HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120214Application Revised Tariff.pdfe e A vista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 RECEIVED J'VISTA" Corp.2012 FEB 13 AM 10: 42 lD~\H(' UTiLlTHi~r Februar 10,2012 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commssion P. O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Case No. AVU-G-12-0l/Advice No. 12-01-G Attention: Ms. Jean D. Jewell I.P.U.C. No. 27 - Natural Gas Servce Enclosed for filing with the Commssion is the following revised tarff sheet: Seventeenth Revision Sheet 150 canceling Substitute Sixteenth Revision Sheet 150 The Company requests that the proposed tariff change be made effective on March 1, 2012, under modified procedure with less than statutory notice (IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 123). Ths tarff sheet reflects the Company's Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA). If this tarff sheet is approved as fied, the Company's annual revenue wil decrease by approximately $4.1 million or about 6.00%. The proposed changes have no effect on the Company's net income. The Company believes that this filing is in compliance with Order 32370 which, when approving the Company's 2011 PGA, the Commssion stated that "Avista promptly fie an application to amend its WACOG should gas prices materially deviate from the presently approved $0.41797 per therm" rate. Furher information regardig this filing is included in the attached Application. In accordance with IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 125, Avista wil provide notice of the decrease to its customers after Commssion approval via a message on customer bils. Furher, a press release will be issued on Februar 13, 2012, and a copy of which wil be fied with the Commssion. If approved, the average residential or small commercial customer using 62 therm per month wil see a decrease of $3.46 per month, or approximately 5.68%. The present bil for 62 therms is $60.96 while the proposed bil is $57.50. If you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact Patrick Ehrbar at (509) 495-8620 or Craig Bertholf at (509) 495-4124. Sincerely, ~rw¿~~ Vice President, State and Federal Regulation Enclosures e e CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have served Avista Corporation dba Avista Utilities' filing AVU- G-12-01 with Tariff IPUC No. 27 Natural Gas Service by mailing a copy thereof, postage prepaid to the following: Jean 0 Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, 1083720-5983 Chad Stokes Cable Huston Benedict Haagensen & Lloyd, LLP 1001 SW 5th, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97204-1136 Paula Pyron Northwest Industrial Gas Users 4113 Wolfberry Court Lake Oswego, OR 97035-1827 Curt Hibbard St. Joseph Regional Medical Center PO Box 816 Lewiston, 10 83501 t Spokane, Washington this 10th day of February 2012. Patrick Ehrbar State & Federal Regulation e e BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) AVISTA UTILITIES FOR AN ORDER APPROVING ) CASE: AVU-G-12-0l A CHANGE IN NATUL GAS RATES AN CHAGES ) Application is hereby made to the Idaho Public Utilties Commission for an Order approving a revised schedule of rates and charges for natural gas service in the state of Idaho. The Applicant requests that the proposed rates included in this out of period Purchased Gas Adjustment (pGA) filing be made effective on March 1, 2012 under modified procedure with less than statutory notice (IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 123). If approved as filed, the Company's anual revenue wil decrease by approximately $4.1 milion or about 6.0%. In support of this Application, Applicant states as follows: i. The name of the Applicant is AVISTA UTILITIES, a unit of AVISTA CORPORATION, a Washington corporation, whose principal business offce is 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington, and is qualified to do business in the state of Idaho. Applicant maintains distrct offices in Moscow, Lewiston, Coeur d'Alene, and Kellogg, Idaho. Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to: Kelly O. Norwood Vice President - State & Federal Regulation A vista Utilties P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 II. Attorney for the Applicant and his address is as follows: David J. Meyer Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory & Goverental Affairs A vista Utilties P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 I, III. The Applicant is a public utilty engaged in the distrbution of natual gas in certain portions of Eastern and Central Washington, Northern Idaho and Southwestern and Northeastern Oregon, and further engaged in the generation, transmission, and distrbution of electrcity in Easter Washington and Northern Idaho. e e IV. Seventeenth Revision Sheet 150, which Applicant requests the Commssion approve, is fied herewith as Exhibit "A". Also included in Exhibit "A" is a copy of Seventeenth Revision Sheet 150 with the changes underlined and a copy of Substitute Sixteenth Revision Sheet 150 with the proposed changes shown by lining over the current language or amounts. V. The existing rates and charges for natural gas serce on fie with the Commission and designated as Applicant's Tarff IPUC No. 27, which wil be superseded by the rates and charges fied herewith, are' incorporated herein as though fully attached hereto. VI. In accordance with IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 125, Avista wil provide notice of the decrease to its customers after Commission approval via a message on customer bils. Notice to the Public of Applicant's proposed tariffs is to be given simultaneously with the fiing of this Application by posting, at each of the Company's distrct offices in Idaho, a Notice of Tarff Change, a copy attached hereto as Exhibit "B". The Company wil also issue a press release which wil be distributed to various informational agencies on Monday, Februar 13,2012. A copy of the final Press Release wil be filed with the Commission. '-~(¡ VIII. The circumstances and conditions relied on for approval of Applicant's revised rates are as follows: Applicant purchases natual gas for customer usage and transports it over Wiliams Pipeline West (d.b.a. Nortwest Pipeline Corporation), Gas Transmission Northwest (GTN, TransCanada (Albera), TransCanada (BC) and Spectra Pipeline systems and defers the effect of timing differences due to implementation of rate changes and differences between Applicant's actual weighted average cost of ga~ (WACOG) purchased and the W ACOG embedded in rates. Applicant also defers varous pipeline refu~s. or charges and miscellaneous revenue received from natual gas related transactions including pipelin~ capacity releases. IX. 'i,. This filing reflects the Company's proposed out of period Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment (PGA) to pass through to customers changes in the estimated cost of natual gas (Schedule 150) for dip fortcoming eight months of March 2012 through October 2012. Below is a table summarizing tp(eproposed changes reflected in this filing. . Commodity Demand Total Total Rate OveraU Sch.Change Change Sch.150 Change Percent Service No.pertherm perthm Change perther Change General 101 ($0.05581)$0.00000 ($0.05581)($0.05581)(5.68%) Lg. General 111 ($0.05581)$0.00000 ($0.05581)($0.05581)(7.30%),) Interrptible 131 ($0.05581)$0.00000 ($0.05581)($0.05581)(9.74%) e e X. Commodity Costs - Background As shown in the table above, the estimated commodity cost (WACOG) change is a decrease of 5.6 cents per thermo The proposed W ACOG is 36.2 cents per ther compared to the present W ACOG of 41.8 cents per therm included in rates. In its PGA filing in 2011, the Company used a 30-day historical average of forward prices ending August 22, 2011 by supply basin to develop an estimated cost associated with index/spot purchases. The estimated monthly volumes to be purchased by basin are multiplied by the (3D-day) average price for the corresponding month and basin. These index/spot volumes represented approximately 30% of estimated anual load requirements for the PGA year. XI. Commodity Cost - Change On average, daily wholesale prices of natual gas have declined substantially over the past several months. While a majority of the W ACOG is fixed either through fixed price hedges or storage injections, the one varable that is not fixed is the approximately 30% of estimated index/spot volumes. While we are now five months in to the present thirteen month PGA year (October 2011 through October 2012), the Company believes that it is in the best interest of customers to update the pricing of the remaining estimated index/spot volumes and pass those lower index prices to customers now though a lower overall rate. The Company also believes that this is in compliance with Order 32370 which, when approving tle Company's 2011 PGA, the Commission stated that "Avista promptly fie an application to amend. its WACOG should gas prices materially deviate from the presently approved $0.41797 per ther" rate. ' XII. Demand Costs and Amortization Rate Change 'I. The Company is not proposing to make any changes to the other components of Schedule 150 (demai4 costs, varable transportation, etc.) nor is it requesting any changes regarding the current amortization ratës (Schedule 155). Changes in those items wil occur with the normal anual PGA filing which wil be fied in September 2012. XIII. The average residential or small commercial customer using 62 therms per month wil see an decreaseqf $3.46 per month, or approximately 5.68%. The present bil for 62 therms is $60.96 while the proposed ~il1is $57.50. ' XIV. Exhibit "C" attached hereto contains support for the rates proposed by Applicant contained'ihExhibit "A".: XV. Applicant is requesting that Applicant's rates be approved to become effective on March 1, 2012 with less than statutory notice. The Applicant therefore, pursuant to Rule 135 (IDAPA 31.01.01),ia;) ~,--, e e requesting that the Commission by order approves the earlier effective date for good cause shown (lower natural gas rates for customers). XVI. WHEREFORE, Applicant requests the Commission issue its Order finding Applicant's proposed rates to be just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory and to become effective for all natural gas serice on and after March 1,2012. Dated at Spokane, Washington, this 10th day of Februar 2012. A VISTA UTILITIES BY~d~~ Kelly O. Norwood Vice President, State and Federal Regulation e e STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SSeCounty of Spokane ) Patrick Ehrbar, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: that he is the Manager of Rates and Tariffs for A vista Utilities; that he has read the above and foregoing Application, knows the contents thereof, and believes the same to be true. Patrck D. Ehrbar Manager, Rates & Tarffs SUBSCRffED and sworn to before me this 10th day of Februar 2012.""""""'" A 1 ,~,,\ ,\'\ L HAA/"" r ~.. ~ ....šiõÑ.... ~ '.~ ~ ..;¡""& ~'¡':':" q,_~ Notar Pu lic in and for the.. /0 ",. -y- § f(j NOTARY ~\ ~ State of Washington, residing in : en \ PUBUC 1 = Spokane..- A\~ :~..;~'..o~ ~"O~-; -¿f ....:fSER 'Z.,,';~ r~ ~ -, ,~ 0 .......... ~'I ~"'11 'J WAS'lV, ~".."",,,,,,,,\ e e A VISTA UTILITIES Case No. AVU-G-12-01 EXHIBIT "A" Proposed Tariff Sheets February 10, 2012 e I.P.U.C. NO.2? Seventeenth Revision Sheet 150 Replacing Substitute Sixteenth Revision Sheet 150 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 150 SCHEOULE 150 PURCHASE GAS COST ADJUSTMENT - 10AHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To pass through changes in costs resulting from purchasing and transporting natural gas, to become effective as noted below. RATE: (a) The retail rates of firm gas Schedules 101, 111 and 112 are to be increased by 47.392Ø per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. (b) The rates of interruptible Schedules 131 and 132 are to be increased by 36.216Ø per thermo (c) The rate for transportation under Schedule 146 is to be decreased by O.OOOØ per thermo WEIGHTED AVERAGE GAS COST: The above rate changes are based on the following weighted average cost of gas per therm as of the effective date shown below: Demand CommoditySchedules 101 11.176Ø 36.216Ø Schedules 111 and 112 11.176Ø 36.216ØSchedules 131 and 132 .OOOØ 36.216Ø The above amounts include a gross revenue factor. Total 47.392Ø 47.392Ø 36.216Ø Demand Commodity Total Schedules 101 11.135Ø 36.082Ø 47.217ØSchedules 111 and 112 11.135Ø 36.082Ø 47.217ØSchedules 131 and 132 .OOOØ 36.082Ø 36.082Ø The above amounts do not include a gross revenue factor. BALANCING ACCOUNT: The Company wil maintain a Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account whereby monthly entries into this Balancing Account wil be made to reflect differences between the actual purchased gas costs collected from customers and the actual purchased gas costs incurred by the Company. Those differences are then collected from or refunded to customers under Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment. Issued February 10, 2012 Effective March 1, 2012 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBY~ ~::~Norwd - VieePresident, State & Federal Regulation e I.P.U.C. NO.27 Seventeenth Revision Sheet 150 Replacing Substitute Sixteenth Revision Sheet 150 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilties 150 SCHEOULE 150 PURCHASE GAS COST AOJUSTMENT - 10AHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To pass through changes in costs resulting from purchasing and transporting natural gas, to become effective as noted below. RATE: (a) The retail rates of firm gas Schedules 101, 111 and 112 are to be increased by 47.392' per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. (b) The rates of interruptible Schedules 131 and 132 are to be increased by 36.216c4 per thermo (c) The rate for transportation under Schedule 146 is to be decreased by O.OOOø per thermo WEIGHTED AVERAGE GAS COST: The above rate changes are based on the following weighted average cost of gas per therm as of the effective date shown below: Demand CommoditySchedules 101 11.176Ø 36.216 Schedules 111 and 112 11.176Ø 36.216Schedules 131 and 132 .000ø 36.216 The above amounts include a gross revenue factor. Total 47.392Ø 47.392f 36.216~ · Demand Commodity TotalSchedules 101 11.135Ø 36.082Ð 47.217 Schedules 111 and 112 11.135Ø 36.082Ð. 47.217 Schedules 131 and 132 .000ø 36.082~ 36.082 . The above amounts do not include a gross revenue factor. BALANCING ACCOUNT: The Company wil maintain a Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account whereby monthly entries into this Balancing Account will be made to reflect differences between the actual purchased gas costs collected from customers and the actual purchased gas costs incurred by the Company. Those differences are then collected from or refunded to customers under Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment. Issued February 10, 2012 Effective March 1, 2012 Issued by Avista Utiities By Kelly O. Norwood - Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation I.P.U.C. NO.2? e Substitute Sixteenth Revision Sheet 150 Replacing Fifteenth Revision Sheet 150 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utiliies 150 SCHEOULE 150 PURCHASE GAS COST AOJUSTMENT - 10AHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To pass through changes in costs resulting from purchasing and transporting natural gas, to become effective as noted below. RATE: (a) The retail rates of firm gas Schedules 101, 111 and 112 are to be increased by é2.97¡; per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. (b) The rates of interruptible Schedules 131 and 132 are to be increased by 41.191; per thermo (c) The rate for transportation under Schedule 146 is to be decreased by O.OOOø per thermo WEIGHTED AVERAGE GAS COST: The above rate changes are based on the following weighted average cost of gas per therm as of the effective date shown below: Demand Commodity Schedules 101 11.176Ø t1.79;i; Schedules 111 and 112 11.176Ø 4.1.797; Schedules 131 and 132 .000ø 4,1.;i9;iø The above amounts include a gross revenue factor. Total 62.9;i¡ø 64.97.Ø 41.7Q7; Demand Commodity TotalSchedules 101 11.135Ø 41.642; 62.777;Schedules 111 and 112 11.135Ø 4j.642; 52.111Ø Schedules 131 and 132 .000ø 41.642;" 4.1.642; The above amounts do not include a gross revenue factor. BALANCING ACCOUNT: The Company will maintain a Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account whereby monthly entries into this Balancing Account wil be made to reflect differences between the actual purchased gas costs collected from customers and the actual purchased gas costs incurred by the Company. Those differences are then collected from or refunded to customers under Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment. Issued August 23, 2011 Effective October 1, 2011 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood - Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation e e A VISTA UTILITIES Case No. AVU-G-12-01 EXHIBIT "B" Notice of Public Applicant's Proposed Tariffs February 10, 2012 e e A VISTA UTILITES NOTICE OF IDAHO TARF CHANGE (Natural Gas Service Only) Notice is hereby given that the "Sheets" listed below ofTariffIPUC No. 27, covering natural gas serice applicable to Idaho customers of A vista Utilities have been fied with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) in Boise, Idaho. Seventeenth Revision Sheet 150 canceling Substitute Sixteenth Revision Sheet 150 Seventeenth Revision Sheet 150 updates the forward-looking cost of natural gas purchased for customer usage. These tarffs request an annual revenue decrease of approximately $4.1 milion, or about 6.00%. This request is a Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment (PGA) that is typically fied annually to reflect changes in the cost of gas purchased to sere customers. Any increases or decreases resulting from these PGA filings directly result from the cost of gas purchased in the marketplace; A vista makes no additional profits from these rate changes. If approved as filed a residential or small business customer served under Schedule 101 using an average of 62 therms per month can expect to see an average decrease of approximately $3.46 per month, or about 5.68%. Larger commercial customers served under Schedules 111 can expect to see an average decrease of about 7.30%, with the higher percentages due to lower base rates. However, actual customer decreases wil vary based on therms consumed. This fiing requests an effective date of March 1,2012. Copies of the proposed tariff changes are available for inspection in the Company's offices or can be obtained by callng (509) 495-4067 or writing: A vista Utilties Attention: Manager, Rates & Tarffs P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, VV l\. 99220-3727 Februar 13,2012 e e A VISTA UTILITIES Case No. A VU-G-12-01 EXHIBIT "C" Workpapers February 10, 2012 Av i s t a U t i l t i e s St a t e o f I d a h o Ca l c u l a t i o n o f O v e r a l l R a t e C h a n g e Sc h e d u l e 1 0 1 Sc h e d u l e 1 1 1 / 1 1 2 Sc h e d u l e 1 3 1 (c u r r e n t l y n o c u s t o m e r s ) Sc h e d u l e 1 3 2 Sc h e d u l e 1 4 6 Sc h 1 5 0 Sc h 1 5 0 Sc h 1 5 6 Sc h 1 5 6 Sc h 1 5 5 Sc h 1 5 5 Sc h 1 5 5 To t a l GR C Ga s Co s t Ga s C o s t Ga s Co s t Ga s C o s t Am o r t i z a t i o n Am o r t i z a t i o n Am o r t i z a t i o n Sc h 1 5 5 To t a l An n u a l Pe r Th e r m An n u a l Pe r Th e r m An n u a l Pe r Th e r m An n u a l Di r e c t C h g Am o r t i z a t i o n In c ",D e c : : Th e r m s In c ", D e c : : In c " , D e : : In c ",D e c : : In c ",D e c : : In c " , D e c : : In c " , D e c : : ", R e f u n d s : : In c ",D e c : : (N o t e 1 ) 54 , 1 7 9 , 1 9 5 ($ 0 . 0 5 5 8 1 ) ($ 3 , 0 2 3 , 7 4 1 ) ($ 3 , 0 2 3 , 7 4 1 ) 19 , 2 3 0 , 3 3 4 ($ 0 . 0 5 5 8 1 ) ($ 1 , 0 7 3 , 2 4 5 ) ($ 1 , 0 7 3 , 2 4 5 ) e ($ 0 . 0 5 5 8 1 ) 43 7 , 6 2 9 ($ 0 . 0 5 5 8 1 ) ($ 2 4 , 4 2 4 ) ($ 2 4 , 4 2 4 ) 3, 6 8 7 , 9 6 0 Cu s t o m e r 1 Cu s t o m e r 2 Cu s t o m e r 3 Cu s t o m e r 4 77 , 5 3 5 , 1 1 8 ($ 4 , 1 2 1 , 4 1 0 ) ($ 4 , 1 2 1 , 4 1 0 ) To t a l A n n u a l G R C W e a t h e r A d j u s t e d R e v e n u e ( N o t e 1 ) $6 8 , 6 4 4 , 0 0 Pe r c e n t o f I n c r e a s e " , D e c r e a s e : : -6 . 0 0 % No t e 1 - F r o m m o s t r e c e n t G e n e r a l R a t e C a s e ( A V U - G - 1 1 - 0 1 ) e :r- e e l~1. Avista Utilties State of Idaho Average Increase Per Customer (From Last GRC) Sch Average Present Total Proposed Total Estimated Estimated Mo. Usage Rate Present Rate Proposed Monthly Increase Per Cust.Cost Cost Increase Percentage 101 62 $0.91464 $56.71 $0.85883 $53.25 Basic Charge $4.25 $4.25 $4.25 $60.96 $57.50 ($3.46)-5.68% 111 2,023 First 200 $0.92215 $184.43 $0.86634 $173.27 Next 800 $0.79000 $632.00 $0.73419 $587.36 1,0001 - 10,000 $0.71421 $730.64 $0.65840 $673.54 Over 10,000 $0.66427 $0.60846 $1,547.07 $1,434.17 ($112.90)-7.30% 131 $0.57306 $0.51725 -9.74% 132 36,469 $0.60620 $22,107.51 $0.55039 $20,072.17 ($2,035.33)-9.21% e Avista Utilties State of Idaho Recap of Changes To Schedule 150 Anticipated Effect Date 3/1/12 CENTS PER THERM Schedule 101 Current Rate Proposed Incrc:Decr:: Proposed Rate Schedule 111 Current Rate Proposed Incrc:Decr:: Proposed Rate Schedule 112 Current Rate Proposed Incrc:Decr:: Proposed Rate Schedule 131 Current Rate Proposed Incrc:Decr:: Proposed Rate Schedule 132 Current Rate Proposed Incrc:Decr:: Proposed Rate Schedule 146 Current Rate Proposed Incrc:Decr:: Proposed Rate e Commodity Demand Charge Total 0.41797 0.11176 (0.05581) 0.36216 0.11176 0.52973 (0.05581) 0.47392 0.41797 0.11176 (0.05581) 0.36216 0.11176 0.52973 (0.05581) 0.47392 0.41797 0.11176 (0.05581) 0.36216 0.11176 0.52973 (0.05581) 0.47392 0.41797 (0.05581) 0.36216 0.41797 (0.05581) 0.36216 0.41797 (0.05581) 0.36216 0.41797 (0.05581) 0.36216 l~1 e e Avista Utiities State of Idaho Recap of Rate Changes Including GRF Previous Proposed Increase Rate Rate c:Decrease:: Schedule 150 (Gas Costs) Schedule 101 $0.52973 $0.47392 ($0.05581) Schedule 111 $0.52973 $0.47392 ($0.05581) Schedule 112 $0.52973 $0.47392 ($0.05581) Schedule 131 $0.41797 $0.36216 ($0.05581) Schedule 132 $0.41797 $0.36216 ($0.05581) Schedule 146 Schedule 155 (Gas Cost Amortization) Schedule 101 ($0.02885)($0.02885) Schedule 111 ($0.02885)($0.02885) Schedule 112 Schedule 131 ($0.03314)($0.03314) Schedule 132 Schedule 146 Combined Schedule 150, 155 & 156 Schedule 101 $0.50088 $0.44507 ($0.05581) Schedule 111 $0.50088 $0.44507 ($0.05581) Schedule 112 $0.52973 $0.47392 ($0.05581) Schedule 131 $0.38483 $0.32902 ($0.05581) Schedule 132 $0.41797 $0.36216 ($0.05581) Schedule 146 ~~ll e e ~~s Avista Utilties State of Idaho Tariffed Gas Cost Change Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule 101 111/112 131/132 146 Demand Rate Current Demand Rates $0.11135 $0.11135 Gross Revenue Factor From Last PGA 100.3718%100.3718%100.3718%100.3718% Current Tariffed Demand Rates $0.11176 $0.11176 Total Proposed Demand Rate $0.11135 $0.11135 Revenue Adjustment Factor 100.3718%100.3718%100.3718%100.3718% Proposed Tariffed Demand Rate $0.11176 $0.11176 Incr ..Decr:: in Tariffed Demand Rate Commodity Rate Current Commodity Rate (From Page 6, AVU-G-11-04)$0.41642 $0.41642 $0.41642 Gross Revenue Factor From Last PGA 100.3718%100.3718%100.3718%100.3718% Current Tariffed Commodity Rate $0.41797 $0.41797 $0.41797 Proposed Commodity Rate Per Therm $0.36082 $0.36082 $0.36082 Revenue Adjustment Factor 100.3718%100.3718%100.3718%100.3718% Proposed Tariffed Commodity Rate $0.36216 $0.36216 $0.36216 Incr ..Decr:: in Tariffed Commodity ($0.05581)($0.05581)($0.05581) Total Current Tariff Gas Cost Rates $0.52973 $0.52973 $0.41797 Total Proposed Tariff Gas Cost Rates $0.47392 $0.47392 $0.36216 e e Avista Utilities State of Idaho Recap of WACOG Change P~CD Total Demand Commodity Present WACOG $0.52777 $0.11135 $0.41642 Gross Revenue Adjustment (GRF)$1.00372 $1.00372 $1.00372 Total Present WACOG Including GRF $0.52973 $0.11176 $0.41797 Proposed WACOG $0.47217 $0.11135 $0.36082 Gross Revenue Adjustment (GRF)$1.00372 $1.00372 $1.00372 Total Proposed WACOG Including GRF $0.47392 $0.11176 $0.36216 WACOG Rate Change ($0.05581)(0.05581) e e Avista Utilities State of Idaho Total Gas Costs Demand Commodity Total Proposed Gas Costs Before GRF Schedules 101 - 112 $0.11135 $0.36082 $0.47217 Schedules 131 - 132 $0.36082 $0.36082 Present Gas Costs Before GRF Schedules 101 - 112 $0.11135 $0.41642 $0.52777 Schedules 131 - 132 $0.41642 $0.41642 Increase o:Decrease~ Before GRF Schedules 101 - 112 ($0.05560)($0.05560) Schedules 131 - 132 ($0.05560)($0.05560) Proposed Gas Costs Including GRF Schedules 101 - 112 $0.11176 $0.36216 $0.47392 Schedules 131 - 132 $0.36216 $0.36216 Present Gas Costs Including GRF Schedules 101 - 112 $0.11176 $0.41797 $0.52973 Schedules 131 - 132 $0.41797 $0.41797 Increase o:Decrease~ Including GRF Schedules 101 - 112 ($0.05581)($0.05581) Schedules 131 - 132 ($0.05581)($0.05581) ~~l e e p~~ Avista Utilties State of Idaho Gas Cost Change Schedule Schedule Schedule 101 111/112 131/132 Demand Rate (Including Gross Revenue Factor) Current Demand Rate $0.11176 $0.11176 Total Demand Increase .:Decrease:: Proposed Tariffed Demand Rate $0.11176 $0.11176 Commodity Rate (Including Gross Revenue Factor) Current Commodity Rate $0.41797 $0.41797 $0.41797 Total Commodity Increase c:Decrease::($0.05581)($0.05581)($0.05581) Proposed Tariffed Commodity Rate $0.36216 $0.36216 $0.36216 Demand Rate (Excluding Gross Revenue Factor) Current Demand Rate $0.11135 $0.11135 Total Demand Increase c:Decrease:: Proposed Demand Rate $0.11135 $0.11135 Commodity Rate (Excluding Gross Revenue Factor) Current Commodity Rate $0.41642 $0.41642 $0.41642 Total Commodity Increase c:Decrease::($0.05560)($0.05560)($0.05560) Proposed Commodity Rate $0.36082 $0.36082 $0.36082 Total Current Gas Cost Rate $0.52777 $0.52777 $0.41642 Total Current Tariffed Gas Cost Rate $0.52973 $0.52973 $0.41797 Total Proposed Gas Cost Rate $0.47217 $0.47217 $0.36082 Total Proposed Tariffed Gas Cost Rate $0.47392 $0.47392 $0.36216 Av i s t U t i l i t i e s St a t e 0 1 I d a h o Es t i m a t e d C o m m o d i t W A C O G (B a s e d o n 3 0 D a y A v e r a g e F o r w a r d P r i c e a t 2 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 2 ) Ex e c e d Pl a n n e d To t a l Co s t 0 1 Co s t 01 To t a l He d g e d He d g e d In d e x Id a h o Tr a n s p o r t Id a h o Ex e c e d Pl a n n e d Co s 01 Co s t 01 Ne t Id a h o Vo l u m e s Vo l u m e s Vo l u m e s Pu r c h a s e d Fu e l De l i v e r i e d He d g e d He d g e d He d g e In d e x Id a h o Pu r c h a s e Vo l u m e s Vo l u m e s Vo l u m e s Vo l u m e s Vo l u m e s Vo l u m e s Vo l u m e s Co m m . C o t s WA C O G OC o b e r 20 1 1 2, 7 7 4 , 0 2 0 2, 7 3 0 , 2 2 0 5, 5 0 4 , 2 4 0 (8 5 , 1 0 0 ) 5, 4 1 9 , 1 4 0 $1 , 3 5 6 , 2 2 5 $1 , 3 5 6 , 2 2 5 $9 9 , 3 8 8 $2 , 3 5 2 , 6 1 3 $0 . 4 3 4 1 3 No v e m b e r 4, 7 5 5 , 3 7 0 50 7 , 0 8 4, 4 0 2 , 3 7 0 9, 6 6 4 , 8 2 0 (1 4 3 , 3 0 0 ) 9, 5 2 1 , 5 2 0 $2 , 4 8 4 , 2 3 1 $1 9 1 , 4 3 6 $2 , 6 7 5 , 6 6 7 $1 , 6 6 1 , 9 9 8 $4 , 3 3 7 , 6 6 $0 . 4 5 5 5 6 e De c m b e r 4, 8 0 1 , 1 8 0 51 1 , 9 7 0 1, 9 2 9 , 0 2 0 7, 2 4 2 , 1 7 0 (1 3 7 , 0 0 ) 7, 1 0 5 , 1 7 0 $2 , 5 0 8 , 1 6 0 $2 0 3 , 1 6 3 $2 , 7 1 1 , 3 2 3 $7 6 5 , 4 8 6 $3 , 4 7 6 , 8 0 9 $0 . 4 8 9 3 4 Ja n u a r y 20 1 2 4, 6 2 5 , 8 4 0 49 3 , 2 7 0 43 9 , 6 3 5, 5 5 8 , 7 4 0 (1 2 3 , 1 2 0 ) 5, 4 3 5 , 6 2 0 $2 , 4 1 6 , 5 6 2 $1 9 8 , 4 0 3 $2 , 6 1 4 , 9 6 5 $1 7 6 , 8 2 8 $2 , 7 9 1 , 7 9 3 $0 . 5 1 3 6 1 Fe b r a r y 3, 9 8 , 8 6 44 , 0 6 2, 5 1 8 , 6 9 0 6, 9 4 , 6 1 0 (1 1 3 , 0 4 ) 6, 8 3 0 , 5 7 0 $2 , 0 9 3 , 6 9 2 $1 7 7 , 1 8 2 $2 , 2 7 0 , 8 7 4 $1 , 0 1 4 , 1 0 7 $3 , 2 8 4 , 9 8 1 $0 . 4 8 0 9 2 Ma r c h 3, 8 2 0 , 5 4 0 35 0 , 6 3 0 1, 9 6 2 , 7 7 0 6, 1 3 3 , 9 4 (6 6 , 0 0 0 ) 6, 0 6 7 , 9 4 $2 , 0 6 9 , 6 1 4 $1 4 0 , 0 8 5 $2 , 2 0 9 , 6 9 9 $4 8 1 , 8 6 $2 , 6 9 1 , 5 5 9 $0 . 4 4 5 7 Ap r i l 2, 2 1 2 , 3 5 0 79 0 , 1 3 0 2, 8 8 6 , 2 5 0 5, 8 8 8 , 7 3 0 (8 4 , 7 2 0 ) 5, 8 0 4 , 0 1 0 $9 2 6 , 1 9 4 $3 0 , 2 5 0 $1 , 2 3 5 , 4 4 $7 0 5 , 6 8 8 $1 , 9 4 1 , 1 3 2 $0 . 3 3 5 Ma y 1, 2 9 , 9 6 64 8 , 4 8 0 1, 5 8 7 , 9 5 0 3, 5 3 3 , 3 9 0 (4 9 , 7 8 0 ) 3, 4 8 3 , 6 1 0 $5 3 0 , 2 3 1 $2 5 1 , 6 6 $7 8 1 , 8 9 9 $3 9 0 , 1 5 9 $1 , 1 7 2 , 0 5 8 $0 . 3 3 6 4 Ju n e 79 3 , 6 0 63 , 8 8 0 93 3 , 6 0 2, 3 6 2 , 0 8 (3 2 , 9 6 ) 2, 3 2 9 , 1 2 0 $3 2 0 , 7 9 1 $2 4 7 , 2 2 $5 6 8 , 0 1 3 $2 3 , 7 8 6 $7 9 8 , 7 9 9 $0 . 3 4 2 9 6 Ju l y 90 3 , 6 9 0 72 2 , 9 5 0 48 7 , 1 8 0 2, 1 1 3 , 8 2 0 (2 9 , 9 5 0 ) 2, 0 8 3 , 8 7 0 $3 9 , 2 4 8 $2 8 3 , 4 5 5 $6 5 2 , 7 0 1 $1 2 2 , 2 8 2 $7 7 4 , 9 8 3 $0 . 3 7 1 9 0 Au g u s t 88 9 , 2 4 0 71 1 , 3 9 53 2 , 5 6 2, 1 3 3 , 1 9 0 (3 0 , 2 2 ) 2, 1 0 2 , 9 7 0 $3 3 , 3 4 5 $2 8 0 , 5 0 $6 4 , 8 5 3 $1 3 5 , 5 9 0 $7 7 9 , 4 4 $0 . 3 7 0 6 Se p t e m b e r 88 1 , 1 7 0 70 4 , 9 4 1, 0 1 8 , 9 3 2, 6 0 5 , 0 4 (3 6 , 1 9 0 ) 2, 5 6 , 8 5 0 $3 , 0 4 $2 7 9 , 3 1 9 $6 3 9 , 3 6 5 $2 6 1 , 3 5 6 $9 0 , 7 2 1 $0 . 3 5 0 6 OC o b e r 2, 0 7 6 , 8 0 51 9 , 2 0 2, 9 4 5 , 6 4 0 5, 5 4 1 , 6 4 (7 8 , 8 3 0 ) 5, 4 6 2 , 8 1 0 $8 7 8 , 8 3 4 $2 0 , 3 1 1 $1 , 0 8 7 , 1 4 5 $7 7 6 , 4 7 1 $1 , 8 6 3 , 6 1 6 $0 . 3 4 1 1 5 33 , 8 1 5 , 6 2 0 7, 0 3 , 9 8 2 4 , 3 7 4 , 8 1 0 6 5 , 2 2 5 , 4 1 0 (1 , 0 1 0 , 2 1 0 ) 6 4 , 2 1 5 , 2 0 $1 6 , 6 7 7 , 1 7 1 $2 , 7 7 0 , 0 0 2 $1 9 , 4 4 7 , 1 7 3 $7 , 7 1 8 , 9 9 9 $2 7 , 1 6 6 , 1 7 2 $0 . 4 2 3 0 5 Pr e v i o u s N e t C o m m . C o s t s $2 8 , 9 4 2 , 1 9 0 (F r o m P a g e 7 , D o c k e t A V U - G - 1 1 - 0 4 ) De c r e a e i n E s t i m a t e d C o t s ($ 1 , 7 7 6 , Q 8 ) Es t i m a t e d V o l u m e s 4 / 1 2 - 1 0 / 1 2 31 , 9 4 , 5 3 8 e Pe r T h e r m D e c r e a s e i n C o m m o d i t y C o s t ($ 0 . 0 5 5 6 ) l -Q e e ~~IO Avista Utilties Calculation of Idaho Proposed Rates Sch Description Proposed Proposed Proposed Present Present Total No.Present Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Proposed Rate 150 155 156 191 (DSM)199 (DSIT)Rate 101 General $0.38679 $0.47392 ($0.02885)$0.02697 $0.85883 111 Large General First 200 $0.40806 $0.47392 ($0.02885)$0.01321 $0.86634 Next 800 $0.27591 $0.47392 ($0.02885)$0.01321 $0.73419 Next 9,000 $0.20012 $0.47392 ($0.02885)$0.01321 $0.65840 Over 10,000 $0.15018 $0.47392 ($0.02885)$0.01321 $0.60846 112 Large General First 200 $0.40806 $0.47392 $0.01321 $0.89519 Next 800 $0.27591 $0.47392 $0.01321 $0.76304 Next 9,000 $0.20012 $0.47392 $0.01321 $0.68725 Over 10,000 $0.15018 $0.47392 $0.01321 $0.63731 131 Interruptible $0.17626 $0.36216 ($0.03314)$0.01197 $0.51725 132 Interruptible $0.17626 $0.36216 $0.01197 $0.55039 146 Transportation $0.10671 $0.10671 e e ~~~ Avista Utilities Calculation of Idaho Present Rates Sch Description Present Present Present Present Present Total No.Tariff Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Present Rate 150 155 191 (DSM)199 (DSIT)Rate 101 General $0.38679 $0.52973 ($0.02885)$0.02697 $0.91464 111 Large General First 200 $0.40806 $0.52973 ($0.02885)$0.01321 $0.92215 Next 800 $0.27591 $0.52973 ($0.02885)$0.01321 $0.79000 1,0001 . 10,000 $0.20012 $0.52973 ($0.02885)$0.01321 $0.71421 Over 10,000 $0.15018 $0.52973 ($0.02885)$0.01321 $0.66427 112 Large General First 200 $0.40806 $0.52973 $0.01321 $0.95100 Next 800 $0.27591 $0.52973 $0.01321 $0.81885 1,0001 . 10,000 $0.20012 $0.52973 $0.01321 $0.74306 Over 10,000 $0.15018 $0.52973 $0.01321 $0.69312 131 Interruptible $0.17626 $0.41797 ($0.03314)$0.01197 $0.57306 132 Interruptible $0.17626 $0.41797 $0.01197 $0.60620 146 Transportation $0.10671 $0.10671 (\,.o Jg ,.o i i- (\,. M e (' 0 I(I' (' ('CO 00 0 CO. ., 1'. -q (' CO.. I( (\ Ñ 0)(\ N~ t5o ~ ~ ¡g(\ I' I' ei .. .,I' I( ('I( 00 (f ., 00('I(iö dl_..(' I'..00 ~iö .. ;;ai~Ñ COI'0)Ño..Ñ ..I'00(f00oÑ ~.. 0) ~Ñ 00.. CO(f ~(f -q..o ~iö I' CO(\Ò....ai i:0 (\CO I'0)0)+=....to 0 ..('-q -q I(CO en 0 E ......en ........ CD .i ..CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD~to 0 :;:;:;ro :;:;:;:;::-en+=.E "0 "0 "0 "0 "0 "0 ~::- Q)en CD CD CD ro CD CD CD to 0 E .i .i .i -.i .i .i .i-CD C)..(,(,(,0 (,(,(,(, en êi "0 CD en en en i-C/ en C/ en ~_ ::.i C/ co i- N~iQ. CDen I( (" -q(' I' ('CO (" 0)Ò""ÒI' I' (" i. 0).. N~IC) .æ I( 00 (' 00 CO ("0) (" I'ai..- Ñ.. I( (' -q. CO.. N~i "5., ~ ~ ~(' (" (" .. 00. .,I( 0 (" C\ 00.. N~IC::., I( 0 0)(' 0) 000 .. ..ai Ñ ai00)("I(. I'.. N~ ~ :E 00 -q CO C; ~ M ,. ei 0) I( 00 ('(' 0Ñ"" N~l I' I' e ~ 85 ..iö Ñ iö 00 I' -q(' (' -q- ., N~~to :E -q 00 I(o I' 0000 CO I' (f 00. ,. I' 00 -qo 0) ei ., e Ç)tN n.. ~I(iö ~..(' I'..00 ~.iö .. ;;ai~Ñ ~0)Ño..Ñ ..I'00(f00oÑ ~.. gf('Ñ 00.. CO ('. ~(f -q..o ;g00iö I' CO("Ò....ai . Avista Utilties Idaho Gas Tracker Revenue Adjustment Factor From General Rate Case AVU-G-11-01, Filed 7105/11 Commission Fees Uncollectibles Calculation of Revenue Adjustment Factor 1 1 (1 - 0 ) = $0.002039 $0.001665 .~~l3 $0.003704 1.003718