HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090624Lobb Direct re Stipulation.pdfRECE\VEO td 3.28 iou, JUN i4 ln. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION \O~l\SO.... idJh\~S\ON Ui\U'\r; BEFORE THE IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE ) CASE NO. AVU-E-09-1/ AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES) AVU-G-09-1 AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND ) NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC ) AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE )STATE OF IDAHO. ) ) ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF RANDY LOBB IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION JUNE 24,2009 1 Q.Please state your name and business address for 2 the record. 3 A.My name is Randy Lobb and my business address is 4 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho. 5 Q.By whom are you employed? 6 A.I am employed by the Idaho Public Utilities 7 Commission as Utili ties Division Administrator. 8 Q.What is your educational and professional 9 background? 10 A.I received a Bachelor of Science Degree in 11 Agricultural Engineering from the University of Idaho in 12 1980 and worked for the Idaho Department of Water Resources 13 from June of 1980 to November of 1987. I received my Idaho 14 license as a registered professional Civil Engineer in 1985 15 and began work at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in 16 December of 1987. My duties at the Commission currently 17 include case management and oversight of all technical 18 Staff assigned to Commission filings. I have conducted 19 analysis of utility rate applications, rate design, tariff 20 analysis and customer petitions. I have testified in 21 numerous proceedings before the Commission including cases 22 dealing with rate structure, cost of service, power supply, 23 line extensions, regulatory policy and facility 24 acquisitions. 25 Q.Are you the same Randy Lobb that previously filed CASE NO. AVU-E-09-1/AVU-G-09-106/24/09 LOBB , R . (D i ) 1 STAFF 1 direct testimony in this case? 2 A.Yes I am. 3 Q.What is the purpose of your testimony today? The purpose of my testimony is to describe the4A. 5 Stipulation (the Proposed Settlement) filed in this case 6 and to explain the rationale for Staff's support. 7 Q.Please summarize your testimony. 8 A.Staff believes that the comprehensive Stipulation 9 and Settlement resolving all issues in the general rate 10 case is in the public interest. The Settlement was agreed 11 to by all parties. It is just and reasonable and should be 12 approved by the Commission. 13 Q.Please provide an overview of the Stipulation and 14 Set tlement . 15 A.The Stipulation filed with the Commission on June 16 16, 2009 settles a variety of issues to arrive at an 17 overall base rate revenue requirement increase of $9.43 18 million or 4.29% for electric service and $1.939 million or 19 2.11% for natural gas service. The parties also 20 acknowledged that the revenue requirement for electric 21 service could increase to $12.548 million or 5.7% if FERC 22 issued a new Spokane River hydroelectric license by July 23 22, 2009.1 Nevertheless, the likely increase is relatively 24 25 lOn June 18, 2009, FERC issued a new 50-year license for Avista's five hydroelectric facilities on the Spokane River. This issue is discussed in greater detail below. CASE NO. AVU-E-09-1/AVU-G-09-106/24/09 LOBB, R. (Di) STAFF 2 1 close to the Staff recommendation provided in pre-filed 2 direct testimony of $8.62 million (3.91%) and $1.89 million 3 (2.06%) for electric and natural gas service respectively. 4 It also represents a significant decrease in the Company's 5 requested increase of $31.2 million (12.8%) and $2.7 6 million (3.0%) for electric and natural gas service, 7 respectively. 8 When proposed decreases in the Power Cost 9 Adj ustment (PCA) rate for electric service and the Purchase 10 Gas Adjustment (PGA) rate for gas service are included, 11 there is no overall revenue requirement increase for gas or 12 electric service. However, overall electric revenue 13 requirement will increase by 1.5% when the Spokane River 14 relicensing costs are included. 15 Q.How does the revenue adjustments specified in the 16 Stipulation compare to revenue adjustments previously 17 proposed by Staff? 