HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040622Harms Direct.pdfF:ECEI EO F!L. , .') '"'. '(';) JL:;ir:.. rrl 'U(J E:l r"-L-,-, J Ftj;3LIC UrlLI rIES CD l"iISSiOH BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF A VISTA CORPORATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NA TU RAl GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO. ) CASE NO. AVU-O4-) AVU-O4- DIRECT TESTIMONY OF PATRICIA HARMS IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION JUNE 21 , 2004 Please state your name and address for the record. My name is Patricia Harms.My business address is 472 West Washington Street Boise Idaho. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? I am employed by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) as an auditor. Give a brief description of your educational background and experience. I graduated from Boise State Uni versi ty Boise Idaho in 1981 with a B.A. degree in Business Administrationl emphasis in Accounting.I am a Certified Public Accountant licensed by the State of Idaho.Prior to joining the Commission Staff in 2000 I was employed by the State of Alaska as an In Charge Audi tor and performed both financial and performance audits of governmental agencies.I have attended many seminars and classes involving auditing and accounting.While at the Commission I have audited a number of utilities including water electric and telephone util i ties and provided comments and testimony in a number of cases that dealt wi th general rates hook-up fees accounting issues and other regulatory issues.I have also completed the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) annual regulatory studies program at Michigan CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF State Uni versi ty.I also attend meetings of NARUC' Staff Subcommittee on Accounting and Finance.I am a member of the State/Federal Joint Oversight team for the Qwest 272 Audit. What is the purpose of your testimony? I have prepared Staff's revenue requirement exhibits for Case Nos. AVU-E- 04 -1 and AVU-G- 04 - testimony summarizes the Staff adjustments rate basel revenue requirement and revenue requirement increase proposed in these cases. Staff calculates an electric rate base of $418 277 1 000 I an electric revenue requirement deficiency of $23 078 1 000 and an overall revenue percentage increase of 15.78%.Staff witness Hessing discusses Staff's total revenue allocation to customer classes which includes the Power Cost Adjustment and Demand Side Management rider rate adjustments in addition to the general rate adj ustment. Staff calculates a natural gas rate base of $58 867 1 000 I a natural gas revenue requirement deficiency of $3 105/000 and an overall revenue percentage increase of 5.98%. ELECTRIC SECTION What exhibits are you sponsorlng associated with the electric utility operations? CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF I am sponsoring Staff Exhibit Nos. 101 and 102. These exhibits outline Staff's proposed electric revenue requirement and itemize the adjustments to Avista Corporation (Avista; Company) proposed electric test year numbers.I also prepared Staff Exhibit Nos. 103 and 104 related to specific Staff adjustments proposed in this case on transmission and advertising.Finally I am also sponsoring Staff Exhibit No. 105 which calculates a deferral of return related to the Coyote Springs proj ect What is the purpose of Staff Exhibit No. 101? This exhibit shows the overall electric net operating income requirement revenue requirement deficiency and percent increase for the Idaho jurisdiction as calculated by Staff and for comparison purposes as calculated by the Company. What revenue requirement does Staff propose? The total Idaho electric net operating income requirement proposed by Staff is $38 691/000 as shown on Exhibit No. 1011 line This resul ts in an overall electric base rate increase of $23 078/000 (line 9) or 15.78% (line 11)The Company had calculated an overall electric base rate increase of $35 222 1 000 or 24.08%. How is this revenue requirement calculated? Staff calculated the electric revenue CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04-6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF requirement uslng Avista s proposed 2002 proformed test year, Staff's adjustments, and Staff's proposed rate of return while deferring the return on the Coyote Springs proj ect What is the effect of deferring the return on the Coyote Springs 2 proj ect? This deferral using Staff's recommended return reduces the Company s electric revenue requirement by $487 000 (Staff Exhibit No. 101 line 8) or $13/045 per $1 million in Coyote Springs 2 gross plant.Deferral of the return on Coyote Springs 2 in this case would reduce the revenue requirement but still provides the same net present value over 10 years.The deferred balance accrues a carrYlng charge at the return authorized in this case to allow the Company the opportunity to earn the same revenue it would have earned had the return not been deferred.The intent of this deferral is to help mitigate the large base rate increase in conjunction with recovery of deferred power supply costs.A further discussion of this deferred return and its calculation in Exhibit No. 105 is contained at the end of my testimony in this electric proceeding. What is the purpose of Staff Exhibit No. 102? This schedule shows the Company Electric Pro Forma Totals (from Company Exhibit No. page 9 of 10 CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04-6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF column aj) In the first column , Staff's proposed adjustments in the succeeding columns, and Staff' Electric Pro Forma Totals in the last column.For each Staff adjustment on Staff Exhibit No. 102 the net operating income is shown on line 27 total rate base on line 39 and revenue requirement change on line 40.Net operating income is comprised of operating income before federal income taxes (line 24) less the sum of the current accrual and deferred lncome taxes on ines 25 and 26 of Staff Exhibit No. 102. AVISTA' S PRO FORMA TOTALS How did Avista calculate its Pro Forma Totals on Company wi tness Falkner s Exhibi t No. 14 , page 9 of 10 column aj? The Company presented electric financial results for the 2002 test year that were revised by Standard Commission Basis Adjustments as well as additional pro forma and normalizing adjustments.Staff witness Stockton discusses the Company s Standard Commission Basis Adjustments (Company Exhibit No. pages 4 through columns c through x) and proposes the Commission adopt them. What does Staff recommend regarding each electric adj ustment proposed by the Company in columns y through ai on Company Exhibi t No. 14 pages 7 through CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF The Commission Staff places these known and measurable adj ustments into two categories.First there are two adj ustments Staff accepts as reasonable in the amount proposed by the Company.Second the remaining adjustments proposed by Avista have merit but for a variety of reasons require a modification.I will discuss each adjustment category and each adjustment individually. In addition to the Standard Commission Basis Adj ustments which Avista pro forma adj ustments do Staff recommend the Commission adopt? Staff recommends the Commission adopt Avista Electric Pro Forma Insurance adj ustment proposed Company Exhibi t No. 14 page 8 of 101 column ad.This adjustment increases operating expenses by $998/000. Staff witness Stockton testifies about these costs in greater detail. Staff also recommends the Commission adopt Avista s Pro Forma Power Supply adjustment proposed in Company Exhibi t No. 14 page 8 of column ab.This adjustment decreases net operating income by $7 832 1 000. Staff witness Sterling discusses the Company s Pro Forma Power Supply adjustment. Which Avista adjustments have merit but should be attributed a different dollar amount than that CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04-6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF proposed by the Company? All of the electric adjustments proposed by the Company in columns y through ai on Company Exhibi t No. 14 pages 7 through should be revised except for the adj ustments relating to insurance and power supply. many instances (Coyote Springs Cabinet Gorge Vegetation Management and Labor) Staff