HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100323DeFelice Di.pdfDAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL OF REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P . O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 ) BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND ) NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC ) AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE )STATE OF IDAHO ) ) CASE NO. AVU-E-10-01 CASE NO. AVU-G-10-01 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DAVE B. DEFELICE FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) 1 2 I. INTODUCTION Q.Please state your nam, emloyer and business 3 address. 4 5 A.My name is Dave B. DeFelice.I am employed by Avista Corporation as a Senior Business Analyst.My 6 business address is 1411 East Mission, Spokane, Washington. 7 Q.Please briefly describe your education background 8 and professional exprience. 9 A.I graduated from Eastern Washington University in 10 June of 1983 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business 11 Administration, maj oring in Accounting.I have served in 12 various positions wi thin the Company, including Analyst 13 positions in the Finance Department (Rates Section and 14 15 Plant Accounting)and in the Marketing /Operations Departments, as well.In 1999, I accepted the Senior 16 Business Analyst position that focuses on economic analysis 17 of various project proposals as well as evaluations and 18 recommendations pertaining to business policies and 19 practices. 20 Q.As a Senior Business Analyst, what are your 21 responsibilities? 22 A.As a Senior Business Analyst, I am involved in 23 financial analysis of numerous projects within various 24 depart~ents such as Engineering,Operations, 25 Marketing/Sales and Finance. DeFelice, Di 1 Avista Corporation 1 2 Q.What is the scope of your testimny? My testimony and exhibits in this proceeding willA. 3 cover the Company's proposed pro forma adjustments for 4 capital investments in utility plant for the 2009 test 5 period. 6 7 Q.Are you sponsoring any exhibits? A.Yes. I am sponsoring Exhibit No.9, Schedules 1 8 through Schedule 3, which were prepared under my direction. 9 10 11 II. CAPITAL INVSTM RECOVEY Q.What does the Comany's request for rate relief 12 include regarding new invesbnent in utility plant to serve 13 customers? 14 A.As in prior rate cases, Avista started with rate 15 base for the historical test year, which for this case is 16 the average of monthly averages for 2009. Adjustments were 17 made to reflect new additions and accumulated depreciation 18 through December 2010, such that the proposed rate base 19 reflects the net plant in service that will be used to 20 21 serve customers during the pro forma rate year.These adjustments included associated expenses (depreciation 22 expense and property taxes) and offsets to expenses for the 23 pro forma additions. DeFelice, Di 2 Avista Corporation 1 Adjustments were also made to include the 2010 Noxon 2 Unit #3 generation plant upgrade and the 2011 Noxon Unit #2 3 generation plant upgrade. 4 The utility plant investment that we have included in 5 this filing represents utility plant that will be "used and 6 useful" in providing service to customers during the 7 approximate period that new retail rates from this filing 8 will be in effect.The costs associated with the 9 investment will be "known and measurable," and finally, 10 including the costs associated with this investment in 1 1 retail rates provides a proper "matching" of revenues from 12 customers with the costs associated with providing service 13 to customers (including the cost of utility plant to serve 14 customers) . 15 In the IPUC's Order No. 29602, for Case Nos. AVU-E-04- 16 land AVU-G-04-l, dated October 8, 2004, the Commission 17 stated, at page 10, that: 18 Once a test year is selected, adjustments are19 made to test year accounts and rate base to 20 reflect known and measurable changes so that test21 year totals accurately reflect anticipated22 amounts for the future period when rates will be 23 in effect. The Idaho Supreme Court has described24 "rate base" as "the utility's capital investment25 amount." Industrial Customers of Idaho Power v. 26 Idaho PUC 134 Idaho 285, 291, 1 P. 3d 786, 79227 (2000) . Adjustments to test year accounts28 generally fall into three categories: 1) 29 normalizing adjustments made for unusual30 occurrences, like one-time events or extreme31 weather conditions, so they do not unduly affect 32 the test year; 2) annualizing adjustments made33 for events that occurred at some point in the DeFelice, Di 3 Avista Corporation 1 test year to average their effect as if they had 2 been in existence during the entire year; and 3) 3 known and measurable adjustments made to include 4 events that occur outside the test year but will 5 continue in the future to affect Company income6 and expenses. 7 8 If utility plant investment that is being used to 9 serve customers is not reflected in retail rates then the 10 retail rates will not be "just,reasonable,and 11 sufficient," i. e., it would not be just or reasonable for 12 customers to receive the benefit provided by the utility 13 investment without paying for it, and the retail rates 14 would not provide revenues "sufficient" to provide recovery 15 of the costs associated with providing service to 16 customers. 17 Q.Is the Company's application of these ratemking 18 principles in this filing consistent with prior general 19 rate cases? 