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2009 AUG 14 AM 8: 15
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Important Notice for Idaho
Electric Customers
July 2009
On June 3D, 2009, Avista filed an application with the Idaho
Public Utilities Commission (Commission) requesting an increase to
Schedules 91 and 191, "Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment," also
known as the "energy efficiency tariff riders." Schedules 91 and
191 are designed to recover the costs incurred by the Company
associated with providing electric and natural gas energy efficiency
services to customers.
The proposed net increase above current rates by service sched.
ule is as follows:
Residential Service - Schedule 1................................2.73%
General Service - Schedule 11 & 12........................2.73%
Large General Service - Schedule 21 & 22 ...............2.73%
Extra large General Service - Schedule 25 ...............2.73%
Potlatch - Schadula 25P ............................................2.3%
Pumping Service - Schedule 31 &32.........................2.73%
The Company's application is a proposal, subject to public reo
view and a Commission decision. A copy of the application is avail.
able for public review at the offices of both the Commission and
the Company. The Commission will begin a comprehensive review
of Avista's application and wil seek public input on the Company's
request. The Company has requested an August 1, 2009 effective
If you would like to submit comments on this proposed increase,
you can do so by going to the Commission website at www.puc.
idaho.gov or mailing comments to:
Idaho PUC
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720.0074
If you are not already on Comfort Level Billng, consider applying
for this free service. Comfort Level Biling averages your annual
bill into equal monthly payments. For more information about the
proposed price increase, conservation tips, energy assistance pro.
grams, and bil payment plans, visit our website at www.avistautili.
ties. com or call us at 1.800.227.9187.
Natural Gas customers please see reverse.
AVA191 - 122000