HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090302Comments.pdfv~~~ J/i!ó"l v~ AV.ÓJ.-2-~-ô2 /j;~--~ Hi ..R.i dcLl. ¡Ju ~ pò &x 'l3 7 r7D ¥o¡ Ç: e- :i j) ~~ TJP - tJó 7/ -R;:C i:i ... ..'-. 20n9 MAR -2 AM 8: 3 l I", CÒVls,'dn"7 I:h fÎ~ i',rt!V"eHe "egu.ol-e. ly!liJ,'Cl6- :; be ¡ ,. e ù e. , . L vJ" u. I J. be- lieu.. LV)' &0 LJv,?1. 0 ¡. r. U " t (,J"-a.I/J" ~l c¡ wLJ "ç r I lAn;. ..PL +L s L...c ¿).t jo i 1';'5 \11" -1.. 'N... .,. L",A" Og u .. e.be. 1 ;: '-.. J e r do f£, i ~ I 1 I U k Yo"- ,,¡ a- ".,",, ~ (J VV lJÁ-A") e. ". e "' b- r' V "- S v "-cA y n e .. d- J' y .' "' f"' J d.. tJ h"nb-,.7 :¡.ç -I G. ri'" 'L J1 ~/.J (!eJA t e¡-ß are d-P e-d.. ..,, S 0 f4 ILL ¿i "- p.. ¡r ¡¿ ~, iJu.'r ", fa.' J $"- W ,'vvi Il.~ a. vt cL S tAl..J.\,l ¡' S M,'.s L Lt:)) ¡j vJ l' ~ oS ¿u / J/ e or ¡.. rJ 0.. .£ "- :; d.,1 D Ý).I.6./I Y 1"",0 Ä- ~ , /p s ¡. .)it t' " v ¡i ~/I. yu,e .. bYJ. Ui "-1/ .Ç,..A-.... t' ~ s \\"-"-1 )/~. -¡l " S YhJ () P ì "- ~ g 1ß ~ L £1 " t vJ "- 0- y- i! C" -/ Çf¡Je "- ø '" II 1. .l!I $;, oJ "" w " l~ uf 1:L~....L l: ''¡ f! Y1t"K..1d 4- J ,'.s f-,, t1 J ~ p 1' e e J /;0 cJci b~ SæWlc' -- id ~ i; ¿. -. w ó v- lL.! It. c- k4 ~ IJQ rc e: e¡/ ;' PL ,i l- 1. l L ct. .Ç +e y "'J-"-e- ¿) r J/ € e. J- (M t.ß-.J . ¿J V .. 5 rJtcç Ç¿L(j;! aLv- d. uJW,' s 01 cr - i ' I I i s!CAf- i -r l. ,., "ý I '" s; ,'' I'/Y U"'" ..&1£ J~/A-e1 (Uu.tL ell' tV i'b~~. /iL~l 'J~t 1: vL W( ..i- /vi IA 'r ~ V\(J e I' JI : (5: 1. awi ~lte òlfuu- vJL ~~ ID~.l -Lh-uo" eí'//gl~ q. a. h.l- i'..1! YeD" C ,. " ¡ " v " "' 12.1 1''' J1 ç e" i. i..j) 1, e a- jp LLv de... 9.~' t' IJ.~_~ ~ 31i/ó1 /n; )1, i!/£~.; H¿ Februar 25, 2009 Idaho PUC P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 El\! 2009 MAR -2 AM 8: 31 To whom it may concern, We are wnting to protest the Avist Utilty request for a 12.8% increas in electrc rates in Idao. Not one year seems to go by without ths utility company askig for, and receiving rate increases that ar usualy way above the cost of living rate. Ths is a company that had record profits in 2008, and here they are agai askig for more. We understad tht their cost of business goes up eah year, jus like our do. But to consistently ask for rate adjustments way above the cost oflivig year afer year, and have them granted, is just unconscionable. All ofus must live with a budget, especially in these tough economic times, and it is way past time for A vista to do the same. Please, for all of its customers who have no other option for ths necessity of life today, no other choice from who to purchase electrcity, deny, or greatly lower ths anua reuest. Ths smells like Wall Street and the investment bans. Than you for any considertion you might give to our concerns. Sincerely, Tom and Diane Johnon 11393 N. Eastshore Dnve Hayden, Idaho 83835 (208) 772-684 tjohnsonI4(ßmindspnng.com L~~ vf.~r,:,jJ i/~ fiJi.,/tJ ~.s 11 ¡' ~!~ ú u- Wß~~..~..-~-C/ Ú ~~ ~~./~ Lf g. ~ I. ~g ø -iJ- /O- Ú) ~ ll.?! . l1b- - M:Ä &-y~ t¡~~¡a~~. .!J ~ ÓV:p ~~.!P ;¡5óèl 77335'1 ?-lõ6 7733 5~~1d~~(l~~rr~~-/l ~,A;J::7 N --. ~.... . j /J;"Ji ~/r,. .. .'/r - )lgFt; e¡ ;07- 3dl~d31.3 · ;?O rt h? 3 - (.0 Ç/¿) ) ~~~'iI.sr4. Important Notice for Idaho Electric Customers January 2009 The proposed net incre schedule are as .follows: Residential Service...................Scti e 1............... 8.73% General Service.......................Schedule & 12....7.78% Large General Service .............Schedule 21 & 22....7.79% Extra Large General Service ....Schedule 25.............7.78% Potlatch...................................Schedule 25P........... 5.67% Pumping Service ......................Schedule 31 & 32....7.77% Street & Area Lights ................Schedules 41.49......8.85% Residential customers with average usage of 982 kilowatt- hours per month would see their monthly bils increase from $78.47 to $85.18, an increase of $6.71 per month, or 8.6 %. As part of the request, the Company is proposing that the basic monthly charge for residential service be increased from $4.60 to $5.00 per month. The Company's application is a proposaL, subject to public Continued on reverse. AVA691 - 112,000 ,I ;1;:/t,- 1 Jean Jewell fi AAI.ý¿;~.