20 A.Yes. In prior cases, the objective has been the 21 same to include in retail rates the investment, or rate 22 base, that is providing service to customers, and ensure 23 that there is a proper matching of revenues and expenses 24 25 during the period that rates are in effect.In Case Nos. AVU-E-09-01 and AVU-G-09-0l,the Commission approved 26 including capital investment through December 31, 2009. In 27 this filing, we are requesting recovery of capital 28 investment through December 31, 20l0. DeFelice, Di 4 Avista Corporation 1 Q.How does new invesbnnt in utility plant change 2 rate base over t~e for ratemking purposes? 3 A.Historically, the annual dollars spent by the 4 Company on new utility plant were generally relatively 5 close to the level of depreciation expense, with the 6 exception of years where the Company invested in major new 7 utility projects. i In those years, net rate base stayed at 8 a relatively constant level and the use of the rate base 9 amount from a prior year, i. e., a historical test year, 10 would be adequate for setting rates for the upcoming year 11 (pro forma rate year), because there was little change in 12 the net plant investment used to serve customers. 13 In more recent years, Avista's investment in utility 14 plant has significantly exceeded depreciation expense. 15 Because of this,rate base in the rate year is 16 significantly greater than the historical test period AM 17 rate base.The only way to ensure that retail rates are 18 fair, just, reasonable, and sufficient is for the utility 19 plant investment that is being used to serve customers be 20 properly reflected in retail rates.This makes it 21 necessary for the Company to pro form plant investment that 22 is in service after the historical test year and will be in 23 service during the rate year so that rate base for the pro 24 forma rate year is representative of the level of i Recognizing that a portion of the costs associate with cerin capital additions ar offet by additional revenues. DeFelice, Di 5 Avista Corporation 1 investment used to serve customers.The Company's pro 2 forma adjustments in this case properly reflect any 3 offsets, and include adjustments to ensure a proper 4 matching with test period loads. 5 Q.How was rate base for the pro form rate year 6 developed for this filing? 7 A.As in prior rate cases, Avista started with rate 8 base for the historical test year, which for this case is 9 the average of monthly averages for 2009. Adjustments were 10 made to reflect new additions and accumulated depreciation 11 through December 2010.Adj ustments were also made to 12 include the 2010 Noxon Unit #3 generation plant upgrade and 13 the 20ll Noxon Unit #2 generation plant upgrade. Later in 14 my testimony, I will provide the details of the adjustments 15 to rate base. 16 The recent rate case (Case Nos. AVU-E-09-0l and AVU-G- 17 09-01) concluded with new retail rates effective August 1, 18 2009.Recovery of costs associated with new capital 19 additions through December 3l, 2009 was included in retail 20 rates. With regard to the proper matching of revenues and 21 expenses, it can be said that some of the new capital 22 through December 31, 2009 was not in place at the time new 23 retail rates went into effect on August 1, 2009. However, 24 it is also true that the costs of new capital already 25 added, and to be added, in 2010 is currently not recovered DeFelice, Di 6 Avista Corporation 1 in retail rates. Although we know that a perfect matching 2 of revenues and expenses would be difficult to achieve, it 3 is very important that, during this period of high capital 4 investment,retail rates reflect the true costs of 5 providing service to customers, in order to afford the 6 Company the opportunity to recover its costs and continue 7 to attract capital under reasonable terms. 8 Wi th regard to the current filing, Avista is hopeful 9 that new retail rates from this case will be effective in 10 the third quarter of 20l0. Furthermore, new rates from the 11 next general rate case will likely not be effective until 12 sometime well into 20ll.December 31, 2010 represents an 13 approximate mid-point of the period in which retail rates 14 would be in place from this case and the next case. 15 Including new capital investment through the mid-point of 16 the "rate year" will allow the Company the opportunity to 17 recover the costs associated with capital investment that 18 will serve customers over the course of the rate year. 19 Q.What is driving the significant invesbnnt in new 20 utili ty plant? 21 A.As Company witnesses Mr. Kinney and Mr. Storro 22 explain in their testimony, the Company is being required 23 24 to add significant new generation,transmission and distribution facili ties,including strengthening the 25 backbone of our system, due in part to customer growth in DeFelice, Di 7 Avista Corporation lour service area, reliability requirements, and needed 2 3 capacity upgrades.Other issues driving the need for capital investment include an aging infrastructure, 4 physical degradation, and municipal compliance issues 5 (e. g., street/highway relocations), etc. 6 While the rate of increases experienced in recent 7 years for the cost of materials (concrete, copper, steel, 8 etc.) has diminished, they are still orders of magnitude 9 higher than what they were even a few years ago, causing 10 the cost of these new facilities to be significantly higher 11 than in the past.Because the cost of adding new 12 facilities is significantly higher than the original cost 13 of our older, existing facilities, the investment in new 14 facilities will be significantly higher than the annual 15 depreciation expense on the Company's older, existing 16 facilities. 