HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100323Folsom Di.pdfR ~'ê ":-i DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDEN AN CHIEF COUNSEL OF REGULTORY & GOVERNAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVEE SPOKA, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 ., 'IC'i ¡. 19II. BBFORE THE XDAHO PUBLXC OTXLXTXBS COMMSSXON ) CASE NO. AVU-E-10-01 ) CASE NO. AVU-G-10-01 ) ) ) ) ) ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF BRUCE W. FOLSOM IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AN CHAGES FOR ELECTRIC AN NATU GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AN NATU GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AN NATURA GAS) 1 X.XNTRODUTXON 2 Q.Please state yor. nae, emloyr an business 3 address. 4 A.My name is Bruce Folsom.I am employed by 5 Avista as the Senior Manager of Demand Side Management 6 (DSM) .My business address is East 1411 Mission Avenue, 7 Spokane, Washington. 8 Q.Would you please describe your education an 9 business exerience? 10 A.I graduated from the University of washington in 11 1979 with Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science 12 degrees.I received a Masters in Business Administration 13 degree from Seattle University in 1984. 14 I joined the Company in 1993 in the State and 15 Federal Regulation Department.My duties included work 16 associated with tariff revisions and regulatory aspects of 17 integrated resource planning, demand side management, 18 competitive bidding, and emerging issues.In 2002, i was 19 named the Manager of Regulatory Compliance which added 20 responsibilities such as implementing the Federal Energy 21 Regulatory Commission's major changes to its Standards of 22 Conduct rule. I began my current position in Septemer of 23 2006.Prior to joining Avista, I was employed by the Folsom, Di 1 Avista corporation 1 washington Utilities and Transportation Commission 2 beginning in 1984, and then served as the Electric Program 3 Manager from 1990 to February, 1993. From 1979 to 1983, i 4 was the Pacific Northwest Regional Director of the 5 Environmental Careers Organization, a national, private, 6 not-for-profit organization. 7 Q.Wht is the scope of your testimny in this 8 proceeding? 9 A.I provide an overview of the Company's DSM 10 programs and recent resul ts .I also request a finding 11 that Avista's expenditures for electric and natural gas 12 energy efficiency programs have been prudently incurred 13 for calendar years 2008 and 2009. 14 Q.Are you sponsoring any exhibits to be introduced 15 in this proceeding? 16 A.Yes.I am sponsoring Exhibit No. 15 prepared 17 under my direction. Exhibit No. 15 documents the results 18 and cost-effectiveness of Avista' s DSM programs. 19 20 XX. DSK PROGRAS AN CU PBRXOD RESUTS 21 Q.Would you please provide a brief ovrview of 22 Avista's DSK programs? Folsom, Di 2 Avista Corporation 1 A.Yes. Beginning in 1978 Avista has historically 2 had a significant and consistent commitment to energy 3 efficiency, spurring many innovations.For example, 4 Avista initiated a large electric- to-natural -gas 5 conversion program in the early 1990s. In the mid-1990s, 6 while the electric industry was pulling back from offering 7 energy efficiency services in expectation of retail 8 electric competition,Avista pioneered the Energy 9 Efficiency Tariff Rider.Now in its sixteenth year, the 10 tariff rider was the country's first distribution charge lIto fund DSM. The tariff rider is an "expensed" ratemaking 12 pass-through mechanism (providing no additional earnings 13 either through capitalization, shared-benefit incentives 14 or fixed cost recovery) dedicated to funding customer 15 facility and process energy efficiency improvements.The 16 energy efficiency portion of Schedule 91 currently has a 17 billed rate of approximately 3.98% of revenue for electric 18 service and the Schedule 191 energy efficiency rate is 19 4.19% of revenue for natural gas. Avista has a proposal 20 pending with the IPUC to increase the Schedule 191 rate. 21 The Company's approach to energy efficiency is based 22 on two key principles.The first is to pursue all cost- 23 effective kilowatt hours and therms by offering financial Folsom, Di 3 Avista Corporation 1 incentives for most energy saving measures with a simple 2 financial payback of over one year.The second key 3 principle is to use the most effective "mechanism" to 4 deliver energy efficiency services to customers.These 5 mechanisms are varied and include 1) prescriptive programs 6 (or "standard offers" such as high efficiency appliance 7 rebates), 2) site-specific or "customized" analyses at 8 customer premises,3 )"market transformtional, "or 9 regional, efforts with other utilities, 4) low-income 10 weatherization services through local Community Action 11 Agencies,S) low-cost/no-cost advice through a multi- 12 channel communication effort, and 6) support for cost- 13 effective appliance standards and building codes.These 14 will be described later in my testimony. 15 The Company's offerings include 475 measures that are 16 packaged into over 36 programs for customer convenience. 