HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051109Comments.pdf~I.-sf&~ ( '/I~/; W. !~~G&-R #;--6,.I fr r I /41' P5~ ,-~ 8383's-' (Ie p~ .3~ ,2acJ~ f?u~ Po. Box 83;T:U:J 8~ Jj) 8372/J , .' ' ",... "" i'i'-' " 0 -'" i::J r"'f"i :;::. -cz::f0 S;? C 7." ?2:;: :iiU)n (J) 52 w af: ,2 kt 1Jl' 74,/;(;:L3 t?~ ~. )' L?~ '" aJJ ~;L -/~ 4yu--n;.-i ~. pLp ~7'f: ~ '! ~ ":? ~./.~ 7. 7/a. -IL ~~.::xu ?~ c=4 vAJ~ c'-'-r~~jN~~~ ~. r' ~/) ("dIr5 I-.?;Jk' ~~~.efl GAS RATES: Inform Avisto to objeCt to roteincreoses r!Avista is increasing the rate on natural gas. Can you afford a 23. , percent natural gas rate hike? It's going to be a pretty cold winter for a lot of hard-working lower income people (as if the outrageously high price of gas isn t already making life hard enough for working class folks). If the IPUC doesn t hear from you, they will assume you don t care or don t object to Avista's request (IPUC's address: P.O. Box83720, Boise, ID 83720/phone'(208) 334- 0300). Last time I looked, Bill Gates three million shares of Avista stock brought him a cool $1.5 million. ' 2004, Avista paid it's CEO a base salary of$528 205 ($47~,558 in 2oo1and$304 077in 2000) to figure out how to take more of your money. In 2004, his total compensation , package was $875 000 an&he ' received'alOpercent rajsein- 2005; , H6~manytlioijsatids:of;shar.esof ' stockdoes'heget?1'1i~t'san()ther' ,story! ' , " Avista'shareholders are pretty happy with their dividends (72 cents per share in 2004 and ifi,creasing) i Obviously, Avista existstoendch its executivesandshar~h()lders at everyone else s ~xPense, not to provide affordable energy to itscustomers. i It has the nerve to ask for a rate increase 'While it increases dividendsaIid.pay~, its executives huges1lffis~ RelIlember, affordable energy mlpfoveseveryone standard of living (by freeing up money to purchase things they need), improves their quality-of life , (by saving them money, sa they , can affordbealthinsurance),and attracts industries that create livingwage jobs! We have more Wind and solar power potential than we know what .to do with, but theRepublican Party, the fos~ilfuelpow~x~J()PJJY,ClPcl th~ " , ' '~~y ~i~l'f:;~~~~J~~~~~;; ; ' Hummersot hybrids.Jfsa~lam dunk"ho brainer!" JAX ClAY Post Falls ,/ JJv,.;f' /'CQ/3o/0 6"""' Lif. VC ' , - r\CL,C-L 1:1 i Q. \ -2. 1;\1 U' I ii:::::~ti::= - " .A:L.,i ~ -/ - " jl o I u 'lk-#-o/ ;ZS .. ....' l ~. ~,,~--. 0~~ . ... .. ...... .---...... .~--~=:-=~~:= ~i;;:: -------------,-------------,-------,.,------- c; 124,QL. -,- d?J?/s-- --- --__ _~A /J ---~~ -~!..~~~-- - - -- --- _.. ~",,-;,. " .-.. .GASR4TES: Inform Av/sta \ to object to rote increases Avista is increasing the rate on \ natural gas. Can you afford a 23. , percent natutpl gas tate hike? It's going to be a pretty cold Winter fora lot of hard-working lQwer income people (as if the outrageously high. price of gas isn t already making life hard enough for working class folks). lithe IPUC doesn ihearfromyou, they Will assume you don t care I or don t obj~ct to Avista'request (IPUC's address: P.O. Box 83720i Boise, ID 83720/phone (208) 334-. 0300) . 