17 .Q.What is causing the substantial increase in raw 18 materials for Avista, and the utility industry in general? 19 A.The Edison Foundation commissioned a study from 20 The Brattle Group, dated September 2007, titled, "Rising 21 Utility Construction Costs: Sources and Impacts," which 22 identified cost trends specifically related to the utility 23 industry pertaining to critical materials and equipment, as 24 well as labor support services used for building capital 25 infrastructure (a copy is included in my workpapers.) DeFelice, Di 8 Avista Corporation 1 Although the study is over two years old, we believe the 2 changes in costs described in the study are still 3 indicati ve of the increase in costs the utility industry 4 has experienced in recent years,and continues to 5 experience. The study identifies the reasons for dramatic 6 cost increases in critical raw materials, including global 7 competition for materials and an aging domestic utility 8 infrastructure, as well as the need for additional 9 infrastructure to accommodate growth in the near future. 10 Q.What are some of the key cost drivers that are 11 ci ted in the study? 12 A.The study, at page 16, cites four major cost 13 drivers: "(l) material input costs, including the cost of 14 raw physical inputs, such as steel and cement as well as 15 increased costs of components manufactured from these 16 inputs (e.g., transformers, turbines, pumps); (2) shop and 17 fabrication capacity for manufactured components (relative 18 to current demand); (3) the cost of construction field 19 labor, both unskilled and craft labor; and (4) the market 20 for large construction project management, i.e., the 21 queuing and bidding for projects."The study goes on to 22 compare cost trends for various raw materials, critical 23 equipment and labor services relative to the general 24 inflation rate (GDP deflator).In addition, a cost trend 25 is summarized by three key utility functional plant DeFelice, Di 9 Avista Corporation 1 including generation,transmission,andcategories, The study concludes that these 8 2 distribution plant. 3 inflation impacts have been outside the utility industry's 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4 control and there are no immediate indications of cost 5 relief in the near future. 6 Illustration 1 below, excerpted from the Brattle Group 7 study, depicts what has occurred to infrastructure costs From the chart, it is apparent that startingnationally. 9 in 2003, costs of distribution, transmission and generation 10 infrastructure increased at a far more significant rate than the overall economy, as measured by the GDP deflator. Illustration 1 National Average Utilit Infrastructure Cost Indices -Tota Plai.Al Ste Geneson 160 Ô'= iso .!0101 140e~ .; 130 .a 120 -Gas TheniolS -GDPDeftator -Di:ibuon 11 12 13 14 15 -Tiammon 190 180 170 lIO 100 90 191 19 193 19 1995 .196 197 199 .1 2000 201 2002 20 20 2005 200 2007 Year Sources: Th HandyaWbtmanCi Bulleti. No. 165 and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Any£ii:.SimpJe average of all regir.-nal COl~trCtir.lld equpmem C(lst indexes rorthe spfifd compcnenti. "Ri:ing Utility O:stiCtl(i Coi:t:: Sl)rtei. and Imp:it:" Prared by The Brate Grou f,"-Th. li.on i:undalion. Seber 200 DeFelice, Di 10 Avista Corporation 1 Q.Is there specific evidence that Avista is 2 experiencing cost escalations similar to that indicated in 3 the study? 4 A.Yes.As we explained in the past general rate 5 cases, Avista tracks the cost of materials and equipment 6 that Avista routinely uses in order to support various 7 infrastructure construction efforts that are part of the 8 Company's annual capital requirements. 9 In the recent analysis performed by the Company of all 10 cost of materials that are accounted for through the 11 Company's inventory system that pertain to the electric 12 transmission,electric distribution and natural gas 13 distribution functions, there continues to be an increase 14 in the average cost per unit of all materials, as shown in 15 Illustration 2 below. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DeFelice, Di LL Avista Corporation 1 Illustration 2 Avlst Electric & Gas Materials Inventory $ Vilue Change in Averae Unit Pr 5160 . -- ..._........-..'-_. ._......- ......_....." ...._-_.. -,.._,.. -_....__. -._'-"-' - . ._.. --_..._...'..__..-._. ..._._--, _.._-_.__.-..... ---,....._.._-'.'.- ..,.... 5140 _,_ _' .,._,_ '...__..___..,"'. ..._.....__........_... ..' __ "'__._...._..."~___.. "_____._..._...,._..____.._.._.___....._._¥___.. _.,,0." $6 5120 l~ 580 . $4 2 .f ./¡'I "J' 3 In 2005, the average cost per unit was $82.95, in 2006 4 it was $94.ll, 2007 was $l18.l6, 2008 was $l20.l0 and for 5 2009 the cost was $137.5l per unit.The average annual 6 increase over this four-year period is over l3%, which is 7 well above the general inflation that our overall economy 8 has experienced during the same timeframe.This 9 illustrates that costs continue a significant trend upward 10 as it relates to capital expenditures incurred that are 11 necessary to operate the system. 