HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100323Avera Di.pdfDAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AN CHIEF COUNSEL OF REGULATORY & GOVERNTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P . O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENE SPOKA, WASHINGTON 99220-3727TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 f: '::"",~~ 'l'. r r-.í 10 trr i" II1;4 j -;¡" 11.(j? ')~,l 'I ~ c. J II: 04 BEFORE TH IDAO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AN CHAGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATUL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AN NATUL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. AVU-E-10-01 CASE NO. AVU-G-10-01 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF WILLIAM E. AVERA FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AN NATURA GAS) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF WILLIAM E. AVERA TABLE OF CONTENS I. INTRODUCTION.......................................... 1 A. Overview..........................................1B. Sumary of Conclusions............ . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 II. RISKS OF AVISTA..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 A. Operating Risks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7B. Implications of Attrition......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16C. Impact of Capital Market Condi tions . . . . . . . .. ~ . . . . 20 D. Support For Avista's Credit Standing............ .25 E . Capi tal S truc ture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 III CAPITAL MAET ESTIMATES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 A. Overview......................................... 35B. Results of Quantitative Analyses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37C. Flotation Costs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 IV. RETURN ON EQUITY FOR AVISTA CORP. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 A. Implications for Financial Integrity............. 49B. Return on Equity Recommendation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..53 EXHIBIT No.3 Schedule -1 - Qualifications of william E. Avera Schedule -2 - Description of Quantitative Analyses Schedule -3 - Capital Structure . Schedule -4 - Constant Growth DCF Model - Utility Proxy Group Schedule -5 - Sustainable Growth Rate - Utility Proxy Group Schedule -6 - Constant Growth OCF Model - Non-Utility Proxy Group Schedule -7 - Sustainable Growth Rate - Non-Utility Proxy Group Schedule -8 - Forward-looking CAPM - Utility Proxy Group Schedule -9 - Forward-looking CAPM - Non-Utility Proxy Group Schedule -10- Comparable Earnings Approach 1 2 Q. I. INTRODUCTION Please state your na an business addess. 3 ,A.william E. Avera, 3907 Red River, Austin, Texas, 4 78751. 5 6 Q.In what capacity are you emloyed? A.I am the President of FINCAP, Inc. , a firm 7 providing financial,economic,and policy consulting 8 services to business and government. 9 Q.Please describe your educational backgroun and 10 professional exerience. 11 A.A description of my background and 12 qualifications, including a resume containing the details 13 of my experience, is attached as Schedule 1 of Exhibit No. 14 3. 15 16 Q. A. Overview What is the purpose of your testimony in this 17 case? 18 A.The purpose of my testimony is to present to the 19 Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the uCommission" or 20 UIPUC") my independent evaluation of the fair rate of 21 return on equity (UROE") for the jurisdictional electric 22 and gas utility operations of Avista Corp. (UAvista" or 23 U the Company").In addition,I also examined the 24 reasonableness of Avista' s capital structure, considering Avera, Di 1 Avista Corporation 1 both the specific risks faced by the Company and other 2 industry guidelines. 3 Q.Please sumrize the informtion an materials 4 you relied on to support the opinions an conclusions 5 contained in your testimny. 6 A.To prepare my testimony, I used information from 7 a variety of sources that would normally be relied upon by 8 a person in my capaci ty .I am familiar with the 9 organization, finances, and operations of Avista from my 10 participation in prior proceedings before the I PUC , the 11 washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, and the 12 Oregon Public Utility Commission.In connection with the 13 present filing, I considered and relied upon corporate 14 disclosures, publicly available financial reports and 15 filings, and other published information relating to 16 Avista. I also reviewed information relating generally to 17 current capital market conditions and specifically to current investor perceptions,requiremen ts ,and18 19 expectations for Avista' s utility operations.These 20 sources, coupled with my experience in the fields of 21 finance and utility regulation, have given me a working 22 knowledge of the issues relevant to investors' required 23 return for Avista, and they form the basis of my analyses 24 and conclusions. Avera, Di 2 Avista Corporation 1 Q.Wht is the role of the rate of return on comn 2 equity in setting a utility's rates? 3 A.The ROE serves to compensate common equity 4 investors for the use of their capital to finance the plant 5 and equipment necessary to provide utility service. 6 Inves tors commi t capi tal only if they expect to earn a 7 return on their investment commensurate with returns 8 available from alternative investments with comparable 9 risks.To be consistent with sound regulatory economics LO and the standards set forth by the U. S. Supreme Court in 11 the Bluefield' and Hope2 cases, a utility's allowed ROE 12 should be sufficient to: 1) fairly compensate the utility'S 13 investors, 2) enable the utility to offer a return adequate 14 to attract new capital on reasonable terms, and 3) maintain 15 the utility's financial integrity. 16 Q.How did you go abut developing your conclusions 17 regarding a fair rate of return for Avista? 18 A.I first reviewed the operations and finances of 19 Avista and industry-specific risks and capital market 20 uncertainties perceived by investors.Wi th this as a 21 background, I conducted various well-accepted quantitative 22 analyses to estimate the current cost of equity, including 23 alternative applications of the discounted cash flow 1 Bluefield Water Works & Improvement Co. v. Pub. Servo Comm 'n, 262 U.S. 679 (1923).2 Fed. Power Comm'n v. Hope Natural Gas Co., 320 U.S. 591 (1944). Avera, Di 3 Avista Corporation 1 (UDCF") model and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (UCAPM"), 2 as well as reference to exected earned rates of return for 3 utilities. Based on the cost of equity estimates indicated 4 by my analyses, the Company's ROE was evaluated taking into 5 account the specific risks and potential challenges for 6 Avista' s utility operations in Idaho. 7 8 Q. B. Sumry of Conclusions What are your findings regarding the 10.9 percent 9 ROE requested by Avista? 10 A.Based on the resul ts of my analyses and the 11 economic requirements necessary to support continuous 12 access to capital under reasonable terms, I determined that 13 10.9 percent is a conservative estimate of investors' 14 required ROE for Avista. The bases for my conclusion are 15 sumarized below: 16 . In order to reflect the risks and prospects17 associated with Avista's jurisdictional utility18 operations, my analyses focused on a proxy group of19 seventeen other utilities with comparable 20 investment risks. Consistent with the fact that21 utilities must compete for capital with firms22 outside their own industry, I also referenced a23 proxy group of comparable risk companies in the24 non-utility sector of the economy¡ 25 . Because inves tors' required return on equi ty is 26 unobservable and no single method should be viewed 27 in isolation, I applied both the DCF and CAPM28 methods, as well as the comparable earnings29 approach, to estimate a fair ROE for Avista¡ 30 . Based on my evaluation of the strength of the31 various methods, I concluded that the cost of32 equity for the proxy groups of utilities and non-33 utility companies is in the 10.9 percent to 12.5 Avera, Di 4 Avista Corporation 1 percent range, or 11.1 percent to 12.7 percent 2 after incorporating an adjustment to account for 3 the impact of common equity flotation costs; 4 . Because Avista' s requested ROE of 10.9 percent 5 falls at the very bottom of my ubare bones" cost of 6 equity range, it represents a conservative estimate7 of investors' required rate of return. 8 Q. Wht other evidence did YO consider in 9 evaluating your ROE recomndation in this case? 10 A.My recommendation is reinforced by the following 11 findings: 12 . The reasonableness of a 10.9 percent minimum ROE13 for Avista is supported by the need to consider the14 Company's credit standing, which remains relatively15 weak: 16 0 The pressure of funding significant capital17 expenditures of $420 million3 in the next two18 years, given that the Company's rate base is19 $2.1 billion, coupled with increased operating20 risks, heighten the uncertainties associated21 .' with Avista;22 0 Because of Avista' s reliance on hydroelectric23 generation and increasing dependence on24 natural gas fueled capacity, ,the Company is25 exposed to relatively greater risks of power26 cost volatility, even with the Power Cost27 Adjustment Mechanism (UPCA");28 0 Given that Avista's credit ratings already29 fall at the very bottom of the investment30 grade scale, and considering the potential for31 continued regulatory lag, an inadequate rate32 of return imposed in this proceeding would33 further pressure the Company's financial34 flexibility and credit standing;35 0 My conclusion that a 10.9 percent ROE for36 Avista is a conservative estimate of37 investors' required return is also reinforced38 by the Company's relatively greater risks as39 compared wi th the proxy groups, the grea ter 3 Excluding investment for federal stimulus projects involving .smart grid" . Avera, Di 5 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 uncertainties associated with Avista's relatively small size, and the economic reality that Avista' s actual returns have fallen systematically short of the allowed ROE. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 . Sensitivity to financial market and regulatory uncertainties has increased dramatically and investors recognize that constructive regulation isa key ingredient in supporting utility credit standing and financial integrity; and, . Providing Avista with the opportunity to earn a return that reflects these realities is an essential ingredient to support the Company's financial position, which ultimately benefits customers by ensuring reliable service at lowerlong-run costs. 17 . Regula tory support, incl uding a reasonable ROE,18 will be a key driver in securing additional 19 progress towards continued improvement in the20 Company's financial health. Further strengthening21 Avista's financial integrity is imperative to22 ensure that the Company has the capability to23 maintain an investment grade rating while24 confronting potential challenges associated with25 funding infrastructure development necessary to26 meet the needs of its customers. 27 Q. What is your conclusion as to the reasonaleness 28 of the Comany's capital structure? 29 A.Based on my evaluation, I concluded that a common 30 equity ratio of 50.0 percent represents a reasonable basis 31 from which to calculate Avista' s overall rate of return. 32 This conclusion was based on the following findings: 33 . Avista' s requested capitalization is consistent34 with the Company's need to strengthen its credit35 standing and financial flexibility as it seeks to36 raise additional capital to fund significant system37 investments and meet the requirements of its38 service territory; 39 . Avista's proposed common equity ratio is entirely40 consistent with the range of common equity ratios Avera, Di 6 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 maintained by the proxy group of utilities. It is also in-line with the 48.3 percent and 49.7 percentaverage equity ratios for the proxy utilities, based on year-end 2009 data and near-term expecta tions , respectively; . My conclusion is reinforced by the investment community's focus on the need for a greater equity layer to accommodate higher operating risks and thepressures of funding significant capital investments. This is reinforced by the need to consider the impact of uncertain capital markets conditions, as well as off-balance sheet commi tments such as purchased power agreements, which carry with them some level of imputed debt. Q. II. RISKS OF AVISTA Wht is the purpose of this section? 17 A.As a predicate to my capital market analyses, 18 this section examines the investment risks that investors 19 consider in evaluating their required rate Ç)f return for 20 Avista. 21 22 Q. A. Operating Risks How does Avista' s generating resource mix affect 23 investors' risk perceptions? 24 A.Because over 40 percent of Avista' s total energy 25 requirements are provided by hydroelectric facilities, the 26 Company is exposed to a level of uncertainty not faced by 27 most utilities.While hydropower confers advantages in 28 terms of fuel cost savings and diversity,reduced 29 hydroelectric generation due to below-average water 30 conditions forces Avista to rely more heavily on wholesale 31 power markets or more costly thermal generating capacity to Avera, Di 7 Avista Corporation 1 meet its resource needs. As Standard & Poor's Corporation 2 (US&P") has observed: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 A reduction in hydro generation typically increases an electric utility's costs by requiring it to buy replacement power or run more expensive generation to serve customer loads. Low hydro generation can also reduce utilities' opportunity to make off-system sales. At thesame time, low hydro years increase regional wholesale power prices, creating potentially a double impact - companies have to buy more powerthan under normal condi tions, paying higher. 4prices. Investors recognize that volatile energy markets, 15 unpredictable stream flows, and Avista' s reliance on 16 wholesale purchases to meet a significant portion of its 17 resource needs can expose the Company to the risk of 18 reduced cash flows and unrecovered power supply costs. S&P 19 noted that Avista, along with Idaho Power Company, uface 20 the most substantial risks despite their PCAs and cost- 21 update mechanisms,"s and concluded that Avista' s uchief 22 risk is the electric utility's exposure to replacement 23 power costs,particularly in 6low water years."Fitch 24 Ratings Ltd. (UFitch") concluded, uAvista' s earnings and 25 cash flows are adversely affected when hydroelectric 26 generation production falls below levels factored into 4 Standard & Poor's Corporation, .Pacific Northwest Hydrology And Its Impact On Investor-Owed Utilities' Credit Quality," RatingsDirect (Jan. 28, 2008).5 Id. 6 Standard & Poor's Corporation, · Avista Corp.," RatingsDirect (Aug. 21, 2009). Avera, Di 8 Avista Corporation 1 commission -approved rates due to lower-than-projected 2 streamflows. "7 3 Additionally, Avista has become increasingly reliant 4 on natural gas fired generating capacity to meet base-load 5 needs.Given the significant price fluctuations 6 experienced in energy markets discussed subsequently, 7 increasing reliance on natural gas heightens Avista' s 8 exposure to fuel cost volatility. 9 Q.Does Avista anticipate the need to access the 10 capital markets going forward? 11 A.Most definitely.Avista will require capital 12 investment to meet customer growth, provide for necessary 13 maintenance and replacements of its natural gas utility 14 systems, as well as fund new investment in electric 15 generation, transmission and distribution facilities.As 16 discussed by Company witness. Mr. Thies, planned capital 17 additions for 2010-2011 alone total approximately $420 18 million, with $1. 2 billion in expenditures being expected 19 through 2014.This represents a substantial investment 20 given Avista' s rate base was $2.1 billion as of year-end 21 2009. 22 Continued support for Avista' s financial integrity and 23 flexibility will be instrumental in attracting the capital 7 Fitch Ratings, Ltd., -Avista Corp., R Global Power U.S. Credit Analysis (Jul. 31, 2009). Avera, Di 9 Avista Corporation 1 necessary to fund these projects in an effective maner. 2 Avista' s reliance on purchased power to meet shortfalls in 3 hydroelectric generation magnifies the importance of 4 strengthening financial flexibility, which is essential to 5 guarantee access to the cash resources and interim 6 financing required to cover inadequate operating cash 7 flows, as well as fund required investments in the utility 8 system. 9 Q.IS the potential for energy market volatility an 10 ongoing concern for investors? 11 A.Yes.In recent years utilities and their 12 customers have had to contend with dramatic fluctuations in 13 energy costs due to ongoing price volatility in the spot 14 markets, and investors recognize the prospect of further 15 turmoil in energy markets.Moody's Investors Service 16 (UMoody's") has warned investors of ongoing exposure to 17 uextremely volatile" energy commodity costs, including 18 purchased power prices, which are heavily influenced by 19 fuel costs,8 and Fitch noted that rapidly rising energy 20 costs created vulnerability in the utility industry. 9 8 Moody's Investors Service, .Storm Clouds Gathering on the Horizon for the North American Electric Utility Sector," Special Comment at 6 (Aug. 2007).9 Fitch Ratings Ltd., .Staying Afloat: Downstream Liquidity in the Energy and Power Sectors, ROil & Gas / Global Power Special Report (June 16, 2008). Avera, Di 10 Avista Corporation . 1 For example, the utility industry and its customers 2 have had to contend with dramatic fluctuations in gas costs 3 due to ongoing price volatility in the spot markets. Fitch 4 has highlighted the challenges that fluctuations in energy 5 prices can have for utili ties and noted that: 6 7 8 9 10 11 The sharp run-up and subsequent collapse natural gas prices in 2008 is emlematic of extreme price volatility that characterizes commodity and is likely to persist in future. 10 ofthethethe Moody'S concluded that natural gas uremains highly 12 volatile," and warned that such price fluctuations ucould 13 have a significant impact on a utility's liquidity 14 profile. "11 15 While expectations for significantly lower energy 16 prices reflect weaker fundamentals affecting current load 17 and fuel prices, investors recognize the potential that 18 such trends could quickly reverse.As Fi tch recently 19 noted, uuncertainty regarding fuel prices, in particular 20 natural gas costs, has made planning for the future even 21 more problematic. "12 Besides discouraging potential 22 customers from choosing natural gas, causing certain 23 existing users to substitute alternative fuels, and leading 10 Fitch Ratings, Ltd., .U.S. Utilities, Power and Gas 2009 Outlook, R Global Power North American Special Report (Dec. 22, 2008).11 Moody's Investors Service, .Carbon Risks Becoming More Imminent for U. S. Electric Utility Sector," Special Comment (March 2009) .12 Fitch Ratings, Ltd., .Electric Utility Capital Spending: The Show Will Go On," Global Power U.S. and Canada Special Report (Oct. 14, 2009) . Avera, Di 11 Avista corporation 1 to decreased customer usage, volatile natural gas prices 2 have increased the risks of investing in natural gas 3 distribution utilities and placed additional pressure on 4 their bond ratings.The rapid rise in customers' bills 5 that can result from higher wholesale energy prices has 6 also heightened investor concerns over the implications for 7 regulatory uncertainty.Moody's concluded that political 8 risks associated with Ugrowing consumer intolerance for 9 steadily increasing rates" was a key longer-term challenge 10 for utilities that would be intensified by prolonged 11 unemployment. 13 12 Q.What other financial pressures impact investors' 13 risk assessmnt of Avista? 14 A.Investors are aware of the financial and 15 regulatory pressures faced by utilities associated with 16 rising costs and the need to undertake significant capital 17 investments. As Moody's observed: 18 19 20 21 22 Utilities remain exposed to large, long-term capital investment challenges, volatile commodity prices and legal judgments that can wreak havoc on even the strongest liquidity profiles. 14 Similarly, S&P noted that cost increases and capital 23 proj ects , along wi th uncertain load growth, were a 13 Moody's Investors Service, .U. S. Electric Utilities Face Challenges Beyond Near-Term, R Industry Outlook (Jan. 2010).14 Id. Avera, Di 12 Avista Corporation significant challenge to the utility industry. lS 2 echoed this assessment, concluding: 1 Fitch 3 The combination of high capital expenditures and 4 relatively weak electricity demand will continue 5 to pressure credit quality and require base rate 6 increases in 2010 and beyond. 16 7 While providing the infrastructure necessary to meet 8 the energy needs of customers is certainly desirable, it 9 imposes additional financial responsibilities on Avista. 10 As noted earlier, the Company's plans include electric 11 utility capital expenditures of approximately $420 million 12 just over the 2010-2011 period, and Moody's has noted that 13 Avista u is continuing its high level of investment. "17 14 Investors are aware of the challenges posed by rising costs 15 and burdensome capital expenditure requirements, especially 16 in light of Avista' s relatívely weak credit standing and 17 ongoing capital market and economic uncertainties. 18 Q.Wht other considerations affect investors' 19 evaluation of Avista? 20 A.Utilities are confronting increased environmental 21 pressures that could impose significant uncertainties and 22 costs.In early 2007 S&P cited environmental mandates, 23 including emissions, conservation, and renewable resources, lS Standard & Poor's Corporation, .Industry Economic And Ratings Outlook, R RatingsDirect (Feb. 2, 2010).16 Fitch Ratings Ltd., .U. S. Utilities, Power, and Gas 2010 Outlook," Global Power North America Special Report (Dec. 4, 2009).17 Moody's Investors Service, .Credi t Opinion: Avista Corp.,' Global Credit Research (Aug. 13, 2009). Avera, Di 13 Avista Corporation 1 as one of the top ten credit issues facing U. S. utilities. 18 2 Similarly, Moody's noted that Uthe prospect for new 3 environmental emission legislation particularly 4 concerning carbon dioxide - represents the biggest emerging 5 issue for electric utili ties, "19 while Fitch observed that 6 "the structure,timing and implementation is still 7 uncertain."w 8 Compliance with evolving standards will undoubtedly 9 require significant capital expenditures, with S&P recently 10 concluding, "Although we expect the cap-and-trade program 11 to be economywide and affect a variety of sectors, it will 12 disproportionately affect the power sector.,,21 S&P recently 13 emphasized that because of uncertainty over the details and 14 timing of future limits on CO2 emissions, existing ratings 15 do not fully reflect the impact of carbon risks. 22 16 Q.Would investors consider Avista' s relative size 17 in their assessment of the Comany's risks and prospects? 