HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100323Ehrbar Di.pdfRE'(~E ~~~~D P~ËS~~~~~ AND CHIEF COUNSEL OF 2010 MAR 23 Mill: f 8 REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P . 0 . BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVID .MEYER~AVISTACORP. COM BEFORE THE IDAHO PULIC UTILITIES COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. AVU-E-10-01 CASE NO. AVU-G-10-01 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF PATRICK D. EHRBAR FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) 1 2 I. INTODUCTION Q.Please state your nam, business addess and 3 present position with Avista Corporation? 4 A.My name is Patrick D. Ehrbar and my business 5 address is 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington. 6 I am presently assigned to the State and Federal Regulation 7 Department as Manager of Rates and Tariffs. 8 9 Q.Would you briefly describe your duties? A.My primary areas of responsibili ty include 10 electric and natural gas rate design, customer usage and 11 revenue analysis, and tariff administration. 12 Q.Would you briefly describe your educational 13 background and professional experience? 14 A.I am a 1995 graduate of Gonzaga University with a 15 Bachelors degree in Business Administration.In 1997 I 16 graduated from Gonzaga University with a Masters degree in 17 Business Administration.I started with Avista in April 18 1997 as a Resource Management Analyst in the Company's DSM 19 department. Later, I became a Program Manager, responsible 20 for energy efficiency program offerings for the Company's 21 educational and governmental customers.In 2000, i was 22 selected to be one of the Company's key Account Executives. 23 In this role I was responsible for, among other things, 24 being the primary point of contact for numerous commercial 25 and industrial customers, as well as being the channel Ehrbar, Di 1 Avista Corporation 1 through which the Company offered its site specific energy 2 efficiency programs. 3 I joined the State and Federal Regulation Department 4 as a Senior Regulatory Analyst in 2007.Responsibili ties 5 in this role included being the discovery coordinator for 6 the Company's rate cases and lead coordinator for the 7 Natural Gas Decoupling Mechanism pilot program in 8 Washington and resulting reporting and analysis. In 9 November 2009, I was promoted to my current"role. 10 Q.What is the scope of your testimny in this 11 proceeding? 12 A.My testimony in this proceeding will cover the 13 spread of the proposed annual electric revenue increase of 14 $32,114,000, or 14.0%, among the Company's electric general 15 service schedules. This represents an overall increase of 16 13.1% in billed rates. 17 Wi th regard to natural gas service, I will describe 18 the spread of the proposed annual revenue increase of 19 $2,575,000, or 3.6%\ among the Company's natural gas 20 service schedules.My testimony will also describe the 21 changes to the rates within the Company's electric and 22 natural gas service schedules. 23 Q.Are you sponsoring any Exhibits that accompany 24 your test~ony? i The increase in natural gas base revenue is 3.6%, while the increase in biled revenue (including all rate adjustments) is 4.1% Ehrbar, Di 2 Avista Corporation 1 Yes. I am sponsoring Exhibit No. 14, Schedules 1A. 2 through 3 related to the proposed electric increase, and 3 Schedules 4 through 6 related to the proposed natural gas 4 increase.These were prepared by me or under my 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 supervision. Table of Contents Section IIntroduction Page 1 Section II Executive Summary Page 3 Section III Proposed Electric Revenue Increase Summary of Rate Schedules and Tariffs Page 7Proposed Rate Spread (Increase by Schedule) Page 9 Proposed Rate Design (Rates within Schedules) Page 10 Section IV Proposed Natural Gas Revenue Increase Summary of Rate Schedules and Tariffs Proposed Rate Spread Proposed Rate Design Page 25 Page 27 Page 28 Section V Proposed Increase to Basic Charges Page 32 II. EXCUTIVE SUMY Proposed Electric Increase Q.What is the proposed electric revenue increase in 32 this case and how is the Company proposing to spread the 33 total increase by rate schedule? 34 The proposed electric increase is $32,114,000, orA. 35 14.0% over present base tariff rates in effect. The 36 proposed general increase over present billing rates, 37 including all other rate adjustments (PCA,DSM and Ehrbar, Di 3 Avista Corporation '1 Residential Exchange), is 13.1%. 2 The proposed general increase of $32,114,000 has been 3 spread by rate schedule on a basis which: 1) moves the 4 rates for all the schedules closer to the cost of providing 5 service, and 2) results in a reasonable range in the 6 proposed percentage .increase across the schedules. The 7 proposed percentage increase by rate schedule is as 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 follows: Table 1 - Proosed % Electrc Increase by ScheduleRate Schedule General IncreaseResiient Scheul 1 15.1 %. Genera Sere Scheul 11 14.2% La Genel Serve Scheul 21 14.7%Ex Lage Ge Serve Scheul 25 12.5%Clete Paper Scheul 25P 10.5%Pl.in Serve Schedul 31 18.3%Stret & Ara Lig Scheuls 14.0%Overa 14.0% 16 This information is shown in detail on page 1, 17 Schedule 3 of Exhibit No. 14. 18 Q.What is the proposed increase for a residential 19 electric customer with average consumtion? 20 A.The proposed increase for a residential customer 21 using an average of 964 kWhs per month is $11.40 per month, 22 or an 14.6% increase in their electric bill. As part of 23 tha t increase,the Company is proposing that the 24 basic/customer charge be increased from $4.60 to $6.75 per 25 month. The present bill for 964 kWhs is $77.95 compared to 26 the proposed level of $89.35,including all rate Ehrbar, Di 4 Avista Corporation 1 adjustments. 2 Q.Why is the Comany proposing an increase of this 3 magnitude in the customer/basic charge? 4 A.A significant portion of the Company's costs are 5 fixed and do not vary with customer usage.These costs 6 include distribution plant and operating costs to provide 7 reliable service to customers.Given the large disparity 8 between the level of fixed customer costs and the present 9 level of the basic charge, the Company believes that it is 10 appropriate to recover a more reasonable level of these 11 fixed customer costs through the basic charge.Section 4 12 of my testimony provides further details on our proposal. 13 Q.Is the Company proposing any changes to the 14 present rate structures within its electric service 15 schedules? 16 A.No.The Company is not proposing any changes 17 to the present rate structures within its electric 18 schedules. 19 Q. Where do you show the proposed changes in rates 20 wi thin the electric service schedules? 21 A. This information is shown in detail on page 3, 22 Schedule 3 of Exhibit No. 14. 23 Proposed Na tùral Gas Increase 24 Q.How is the Comany proposing to spread the 25 overall natural gas increase of $2,575,000, or 3.6%, by 26 service schedule? Ehrbar, Di 5 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A.The Company is proposing the following base revenue/rate changes by rate schedule: Table 2 - Proosed % Natul Gas Increase by SchedueRate Schedue General IncreaseGenel Serve Schedul 101 4.4% La Gera Sere Schedul .111 1.0%Intile Sals Sere Schedul 131 1.9%Traorttin Sere Scheul 146 1.9%Overan 3.6% This information is also shown on page 1, Schedule 6 10 of Exhibit No. 14. The Company utilized the results of the 11 natural gas cost of service study, sponsored by Company 12 witness Ms. Knox, as a guide in spreading the overall 13 revenue increase to its natural gas service schedules. 14 Q.What is the proposed monthly increase for a 15 residential natural gas customr with average usage? 16 A.The increase for a residential customer using an 17 average of 63 therms of gas per month would be $2.77 per 18 month, or 4.9%.A bill for 63 therms per month would 19 increase from the present level of $56.03 to a proposed 20 level of $58.80, including all present rate adjustments. 21 As part of this increase, the Company is proposing an 22 increase in the monthly customer charge of $2.75 per month, 23 from $4.00 to $6.75, to recover a more reasonable level of 24 fixed costs. Ehrbar, Di 6 Avista Corporation 1 III. PROPOSED ELECTRIC RE INCREE 2 Sumiy of Electric Rate Schedules and Tariffs 3 Q.Would you please explain what is contained in 4 Schedule 1 of Exibit No. 14? 5 A.Yes.Schedule 1 is a copy of the Company's 6 present and proposed electric tariffs, showing the changes 7 (strikeout and underline) proposed in this filing. 8 Q.Could you please describe what is contained in 9 Schedule 2 of Exhibit No. 14? 10 A.Yes.Schedule 2 contains the proposed _ (clean) 11 electric tariff sheets incorporating the proposed changes 12 included in this filing. 13 Q.What is contained in Schedule 3 of Exhibit No. 14 14? 15 A.Schedule 3 contains information regarding the 16 proposed spread of the electric revenue increase among the 17 service schedules and the proposed changes to the rates 18 within the schedules.Page 1 shows the proposed general 19 revenue and percentage increase by rate schedule compared 20 to the present revenue under base tariff and billing rates. 21 Page 2 shows the rates of return and the relative rates of 22 return for each of the schedules before and after 23 application of the proposed general increase. Page 3 shows 24 the present rates under each of the rate schedules, the 25 proposed changes to the rates within the schedules, and the 26 proposed rates after application of the changes.These Ehrbar, Di 7 Avista Corporation 1 pages will be referred to later in my testimony. 2 Q.Would you please describe the Comany's present 3 ra te schedules and the typs of electric service offered 4 under each? 5 A.Yes.The Company presently provides electric 6 service under Residential Service Schedule 1, General 7 Service Schedules 11 and 12, Large General Service 8 Schedules 21 and 22, Extra Large General Service Schedules 9 25 and 25P (Clearwater Paper's Lewiston Plant) and Pumping 10 Service Schedules 31 and 32.Additionally, the Company 11 provides Street Lighting Service under Schedules 41-46, and 12 Area Lighting Service under Schedules 47-49. Schedules 12, 13 22, 32, and 48 exist fo.r residential and farm service 14 customers who qualify for the Residential Exchange Program 15 operated by the Bonneville Power Administration. The rates 16 for these schedules are identical to the rates for 17 Schedules 11, 21, 31, and 47, respectively, except for the 18 Residential Exchange rate credit. 19 The following table shows the type and number of customers served in Idaho (as of December 2009) under each20 21 22 23 24 25 26 of the electric service schedules: Table 3 - Electc Customers by Schedul Rate Schedue Resiien Schedul 1 Gel Sere Scheul 11 La Gera Ser Schedul 21 Ex La Genera Serve Schedul 25 Plin Sere Scheul 31 Numr of Customers 100,073 19,420 1,418 9 1,315 Ehrbar, Di 8 Avista Corporation 1 Proposed Electric Rate Spread 2 How does the Company propose to spread the totalQ. 3 general revenue increase request of $32,114,000 amng its 4 various rate schedules? 5 The Company is proposing that the overallA. 6 requested revenue increase be spread on the following 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 basis: Table 4 - Proosed % Electrc Increase by SchedueRate Schedule General IncreaseResiientl Schedul 1 15.1 %Genera Serve Schedul 11 14.2%Lage Gel Sere Schedul 21 14.7% Ex Lage Ge Ser Schedul 25 12.5%Cleaiter Paper Scheul 25P 10.5%Puin Serve Scheul 31 18.3%Strt & Ar Lig Scheuls 14.0%Overan 14.0% This information is shown in detail on Page 1, Schedule 3 of Exhibit No. 14. 17 Q. Wha t rationale did the Company use in developing 18 the proposed general increase by rate schedule? 19 A. The Company used the results of the cost of 20 service study (sponsored by Ms. Knox) as a guide to spread 21 the general increase. The spread of the proposed increase 22 generally results in the rates of return for the various 23 service schedules moving approximately one-quarter closer 24 to the overall rate of return (unity), with the exception 25 of the Street & Area Lighting schedule.The table below 26 shows the relative rates of return (schedule rate of return Ehrbar, Di 9 Avista Corporation 1 divided by overall rate of return) before and after 2 . application of the proposed general increase: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Table 5- Electr Prsent & Prposed Relatie Rates ofRetu Prsent Relatie!! 0.78 1.67 1.25 0.53 0.86 0.88 1.21 1.00 Prposed Relatie!! 0.83 1.52 1.20 0.64 0.90 0.91 1.03 1.00 11 Q. Why isn't the Company just proposing to spread the Residenl Schedul 1 Geral Sere Scheul 11 Lage Genera Sere Scheul 21 Ex Lage Gen Serve Scheul 25 Clearater Paper Schedul 25P PUIin Sere Scheul 31 Stret & Ar Li Scheduls OveraD 12 general increase on a unifo~ percentage basis to the rate 13 schedules? 14 As explained by Ms. Knox, Avista recently completed a 15 new load study, and incorporated the results of that study 16 into its cost of service study. In addition, Ms. Knox also 17 explains a change to the peak credit methodology for demand 18 allocation.While we believe it is reasonable and 19 appropriate to use the cost of service study results as the 20 basis for rate spread, we have tempered the amount of 21 movement toward unity proposed in this case due primarily 22 to the overall level of the proposed increase. The Company 23 may propose additional movement toward unity in future 24 proceedings. 25 Proposed Rate Design 26 Q.Where in your Exhibit do you show a comparison of Ehrbar, Di 10 Avista Corporation 1 the present and proposed rates within each of the Company's 2 electric service schedules? 3 A.Page 3, Schedule 3 of Exhibit No. 14 shows a 4 comparison of the present and proposed rates within each of 5 the schedules, which I will describe below.Column (a) 6 shows the rate/billing components under each of the 7 schedules, column (b) shows the base tariff rates within 8 each of the schedules, column (c) shows the present rate 9 adjustments applicable under each schedule, and column (d) 10 shows the present billing rates.Column (e) shows the 11 proposed general rate increase to the rate components 12 within each of the schedules, column (f) shows the proposed 13 billing rates and column (g) shows the proposed base tariff 14 rates. 15 Q.Is the Company proposing any changes to the 16 existing rate structures wi thin its rate schedules? 17 18 A. Q. No, it is not. Turning to Residential Service Schedule 1, could 19 you please describe the present rate structure under this 20 schedule? 21 A.Yes.Residential Schedule 1 has a present 22 customer or basic charge of $4.60 per month and two energy 23 rate blocks:0-600 kWhs and over 600 kWhs.The present 24 base tariff rate for the first 600 kWhs per month is 6.950 25 cents per kWh and 7.867 cents for all kWhs over 600. Ehrbar, Di 1 i Avista Corporation 1 Q.How does the Company propose to spread the 2 proposed general revenue increase of $13,624,000 to 3 Schedule l? 4 A.The Company proposes to increase the monthly 5 customer charge from $4.60 to $6.75. The proposed increase 6 to the energy rate for the 0-600 kWh block is 0.959 7 cents/kWh and the proposed increase to the over 600 kWh 8 block is 0.960 cents/kWh, of the increase applied to the 9 first block rate. 10 Q.In AVU-E-08-01 & AVU-G-08-01, Staff Witness Lobb 11 expressed an interest in exploring residential rate block 12 sizes and differentials, and whether there are economes of 13 scale relative to the monthly charges paid by dual service 14 customers.Please provide your thoughts on these matters 15 and their applicability in this filing. 16 A.In reviewing the first item, adjustment of block 17 sizes, the Company did review its current block rate 18 structure. As noted previously, the Company's residential 19 rate Schedule 1 consists of a basic charge and two blocks 20 (0-600 kWh's, and above 600 kWh's). 21 i believe that this two-tier rate structure sends a 22 reasonable price signal to all usage in. excess of base 23 load, and that any additional divisions would be somewhat 24 arbitrary. Further, adding a third block would shift more 25 fixed cost recovery to a more volatile block and would Ehrbar, Di 12 Avista Corporation 1 create revenue volatility for the Company, and bill 2 volatility for customers.The proposed tariff rate for 3 residential usage in excess of 600 kWhs per month is 8.827 4 cents per kWh.This rate is well above the Company's 5 levelized 20 year forecast of $0.07956 per kWh2 and 6 reflects recovery of a significant level of fixed costs. 7 Further rate inversion could result in additional fixed 8 costs recovered through an even higher tail-block rate, 9 while usage billed in that block would vary considerably 10 based on weather. 11 Further, as I will discuss later in my testimony, I 12 believe that many high use electric customers are electric 13 space and water heat customers.I believe many of those 14 customers are low-income customers who cannot convert to 15 natural gas, or do not have natural gas available 16 (apartments, rural, etc.).Adding a more expensive third 17 tier could further increase the bills for these customers. 18 In 2009, the Company examined the average annual usage of 19 its Idaho residential all-electric (no natural gas) 20 customers that have received LIHEAP assistance and those 21 that have not received assistance.Over a twelve month 22 period, the average annual usage for customers that had 23 received assistance was 1,900 kWhs greater than for those 24 customers that did not. Looking at a small sample of the 2 2009 Avista Electric Integrated Resource Plan, Page 7-1. The forecast shows $79.56 per mWh. Ehrbar, Di 13 Avista Corporation 1 customers that have received assistance, it was apparent 2 that many of these households utilize electricity for home- 3 heating. Further inverting residential rates could have a 4 disproportionate effect on these customers' bills. 5 Q.Did the Company have a third-tier in previous 6 years? 7 A.Yes. Prior to August 1999, the Company did have 8 a third-tier in Idaho.The Company in its 1998 General 9 Rate Case (WWP-E-98-11) testified that the third tier 10 provided the impetus for residential customers to switch 11 from electric space and water heating to natural gas 12 throughout the 1980's and 1990's.The findings at that 13 time were that most customers who could convert had 14 converted, and that nearly all new homes since then install 15 natural gas heating equipment. The remaining customers, as 16 noted previously, either could not afford to convert or 17 lived in areas where natural gas was either not available 18 (rural) or practical (existing apartments).It. appears 19 that this still holds true today, and as previously stated, 20 I believe the addition of a higher rate third block could 21 have a disproportionate effect on low-income customers. 22 Q.Are you aware that Idaho Power recently added a 23 third tier to their residential rate schedule? 24 A.Yes, the Company is aware that the Commission 25 recently instituted a third-tier for Idaho Power.Staff Ehrbar, Di 14 Avista Corporation 1 wi tness Lanspery notes in his testimony in that case (IPC- 2 E-08-10) at page 3: 3 Idaho Power, like most utili ties in the Northwest, has 4 low embedded costs of generation resources used to 5 meet its average loads but finds itself capacity 6 constrained through much of the summer and deep winter7 months. 8 9 Avista does not find itself nearly as capacity constrained 10 as Idaho Power, particularly in the summer months.Idaho 11 Power has far more irrigation and air conditioning load in 12 the summer than Avista which causes a greater need for 13 higher (variable) cost peaking resources. As such, I don't 14 see a need for any additional price signals, beyond those 15 discussed later in my testimony. 16 Q.Is the size of the first block (600 kWh's) 17 generally representative of "base load"? 18 A.Yes, I do believe that this block is still a 19 relevant.One independent source to verify this is the 20 "Housing Choice Voucher Guidebook" provided by the U. s. 21 Housing and Urban Development. 3 This guidebook shows that 22 the average base usage for lighting, refrigeration, and 23 cooking is approximately 459 kWh's to 714 kWh's per month, 24 depending on the size of house.This range of usage 25 averages out at 587 kWh's, very close to the size of the 26 Company's first block.Further, based on regression 3 Chapter 18, Allowances for Utilties and Other Services, Page 18-5 (http://www.hud.gov loffces/adm/hudclips/guidebooks/7420.1OG/7 420g18GUID.pdf) Ehrbar, Di 15 Avista Corporation 1 results from the Company's weather normalization model, the 2 3 4 5 6 average residential base load usage is 651 kWh's. Q.Please address the issue of rate differentials and how that was addressed in this filing. A.After reviewing the rate differential for Schedule 1 while preparing this case,the Company believes 7 that the differential between the two blocks is appropriate 8 at approximately 0.9 cents per kWh.This equate to an 9 approximate 12% higher rate for the tail-block. Absent any 10 compelling evidence to the contrary, the Company believes 11 that an approximate 12% differential is fair. 12 Are there any economies of scale which couldQ. 13 resul t in lower monthly charges for dual service customrs? 14 For dual service (electric and natural gas)A. 15 customers, two meters are required, and therefore there are 16 no economies of scale because the meters cannot be 17 combined.As for meter reading, our Idaho service 18 terri tory is read remotely via the AM system the Company 19 deployed in the past several years. While there would be 20 savings if a traditional meter reader visited a customer's 21 premise, with the AM deployment, there are no incremental 22 savings.This leaves potential billing savings.In 23 reviewing the cost of billing, the average cost of a bill 24 is 54.3 cents, which consists of bill preparation, paper 25 supplies, postage, etc. One could argue that 54.3 cents is Ehrbar, Di 16 Avista Corporation 1 the true savings to dual service customers. 2 However, the Company believes that the basic charge 3 should recover far more than just the items noted above. 4 As such, while there may be some small level of savings in 5 this instance, far more fixed costs are not being recovered 6 in the basic charge, and our proposed move to $6.75 per 7 month for both natural gas and electric customers covers 8 only 24% and 21% of those fixed costs, respectively4. 9 Q.What is the average monthly electric usage for a 10 residential customer, and what is the effect of the 11 proposed increase on a customer's bill? 12 A.The average monthly usage for a residential 13 customer is 964 kWhs. Based on the proposed increase, the 14 average monthly increase would be $11.40, or 14.6%. The 15 present monthly bill for 964 kWhs of usage is $77.95 and 16 the proposed monthly bill would be $89.35. 