17 As part of Avista's planning efforts, over 3,000 measures 18 are considered and then examined for cost-effectiveness. 19 The Company's comprehensive energy efficiency outreach, 20 the "Every Little Bit" communications campaign, received 21 several national honors in 2009.This comprehensive 22 communication approach helps customers reorient their 23 thinking about energy efficiency. Folsom, Di 4 Avista Corporation 1 The Company's programs are delivered across a full 2 customer spectrum.Virtually all customers have had the 3 opportunity to participate and a great many have directly 4 benefited from the program offerings.As will be 5 described later in my testimony, all customers have 6 indirectly benefited through enhanced cost-efficiencies as 7 a result of this portfolio approach. 8 Q.Would you please provide an overview of the 9 specific energy efficiency programs offered to residential 10 customrs? 11 A.Yes.Avista offers the following residential 12 programs: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Folsom, Di 5 Avista Corporation 1 Xllustration No.1: 2 RESXDBNXAL 3 High Efficiency Furnace/Boiler 4 High Efficiency Heat Pump 5 High Efficiency Variable Speed Motor 6 High Efficiency Tank Water Heater 7 Space Heat Conversion (Direct Use of Natural Gas) 8 Water Heat Conversion (Direct Use of Natural Gas) 9 Heat Pup "Conversion" (Electric Efficiency Upgrade)10 Ceiling, Attic, Floor, Wall Insulation 11 High Efficiency Windows 12 Fireplace Damper 13 BuiltGreenm (New Construction Energy Sta~) 14 Something for Everyone 15 Energy Star~ Appliances 16 CFL (and CFL Recycling) Promotions 17 "Second" Refrigerator IFreezer Recycling Program 18 "Geographic Saturation" 19 Community Events and Workshops20 Low-cost/no-cost information21 Direct Use of Nat Gas: Multi-Family Housing22 Conversion 23 Regional Market Transformation (NEEA) 24 On-line Home Audits 25 Ductless Heat Pump 26 Energy Star~ Homes27 Distributed Generation (net-metering) 28 29 LXIUTBD XNCOM RESXDBNXAL 30 Limited Income Weatherization with community Action31 Programs32 (Note: All residential programs above are also33 available) 34 35 36 The residential programs shown above are standard 37 offerings or what we call "prescriptive programs." These 38 involve a menu of rebates on selected measures (e.g., 39 lighting, weatherization, appliances, etc.). Folsom, Di 6 Avista Corporation 1 Q.An what do you offer for your comrcial an 2 industrial customrs? 3 A.For commercial customers,in addition to 4 prescripti ve programs,Avista offers "site-specific" 5 programs. Site-specific programs are customized to the 6 customer's premises.The site-specific offering provides 7 incentives on any cost-effective commercial and industrial 8 energy efficiency measure. This is implemented through 9 site analyses,customized diagnoses,and incentives 10 determined for savings generated specific to the 11 customer's premises or process.The following 12 illustration shows the programs available to Avista' S 13 commercial and industrial customers. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Folsom, Di 7 Avista Corporation 1 Xllustration 2: 2 NON-RESXDBNXAL (cOIRcXAL &: XNDSTAL) 3 Site-Specific 4 (Note: Incentives offered for most measures with ;, 1 5 year payback) 6 EnergySmart Program 7 LEED Certification Incentives 8 Power Management for PC Networks 9 Premium Efficiency Motors 10 Food Service Equipment11 LED Traffic Signals 12 Refrigerated Warehouse 13 Commercial HVAC Variable Frequency Drives 14 Retro-Commissioning 15 Clothes Washers16 Side Steam Filtration 17 Demand Controlled Ventilation 18 vending Machine Controllers19 Lighting and Controls 20 Electric to Natural Gas Water Heater Conversion 21 Steam Trap Replacement22 Green Motors Initiative 23 24 25 Q.Would you briefly discuss the Comany's staffing 26 requiremnts an budget/actual exenditures? 27 A.Yes.These programs are supported by twenty- 28 three full-time equivalents (FTE) spread over 40 staff 29 memers. This does not include Company support from the 30 Contact Center, Corporate Communications, Accounting and 31 other direct and indirect support.The 2009 DSM budget 32 (system, or Idaho and washington, electric and natural 33 gas) was over $23 million, representing an increase of $5 Folsom, Di 8 Avista Corporation 1 million over 2008. Expenditures in 2009 were approximately 2 $27 million and exceeded budget to meet customer demand. 3 Of the revenues collected under Schedules 91 (electric 4 tariff rider) and 191 (natural gas tariff rider) in 2009, 5 73.8% was paid out to customers in direct incentives 6 pursuant to the cost-effectiveness tests described below. 7 This does not include additional benefits such as site 8 audi ts and technical analyses provided to customers by the 9 Company's DSM engineering staff. 10 Q.Wht were the Comany's energy efficiency 11 targets and results for 2009? 12 A.The Company's energy efficiency targets are 13 established in the process of developing the Electric and 14 Natural Gas integrated Resource Plans (IRPs).These 15 targets are revisited and adjusted to take into account 16 new programs as part of our ongoing business planning 17 process. 