recommends that the Company s adj ustments be revised to reflect actual costs instead of estimates.In other instances (Transmission l Small Generationl Capital Costs Small Generation Options and Pensions) Staff recommends disallowing a portion of the costs proposed by the Company as explained later in my testimony.Staff' revisions to these adjustments are included on Staff Exhibit No. 102. Transmission Please explain Staff's adj ustment El on Exhibit No.1 02 page 1 of The first adj ustment relates to three transmission proj ects estimated for completion after the Company s proposed 2002 test year.Two of these proj ects were estimated for completion after the Company s rate case filing.These proj ects are included in the Company s filing (Company Exhibit No. 14, page 9 of 10, column ah) as if they were in service the entire year and CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04-6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF use engineering estimates as the cost basis of the Company s adj ustment.The Company increased rate base by $8 849 1 000 and decreased net operating income by $249 000 to reflect proj ect estimated costs depreciationl property taxes and lncome taxes. However one of the three proj ect s the Beacon to Bell line, included within the Company s filing has been suspended until 2005 and should therefore be removed.AdditionallYI actual costs for the remaining two proj ects Beacon to Rathdrum line and Pinecreek Substation Rebuildl are less than those included in the Company s filing; therefore the pro forma rate base and operating resul ts should reflect these actual costs. These two updates result in reduced rate base of $438/000 and $615,000.Finally, the Company s filing has not reflected any reduced costs or increased revenues associated wi th the proj ects to provide proper matching. Therefore including the plant investment as if the plant had been in operation the full year lS unreasonable. The Commission in Order No.2 9505 dated May 251 2004 for Idaho Power Company clearly recognlzes that transmission proj ects generate revenue or reduce expenses.As noted on page 7 , " the Commission expects all utilities to attempt to identify expense saving and revenue producing effects when proposing rate base CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04-6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF adj ustments for maj or plant additions. Avista proposed plant adj ustment does not provide any increased revenue or expense savings to match the proj ect costs it proposes.Al though the Commission stated in Order No. 29505 that the proxy calculation should not be used as precedent in other cases / it is unreasonable to expect the Commission to allow full recovery of plant investment as if the plant had been in operation the full year wi thout a corresponding adj ustment to revenues and expenses.To that end/ Staff has proposed adjustment E1. Adj ustment E1 reduces rate base costs for these transmission proj ects to reflect actual costs provided by the Company during Staff's May 2004 on-site audit and removes the annualization of rate base costs for these proj ects.Plant annualization adjustments include new plant investment in the calculation of rate base as if it were in service the entire year when it was not.The Company s annualization of these costs is replaced by Staff's calculation of the projects ' actual costs as if the proj ects were in rate base for one month (December 31/ 2002) of the test year. This adjustment lS necessary because the Company did not provide expense saving and revenue producing effects for this annualized rate base adj ustment Staff's adj ustment reduces the Company- proposed Idaho electric rate base by $8/518/000 and CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04-6/21/04 (Di)HARMS / P STAFF reduces the Company-proposed Idaho electric operating expenses for associated depreciation l property and state income taxes by $358 000.After federal income taxes the effect of this adj ustment increases Idaho electric net operating lncome by $230 000.The net effect of this adj ustment decreases the Company s Idaho electric revenue requirement by 592 1 000. However if the Commission chooses to annualize the proj ects ' costs rather than deny the adj ustment outright until Avista s next rate case an adj ustment is required to eliminate the potential mismatch between revenues expenses and rate base.Using a ratio of revenues to plant and maintenance expense to plant proxy for imputed revenues and maintenance expense reductions can be developed.These ratios applied to the plant additions produces approximately $270 000 of Idaho electric revenue to be imputed and $30 000 of reduced Idaho electric maintenance expenses using a method similar to that identified in Order No. 295051 Case No. IPC-E- 03 -13 .Al though this methodology does not provide precedential value it offers the Commission the option to include new transmission investment in rate base while protecting customers from inequities of a mismatch. If these proj ects are included in this case the corrected annualized costs result in a $7 801/000 CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04-6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF rate base increase.As noted previously based upon the most recent Commission Order discussing this issue adjustment imputing revenue increases and expense reductions is required before these proj ects can be included in rate base without the inequities of a mismatch. The rate base amount of $7 801 000 reflects a change in depreciation rates to incorporate the Washington rates recommended by Staff witness English in this al ternati ve rate base calculation.See Staff Exhibit No. 103 for a table including these proposals. Has the Company annualized other construction proj ects completed in or after its proposed test year? Yes.The Company has annual i zed the Coyote Springs Small Generation and Cabinet Gorge proj ect costs. Has Staff accepted annualization of these Company-proposed adj ustments? Yes.The increased revenues or reduced expenses associated with these proj ects are included in the Company s power supply model and as a resul t provide adequate matching of the revenue and expenses these investments in plant. Cabinet Gorge Please explain why adj ustment E2 on Exhibi t No. CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF 102 page 1 of 3 reduces rate base for Cabinet Gorge. Adj ustment E2 relates to the Cabinet Gorge construction proj ect completed after the Company proposed 2002 test year.Based upon estimates of the total plant cost, the Company s proposed adj ustment (Company Exhibit No. page 9 of 10 column ai) increased Idaho electric rate base by $2 232 000 and reduced Idaho electric net operating income by $17/000. Staff proposes reducing the costs in the Company s filing associated with Cabinet Gorge to those actually incurred as of April 2004 because the project was completed in March 2004.Staff's adj ustment reduces the Company- proposed Idaho electric rate base by $110 000 and reduces the Company-proposed Idaho electric operating expenses for associated property and state income taxes by $2 000. After federal income taxes this adj ustment increases Idaho electric net operating income by 000.The ne effect of this adjustment is a $17 000 decrease in the Company s Idaho electric revenue requirement. Small Generation (Boulder Park and Kettle Falls) Please explain why adj ustment E3 on Exhibi t No. 102 page 1 of 3 reduces depreciation for Boulder Park. The Company s adj ustment to annualize the costs of Boulder Park (Company Exhibi t No. 14 page 7 of 101 column z which annualized costs for both Boulder Park and CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF Kettle Falls) used 5% as the depreciation rate for Account 344 (Generators) instead of 4.14% as approved by the State of Washington.Staff witness English recommends the Commission adopt the depreciation rates approved by the State of Washington.As a resul t Staff's proposed adj ustment reduces Idaho electric depreciation expense by $88 000 and reduces Idaho electric accumulated depreciation by $44 000.The after- tax effect is an increase in Idaho electric net operating income of $57 000 and an increase in Idaho electric rate base of $13/000.The net effect of this adjustment lS an $87 000 decrease in the Company s Idaho