\ -s 1:, Sent: To: Subject: Thursday, February 26, 20094:53 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Kaye Harney follows: - --- ---- ---- - - - - --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Case Number: Name: Kaye Harney Address: 319 11th Street Ci ty: St. Maries State: Idaho Zip: 83861 Daytime Telephone: 288- 245- 2922 Contact E-Mail : Name of Utili ty Comp~AvistaAdd to Mailing List ~ Please describe your comment briefly: I'm writing to protest the rate increase that Avista has planned. People, myself included, cannot afford to pay increased rates for basic living expenses. We have a depressed economy allover our nation. Please do not allow Avista to make an increase until our economy has rebounded. Thank You The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1 1ß'~bIOq~ Jean Jewell ,/ft M.ý~~';. IIi From: Sent: To: Subject: jswassmuth~msn.com Monday, March 02, 20092:46 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Jerry Wassmuth follows: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- Case Number: AI/I.-l,-o'f-o// Avu -G -09 -01 Name: Jerry Wassmuth Address: 1518 Alder Ave. City: Lewiston State: Idaho Zip: 83581 Daytime Telephone: (288) 743-8722 Contact E-Mail: jswassmuth~sn.com Name of Utility Compa~ AVISTA Add to Mailing List:~ Please describe your comment briefly: Last year AVISTA raised electricity rates by about 15%, this year they want an additional 8.73% increase. In that same period my retirement income has gone up 1%. There are a lot of people that have had their income frozen or many people have had their income reduced or even lost their jobs because of the terrible recession we are in. A 24% increase is just too much. Has AVISTA reduced their workforce or cut their salaries because of the recession?? WE NEED SOME RELIEF!! The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc.html IP address is -- - ---- --- - -- ----- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- 1 ~~oi Jean Jewell ,/ /f AJI.¿¡~.~ lI i From: Sent: To: Subject: thedanielsfamily2005~tds. net Sunday, March 01, 2009 2:29 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Janice Daniels follows: Case Number: !iflU-¡;-Oe¡-O!lAVU-&-(Y?-O/ Name: Janice Daniels Address: 1218 middle potlatch creek rd. City: juliaetta State: idaho Zip: 83535 Daytime Telephone: 2082764788 Contact E-Mail: thedanielsfamily2005~tds. net Name of Utility Company: avista Add to MailingList:(j Please describe your comment briefly: Avista filed an application with idaho public utilities commmission proposing to increase idaho electric rates by 31.2 million or 12.8% plus a decrease of the current power cost adjustment surcharge by 12.3 million or 5.0% for an over all increase of 7.8%. Concerning the recent economy, lack of jobs,and inflation, I believe even a 7.8% increase would be a detrament to society. My electric bill has increased dramatically along with everything else and I can not afford this increase. If this increase is passed it will leave me to resort to,candles,oil lamps, cooking on a camp fire and washing my clothes by hand, The furnace and/ or air conditioner will have to be shut off. the only thing I will be able to afford to use electric for is my freezer and refrigorator. I'm having enough trouble trying to make ends meet with the current cost. Work has gone from full time to partime and finding a second job hasn' t occured as of yet. Were all struggling through desperate times and I am being forced to cut corners as much as possible , if the econmy doesn' t change around soon I will be left with no choice than tolive as my ancessors lived without electricity. If anything we the people need a decrease in utilities cost not a increase. The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is - -- - - --- - - --- -- - -- --- ---- - -- - - - - ---- i lJJoq Jean Jewell ,I ~ ltv /~~.~ l1i From: Sent: To: Subject: mlivengoods~aol.com Sunday. March 01. 20092:07 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Michael follows: Case Number: AVL( -£-0-01/ AVu-G -or:-ol Name: Michael Address: 2ee8 Powers Drive City: Lewiston State: Idaho Zip: 835e1 Daytime Telephone: 2e87465218 Contact E-Mail: mlivengoods~aol.com Name of Utili ty Compa~Add to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: I WANT THIS COMMISSION TO KNOW THAT I AM TOTALLY AGAINST ANY FURTHER AVISTA INCREASES IN GAS OR ELECTRIC RATES. THEY HAVE CONTINUALLY BEEN GRANTED QUESTIONABLE INCREASES ONLY TO HURT THE BOTTOM LINE OF EVERY IDAHO TAXPAYER. THIS LAST INSULT, WHICH STATES THAT IF I ONLY USE 982 KILOWATT-HOURS, MY BILL WOULD INCREASE $6.71 A MONTH. THIS IS APPARENTLY A HOME OF APPRX.12ee SQUARE FEET OR LESS. MY FATHER AND MOTHER BOTH HAVE SMALL HOMES AND THEY BOTH USE WELL ABOVE THE SO CALLED 982 KILLOWATT -HOURS. MY HOME ELECTRICITY BILLS HAVE DOUBLED IN THE LAST FEW MONTHS BECAUSE OF AVISTA INCREASES. I USE A BLAZE KING WOOD STOVE FOR HEAT, SO I DO KNOW HOW