17 Q.Turning to General Service Schedule 11, could you 18 please describe the present rate structure and rates under 19 that Schedule? 20 A.Yes.The present rate structure under the 21 schedule includes a monthly customer charge of$ 6.50, an 22 energy rate of 8.715 cents per kWh for all usage under 23 3,650 kWhs per month, and an energy rate of 7.433 cents per 4 These percentages derived from the proposed basic charge divded by the fixed costs identified by Witness Knox Exhibit 13, Schedule 6, Page 4, line 28 and Schedule 3, Page 4, line 27, respectively. Total fixed distribution related costs are $32.82 for electric and $28.61 for natural gas. Ehrbar, Di 1 7 Avista Corporation 1 kWh for usage over 3,650 kWhs per month. There is also a 2 demand charge of $4.00 per kW for àii demand in excess of 3 20 kW per month. There is no charge for the first 20 kW of 4 demand. 5 Q.How is the Comany proposing to apply the 6 proposed general revenue increase of $4,145,000 to the 7 rates under Schedule 11? 8 A.The Company is proposing that the customer charge 9 be increased by $3.00, from $6.50 to $9.50 per month, and 10 that the demand charge (over 20 kW) be increased $0.75 per 11 kW, from $4.00 to $4.75. The remaining revenue increase for 12 the schedule is proposed to be recovered through a uniform 13 percentage increase of approximately 12.2% applied to the 14 two energy block rates.The increase in the first block 15 rate is 1.066 cents per kwh, and is 0.910 cents per kwh in 16 the second block rate. 17 Q.Why is the Company proposing to increase the 18 demnd charges for this schedule in this case? 19 A.The Company believes that it is important to 20 increase the demand charges in this Case for Schedule 11, 21 as well as for Schedules 21 and 25, by a percentage greater 22 than that to the volumetric rates.If demand charges are 23 not increased at least proportionately with energy charges, 24 customers who have a poor load factor (high peak demand 25 compared to average energy use) would see a lower Ehrbar, Di 18 Avista Corporation 1 percentage increase in their bill than a comparable 2 customer with a good load factor (low peak demand compared 3 to average energy use).This result would not send the 4 appropriate price signal to commercial and industrial 5 customers, nor would it reflect the fact that the Company's 6 demand charges are well below the costs associated with 7 meeting customer's peak demand. 8 The Company's transmission and distribution system is 9 constructed to meet the collective peak demand of its 10 customers.Addi tionally, the Company must have adequate 11 resources available to meet peak demand.If customers 12 reduce their peak demand, it will reduce the need for 13 additional investment in these facilities and resources. 14 Customers need to receive the proper price signal to 15 encourage a reduction in their peak demand, i . e ., higher 16 demand charges. 17 Q.How does the level of demnd costs from the 18 Company's cost of service study compare to the present 19 demnd charges? 20 A.The system allocated demand cost from the cost of 21 service study is approximately $17 per kilowatt (kW) month, 22 while the present monthly demand charges range from $3.25- 23 $4. OO/kW, depending on service schedule.While the exact 24 level of costs classified as demand-related can be debated, Ehrbar, Di 19 Avista Corporation 1 clearly, the level of demand charges are well below demand- 2 related costs. 3 Q.Turning to Large General Service Schedule 21, 4 could you please describe the present rate structure under 5 that schedule and how the Company is proposing to apply the 6 increase of $7,427,000 to the rates within the schedule? 7 A.Yes. Large General Service Schedule 21 consists 8 of a minimum monthly charge of $275.00 for the first 50 kW 9 or less, a demand charge of $3.50 per kW for monthly demand 10 in excess of 50 kW, and two energy block rates:5.765 11 cents per kWh for the first 250,000 kWhs per month and 12 4.919 cents per kWh for all usage in excess of 250,000 13 kWhs. 14 The Company is proposing that the present minimum 15 demand charge (for the first 50 kW or less) be increased by 16 $50 per month, from $275.00 to $325.00, and the demand 17 charge for kW over 50 per month be increased by $0.75 per 18 kW, from $3.50 to $4.25.The remaining revenue increase 19 for the schedule is proposed to be recovered through a 20 uniform percentage increase of approximately 13.4% applied 21 to the two energy block rates.The proposed increase for 22 the first 250,000 kWhs used per month under the schedule is 23 0.773 cents per kWh, and an increase of 0.660 cents per kWh 24 for usage over 250,000 kWhs per month. 25 Q.Turning to Extra Large General Service Schedule 26 25, could you please describe the present rate structure Ehrbar, Di 20 Avista Corporation 1 under that schedule and how the Company is proposing to 2 apply the increase of $1,561,000 to the rates within the 3 schedule? 4 A.Yes. Extra Large General Service Schedule 25 5 consists of a minimum monthly charge of $10,000.00 for the 6 first 3,000 kVa or less, a demand charge of $3.25 per kVa 7 for monthly demand in excess of 3,000 kVa, and two energy 8 block rates:4.709 cents per kWh for the first 500,000 9 kWhs per month and 3.988 cents per kWh for all usage in 10 excess of 500,000 kWhs. 11 The Company is proposing that the present minimum 12 demand charge under the schedule be increased by $2,000 per 13 month, from $10,000 to $12,000, and the demand charge for 14 kVa over 3,000 per month be increased by $0.75 per kVa, 15 from $3.25 to $4.00.The remaining revenue increase for 16 the schedule is proposed to be recovered through a uniform 17 percentage increase of approximately 10.8% applied to the 18 two energy block rates. The proposed energy rate increase 19 for the first 500,000 kWhs used per month is 0.508 cents 20 per kWh and the increase for usage over 500,000 per month 21 is 0.431 cents per kWh. 22 Q.Did the Company consider imlemnting tim-of-use 23 (TOU) rates for Schedule 25 customers in this Case? 24 A.Yes, the Company considered time-of-use rates, 25 however, given the current recession and its effect on the 26 operations and financial condition of many of these Ehrbar, Di 21 Avista Corporation 1 customers, the Company believed that this was not the 2 appropriate time to propose such a change. In 2009, four 3 Schedule 25 customers left that schedule. Three of these 4 customers shifted to Schedule 21, and one, after shifting 5 to Schedule 21, subsequently went out of business. All 6 four of these customers are/were in the forest products 7 industry. Of the other eight Schedule 25 accounts, two are 8 also in the forest products industry, two are in the silver 9 mining industry, two are higher education customers, one is 10 in the hospi tali ty industry, and one is a manufacturer. 11 The Company has met with these customers in the past 12 to discuss the possibility of implementing TOU rates in the 13 tuture.Most of these stated that it would be difficult 14 for them to shift a significant portion of their load to 15 off-peak periods because of business, labor or operational 16 issues.The Company will continue to consult with these 17 customers regarding the applicability of TOU rates. 18 Q.Could you please describe the service the Comany 19 provides to Clearwater Paper's Lewiston Plant? 20 A.Yes.Please note that Schedule 25P has. been 21 changed to reflect this customer's name change to 22 Clearwater Paper Corporation (Clearwater) from Potlatch. 23 In Commission Order No. 29418, dated January 15, 2004, 24 the Commission approved a ten-year Power Purchase and Sale 25 Agreement (Agreement)between Avista and Clearwater, 26 applicable to its Lewiston Plant.The Agreement became Ehrbar, Di 22 Avista Corporation 1 effective July 1, 2003 and expires June 30, 2013. The 2 Agreement provides for the purchase by Avista of 3 Clearwater's on-site generation of up to 62 average 4 megawatts per year at a price of $42.92 per megawatt-hour. 5 Power purchased from Clearwater under the Agreement is a 6 directly-assigned resource to Idaho (no allocation to 7 Washington).Avista serves Clearwater's entire . load 8 requirement at the Plant, 9 megawatts, under Schedule 25P. approximately 100 average 10 Q.Could you please describe the application of the 11 proposed increase of $4,123,000 to the rates under Schedule 12 25P? 13 A.Yes.The Company is proposing that the present 14 minimum demand charge under the schedule be increased by 15 $2,000 per month, from $10,000 to $12,000, and the demand 16 charge for kVa over 3,000 per month be increased by $0.75 17 per kVa, from $3.25 to $4.00.The remaining revenue 18 increase for the schedule is proposed to be recovered 19 through an increase of 0.349 cents per kWh to the energy 20 charge. 21 Q.What changes is the Company proposing to the 22 rates under Puing Schedule 31 to recover the proposed 23 general revenue increase of $808, OOO? 24 A.The Company is proposing that the customer charge 25 be increased by $1.00, from $6.50 to $7.50 per month, with 26 the remaining revenue increase spread on a uniform Ehrbar, Di 23 Avista Corporation 1 percentage basis of approximately 18.5% to the two energy 2 rate blocks under the schedule. The proposed increase in 3 the first block rate is 1.441 cents per kWh and the 4 increase in the second block rate is 1.228 cents per kwh. 5 Q. How is the Comany proposing to spread the 6 proposed revenue increase of $426,000 applicable to Street 7 and Area Light schedules, to the rates contained in those 8 schedules (Schedules 41-49)? 9 A.The Company proposes to increase present street 10 and area light (base) rates on a uniform percentage basis 11 of approximately 14.0%. The (base tariff) rates are shown 12 in the proposed tariffs for those schedules, contained in 13 Schedule 2 of Exhibit No. 14. 14 Q.Are you proposing any other changes to the 15 Company's electric service tariffs? 16 17 18 19 A.No. iv. PROPOSED NATQ GA REVENU INCREE Q.Could you please explain what is contained in 20 Schedule 4 of Exhibit No. 14? 21 A.Yes. Schedule 4 of Exhibit 14 is a copy of the 22 Company's present and proposed natural gas tariffs, showing 23 the changes (strikeout and underline) proposed in this 24 filing. 25 Q.Could you please describe what is contained in 26 Schedule 5 of Exhibit No. 14? Ehrbar, Di 24 Avista Corporation 1 A.Schedule 5 of Exhibit No. 14 contains the 2 proposed (clean) natural gas tariff sheets incorporating 3 the proposed changes included in this filing. 4 Q.Could you please explain what is contained in 5 Schedule 6 of Exhibit No. 14? 6 A.Schedule 6 of Exhibit No. 14 contains information 7 regarding the proposed spread of the natural gas revenue 8 increase among the service schedules and the proposed 9 changes to the rates within the schedules.Page 1 shows 10 the proposed general revenue and percentage increase by 11 rate schedule.Page 2 shows the rates of return and the 12 relative rates of return for each of the schedules before 13 and after the proposed increases. Page 3 shows the present 14 rates under each of the rate schedules, the proposed 15 changes to the rates within the schedules, and the proposed 16 rates after application of the changes. 17 be referred to later in my testimony. These pages will 18 19 Sumiy of Natural Gas Rate Schedules and Tariffs 20 Q.Would you please review the Comany's present 21 rate schedules and the types of gas service offered under 22 each? 23 A.Yes. The Company's present Schedules 101 and 111 24 offer firm sales service.Schedule 101 generally applies 25 to residential and small commercial customers who use less 26 than 200 therms/month.Schedule 111 is generally for Ehrbar, Di 25 Avista Corporation 1 customers who consistently use over 200 therms/month. 2 Schedule 131 provides interruptible sales service to 3 customers whose annual requirements exceed 250,000 therms. 4 Schedule 146 provides transportation/distribution service 5 for customer-owned gas Lor customers whose annual 6 requirements exceed 250,000 therms. 7 Q.The Comany also has rate Schedules 112 and 132 8 on file with the Comssion.Could you please explain 9 which customers are eligible for service under these 10 schedules? 11 A.Schedules 112 and 132 are in place to provide 12 service to customers who at one time were provided service 13 under Transportation Service Schedule 146. The rates under 14 these schedules are the same as those under Schedules 111 15 and 131 respectively, except for the application of 16 Temporary Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155.Schedule 155 17 is a temporary rate adjustment used to amortize the 18 deferred gas costs approved by the Commission in the prior 19 PGA.Because of their size, transportation service 20 customers are analyzed individually to determine their 21 appropriate share of deferred gas costs.If those 22 customers switch back to sales service, the Company 23 continues to analyze those customers individually; 24 otherwise,those customers would receive gas costs 25 deferrals which are not due them, thus the need for 26 Schedules 112 and 132.There are only 3 customers served Ehrbar, Di 26 Avista Corporation 1 under these schedules as of December 31, 2009. 2 How many customers does the Comany serv underQ. 3 each of its natural gas rate schedules? 4 A. As of December 2009, the Company provided service 5 to the following number of customers under each of its 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 schedules: Table 6 - Natu Gas Customers by Schedue Numr of Cutomers 72,939 1,057 1 7 Rate Schedule Gene Serve Scheul 101 La Gera Serve Scheul 1 11 Inrrtile Sals Sere Schedul 131 Traorttin Serve Schedul 146 13 Proposed Rate Spread 14 How does the Company propose to spread theQ. 15 overall revenue increase of $2,575,000, or 3.6%, among its 16 natural gas general service schedules? 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 The Company is proposing the following rateA. changes by rate schedule: Table 7- Prposed % Natul Gas Increase by SchedulRate Schedul General Increase Gene Serve Schedul 101 4.4% La Gene Sere Scheul 111 1.0%Inrrtile Sales Sere Schedul 131 1.9%Traort1in Serve Sche 146 1.9%Overa 3.6% Q. What informtion did the Company use in 25 developing the proposed spread of the overall increase to 26 the various rate schedules? Ehrbar, Di 27 Avista Corporation 1 The Company utilized the results of the cost ofA. 2 service study, as sponsored by Ms. Knox, as a guide in 3 developing the proposed rate spread. The relative rates of 4 return before and after application of the proposed 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 increases by schedule are as follows: Table 8- Natu Gas Prsent & Prposed Relatie Rates ofRetu Prsent Relative Prposed RelatieROR ROR- -0.95 0.981.25 1.11.08 1.031.27 1.11.00 1.00 Gel Sere Sch. 101 Lage Gene Serve Sch. 111 Inrrtile Sals Serve Sch. 131 Traorttin Serve Sch. 146 Overa 12 Page 2 of Schedule 6 shows this information in more detail. 13 The Company believes that a reasonable range for the 14 proposed relative rates of return would be in the 0.9 to 15 1 . 1 range.As such, a move of approximately 60% towards 16 unity for all schedules met that goal. 17 Proposed Rate Design 18 Could you please explain the present rate designQ. 19 within each of the Comany's present gas service schedules? 20 General Service Schedule 101 generallyA.Yes. 21 applies to residential and small commercial customers who 22 use less than 200 therms/month.The schedule contains a 23 single rate per therm for all gas usage and a monthly 24 customer/basic charge. 25 Large General Service Schedule 111 has a four-tier 26 declining-block rate structure and is generally for Ehrbar, Di 28 Avista Corporation 1 customers who consistently use over 200 therms/month. The 2 schedule consists of a monthly minimum charge plus a usage 3 charge for the first 200 therms or less, and block rates 4 for 201-1,000 therms/month, 1001-10,000 therms/month and 5 usage over 10,000 therms/month. 6 Interruptible Sales Service Schedule 131 contains a 7 single rate per therm for all gas usage. The schedule also 8 has an annual minimum (deficiency) charge based on a usage 9 requirement of 250,000 therms per year. 10 Transportation Service Schedule 146 contains a $200 11 per month customer charge and contains a single rate per 12 therm for all gas usage. The schedule also has an annual 13 minimum (deficiency) charge based on a usage requirement of 14 250,000 therms per year. 15 Q.Is the Company proposing any changes to the 16 present rate structures contained in its gas service 17 schedules? 18 19 A.No, it is not. Q.Where in your Exhibits do you show the present 20 and proposed rates for the Comany's natural gas service 21 schedules? 22 A.Page 3 of Schedule 6 shows the present and 23 proposed rates under each of the rate schedules, including 24 all present rate adjustments (adders). Column (e)' on that 25 page shows the proposed changes to the rates contained in 26 each of the schedules. Ehrbar, Di 29 Avista Corporation 1 Q.You stated earlier in your testimny that the 2 Company is proposing an overall increase of 4.4% to the 3 rates of General Service Schedule 101.Is the Company 4 proposing an increase to the present basicl customer charge 5 of $4. OO/month under the schedule? 6 A.Yes.The Company is proposing to increase the 7 basic/customer charge from $4.00 to $6.75 per month. 8 Q.Why is the Comany proposing an increase to .the 9 basic charge? 10 A.The Company believes that the customer/basic 11 charge should recover a reasonable portion of the fixed 12 costs of providing service. Support for this increase will 13 be provided later in my testimony. 14 Q.Wha t is the proposed increase to the rate per 15 therm under Schedule 101 in order to achieve the total 16 proposed revenue increase for the schedule? 17 A.The proposed increase to the energy rate under 18 the schedule is 0.033 cents per therm, as shown in column 19 (e), page 3, Schedule 6 of Exhibit No. 14. 20 Q.What would be the increase in a residential 21 customer's bill with average usage based on the proposed 22 increase for Schedule 101? 23 A.The increase for a residential customer using an 24 average of 63 therms of gas per month would be $2.77 per 25 month, or 4.9%.A bill for 63 therms per month would 26 increase from the present level of $56.03 to a proposed Ehrbar, Di 30 Avista Corporation 1 level of $58.80, including all present rate adjustments. 2 Q.Could you please explain the proposed changes in 3 the rates for Large General Service Schedules 111? 4 A.Yes. The present rates for Schedules 101 and 111 5 provide guidance for customer placement:customers who 6 generally use less than 200 therms/month should be placed 7 on Schedule 101, customers who consistently use over 200 8 therms per month should be placed on Schedule 111. Not 9 only do the rates provide guidance for customer schedule 10 placement, they provide a reasonable classification of 11 customers for analyzing the costs of providing service. 12 The proposed increase to the minimum charge for 13' Schedule 111 (for 200 therms or less) of $2.81 per month is 14 the sum of the Schedule 101 customer charge increase of 15 2.75 cents plus the proposed increase to the Schedule 101 16 rate per therm of 0.033 cents multiplied by 192 therms. 17 This application maintains the present (breakeven) 18 relationship between the schedules, and will minimize 19 customer shifting between the schedules.The remaining 20 revenue requirement for the schedule is proposed to be 21 recovered through a uniform percentage increase of 22 approximately 1% to blocks 2 & 3, and 0.3% for block 4. 23 Block 4 was increased by a lower percentage in order to 24 maintain its current relationship with Schedule 146. 25 Q.How does the Company propose to recover the 26 increase of $6,000 to Interruptible Service Schedule 131? Ehrbar, Di 31 Avista Corporation 1 A.The Company proposes to increase to the usage 2 charge under the schedule by 1.261 cents per therm. 3 Q.How does the Comany propose to recover the 4 increase of $7,000 to Transportation Schedule 146? 5 A.The Company is proposing to increase the per 6 therm charge under the schedule by 0.22 cents per thermo 7 Q.Is the Company proposing any other changes to its 8 natural gas service schedules? 9 A.Yes. The rates contained in Purchase Gas Cost 10 Adjustment Schedule 150 have been incorporated into the 11 present and proposed rates shown on Page 3 of Schedule 6 of 12 Exhibit No. 14.Further, a revised Schedule 150 is filed 13 as part of Schedule 5 of Exhibit No. 14, whereby the 14 present rates under the schedule have been zeroed-out and 15 included in the Company's proposed general service tariffs. 16 17 V. BAiC CHAGE Q. Why is the Company proposing to increase the 18 electric monthly customer charge from $4.60 to $6.75 per 19 month? 20 A.A significant portion of the Company's costs are 21 fixed and do not vary with customer usage.These costs 22 include distribution plant and operating costs to provide 23 reliable service to customers.Upon evaluation of the 24 total customer allocated costs, as shown in Ms. Knox's 25 Exhibi t No. 13, Schedule 3, Page 4, line 25, those costs Ehrbar, Di 32 Avista Corporation 1 are $14.39 per customer per month.Factoring in 2 distribution demand cost per customer per month of $18.43, 3 as shown in Exhibit No. 13, Schedule 3, Page 4, lin~ 27, 4 the total customer and distributed demand monthly cost is 5 $32.82.These are essentially fixed costs that are 6 allocated based on the number of customers served.Given 7 the large disparity between the level of customer and 8 demand costs and the present level of the basic charge, the 9 Company believes that it is appropriate to recover a more 10 reasonable level of these fixed customer costs through the 11 basic charge. 12 Q. In the Company's last two general rate filings, 13 the Company has proposed relatively small increases in the 14 residential electric basic charge (60 cents and 40 cents, 15 respectively) .Why is the Company now proposing an 16 increase of $2.15 per month in this filing? 17 A.One of the arguments against higher residential 18 basic charges in the past was one of customer 19 understandability and acceptance.Wi th regard to fixed 20 charges, many' other utility assessments (phone, television, 21 internet) are generally a flat monthly fee.Typically, 22 there is little correlation between the level of use and 23 the monthly amount paid for service related to these other 24 utili ties/ services. Consumers understand that most of the 25 costs associated with these other utilities/services are Ehrbar, Di 33 Avista Corporation 1 fixed, and have become accustomed to paying a relatively 2 constant monthly fee for service or system access. Absent 3 compelling arguments to the contrary, as costs to serve 4 customers continue to increase,we believe it is 5 increasingly important that our charges to customers more 6 accurately reflect the actual costs to serve customers. 