'Last time llooked, Bill Gates three million shares of Avista s..tock .brought him a cooI'$1.5 million. In 2004, Avista paid it's CEO a . ! basesalaryof$528 205 ($472 558 in2001 and $304 077 in 2ooo),figureout how to take more of your money. In 2004, his total GOmpensation ' i package was $875;000 andhe I receive(r~percenf raise in '2005.HoWiJlariy):)j()usandso(sQatesof . , , sto ((~. do~heget 'Ilia s~qf!er r ist~ry! t:; eortf e-=$,,'htc,-K::4""'~Avis~'s shcMJh~l?ers.areprettY lll happy Wlthth.eIfdiVIdends (72 cents '1 / 7/J p~r share in 2004 and increasing) . QbviouslYi Avistaexists to enrichiitsexecutivesaIid shar~ho1d~rs at everyone ~lSe s eXpense; not t()provide ~fordable energy to itscustomers. It has the nerve to ask for rate increase while it increases dividends andpaYs i~"executiv~s huge sums? Rem,emper affordableenergy improves everyqne standard of living' (byfteeing upmoney to purchase things they , need), improves tQeirqualityof life (by saving them llloneyso they caIi~fQrdhe~thifi,surance); and ' attracts iridustries that create livingwagejobs! , We have more wind and solar power potential thanwe~owwhatto do With; but the Republican Party, , the f()ssilfuelI/()wer 'obbY,AA.dt4e ;~~\T%~~~~;~~~~~J~e ~':(';-:" ' ummers .or hybrids. If~ a slam dunk "no brainer!" , Lt:f TJ,l,Fiea f!~1/ N r Th t, \\ n) p,() go /~ Co" ~bh .3 ~L/I vK~r vlo U,"Y"'""f"'l'/J l1' E \\lED f\\'\ 8~ nL~ - '- 1"." ftb 0 80)( 7;3'7 ;)0 -SJ&~ 7)3 J J-D ~ ~ ~ to ~ - :J3-f/ ~evvJtt.J fv. .J~ tJyJ ~dIQ" ~~~/~/~~~ 'Jt :J..or;CL--?7LO. ~~ 'AtVL/l/o "7 ~L.J~ &0, ~+~ ~ ~u:4 ~~7 ~ . TO t~(/~"J~, 0/-6 0/)7)~~ ~~-:/ to - "1 L-J..u uUeJI 'f' t9-UV ~.J., tj) --dLv LU~~ "!~p. D 13 oX/3 L./cY~/ ~ 3g~7 02 55b -'Y bO$" ;;f\ PUb \ /;; .1 CiJtin,"SS\OI' J \. \\\i \ L.. :J t.- ,/ ML5 f~ 6~ 'r.A' C/l'v vvvVJ it 5: h 6L+~~l ~I 2085 ,€-: - QVI +o- -+€- ' . "c~ ~.:- fY\okvY'-/ 2;,..J Q rv'-- vi e h'-.e /\. +-/~ o~ f o$Qct -+0 0.. Vi '...s+Ct \ s r C\.+~ i A.. CI ~O-~ 1(" O~O jOt.. ( \ b Q ("€...-tr\ct le... e (\.J-5. y r\ CE.-- 1-ct s if- (.,s \ ~ + '-(OJ Ct ~ J'Ct~+ecJ -th 1/\ (A~~ tfY\-~)' c.L ()-), (\ b-e.... +0 ~ 0 ~ U-'\f/' /, CL sk ':J uJ cv- fY' E'Q+ Qr-J.. k,~ VU :,-/-- . C'A- P ;" G ~o , \:,. e.. 10 --..". .....L- '6 u... es-5 CA t'\ b ~ -t e- / - - ~lI€- U-J Cl fV\. e._o CL +- +a f u\:+ 0"" '" t ( , ( OJ l..w ~\. ~ ': t'V,\ €._QA-c ~'- r. IlJ D+kl S 0\.+' L ~h, k-~ Le...-I- ~€- :4~ + ~+ --S ~\. L~ : t- '-+;;r- CJL . fjJLe.aS-R- JDA'.L Mak +h.c foor TIC+-, f'D prer. VJ e-. ~r e.. Ll -:;;-I- re~ fY\Q\. +- cu. ( S . ~- So 1Y\-0\. ~ . -h'8u.r -I-/ /.J '\\\... al\~"-t-Di ~F--l T"-~ ('tQ O1eLISl ~t/ . 0 2; ---ret((V :f\~ - '. ~ ~LO /AJ. G(Y\~~r\ Sf- (05+ Fc~ Lis ;Ib ~3~5f ~ ~~~=--~ - 0;: U!ow I :~::: en ;;;., LtJLL! :: ' :::,- - ~. - 1 -., I ~t5f(/~ ~kt r/1u " If CEI'VED ,_. it, To 'file LANES ,4ND (;EIYTEI/o1)!i.foi 0/= THE I pUG ~UJl1 ;'l' - j tJ'8: 19 :r AM AsK NO- tJtJO if) 1107"& jfl~1l) dcxr~s,l.HE f:E Q/JEST FfoNI' AJ/ISTPr FoR. It 23-S; ~C.E:I'IT R.AiE tlIK ,+V IS Tit IS A S'TeONG- CONl.'PItN c..AN I-E/tf!N TO MANAC-E- :;:'1 FVNP5 BE7fEif2.. I rR JM THE 'fop PAY ANP /..EAN ouT J:T5 5ysIEiYIS '1'Q SI\VE MON ARE A- FAM IJ...Y or-vJJi hi auK:~1 JI I!~OWN S N\ ItLl-BUS51NE$3 /-1 GICE AT HoME ,.. we.H- 1A..11 GA-5 ., THE MoNFY SAVE Wti-J, 6-As WE iA-~E 3- S(')N5 MFC- LLC Ai?_E I tJ () /b 6-1t- It Pl'i I JtI:. ~ )t FF~c15 M Y lJ5"'5tNF5 OUI( THEieJ)TillS" :I5 'YEAR IN 15o5sfNE55 0, WE Now HAvE TLdtJ ENlfJoYFk.3 A-ND ItBouT .I! t9S;ooCJ 1"tV SA-LEs TiJ It COMPANY IN HAYDEN TDJA-HO OuR cus tOMEe.. 10 HEAT His MANU.PAttvf'.nv r:- HE 141\-5 ItfPRfJX HE12E IN ;:LDA-HD P)JZA-SE- SAY wE. ItI?E Wo~K.1Nri- HA~j) STATE ~M~~ ALSo USEs 62-45 sf /tt12 /t/JJ P AI At!. HaLls J2Mflo y -r 1.l' EfZs ..,. ///.5 jV1 OlVEY Silt NoT AVISiA- SflA r;: HO)J)ERs- ItAID HElP V~ 6:-f:OLJ BRiNC- 7.N Nf:to THE I? os.s /~~ Jean Jewell /fd From: Sent: To: Subject: Ed Howell Sunday, October 30, 2005 3:49 PM Jean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya Clark Comment acknowledgement WWW Form Submission: Sunday, October 30, 2005 3: 49: 23 Case: AVU-G-05-02 Name: Wanda L. Garrison Street Address: 1918 W. Honeysuckle Ave. City: Hayden State: Idaho ZIP: 83835 Home Telephone: 208-772-7422E-Mail: gransayss00adelphia. net Company: Avista Comment description: I was terribly shocked to see that you gave Avista a 23.5% increasein rates.... that really hits the people very hard that were coaxed a few years ago to switch to natural gas furnaces because they were so much cheaper than any other heatsource,... .now what do you do.. .raise the rates so excessively as to make heating homes for fixed income, lower wage patrons, & the elderly an almost impossoble task... that was very nice of the Avista spokesperson to comment that they know it will be hard... .hmm, they have already shut off one family with 4 small children in Hayden... wonder how manymore of us will end up the same.. .not one of your Idaho citizens recieved a nice 23% wageincrease. . . . I cannot believe the Idaho Public Utili ties Commission workers have such cold feelings toward their friends & neighbors.... Please reconsider that decision.. many people would then be able to eat& heat too..A very disappointed Idahoian, Wanda L. Garrison Transaction ID: 10301549.Referred by: http: / /www. puc. state. id. us/ scripts/polyform. dll/ipucUser Address: User Hostname: ~f(~rf Jv& v1t ~ d tC:E~\\fED , ' ) F'i 8: 05,- L" Colleen Robisch 906 Armstrong Drive CoeuLd'Alene, ID 83814 rr i,iJ F U8L1C iTI C::' i"'it1ISSIOi,jI, ,.-, , i L~ October 31 , 2005 IPUC O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720 Dear Sir or Madame: understand that our Avista rates will increase this year by approximately 23. percent. As a rate-payer without access to other options, 1 do not feel that it is right for us to automatically take the hit for increases in prices in Avista s supply chain. I work for a manufacturing company that has had to layoff over 70 percent of it's workforce over the last five years. Those of us employees who remain , have just gotten our first raise in five years. In the private sector, we could not 'pass-on increased costs to our customers, and expect to survive. We had to tighten our belts and adapt to survive. Avista s CEO received a 10 percent raise last year. Avista s shareholders do not suffer as Avista passes on it's higher costs to consumers. I would like to register my objection to Avista s request for a rate increase. Regards Colleen Robisch