18 The results of Avista's energy efficiency programs 19 continue to exceed the targets established as part of the 20 IRP process.Local electric efficiency savings for 2009 21 were 80.8 million kWhs (approximately 9.2 aM) or 141% of 22 the Company's annual IRP target. "Local" resul ts do not 23 include those delivered by the Northwest Energy Efficiency Folsom, Di 9 Avista Corporation 1 Alliance (NEEA) which are generally reported in the second 2 quarter every year and have ranged between 1 and 2 aM for 3 Avista' s share. 4 Over 147 aM of cumulative savings have been achieved 5 through Avista' s energy efficiency efforts in the past 6 three decades; over 111 aM of DSM is currently in place 7 on the Company's system, or the equivalent of two Kettle 8 Falls Generating Stations.By comparison, Avista' s 2009 9 total electric retail load was approximately 1,100 aM. 10 The 2009 natural gas IRP savings targets for Idao and 11 Washington were 1.58 million therms.Over 2 million 12 therms were saved in 2009, which is 128% of the 2009 13 annual target. 14 Q. please briefly exlain Avista' s participation in 15 the REBA regional energy efficiency efforts. 16 A.As I mentioned earlier, in addition to Avista' s 17 prescriptive and site-specific programs, the Company funds 18 and participates in the activities of the Northwest Energy 19 Efficiency Alliance. NEEA focuses on using a regional 20 approach to obtain electric efficiency through the 21 transformation of markets for efficiency measures and 22 services.An example of NEEA-sponsored programs that 23 benefit Avista customers are efforts to decrease the cost Folsom, Di 10 Avista Corporation 1 of compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) and high- 2 efficiency appliances by working through manufacturers. 3 For some measures, a large-scale, cross-utility approach 4 is the most cost-effective means to achieve energy 5 efficiency savings. This approach seems particularly 6 effective for markets composed of large numers of smaller 7 usage consumers, such as the residential and small 8 commercial markets. 9 The results from NEEA programs for 2009 have not been 10 finalized as of the date of the submittal of this 11 testimony.The preliminary estimate of Avista' s portion 12 of NEEA's 2009 results is approximately 1.1 aM of savings 13 which is approximately 40% lower than 2008. This was due 14 to lower CFL sales than estimated. 15 Q.How do you inform your customers abt your DSK 16 programs? 17 A.In 2006, Avista comprehensively reviewed the 18 content and delivery process of our energy efficiency 19 programs. An area identified for improvement was customer 20 outreach.Our market research showed that customers 21 thought they were doing what they could for energy 22 efficiency, that it was too expensive, and/or that "it 23 didn' t matter. "These findings led to our Folsom, Di 11 Avista Corporation 1 "EveryLittleBit" outreach campaign which is a multi-year, 2 multi-channel effort to educate customers about the 3 benefits of energy efficiency and to lead customers to our 4 financial incentives and low-cost/no-cost "tips." 5 Our focus on the residential side is to increase 6 customer understanding of our programs and how our 7 programs can help customers reduce their bills. We do this 8 through bill inserts and communications to bring customers 9 to our website with a "call-to-action" to use our 10 financial rebates and follow our no-costIlow-cost 11 suggestions. 12 We have equally beneficial programs for commercial 13 and industrial customers. Illustration No. 3 below depicts 14 a 2009 enhancement to our website, ww.EveryLitteBit.com. 15 This is an interactive tool to engage commercial customers 16 and allows customers to quickly view programs that they 17 can use, by "clicking on" a particular type of facility. 18 A similar tool, "The House of Rebates," is available for 19 residential customers. 20 21 22 23 Folsom, Di 12 Avista Corporation 1 IDustration No.3: 2 4 I 't'\~'f~ï*tU .. llttlebct Learn about our business energy-saving solutions. :;çmT BY STATE '_..-.-- --..1- t,Y- .ll\ ¡, p, . r;".-."-::7.. :' '.. I' f --'?~:" :"...,l" ä.l 1 .L.__,',.lLv__""l: _l_... --_ ._.. 3 ! ~1~.¡j;~f&tißt:;~~'f~ 'ty 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Avista's EveryLittleBit campaign has been well- 15 recognized nationally. E-Source awarded Avista top honors 16 for the "best web-site" in 2009.utility Communicators 17 International provided the Company with 10 awards in 2009, 18 related to the EveryLittleBit campaign, as a best-in-class 19 initiative.Customer response has been similarly 20 positive, as described later in my testimony. 