HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090209Comments.pdfor:cr.ri ni'''. '-, i.. . UaN 2Q,09~/hJ,~ ~ J- 11(/01 ¡/r; øJ/ "I,f ~ ~ r.I ~ inn~ fEB -4 M\ 8: 01 lïaJ ~', AVLÆ -£ -OO/-OJ /I1VU -6 -09 -0/ J1 am tW o.Wtd 0 W0 -t Vlet ~ IN¡J ~ ~f1 -f hw 612% JzcJ ~ dffai //f . v1~ UOW/frVJ!f (WlJWu ~, vJci Ll tJrnali ~ ()r& ih f1/J/1 dci. .!l ~_Gg ()~ Ntaf &imt ç¡~d it. ~ fii~ nr¡ liaJ tl in G ~ý) )u~.d ~ . vJ J:uJcw (1 #¥iJ-t1v¿Jihu wai # ß ~~ of ~ h~ I/ Ulad /M àltf~ yr. ¿JJ ~~ ()6ri OM¡uJ w hew +0 dJ ~ fOP ~flC! fJec ~3 ~ ~ --..J.. h~ .-K. p~ 2 B~ /& ¿l:2 ~ k: ~ tlrJlI cd (2)" . di &dcjrpu.! 1/ vJ am ~3 t) IJcP rl fJ)Ifitá rpJ ii tPltQg d5 lJ () t- &J~ (11 ~cf n~~ ~ !dJ;. J~ ~);d lJ if /).ot. . vJ ¿¿ roh -+ ~ pu(J&, 0l vIò WJ ~ ~ g do t~ JJ# flrg fr fJ . dk. OJ Do mCiff-d~ (Jf2, ewUJr¡ ~ i ¥r/a0jj) ~ fJfL l ~ ()u)tr ~ry ~~IJOC &l&k& /2%Jzet~:fd ~~ . $ -- -t (l I)cLcL (j ~ . 0 ~ l- ~ /rcJ ·if cw w ~ ct++ hff 9f0n;) rtm ~ck~to fJffChcL-. uk Qoci ~ ~ ci (1m~ hcw '* C!bod tl ~+ ~ ~ -fhct () );ct 3J (iJYfJlJøt- h~ ~. ~ ~ (~0j CJ!J d o/ rhet 2JdJ Ji ff fX uJ . ~ fkP~ CJ r+ bÙr ekJW -f - ~ et J; () ~ .p f2 uJr1af IlrJjsfr ~ ~cQ -k ,mCL ~ P;b!w in ~ ~. 9tM+ IJ~ iVO- íJo ti JJ# tju~J ~ * fJft Pi &Ø 1a 1laÁ pl M l ntJ -t h CY lhaJ /2 % Jùh¡ jJ~Cò .I ~ i. 4~cI¡J& IJ i ~ ¡jJ. tdol. ¿J~ 1Í eMfM ~d ~ uJ (tcØ~ iJ ~!J~h 0hcJ - ¿ 0))0 ~ Jv# t/:11 "-~~Dq IYÍø 1f.,//f;~.i H To: The Idao Public Utility Commssion A v ú - £ -09-01/ A-I/U -C:r09 -0/ 02/03/2lfE ¡\ltD 1009 FEB -6 AM 8: 18 Subject: Avista rate increases To whom it may concern : Avistas latest rate hie raised my power bill around $100.00 higher than last year bill for the same time period. It's time they leared to budget their finances like the rest of us have to do . My wife is the bread wier in our household. She works for one of our areas larest employers Thome Research. Every year except last yea Thome gave yearly raises and Thome also dropped its Chrstmas bonuses by around 35% . My wife's Christmas bonus was over $500.00 less than last year. Ou countr has just had over 100,000 lay-offs in the last few months with more to come. In the area I live in a few employers have given their employees the option of tag a reduced wage or lookig for a new job. In ths financial climate we all have to make do with less. It's just not right that Avista èontinues to get rate increases in ths financial climate. I heard a few days ago, on our local news chanel, that they had already ask for another rate increase. Ths madness has to stop. I remember some year back Avista let go of the man that changed the company name from Pacific Power to Avista . Letting ths person go cost the company over 7 million dollar. Ths is the worst managed company in the world bar none. Avista needs to tighten its belt and stop tag advantage of it's rate payers. They can not be allowed to continue to wrte themselves a blan check at rate payers expense every time they have a problem. It's time the fat cats at Avista went on a diet. ~~~ 407 N. Ella Ave. apt.A Sandpoint, Idao 83864 1-208-290-7327 Idahozombie~gmaii.com 1:. "'.'/~l/Oq ,/10 AY./ÍJ~'~. tJi AVu - £ -D9-cil/Avu-tS-09 -01 119 River St. Wallace, il 8387tOß9 FEB -5 AM 8= l9 Februry 2, 2009 Idao Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, il 83720-0074 Cc: Idao Attorney General Lawrence Wasden Dear Sirs; Once again the A vista Co. is asking for another rate increase and. as you people always seem to go along with whatever they want, you will okay the increase. It is beyond my comprehension how you grant the increases when the economy is so bady at this time. The A vista Co. has just received a rate increase, which they seem to get each year. Unbelievable!!!! Ths last rate.has raised our utility bils as much as $10.00 per month. I know of people in the Silver Valley alone that are having to decidehow they will keep war, eat and tae medcations. Some are giving up one or two of the items. This should not be. It would be great if just once A vista had to prove all the reasons they claim is what causes rate hikes. They are not trth. It would be very interesting to know if any of the CEO's are taking pay cuts, probably not. The Attrney General for the State of Washington is appealing Avista's request for rateincreases, can't help but wonder what our Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wadsen is doing about ths matter. There are a lot of unhppy Idao People, some are jobless and may are on fixedincomes. One wonders why are the folks in these agencies not looking out for the little . guy. It is time for your agency to step up and do the right thng and deny these rate Increases. We are also hoping our Idao Attorney General, Lawrence Wasden takes some action regarding ths matter We also believe the top executives along with the CEO should tae a cut in their salaries and let ths be knawn to A vista Customers. Every rate increase granted is a cut in our tae home pay. We are aware that Avista must get some rate increass to stay solvent, but there must a limit to these approvals. trly, E fl æØ.ß ~ß 8Ád/~~ jJ:' ~~Joq~ Jean Jewell vio /t.V./'f ~.~ t1 From: Sent: To: Subject: bullockruth(§hotmail. com Monday, February 09, 2009 3:59 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from ruth bullock follows: - - - - - - - - - - --- -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - --- Case Number: AVU-¡:-O'/-OI/AVu. -(!-oq-ol Name: ruth bullock Address: 224 riversong lane City: priest river State: ID Zip: 83856 Daytime Telephone: 2984483499 Contact E-Mail: bullockruth~hotmail.com Name of Utili ty compa~. vistaAdd to Mailing list: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: Since Avista and other utilities are allowed to petition for rate increases~ I too would like to petition for a rate adjustment: On behalf of Avista subscribers~ I petition the Utilities Commission to lower the electric rate of Avista. The rates they are charging now are hurting those of us who are struggling to get by and save our homes. Everyone is affected. Please consider lowing their rates by at least 15%. Thank you. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- 1