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Idaho Public Utities Commsion:
De Sir:
As I understad, A VISTA Electrc Compay applied for a 13.1% average in of electrca
rates for it's Idao customers on Mach 23rd of ths year. Ths inludes a reidential incr
afectig me of 14.5%, the largest sinle increase in their reuest af 'Pupin Serices.'
Ths nonsns nee to stop now! Ever yea, an someties mor fruently, AVITA
wants more, and more, and more, for what? It's CEO's bloate salar? It's stok holder who bar
none of the burden of th company opetion? but expets to reap the rewars off the bak of
those who can leat aford the constat reests for rate incres?
Esaly in these ties of nationa economic hardship, but inde, any ti the unaiess of
these constat grbbing for mor and more money to compensate alady overaid exectives and
stockholders when we get litte or noth frm our ba acounts or 401k's in th way of intet,
is obscene to say the least. We've conserved an done out bet to be effcient in our energy usage
these last severa yea, to no avai. It's gaied us noth but higher and highr bils.
All the whie, the hypcrte at A VISTA want the general rate payers to subsidiz those who
fid it dicut to pay their elecc bils, aka: "Prject Shar", espealy in the winter, so they can
contiue th flow of money into their coffers is sickeni to say the least.
Say NO to ths unai and unwarte rate incr by th monopoly and protet th citins
of Idao.
~t/~ L,tJiA/'O
Jean Jewell
¡~ /+;..t/~~\, t\
tncrosc01 (§verizon. net
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 9:40 AM
Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness
PUC Comment Form
A Comment from Connie Rosco follows:
-- ------ -- - - ------- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --
Case Number:
Name: Connie Rosco
Address: 119 Brittany Loop
City: Sandpoint
State: ID
Zip: 83864
Daytime Telephone: 2082554347
Contact E-Mail: tncroscol~verizon.net
Name of Utili ty comp~vista
Add to Mailing List:~
Please describe your comment briefly:
I don i t know how you can allow Avista to increase rates at all!!! That is ridiculous! We are
already paying an almost $300.00 a month power bill and we are hardly ever at home. We have
an auto thermostat and well insulated new home. I can't imagine how the elderly people are
able to keep warm. How many people do you know that are getting that kind of increase on
their paycheck? I don't know anyone! I work at a bank and all increases and raises have
been suspended. Please work on being part of the solution for this economy intead of the part
of the problem?
The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipucl/ipuc. html
IP address is
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