21 Q.How does Avista evaluate the success of its 22 energy efficiency programs? Folsom, Di 13 Avista Corporation 1 A.Given the increased interest in evaluation of 2 energy efficiency results, i will address Avista i s recent 3 protocols and current plans for enhanced evaluation and 4 future expectations. Avista uses several metrics for 5 evaluating its energy efficiency programs.The primary 6 measures for evaluation have been target achievement and 7 cost-effectiveness.The latter has been the foundation 8 for Commission review since the establishment of the 9 tariff rider mechanisms in 1995.Based on these reviews, 10 Avista has received findings of prudence from the Idaho 11 Commission and the Washington Commission every year from 12 1995 through 2007. More specifically, the review standard 13 has applied a combination of industry standards known as 14 the Total Resource Cost (TRC) test and the Program 15 Administrator Cost Test (PACT)(formally known as the 16 Utili ty Cost Test (UCT)). 1 17 In 2009, stakeholders in both Idaho and washington 18 requested more detailed analyses on a prospective basis. 19 This interest stems from several perspectives, including:.. 1 The Tota Resource Cost Test measurs the net costs of a demad-side mangement prgr as a resurce option based on the total costs of the progr, including both the parcipants' and the utiltys costs. The Program Admnistrtor Cost Test measurs the net costs of a demand-side magement program as a resoure option based on the costs incured by the progr adstrtor (includg incentive costs) and excluding any net costs incur by the parcipant. The benefits are simlar to the TRC benefits. Costs are defied more naowly. Folsom, Di 14 Avista Corporation 1 1) a recent "Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for 2 Prudency Determination of DSM (Demand Side Management) 3 Expenditures" filed with the Idaho Public Utilities 4 Commission,2) compliance with Washington's Renewable 5 Portfolio Standards (RCW Chapter 19.285 and WAC Chapter 6 480-109 )relative to establishing electric savings 7 acquisition targets and verification procedures, and 3) 8 Avista' s recently concluded general rate case, relative to 9 natural gas decoupling in washington, in which the 10 Washington Commission ordered the Company and interested 11 parties to participate in a collaborative to examine 12 specified evaluation, measurement and verification (EM&V) 13 and low-income issues. 14 Avista aspires to best-practices in all aspects of 15 its energy efficiency efforts, providing transparent and 16 accessible documentation of its energy efficiency 17 evaluations to interested parties. The collaborative (for 18 EM&V and low-income issues) is underway with a final 19 report scheduled to be filed with the WUTC on or before 20 Septemer 1, 2010.The discussion with interested 21 stakeholders on these issues in a unified and structured 22 approach will facilitate a thorough and efficient review 23 of key issues. Folsom, Di 15 Avista Corporation 1 without getting ahead of the discussion that will 2 occur in the collaborative, Avista expects that its EM&V 3 efforts will be ramped up in several areas discussed 4 below.These areas will be modified by the collaborative 5 as appropriate. As described in the draft plans, EM&V is 6 intended to reflect all of the analyses necessary to 7 supply information to stakeholders to adequately determine 8 the prudence of Avista' s DSM Programs.EM&V includes 9 "impact," "process," "market," and "cost test" analyses. 10 These are described below (and taken as a whole are 11 sYnonymous with other terms such as "portfolio Evaluation" 12 or "Program Evaluation") . 13 14 15 16 17 18 Impact Analysis Impact analysis provides the documentation necessary to prove that the savings estimated within a particular program are equal to the savings realized by all of the customers participating in that program. subcomponents include: Impact analysis 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 . Measure Verification applies principles of the International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol (IPMVP) . Only a single measure may be verified using this technique or protocol. The verification of a statistically significant numer of projects using IPMVP techniques is often extrapolated to verify and perform impact analysis on whole programs. The following are parameters included for the verification of a measure. Folsom, Di 16 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 · Process for calculating the savings; . Incremental cost of a measure;· Installation date; · Measure life; · Claimed savings; . Rate schedule for Duel Fuel Incentive Calculator (DFIC) Calculation; and · Other Process Analysis Process analysis is the documentation of the continuous changes necessary to create, implement, modify and possibly terminate programs. The following items are included in process analysis. · Contact information; · Changes to programs over time; · Rules for customer qualification; · Project cost data; and · Other Market Analysis - Market analysis determines the effect of the marketplace on customer implementation of customer costs. energy efficiency including Cost Test Analysis - Cost test analysis combines several industry terms relative to the evaluation of energy efficiency cost-effectiveness, including among others: Net-to-Gross analysis, Total Resource Cost (TRC) analysis, and Free Riders or Free Drivers. Depending on the outcome of the collaborative, 35 revisions to reported annual savings may occur due to the Folsom, Di 17 Avista Corporation 1 resul ts of these EM&V protocols.These modifications of 2 savings wiii be documented with supporting analyses and 3 may yield increases or decreases in future reported 4 savings. 