7 Publicly-owned electric utili ties have been charging 8 higher monthly customer charges for years in order to more 9 accurately reflect (and recover) the fixed costs of 10 providing service. For example, Avista's nearest neighbors 11 in Eastern Washington and North Idaho, Inland Power and 12 Light and Kootenai Electric Cooperative, have a basic 13 charge of $16.80 and $16.50 respectively. 14 Q.Turning now to natural gas, why is the Comany 15 proposing to increase that monthly customer charge from 16 $4.00 to $6.75 per month? 17 A.Upon evaluation of the total customer allocated 18 costs, as shown in Ms. Knox's Exhibit No. 13, Schedule 6, 19 Page 4, line 24, those costs are $14.68 per customer per 20 month. The fixed costs that only include the cost of the 21 meter and service, and the costs associated with billing 22 and providing customer service are $10.45 per customer per 23 month, as shown in Exhibit No. 13, Schedule 6, Page 4, line 24 22. Ehrbar, Di 34 Avista Corporation I Q.What is the consequence to a custor of a Basic 2 Charge that is priced below the cost of providing customr 3 services to that customer? 4 A.Because rate design is a "zero sum game", if 5 customer charges are set below the cost of providing 6 customer service, then other charges are, by definition, 7 set above their cost of service.For residential gas and 8 electric customers, the only other charge is the volumetric 9 charge.When volumetric rates are increased above their 10 cost of service to include customer costs that are not in 11 the Basic Charge, several consequences ensue: 12 13 14 15 . It results in almost all customers paying more per- customer related costs in the winter, even though their customer costs are not higher in the winter, and vice versa in the summer; 16 17 18 . It results in customers paying more. customer costs when it is cold, even though customer costs do not vary with temperature. 19 20 21 . It results in the amount of customer costs a customer pays being unpredictable, even though customer costs are actually very predictable. 22 23 24 25 . A portion of fixed costs of providing service to low usage customers is actually recovered from other higher usage customers served under the same schedule. Ehrbar, Di 35 Avista Corporation 1 In summary,setting the basic charge at a rate 2 substantially less than an amount that covers annual 3 customer costs results in rates that are not equitable and 4 are unnecessarily variable. 5 Q. But won't increasing the Basic Charge send the 6 wrong price signal through the energy rates? 7 A. Conservation of electricity and natural gas is 8 important for customers and for the Company, and one might 9 argue that a lower basic charge results in higher commodity 10 prices and a stronger price signal related to volume usage. 11 However, sending a price signal to customers through a 12 residential rate design that contains a two tier increasing 13 block rate for electric (natural gas has just one 14 volumetric rate) was developed for just such a reason. The 15 more electricity that is used, the higher the rate, and 16 therefore the higher the overall customer bill. The 17 important distinction in this filing is that the Company is 18 not requesting to decrease the energy rates, nor is it 19 proposing to eliminate the inversion of the rates. As 20 such, the volumetric pricing components will still send a 21 very clear price signal to conserve.This is important, 22 because, the Commission, in Order 29505 (IPC-E-03-13), at 23 Page 53, stated that the service charge should provide: 24 a reasonable balance between recovering specific25 customer service costs in a fixed fee while preserving26 the ability to provide price signals for conservation 27 purposes. (emphasis added) Ehrbar, Di 36 Avista Corporation 1 We should not use an inequitable basic charge to send price 2 signals. 3 Q.Do you have any additional comnts related to 4 ''price signals"? 5 A.Yes. Sending a proper price signal is important 6 as I noted above, and I believe that the proper price 7 signal is being maintained. One measure of this it to look 8 to the Company's IRP's to see what the incremental cost of 9 electricity and natural gas is on a forward looking basis, 10 as compared to retail rates. For electricity, the proposed 11 tail-block billing rate of $0.09140 (usage over 600 kWh's) 12 is well above the Company's levelized 20 year forecast of 13 $0.07956 per kWh, as I explained earlier. For natural gas, 14 the Company included several forecasts in its 2009 15 Integrated Resource Plan which, for the most part, all show 16 forecasted natural gas prices at Henry Hub over the next 17 ten years being lower than Avista's retail rates. 18 Q. Have you prepared an analysis to show what imact. 19 the proposed rate design changes would have on customrs? 20 A. Yes.The Company completed an analysis showing 21 the impact on low, average, and high use electric and 22 natural gas customers. The comparison shows the difference 23 in a customer's bill based on the Basic Charge being 24 increased on a uniform percentage basis, versus the S 2009 Avista Natural Gas Integrated Resource Plan, Page 1.5 Ehrbar, Di 37 Avista Corporation 1 Company's proposed changes. Tables 9 below details results 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Table 10 below details the analysis for natural gas of that analysis for electric customers: Table 9 n .'.... ~.c_~_,_~_Oy___.,.._'.'." '__'"".~" ".__ ._....___~_.___. _.-__ -'_._~-_ M__._..........~_~.._.... __"..___.____._..__v ......._. '-.-~-' '-"-i ... Avita - Bil Imcts for Low. Medium an Hih Electc Customers_.__"____.J¡ - ; ¡ Di 1 .. " ! bet Equal % ¡: Cur; Equa Avi I an ! Perent ; .M'?~B~ In~!.... .__...... _.l~iltlRa~_¡.l~rc~~.Ll~E'~~.L.l~p~~~~...j~~\ '750 kWhim Custoim i $60.45 ; $69.47 ¡ $69.79! $0.32 : 0.5% i, .'.. _'.___ _ .... ___. _ .. ¥,_ ____._ !...o...., ".¥_ ',.. ,_ .._,~.__...-.o..._.._...._..ì. ...._....-___.., _._ ___ ' .... ..... .""-'00- v_ .-. ...... .y.~:._._-,... ,',- .y..~..-' -'.-" _.~- ~ .... ,.-t-' --.-----... _.- ,,-,"'--', ,", .~ ;964 kWhim Custoim i $77.95 ¡ $89.35 ! $89.35, $0.00 ¡ O.OtV. I,.,,' _''0,_._ _ "_,, ,._.....r'.'_.__.~._....._~. '__-.__ __.~._.'_ ,., _,,_;._....._.~_.. ~_.,_... -_..-1 ~___._....~....v_.~.~.w~_r_._.__..._.-.., _ _"_,___~,,,__'_~+_""_~'_'__~~__~w"K_'Kwl_______'__'W'~ ; 1500 kWhim Custoiæ : $121.80' $139.15 : $138.34' -$0.81 ! -0.6% !, ._ _w ._. ."_"~ ..,., _,_.....__ ._.,_". ....__..._,__.~_.. . __."",..J. ~...,_._~"""..._.. _3 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 customers: Table 10 L__._.__..Avista - Bil Impact for Low. Medium and Hih Natu Gas Cutomers ..__.___.'. .' j ! Die i. ! bet Equal ! ¡ : Cmrnt ¡ Equa ¡ Awta i % an ¡Perent ¡i .,. l . , IMS!~.~ïn.li~~__. ._..._j!!~d_~teLl~~~~JlrP'?~-L-l.~"p.'sedJ:I~~.J 2.0 thim Cutoiær i $45.30 i $47.53 \ $48.06 i $0.53 ! 1.12% i--".-' -.---.------.---...f--....-------.--+.,.----------.. , I ____oj j63 tl/im Custoiær ! $56.03 ; $58.80 ' $58.80 i $0.00 ' 0.01% í._.. ..._ . _... . ._..._............. .. ... . .... ~. . .-__.-........ \--._._-.. _ ._--...,-....-.---.- ...... . __J.... -----..--.-.... .-1-......._..__.....__._,80 thriim Custoiær '$70.07: $73.54 i $72.85 ; -$0.69 j -0.94% i,.. .,'W_ ~__..__._ '_'~_~_"_"_"¥_~_'_".' __. .... .__._ ___..."._~__.o...____¥____'""'_~.._.K___"__.w ___ ~ .._ '_"_'.___ ~_ '" __,.__w..,~_..l___._ -_...._._- V' '"'~ 21 As you can see, the impact of the Avista proposed change to 22 the basic charge varies based on monthly consumption. For 23 an electric customer who uses less than the average 964 24 kWh's and/or 63 therms per month, the impact will be 25 slightly higher than those customers who use more than the 26 average. We believe the improvement in matching customer Ehrbar, Di 38 Avista Corporation I payment of fixed costs with the fixed costs to serve 2 customers, together with removing part of the inequity 3 among customers on the amount of fixed costs paid, warrants 4 this relatively small bill impact. 5 Table 11 below shows a comparison of monthly bills 6 for an electric customer with average usage for a 12-month 7 period. It shows the difference in the monthly bills with 8 a uniform percentage increase to the basic charge and 9 volumetric rates, versus the Company's proposal. The table 10 illustrates the reduction in payment of fixed costs in the 11 winter months, and increased payment in the summer, with 12 the net result being improved alignment of payment of fixed 13 costs by customers with the fixed costs to serve customers, 14 with no net annual difference6 in overall payment. 6 Annual electric biling difference of $0.02 is a result of rounding. Ehrbar, Di 39 Avista Corporation 1 Table 11f---"-~ --.-_...",.. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 i.___._. Month BiD of an Average Electrc Customer¡ . i Equa i A vËta j Hir / lM,~~__..,_,..,"._.__,._____l t~~t p~en~_L Propo~d j Low~ BilLJ l.!~m~__._.____"..._....__.__¡ 1,253,__.L$116.24_._UI15.80 ¡ _($O.~LJ ll_~p~.. __.__..__.._______ _._l._LJ! 0 1"'l..Q2..:1..___: $1 02. 70 1.__~~J :,M~k.__,"_ ...___.._____..___LJill1.__..lg~~QL..L $ 1Q2.84 Ll$0.221_ i ,Apri, 853 ..,_~7?~9.s iJZ~~~~.L...JO~l~.- __: ,N.~y_.. _ _7~?..__L_~?~:_~~..._J._$J~_~~~__! .. ."'~Q~-~-.-.-.~'Jun 770 $71.33.i $71.62 ¡ $0.29 !._____.. . - .. .... _....._ ., .._.......... .___..~..._...._,__ ....._;.--_._----_...--1¡Jul 75l_ ._-' $~9~_?3.. ,,;_~~~~s~..L--.l9.3~..--J¡Augt 791 $73.24 $73.50: $0.26 .-,.... ...~ ~ '''~''-"j'.-- .--,.-_.........._...~Septemer 728 $67.47 $67.82L..SQ35 _,October 863 $80.01 $80.16 $0.15,- ..- ..~. . . . .-.-...~~'Noveer 1..175 $108.94. j $108.62 _. ,.$0.32)._.) ¡De~ener lè~.4 ...; _~g~:.47 .,$125._S?_L_.í$q~~_0) '\ 11,564 .. SI,-~?1.J)l.,~1,-07i.89 .JSa.02) ...... j Table 12 below provides a similar comparison for a 12-month 14 period for a natural gas customer with average usage. The 15 net resuit is similar to the electric results above, 16 namely a better alignment of payment of fixed costs by 17 customers with the fixed costs to serve customers. 7 Annual natural gas biling difference of $0.03 is a result of rounding. Ehrbar, Di 40 Avista Corporation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Table 12 ",.'~"""",,""'''''_''''.___._._,. ,,_~~..~ _ _. ....,__..~__" ~.~"_._,, _'. ,_'.._.~...,' c _.~..__~. ~_._.._,,_.' ....._~_.._...~._.,___ ,_ ,,,,~_~",_'. ,~. ~~.~.".,. ...~~",c._ " ______~_.~..~......__.~.~_...__.._.. ._._._.__..__.. Month Bil of an Average Natul Gas Cutomer __......___J Equal , A vita . Hir I ¡ 'M~~__._.______.._...__,_.._...._.:___L_~I!--lercæi_l.po~~j_ I.~er B.! l!~!!~__._._____.._..__..._ 12~_.-+-!!!~.31_L~! 09.85 ¡ ~.5 1 l-- ¡Feb~_.______.__~_~..____1_..~J__i~_Q:16 __L~88.6~__ L ($1.47) i,Marh ¡ 91 : $83.39 : $82.24 : ($1.15) !:-__.___"..._~..~"' _..........._..........._. ...._.._.y.~_._._~__...+-~~ _.__.__~.._~_v..I,._.____~__,_~."_.,_.____..____~'__~.. lApril ... .... .... .. i... 54 ...1 $50.65 ¡ $51.04 ¡ $0.39 I !.!u._~..~.__..- -0_...._- .. -- . -:~~-:~~.r=$.jl:~~-~-..L-~)~:?i.~~C=~i~?Õ-~l¡A~t 24 ¡ $24.62 ; $26.23 i $1.61 :~ _... 'V ..~___.__'" " ...--"..'.'1'.....----...---.-.- .. ..- ..___ .-..~.-..-..~." - _..._....~.__._..._.~..__l.S~tember 15 ....,.11~:7~ $18.76 $t._9.~. October 15 $16.85 $18.82 $1.98-~'.- ... -....__...- .... ~_.November 19 $.20.ß8...S22.66 $1.79'October 53 $50.55 $50.94. $0.39 :_ .. ~~'."_ ,,_ , ~ ~_... . _. ',"'.' _"'c.'''~ _....~~" ..._ ----, ~~¡November 94 $85.39 :$8.~..5 ._J$l:~~l..j : Decemer 135 $121.18 $118.:25 L($~.9_~). 757 $706.15 $706.18 $0.03 Q.Would you characterize the Comany's proposal as 16 15 fair? A.High use customers clearly subsidize lowYes. 17 use customers as it relates to covering the fixed costs of 18 service. One clear example to demonstrate this is to think 19 of customers who have a second home or vacation home in the 20 Company's service territory.The fixed costs to serve 21 these customers are not necessarily different than a 22 "traditional" customer who lives in their home year-round. 23 However, if a customer's electric usage only occurs in a 24 few months of the year, they are clearly being subsidized Ehrbar, Di 41 Avista Corporation 1 by traditional customers who have higher usage (and higher 2 fixed cost charges recovered through the volumetric rate). 3 Q.Please discuss your view of the imacts of this 4 request on your limted income customrs. 5 A.There are two different implications of the 6 Company's proposal.The first implication is for limited 7 income electric customers, many of whom would benefit from 8 the Company's proposal.Tradi tional thinking might lead 9 one to believe that a low income electric customer would 10 tend to be a low user of electricity. Although the Company 11 has not conducted a demographic survey of its customers in 12 recent years, the limited data that we do have would 13 suggest that just the opposite is true. 14 A majority of our customers have natural gas for space 15 and water heating, and therefore may have low average 16 electric usage during the winter. However, many low income 17 customers, I believe, tend to still use electricity for 18 space and water heating. These customers, in my view, tend 19 to live in apartments (which in Avista's service territory 20 predominantly have electric space and water heat), live in 21 areas where natural gas is not available, or live in areas 22 with natural gas, but cannot afford to convert. These low 23 income customers, with electric space and water heat, will 24 generally have electric usage in the tail-block (above 600 25 kWh's) during the winter months.Having a lower basic Ehrbar, Di 42 Avista Corporation 1 charge and higher tail-block rate penalizes these 2 customers, as these customers are more susceptible to use 3 in the tail-block.A higher basic charge, on the other 4 hand, would result in lower volumetric rates (than they 5 otherwise would be the case), providing some relief to 6 these high use customers during the winter months. 7 Q. What are the imlications for limted income 8 natural gas customrs? 9 A. Limited income natural gas customers, on average, 10 would tend to pay slightly higher natural gas bills than 11 they would under the equal percentage methodology used by 12 the Company, as shown in the examples earlier in my 13 testimony.Data gathered as part of the review of the 14 Company's Washington natural gas Decoupling Mechanism 15 showed that limited income natural gas customers tend to 16 use slightly less natural gas (58 therms per months) than 17 the traditional residential customer (63 therms per month) . 18 As shown in Table 13 below, while there is an impact, it is 19 relatively small both on a dollar and percentage basis 20 (less than one-half of one percent) . 8 Titus "Evaluation of Avista Gas Decoupling Mechanism Pilot", Page 81, Table Kl0. Ehrbar, Di 43 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 Table 13 ~_..."'"u_.._ Ã~!!-:Re~!~..ti!!,i~e~~;~,;Na~~! c~'~~i-i~ct..~~==_=...i, j I~ei i ! bet. Equa ¡ . cmr. Equal . A vEta : % an 1 Perent , __________ -L-.~~~ ._.LpeT~~8.l.l~~~L Pro~~~-J-l?1'~~.. ..... _¡.~4,.00 _J~4,:J~ L~~~.z5. .1.__~~:S7. ,.1- 1 : $0.82593.. $0.86698 : $0.82626 ¡ -$0.04072 !.__~. -.----.~.-¥---.. ..~.-.- _.__._'--'-,"'~" ~._~._-.. .- ...._.--,..- -"-1-'''''~-'''-- ".. _..,-_.....,....¥..~.r-._.--_.._-.._-- ...--~_.-:--~.~ l~.-,,-. ,,,_....-.,-,... ç~!O~r çti~ -~!J ~~- ... 6 ~__.._ ... ._L.._.". _ ,. 7 8 9 L-,.".. ". : M~~13il.iria.!_ ; 58 Thimim Cusim_ ." H... ~ 63 Thrm Custoim ..-y.~. .-._- ..-J",._--.-- -"'-.. ._.'~' '-~'~"" ~-'-. f- ,-. _.'--'-'-'- ."''',- _._v ~".- . .--. _. ---- 0.4% 0.0% .~54.46_!. .$54.67..l $0.21 $58.80 : $58.80! $0.00_......,.._..r _ M' Q.Does that complete your pre-filed direct 10 testimny? 11 A. Yes, it does. Ehrbar, Di 44 Avista Corporation DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL OF REGULATORY & GOVERNENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVID .MEYER~AVISTACORP. COM BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. AVU-E-10-01 CASE NO. AVU-G-10-01 EXHIBIT NO. 14 PATRICK D. EHRBAR FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) I.P.U.C. No.28 SW Revision Sheet 1cancing ,F Revision Sheet 1 AVISTA CORPORATION dla Avista Utilites SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho wh COmpany has electc servCé avlabl. APPLICABLE: To servce fOr domestic purpes in each indivdul residence, apartment, mobile home, or other living unit whn aU such servce used on the preises Is suppliedthtough a single meter. Where a poion of a dwellng is used regularly for th conduct of busines or where a porton of the electrcity supplied is use for other than dometic purposes, the appropriate general servce schedule is applicable. Howver, if th serv for all domestic purposes is rnetered separately, this scedule will be applied to sucl servce. When tw or more living units are served through a single meter, the appropriate general servce schedule is applicable. MONTHLY RATE: $4 Basic Charge, plus Fitst600 kWh All over 600 kWh ~petkWh~perkWh Monthly Minimum Charge: $4 OPTIONAL SEASONA MONTHLY CHARGE: A $4 monthly charge shall apply to Customer who close their accunt on a seasonal or intermitent basis, provided no energy usge occurs during an entire monthly biling cyle while the accunt is closed, Customers choosing this option are reaired to notify the COmpany in wring or by phone in advanc and th accunt will be clsed at the start of the next billing cycle fOliowing notifcation. If energy is used during a monthy biling cyle, the abOve Ustedetiergycharges and basic.chatge of $4 shåfl apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDirlONS~ Servce under this schedlle issubjeC to the Rulêsand Regulations contined in this tari. The above Montly Rates are subjectto Increase or decses asset fort in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residential and Far Energ Rate Adjustment SCédule 59, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Scedule 66, and Energy EfciencY Ricler Adjustment Schedule 91. Issu.ed "",Iy 24, 2QQ9 Effecve Aa9l:et 1,200 Issued by By Avista Utilitie?' ~,.::' No.VP, State & Federl Reulatin Exhibit No. 14 Case Nos. AW-E-10-01 P. Ehrbr, Avita Schedule 1, Page 1 of 30 LP.U.C. NO.28 Seenth Revison Sheet 1 Canceing ~ Reviion Shee 1 AVISTACORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utfites SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAILALE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electric servce available. APPUCABLE: To servce for domestic purposes in each indivdual residence, apartent, mobile home. or other living unit when all such servce used on the preises is supplied through a single meter. Wherè a porton of a dwelling is used reular for the conduct of business ,or where a portn of the elecrici supplie is used for other than domestic purpos. the appropriate general servce schedule is applicable. However, if the servce for all domestic purpses ismeteredseparatet, this s'cedule wil be applie to such serv. When tw or more livng units are served through a single meter, the appropriate general servceschedulè is applicable. MONTHLY RATE: $6~75Basic Charge, plus First 600 kWh 7.9~petkWh All over 60 kWh S.827~per kW Monthly Minimum Charge: $6.75 OPTIONAL SEASONAL MONTLY CHARGE: A $6.75 montly charge shall apply to Customers who close their accunt on a seasonal or intermitent basis, provided no energy usage ocrs dunn9anentire monthly biJßngcyclewhile the accunt is close. Customers choosing this option arèrequlred to notif th Copany in wrting or by phone in advance and the accnt will be close at the start of the next billng cycle following notifcation. If enery is us during a monthly billngcycle, the above listed enery chrges and båsiccharge of $6. 75shall apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Servce under thlsschedule is subjec to the Rules and Regulatiol1 cotained in this tañf. The above Monthly Rates are subjec to incrse or decrses as seHorth inTax Adjustment Schedule 58, Residential and Farm Energy Rate Adjustment SChedle 59, Temporary Power Cost Adlt.strent Schedüle66, and. Energy Effêiene Rider Adjustent Schedule 91. Issued March 23. 2010 Effve Apl 23. 2010 Issued by By Avista Utilites ~. . Kelty o. No, ?' . #-~ VP. Stat & Fedl Reguleon Exibit No. 14 case Nos. AW-E-1Q.1 P. Ehrbr, Avista Schedule 1, Page 2 of 30 I.P.U.C. NO.28 ~ Revision Sheet 11 Cânceling ~ Revsion Sheet 11 AVISTA CORPORATION d//a Avista Utilites SCHEDULE 11 GENERAL SERVICE -IDAHO (Availat)le phase and volte) AVAILABLE: To Customers in th State of Idaho where ComrJny has eiectcserv available. APPLICABLE: To general servce supplied for all power requirements when all such servce taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of th~ following charges: $ê Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge: First 3650 kWh All Over 3650 kWh ~perkWh~perkWh Demand Charge: No charge for the first 20 kW of demand. $4 pekW for each additional kW of demand. Minimum: $ê for single phase service and $13.10 for three phase servce: unless a higher iiinimum is require under contr to covet spal conditions. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 15"minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Servce under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tari. The above Monthly Rates are SUbject to increases or deceases as set fort in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Tempora Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66. and Energy Effciency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued Jwl¥24,2Q9g Effectie Awgw6t 1, 2QQé Issued by By Avista Utilit I. Kelly 0.. Nooo.?' AI,. w- VP, Ste & Fed RelatioA Exibit No. 14 Case Nos. AVU.E.10-1 P. Ehrbar, Avis Schedule 1, Page 3 of 30 I.P.U.C. NO.28 Seth Revision Sheet 11 CanCèling Sixt Revision Shet 11 AVISTA CORPORATION d//a Avlta UtUites SCHEDULE 11 GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers i'n the Stte of Idaho where Company has eleêtc servce available. APPLICABLE: To general. sece supplied for all power reuirements when an such service taken on the premises is supplied though one meter installatin. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following Charges: $9.50 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge: First 3650 kWh AllOver 3650 kWh 9.181W per kWh 8.34t per kWh Demand Charge: No charge for the first 20 kWof demand. $4.75 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Minimum: $9.50 for single phase service and $13.10 for three phase serv; unless a higher minimum is reuired under contrct to cover special conditions. DEMAND: The average kW suplied during the 15-M'inue period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. . SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: servce under this. schedle is subjec to the Rule and Règulatns contained in this tari. The above Monthly Rates are subject to inceases or deces as set fort in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Tempora Power Cost AdjUstment Schedule 66, and Energy Effciency Rider Adjustmnt SCedule 91. Issued March 23,2010 Effe Aon123.2010 Issued by Avlta UtilitesBY~ '.. KellyO.Norw. r - ~f A/ #' lJ VP, State & Federl Reglatin Exibit No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E.1Q-1 P. Ehrbar, Avita Schedule 1, Page 4 of 30 I.P.U.C. NO.28 ~ Revion Sheet 21 cancing ~ Revision Sheet 21 AVISTA CORPORATION dJaAvista Utilites SCHEDULE 21 LARGE GENERA SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the Stte of Idaho whre Company has electrcseï'ce available. APPLICABLE: To general serce supplied for all powe requirements when all such serv taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shall provie and maintain all trnsformers and other necsary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and may be required to enter into a wrtten contrct for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: First AllOver Demand Charge: $27&.00 for the first 50 kW of demand or les. $3 pe kW for each additional kW of demand. Primary Voltage Discount . If Custòmer takes servce at 11 kv(wygroúndedlor higher. he witl be allowd a primary voltage disconfof20Ø per kW of demand per month. POwer Factor Adjustment Charge: If Customer has a reae ktlovolt.;ampere (kVAr) meter. he wiU be subjec to a Power Factor Adjustment charge~ as set fort in the Rules & Reulatins. Minimum: $275.00, unless a higher minimum is require under contract to cover spal conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: Th current 12-month bilUng including any charges for power factor correcn shall be not less than $10.00 perkW of the highest demand estblished during tt currnt 12- monthperiod provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the elimination of any demand occsioned by an operation totaly abandoned during such 12-month period. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customers servd at 11 kv or higher shall provide and maintaín all trnsformer and other neceary equipment'on their side of the point of delivery. Servce under this schedule is subjee to the Rules and Regulations cotalned in this tari. The above Monthly Rates aresubjec to increse or, decea asse fort in Tax Adjustment 5.chedule 58, Tempora Powr COt Adjustm 5.bhlé66¡ ahdEhrgy Effciency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. 250,000 kWh 250,000 kWh ~perkWh~perkWh Issued Ji:ly 24, 2909 Effece A4gaet 1¡2QQ Issued by Avista UtlitBy ?' ;i*" ..::.t Nø,VP, Stae & Federa Reguiation Exhibit No. 14 Cas Nos. AVU-E-1Q.01 P. Ehrbar, Avista Schedule 1, Page 5 of 30 I.P.U,C. No.28 Seventh ReViion Shee 21 Canceing ~ Revision Sheet 21 AVISTA CORPORATION d/ba AVita Utilit SCHEDULE 21 LARGE GENERA SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where OQmpany has electc servce avilable. APPLICABLE: To generl servce supplied for allpower requirements when atl such servce taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shll provide and maintain all trnsformers and other necessary equipment on his side of th. point of delivery and may be required to enter into a wrtten èOntrct for fi (5) yers or.longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: First All Over Demand Charge: $325.00 for the firs 50 kW of demand or less. $4.25 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Primary Voltge Discount: If Customer takes serce at 11 kv (wye grounded) .or higher, he wil be allowed a primary voltagé discount of 20, per kW of demand pe month. Power Factor Adjustent Charge: If Customer has a reactve kilovolt-ampere (kVAr) meter, he will be subject to a Power Factor Adjustment charge, asset fort in the Rules & Reufations. Minimum: $325.00, . unless a highe minimum Is reuired under contrct to coverspecial conditon. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The current 12-month ~iiing inquding any chrges for power factor corrcton shall be not tes than $10.00 pe kW of the highest demand established duri the currnt 12- month period provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the elimination of any demand occsioned by an opèration totally abandoned during .such 12-manth period. DEMAND: The average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month as detel1ined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customers served at 11 kvor higher shalJ provide and maintain all trnsfrmrs and other necessary equipment on their side of the point of delivery. Servce under this schedule is subject to the Rule and Regulations contained in this tari. The above Monthly Rates are subj to increse or decrese as set fort in Tax Adjustent Schedule 58, Temporary Pow Cot Adjustment Scedule 66, and Energ Effcincy Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. 250,000 kWh 250,000 kWh 6.538; per kWh 5.579, per kWh Issued March 23, 201 0 Efece April 23, 2010 Issued by, By Avista Utilit 7' ,j#'W":'~' VP, State & Federal Reulatin exib No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E-1Q-1 P. Ehrbar, Avist Schule 1, Page 6 of 30 l.P,U;C. No.28 Si Revision Shet 25 Cancein Rt Revion Shee 25 AVlSTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utites SCHEDULE 25 EXRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Three phas, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whre Company has elecric servce available. APPLICABLE: To general ser'ce supplied for all por requirements when all suChseCè taken on the prernises is supplied through one meter instllation for a demand of not Jes than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 25,000 kVA. The average of the Customers demand for the most recent twlve-month perod must faU wihin thse demand limits for servce under this schedule. if the Customer has less than twelve months of billng history, the Custoer must have a minimum of six consecuve billng months of demand otat least 2,500 kVA in order to receive service under this schedule. New Customers must meet the above cntena or otherwise provide the Company with reasonable assurance that théir peak demand will average at least 2,500 kVA. Customer shall provie and maintain all transformers and other necesary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a wntten contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: First 500,000 kWh AllOver 500,000 kWh Demand Charge: $1Q,Qgg,QQ for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. ~ per kVA for each additional kVAof demand. Primary Voltge Discount: If Customer takes servce at 11 kV (wy grounded) or higher, he will be allow apnrary voage discount of 20~ per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is recire under contct to cover special conditons. 4. per kWh~perkWh ANNUAL MINIMUM: $801,940 Any annual minimum deficiency wil be deter'ined during the Apñlbiling cy for the previous 12-month period. For a customer wh has taken servce on this sChedule for less thn 12 months, the-annual minimum will be prorated basd on the actal month of servce. Issued Jwly 24,. 2999 Effeåwe AwgYst 1, 2009 Issued by By Avista Utilities~ ,,1,..:;._.VP, State & Fed Reglatin Exhibit No, 14 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 P. Ehrbar. Avista Schedule 1, Pagé 7 of 30 I.P.U.C. No.28 seventh Revision Shet 25 Canceing Sixt Revision Sht 25 AVISTA CORPORATION d//a Avlsta Utlites SCHEDULE 25 EX LARGE GENERL SERVICE - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electnc servce available. APPLICABLE: To general servce supplied for all power requirements when all such sece taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not less than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 25,000 kVA. The average of the Customets demand for the most rent twelve-month penod must fall within these demand limits for serv under this schedule. If the Customer has less than twelve months of biling history, the Customer must have a minimum of six consective biling months of demand of at lest 2,500 kVA in order to receive servce under this schule. New Customers must meet the above cntena or otherwse provide the Company with reasonable assurance.thattheirfJèak demand will average at least 2,500 kVA. Customer shallprvlde and maintain all trnsformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the pøint ofdeli"ery and enter into a wntten contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energy charges: Energ Charge: First 500,000 kWh All Over 500,000 kWh Demand Charge: $12.000.00 for the first 3,000 kVA of demand or less. $4.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand. Prmary Voftage Discount: If Customer takes serce at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, he Will be altowed a primary voltage discunt of 20Ø per kVA of demand per mont. Minimum: The demand charge unles a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. 5.217~ per kWh 4.419~ per kWh ANNUAL MINIMUM: $677.970 Any annual minimum defitlehèY will be detetine during the .,Apnl biDing cy for the previous 12-month penod. FQr a customer who has taken servce on this schdule for less than 12 months. the annual minimum Will be proted baed On the actal month of servce. Issued March 23. 2010.Effecve Api 23. 201 Q Issued by By Avista Utilities~ ,J::'VP, Stae &Feder Reglatn Exhibit No. 14 case Nos. AVU-E.1G-01 P. Ehrbar, Avista Schedule 1, Page 8 of 30 I.P.U.C. No.28 ~ Revision She 25P Canceling +N Revision Shet 25P AVISTA CORPORATION dla Avista Utilties SCHEDULE 25P EXRA LAGE GENERAL SERVICE TO POTb4.TCl bé'lSTON FACIUT .. IDAHO (Tree phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Petatsh Corporation's Lewiston, Idaho Facilit. APPLICABLE: To general sece supplied for all power reuirements when all suc serVce taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not les than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 25,000 kV A. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limits for serce under this schedule. If the Cusomer has less than twelve months of billng history, th Custoner must have a minimum of slx consecuve biling months of demand of at least 2,500 kVA in order to receive serVce under this schedule. New Customer must meet th above creria or otherwise provide the Copany Wih reasonableassurance that their peak demand wil average at least 2,500 kVA. Customer shall provide and maintain all trnsforrers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and enter into a wrtten contract for five (5) years or Ionger~ MONTLY RATE: The sum of the follOWng demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: 3: pe kw Demand Chare: $1Q,QQQ.QQ for the firs 3,000 kVA of demand or less. ~ pe kvA for each additional kVA of demand. Primary Voltge Discount: If Customer takes sece at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20~ per kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charge unles a higher minimum is required under contrct to cover specialconditlons. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $ã51i,iQQ Any annual minimum deficiency will be determined durng the April billing cycle for the previous 12-mOI''ith period. For a cutomer who has taken servce on this -schedule for less than 12 months, the annual minimum Will be prorated based on the actl months of servce. Issued Ji:ly 24,:W9 Efec 1\i:6l 1. 200 Issued by By AvistaUtllites~J:~~-'VP, State & Feder Relatin Exibit No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E-1Q-01 P. Ehrbar. Avista Schedule 1. Page 9 of 30 I.P.U.C. NO.28 Fif Reision Sheet 25P Canceling Fourt Revision Sheet 25P AVISTA CORPORATION dJa Avlstà utUöes . SCHEDULE 25P EXRA LARGE GENERA SERVICE TO CLEAWATER PAPER'S FACILITY - IDAHO (Three phase, available voltge) AVAILABLE: To Clearwter Paper Corportion's Lewiston. Idaho Facilty. APPLICABLE: To general servce supplied foraJl power requirements when all such servce taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation for a demand of not less'thEl( 2,500 kVA but not greater than 25,000 kVA. The average of the Custqmers demand for the most recnt twelve-month per must fall witin these demand limits for serce under this schedule.. If the Customer has less thn twelve months of billng history, the Customer must have a minimum of six consecuve billng mons of demand of at least 2,500 kVA in order to receive servce under this schedule. New Customer must meet the above crieria or otherwse provide the Company with reasnable assurance that their pek . demand wil average at least 2,500 kVA. Customer shall provide and maintain all trnsforers and other necesary equipment on his side of the point of deli~ry and. enter into a wrien contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of th followng. demand and energy chares: Enery.Charge: 4.309Ø per kw Demand Charge: $12.000.00 for the fi 3,000 kVA of demand or less. $4.00 per kVA for each additional kVA of demand. Prmary Voltage Discount: If Customer takes servce at 11 kV (wyegrounded) or higher. he win be allowed a primary voltge disunt of 20~per kVA of demand pet month. Minimum: The demand charg unless a higher minimum Is required under 'Cntrct to covér special conditons, ANNUAL MINIMUM: $617.990 Any annual minimum deficiency wil be determined during the April billng cye for the previous 12-mont period. For a customer who has taken servGé on this SCedule for less than 12 months, the annual minimum will be prorted based on the actual months of serce. Issued March 23.2010 Effece Apnl 23, 2010 Issued by By Avista Uti/lties~.. ~ .. e. lIy. 0... . Norw.Ai ,. lJ VP, Stae & Fel Relatin Exibi No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E.1o-01 P. Ehrbr, Avlsta Schedule 1. Page 10 of 30 I.P.U.c. No.28 ~ Revision Sheet 31 CanCéling ~ Reision She 31 AVISTA CORRATION dIa Avist Utlilte$ SCHEDULE 31 PUMPING SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltge) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whre Company has electc SeMce available. APPLICABLE: To servce through one meter for pumping water or water efuents, ihcludin.g incidentl power used for other equipment and . lighting essential to the pumping operation. For such incidental servce, Customer wil furnish any trnsformers and other neceary equipment. Customer may be required to enter into a writen contrct for five (5) years or longer and will have servce available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in ownership or control of propert serv. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $i Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge: ~ per kWh for the firs 85 KW perkW of demand, and forthe next 80 KWh per kW of demand but not mor than 3,000 KWh. ~ per KWh for all additional KWh. Annual Minimum: $- per kW of the highest demand established in the cürtnt year ending wit the November billing cycle. If no demand occurred in the current year, the annual minimum will be based on the higest demand in the latest previous year having a demand. Demand: The average kW supplied during the 15-mlnut pèriodOf rnaximum use dug th month determined, at the option of COmpany, by a demand meter or nameplate input rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: If Customer requests the account to be closed by reason of change In ownrship or control of propert, the unblledserce and any applicable annual minimum will be prorated to the date of closing. Servce under this schedule is subjec to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tanf. Theaoove Monthly Rates are subjec to increas or deceases as set fort In Tax Adjustment Scedule 58, Temporary Power Cost AdjustmentSCule 66. and Energy Efciency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued Ji:ly 24, 2009 Effecve JW9~t 1. 2Q9 Issued by By Avista Utilites ~ I Kelly O. Nor, ,. - ~t A/ i" W' VP, Stte & Federal Regulâtion Exibi No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 P. Ehrbr, Avist Schedule 1, Page 11 of 30 I.P.U.C. No.28 Sevnth Revision Sheet 31 Canceling Sixt Revision Shee 31 AVISTA CORPORATION d//a Avita Utilites SCHEDULE 31 PUMPING SERVICE -IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whre Company has electc servce available. APPLICABLE: To servce through one meter for pumping water or water efuent, including incidental power used for othr equipment and lightg essential to the pumping operation. For such incidental servce, Cusomer will fuish any trnsfonners and other necssry equipment Cusomer may be required to enter Into a wren contract for fie (5) years or longer and wil have service available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in ownership or control of propert sered. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $7.50 Basic Charge, plus Energy Charge: 9.241\' per kWh for the first 85 KWh per kWof demand, and for the next 80 KWh per kW of demand but not more than 3.000 KWh. 7.877ft per KWh for all additonal KWh. Annual Minimum: $12.00 per kW of the highest demand establiShed In the CurJit year ening wíth the November billing cycle. If nO deniarid occrred 1n theeurtritYElr, the annual minimum will be based on the highet demand in the latest previous year having a demand. Demand: The average kWsupplied dunng the 15-minute periOd of maximum use dunng the month determined. at the option of Company, byà demand meter Qr nameplate input rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: If Customer requests the accunt to be closed by reason of change in ownerhip or control of prope.rt, the unbilleservce and any applicable annual minimum will be prorated to the date of closing. . ..... . Servce under this schedUle is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate are subject to increases or decreases asse fort in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule66, and Energy Effciency Rider Adjustment Scedule 91. Issued March 23. 2010 Efecive Apn 23r2010 Issued by By ~.~::=-'VP, Stete & Fedl Reglaton Exibit No. 14 case Nos. AVU-E-1Q-1 P. Ehrbr. Avista Schedule 1, Page 12 of 30 I.P.U.C. No.28 l= Revision Shee 41 Canceling li Revion Shee 41 AVISTA CORPORATION d/ Avlsta Utlities SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE-IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho terrry served by Company. Closed to new instaHatis as of Noverrbe 24. 1981, except where Company and customer agre, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibilit with existng light sourcs. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public strets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authoried application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixre & Size (Lumens) Woo No Pole Pole Coe Rate Coe Rae Pedestal BaeCodeB! POlé Facilit Metal Standar Direc Deelope Bural Cotrbuted Coe Rae Code B! Singe Mercury Vapor 7000 10000 20000 411 $~ 511 4i611 3Y 416 $~ *Not available to new custoíner. ac, òr loctins. #Dectlve Curb. Issued Jwly 24,2009 Effecive l\ygyst 1 ,2G09 Issued by By Avista Utilities I ?' N ~:Y:iJoroo, VP. State & Federl Regulaton Exibit No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E.10001 P. Ehrbar, Avist Schedle 1, Page 13 of 30 I.P.U.C. No.28 SiXth ReVjsion Sheet 41 Canceing Fif Revision Shee 41 AVISTA CORPORATlON d/a Avist Utilites SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE-IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local. state. or federal governments in all Idaho terrory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24. 1981. except where Company and customer agree. mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibilit with existing light sourc. APPLICABLE: Tö annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size (Lumens) WooNbPole PoleCode Bm Code Rate Pedestal Base Coe Rate Pole Facilty Métl Stand Direc Dèelopé Bual COntrbuted Coe Rate Coe Rae Single Mercury Vapor 7000 10000 20000 411 $14.57511 1L 611 24.88 416 $14.57 *Not available to new customer accnts. or locations. #Dectie Curb. Issued Mach 23. 2010 Effecve April 23. 2010 Issued by By Avista Utlities ~ ;i~7,:lllwo.VP. State & Federal Reglation Exibit No. 14 Cas Nos. AVU-E.10-1 P. Ehrbr, Avlst Schedule 1, Page 14 of 30 I.P.U.C. NO.28 .f Revision Sheet 42 Cancing ~ Revision Shee 42 AViSTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Uti1ites SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET L1GHTSERVlCE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local. state. or federal governments in all Idaho ternory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-awn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an autonzed application. MONTHLY RATE: Woo No Pole Pole Coe Rate Coe Rate Single High-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Noinal Rating in Watt)SOW 235 $9100W 935 ~100W 435 ~200W 535 43250W 635 ~400W 835 ~ 150W Pedestal Base Code Aate Pole Facility Metal Standard Direc Developer Burial Cotrbuted QQ Rate .~ Bi Axtre & Size 431 $ 44 432 ~531 4- 532 ~631 ~ 632 ~831 ~ 832 4Y 234'~434 ~433 ~53 a:633 ~83 44 436 53663 83693 $1.i~.~~ Double High-Pressure SOdium yapo (Nominal Rating in Watt)100W 441 $~ 442 $~20W 545 $3 542 47 #Dective Curb 44 $~546 3& Decatve Soium Vapor100 Granville 475 $4 100W Post Top 100W Kim Light 474* 484" 438"''' i4~~ *16' fila poé ~5' fibeglâS poe Issued c1wly 24, 2QQ9 Efece A\:9\;st 1. ~ Isued by By AVlSta Utilities ?a ,j#,~~'Wi State & Federl Relatn Exhibit No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-o1 P. Ehrbr, Avist Scedule 1. Page 15 of 30 I.P.U.C. No.28 Sixt Revion Sheet 42 Cancing Ei Revision Shet 42 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilites SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and avaHable voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state,or federal governments in all Idaho terrory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-awn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an autorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixure & Size Woo No Pole Pole Code Rate Code &U Single High-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watt)50W 235 $10.27100W 93510.74100W 435 12.4720W 535 20.71250W 635 24.2940W 835 36.44 150W Pedestal Base~Rate Pole Faclity Metal Standard Dire Developer Burial Cotrbuted ~ Rate Code Rate 234$~ 431 $ 13.08 432 $23.56 531 21.31 532 31.74 631 24.92 632 35.36 831 37.05 832 47.53 434 43.3 533 63383 13.45 23.56 31.74 35;36 47.53 435383 83693 $13.08 2t.S1 24.92 37.05 19.4' Double High-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nôrrinal Rating in Wat)100W 441 $ 26.25 442 $ 37.42200W 545 ~1.37 542 53.78 #DecratiVe Curb 446 $'26.25 54 41.99 Decrative Sodium Vapor 100W Granvile 475 $18.74100W Post TOp- 100W Kim Light 474* 24.37 48* 23;3$ 438- 13.46 *16' flbergiasš póle ""5' flbelasspo Issued March 23. 2010 Effectie Aorl 23. 