electric revenue requirement. Please explain why adj ustment E4 on Exhibi t No. 102 page 1 of 3 reduces Boulder Park costs by 10%. Staff witness Sterling has reviewed the Boulder Park cost overruns and recommends that 10% of the proj ect costs be disallowed.Staff's proposed adj ustment reduces Idaho electric rate base including changes in accumulated depreciation and taxes) by $1/085 1 000. Staff's proposed adj ustment also reduces Idaho electric depreciation expense by $44 000.This adj ustment after taxes increases Idaho electric net operating income by $31 000.The net effect of this adj ustment on the Company s Idaho electric revenue requirement is a CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF $205/000 decrease. Did Commission Staff review the prudency of the Kettle Falls proj ect costs? Staff wi tness Sterling reviewed theYes. proj ect costs and recommended allowance of all costs included in the Company s Pro forma adjustment for Kettle Falls. Skookumchuck Please explain why Staff proposes adjustment E5 on Exhibit No. 102/ page 1 of 3 related to Skookumchuck. Avista has entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement to sell its interest in the Skookumchuck hydroelectric plant (see Case No. AVU-04-On a going- forward basis / this plant is not used and useful because it will no longer be owned by the Company. Staff's proposed adj ustment removes the financial effects of this plant.Staff's adj ustment, after taxes / reduces Idaho electric rate base by $104 000/ increases Idaho electric net operating income by $8/000 and reduces the Company s Idaho electric revenue requirement by $28,000. Deferred Federal Income Tax Please explain why Staff proposes adjustment E6 on Exhibit No. 102/ page 1 of 3 to reduce deferred taxes in rate base. Pursuant to Internal Revenue Service tax CASE NOS. AVU-E- 04 -1/AVU-04-6/21/04 (Di)HARMS / P STAFF changes / Avista is now allowed to expense and deduct certain plant and inventory in the current period that were once required to be capi tal i zed.This tax benefit resulted in a 2003 refund on taxes paid by the Company in prlor years and is the basis of Staff's proposed $9/966/000 reduction in Idaho electric rate base.Staff witness English will provide additional details regarding this adj ustment, which reduces the Company s Idaho electric revenue requirement by 91/442/000. Coyote Springs Please explain why Staff proposes adjustment E7 on Exhibit No. 102/ page 1 of 3 that reduces the Company s Coyote Springs 2 Pro Forma adj ustment. The Company s filing (Company Exhibit No. 14, page 7 of 10/ column y) included Coyote Springs 2 proj ect costs that were a combination of actual and estimated costs.The Company s pro forma adj ustment increased Idaho electric rate base by $36/965/000 and decreased Idaho electric net operating income by $1/896/000.The adjustment proposed by Staff witness Stockton reduces the Company-proposed Idaho electric rate base by $1/621 000 and increases the Company-proposed Idaho electric net operating income by $172/000 to reflect actual costs as of the end of April 2004.This adjustment incorporates the latest insurance payment received by Avista for the CASE NOS. AVU-E- 04 -l/AVU-G- 04- 6/21/04 (Di)HARMS / P STAFF transformer and reduces the Company s Idaho electric revenue requirement by $504 000. Did Commission Staff review the prudency of the project's costs? Staff witness Sterling reviewed theYes. Coyote Springs 2 proj ect costs and recommended allowance of all incurred costs. Small Generation Options Please explain Staff's proposed adj ustment on Exhibit No. 102 page 2 of 3 that reduces the Company s Small Generation Options Pro Forma adj ustment. The Company s filing included capi tal proj ect costs associated wi th leased turbines that the Commission in Order No. 29130 stated should be removed from the Power Cost Adj ustment deferral accounts.These proj ects (Kettle Falls Bi-Fuel, Devil's Gap, and Othello) are not used and useful on a going- forward basis because the proj ects were never completed or beneficial to the customers.Staff's adj ustment as discussed in more detail by Staff witness Stockton l removes the rate base treatment of these proj ects.This adjustment reduces Idaho electric rate base by $539/000 and has no impact on Idaho electric net operating income.This adjustment reduces the Company s Idaho electric revenue requirement by $ 7 8 0 0 0 . CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF Labor (Executive and Non-Executive) Please explain why Staff proposes the adjustments to executive and non-executive labor expenses (adj ustments E9 and E10 on page 2 of 3/ Exhibi t No. 102) In its filing (Company Exhibit No. 14/ pages and 9 of 10/ columns ae and af) the Company proposed adjustments to these expense categories for expected increases.As a resul t / the Company s pro forma adjustment decreases Idaho electric net operating lncome by $705/000 and $15/000 for non-executive and executive labor / respectively.Staff wi tness Stockton discusses these adj ustments in more detail and proposes Staff adjustments E9 and E10 to reflect actual labor expenses incurred during 2004.These adjustments proposed by Staff increase Idaho electric net operating income by $26/000 for non-executive labor and $9/000 for executive labor.These adj ustments decrease the Company s Idaho electric revenue requirement by $41/000 (non-executive labor) and $14 000 (executive labor) Vegeta tion Management Please explain why Staff proposes adjustment Ell on Exhibit No. 102/ page 2 of 3 to vegetation management expenses. In its filing (Company Exhibit No. 14/ page of 10/ column ag) the Company proposed an adj ustment for CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 (Di)HARMS / P STAFF this expense category to reflect planned increases in these vegetation management expenses as discussed in more detail by Staff wi tness Stockton.The Company-proposed adjustment reduces Idaho electric net operating income by $785/000. The adjustment proposed by Staff represents an average of the actual amounts expended for vegetation management during 1998 through 2003.Thi s average reflects the variability in the amount expended from year to year due to the cyclical nature of the vegetation management program and recognizes that the amount recorded in the test year is abnormally low in comparison to other years.This adj ustment increases Idaho electric net operating income by $288/000.This adj ustment reduces the Company s Idaho electric revenue requirement by $451/000. Accounts Receivable Fees Please explain why Staff proposes to remove accounts receivable fees in adjustment E12 on Exhibit No. 102 on page 2 of These fees are associated wi th the Accounts Receivable Sale Program.Staff wi tness Stockton discusses this adj ustment In more detail.Staff has removed these fees from the filed expenses and increased Idaho electric net operating income by $357/000 because CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 (Di)HARMS / P STAFF the Company states that this program is like a working capital addition to rate base.Staff witness Stockton has calculated a negative cash working capi tal for the Company.As a resul t working capi tal should not be included in the Company s filing.This adj ustment reduces the Company s Idaho electric revenue requirement by $ 5 5 8 0 0 0 . Pensions Please explain why Staff proposes adjustment E13 on Exhibit No. 102 on page 2 of 3 to pensions. Staff witness English addresses this adjustment in his testimony.He disagrees with the Company treatment of pension expense because the Company uses an actuarial assumption of future rates of return that are significantly different than those used for 2004. Additionally he believes that recovery of pension expense in this case should be based on the actual amount of cash that a company is required to contribute to the penslon plan to meet its minimum funding liability and avoid interest and penal ties.Staff's proposed adjustment increases Idaho electric net operating lncome by $554,000.This adj ustment reduces the Company s Idaho electric revenue requirement by $867 000. CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF Depreciation Expense Please explain why Staff proposes adjustment E14 on Exhibit No. 102 on page 2 of 3 to depreciation expense. Staff recommends that the Company depreciation rates authorized be the same as those in