12 13 Another analysis that was performed on specific materials is provided in Exhibit No.9, Schedule 1.On 14 page l, it can be seen that distribution transformers have 15 experienced price increases from 2005 to 2009 anywhere from DeFelice, Di l2 Avista Corporation 1 49% to 74%. While the study. also showed that there was a 2 decrease in costs between 2008 and 2009, the one-year 3 decline in costs did not offset the large increases 4 experienced over the past five years.On page 2 of 5 Schedule 1 of the Exhibit, it can be seen that poles and 6 crossarms have also experienced substantial price increases 7 from 2005 to 2009 in the range of 50% to l23%, depending on 8 size.As noted in the Exhibit, some of the increase in 9 costs is due to changes in specifications from wood to 10 steel for certain poles and changes from wooded crossarms lIto fiberglass crossarms, that Avista is now installing. On 12 page 3 of Schedule 1 of the Exhibit, a sampling of other 13 distribution materials shows that prices have steadily 14 risen from 2005 to 2009 for all but one category, conductor 15 600V 2/0 triplex; however the 2009 price of that conductor 16 is still 24% higher than the 2005 price. 17 Q.What is the historical and projected level of 18 annual capital spending for Avista? 19 A.Avista's annual capital requi rement s have 20 steadily increased from approximately $130 million in 2005 21 to approximately $210 million in 2010.Exhibit No.9, 22 Schedule 2 reflects the trend that Avista has experienced 23 and what is planned for in the near future. 24 This chart not only shows the total magnitude of 25 capital expenditures, but also clearly shows that the DeFelice, Di 13 Avista Corporation 1 amount of capital projects is well in excess of revenue- 2 supported capital expenditures to connect new customers, 3 and beyond the level of revenues that is being collected 4 from customers related to existing plant. The difference 5 between the total capital requirements, less the new 6 revenue related capital, and allowed revenues represent a 7 significant discrepancy that is negatively impacting the 8 Company. 9 10 11 III. DESCRIPTION OF CAITAL PROJECTS Q.For the 2010 capital projects pro formd in this 12 filing, please provide a description of the projects. 13 A.Exhibi t No.9, Schedule 3 details the capital 14 proj ects that will be transferred to plant in service in 15 2010 and included in this filing. A description of these 16 projects with system costs follows: 17 Generation ($33.4 million): 1819 The electric generation projects that will transfer to20 plant in service are described in detail in Mr.21 Storro's direct testimony. A listing of these22 projects follows: 2324 Thermal - Kettle Falls Capital Projects - $1,817,00025 Thermal - Colstrip Capital Additions- $2,275,00026 Thermal - Other Small Projects - $78,000 27 Hydro - Nine Mile Upgrade - $3,954,00028 Hydro - Noxon Capital Project - $7,551,000 29 Hydro - 2010 Noxon Unit #3 Upgrade - $9,265,371 30 Hydro - Clark Fork/Spokane Implement PME Agreements -31 $4,053,00032 Hydro - Other Small Projects - $2,296,00033 Other - Coyote Springs 2 (CS2) Capital Projects -34 $l, 197,000 DeFelice, Di 14 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Other - Boulder Park - $4l0,000 Other Small Projects - $493,000 Electric Transmission ($18.9 million) : The electric transmission projects that will transfer to plant in service are described in detail in Mr. Kinney's direct testimony. A listing of theseprojects follows: Lolo 230 kV Substation - $1,450,000 Spokane-CDA 115 kV Line Relay Upgrades - $1,250,000 Nez Perce 115 kV Substation Rebuild and Capacitor Bank - $3,575,000 SCADA Replacement - $800,000 System-Replace/Install Capacitor Banks - $750,000 Airway Heights-Silver Lake 115 kV Transmission Line - $975,000Moscow 230-Pullman 115 Reconductor - $l, 300, 000 Beacon Storage Yard Oil Containment - $750,000 Colstrip Transmission Minor Rebuild - $503,000 Tribal Permits - $5l 9,000 Reliability Improvements Boulder-Rathdrum ll5 kVTransmission Line - $l, 500,000Transmission Minor Rebuild - $l, 250, 000 Power Circuit Breakers - $485,000 Pine Creek-Replace 115 kV Circuit Switcher - $570,000 Otis Orchards-ll5 kV Breaker and Line Relay Replacements - $650,000 Replacement Programs - $2,044,000 Other small transmission projects - $5l7, 000 Electric Distribution ($40.3 million) : The electric distribution projects that will transfer to plant in service are described in detail in Mr. Kinney's direct testimony. A listing of theseproj ects follows: Appleway Substation - $1,980,000 Deary Substation - $1,405,000 Power Transformer Distribution - $4,740,000 System-Dist Reliability-Improve Feeders - $700,000 Distribution-CdA East & North - $905,000Rathdrum Transformer and 233 Feeder Addition $900,000 Pine Creek-Replace iis kV Circuit Switcher & Cap Bank - $300,000 DeFelice, Di 15 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Potlatch Transformer Replacement - $250,000 Electric Distribution Minor Blanket - $7,000,000 Wood Pole Replacement Program & Capital Distribution Feeder Repair - $6,884,000 Electric Underground Replacement - $4,000,000 T&D Line Relocation - $2,348,000 Failed Electric Plant - $2,000,000 Other small distribution projects - $640,000 The following electric distribution projects includedon Exhibit No.9, Schedule 3, are specific to the Washington jurisdiction and are not included in the Idaho electric revenue requirement in this case. Othello & Chewelah Transformer Replacements - $950,000 Northeast Substation - $900,000 Distribution - Spokane North and West - $1,890,000 System-Dist Reliability-Improve