2010 Issued by Avlsta UtilitesBy ~ ~#"w:J0. No.VP. State & Federa Reglaton Exibi No. 14 Cas Nos. AVU-E-1G-1 P. Ehrbr, Avlsta Schedule 1, Page 16 of 30 I.P.u.C. No.28 l= Revision Shet 43 Canceling fš Revision She 43 AVISTA COPORATION dla Avist. Utlites SCHEDULE 43 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltge) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments In all Idaho terrory served by Company. Closed to new Instllations as of November 24,1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be instal1ed to provide compatibilit wih existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To äntlual operatiotl of dusk~to-awn lighting for public streefs and thoroughfares upon receIpt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size (Lumens) Wòo No Pole Pole Coe 8m Code Rae Pole Fâcillt Metal SændatdPedestal DireBase Bual~ 8m ~ Ra Single Mercry Vapor1000 512 $ ~20000 615 $~ 611 $~ 612 4U Single Soium Vapor 2500 50000 632 44832 ~ Issued .i~ly 24, 2009 EffecIVe l\l:gYE 1, agOg Issued by By Avista Utlities ?' "",:.:--'vp. Stte & FedetalReulaton exibit No. 14 Cas Nos. AVU-E-1Q-1 P. Ehrbr, Avista Schedule 1, Page 17 of 30 I.P.U.C. NO.28 Sixt Revion Sheet 43 Canceing .E Revision Shee 43 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a AVista Utilites SCHEDULE 43 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltge) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho terrtory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of Novèrnber 24, 1981, except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibilit wit existing light $Ourcs. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authonzed application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & SiZe (lumens) Woo No Pole Pole~ Rate ~.B Pole Facilit Mel StandatPedeta DirecBase Bunal Coe Rate Code Ra Single Mercry Vapor1000 512 $13.1920000 615 $19.33 611 $19.33 612 19.33 Single Sodium Vapo 25000 50000 632 16.15 832 25.74 Issued Mah 23.2010 Efece Apr123,2010 Issued by By Avista Utilities ~ ~H':~ No, VP. Stae & Federal Relatn Exibit No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-o1 P. Ehrbar. Avist Schedle 1, Page 18 of 30 I.P.U.C. NO.28 Rf Revision Shee 44 Canceling . ~ Revision Sheet 44 AVISTA CORPORATION dl/a Avist Utilities SCHEDULE 44 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO H1GH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, orfedel governents in all Idaho teroryserv by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-awn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixtre & Size (Lumens)No Pole ~ Rate Woo Pole Code Rate Pedtal BaeCo Rate Pole Facilit Metal Standard Direct Developer Burial Corrbuted ~ Rae Coe Rae Single High-Pressure Sodium Vapo 100W 435 $ 3.431 $ 3.432 $3:433 $ &3 20W 535 ~531 4.532 ~533 ~ 250W 635 44 631 44 632 ~633 44 310W 735 4&731 4l 732 4l 733 ~ 400W 835 ~831 ~832 ~83 ~ 150W 935 -i 931 ~932 ~933 -W Doble Hlgh-Presyre Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watt) 100W 441 45 442 ~.443 4S. 200W 542 ~54.3.24 31 OW 1'42 3Y 534~ 936.i SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsibleJor financing, installng and owning $lndard$, luminaries and necessary circuitr and related facilties to connec wi Company designated points of delivery. All such facilities will conform to Company's design, stndars and specifications. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desired). and replacing damCled pole facilties. COmpany will fumishthe necssary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glasswre cleaning and relaceent. Repirs and maintenance work will be perfrmed by Company during regularly sceduled working hours. Issued Jyly 24,2909 Effve Augyst 1 r 2009 Issued by Avista UtiitiesBY~ JM::0'No.VP. State & Fedl Reulatin Exhibit No. 14 Ca Nos. AVU-E-10.Q1 P. Ehrbar, Avita Schedule 1, Page 19 of 30 I.P.u.C. NO.28 ~ Rèvislon Shee 44 Cancling Fifh Revision Shee 44 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilites SCHEDULE 44 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTNANCE SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Singte phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of locl, state, or federal governments in all Idaho terrory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-awn lighting for public streèts and thoroghfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size (lumens)No Pole Code Ra Woo Pole Code Rate PedestalBa Coe Rate pole EaeiUtY Mel Standard DirëC Devefop Butl COntrutÇg ~CØe~ Single High-Preure Sådium Vapor 100W 43 $ 9.53 431 $ 9.53 432 $ 9.53 43 $~ 200W 53 14.36 531 14.36 532 14.36 533 14.36 250W 635 16.15 631 16;15 632 ~.63 16.15 31 OW 735 18.40 731 18.40 732 18.40 733 18.4() 400W 835 25.74 831 25.74 832 25.74 833 25.74150W 935 12.49 931 12.49 932 12.49 933 12;49 Double High-Prsur SodlumVapr (Nominal Rating in Watt) 100W 441 18.23 442 18.23 443 18.23 200W 542 28.13 54'28.13 3tOW 742 ~ 53~ 93612.49 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installng and owing standards, luminar and necsary circuitr and related facilites to connect with Company designated points of delivery. All such facilities will conform to Company's design, standards and specications. Customer Is also responsible for painting (if desired) and replacing damaged pole facilities. Company willfumlsh the nessary. energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware c1eanftigand replaCêmenl Repairs and rlaihtehance wo will be performed by Company during .regular1yschuJed worklí hOUF$, Issued March 23, 2010 Effece April 23, 20'10 Issued by By Avista Utilities~ ,J~7:-'VP, Stat & Federl Regulatin Exibit No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-Q1 P. Ehrbr, Avlsta Schedule 1, Page 20 of 30 I.P.u.c. No.28 Rt Revision Sheet 45 canceing ~ Revision Sheet 45 AVlSTA CORPORATION d/a Avista Utlities SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE -IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho tetTory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981. except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamøs may be instáUed to provide compatibilty wit existing light sourcs. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authoried application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size (Lumens) Dusk to Daw Serice Cod Per Lumlnare Dusk tò 1:00 a.m. S(!iceRa ~ Ra Mercury Vapo1000 51520000# 615 #A1so incliJdes Metal Halide. ~44 519 619 $4:.+. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installing, owning, maintaining and replacing all standards, luminaires, and necsary circuitry and related facilites to connect wih Company designated points of delivery. Customer will also provide a light sensitve relay and/or time swich in order to contl the hours that energy wilt be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energ to th point of delivery and the billing and accounting related thereto. Service under this scheduie is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tari. The above Monthly Rates. are subject to inceases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schdule 58, Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Scheule 66, and Energy Effciency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued Jwly 24, 2009 Effe ,l\gwet 1, agO' Issued by By Avist Utilities ?' ~,.~~. VPi State & Fedl RegUI$tion Exhibit No. 14 case Nos. AVU-E-10-Q1 P. Ehrbr, Avista SCedule 1, Page 21 of 30 I.P.U.C. No.28 §l Revisiô Sheet 45 C8neelng Fi Revision Shet 45 AVISTA CORPORATION d//a Avist Utlities SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVlCE.- IOAHO (Single phsse and available voltge) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in sllidaho terrry served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24, 1981; except where.Company and customer agree, mercry vapor lamps may be Installed to provide compatibilty with. existing. light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for pUblic strts and thoroughfares. upon receipt of an authoried application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixtre & Size (Lumens) Dusk to DawnSece Coe Per Luminairè Dusk to 1:00 a.m.Selce Code Rae~ Mercury Vapor10000 51520000# 615 #Also includes Metal Halide. $6.99 12.70 519 619 $4.72 8.77 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installng¡ owning, maintaining and replacing aU standards, luminaires, and . necery circitry and rØlated fae.lfties to connect wih Company designated points of delivery. Customer wil also prode a light sensitve relayand/or time swich in order to contrl the hours that energ wjll be provided. Company is responsible only for the funiishlng of energy to the point of delivery and the billng and accounting related thereto. Servce under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tari. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases as set fort in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58,- Temporary Power Cost Adjusent Schedule 66, and Energy Effciency. Rider Adjustment SChedule 91. Issued March 23, 2010 Effecve Apri123. 2010 Issued by By AVlSta Utilites ?a J,,:;- vp. Sta & Fecerl Reglation exhibit No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E.10-01 P. Ehrbr, Avista SCedule. 1 , Page 22 of 30 I.P.U.C. No.28 l& Revision She 46 Cànceing ~ ReVision Shet 46 AViSTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avi&ta utUites SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltge) AVAILABl: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho terrtory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public stets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authoried application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size (Lumens) Dusk to Dawn ServceCoe Rate Per Luminaire Dusk to 1:00 a.m.seiceCo Rate High-Pressure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watt)100W 435 $~200W 535 +A250W 635 3:310W 735 ~400W 835 ~150W 935 ~ SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for fianping, instlling, owning. maintainingand replacing all standards, luminaire. and nec circuitr and related faCilitis to connec with Company deSignaed points of delvery. Customer wiD also provide a light sensitve relay and/or time swtch in ørder to control the hours that enèr will be provided. Company is reponsible only for thefutnishing of ener to the point of delivery and the billing and accunting related thereo. Servce undér this schedule is subje to the Rules and Regulåtions contained in this tari. The above Monthly Rats are subjec to . increases as set fort in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Tempof'll Powe CostAdJuSÚ1ènt SCådule 66. and Energ Effciency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. 439 539 639 739 839 $~¡.~+..~ Issued c"flY 24, 2QO Effectie l\.\:øs 1, 2009 Issed % ~- ,,;L~=' No.VP, Sta &.Feder Reglatn exhibi No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-1 P. Ehrbr. Avlst Schedule 1. Page 23 of 30 I.P.U.c. No.28 Sixt Revsion Sheet 46 canceling Fif Revision Sheet 46 AVISTA CORPORATION d//a Avista Utiites SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHÖ HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltge) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho terrory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public strees and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authoried application. MONTHLY RATE: Dusk toFixtre Da& Size Service(LumenslCoé Rate High-Pressre Sodium Vapor (Nominal Rating in Watt)100W 435 $ 4.35200W 535 840250W 635 9.98310W 735 11.87400W 835 15.14150W 935 6.27 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITfONS: Custoer Is ressible for financing, instllhg, owning, rnalntalhing and replaCing all standards, luminaires,. and necary Circuitr and reiaec facilites to connec with Company deignated points of deliVer. Customer Will also provide a light sensltlverelay and/or time swtch in order to contrl the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsible only for the furnishing of energy to the point of deliver and the billng and accunting related thereto. Servce under this schedule is subjec to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tari. The above Monthly Rates are subjec to Increases as set for in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Temporary Powe Cost Adjustment Scedule 66. and Energy Effciency Rider Adjustent Schedule 91. Per Lumiraire Dusklo 1:00 a.m. Servce COde Rate 439 539 639 739 839 $3.02 5.70 7.10 8.13 11.43 l$Sued March 23, 2010 Effecve Ap 23. 2010 Issued by By AVlsta utlities~¿:;_.VPi Sta & Federl Reulaton Exhibit No. 14 case Nos. AVU-E.10-o1 P. Ehrbar, Avista Schedule 1, Page 24 of 30 I.P.U.C. No.28 Pi Revlsion Sheet 47 Cancling ~ Revision Sheet 47 AVISTA CORPORATION d//a Avist. Utes SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING - MERCURY VAPOR - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: In all Idaho ternory served by Company where existing sendary distnbution facilities are of adequate capacit l. phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn are lighting wih mercury vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contrct for five (5) years or more. Meury vapor lamps wil be available only to those customers reCèivng servce onOclober 23, 1981. MONTHLY RATE: Charge per Unit Nominal Lumens) 7,000 10,000 20,000 Luminaire (on existing standard) $ 43 $4i $~ Luminaire and Standard: 30-foot wod pole ~4&~ Galvanized steel standards: 25 foot ~ 30 foot ~~~~3= Aluminum standards: 25 fot ~~~ Issued Ji:ly 24, 2QO'g Effive Awgwst 1,2O'g9 Issued by By Avista Utiites ~ ¿7.:tNO' VP, State & Feer Regulation Exibit No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-o1 P. Ehrbr, Avista Schedule 1, Page 25 of 30 I.P.U.C. NO.28 Six Revision Shet 41- Caceing Fif Rev-in Sheet 47 AVlSTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utities SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING.. MERCURY VAPOR -IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: In all Idaho terrory served by Company where existing sendary distribution facilities are of adequate capacit, phase. and volte. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with mercury vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. Mercury vapor lamps wiD be available only to thse customers receivng servce on Oc;ober 23, 1981. MONTHLY RATE: Chargè per Unit Nominal Lumens) 7.000 10,000 20.000 Luminaire (on existing standard) $ 14.57 $ 17.64 $ 25.05 Luminaire and Standard: 3O-foot wod pole 18.23 21.31 28.72 23.95 27.02 34.44 24.92 28.00 35.41 26.00 29.09 36.51 Galvanized steel standards: 25 foot 30 foot Aluminum standards: 25 foot Issued March 23, 2010 Effecve April 23. 2010 ISSUed by By Avlsta UtIlities -: . lelly O. Nor. , -~f N i* U' VP, State & Fedl Reguiation Exhibi No. 14 cae Nos. AVU-E-10-o1 P. Ehrbr, Avlsta SChedule 1, Page 26 of 30 I.P.U.C. No.28 Sl Revision Sheet 49 Canling ~ Reviion Sheet 49 AVlSTA CORPORATION d//a Avista Utlites . SCHEDULE 49 AREA LIGHTING - IDAHO HIGH*PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: In all terrory served by the Company where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacity, phase. and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-daw area lighting with high-pressure sodium vaporlarnps upon recipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. MONTHLY RATE: Luminaire Cobrhead Decorative Curb Charge per Unit (Nominal Rating in Wat) 100W 200W 250W 400W $ ~ $43 $45 $~~ 100W Granville wl16-foot decorative pole 100W Post Top wl16-foot decorative pole 100W Kim Light wl2~foot fiberglass pole $2U~4i Monthly Rate per Pals Pole Facilty 30-foot wod pole 4O*foot wood pole 55-foot wood pole 20-foot fiberglass 2~foot galvanized steel standard* 30-foot galvanized steel standard* 25-foot galvanized aluminum standard* 30-foot fiberglas-peestal base 30-foot steel-pdestal base 35-foot stel-direct buried $iä3M4Qiä~3:~~~~ ISSlJed ..tyly24,2QgQ Effeove Awgyst 1, 20" Issued by By Avista Utities?'"ny O. NOrw. VicePreSiden. Stte & Fterl ReulationN ""., Exibit No. 14 case Nos. AVU-E-10-o1 P. Ehrbr, Avist Schedule 1. Page 27 of 30 J.P.U.C. NO.28 Sixh Revision Sheet 49 canceing Fif Revision Sheet 49 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilit SCHEDULE 49 ARE LIGHTING - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltge) AVAILABLE: In all terrory served by the Company Where existig secondary distrbutn facilities are of adequate capacit, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting with high-presure sodium vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or more. MONTHLY RATE: Luminaire Cobrahead Decorative Curb Charge per Unit (Nominal Rating in Wals) 100W 200W 250W 400W $ 11.63 $ 15.35 $ 17.76 $ 22.80 11.63 100W Granvile w/16-foot decorative pole 100W Post Top w/16-fot decorative pole 100W Kim Light w/254oot fiberglass pole $ 29.25 28.05 17.62 Monthly Rate per Pole Pole Facilit 30-foot wod pole 4Q-foot wood pole 55-foot wood pole 20..foot fiberglass 25-foot galvanized steel standard"" 30-foot galvanized steel standard* 25-foot galvanized aluminum standard"" 30-foot fiberglass-pedestal base 30-foot steel-pedestal base 35-foot steel-direct buried $'5.99 9.83 11.58 5.99 9.37 1.0.35 11.43 28.63 26.42 26.42 Issued March 23. 2010 Effective AønI23..2010 Issued by By AVlSta Utliitie~~. .. aii.yo. Norw. ViPresident. Stae & Federl Reglaton. _ , Exibit No. 14. Ø'W1 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-o1 P. Ehrbr, Avlst Schedule 1, Page 28 of 30 I.P.U.c. No.28 $i Reviion Shee 91 C8nceUng ~ Revision Sheet 91 AVlsTA CORPORAllON dIìa Avist Utilites 91 SCHEDULE 91 ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where the Company has elecric servce available. This Energy Effciency ~ider or Rate Adjustment shall be applicable to all retail customers for charges.forelectrlc enery sold and to the flat rae charges for Company-owned or Custonir-owned Street lighttigand Area Lighting Servce. This Rate Adjustment is designed to recover costs incurred by the Company associated wih providing energy effciency servces and programs to customers. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the indivdual rate schedules are to be increased by th following amounts: Schedule 1 - .258 ~ per kWh Schedule 11 & 12 - .303 t pet kWh Schedule 21 & 22 -.232 tper kWh Schedule 25 - .166 f, per kWh Sehedule 25P - .146 ~per kWh Schedule 31 & 32 - .242 f, per kWh Flat rate charges for Company-owned or Customer-owned Stree Lighting and Area Lighting Service !Schedules 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 & 49) are to be increased by ~%. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Issued Jl:Ae 39. 2009 Effece Ali:st 1. 2009 Issued by Avista UtilitesBy?~r.;~ St & Fe~_ Exibit No. 14 cae Nos. AVU-E-1G-1 P. Ehrbr. Avlsta Schedule 1, Page 29 of 30 J.P.U.C. No.28 Seventh Revision Sheet 91 Cancling Six Revision Sheet 91 AVISTA CORPORATION dla Avisa Utilities 91 SCHEDULE 91 ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where the Company has electc servce available. This Energy Effciency Rider or Rate Adjustment shaU be applicable to all retail customers for charges for electric energy sold and to the flat rate charges for Company-owned or Customer-owned Street Lighting and Area Lighting Servce. This Rate Adjustment is designed to recover costs incurred by the Company associated wih providing energy effciency services and proras to customers. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are to be increasd by the folloWing amounts: Schedule 1 - .258 ;, per kWh Schedule 11 & 12 - .303 tl per kWh Schedule 21 & 22 - .232 tlper kWh Schedule 25 - .166 rfper kWh Schedule 25P - .146 rfper kWh Schedule 31 & 32 - .242. rp per kW Flat rate charges for Company-owned or Customer-ownl3 Stret Lighting and Area Lighting Services fSchecules 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 47 t 48& 49) are to be increased by 3.49%. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Servce under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tari. The above Rate is subject to increases as set fort in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Issued Mach 23. 2010 Efece April 23. 2010 Issued by AVlSta Utilitie BY~.. ... VierPres. id. ent. State & Federal Reulation . NI4ww Exhibit No. 14 case Nos. AVU-E-10-Q1 P. Ehrbr, Avlst Schedule 1. Page 30 of 30 I.P.U.C. No.28 Seventh Revsion Sheet 1 Canceling Sixth Revision Shet 1 AVISTACORPORATION d/a Avista Utilites SCHEDULE 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase & available voltage) AVAILALE To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company hàS electc serce available. APPLICABLE: To servce for domesc purpses in each indivual residenc, apartent mobile home, or other living unit when all suc servce use on the premises is supplied through a single meter. Where a porton of a dwelling is used regularlfor the coduct of business or where a porton of the electrici supplied is used for other than domestic purpses, the appropriate general servce schedule is applicable. However, if the servce for all domestic purposes is metered separately. this schedule will be applied to such service. When two or more livng units are served through a single meter, the appropriate general servce schedule is applicable. MONTHLY RATE: $6.75 Basic Charge. plus First 600 kWh All over 600 kWh 7.909Ø per kWh 8.827; per kWh Monthly Minimum Charge: $6.75 OPTIONAL SEASONAL MONTHLY CHARGE: A $6.75 monthly charge shall apply to Customers. who close th$iraoounton a seasonal or intermitent basis, provided no energ usage occrs during an entire monthly billng cycle while the accunt is clsed. Customers chooing this option are reuired to notify the Company in writing or by phone in advance and the accunt wil be close at the start of th next biling cycle followng noticatin. Ifenergy is used during a monthly blling cycle, the àbove listed enery charges and basic charge of $6.7S shall apply. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is SUbjec to the Rules' and Regulations contained in this tar. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decreases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. ~esidential and Farm Energy Rate Adjuf"ent ~edule 59. Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66.. and Energy Effncy Rider Adjustment Scedule 91. Issued Marc 23. 2010 Effecive April 23. 2010 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy ?' ,.:::;.~,VP, State & Feder Reglatio Exibit No. 14 case Nos. AVU-E-1Q-01 P. Ehrbar, Avista Schedule 2, Page 1 of 15 I.P.U.C. No.28 Seventh Revision Shet 11 Cancing Six ReVision She 11 AVISTA CORPORATION d/a AviSta Utllltes SCHEDULE 11 GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILALE: To Customers In the State of Idaho where Company has electrC$élce available. APPLICABLE: To general servce supplied for all power requirements when all such servce taken on the premises is supplie through one meter installation. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $9.50 Basic Charge. plus Energy Charge: First 3650' kWh AllOvr 3650kWh 9.781 t per kWh 8.343 pè kWh Demand Charge: No charge for th first 20 kW of demand. $4.75 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Minimum: $9.50 for single phase servce and $13.10 for three phase servce; unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover speial conditions. DEMAND: The average kW supplied dunng the 15-minute penòd of maximum use dunng the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL 'TERMS AND CONDITIONS: servce under this schedule is Subjec to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tanf. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increase () decrass as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58, Tempora Pow Cost Adjustment SCdule 66. and Energy EffCiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued March 23, 2010 Effece April 23. 2010 Issued by By Avista Utities ?t ¿7~-' VP. State & Federl Regulatin Exhibi No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E-1Q-1 P. Ehrbar, Avisla Schedule 2, Page 2 of 15 I.P.U.C. NO.28 Seventh Revsion Sheet 21 cancing Six Revisio Shee 21 AViSTA CORPORATION d//a Avista Utilites SCHEDULE 21 LAGE GENERAL SERVlCE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltge) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has electnc servce avilablè. APPLICABLE: To general servce supplied for all power requirements when all such servce taken on the premises is supplied through one meter installation. Customer shall provide and maintain all trnsformers and other necessary equipment on his side of the point of delivery and may be recuired to enter into a. wntten contrct for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following demand and energ charges: Energy Charge: First All Over Demand Charge: $325.00 for the first 50 kW of demand or less; $4.25 per kW for each additional kW of demand. Pnmary Voltage Discount: If Customertakes sece at 11 kv (wye grounded) or higher, he win be allowed a primary voltage discount of 20Ø per kW of demand per month. Power Factor AdJustnt Charge: If Customer has a recte kilovolt-ampere (kVAt) meter. he will be subject to a Power Factor Adjustment charge, as set for in the ~ules & Reglati. Minimum: $325.00, unless a higher minimum is required undet contrct to cove speal conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The current 12-month billng Including any charges for por factor èOrreeoon shall be not less than $10.00 per kW of the highest demand éStablished during the currt 12- month period provided that such highest demand shall be adjusted by the.elimination of any demand ocsioned by an operatin totally abandoned during such 12-month period. DEMAND: The average kW supplied. during the 15-inute period of maximum use dutng the month as determined by a demand meter. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customers served at 11 kv or higher shall provide and maintain all trnsformers and other necesary equipment on their side of the point of deliver. Servce under this schedule is subjectto. the Rules and Regulations containe in this tari. The abve Monthly Rates are subject to Incrs ordeceaas setfor in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Temporary Power Cost Adjusten Scheduie 00. and Eney Effciency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. 250,000 kWh 250,000 kWh 6.53& per kWh 5.579Ø per kWh Issued March 23,2010 Efftive Aprl23,2010 Issued by ey Avita Utlities?' ,J~::.-.VP, State & Feder R-eiatioi Exibit No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E-1O-01 P. Ehibar, Avi Schedule 2, Page 3 of 15 I.P.U.C. No.28 Seventh Revision Shet 25 canceling Sixt Resion Sheet 25 AVISTA CORPORATION d//a Avista Utilties SCHEDULE 25 EXRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - IDAHO (Threé phase, available voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho wher COmpany has electc servce availai)le. APPLICABLE: To general servce supplied for all poer reuirèments when . all suêh servce 1akèn on the.prêmlses is supplied through onø meter. installation for a demand.of not le th 2,500 kVA but not greater thn 25,000 kVA. The average of the Customer's demand for the most recent twelve-month period must fall within these demand limit for servce under this schedule. If the Customer has less than twelv months of blling history, the Customer rnusthave a minimum of six consecutive billing months of demand of at least 2,500kVA in order to receive serce under this schedule. New Customers must meet the abve crteria or otherwse provide the COmpany wih reasonable assurance that thei peak demand will average at least 2,500.kVA. Customer shall provide and maintain all trnsformers and other necessary equipment on his side of th point of delivery :andenter into a wrien contract for five (5) years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the followng demand. and enrgy charges: Energy Charge: First 500,öO kWh AllOver 500,000 kWh Demand Charge: $12,00.00 for the firs 3.000 kVA of demand or les. $4.00 pe kVA for each additional kVA of demand. Primary Voltage Discount If Customer takes serice at 11 kV(wye grounded) or higher, he will be allowd a primary voltge discount of2()per kVAofdeman per mont. Minimum: The demand charge unless a higher minimum is require under coct to cover special condtions. 5.217fl per kWh 4.419fl per kWh ANNUAL MINIMUM: $677,970 Any annual minimum deficiency will be dètèrmined during the Apl biling cycl for the prvious 12-month period. For a custoer who has taken servce on this schedule for less than 12 months, the annual minimum will be proraed based onth actual monts of servce. Issued March 23, 2010 EffèCve April 23,2010 Issued by By Avista Utilites~ ¿~No,VP, Ste & Federl Relation Exhibit No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E-1Q-01 P. Ehrbr, Avista Schedul 2, Page 4 of 15 I.P.U.C. No.28 Fif Revision Sheet 25P caceing Fou Revision Sheet 25P AVIST CORPORATION d/ba Avista Utlites SCHEDULE 25P EXTRA LARGE GENERAL SERVICE TO CLEARWATER PAPER'S FACILITY -IDAHO (Three phse. available voltge) AVAILABLE: To Clearwater Paper Corpration's Lewiston, Idaho Facilty. APPLICABLE: To general servce supplied for aU powr requirements when all such servce taken on the premises is supplied through one. meter installation for a demand of not le than 2,500 kVA but not greater than 25,000 kVA. The avege of the Customer's demand for the most recnt twelve-month period must fall wiin these demand limit for servce under this schedule. If the Customer has less than twlve months of billng history, th Customer must have a minimum of six consecutive biDing months of demand of at least 2,500 kVA in order to receive serv under this schedule. New Customers must meet the abo crieria or otherse provide the Company with reasonable assurance thatthelr peak demand wil average at least 2,500 kVA. Custòmer shall' provide and maintain.all transformers and other neêssry equipment on 'his side of the pojnt of deliver and enter into a wrtten contrct for five (51 years or longer. MONTHLY RATE: The'surn of the'followng demand and energy charges: Energy Charge: . 4.309~ per kw Demand Charge: $12,000.00 for the first 3.000 kVA of demand or less. $4.00 per kVA for each additinal kVA of demand. Primary Volte Discunt: If Custnmer takes servce at 11 kV (wye grounded) or higher. he will be allowed a primary voltge discount of 20ø pe kVA of demand per month. Minimum: The demand charg unless a higher minimum is required undcontret to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: $617,990 Any annual minimum defiCiency wiJ be determh,ed during th Aprif bifliiiø,cye for the previous 12..mönth period. Fot acustol'èr who has taken servce on this schedule for less than 12 months. the annual minimum wil be prorate based on th actal monts of servce. Issued March 23,2010 Effecve Aprtl 23. 2010 Issued by By Avista Utilties ?' ~~7,:;-' vp. State & Federl Reglàtn Exhibit No. 14 case Nos. AVU-E-1Q-01 P. Ehrbr, Avista Schedule 2, Page 5 of 15 I.P.U.c. No.28 Seventh Revision Sheet 31 Cancin SiX Revision Sheet 31 AVISTA CORPRATION d/b/a AviSta Utiities SCHEDULES1 PUMpiNG SERVICE - IDAHO (Available phase and voltage) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho Where Company has electc serVceavaiiable. APPLICABLE: To servce through one meter forpUrrping water or water effuents. including incidental power used for othr equipment and lighting essential to the pumping operation. For such incidental servce, CUstomer will furnish any transformer and other neCéary equipment. Customer may be required to enter into a wrtten COntrct for five (5) years or longer and wil have servce available on a continuous basis unless there is a change in owership or control of propert served. MONTHLY RATE: The sum of the following charges: $7.50 Basic Chare. plus Energy Charge: 9.241t per kWh for the firs 85 KWh per kW of demand, and for the next 80 KWh per kW of demand but not more than 3,000 KW. 7.877t per KWh for aU additonal KWh. Annual Minimum: $12.00 pér kW of the highest demand established in the current year ~¡mding with the November billing cycle. If no demand occrrd in the. cunt year, the annual minimum will be based on the highest demand in th latest previou year having a demand. Demand: The average kW supplied during the 15-inute period of maximum use during the month determined. at the option of Company, by a demand meter or nameplate rnput rating of pump motor. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: If Customer request the account to be closed by reason of change in ownership or control of propert, the unbiled servce and any applicable annual minimum wil be prorated to the date of ciosing. Servce under this schedule is subjec to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rates are subject to increases or decrses as set fort in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66, and Ener Effciency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. Issued March 23, 2Q10 Effecve ApU 23~2010 Issued by By AVlsta Utlities ?t ~~::; Nor. VP, State & Federi Regulaton Exhibit No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E-1D-01 P. Ehrbar. Avist Schedule 2. Page 6 of 15 I.P.U.C. NO.28 Sixth Revision Sheet 41 Canceing Fif Revision Shee 41 AVISTA CORPORATION dIa Avlsta Utilites SCHEDULE 41 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE-IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of 10caJ,state, or federal. govemmentsinallidahoterrory served by Company. Closed to new Installations as of November 24, 1981, except where Company and customer agree. mercury vapor lamps may bè Installed to provide compatibilit wih existing light sources. APPUCABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public strees and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authori application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixtre & Size (Lumens) Woo No Pole Pole Coe Rate Code Rae Pedestal Base Cod Bi Pole Faoilit Metl Standard Direc Deelopr Burial ConbytedCode Ra ~ 8m Single Mercury Vap 700 10000 20000 411 $ 14.57 511 17.64 61124.88 416 $14.51 .Not available to new customer accunts. or loctions. #Decive Curb. Issued March 23, 2010 Efecve April 23, 2010 Issued by By Avista Utilites - I Kelly O. Norw.?' AI", l4 VP, State & Federl Regulatin Exhibit No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E.1o-01 P. Ehfbar, Avist Schedule 2, Page 7 of 15 I.P.U.C. NO.28 Sixh Revison Sheet 42 Cancing Fif Revion Sheet 42 AVfSTA CORPORATION d//a Avist Utilites SCHEDULE 42 COMPANY OWNED STREET LIGHT SERVICE -IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltge) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, stte, or federal governments in all Idaho terrory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn lighting for public strts an thoroughfares upon reipt of an authorized applicatJon. MONTHLY RATE: Fixre & Size Pedestal Base Coé Rate Pole Facilty Metal 'Standard Dite Deelope Buril Cgntnbued ~ Rate COôll .Rae Woo No Pole poleCoe Bi ~ Rate Single High-Presure Sodium Vapor (Nominal Raing in Watts)SOW 235 $10.27100W 935 10.74100W 435 12.47200W 535 20.712SOW 635 24.29400W 835 36.44 150W 431 $13.08 432 $23.56 531 21.31 532 31.74 631 24.92 632 35.36 831 37.05 832 47.53 234 $12.80 434 13.45 433 23.56 53 31.74 633 35.36 833 47.53 436 536 636 836 936 $13.08 21.31 24.92 37.05 19.48 Double High-Pressure Sodium Vapr (Nominal Rating in Watt)100W 441 $ 26.25 442 $ 37.42200W 545 $41.37 542 53.76 #DecoratiVe Curb 446 $ 26.2 54 41:99 Detie Sodium Vapor100W Grnville 475 $18.74 100W PostTop 100W Kim Light 474* 24.31 48'* 23.38 438.. 13.46 '*16' fibeglass pOle -25' fiberglas pole Issued March 23. 2010 Efecve Aprl 23. 2010 Issued by Avist UtiliesBy Kelly O. Norw.~ J--.VP, Stae & Federl RegulatIn Exhibit No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E.1o-01 P. Ehrbar, Avisla Schedule 2, Page 8 of 15 I.P.U.C. No.28 Sixth Revision Shet 43 Canceing Fif Reviion Sheet 43 AVISTA CORPORATION d/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 43 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local. state. or federal governments in all Idaho terrory served by Company. Closed to new installations as of November 24. 1981. except where Company and customer agree. mercury vapor lamps may be installed to provide compatibilit with existing light sourcs. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-wn lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authonzed application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size (Lumens) WOO No Pole POle Code Rate .Coe Rate POle Facilit Méta StandardPedesta DirBase BuriCoe Rate Coe ~ Single Merury Vapor 1000020000 615 $ 19.33 611 $19.33 512 $13.19 612 19;33 Single Sodium Vapo 2500 50000 632 16.15 832 25.74 Issued March 23,2010 Efftive Aprl 23. 2010 Issued by By A~;i~, VP, State & Federal Reglaton Exhibit No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 P. Ehrbar, Avlsta Schedule 2, Page 9 of 15 Sixt Revision Shee 44 Cancing Fif Revision Shee 44 AVISTA CORPORATION d/a Avist Utilites I.P.U.C. No.28 SCHEDULE 44 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY AND MAINTNANCE SERVICE - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal govemments In. all Idaho terrtor serv by COmpany. APPLICABLE: To annual operatiònof dusk-to-dawn lighting for public streets and thorohfares upon recipt of an authorized application. . MONTHLY RATE: Fixtre & Size (Lumens) WooNo Pole pole Code Rate Code Rate Single High.Pressure Sodium Vapor100W 435 $ 9.53 431200W 535 14.35 531250W 635 16.15 631 31 OW 735 18.40 73140W 835 25.74 831150W 935 12.49 931 $ 9.53 14.38 16.15 18.40 25.74 12.49 Doble High-Pressure Soium Vapor (Nominal Ratng in Watt)100W 441 18.23 200W 31 OW Pedesta Base Code Rate 432 $ 9~53 433 $ 9.53 532 14.36 533 14.36 632 16.15 63 16.15 732 18.40 733 18.40 832 25.74 833 25.74 932 12.49 933 12.49 534 14.36 938 12.49 442 18.23 542 28.13 742 36.18 443 18.23 54 28.13 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing, installng ànd owning standards, luminaires and necessary circuit and related facilites to conne wi COmpany designated point of delivery. All such facilties will conform to Company's design, stndards and spemcatins. Customer is also responsible for painting (if desire) and replacing damaged pole fácilites. COmpany will furnish the necesary energy, repairs and maintenance work including lamp and glassware cleaning and replacement Repairs and maintenance work wil be performed by Company during reularl scheuled workng hour. Issued March 23, 2010 Efe April 23,2010 Issued by By AVI~1 t.. .... . r- ,iA~'VP, State & Fed Regulation Exibit No. 14 case Nos. AVU.E.10-o1 P. Ehrbr, Avlst Schedule 2, Page 10 of 15 I.P.U.c. NO.28 Sixh Revisin Sheet 45 Canceing Fif Revision Shet 45 AVISTA CORPORATION dlba Avista Utlities SCHEDULE 45 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILABLE: To agencies of local. state, or federal governments in all Idaho terrory served by Company. Closed to new installatins as of November 24, 1981. except where Company and customer agree, mercury vapor lamps may beinstalled to provide compatibilty with existing light sources. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public strets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTLY RATE: FIXre & Size (Lumens) Dusk to Daw SericeCoe Per Luminaire Dusk to 1:00 a.m.SeicBi Co Rate Mercury Vapor10000 51520000# 615 #Aso includes Metal Halide. $6.99 12.70 519 619 $4.72 8.77 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for financing. installng, owning, rraintalnlngand replacing all standards. luminaires. and necessary circuitry and related facilties to connect wi Company designated points of delivery. Customer will.also provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switch in order to Cöntrl the hours that energy will be provided. Company is reponsible only for the furnishing of energ to the point of delivery and the billng and. accunting related thereto. Servce under this schedule is . subject to the Rules and Regulations contined in this tari. The above Monthly Rates are svbject to Incrases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Temporary Power Cost Adjustment Schedule 66,snd Energy Effciency Rider Adjustent Schedule 91. Issued March 23; 2010 Effecive April 23.2010 Issued by By Avista Utilites?' :t::~:;'vp. State & Federl Reglation Exhibit No. 14 Cae Nos. AVU-E-1Q-1 P. Ehrbr, Avist Schedule 2, Page 11 of 15 I.P.U.C. No.28 Six Revslon Sheet 46 canceing Fi Revision Sheet 46 AVISTA CORPRATION d//a Avista Utilite$ SCHEDULE 46 CUSTOMER OWNED STREET LIGHT ENERGY SERVICE -IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) . AVAILABLE: To agencies of local, state, or federal governments in all Idaho terrory served by Company. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of lighting for public streets and thoroughfares upon receipt of an authorized application. MONTHLY RATE: Fixture & Size (Lumens) Dusk to Dawn servce~ Rate Per Luminaire Ousk to 1:00 a.m. ServiceCoe Rate High-Pressure Sodium Vapo (Nominal Rating in Watt)1 DOW 435 $ 4.35200W 535 8.1-0250W 635 9.98310W 735 11.87400W 835 15.14150W 935 6.27 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Customer is responsible for flancing,installlng, owning, maintaining and replaCÎngaJl standars, luminaire, aod neary circuitr and relat facilities to connect with Company designated pont of deliver. Cusomer wnlalso provide a light sensitive relay and/or time switc in order to contr the hours that energy will be provided. Company is responsble only for the furnishing of energy to the pont of delivery and the billng and accunting reated thereto. Servce under this scedule is sujec to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tari. The above Monthly Rates are subjec to increases as set fort in Tax Adjustent Schedule 58, Tempory Power Cost Adjustent Schedule 66, and Energy Effciency Rider Adjustment Schedule 91. 439 539 639 739 839 $3.02 5.10 7.10 8.13 11.43 Issued March 23, 2010 Effece Aprll.23.. 2010 Issued by By AVlSta Utilties. L ?' N~~~rwoo.VP. State & Fel Reglation Exibit No. 14 Case Nos. AVU.E.10-o1 P. Ehrbar, Avista Schedule 2, Page 12 of 15 I.P.U.C. No.28 Six Revsion Sheet 47 canceing Fifh Revision Shet 47 AVISTA CORPORATION d/a Avísta Utitès SCHEDULE 47 AREA LIGHTING - MERCURY VAPOR - IDAHO (Single phase and available voltge) AVAILABLE: In all Idaho terrory served by Company Where existing secondary distrbution facilties are of adequate capacit, phase, and voltage. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting wih mercry vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contrct for fie (5) years or more. Mercury vapor lamps wil be available only to thse customer receivng servce on Octobe 23. 1981. MONTHLY RATE: Charge per Unit (Nominal Lumens) 7.000 10.000 20.000 Luminaire (on existing standard) $ 14.57 $17.64 $ 25.05 Luminaire and Standard: 30..foot wood pole 18.23 21.31 28.72 Galvnized steel standards:25 foot 23.9530 foot 24.92 27.02 28.00 34.44 35.41 Aluminum standards:25 foot 26.00 29.09 36.51 Issued March 23,2010 Effective April 23, 2010 Issued by By AVlSta Utilitie Kely O~ Nor, ?' ~I- w- vp. State & Federl Regulation Exhibit No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-o1 P.Ehrbr, Avist Schedule 2, Page 13 of 15 I.P.U.C. No.28 SiX Revision Shee 49 cancelng Fif Revision Shee 49 AVISTA CORPORATION d//a Avlsta Utilites SCHEDULE 49 AREA LIGHTING - IDAHO HIGH-PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOR (Single phase and available voltage) AVAILALE: In all terrtory served by the Cornpany where existing secondary distribution facilities are of adequate capacit, phase, and voltge. APPLICABLE: To annual operation of dusk-to-dawn area lighting wih high-pressure sodium vapor lamps upon receipt of a Customer contract for five (5) years or rnare. MONTHLY RATE: Luminaire Cobrahead Decorative Curb Charge per Unit (Nominal Rating in Watt) 100W 200W 250 400W $11.63 $15.35 $17.76 $22.80 11.63 100W Granville w/16-fot decrative pole 100W Post Top w/16-foot decratie pole 100W Kim Light w/25-foot fiberlass pole $29.25 28.05 17.62 Monthly Rate Per Pöle Pole Facilit 30-foot wood pole 40-foot wood pole 5&foot wood pole 20-foot fiberglass 25-oot galvanized stee standard 30..foot galvanized steel standard* 25-foot galvanized aluminum standard" 30-foot fiberglass-pedesal base 30-foot steel-peestal base 35-foot steel-trect buried $ 5.99 9.83 11.58 5.99 9,.31 10.35 11.43 28.63 26.42 26.42 Issued March 23, 2010 Effec April 23, 2010 Issued by By AVist UtHities ~. IK. elly Q. Norw. Viceresldent. Sta & Fedèll Regùlâtion . .. '.. A, #1 ~ Exhibit No. 14 . Case Nos. AVU-E-1Q-1 P. Ehrbr, Avlsta SCedule 2, Page 14 of 15 I.P.U.C. No.28 Seventh Revision Sheet 91 canceing Sixt Revsion Sheet 91 AVISTA CORPORATION d/ba Avista Utilites 91 SCHEDULE 91 ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER. ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where the Company has electric servce available. This Energy Effciency Rider or Rate Adjustment shall be applicable to all retail customers for charges for electric energy sold and to the flt rate chargs for Company-owned or Customer-owned Strt Lighting and Area lighting Service. This Rate Adjustent is designed to recover costs incurred by the Company associated with providing energy effciency services and programs to customers. MONTHLY RATE: The energy charges of the individual rate schedules are 10 be increase by the following amounts: SchediJle 1 - .258 tf per kWh Schedule 11 & 12 - .303 ø per kWh Schedule 21 & 22 - .232 tfper kWh Schedule 25 - .166 tf pet kWh Scheule 25P - .146 f,per kWh Schedule 31 & 32 - .242 tf per kWh Flat rate charges for Company-owned or Custmer-owned Strt Lighting and Area Lighting Servces !Schedules 41 , 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 & 49) are to be increased by 3.49%. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subjec to the Rules and Regulations contained!n this tari. The above Rate is subjec to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 58. Issued M~rch 23,2010 Effece April 2~, 2010 Issued by Avlsta UtiitiesBy Ke~r.: S_& Fe ReIa Exhibit No. 14 Case Nos. AVU-E.10-Q1 P. Ehrbr, Avlsta Schedule 2, Page 15 of 15 &'~~~i¡i;.. en 0 n Ò -: . . !. : 0 i i 5. m ) : m CD - : o c ~ wa - c - . . i : i t r 1= : " ~ ; : .. ) i . . z o s . o ? -i g Ò ' " w I U . . . i AV I S T A U T I L I T I E S ID A H O E L E C T R I C , C A S E N O . A V U - e - G 9 - G 1 PR O P O S E D I N C R E A S E B Y S E R V I C E S C H E D U L E 12 M O N T H S E N D E D D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 2 0 0 9 (O O O s o f D o l l a r s ) Ba s e T a r i f f Ba s e T a r i f f Ba s e To t a l B i l e d Ge n . l n c r . Re v e n u e Re v e n u e Ta r i f f Re v e n u e as a % Li n e Ty p e o f Sc h e d u l e U n d e r P r e s e n t Ge n e r a l Un d e r P r o p o s e d P e r c e n t at P r e s e n t of Bil e d No . Se r v i c e Nu m b e r Ra t e s ( 1 ) In c r e a s e Ra t e s In c r e a s e Ra t e s ( 2 ) Re v e n u e (a ) (b ) (c ) (d ) (e ) (f ) (g ) (h ) Re s i d e n t i a l 1 $9 0 , 4 9 5 . $1 3 , 6 2 4 $1 0 4 , 1 1 9 15 . 