HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100416Comment.pdf\ ~.AJ ~ IflJCZ/IÙ t/r; A.I/v'f ~s If ¡ Idao Public Utities Commion P. O. Box 83720 Boises il 83720-0074 ApñI12,2010 6 M.i 8: \ 210\0 APR \, nll RE: Proposed A vista electrc rate increases The purse of th lett is to voice my objecons to the propose ra reident increase of i 4.5% for Idao A vist electrc cusomers. I fid it had to undersd how ra increa ca be propose on such a fruent bais and for signficant percentages. i 4.5 percent outstrps any matenal or labor cost increases I am aware of in the recent past. Furer, I don't recall readg or hearg about any ren for suh cost incrs th would afect A vist rates in the nea fu. It se like the whole of the Amencan business world is totaly unaware, or uncarg about the pligh of the averag ci in th had ti. I am si to de of he th news media report daly about the Dow Jones average or the NASDAQ and how they are going up to milestone numbers lately when everyone I know is hurg from loss of jobs, heath ince or both It seé to me th the busess world taes a cue frm thes report to raise the prices to consumers on their products. You are fort - you have st jobs with dent benefits, plea do your be to investigate these proposals and make sure they are equitable. It's not going to afect your bottom line muchs but it sure will afect mine. I'm lucky. I have been retied for 23 year and on an income th tht is for al prca purse :fed but I won't ste to dea yet, anyway There are so many people who are scraping by any way they can and canotafd th ligby au ra inea Theoretically you are supposed to review such proposals thorough to prevent the Idao public frm unasonable raes in the utes indu. I sicerly hope YOll do the best job possible. Since an A vist spkespersn was quote as saying the ras A vista consumers pay do not pay for salar increases, stock options and other goodies the A vista CEO and other corporate offcers receive, would you mid checking tht out and let me know what you lea?