HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101029Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KEMPTON COMMISSIONER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER RED FORD COMMISSION SECRETARY LEG AL WORKING FILE FROM:DOUG COX, P. DATE:OCTOBER 28, 2010 RE:AVISTA UTILITIES 2010 PURCHASED GAS ADJUSTMENT (PGA), REVISED TARIFF FILING - CASE NO. AVU-I0-03. On October 27, 2010, the Commission issued Order No. 32102 authorizing A vista to increase its annualized revenues by $2.9 million and establish a weighted average cost of gas of $0.45817 per thermo The Commission ordered the Company to file conforming tariffs to be effective November 1 , 2010. On October 28, 2010 , A vista submitted its revised tariffs. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff has reviewed Avista s October 28 filing and finds that the tariffs comport with the requirements of Order No. 32102. Therefore, Staff recommends that the Commission approve the revised tariffs. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve the Company s revised tariffs to be effective November 1 , 2010? (;o;x: Doug Cox, P. . i:udmemos/avugIOO3 DougsMemo.doc DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -OCTOBER 28 2010 AvistaCorp. 1411 EastMission POI\())(3727 Spokane, Washington. 9922!J..3727 Telephone . ToY Free 800-72HI170 IST4' Corp. October 28, 2010 State ofldaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Statehouse Boise, Idaho 83720 Attention: Ms. Jean D. Jewell C. No. 27 - Natural Gas Service In accordance with Order Number 32102, dated October 27, 2010, enclosed for filing with the Commission is Original Sheet 156. This tariff establishes a weighted average cost of gas of$O.45817 per thenn to be effective November 1 2010. If you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact Craig Bertholf at (509) 495-4124. Sincerely, ?ar Kelly Norwood Vice President, State and Federal Regulation Ene. LP .C. No.2? Twelfth Revision Sheet 155 Canceling Eleventh Revision Sheet 155 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 155 SCHEDULE 155 GAS RATE ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To adjust gas rates for amounts generated by the sources listed below. MONTHLY RATE:(a) The rates of firm gas Schedules 101 and 111 are to be decreased by 582i per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. The rate of interruptible gas Schedule 131 is to be decreased by 091 rt per thermo (b) SOURCES OF MONTHL Y RATE: Changes in the monthly rates above result from amounts which have been accumulated in the Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account as described in Schedule 150 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment and Schedule 156 - Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued September 14, 2010 Effective November 1, 2010 Issued by Avista Util1ties ;J;. ":.:::J' Vice P,-..iden~ Sta'" & Federal Regulation LP.C. No.Original Sheet 156 156 A VISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utililies SCHEDULE 156 PURCHASE GAS COST ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To pass through changes in costs resulting from rate adjustments imposed by the Company's suppliers, to become effective as noted below. RATE: (a)The rates of firm gas Schedules 101 , 111 and 112 are to be decreased by 2.2D4!t per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. The rates of interruptible Schedules 131 and 132 are to be decreased by 296!t per thermo (b) The rate for transportation under Schedule 146 is to be decreased by OO.OOD!t per thermo WEIGHTED AVERAGE GAS COST: The above rate changes are based on the following weighted average cost of gas per therm as of the effective date shown below and supersede the rates shown on Schedule 150: (c) Schedules 101 Schedules 111 and 112 Schedules 131 and 132 Demand 10A21~ 10A211,t ODDtt Commodity 45.817tt 45.817~ 45.817if, Total 56.238~ 56.238tt 45.817!t The above amounts do not include revenue sensitive items. BALANCING ACCOUNT: The Company will maintain a Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account whereby monthly entries into this Balancing Account will be made to reflect differences between the actual purchased gas costs collected from customers and the actual purchased gas costs incurred by the Company. Those differences are then collected from or refunded to customers under Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment. Additional debits or credits for Pipeline refunds or charges, Pipeline capacity release revenues and miscellaneous revenues or expenses directly related to the Company s cost of purchasing gas to meet customer requirements will be recorded in the Balancing Account. Issued October 28, 2010 Effective November 1 2010 !ssued by Avista UjiJities Al4""O. ~y O. Norwood - Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No.2?Original Sheet 156A 156 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 156 - Continued Deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served under Schedules 112, 132 and 146, as well as for customers that switch to or from any of these service schedules to another schedule. The deferred gas cost balance for these customers will be based on monthly entries in the Balancing Account as described above. The deferred gas cost balance for each customer will be eliminated by either, 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge, as applicable, or 2) an amortization rate per therm to reduce the balance prospectively. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The rates named herein are subject to increases as set forth in Schedule 158. Issued October 28, 2010 Effective November 1,2010 Issued ~~~ista Utilijtes ~. - AI",......w. Norwood- Vice-President State & Federal Regulation