HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090915Application.pdf~~~'V'STA. Corp. A Vi) _D-09-oS- i.P.V.C. No. 27 - Natural Gas Servce Enclosed for filing with the Commssion are the following revised tarff sheets: Thirteenth Revision Sheet 150 canceling Twelfth Revision Sheet 150 Eleventh Revision Sheet 155 canceling Tenth Revision Sheet 155 The Company requests that the proposed tarff sheets be made effective November 1,2009. These tarff sheets reflect the Company's anual Purchased Gas Adjustment (pGA). If these tariff sheets are approved as fied, the Company's anual revenue will decrease by approximately $14.7 millon or about 17.8%. The proposed change(s) have no effect on the Company's net income. The proposed decrease results from a substantial reduction in the weighted average cost of gas (WACOG) for the forthcoming year as a result of lower wholesale natual gas prices. A portion of the WACOG reduction is offset with an increase in the present (deferred gas cost) amortization rate as described in the attached Application. If approved, the average residential or small commercial customer using 66 therms per month will see a decrease of $12.74 per month, or approximately 17.0%. The present bill for 66 therms is $74.95 while the proposed bil is $62.21. Also enclosed are an Application and workpapers that provide informtion supporting the proposed rate change. If you have any questions regarding this fiing, please contact Brian Hirschkom at (509) 495- 4723 of Craig Bertholf at (509) 495-4124. Sincerely, ?t~~~ Kelly Norwood Vice President, State and Federal Regulation Enc. Avu -l7 -oc¡-o.s CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE RECEfVr:r¡ . .-c..." .t-~i 2089 SEP 15 AM 9: 34 UTIL. ID~.r¡OPUt$.riLit,¡ lTlr-S. C"r;",t' "",- V¡'.1rItH$t:ini.iV'~C1t I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have served Avista Corporation dba Avista Utilties' filing with Tariff IPUC No. 27 Natural Gas Service via electronic mail where available or by mailing a copy thereof, postage prepaid to the following: Chad Stokes Cable Huston Benedict Haagensen & Lloyd, LLP 1001 SW 5th, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97204-1136 Paula Pyron Northwest Industrial Gas Users 4113 Wolfberry Court Lake Oswego, OR 97035-1827 Curt Hibbard St. Joseph Regional Medical Center P.O. Box 816 Lewiston, ID 83501 Jean D Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, ID 83720-5983 Dated at Spokane, Washington this 14th day of September 2009. ~~Pattss Rates Coordinator IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA UTILITIES FOR AN ORDER APPROVING A CHAGE IN NATU GAS RATES AN CHAGES BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Ri:CJ: 1; !pO. .. t: I ¡/t: !)uti! SE'. - ,~, ) . Pis ) urlLI9 Pi ,Al19t3lt ) I.e Cor'f:L/t ;, fbfM.':: ~ (j U .. -01' -Ò'¿'tN Application is hereby made to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for an Order approving a revised schedule of rates and charges for natural gas serice in the state of Idaho. The Applicant requests that the proposed rates included in ths Purchased Gas Adjustment (pGA) filing be made effective on November 1, 2009. If approved as fied, the Company's anual revenue wil decrease by approximately $14.7 milion or about 17.8%. In support of this Application, Applicant states as follows: i. The name ofthe Applicant is AVISTA UTILITIES, a unit of AVISTA CORPORATION, a Washington corporation, whose principal business office is 1411 East Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington, and is qualified to do business in the state ofIdaho. Applicant maintains distrct offices in Moscow, Lewiston, Coeur d'Alene, and Kellogg, Idaho. Communications in reference to this Application should be addressed to: Kelly O. Norwood Vice President - State & Federal Regulation Avista Utilities P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220-3727 II. Attorney for the Applicant and his address is as follows: David J. Meyer Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory & Governental Affairs A vista Utilities P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, W A 99220-3727 III. The Applicant is a public utility engaged in the distrbution of natual gas in certain portions of Eastern and Central Washington, Northern Idaho and Southwester and Northeastern Oregon, and fuer engaged in the generation, transmission, and distrbution of electrcity in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. IV. Thirteenth Revision Sheet 150, which Applicant requests the