HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100714Comments.pdf8873 N. STAR LOOP RECE HAYDEN, ID 83835-8685 JUY 8, 2010 2910 JUlf2Af1 8: l 0 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION P. O. BOX 83720 BOISE, ID. 83720-0074 IDAHG FlJ::'-.o,_" UTlLIT'..~ C~."' ",r,s.i~-~'...' .)...l~~. '- 'U- .,¡. ... ....... . lbÙ_~i'tlhHV t- i'i: RE: AVISTA UTILITIES RATE INCRE1~.SE GENTLEMEN; A RECENT ARTICLE IN OUR LOCAL PAPER STATED THAT AVISTA UTILITIES IS REQUESTING A 14% INCREASE IN THEIR ELECTRICAL RATES TO CUSTOMERS. WE WOULD LIKE YOU TO DENY THIS INCREASE. WE AR RETIRED PEOPLE LIVING ON A FIXED INCOME AN OUR SOCIAL SECURITY HA.8 NOT HAD AN INCREASE AND DOESN'T LOOK LIKE IT WILL INCREASE ANY TIME SOON. IF THIS RATE INCREASE IS APPROVED IT WILL PUT ALL SENIOR CITIZENS IN A FINANCIAL BIND. YOUR CONSIDERATION OF OUR REQUEST WILL BE APPRECIATED. " Y; J. MES E. SHE'C~;r..~~ LOU RENE SHEROD " DATE: July 7,2010 TO:Idaho Public Utilties Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, 1083720-0074 16\ 0 JUL l 2 AM 8: l 3 lD UT1UT FROM:Joan Vanhorn 3424 7th Street E Lewiston, 10 83501 RE:Avista's request for "anothet' rate hike I'm contacting you to ask you to deny Avista's request to raise our rates on electricity and natural gas. There are thousands of us who live on fixed incomes throughout Idaho and Washington. Thousands of others have lost their jobs and have no income. Others have had their hours reduced even if they are stil employed. The cost of our utilties cannot keep going up and up all the time. What little budgets we have left just can't take the hit again. Avista needs to find other ways to raise money--Iike asking their executives to do some sacrificing of their own. Let's face it, they aren't hurting for money. With their earnings running from $734,00 to $3.03 milion a year, they need to have their wages cut back to reasonable amounts. I don't believe that a large portion of this rate increase won't go in to giving Avista's executives a substantial raise. Those people always find a way to get their hands on the money. I wrote a Letter to the Editor of the Lewiston Morning Tribune in May. The idea of the letter was this- 1. Avista asks us to conserve energy. 2. We conserve energy so our bils are lower each month. 3. Avista is not making as money as before because we are conserving energy, so they raise our rates to make up for the money they aren't making because we are doing what they ask us to do. I truly believe this is what Avista is doing. We should be rewarded for conserving energy rather than punished with higher prices. The truth of the matter is that this country is in a recession and people cannot afford for the utilty companies to continue to raise our rates all the time. We have had to learn to cut back on our daily living expenses because the money just isn't there anymore. There are people who cannot afford to pay higher utility bils who wil have no heat in their homes this winter or electricity to cook the food to feed their familes. I'm asking you to DENY Avista's request to raise our electric and natural gas rates beuse thousands of every day working and retired Idaho and Washington people cannot afford another rate increase. Thank you for yor iime. ~ 4~¿¿ Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: bi"v1946~hotmail.com Tuesday, July 13, 20107:10 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Bill Vanderford follows: - - - - -- - --- - -- ----- - - - - - - - ---- - -- - - -- Case Number: Av(A - £- /0 -01/1/ VíA -(; -/6 .' 0 I Name: Bill Vanderford Address: 2692 N. Mackenzie Dr. City: Post Falls State: Idaho Zip: 83854 Daytime Telephone: 2e8-819-2379 Contact E-Mail: billv1946~hotmail.com Name of Utility Company: Avista Acknowledge: Please describe your comment briefly: I understand that Avista is asking for a rate hike here in Kootenai County. I am a native of Idaho, 63 years of age, and currently unemployed for one of the few times in my life. I find other well skilled and educated people also in this dire circumstance. Several homes in my neighborhood are empty, now owned by mortgage companies or banks. I understand any company needs to maintain equipment, and aging generators. State employees have been asked to forgo pay increases, and many projects are on 'hold'. I feel Avista knows it can ask for and probably get higher rates, but is this a good time? I don't think so. I don't understand CEO's who are paid over a million dollars a year, coming to you with their justification for more money. My friends and I would feel different if some pain was felt at the top (as we are hanging on). Bill Vanderford The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is - - - - - - --- --- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- i Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: thompson. melissa79§yahoo.com Tuesday, July 13, 2010 3:45 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Melissa Thompson follows: - - - ---- - -- - -- - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- Case Number: AVW-£-/o-oljAV/II-&-/O-Oj Name: Melissa Thompson Address: City: Post Falls State: Idaho Zip: 83854 Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: thompson. melissa79~ahoo. com Name of Utility Company: Avista Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: I am writing in reguards to another of Avistas rate increase requests as well as an issue of my own. I like many others do NOT feel avista should be granted an increase in their charges for electricity and gas. It really irks me that they have the monopoly in the community, my family has no choice but to deal with them. We can't even afford what they are charging NOW, much less an INCREASE. Our power was shut off on the 9th of July at 3:88pm and has yet to be turned back on as my family of seven doesn' t have the money to do so. I am currently seeking the help of several agencies to regain power so that i can cook for my children. We