HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080421Comments.pdf../4;v¡,q v~ Ai ¡/~ ~;. /1i 4-14-08 Idaho Public Utilties Commssion P.O. Box; 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Idao Public Uties Commssion: Z008 ¡lPR". ¡.7\ Ali 8: 15 urn ~!fMfO PUBLIC. IES COMMfSS/O!, I am wñting this letter because it is not only the concern for me (a person over 65 and a widow), but for al older citizens who want to continue livi in their homes. We are hum beings who wish to live out our lives in our own homes, and don't want to live in nursmg homes whiçh are "holdig pe" for fueral homes. We are be sadistcay and slowly pushed out becse of rising costs especially our heat (gas) and elecric bils. I reae that Sandpoint, Idao is now being caled a "resort town", and companes lie A vista looks at North Idaho as a play ground for the rich. Therefore, Avista continues to find anyex;cuse to raise its rates. The so caed rich ca aford rate increase, but may who live here yea around young an old are hurting and hurtng badly. Ths wier my heat was tued down to 65* -it was not always comfortle, and I tred to cut back on my electric bil. I found out that if I tured my heat down to 64* I saved even more money. At 64* I was totay uncomfortle. Even al the savigs I tred , my rates contiued to be high. However, my rich neighbors who are only here in the summer had 4-6 outdoor lights on for many hours at night al yea long. Wh îs wrong with this pict? I notced in the Avista bil, they have a litte blUr on the upper right hand side which says, "When it comes to ener efciency every litte bit adds up." So, when some of us work hard to conserve and when it is workig for some of us ,despite the hadship, Avista comes in to increas the rates to cover the loss in consrvation. It is one, unoly game. I reae there are costs incurred in rug a business, Dumb and Ouber is not working here, but when does Avista becme a responsible, goo citizn and tighten its belt? I am cert tht the uncreative bosses are sitting at home at night and enjoyig their nice war homes on a cold night. I nee to ask, a couple- of- weeks ago Avista anounce in the "Bonner Coun Daiy Bee" that they were looking at putting natural gas into the Sagle area. Are the rest of us subsidizig this venture? Mae those folk in Sagle cover thei own expenss not on the backs of rate payer in Sandpoint. Why is it tha ever tie Avista asks for an increase it se that the Commssion bows to Avista's request? I am askig tht the Commssion ask the tough quesons and tae th tie to research the requests for increases. Please represetilt all the people in North Idaho not just the large companes that only se the nee for "GREED". Please look over aricles-doesn't make sense. Than you (J~1:/w) Q. W~ f! (f lj (j)C / & t;) $~cLpoll" of, I1 t38t Ll -0%7/ ,'". ',/~'t~"'~~~.-C~j '.rr~6).. ~¿)~' Avista'seekmg e,iectric,gatra SPOKAE -,Avista Utilities is ' asking the, Idaho Public Utilities .commission for approval to increase residential electrc bils by 15.9 percent and natural gas bils by 6.5 percent. An average residential' cus- tomer using 977 kilowatt hours of electrcity per month would see a " $10.70 per month inCrease for a' revised monthly bilL of $78.08. Other electrc customers would see an increase between 15.4 per" cent and 16.5 percent. ,.- The average residentialnatu- ral gas customer who uses 65 therms per month would seea $4.91 increase', for a revised monthiy bil of $80.05. Largercommercial natural gas custom- ers would see nò Ilorethana 3,3 percent increase. ' The IPUC generally has up toseven monthsto reyiewageneral rate case filing. ontinued from Page 1 ott Morris, Avista's chai- man offue board, president ,and chief executive officer, sad the, capita projects . are ,pa.td of the, company's multi- ,yea plan to increase the effi- ", ciéncy, reliabilty and capacity " of' its' ag :1afrstrcte as , wèÍÎ as meètgroWig custoir~ er 'dé'd with responsible ,."."., ufces and new ~tadards. . ty is to cost effec- l\ I ."_":' ~,.o-_-?:." tivelyand safelY'(ieli~erreli- able' ~nergytoQtJ cus.tomers, To do that, we are focused on maag our C6stsbYGaig more energy fr0fi our existig faciltie,s, andbyiniplementing efficiencies throughou,t 'our operations tobe.l1é:ft custom~ erst said Morris."Avistaandthe utility industr ¡s' a whole,is facing signifcant', increas~siinthe 'cost of dòing busmessdued in part to major- increases, in thecost.ofsteel,copper, alu~ mintuand cement, These materis,whicJi (le key corn- '-, . ,. --'~--.