18 19 A.Yes.A firm's relative size has important implications for investors in their evaluation of 20 alternative investments, and it is well established that 18 Standard & Poor's Corporation, .Top Ten Credit Issues Facing U. S. Utilities," RatingsDirect (Jan. 29, 2007).19 Moody's Investors Service, .U.S. Investor-Owed Electric Utilities," Industry Outlook (Jan. 2009).20 Fitch Ratings, Ltd., .U.S. Utilities, Power and Gas 2009 Outlook," Global Power North America Special Report (Dec. 22, 2008).21 Standard & Poor's Corporation, .The Potential Credit Impact Of Carbon Cap-And-Trade Legislation On U. S. Companies," RatingsDirect (Sep. 14, 2009).22 Id. Avera, Di 14 Avista Corporation 1 smaller firms are more risky than larger firms.with a 2 market capitalization of approximately $1.1 billion, Avista 3 is one of the smallest publicly traded electric utilities 4 followed by Value Line,which have an average 5 capitalization of approximately $6.7 billion.23 6 The magnitude of the size disparity between Avista and 7 other firms in the utility industry has important practical 8 implications with respect to the risks faced by investors. 9 Al 1 else being equal, it is wel 1 accepted that smal ler 10 firms are more risky than their larger counterparts, due in 11 part to their relative lack of diversification and lower 12 f. . 1 . l' 24inancia resi iency.These greater risks imply a higher 13 required rate of return, and there is ample empirical 14 evidence that investors in smaller firms realize higher 15 f . 1 f' 2Srates 0 return than in arger irms.Common sense and 16 accepted financial doctrine hold that investors require 17 higher returns from smaller companies, and unless that 18 compensation is provided in the rate of return allowed for 19 a utility, the legal tests embodied in the Hope and 20 Bluefield cases canot be met. 23 ww.valueline.com (retrieved Mar. 5, 2010). 24 It is well established in the financial literature that smaller firms are more risky than larger firms. See, e.g., Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth R. French, -The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns", The Journal of Finance (June 1992); George E. Pinches, J. Clay Singleton, and Ali Jahankhani, -Fixed Coverage as a Determinant of Electric Utility Bond Ratings", Financial Maagement (Sumer 1978).25 See for example Rolf W. Banz, -The Relationship Between Return and Market Value of Common Stocks", Journal of Financial Economics(Septemer 1981) at 16. Avera, Di 15 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 Q. B. Implications of Attrition Wht causes attrition? A.Attrition is the deterioration of actual return 4 below the allowed return that occurs when the relationships 5 between revenues, costs, and rate base used to establish 6 rates (e.g., using a historical test year without adequate 7 adjustments) do not reflect the actual costs incurred to 8 serve customers during the period that rates are in effect. 9 For example, if external factors are driving costs to 10 increase more than revenues, then the rate of return will 11 fall short of the allowed return even if the utility is 12 operating efficiently.Similarly, when growth in the 13 utility's investment outstrips the rate base used for 14 ratemaking, the earned rate of return will fall below the 15 16 allowed return through no faul t of the utility's management.These imbalances are exacerbated as the 17 regulatory lag increases between the time when the data 18 used to establish rates is measured and the date when the 19 rates go into effect. 20 Q.Why is it necessary to address the impact of 21 attrition? 22 A.Investors are concerned with what they can expect 23 in the future, not what they might expect in theory if a 24 historical test year were to repeat.To be fair to 25 investors and to benefit customers, a regulated utility 26 must have an opportunity to actually earn a return that Avera, Di 16 Avista Corporation 1 will maintain financial integrity,facilitate capital 2 attraction, and compensate for risk. In other words, it is 3 the end result in the future that determines whether or not 4 the Hope and Bluefield standards are met.S&P observed 5 that its risk analysis focuses on the utility's ability to 6 consistently ~ a reasonable return: 7 Notably, the analysis does not revolve around 8 uauthorized" returns, but rather on actual earned 9 returns. We note the many examples of utilities10 with healthy authorized returns that, we believe,11 have no meaningful expectation of actually12 earning that return because of rate case lag,13 expense disallowances, etc. 26 14 Similarly, Moody's concluded, "we evaluate the framework 15 and mechanisms that allow a utility to recover its costs 16 and investments and earn allowed returns. We are less 17 concerned with the official allowed return on equity, 18 instead focusing on the earned returns and cash flows. "27 19 Q.Has the investment comity recognized the risks 20 associated with attrition and lag in its evaluation of 21 Avista? 22 23 A.Yes. As discussed in the testimony of Mr. Thies, Avista is experiencing regulatory lag.S&P confirmed that 24 attrition has acted as a drag on Avista' s finances: 25 Regulatory lag has been a consistent issue for26 Avista's utilities, with the utility operations ... 26 Standard & Poor's Corporation, -Assessing U.S. Utility Regulatory Environments," RatingsDirect (Nov. 7, 2008).27 Moody's Investors Service, -Electric Utilities Face Challenges Beyond Near-Term," Industry Outlook (Jan. 2010). Avera, Di 17 Avista Corporation 1 collectively unable to earn the company's2 authorized return on equity (ROE) on a 3 consolidated basis. On a consolidated basis, 4 average earned ROE over the pas t three years has 5 been just under 7%, based on Standard & Poor's 6 Ratings Services' calculations. 28 7 Similarly, Value Line recently noted that the effects of 8 regula tory lag were hampering Avis ta ' s abi 1 i ty to earn its 9 allowed ROE, which is expected to be an ongoing issue for 10 the Company. 29 11 12 Q.Wht are the ways to deal with attrition? A.For many utilities, the widespread adoption of 13 pass-through clauses for fuel, purchased power, and other 14 costs that were rising rapidly in the late 1970' s and early 15 1980' s helped to partially offset the impact of attrition. 16 The use of future test years and other forward-looking 17 adjustments and mechanisms is also useful in ameliorating 18 the impact of attrition, as is accelerated depreciation and 19 inclusion of CWIP in rate base, particularly where 20 financing an expensive generating plant addition is 21 undermining a utility's financial indicators.Many 22 jurisdictions have developed methods to attenuate 23 regulatory lag, such as allowing interim rates, putting 24 rates into effect subject to refund,as well as 28 Standard & Poor's Corporation, -Sumary: Avista Corp.," RatingsDirect (Feb. 18, 2010).29 The Value Line Investment Survey at 2232 (Feb. 5, 2010). Avera, Di 18 Avista Corporation 1 accelerating the administrative process to allow faster 2 rate decisions. 3 Q.Is it reasonable to consider the imact of 4 Avista's expsure to attrition? 5 A.Yes. Setting rates at a level that considers the 6 impact of attrition and allows the utility an opportunity 7 to actually earn its authorized ROE is consistent with 8 fundamental regulatory principles.Central to the 9 determination of reasonable rates for utility service is 10 the notion that owners of public utility properties are 11 protected from confiscation.The Supreme Court has 12 reaffirmed that the end result test must be applied to the 13 actual returns that investors expect if they put their 14 money at risk to finance utilities. 30 This end result can 15 only be achieved for Avista if the allowed return is 16 sufficient to offset the impact of attrition.That end 17 result would maintain the utility'S financial integrity, 18 ability to attract capital and offer investors fair 19 compensation for the risk they bear.Attrition will 20 continue to result in under-earning the allowed ROE if the 30 Verizon Communications, et al v. Federal Communications Commission, et aI, 535 U. S. 467 (2002). While I canot comment on the legal significance of this case, I found the economic wisdom of looking to the reasonable expectations of actual investors compelling. Economic logic and common sense confirm that a utility canot attract capital on reasonable terms if investors expect future returns to fall short of those offered by comparable investments. Avera, Di 19 Avista Corporation 1 impact of regulatory lag and rising capital requirements 2 are ignored. 3 In real world capital markets, investors have many 4 competing places to put their money. If the money that is 5 dedicated to utility public service does not have an 6 opportunity to earn a return commensurate with that 7 available from alternatives of equivalent risk in the 8 capi tal markets,investors are not being adequately 9 compensated for the use of their money and bearing risk. 10 Since the capital dedicated to utility service cannot be 11 withdrawn from public service, its economic value to 12 investors is reduced by the amount necessary to make the 13 utility investment competitive with alternative investments 14 on the open market.This reduction in economic value 15 necessary to bring the rate of earnings on utility 16 investment into line with market opportuni ties of 17 commensurate risk constitutes a taking of investors' 18 capital by the governmental authority setting rates. 19 C. Impact of capital Market Conditions 20 Q.Wht are the implications of recent capital 21 market conditions? 22 A.The financial and real estate crisis that 23 accelerated during the third quarter of 2008 led to 24 unprecedented price fluctuations in the capital markets as 25 investors dramatically revised their risk perceptions and Avera, Di 20 Avista Corporation 1 required returns. As a result of investors' trepidation to 2 commit capital, stock prices declined sharply while the 3 yields on corporate bonds experienced a dramatic increase. 4 with respect to utilities specifically, as of Decemer 5 2009, the Dow Jones utility Average stock index remained 6 almost 30 percent below the level in June 2008. This sell- 7 off in common stocks and sharp fluctuations in utility bond 8 yields reflect the fact that the utility industry was not 9 immune to the impact of financial market turmoil and the 10 ongoing economic downturn.As the Edison Electric 11 Institute (UEEI") noted in a letter to congressional 12 representatives as the financial crisis intensified, 13 capital market uncertainties have serious implications for 14 utilities and their customers: 15 In the wake of the continuing upheaval on Wall16 Street, capital markets are all but immobilized,17 and short-term borrowing costs to utili ties have18 already increased substantially. If the19 financial crisis is not resolved quickly,20 financial pressures on utilities will intensify21 sharply, resulting in higher costs to our 22 customers and, ultimately, could compromise23 service reliability. 31 24 Similarly, an October 1, 2008, Wall Street Journal 25 report confirmed that utilities had been forced to delay 26 borrowing or pursue more costly alternatives to raise 31 Letter to House of Representatives, Thomas R. Kuhn, President, Edison Electric Institute (Sep. 24, 2008). Avera, Di 21 Avista Corporation 1 funds. 32 In December 2008, Fitch confirmed usharp repricing 2 of and aversion to risk in the investment community," and 3 noted that the disruptions in financial markets and the 4 fundamental shift in investors' risk perceptions had 5 increased the cost of capital for utilities.33: 6 More recently, Fitch concluded,UWhile utilities 7 maintained relatively good market access during the credit 8 crisis, the cost of capital is higher than prior to the 9 credit crisis, and bank credit remains relatively tight."34 10 Similarly, S&P confirmed that utilities are expected to 11 maintain access to credit in 2010,ualbeit at more 12 demanding terms than in the previous cycle, "3S with Moody's 13 noting that Ucosts associated with credit facilities have 14 increased significantly. ,,36 15 Q.How do current interest rates on long-te~ bonds 16 comare with those projected for the next few of years? 17 A.Table WEA-1 below compares current interest rates 18 on 30-year Treasury bonds, double-A rated utility bonds, 19 and triple-A rated corporate bonds with those projected for 32 Smith, Rebecca, -Corporate News: Utilities' Plans Hit by Credit Markets, R Wall Street Journal at B4 (Oct. 1, 2008).33 Fitch Ratings Ltd., -U.S. Utilities, Power and Gas 2009 Outlook," Global Power North America Special Report (Dec. 22. 2008).34 Fitch Ratings Ltd., -Electric Utility Capital Spending: The Show Will Go On," Global Power U.S. and Canada Special Report (Oct. 14, 2009) .35 Standard & Poor's Corporation, -Industry Report Card: U. S. Regulated Electric Utilities Head Into 2010 With Familiar Concerns," RatingsDirect (Dec. 28, 2009).36 Moody's Investors Service, -U. S. Electric Utilities Face Challenges Beyond Near-Term," Industry Outlook (Jan. 2010). Avera, Di 22 Avista Corporation 1 2010 through 2014 by the Value Line Investment Survey 2 (UValue Line"), IHS Global Insight, the Energy Information 3 Administration ("EIA"), a statistical agency of the U. S. 4 Department of Energy (UDOE"): 5 'lABLE WD-16 IR'BUS'l RAB 'lS 30 - Yr. 'lreasury Value Line (a) IHS GlobalAA Corprate Value Line (b) IHS GlobalInsight (c) S&P (d) AA Utility IHS Global EÌA" '(e)' 2010 2011 2012 2013 Feb. 20102014 4.6% 4.9% 5.3% 4.6% 4.6% 4.9% 5.8% 5.2% (a) 6.3% 4.6% 5.8% 4.6% 5.8% 6.0% 6.4% 5.3% 5.5% 5.9% 5.8% 6.8% 7.5% 6.7% 6.2% 7.6% 7.0% 5.4% 6.7% 5.4% 5.4% 5.6% 5.8% 6.3% 6.7% 6.4% 6.5% 6.6% 6.8% 7.2% 5.7% 7.2% 5.7% (a) Based on monthly average bond yields for January 2010 reported at ww. credi t trends. moodys. com and http://ww. federalreserve.gov/releases/h15/data.h tm. (b) The Value Line Investment Survey, Forecast for the U.S. Economy (Feb. 26, 2010). (c) IHS Global Insight, The U.S. Economy: The 3D-YearFocus" (Third-Quarter 2009) at Table 34. (d) Standard & Poor's Corporation, -U. S. Economic Forecast: To A Prosperous New Year," RatingsDirect (Jan. 11, 2009). (e) Energy Informtion Administration, Anual EnergyOutlook 2010, Early Release (Dec. 5, 2009) at Table 20. 7 As evidenced above, there is a clear consensus that the 8 cost of permanent capital will be higher in the 2010-2014 9 timeframe than it is currently. As a result, current cost 10 of capital estimates are likely to understate investors' Avera, Di 23 Avista Corporation 1 requirements at the time the outcome of this proceeding 2 becomes effective and beyond. 3 Q.Wht do these events imply with respect to the 4 ROE for Avista? 5 A.No one knows the future of our complex global We know that the financial crisis had been6economy. 7 building for a long time and few predicted that the economy 8 would fall as rapidly as it has, or that corporate bond 9 yields would fluctuate as dramatically as they did~ While 10 conditions in the economy and capital markets appear to 11 have stabilized, investors are apt to react swiftly and 12 negatively to any future signs of trouble in the financial 13 sys tem or economy.As the Wall Street Journal recently 14 noted: 15 Stocks pulled out of a 167-point hole with a late16 rally Friday, capping a wild week reminiscent of17 the most volatile days of the credit crisis. ... It18 was a return to the unusual relationships, or19 correlations, seen at major flash points over the20 past two years when investors fled risky assets 21 and jumped into safe havens. This market22 behavior, which has reasserted itself repeatedly23 since the financial crisis began, suggests that24 investment decisions are still being driven more25 by government support and liquidity concerns than 26 market fundamentals. 37 27 Given the importance of reliable electric and gas utility 28 service for customers and the economy, it would be unwise 37 Gongloff, Mark, -Stock Rebound Is a Crisis Flashback - Late Surge Recalls Market's Volatility at Peak of Credit Difficulties; Unusual Correlations, R Wall Street Journal at B1 (Feb. 6, 2010). Avera, Di 24 Avista Corporation 1 to ignore investors' increased sensitivity to risk in 2 evaluating Avista' s ROE. 3 D. Support For Avista's Credit Staning 4 Q.Wht credit ratings have been assigned to Avista? 5 A.Avista has been assigned a corporate credit 6 rating of "BBB-" by S&P and an issuer default rating of 7 UBBB-"by Fitch. Moody's has assigned the Company an issuer 8 rating of "Baa3".S&P and Moody's have revised their 9 credit outlook on Avista to upositive", indicating the 10 potential for higher ratings going forward. 38 The current 11 ratings assigned by S&P, Moody'S, and Fitch represent the 12 lowest rung on the ladder of the investment grade scale. 13 Q.How have investors' risk perceptions for firms 14 involved in the utility industr, evolved? 15 A.The past decade witnessed steady erosion in 16 credit quality throughout the utility industry, both as a 17 result of revised perceptions of the risks in the industry 18 and the weakened finances of the utilities themselves. S&P 19 recently reported that the majority of the companies in the 38 Standard & Poor's Corporation i -Research Update: Outlook On Avista Corp. Credit Rating Revised To positive; Ratings Affirmed," RatingsDirect (Aug. 10, 2009); Moody'S Investors Service, -Ratings Action: Avista Corp.,. Global Credi t Research Ratings Action (Aug. 12, 2009) . Avera, Di 25 Avista Corporation 1 utili ty sector now fall in the triple-B rating category. 39 2 Going forward, S&P observed that: 3 Looming costs associated with environmental 4 compliance, slack demand caused by economic 5 weakness, the potential for permanent demand 6 destruction caused by changes in consumer 7 behavior and closing of manufacturing facilities, 8 and numerous regulatory filings seeking recovery 9 of costs are some of the significant challenges10 the indus try has to deal wi th . 40 11 Q.How does Avista's relative credit staning 12 comare with others in the utility industry? 13 A.Avista IS credit ratings remain at the very bottom 14 of the investment grade scale, and in a recent report by 15 S&P ranking U. S. regulated utilities from strongest to 16 weakest, Avista was ranked 145 out of the total 181 17 companies with investment grade credit . 41ratings. 18 Meanwhile, in a ranking of electric and gas utility parent 19 companies, Fitch placed Avista at 34th position out of 49 20 . 42companies. 39 Standard & Poor's Corporation, -Issuer Ranking: U. S. Regulated Electric Utilities, Strongest To Weakest," RatingsDirect (Mar. 2, 2010) .40 Standard & Poor's Corporation, -U. S. Regulated Electric Utilities Head Into 2010 With Familiar Concerns," RatingsDirect (Dec. 28, 2009).41 Standard & Poor's Corporation, - Issuer Ranking: U. S. Regulated Electric Utilities, Strongest To Weakest," RatingsDirect (Mar. 2,2010) .42 Fitch Ratings Ltd., -U.S. Utilities, Power, and Gas 2010 Outlook, R Global Power North America Special Report (Dec. 4, 2009). Avera, Di 26 Avista Corporation 1 Q.Wht are the implications of Avista' s relative 2 credit standing,given the potential for further 3 dislocations in the capital markets? 4 A.As documented earlier and in the testimony of Mr. 5 Mark Thies, investors' concerns are magnified by the fact 6 that its credit standing remains relatively weak.The 7 Company's efforts to regain investment grade credit ratings 8 have been success ful ,but Avista' s finances remain 9 pressured. 10 Fitch observed that when credit market conditions are 11 unsettled, \\ \ flight to quality' is selective within the 12 (utili ty) sector, favoring companies at higher rating 13 levels. "43 Because Avista' s ratings are at the very bottom 14 of the investment grade barrel, there is no backstop in the 15 event of a recurring capital market crisis and reduced 16 flexibility to respond to other challenges, such as a 17 continuation of poor hydro conditions or increased capital 18 outlays.As Mr. Thies confirms in his testimony, 19 regulatory support will be a key driver in securing 20 additional progress towards restoring the Company's 21 financial health. Further strengthening Avista' s financial 22 integrity and continued progress in raising the Company's 23 credit standing is imperative to ensure the capability to 43 Id. Avera, Di 27 Avista Corporation 1 maintain an investment grade rating while confronting 2 potential challenges. 3 Moreover, the negative impact of declining credit 4 quality on a utility's capital costs and financial 5 flexibility becomes more pronounced as debt ratings move 6 down the scale from investment to non-investment grade. As 7 the Chairman of the New York State Public Service 8 Commission noted in his role as spokesman for the National 9 Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners: 10 While there is a large difference between A and11 BBB, there is an even brighter line between 12 Investment Grade (BBB- /Baa3 bond ratings by 13 S&P/Moody's, and higher) and non-Investment Grade14 (Junk) (BB+/Ba1 and lower). The cost of issuing15 non-investment grade debt, assuming the market is16 receptive to it, has in some cases been hundreds17 of basis points over the yield on investment18 grade securities. To me this suggests that you19 do not want to be rated at the lower end of the 20 BBB range because an unexpected shock could move 21 you outside the investment grade range. 44 22 The pressures of significant capital expenditure continued improvement in Avista' s credit supporting standing. 23 24 requirements reinforce the importance of 25 Investors understand from past experience in the utility 26 industry that large capital needs can lead to significant 27 deterioration in financial integrity that can constrain 28 access to capital, especially during times of unfavorable 44 Brown, George, -Credit and Capital Issues Affecting the Electric Power Industry," Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Technical Conference (Jan. 13, 2009). Avera, Di 28 Avista Corporation 1 capital market conditions. Considering the weakened state 2 of financial markets, competition with other investment 3 alternatives, and investors' sensitivity to the potential 4 for market volatility, greater credit strength is a key 5 ingredient in maintaining access to capital at reasonable 6 cost. with Avista 1 s credit ratings poised on the precipice 7 between investment grade and junk bond status, the stakes 8 associated with an inadequate rate of return are increased 9 dramatically. In turn, the need for supportive regulation 10 and an adequate ROE may never have been greater. 11 12 Q. E. Capital Structure IS an evaluation of the capital structure 13 maintained by a utility relevant in assessing its return on 14 equity? 15 A.Yes. Other things equal, a higher debt ratio, or 16 lower common equity ratio, translates into increased 17 financial risk for all investors. A greater amount of debt 18 means more investors have a senior claim on available cash 19 flow, thereby reducing the certainty that each will receive 20 his contractual payments.This increases the risks to 21 which lenders are exposed, and they require correspondingly 22 higher rates of interest.From common shareholders' 23 standpoint, a higher debt ratio means that there are 24 proportionately more investors ahead of them, thereby 25 increasing the uncertainty as to the amount of cash flow, 26 if any, that wiii remain. Avera, Di 29 Avista Corporation 1 Q.What comn equity ratio is implicit in Avista's 2 requested capital structure? 