its Washington jurisdiction because logic dictates that plant in Idaho would not depreciate faster than the same plant in Washington.Staff witness English discusses this adj ustment in further detail and notes that the current overall depreciation rates of Avista for its Idaho jurisdiction are significantly higher than rates more recently approved by this Commission.The adjustment increases Idaho electric net operating income by $432 000 and reduces the Company s Idaho electric revenue requirement by $676 000. Corporate Fees Please explain why Staff proposes adj ustment E15 on Exhibit No. 102 on page 2 of 3 related to Corporate Fees. Staff proposes reducing these expenses to reflect costs attributable to the Company s affiliates. Staff witness Stockton discusses this adjustment in greater detail.The adjustment increases Idaho electric net operating income by $ 7 4 000 and reduces the Company CASE NOS. AVU-E- 04 -l/AVU-G- 04- 6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF Idaho electric revenue requirement by $116/000. Legal Expenses Please describe Staff adjustment E16 on Exhibit No. 102 (page 3 of 3) related to legal expenses. This adjustment reduces expenses for legal costs that should have been directly assigned to unregulated affiliates or were for extraordinary events that will not recur (such as the bankruptcy filing Enron Corporation and the closed Federal Energy Regulatory Commission investigation) Staff witness English discusses this adjustment in greater detail. This adjustment increases Idaho electric net operating income by $366/000 and reduces the Company s Idaho electric revenue requirement by $573/000. Miscellaneous Expenses Please describe Staff adj ustment E1 7 on Exhibi t No. 102 (page 3 of 3) related to miscellaneous expenses. Staff witness English proposes reducing expenses by amounts pertaining to the promotion of corporate image/ holiday lunches and charitable organi za t ions.This adjustment increases Idaho electric net operating income by $250/000 and reduces the Company s Idaho electric revenue requirement by $391 000. CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04-6/21/04 (Di)HARMS / P STAFF Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WEEC) Dues Please explain why Staff proposes adj ustment E18 on Exhibit No. 102 (page 3 of 3) related to WECC dues. The Company is no longer a member of WECC and therefore is no longer incurring the expenses for WECC administrative and security dues.Staff's adjustment increases Idaho electric net operating income by $10 000 and reduces the Company s Idaho electric revenue requirement by $16 000. Avista is still incurring expenses associated with the Pacific Northwest Security Coordinator (PNSC) and as a result Staff has not adjusted the expenses associated with the PNSC. Advertising Expenses Please explain why Staff proposes adjustment E19 on Exhibit No. 102 (page 3 of 3) to advertising expenses. Staff has removed costs associated with advertising expenses that include the naming rights contract for Avista Stadium and rotunda signage at the Spokane airport (see Staff Exhibit No. 104 for a further description of these and other advertising costs) Due to the nature of this advertising the Company did not provide copies of them to Staf f Staf f has observed the CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 HARMS STAFF (Di) Avista slgn at the airport and photographs of the Avista Stadium sign; neither provides educational messages related to the Company s operations.Therefore, this advertising is image related and should be recorded below-the-line. Staff's adj ustment also removes expenses associated with the Company s sponsorship of Spokane Hoopfest and the Spokane Interplayers Ensemble. While Staff does not discourage Avista from providing sponsorships and Company presence in its communi ty these expenses should be recorded as below- the-line expenses that are not paid by regulated customers.This Commission has consistently disallowed charitable contributions and image advertising for ratemaking purposes.These costs should continue to be disallowed for ratemaking purposes because they are not a cost of providing electrical service to the Company customers. Finally Staff has removed the expenses allocated to the utili ty ' s electrical operations for an educational radio spot relating to the reduction in natural gas expenses residential customers were to pay in 2002.These costs are not appropriate for the electrical utility and should have been allocated only to the Company s gas operations. CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04-6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF Staff's adj ustment for the preceding items increases Idaho electric net operating income by $36 000 and reduces the Company s Idaho electric revenue requirement by $56 000. Avista Foundation Please explain why Staff proposes adjustment E20 on Exhibit No. 102 on page 3 of 3 related to Avista Foundation. The Avista Foundation (Foundation) is a charitable organization that was created by Avista Corp. While Staff does not discourage the charitable efforts of the Company the costs (primarily consulting/legal fees) associated with the creation of the Foundation are not related to the provision of electrical service to customers and should be removed from the Company filing.The adjustment increases Idaho electric net operating income by $5,000 and reduces the Company Idaho electric revenue requirement by $8 000. Restate Debt Interest Please describe Staff adjustment E21 on Exhibit No. 102 page 3 of 3 related to the restatement of debt interest. This adjustment restates debt interest uslng the Staff -proposed embedded weighted average cost of debt and applies this percentage (4.69%) to Staff's pro forma CASE NOS. AVU-E- 04 -l/AVU-G- 04- 6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF rate base.This restatement decreases the Idaho electric current federal income tax accrual by $9/000 and reduces the Company s Idaho electric revenue requirement by $14 000. Deferred Return on Coyote Springs 2 proj ect Please describe Exhibit No. 105 that calculates a deferred return on the Coyote Springs 2 proj ect. Line 22 on this exhibit reflects the deferred Idaho electric revenue requirement per million dollars of Coyote Springs 2 gross plant.This $13/054 is the difference between the present value of the revenue requirement return of $119/155 In year one (line 19) and the levelized return of $106/101 (line 21) .This deferral changes from year to year because the revenue requirement associated wi th the Coyote Springs 2 proj ect decreases each year as a resul t of increasing accumulated depreciation. The deferral account activity (lines 26 through 30 on Exhibit No. 105) shows that the deferral of return is reversed wi thin the ten-year period.This confirms that the overall effect of this proposal is to defer the return and not deny the return on the Coyote Springs proj ect Full recovery of this return deferral completed in year 10 as shown on line 30. Because this deferral is reflected on Exhibit CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04-6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF No. 1011 line 8 after the conversion factor has been appliedl the Idaho electric deferral amount of $8 345 (line 28) must be grossed up for ratemaking purposes to reflect the deferral on the same basis as the Idaho electric revenue requirement deficiency on Exhibit No. 101 line This resul ts in an Idaho electric deferral of $13 054 per million dollars of Coyote Springs 2 gross plant or $486/797 as reflected on Exhibit No. 1011 line and no t e ( 1) Does this conclude your direct testimony in this electric proceeding? Yes, it does. GAS SECTION What exhibits are you sponsorlng associated with the gas utility operations? I am sponsoring Staff Exhibit Nos. 106 and 107. These exhibi ts outline Staff's proposed Idaho gas revenue requirement and itemize Staff's adjustments to Avista proposed test year numbers for the gas operations. also prepared Staff Exhibit No. 108 related to the advertising adj ustment proposed by Staff in this gas case. What is the purpose of Staff Exhibit No. 106? This exhibit shows the overall natural gas net operating income requirement, revenue requirement CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 HARMS STAFF (Di) def iciency and percent increase for the Idaho