Commission approve, is filed herewith as Exhibit "A". Also included in Exhibit "A" is a copy of Thirteenth Revision Tarff Sheet 150 with the changes underlined and a copy of Twefth Revision Tarff Sheet 150 with the proposed changes shown by lining over the current language or amounts. Additionally, Eleventh Revision Sheet 155, which Applicant requests the Commission approve, is also filed herewith as Exhibit "A". Also included in Exhibit "A" is a copy of Eleventh Revision Tarff Sheet 155 with the changes underlined and a copy of Tenth Revision Tarff Sheet 155 with the proposed changes shown by lining over the current language or amounts. V. The existing rates and charges for natural gas service on fie with the Commission and designated as Applicant's Tarff IPUC No. 27, which wil be superseded by the rates and charges filed herewith, are incorporated herein as though fully attached hereto. VI. Notice to the Public of Applicant's proposed tarffs is to be given sìmultaneously with the filing of this Application by posting, at each of the Company's distrct offices in Idaho, a Notice in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by means of a press release distributed to varous informational agencies, a copy attached hereto as Exhibit "E". In addition, a notice wil be sent to customers as a bil insert prior to November 1, 2009. VIII. The circumstances and conditions relied on for approval of Applicant's revised rates are as follows: Applicant purchases natual gas for customer usage and transports it over Wiliams Pipeline West (d.b.a. Northwest Pipeline Corporation), Gas Transmission Northwest (GTN), TransCanada (Alberta), TransCanada (BC) and Westcoast Pipeline systems and defers the effect of timing differences due to implementation of rate changes and differences between Applicant's actual weighted average cost of gas (W ACOG) purchased and the W ACOG embedded in rates. Applicant also defers various pipeline refunds or charges and miscellaneous revenue received from gas related transactions including pipeline capacity releases. IX. This fiing reflects the Company's proposed annual Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment (PGA) to: 1) pass through changes in the estimated cost of natural gas for the forthcoming year (Schedule 150), and 2) revise the amortization rate(s) to refund or collect the balance of deferred gas costs (Schedule 155). Below is a table summarzing the proposed changes reflected in this filing. Commodity Demand Total Sch.155 Total Rate Sch.Change Change Sch.150 Amort.Change Percent Service No.per therm perthm Change per therm per therm Change General 101 ($0.26891)($0.00031)($0.26922)$0.07614 ($0.19308)(17.0%) Lg. General 111 ($0.26891)($0.00031)($0.26922)$0.07614 ($0.19308)(20.1%) Interruptible 131 ($0.26891)$0.00000 ($0.26891)$0.03911 ($0.22980)(27.8%) X. Commodity Costs As shown in the table above, the estimated commodity cost (W ACOG) change is a decrease of 26.9 cents per thermo The proposed W ACOG is 49.1 cents per therm compared to the present W ACOG of 76.0 cents per therm included in rates. Wholesale gas prices have fallen dramatically since July 2008 and A vista has been hedging gas on a periodic basis throughout 2009 for the fortcoming PGA year. Approximately 64% of estimated anual load requirements for the PGA year (Nov '09-0ct ' 10) wil be hedged at a fixed price, comprised of: 1) 42% of volumes hedged for a ter of one year or less, 2) 10% of prior multi-year hedges, and 3) 12% from underground storage. Through August, most of the planed hedge volumes for the PGA year have been executed at a weighted average price of $5.82 per dekatherm ($0.582 per therm). The Company used a 30-day historical average of forward prices (ending Aug. 31) by supply basin to develop an estimated cost associated with index/spot purchases. The estimated monthly volumes to be purchased by basin are multiplied by the (30-day) average price for the corresponding month and basin. These index/spot volumes represent approximately 36% of estimated annual load requirements for the coming year and the anual weighted average price for these volumes is $4.78 per dekatherm. Available underground storage capacity at Jackson Prairie represents approximately 12% of anual load requirements (20% ofload requirements durng the Jan.