3 4 A.Avista's capital structure is presented in the testimony of Mr. Thies.As sumarized in his testimony, 5 the pro-forma common equity ratio used to compute Avista's 6 overall rate of return was 50.0 percent in this filing . 7 Q.What was the average capitalization maintained by 8 the utility proxy group? 9 A.As shown on Schedule 3, for the 17 firms in the 10 utility proxy group, common equity ratios at Decemer 31, 11 2009 ranged between 42.8 percent and 63.4 percent and 12 averaged 48.3 percent. 13 Q.Wht capitalization is representative for the 14 proxy group of utilities going forward? 15 A.As shown on Schedule 3, The Value Line Investment 16 Survey ("Value Line") expects an average common equity 1 7 ratio for the proxy group of utilities of 49.7 percent for 18 its three-to-five year forecast horizon,with the 19 individual common equity ratios ranging from 41.0 percent 20 to 59.5 percent. 21 Q.How does Avista's comn equity ratio comare 22 with those maintained by the reference group of utilities? 23 A. The 50.0 percent common equity ratio requested by 24 Avista is entirely consistent with the range of equity 25 ratios maintained by the firms in the Utility Proxy Group Avera, Di jo Avista Corporation 1 and is in-line with the 48.3 percent and 49.7 percent 2 average equity ratios at year-end 2009 and based on Value 3 Line's near-term expectations, respectively. 4 Q.Wht implication does the increasing risk of the 5 utility industry have for the capital structures maintained 6 by utilities? 7 A.As discussed earlier, the average credit rating 8 associated with firms in the electric industry has fallen 9 to triple-B, with Avista' s UBBB-" rating occupying the 10 lowest rung on the ladder of the investment grade scale. 11 At the same time, utilities are facing uncertainties on a 12 numer fronts, including the need to finance significant 13 capital investment plans and ongoing regulatory risks. 14 Coupled with the potential for further turmoil in capital 15 markets, these considerations warrant a stronger balance 16 sheet to deal with an increasingly uncertain environient. 17 A more conservative financial profile, in the form of a 18 higher common equity ratio, is consistent with increasing 19 uncertainties and the need to maintain the continuous 20 access to capital that is required to fund operations and 21 necessary system investment, even during times of adverse 22 capital market conditions. 23 Moody's has repeatedly warned investors of the risks 24 associated with debt leverage and fixed obligations and 25 advised utilities not to squander the opportunity to Avera, Di 31 Avista Corporation 1 strengthen the balance sheet as a buffer against future 2 uncertainties. 45 More recently, Moody's concluded: 3 From a credit perspective, we believe a strong 4 balance sheet coupled with abundant sources of 5 liquidity represents one of the best defenses 6 against business and operating risk and potential 7 negative ratings actions. 46 8 Similarly, S&P recently noted that, Uwe generally consider 9 a debt to capital level of 50% or greater to be aggressive 10 or highly leveraged for utilities. ,,47 Fitch affirmed that 11 it expects regulated utilities Uto extend their 12 conservative balance sheet stance in 2010," and employ Ua 13 judicious mix of debt and equity to finance high levels of 14 planned investments. ,,48 This is especially the case for 15 Avista, which faces the dual challenge of financing 16 significant capital expansion plans while at the same time 17 endeavoring to improve its credit standing. 18 Q.Wht other factors do investors consider in their 19 assessment of a comany's capital structure? 20 A.Depending on their specific attributes, 21 contractual agreements or other obligations that require 22 the utility to make specified payments may be treated as 45 Moody's Investors Service, -Storm Clouds Gathering on the Horizon for the North American Electric Utility Sector," Special Comment (Aug. 2007); -U.S. Electric Utility Sector," Indust~ Outlook (Jan. 2008).46 Moody's Investors Service, -U. S. Electric Utilities Face Challenges Beyond Near-Term," Indust~ Outlook (Jan. 2010).47 Standard & Poor's Corporation, -Ratings Roundup: U. S. Electric Utility Sector Maintained Strong Credit Quality In A Gloomy 2009," RatingsDirect (Jan. 26, 2010).48 Fitch Ratings Ltd., -U.S. Utilities, Power, and Gas 2010 Outlook," Global Power North America Special Report (Dec. 4, 2009). Avera, Di 32 Avista Corporation 1 debt in evaluating Avista' s financial risk. Power purchase 2 agreements (UPPAs") and leases typically obligate the 3 utility to make specified minimum contractual payments akin 4 to those associated with traditional debt financing and 5 investors consider a portion of these commitments as debt 6 in evaluating total financial risks.Because inves tors 7 consider the debt impact of such fixed obligations in 8 assessing a utility's financial position, they imply 9 greater risk and reduced financial flexibility.In order 10 to offset the debt equivalent associated with off-balance 11 sheet obligations, the utility must rebalance its capital 12 structure by increasing its common equity in order to 13 restore its effective capitalization ratios to previous 14 levels. The capital structure ratios presented earlier do 15 not include imputed debt associated with power purchase 16 agreements or the impact of other off-balance sheet 17 obligations. 18 These commitments have been repeatedly cited by major 19 bond rating agencies in connection with assessments of 20 utility financial risks.49 For example, S&P'reported that 21 it adjusts Avista's capitalization to include approximately 49 See, e.g., Standard & Poor's Corporation, -Standard & Poor's Methodology For Imputing Debt For U. S. Utili ties' Power Purchase Agreements, R RatingsDirect (May 7, 2007); Standard & Poor's Corporation, -Implications Of Operating Leases On Analysis Of U. S. Electric Utilities," RatingsDirect (Jan. 15, 2008); Standard & Poor'sCorporation, -Top 10 Investor Questions: U. S. Regulated Electric Utilities, R RatingsDirect (Jan. 22, 2010). Avera, Di 33 Avista Corporation 1 $195 million in imputed debt from PPAs, leases, and 2 postretirement benefit obligations. 50 Unless Avista takes 3 action to offset this additional financial risk by 4 maintaining a higher equity ratio, the resulting leverage 5 will weaken the Company's creditworthiness, implying a 6 higher required rate of return to compensate investors for 7 the greater risks. 51 8 Q.Wht did you conclude with respect to the 9 Comany's capital structure? 10 A.Based on my evaluation, I concluded that Avista' s 11 requested capital structure represents a reasonable mix of 12 capital sources from which to calculate the Company's 13 overall rate of return.While industry averages provide 14 one benchmark for comparison, each firm must select its 15 capitalization based on the risks and prospects it faces, 16 as well its specific needs to access the capital markets. 17 A public utility with an obligation to serve must maintain 18 ready access to capital under reasonable terms so that it 19 can meet the service requirements of its customers. 20 Avista's capital structure reflects the challenges 21 posed by its resource mix, the burden of significant 50 Standard & Poor's Corporation, -Avista Corp.," RatingsDirect (Aug. 21, 2009).Sl Apart from the immediate impact that the fixed obligation of purchased power costs has on the utility's financial risk, higher fixed charges also reduce ongoing financial flexibility, and the utility may face other uncertainties, such as potential replacement power costs in the event of supply disruption. Avera, Di 34 Avista Corporation 1 capital spending requirements, and the Company's ongoing 2 efforts to strengthen its credit standing and support 3 access to capi talon reasonable terms.Moody's observed 4 that its ratings for Avista anticipate uconservative 5 financing strategies. ,,52 The need for access becomes even 6 more important when the company has capital requirements 7 over a period of years, and financing must be continuously 8 available,even during unfavorable capital market 9 conditions. 10 11 Q. III. CAITAL MA ESTIMATES What is the purpose of this section? 12 A.This section presents capital market estimates of 13 the cost of equity.The details of my quantitative 14 analyses are contained in Schedule 2 of Exhibit No.3, with 15 the results being sumarized below. 16 17 Q. A. Overview Wht role does the rate of return on CODn 18 equity play in a utility's rates? 19 A.The return on common equi ty is the cos t of 20 inducing and retaining investment in the utility's physical 21 plant and assets. This investment is necessary to finance 22 the asset base needed to provide utility service. 23 Investors will commit money to a particular investment only 52 Moody's Investors Service, -Credit Opinion: Avista Corp.," Global Credit Research (Aug. 13, 2009). Avera, Di 35 Avista Corporation 1 if they expect it to produce a return commensurate with 2 those from other investments wi th comparable risks. 3 Moreover, the return on common equity is integral in 4 achieving the sound regulatory objectives of rates that are 5 sufficient to: 1) fairly compensate capital investment in 6 the utility, 2) enable the utility to offer a return 7 adequate to attract new capital on reasonable terms, and 3) 8 maintain the utility's financial integrity. Meeting these 9 objectives allows the utility to fulfill its obligation to 10 provide reliable service while meeting the needs of 11 customers through necessary system expansion. 12 Q.Did you rely on a single method to estimate the 13 cost of equity for Avista? 14 A.No.In my opinion, no single method or model 15 should be relied upon to determine a utility's cost of 16 equity because no single approach can be regarded as wholly 17 reliable.For example, a publication of the Society of 18 Utility and Financial Analysts (formerly the National 19 Society of Rate of Return Analysts), concluded that: 20 Each model requires the exercise of judgment as 21 to the reasonableness of the underlying 22 assumptions of the methodology and on the23 reasonableness of the proxies used to validate 24 the theory. Each model has its own way of25 examining inves tor behavior, its own premises,26 and its' own set of simplifications of reality. 27 Each method proceeds from different fundamental28 premises, most of which canot be validated29 empirically. Investors clearly do not subscribe30 to any singular method, nor does the stock price Avera, Di 36 Avista Corporation 1 2 reflect the a8plication of anyone single method by inves tors. 3 4 Therefore, I used both the DCF and CAPM methods to estimate the cost of equity.In addition, I also evaluated a fair 5 ROE return using a comparable earnings approach based on 6 investors' current expectations in the capital markets. In 7 my opinion, comparing estimates produced by one method with 8 those produced by other approaches ensures that the 9 estimates of the cost of equity pass fundamental tests of 10 reasonableness and economic logic. 11 Q.What was your conclusion regarding a fair rate of 12 return on equity for the proxy comanies? 13 A.Based on the results of my quantitative analyses, 14 and my assessment of the relative strengths and weaknesses 15 inherent in each method, I concluded that the cost of 16 equity for the proxy companies is in the 10.9 percent to 17 12.5 percent range, or 11.1 percent to 12.7 percent after 18 including a minimum adjustment for flotation costs. 19 B. Results of ouantitative Anlyses 20 Q. Wht specific proxy group of utilities did yo 21 rely on for your anlysis? 22 A. In estimating the cost of equity, the OCF model 23 is typically applied to publicly traded firms engaged in 24 similar business activities or with comparable investment 53 Parcell, David C., -The Cost of Capital - A Practitioner's Guide," Society of Utility and Regulato~ Financial Analysts (1997) at Part 2, p. 4. Avera, Di 37 Avista Corporation 1 risks. As described in detail in Schedule 2, I applied the 2 DCF model to a utility proxy group composed of those 3 dividend-paying companies included by Value Line in its 4 Electric Utilities Industry groups with: (1) S&P corporate 5 credit ratings of UBBB-" or UBBB," (2) a Value Line Safety 6 Rank of U2" or U3", and (3) a Value Line Financial Strength 7 Rating of UB+" to "B++". 51 I refer to this group as the 8 UUtility Proxy Group." 9 Q. Wht other proxy group did you consider in 10 evaluating a fair ROE for Avista? 11 A. Under the regulatory standards established by 12 Hope and Bluefield, the salient criteria in establishing a 13 meaningful benchmark to evaluate a fair rate of return is 14 relative risk, not the particular business activity or 15 degree of regulation.As noted in Regulatory Finance: 16 Utilities' Cost of Capital, uIt should be emphasized that 17 the definition of a comparable risk class of companies does 18 not entail similarity of operation, product lines, or 19 environmen tal condi tions ,but rather similarity of 20 experienced business risk and financial risk. "55 Utilities 21 must compete for capital, not just against firms in their 22 own industry, but with other investment opportunities of 54 In addition, I excluded two firms that otherwise would have been in the proxy group, but are not appropriate for inclusion because Value Line indicated the potential that common dividends may be cut (Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc.), and another (Allegheny Energy, Inc.) that is in the process of being acquired.55 Morin, Roger A., -Regulatory Finance: utilities' Cost of Capital," Public Utilities Reports, Inc. at 58 (1994). Avera, Di 38 Avista Corporation 1 comparable risk.with regulation taking the place of 2 competitive market forces, required returns for utilities 3 should be in line with those of non-utility firms of 4 comparable risk operating under the constraints of free 5 competi tion.Consistent with this accepted regulatory 6 standard, I also applied the DCF model to a reference group 7 of comparable risk companies in the non-utility sectors of 8 the economy.I refer to this group as the "Non-Utility 9 Proxy Group". 10 11 12 13 Q. Utility A. What criteria did you apply to develop the HOn- Proxy Group? My comparable risk proxy group was composed of those U.S. companies followed by Value Line that:(1) pay 14 common dividends; (2) have a Safety Rank of U1"; (3) have 15 investment grade credit ratings from S&P, and (4) have a 16 Value Line Financial Strength Rating of UB++" or higher. 17 Q.How do the overall risks of your proxy groups 18 comare with Avista? 19 A.As shown below, 'Table WEA-2 compares the non- 20 utility proxy group with the utility proxy group and Avista 21 across four key indicators of investment risk: Avera, Di 39 Avista Corporation 1 2 TABLE WE-2 COMARISON OJ! RISK INDICATORS S6iP Value Line Credit Safety Finacial Rating BB Stren I& Non-Utility Group A 1 A+0.79 Utility Proxy Group BBB 3 B+0.73 Avista Corp.BBB-3 B+0.80 3 Considered together, a comparison of these objective 4 measures indicates that Avista' s investment risks exceed 5 those of the two proxy groups.As a result, the cost of 6 equity estimates indicated by my analyses provide a 7 conservative estimate of investors' required rate of return 8 for Avista. 9 Q.Wht cost of eqity is imlied by your DCI' 10 results for the utility proxy group? 11 A.My application of the OCF model, which is 12 discussed in greater detail in Schedule 2, considered four 13 alternative measures of expected earnings growth, as well 14 as the sustainable growth rate based on the relationship 15 between expected retained earnings and earned rates of 16 return (Ubr + sv") and Value Line's proj ected growth in 17 stock price. As shown on Schedule 4 and sumarized below 18 in Table WE-3, after eliminating illogical low- and high- 19 end values, application of the constant growth OCF model 20 resulted in the following cost of equity estimates: Avera, Di 40 Avista Corporation 1 2 TABLl WB-3 DCI' RBSULS - tr:iL:iTY PROXY GROU Growth Rate Value Line IBES First Call Zacksbr+svStock Price Average Cost of Eqity 11. 5% 11.1% 11. 1% irf: 6% 10.4% 11.2% 3 Q.Wht were the results of your DCF analysis for 4 the Non-utility Proxy Group? 5 A.As shown on Schedule 6, I applied the DCF model 6 to the non-utility companies in exactly the same manner As7described earlier for the Utility Proxy Group. after eliminating8sumarized below in Table WEA-4, 9 illogical low- and high-end values, application of the 10 constant growth OCF model resulted in the following cost of 11 equity estimates: 12 TABLl WB-413 DC RBstTS - NO-tr:iL:iTY GROU Growth Rate Value Line IBES First Call Zacksbr+svStock Price Average Cost of Eqity 11.9% 12.6% 12.8% 12.7% 12.2% 13.7% 14 Q.How did you apply the CAM to estimate the cost 15 of equity? 16 A.Like the DCF model, the CAPM is an ex-ante, or 17 forward-looking model based on expectations of the future. 18 As a result, in order to produce a meaningful estimate of Avera, Di 41 Avista Corporation 1 investors' required rate of return, the CAPM is best 2 applied using estimates that reflect the expectations of 3 actual investors in the market, not with backward-looking, 4 historical data.Accordingly, I applied the CAPM to the 5 utility proxy group based on a forward-looking estimate for 6 investors' required rate of return from common stocks. 7 Because this forward-looking application of the CAPM looks 8 directly at investors' expectations in the capital markets, 9 it provides a more meaningful guide to the expected rate of 10 return required to implement the CAPM. 11 Q.What cost of equi ty was indicated by the CA 12 approach? 13 A.As shown on Schedule 8, my forward-looking 14 application of the CAPM model indicated an ROE of 9.5 15 percent for the utility proxy group.Applying the CAPM 16 approach to the firms in the non-utility proxy group 17 (Schedule 9) implied a cost of equity of 9. g' percent. As 18 discussed in Schedule 2, however, applying the CAPM is 19 complicated by the impact of the recent capital market 20 turmoil and recession on investors' risk perceptions and 21 required returns, which may cause CAPM cost of common 22 equity estimates to understate investors' required returns 23 for common stocks. 24 This is because relationships between risk-free 25 Treasury bonds and the required returns on common stock Avera, Di 42 Avista Corporation 1 have been distorted by heightened uncertainties.In 2 addition, beta values, which are estimated based on 3 historical stock prices, have been impacted by the 4 unprecedented market volatility experienced since the third 5 quarter of 2008.These distortions not only impact the 6 absolute level of the CAPM cost of equity estimate, but 7 they affect estimated risk premiums. As the Staff of the 8 Florida Public Service Commission recently concluded: 9 (R) ecognizing the impact the Federal Government's10 unprecedented intervention in the capital markets11 has had on the yields on long-term Treasury12 bonds, staff believes models that relate the13 investor-required return on equity to the yield 14 on government securi ties, such as the CAPM15 approach, produce less reliable estimates of the16 ROE at this time. 56 17 As a result, there is every indication that CAPM approaches 18 fail to fully reflect the risk perceptions of real-world 19 investors in today's capital markets, which would violate 20 the standards underlying a fair rate of return by failing 21 to provide an opportunity to earn a return commensurate 22 wi th other investments of comparable risk. 23 Q.What other anlyses did you conduct to estimate 24 the cost of equity? 25 A.As I noted earlier, I also evaluated the cost of 26 equity using the comparable earnings approach.Reference 56 Staff Recommendation for Docket No. OB0677-El - Petition for increase in rates by Florida Power & Light Company, at p. 280 (Dec. 23, 2009). Avera, Di 43 Avista Corporation 1 to rates of return available from alternative investments 2 of comparable risk can provide an important benchmrk in 3 assessing the return necessary to assure confidence in the 4 financial integrity of a firm and its ability to attract 5 capital.This comparable earnings approach is consistent 6 with the economic underpinnings for a fair rate of return 7 established by the U.S. Supreme Court. Moreover, it avoids 8 the complexities and limitations of capital market methods 9 and instead focuses on the returns earned on book equity, 10 which are readily available to investors. 11 Q.Wht rates of return on equity are indicated for 12 utilities based on the comarable earnings approach? 13 A.Value Line reports that its analysts anticipate 14 an average rate of return on common equity for the electric 15 utility industry of 11.0 percent in 2010 and 11.5 percent 16 over its 2012-2014 forecast horizon.~The capital 17 structure corresponding with this expected return reflects 18 an equity ratio of 49 percent.Meanwhile, for the gas 19 utility industry Value Line expects returns on common 20 equity of 10.5 percent in 2010 and 11.0 percent for the 21 period 2012-2014.58 As shown on Schedule 10, Value Line's 22 proj ections for the utility proxy group suggested an 57 The Value Line Investment Survey at 2231 (Feb. 5, 2010). 58 The Value Line Investment Survey at 444 (Dec. 11, 2009). Avera, Di 44 Avista Corporation 1 average ROE of 10.7 percent after eliminating potential 2 outliers. 3 Q.What did you conclude with respect to the cost of 4 equity implied by your anlyses for the proxy groups? 5 A.The cost of equity estimates implied by my 6 quantitative analyses are sumarized in Table WEA-5, below: 7 '1ABLE WB-S8 SUY 01' Qt1AmI'1A'1IVB RESUL'1S DCI' Value Line IBES First Call Zacks br+sv Stock Price utility 11. 5% 11.1% 11.1% 10.6% 10.4% 11.2% CA 9.5% Exected Earnings 2010 2012-14 Utility Proxy Group Electric 11.0% 11.5% 910 Non-utility 11.9% l2.6% 12.8% 12.7% 12.2% 13.7% 9.8% øu 10.5% 11.0% 10.7% As noted earlier, because the capital market crisis 11 and ensuing recovery have created a numer of problems in 12 applying the CAPM, I largely disregarded the resulting cost 13 of equity estimates.Based on my assessment of the 14 relative strengths and weaknesses inherent in each method, 15 and conservatively giving less emphasis to the upper- and 16 lower-most boundaries of the range of results, I concluded Avera, Di 45 Avista Corporation 1 that the cost of common equity indicated by my analyses is 2 in the 10.9 percent to 12.5 percent range. 3 4 Q. C. Flotation Costs Wht other considerations are relevant in setting 5 the return on equity for a utility? 6 A.The common equity used to finance the investment 7 in utility assets is provided from either the sale of stock 8 in the capital markets or from retained earnings not paid 9 out as dividends. When equity is raised through the sale 10 of common stock, there are costs associated with Ufloating" 11 the new equity securities.These flotation costs include 12 services such as legal, accounting, and printing, as well 13 as the fees and discounts paid to compensate brokers for 14 selling the stock to the public. Also, some argue that the 15 "market pressure" from the additional supply of common 16 stock and other market factors may further reduce the 17 amount of funds a utility nets when it issues common 18 equity. 19 Q.IS there an established mechaism for a utility 20 to recogize equity issuance costs? 