\.- ponentsin utity equipment" have a major impact on our construètion and maintenancecosts." : ,,;' ,,' .. ,Drivig the natual gas rate request is Avista'sinvestment in ,upgrading _ the Jackson, _ Praie. Natural ,Gas Storage,: _ ,_ ' p -- ; ,c FaciÍity: The abilty to pur~ rateb S,!.4 pe ; chase and store morènatu- a common eqU1~ratira gas ,durg, the,: ~~e:percent , .~ d , '.. ths' whehprices 'are tyi- retun 0 fy.,,mon _ , caly lower - lessens the need,. '; .. to purchase natural' gas dùr- I - ing the witer months when pricéS, aid çustomer deinand, tend to be higher, ' 'I, ) t . i 1:(0 3 CJ . i ,-;; or A ()t~+(' 3 95L~ ~+- for- L h. ~ t/a 1- ~ S;~6-rl r/ Gct~ y FI/ VI )" i ~. Ro Boy 3ì'J TYLt- t La h Id~ lJ f?Y0 . ~;t ,-li ~h.,~-_e....,'"...e..:...-. .. .i..iI~~i.I!'~ A; A-V /T ~. i 11 :. O~Q~ Lt ~ Jl~)~MJ~.D' ..~o.W~ ~~. A ~~ ,R.~ i ~ CV.h ~.~.~~.tJ,'I/I'~:; d De · u LJ, ~,4o ~ ~ v7~ ~..~-f~ d' ~ -~,,'~'~ ~,J~~O~~h~. ~. L ~.'"~..u/~~..".. .~ i.dA.u~__ ,. r +. -,' W-e ~ /lL '1 ~$Ga'~ ~.~~~.~~0ß · A-~ ~,~.ek... .~ C~CS1'? .~~~? ;;;;j;:~ ,",.,..,';...,'.',,',';",',..,'; 'r ln ~, ' ~'".', ",..,,. ".,w' N ';:8 ~.., \ '" r'J r !?C.IS; ~. .. r:-:I ~24 .& w~ L~. ". !i51êY6. ~d- ~ C9 ~ ~1IW_L~l ~ . .¡vf~. ¡~/iiloK~ b//i Ai. /£~'. ~ (I,... Rf.2GE ~ W~.~ ~~AI1S:11 ¡DAHO PlJ81JC~~,~~,~~~,. r~~SfO;\ Cl wri~ k - tA~ ~ .~ PËlliJ-, ~, . n, 'f 't n-~~.; rA,l.~~1ø~~~,~- ,U¿ ci, 'n n Jl" . ~~, · ~~, '~-~~~~~~' -~" ,'~,' ",?Uße_~ c ~~ ~~/' -. ,~c-~~~~~ ~ rLJ./~~~J~~~(l". , . WJ. 0N7 ~" ~~~daÃ~/~ JA cu J~~l' :I .-. ~ 0. ~ / çCt: OCO/OO7 .~~C)ÆJ ~ W~ W~+1ø~~~~~~.ok.~'~.~4JW-~~. It, .~..~ /f~ ~LJ ~'~/_J'Ú.-:'(b '-~~~.k_O&.w~"~,',' 00,~", ",',. .&-~, J'~ ."~, '. m&kr~ ',~,', . cd~, $S,'-cJ,~OcJ¿J1h ..~dfcJtJQ;:Cl~,~W~,~, to ~, Mw"~~~~~L 1YòcJe 12 ...-...e .e. .e. -:.e lt".11: . ~)-: ~ 6 ~ õ4Ut ~t? ~ ~c' 3'iÒ -S'io O~~ w~ +ot.~~ ,/ ..'~ci~ :Po&r : ;2~t ·~Qd e,. .,' ~-.... Jean Jewell ¡~~,g~.,'1ø itv-,/f. ~' ;. i4i From: Sent: To: Subject: ksyrah~verizon. net Monday, April 21, 2008 5:00 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Beth Farner follows: - - - ----- - -- - - -- - ----- - ---- - - -- - - - - -- Case Number: AVU-E-08-01 Name: Beth Farner Address: 1007 Pine St City: Sandpoint State: Idaho Zip: 83864 Daytime Telephone: 208-946-4943 Contact E-Mail: ksyrah~verizon.net Name of Utility Compa~AvistaAdd to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: I understand that Avista is asking for a rate increase for it' s Idaho customers. I understand that rate increases are a part of life. A 21.9% seems to be a little excessive and would impose a considerable jump in our rates. I would ask that if they need a rate increase that is fine however, a more reasonable increase that would be more fair to everyone would be suggested. It would be difficult for many of us in Idaho, especially seniors on fixed incomes. Thanks you for your time, Beth Farner The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is --- ----- --- - -- - - ---- --- - - - --- - -- --- 1 /~/O~V 1: ¡J./.¡/'f ~.~ ¡- I Jean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: DCJ1938~AOL.CO, Monday, April 21, 20084:58 AM Tonya Clark; Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from DALLAS C. JOHNSON follows: - -- - - - - - - - --- --- - - - - - -- - - --- - - -- - - -- Case Number: AVU-E-08-01 Name: DALLAS C. JOHNSON Address: 291 JEFFREY DRIVE Ci ty: SANDPOINT State: ID Zip: 83864 Daytime Telephone: 208-265-9516 Contact E-Mail: DCJ1938~AOL.CO. Name of Utility compa~AVISTA Add to Mailing List:~ Please describe your comment briefly: HOW DOESA AVIST DESERVE A 21% INCREASE IN COMBINES GAS/ELECTRIC. MY WIFE AND MY SOCIAL SECURITY GOT A SMALL COST OF LIVING THIS YEAR THAT AFTER THE INCREASE IN MEDICARE & MEDICARE D SHE ENDED UP WITH $3.00 LESS AND I ENDED UP WITH $10.00 MORE AND WITH THE OTHER COST OF LIVING INCREASES WE BOTH ENDED UP IN THE HOLE. SINCE THIS IS OUR ONLY INCOME WE CAN NOT AFFORD HIGHER GAS AND ELECTRIC RATES AND WHEN YOU LOOK AT TE SALARY'S THE HEADS OF THE VARIOYUS DEPARTMENTS OTHERS GET AT AVISTA WHY DON'T THEY TAKE A WAGE DECREASE INSTEAD? The form submited on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is - - - -------- -- - ----- - - - - --- - - - -- - - - -- 1