1 0 / 0 $9 4 , 1 0 2 14 . 5 % 2 Ge n e r a l S e r v i c e 11 , 1 2 $2 9 , 2 4 5 $4 , 1 4 5 $3 3 , 3 9 0 14 . 2 % $3 1 , 2 5 5 13 . 3 % 3 La r g e G e n e r a l S e r v c e 21 , 2 2 $5 0 , 5 9 7 $7 , 4 2 7 $5 8 , 0 2 4 14 . 7 % $5 4 , 6 3 9 13 . 6 % 4 Ex r a L a r g e G e n e r a l S e r v i c e 25 $1 2 , 4 5 5 $1 , 5 6 1 $1 4 , 0 1 6 12 . 5 % $1 3 , 7 7 4 11 . 3 % 5 Po t l a t c h 25 P $3 9 , 4 5 5 $4 , 1 2 3 $4 3 , 5 7 8 10 . 5 % $4 3 . 8 2 7 9. 4 % 6 Pu m p i n g S e r v i c e 31 , 3 2 $4 , 4 0 4 $8 0 8 $5 , 2 1 2 18 . 3 % $4 , 7 2 9 17 . 1 % 7 St r e e t & A r e a L i g h t s 41 - 4 9 $3 . 0 4 7 ~ $3 . 4 7 3 14 . 0 % ~ 13 . 3 % 8 To t a l $2 2 9 , 6 9 8 $3 2 , 1 1 4 $2 6 1 , 8 1 2 14 . 0 % $2 4 5 , 5 3 4 13 . 1 % (1 ) E x c l u d e s a l l p r e s e n t r a t e a d j u s t m e n t s ( s e e b e l o w ) . (2 ) I n c l u d e s a l l p r e s e n t r a t e a d j u s t m e n t s : S c h e d u l e 6 6 T e m p o r a r y p e A A d j . , S c h e d u l e 9 1 - E n e r g y E f f c i e n c y R i d e r A d j . , an d S c h e d u l e 5 9 - R e s i d e n t i a l & F a r m E n e r g y R a t e A d j . AVISTA UTILITES IDAHO ELECTRIC, CASE NO. AVU-Eo09001 PRESENT & PROPOSED RATES OF RETRN BY RATE SCHEDULE 12 MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 Present Rats Base Propoed Ras Present Present Tariff Propos Propoed Line Type of Seh.Rateof Relative Propose Rate of Relatve!'~~Bm BQ Increase Return BQ (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(9) 1 Residential 1 4.06%0.78 15.1%7.08%0.83 2 General Service 11,12 8.68%1.67 14.2%13.04%1.52 3 Large General Servce 21,22 6.47%1.25 14.7%10.26%1.20 4 Ex Large General Svc.25 2.72%0.53 12.5%5.51%0.64 5 PoUatch 25P 4.47%0.86 10.5%7.74%0.90 6 Pumping Service 31,32 4.55%0.88 18.3%7.82%0.91 7 Street & Ara Lights 41-49 6.30%1.21 14.0%8.82%1.3 8 Total 5.19%1.00 14.0%8.55%1.00 Exhibit No. 14 Case No. AVU-E-1Q-1 & AVU-G1Q-1 P. Ehrbr, Avista Schedule 3, p. 2 of 3 I.P.U.C. NO.2? ~ Revision Shet 101 Cancling +R RevisIOn Shee 101 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilites 101 SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Copany has natural gas servce available. APPLICAaLE: To firm gas service for any purpose when all suCh servce use on the premises is supplied at one point of defivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: $4 Basic charge 87.315(l per therm Minimum Charge: $4 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Servce under this schedule is subjec to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tarif. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the proviions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150. Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155. Energy Effciency RlderAdjustment SChedule 191 and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued Ji:ly 24, 2009 Effectie AYgIst 1, 2099 Issued by By Avista Utlitles ?' ,J~..=t- ,VIPreident, State & Federal Regulation Exhibit No. 14 case No. AVU-G1Q-01 P. Ehrbar, Avista Schedule 4. Page 1 of 14 I.P.U.C. No.27 .E Revision Shet 101canceing E2 Revion Shee 101 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avlsta Utilites 101 SCHEDULE 101 GENERA SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas sece available. APPLICABLE: To finn gas sece for any purpose whe all sUch servce use on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: $6.75 Basic charge 92.965ll pe ther Minimum Charge: $6.75 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Servce under this schule is subjec to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tari. The above Monthly Rate is .subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Scedule 155, Energy Effciency Rider Adjustment Schedule 191 and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued Marc 23. 2010 Effece AWil 23. 20'10 Issued by By AVfsta U. tilites I . . . ~ N #*~~ Nooo ,Vice-President State & Federl Reglation Exhibit No. 14 Case No. AVU-G.1G-1 P. Ehrbr, Avista Schedule 4, Page 2 of 14 I.P.u.c. NO.27 .F Revsion Shee 111 canCing ~ ReviIOn Shet 111 AVISTA CORPORATION dIa Avlsta utlites 111 SCHEDULE 111 LARGE GENERA SERVlCE- FIRM- IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the Stae of Idaho where Company has natural gas serv available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas servce for any purose, subjec to executn of a sece agreement for a term of one yer or.longer. All such servce used on the prêise shall be supplied at one point of deliver through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: Firs Next Next Allover 200thers 800therms 9,000 therrs 10,000 therms 8&.81 &Ø per therm +9.944Ø per thar 72.485Ø per then &8.401 ø pertherr Minimum Charge: $ 172.&8 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Servce under this schedule is subjec to the Rules and RegVlatoosçOtaned in this tariff. The abve Monthly Rate is subjec to the provisions of Purcase Gas Cost Addition Schule 150, Gas Rate Adjustent Schedule 155, Enegy Effciency Rider Adjustment 191 and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. For customers wih annual usage greater then 250,000 thers, the prorted share of deferred gas costs will be deterined for Indiviual custers serv under this Schedule who disconnect servce or swtch to a transporttion sales schedule. Disconnect sece would include but not be limited to customers who close their business or swch entirely to an alteratve fueL. The defer gas cost balance for each Customer wll be based on the difrence betwee the purcase gas cost collected through rates and the Company's actal purchase gas cost multiplied by the Customers therm usae each month. The defer gas cost balance for Customer who swich from this schedule will be transfrred wi the customers accunt. The Customer shàll have the option of 1)â lump-sumrend or surcarge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance, or 2) an àmorton tate Issued JYly24.2Q(Q . Effece .6AYi; 1 j 2009 Issued by By Avlst Utilties Kelly Nor ?' .J-w- , VicePresident state & Feder Regulatin Exhibi No. 14 Case No. A VU-G-1 0-1 P. Ehrbr, Avi Schedule 4, Page 3 of 14 I.P.U.C. No.27 ~ Revision Siiet 111cancing .E Revision Sheet 111 AVISTA CORPRATION dla Avlst Utiltes 111 SCHEDULE 111 LARGE GENERA SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idahöwhere Company has natural gas sece avallâble. APPLICABLE: To firm gas servce for any purpose, subjec to exectin of a servce agreeent for a term of one Ye$r or longer. AU such sece'used on theprèlise shaJl be supplied at one point of deliver thugh a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: First Next Next All over 200 therms 800 therms 9,000 therms 10,000 therms 92.838fl per the 85.90~ per therm 78.370fl per ther 73.738fl pe thet Minimum Charge: $175.44 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Servce under this schule is subjec to. the Rules and Regulatins contaned in this tari. The above Monthly Rate is subjec to the proions of Purchase Gas Cost Additon Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustent Scheddle 155, Ener Effciency Rider Adjustent 191 and Tax Adjustent Schede 158. For customer with annual usage greater then 250,000 therms, theprrâted share of deferred gas costs win be determine for indi'dualcustomer seed under this Schedule who disconnec servce or swtch to a transprtatn sales schedule. Discnnec servce would include but not be limited to customer who close their business or swtch entirely to an alternative fuel. The deferred gas cot balance for each Customer wil be base on the diference between the purchase gas costs colleced through rates and the Company's actual purcase gas co multiplied by the Customer's therm usage eac month. The deferred gas cot balance for Customer who switch frmthis schedule will be trnsered wi th customer's accunt. The Customer shall have the option of 1)8 lumø-sum réund or surcharge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance, or 2).80 amortn rate Issued March 23,201 0 Eftie Aprl 23, 2010 Issued by By Avista Utilities ~ ~"'U~- . VÎCePreldenl,State& Federl.Reulå1n exibit No. 14 Case No. AVU-G-10.1 P. Ehrbar, Avist SCedule 4, Pag 4 of 14 I.P.U.C. No.27 Rf Reision Sheet 112 CanceUng ~ Revision Sheet 112 AVISTA CORPORATiON d/b/a Avita UtUiti 112 SCHEDULE 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natl gas sece available. Customers taking servce under this Schedule beginning on or afer March 1, 2002 must have bee previously served under SchedUle 146 .. Transportaton Serv for Customer-Qed Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas servce for any purpose, subjec to execbn of a sece agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such servce use on the preise shall be supplied at one point of delery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: Fir Next Next Allover 200therms 800thers 9,000 therms 10,OOOtherms 36.31êØ per ther 79.944Ø per therm 72.48êØ perthér 83.4Q1 Ø pe thar Minimum Charge: $ 172.63 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Sercé under this scedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subjec to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition SChedule 150. Gas Rate Adjustent Schedule 155, Energy Effciency Rider AdjustmentSchedtile 191 and Tax AdjustmentSchedule 158. Customer taking servce under ths schedule are not eligible fo cein Schedule 155 gas rate adjustents, as spec uner that scedule. These customers recive their approriate share of those amounts vii:) a lump sum bil credit and/or chNQe. For customers Wi annual usge greater then 250.00 thers, the prorated share of deferred gas cots win be deterIned for individualcustomel' ..Se Issued Jl:ly24,2Q9 Effective .lWgl:6t 1 ¡ 2QQ Issued by By AVlSta Utilities~ .J*,::Nor , Vleeresitent.. State & Federl Relatin Exhibit No. 14 case No. AVU-G.1Q-01 P. Ehrbar, Avita Schedule 4,Page 5 of 14 I.P.U.C. No.27 Six Revisioh Sheet 112 Canceing Ei Revision Sheet 112 AViSTA CORPORATION d//a Avlsta Utilltiøs 112 SCHEDULE. 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the Ståte of Idaho where Company has natual gas sece available. Customers taking seice under this Schedule begnning on or afer March 1, 2002 must have been previousl served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Serce for Customer-oed Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas servce for any purpse, subjec to exection of a service agreement for a ter of one year or longer. All such sece used on the premise shall be supplied at one point of delivery through. a single mete. MONTHLY RATE: First Next Next All over 200thers 800 thers 9,000 thers 10,000 therms 92.83~ per thrm 85.903~ per therm 18.31:0~ per them 73.738~ per ther Minimum Charge: $ 175.44 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Serce under this Schedule is subjec to the Rules and Regulåtions contained in this tari. The above Monthly Rate is subjec to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Ener Effciency Rider Adjustent Schedule 191 and Tax AdjUsten Schedule 158. Custöiners tàingsece under this scedule are not eligible for cen Schedule 155 gas rate adjustents, as speced under tht schedule. Thes customer recive their appropriate share of thse amount via a lump sum bll creit and/or charge. For customèrs wi annual usage greater then 250,000 thrms, the prorte share of defer gas coswifl be determinedfot individual customers seed Issued March 23. 2010 Effecive Aprll.23,2010 Issued by By Avista Utilities ?' J:~:i- , VJceesident,State'& Fedl Reglation Exhibit No. 14 case No. AVU-G1G-1 P. Ehrbar, Avlst Schedule 4. Page 6 of 14 I.P.U.C. NO.27 ~ Revision Sheet 131 Canceing li Revision Sheet 131 AVISTA CORPRATION d/a Avlsta Utilities 131 SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whose reuirements exce 250,000 therms:ofga$peryearand who èOmply with the Specal Terms and Conditns set fort below, provided:. (1) A vôh.irne of of-pea interptble gas tor the sece requesed is available to the Company and, (2) The,Companys existingdistnbution system has .capaci, in excess of it existng requirements for fil1 gàsservce, adequate for the servce requesed by Customer. APPLICABLE: To interptible gas servce for any purp subjec to provisløs of a servce agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service.use on the premises shall be supplied at one point of deliver and metenng. MONTHLY RATE: 61.264 ø per thèrm ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subjec to an Annual Minimum Defciency Charge If their gas usae durig the prior year did not equal or exce 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Defcincy Charge shall be determined by subtrctng the Customers actual usage for the twvemonth period ending each August fr 250,000 thers multiplied by 16.275Ø pertherm. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITioNS: 1. Servce under this scedule shall be subject to eurtalentor interrption at such times and in such amount as. in Coany's judgent, curtlrnent or Interrption is necsary. The Copany win not be lible for damages ocioned by curtilment or Interpton. of sece suppfied undêr this scedule. 2. Gas taken by Customer under this rate by reason of failure to comply with a curtilment order shall be considere as unautorized. overr. voume. In addtion to the rate herein, Customer shall pay the following penalty for such overn: 50t per ther in excess of 103%. and $1.00 per thermin excss of 105% of Customer's pipeine day allocation, or $1.00 pe therm for all unautorized gas taken during a pipeline day havig zero allocation. Payment ofan overrun penalt shall not under any circumstance be considere as grânti Customer the IS'sued Ji:ly 24, 2QOg Effece hlgi:&t 1, 2O9 Issued by By Avista Utilties?' ~~:I~~Orw.Vice Presiden. State & Feder Reglati Exhibit No. 14 cae No. AVU-G1Q-01 P. Ehrbar. Avlst Schedule 4, Page 7 of 14 I.P.U.C. No.27 §l Revisiøn Shee 131Canoeing Fif Revision Sheet 131 AVISTA CORPORATION d//a AvistaUtilites 131 SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE -.IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whos reuireents excee 250,00 thers of gas per year and who comply with the Specil Ters and Conditons set fort below, provided: (1) A volume Of off-pea interrptible gas for the servce request is available to the Company and, (2) The Company's existing distrbuton system has capacity, In exce of its existng reuirements for tim; gas ser, adequate for the servce requesed by Customer. APPLICABLE: To interrptible gas sece for any purpse subject to provisions of a servce agreement for a term of one year or longer. AU such servce used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and meterng. MONTHLY RATE: 66.629/l per therm ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer Shall be SUbjec to an Annual Minimum Defciency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exced 250,000 therms. Such annual Minimum Defciency Charge shall be determine by subtrng the Custorets actual usage for the twlve-month perod ending each August frm 250,000 thers multiplied by 17.536Ø pertherm. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Servce under this schedule shall be subjec to curtailment or interrption at such times and In such amounts as, in Copany's judment, èUrtallment or interrption is necsa. The Company win not be liable for damages. occsioned by curtilment or interrption of servce supplied under this schedule. 2. Gas tai(enby Custmer under this rate by reason of failure to compiY Wih a curtilment order shallbe cosidered as unautorzedøver vou.me. In addition to the rate herein, Custornérshall pay the following pênaity forstt overrn: 5~ per ther in exces of 103'%.and..$1..00 pe. ther in exce of 105% of Customers pipeline day allocaon, or $1.00 per ther forafl unauthorized gas taken during a pipeline day having zero allocon. Payment Of an overn penalty shall not under any circmstances be considered as grantg Customer the Issued March 23,2010 Effecve Apil 23, 2010 Issued by By Avista Utilitie ?' ~I-~-'Vi Presdent, State & Federl Reg!ation Exhibit No. 14 case No. AVU-G-1O-01 P. Ehrbar, Avlst Schedule 4, Page 8 of 14 I.P.U.C. No.27 ~ Revision Sheet 132 canceing Rl Revision. Shee 132 AVI5TA CORPORAT10N d/a Avista Utities 132 SCHEDULE 132 INTRRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAIlALE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whos requirements exce 250.00 thers of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below. prvided: (1) A volume of off-peak interrptible gas for the sece requested is available to the Company and. (2) The COmpany's exsting distbutin system has capaci. in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas sece. adequate for the serce requested by Customer. Customer taking servce under this Schedule beinning on or afr Marc 1. 2002 must have ben previOusly served under Schedule 146 - Transprtation Servce for Customer-Owed Gas. APPLICABLE: To interrptible gas servce for any purposesubjeè to provisions of a sece agreement for a term of one year or longer. AU such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and meterig. MONTHLY RATE: 61.264Ø petherm ANNUAL MINIMUM: Eac Customer shall be subjec to an Annual MinimUm Defciency Chargé if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal ór exce 250,000 ther. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be detennined by subtradng the Customets actual usage for the twlve-mont perio ending each August frm 250,000 thers multiplied by 1 G.27ãØ per thermo SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Service under this schedule shall be subject to curtlment or interrption at such times and in such amounts as, in COmpany's judgment. curtailment or inteption is necssary. The Company Will not be liablefOr daages occsioned by curtlment or interption of sece supplied. under this scedu1e. 2. Gas taken by Customer under this rate by reason of fallureto coply wi a curtilment order shall be considered as unauthorized overn volume. In addition to the rate herein, Customer shall pay the. following penalt for such overrn: 50Ø per therm in excess of 103%í and $1.00 per therm ine.xces of 105% of Customer's pipeline day allocation, or $1.00 pe thermfor all unautoried gas taken during a pipline day having zero allocation. paymen of an overr penalt shall not under any circmstances be cosidered as granting Customer th right to take Isst1 cIl:ly 24, 2O Effectie ,t"'¡lSQ&t.~!.~ Issued by By AvistaUtllties KéllyO. Noroo ?' J#4ww , VloePresiden State & Federl Reglation Exhibit No. 14 Ca No. AW-G-1O-01 P. Ehrbar. Avi Schedule 4. Page 9 of 14 I.P.U.C. No.2? Seventh Revision Shet 132 canceing ~. Révision Sheet 132 AV1STA CORPORATION d/a Avisla Utilties 132 SCHEDULE 132 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customer in the State of Idaho whse reuirements exca 250,000 therms of gas per year and who còmply with the Speial Terisand Conditiohssét fort below, provided: (1) A volume. of of-pek interrptible gas for the sèrce requested is available to the Company and, (2) The COmpany's existing distrbun system has Ccpacity, in excess of its existing requirements for fii' gas servce. adequate for the servce reuested by Customer. Customer taldng sece under this Schedule beinning on or afer. March 1, 2002 must have ben previsly served under Schedule 146 - Transporttion Sercefor Customer-OWed Gas. APPLICABLE: To interrptible gas sece for any purpose subjec to provisions of a servce agreent for a ter of one year or longer. All such servce used on the premise shaJl be supplied at one point of deliver and metering. MONTHLY RATE: 66.629t pe ther ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each CustomershaJl be subJec to an Annual Minimum Défciêr Charge. if their gas usage during the prior year did notequaÎ or exce 250,000 tts. Such annual Minimum Defciency Charge shall be determined by subtactng the Customets actual usage for the twelve-month peod ending each August fr 250,000 therms multplie by 17.536t per ther. SPECIAL TERMS AN CONDITIONS: 1. Servce under this scheule shall be subject to curtilmen or interption at such times and in such amounts as, in Company's Judgment. curtilment or interrption is necssar. The Company witl not be lIablefot damages occsioned by curtailment or lnterrption of servce supplied unde this scedule. 2. Gas taken by CUstomer under this rate by reason of falJure to comply with a curtilment order shall be considered as unauthorized overrn volume. in additon to the rate herein. Cutomer shall pay the following penalty for suCh overrn: .50Ø per therm in exces of 103%, and $1.ÔO pe therm in excess of 105% Of Customer's pipeline day allocation, or $1.00 pe therm for all unauthorized gas taken during a pipeline day having zero allocation. Payment of an overrun penalty shall not under any circumstances be considered as granting Customer the right to take Issued Marth 23, 2010 Efece Aprl 23, 201:Q Issued by By Avlsta Utilites ~ J~~Orw , Vl President- State & FeøenLReglati Exibit No. 14 Case No. AVU-G-10.Q1 P. Ehrbr, Avlsta Schedule 4, Page 10 of 14 I.P.U.C. No.27 ~ RevisiOnShèt 146 Cancein :: RèVislon Sheèt 146 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avlsta Utilites 146 SCHEDULE 146 TRASPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER-OWNED GAS - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Commercal and Industal Customers in the State of Idaho whse reuirements exceed 250¡000 therms of gas per year provided that thè COmpany's existing distbution system has capaci adequate for the service reuested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To transporttion servce for a Customer-owned supply of natral gas fr the Company's point of intercnnecon wi its Pipeline Transport to the Company's point of interconecon with the Customer. S.ershall be supplied atone point of deliver and meterng for use by a single customer. MONTHLY RATE: $200~OO Customer Charge, plus 11.3&5~ pe therm ANNUAL MINIMUM: $3Q,8G2, unles a higher minimum Is required under contract to GOver speal conditions. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Servce hereunder shall be provided subjec to executon of a contrct betwen the Customer and the Company fora term of not leS than one year. The contrct shall also specif the maxmum daily volume of ga to be trspórted. 2. Biling arrangements wi gas suppliers and transporttion by others are to be the responsibilit of the Customer. 3. The Customer shall be resposible for any end..usetaes levied on Customer-owned gas trnsported by the Company. 