18 A.The difference in the base electric revenue 19 requirement agreed to in the Stipulation and that proposed 20 by Staff in pre-filed direct testimony is due to movement 21 by Staff on four issues. They are: 1) an increase in 22 anticipated net power supply costs using more current 23 forward natural gas prices, 2) a slight increase in 24 executive labor to reflect actual 2008 compensation, 3) an 25 increase in Information Services expense to reflect the CASE NO. AVU-E-09-1/AVU-G-09-106/24/09 LOBB, R. (Di) STAFF 3 1 actual 2009 level of employees and 4) rate base treatment 2 of costs associated with Montana riverbed leases. With the 3 exception of the Spokane River Relicensing, all other 4 revenue requirement adjustments listed in the Stipulation 5 are as proposed by Staff in direct testimony. 6 Q.How do the stipulated non-revenue issues compare 7 to the Staff position presented in pre-filed testimony? 8 A.All other issues described in the Stipulation 9 such as class revenue spread, rate component adjustments, 10 evaluation of payment plans and review of low income 11 deposit requirements were resolved as proposed by Staff or 12 other intervenors in direct testimony. Finally, resolution 13 of the remaining issues represented a reasonable 14 alternative to litigation in this case. For example, the 15 Company agreed to withdraw its request to change the PCA 16 sharing percentage, and agreed to request prudency of DSM 17 program costs in a subsequent docket. Moreover, all 18 parties agreed that the Company would further study cost of 19 service issues and continue to address a variety of low 20 income concerns. 21 Q.Does Staff believe the proposed Stipulation and 22 Settlement is reasonable? 23 A.Yes. As previously stated, the overall base 24 revenue requirement increase for electric and gas service 25 of $9.43 million (4.29%) and $1.939 million (2.11%) CASE NO. AVU-E-09-1/AVU-G-09-1 06/24/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 4 STAFF 1 respectively, is quite close to the $8.62 million (3.91%) 2 and $1.89 million (2.01%) originally proposed by Staff in 3 direct testimony. Even with Spokane River relicensing 4 costs included, the increase of $12.548 (5.7%) million for 5 electric service is about 60% less than the Company's 6 original $31.2 million (12.8%) request. The Company 7 originally requested an increase of $2.7 million (3.0%) for 8 gas service. 9 Other issues such as use of the PCA and PGA rate 10 reductions to offset the base rate increases, rate spread, 11 rate design, treatment of Lancaster costs, changes to PCA 12 sharing percentages, prudency review of DSM costs and 13 customer service considerations were consistent with 14 Staff's direct testimony. Staff believes that the 15 addi tional issues addressed in the Stipulation including 16 further cost of service analysis, agreement on low income 17 issues and rate implementation date were fairly straight 18 forward, reasonable accommodations to achieve comprehensive 19 settlement. 20 A.How did Staff approach settlement in this case? 21 Q.After filing direct testimony on May 29, 2009, 22 Staff met with the Company and other parties on June 5, 23 2009, in an effort to resolve any undisputed issues. Staff 24 was only willing to consider movement on its revenue 25 requirement adjustments for those issues where updated CASE NO. AVU-E-09-1/AVU-G-09-106/24/09 LOBB, R . (D i) STAFF 5 1 information was available or errors were identified. 2 Q.In what areas did Staff agree to modify its 3 revenue requirement recommendations? 4 A.Staff agreed to modify its revenue requirement 5 recommendations in the following four areas: 1) increase 6 net power supply costs recovered in base rates (line b, 7 Electric Table, p. 5) i 2) slightly increase executive 8 compensation (line f, p. 5) i 3) increase information 9 service expense (line g, p. 5) ¡and 4) allow rate base 10 treatment of costs associated with Montana riverbed leases 11 (note 3, p. 5). Staff also agreed to include Spokane River 12 relicensing costs in this case if FERC issued a new 13 hydroelectric operating license by July 22, 2009. 14 While the Production Property Adjustment (line c, 15 p. 5) and the Restatement of Debt Interest (line p, p. 5) 16 changed from that proposed by Staff in its direct 17 testimony, these adjustments are the direct results of 18 changes in other Staff adjustments as specified in the 19 Stipulation and flow through automatically. 