5 Q.What is the status of the tariff rider balance? 6 A.The current tariff rider balance - both Idaho 7 and Washington, electric and natural gas - is a negative 8 $9,557,925 (Le. ,dollars expended exceed dollars 9 collected through the tariff riders). By jurisdiction and 10 fuel, the negative rider balances are, as of February 11 2010 :($2,008,944) - Idaho electric; ($1,238,294) - Idaho 12 natural gas;($2,653,751)washington electric; and 13 ($3,656,937) - Washington natural gas. 14 Q.Wht are the causes of these negative balances? 15 A.There are several reasons for these negative 16 balances.First, the Company does not "cap" its energy 17 efficiency efforts based on available revenue. Avista is 18 committed to meeting customer demand for energy efficiency 19 services in. advance of revenue recovery. Second, the 20 Company has leveraged the high level of public interest in 21 "green" technologies to enhance the acquisition of cost- 22 effective energy-efficiency measures.Third, periods of 23 increased energy costs have heightened customers' Folsom, Di 18 Avista Corporation 1 awareness of the benefits of energy efficiency.Simply 2 stated, energy efficiency is one way for customers to have 3 more control over their energy bill.Fourth, outreach 4 works.Our EveryLittleBit campaign has resonated with 5 customers. These leveraging opportunities and the customer 6 response to the Company's efficiency programs have 7 exceeded our expectations. 8 The following shows the three-fold increase in 9 reba tes in the pas t five years: 10 Illustration No.4: DSM Incentives $2,000,000 . Electric . Natural Gas $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,00 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $0 2005 200 2007 2008 2009 11 12 13 Q.Wht is the Coman's plan to address these 14 balances? Folsom, Di 19 Avista Corporation 1 A.Schedules 91 and 191 are true-up mechanisms that 2 are reviewed annually and revised, as appropriate, to 3 reflect expenditures to fund energy efficiency programs. 4 On the electric side, projected Schedule 91 revenues (at 5 the current rates) are expected to provide for the 2010 6 energy efficiency budget and to reduce the negative 7 electric rider balance by year-end 2010. There may be new 8 programs that will be launched, or continued customer 9 demand exceeding forecasts that will prevent returning the 10 tariff rider balance to near zero, but this would be 11 addressed in the January 2011 review period. 12 The largest negative balances are on the natural gas 13 side. Despite an increase to the natural gas tariff rider 14 rates in 2009, the natural gas tariff rider balances are 15 not decreasing due to strong customer demand for natural 16 gas efficiency measures. On February 12, 2010, Avista 17 filed a tariff rider revision to Schedule 191 in Idaho to 18 reduce the natural gas tariff rider balance. The Schedule 19 191 rate will, in turn, be reviewed again in 2011 and 20 revised to reflect the anticipated decrease in the natural 21 gas rider balance. 22 Q.Wht kind of external oversight does the Coman 23 have regarding DSM? Folsom, Di 20 Avista Corporation 1 A.The Company has had an energy efficiency 2 advisory committee in some form since 1992.The current 3 stakeholder panel, the External Energy Efficiency (Triple 4 E) Board, was established as a non-binding oversight group 5 in 1999 to provide for improved opportunities for 6 communication,input and oversight of Avista's DSM 7 portfolios.Avista currently facilitates meetings of the 8 board twice per year, provides a full analysis of the 9 results of DSM operations on an anual or more frequent 10 basis, discusses (with appropriate concern for customer 11 confidentiality) large projects, and provides the Triple E 12 with a quarterly update of DSM activities.Additionally, 13 the Triple E Board can initiate additional meetings of the 14 board at their own request. Board memership has included 15 representatives from regulatory, governental, 16 environmental, nationally recognized energy-efficiency 17 experts,customer advocates for limited income and 18 industrial segments as well as end-use customer 19 participants. 20 Q.Does the Comany propose to increase its low- 21 incom weatherization funing as part of this filing? 22 A.Yes.The Company proposes to increase its low- 23 income weatherization funding for electric and natural gas Folsom, Di 21 Avista Corporation 1 service by a percentage amount equal to the percentage 2 rate increase granted in this case for residential 3 customers.The additional funding would be provided 4 through the DSM tariff riders, Schedules 91 and 191. 