21 A.No.While debt flotation costs are recorded on 22 the books of the utility, amortized over the life of the 23 issue, and thus increase the effective cost of debt 24 capital, there is no similar accounting treatment to ensure 25 that equity flotation costs are recorded and ultimately Avera, Di 46 Avista Corporation 1 recognized.No rate of return is authorized on flotation 2 costs necessarily incurred to obtain a portion of the 3 equity capital used to finance plant.In other words, 4 equity flotation costs are not included in a utility's rate 5 base because nei ther that portion of the gross proceeds 6 from the sale of common stock used to pay flotation costs 7 is available to invest in plant and equipment, nor are 8 flotation costs capitalized as an intangible asset. Unless 9 some provision is made to recognize these issuance costs, a 10 utility's revenue requirements will not fully reflect all 11 of the costs incurred for the use of investors' funds. 12 Because there is no accounting convention to accumulate the 13 flotation costs associated with equity issues, they must be 14 accounted for indirectly, with an upward adjustment to the 15 cost of equity being the most logical mechanism. 16 Q.What is the magnitude of the adjustment to the 17 ubare bones" cost of equity to account for issuance costs? 18 A.There are any numer of ways in which a flotation 19 cost adjustment can be calculated, and the adjustment can 20 range from just a few basis points to more than a full 21 percent.One of the most common methods used to account 22 for flotation costs in regulatory proceedings is to apply 23 an average flotation-cost percentage to a utility's 24 dividend yield.Based on a review of the finance Avera, Di 47 Avista Corporation 1 literature, Regulatory Finance: Utilities' Cost of Capital 2 concluded: 3 4 5 6 The flotation cost allowance requires an estimated adjustment to the return on equity of approximately 5% to 10%, depending on the size and risk of the issue. 59 7 Alternatively,a study of data from Morgan Stanley 8 regarding issuance costs associated with utility common 9 stock issuances sugges ts an average flotation cost 10 percentage of 3.6%.w 11 Issuance costs are a legitimate consideration in 12 setting the return on equity for a utility, and applying 13 these expense percentages to a representative dividend 14 yield of 4.5 percent implies a flotation cost adjustment on 15 the order of 16 to 45 basis points. 16 Q.Has the IPUC Staff previously considered 1 7 flotation costs in estimating a fair ROE? 18 A.Yes.For example, in Case No. IPC-E-07-8, IPUC 19 Staff witness Terri Carlock noted that she had adjusted her 20 DCF analysis to incorporate an allowance for flotation 21 costs.61 59 Roger A. Morin, Regulatory Finance: Utilities' Cost of Capital, 1994, at 166.60 Application of Yankee Gas Services Company for a Rate Increase, DPUC Docket No. 04-06-01, Direct Testimony of George J. Eckenroth (JUl. 2, 2004) at Exhibit GJE-11.1. Updating the results presented by Mr. Eckenroth through April 2005 also resulted in an average flotation cost percentage of 3.6%.61 Case No. IPC-E-07-8, Direct Testimony of Terri Carlock at 10 (Dec. 10, 2007). Avera, Di 48 Avista Corporation 1 Q.Wht then is your conclusion regarding a fair ROE 2 based on yo analyses for the comanies in your proxy 3 groups? 4 A.After incorporating an adjustment for flotation 5 costs of 20 basis points to my ubare bones" cost of equity 6 range, I concluded that my analyses indicate a fair ROE in 7 the 11.1 percent to 12.7 percent range. 8 9 10 11 iv. RE ON EQUITY FOR AVISTA CORP. Q. A. Wht is the purpose of this section? In addition to presenting the conclusions of my 12 evaluation of a fair rate of return on equity range for 13 Avista, this section also discusses the relationship 14 between ROE and preservation of a utility's financial 15 integrity and the ability to attract capital under 16 reasonable terms on a sustainable basis. 17 18 Q. A. ImPlications for Financial Integrity Wh is it important to allow Avista an adequate 19 return on equity? 20 A.Given the importance of the utility industry to 21 the economy and society, it is essential to maintain 22 reliable and economical service to all consumers.'While 23 Avista remains committed to provide reliable utility 24 service, a utility's ability to fulfill its mandate can be 25 compromised if it lacks the necessary financial wherewithal 26 or is unable to earn a return sufficient to attract Avera, Di 49 Avista Corporation 1 capital.Coupled with the ongoing potential for energy 2 market volatility, Avista's exposure to variations in 3 hydroelectric generation and natural gas price volatility, 4 along with plans for significant infrastructure investment, 5 pose a numer of potential challenges that might require 6 the relatively swift commitment of significant capital 7 resources in order to maintain the high level of service 8 that customers have come to expect.Investors' increased 9 reticence to supply additional capital during times of 10 crisis highlights the necessity of preserving the 11 flexibility necessary during a period of uncertain economic 12 and financial market conditions.These considerations 13 heighten the importance of allowing Avista an adequate 14 return on the fair value of its investment. 15 Q.Wht role does regulation play in ensuring that 16 Avista has access to capital under reasonable term an on 17 a sustainable basis? 18 A.As documented earlier, the major rating agencies 19 have warned of exposure to uncertainties associated with 20 political and regulatory developments. Investors recognize 21 that constructive regulation is a key ingredient in 22 supporting utility credit ratings and financial integrity, 23 particularly during times of adverse conditions. 24 with respect to Avista specifically, the major bond 25 rating agencies have explicitly cited the potential that Avera, Di 50 Avista Corporation 1 adverse regulatory rul ingscould compromise the Company's 2 credit standing. Of particular concern to investors is the 3 impact of regulatory lag and cost-recovery on Avista' s 4 ability to earn its authorized ROE and maintain its 5 financial metrics, with Moody's concluding that: 6 Failure to obtain adequate and timely support for7 recovery of and return on core utility 8 investments through pending and expected future 9 regulatory proceedings could have negative10 ratings implications. 11 S&P observed that rate relief will remain critical to 12 Avista' s credit outlook, 63 and concluded that, "regulatory 13 lag will continue to be a drag on the company's ability to 14 earn its authorized ROE. "64 15 For Avista, these concerns are magnified by the fact 16 that its credit standing is poised on the precipice between 17 investment and speculative grade ratings.While the 18 Company's efforts to regain an investment grade credit 19 rating have been successful, Avista' s financial metrics 20 remain pressured. As Mr. Thies confirms in his testimony, 21 regulatory support will be a key drîver in securing 22 additional improvement in the Company's financial health. 23 Further strengthening Avista' s financial integrity is 62 Moody's Investors Service i -Credit Opinion: Avista Corp. i" Global Credit Research (Dec. 3, 2008).63 Standard & Poor's Corporation, -u.s. Electric Utility Credit Quality Remains Strong Amid Continuing Economic Downturn," RatingsDirect (Dec. 19, 2008).64 Standard & Poor's Corporation, - Avista Corp.' s Corporate Credit Rating Raised One Notch To 'BBB-'," RatingsDirect (Feb. 7, 2008). Avera, Di 51 Avista Corporation 1 imperative to ensure that the Company has the capability to 2 maintain an investment grade rating while confronting 3 potential challenges. 4 Q.Do customrs benefit by eDhcing the utility's 5 financial flexibility? 6 A.Yes.While providing an ROE that is sufficient 7 to maintain Avista's ability to attract capital, even in 8 times of financial and market stress, is consistent with 9 the economic requirements embodied in the U. S. Supreme 10 Court's Hope and Bluefield decisions, it is also in 11 customers' best interests. ultimately, it is customers and 12 the service area economy that enjoy the benefits that come 13 from ensuring that the utility has the financial 14 wherewi thal to take whatever actions are required to ensure 15 reliable service. By the same token, customers also bear a 16 significant burden when the ability of the utility to 17 attract necessary capital is impaired and service quality 18 is compromised. As Moody's recently concluded: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Inadequate attention to these challenges could conceivably push much of this sector into the non-investment grade category. For now, we think this unlikely, since most utility companies, regulators and, politicians would prefer to see the industry remain financially healthy andinvestment-grade-especially because increasingly expensive and uncertain financing would have adverse consequences for customers. The recent Avera, Di 52 Avista Corporation 1 2 3 4 financial turmoil has underscored the benefits of strong credit ratings. 65 Q. B. Return on Equity Recomndtion What then is your conclusion as to a fair rate of 5 return on equity range for Avista? 6 A.As explained above, based on the capital market 7 oriented analyses for the utility and non-utility proxy 8 groups described in my testimony, I concluded that the 9 Ubare bones" cost of equity range was 10.9 percent to 12.5 10 percent,or 11. 1 percent to 12.7 percent after 11 incorporating an allowance for flotation costs. 12 Considering capital market expectations, the potential 13 exposures faced by Avista, and the economic requirements 14 necessary to maintain financial integrity and support 15 additional capital investment even under adverse 16 circumstances, it is my opinion that this represents a fair 17 and reasonable ROE range for Avista. 18 Q.Based on the results of your evaluation, what is 19 your opinion regarding the reasonableness of the ROE 20 requested by Avista in this case? 21 A.My evaluation indicates that Avista' s requested 22 ROE of 10.9 percent represents a conservative estimate of 23 investors' required rate of return.Gi ven the fact that 24 the Company's requested ROE falls at the lower bound of 65 Moody's Investors Service, -Electric Utilities Face Challenges Beyond Near-Term," Industry Outlook (Jan. 2010). Avera, Di 53 Avista Corporation 1 ubare bones" cost of equity range, it should be viewed as 2 an absolute floor in establishing rates for Avista.This 3 conclusion is reinforced by the need to buttress the 4 Company's credit standing, which remains relatively weak, 5 as well as the pressures of funding significant capital 6 expendi tures and meeting increased operating risks, 7 including those associated with Avista's reliance on 8 hydroelectric generation and exposure to volatility in 9 natural gas and wholesale power markets.The 10 reasonableness of a minimum 10.9 percent ROE for Avista is 11 also supported by the Company's relatively greater risks as 12 compared with the proxy groups, the higher uncertainties 13 associated with Avista' s relatively small size, and the 14 need to consider the implications of regulatory lag. 15 Q.Does this conclude your pre-filed direct 16 testimony? 17 A.Yes. Avera, Di 54 Avista Corporation DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL OF REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-8851 DAVID .MEYER~AVISTACORP . COM BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. AVU-E-10-01 CASE NO. AVU-G-10-01 EXHIBIT NO. 3 WILLIAM E. AVERA FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) EXIBIT 3, SCHEDUL 1 QUALIFICATIONS OF WILLIAM E. AVE Q. Please describe your qualifications and exprience. A. I received a B.A. degree with a major in economics from Emory University. After serving in the U.S. Navy, I entered the doctoral program in economics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Upon receiving my Ph.D., I joined the faculty at the University of North Carolina and taught finance in the Graduate School of Business.I subsequently accepted a position at the University of Texas at Austin where I taught courses in financial management and investment analysis.I then went to work for International Paper Company in New York City as Manager of Financial Education, a position in which I had responsibility for all corporate education programs in finance, accounting, and economics. In 1977, I joined the staff of the Public Utility Commission of Texas ("PUCT") as Director of the Economic Research Division. During my tenure at the PUCT, I managed a division responsible for financial analysis, cost allocation and rate design, economic and financial research, and data processing systems, and I testified in cases on a variety of financial and economic issues. Since leaving the PUCT, I have been engaged as a consultant. I have participated in a wide range of assignments involving utility-related matters on Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 1, p. 1 of 10 behalf of utilities, industrial customers, municipalities, and regulatory commissions.I have previously testified before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC"), as well as the Federal Communications Commission, the Surface Transportation Board (and its predecessor, the Interstate Commerce Commission), the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission, and regulatory agencies, courts, and legislative committees in over 40 states, including the Public Service Commission of Maryland ("MPSC" or "the Commission") . In 1995, I was appointed by the PUCT to the Synchronous Interconnection Committee to advise the Texas legislature on the costs and benefits of connecting Texas to the national electric transmission grid. In addition, I served as an outside director of Georgia System Operations Corporation, the system operator for electric cooperatives in Georgia. I have served as Lecturer in the Finance Department at the University of Texas at Austin and taught in the evening graduate program at St. Edward's University for twenty years. In addition, I have lectured on economic and regulatory topics in programs sponsored by universities and industry groups. I have taught in hundreds of educational programs for financial analysts in programs sponsored by the Association for Investment Management and Research, the Financial Analysts Review, and local financial analysts societies. These programs have been presented in Asia, Exhibit No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-0l & AVU-G-10-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 1, p. 2 of 10 Europe, and North America, including the Financial Analysts Seminar at Northwestern University. I hold the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA~) designation and have served as Vice President for Membership of the Financial Management Association. I have also served on the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Society of Financial Analysts. I was elected Vice Chairman of the National Association of Regulatory Commissioners (~NARUC") Subcommittee on Economics and appointed to NARUC's Technical Subcommittee on the National Energy Act.I have also served as an officer of various other professional organizations and societies. A resume containing the details of my experience and qualifications is attached. Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 1, p. 3 of 10 FlNCAP, INC. Financial Concepts and Applications Economic and Financial Counsel WilLIAM E. AVERA 3907 Red River Austi, Texas 78751 (512) 458-64 FAX (512) 458-4768 ficap~texas.net Summary of Qualifications Ph.D. in economics and finance; Charered Financial Analyst (CFA ~ designtion; extensive expert witness testimony before cours, alternative dispute resolution panels, regulatory agencies and legislative committees; lectued in exective education progr around the world on ethics, investment analysis, and regulation; undergraduate and graduate teaching in business and economics; appointed to leadership positions in governent, industr, academia, and the miltary. Employment Principal, FlNCAP, Inc. (Sep. 1979 to present) Director, Economic Research Division, Public Utility Commission of Texas (Dec. 1977 to Aug. 1979) Manager, Financial Education, International Paper Company New York City (Feb. 1977 to Nov. 1977) Financial, economic and policy consulting to business and governent. Pedorm business and public policy research, cost/enefit analyses and finacial modeling, valuation of businesses (almost 200 entities valued), estimation of daages, statistical and industr studies. Provide strategy advice and educational serces in public and private sectors, and serve as expert witness before regulatory agencies, legislative committees, arbitration panels, and cours. Responsible for research and testiony preparation on rate of retu, rate strctue, and econometrc analysis dealing with energy, telecommunications, water and sewer utilities. Testified in major rate cases and appear before legislative committees and served as Chief Economist for agency. Administered state and federal grant fuds. Communicated frequently with political leaders and representatives from consumer groups, media, and investment communty. Directed corporate education program in accounting, finance, and economics. Developed course materials, recruited and trained intrctors, liaison within the company and with academic institutions. Prepared operatig budget and designed fmancial controls for corporate professional development program. Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-IO-Ol & AVU-G-IO-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 1, p. 4 of 10 Lecturer in Finance, The University of Texas at Austin (Sep. 1979 to May 1981) Assistant Professor of Finance, (Sep. 1975 to May 1977) Assistant Professor of Business, University of Nort Carolina at Chapel Hil (Sep. 1972 to JuI. 1975) Education Ph.D., Economics and Finance, University of Nort Carolina at Chapel Hil (Jan. 1969 to Aug. 1972) B.A., Economics, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia (Sep. 1961 to Jun. 1965) Taught graduate and undergraduate coures in financial management and investment theory. Conducte reseach in business and public policy. Named Outstading Gruate Business Professor and received varous administrative appointments. Taught in BBA, MBA, and Ph.D. progrs. Created project course in finance, Finncial Management for Women, and paricipated in developing Small Business Management sequence. Organized the Nort Carolina Institute for Investment Research, a group of fiancial institutions that supported academic research. Faculty advisor to the Media Board, which fuds student publications and broadcast stations. Elective courses included financial management, public finance, moneta theory, and econometrcs. Awarded the Stonier Fellowship by the American Baners' Association and University Teachig Fellowship. Taught statistics, macroeconomics, and microeconomics. Disserttion: The Geometric Mean Strategy as a Theory of Multiperiod Portfolio Choice Active in extrcurcular activities, president of the Barkley Foru (debate team), Emory Religious Association, and Delta Tau Delta chapter. Individual awards and team championships at national collegiate debate touraments. Professional Associations Received Charered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation in 1977; Vice President for Membership, Financial Management Association; President, Austin Chapter of Plang Executives Institute; Board of Directors, Nort Carolina Society of Financial Analysts; Candidate Curculum Committee, Association for Investment Management and Research; Executive Committee of Southern Finance Association; Vice Chair, Staff Subcommittee on Economics and National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC); Appointed to NARUC Technical Subcommitte on the National Energy Act. Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 1, p. 5 of 10 Teaching in Executive Education Programs University-Sponsored Programs: Centr Michigan University, Due Univerity, Louisian State University, National Defense University, National University of Singapore, Texas A&M University, University of Kasas, University of Nort Carolina, University of Texas. Business and Government-Sponsored Programs: Advanced Semina on Eargs Reguation, American Public Welfare Association, Association for Investment Management and Research, Congressional Fellows Program, Cost of Capital Workshop, Electrcity Consumer Resource Council, Financial Analysts Association of Indonesia, Financial Analysts Review, Financial Analysts Seminar at Northwestern University, Governor's Executive Development Progr of Texas, Louisiana Association of Business and Industr, National Association of Puchasing Management, National Association of Tire Dealers, Planning Executives Intitute, School of Bang of the South, State of Wisconsin Investment Board, Stock Exchange of Thailand, Texas Association of State Sponsored Computer Centers, Texas Baners' Association, Texas Bar Association, Texas Savings and Loan League, Texas Society of CPAs, Tokyo Association of Foreign Ban, Union Ban of Switzerland, U.S. Deparent of State, U.S. Navy, U.S. Vetera Administration, in addition to Texas state agencies and major corporations. Presented papers for Mils B. Lae Lectue Series at the University of Georgia and Heubner Lectues at the University of Pennsylvania. Taught gruate courses in finance and economics for evening program at St. Edward's University in Austin from Januar 1979 though 1998. Expert Witness Testimony Testified in over 300 cases before regulatory agencies addressing cost of capital, regulatory policy, rate design, and other economic and finacial issues. Federal Agencies: Federal Communications Commission, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Surface Trasporttion Board, Interstate Commerce Commission, and the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission. State Regulatory Agencies: Alaska, Arzona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idao, llinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kanas, Kentucky, Marland, Michigan, Missour, Nevad, New Mexico, Montaa, Nebraska Nort Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Uta, Virgiia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Testified in 42 cases before federal and state cour, arbitration panels, and alternative dispute trbunals (89 depositions given) regarding daages, valuation, antitrt liabilty, fiduciar duties, and other economic and financial issues. Board Positions and Other Professional Activities Audit Committee and Outside Director, Georgia System Oprations Corporation (electrc syte operator for member-owned electrc cooperatives in Georgia); Chairan, Board of Prit Depot, Inc. and FINCAP, Inc.; Co-chair, Synchronous Interconnection Committe, appointe by Public Utilty Commission of Texas and approved by governor; Appointed by Hays County Commission to Citizens Advisory Committee of Habitat Conservation Plan, Operator of AA Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 1, p. 6 of 10 Rach, a certfied organic producer of agrcultual products; Appointed to Organic Livestock Advisory Committee by Texas Agrcultul Commissioner Susan Combs; Appointed by Texas Railroad Commissioners to study group for The UP/SP Merger: An Assessment of the Impacts on the State of Texas; Appointed by Hawaii Public Utilities Commission to team reviewig affliate relationships of Hawaiian Electrc Industres; Chairan, Energy Task Force, Greate Austi-San Antonio Corrdor Council; Consultat to Public Utility Commission of Texas on cogeneration policy and other matters; Consultat to Public Service Commission of New Mexico on cogeneration policy; Evaluator of Energy Research Grt Proposals for Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Community Activities Board of Directors, Sustainable Food Center; Chair, Board of Deaons, Finance Committ, and Elder, Central Presbyterian Church of Austin; Founding Member, Orage-Chatham County (N.C.) Legal Aid Screening Committee. Miltary Captain, U.S. Naval Reserve (retired after 28 yea service); Commding Offcer, Naval Special Warfare Engineering (SEAL) Support Unit; Offcer-in-Charge of SWIT patrol boat in Vietn; Enlisted service as weather analyst (advanced to second class pett officer). Bibliography Monographs Ethics and the Investment Professional (video, workbook, and instrctor's guide) and Ethics Challenge Today (video), Association for Investment Management and Reseach (1995) "Definition of Industr Ethics and Development of a Code" and "Applying Ethics in the Real World," in Good Ethics: The Essential Element of a Firm's Success, Association for Investment Management and Research (1994) "On the Use of Securty Analysts' Growt Projections in the DCF Model," with Bruce H. Fairchild in Earnings Regulation Under Inflation, 1. R. Foster and S. R. Holmberg, eds. Intitute for Study of Regulation (1982) An Examination of the Concept of Using Relative Customer Class Risk to Set Target Rates of Return in Electric Cost-of-Service Studies, with Bruce H. Fairchild, Electrcity Consumers Resource Council (ELCON) (1981); portons reprited in Public Utilties Fortnightly (Nov. 11, 1982) "Usefulness of Curent Values to Investors and Creditors," Research Study on Current-Value Accounting Measurements and Utility, George M. Scott, ed., Touche Ross Foundation (1978) "The Geometrc Mean Strategy and Common Stock Investment Management," with Henr A. Lataé in Life Insurance Investment Policies, David Cummins, ed. (1977) Investment Companies: Analysis of Current Operations and Future Prospects, with J. Finley Lee and Glenn L. Wood, American College of Life Underwters (1975) Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-IO-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 1, p. 7 of 10 Aricles "Should Analysts Own the Stocks they Cover?" The Financial Journalist, (March 2002) "Liquidity, Exchange Listing, and Common Stock Perormance," with John C. Groth and Ker Cooper, Journal of Economics and Business (Sprig 1985); reprited by National Association of Securty Dealers "The Energy Crisis and the Homeowner: The Gref Process," Texas Business Review (Jan.