20 Net Power Supply Cos ts 21 Q.Please explain the difference in the Idaho 22 jurisdictional net power supply cost adjustment of 23 $14,455,000 as recommended by Staff in its pre-filed direct 24 testimony and the $13,869,000 adjustment agreed to in the 25 Stipulated Settlement on line b, page 5. CASE NO. AVU-E-09-1/AVU-G-09-1 06/24/09 LOBB~ R. (Di) 6 STAFF 1 A.The difference is primarily due to a difference 2 in gas prices used in the AURORA analysis performed to 3 develop net power supply cost. In its initial Application 4 in this case, Avista used a three-month average of natural 5 gas prices from September 1, 2008 to November 30, 2008, of 6 monthly forward prices for the pro forma period. Staff, in 7 its analysis, used a one-month average of forward gas 8 prices from March 27, 2009 to April 27, 2009. Staff chose 9 to use a one -month average of prices because they were the 10 most recently available at the time it performed the AURORA 11 analysis. Staff believed that the most recent gas forward 12 prices were a better indication of prices likely to occur 13 in the pro forma period. 14 In the Settlement Stipulation, Avista adopts 15 Staff's position to use a one-month average of gas prices, 16 but proposes to use a more current average of prices from 17 May 1, 2009 to May 31, 2009 for the un-hedged portion of 18 the generation. Staff agrees that a one-month average of 19 gas prices using a more current period to derive the net 20 power supply costs is appropriate. 21 Q.Were any other changes made in Staff i s analysis 22 to derive the net power supply cost included in the 23 Settlement Stipulation? 24 A. Yes, a minor error in Staff i s analysis was 25 corrected. The error involves necessary after-the-fact CASE NO. AVU-E-09-1/AVU-G-09-106/24/09 LOBB, R. (Di) STAFF 7 1 additions of start-up fuel costs to the AURORA results, and 2 adj ustment of fuel costs at Coyote Springs 2 that cannot be 3 accommodated in AURORA. 4 Q.Does Staff agree with the results of the analysis 5 done to develop the net power supply cost recommendation 6 included in the Settlement Stipulation? 7 A.Yes, Staff has reviewed the analysis, including 8 replication of the revised AURORA results and including the 9 minor errors identified in Staff's analysis. Staff agrees 10 with the revised AURORA results and supports using the more 11 current gas prices in the Staff proposed one-month average. 12 The parties agree as part of the Settlement to support 13 Staff's recommendation to exclude short-term contracts 14 already entered into for the pro forma period and instead 15 to recover these costs through the peA subject to the 90/10 16 percent sharing. Consequently, Staff supports the net 17 power supply cost decrease adjustment of $13.869 million 18 included in the Settlement Stipulation. 19 Executive Labor Compensation 20 Q.What was Staff's position regarding Executive 21 Labor Compensation in its pre-filed testimony? 22 A.Staff removed all proposed increases to Executive 23 Labor expenses for 2009 and 2010, and annualized the 24 executive salaries at their current level of expense. 25 Q.Why did Staff agree to the smaller adjustment CASE NO. AVU-E-09-1/AVU-G-09-106/24/09 LOBB, R. (Di) STAFF 8 1 specified in the Stipulation on line f, page 5? 2 A.Staff's original filing did not calculate the 3 overhead loading associated with the executive labor. The 4 Stipulation accepts Staff's position of excluding 2009 and 5 2010 increases for executives, and annualizes the current 6 level of Executive Labor expense. However, the Stipulation 7 recognizes the associated overhead applied to the 8 annualized Executive Labor. 9 Staff believes it is appropriate to account for 10 indirect overhead expenses when computing labor expense. 11 The settlement on this adjustment corrects an oversight in 12 Staff's original filing. 13 Information Service Expense 14 Q.What was Staff's position regarding Information 15 Service (IS) Expense in its pre-filed testimony? 16 A.Staff excluded IS labor expense for four 17 positions that the Company intended to, but had not yet 18 filled. Staff further reduced IS expense to recognize 19 operating efficiencies gained by including the pro forma 20 level of expense in rates. 