HARD THESE RATES ARE CHEATING ALL OF US. AVISTAS RATES PER KILLOWATT -HOUR ARE STARTING TO RIVAL CLEARWATER POWERS OUTRAGEOUS ELECTRICAL RATES. MAYBE YOU CAN LEARN THIS NEW WORD ----NO-----WHICH DOES NOT SEEM TO BE PART OF YOUR VOCABULARY. SPARE ME THE EXCUSES - WE'VE HEARD EM' ALL. M. J. LIVENGOOD The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 67 .6e. 72.235 -- - --- - --- - -- ---- - - - - - - - --- - - --- - - -- i ~/O' Jean Jewell i i AJ./~~.:r lJ l From: Sent: To: Subject: 9_aleck(Çyahoo.com Sunday, March 01, 2009 8: 11 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Gregg Aleck follows: Case Number: AVU-E-Ø9-Øl, AVU-G-Ø9-Øl Name: Gregg Aleck Address: Box 346 City: Bonners Ferry State: ID Zip: 838ØS Daytime Telephone: 2Ø8 267 7329 Contact E-Mail: galeck~ahoo.com Name of utili ty Compan~: AvistaAdd to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: You do realize that this, if approved, will not stop Avista' s never ending thirst for more rate increases. All this is is a backdoor attempt to make more money off the cash strapped rate payers. Enough is enough... should all of us cry poverty and not pay our full bills, hoping that Avista will make up the difference. They can lower their rates if delinquent payments have forced them into this situation. Here's a news item from AP: ((Idaho's public utili ties are a step closer to being allowed to set up programs to help poor, cash-strapped customers pay their power and gas bills with help from other ratepayers. The Senate State Affairs Committee voted 7 - 2 Wednesday for the measure being pushed by Avista Inc. J which serves customers in northern Idaho. Neil Colwell said such a program, if approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, would likely add surcharges totaling just pennies a month to customers' bills. That could prevent pricey service disconnections and other problems that regulated utili ties later seek to recover during public hearings where they negotiate their rates. Colwell said such ((uncollectibles" can wind up costing more later. The utility has a similar $3.5 million program in neighboring Washington and Oregon. The PUC supports the plan." The form submitted on http://www. puc. idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is 216.178.SØ.228 -- - -- - - -- - - -- ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- 1 ~.~i10q~ Jean Jewell vf ~.;. tl( From: Sent: To: Subject: idahoroywatson~yahoo. com Saturday, February 28, 2009 9:03 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Roy Watson follows: Case Number: AVU-E-09-01 and AVU-E-09-011 Name: Roy Watson Address: 6065 W. Sturgeon Rd City: Rathdrum State: Idaho Zip: 83858 Daytime Telephone: 208-699-3169 Contact E-Mail: idahoroywatson~ahoo.com Name of Utility Company: AVISTA Add to Mailing List: no Please describe your comment briefly: I find this increase in operating expenses to be extremely excessive. Small rate increases are absorbable but this following their recent increase is to high. No other real business in this economic down turn could do this to the public if they didn i t have a captured market such as a utility that has no competition . With recent declines in oil and natural gas prices a reduction or a decrese should be in order. With AVISTA'S recent yearly profit report it should stand to reason. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho .gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- 1 g--/~ 3/i-/ori Jean Jewell r1" Ali Ä~'~ Hi From: Sent: To: Subject: austins _in_alaska~hotmail. com Friday, February 27,20091:32 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Stephen Austin follows: Case Number: AVU-E-09-01/AVU-G-09-01 Name: Stephen Austin Address: 4664 West Delaware St. City: Spirit Lake State: Idaho Zip: 83869 Daytime Telephone: 208-661-2183 Contact E-Mail: austins in alaska~hotmail.com Name of Utility Company: Avista Add to MailingList:6£ Please describe your comment briefly: To the Regulatory committee. Avista has raised our rate repeatedly in an economy that is down. They raised the KW rate in NOV, DEC, JAN, and are now requesting to raise them again. Please do not allow them to raise the rates now or any time in the future. Avista just had a record profit for their last quarter, and are doing fine with the rates they currently have. As consumers, we cannot afford to be burdened by higher rate now or anytime soon. Please put a stop to these rate increases. Thank you very much, Stephen Austin The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is 1