5 Low-income weatherization and appropriate levels of 6 funding are also part of the Company's recently formed 7 collaborative with a report due to the Washington 8 Commission on or before Septemer 1, 2010:"In a 9 collaborative with the Parties, Avista is to 'explore' new 10 approaches to low-income conservation, identify barriers 11 to its development, and address the Energy Proj ect ' s 12 concerns. " This may affect future proposed levels of low- 13 income weatherization funding in both Idaho and 14 washington. 15 16 XXX. PRUDENcB OP XNCD DSH COSTS 17 , Q.Would you please exlain the Comany's request 18 for a finding of prudence in this case? 19 A.Yes. When the Commission approved the Company's 20 energy efficiency programs in 1995, Avista committed to 21 demonstrating the prudence of program expenditures in 22 future general rate cases.In the Company's 2007 general 23 electric and natural gas rate cases (Case Nos. AVU-E-08-01 Folsom, Di 22 Avista Corporation 1 and AVU-G-08-01), the Commission issued a finding that 2 electric and natural gas expenditures through Decemer 31, 3 2007 were prudently incurred.At this time, the Company 4 requests that the Commission issue a finding that electric 5 and natural gas energy efficiency expenditures from 6 January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2009 were prudently 7 incurred. 8 Q.Would you please SUDrize the Coman's energy 9 efficiency-related savings for this time period? 10 A.Yes. As shown in Exibit No. 15 from January 1, 11 2008 through Decemer 31, 2009, over 155 million kWh and 12 3..9 million therms of energy savings were obtained system- 13 wide.Page 1 and 2 of Exhibit No. 15 detail the energy 14 savings by regular and low-income portfolios for both 15 electric and natural gas DSM programs. 16 Q.Has there been ongoing' review of the Comany's 17 programs? 18 A.Yes, as previously discussed, the Company has 19 regularly convened a stakeholders forum known as the 20 External Energy Efficiency Board.These meetings have 21 included customer representatives,Commission staff 22 memers,and indi viduals from the environmental 23 communities.These stakeholder meetings review the Folsom, Di 23 Avista Corporation 1 Company's program offerings as well as the underlying 2 cost-effectiveness tests and results. 3 Q.Have the Comany's DSH programs been cost- 4 effective? 5 A.Yes. The electric programs have been cost- 6 effective from both a Total Resource Cost (TRC) and 7 Program Administrator Cost Test (PACT) perspective.Page 8 3 and 4 of Exhibit No. 15 shows that the 2008 and 2009 TRC 9 benefit-to-cost ratio of 2.10 and 2.31 respectively, for 10 the overall electric DSM program portfolio is cost- 11 effective, with a net TRC benefit to customers of over 12 $83.7 million.The 2008 and 2009 PACT benefit-to-cost 13 ratio is cost-effective with a net PACT benefit of over 14 $117 million.The levelized TRC and PACT cost is 5.3 15 cents (4.5 cents for 2008) and 1.9 cents per kWh (2.2 16 cents for 2008), respectively. The overall portfolio of 17 measures has a weighted average measure life of 16.9 years 18 for 2009 and 12.2 years for 2008. The comparable levelized 19 electric avoided cost for a measure of this life using a 20 flat loadshape is 9.8 cents per kWh for 2008 and 11.8 21 cents per kWh for 2009. Folsom, Di 24 Avista Corporation 1 Page 5 and 6 of Exhibit No. 15 illustrate the natural 2 gas DSM program portfolio cost-effectiveness under both 3 the TRC and PACT tests.The Company's 2008 and 2009 TRC 4 ratios were 0.86 and 1.27 respectively. The 2008 and 2009 5 PACT benefit cost ratios are 2.35 and 4.20 respectively. 6 Therefore, the natural gas DSM portfolio passes the PACT 7 test in 2008 and both the TRC and PACT tests in 2009. The 8 2008 TRC is lower than 1.0 due to one commercial customer 9 in the state of Idaho who chose to pursue a series of 10 projects identified by the Company as being uneconomic. 11 This customer pursued the project predominately with their 12 own funds. The customer did receivé a relatively small 13 incentive per Schedule 190 based upon the actual therm 14 savings achieved through the project. The natural .gas TRC 15 for 2008, excluding this one customer, was 1.04. 16 Q.please sumrize the com~' s conclusions. 17 A.The Company's expenditure of tariff rider 18 revenue has been reasonable and prudent.A portfolio of 19 programs covering all customer classes has been offered 20 with a total savings of over 155 million kWhs and 3.9 21 million therms during January 1, 2008 through Decemer 31, 22 2009. A levelized utility cost-per-saved kilowatt hour of 23 less than 2.2 cents per kWh has been achieved.The Folsom, Di 25 Avista Corporation 1 levelized avoided costs based on a flat loadshape during 2 this similar period was 9.8 and 11. 8 cents per kWh for 3 2008 and 2009, respectively.The levelized utility cost 4 of less than 40.9 cents per saved therm compares to 79.5 5 cents per annual therm and 81.0 cents per winter therm for 6 the same period. 