21 Q.Why did Staff agree to the smaller adjustment 22 specified in the Stipulation on line g, page 5? 23 A.The Stipulation includes Staff's recognition of 24 operating efficiencies, however, two positions that Staff 25 excluded were positions that were actually filled but the CASE NO. AVU-E-09-1/AVU-G-09-106/24/09 LOBB, R. (Di) STAFF 9 1 amounts were being capitalized rather than expensed. The 2 Stipulation recognizes that these positions were filled, 3 but because the Company did not include any expense 4 associated with these two positions in its original filing, 5 no Staff adjustment was necessary. 6 Non tan a Riverbed Leases 7 Q.In the last rate case, the Company was allowed to 8 defer unamortized payments it made to the State of Montana 9 for lease of the riverbeds for the Noxon Rapids and the 10 Cabinet Gorge hydroelectric projects. In this rate case, 11 the Company requested inclusion of the unamortized balance 12 in its rate base, thus collecting a return on that balance. 13 What was Staff's position on the inclusion of the 14 unamortized balance of deferred payments in the Company's 15 rate base with a return? 16 A.Staff initially agreed that the Company should be 17 allowed to amortize the unamortized balance over the 18 remaining eight (8) year life of the lease, but did not 19 recommend allowing the Company to earn a return on the 20 unamortized balance. 21 Q.How does the Stipulation treat the unamortized 22 balance for the Montana lease? 23 A.The Stipulation allows the Company to include the 24 unamortized balance of $1,582,501 in rate base to earn at 25 the authorized rate of return. The balance remains CASE NO. AVU-E-09-1/AVU-G-09-106/24/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 10 STAFF 1 amortized over eight (8) years. 2 Q.Why did Staff agree to include the unamortized' 3 balance of $1,582,501 in the Company's rate base at the 4 overall rate of return? 5 A.The unamortized balance is the amount paid by the 6 Company to the State of Montana for its use of the 7 riverbeds at the Company's hydro-electric projects in 8 Montana. The Montana courts have determined that the 9 Company was liable for use of the riverbeds owned by the 10 State of Montana at the Company's proj ects. Thus, the 11 Company entered into a lease with the State of Montana for 12 the use of the riverbeds. 13 In the last rate case the Company sought and 14 obtained an Order (Order No. 30647) from this Commission to 15 defer any payments it made pursuant to the lease and prior 16 to this rate case. Pursuant to our settlement discussions 17 and the Commission's prior approval to defer these lease 18 payments, Staff believes the payments were reasonable and 19 prudent for the production of electricity at the Company 20 facilities. Therefore, Staff included the amortization in 21 rates for recovery. Staff now accepts including the 22 unamortized balance in rate base at the Company's 23 authorized return because it was previously included in 24 this manner to establish the stipulated revenue requirement 25 in the last rate case, Case No. AVU-E-08-1. Language CASE NO. AVU-E-09-1/AVU-G-09-106/24/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 11 STAFF 1 included in that prior Stipulation indicated that the 2 return on the unamortized balance was at the customer 3 deposit rate (Stipulation, p. 7, 9 (c) AVU-E-08-1). 4 However, this language related to the return during the 5 deferral period, not the return once it was included in 6 rates. 7 Spokane River Relicensing 8 Q.How did Staff originally propose to treat Spokane 9 River relicensing costs in this case? 10 A.Staff reviewed the costs associated with 11 relicensing and determined that they should not be included 12 for recovery in this case because a new FERC operating 13 license had not yet been obtained. The expenditures were 14 therefore, not deemed used and useful. 15 Q.Why did Staff agree to include the relicensing 16 costs in this case if a new license was issued by July 22, 17 2009? 18 A. The Company maintained that a new license was 19 imminent. In fact FERC issued the new 50-year license on 20 June 18, 2009 - two days after the Stipulation was filed. 