-Mar. withdrawal period). The estimated weighted average cost for all storage volumes is $2.80 per dekatherm. The company also utilizes (optimizes) its underground storage capacity to provide additional benefits to customers beyond the winter/summer price differential and supply reliability. The Company's gas procurement plan uses a diversified approach to procure gas for the coming year. While the plan generally incorporates a structured approach for the hedging portion of the portfolio, the company exercises flexibility and discretion in all areas of the plan based on changes in the wholesale market. The Company typically meets with the Commission Staff quarerly to discuss the state of the wholesale market and the status of the company's procurement plan. In addition, the company communicates with the Staff when it believes it makes sense to deviate from its procurement plan and/or opportities arse in the market. XI. Demand Costs The Demand Cost shown in the table primarly represents the cost of pipeline transportation to the Company's system. As shown in the table above, there is essentially no change in the demand cost included in rates. XII. Schedule ISS/Amortization Rate Change As shown in the table above, the proposed change in the amortization rate is an increase of7.6 cents per therm for firm sales customers, reflecting a two-year amortization of the estimated deferral balance at November 1. The Company projects that there wil be a $12.3 milion (refud) deferred gas cost balance at November 1. Two additional rate decreases were implemented by the Company in 2009 to accelerate amortization of the growing deferral balance since the November 2008 PGA. These additional decreases have resulted in a present amortization rate (refund) of 15.8 cents per therm for firm sales customers. However, gas prices have continued to fall thoughout the year, and the deferral balance has continued to grow despite the increased amortization rate(s). A one-year amortization rate to refund the estimated balance of$12.3 milion would be a refund rate of 16.2 cents per thermo Eliminating a refund rate of this magnitude in the 2010 PGA filing would, all other things being equal, result in an increase of 17%. In other words, even if the Company had no change in it's WACOG from the 2009 to the 2010 PGA fiings, it would have a 17% increase to eliminate a 16.2 cent refud rate. In order to mitigate the potential 2010 PGA increase, the Company proposes to refund the deferral balance over a two-year period, rather than one. Using the same scenaro described above (no change in W ACOG from 2009 to 2010), there would be no PGA rate change in 2010 and approximately an 8% increase in 2011 to eliminate the smaller refund rate. The Company believes thatthe substantial reduction in the W ACOG in this filing presents a unique opportnity to mitigate future PGA increase(s) via a two-year refund of the deferral balance. XIII. The average residential or small commercial customer using 66 therms per month wil see a decrease of$12.74 per month, or approximately 17.0%. The present bil for 66 therms is $74.95 while the proposed bil is $62.21. XIV. Exhibit "C" attached hereto contains support for the rates proposed by Applicant contained in Exhibit "A". XV. Applicant is requesting that Applicant's rates be approved to become effective on November 1,2009. Applicant requests that, if appropriate, the Commission adopt the procedures prescribed by Rule 201-210, Modified Procedure. Applicant stands ready for immediate consideration on its Application. XVI. WHREFORE, Applicant requests the Commission issue its Order finding Applicant's proposed rates to be just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory and to become effective for all natual gas service on and after November 1,2009. Dated at Spokane, Washington, this 14th day of September 2009. A VISTA UTILITIES BY ?t ;i~~ Kelly O. Norwood Vice President, State and Federal Regulation STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss.County of Spokane ) Brian Hirschkorn, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: that he is the Manager of Retail Pricing of Avista Utilities; that he has read the above and foregoing Application, knows the contents thereof, and believes the same to be true. J3~~ Brian Hirschkorn Manager, Retail Pricing SUBSCRIED and sworn to before me this 14th day of September 2009. ~\\\\"uill"""ii~\\\.. 'l OLSAi.!1111:.," ~'\ ....._.;~l(\.."~~ q,'l.-:~..\\. ~'.'~l ~§ ....'! ..\ ~:: :~ lA' . ~: ig..O r \:Ë i .. : æ-. A~"-~ '. rU8':~ :..;:~. ~ .~~~ .P.... ~ ~t;lJll:) ~10 ~ '..a: 22 .~..... ~~ T. -... t.- ~ §o'/ ".1, ..........~. ~~.,.,.,.,'" OF W~tl \\\~" "''''11111111\\,\ ~~ NO~ ~li~ in and for the State of Washington, residing in Spokane.