Feeders - $1,150,000 Spokane Electric Network Capacity - $1,356,000 General ($11.4 million) : Security Initiative - $435,000 Various security measures including cameras and access controls for the office and branch facilities. Structures and Improvements - $4, l5l, 000 This is a group of capital maintenance projects that Facilities Management coordinates at the Spokane Central Operating Facili ties and Avista branch facili ties - offices and service centers. For 2010, planned projects include: roof replacements, land acquisi tion for facili ty expansion, HVAC system replacement at some branch offices, energy efficiency projects, security projects, asphalt overlays and replacement, several' new vehicle building additions, as well as some capital repair projects in existingbuildings. Stores Equipment - $600,000 Equipment utilized in warehouses and/orrecovery operations throughout the service This includes equipment such as forklifts, shelving, cutting/binding machines, etc. investmentterritory. man lifts, Tools, Lab & Shop Equipment - $1,700,000 Expenditures in this category include all large tools and instruments used throughout the company for gas and/ or electric construction and maintenance work, DeFelice, Di 16 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 distribution, transmission, or generation operations, telecommunications, and some fleet equipment (hoists, winch, etc) not permanently attached to the vehicle. HVAC Renovation Project - $3,499,000 The heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systemsthroughout the Spokane Central Operating Facilities are approximately fifty years old and are in need of replacement. In 2007, the Company initiated a mul ti- year HVAC renovation project that involves replacing central air handling units and distribution systems in three buildings the Spokane Service Center, the general office building, and the cafeteria auditorium building. The building envelope of the general office building was also renovated with high efficiency glass and insulation. The project will also achieve asbestos abatement and life safety (fire sprinkler) addi tions. New controls will also be installed which will enable energy conservation. Present estimates indicate cost savings of approximately $430,000 per year in energy use, a 36% reduction in energy costs once all phases have been completed, currently planned to be completed in 20l3. The 2010 project pro formed into this case will produce approximately $31,000 per year (system) in reduced energy costs, which have been pro formed as a reduction to O&M costs. The Company has included an additional $3l, 000 in O&M savings related to the 2009 portion of this capital project that was completed in late-2009. WSDOT Highway Preservation/Maintenance Ways - $500,000 In order to operate our electric highway rights of way, the preserve/maintain right of ways. ways have expired and Avista must wi th the State or risk penal ties the State. of Right of system within State Company needs to Existing right of seek new agreements or non-approval by Other Small Projects - $525,000 These projects include the completion of the Central Office Facility North Crescent Realignment project, office furniture additions and replacements, communication and security initiatives, radio equipment, telephone systems, office and other general facili ty upgrades. DeFelice, Di l7 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Transportation ($10.0 million) : Transportation Equipment - $9, 97l, 000 Expendi tures are for the scheduled replacement of trucks, off-road construction equipment and trailers that meet the company's guidelines for replacementincluding age, mileage, hours of use and overall condi tion. This also includes additions to the fleet for new positions or crews working to support the maintenance and construction of our electric and gas operations. Some of the vehicles being purchased in 2010 will be equipped with diesel engines rather thangasoline engines. This is intended to increase life expectancy and generate fuel savings. The Company has pro formed annual fuel cost offsets of approximately $129,000 (system) in reduced O&M costs. Technology ($11.5 million) : Information Technology Refresh Blanket - $5,000,000 A program to replace obsolete technology according to Avista's refresh cycles that are generally driven by hardware/ software manufacturer and industry trends tomaintain business operations. Information Technology Expansion Blanket - $1,100,000 A program to deliver technology associated with expansion of existing solutions. AFM Product Development Program - $1,000,000 Deliver enhancements to the electric and natural gas Facili ty Management technology system. Nucleus Product Development Program - $540,000 Deliver enhancements to the Nucleus energy resource management technology system. Web Product Development Program - $890,000 A program to deliver enhancements to the Customer based Web technology system. Mobile Dispatch 2 - $l, 000, 000 Implement Mobile Dispatch application for electric service and meter shop processes. IFRS Compliance -ImplementationInternationalrequirements. $l, 000, 000 of softwareFinancialThe project required to meet Reporting Standards will likely include DeFelice, Di 18 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 upgrading the Oracle Financial Systems and implementing a new Fixed Asset system. Schedule for compliance is not yet finalizèd but the project isexpected to be completed