HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080725Petition.pdf, ~.,/10 :: H i We th undgne hera/y obje to A vis' reue toext:e;/'Zai=:::coro:n::e =mu:m:dol¡JfiB i 8 salaries indicte in th ret neper aracIencl), ~!!t should not be th rensbilit of Avist cu. alreLí Ti c;) sinking in los jobs mo fore supe high gaspriceet., to acmo por exec permnæ. "t/ g~.s ¡l ,,,~ . . ~ ~ --..... . We the undersigned hearU/y objec to A vists' reue to exæsivly incr chrg for gas and elc utlit. If A vist execes can command the mult-million dolar salaries indicate in th rent newsper aräe(enlos), thn shuld not be the resibilit af Avist cu. alresinking in los jo mort folore supe high gas priceetc., to acmmo por execuöve peanc. '1~ 11. 12. 13. \ 14. 15. 16. t7. 18. 19. 20. \ 21- 22. 23. 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 28.~ 29. "; .. iW¡~ :1. /?Er Ldæi tfl?S!/I- mst( / ..I. - Thank you for you invomet ,/ .. We the undersigned heartly objec to A vists' reues to exæsively increse charges for gas and elecc utlmes. If Avist executves can command the mulü-million dollar salaries indicated in the rent newspaper artcle( endos), then it should not be the responsibilit of Avist custmers. alredy sinking in los jobs mortage foreosure super high gas pricee . to acc modat por execve performanæ. .'". 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. -7 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 13. 14. 15. 16~ 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 2 . SHNOL¡ ~Aek:S .. .~ ". / We the undersigned heartly objec to A vists' reues toexæsivly increse charges for gas and elecc utlmes. If Avist executve can command the mulü-million dollar salaries indicated in the rent newspaper aräde(enclos), then it should not be the responsibilit of A vist custmers. alredysinking in los jobs mortage foreosure super high gas pricee ., to accmm ra por execve performanæ. .. )/ /1 d-lf R-arQ1~ lfóì: '" 3 . 31. 32. '- 33. 34 35. 3 " 37. 38. 39. " 40. ) 41!l 4. 43. .44 45. 46. ..~ . 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.54. 7T3f'fct 55. 56. 5;(' 58. 59. 6. . 61. 62. 63.~ ~~~~¿?'lM #. ~~~'~~OOb 67.ii~ §S1 ?If?uiljDr:~.157J51 8. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92 93. 94 95. 96. 97- 98. - 100. / .. " .. Thank you for you involvement .. We th undersigne herö/y obje to A vis' reue to exæsive incse chrg fo ga and el utlit. If Avist execut can command the mulü-million dollar salaries indicate in th ret newsper aräe(encos), thn itshould not be th repobilit of Avist cu alre sinking in los jo moag fore supe high gapriceet., to acmod por exec permnæ. ~:~~ :h~~~ TO i3ßIS3.1: l I¿ Cf- Ei- "7 ?~~GO 4. cia J) ..U,jl)lJ,ùc£ DI2 Sf fNL rD %3S..~~ ~~ ~~~\~,i;t'¿gV~'£~~t£ 7.d?~ 7~ ~02.t?r N. âfa mful.eÆd. ./tT/.I '- (J: ~-3g()1 BCó;',v'!814nne.sozi /ka waadIClwn t 4A&(Oen ~t n ß'3S? 3('9tl4A1l:Kft ~l£l! ~-r~. f~rJg, iD g3gSY1 ~~ /f, ~tt4d ~ JJ0f: ,2/ r-r1J / l"1L1J~.9SI8 ~ ;h. ~~rA 3:2D8 12. ~_J:__ óZ¡,aa e: _It,,z ~ _~ ZL ¿?R..o/ i~~=p::~g;;~~~~ 06-.112& 15.'~""e 3"';C;iq,~U6¿;;:~ L¡e; JjJ eF~R~-16.~~_ £_.5 i!124C¿t 12_ _ _ UgJgly.- - - /!7. zLÆrh i~.. t.2¥ æ~ ~ ~~~æ1?"yglf/~/17.. lB. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. , 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 2B. 29. ~..~: / We the undersigned heartly objec to A vists' reues toexceively increse charges for gas and elecc utliües. If Avist executves can command the mu/ü-million dollar salaries indicated in the rent newspaper aräde(enclos), then it should not be the reponsibilit of Avist custmers. alredy sinking in los jobs mortage foreosure super high gas ;~~V~Thfj~j)2. r /J ~ 3. ,l,. a. .1' .. 3 ~ ~U w. £si ql¿ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1-7 18. 19. 20. 2l. 22. 23. 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 28. 29. . " .. ~f-Jl) ~38/D 47. i 48. 49. 50. S. . 52. 53. 54. 55. ' 0- 56. 57- 58. 59. 60.MGu 61. -, 62 e. ,6I 65: Ji 66. 67. " .. II. . 95. 96. 97. 98. -: 100. Thnk yo for yo invovet We th undrsigne herU/y obje to A vist' reue to exæsve/y incr chrg for ga and el utlit. If Avist execve can comand the mult-million dollar salaries indicate in the ret newsper aräcleencos), then It should not be th reponsibilit of Avi cust. alredysinking in lo jobs mo fore supe high ga priceet., to acmote por execve permanæ. . L. 2. 3. L4.~~ 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. !7. 18. 19. 20. 2l. 22. 23. 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 28. 29. , /Pit;+-; of\ Ké th un hely ob to Avlre toex ÎI dø fo ga an el utIf Avi ex ca aJiilialllth mull dosa in in th re nearen th itsh no be th. 1f of Avi aJ aI sinkng in lo jo I1tg ~ su hi gapret to at (X ex pe . l 3. 4. 5. 6- 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. - 12. iß.." c~"l 11A"iii 16- /7. 18. 19- 20. 21. Z2 23. E. 24. 25 26 27. 28. 29 - ~ .