jurisdiction as calculated by Staff andl for comparison purposes as calculated by the Company. What revenue requirement does Staff propose? The total Idaho gas net operating lncome requirement proposed by Staff is $5 445 000 as shown on Staff Exhibit No. 106 line This resul ts in an overall Idaho gas base rate increase of $3 105 1 000 (line 7) or 5.98% (line 9) .The Company had calculated an overall Idaho gas base rate increase of $4 754 1 000 16%. How is this revenue requirement calculated? Staff calculated the Idaho gas revenue requirement using Avista s proposed 2002 proformed test year , Staff's adj ustments, and Staff's proposed rate of return. What is the purpose of Staff Exhibit No. 107? This schedule shows the Company Pro Forma Gas Total (from Company Exhibit No. 151 page 7 of 81 last column) in the first column, Staff's proposed adjustments in the ~ucceeding columns, and Staff's Pro Forma Gas Total in the last column. AVISTA' S PRO FORMA TOTALS How did Avista calculate its Pro Forma Totals on Company wi tness Falkner s Exhibit No. 15, page 7 of CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 HARMS STAFF (Di) (last column)? The Company presented Idaho gas financial results for the 2002 test year that were revised by Standard Commission Basis Adjustments as well as additional pro forma and normalizing adjustments.Staff wi tness Stockton discusses the Company s Standard Commission Basis Adjustments (Company Exhibit No. 151 pages 4 through 6, columns c through 0) and proposes the Commission adopt them except for the Company s gas inventory adj ustment that increases Idaho gas rate base by $1/572 1 000 (Company Exhibit No. 151 page 4 column e) The Gas Inventory section of this testimony and Staff witness Stockton s testimony discuss Staff's view of this adj ustment in greater detail. What does Staff recommend regarding each adj ustment proposed by the Company in columns p through t on Company Exhibit No. 151 pages 6 through The Commission Staff places these known and measurable adjustments into two categories.First there lS one adjustment Staff accepts as reasonable in the amount proposed by the Company.Second the remaining adj ustments proposed by Avista have meri but require a modification.I will discuss each adjustment category and each adj ustment individually. CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 HARMS STAFF (Di) In addition to the Standard Commission Basis Adjustments which Avista pro forma adjustment does Staff recommend the Commission adopt? Staff recommends the Commission adopt Avista Pro Forma Insurance adj ustment proposed in Company Exhibit No. 151 page 7 of 81 column r.This adjustment increases Idaho gas operating expenses by $202,000. Staff witness Stockton testifies to these costs in greater detail. Which Avista pro forma adjustments have merit but should be attributed a different dollar amount than that proposed by the Company? The adjustments to labor costs (executive and non-executive) proposed by the Company in columns s and t on Company Exhibi t No. 15 page 7 of 8 should be revised to represent actual costs as discussed in Staff wi tness Stockton s testimony. The Pro Forma Revenue Gas Supply adj ustment proposed in Company Exhibit No. 15, page 6 of 8, column p decreases Idaho gas net operating income by $112 000. Staff witness Fuss discusses the Company s Gas Supply adjustment and proposes a minor adjustment related to it. The adj ustment to pension costs proposed by the Company in column q on Company Exhibit No. 151 page 7 of 8 should be revised as discussed later in my testimony CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 HARMS STAFF (Di) and in Staff witness English's testimony.Staff' revisions to these adjustments are included on Staff Exhibit No. 107. Gas Inventory Please describe Staff's adjustment Gl on Exhibit No. 107 page 1 of 2 that reduces Idaho gas rate base for gas inventory. The first adjustment eliminates gas inventory from rate base as discussed in greater detail by Staff wi tness Stockton.Inventory is a component of working capi tal.Because the Company is not eligible to rate base and earn a return on cash working capi tall it should be removed from rate base.Staff witness Stockton discusses this adj ustment in further detail.This adjustment reduces Idaho gas rate base by $1/572 1 000 and decreases the Company s Idaho gas revenue requirement by $227/000. Deferred Federal' Income Tax Please explain why Staff proposes adj ustment on Exhibit No. 107 page 1 of 2 to reduce deferred taxes in rate base. Pursuant to Internal Revenue Service tax changes Avista is now allowed to expense and deduct certain plant and inventory in the current period that were once required to be capitalized.This tax benefit CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF resulted in a 2003 refund on taxes paid by the Company in prlor years and is the basis of Staff's $2,639,000 reduction in Idaho gas rate base.This adjustment reduces the Company s Idaho gas revenue requirement by $382/000.Staff witness English will provide additional details regarding this adjustment. Labor (Executive and Non-Executive) Please explain why Staff proposes adjustments G3 and G4 on Exhibit No. 107 page 1 of 2 to executive and non-executive labor. In its filing (Company Exhibit No. 151 page of 81 columns s and t) the Company proposed adjustments to these labor expense categories for expected increases. The Company-proposed adj ustments decreased Idaho gas net operating income by $174 000 and $8/000 for non-executive and executive labor respectively.Staff witness Stockton discusses these adj ustments in more detail and proposes adjustments to reflect actual labor expenses incurred during 2004.The adjustments proposed by Staff increase Idaho gas net operating income by $2 000 for executive labor and $6/000 for non-executive labor. These adj ustments reduce the Company s Idaho gas revenue requirement by $3/000 (executive labor) and $9/000 (non- executive labor) CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF Accounts Receivable Fees Please explain why Staff proposes to remove account receivable fees in adj ustment G5 on Exhibi t No. 107 page 1 0 f 2. These fees are associated with the Accounts Receivable Sale Program.Staff witness Stockton discusses this adj ustment In more detail.Staff has removed these fees from the filed expenses because the Company states that this program is like a working capi tal addi tion to rate base.Staff wi tness Stockton has calculated a negative cash working capi tal for the Company.As a resul t working capi tal should not be included in the Company s filing.This adj ustment increases Idaho gas net operating income by $56 000 and reduces the Company s Idaho gas revenue requirement by $88 000. Pens ions Please explain why Staff proposes adj ustment on Exhibit 107 page 1 of 2 to pensions. Staff witness English addresses this adjustment in his testimony.He disagrees wi th the Company treatment of pension expense because the Company uses an actuarial assumption of future rates of return that are significantly different than those used for 2004. Additionally he believes that recovery of pension CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF expense in this case should be based on the actual amount of cash that a company is required to contribute to the pension plan to meet its minimum funding liability and avoid interest and penalties.Staff's proposed adjustment increases Idaho gas net operating income by $137,000 and decreases the Company s Idaho gas revenue requirement by $214 000 . Depreciation Expense Please explain why Staff proposes adj ustment on Exhibit No. 107 page 1 of 2 to depreciation expense. Staff recommends that the Company depreciation rates authorized be the same as those in its Washington jurisdiction because logic dictates that plant in Idaho would not depreciate faster than the same plant in Washington.Staff witness English discusses this adjustment in further detail and notes that the current overall depreciation rates of Avista for its Idaho jurisdiction are significantly higher than rates more recently approved by this Commission.The adj ustment increases Idaho gas net operating income by $28 000 and reduces the Company s Idaho gas revenue requirement by $44/000. Legal Expenses Please describe Staff adjustment G8 on Exhibit No. 107 page 2 of 2 related to legal