HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090313Comments.pdf~1:1;01 -N i;~ ::t"' co c:l. ~~01r vila Av.vir; ~.l. tJ t ('" i: l~ 1.,1 t,., l \, Lun9 MAR " AM 8: 12 March 6, 2009 Utilties Commssioners State of Washington RE: Proposed utility rates by A vista Utilties Dear Commssioners: We make it our business to watch KX Y TV's 6:00 p.m. editions to catch up on the daily news. A 6:30 p.m. segment of sae grodcast A vista's tired, lame and worn-out excuses for their unexpeted and outlandish birrs of recent. For instace: $200,000,000 in investments and $73,000,000 profits for 2008 as opposed to $37,00,00 for 2007. We the ratepayers have been pushed and strangled to the limit. We have no other alternve except to tu to you. Kindly help us out in ths troubled economy disater. Sincerely,~. /L'-~ /~.Nodes 3060 Burgudy Trail Post Falls, ID 83854 208/457-8442 /. . AJ.f ~ j/rtJoC¡ r¡ w Iu /' ,/~ A.I!. r C! ir- tJ f 70 Y (Ie! P't f It. i TO De¡iL rli r (-eflves7, :r rJu'tiK TheJ r Lo, CÁ(t y1t(t. SO (IL c;iJ'I ~KS TÐ S~ 1'1t~'I1 U /l-e We. . tLLl ltl: )i t¡ TO J. I C i. Ð oSt. b-eTuJee (Yl;e~irit' ,p R tf / OR. ~r()(;tfyç ft r oo'lJ ç fI ftx,., c: U.l Not;ji¡.&iJ Q:oc c::ien=i:i: '1"10~lIi -,'.çJ~liril'~_., \AW' i ~\;portant Notice ~ì~d' tural Gas Cust~ers.. ¡\'?\() 'uary 2009 "",,\tf:f::S? \J\ \', In January 23, 2009, Avista filed an application with the 10 Public Utilities Commission (Commission) requesting a increase above current Idaho natural gas rates totaling 7 milion or 3.0% overalL. The proposed rate change is ted to increased operating costs, and increased capital ' stment necessary to provide nátural gas service to cus- ers. This proposed rate change does not reflect changes ie cost of natural gas purchased by Avista to serve :omers. Changes in the cost of natural gas are reflected 1 annual purchased gas cost adjustment. he proposed increases above current rates by service idule are as follows: meral Service . Firm. Schedule 1 01 isidential & small commercial) ................................3.1 % rge General Service. Firm :hedules 111 & 112............................................... 2.5% gh Annual Load Factor Large terruptible Service - Schedules 131 & 132 .............. 1.7% ansportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas :hedule 146*..........................................................10.9% :xcludes gas costs ie difference in the proposed increase percentages for dif rit customer rate classes is based on a comparison of thj of providing service to those customers and the present is biled for service. I : part of its request the Company is proposing that the ' c charge for service to residential and small commercial ~ Mz- i/'l fI.V~- sJ/3ìO~ JJllOwlthe COe~(Q 0b . . . vW t.~ a~M ~- -&) HARVEY NEUFELD Rz~ IlJi'ç"lli ~f£ f)A/eri,¿IkS:~. w¡//sl ¿ '¡JtJAJlAill¿S -ló #.sL lOR- ß h S)/i e Jt T #- r e5. _ lJdlZ /,N e 12 /JE tJ 15 PPl&fJ/J 6- &\:/-5 ß- Ai ¡) /_ ÝiN el2 là1~'? f) (J IJI'-ft-L iÁ£Uf:sfJ1Al73~~.. c9 Jl /7j LJ P/ IV) ())~ iJ ~ A. n-f-êK ~ ~uJd b r- ;q /1~-Joæ~¡df'f2" £-¡prij~~.- ~.j S 04 0 tJAJ-h ¡JÚ L +0 G; i/CL t/çJ1If (J IfPí' f¡.L ~ Ai J 25 YJ"hlil- '\ ) AI eJez ~ 5 Yl IJ f /f £ £. ¡J /l l1J -j 0/2 ¿ ~ 'I ~ if¿ CU~¡Ò rfr¿ IL-S _ J- ê.. ~iJcL ; JU raf2¡J iSSuer YAez (Jt1:;lomc~5 '£10 c/(i/ )IL y/f) ¡¿ &m//ý'/v,ej _ ¡l1P I:"M tUttlV t?ß-iS V,v;d£--,-t,-~ , wf"....# UJcr tÖ~~ -I S\ON, Il) V'~ ~\ ~~ ~Ov I Q;~.cr:sc"..~..con-A::::. æ~£:ok~:469 "Gatevvay to the Orient" / 4;;/'/(;16 ~ Jean Jewell ,/~ ÆI//i~.~ tf, From: Sent: To: Subject: typhoon83854(§yahoo.com Thursday. March 12, 2009 6:40 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Anthony Cruz follows: Case Number: AVU-E-G-09-01 Name: Anthony Cruz Address: 3260 E. Park Ridge LP. #104 City: Post Falls State: Idaho Zip: 83854 Daytime Telephone: 208-773-2358 Contact. E-Mail: typhoon8385~ahoo.com Name of i Utili ty comp~~vistaAdd to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: I am a disable single man living on social security disability and on a very limited income. my comment is that the utility wants to increase the residential services. my concern is social security only gives me a raise once a year and i am sure that Avista is asking more % than what SS gives me. i hope you reject this increased