 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Recap of Acct 191010 Interest Balance 11/30/11 Demand & Interest Balance 12/31/11 Demand & Interest 10/31/11 Commodity Capacity Rel. 11/30/11 Commodity Capacity Rel. Deferral Deferrals Deferral Deferrals Customer 1 (0.77) (1,846.76) 122.75 (973.25) (1.89) (2,699.15) (2.25) Customer - 1.80 (38.19) (0.02) (36.41) (133.59) (75.81) (0.12) - Customer 3 Customer 4 Customer 5 (1.02) (2,452.74) 148.74 (1.98) (2,305.98) (2,405.73) (2.92) Firm Customers (14.88) (35,721.66) (370,044.65) (183.95) (405,950.26) (659,671.76) (613.16) Sales Customers (107.37) (257,791.45) 30,028.87 (202.31) (227,964.89) (639,388.70) (456.38) - (124.04) (297,812.61) 30,302.16 (371,056.09) (390.15) (638,956.69) (641,928.02) 659,747.57) (659,747.57)11 (1,074.83) OK OK __ Page 29 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Recap of Acct 191010 Balance 1/31/12 Demand & Interest Balance 2/29/12 Demand & Interest 12/31/11 Commodity Capacity Rel. 1/31/12 Commodity Capacity Rel. Deferral Deferrals Deferral Deferrals Customer 1 (2,701.40) (2.25) (2,703.65) (2.25) Customer 2 - (245.93) (4.49) (64.55) (0.23) (315.20) 5.72 (29.05) (0.27) - Customer 3 - Customer 4 Customer 5 (4,714.63) (221.09) (4.02) (4,939.74) 518.84 (3.90) Firm Customers (1,066,235.18) (561,653.92) (1,122.55) (1,629,011.65) (357,731.58) (1,506.56) Sales Customers (867,809.97) (53,835.96) (745.61) (922,391.54) 136,524.49 (711.77) - (1,941,707.11) (54,061.54) (561,718.47) (1,874.66) (2,559,361.78) 137,049.05 (357,760.63) (2,224.75) OF OK Page 30 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Recap of Acct 191010 Balance 3/31/12 Demand & Interest Balance 4/30/12 Demand & Interest 2/29/12 Commodity Capacity Rel. 3/31/12 Commodity Capacity Rel. Deferral Deferrals Deferral Deferrals Customer 1 (2,705.90) (2.25) (2,708.15) (64.50) 178.04 (2.21) Customer 2 - (338.80) (13.11) (14.83) (0.29) (367.03) (22.37) 4.99 (0.31) - Customer 3 Customer 4 Customer 5 - (4,424.80) (577.76) (3.93) (5,006.49) (1,049.93) (4.61) Firm Customers (1,988,249.79) (226,008.20) (1,751.05) (2,216,009.04) 65,482.02 (1,819.38) Sales Customers (786,578.82) (146,256.17) (716.42) (933,551.41) (213,745.54) (867.02) - (2,782,298.11) (146,847.04) (226,023.03) (2,473.94) (3,157,642.12) (214,882.34) 65,665.05 (2,693.53) OK OK Page 31 Avista Utilities State of Idaho Recap of Acct 191010 Balance 5/31/12 Demand & Interest Balance 6/30/12 Demand & Interest Balance 4/30/12 Commodity Capacity Rel. 5/31/12 Commodity Capacity Rel. 6/30/12 Deferral Deferrals Deferral Deferrals Customer 1 (2,596.82) (5,542.61) 867.00 (4.11) (7,276.54) (7,164.64) 1,222.12 (8.54) (13,227.60) Customer 2 - (384.72) (0.32) (385.04) (0.32) (385.36) - Customer 3 Customer (1,449.06) 62.89 (0.58) (1,386.75) (526.92) (1.38) (1,915.05) Customer 5 (6,061.03) (2,340.21) (6.03) (8,407.27) (4,596.77) (8.92) (13,012.96) Firm Customers (2,152,346.40) 250,148.70 (1,689.38) (1,903,887.08) 336,380.94 (1,446.40) (1,568,952.54) Sales Customers (1,148,163.97) (358,870.19) (1,106.33) (1,508,140.49) (564,965.38) (1,492.19) (2,074,598.06) - (3,309,552.94) (368,202.07)1 251,078.59 1 (2,806.75) (3,429,483.17) (577,253.71) 337,603.06 (2,957.75) (3,672,091.57) OK OK OK Page 32 Washington Water Power Company State of Idaho Analysis of Account 191010 Demand & Total Commodity Cap. Rel. Interest Acct 191010 Deferral Deferral 6/30/11 Ending Balance (1,584,903.34) (145,966.85) (1,432, 158.55) (6,777.94) 7/31/11 Current Deferrals 201,290.54 (225,997.48) 427,288.02 Estimated Interest (1,236.87) (1,236.87) 7/31/11 Ending Balance (1,384,849.67) (371,964.33) (1,004,870.53) (8,014.81) 8/31/11 Current Deferrals 193,485.01 (285,216.61) 478,701.62 Estimated Interest (1,073.43) (1,073.43) 8/31/11 Ending Balance (1,192,438.09) (657,180.94) (526,168.91) (9,088.24) 9/30/11 Current Deferrals 114,435.94 (316,763.31) 431,199.25 Estimated Interest (946.02) (946.02) 9/30/11 Ending Balance (1,078,948.17) (973,944.25) (94,969.66) (10,034.26) 10/31/11 Current Deferrals (297,688.58) (261,874.39) (35,814.19) PGA Transfer 1,078,948.18 973,944.25 94,969.66 10,034.27 Estimated Interest (124.04) (124.04) 10/31/11 Ending Balance (297,812.61) (261,874.39) (35,814.19) (124.03) 11/30/11 Current Deferrals (340,753.93) 30,302.16 (371,056.09) Estimated Interest (390.15) (390.15) 11/30/11 Ending Balance (638,956.69) (231,572.23) (406,870.28) (514.18) 12/31/11 Current Deferrals (1,301,675.59) (641,928.02) (659,747.57) Estimated Interest (1,074.83) (1,074.83) 12/31/11 Ending Balance (1,941,707.11) (873,500.25) (1,066,617.85) (1,589.01) 1/31/12 Current Deferrals (615,780.01) (54,061.54) (561,718.47) Estimated Interest (1,874.66) (1,874.66) 1/31/12 Ending Balance (2,559,361.78) (927,561.79) (1,628,336.32) (3,463.67) 2/29/12 Current Deferrals (220,711.58) 137,049.05 (357,760.63) Estimated Interest (2,224.75) (2,224.75) 2/29/12 Ending Balance (2,782,298.11) (790,512.74) (1,986,096.95) (5,688.42) 3/31/12 Current Deferrals (372,870.07) (146,847.04) (226,023.03) Estimated Interest (2,473.94) (2,473.94) 3/31/12 Ending Balance (3,157,642.12) (937,359.78) (2,212,119.98) (8,162.36) 4/30/12 Current Deferrals (149,217.29) (214,882.34) 65,665.05 Estimated Interest (2,693.53) (2,693.53) 4/30/12 Ending Balance (3,309,552.94) (1,152,242.12) (2,146,454.93) (10,855.89) 5/31/12 Current Deferrals (117,123.48) (368,202.07) 251,078.59 Estimated Interest (2,806.75) (2,806.75) Page 33 Washington Water Power Company State of Idaho Analysis of Account 191010 Demand & Total Commodity Cap. Rel. Interest Acct 191010 Deferral Deferral 5/31/12 Ending Balance (3,429,483.17) (1,520,444.19) (1,895,376.34) (13,662.64) 6/30/12 Current Deferrals (239,650.65) (577,253.71) 337,603.06 Estimated Interest (2,957.75) (2,957.75) 6/30/12 Ending Balance (3,672,091.57) (2,097,697.90) (1,557,773.28) (16,620.39) Page 34 AVISTA UTILITIES Case No. AVU-G-12-0 ,~ EXHIBIT "D" Pipeline Tariffs July 30, 2012 FERC Gas Tariff Third Revised Sheet No. 5 Fifth Revised Volume No. 1 Superseding Second Revised Sheet No. 5 Currently Base Effective Rate Schedule and Tariff Rate Tariff Rate(3) Type of Rate Minimum Maximum ACA(2) Minimum Maximum Rate Schedule TF-1 (4) (5) Reservation (Large Customer) System-Wide .00000 .37883 - .00000 .37883 15 Year Evergreen Exp. .00000 .37995 - .00000 .37995 25 Year Evergreen Exp. .00000 .36344 - .00000 .36344 Volumetric (Large Customer) System-Wide .00756 .03000 .00180 .00936 CO3:18~0) 15 Year Evergreen Exp. .00369 .00369 .00180 .00549 .00549 25 Year Evergreen Exp. .00369 .00369 .00180 .00549 .00549 (Small Customer) (6) .00756 .67209 .00180 .00936 .67389 Scheduled Overrun .00756 .40984 .00180 .00936 .41164 Rate Schedule TF-2 (4) (5) Reservation .00000 .37883 - .00000 Volumetric .00756 .03000 - .00756 O 3000T) Scheduled Daily Overrun .00756 .40984 - .00756 .40984 Annual Overrun .00756 .40984 - .00756 .40984 Rate Schedule TI-1 Volumetric (7) .00756 .40984 .00180 .00936 .41164 Rate Schedule TFL-1 (4) (5) Reservation - - - - - Volumetric - - - - - Scheduled Overrun - - - - - Rate Schedule TIL-1 Volumetric - - - - - Northwest Pipeline GP FERC Gas Tariff Pro Forma Sheet No. 5 Fifth Revised Volume No. 1 STATEMENT OF RATES Effective Rates Applicable to Rate Schedules TF-1, TF-2, TI-1, TFL-1 and TIL-1 (Dollars per Dth) Currently Base Effective Rate Schedule and Tariff Rate Tariff Rate(3) Type of Rate Minimum Maximum ACA(2) Minimum Maximum Rate Schedule TF-1 (4) (5) Reservation (Large Customer) System-Wide .00000 .37883 - .00000 .41000 c410_' 15 Year Evergreen Exp. .00000 .-37995 - .00000 .37995 .36263 .36263 25 Year Evergreen Exp. .00000 .36344 - .00000 .36341 .34234 .34234 Volumetric (Large Customer) System-Wide .00756 .03000 .00180 .00936 (.03180. .00813 .00993 '--------- 15 Year Evergreen Exp. .0039 .00369 .00180 .00549 .00E49 .00813 .00813 .00993 .00993 25 Year Evergreen Exp. .00369 .00369 .00180 .0-0549 .00519 .00813 .00813 .00993 .00993 (Small Customer) (6) .00756 .67209 .00180 .0-0936 .67339 .00813 .72155 .00993 .72335 Scheduled Overrun .0-0756 .40984 .00180 .00936 .41164 .00813 .44000 .00993 .44180 Rate Schedule TF-2 (4) (5) Reservation .00000 .37883 - .00000 .37383 41000 41000 Volumetric .00756 .03000 - .00756 C.~300 0 1 .00813 .00813 Scheduled Daily Overrun .00756 .40981 - .00756 .40984 .00813 .44000 .00813 .44000 Annual Overrun .00756 .40984 - .00756 .40984 .00813 .44000 .00813 .44000 Rate Schedule TI-1 Volumetric (7) Rate Schedule TFL-1 (4) (5) Reservation Volumetric Scheduled Overrun Rate Schedule TIL-1 Volumetric .00756 .40984 .00180 .00936 .11164 .00813 .44000 .00993 .44180 Gas Transmission Northwest LLC PART 4.1 FERC Gas Tariff 4.1 - Statement of Rates Fourth Revised Volume No. 1-A FTS- I and LFS- 1 Rates v.7.0.0 Superseding v.6.0.0 STATEMENT OF EFFECTIVE RATES AND CHARGES FOR TRANSPORTATION OF NATURAL GAS Rate Schedules FTS-1 and LFS-1 RESERVATION DAILY DAILY MILEAGE (a) NON-MILEAGE (b) DELIVERY (c) FUEL (d) (Dth-MILE) (Dth) (Dth-MILE) (Dth-MILE) Max. Mm. Max. Mm. Max. Mm. Max. Mm. BASE 016 0.000016 0.0050% 0.0000% STF (e) (e) 0.000000 (e) 0.000000 0.0000 16 0.0000 16 0.0050% 0.0000% EXTENSION CHARGES MEDFORD E-1 (f) 0.003290 0.000000 0.005498 0.000000 0.000026 0.000026 E-2 (g)(1) 0.009363 0.000000 --- --- 0.000000 0.000000 (WWP) E-2 (h)(1) 0.002964 0.000000 --- --- 0.000000 0.000000 (Diamond 1) E-2(h)(1) 0.001163 0.000000 --- --- 0.000000 0.000000 (Diamond 2) COYOTE SPRINGS E-3 (i) 0.001412 0.000000 0.001420 