expenses. CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 HARMS STAFF (Di) This adjustment reduces expenses for legal costs that should have been directly assigned to affiliates or were for extraordinary events that will not recur (such as the bankruptcy filing of Enron Corporation) as discussed in greater detail by Staff witness English.This adjustment increases Idaho gas net operating lncome by $13,000 and reduces the Company Idaho gas revenue requirement by $20 000 . Miscellaneous Expenses Please describe Staff adjustment G9 on Exhibit No. 107 page 2 of 2 related to miscellaneous expenses. Staff witness English proposes reducing expenses by amounts pertaining to the promotion of corporate image holiday lunches and charitable organi za t ions.This adj ustment increases Idaho gas net operating income by $ 71,000 and reduces the Company Idaho gas revenue requirement by $111 000. Corpora te Fees Please explain why Staff proposes adjustment G10 on Exhibit No. 107 page 2 of 2 related to Corporate Fees. Staff proposes reducing these expenses to reflect costs attributable to the Company s affiliates. The adjustment increases Idaho gas net operating income by $17 , 000 and reduces the Company s Idaho gas revenue CASE NOS. AVU-E- 04 -l/AVU-G- 04-6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF requirement by $271 000 .Staff witness Stockton discusses this adjustment in greater detail. Advertising Expenses Please explain why Staff proposes adj ustment G11 on Exhibit No. 107 , page 2 of 2 to advertising expenses. Staff has removed costs associated with advertising expenses that include the naming rights contract for Avista Stadium and rotunda signage at the Spokane airport (see Staff Exhibit No. 108 for a further description of these and other advertising costs) Due to the nature of this advertising the Company did not provide copies of them to Staf f .Staff has observed the Avista sign at the airport and photographs of the Avista Stadium sign; neither provides educational messages related to the Company s operations.Therefore, this advertising is lmage related and should be recorded below-the-line. Staff's adj ustment also removes expenses associated with the Company s sponsorship of Spokane Hoopfest and the Spokane Interplayers Ensemble (see Staff Exh i bit No.1 0 8) While Staff does not discourage the Company from providing sponsorships and Company presence in its communi ty these expenses should be recorded as below- CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 HARMS STAFF (Di) the-line expenses that are not paid by regulated customers.This Commission has consistently disallowed charitable contributions and image advertising for ratemaking purposes.These costs should continue to be disallowed for ratemaking purposes because they are not a cost of providing gas service to the Company s customers. Finally Staff has added expenses originally allocated to the utili ty' s electrical operations for an educational radio spot relating to the reduction in natural gas expenses residential customers were to pay In 2002 .These costs are more appropriately wholly allocated to the Company s gas operations. Staff's net adj ustment for the preceding items lncreases Idaho gas net operating income by $6/000 and decreases the Company s Idaho gas revenue requirement by $9/000. Avista Foundation Please explain why Staff proposes adjustment G12 on Exhibit No. 107 , page 2 of 2 related to Avista Foundation. The Avista Foundation (Foundation) lS a charitable organization that was created by Avista Corp. While Staff does not discourage the charitable efforts the Company the costs (primarily consultant/legal fees) associated with the creation of the Foundation are not CASE NOS. AVU-E- 04 -l/AVU-G- 04- 6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF related to the provision of gas servlce to customers and should be removed from the Company s filing.The adj ustment lncreases Idaho gas net operating income by 000 and decreases the Company s Idaho gas revenue requirement by $2 000 . Actual Therm Usage Please describe Staff adjustment G13 on Exhibit No. 107, page 2 of 2 related to the Company s Cost of Service Study. Staff witness Fuss identified this adjustment during his review of the Company s Cost of Service Study and provides further detail about it in his testimony. The Company understated revenue when calculating its Pro Forma Gas Supply adj ustment The actual therm usage adj ustment reduces the Company s Idaho gas revenue requirement by $231 000 . Schedule M Allocator Please describe Staff adj ustment G14 on Exhibit No. 107 , page 2 of 2 related to the Company Jurisdictional Separation Study. Staff witness Fuss identified this adjustment during his review of the Company s Jurisdictional Separation Study and describes the reason for it in his testimony.He recommends and the Company agrees that the appropriate allocator be used to distribute certain CASE NOS. AVU-E- 04 -l/AVU-G- 04- 6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF gas costs.This adj ustment reduces Idaho s share of taxes.The Company Idaho reduced by $ 0 0 0 . Restate Debt Interest gas revenue requirement is Please describe Staff adjustment G15 on Exhibit No. 107 , page 2 of 2 related to the restatement of debt interest. This adjustment restates debt interest uslng the Staff -proposed embedded weighted average cost of debt and applies this percentage (4.69%) to Staff's pro forma rate base.This restatement increases the current Idaho gas federal lncome tax accrual by $491 000 and increases the Staff -proposed Idaho gas revenue requirement by $77 000. Does this conclude your direct testimony in thi s gas proceeding? Yes l it does. CASE NOS. AVU-04-1/AVU-04- 6/21/04 (Di)HARMS STAFF AVISTA UTILITIES STAFF'S CALCULATION OF GENERAL REVENUE REQUIREMENT IDAHO ELECTRIC SYSTEM TEST YEAR 2002 (ODD'S OF DOLLARS) Line STAFF COMPANY No.Descri tion IDAHO IDAHO Pro Forma Rate Base $418 277 $440 207 Proposed Rate of Return 250%820% Net Operating Income Requirement $38 691 $43 228 Pro Forma Net Operating Income $23 627 $20 712 Net Operating Income Deficiency $15 064 $22 516 Conversion Factor 63926135 63926135 Revenue Requirement Deficiency $23 565 $35 222 Levelized Deferred (1) Return on Coyote Springs 2 (487) $35 222Revised Revenue RequIrement Deficiency $23 078 Total General Business Revenues $146 248 $146 248 Percentage Revenue Increase 15.78%24.08% Revenue Increase without Levelization 16.11% (1) This reflects the deferral of the Company s return on the Coyote Springs 2 plant for the first 10 years of its life. The deferral is calculated on Staff Exhibit No. 105. The effect of this deferral is $13 054 per $1 million in Coyote Springs 2 gross plant. Total gross plant as proposed by Staff witness Stockton equals 37 291 000 multiplied by 054 486 797 487 per million at OOOs level. Exhibit No. 101 Case No. A VU-04- A VU -04- P. Harms, Staff 6/21/04 0' \ " " d ~ ~ ~ ~ "" d ~ CZ J r: / J (J Q ..- t - (1 ) ~ .. . . . . ~ t1 1 ~ ~ CZ J : : r ' (1 ) . . . . . . . cr ' ... . . . . ..- t - . Z I ~ Cl t1 1 .. . . . . ... . . . ... . . . LI n e No . DE S C R I P T I O N RE V E N U E S To t a l G e n e r a l B u s i n e s s In t e r d e p a r t m e n t a l S a l e s Sa l e s f o r R e s a l e To t a l S a l e s o f E l e c t r i c i t y Ot h e r R e v e n u e To t a l E l e c t r i c R e v e n u e EX P E N S E S Pr o d u c t i o n a n d T r a n s m i s s i o n Op e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s Pu r c h a s e d P o w e r De p r e c i a t i o n a n d A m o r t i z a t i o n Ta x e s To t a l P r o d u c t i o n & T r a n s m i s s i o n Dis t r i b u t i o n Op e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s De p r e c i a t i o n Ta x e s To t a l D i s t r i b u t i o n Cu s t o m e r A c c o u n t i n g Cu s t o m e r S e r v i c e & I n f o r m a t i o n Sa l e s E x p e n s e s Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e & G e n e r a l Op e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s De p r e c i a t i o n Ta x e s To t a l A d m i n . & G e n e r a l To t a l E l e c t r i c E x p e n s e s OP E R A T I N G I N C O M E B E F O R E F I T FE D E R A L I N C O M E T A X Cu r r e n t A c c r u a l De f e r r e d I n c o m e T a x e s NE T O P E R A T I N G I N C O M E ( l i n e 2 4 - lin e 2 5 - lin e 2 6 ) RA T E B A S E PL A N T I N S E R V I C E In t a n g i b l e Pr o d u c t i