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AVU-E-08-01 & AVU-G-08-01 8: 30 RE: Rate Increases to Natural Gas Customers I received the notices regarding the workshops to be held July 23, 2008 inMoscow, Idaho and on July 24, 2008 in Coeur d i Alene, Idaho to discuss the proposed rate increases for electricty and gas customers. I appreciate the opportunity to attend and to ask questions or present concerns but will be unable to appear due to difficulty driving that far without significant back pain and the cost of the trip is not in my budget. However, I would be most grateful if this communications could be presented by proxy by one of the spokespersons for the private consumers, who are being asked to pay the highest precentage rate of all, by 50%, or more, except the interruptible service. As stated in an earlier communications, this is a gross miscarriage of authori ty, an~ an injustice that is being thrust upon those who can least afford it. I feel that the precentage should be adjusted downward to no more than the increases proposed for the larger companies and heaviest of utili ty users! I call attention to the enclosed items, the brochure sent to residential customers and the articl. 'trom the Spokesman Review listingthe salary increases for Avista i s executives in 2007. What are the 2008 salary and compensation package increases? Is this the reason for our rateincreases? Small town residential customers must be heard with an appropriate adjustment made so that they can afford to heat their homes. I look forward to a favorable result after these meetings. Sincerely, Ruth Nelson On Apn1 3,.2008, Avista fied an application with the Idao Public Utities. Commssion (Commssion) requestig a net increase above' curent Idao natual gas rate_stot~g H::z~on ._:. ~ or 5.8% overal. . The proposed rate. change.-is..J related to increased operatig costs, increased I capita investment necessar to provide natual gas i servce to customers, and expansion of Avista's . underground natual gas storage facilty.. Ths.. ...... .. ..~ ""proposed rate change does not reflect changes in the cost of natual gas purchased by A vista to serve "" ~ustomers. Changes in the cost of natu gas are) rã'ecte"d in an anual purchased gas cost adjustment. \ If, ~~~'V'STA. ( \ \ t How to Calculate Natural'1ìas Bils for Idaho Customers About Your Avist Utilites Gas. Rats and Bil Avista Utilities provides rate schedule information and an explanation of billing proce- dures to help our customers understand how their bills are calculated. If you wish to calculate your monthly bill:' 1 ~ Find the number of therms you used this month. Your bill shows them under metering information. .;Subtract your previous meter reading from your present meter reading. · Multiply the difference by the multifactor shown for your meter. . This is your use for the period. Compute the charges_ for it by using the rate schedule shown for your meter on your bi 11. 2. Find your rate schedule in this pamphlet. Your bil The.prol'osed iici:eases. .~bove curent rates by service schedule are as follows: '. ....; identifies the rate schedule each meter is billed under. 3"Compute the charges for your use. following the steps outlined for your rate schedule. For your conve- nience. the energy charges already include the effect of Schedule 150 (Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment). Schedule 155 (Gas Rate Adjustment). and Schedule 191 (Energy Efficiency Rider Adjust- ment). The rates for these schedules are stated at the end of each rate schedu Ie where applicable. 4. After calculating the charge for your natural gas use. figure and add any city taxes which you pay on gas. They . also are identified on your r RATES EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1,2007. '- . . ' . " ' . . . , . . . 1 ; ~ ' ( , ' t t : t . . . Av i $ t a c ~ m p ê ~ ~ i . o n ' p a c k a g è s fo r t o p e x e e u t i w è S ' . 'i l ' ' . " , ' , . , ' " , - , : ; , _ : , : ( ; ; : " : i : : ; ! : ~ " :f ! ; 8t d c k s , s e r v c e h ~ l p s e t to p ' A v i s t a e x e c u t l v e s \ p a y ;i. . , i - - ' , " " " " ' , f " , ' , ' ;/flL$~~f.~.J -1l)/"'I°'lrJean Jewell i/1ø Av'./~ ~.1 H From: Sent: To: Subject: cynthiannO~mac.com Thursday, July 24, 2008 8: 15 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Cynthia Nichols follows: Case Number: A 1/f.~ f£ -0 g -0 I Name: Cynthia Nichols Address: 2248 East Sixth City: Moscow State: ID Zip: 83843 Daytime Telephone: 208-596-1385 Contact E-Mail: cynthiann~ac.com Name of Utili ty Compa~ AvistaAdd to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: I could not make the PUC meeting yesterday evening in Moscow, but I do have some comments. 1. I don't understand WHY the PUC members presented the case FOR Avista to the public (as reported would be done in the Moscow Pullman Daily News). Isn i t the PUC supposed to be on MY side--having Avista present their case and the PUC asking probing questions in addition to MY questions? Avista is supposed to be the defendent and we the prosecutors, making sure they really need the raise in rates. Are they really using their income from rates properly and wisely? Did they purchase a new company jet, for example? Are they paying their executives too much money? Can they cut some fat? Can they charge new developments more for new services to homes? Can they get rid of some PR people that aren't necessary to services? Do those people just go to luncheons and meetings and add to the payroll? If it's true in Moscow, is it true in all Avista cities? Are employees misusing Avista trucks and equipment for their own personal use? I see it happening in Moscow. Why doesn't management stop that (that is BAD PR). They ask me for higher rates, but their employees abuse their access to Avista equipment which costs money. i oppose the rate increase. These are hard times for many of us. Maybe Avista needs to tighten its belt as i have to to get by. And, once again, i don't believe that the PUC should be presenting Avista' s case to the public. It looks like you're in bed with the company!! Sincerely, cynthia nichols The form submited on http://www. puc. idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is - - ---- --- ---- ---- --- - - ---- --- --- 1