over two years. AFM.net Upgrade - $l, 993,000 The AFM system has reached a point where continued or new application development and maintenance work wi thout refreshing the application language will cause increased risk in system maintainability, reliability, and application availability. The business relies on this software for an increasing number of functions and integrations that support customer and operating transactions. Wi th this technology refresh, the productive life of the AFM system will be extended byfi ve to eight years. Other Small Technology Projects and Technology Minor Blankets - $2,910,000 These projects include various small technology projects including, technology to provide for field office use of Learning Management System, installing a fiber network that will replace an obsolete microwave system, an electronic records management system, upgrade of Oracle Database software and upgrade of WorkPlace (CSS, WMS & EGMA) . Jackson Prairie Storage ($0.4 million) : Jackson Prairie Storage Project - $429,000 These projects include various capital improvements that Avista and its partners will complete at Jackson Prairie facility in 2010. Natural Gas Distribution ($14.5 million) : Replace Deteriorated Pipe - $1,050,000 This annual project will replace sections of existing gas piping that are suspect for failure or havedeteriorated within the gas system. This project will address the replacement of sections of gas main that no longer' operate reliably and/or safely. Sections of the gas system require replacement due to many factors including material failures, environmental impact, increase leak frequency, or coating problems. This project will identify and replace sections of main to improve public safety and system reliability. DeFelice, Di 19 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 the Gas Replacement Street and Highways - $1,260,000 This annual project will replace sections of existing gas piping that require replacement due to relocation or improvement of streets or highways in areas where gas piping is installed. Avista installs many of its facilities in public right-of-way under established franchise agreements. Avista is required under the franchise agreements, in most cases, to relocate itsfacili ties when they are in conflict with road or highway improvements. Gas Non-Revenue Blanket - $3,360,000 This annual project will replace sections of existing gas piping that require replacement to improve theoperation of the gas system but are not directly linked to new revenue. The proj ect includes relocation of main related to overbuilds, improvement in equipment and/or technology to improve system operation and/or maintenance, replacement of obsolete facilities, replacement of main to improve cathodic performance, and proj ects to improve public safety and/ or improve system reliability. East Medford Reinforcement Project - $597,000 This Oregon gas distribution project is not includedin this filing. Grants Pass 8-Inch HP Reinforcement Project$l,l96,000 This Oregon gas distribution project is not includedin this filing. Reinforce Talent OR Gate Station Project - $1,994,000 This Oregon gas distribution project is not includedin this filing. Rebuild Winston Gate Station Project - $l, 002, 000 This Oregon gas distribution project is not includedin this filing. Other Small Projects - $4,026,000 Please refer to the workpapers of Mr. DeFelice for detailed listing of projects. iV. ADJUSTMNT METHODOLOY Q. What was the net imact to electric rate base for capi tal adjusbnnts pro formd in this case? DeFelice, Di 20 Avista Corporation 1 A.Electric net rate base for capital investment 2 increased $29,075,000, from $573,86l,000 to $602,936,000" 3 Table 1 below summarizes the adjustments included in the 4 case. 5 Table 1 . ($O's)IAdjustment 11 I Adjustment 2 I Adjustment 31 Adjust 12/31/00 Adjust December Vintage to 2010 Noxon 2010 December 31,U/31/ooto 31, 200 December 31,Capital and 2011 Pro Formed 200AMA EOP Basis EOP 2010EOP Additions Upgrades Rate Base Plant $1,003,872 $35,23 $1,039,106 $ 40,789 $4,744 $1,08,639 AID (336,983)(11,200)(34,183)(28,569)(69)(100)(3n,551) DFI (93,028)(7,631)(100,659)(2,578)(633)(282)(104,152) Rate Base $573,861 $16,403 $590,264 $(31,147)$ 39,457 $4,362 $602,936 6 7 Q.What was the net imact to natural gas rate base 8 for the capital adjustmnts pro formd in this case? 9 A.Natural gas net rate base for capital investment 10 decreased $2,5ll,000, from $95,415,000 to $92,904,000. 11 Table 2 below summarizes the adjustments included in the 12 case. 13 Table 2 ($oo's)I Adjustment 1 I Adjustment 2 Adjust 12/31/09 Adjust Vintage to 2010 December 31,12/31/09 to December December 31, Capital Pro Formed 2009AMA EOP Basis 31,2009 EOP 2010 EOP Additions Rate Base Plant $165,824 $2,021 $167,845 $4,259 $172,104 AID (53,435)(1,428)(54,863)(4,547)(115)(59,525) DFIT (16,974)(1,217)(18,191)(1,371)(113)(19,675) Rate Base $95,415 $(624) $94,791 $(5,918) $4,031 $92,904 14 DeFelice, Di 21 Avista Corporation 1 Q.What was the approach to computing the pro form 2 adjustments for investmnt in capitai projects? 3 A.The Company used the same general approach that 4 was used in the two previous general rate cases. Company 5 wi tness Ms.Andrews includes the following three 6 adjustments: 7 2009 Capital Adjustment - Adjusts the December 31, 8 2009 test period rate base stated on an AM basis to an end 9 of period (EOP) basis. The revenue-producing distribution 10 plant for the 2009 capital additions was not adjusted to 11 EOP, to maintain the matching of revenues and costs 12 associated with these assets. 13 2010 Capital Adjustment - First, the plant that was in 14 service at December 3l, 2009, was depreciated through 20l0, 15 adjusting accumulated depreciation and DFIT to a 2010 EOP 16 basis.Second, 2010 capital additions, excluding the 17 revenue-producing distribution plant and the 2010 Noxon 18 Unit #3 upgrade, discussed below, was pro formed on a 19 December 3l, 2010 EOP basis. 20 Noxon Upgrades Adjustment - The 2010 Noxon Unit #3 21 generation plant upgrade and the 20ll Noxon Unit #2 22 generation plant upgrade was pro formed on a September 30, 23 201l AM basis.As explained by Mr. Storro, the Company 24 has been upgrading one turbine each year at its Noxon 25 generating facility.The upgrade for Unit #3 will be DeFelice, Di 22 Avista Corporation 1 completed in April 2010.The upgrade for Unit #2, which 2 will be completed in April 20ll is also pro formed into 3 this case and is the only 201l capital addition that the 4 Company has included in its electric case.Fifty percent 5 of the additional generation and costs have been included 6 in the Aurora power cost model to provide a proper matching 7 of revenues and costs. The Company included fifty percent 8 of the additional generation and costs for the six months 9 that it will be in service during the 2010/2011 pro forma 10 period. 11 Q.What other impact does the 200~ and 2010 capital 12 additions have on this case in addition to the rate base 13 impact? 14 A.Depreciation expense and property taxes have been 15 computed for the 2009 and 2010 plant vintages on an annual 16 basis for the pro forma rate year. 17 18 19 V. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Q.What is the rationale behind the removal of 20 capital expenditures for connecting new customrs? 21 A.The pro forma capital expenditures for 20lD that 22 the Company included in this filing excludes distribution 23 related capital expenditures made that are associated with 24 connecting new customers to the Company's system.The 25 Company recognizes the fact that new customers provide DeFelice, Di 23 Avista Corporation 1 incremental revenue that helps offset the revenue 2 requirements of the distribution related capital additions 3 that the Company incurs to provide service to those 4 customers.The adjustments discussed above completely 5 eliminated the AM 2009 and EOP 2010 capital activity 6 related to new customer connections in order to avoid an 7 unintended mismatch of revenues exceeding the cost to serve 8 customers. 9 Q.In addi tion to excluding capi tal addi tions 10 related to new customrs, does the Comany addess the 11 2011/2009 revenue difference in other ways? 12 13 A.Yes.The production property adjustment (discussed in Ms. Andrews'testimony)addresses the 14 production and transmission related retail revenue that 15 would be produced by the change in retail load expected in 16 20l0/20ll compared to the 2009 normalized test year.All 17 pro forma production and transmission rate base and related 18 expenses from these capital additions adjustments, are 19 reduced in order to reflect the amount needed to be 20 recovered from 2009 sales volumes. 21 22 23 24 VI. CONCLUSION Q.What is the imact of the pro form adjustmnt? A.The proposed adjustment will result in a closer 25 matching of revenues to cost of service to customers during DeFelice, Di 24 Avista Corporation 1 the period new rates will be in effect from this general 2 rate proceeding.Without the proposed adjustment, the 3 Company would not have the opportunity to earn its allowed 4 rate of return on investment during the rate year. 5 Q.Does this conclude your pre-filed direct 6 testimony? 7 A.Yes, it does. DeFelice, Di 25 Avista Corporation DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL OF REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P. O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVID.MEYER~AVISTACORP. COM BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CASE NO. AVU-E-10-01 OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE ) CASE NO. AVU-G-10-Ol AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND ) NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC ) EXHIBIT NO. 9 AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE )STATE OF IDAHO ) DAVE B. DEFELICE ) FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) oæ..~ m i 2J 15LI .!!..:: ~'O"~sceo.Ö .o8rizè3'7'Q;~ :! Z (! LL ~.. i OJ ..:E~::C~~a~c:~ ~ II . . ìt\li i II I i i I I i I iI I I i Ii I i i I I i i I I i 'I i I i I i i I' I,' I.¡Ii i II II ¡i ¡ I ,J- i I I I L-~---.- l i; I V)!i OJ E!i '#-~00i.enNV)-- c: ro '#N!i 0.;l-f" c:.~.N0..l3 i.'l.....-'l 'l..o(-V::..N tV I.0 '"m.-o;'l I.!i ......N N 'l..-V o(-V V).-m .~N£:I.0 I.....I.'l 'l iJ-V o( i ro ~:i :i..0.0 0:i :i :iV)0.0.0..-'l ..'l::~~~c:::::i.0 i.N i.N . ii . I iI~!. I . -. ,I . 1 888888888at1 lI ot Ñ è t1 lI ot Ñ.. .. .. .. .. iI iI iI iIiI iI iI iI iI ~ 6 in :cN ei ~ 6:i :c o D-in .. ~ :t :i D- in :cN ~ ~ :t :i D-C) :cin ei ~:i iEin l".. ~:i :c 8 ~l" Av i s t a - P o l e s & C r o s s a r m s 20 0 5 20 0 9 % C h a n g e Co m m e n t s .. . . . . . . . . . , . , : :.. . . 7 : Pr i c e d r i v e n b y o i l f o r t r e a t e d p o l e s a n d tr a n s p o r t a t i o n ( C a n a d a ) . 