o n Tr a n s m i s s i o n Di s t r i b u t i o n Ge n e r a l To t a l P l a n t i n S e r v i c e AC C U M U L A T E D D E P R E C I A T I O N AC C U M . P R O V I S I O N F O R A M O R T I Z A T I O N To t a l A c c u n l . D e p r e c i a t i o n & A m o r t . GA I N O N S A L E O F B U I L D I N G DE F E R R E D T A X E S TO T A L R A T E B A S E ( l i n e 3 3 - lin e 3 6 + l i n e 3 7 + l i n e 3 8 ) RE V E N U E R E Q U I R E M E N T I N C R E A S E ( D E C R E A S E ) AV I S T A U T I L I T I E S ST A F F P R O F O R M A I D A H O E L E C T R I C R E S U L T S O F O P E R A T I O N TW E L V E M O N T H S E N D E D D E C E M B E R 3 1 20 0 2 (O D D ' S O F D O L L A R S ) Co m p a n y Pr o F o r m a TO T A L ST A F F ' S A D J U S T M E N T S : El Ca b i n e t Tr a n s m i s s i o n Go r e e Bo u l d e r Pa r k D e p r . Bo u l d e r Pa r k D i s a l l o w . Sk o o k u m - ch u c k De f e r r e d FI T Co y o t e Sp r i n e : s 2 $1 4 6 13 8 11 0 97 6 16 3 22 4 70 1 16 7 92 5 (4 ) (4 ) 44 7 55 9 84 6 89 4 74 6 (2 ) (1 7 4 ) (2 3 2 ) (8 8 ) (4 4 ) (1 0 ) (9 4 ) (1 2 6 ) (2 ) (4 ) (4 ) (3 5 8 ) (2 ) (8 7 ) (4 8 ) (1 6 ) (2 6 8 ) 49 5 67 0 09 7 26 2 29 6 48 0 42 1 88 9 87 8 76 8 14 3 97 3 65 ) (4 8 ) (3 5 4 ) (2 ) (8 7 ) 35 4 26 4 (1 4 0 ) (2 ) $2 3 0 $5 7 C1 6 2 95 2 26 5 77 4 46 6 $3 1 $1 7 2 $2 0 71 2 35 3 31 0 20 8 (1 1 1 ) 06 2 ) (1 9 9 ) 32 4 ) 10 9 16 2 71 8 ) (2 7 ) 51 9 25 7 16 5 36 3 (3 ) 72 4 25 1 71 8 ) (1 1 1 ) 09 2 ) (1 9 9 ) 80 5 ) 21 8 45 8 (1 2 5 ) (4 4 ) (2 2 ) (6 8 ) (9 5 ) 36 8 22 1 82 6 (1 2 5 ) (4 4 ) (2 2 ) (6 8 ) (9 5 ) (6 2 5 ) (6 1 59 3 ) (3 1 ) (1 5 ) 96 6 ) $4 4 0 20 7 ($ 8 51 8 ) ($ 1 1 0 ) $1 3 ($ 1 08 5 ) ($ 1 0 4 ) ($ 9 96 6 ) ($ 1 62 1 ) $3 1 29 7 ($ 1 59 2 ) ($ 1 7 ) -- - - . l $ 8 7 ) ($ 2 0 5 ) ($ 2 8 ) ($ 1 44 2 ) ($ 5 0 4 ) . ' AV I S T A U T I L I T I E S ST A F F P R O F O R M A I D A H O E L E C T R I C R E S U L T S O F O P E R A T I O N TW E L V E M O N T H S E N D E D D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 2 0 0 2 (O O O ' S O F D O L L A R S ) ST A F F ' S A D J U S T M E N T S ( c o n t i n u e d ) : EI 0 El l E1 2 E1 3 E1 4 E1 5 LI n e Sm a l l La b o r La b o r Ve g e t a t i o n Ac c t s . R e c . Pe n s i o n De p r . Co r p . No . DE S C R I P T I O N Ge n . 0 ti o n s (N o n - Ex e c . (E x e c . Ma n a e m e n t Fe e s en s e Ex e n s e Fe e s RE V E N U E S To t a l G e n e r a l B u s i n e s s In t e r d e p a r t m e n t a l S a l e s Sa l e s f o r R e s a l e To t a l S a l e s o f E l e c t r i c i t y Ot h e r R e v e n u e To t a l E l e c t r i c R e v e n u e EX P E N S E S Pr o d u c t i o n a n d T r a n s m i s s i o n Op e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s (1 2 ) (2 9 6 ) Pu r c h a s e d P o w e r De p r e c i a t i o n a n d A m o r t i z a t i o n (1 3 7 ) Ta x e s To t a l P r o d u c t i o n & T r a n s m i s s i o n (1 2 ) (2 9 6 ) (1 3 7 ) Di s t r i b u t i o n Op e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s (2 ) (4 5 3 ) (2 0 3 ) De p r e c i a t i o n (3 4 8 ) Ta x e s To t a l D i s t r i b u t i o n (1 ) (4 4 8 ) (2 0 3 ) (3 4 1 ) Cu s t o m e r A c c o u n t i n g (7 ) (5 5 6 ) (1 0 6 ) Cu s t o m e r S e r v i c e & I n f o n n a t i o n (2 ) Sa l e s E x p e n s e s (1 ) (1 4 ) Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e & G e n e r a l Op e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s (1 9 ) (1 7 ) (2 4 0 ) (1 1 5 ) De p r e c i a t i o n (1 8 6 ) Ta x e s To t a l A d m i n . & G e n e r a l (1 9 ) (1 7 ) (2 3 1 ) (1 8 6 ) (1 1 5 To t a l E l e c t r i c E x p e n s e s (4 0 (1 4 (4 4 3 ) (5 5 0 85 2 66 4 ) 11 4 OP E R A T I N G I N C O M E B E F O R E F I T 44 3 55 0 85 2 66 4 11 4 0\ ~ tT j FE D E R A L I N C O M E T A X -- - " ~ & Cu r r e n t A c c r u a l 15 5 19 3 29 8 23 2 "" ' . De f e r r e d I n c o m e T a x e s -- - ~ cr " Z~ . NE T O P E R A T I N G I N C O M E ( l i n e 2 4 - li n e 2 5 - l i n e 2 6 ) $2 6 $2 8 8 $3 5 7 $5 5 4 $4 3 2 $7 4 ~ ~ CI ) ? Z r: / 1 ~ ~ RA T E B A S E (J q rl - ... . . . . PL A N T I N S E R V I C E Ce O In t a n g i b l e I I CJ t T j Pr o d u c t i o n (8 2 9 ) Tr a n s m i s s i o n Di s t r i b u t i o n Ge n e r a l .. . . . . . ~ To t a l P l a n t i n S e r v i c e (8 2 9 ) AC C U M U L A T E D D E P R E C I A T I O N AC C U M . P R O V I S I O N F O R A M O R T I Z A T I O N To t a l A c c u m . D e p r e c i a t i o n & A m o r t . GA I N O N S A L E O F B U I L D I N G DE F E R R E D T A X E S 29 0 TO T A L R A T E B A S E ( l i n e 3 3 - li n e 3 6 + l i n e 3 7 + l i n e 3 8 ) ($ 5 3 9 ) RE V E N U E R E Q U I R E M E N T I N C R E A S E ( D E C R E A S E ) ($ 7 8 ) ($ 4 1 ) ($ 1 4 ) ($ 4 5 1 ) ($ 5 5 8 ) ($ 8 6 7 ) ($ 6 7 6 ) ($ 1 1 6 ) 0' \ ' " " d -- - . :: r : -- - ~ ~ S '" " d y (f J r: / l (J Q . - + (' t I ~ u. J u. J t: ' r 1 ~ & (' t I ,. . . . . . r: Y ? Z ~~ : ~~ S Cl t:' r 1 -- ~ Li n e No . AV I S T A U T I L I T I E S ST A F F P R O F O R M A I D A H O E L E C T R I C R E S U L T S O F O P E R A T I O N TW E L V E M O N T H S E N D E D D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 2 0 0 2 (O D D ' S O F D O L L A R S ) ST A F F ' S A D J U S T M E N T S ( c o n t i n u e d ) : E1 6 E1 7 E1 8 Le g a l Mi s c . WE C C Ex e n s e s Ex e n s e s Ex e n s e s E1 9 Ad v e r t i s i n g Ex e n s e s E2 0 Av i n a Fo u n d a t i o n E2 1 De b t I n t . Re s t a t e Sta f f Pr o F o r m a TO T A L DE S C R I P T I O N RE V E N U E S To t a l G e n e r a l B u s i n e s s In t e r d e p a r t m e n t a l S a l e s Sa l e s f o r R e s a l e To t a l S a l e s o f E l e c t r i c i t y Oth e r R e v e n u e To t a l E l e c t r i c R e v e n u e EX P E N S E S Pr o d u c t i o n a n d T r a n s m i s s i o n Op e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s Pu r c h a s e d P o w e r De p r e c i a t i o n a n d A m o r t i z a t i o n Ta x e s To t a l P r o d u c t i o n & T r a n s m i s s i o n Di s t r i b u t i o n Op e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s De p r e c i a t i o n Ta x e s To t a l D i s t r i b u t i o n Cu s t o m e r A c c o u n t i n g Cu s t o m e r S e r v i c e & I n f o n n a t i o n Sa l e s E x p e n s e s Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e & G e n e r a l Op e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s De p r e c i a t i o n Ta x e s To t a l A d m i n . & G e n e r a l To t a l E l e c t r i c E x p e n s e s OP E R A T I N G I N C O M E B E F O R E F I T FE D E R A L I N C O M E T A X CU I T e n t A c c r u a l De f e I T e d I n c o m e T a x e s NE T O P E R A T I N G I N C O M E ( l i n e 2 4 - l i n e 2 5 - l i n e 2 6 ) RA T E B A S E PL A N T I N S E R V I C E In t a n g i b l e Pr o d u c t i o n Tr a n s n u s s i o n Di s t r i b u t i o n Ge n e r a l To t a l P l a n t i n S e r v i c e AC C U M U L A T E D D E P R E C I A T I O N AC C U M . P R O V I S I O N F O R A M O R T I Z A T I O N To t a l A c c U I l l . D e p r e c i a t i o n & A m o r t . GA I N O N S A L E O F B U I L D I N G DE F E R R E D T A X E S TO T A L R A T E B A S E ( l i n e 3 3 - l i n e 3 6 + l i n e 3 7 + l i n e 3 8 ) RE V E N U E R E Q U I R E M E N T I N C R E A S E ( D E C R E A S E ) (4 5 4 ) (1 5 ) (4 5 4 ) (1 5 ) (1 1 5 ) (3 8 8 ) 10 9 ) (5 6 3 (3 8 4 ) 38 4 (1 5 ) 56 3 38 4 19 7 13 4 $3 6 6 $2 5 0 $1 0 ($ 5 7 3 ) ($ 3 9 1 ) $1 6 ) (5 6 ) $3 6 $5 6 ) (8 ) ($ 8 ) $1 4 6 13 8 11 0 97 6 16 3 22 4 69 7 16 7 92 1 50 2 55 9 24 1 75 9 06 1 83 7 32 2 12 4 28 3 62 7 47 8 35 0 98 7 69 2 70 0 13 9 49 9 42 2 (9 ) 45 4 34 1 $2 3 62 7 35 3 30 4 68 3 10 1 93 6 25 7 16 5 36 0 71 1 49 7 21 8 10 4 36 8 22 1 47 2 (6 2 5 ) (7 1 12 3 ) ($ 1 4 ) $4 1 8 27 7 $2 3 56 5 O' \ ~ nt r j -- . P' ~ :: r : r J J :: r -- P' ( " D ... . . . ~ s z ~ rJ J ~ Z Cf . ) ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~c c o I U J CJ t r j +: : . + : : . ~ ~ AV I S T A U T I L I T I E S EL E C T R I C T R A N S M I S S I O N A D J U S T M E N T (O D D ' S O F D O L L A R S ) (E X H I B I T N O . 