4. Customers sered under this sChedule are required to pa for the installation of telemetering equipment and any other neW facilites or equipment required to trnsport Customèr-owned gas or accrately meter suêh gas under this schedule. Such facilitis and equipment shan meet all Company speccations and shalt be owned and maintained by the COmpany. IssUed J",ty24.agQQ Effectie ¡AliSJ"'at 1, raøo issue by Avlsta UblltesBy ?' J~:~'-,Vic Preident. Stae & Fedl Regulatin Exhibit No. 14 Case No. AVU-G-10-o1 P. Ehrbar, Avista Schedule 4, Page 11 of 14 I.P.U.C. NO.27 .E Revsion She 146 Canceling Fourt Revision Shet 146 AVISTA CORPORATIÖN d//a Avista Utlites 146 SCHEDULE 146 TRASPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER-OWNED GAS -IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Commercial and Industal Customers in the State of Idaho whos requirements exce 250,000 therms of gas per year provided that the Company's existing distrbution system has capacity adequate for the servce requeed by Customer. APPLICABLE: To transportation service for a Customer-owned supply of natural gas frm the Company's point of interconnection with it Pipeline Transporter to the Company's point of interconnecn with the Customer. Serv shan be supplied at one point of delivery and metering for use by a single customer. MONTHLY RATE: $200.00 Customer Charge, plus 11.605t per ther ANNUAL MINIMUM: $31,413, unless a higher minimum is reuired under contrct to coer speal conditions. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Servce hereunder shall be provided subject to ex-ecuton of a contr between the Customer and the Company for a ter of not leslhn onë year. The cotract shall also specif the maximum dally volume of gas to be transported. 2. Biling arrangements with gas supplier and trnsporttion by others are to be the responsibilty of the Customer. 3. The Custmer shall be. resnsible fo any end-use taes levied on Customer-owned gas transprted by the Company. 4. Customer serv under this scedule are required topsy for the installation of telemetering equipment and any other new faciites or equipment required to trnspOrt Customer-owned gas or accraymetër such gaš under ths scedule. Such facilities and equipment shall meet all Company speè8tins$nd shan be owned and maintained by the Company. Issued Mach 23.2010 Eftive Aor123. 2010 Issued by By ~_ities. I.. rr A/ l-~or . ViCé Predent. Stae & Federl Regla Exibit No. 14 ca No. AVU-G-10-o1 P. Ehrr, Avisla Schedule 4, Page 12 of 14 I.P.U.C. No.27 TlliFteRlR Revision She 150 Canceing Twelf Revision Shet 150 AVISTA CORPORATION d/a Avist Utilites 150 SCHEDULE 150 PURCHASE GAS COST ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company ha natural gas servce available. PURPOSE: To pass through changes in costs resulting frm rate adjustents impose byth Company's suppliers, to become effecive as noted beow. RATE: (a)The rates of firm gas Schdules 101, 111 and 112 are to be Incrsed by ~ per therm in all blocs of these rate schedules. The rates of interrptible Schedules 131 and 132 are to be incras by 4: per thermo The rate for transporttin under Schedule 146 is to be decsed by O.OOOø per thermo WEIGHTED AVERAGE GAS COST: The above rate changes are based on the following weighted average cot of gas per therm as of th efe date show below: (b) (c) Schedules 101 SChedules 111 and 112 Schedules 131 and 132 Demand 9.336~ 9.336t .OOOø Commodit 49.093Ø 49.093t 49.093; Total 58.429Ø 58A29t 4~t093Ø BALNCING ACCOUNT: The Company Will maintain a Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA). Balancing Accunt wherebY monthly entres into this Balancing Accunt will be made to reflec differences between the actual purchased gas costs collected from customers and the actal purcased gas costs incurréd by the Copany. Thos diffrences are then collected from or refunded to customers under Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustenl Additional debits at crits for Pipeline refunds or charges. Pipeline capaci release revenues and miscellaneous revenues or expenses direc related to the Company's cost of purcasing. gas to meet customer requirements Will be recorded in the Balancing Accnt. Issue SefJteM~er 14. 2009 Efece N9\'-FA~er1. aoo; Issued by Avist UtilitieBY?'. lKelly O. Nor - VlPresident. State & Fe(erl Regulaton AI "" lJ Exibit No. 14. Ca No. AVU-G-10-G1 P. Ehrbr, Avista Schedule 4, Page 13 of 14 I.P.U.C. No.27 Fourtth Revision Sheet 150 canceling Thirtth Revision Shee 150 AVISTA CORPORATION d/ba Avista Utlites 150 SCHEDULE 150 PURCHASE GAS COST ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas servce available. PURPOSE: To. pas through. changes in cots reultng frm rate adjusents impose by the Company's suppners, to beme effectve as note below. RATE: (a)The rates offirm gas Schedules 101, 111 and 112 are to be increased by O.OOO~ per therm in all blocs of these rate scedUles. . The rates of interrptible Scedules 131 and 132 are to be increased by O.OOO~ per thermo The rate for transporttion under Schedule 146 is to be decreased by O.OOOt per thermo WEIGHTED AVERGE GAS COST: The above rate changes are based on the following weghted average cot of gas per therm as of the efecte date show below: (b) (c) Schedules 101 Schedules 111 and 112 Schedules 131 and 132 Demand 9. 336t 9.336,# .000,# Commodity 49.093,# 49.093,# 49.093; Total 58.429; 58;429t 49.093t BALACING ACCOUNT: The Company will maintain a Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) BalanCing Accunt whereby monthly entres into this Balancing Accunt will be made to reflect diferences between the actl purchased gas costs collected frm customers and the actuål purchased gas costs inCUed by the Company. Those difereceare then collect from or refunded to customers under Schule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment Additional debits or credit for Pipeine refunds or charges. Pipeline cipaci release revenues and miscellaneous revenues or expenses directy r-elate to the Company's cost of purchsing gas to mee euòmer requitemënts Wil be røcrdec .In tt Balancing Accunt. Issued March 23. 2010 Effecve April 23.2010 Issued by Avista Utilities By ~..-I Ke:. ~or - VicePresident, State & Federl Regulation ,. - -t A/ #i exhibit No. 14case No. AVU-G-10-Q1 P. Ehrbr. Avlsta Scedule 4, Page 14 of 14 I.P.U.C. No.27 Fif Revision Sheet 101 canceling Fourt Revision Sheet 101 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utillti 101 SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE.. FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whereCotnpàny has natural gas servce available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas servce for any purpose when all such servce used on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: $6.75 Basic charge 92.965t per therm Minimum Cherge: $6.75 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subjec to the Rules and Regulatins contained in thistanff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Enery Effciency Rider Adjustment Schedule 191 and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued March 23. 2010 Effece Apnl 23, 2010 Issued by Avista UtilitesBy~ .J_~O'-.VlPresidnt. state & Federel Regulation exhibit No. 14 Csse No. AVU-G-10-Q1 P. Ehrbr, Avist Schedule 5. Page 1 of 7 I.P.U.C. No.27 Sixt Revision Shet 111 Canceing Fif Revision Shee 111 AVISTA CORPORATION d/ba Avlsa Utilities 111 SCHEDULE 111 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gssservce available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas servce for any purpose; subject to exebon of a servce agrementfor a term of one year or longer. All such servce used on the prêmises shall be supplied. at one point of denverythrough a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: First Next Next All over 200thens 800 thers 9,000 thens 10,000 therms 92.83~ per therm 85.9031# per therm 78.370; per therm 73.738; perther Minimum Charge: $ 175.44 SPECIAL TËRMS AND CONOITIONS: Servce under this schedule is subjec to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tari. The above Monthly Rate is subjec to the proViions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Ener Efën Rider Adjustment 191 and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. For customer With annual usage greater then 250,OöO therms,the prorated share of deferd gas cots will be deterinedför indivdual custmer served under this Schedule who discnnect serce or switc to a trnspotion sales schedule. Discnnec serice would include but not be limited to customers who close their business or swich entirely to an alternative fueL. The deferred gas co balance for each Customer witl be based on the diference beeen the purcas gas costs colleced through rates and the Company's actual purcase gas COst multiplied by the Customets therm usa each month. The defrred gas cost balance for Customer who swich frm this schedule win be trnsered wi the customers accunt. The Customer shall have thèoption of 1) a lump-sum refd or surcharge to eliminat the defertedgâs cost balance, or 2) an amorttion rate lsuëd March 23. 2010 Efe Apr1l2:3. 2010 Issed ~y ~ ui ..~::, Vice-Preldent Ståe & Fedal Relation exhibit No. 14 Case No. AVU-G-1()1 P. Ehrbr. Avista Schedule 5. Page 2 of 7 l.P.U.C. No.27 SiX Revision Sheet 112 canceing Fi ReviSion Sheet 112 AVISTA CORPORATION d/a Avista Utlities 112 SCHEDULE 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM. IDAHO AVAILALE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natura gas servce available. Customer taking serice under this Schedule beginning on or afer Marc 1, 2002 mus have ben previously seed under Schédule 146 - Transporttion Servce for Customer-Qed Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas serce for any purpose, subec to execon of a serve agrement fora term of one year or longer. Alisuch servce use on thépremis shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: First Next Next All over 200 thers 800 thenns 9,000 therms 10,000 therms 92.83Sfl per therm 85;903fl per therm 78.370flpetherm 73.7~ pe therm Minimum Charge: $ 175.44 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Servce under this schedule is subjec to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tari. The above Monthly Rate is subjec to the provisions of Purchase Gas Co Addition Schedule. 150, Gas Rate AÇljustment SCedule 155, Enery Effciency Rider AdjustmentSchedul 191 and Tax Adjustment Schule 158. Custoers taking sece under this scedule ate nòt.e1igiQlefor ($in Schedule 155 gas rate àdju$tents, as specifed under that scedule. Thes customers reve their approprie share of thse amounts via à iump sum bil credit and/or charge. For customers with annual usage greater then 250,000 ths, th prorated share of deferred gas costs will be determined for indivdual customers Served Issued March 23, 2010 Efece Aprl 23, 2010 Issued by By AVlsta Utilities .. I Kelly O. Norw~ N," t.-i Vic&resident, State & Fed Regulatio Exhibit No. 14 Case No. AVU-G-1Q-1 P. Ehrbr. Avlsta Schedule 5. Page 3 of 7 I.P.U.C. No.27 Six Revision Sheet 131 Canceing Fif RéVision Shet 131 AVISTA CORPORATION dlä AviSa Utilities 131 SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILALE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whSß reuirements exce 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply wi the Speal Terms and Conditons set fort below, provided: (1) A volume of of-pek Interptible gas for the servce requested is available to the Copany and, (2) The Company's existingdistbuUon system has capacity. in excess of its existng requirements for finn gas seice, adequate for the servce reuested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To interptible gas serce for any purpse subject to provisions of a servce agreent for a ter of one year or longer. An such .serce used on the premises shall be supplied at one pont of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: 66.629Øper ther ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum DefCiency Char if their gas usae during the prir yer did not equal or exce 250,000 thers. Such annual Minimum Defciency Charge shan be deterined by subtrctng the Customets actual usage for the twve-month period ending each August fr 250,000 therrs multiplied by 17.536Ø perther. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Servce under this scedule shall be subjec to curtilment or interrption at such times and in such amount as, in Company's jiiement. curtilment or interrption is necsary. The Company will nòt .be liable for damages occsioned by curtailment or interption of serce supplied unde this scedule. 2. Gas taken by Customer under this rate by reason of failure to comply with a curtaitment order shall be considered as unauthorzed oven volume. In addition to the rate herein, Customer shll pay the following penalt for such overrn: 50Ø per ther In éxcs of 103%, and $1.00 pe ther ¡nexce of 105% of Customers pipeine day allocation, or $1.00 per ther for all unauthorized gas taken during a pipeline day havi09 zer alloction. PaymentQf an overrn penalty shall not under any circmstance be considered as granting Custmér the Issued March 23, 20'10 Effecve April23. 2010 Issued by By Avista Utilities~ ;i~:':J-'Vic President, State & Feder R$glat Exhibit No. 14 case No. AVU-G-10.Q1 P. Ehrbr, Avist Schedule 5, Page 4 of 7 I.P.U.C. No.27 seventh Revision Sheèt 132 cancling SiX Revision Shee 132 AVISTA CORPORATION d//a Avist Utlites 132 SCHEDULE 132 INTRRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILALE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whO$e requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and Wh coply wi the Special Tems anti ConditionsSèt fort beow, provided: (1) A volume of of-pek interptl)legas for thé sece requested is available to the Company and, (2) The companys exstng distn system has capacity, in exces of its eXisting requireménts for flrmgas seice, adequate for the servce requesed by Customer. Customer taking sece under this Schedule beginning on or afer Marc 1, 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transporton Servce for Customer-Owed Gas. APPLICABLE: To interrptible gas servce for any purse subjec to provisions of a servce agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such serce use on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: 66.629Ø per ther ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subjec to an Annual Minimum Deficien Charge if their gas usage during the pnör yer did not equal or exceed 250,OOOtherms. Such annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be detertinéd by subtractng the Customers acual usage for the twelve-onth per ending each August from 250,000 therms mullied by 17.53f pe thermo SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITONS: 1. Servce under this sch'édule shall be subjec to curtlment or interrpton at such times and in such amounts as. in Companys judgment,. curtailmentor interpton isrteessary. The Copany will not be liable for damages occasionéd by curtailment or interruption of serce supp1iéd under this scedule; 2. Gas taken by Customer under this rate by reason of failure to comply with a curtlment order.shall be considered as unautorized overrn volume. In addition to the rate herein, CustÐmer shall pay the following penalty for such ovèin: 50 pèr thenn in exce of 103%. and $1.00 per therm in excess of 105% of Customer's pipeline day allocation, or $1.00 pe therm for all unauthonze. gas taken during a pipeline day having zero allotion. Payment of an overrn penalty shall not undr any circumstnces be considered as granting Customer the right to take Issued March 23, 2010 Efecve April 23, 2010 Issued by By Avista Utilites ?a -Ji-::.-, Vice Preident. Stae & FedeælReglaion Exhibit No. 14 case No. AVU-G10-o1 P. Ehrbr. Avist SCedule 5. Page 5 of 7 I.P.U.C. No.27 Fif RevlonShet 146 Cancling Fourt Revision Sheet 146 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avist Ublities 146 SCHEDULE 146 TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER..OWNED GAS. IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Commeral and Industal Customér in the State of Idaho whose requirements exçee 250,000 thers of gas per year provided that the copans existing distbutin system has capacity adequate for the sece reested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To transportation sece for a Customer-owned supply of natural gas frm the Company's point of interconnecon wi Its Pipeline Transprt to the Copany's pont of interconnecon wi the Customer. Serceshall be sypplied at one point of delivery and metering for use by a single customer. MONTHLY RATË: $200.00 Customer Charge, plus 11.605t per ther ANNUAL MINIMUM: $31,413, unles a higher minimum is reuired under contrct to cove Special conditons. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Serce hereunder shall be provided subject to execon of a contract between the Customer and the Company for a term of not less than one year. The contract shall also specif the maxmum daily volume of gi\S to be . transported. 2. Biling arrangements with gas suppliers and transporttion by other are to be the responsibilit of the Customer. 3. The' Customer shall i. reposible for any endüse taes lèvied on Customer-own gas trsported by the Company. 4. Customer Seed under this schedule arè reqire to pay for the instaltaton of telemetring equipment an any oter new facilities or equipment require to trspor CUstomer-ow gas or âccrately rneter stJchgasunder this schedule. Such facititesand equipment shall mee all Company specifcations and shall be owned and maititahied by the Company. Issued March 23, 2010 Effecve April 23, 2010 I.sueby ~.~tilities~. . .By Kelly 0, Nor . '" W" .vIce President. State &Fedl Regulation exhibit No. 14 case No. AVlJ1C-1 P. Ehrbr, Avita Schedule 5, Page 6 of 7 I.P.U.C. NO.27 Fourtnth Revision Sheet 150 Canceing Thirteenth Revision Shet 150 AVISTA CORPORATION d/ba Avista UtUities 150 SCHEDULE 150 PURCHASE GAS COST ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Cusomers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas servce available. PURPOSE: To pass through chang in costs reulting from rate adjustments imf)sed by the Companys suppliers, to become effectve as noted below. RATE: (a)The rates of firm gas Schedules 101, 111 and 112 are to be in'creased by O.OOO~ per therm in all blocks of these rate scules. The rates of interrptble Schedules 131 and 132 are to be incread by O.OOOø per thermo The rate for transprttion under Schedle 146 is to be decreased by O.OOOø per thermo WEIGHTED AVERAGE GAS COST: Th above rate changes are based on the following weighted averae QQst of gas per therm as of the effec date shown belów: (b) (c) Schedules 101 Schedules 111 and 112 Scedules 131 and 132 Deand 9.336Ø 9.336Ø .OOOt Commodit 49.093Ø 49.093t 49.093t Total 58.429Ø 58.429; 49.093Ø BALNCING ACCOUNT: The Compay will maintain a Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Accunt whereby monthly entries into this Bàlancing Accunt will be made to reflec difrence between the actual purchased gas costs collected from customers and the actual purchased gas costs incurred by th COmpany. Thse difrencs are then colleced frm or refunded to customers under Schedule .155 - Gas Rate Adjustment. Additional debits or crdits for Pipeline refnds or charges. Pipeline ~paci releas.e revenue and miscellaneous revenues or expenses directly related to th Company's cost of purcasing gas to meet customer requirements wil be teCòtde in the Balancing Accunt. Issued March 23. 2010 Effe Apnl 23, 2010 Issued by By ~Avista Utilites Kelly O. Norw - VlcPresident stte & Federal ReglationI Exhibit No. 14At #I". Case No. AVU-G-1O-01P. Ehrbr. Avist Schedule 5. Page 7 of 7 AVISTA UTILITES IDAHO GAS, CASE NO. AVU-G.10-Ð1 PROPOSED INCREASE BY SERVICE SCHEDULE 12 MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 (0005 of Dollars) Base Tanff Base Tanff Base Total Billed Percnt Revenue Prosed Revenue Tariff Revenue Total Incrase Line Type of Schedule Under Present General Under Proposed Percnt at Present Genel on Billed No.~Number Rates(1)~Bm Incree Rates Incrse Revenue (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(I) General Servce 101 $54,454 $2,408 $56,862 4.4%$48,783 $2,408 4.9% 2 Large General Servce 111 $15,559 $155 $15,714 1.0%$13,523 $155 1.1% 3 Interrptible Service 131 $286 $6 $292 1.9%$246 $6 2.2% 4 Transporttion Service 146 $395 $7 $402 1.9%$395 $7 1.9% 5 Special Contracts 148 m iQ m 0.0%m iQ 0,0% . 6 Total $70,787 $2,576 $73,363 3.6%$63,04 $2,576 4.1% (1) Includes Purchase Adjustmnt Schedule 150 I Excludes other rate adjustments, Exhibit No. 14 Case No. AVU-E-1D-1 & AVU-G.1D-1P. Ehrbr, Avist Schedule 6, p. 1 of 3 AViSTA UTILmES IDAHO GAS, CASE NO. AVU-G.10-G1 PRESENT & PROPOSED RATES OF RETURN BY RATE SCHEDULE 12 MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 Present Rates Base Proposed Raes Present Present Tari Proposed Proposed Line Type of Sch.Rate of Relative Proposed Rate of Relative No. .Service Number Return ROR Increase Return .B (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g) 1 General Service 101 6.57%0.95 4.4%8.37%0.98 2 Large General Service 111 8.65%1.25 1.0%9.40%1.10 3 Interruptible Servce 131 7.51%1.08 1.9%8.81%1.03 4 Transporttion Service 146 8.83%1.27 1.9%9.40%1.10 5 Total 6.93%1.00 3.6%8.55%1.00 Exhibit No. 14 Case No. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-1D-1 P. Ehrbari Avista Schedule 6, p. 2 of 3 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO GAS, CASE NO. AVU-G-10-G1 PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COMPONENTS BY SCHEDULE General Proposed Proposed Base Present Present Rate Billng Base Rate(1l Rate Adj.(2l Billng Rate Increase Rate(2)Rate(1) (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g) General Service - Schedule 101 Basic Charge $4.00 $4.00 $2.75 $6.75 $6.75 Usage Charge: Alltherms $0.92932 ($0.10339)$0.82593 $0.00033 $0.82626 $0.92965 Large General Service - Schedule 111 Usage Charge: First 200 therms $0.91433 ($0.10752)$0.80681 $0.01405 $0.82086 $0.92838 200 - 1.000 therms $0.85061 ($0.10752)$0.74309 $0.00842 $0.75151 $0.85903 1.000 - 10.000 therms $0.77602 ($0.10752)$0.66850 $0.00768 $0.67618 $0.78370 All over 10,000 therms $0.73518 ($0.10752)$0.62766 $0.00220 $0.62986 $0.73738 Minimum Charge: per month $172.63 $172.63 $2.81 $175.44 $175.44 pertherm $0.05117 ($0.10752)($0.05635)($0.05635)$0.05117 Interrptible Service - Schedule 131 Usage Charge: All Therms $0.65368 ($0.09048)$0.56320 $0.01261 $0.57581 $0.66629 Transporttion Service - Schedule 146 Basic Charge $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 $200.00 $200.00 Usage Charge: All Therms $0.11385 $0.11385 $0.00220 $0.11605 $0.11605 (1) Includes Schedule 150 - Purchased Gas Cost Adj. (2) Includes Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adj., Schedule 191 - Energy Effciency Rider Adj. Exhibit No. 14 Case No. AVU-E-10-1 & AVU-G-10-o1 P. Ehrbar, Avista Schedule 6. p. 3 of 3