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 --- OVERRUN CHARGE (3) SURCHARGES ACA (k) --- --- --- --- 0.001800 0.001800 --- Issued: January 11, 2012 Docket No. RPI2-301-000 Effective: January 1, 2012 Accepted: February 7, 2012 FT-D Demand Rate 0 yr term) 2 Group 1: Empress/McNeill Border Alberta-B.C. Border Gordondale Border/Boundary Lk Border ATCO: Clairmont/Shell Creek/Edson 5.30/mo 17.4 18.6 17.8 18.1 19.3 18.5 3.44/mo 11.3 12.1 11.5 2.391mo 7.8 8.4 8.0 Group 2: ATCO North FSD points ATCO South FSD points Alberta Montana/Unity/Cold Lake All other Group 2 delivery locations 3.39/mo 11.1 11.9 11.4 2.39/mo 7.8 8.4 8.0 3.44/mo 11.3 12.1 11.5 2.39/mo 7.8 8.4 8.0 Group 3: ATCO North FSU points ATCO South FSU points All other Group 3 delivery locations 4.12/mo 13.5 14.5 13.8 2.87/mo 9.4 10.1 9.6 2.87/mo 9.4 10.1 9.6 Alberta System Page 1 of TransCanada In business to deliver Alberta System TransCanada's - Alberta System Transportation Rates 2012 Interim Rates Effective January 1, 2012 Receipt Services Tariff Rate Information Purposes ELB Average Demand Rate (3 yr term) IT-R (Interruptible Receipt) $11 03M3 çUGJ!d UMcfId OIMMBtuld (Cdn) (Cdn) (Cdn) (US) 179.94/mo 15.6 16.7 16.0 6.781d 17.9 19.2 18.3 Delivery Services Tariff Rate Information Purposes $GJ çtlGJId çIMcfld lMMBtuld (Cdn) (Cdn) (Cdn) (US) http://www.transcanada.comlcustomerexpress/2766.html 7/19/2012 NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. Attachment 2 Table of Rates, Tolls and Charges Page 1 of Group 1 FT-D Demand Rate IT-D Rate I Delivery Point Group 1 Delivery Point Name per Month Price Point "Z" per Day Number ($FGJ) 2000 ALBERTA-B.C. BORDER c.51) 0.1986 31111 ALLIANCE CLAIRMONT INTERCONNECT APN 2.39 0.0861 31110 ALLIANCE EDSON INTERCONNECT APN 2.39 0.0861 31112 ALLIANCE SHELL CREEK INTERCONNECT APGC 2.39 0.0861 3002 BOUNDARY LAKE BORDER 3.44 0.1242 1958 EMPRESS BORDER 5.30 0.1911 3886 GORDONDALE BORDER 3.44 0.1242 6404 MCNEILL BORDER 5.30 0.1911 Group 2 FT-D Demand Rate IT-D Rate : Delivery Point Group 2 Delivery Point Name per Month Price Point "Z" per Day ISubjecttoATC0 Pipelines Number ($IGJ) ($/GJ) Franchise Fees' 31000 A.T. PLASTICS SALES APN 3.39 0.1226 Yes 31001 ADM AGRI INDUSTRIES SALES APN 3.39 0.1226 Yes 3880 AECO INTERCONNECTION 2.39 0.0861 31003 AGRIUM CARSELAND SALES APS 2.39 0.0861 31002 AGRIUM FT. SASK SALES APN 2.39 0.0861 Yes 31004 AGRIUM REDWATER SALES APN 2.39 0.0861 31005 AINSWORTH SALES APGP 3.39 0.1226 31006 AIR LIQUIDE SALES APN 3.39 0.1226 3214 AKUINU RIVER WEST SALES 2.39 0.0861 31007 ALBERTA ENVIROFUELS SALES APN 3.39 0.1226 Yes2 31008 ALBERTA HOSPITAL SALES APN 3.39 0.1226 Yes 3868 ALBERTA-MONTANA 3.44 0.1242 3059 ALLISON CREEK SALES 2.39 0.0861 31009 ALTASTEEL SALES APN 3.39 0.1226 Yes2 3562 AMOCO SALES (BP SALES TAP) 2.39 0.0861 31012 APL JASPER SALES APN 3.39 0.1226 Yes 3488 ARDLEY SALES 2.39 0.0861 3216 AURORA NO 2 SALES 2.39 0.0861 3135 AURORA SALES 2.39 0.0861 3423 BASHAW WEST SALES 2.39 0.0861 31013 BAYMAG SALES APS 2.39 0.0861 31014 BEAR CREEK COGEN SALES APGP 3.39 0.1226 3068 BEAVER HILLS SALES 2.39 0.0861 3933 BIG EDDY INTERCONNECTION 2.39 0.0861 3067 BIGSTONE SALES 2.39 0.0861 