also receive food stamps, so now our food has since gone to rot! 1m not sure how i will feed my family for the rest of the month with whats left. Part of my bigger struggle is trying to understand why the power company needs such a large 'deposit' before they will turn us back on. which is payable BEFORE they will. If i can' t even pay my balance how am i supposed to afford the DEPOSIT in ADDITION???? I feel intense rage and anger at Avista and it is certainly no surprise to me that they get threatened with violence when they come to shut people off, as was recently in the press. I have children, this should be illegal. My husband told them he got paid on the 15th and would pay up, they REFUSED to wait that long, but the shut off notice says they are 'willing to make mutually satisfactory payment arrangements' Obviously they are NOT. they couldn't wait a week?? How fortunate for their CEO to not have to worry about this for his children, while making his MILLIONS by extorting it out of the rest of us with absurd · deposi t' and disconnect and reconnect fees from the POOREST of us. I implore you to NOT grant their request as there behavior just seems extremely callous to me. 1m not buying their · we have to do this for our bottom line i crap. I HATE avista. The form submitted on http://ww . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is - -- - -- --- ---- - -- - - --- --- - - - - -- - - - - -- i Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: jimzoe~cpcinternet.com Monday, July 12, 2010 1:26 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Zoe Ann Cooley follows: -- - - - -- --- - ------ - - - - -- - - ---- - - - ---- Case Number: AV¿¡- £' -/0 -01/ AVL- -6 -10 -0/ Name: Zoe Ann Cooley Address: P.O. Box 416 City: Troy State: Idaho Zip: 83871 Daytime Telephone: 208-835-3071 Contact E-Mail: jimzoe~cpcinternet.com Name of Utility Company: Avista Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: I am the payee for my son, Dell N. May, who lives in a Moscow apartment and who receives service from Avista. His Social Security income, which is modest, did not increase this year. My son just received a notice of the termination of a very small job he had been doing. We know that there are many others like him who would be harmed by an increase in utility rates. We think that Avista i s request for a rate hike is very ill -timed and the request should not be granted. The form submitted on http://www. puc. idaho .gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: angelcowdog(Qearthlink. net Friday, July 09, 2010 5:48 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Dennis Wright follows: - --- - --- - - -- - -- - - ---- - --- - -- -- - - -- -- Case Number: avista rate hike -AVU-£'IO-ol/lfViA-G'f()-OI Name: Dennis Wright Address: 29957 E. Hardy Loop City: Cataldo State: Idhao Zip: 83810 Daytime Telephone: 208-682-4234 Contact E-Mail: angelcowdo~earthlink. net Name of Utility Company: Avista Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: We are definately against anymore rate hikes by Avista. How can they post huge profit reports and still ask for more money from the public which is not getting raises. So many are out of work or on fixed incomes. It is pure greed on Avistas part. Also we have some acerage and Avista has placed guy wires in our hay fields without permission. How can they do that? They drive through our property to get to their easements without first getting permission. How can they do that? Some of the overhead lines going to other customers property across ours are so low we cannot get equipment under them. Avista seems to have the attitude that they are God and we have to just let them do whatever they want. We are totally discussed with all of Avistas policies. The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is - - - -- -- --- - -- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1 Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: rharlocker(§transtector.com Thursday, July 08,20106:35 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Reid Harlocker follows: -------- ---- - - - - ----- - --- - - - -- - - -- -- Case Number: AVu-¿- -/0 "0/ /AVU "('rIO-o/ Name: Reid Harlocker Address: Ci ty: Hayden Lake State: ID Zip: Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: rharlocker~transtector. com Name of utility Company: Avista Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: I urge the IPUC to deny both the electric and gas services increases requested by Avista. The company's request is excessive considering the terrible economy, and there justification seems weak. Investment in infrastructure and expanded services should not be paid for by increased rates, especially considering the company's monopolistic position. Before raising rates they should consider cutting the dividend, let the investors fork over for the 'upgrades' . Thank you The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is -- - - --- --- ------- - - - - -- - - -- -- - --- --- i Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: welr02(§gmail.com Thursday, July 08,20106:54 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Robert Welsh follows: - ---- --- --- -- - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- Case Number: AW-i-E-io -()//AVù.-ú-io-ol Name: Robert Welsh Address: Ci ty : Hayden State: IDaho Zip: Daytime Telephone: Contact E-Mail: welr02~gmail.com Name of Utility Company: Avista Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: I opposed to this rate increase~ if Avista is turning a profit then they need to cut the di vidend offering first. 14% is extremely high for an increase for electricity 3.6% for gas is also high What about all of the people on fixed incomes? Why is i t if Avista is making profits why does that not go back to us THE PUBLIC. I thought they were a public utility? The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is - - - - - -- ------ - - --- - --- - - - --- - - ---- 1