-Feb. 1980); reprited in The Energy Picture: Problems and Prospects, 1. E. Pluta, ed., Bureau of Business Research (1980) "Use ofIFPS at the Public Utilty Commission of Texas," Proceedings of the IFPS Users Group Annual Meeting (1979) "Production Capacity Allocation: Conversion, CWI, and One-Ared Economics," Proceedings of the NARUC Biennial Regulatory Information Conference (1978) "Some Thoughts on the Rate of Retu to Public Utilty Companies," with Bruce H. Fairchild in Proceedings of the NARUC Biennial Regulatory Information Conference (1978) "A New Capital Budgeting Meaure: The Integration of Time, Liquidity, and Uncertty," with David Cordell in Proceedings of the Southwestern Finance Association (1977) "Usefulness of Curent Values to Investors and Creditors," in Inflation Accounting/Indexing and Stock Behavior (1977) "Consumer Expectations and the Economy," Texas Business Review (Nov. 1976) "Portolio Performance Evaluation and Long-ru Capital Growth," with Henr A. Lataé in Proceedings of the Eastern Finance Association (1973) Book reviews in Journal of Finance and Financial Review. Abstrcts for CF A Digest. Arcles in Carolina Financial Times. Selected Papers and Presentations "Economic Perspective on Water Marketing in Texas," 2009 Water Law Institute, The University of Texas School of Law, Austin, TX (Dec. 2009). "Estimating Utility Cost of Equity in Financial Turoil," SNL EXNT i 5th Anual FERC Briefing, Washingtn, D.C. (Mar. 2009) "The Who, What, When, How, and Why of Ethics," San Antonio Financial Analysts Society (Jan. 16, 2002). Similar presentation given to the Austin Society of Financial Analysts (Jan. 17,2002) "Ethics for Financial Anlysts," Sponsored by Canan Council ofrincial Anlysts: delivered in Calgar, Edmonton, Regia, and Winpeg, June 1997. Similar presentations given to Austin Society of Financial Analysts (Mar. 1994), San Antonio Society of Finacial Anlysts (Nov. 1985), and St. Louis Society of Financial Analysts (Feb. 1986) "Cost of Capital for Multi-Divisional Corporations," Financial Management Association, New Orleans, Louisian (Oct. 1996) "Ethics and the Treasur Function," Governent Treasurers Organization of Texas, Corpus Chrsti, Texas (Jun. 1996) Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 1, p. 8 of 10 "A Cooperative Futue," Iowa Association of Electrc Cooperatives, Des Moines (December 1995). Similar presentations given to National G & T Conference, Iring, Texas (June 1995), Kentucky Association of Electrc Cooperatives Anua Meeting, Louisvile (Nov. 1994), Virginia, Marland, and Delaware Association of Electrc Cooperatives Anual Meetig, Richmond (July 1994), and Carolina Electrc Cooperatives Anual Meeting, Raleigh (Mar. 1994) "Information Superhighway Warings: Speed Bumps on Wall Street and Detours from the Economy," Texas Society of Certfied Public Accountats Natul Gas, Telecommunications and Electrc Industres Conference, Austin (Apr. 1995) "EconomicfWall Street Outlook," Carolinas Council of the Institute of Management Accountats, Myrle Beach, South Carolina (May 1994). Similar presentation given to Bell Operating Company Accounting Witness Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico (Apr. 1993) "Regulatory Developments in Telecommunications," Regional Holding Company Financial and Accounting Conference, San Antonio (Sep. 1993) "Estimating the Cost of Capital Durg the 1 990s: Issues and Directions," The Nationa Society of Rate of Retu Analysts, Washington, D.C. (May 1992) "Making Utility Regulation Work at the Public Utility Commission of Texas," Center for Legal and Regulatory Studies, University of Texas, Austin (June 1991) "Can Regulation Compete for the Hear and Minds of Industral Customers," Emergig Issues of Competition in the Electrc Utility Industr Conference, Austin (May 1988) "The Role of Utilties in Fosterig New Energy Technologies," Emerging Energy Technologies in Texas Conference, Austin (Mar. 1988) "The Regulators' Perspeçtive," Bellcore Economic Analysis Conference, San Antonio (Nov. 1987) "Public Utility Commissions and the Nuclear Plant Contrctor," Constrction Litigation Superconference, Lagua Beach, Califomia (Dec. 1986) "Development of Cogeneration Policies in Texas," University of Georgia Fift Anual Public Utilties Conference, Atlanta (Sep. 1985) "Wheeling for Power Sales," Energy Bureau Cogeneration Conference, Houston (Nov. 1985). "Asymmetrc Discounting of Inormation and Relative Liquidity: Some Empirical Evidence for Common Stocks" (with John Groth and Kerr Cooper), Southern Finance Association, New Orleans (Nov. 1982) "Used and Useful Planning Models," Planing Executive Institute, 27th Corporate Planing Conference, Los Angeles (Nov. 1979) . "Staff Input to Commission Rate of Retu Decisions," The National Society of Rate of Retu Analysts, New York (Oct. 1979) '''Discounted Cash Life: A New Measure of the Time Dimension in Capital Budgeting," with David Cordell, Southern Finance Association, New Orleans (Nov. 1978) "The Relative Value of Statistics of Ex Post Common Stock Distrbutions to Explain Varance," with Charles G. Marin, Southern Finance Association, Atlanta (Nov. 1977) Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 1, p. 9 of 10 "An ANOV A Representation of Common Stock Retus as a Framework for the Allocation of Portfolio Management Effort," with Charles G. Martin, Financial Management Association, Montreal (Oct. 1976) "A Growt-Optimal Portolio Selection Model with Finte Horizon," with Henr A. Latané, American Finance Association, San Francisco (Dec. 1974) "An Optimal Approach to the Finance Decision," with Hen A. Lataé, Southern Finance Association, Atlanta (Nov. 1974) "A Pragmatic Approach to the Capital Strctue Decision Based on Long-Run Growt," with Henr A. Lataé, Financial Management Association, San Diego (Oct. 1974) "Growth Rates, Expected Retu, and Varance in Portfolio Selection and Performance Evaluation," with Henr A. Lataé, Econometrc Society, Oslo, Norway (Aug. 1973) Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 1, p. 10 of 10 \ EXIBIT 3, SCHEDUL 2 DESCRIPTIONS OF QUANITATIVE ANYSES 1 2 What is the purpose of this schedule? Schedule 2 presents capital market estimates of Q. A. 3 the cost of equity. First, I examine the concept of the 4 cost of equity, along with the risk-return tradeoff 5 principle fundamental to capital markets. Next, I 6 describe DCF, CAPM, and comparable earnings analyses 7 conducted to estimate the cost of equity for reference 8 groups of comparable risk firms. 9 A. Overview What role does the rate of return on eoinQ. 10 equity play in a utility's rates? 11 The return on common equity is the cost ofA. 12 inducing and retaining investment in the utility's 13 This investment is necessaryphysical plant and assets. 14 to finance the asset base needed to provide utility 15 service. Investors will commit money to a particular 16 investment only if they expect it to produce a return 17 commensurate with those from other investments with 18 comparable risks. Moreover, the return on common equity 19 is integral in achieving the sound regulatory objectives 20 of rates that are sufficient to: 1) fairly compensate Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-I0-0l & AVU-G-IO-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 1 of 39 1 capital investment in the utility, 2) enable the utility 2 to offer a return adequate to attract new capital on 3 reasonable terms, and 3) maintain the utility's financial 4 integrity. Meeting these objectives allows the utility to 5 fulfill its obligation to provide reliable service while 6 meeting the needs of customers through necessary system 7 expansion. 8 9 10 Q. What fundamntal economic principle underlies any evaluåtion of investors' required return on equity? A. The fundamental economic principle underlying 11 the cost of equity concept is the notion that investors 12 are risk averse. The required rate of return for a 13 particular asset at any point in time is a function of: 1) 14 the yield on risk-free assets, and 2) its relative risk, 15 wi th investors demanding correspondingly larger risk 16 premiums for assets bearing greater risk. Given this 17 risk-return tradeoff, the required rate of return (k) from 18 an asset (i) can be generally expressed as: 19 ki = Rf +RPi 20 21 22 where:Rf Risk-free rate of return, and RPi = Risk premium required to holdriskier asset i. 23 Thus, the required rate of return for a particular asset 24 at any point in time is a function of: 1) the yield on Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-IO-01 & AVU-G-IO-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 2 of 39 1 risk-free assets, and 2) its relative risk, with investors 2 demanding correspondingly larger risk premiums for assets 3 bearing greater risk. 4 Q.Is the cost of equity observable in the capital 5 markets? 6 A.No. Unlike debt capital, there is no 7 contractually guaranteed return on common equity capital 8 since shareholders are the residual owners of the utility. 9 Because it is unobservable, the cost of equity for a 10 particular utility must be estimated by analyzing 11 information about capital market conditions generally, 12 assessing the relative risks of the company specifically, 13 and employing various quantitative methods that focus on 14 investors' current required rates of return. These 15 various quantitative methods typically attempt to infer 16 investors' required rates of return from stock prices, 17 interest rates, or other capital market data. B. COmparable Risk Proxy Groups 18 Q. How did you implemnt these quantitative methods ,19 to estimte the cost of common equity for Avista? 20 A.Application of the DCF model and other 21 quantitative methods to estimate the cost of equity 22 requires observable capital market data, such as stock Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-Ol & AVU-G-10-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 3 of 39 1 prices. Moreover, even for a firm with publicly traded 2 stock, the cost of equity can only be estimated. As a 3 result, applying quantitative models using observable 4 market data only produces an estimate that inherently 5 includes some degree of observation error. Thus, the 6 accepted approach to increase confidence in the results is 7 to apply the DCF model and other quantitative methods to a 8 proxy group of publicly traded companies that investors 9 regard as risk comparable. 10 Q.What specific proxy group did you rely on for 11 your analysis? 12 A.In order to reflect the risks and prospects 13 associated with Avista's jurisdictional utility 14 operations, my DCF analyses focused on a reference group 15 of other utilities composed of those companies included by 16 The Value Line Investment Survey (~Value Line") in its 17 Electric Utilities Industry groups with: (1) S&Pcorporate 18 credit ratings of ~BBB-" or ~BBB," (2) a Value Line Safety 19 Rank of ~2" or ~3", and (3) a Value Line Financial 20 Strength Rating of ~B+" to ~B++". In addition, I excluded 21 two firms that otherwise would have been in the proxy 22 group, but are not appropriate for inclusion because Value 23 Line indicated the potential that common dividends may be Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-Ol & AVU-G-10-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 4 of 39 1 cut (Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc.), and another 2 (Allegheny Energy, Inc.) that is in the process of being 3 acquired. I refer to this group as the ~Utili ty Proxy 4 Group." 5 Q.What other proxy group did you consider in 6 evaluating a fair ROE for Avista? 7 A.Under the regulatory standards established by 8 Hope and Bluefield, the salient criteria in establishing a 9 meaningful benchmark to evaluate a fair rate of return is 10 relative risk, not the particular business activity or 11 degree of regulation. As noted in Regulatory Finance: 12 Utili ties' Cost of Capi tal, ~It should be emphasized that 13 the definition of a comparable risk class of companies 14 does not entail similarity of operation, product lines, or 15 environmental conditions, but rather similarity of 16 experienced business risk and financial risk. ,,1 Utilities 17 must compete for capital, not just against firms in their 18 own industry, but with other investment opportunities of 19 comparable risk. With regulation taking the place of 20 competitive market forces, required returns for utilities 21 should be in line with those of non-utility firms of 22 comparable risk operating under the constraints of free 1 Morin, Roger A., "Regulatory Finance: Utilities' Cost of Capital," Public Utilities Reports, Inc. at 58 (1994). Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 5 of 39 1 competi tion. Consistent with this accepted regulatory 2 standard, I also applied the DCF model to a reference 3 group of comparable risk companies in the non-utility 4 sectors of the economy. I refer to this group as the 5 ~Non-Utili ty Proxy Group". 6 Q.What criteria did you apply to develop the Non- 7 utility Proxy Group? 8 A.My comparable risk proxy group was composed of 9 those U.S. companies followed by Value Line that: (1) pay 10 common dividends; (2) have a Safety Rank of ~1"; (3) have 11 investment grade credit ratings from S&P, and (4) have a 12 Value Line Financial Strength Rating of ~B++" or higher. 13 Q.How do the overall risks of your proxy groups 14 compare with Avista? 15 A.As shown below, Table 1 compares the Non-Utility 16 Proxy Group with the Utility Proxy Group and Avista across 17 four key indicators of investment risk: Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-IO-Ol & AVU-G-IO-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 6 of 39 1 2 TABLE 1 COMARISON OF RISK INDICATORS S&P Value Line Credit Safety Financial Rating Rank Strength Beta Non-Utili ty Group A 1 A+0.79 Utili ty Proxy BBB 3 B++0.73 Group Avista Corp.BBB-3 B+0.80 3 Q.Do these criteria provide objective evidence to 4 evaluate investors' risk perceptions? 5 A.Yes. Credit ratings are assigned by independent 6 rating agencies for the purpose of providing investors 7 with a broad assessment of the creditworthiness of a firm. 8 Because the rating agencies' evaluation includes virtually 9 all of the factors normally considered important in 10 assessing a firm's relative credit standing, corporate 11 credit ratings provide a broad, objective measure of 12 overall investment risk that is readily available to 13 investors. Widely cited in the investment community and 14 referenced by investors, credit ratings are also 15 frequently used as a primary risk indicator in 16 establishing proxy groups to estimate the cost of equity. 17 While credit ratings provide the most widely 18 referenced benchmark for investment risks, other quality Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-IO-01 & AVU-G-IO-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 7 of 39 1 rankings published by investment advisory services also 2 provide relative assessments of risk that are considered 3 by investors in forming their expectations. Value Line's 4 primary risk indicator is its Safety Rank, which ranges 5 from ~1" (Safest) to ~5" (Riskiest). This overall risk 6 measure is intended to capture the total risk of a stock, 7 and incorporates elements of stock price stability and 8 financial strength. Given that Value Line is perhaps the 9 most widely available source of investment advisory 10 information, its Safety Rank provides a useful guide to 11 the likely risk perceptions of investors. 12 The Financial Strength Rating is designed as a guide 13 to overall financial strength and creditworthiness, with 14 the key inputs including financial leverage, business 15 volatility measures, and company size. Value Line's 16 Financial Strength Ratings range from ~A++" (strongest) 17 down to ~C" (weakest) in nine steps. 18 As discussed in my direct testimony, Avista is rated 19 ~BBB-" by S&P, with the average rating for the firms in 20 the Utility Proxy Group being slightly higher at ~BBB". 21 Avista's Value Line, Safety Rank and Financial Strength 22 Rating are the same as the averages for the Utility Proxy 23 Group, and while I did not reference beta as a selection Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-0l & AVU-G-10-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 8 of 39 1 criteria in identifying the Utility Proxy Group, Avista's 2 beta of 0.80 is also higher than the average of 0.73 for 3 the Utility Proxy Group, suggesting somewhat greater risk. 4 Based on these criteria, which reflect objective, 5 published indicators that incorporate consideration of a 6 broad spectrum of risks, including financial and business 7 position and exposure to company specific factors, 8 investors are likely to regard the risks and prospects of 9 the Utility Proxy Group as being comparable to, albeit 10 somewhat lower than, those of Avista. 11 With respect to the Non-Utility Proxy Group, its 12 average credit ratings, Safety Rank, and Financial 13 Strength Rating suggest less risk than for Avista, with 14 its 0.79 average beta being essentially equal to the 0.80 15 value for the Company. While any differences in 16 investment risk attributable to regulation should already 17 be reflected in these objective measures, my analyses 18 nevertheless conservatively focus on a lower-risk group of 19 non-utility firms. Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-Ol & AVU-G-10-Ol'I. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 9 of 39 1 Q. C. Discounted Cash Flow Analyses How are DCF models used to estimte the cost of 2 equity? 3 A.DCF models attempt to replicate the market 4 valuation process that sets the price investors are 5 willing to pay for a share of a company's stock. The 6 model rests on the assumption that investors evaluate the 7 risks and expected rates of return from all securities in 8 the capital markets. Given these expectations, the price 9 of each stock is adjusted by the market until investors 10 are adequately compensated for the risks they bear. 11 Therefore, we can look to the market to determine what 12 investors believe a share of common stock is worth. By 13 estimating the cash flows investors expect to receive from 14 the stock in the way of future dividends and capital 15 gains, we can calculate their required rate of return. In 16 other words, the cash flows that investors expect from a 17 stock are estimated, and given its current market price, 18 we can ~back-into" the discount rate, or cost of equity, 19 that investors implicitly used in bidding the stock to 20 that price. Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 10 of 39 1 Q.What market valuation process underlies DCF 2 models? 3 A.DCF models assume that the price of a share of 4 common stock is equal to the present value of the expected 5 cash flows (i.e., future dividends and stock price) that 6 will be received while holding the stock, discounted at 7 investors' required rate of return. That is, the cost of 8 equi ty is the discount rate that equates the current price 9 of a share of stock with the present value of all expected 10 cash flows from the stock. 11 Q.What form of the DCF model is customarily used 12 to estimte the cost of equity in rate cases? 13 A. Rather than developing annual estimates of cash 14 flows into perpetuity, the DCF model can be simplified to 15 a "constant growth" form: 2 2 The constant growth DCF model is dependent on a number of assumptions, which in practice are never strictly met. These include a constant growth rate for both dividends and earnings; a stable dividend payout ratio; the discount rate exceeds the growth rate; a constant growth rate for book value and price; a constant earned rate of return on book value; no sales of stock at a price above or below book value; a constant price-earnings ratio; a constant discount rate(i. e., no changes in risk or interest rate levels and a flat yield curve); and all of the above extend to infinity. Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-Ol & AVU-G-10-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 11 of 39 1 p. -~0- ke-g 2 3 4 5 6 7 where:Po = Current price per share; Di = Expected dividend per share in the coming year; ke = Cost of equity; g = Investors' long-term growth expectations. 8 The cost of equity (Ke) can be isolated by rearranging 9 terms: 10 01k =-+ge p. o 11 This constant growth form of the DCF model recognizes that 12 the rate of return to stockholders consists of two parts: 13 1) dividend yield (Di/Po), and 2) growth (g). In other 14 words, investors expect to receive a portion of their 15 total return in the form of current dividends and the 16 remainder through price appreciation. 17 18 Q.What steps are required to apply the DCF model? The first step in implementing the constantA. 19 growth DCF model is to determine the expected dividend 20 yield (Di/Po) for the firm in question. This is usually 21 calculated based on an estimate of dividends to be paid in 22 the coming year divided by the current price of the stock. 23 The second, and more controversial, step is to estimate 24 investors' long-term growth expectations (g) for the firm. Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 12 of 39 1 The final step is to sum the firm's dividend yield and 2 estimated growth rate to arrive at an estimate of its cost 3 of equity. 4 Q.How was the dividend yield for the Utility Proxy 5 Group determned? 6 A.Estimates of dividends to be paid by each of 7 these utilities over the next twelve months, obtained from 8 Value Line, served as D1. This annual dividend was then 9 divided by the corresponding stock price for each utility 10 to arrive at the expected dividend yield. The expected 11 dividends, stock prices, and resulting dividend yields for 12 the firms in the Utility Proxy Group are presented on 13 Schedule 4. 14 Q.What is the next step in applying the constant 15 growth DCF model? 16 A.The next step is to evaluate long-term growth 17 expectations, or ~g", for the firm in question. In 18 constant growth DCF theory, earnings, dividends, book 19 value, and market price are all assumed to grow in 20 lockstep, and the growth horizon of the DCFmodel is 21 infinite. But implementation of the DCF model is more 22 than just a theoretical exercise; it is an attempt to 23 replicate the mechanism investors used to arrive at Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-IO-Ol & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 13 of 39 1 observable stock prices. A wide variety of techniques can 2 be used to derive growth rates, but the only ~g" that 3 matters in applying the DCF model is the value that 4 investors expect. 5 Q.Are historical growth rates likely to be 6 representative o~nvestors' expctations for utilities? 7 A.No. If past trends in earnings, dividends, and 8 book value are to be representative of investors' 9 expectations for the future, then the historical 10 condi tions giving rise to these growth rates should be 11 expected to continue. That is clearly not the case for 12 utilities, where structural and industry changes have led 13 to declining dividends, earnings pressure, and, in many 14 cases, significant write-offs. While these conditions 15 serve to depress historical growth measures, they are not 16 representative of long-term expectations for the utility 17 industry. Moreover, to the extent historical trends for 18 utilities are meaningful, they are also captured in 19 projected growth rates, since securities analysts also 20 routinely examine and assess the impact and continued 21 relevance (if any) of historical trends. Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 14 of 39 1 Q.What are investors most likely to consider in 2 developing their long-term growth expctations? 3 A.While the DCF model is technically concerned 4 with growth in dividend cash flows, implementation of this 5 DCF model is solely concerned with replicating the 6 forward-looking evaluation of real-world investors. In 7 the case of electric utilities, dividend growth rates are 8 not likely to provide a meaningful guide to investors' 9 current growth expectations. This is because utilities 10 have significantly altered their dividend policies in 11 response to more accentuated business risks in the 12 industry, with the payout ratio for electric utilities 13 falling from approximately 80 percent historically to on 14 the order of 60 to 70 percent. 3 As a result of this trend 15 towards a more conservative payout ratio, dividend growth 16 in the utility industry has remained largely stagnant as 17 utilities conserve financial resources to provide ~ hedge 18 against heightened uncertainties. 19 As payout ratios for firms in the utility industry 20 trended downward, investors' focus has increasingly 21 shifted from dividends to earnings as a measure of long- 22 term growth. Future trends in earnings, which provide the 3 The Value Line Investment Survey (Sep. 15, 1995 at 161, Dec. 26, 2008 at 687). Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 15 of 39 1 source for future dividends and ultimately support share 2 prices, playa pivotal role in determining investors' 3 long-term growth expectations. The importance of earnings 4 in evaluating investors' expectations and requirements is 5 well accepted in the investment community. As noted in 6 Finding Reali ty in Reported Earnings published by the 7 Association for Investment Management and Research: 8 (E) arnings, presumably, are the basis for the 9 investment benefits that we all seek. ~Healthy10 earnings equal heal thy investment benefits"11 seems a logical equation, but earnings are also 12 a scorecard by which we compare companies, a 13 fil ter through which we assess management, and a14 crystal ball in which we try to foretell future 15 performance. 4 16 Value Line's near-term projections and its Timeliness 17 Rank, which is the principal investment rating assigned to 18 each individual stock, are also based primarily on various 19 quantitative analyses of earnings. As Value Line 20 explained: 21 The future earnings rank accounts for 65% in the22 determination of relative price change in the23 future; the other two variables (current24 earnings rank and current price rank) explain25 35%.5 4 Association for Investment Management and Research, ~Finding Reality in Reported Earnings: An Overview", p. 1 (Dec. 4, 1996). 5 The Value Line Investment Survey, Subscriber's Guide, p. 53. Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 16 of 39 1 The fact that investment advisory services, such as Value 2 Line, Thompson, and Reuters, focus on growth in earnings 3 indicates that the investment community regards this as a 4 superior indicator of future long-term growth. Indeed, ~A 5 Study of Financial Analysts: Practice and Theory," 6 published in the Financial Analysts Journal, reported the 7 resul ts of a survey conducted to determine what analytical 8 techniques investment analysts actually use. 6 Respondents 9 were asked to rank the relative importance of earnings, 10 dividends, cash flow, and book value in analyzing 11 securities. Of the 297 analysts that responded, only 3 12 ranked dividends first while 276 ranked it last. The 13 article concluded: 14 Earnings and cash flow are considered far more15 important than book value and dividends. 7 16 More recently, the Financial Analysts Journal 17 reported the, resul ts of a study of the relationship 18 between valuations based on alternative multiples and 19 actual market prices, which concluded, ~In all cases 6 Block, Stanley B., "A Study of Financial Analysts: Practice and Theory", Financial Analysts Journal (July/August 1999).7 Id. at 88. Exhibit No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 17 of 39 1 studied, earnings dominated operating cash flows and 2 dividends. "8 3 Q.Do the growth rate projections of security 4 analysts consider historical trends? 5 A.Yes. Professional security analysts study 6 historical trends extensively in developing their 7 projections of future earnings. Hence, to the extent 8 there is any useful information in historical patterns, 9 that information is incorporated into analysts' growth 10 forecasts. 11 Q. What are security analysts currently projecting 12 in the way of growth for the firm in the Utility Proxy 13 Group? 14 A.The Value Line earnings growth proj ections for 15 each of the firms in the Utility Proxy Group are displayed 16 on Schedule 4. Also presented are the earnings per share 1 7 (~EPS") growth projections reported by Thomson Reuters 18 IBES (~IBES"), Thomson First Call Estimates (~First 19 Call"), and Zacks Investment Research (~Zacks"). 9 8 Liu, Jing, Nissim, Doron, & Thomas, Jacob, ~Is Cash Flow King in Valuations?," Financial Analysts Journal, Vol. 63, No.2 (March/April 2007) at 56. 9 Thomson Reuters separately compiles and publishes consensus securities analyst growth rates under the IBES (formerly Institutional Brokers Estimate System) and First Call brands. Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 18 of 39 1 Q. Same argue that analysts' assessments of qrowth 2 rates are biased. Do you believe these projections are 3 inappropriate for estimtinq investors' required return 4 usinq the DCF model? 5 A. No. In applying the DCF model to estimate the 6 cost of common equity, the only relevant growth rate is 7 the forward-looking expectations of investors that are 8 captured in current stock prices. Investors, just like 9 securi ties analysts and others in the investment 10 community, do not know how the future will actually turn 11 out. They can only make investment decisions based on 12 their best estimate of what the future holds in the way of 13 long-term growth for a particular stock, and securities 14 prices are constantly adjusting to reflect their 15 assessment of available information. 16 Any claims that analysts' estimates are not relied 17 upon by investors are illogical given the reality of a 18 competitive market for investment advice. If financial 19 analysts' forecasts do not add value to investors' 20 decision making, then it is irrational for investors to 21 pay for these estimates. Similarly, those financial 22 analysts who fail to provide reliable forecasts will lose 23 out in competi ti ve markets relative to those analysts 24 whose forecasts investors find more credible. The reality Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-Ol & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 19 of 39 1 that analyst estimates are routinely referenced in the 2 financial media and in investment advisory publications 3 (e. g., Value Line) implies that investors use them as a 4 basis for their expectations. 5 The continued success of investment services such as 6 Thomson Reuters and Value Line, and the fact that 7 projected growth rates from such sources are widely 8 referenced, provides strong evidence that investors give 9 considerable weight to analysts' earnings projections in 10 forming their expectations for future growth. While the 11 projections of securities analysts may be proven 12 optimistic or pessimistic in hindsight, this is irrelevant 13 in assessing the expected growth that investors have 14 incorporated into current stock prices, and any bias in 15 analysts' forecasts - whether pessimistic or optimistic - 16 is irrelevant if investors share analysts' views. 17 Earnings growth projections of security analysts provide 18 the most frequently referenced guide to investors' views 19 and are widely accepted in applying the DCF model. As 20 explained in Regulatory Finance: Utilities' Cost of 21 Capi tal: 22 Because of the dominance of institutional23 investors and their influence on individual24 investors, analysts' forecasts of long-run Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-IO-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 20 of 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 growth rates provide a sound basis for estimating required returns. Financial analysts also exert a strong influence on the expectations of many investors who do not possess the resources to make their own forecasts, that is, they are a cause of g (growth) .10 8 9 10 11 Q. How else are investors' expectations of future long-te~ growth prospects often estimted for use in the constant growth DCF model? A.Based on the assumptions underlying constant 12 growth theory, conventional applications of the constant 13 growth DCF model often examine the relationship between 14 retained earnings and earned rates of return as an 15 indication of the sustainable growth investors might 16 expect from the reinvestment of earnings within a firm. 17 The sustainable growth rate is calculated by the formula, 18 g = br+sv, where ~b" is the expected retention ratio, ~r" 19 is the expected earned return on equity, ~s" is the 20 percent of common equity expected to be issued annually as 21 new common stock, and ~v" is the equity accretion rate. A. What is the purpose of the ~sv" te~? Under DCF theory, the ~sv" factor is a component 22 23 Q. 24 of the growth rate designed to capture the impact of 25 issuing new common stock at a price above, or below, book 10 Morin, Roger A., ~Regulatory Finance: Utilities' Cost of Capital," Public Utilities Reports, Inc. at 154 (1994). Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-IO-Ol & AVU-G-IO-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 21 of 39 1 value. When a company's stock price is greater than its 2 book value per share, the per-share contribution in excess 3 of book value associated with new stock issues will accrue 4 to the current shareholders. This increase to the book 5 value of existing shareholders leads to higher expected 6 earnings and dividends, with the "sv" factor incorporating 7 this additional growth component. 8 Q.What qrowth rate does the earninqs retention 9 method suqqest for the Utility Proxy Group? 10 A.The sustainable, "br+sv" growth rates for each 11 firm in the Utility Proxy Group are summarized on Schedule 12 4, with the underlying details being presented on Schedule 13 5. For each firm, the expected retention ratio (b) was 14 calculated based on Value Line's projected dividends and 15 earnings per share. Likewise, each firm's expected earned 16 rate of return (r) was computed by dividing projected 17 earnings per share by projected net book value. Because 18 Value Line reports end-of-year book values, an adjustment 19 was incorporated to compute an average rate of return over 20 the year, consistent with the theory underlying this 21 approach to estimating investors' growth expectations. 22 Meanwhile, the percent of common equity expected to be 23 issued annually as new common stock (s) was equal to the Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-IO-Ol & AVU-G-IO-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 22 of 39 1 product of the projected market-to-book ratio and growth 2 in cornon shares outstanding, while the equity accretion 3 rate (v) was computed as 1 minus the inverse of the 4 proj ected market-to-book ratio. 5 6 Q. A. What other growth rate did you consider? As noted earlier, the DCF model assumes that 7 investors expect to receive a portion of their total 8 return in the form of current dividends and the remainder 9 through price appreciation. Consistent with this 10 paradigm, I also examined expected growth in each 11 utility's stock price based on Value Line's 2011-2014 12 projections. 13 Q. What cost of equity estimtes were imlied for 14 the Utility Proxy Group using the DCF model? 15 A.After combining the dividend yields and 16 respective growth projections for each utility, the 17 resul ting cost of equity estimates are shown on 18 Schedule 4. 19 Q. In evaluating the results of the constant growth 20 DCF model, is it appropriate to eliminate estimtes that 21 are extrem low or high outliers? 22 A. Yes. In applying quantitative methods to 23 estimate the cost of equity, it is essential that the Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-IO-Ol & AVU-G-IO-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 23 of 39 1 resulting values pass fundamental tests of reasonableness 2 and economic logic. Accordingly, DCF estimates that are 3 implausibly low or high should be eliminated when 4 evaluating the results of this method. 5 Q.How did you evaluate DCF estimtes at the low 6 end of the range? 7 A.It is a basic economic principle that investors 8 can be induced to hold more risky assets only if they 9 expect to earn a return to compensate them for their risk 10 bearing. As a result, the rate of return that investors 11 require from a utility's common stock, the most junior and 12 riskiest of its securities, must be considerably higher 13 than the yield offered by senior, long-term debt. As 14 noted earlier, the average corporate credit rating 15 associated with the firms in the Utility Proxy Group is 16 ~BBB+". Companies rated ~BBB-", ~BBB", and ~BBB+" are all 17 considered part of the triple-B rating category, with 18 Moody's monthly yields on triple-B bonds averaging 19 approximately 6.3 percent in January 2010.11 It is 20 inconceivable that investors are not requiring a 21 substantially higher rate of return for holding common 22 stock. Consistent with this principle, the DCF results 11 Moody's Investors Service, www.credittrends.com. Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-Ol & AVU-G-10-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 24 of 39 1 for the Utility Proxy Group must be adjusted to eliminate 2 estimates that are determined to be extreme low outliers 3 when compared against the yields available to investors 4 from less risky utility bonds. 5 6 Q.Have simlar tests been applied by regulators? Yes. FERC has nqted that adjustments areA. 7 justified where applications of the DCF approach produce 8 illogical results. FERC evaluates DCF results against 9 observable yields on long-term public utility debt and has 10 recognized that it is appropriate to eliminate estimates 11 that do not sufficiently exceed this threshold. In a 2000 12 opinion establishing its current precedent for determining 13 ROEs for electric utilities, for example, FERC noted: 14 An adjustment to this data is appropriate in the15 case of PG&E's low-end return of 8.42 percent, 16 which is comparable to the average Moody' s ~A"17 grade public utility bond yield of 8.06 percent,18 for October 1999. Because investors cannot be19 expected to purchase stock if debt, which has20 less risk than stock, yields ~ssentially the21 same return, this low-end return cannot be22 considered reliable in this case. 12 12 Southern California Edison Company, 92 FERC ~ 61,070 (2000) at p. 22. Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 25 of 39 1 More recently, in its March 27, 2009 decision in Pioneer, 2 FERC concluded that it would exclude low-end ROEs ~within 3 about 100 basis points above the cost of debt. "13 , 4 Q.What else should be considered in evaluating DCF 5 estimates at the low end of the range? 6 A.As indicated earlier, while corporate bond 7 yields have declined substantially as the worst of the 8 financial crisis has abated, it is generally expected that 9 long-term interest rates will rise as the recession ends 10 and the economy returns to a more normal pattern of 11 growth. As shown in Table 2 below, the most recent 12 forecasts of IRS Global Insight and the EIA imply an 13 average triple-B bond yield of 6.72 percent for 2010, or 14 7.12 percent over the 5-year period 2010-2014: 15 13 Pioneer Transmission, LLC, 126 FERC ~ 61,281 at P 94 (2009) ("Pioneer") . Exhibit No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 26 of 39 .. 1 TABLE 2 2 IMLIED BBB BOND YIELD Line No.2010 2010-14 1 Proj ected AA Utility Yield 2 IHS Global Insight (a)5.55%6.30% 3 EIA (b)6.66%6.71% 4 Average 6.11%6.51% 5 BBB - AA Yield Spread ( c)0.61%0.61% 6 Implied BBB Utility Yield 6.72%7.12% (a) IHS Global Insight, The U.S. Economy: The 3D-Year Focus" (Third-Quarter 2009) at Table 34. (b) Energy Information Administration, AnnualEnergy Outlook 2010, Early Release (Dec. 5, 2009) at Table 20. (c) Based on monthly average bond yields forJanuary 2010 reported in Moody's Credi t Perspecti ves. 3 The increase in debt yields anticipated by IHS Global 4 Insight and EIA is also supported by the widely-referenced 5 Blue Chip Financial Forecasts, which projects that yields 6 on corporate bonds will climb on the order of 70 basis 7 points through the second quarter of 2011.14 Consistent 8 with these forecasts, Fitch recently concluded, ~Interest 14 Blue Chip Financial Forecasts, Vol. 29, No. 2 (Feb. 1, 2010). Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 27 of 39 1 rates are expected to rise over the course of the year 2 from very low levels. 1115 3 Q. What does this test of logic imly with respect 4 to the DCF results for the Utility Proxy Group? 5 A.As shown on Schedule 4, sixteen of the cost 6 equity estimates for the firms in the Utility Proxy Group 7 fell below 8.0 percent. 16 In light of the risk-return 8 tradeoff principle and the test applied in Pioneer, it is 9 inconceivable that investors are not requiring a 10 substantially higher rate of return for holding common 11 stock, which is the riskiest of a utility's securities. 12 As a result, consistent with the test of economic logic 13 applied by FERC and the upward trend expected for utility 14 bond yields, these values provide little guidance as to 15 the returns investors require from utility common stocks 16 and should be excluded. 17 Q. What cost of equity is implied by your DCF 18 results for the Utility Proxy Group? 19 A.As shown on Schedule 4 and summarized in Table 20 3, below, after eliminating illogical low- and high-end 15 Fitch Ratings Ltd., "U. S. Utilities, Power, and Gas 2010 Outlook, II Global Power North America Special Report (Dec. 4, 2009).16 As highlighted on Schedule 4, these DCF estimates ranged from 5.0 percent to 7.9 percent. Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 28 of 39 1 values, application of the constant growth DCF model 2 resul ted in the following cost of equity estimates:3 TABLE 3 4 DCF RESULTS - UTILITY PROXY GROUP Growth Rate Value Line IBES First Call Zacks br+sv Stock Price Average Cost of Equity 11. 5% 11. 1% 11. 1% 10.6% 10.4% 11.2% 5 6 7 Q. What were the results of your DCF analysis for the Non-utility Proxy Group? A.I applied the DCF model to the Non-Utility Proxy 8 Group in exactly the same manner described earlier for the 9 Utili ty Proxy Group. The results of my DCF analysis for 10 the Non-Utility Proxy Group are presented in Schedule 6, 11 with the sustainable, "br+sv" growth rates being developed 12 on Schedule 7. 13 I noted earlier that values that are implausibly low 14 or high should be eliminated when evaluating the results 15 of any quantitative method used to estimate the cost of 16 equity. As highlighted on Schedule 6, in addition to 17 illogical low-end values, various DCF estimates for the 18 firms in the Non-Utility Proxy Group exceeded 17.0 19 percent. I determined that, when compared with the Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-IO-Ol & AVU-G-IO-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 29 of 39 1 balance of the remaining estimates, these values could be 2 considered implausible and should be excluded. This is 3 also consistent with the precedent adopted by FERC, which 4 has established that estimates found to be ~extreme 5 outliers" should be disregarded in interpreting the 6 results of quantitative methods used to estimate the cost 7 of equity.17 8 As shown on Schedule 6 and summarized in Table 4, 9 below, after eliminating illogical low- and high-end 10 values, application of the constant growth DCF model 11 resulted in cost of common equity estimates generally in 12 the 12 percent to 13 percent range: 13 TAB 4 14 DCF RESULTS - NON-UTILITY PROXY GROUP Growth Rate Value Line IBES First Call Zacks br+sv Stock Price Average Cost of Equity 11. 9% 12.6% 12.8% 12.7% 12.2% 13.7% 15 As discussed earlier, reference to the Non-Utility Proxy 16 Group is consistent with established regulatory principles 17 and required returns for utilities should be in line with 17 See, e.g., iso New England, Inc., 109 FERC 'l 61,147 at P 205 (2004). Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 30 of 39 1 those of non-utility firms of comparable risk operating 2 under the constraints of free competition. 3 4 Q. D. Capi tal Asset Pricing Model Please describe the CA. The CAPM is a theory of market equilibrium thatA. 5 measures risk using the beta coefficient. Assuming 6 investors are fully diversified, the relevant risk of an 7 individual asset (e.g., common stock) is its volatility 8 relative to the market as a whole, with beta reflecting 9 the tendency of a stock's price to follow changes in the 10 market. The CAPM is mathematically expressed as: 12 13 14 15 16 Rj =Rf +ßj (Rm -Rfl where:Rj =required rate of return for stock j; Rf =risk-free rate; Rm =expected return on the market portfolio;and, ßj =beta,or systematic risk,for stock j. 11 17 Like the DCF model, the CAPM is an ex-ante, or forward- 18 looking model based on expectations of the, future. As a 19 result, in order to produce a meaningful estimate of 20 investors' required rate of return, the CAPM must be 21 applied using estimates that reflect the expectations of 22 actual investors in the market, not with backward-iooking, 23 historical data. Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 31 of 39 1 Q. How did you apply the CA to estimte the cost 2 of common equity? 3 A.Application of the CAPM to the Utility Proxy 4 Group based on a forward-looking estimate for investors' 5 required rate of return from common stocks is presented on 6 Schedule 8. In order to capture the expectations of 7 today's investors in current capital markets, the expected 8 market rate of return was estimated by conducting a DCF 9 analysis on the dividend paying firms in the S&P 500. 10 The dividend yield for each firm was calculated based 11 on the annual indicated dividend payment obtained from 12 Value Line, increased by one-half of the growth rate 13 discussed subsequently (1 + O. 5g) to convert them to year- 14 ahead dividend yields presumed by the constant growth DCF 15 model. The growth rate was equal to the earnings growth 16 projections for each firm published by IBES, with each 17 firm's dividend yield and growth rate being weighted by 18 its proportionate share of total market value. Based on 19 the weighted average of the proj ections for the 352 20 individual firms, current estimates imply an average 21 growth rate over the next five years of 8.8 percent. 22 Combining this average growth rate with an adjusted 23 dividend yield of 2.5 percent results in a current cost of Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-0l & AVU-G-10-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 32 of 39 1 cornan equity estimate for the market as a whole of 2 approximately 11.3 percent. Subtracting a 4.5 percent 3 risk-free rate based on the average yield on 20-year 4 Treasury bonds produced a market equity risk premium of 5 6.8 percent. 6 Q.What was the source of the beta values you used 7 to apply the CA? 8 A.I relied on the beta values reported by Value 9 Line, which in my experience is the most widely referenced 10 source for beta in regulatory proceedings. As noted in 11 Regulatory Finance: Utilities' Cost of Capital: 12 Value Line betas are computed on a theoretically13 sound basis using a broadly-based market index,14 and they are adjusted for the regression15 tendency of betas to converge to 1.00.16 Value Line is the largest and most widely17 circulated independent investment advisory18 service, and exerts influence on a large number19 of institutional and individual investors and on20 the expectations of these investors. 18 21 As shown on Schedule 8, multiplying the 6.8 percent market 22 risk premium by the average Value Line beta for the firms 23 in the Utility Proxy Group, and then adding the resulting 24 risk premium to the average long-term Treasury bond yield, 25 resul ts in an average ~ndicated cost of cornan equity of 26 9.5 percent. 18 Morin, Roger A., "Regulatory Finance: Utilities' Cost of Capital," Public Utilities Reports at 65 (1994). Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 33 of 39 1 Q. What cost of common equity was indicated for the 2 Non-Utility Proxy Group based on this forward-looking 3 application of the CAPM? 4 A.As shown on Schedule 9, applying the forward- 5 looking CAPM approach to the firms in the Non-Utility 6 Proxy Group results in an average implied cost of common 7 equity of 9.8 percent. 8 9 10 Q. Do you have any observations regarding these CAPM results? A.Yes. Applying the CAPM is complicated by the 11 impact of the recent capital market turmoil and recession 12 on investors' risk perceptions and required returns. The 13 CAPM cost of common equity estimate is calibrated from 14 investors' required risk premium between Treasury bonds 15 and common stocks. In response to heightened 16 uncertainties, investors have sought a safe haven in U.S. 17 government bonds and this ~flight to safety" has pushed 18 Treasury yields significantly lower while yield spreads 19 for corporate debt have widened. This distortion not only 20 impacts the absolute level of the CAPM cost of equity 21 estimate, but it affects estimated risk premiums. 22 Economic logic would suggest that investors' required risk 23 premium for common stocks over Treasury bonds has also 24 increased. Thus, recent capital market conditions may Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-Ol & AVU-G-10-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 34 of 39 1 cause CAPM cost of common equity estimates to understate 2 investors' required returns for common stocks, 3 particularly when historical data are used to calculate 4 the market risk premium. As the Staff of the Florida 5 Public Service Commission recently concluded: 6 (R) ecognizing the impact the Federal 7 Government's unprecedented intervention in the 8 capi tal markets has had on the yields on long- 9 term Treasury bonds, staff believes models that10 relate the investor-required return on equity to11 the yield on government securities, such as the 12 CAPM approach, produce less reliable estimates13 of the ROE at this time. 19 14 While my application of the CAPM makes every effort to 15 incorporate investors' forward-looking expectations, the 16 full effect of the ~flight to safety" may not be captured 17 in my market risk premium estimate. 18 Second, the beta in CAPM theory is a measure of the 19 investors' expected relationship of a firm's stock price 20 to the market as a whole. Because investors' expected 21 beta for a firm is not known, reported betas are estimated 22 based on historical relationships. The precipitous drop 23 and subsequent partial recovery in stock prices over the 24 last year or so have caused many firms' historical betas 19 Staff Recommendation for Docket No. OB0677-El - Petition for increase in rates by Florida Power & Light Company, at p. 280 (Dec. 23, 2009). Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-IO-Ol & AVU-G-IO-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 35 of 39 1 to become unstable, so that reported betas mayor may not 2 reflect investors' expected beta. Because of this 3 inherent mismatch between the historical circumstances 4 underlying reported beta values and the current 5 perceptions of investors, the CAPM may not accurately 6 reflect investor's forward-looking rate of return 7 requirements. 8 Meanwhile, forward-looking estimates of the market 9 required rate of return may be distorted by the recent 10 run-up in stock prices. It is not clear whether reported 11 security analysts' dividend and growth projections have 12 kept pace with the economic recovery expectations 13 presumably pushing up stock prices; if not, there is a 14 mismatch that under-estimates the market required rate of 15 return. This incongruity between current measures of the 16 market risk premium and historical beta values is 17 particularly relevant during periods of heightened 18 uncertainty and rapidly changing capital market 19 conditions, such as those experienced recently. As a 20 result, there is every indication that CAPM approaches 21 fail to fully reflect the risk perceptions of real-world 22 investors in today's capital markets, which would violate 23 the standards underlying a fair rate of return by failing Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-lO-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 36 of 39 1 to provide an opportunity to earn a return commensurate 2 wi th other investments of comparable risk. 3 Q. E. Expected Earnings Approach What other analyses did you conduct to estimte 4 the cost of equity? 5 A.As I noted earlier, I also evaluated the ROE 6 using the comparable earnings method. Reference to rates 7 of return available from alternative investments of 8 comparable risk can provide an important benchmark in 9 assessing the return necessary to assure confidence in the 10 financial integrity of a firm and its ability to attract. 11 capital. This comparable earnings approach is consistent 12 with the economic underpinnings for a fair rate of return 13 established by the Supreme Court in Hope and Bluefield. 14 Moreover, it avoids the complexities and limitations of 15 capi tal market methods and instead focuses on expected 16 earned returns on book equity, which are more readily 17 available to investors. 18 19 20 Q. Wht rates of return are indicated for utilities based on this approach? A.Value Line reports that its analysts anticipate 21 an average rate of return on common equity for the 22 electric utility industry of 11.0 percent in 2010 and 11.5 Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-IO-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 37 of 39 1 percent over its 2012-2014 forecast horizon. 20 Meanwhile, 2 for the gas utility industry Value Line expects returns on 3 common equity of 10.5 percent in 2010 and 11.0 percent 4 over the period 2012-2014.21 5 For the flrms in the Utility Proxy Group 6 specifically, the returns on common equity projected by 7 Value Line over its three-to-five year forecast horizon 8 are shown on Schedule 10. Consistent with the rationale 9 underlying the development of the br+sv growth rates, 10 these year-end values were converted to average returns 11 using the same adjustment factor discussed earlier and 12 developed on Schedule 5. As shown on Schedule 10, Value 13 Line's projections for the utility proxy group suggested 14 an average ROE of 10.7 percent. 15 Q. F. Sumry of Quantitative Results Please sumrize the results of your 16 quantitative analyses. 17 A.The cost of equity estimates implied by my 18 quantitative analyses are summarized in Table 5 below: 20 The Value Line Investment Survey at 2231 (Feb. 5, 2010). 21 The Value Line Investment Survey at 444 (Dec. 11, 2009). Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 & AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 38 of 39 i 2 TABLE 5 SUMY OF QUANITATIVE RESULTS Dcr Value Line rBES First Call Zacks br+sv Stock Price CA Expcted Earnings 2010 2012-l4 Utility Proxy Group Uti1iti lL. 5% lL. 1% lL. l% lO.6% LO.4% lL.2% 9.5% E1ectric lL. 0% lL. 5% Non-Uti1iti lL. 9% l2.6% l2.8% l2.7% l2.2% l3.7% 9.8% Gu LO .5% lL. 0% lO.7% Exhibi t No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-IO-Ol & AVU-G-IO-Ol W. Avera, Avista Schedule 2, p. 39 of 39 CA P I T A L S T R U C T U R E UT I L I T Y P R O X Y G R O U P At F i s c a l Y e a r - E n d 2 0 0 9 ( a ) Va l u e L i n e P r o j e c t e d ( b ) Co m m o n Co m m o n Co m p a n y De b t Pr e f e r r e d Eq u i t y De b t Ot h e r Eq u i t y 1 Am e r e n C o r p . 47 . 6 % 0. 0 % 52 . 4 % 45 . 0 % 1. 0 % 54 . 0 % 2 Am e r i c a n E l e c P w r 57 . 0 % 0. 2 % 42 . 8 % 52 . 0 % 0. 0 % 48 . 0 % 3 A v i s t a C o r p . 49 . 3 % 2. 4 % 48 . 3 % 51 . 5 % 0. 0 % 48 . 5 % 4 Bl a c k H i l s C o r p . 49 . 2 % 0. 0 % 50 . 8 % 40 . 5 % 0. 0 % 59 . 5 % 5 Cl e c o C o r p . 54 . 4 % 0. 0 % 45 . 6 % 53 . 0 % 0. 0 % 47 . 0 % 6 Co n s t e l l a t i o n E n e r g y 35 . 2 % 1. 4 % 63 . 4 % 45 . 5 % 1. 5 % 53 . 0 % 7 DT E E n e r g y C o . 51 . 1 % 2. 1 % 46 . 7 % 55 . 0 % 0. 0 % 45 . 0 % 8 Ed i s o n I n t e r n a t i o n a l 49 . 6 % 4. 2 % 46 . 3 % 50 . 5 % 3. 5 % 46 . 0 % 9 Em p i r e D i s t r c t E l e c 49 . ¡ O 1 O 3. 9 % 46 . 5 % 51 . 0 % 0. 0 % 49 . 0 % 10 G r e a t P l a i n s E n e r g y 53 . 2 % 0. 6 % 46 . 2 % 51 . 5 % 0. 5 % 48 . 0 % 11 I D A C O R P , I n c . 50 . 3 % 0. 0 % 49 . 7 % 49 . 0 % 0. 0 % 51 . 0 % 12 N o r t e a s t U t i l i t i e s 55 . 2 % 1. 4 % 43 . 4 % 58 . 0 % 1. 0 % 41 . 0 % 13 P i n a c l e W e s t C a p i t a l 52 . 2 % 0. 0 % 47 . 8 % 48 . 0 % 0. 0 % 52 . 0 % 14 P P L C o r p . 55 . 1 % 0. 0 % 44 . 9 % 52 . 5 % 2. 0 % 45 . 5 % 15 P S E n t e r p n s G r o u p 44 . 1 % 0. 5 % 55 . 4 % 43 . 0 % 0. 0 % 57 . 0 % 16 U I L H o l d i n g s 56 . 0 % 0. 0 % 44 . 0 % 52 . 0 % 0. 0 % 48 . 0 % 17 W e s t a r E n e r g y 52 . 3 % 0. 5 % 47 . 2 % 47 . 5 % 0. 0 % 52 . 5 % Av e r a g e 50 . 7 % 1. 0 % 48 . 3 % 49 . 7 % 0. 6 % 49 . 7 % Ex h i b i t N O . 3 Ca s e N o s . A V U - E - 1 0 - 1 A V U - G - 1 0 - o 1 (a ) C o m p a n y F o r m 1 0 - K a n d A n u a l R e p o r t s . W. A v e r a , A v i s t a (b ) T h e V a l u e L i n e I n v e s t m e n t S u r v e y ( N o v . 2 7 & D e c . 2 5 , 2 0 0 9 , F e b . 5 , 2 0 1 0 ) . Sc h e d u l e 3 , p . 1 o f 1 (a ) R e c e t p r i c e a n d e s t i a t e d d i v i d e n d f o r n e x t 1 2 m o s . f r m T h V a l u e L i n e I n v e s b n e n t S u r v e y u m n u r y a n d I n d e ( F e b . 5 , 2 0 1 0 ) . (b ) T h V a l u e L i I n v e s t m e n t S u r e y ( N o v . 2 7 & D e c . 2 5 , 2 0 0 , F e b . 5 , 2 0 1 0 ) , (c ) T h s o n R e u t e r s C o p a n y i n C o n t e x t R e r t ( F e b . 3 , 2 0 1 0 ) . (d ) F i r s t C a l E . a r n i n g s V a l u a t i o n R e o r t ( F e b . 4 , 2 0 1 0 ) . (e ) w w . z a c k . c o m ( r e r i e v e F e b . 4 , 2 0 1 0 ) (f ) S e S c e d u l e 5 . (g ) S u o f d i v i d e n y i e l d a n d r e v e g r o w t h r a t t (h ) E x c l u d e s h i g h l i g h t e f i g u r e Ex i b i t N O . 3 Ca s e N o . A V U - E - 1 G - 1 A V U - G - 1 0 - Q 1 W. A v e r . A v i s t SC e d u l e 4 , p . 1 o f 1 SUSTAINABLE GROWT RATE UTILIT PROXY GROUP (a)(a)(b)(a)(a)(a)(c)(d) 2012-14 Market Prce 2012-14 Prjections Company ,Hi Low Avg.EPS DPS ~ll i 1 Ameren Corp.45.00 30.00 $37.50 $3.00 $1.70 $37.25 43.3%8.1% 2 American Elec Pwr 50.00 35.00 $4.50 $3.50 $1.90 $33.25 45.7%10.5% 3 A vista Corp.30.00 19.00 $24.50 $1.75 $1.20 $21.50 31.%8.1% 4 Black Hills Corp.40.00 25.00 $32.50 $2.75 $1.56 $30.75 43.3%8.9% 5 Cleco Corp.40.00 25.00 $32.50 $2.50 $1.60 $21.50 36.0%11.6% 6 Constellation Energy 50.00 30.00 $4.00 $3.50 $1.00 $36.25 71.4%9.7% 7 DTE Energy Co.60.00 40.00 $50.00 $4.25 $2.50 $42.50 41.2%10.00k 8 Edison Internationl 60.00 40.00 $5.00 $4.25 $1.50 $39.50 64.7%10.8% 9 Empire Distrct Elec 30.00 20.00 $2.00 $1.75 $1.35 $17.25 22.9%10.1% 10 Great Plains Energy 25.00 15.00 $20.00 $1.60 $1.0 $22.00 31.3%7.3% 11 IDACORP, Inc.45.00 30.00 $37.50 $2.75 $1.40 $36.00 49.1%7.6% 12 Norteast Utilities 40.00 25.00 $32.50 $2.25 $1.5 $24.50 48.9%9.2% 13 Pinacle West Capital 50.00 30.00 $4.00 $3.25 $2.20 $37.25 32.3%8.7"k 14 PPLCorp.55.00 35.00 $45.00 $3.75 $1.90 $19.50 49.3%19.2% 15 P 5 Enterprise Group 55.00 35.00 $4.00 $3.75 $1.70 $24.00 54.7"k 15.6% 16 UI Holdings 35.00 25.00 $3.00 $2.30 $1.73 $21.75 24.8%10.6% 17 Westar Energy 30.00 20.00 $25.00 $2.10 $1.40 $27.20 33.3%7.7"k Exhibit No. 3 Case Nos. AVU-E-1o-01 AVU-G-10-o1 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 5, p. 1 of 3 SUSTAINABLE GROWT RATE UTILIT PROXY GROUP (a)(a)(e)(a)(a)(e)(f)(g)(h) 2008 2012-14 Adjusted "r" No.Common No.Comon Chgin Adj.Adj. Company BVPS Shares EQ ~~Equity EQ f!i: 1 Ameren Corp.$32.80 212.30 $6,963 $37.25 252.00 $9,387 6.2%1.0299 8.3% 2 American Elec Pw $26.33 406.07 $10,692 $3.25 495.00 $16,459 9.0%1.041 LU)% 3 A vista Corp.$18.30 54.49 $997 $21.50 58.50 $1,25 4.8%1.0232 8.3% 4 Black Hills Corp.$27.19 38.64 $1,051 $3.75 40.00 $1,23 3.2%1.0158 9.1% 5 OecoCorp.$17.65 60.04 $1,060 $21.50 65.00 $1,398 5.7%1.0277 11.9% 6 Constellation Energ $15.98 199.13 $3,182 $36.25 215.00 $7,794 19.6%1.0893 10.5% 7 DTE Energy Co.$36.77 163.02 $5,994 $4.50 178.00 $7,565 4.8%1.0233 10.2% 8 Edison Interntional $29.21 325.81 $9,517 $39.50 325.81 $12,869 6.2%1.0302 11.1% 9 Empire Distrct Elec $15.56 33.98 $529 $17.25 42.00 $72 6.5%1.0315 10.5% 10 Great Plains Energy $21.39 119.26 $2,551 $22.00 158.00 $3,476 6.4%1.0309 7.5% 11 IDACORP, Inc.$27.76 46.92 $1,302 $36.00 52.00 $1,872 7.5%1.0363 7.9% 12 Norteast Utilities $19.38 155.83 $3,020 $24.50 188.00 $4,606 8.8%1.04 9.6% 13 Pinacle West Capital $3.16 100.89 $3,446 $37.25 118.00 $4,396 5.0%1.0243 8.9% 14 PPLCorp.$13.55 374.58 $5,076 $19.50 370.00 $7,215,7.3%1.0352 19.9% 15 P S Enterprise Group $15.36 506.02 $7,772 $24.00 490.00 $11,760 8.6%1.0414 16.3% 16 UIL Holdings $18.85 25.17 $474 $21.75 30.80 $670 7.1%1.034 10.9% 17 Westar Energy $20.18 108.31 $2,186 $27.20 114.00 $3,101 7.2%1.035 8.O"k Exhibit NO.3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 AVU-G-10-Q1 W. Avera, Avista SCedule 5, p. 2 of 3 SUSTAINABLE GROWT RATE UTIT PROXY GROUP (a)(a)(f)(i)(j)(k)(I)(m) Common Shares Outstanding MI "sv" Fador Company 2008 2012-14 Change Ratio i ~n br+sv 1 Ameren Corp.212.3 252.0 3.49%1.01 0.0351 0.007 0.02%3.6% 2 American Elec Pw 406.1 495.0 4.04%1.28 0.0516 0.2176 1.2%6.1% 3 Avista Corp.54.5 58.5 1.43%1.14 0.0163 0.1224 0.20%2.8% 4 Black Hills Corp.38.6 40.0 0.69%1.06 0.0073 0.0538 0.04%4.0% 5 ClecoCorp.60.0 65.0 1.60%1.51 0.0242 0.3385 0.82%5.1% 6 Constellation Energy 199.1 215.0 1.55%1.10 0.0171 0.0938 0.16%7.7% 7 OTE Energy Co.163.0 178.0 1.77 1.8 0.0209 0.150 0.31%4.5% 8 Edisn International 325.8 325.8 0.00%1.27 0.2100 0.00%7.2% 9 Empire Distnct Elec 34.0 42.0 4.33%1.45 0.0627 0.3100 1.94%4.3% 10 Great Plains Energy 119.3 158.0 5.79%0.91 0.0526 (0.1000)-0.53%1.8% 11 IDACORP, Inc.46.9 52.0 2.08%1.04 0.0216 0.040 0.09%4.0% 12 Norteast Utilities 155.8 188.0 3.82%1.33 0.0507 0.2462 1.25%5.9% 13 Pinnacle West Capital 100.9 118.0 3.18%1.07 0.034 0.068 0.23%3.1% 14 PPLCorp.374.6 370.0 -0.25%2.31 (0.0057)0.5667 -0.32%9.5% 15 P S Enterprise Group 506.0 490.0 -0.64%1.88 (0.0120)0.467 -0.56%8.3% 16 UIL Holdings 25.2 30.8 4.12%1.38 0.0568 0.2750 1.56%4.3% 17 Westa Energy 108.3 114.0 1.03%0.92 0.0095 (0.0880)-0.08%2.6% (a)The Value Line Investment Survey (Nov. 27 & De. 25, 200, Feb. 5, 2010). (b) Average of High and Low expected market prices. (c) Compute at (EPS - OPS) / EPS. (d) Computed as EPS / BVP. (e) Product of BVP and No. Shares Outstading. (f)Five-year rate of chge. (g) Computed using the formula 2"(1+5-Yr. Change in Equity)/(2+5 Yr. Change in Equity) (h) Product of year-ed "r" for 2012-14 and Adjustment Factor. (i)Average of High and Low expected market prices divided by 2012-14 BVPS. (j)Product of change in common shaes outstading and M/B Ratio (k) Computed as 1 - BIM Ratio. (I)Product of "s" and "v". (m) Product of average "b" and adjusted "r", plus "sv". Exhibit NO.3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 AVU-G-1Q-1 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 5, p. 3 of 3 DC F M O D E L NO N - u n U I P R O X Y G R O u p (a ) (a ) (b ) (c ) (d ) (e ) (a ) (f ) (f ) (f ) (f ) (f ) (f ) Di v i d e n d Gr o w t h R a t t s Co s t o f E q u i t y E s t i m a t e s Co m p a n Xi YJ .u Fi r s t C a l l ~ br + s v ~ YJ ii Fi r s t C l 1 1 ~ br + s v Pr i c e 1 3M Co m p a n y 2. 5 4 % 5. 0 % 12 . 1 % 12 . 5 % 11 . 6 % 15 . 8 % 10 . 4 % i: 14 , 6 % 15 . 0 % 14 . 1 % 1 1 8 . 4 % 1 1 2 . 9 % 2 Ab b o t t L a b s . 2. 9 9 % 10 . 0 % 11 . 5 % 12 . 0 % 10 . 8 % 13 . 6 % 15 . 7 % 13 . 0 % 14 . 5 % 15 . 0 % 13 . 8 % 1 6 . 6 % I 1 8 . 7 % 1 3 Al b e r t o - u l v e r 1. 1 9 % 14 . 5 % 11 . 7 % 12 . 5 % 12 . 5 % 8. 0 % 7. 6 % 15 . 7 " k 12 . 9 % 13 . 7 % 13 . 7 % 9. 2 % 8. 8 % 4 Al l e r g a n , I n c . 0. 3 3 % 14 . 0 % 13 . 0 % 13 . 3 % 15 . 2 % 19 . 2 % 15 . 6 % 14 . 3 % 13 . 3 % 13 . 6 % 15 . 5 % I ' 1 9 . 5 % 1 16 . 0 % 5 AT & T In c . 6. 1 7 % 5.0 % 5.9 % 5. 0 % 5.9 % 5. 9 % 13 . 0 % 11 . 2 % 12 . 1 % 11 . 2 % 12 . 1 % 12 . 0 % 19 . 2 % 6 Au t o m a t i c D a t a P r o c . 3. 2 % 9. 0 % 11 . 8 % 12 . 0 % 11 . 4 % 9. 8 % 15 . 8 % 12 . 2 % 15 . 0 % 15 . 2 % 14 . 6 % 13 . 1 % 19 . 0 % 7 Ba r d ( C . R . ) 0. 8 1 % 12 . 5 % 13 . 6 % 13 . 9 % 13 . 4 % 13 . 4 % 14 . 4 % 13 . 3 % 14 . 4 % 14 . 7 % 14 . 2 % 14 . 3 % 15 . 2 % 8 Ba x t e r I n t l I n c . 2. 0 0 % 14 . 0 % 11 . 5 % 11 . 5 % 11 . 5 % 15 . 1 % 15 . 4 % 16 . 0 % 13 . 5 % 13 . 5 % 13 . 5 % I 1 7 . 1 % 1 I 1 7 . 4 % 1 9 Be c t o n , D i c k i n o n 1. 9 6 % 11 . 5 % 11 . 3 % 11 . 0 % 11 . 4 % 12 . 1 % 12 . 3 % 13 . 5 % 13 . 3 % 13 . 0 % 13 . 4 % 14 . 0 % 14 . 3 % 10 Be m i Co . 2. 9 5 % 4. 5 % 7. 0 % 7. 0 % 8. 0 % 9.3 % 8. 9 % i: 1 0 . 0 % 1 0 . 0 % 11 . 0 % 12 . 3 % 11 . 9 % 11 Br i s t o l - M y e r s S q i b b 4. 8 1 % 9. 0 % 2. 5 % 3, 0 % 7. 1 % . 5.5 % 11 . 7 % 13 . 8 % I 7 . 3 % 1 1 7 . 8 % 1 11 . 9 % 10 . 3 % 16 . 5 % 12 Br o w n - F o r m a n ' B ' 2. 2 9 % 7. 0 % 13 . 0 % 13 . 0 % NA 12 . 2 % 9. 2 % 9. 3 % 15 . 3 % 15 . 3 % NA 14 . 5 % 11 , 4 % 13 Ca r d i n a H e a l t h 2. 2 6 % -2 . 5 % 6. 6 % 10 . 0 % 10 . 1 % 7. 6 % 10 . 8 % I - 0 . 2 % 1 8.9 % 12 . 3 % 12 . 4 % 9. 8 % 13 . 1 % 14 Ch e v n C o r p . 3. 5 4 % 5. 0 % NA NA 9. 0 % 17 . 5 % 12 . 1 % 8.5 % NA NA 12 . 5 % 1 2 1 . 0 % 1 15 . 7 % 15 Ch u b b Co r p . 2. 9 1 % 3. 0 % 8. 0 % 8.5 % 7. 7 % 9. 1 % 12 . 4 % I 5 . 9 % 1 10 . 9 % 11 . 4 % 10 . 6 % 12 . 0 % 15 . 3 % 16 Co c - C o l a 3. 0 9 % 6. 5 % 9. 0 % 9.0 % 8. 9 % 11 . 1 % 11 . 1 % 9.6 % 12 . 1 % 12 . 1 % 12 . 0 % 14 . 2 % 14 . 2 % 17 Co l g a t e P a l m o l i v e 2. 2 % 11 . 5 % 9. 0 % 10 . 0 % 9. 8 % 19 . 5 % 13 . 9 % 13 . 7 % 11 . 2 % 12 . % 12 . 0 % 1 . 2 1 . 7 % 1 16 . 2 % 18 Co m m e r c e B a n c s h s . 2.3 7 % 5. 0 % 6. 5 % 6. 5 % 6. 5 % 8. 2 % 3.5 % ~ 8. 9 % 8.9 % 8. 9 % 10 . 5 % l 5.9 % 1 19 Co n A g r a F o o s 3.6 1 % 11 . 5 % 8. 6 % 9. 0 % 9. 0 % 5. 9 % 12 . 2 % 15 . 1 % 12 . 2 % 12 . 6 % 12 . 6 % 9.5 % 15 . 8 % 20 Co n o c o P h i l l p s 3.9 8 % 3. 0 % -8 . 8 % -5 . 6 % 3. 1 % 17 . 4 % 21 . % I 7 ; 0 0 1 1 - 4 . 8 % 1 1 " - 1 . % 1 ~ I , 2 1 . 3 % 1 25 . 1 % 21 Co s t c o W h o l e s a l e 1. 2 % 6.0 % 13 . 2 % 13 . 0 % 13 . 5 % 8. 8 % 6. 1 % 7. 3 % 1 4 . 5 % 1 4 . 3 % 1 4 . 8 % 1 0 . 1 % 7. 4 % 22 CV S C a r e m a r k C o r p . 0. % % 10 . 5 % 11 . 8 % 14 . 0 % 13 . 1 % 7. 7 " k 19 . 6 % 11 . 5 % 12 . 8 % 15 . 0 % 14 . 1 % 8. 7 % 20 . 6 % 23 Dis n e y ( W a l t ) 1. 1 6 % 12 . 0 % 6. 3 % 6. 5 % 9. 0 % 9.6 % 20 . 1 % 13 . 2 % 1 ' 7 . 5 % 1 1 ' , 7 . 7 % 1 10 . 2 % 10 . 8 % 21 . 3 % 24 Du P o n t 5. 1 9 % 0. 0 % 5. 5 % 5.5 % 9. 3 % 4.7 " k 14 . 6 % ~ 1 0 . 7 % 1 0 . 7 % 14 . 5 % 9. 9 % 19 . 8 % 25 Ea t o n Co r p . 3. 1 2 % -1 . 5 % 10 . 1 % 11 . 3 % 9. 7 % 7. 6 % 11 . 1 % .' 1 . 6 % 1 3 . 2 % ' 1 4 . 4 % 12 . 8 % 10 . 7 % 14 . 2 % 26 Ec l a b I n c . 1.3 9 % 11 . 5 % 13 . 2 % 13 . 0 % 13 . 3 % 22 . 9 % 7. 2 % 12 . 9 % 14 . 6 % 14 . 4 % 14 . 7 % I ' 2 4 . % 1 8. 6 % 27 Em e r s o n E l e c t r i c 3. 2 8 % 4. 5 % 11 . 5 % 10 . 0 % 10 , 8 % 7. 8 % 10 . 6 % 1. . 7 3 % 1 i U % i ~ % 14 . 1 % 11 . 1 % 13 . 9 % 28 Ev e r e s t R e G r o u p L t d . 2, 2 6 % 5.0 % 7. 5 % 7. 5 % 10 . 0 % 10 . 7 % 13 . 1 % 7. 3 % 9 . 8 % 9 . 8 % 12 . 3 % 13 . 0 % 15 . 4 % 29 Ex x o n M o b i l C o r p . 2. 4 9 % 3.5 % 2. 8 % 3. 5 % 6.7 % 14 . 6 % 10 . 3 % 6. 0 % ~ I " , 6 . 0 % 1 9. 2 % I 1 7 . 1 % 1 1 2 . 8 % 30 Ge 1 D y i c s 2. 3 5 % 11 . 0 % 7. 8 % 8. 0 % 10 . 1 % 12 . 9 % 18 . 2 % 13 . 4 % 10 . 2 % 10 . 4 % 12 . 5 % 1 5 . 2 % I 2 0 . % 1 31 Ge n 1 M i l i s 2. 8 4 % 9. 0 % 9. 1 % 8. 5 % 7. 7 % 6. 2 % 9. 4 % 11 . 8 % 11 . 9 % 11 . 3 % 10 . 5 % 9. 0 % 12 . % 32 Gr a g e r ( W . W . ) 1.9 8 % 6. 5 % 11 . 0 % 12 . 0 % 11 . 0 % 6. 9 % 9. 2 % 8.5 % 13 . 0 % 14 . 0 % 13 . 0 % 8. 9 % 11 . 2 % 33 He i ( H . J . ) 4. 1 0 % 6. 5 % 6. 9 % 8. 0 % 8. 0 % 15 . 9 % 12 . 2 % 10 . 6 % 11 . 0 % 12 . 1 % 12 . 1 % I ' 2 0 ; % 1 16 . 3 % 34 He w l e t - P a c k a r d 0. 6 3 % 9. 0 % 10 . 0 % 10 . % 15 . 5 % 10 . 6 % 11 . 2 % 9. 6 % 10 . 6 0 / 0 10 . 6 % 16 . 1 % 11 . 2 % 11 . 8 % 35 Ho m e De p o t 3. 1 3 % 1.5 % 9.6 % 9. 5 % 11 . 2 % 9. 9 % 9. 7 % li 6 % 1 12 . 7 % 12 . 6 % 14 . 3 % 13 . 0 % 12 . 8 % 36 Ho n e e l I n t l 3. 0 6 % 4.0 % 8. 9 % 10 . 0 % 9. 2 % 11 . 6 % 13 . 0 % . ' 7 . 1 % 12 . 0 % 13 . 1 % 12 . 3 % 14 . 7 % 16 . 0 % 37 Ho r m e l F o o d s 2. 2 4 % 10 . 5 % 10 . 0 % 10 . % 9.3 % 10 . 1 % 16 . 5 % 12 . 7 % 12 . 2 % 12 . 2 % 11 . 5 % 12 . 4 % I 1 8 . 8 % 1 38 il i n o i s T o o l W o r k s 2. 6 0 % 3. 0 % 3. 3 % 2. 6 % 9. 0 % 9. 9 % 7. 1 % 15 . 6 % 1 1 ' ~ ; 9 % 1 1 . , ' 5 . 2 % 1 11 . 6 % 12 . 5 % 9. 7 % 39 In t 1 B u s i e s s M a c h . 1.8 1 % 10 . 5 % 9. 4 % 10 . 0 % 13 . % 10 . 6 % 13 . 9 % 12 . 3 % 11 . 2 % 11 . 8 % 15 . 4 % 12 . 4 % 15 . 7 % 40 In t e l Co r p . 3. 3 0 10 . 0 % 11 . 1 % 10 . 0 % 11 . 2 % 15 . 1 % 15 . 8 % 13 . 3 % 14 . 4 % 13 . 3 % 14 . 5 % I 1 8 . 4 % 1 1 1 9 . 1 % 1 Ex t i b i t N o . 3 Ca s N o s . A V U - E - 1 ( ) 1 A V l - G . 1 0 - o 1 W. A v e r a . A v i s t Sc e d u l e 6. p . 1 o f 2 DC F M O D E L NO N - U T I L I T P R G R O U P (a ) (a ) (b ) (c ) (d ) (e ) (a ) (f ) (f ) (f ) (f ) (f ) (f ) Di v i d e n d Gr o w t R a t e s Co s t o f E q u i t y E s t i t e s Co m p a n Xh ~ .o Fir s t Ca l l ~ It ~ ~ .o Fi r s t C a l l za c k s lu ~ 41 lT C o r p . 1. 6 6 % 7. 5 % 6.8 % 5. 0 % 10 . 0 % 13 . 4 % 12 . 5 % 9. 2 % 8. 5 % ~ 11 . 7 % 15 . 1 % 14 . 2 % 42 Jo h n o n & J o h n 3. 1 3 % 7. 5 % 7. 4 % 7. 0 % 7. 4 % 10 . 8 % 12 . 6 % 10 . 6 % 10 . 5 % 10 . 1 % 10 . 5 % 13 . 9 % 15 . 7 % 43 Ke l l o g 2. 8 8 % 9. 0 % 10 . 4 % 9. 0 % 9.1 % 21 . 3 % 11 . 2 % 11 . 9 % 1 3 . 3 % 1 1 . 9 % 1 2 . 0 % I 2 4 . 2 % 1 14 . 1 % 44 Ki b e r l y - e a r k 3. 7 5 % 6. 0 % 11 . 0 % 11 . 0 % 9.5 % 23 . 2 % 11 . 0 % 9. 8 % 1 4 . 8 % 1 4 . 8 % 1 3 . 3 % 2 6 . 9 % 14 . 8 % 45 Kr a f t Fo o d s 4. 3 2 % 6. 5 % 9. 1 % 9. 1 % 14 . 1 % 4.7 % 13 . 4 % 10 . 8 % 1 3 . 4 % 1 3 . 4 % I 1 8 . % 1 9 . 0 % 17 . 7 % 46 Li l y ( E l i ) 5. 7 0 % 5. 0 % 1. 3 % 2. 2 % 3. 8 % 17 . 6 % 19 . 6 % 10 . 7 % I 7 . 0 % 1 ~ 9 . 5 % I 2 3 . 3 % 1 25 . 3 % 47 Lo c k e e M a r 3. 3 4 % 11 . 5 % 9. 1 % 9. 5 % 9.1 % 19 . 8 % 25 . 9 % 14 . 8 % 1 2 . 4 % 1 2 . 8 % 1 2 . 4 % 2 3 . 1 % 29 . 2 % 48 Mc C o r m i c k & C o . 2. 9 1 % 8. 5 % 10 . 0 % 20 . 0 % 10 . 0 % 13 . 2 % 11 . 9 % 11 . 4 % 1 2 . 9 % I 2 2 . 9 % 1 1 2 . 9 % 1 6 . 1 % 14 . 8 % 49 Mc D o n a l d ' s C o r p . 3. 5 5 % 10 . 0 % 9. 4 % 9. 0 % 9. 1 % 6. 2 % 8. 9 % 13 . 6 % 13 . 0 % 12 . 6 % 12 . 7 % 9. 8 % 12 5 % 50 Mc K s s o n C o r p . 0. 7 5 % 9. 0 % 11 , 3 % 13 . 0 % 12 0 % 12 . 2 % 5. 8 % 9. 8 % 12 . 1 % 13 . 8 % 12 . 8 % 12 . 9 % ~ 51 Me d t r i c , I n c . 1. 9 4 % 10 . 5 % 11 . 0 % 11 . 0 % 11 . 2 % 11 . 7 % 22 . 3 % 12 . 4 % 12 . 9 % 12 . 9 % 13 . 1 % 13 . 7 % 2 4 . 3 % 52 Mi c r s o f t C o r p . 1. 9 6 % 10 . 0 % 11 . 0 % 1l . ) " , ( 11 . 2 % 5. 0 % 13 . 1 % 12 . 0 % 13 . 0 % 13 . 0 % 13 . 2 % I 6. 9 % 1 15 . 1 % 53 NI K E , I n c . ' B ' 1. 7 1 % 9. 5 % 12 . 6 % 15 . 0 % 11 . 9 % 11 . 8 % 9. 6 % 11 . 2 % 14 . 3 % 16 . 7 % 13 . 6 % 13 . 6 % 11 . 3 % 54 No r t o p G n i 3. 2 7 % 9. 5 % 9. 2 % 10 . 0 % 9. 2 % 9. 6 % 21 . 5 % 12 . 8 % 12 . 5 % 13 . 3 % 12 . 5 % 12 . 9 % 24 . 8 % 55 Or a c l e C o r p . 0. 8 7 % 11 . 5 % 12 . 8 % 12 . 5 % 13 . 1 % 8. 8 % 18 . 2 % 12 . 4 % 13 . 7 % 13 . 4 % 14 . 0 % 9. 7 % 19 . 0 % 56 Pe p i C o , I n c . 3. 0 0 % 8. 5 % 10 . 8 % 10 . 8 % 10 . 0 % 14 . 0 % 14 . 3 % 11 . 5 % 1 3 . 8 % 1 3 . 8 % 1 3 . 0 % I 1 7 . 0 % 1 17 . 3 % 57 Pf i r , I n c . 3.9 5 % -4 . 0 % 1. 5 % 1. 9 % -0 . 7 % 5. 9 % 1.8 % 1' . , . 1 % 1 ~ ~ ~ 9 . 8 % 5. 7 % 58 Pr o r & G a m b l e 2.8 6 % 7.0 % 9. 3 % 10 , 0 % 8. 0 % 8. 5 % 13 . 5 % 9.9 % 12 . 2 % 12 . 9 % 10 . 9 % 11 . 4 % 16 . 4 % 59 Ra y t h e o n C o . 2. 5 1 % 13 . 0 % 9. 0 % 9. 0 % 9. 3 % 9. 3 % 17 . 6 % 15 . 5 % 11 . 5 % 1 1 . 5 % 1 1 . 8 % 1 1 . 8 % I . 2 0 . 1 % 1 60 Si g m a - A l d r i c h 1. 1 3 % 10 . 0 % 9. 0 % 9. 0 % 8. 0 % 18 . 1 % 8.7 % 11 . % 10 . 1 % 1 0 . 1 % 9 . 1 % I . 1 9 ~ 2 % 1 9 . 8 % 61 St r k e r C o r p . 1. 8 % 12 . 0 % 10 . 7 % ID . % 11 . 7 % 13 . 7 % 20 . 8 % 13 . 2 % 11 . 9 % 1 1 . 6 % 1 2 . 9 % 1 4 . 9 % 1 2 2 0 % 1 62 Sy s c C o r p . 3. 7 7 % 7. 0 % 15 . 0 % 15 . 0 % 15 . 0 % 9.4 % 9. 9 % 10 . 8 % 18 . 8 % I 1 8 . 8 % 1 1 1 8 . 8 % 1 1 3 . 1 % 1 3 . 7 % 63 lJ X C o m p a e s 1. 3 1 % 13 . 5 % 12 . 4 % 12 . 0 % 12 . 5 % 14 . 3 % 11 . 4 % 14 . 8 % 13 . 7 % 13 . 3 % 13 . 8 % 15 . 6 % 12 . 7 % 64 Un i t e d P a r c e l S e r v . 3. 0 9 % 1. 5 % 7. 9 % 12 . 0 % 11 . 7 % 16 . 2 % 12 . 3 % 1. . . . 4 . 6 % 1 11 . 0 % 15 . 1 % 14 . 8 % 1 1 9 . 3 % 1 1 5 . 4 % 65 Un i t e d T e c h o l o g i e s 2. 2 1 % 8. 0 % 10 . 2 % 10 . 0 % 8. 7 % 14 . 5 % 14 . 8 % 10 . 2 % 12 . 4 % 12 . 2 % 10 . 9 % 1 6 . 7 % I 1 7 . 0 % 1 66 Ve r i o n C o m u n c . 5. 7 9 % 4. 0 % 4. 6 % 4. 0 % 5. 3 % 5. 9 % 13 . 6 % 9. 8 % ID . % 9. 8 % 11 . 1 % 1 1 . 7 % . 1 9 . 4 % 67 Wa l - M a r t S t o r e 2. 1 8 % 9. 5 % 11 . 8 % 11 . 0 0 / " 11 . 5 % 8. 6 % 14 . 3 % 11 . 7 % 14 . 0 % 13 . 2 % 13 . 7 % 10 . 8 % 16 . 4 % 68 Wa l g r C o . 1. 7 % 10 . 0 % 14 . 2 % 15 . 0 % 14 . 3 % 10 . 9 % 12 . 2 % 11 . 5 % 15 . 7 % 16 . 5 % 15 . 8 % 12 . 3 % 13 . 7 % 69 Wa s t e M a g e m e n t 3. 7 3 % 5. 5 % 9. 8 % 10 . 1 % 11 . 0 % 6. 4 % 6. 3 % 9. 2 % 13 . 5 % 13 . % 14 . 7 % 10 . 1 % 10 . 0 % Av e r a g e ( g ) 11 . 9 0 " U. 6 % 12 . 8 % 12 7 % U, 2 % 13 . 7 ' o (a ) ww . v a l u e l i . c o m ( r e t e v e d D e c 2 4 , 2 0 0 9 ) . (b ) T h o m s R e u t e r s , C o m p a n y i n C o n t e x t R e r t ( D e c . 23 , 2 0 0 ) . (c ) Fi r s t C ø l E A r n i n g s V a l l U t i o n R e r t ( D e c . 2 4 , 2 0 0 ) . (d ) ww . z a c k . c o m ( r e b i e v e d D e c . 2 4 , 2 0 0 ) . (e ) Se S c u l e 7 . (f ) Su m o f d i v i d e n d y i e l d a n d r e v e g r w t r a t e . (g ) E x c l u d e s h i g h i g t e f i g u r e . Ex h i b i t N O . 3 Ca s e N o s . A V U - E - 1 D - 0 1 A V U - G 1 O - 1 W. A v e r a . A v l s t a Sc e d u l e 6 . p . 2 o f 2 SUSTAIABLE GROW1 RATE NQN-tmlI PRox GR (a)(a)(b)(a)(a)(a)(c)(d) 2O-U_Pr..20Zoi4 Precons CoIlY HI 1Æ A!Ul ms ID II i i 3M Copany $120,00 $100.0 $110.$690 $226 $2.3 67,2"23.5% 2 Abbii Labs $100,00 $8.0 $90.0 $500 $218 $21,95 564%22.8 3 Albeulve $4.00 $3.0 $4.0 $200 SU5 $16.3 77.5%12.3% 4 Allerg Inc.$110,00 $9.0 $100.0 $4.3 $0,25 $24.2 94.3%18.l 5 AT"Tlnc,$5,00 $4.0 $4.0 83.2 $200 $2,05 385%14.7' 6 Autoatc Data Pr $8,00 $1.o $7.5 $3 $1.6 $2.75 51,5%15,9% 7 _(C,R.)$ISS,OO $125.0 $140.0 $7.8 $0,94 $3.2 87,9%19,9% 8 Baxte Int1 Inc $105,00 $9.0 597.5 $6.0 $1.0 $2,00 75.8 30.5% 9 _Di $130,00 $105,00 $117.5 $7.3 $1,90 $3,85 74.%18,9% 10 Beis Co. $4,00 $3,00 837.5 S2 $1,04 $16,90 53,8%13.3'l 11 Brilol-Mye Sqbb $400 $3,00 $3.0 $1.5 SUO $10.2 28,2"19.1 12 Brownforan '8'$7,00 $6.0 $70.0 $4.0 $1.2 $2 69.8 18,6'l 13 Cardinl Health $5,00 $45.0 547.5 $2 $1,00 $2.6 64.3 11,8'l 14 Chro Co,$14000 $110,00 $125,00 $12.50 83,00 SS3,I5 76.23.5 15 OiubbCo,$8,00 $70.0 $77.5 $7,00 $1.0 $5.8 77,1'l 12.1'l 16 CA-C $9,00 $7.0 $8 83.8 $2U $16,40 44,9%23.5'l 17 CogatePaimolive $140,00 $11,00 $127.5 $6.3 $250 $17,70 60.3'l 35,6'l 18 Comer Bacs ssoo $4.0 $4,00 83,40 SUO 831,75 67,6'l 10.7 19 CoAga Foos $4,00 $3,00 835.0 S2 $0,88 $14,95 60,9%15,1% 20 CoPhllllpø $125.0 $100,00 $112.$11,85 $2 $5.0 81,4%20,1'l 21 CoIa Wh $8,00 $6,00 sn 83,75 $0.8 $2.0 78,7'12,9% 22 CV Ca..ark Corp,$7,00 $6.0 $6,00 83.6 $0,48 $3.4 86,7'10,2'l 23 Oís (Walt)$6.0 $5,00 SS7.5 83.8 $060 $2,05 84,4'l 14.2'l 24 DuPont $6,00 $5.0 $5.0 83.0 $1.92 $13.5 36Q'22,1'l 25 Eato Co, $110,00 $9.0 $100.0 $615 $2 SS.5 59.3 11.5'l 26 Ecob In $6,00 $5.0 $6,00 $315 $085 $IUS 73,Q'25.7' 7:Eme Elc $6.0 $5,00 $6 83.5 $1.5 $13.5 ' SS,7'25.6'l 28 Ev..t li Grop Ltd.$165.0 $135.0 $150.0 $15,00 $2 $116.84'l 12,9% 29 Ex Mobl Co,$125,00 $100.0 $112.59.35 $1.5 $3,70 80,2'l 24.2'l 30 Ce1 DyiCl $14500 $120.0 $~32 59.5 $250 $5.2 73,7'18,9% 31 Ce1Milis $105,00 $8.0 $9.0 SS.5 $2.45 $2,60 SS,5'1 24.% 32 Grain¡(W,W,)$140,00 $115.0 $17:.5 $7,40 $2 $42.69,5%17.5'l 33 Hei (H,J,)$7,00 $6.0 $6.0 83,90 $220 $10.5 43.6'l 36,6'l 34 Hele-lackor $800 $6.0 sn 54.5 $0,45 $2.55 9O,Q'15.8'l 35 Home De $4,00 $3.0 $4.0 $2 $1,05 $14.8 SB,Q'16.'l 36 HoneyH 1nt1 $6,00 $5,00 $6,00 83,95 $1.75 $18.5 SS,7'21.8 37 Hol Foos $7.0 $6.0 $67.5 83.8 $1.0 $2.8 68,4'l 15,9% 38 ilinois Too Wor $70,00 $5.0 $6 $3.8 $~.3 $21.3 64.%17.8'l 39 Int1 Busi.. Mach,$2,00 $180,00 S2,oo $13.2 $3.0 $2,90 77,4'l SS,4'1 40 Inte Co,$4,00 $3,00 835.$1.75 $0 59,15 S4 19,1'l 41 mCo,$9,00 $7.0 $8,00 $5 $1,24 S3.B 76,6%15,7' 42 jo" Joh $110,00 $9,00 $100,00 $6.5 $250 S2.8 61.5'l 25,1'l 43 Kelloll $8,00 $7,00 $7.5 $4.6 $I.B $13,70 609%33.6% 44 Kibey-ark $9.0 $8.0 $87.5 SS.85 $2SS $15,15 56,4%38.6'l 45 Krft Foos $5,00 $4.0 $400 $275 $1,40 $2.2 49,1'l 10.5 46 UUy(EU)$7,00 $6.0 $67.5 54.75 $2 $16.5 51.6%29.6'l 47 Loee Marn $215.00 $175.0 $195,00 $13.0 83.5 $2,75 73,1'l 57,1'l 48 McCick" Co,$6,00 $5.0 SS5.o 83,15 $1,28 $17,40 59,4'l 18,1'l 49 Mc:ald's Corp,$100.0 $8.0 $9 S5 $2 $18.2 45,7'28.8 50 McKess Corp,$9,00 $7.0 $8,00 SS,9O $0,48 S4.2 91,9%13.6'l 51 Medtrc,lnc $10000 $8.0 $9 $4.8 $0,98 $20,15 79,6'l 23.8% 52 Micr Corp,$5,00 $4,00 547.5 $265 $0.8 $7,70 69.8 34,4'l 53 NIKE, Inc '8'$100,00 $8.0 S9 SS,IO $1,50 $2,90 70,6'l 21.3'l 54 Nor Grumma $130,00 $110.0 $120,00 $8.6 $225 SS7.3 73.8%15.l SS OradeCo,$4,00 $4.0 $42.$215 $0,30 $7,90 86 7:.2 56 Peps,ln,$115,00 $9,00 $105.0 SS,I5 $2,10 $19,45 59,2"26.5'l 57 Pfiz,lnc.$2,00 $16.0 $18,00 $1,40 $0,64 $13,45 54,3%10,4'l 58 Pr" Camble $105,00 $8,00 595.0 $4,75 $1,95 $2.0 SB,9%18.'l 59 Rayt Co,$110,00 $9,00 $1~~$6.8 $1,75 $3.6 74.'l 17.2 60 Sigma-Aldrich $8,00 $6.0 $7.0 $4,15 $0,70 $18.5 83,1'l 21,9% 61 Stke Corp,$115,00 $9.0 $105.0 $4.75 $0,72 $2,10 84.8%17.5 62 Sysc:Co,$4,00 $3.0 $4,00 $240 $1,20 $850 5O,Q'28.2 63 Tj Copaes $6,00 $5.0 $6.0 54.0 $0,75 $10,90 81.'l 36,7' 64 Un.. PaI5e,$100,00 $8.0 592.54.2 $2 $11.8 45.2 35,4'l 65 Uni.. Tecog $12000 $9.0 $107.5 $6,75 $2 $2,75 67,4'l 24.3 66 Ver Comunic $6 $5,00 $5.0 83,10 $1,96 $18.8 36.8 16,4% 67 Wal-Mart 5to $900 $7.0 $8.0 SS,45 $1.5 831,90 71.%17,1'l 68 Walgr Co $6.00 $5.0 $6.0 83.35 $0,76 $220 77.3%15.1% 69 Wast Manget $400 $4.0 $4 $2 $1.5 $16.5 46.'l 16,9% Ex No, 3 Ca No AII-1ll Aw-1Ð-1W, A-e. Avi_7.p,1013 SUSTAIABLE GROWI RATE NQN-irmPBXY GB (a)(a)(e)(a)(a)(el (I)(g (h)2l 2l.1l Adua "r' No.Coem No.CoIl Ch;"Ad~Adl. Coy 11 5I Il 11 5I Il Il fB i 1 3M Compay 514.2 69.5 $9,876 S1.3 6800 519,95 15.1'l 1,07 252'l 2 Abb Labs,511.8 15240 517,477 $21,95 152Q $3 1~U1646 24.2 3 Albrtlver 511.3 97.8 51,11 516.92 51.s 6.1,03 12.'l 4 Aleran1n $1,19 30.Q $411 52.2 310,00 $7,5 13.3'l 1.0625 19,1'l 5 ATIoTInc 516.3 583.0 $91 $2 59,00 51305 6.2 1.0 152% 6 Autoti Data Pr $9,97 510.3 $50B $2,75 52.00 510,7 16.'l 1,07 17,1% 7 Ba (CR)519.8 99.3 5l,77 53.2 9000 $3,5 12.%l.o 2UI'I 8 Bax 1n111n 510.1 615,99 S6 $2 55,00 511.0 12.1'l 1.05 32.'l 9 Il Dick $2.3 24.0 5493 $3 227.0 SB,819 12.%i.o 2O.I 10 Be Co 513.5 99.7 51,516.0 10B 51,82 6.%1,03 13.7' 11 Brill-Mye Sqibb $620 1974.3 512,241 510.2 197.0 $2193 105 1.05 2O.I U Bro-Fonnan '8'512,10 150,13 5um $2 145,00 $3197 12.UI565 19.6% 13 Cordlna Hel'"$21,:i 357,10 $7,749 $2.6 35.0 SB 1,6%1,00 l1,9' 14 ChvrCorp,54.2 2004.0 $8,64 $53,15 195.0 5103 3,6'l 1,0179 23.9'l 15 OibbCo,$3,13 352.513,43 $57.8 32,00 518,1 7.1 UI336 12.% 16 Co-Ca 5B.5 2312.00 $2461 516,40 2310,00 $3,8 13.'l 1,0615 24,9' 17 CoatePalmolive 53.7 SOUL 51,740 517.7 48,00 $8496 37.3%1.57 41.2 18 Come Banc,$19.79 79.6 51,51 $31,75 8500 52,11.3'l 1,057 11.3% 19 Cogr Foo 511.02 48 $5.3 514.95 42,00 56,3 3.5 1,0174 15.3% 20 CoUlps $3I1 148.2 $5,167 $59.5 150.00 $8 9,9'\.0473 21.1 21 Co Wholle $21.2 432.1 $9,191 $29.0 410,00 51l,5.3'l 1.Q7 13.3% 22 CV Coreark Co,$2,90 143.8 $338 $345 132.00 $4,97 6.%1.l12 10.5% 23 Di (Wall)517,73 1822.90 $32,32 $27,05 1610,00 54,51 6.'l 1,02 14.7 24 OuPeml $7,63 907 S6 513.85,00 511,518 10.8'l \.0514 23.3'l 25 Eato Co, 53.2 165.0 56,316 $S 1:i,OO 59,104 7.6%1,03 lI,9' 26 Ecab Inc.$665 23.2 51,71 512.24.0 S31 13.B 1,067 '1.4% '1 Em El 511.8 771.2 $9,116 513.io.o $9,55 0.9'1.l7 25,B' 28 Evet Re Group Ltd,$7.6 65.6 54961 $116.5 60,00 $699 7,1'l UI344 13.3'l 29 Exem Mobil Corp,$2,:i 4976.0 $112,95 $3,:i'4300 $166,410 8.'l 1,03 25,1% 30 Ce1 Dyic $2.0 3871 $10.05 $5.2 36,00 $18,1 12.1.06 2O.I 31 Ce'IMllis $18.2 337.5 56,217 $2 30.0 56,7 1,7'1.00 24.5'l 32 Grainge (W,W,1 $2.2 74.7 S2 $42.65,00 5275 6.2 UI301 18.1 33 He (H.J.)$3,87 315.0 $1,219 $10,65 310.00 $3.3 22 UI993 4Q 34 Hele-Packard $16.3 2415,00 $395 $2 2100,00 $5,95 9.1 1,041 16.% 35 HomDepol $10,48 169.00 $17.774 514.8 168,00 $2,Q 7,1'l 1,03 17.4% 36 Hoelllnt'$9,78 73.5 $7.184 $18.5 715.00 $12,97 12.6'l 1,051 23 õ7 HoreiFoo.$14,92 134.52 S2 $2.8 l300 $3101 9,1%1,04 16.'l 38 D1lnl. Tool Wor $14.1 499.12 $7.192 $21.3 47500 $10.118 7,1'l 1,031 18.% 39 inri Busine Mac,$10.Q 133,10 $13.471 $290 10s00 $2,1 13,2%1,061 58,9' 40 Intel Corp,$7,03 55 53.101 $9.5 60,00 $590 7.1 1,03 19.8% 41 mCo,$16.8 181.8 $3 $3 18500 $6 15,4'l 1,074 16.% 42 Jch 10 jo $15.3 '169.2 $4 $2.8 2S00 $6.142 8,9'1,04 262'l 43 Kello $3,79 381.8 51,44 $13.:i 37,00 $513 28 1.26 õ7.B 44 K1mby.car $9,38 413.6 $3,8 $15,15 415,00 56.2 10,1%1,04 4Q 45 Krit Fo. $15,11 1469.3 $220 $2.2 140,00 $3.6 10.6'l 1.0 l1.1 46 UUy(EII;$5.93 1136,10 $673 $16.1150.00 $18.22'l 1.00 32% 47 Lo Mart $7.2 393,00 $2 $2 3300 $7,5 21.2 1,09 626'l 48 McClck &: Co,$8,11 130,10 51,05 $17,40 13,00 $2,9 17.4'l 1.1799 19.5'l 49 McDalc'. Co.$12.0 1115.3 513,3 $18.101,00 518,24 6,7'1.l 29.7' SO McJea Corp,$2.8 '11,00 $6192 54.2 25,00 $10.98 12.1'l 1,05 14.% 51 Medtri:lnc.$11,42 1124.90 $12,$2,15 10000 $2ISO 9.4'l 1,04 24,9' 52 Mialt Co,$3,97 9151.0 S3 $7.:i 75.0 $57,75 9.7'1.0 36.1 53 NIKE, In '8'$15,93 491,10 $7,8 $2,90 46,00 510.99 7.1 1.l 221% 54 Norro Grmma $3,45 32.0 $11.92 $57.3 30,00 $17,2 7,6%1,03 1s.'l 55 OrCo,54.7 515000 $21 $7,90 430.0 $33,97 8,1%UI389 28.3 56 PesiC. Inc $7,77 155.0 $12,067 $19.5 150,00 $2,175 19.3 l.01 28.B S7 Pfze. In $852 6746,00 $5,476 $13.4 670,00 $9.115 9,4%1_10.9' 58 Pr 10 Gamble $246 30:i 56a.14 $2,00 29,00 $7.4 2.1'l 1.002 18.5% 59 Rayt Co,$271 40,10 $9,Q 53.6 35.0 $13,8 B.1,04 17,9' 60 S1gma.Alcrich $11.2 12213 $1,3 $18,95 120,00 $274 10.5'l l.o 23.1 61 Stke Corp,$13.6 39.4 $54a $2,ID 3800 $10,3 13,9'1.0 18,7' 62 SyCo,$5.67 601.2 $340 $8 5600 54760 6,9'U1334 292% 63 TJ Compa $5,17 412.52134 $10,90 34,00 $370 11.7'1,051 38,7' 64 Unte PaKe Se,$61 99,44 56,77 $11.8 99,00 $11.732 11.6%1,05 õ7.4'1 65 Unite Tecol 516.8 !1 51S,9l $27,75 90,00 $24,97 9,4'1,04 2S4'1 66 Ver Comunle $14,68 28.6 $41.io $18.8 2820.00 55.157 5.1 1,(1 16.% 67 W.I.M.rt Sto $16.6 39.0 $6.27 $31,90 34,00 $110,o5 l1.1 1,05 lB. 68 Walgr Co 513,01 98,18 $12,86 $2 95000 $21,l 10,4%1.094 15.8'l 69 Waste Managemt $12.0 490,74 $5.90 516.46,00 $7,6 5,4'l 1,02 17,4'l e-No,3ca No, Avu1D- AVl1CJ1W.-,A__7,p.2of3 SUSTAINABLE GROWT RATE NON-imun PR GI (.)(.)(I)(I)(j (I)Ø)(m) Con SIaucl MI ....f._Co :i Zl Cw BI It Il Ii 1 3M Copa 69.5 68.00 -0.3 3.75 (0.0147)0,73 -1.0 15.8 2 Abbo Labs. 152240 1500 -0%4.0 (013)0,7561 -0.10%13.6% 3 Albever 97.8 9200 -1.2%2.45 (0.031)0.5 -1,78%8.0% 4 A11e Inc 3l.0 310.00 0.3 4,13 0.0.75 1.21%19,2% 5 ATIETlnc.58!l 59,00 0.%2.04 O.o 0.100 ll 5,9' 6 Autoti Daii Pi 510.3 52.00 Q.3,73 0.0141 0,73 1.03%9.8% 7 Bard (C,R.)99.3 90,00 .1.97 3,57 (0,07)0,7196 -5.0%114% 8 Ba_Inlllnc.615,99 550.0 -2.4%4.8 (0,109)0,799 -8.6%15,1% 9 Be Dick 243.o 22.0 -1.3%3.Q (0.011)0.-2.75 12.1% 10 Beis Co, 99.71 108.00 1.61%2.22 0.0 0.593 1.96%9.3 11 Brist.Mye Sqbb 1974.3 197,00 -0,04%141 (0005)0.70 -011%5.5% 12 Brown-Foran 'B'15o.3 145,00 -0,_3.17 (0,02)0.-1.51%12.% 13 Cardin.i He.lth 357.10 35,00 -0,12%2.(O.O)0.51 -0,12%7.6% 14 Ch Co,200420 195.00 -0%2.(0,0129)0.5748 -074%17.5 15 O1bbCo,352 32,00 .1.6 1.3 (0.Q14)G.-0%9.% 16 Co.c.2312.2310.0 -o,02 5,03 (000)0.82 -0,07%11.% 17 Colgaæ-molive 501.1 48.0 -o.ø7%7.2 (0.06)0.12 -5.3 19.5% 18 Come Banhs 79.6 85.0 1,30 1,42 0.0184 0.2 0,54%8,2% 19 Cogn Foo 4837 42.00 -2.%2.(0,06)0.n9 -346%5,9' 20 CoIUps 148 150,00 0.1,91 O.l1 0.751 0,24%17,4% 21 Co Whle 431 410,00 .1.Q%2.(002)0.6 .1.5 8.8 22 CV Cark Co,143.8 13,00 -1.6%1.83 (0.0)O,4S -1.3%7,7% 23 Disn (Walt)IB229O 1610,00 -2.45%2.13 (0,051)0.29 .2.76%9,% 24 DuPont 907 85,00 .1,19'4,06 (0.04)0.75 .3.6%4,7% 25 Eolo Corp,165,00 170.0 0.6 1,87 0.0112 0.46 0.7,6% 26 Eclob In 23 24.0 0,73%4.90 Il 0,79 2.86%229' 27 Emer Elc 77.2 70,00 .1,92%4.40 (0.)0,7/-6.52%7,ll 28 Eve Re Grop Lt,65,60 60.00 .1,77 1,29 (0,02 0.2 -0.51%10,7% 29 Exon Mobil Co,4976.43.00 .2.2.91 (0.07)0.6 .5.49 14.% 30 ee, Dymics 3871 36.0 .1,15%2.(Q.)0.620 .1.8%12,9' 31 ee'Mlli.337.5 30.0 -23%4.(0.Q)0,7621 .7,46%6,2' 32 Grolnge (W,W,)74,78 65,00 .2.76%3,01 (008)0.6 .5.57%6.9' 33 He (H,J,)3l5 310,00 -0 6.10 (O.Q97 0.8 -1.6%15.9' 34 HewetP.durd 2415.0 210000 -2.6%2.(0.0.6 -4%10.6% 35 Hom De 169.0 168.0 -0,13%2.69 (0,00)0,628 -0.2 9,9' 36 Holl Inll 73.5 71,00 -0.5%331 (00178)0.697 .1.24%11,6% 37 Hon Foo 134.5 130.00 -0,68 2.83 (0,0193)0.67 -1.2 10.1% 38 mins Too Wor 499,12 475,00 -0,99%2.93 (O.Q)0.6 -1,91%9,9' 39 Int'l Busine Moc 1339,10 105,00 -4,75%B.(0,39)0.-34,98%10,6% 40 Inte Co. 5500 60,00 1.5%3.8 0.Q 0.73 4.3%15,1% 41 rtCo,181.8 185.00 035 2.51 0.088 0.6 0.5 13.% 42 John IE Joh 2769.2 25,00 .I.B 3.87 (0,07)0,7415 .5.3%Ill 43 KeIo 381.8 375.00 -0.3%5.(0.02)0.82 .1,69 21.3 44 Klmby-.rk 413.6 41S.o 0.07 5.78 0.Q 0.8 0.%23,2% 45 lCft Foos 146.3 140,00 -0,96%1,72 (0,0165)0.178 -0.69'4,7% 46 Ully(EIi;1136,10 1150,00 0.2%421 0.0102 0.762 0,78%17,6% 47 Lo Mart 39.0 33,00 -3,43%8.5 (0,29)0.8 .26 19,8% 48 McCnnlck IE Co,130,10 13.00 0,74%3.16 0.0 0.6 1,6Q 13.% 49 McD.Id's Co,1115.3 1015.00 .I.B 4,93 (0.091)0,79 .7.3%6. 50 McKen Co,27.0 25.00 -1.2 1.5 (O.Q)0.459 .1.0 12. 51 Medtrlc Inc.112490 100.0 .23%4.7 (0.103)0,771 -8,06%11,7% 52 Mic Co,9151.0 75,00 -3,90 6,17 (0.2 0.8 -20,16%5.0 53 Nlf,In'B'491.0 46,00 .I.3 3.8 (0.0)0.7416 .3,73%11.8 54 Nor Gruan 32.01 30,00 .1.7%2.09 (0,03)0,5221 -1.87%9,6% 55 OrdeCorp.5150.0 43.0 .3.%5.3 (0,190)0.8141 .15.52%8.% 56 PeiCo, Inc.155,00 150,00 -0%5.40 (O.Q4)0.148 -3,04%14,0% 57 Pf. Inc.6746 670,00 -0,14%1.3 (0,0018)0.2 -o.l 5,9' 58 Pi IE G.mble 302.70 29,00 -0.8%3.(0.03)0,72 .2,%B.~ 59 Rayt Co 40,10 35.0 -2.%2.(0,067)0,60 -4,03%93% 60 Sim.-Aldri 12213 120,00 -035%3,96 (0,0139)0.7473 -1.04%IB.% 61 Str Corp.3940 3800 -0.74%3,87 (0.Q)0.7419 .2.12'13,7% 62 5ysCo,601.2 56.0 .1.1%4,71 (0.Q)0.75 -5.2%9,4% 63 llX Copaie 412.2 34,00 -3.1%5.(0.2)0.8183 .17,1~143% 64 Unte Parce Se,99.4 9900 -011%7.81 (0,00)0.89 -0.75 16,2' 65 Unite Tecol 94 90,00 -0,91%3.8 (Oll)0,7419 -2.%14.5% 66 Vern Comunic.28.6 28,00 -0,15%2.92 (0.Q2)0,65 -0.2%5,9' 67 W.~Mart 5I 3925 34,00 .2.%2.(0,0679)0.67 -4.24%B.% 68 Walgr Co, 98.18 95,00 -01%2.70 (0.0218)0.6 .137%10,9' 69 Wast Managemt 490,74 46,00 -1.0 2.(002)0.6106 -1.6%6.% (.)wy,v.lueln..:om (rmev De 24, 20, (b)Ave of Hig an Lo exp m.rke pr, (e)Copute .t (EPS. DP I EP, (d)Copute as EP I BV (e)Pruct of BV an No. Sh Ouislng, (I)Flve-ear rote of ch, (g Copute usin th fo. 2"1+5-Yr, Owge in EqIt)/+5 Yr, Ch In Eqty), (h)Pr of yed .1" fo 2012-14.nd Adjst F.ct, (Q Avera of High an Low expe m.rk pr divded by 202.14 BVP ExNo,3 Ol Pruct of chng In como oh.. outstadin an M/ Ratio,C.. No, All11l AV\1O-1 (I)Copute .s 1 . BIM Ratio. W,A..,_ Ø)Pruct of ..... M\ "v", SCIe 7. p. 3 al3 (m) Pr of .v..ge". an ad Y. plus "iv', CAITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL UTILIT PROXY GROUP Market Rate of Return Dividend Yield (a)2.5% Growth Rate (b)8.8% Market Return (c)11.3% Less: Risk-Free Rate (d) Long-term Treasury Bond Yield 4.5% Market Rik Premium (e)6.8% Utility Proxy Group Beta (f 0.73 Utility Proxy Group Risk Premium (g)5.0% Plus: Rik-free Rate (d) Long-term Treasury Bond Yield 4.5% Implied Cost of Equity (h)9.5% (a) Weighted average dividend yield for the dividend paying firm in the S&P 500 from ww.valueline.com (retreved Jan. 27, 2010). (b) Weighted average of IBES earnngs growt rates for the dividend paying firms in the S&P 50 based on data from Thomson Reters Company in Context Report ijan. 27, 2010). (c) (a) + (b) (d) Average yield on 20-year Treasury bonds for Januar 2010 from the Federal Reserve Board at htt://ww.federalreserve.gov/releases/h15/data/Monthy/H15_TCMNOM_Y20.txt. (e) (c) - (d). (f) The Value Line Investment Survey (Nov. 27 & Dec. 25, 2009, Feb. 5, 2010). (g) (e) x (f). (h) (d) + (g).Exhibit NO.3 Case Nos. AVU-E-1Q-01 AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 8, p. 1 of 1 CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL NON-UTILITY PROXY GROUP Market Rate of Retrn Dividend Yield (a)2.5% Growth Rate (b)8.8% Market Return (e)11.3% Less: Risk-Free Rate (d) Long-term Treasury Bond Yield 4.5% Market Rik Premium (e)6.8% Non-Utiity Proxy Group Beta (0 0.79 Utility Proxy Group Risk Premium (~)5.3% Plus: Rik-free Rate (d) , Long-term Treasury Bond Yield 4.5% Implied Cost of Equity (h)9.8% (a) Weighted average dividend yield for the dividend payig firms in the S&P 50 from ww.valueline.com (retreved Jan. 27, 2010). (b) Weighted average ofIBES earnngs growt rates for the dividend payig fi in the S& 50 based on data from Thomson Reuters Company in Context Reprt (Jan. 27, 2010). (c) (a) + (b) (d) Average yield on 20-year Treasur bonds for Januar 2010 from the Federal Reserve Board at htt://ww.federalreserve.gov/releases/h15/data/Monthy/H15_TCMNOM- Y20.txt. (e) (c) - (d). (f) ww.valueline.com(retreved Dec. 24, 200). (g) (e) x (f). (h) (d) + (g).Exhibit NO.3 Case Nos. AVU-E-10-01 AVU-G-10-01 W. Avera, Avista Schedule 9, p. 1 of 1 EX P E C T E D E A I N G S A P P R O A C H UT I L I T Y P R O X Y G R O U P (a ) (b ) (c ) Ex p e c t e d R e t u r n Ad j u s t m e n t Ad j u s t e d R e t u Co m p a n y on C o m m o n E q u i t y Fa c t o r on C o m m o n E q u i t y 1 Am e r e n C o r p . 8. 0 % 1. 0 2 9 9 8. 2 % 2 Am e r i c a n E l e c P w r 10 . 5 % 1. 0 4 3 1 11 . 0 % 3 Av i s t a C o r p . 8. 5 % 1. 0 2 3 2 8. 7 % 4 Bl a c k H i l s C o r p . 9. 5 % 1. 0 1 5 8 9. 6 % 5 Cl e c o C o r p . 11 . 5 % 1. 0 2 7 7 11 . 8 % 6 Co n s t e l l a t i o n E n e r g y 9. 5 % 1. 0 8 9 3 10 . 3 % 7 DT E E n e r g y C o . 10 . 0 % 1. 0 2 3 3 10 . 2 % 8 Ed i s o n I n t e r n a t i o n a l 11 . 5 % 1. 0 3 0 2 11 . 8 % 9 Em p i r e D i s t r i c t E l e c 10 . 5 % 1. 0 3 1 5 10 . 8 % 10 G r e a t P l a i n E n e r g y 7. 0 % 1. 0 3 0 9 7. 2 % 11 I D A C O R P , I n c . 7. 5 % 1. 0 3 6 3 7. 8 % 12 N o r t e a s t U t i l i t i e s 9. 5 % 1. 0 4 2 9. 9 % 13 P i n a c l e W e s t C a p i t a l 9. 0 % 1. 0 2 4 3 9. 2 % 14 P P L C o r p . 19 . 5 % 1. 0 3 5 2 I 20 . 2 % 1 15 P S E n t e r p r i e G r o u p 15 . 5 % 1. 0 4 1 4 16 . 1 % 16 U I L H o l d i n g s 10 . 5 % 1. 0 3 4 5 10 . 9 % 17 W e s t a r E n e r g y 7. 5 % 1. 0 3 5 0 I 7. 8 % 1 Av e r a g e ( d ) 10 . 7 % (a ) 3 - 5 y e a r p r o j e c t o n s f r o m T h e V a l u e L i n e I n v e s t m e n t S u r v e y ( N o v . 2 7 & D e c . 2 5 , 2 0 0 , F e b . 5 , 2 0 1 0 ) . (b ) A d j u s t m e n t t o c o n v e r t y e a r - e n d " r " t o a n a v e r a g e r a t e o f r e t u r n f r o m S c h e d u l e 5 . (c ) ( a ) x ( b ) . (d ) E x c l u d e s h i g h l g h t e d f i g u s . Ex h i b i t N O . 3 Ca s e N o s . A V U - E - 1 Q - 0 1 A V U - G - 1 0 - o 1 W. A v e r a , A v i s t a Sc h e d u l e 1 0 , p . 1 o f 1