3468 BLEAK LAKE SALES 2.39 0.0861 3164 BRAINARD LAKE SALES 2.39 0.0861 3918 BUFFALO CREEK INTERCONNECTION 2.39 0.0861 31015 BURDETTCOGEN SALES APS 2.39 0.0861 3204 CABIN SALES 2.39 0.0861 3109 CALDWELL SALES 2.39 0.0861 31016 CALGARY ENERGY CENTRE SALES APS 2.39 0.0861 Yes 3634 CANOE LAKE SALES 2.39 0.0861 3165 CANOE LK SLS #2 2.39 0.0861 3866 CARBON INTERCONNECTION 2.39 0.0861 3484 CARIBOU LAKE SALES 2.39 0.0861 3157 CARIBOU LK SOUTH SL 2.39 0.0861 3106 CARMON CREEK SALES 2.39 0.0861 3101 CAROLINE SALES 2.39 0.0861 31017 CARSELAND COGEN SALES APS 2.39 0.0861 3495 CAVALIER SALES 2.39 0.0861 31018 CHAIN LAKES COOP SALES APS 2.39 0.0861 3907 CHANCELLOR INTERCONNECTION 2.39 0.0861 3151 CHEECHAM W. #2 SALES 2.39 0.0861 3622 CHEECHAM WEST SALES 2.39 0.0861 6014 CHEVRON AURORA SALES 2.39 0.0861 31019 CHEVRON FT. SASK SALES APN 3.39 0.1226 Yes TARIFF Effective: January 1, 2012 (Amended June 1, 2012) Page 8.4 Westcoast Energy Inc. TOLL SCHEDULES - SERVICE APPENDIX A DEMAND AND COMMODITY TOLLS TRANSPORTATION SERVICE - SOUTHERN Firm Transportation Service - Southern Demand Toils $/103M3/Mo. Terasen PNG Inland Huntingdon Kingsvale to Service Term Delivery Point Delivery Area Delivery Area* Huntingdon- 1 year 112.90 295.90 498.35 202.45 2 years 109.61 287.26 483.83 196.55 3 years 106.32 278.66 469.32 190.65 4 years 105.23 275.79 464.48 188.69 5 years or more 104.13 272.92 459.64 186.72 * To be increased to the percentage amount of the applicable toll specified in a Service Agreement for Enhanced T-South Service ** For Firm Transportation Service - Southern provided by Westcoast pursuant to a Firm Service Agreement dated April 15, 2002 between Westcoast and Terasen Gas Inc. Plus the amount of tax on fuel gas consumed in operations payable under the Motor Fuel Tax Act (British Columbia) and the Carbon Tax Act (British Columbia) which is allocated to Shipper by Westcoast for eachday in the month. AOS and Interruptible Transportation Service - Southern Commodity Tolls $11 03m3 Terasen PNG Inland Huntingdon Kingsvale to Months Delivery Point Delivery Area Delivery Area Huntingdon* November to March 4.927 12.912 21.747 8.835 April to October 3.695 9.684 16.310 6.626 * For AOS provided by Westcoast pursuant to a Firm Service Agreement dated April 15, 2002 between Westcoast and Terasen Gas Inc. Plus the amount of tax on fuel gas consumed in operations payable under the Motor Fuel Tax Act (British Columbia) and the Carbon Tax Act (British Columbia) which is allocated to Shipper by Westcoast for each day in the month. Effective Date: April 1, 2012 Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd. Page 1 TABLE OF EFFECTIVE RATES 1.Rate Schedule FT, Firm Transportation Service Demand Rate ($/GJ/Km/Month) Zone 6 0.0067657 123 Zone 7 0.0062022433 Zone 9 0.0090496758 2.Rate Schedule OT, Overrun Transportation Service Commodity Rate ($/GJ/Km) Zone 6 0.0002440093 Zone 7 0.0002236875 3.Rate Schedule IT, Interruptible Transportation Service Commodity Rate ($/GJ/Km) Zone 8* 0.0006044351 Zone 9 0.0003263818 * For Zone 8, Shippers Haul Distance shall be 170.7 km. TARIFF - PHASE I Effective Date: January 1, 2012