7 The Tariff Rider and energy efficiency programs have 8 been very successful.Participating customers have 9 benefited through lower bills.Non-participating 10 customers have benefited from the Company having a~quired 11 lower cost resources in the form of DSM, as well as 12 maintaining the energy efficiency message and 13 infrastructure for the benefit of our service territory. 14 In closing, Avista respectfully requests that the 15 Commission issue a finding of prudence for energy 16 efficiency expenditures from January 1, 2008 through 17 Decemer 31, 2009. 18 Q.Does that comlete your pre-filed direct 19 testimny? 20 A.Yes, it does. Folsom, Di 26 Avista Corporation DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDEN AN CHIEF COUNSEL OF REGULATORY & GOVERNAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVEE SPOKA, WASHINGTON 99220 - 3 7 2 7 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVID. MEYER~AVISTACORP. COM BBFORE TH XDAO PUBLXc OTXLXTXBS cOIXSSXON IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AN CHAGES FOR ELECTRIC AN NATUR GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AN NATUR GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. AVU-E-10-01 CASE NO. AVU-G-10-01 EXHIBIT NO. 15 BRUCE W. FOLSOM FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AN NATU GAS) Avista Utilties Summary of Demand-Side Management Energy Savings and Levelized Costs January 1, 2008 through December 31,2008 Regular income portolio kWh savings Therm savings 73,009,915 (100,172) 1,376,547 1,785,623 74,386,462 1,685,451 Limited income portolio kWh savings Therm savings 1,851,245 910 4,147 102,438 1,855,392 103,348 Electric DSM programs Gas DSM programs Total Total poolio kWh savings Therm savings 74,861,160 (99,262) 1,38,694 1,888,061 76,241,854 1,788,799 Electric DSM programs Gas DSM proarams Total Note: Electric savings derived from gas DSM programs include the impact of electric to natural gas conversions as well as interactive savings resulting from natural gas DSM projects. Therm savings derived from electric DSM projects recognize interactive impacts of electric DSM measures. DSM Program Portolio Levellzed Cost Calculations Elecric DSM Program Portolio Total Resource Cost (TRC) $ Weighted average measure life Discount rate kWh energy savings TRC levelized costl $ (PACT) cost $ Weighted average measure life Discount rate kWh energy savings pact levelized cost($ Comparative electric levelized avoided cost for a flat loadshape~ $ 26,723,986 12.2 7.08% 74,861,160 0.045 ~ 13,291,081 12.2 7.08% 74,861,160 0.0221 0.0981 Natural Gas DSM Program Portlio Total Resource Cost (TRC) $ Weighted average measure life Discount rate Therms energy savings TRC levelized cotn (PACT) cost $ Weighted average measure life Discount rate Therms energy savings pact levelized costl $ Comparative natural gas levelized annual avoided cos~ Comparative natural gas levelized winter avoided cos~ 19,014,283 13.6 7.08% 1,888,061 1.177 l 6,607,775 13.6 7.08% 1,888,061 0.4091 $0.7951 $0.810 l Exhibit No. 15 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-Q1 AVU-G-10-Q1 B. Folsom, Avista Page 1 of6 Avista Utilties Summary of Demand-Side Management Energy Savings and Levelized Costs January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009 Regular income portolio kWh savings Therm savimis 77,693,931 (149,478) 1,718,917 1,922,561 79,412,84 1,773,083 Limited income portolio kWh savings Therm savings 3,136,077 1,155 495 95,251 3,136,572 96,406 Electric DSM programs Gas DSM oroarams Total Total portolio kWh savings Therm savings 80,830,008 (148,323) 1,719,412 2,017,812 82,549,420 1 ,869,489 Electrc DSM programs Gas DSM proarams Total Note: Electric savings derived from gas DSM programs include the impact of electric to natural gas conversions as well as interactive savings resulting from natural gas DSM projecs. Therm savings derived from electric DSM projects recognize interactive impacts of electric DSM measures. DSM Program Portolio Levelized Cost Calculations Elecric DSM Program Portlio Total Resource Cost (TRC) $ Weighted average measure life Discount rate kWh energy savings TRC levelized costl) (PACT) cost $ Weighted average measure life Discount rate kWh energy savings pact levelized costl $ Comparative electric levelized avoided cost for a flat loadshape($ 41,554,730 16.9 7.08% 80,830,008 0.0531 14,656,926 16.9 7.08% 80,830,008 0.019 ~ 0.1181 Natural Gas DSM Program Portolio Total Resource Cost (TRC) $ Weighted average measure life Discount rate Therms energy savings TRC levelized costl) (PACT) cost $ Weighted average measure life Discount rate Therms energy savings pact levelized cost($ Comparative natural gas levelized annual avoided cos~ Comparative natural gas levelized winter avoided cos~ 26,879,320 26.3 4.17% 2,017,812 0.84 l 8,069,478 26.3 4.17% 2,017,812 0.2531 $0.9251 $0.94 ~ Exhibit No. 15 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-o1 AVU-G-10-1 B. Folsom, Avista Page2of6 Avlst Utlities Summary of Electric Demand-Side Management Cos-Effctvenes January 1,2008 through December 31,2008 TOTAL RESOURCE COST TEST Regular income portlio Limited income portlio OveraU portlio Elecc program electrc avoided cost $50,820,676 $2,026.328 $52,847,004 Electc proram gas avoided cot $(551,338) $8,606 $(542,732) Electc proram non-eergy benefi $3,796,34 $$3,796,34 TOTAL TRC BENEFITS $54.065,682 $2,034,934 $56.100,616 Electrc proram non-incentive Utility Cost $3.880,458 $15,001 $3,895,459 Electrc proram customer cost $22,167.951 $66,576 $22,828,527 TOTAL TRC COSTS $26.04,409 $675,577 $26,723,988 NET TRC BENEFITS $28.017,273 $1,359,35711 $29,376,630 TRC BENEFIT I COST RATIO 2.08 3.01 2.10 PROGRA ADMINISTRTOR COST TEST Regular income polio Limited incoe polio Overall portlio Elecc program elecc avoided cost $50.820,676 $2,026,328 $52.847,004 Electc program gas avoided cost $(551.338) $8,60 $(542,732) TOTAL PACT BENEFITS $50,269,338 $2,034,934 $52,304,272 Electc proram non-ncentive utility cost $3.88,458 $15,001 $3,895,459 Elecc proram incentive utility cost $8,635.960 $759.662 $9.395.62 TOTAL PACT COSTS $12,516,418 $774,66 $13.291,081 NET PACT BENEFITS $37,752,920 $1.260,~~~1 $39,013,191 PACT BENEFIT I COST RATIO 4.02 3.94 Exhibit No. 15 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-Q1 AVU-G-1G-01 B. Folsom, Avista Page 30f6 Avist Utilities Summary of Elecc Demand-8lde Management Cos-Effctivenes January 1, 200 through December 31, 2009 TOTAL RESOURCE COST TEST Regular incme portolio Limited incoe portlio Overl portio Elecc program elecc avoided cost $89,665,176 $5,058,238 $94,723,414 Electrc proram gas avoided cost $(1,242,608) $13,726 $(1,228,882) Elecc proram non-energy benefits $2,359,419 $57,353 $2,416,772 TOTAL TRC BENEFITS $90,781,987 $5,129,317 $95,911,304 Electnc program non-incetive utility cost $4,44,392 $13,726 $4,457,118 Elecc program customer cost $36,286,44 $811,167 $37,097,612 TOTAL TRC COSTS $40,729,837 $824,893 $41,554,730 NET TRC BENEFITS $50,052,150 $4,304,42:J $54,356,574 TRC BENEFIT I COST RATIO 2.23 6.2.31 PROGRA ADMINISTRTOR COST TEST Regular income portlio Limited incme portolio Ovll portlio Elecc proram electc avoided cost $89,665,176 $5,058,238 $94,723,414 Elecc proram gas avoided cost $(1,242,608) $13,726 $(1,228,882) TOTAL PACT BENEFITS $88,22,568 $5,071,96 $93,494.532 Iecc proram non-ncentive Program Administrtor $4,44,392 $13,726 $4,457,118 Electrc prgram incentive Proram Administrtor $10,213,534 $811,167 $11,024,701 TOTAL PACT COSTS $14,656,926 $824,893 $15,481,819 NET PACT BENEFITS $73,765,642 $4,247,071J $78,012,713 PACT BENEFIT I COST RATIO 6.03 6.1 6.04 Exhibit No. 15 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-o1 AVU-G10-01 B. Folsom, Avista Page 4 of6 Avlsta Utilties Summary of Gas Demand-Side Managment Cost-Effctvenes January 1,2008 through December 31, 208 TOTAL RESOURCE COST TEST Regular income portolio Limited income portolio Overall portlio Gas proram gas avoided cost $12,788,576 $959,557 $13,748,133 Gas program elecc avoided cost $1,795,233 $5,303 $1,80,536 Gas proram non-energ benefits $814,663 $$814,663 TOTAL TRC BENEFiTS $15,398,472 $964,860 $16,363,332 Gas prgram non-incentie utlity cost $1,192,106 $11,579 $1,203,685 Gas proram customer cost $17,244,124 $566,474 $17,810,598 TOTAL TRC COSTS $18,43,230 $578,053 $19,014,283 NET TRC BENEFiTS $(3,037.758) $386,807~$(2,650,951) TRC BENEFIT I COST RATIO 0.84 1.6 0.66 PROGRA ADMINISTRTOR COST TEST Regular income portlio Limited income portlio Overall portlio Gas proram gas avoided cost $12,788,576 $959,557 $13,748,133 Gas proram elecc avoided cost $1,795,233 $5,303 $1,800,536 TOTAL PACT BENEFITS $14,583,809 $98,860 $15,54,669 Gas proram non-incentive utility cost $1,192,106 $11,579 $1,203,68 Gas proram incetive utilty cot $4,752,64 $651,44 $5,40,09 TOTAL PACT COSTS $5,94,751 $663,024 $6,607,n5 NET PACT BENEFITS $8,639,058 $301,836 n $8,94,894 PACT BENEFIT I COST RATIO 2.45 1.46 2.35 Exhibit No. 15 Case Nos. AVU-E-1G-1 AVU-G-10-Q1 B. Folsom, Avista Page 5 of6 Avlst Utilties Summary of Gas Demand-Side Management Cos-Effctiveness January 1,2009 through December 31,2009 TOTAL RESOURCE COST TEST Regular Income portlio Limited incme portlio Overall portlio Gas proram gas avoded cost $26,961,465 $1,786,514 $28,747,979 Gas proram elecc avoided cost $5,166,457 $1,517 $5,167,974 Gas proram non-energ benefits $126,896 $$126,896 TOTAL TRC BENEFITS $32,254,818 $1,788,031 $34,042,849 Gas proram non-incentive utility cost $1,442,740 $162,726 $1,605,46 Gas program customer cost $24,649,562 $624,292 $25,273,854 TOTAL TRC COSTS $26,092,302 $787,018 $26,879,320 NET TRC BENEFITS $6,162,516 $1,001,013~ $7,163,529 TRC BENEFIT I COST RATIO 1.24 2.2 1.27 PROGRA ADMINISTRTOR COST TEST Regular income portlio Limite income portlio Overll portlio Gas proram gas avoided cost $26,961,46 $1,786,514 $28,747,979 Gas proram elecc avoided cost $5,166,457 $1,517 $5,167,974 TOTAL PACT BENEFITS $32,127,922 $1,788,0311 $33,915,953 Gas proram non-incentive utiity cost $1,442,740 $162,726 $1,605,46 Gas program incntie utility cost $5,839,720 $624,292 $6,46,012 TOTAL PACT COSTS $7,282,46 $787,018 $8,069,478 NET PACT BENEFITS $24,84,462 $1,001,01311 $25,84,475 PACT BENEFIT I COST RATIO 4.41 2.27 4.20 Exhibit No. 15 Case Nos. AVU-E-10.Q1 AVU-G-10.Q1 B. Folsom, Avista Page6of6