21 Staff agreed that if a new license was obtained prior to 22 the Company's filed rebuttal or during the course of the 23 hearings, it is likely that the Commission would include 24 the cost in this case. It would also be difficult for 25 Staff to continue to argue that the relicensing costs were CASE NO. AVU-E-09-1/AVU-G-09-106/24/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 12 STAFF 1 not used and useful. Therefore, Staff agreed to the July 2 22, 2009 cutoff date for the Company to obtain a license 3 with the caveat that un-audited costs are subject to audit 4 before they are reflected in rates. Additional revenue 5 requirement subject to recovery in this case with timely 6 receipt of the new license totals $3.11 million annually. 7 See Note 1 to Table on page 5 of the Stipulation. 8 Other Issues 9 Q.What other revenue requirement adjustments are 10 itemized in the Settlement Stipulation and how do they 11 compare to Staff's original recommendation? 12 A.Other revenue requirement adjustments itemized in 13 the Stipulation include return on equity (10.5%), 14 regulatory fees , non-executive labor, asset management, 15 Colstrip mercury emissions O&M, compensation incentives, 16 generation O&M expense, insurance expense, miscellaneous 17 expenses and the Coeur d' Alene Tribe Settlement. Other 18 than allocation of system adjustments, the capital 19 additions adjustment is the only issue specifically 20 identified on the natural gas side. All of these 21 adjustments are the same as those originally recommended in 22 Staff's pre-filed direct testimony. 23 Q.What does the Stipulation provide in terms of 24 revenue spread and rate design? 25 A.The parties agreed in paragraph 15 to spread the CASE NO. AVU-E-09-1/AVU-G-09-106/24/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 13 STAFF 1 electric revenue increase uniformly across all customer 2 classes and increase only the energy component of rates in 3 each class as originally proposed by Staff. Likewise, the 4 Agreement follows Staff's original proposal to spread the 5 natural gas revenue increase to customer schedules based on 6 the Company's cost of service study and increase only the 7 commodity component of the gas rate. 8 The Settlement endorses Staff's proposal to 9 reduce the PCA and PGA rates to mitigate the base rate 10 increase. The required PCA rate reduction is 0.266 cents 11 per kWh for electric customers and the required PGA rate 12 reduction is 2.662 cents per therm for natural gas 13 customers. The PCA rate reduction will not fully offset 14 the base rate revenue requirement with the Spokane River 15 relicensing costs included in this case. The PGA rate 16 reduction offsets the base rate increase in Schedule 101 17 and reduces the overall rate in other schedules by various 18 amounts. 19 Q.Are the higher PCA and PGA rate reductions 20 specified by the Settlement of any concern to you? 21 A.I have no concern regarding the PGA reduction. 22 Forecasted gas prices over the period that rates will be in 23 effect are well below the weighted average cost of gas 24 (WACOG) currently embedded in rates. The PCA reduction is 25 only slightly more likely to produce higher deferral CASE NO. AVU-E-09-1/AVU-G-09-1 06/24/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 14 STAFF 1 balances for surcharge than that proposed by Staff in 2 direct testimony. The risk caused by the slightly lower 3 PCA rate is also partially offset by stipulated higher 4 power supply costs embedded in rates. 5 Q.Are there other issues identified in the 6 Stipulation that are consistent with Staff recommendations 7 presented in direct testimony? 8 A.Yes, the Stipulation in paragraph 14 on page 11 9 specifically addresses the Company's proposal to change the 10 PCA sharing percentage from 90%/10% to 95%/5%. Staff did 11 not believe the Company sufficiently justified its proposal 12 in direct testimony and the Company withdrew the issue as 13 part of the settlement. 14 The Stipulation in paragraph 12 on page 11 also 15 specifies that the issue of prudence review of DSM 16 expenditures for the period January 1, 2008 through 17 November 30, 2008 will be addressed in a future docket. 18 Staff did not believe the Company provided sufficient 19 evidence in its direct case to justify a finding of 20 prudency for these expenditures. Consequently, Staff 21 believes it is reasonable to delay a prudency review to a 22 later date when more information is available. 