HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100826Comments.pdf, .\0 j ~¡~l~¡ f7J ~.J.,&'~ ~ Barb Barrows From: Sent: To: Subject: rosaleasutton(gYahoo.com Wednesday, August 25,20105:43 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Rosalea D. Sutton follows: Case Number: Avista filing Mar23 ~ 2818 Name: Rosalea D. Sutton Address: 189 Parkline Court City: Saint Maries State: Id Zip: 83861 Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: rosaleasutton~Yahoo.com Name of Utility Company: Avista Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: I'm a senior citizen. We did not receive a cost of living increase this year and 14%increase for our utility for residential service is a little extreme~ in my opinion. Avista does a great job and if we all got a 14% increase in benefits (my pension has stayed the same for 14 years ~ with benefit cuts) I would be for some increase as I realize~ as a retired phone company employee~ that the plant infrastructure needs to be taken care of ~ people ~ wages ~ etc. If everyone would pay their electric bill~ it wouldn i t be left up to the rest of us to make up the difference I They would probably have enough to cover what they need to do without an increase. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc . html IP address is i .. \. it vY.. ...0 iT' /V'b ~~ ~'7 ,ft(~.c.~ P.O. Box 636 Sagle, ID 83860 August 24,2010 REC ZOIO AUG 26 AM 8: 2 f Idaho Public Utilties Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Dear Members of the Commssion: We could have told you Avista was going to ask for a rate increase again. We watched, drove by Avista employees, out in Bonner County, Sagle area, working the sumer of 2009 puttg in gas lies. You should have seen all the area dug up where A vista was working. It was as if they wanted to hur and get it done before all the people really realized how quickly the economy was falling. We couldn't believe Avista was doing ths considerig the economy and end up raising rates-like they ar doing now. Of all times we do not need rate increase now. Oh yes, they will contend gas and electrc power are completely separte. When people hear "Avista Staium", Avista donates ths, Avista donates that, do they really thnk that for many ths does not hit a nerve? Keep the rates lower and let the individual decide where to donate. How often in the media do we see A vista patted on the back? Please we do not deserve a rate increas at ths time. Sincerely yours,~~BtU~e~~ Patrcia Bauer wìV~ . /\"0 ,')LP, 'l! t\ t ø:(') .10 eP, \Xl 82310 Q i: (" ¡;¡,c.~..,.= ~-~! l Steve Bell, att. 1506N.7th Cda Ida, 83814 PUC itl\n AUG 26 1\"8: \ 1 re: Avista proposed 14% rate increae I am enclosing two aricles that I wrote followig word that Avista intially propose an outreous intial 14% electrcity increas. The response that I received via E mails has ben incrble---the public is absolutely incensed by the arogance of ths company, and their refusal to have even a remote idea of what is happenig in ths economy. Have you noticed ths is the worst recession (its realifdepression) since the 1930's? Kootenai county alone ha some 1200 homeless people. We have some 2,000 EMPTY homes in ths county. (Avist chares $200 to have your power tued on again, if your power gets shut oft Could you please provide me with information about how many homes had thei power 'shut off from Avista last year? Also, please advise me, does Avist have a paid lobbyist or employee who makes their presentation to you, and if so, how much are they paid? . Furher, does the public have a lobbyist or representative to represent their interests when these issues arse? Kootena County ha a 24% drop in saes tax revenue last year, do you feel they can absorb a rate increase? I propose an across the board reduction in compensation for Avist manement and employees, Paying Mr. Morrs $250,000 per month when he operates a business in a complete monopoly is unbelievable. Pleae advise me if there will be any hearng on ths proposa. Th you. Sincerely, iJ'~~ Steve Bell 2087047774