2 0 1 0 p r i c i n g e x p e c t e d to b e l o w e r a s s u p p l i e r a t t e m p t s t o s l o w Av i s t a ' s m i g r a t i o n t o s t e e l f o r d i s t r i b u t i o n c l a s s po l e s . Sp e c i f i c a t i o n c h a n g e f r o m w o o d t o f i b e r g l a s s i n la t e 2 0 0 8 d r i v i n g h i g h e r p u r c h a s e p r i c e . 45 ' C l a s s 3 P o l e $4 3 4 $1 , 0 7 3 53 . 4 6 % 9' H D C r o s s - A r m $5 8 . 1 4 $1 2 6 . 5 0 11 7 . 5 8 % .2 0 0 5 _ . 2 0 0 9 $5 , 0 0 0 $4 , 5 0 0 $4 , 0 0 $3 , 5 0 0 j - $3 , 0 0 0 $2 , 5 0 0 - $2 , 0 0 0 $1 , 5 0 0 - $1 , 0 0 0 $5 0 0 $0 l - - 70 ' C l a s s 2 4 5 ' C l a s s 3 4 0 ' C l a s s 4 $1 8 0 T $1 6 0 t - . - - - $1 4 0 i $1 2 0 . ~ ' - ' - - - - ' - ' - i $1 0 0 + - - - $8 0 . + - - - $6 0 l . - - - - - - $4 0 1 1 - . $2 0 . - i $0 + - - CR O S S AR M S PO L E S .2 0 0 5 .2 0 0 9 9' X - A r m 11 ' X - A r m Ex h i b i t N O . 9 Ca s e N o s . A V U - E - 1 0 - 0 1 & AV U - G - 1 0 - 0 1 D. D e F e l i c e , A v i s t a Sc h e d u l e 1 , p . 2 o f 3 Av i s t a - D i s t r i b u t i o n M a t e r i a l s - - S a m p l i n g 20 0 5 20 0 6 20 0 7 20 0 8 20 0 9 Fu s e l i n k , 6 A M P $2 . 3 8 $2 . 4 8 $3 . 1 1 $3 . 0 3 $3 . 4 7 Co n d u c t o r , 6 0 0 V 2 / 0 T r i p l e x $. 7 8 $. 8 8 $1 . 0 7 $1 . 0 0 $. 9 7 Gr o u n d R o d 5 / 8 " x 8 ' $6 . 6 0 $7 . 3 0 $8 . 3 2 $9 . 1 6 $1 0 . 9 3 .2 0 0 5 t o 2 0 0 6 .2 0 0 5 t o 2 0 0 7 20 0 5 to 2 0 0 .2 0 0 5 t o 2 0 0 9 ~e q. e e ,* ~ ~~ . , e M~~ .. ' :~ 0'" b~ l ; ~o ~ t- b $. . . , l f b ~ o ~ i : ~ (: . . 0 Ex h i b i t N O . 9 Ca s e N o s . A V U - E - I O - O l & AV U - G - I O - O l D. D e F e l i c e , A v i s t a Sc h e d u l e 1 , p . 3 o f 3 $2 5 0 $2 0 0 ~ $1 5 0 =: .S;: .. .¡~ $1 0 0 $5 0 tt a l E x o e n d i t u r e s $2 0 5 $0 $2 1 0 $ 2 1 0 $ 2 1 0 ** 2 0 0 5 e x c l u d e s $ 5 7 . 5 f o r t h e p u r c h a s e o f t h e s e c o n d h a l f o f C o y o t e S p r i n g s 2 an d $ 1 7 . 8 f o r t h e o f f i c e b u i l d i n g p u r c h a s e . 20 1 0 , 2 0 1 1 a n d 2 0 1 2 e x c l u d e s in v e s t m e n t f o r S m a r t G r i d p r o j e c t s . 20 0 5 * * 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 Bu d g e t B u d g e t B u d g e t - E l e c t r i c T & D I I O t h e r - I S / I T - G r o w t h - G e n e r a t i o n - G a s E n v i r o n m e n t a l - 2 3 0 k V P r o j e c t Ex h i b i t N O . 9 Ca s e No s . A V U - E - I O - O l & A V U - G - l O - O l D. D e F e l i c e , A v i s t a Sc h e d u l e 2 , p . 1 o f 1 Avista 2010 Capital Additions Detail (System) Generation: Thermal- Kettle Falls Caital Projec Therml - Colstp Capita Additions Theral - Other small prjects Hydr - Nine Mile Caital Projects Hydr - Noxon Capital Prjec Hydr - 2010 Noxon Unit #3 Upgrde · Hydro - Clark ForkSpokae Implement PME Agrments Hydr - Other small prjects Other - CS2 Catita Prjec Other - Boulder Park Capita Projects Other - Oter small genertion projects Electric Transmission: Lolo 230 - Rebuild 230 kV Yard Spokane-CDA 115 kV Line Relay Upgres Nez Perce 115 kV Substion Rebuild an Capacitor Ban SCADA Replacent System-Replacelnsll Cacitor Ban Airway Heights - Silver Lae i 15kV Transmission Line Mos23-N Moscow 115 Reconductr Beaco Storage Yard Oil Containment Colstrp Tramission Minor Rebuild Tribal Permits Reliabilty Improvements Trasmission Minor Rebuilds Power Circuit Breers Pine Crek Ots Orchars 11 5kV Breer and Line Relay Replaceent Replaceent Progrs Oter small trnsmission projects Electnc Distribution: Appleway Substtion - ID Dea Subtation - ID Power Trasformer Distrbution Sys-Dist Reliabilty-Impve Fdr - ID Distbution - Cd Eat & Nort - ID Rathdrm Trasforer and 233 Feeer Addition - ID Pine Crek - Repla i 15 kV Circuit Switcher & Cap Ban - ID Potlatc Trasformer Replacent - ID Electrc Distrbution Minor Blanket Wood Pole Replacent Progr and Capita Dist Fdr Electrc Underund Replacment T &D Line Relocon Failed Electrc Plant Othello an Chela Traform Replaceent - W A Norteat Substaon - W A Distrbution Fee Ilecductor - W A Sys-Dist Reliabilty-Imprve Fdr - W A Spokane Electrc Network Capacity - W A Other small distrbution projects ií 1,817 2,275 78 3,954 7,551 9,265 4,053 2,296 1,197 410 493 33,389 1,450 1,250 3,575 800 750 975 1,300 750 503 519 1,500 1,250 485 570 650 2,04 517 18, 1,980 1,405 4,740 700 905 90 300 250 7,00 6,884 4,00 2,348 2,00 95090 1,890 1,150 1,35664 40,298 General: Secunty Initiatve Strctus & Improvements Store Equipment Tools Lab & Shop Equipment COF HVAC Improvemet WSDOT Highway Frachise Consolidation Other small genra projects Transporttion: Traporttion Equipment Technology: Informtion Tecology Refrh Blanet Information Technolog Expasion Blaet AFM Prouc Developent Pr Nucleu Pruct Development Progr Web Prouct Development Progr Technology Prjec Minor Blanet Mobile Dispatch 2 IFRS Compliance AFM.net Upgr Other small tehnology projec Gas Storage: Jackson Prame Storge Natural Gas Distnbution: Replac Detorating Gas Syste Gas Replac-St&Hwy Ga Distrbution Non-Revenue Blanket Ea Medford Reinforcement Grats Pass 8-In HP Reinforc Project Reinforc Talent OR Gate Staon&iping Rebuild Winston Gate Station, Roseburg OR Oter smil distrbution prjec Total Non-Revenue Capital Growtevenue - Producing Total Capital Additions in 2010 · The 20 i 0 Noxon Unit #3 upgde was include with the 20 i i Noxon Unit #2 upgrde in the pro form capita adjustment. $ (OOO's) 435 4,151 600 1,700 3,499 500 525 11,410 9,971 5,00 1,100 1,00 540 890 700 1,00 1,000 1,993 2,210 15,433 429 1,050 1,260 3,360 597 1,196 1,994 1,002 4,026 14,485 144,303 43,259 187,562 Exhibit No.9 Case Nos. A VU-E-lO-OI and A VU-G-IO-OI D. DeFelice, Avista Schedule 3, Page I of I