23 In addition, the Stipulation reiterates Staff's 24 position supporting the Company's proposed cost recovery of 25 the Lancaster power proj ect tolling agreement. See ~ 10. CASE NO. AVU-E-09-1/AVU-G-09-1 06/24/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 15 STAFF 1 The Stipulation also supports Staff's original 2 recommendation provided in direct testimony for cost 3 recovery of the Coeur d' Alene Tribe Agreement. See ~ 9 (0) 4 on p. 10. 5 Finally, the Stipulation supports Staff's 6 original proposals that the Company evaluate its payment 7 plans and low income deposit policies for effectiveness. 8 See ~ 16 (d) and (e) on p. 15. 9 Q.What issues are included in the Stipulation that 10 were not originally addressed by Staff in direct testimony? 11 A.Issues supported by Staff in the Stipulation that 12 were not originally addressed by Staff in direct testimony 13 include additional cost of service evaluation (see ~ 13), 14 continuation of low income customer service programs (see 15 ~ 16 (b) and (c)), and new rate implementation on August 1, 16 2009 (~ 15 (f) ). The cost of service recommendations to 17 evaluate various methods of allocating transmission 18 facili ties and to provide twelve months of current load 19 data in a timely manner are necessary to properly determine 20 cost of service and are supported by Staff. 21 The low income recommendations for Avista to 22 support low income rate assistance legislation, to continue 23 funding for low income weatherization and outreach 24 education are a continuation of existing support and 25 programs. Staff supports these recommendations based on CASE NO. AVU-E-09-1/AVU-G-09-106/24/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 16 STAFF 1 its belief that they reasonably improve low income 2 affordability. 3 Q.Why did Staff support an August 1, 2009 4 implementation date for new rates rather than the statutory 5 deadline of August 23, 2009? 6 A.This provision was agreed to by Staff as part of 7 the give and take of settlement negotiations. Staff 8 believed that the accelerated implementation date was 9 reasonable given that comprehensive settlement would reduce 10 the need for lengthy hearings, complicated deliberations 11 and time consuming development of the final Commission 12 Order. Staff also accepted the Company position that a 13 first of the month implementation of new rates would 14 simplify calculation of monthly power supply costs for 15 determination of PCA deferral balances. 16 Q.Does this conclude your testimony in this 1 7 proceeding? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A.Yes, it does. CASE NO. AVU-E-09-1/AVU-G-09-106/24/09 LOBB, R. (Di) 17 STAFF CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 24TH DAY OF JUNE 2009, SERVED THE FOREGOING DIRECT TESTIMONY IN SUPPORT OF STIPULATION OF RANDY LOBB, IN CASE NOS. AVU-E-09-1 & AVU-G-09-1, BY ELECTRONIC MAIL TO THE FOLLOWING: DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL AVISTA CORPORATION PO BOX 3727 SPOKANE WA 99220 E-MAIL: david.meyer(iavistacorp.com KELL Y NORWOOD VICE PRESIDENT - STATE & FED. REG. A VISTA UTILITIES PO BOX 3727 SPOKANE WA 99220 E-MAIL: kelly.norwood(iavistacorp.com DEAN J MILLER McDEVITT & MILLER LLP PO BOX 2564 BOISE ID 83701 E-MAIL: joe(imcdevitt-miler.com SCOTT ATKINSON PRESIDENT IDAHO FOREST GROUP LLC 171 HIGHWAY 95 N GRANGEVILLE ID 83530 E-MAIL: scotta(iidahoforestgroup.com CONLEY E WARD MICHAEL C CREAMER GIVENS PURSLEY LLP PO BOX 2720 BOISE ID 83701-2720 E-MAIL: cew(igivenspursley.com mcc(igivenspursley.com DENNIS E PESEAU, Ph.D. UTILITY RESOURCES INC SUITE 250 1500 LIBERTY STREET SE SALEM OR 97302 E-MAIL: dpeseau(iexcite.com BETSY BRIDGE ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE 710 N SIXTH STREET PO BOX 844 BOISE ID 83701 E-MAIL: bbridge(iwildidaho.org ROWENA PINEDA ID COMMUNITY ACTION NETWORK 3450 HILL RD BOISE ID 83702-4715 E-MAIL: . Rowena(iidahocan.org CARRIE TRACY 1265 S MAIN ST, #305 SEATTLE WA 98144 E-MAIL: carrie(inwfco.org BRAD MPURDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 2019N 17TH ST BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: bmpurdy(ihotmail.com ~.\(o&Eë CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE