HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110613Application.pdf~~rV'STA' Avista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 June 10,2011 o~ Application No. AVU-E-11- and AVU-G-11-Ô'3fi ~::~~,;v' ~ ~o.r... ..::'''\., Jean Jewell, Commssion Secretar State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Statehouse Boise, ID 83720 ..~,; Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing with the Commission is an original and 7 copies of the Company's application requesting a decrease to Schedule 91 and 191 rates, "Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment," also known as the "energy effciency tariff rider." Schedule 9 1 and 1 9 1 are designed to recover the costs incured by the Company associated with providing electric and natual gas energy efficiency services to customers. Please direct any questions on this matter to Bruce Folsom, Sr. Manager, Energy Effciency at (509) 495-8706 or myself at (509) 495-4975. ~~:jf.,~ ~atory Policy A vista Utilities linda.gervaiscmavistacorp.com 509-495-4975 Attchements DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AN CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY AN GOVERNNTAL AFFAIS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENU SPOKA, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 REC 2UL1 JUN I BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF A VISTA CORPORATION FOR THE REQUEST TO DECREASE ITS ENERGY EFFICIENCY PUBLIC PUROSE RIER SCHEDULES 91 AN 191 ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. A VU-E-11- ó~ CASE NO. A VU-G-11- (/:3 APPLICATION OF A VISTA CORPORATION I. INTRODUCTION A vista Corporation, doing business as A vista Utilities (hereinafter Avista or Company), at 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington, respectfully requests approval of a decrease to Schedule 91 and 191 rates ("Energy Effciency Rider Adjustment"), also known as the "public purose tariff rider." The Company intends to make this filing on a perodic basis to revise the Demand Side Management (DSM) portions of Schedules 91 and 191 ("Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment"). The purose of this filing is to establish tariff riders that are sufficient to fund the following twelve months of DSM as well as amortize any tarff rider imbalance, thus minimizing the amount of future under- or over-collections. In this filing, A vista proposes to reduce biled electrc rates by 0.3% through proposed revisions in Schedule 91 and to reduce biled natural gas rates by 4.2% through proposed revisions in Schedule 191. The Company requests that this filing be processed under the Commission's Modified Procedure rules. Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to: David J. Meyer, Esq. Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Governental Affairs A vista Corporation P.O. Box 3727 1411 E. Mission Avenue, MSC-13 Spokane, W A 99220-3727 Phone: (509) 495-4316 Fax: (509) 495-8851 Bruce Folsom Senior Manager, Energy Effciency A vista Corporation P.O. Box 3727 1411 E. Mission Avenue, MSC-15 Spokane, W A 99220-3727 Phone: (509) 495-8706 Fax: (509) 495-8856 Application of A vista Corporation Page 1 II. BACKGROUND The Company's energy efficiency targets are established in the process of developing its electrc and natual gas Integrated Resource Plans (IRs). In 2010, approximately 34 people (23 Full Time Equivalents (PTE)) delivered energy effciency programs and measures resulting in electrc savings of 68,911 MW (or 105% of the IR goal) and natural gas savings of 1.9 milion therms (or 85% of the IR goal). Approximately 77% of the energy efficiency budget was provided to paricipating customers as rebates (residential) and financial incentives (commercial and industral). This does not include additional benefits such as site audits and technical analyses provided to customers by the Company's DSM engineering staff. The revenue expected to be generated by the schedule 91 and 191 surcharges, at their present levels, would exceed the requirements necessar to fund the DSM task during the next twelve month cycle, including adjustments for the disposition of tarff rider imbalances. As of the close of April 2011, Avista's Idaho electrc DSM tarff rider balance is $723,240 (Company owes ratepayer) and the Idaho natual gas DSM tarff rider balance is $897,808 (Company owes ratepayer). Schedules 91 and 191 fud DSM programs described in Schedules 90 and 190. All Schedule 91 and 191 DSM revenue is applied only to the provision of electrc and natural gas efficiency service including programs offered by the Company directly, through designated contractors, or as par of regional electrc and natual gas effciency programs, including evaluation, measurement and verfication (EM&V). These programs include, but are not limited to, the following: Application of A vista Corporation Page 2 . Appliance measures . Compressed air measures . HV AC measures . Industral measures . Lighting measures . Maintenance measures . Motor measures . Shell measures . Sustainable Building measures . Northwest Energy Effciency Alliance paricipation The Company's programs are based on providing a financial incentive, or "rebate," for cost-effective efficiency measures with a simple payback of greater than one year and up to thirteen