and save my power. Sincerly, Anthony Cruz The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 1 ¡~~J/3)()q~/1: ~. , rt( Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: iamoutthere_24~hotmail.com Thursday, March 12, 2009 1 :33 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Alicia Blum follows: Case Number: Name: Alicia Blum Address: 2225 14th St. City: Lewiston State: Idaho Zip: 83501 Daytime Telephone: 360-584-5241 Contact E-Mail: iamoutthere 2~hotmail.com Name of Utility Company: Avista Add to Mailing List: Q5 Please describe your comment briefly: I do not agree with the new proposal made my Avista to increase Idaho electric rates. It' s bad enough that Avista is already getting away with over charging all of the customers and gaining a profit of over 85% from last year. Now they get to try and charge us more, really look at our economy and the amount of people that are losing their jobs, how can you justify any of it. There is no j usti fication why Avista should gain that much of a profit, why add to it at the expense of your consumers who have no option of switching to another power company. I' m a college student that Ii ves with my fiance', he is working more than full time so that I can focus on my school and sport that I' m recieving a scholarship and now I have to possibly have my scholarship revoked because I have to go back to work and can not find the time for it and all because our recent power bill has made it so that we can not pay other bills just to appease the greedy power company. Please take serious consideration and really look into what Avista has done to their customers and their out reach to get through to Avista. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 1 ,/ ;JIO01 Jean Jewell v"1o AV-,/f; ~. .. /I From: Sent: To: Subject: leola_ o~verizon. netTuesday, March 10, 20098:47 AM . Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed I¡owell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Dan follows: Case Number: AI//) -E.o9-oI/AVtt-ß - 09-0 / Name: Dan Address: 4185 E 2nd City: Post Falls State: 10 Zip: 83854 Daytime Telephone: 2087779487 Contact E-Mail: leola~verizon.net Name of Utili ty comp~ Avista Add to Mailing List:~ Please describe your comment briefly: Avista wants to increase ther rate one more time. It sime like just about evertime I get my bill they want to have a increase. Do they need this money our do they need to line there pocks. I feel that we pay to much now and we do not need a increase in our utli tys for now. I feel that some of the big company's need to cut pay from the top we do not need millions to live will like some peopie think they do. most of us do not make S0 thousand a year. Well I can go on and on but I well leave it at that. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gOY Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html 1P address is i .//yflojOq Jean Jewell ,/10 iv/.,/1"~," H From: Sent: To: Subject: tpeterson 12~juno.com Monday, March 09, 2009 3:01 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed, Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Thomas E Peterson follows: Case Number: A\l-f"-09'O !jAVl(-6 -09-0 I Name: Thomas E Peterson Address: 1610 Cemetery Road City: Priest River State: Id Zip: 83856 Daytime Telephone: 208 610 1758 Contact E-Mail: tpeterson12~juno.com Name of Utility Company: AvistaAdd to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: In the Feb bill, avista informed me of another increase. We've had 2 local sawmills close, one permanent, one temporary, hopefully. About 400 families laid off. This also puts several local loggers out of production too, another 300 or more employees out of work. Last years inflation rate was over 13%, now Avista wants to raise power to residents 8.6% or so. Not fair, they need to buckle down like everyone else. I like quality service, & they do great, but its time for everyone to get creative & yet produce quality service. Its how we've survived for years here in the panhandle. Please ask them to reconsider any more increases until this economy settles out & we all know where we stand. Thank you so much for this priviledge, & for you folks serving the people. Tom Peterson The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 1