years (eight years for lighting measures due to their shorter measure life). This includes over 300 measures that are packaged into over 30 programs for customer convenience. A vista has long encouraged the direct-use of natual gas by its electrc customers. As an electrc energy effciency program, the Company is continuing this effort with residential rebates for the conversion of electrc to natural gas space and water heat loads, as well as a broad program for any non-residential electric-to-natual gas conversions meeting specified criteria for relative British Thermal Unit (BTU efficiency. The cost- effective potential for these measures has been incorporated into Avista's Integrated Resource Planning effort and are contained within the identified acquisition goal. Avista's residential programs include high efficiency equipment, electrc to natual gas conversions, Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs), "second" refrgerator recycling, weatherization, rooftop chimney dampers as well as providing educational assistance though various communty events. For non-residential customers, in addition to prescriptive (or "standard offer") programs, A vista offers site specific (or customized) serces. The site specific program Application of A vista Corporation Page 3 provides incentives on any cost-effective commercial and industral energy efficiency measure with a simple financial payback exceeding one year, and up to thirteen years (eight years for lighting measures). This is implemented through site analyses, customized diagnoses, and incentives determined for savings generated specific to customers' premises or process. In addition to the site specific offering, commercial and industral programs available to A vista customers include lighting and controls, commercial food service equipment, premium effciency motors, power management for personal computer (PC) networks, commercial HV AC varable frequency drives (VFDs), refrgerated warehouses, vending machine controllers, demand controlled ventilation, side-stream filtration, steamtrap replacement and repair, multifamily development, electrc-to-natual gas water heater conversions, and commercial clothes washers. In addition to Avista's prescriptive and site-specific programs, the Company fuds the activities of the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEA). NEEA focuses on using a regional approach to obtain electrc efficiency through the transformation of markets for efficiency measures and servces. An example of NEE A-sponsored programs that benefits Avista customers is decreasing the cost of CFLs and high-efficiency appliances by working though manufactuers. For some measures, a large-scale, cross- utility approach is the most cost-effective means to achieve energy effciency savings. Ths approach is paricularly effective for markets composed of large numbers of smaller usage homogeneous consumers, such as the residential and small commercial markets. Historically, Avista has received approximately 1.5 to 2 aM of savings in its serice terrtory from NEEA programs. Application of A vista Corporation Page 4 The Company provided approximately $465,000 for low-income weatherization in 2010 and an additional $25,000 for conservation education in Idaho. Ths program is administered by the local community action agencies in our Idaho service terrtory. The aggregated Tarff Riders (Idaho and Washington, electrc and natural gas) have been retued to a "zero balance". Because customer demand for our energy efficiency services had outstrpped our taff rider funding, at the beginnng of 2010 the tarff riders were underfded by $11.9 milion (i.e., the Company had "pre-funded" energy efficiency services in advance of receiving tarff rider fuding). In the past year, however, increases to the tarff riders have allowed for adequate revenue to both fud current energy efficiency operations and to reduce the underded balance to the point where the balances need to be adjusted through a decrease in the tarff rates. III. EVALUATION, MEASURMENT AND VERIFCATION Current analyses of DSM are much more refined than almost two decades ago. The Company has been responsive to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOD) dated Januar 25,2010 between the Company and the Idaho Commission Staff, addressing the evaluation, measurement and verification (EM&V) of DSM activities. Toward that end, Avista has engaged The Cadmus Group to perform independent evaluation at a system cost approaching $1 milion. Several metrcs are applied to determine the costs and benefits of these programs. The primar cost-effectiveness test is the Total Resource Cost (TRC) test; the Program Administrator Cost (PAC) is another key determinant of program efficacy. 1 Ratios over i The Total Resource Cost Test measures the net costs of a demand-side management program as a reource option based on the total costs of the program, including both the paricipants' and the utilty's costs. The Program Administrator Cost Test measures the net costs of a demand-side management program as a resource option based on the costs incurred by the progr administrtor (including incentive costs) and excluding any net costs incurred by the paricipant. The benefits are similar to the TRC benefits. Costs are defined more narowly. Application of A vista Corporation Page 5 1.0 ilustrate that benefits exceed costs. For 2010, the Company's DSM portfolios' were cost-effective with TRC and PAC ratios of 2.33 and 5.02, respectively, for its electrc portfolio, and 1.62 and 3.60, respectively, for its natural gas portfolio. iv. STAKEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT The Company has regularly convened stakeholder meetings to gain input from customer representatives, Commission staff members, and individuals from the environmental communities2. These stakeholder meetings review the Company's program offerings as well as the underlying cost-effectiveness tests and results. The Company continues to appreciate the time and input provided by its stakeholders. V. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL In conclusion, Avista respectfully requests the Commission approve the proposed reduction in rates and charges to its tariff Schedule 91 and 191. The estimated anual revenue change associated with this filing is approximately a decrease of $750,000 for electrc Schedule 91, or a decrease of 0.3% of biled rates, and a decrease of $2.9 milion for natural gas Schedule 191, or a decrease of 4.2% of biled rates. The proposed rate decrease wil have an average monthly bil impact to electrc residential customers using 964 kWhs of $0.06. The proposed natural gas rate decrease wil have an average monthly bil impact to residential customers using 70 therms of$2.68. VI. CUSTOMER NOTIFICATION Notice to the public of the proposed rates and charges, pursuant to IDAP A, wil be given simultaneously with the filing, by posting a notice at each of the Company's district offces in Idaho, which is attached as Attachment A. Notice of 2 Among those paricipating were Commission Staff Nortwest Energy Coalition, Nortwest Energy Effciency Allance, Northwest Power and Planning Counsel, and Nortwest Industral Ga User. Application of A vista Corporation Page 6 proposed rates wil also be given to all Idaho customers by individual bil insert as required by rule. The proposed effective date is July 18, 2011. VII. CONCLUSION WHREFORE, Applicant respectfully requests the Commission issue its Order finding the proposed rates and charges in Schedules 91 and 191 attached to this Application as Attachment B to be fair, just, reasonable and nondiscriminatory, and effective for electrc and natual gas service rendered on and after August 1, 2011, with this application being processed under Modified Procedure. DATED at Spokane, Washington, this 10th day of June, 2011. AVISTA CORPORATION By ?f ~~ i. Kelly O. Norwood, Vice President, State and Federal Regulation Application of A vista Corporation Page 7 AVISTA CORPORATION dba A vista Utilities NOTICE OF TARF CHAGE (Idaho Electrc Servce) Notice is hereby given that the "Sheets" listed below of Tarffs lP.U.C. No. 28, coverng electric service, have been filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) in Idaho. Eighth Revision Sheet 91 Canceling Seventh Revision Sheet 9 i This filing requests approval of an increase to Schedule 191, "Energy Effciency Rider Adjustment." Schedule 91 is designed to recover the costs incurred by the Company associated with providing electrc energy effciency servces to customers. Copies of the proposed tariff changes are available for inspection in the Company's offices and on the Company website at http://ww.avistautilties.com/services/energypricinglages/default.aspx. The Company wil provide notice to customers with the first bil after the change becomes effective. Issue Date: Keep Posted Until: June 10, 2011 August 1,2011 I.P.U.C. NO.28 Eighth Revision Sheet 91 Canceling Seventh Revision Sheet 91 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilties 91 SCHEDULE 91 ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where the Company has electric service available. This Energy Efficiency Rider or Rate Adjustment shall be applicable to all retail customers for charges for electric energy sold and to the flat rate charges for Company-owned or Customer-owned Street Lighting and Area Lighting Service. This Rate Adjustment is designed to recover costs incurred by the Company associated with providing energy efficiency services and programs to customers. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be increased by the following amounts: Schedule 1 - .252 if per kWh Schedule 11 & 12 - .270 if per kWh Schedule 21 & 22 - .185 if per kWh Schedule 25 - .136 if per kWh Schedule 25P - .128 if per kWh Schedule 31 & 32 - .254 if per kWh Flat rate charges for Company-owned or Customer-owned Street Lighting and Area Lighting Services fSchedules 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48 & 49) are to be increased by 3.07%. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Issued June 10, 2011 Effective August 1, 2011 Issued by Avista Utilities By ~orw:J7:dent. State & Feder Regulation I.P.U.C. NO.28 Eighth Revision Sheet 91 Canceling Seventh Revision Sheet 91 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 91 SCHEDULE 91 ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where the Company has electric service available. This Energy Effciency Rider or Rate Adjustment shall be applicable to all retail customers for charges for electric energy sold and to the flat rate charges for Company-owned or Customer-owned Street Lighting and Area Lighting Service. This Rate Adjustment is designed to recover costs incurred by the Company associated with providing energy efficiency services and programs to customers. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be increased by the following amounts: Schedule 1 - .252 ø per kWh Schedule 11 & 12 - .270 ø per kWh Schedule 21 & 22 - .185 ø per kWh Schedule 25 - .136 ø per kWh Schedule 25P - .128 ø per kWh Schedule 31 & 32 - .254 ø per kWh Flat rate charges for Company-owned or Customer-owned Street Lighting and Area Lighting Services lSchedules 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48 & 49) are to be increased by 3.07%. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Issued June 10, 2011 Effective August 1, 2011 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood, Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation~ .J-i. I.P.U.C. NO.28 Seventh Revision Sheet 91 Canceling Sixth Revision Sheet 91 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utiities 91 SCHEDULE 91 ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where the Company has electric service available. This Energy Effciency Rider or Rate Adjustment shall be applicable to all retail customers for charges for electric energy sold and to the flat rate charges for Company-owned or Customer-owned Street Lighting and Area Lighting Service. This Rate Adjustment is designed to recover costs incurred by the Company associated with providing energy efficiency services and programs to customers. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be increased by the following amounts: Schedule 1 Schedule 11 & 12 Schedule 21 & 22 .258 ø per kWh .303 ø per kWh .232 ø per kWh Schedule 25 Schedule 25P Schedule 31 & 32 .166 ø per kWh .146 ø per kWh .242 ø per kWh Flat rate charges for Company-owned or Customer-owned Street Lighting and Area Lighting Services fSchedules 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 & 49) are to be increased by 3.64%. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Issued September 23, 2010 Effective October 1, 2010 Issued by Avista Utiities By Kelly O. Norwood, Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation~ ~,... I.P.U.C. NO.28 Seventh Revision Sheet 91 Canceling Sixth Revision Sheet 91 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 91 SCHEDULE 91 ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where the Company has electric service available. This Energy Effciency Rider or Rate Adjustment shall be applicable to all retail customers for charges for electric energy sold and to the flat rate charges for Company-owned or Customer-owned Street Lighting and Area Lighting Service. This Rate Adjustment is designed to recover costs incurred by the Company associated with providing energy efficiency services and programs to customers. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be increased by the following amounts: Schedule 1 - .258 ø per kWh Schedule 11 & 12 - .303 ø per kWh Schedule 21 & 22 - .232 ø per kWh Schedule 25 - .166 ø per kWh Schedule 25P - .146 ø per kWh Schedule 31 & 32 - .242 ø per kWh Flat rate charges for Company-owned or Customer-owned Street Lighting and Area Lighting Services ,(Schedules 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48 & 49) are to be increased by 3.64%. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Issued September 23,2010 Effective October 1, 2010 Issued by Avista Utilities ~o. X~ ::reident. Slate & Federl Regulation AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities NOTICE OF TARF CHAGE (Idaho Natual Gas Service) Notice is hereby given that the "Sheets" listed below of Tarffs I.P.U.C. No. 27, coverng natual gas service, have been fied with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) in Idaho. Sixth Revision Sheet 191 Canceling Fifth Revision Sheet 191 This filing requests approval of an increase to Schedule 191, "Energy Effciency Rider Adjustment." Schedule 191 is designed to recover the costs incured by the Company associated with providing natual gas energy efficiency serices to customers. Copies of the proposed tarff changes are available for inspection in the Company's offices and on the Company website at http://ww.avistautilities.com/services/energypricinglages/default.aspx. The Company wil provide notice to customers with the first bil after the change becomes effective. Issue Date: Keep Posted Until: June 10, 2011 August 1,2011 I.P.U.C. NO.2? Sixth Revision Sheet 191 Canceling Fifth Revision Sheet 191 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 191 . SCHEDULE 191 ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where the Company has natural gas service available. This Energy Effciency Rider or Rate Adjustment shall be applicable to all retail customers taking service under Schedules 101, 111, 112, 131, and 132. This Rate Adjustment, is designed to recover costs incurred by the Company associated with providing energy effciency services and programs to customers. The Company may, at its discretion to match revenue under this schedule with demand for services under Schedule 190, reduce or increase this charge on an annual basis. Any change in this charge is subject to Commission approval and its review of the previous year expenditures under Schedule 190 and determinations with regard to any revenue carry forward, and prospective budget on an annual basis. Any annual expenditures exceeding annual collections when combined with any carry forward budget surplus shall be at the Company's risk of future recovery. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be increased by the following amounts: Schedule 101 Schedule 111 & 112 Schedule 131 & 132 $0.01939 per Therm $0.00950 per Therm $0.00860 per Therm SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued Effective June 10, 2011 August 1, 2011 Issued by Avista Utilities By ~rw::ce::ert, State and Federal Regulation I.P.U.C. NO.2? Sixth Revision Sheet 191 Canceling Fifth Revision Sheet 191 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 191 SCHEDULE 191 ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where the Company has natural gas service available. This Energy Effciency Rider or Rate Adjustment shall be applicable to all retail customers taking service under Schedules 101, 111, 112, 131, and 132. This Rate Adjustment, is designed to recover costs incurred by the Company associated with providing energy efficiency services and programs to customers. The Company may, at its discretion to match revenue under this schedule with demand for services under Schedule 190, reduce or increase this charge on an annual basis. Any change in this charge is subject to Commission approval and its review of the previous year expenditures under Schedule 190 and determinations with regard to any revenue carry forward, and prospective budget on an annual basis. Any annual expenditures exceeding annual collections when combined with any carry forward budget surplus shall be at the Company's risk of future recovery. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be increased by the following amounts: Schedule 101 Schedule 111 & 112 Schedule 131 & 132 $0.01939 per Therm $0.00950 per Therm $0.00860 per Therm SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued Effective June 10, 2011 August 1, 2011 Issued. by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood, Vice President, State and Federal Regulation~ ~,.i. I.P.U.C. NO.2? Fifth Revision Sheet 191 Canceling Fourth Revision Sheet 191 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utiities 191 SCHEDULE 191 ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where the Company has natural gas service available. This Energy Efficiency Rider or Rate Adjustment shall be applicable to all retail customers taking service under Schedules 101, 111. 112, 131, and 132. This Rate Adjustment, is designed to recover costs incurred by the Company associated with providing energy efficiency services and programs to customers. The Company may, at its discretion to match revenue under this schedule with demand for services under Schedule 190, reduce or increase this charge on an annual basis. Any change in this charge is subject to Commission approval and its review of the previous year expenditures under Schedule 190 and determinations with regard to any revenue carry forward, and prospective budget on an annual basis. Any annual expenditures exceeding annual collections when combined with any carry forward budget surplus shall be at the Company's risk of future recovery. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be increased by the following amounts: Schedule 101 Schedule 111 & 112 Schedule 131 & 132 $0.05762 per Therm $0.05038 per Therm $0.04020 per Therm SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued Effective February 12,2010 October 1, 2010 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood, Vice President, State and Federal Regulation~J~~'., I.P.U.C. NO.2? Fifth Revision Sheet 191 Canceling Fourth Revision Sheet 191 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 191 SCHEDULE 191 ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where the Company has natural gas service available. This Energy Efficiency Rider or Rate Adjustment shall be applicable to all retail customers taking service under Schedules 101, 111, 112, 131, and 132. This Rate Adjustment, is designed to recover costs incurred by the Company associated with providing energy effciency services and programs to customers. The Company may, at its discretion to match revenue under this schedule with demand for services under Schedule 190, reduce or increase this charge on an annual basis. Any change in this charge is subject to Commission approval and its review of the previous year expenditures under Schedule 190 and determinations with regard to any revenue carry forward, and prospective budget on an annual basis. Any annual expenditures exceeding annual collections when combined with any carry forward budget surplus shall be at the Company's risk of future recovery. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be increased by the following amounts: Schedule 101 Schedule 111 & 112 Schedule 131 & 132 $0.05762 per Therm $0.05038 per Therm $0.04020 per Therm SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued Effective February 12, 2010 October 1, 2010 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood, Vice President, State and Federal Regulation ?d ~#' i.