1 0 2 , P A G E 1 O F 3 , E 1 ) Ca l c u l a t i o n o f A d j u s t m e n t t o R a t e B a s e f o r T r a n s m i s s i o n P r o j e c t s Li n e No . ID A H O J U R I S D I C T I O N Pl a n t Me t h o d o f C a l c u l a t i o n : Av i s t a M e t h o d : An n u a l i z a t i o n o f E n g i n e e r i n g E s t i m a t e s 05 0 St a f f M e t h o d : Ac t u a l C o s t s a s i f i n P l a c e 1 2 / 3 1 / 0 2 Ac c u m . De p r . De f e r r e d F I T (R a t e B a s e ) Im p u t e d Re v e n u e s Ma i n t e n a n c e Ex p e n s e Bo o k D e p r . Pr o p e r t y Ex p e n s e Ta x e s 25 2 Id a h o S t a t e Cu r r e n t F I T In c o m e T a x Ac c r u a l 13 6 (4 ) (2 8 5 ) De f e r r e d FI T ( O p t g . St m t . ) 15 0 (2 1 ) 12 6 (7 5 ) Al t e r n a t i v e M e t h o d n o t u s e d b y S t a f f : Ac t u a l C o s t s A n n u a l i z e d * 97 8 Al t e r n a t i v e M e t h o d D i f f e r e n c e : (A l t e r n a t i v e m i n u s A v i s t a M e t h o d ) 07 2 ) Im p u t e d R e v e n u e I n c r e a s e : Im p u t e d M a i n t e n a n c e C o s t D e c r e a s e : 33 2 (3 0 ) 22 5 11 2 (6 5 ) 27 0 (3 0 ) (2 7 ) * T h i s l i n e d o e s n o t i n c l u d e r e s t a t e m e n t o f d e b t i n t e r e s t e x p e n s e a f f e c t o n t h e c u r r e n t a c c r u a l f o r F e d e r a l I n c o m e T a x ( F I T ) . (1 4 ) 27 0 $2 7 0 $3 0 12 0 (1 6 ) (3 5 6 ) 13 0 (7 1 ) (2 0 ) Vendor Description Adventures in Advertising Brett Sports & Entertainment Brett Sports & Entertainment Community Colleges of Spokane Eastern Washington University Gonzaga University: Hanna & Associates: Hospital Activity Book Interspace Services Inc. Leadership Spokane Playstream LLC AVISTA UTILITIES ELECTRIC ADVERTISING EXPENSES ADJUSTMENT (EXHIBIT NO.1 02, PAGE 3 OF 3, E19) Purpose Western Energy Institute annual meeting. Avista Stadium naming rights contract. Agreement includes stadium naming rights, signage, television radio, website and print ads, product promotion and marketing opportunities, substantial media exposure, customer messaging opportunities (safety, service, customer assistance) and other marketing and promotional opportunities. Agreement covers activities at Joe Albi Stadium and various team sporting clubs. Agreement includes signage, radio, print and website advertising, the Avista Hero school program, the Avista Community MVP and other promotional considerations. Annual sponsorship and advertising agreement. Avista receives scoreboard signage for all athletic events, program advertising, product and service marketing opportunities, promotional opportunities public address recognition at all events and other considerations. Agreement includes signage, print and radio advertising, in-game promotions, program advertising and other promotional considerations. Agreement includes signage, in-game promotions, print and radio advertising and other promotional considerations. Labor, prep. work and radio promotional spots for gas decreases during 2002. Promotional ads also included description of how to save money on fuel bills by conserving energy. Community-oriented advertisement in the Hospital Activity Book for Children. Advertising/signage agreement with Interspace Airport Advertising. Contract includes rotunda signage on the main concourse at the Spokane International Airport. Sponsorship of community education project. Audio production costs related to an interview with Gary Ely for posting on the Avista Corp. website. Exhibit No. 104 Case No. A VU-04- A VU -04- P. Hanns, Staff 6/21/04 Page 1 of Electric 162. 258. 565.47 632. 742. 126.45 397. 243.42 390.46 1,439. 231. 945. 991. 137. 569. 106. 604. 604. 604. 590.46 316. 28.45 AVISTA UTILITIES ELECTRIC ADVERTISING EXPENSES ADJUSTMENT (EXHIBIT NO.1 02, PAGE 3 OF 3, E19) Spokane Hoopfest Association Purpose Avista receives signage at the Arena as well as other promotional considerations as agreed upon by the City and Avista. Annual marketing and advertising sponsorship for Hoopfest of Spokane. Avista is the "master scoreboard" sponsor for this event and is listed as an official sponsor in all marketing, advertising, promotional and collateral material for this event. Electric 587. Vendor Description Spokane Arena 793. Spokane Youth Sports Association University of Idaho Annual sponsorship of the Spokane Interplayers Ensemble. Agreement includes program/playbill advertising and other promotional opportunities. One-time sponsorship of fundraising event. 163.Spokane Interplayers Washington State University Agreement includes radio and print advertising, signage, message center recognition, public address recognition , marketing opportunities and other promotional considerations. One time contribution to the Dept. of Marketing and the College of Business and Economics related to position on the school's marketing advisory committee. 442. 322. 264. Total Advertising Adjustment to Allocate to Idaho Electric System Allocation Percentage Allocation to Idaho based upon number of customers $165 262. 557% 57. This schedule is based on the Company s response to IPUC Audit Data Request No. 65 Exhibit No. 104 Case No. A VU-04- A VU -04- P. Harms, Staff 6/21/04 Page 2 of tT j P' rJ J : : r (D .. . . . . . sr . rl - . Z \j ' ) ~ ~ O s- ~ ~: . . . . . ~c C o I V t C1 tT j ~ ~ "" ' " " ' " " ' " " ' 0' \ " " d ~ ~ ~ a rJ J AV I S T A U T I L I T I E S ST A F F P R O F O R M A I D A H O E L E C T R I C TE N - YE A R L E V E l l Z E D R E V E N U E R E Q U I R E M E N T C A L C U L A T I O N Li n e No .1 B o o k ba s i s 2 B o o k li f e ( i n y e a r s ) 3 A n n u a l b o o k de p r e c i a t i o n Re t u r n o n c o m m o n e q u i t y 5 W e i g h t e d co s t o f d e b t Ra t e o f r e t u r n 7 C o n v e r s i o n fa c t o r 00 0 00 0 $2 8 57 1 10 . 4 0 % 35 % 25 % 63 9 2 6 1 Ye a r 1 Ye a r 2 Ye a r 3 Ye a r 4 Ye a r 5 Ye a r 6 Ye a r 7 Ye a r 8 Ye a r 9 Ye a r 1 0 00 0 , 00 0 $ 1 00 0 00 0 $ 1 00 0 , 00 0 $ 1 00 0 00 0 $ 1 00 0 00 0 $ 1 00 0 00 0 $ 1 00 0 , 00 0 $ 1 00 0 00 0 $ 1 00 0 00 0 $ 1 00 0 , 00 0 8 G r o s s pl a n t Ac c u m u l a t e d d e p r e c i a t i o n Be g i n n i n g b a l a n c e Cu r r e n t y e a r d e p r e c i a t i o n En d i n g b a l a n c e ( l i n e 9 + l i n e 1 0 ) Av e r a g e b e g i n & e n d o f y e a r ( ( l i n e 9 + l i n e 11 ) / 2 ) 13 N e t p l a n t ( a v e r a g e ) ( l i n e 8 + l i n e 1 2 ) 14 R a t e o f r e t u r n p r o p o s e d b y S t a f f 15 N e t o p t g . i n c o m e r e q u i r e m e n t - r e t u r n (l i n e 1 3 x l i n e 1 4 ) 16 T a x e f f e c t o f i n t e r e s t ( 3 5 % x l i n e 5 x l i n e 1 3 ) 17 To t a l ( l i n e 1 5 + l i n e 1 6 ) 18 C o n v e r s i o n f a c t o r 19 R e v e n u e r e q u i r e m e n t - r e t u r n ( l i n e 1 7 / l i n e 1 8 ) 20 P r e s e n t v a l u e 21 L e v e l i z e d r e v e n u e r e q u i r e m e n t $6 7 3 , 4 9 2 $1 0 6 10 1 22 D e f e r r e d r e v e n u e r e q u i r e m e n t ( l i n e 2 1 - l i n e 1 9 ) 23 R e c o v e r y o f d e f e r r e d r e v e n u e r e q u i r e m e n t 24 A d j u s t e d r e v e n u e r e q u i r e m e n t - r e t u r n (li n e 1 9 + l i n e 2 2 + l i n e 2 3 ) 25 P r e s e n t v a l u e $6 7 3 , 4 9 2 De f e r r a l A c c o u n t A c t i v i t y 26 B e g i n n i n g b a l a n c e d e f e r r e d r e t u r n 27 C a r r y i n g c o s t o n b e g i n b a l a n c e ( l i n e 6 x l i n e 2 6 ) 28 C u r r e n t y e a r d e f e r r e d r e t u r n ( l i n e 2 2 x l i n e 1 8 ) 29 C u r r e n t y e a r r e c o v e r y ( l i n e 2 3 x l i n e 1 8 ) 30 E n d i n g b a l a n c e 57 1 57 1 28 6 $9 8 5 71 4 25 % $9 1 17 9 00 7 $7 6 17 1 63 9 2 6 1 $1 1 9 , 15 5 $1 0 9 06 6 05 4 $1 0 6 10 1 $9 7 11 8 34 5 34 5 57 1 57 1 14 2 85 7 $9 5 7 14 3 25 % $8 8 , 53 6 57 3 $7 3 96 3 63 9 2 6 1 $1 1 5 70 1 $9 6 93 8 60 0 $1 0 6 10 1 $8 8 89 5 $8 , 34 5 77 2 13 7 $1 5 25 3 14 2 57 1 71 3 71 , 4 2 8 $9 2 8 , 57 2 25 % $8 5 89 3 13 8 $7 1 75 5 63 9 2 6 1 $1 1 2 24 7 $8 6 08 2 14 6 $1 0 6 , 10 1 $8 1 36 9 $1 5 , 25 3 41 1 92 9 $2 0 59 3 85 , 71 3 57 1 11 4 28 4 99 , 99 9 $9 0 0 00 1 25 % $8 3 25 0 70 3 $6 9 , 54 8 63 9 2 6 1 $1 0 8 , 79 4 $7 6 36 9 69 2 $1 0 6 10 1 $7 4 , 4 7 9 $2 0 , 59 3 90 5 72 1 $2 4 21 9 11 4 28 4 28 , 57 1 14 2 85 5 12 8 , 57 0 $8 7 1 43 0 25 % $8 0 60 7 26 8 $6 7 34 0 63 9 2 6 1 $1 0 5 34 0 $6 7 68 4 76 1 $1 0 6 10 1 $6 8 17 3 $2 4 21 9 24 0 48 7 $2 5 97 3 14 2 85 5 28 , 57 1 17 1 42 6 15 7 14 1 $8 4 2 85 9 25 % $7 7 96 4 83 3 $6 5 , 13 2 63 9 2 6 1 $1 0 1 88 6 $5 9 92 2 21 5 $1 0 6 , 10 1 $6 2 , 4 0 1 $2 5 97 3 2, 4 0 2 69 4 $2 5 68 1 17 1 , 4 2 6 57 1 19 9 99 7 18 5 71 2 $8 1 4 28 8 25 % $7 5 , 32 2 39 8 $6 2 92 4 63 9 2 6 1 $9 8 , 4 3 3 $5 2 98 9 66 9 $1 0 6 10 1 $5 7 11 8 $2 5 68 1 37 5 90 2 $2 3 , 15 4 19 9 , 99 7 57 1 22 8 56 8 21 4 28 3 $7 8 5 , 71 7 25 % $7 2 67 9 96 3 $6 0 71 6 63 9 2 6 1 $9 4 97 9 $4 6 80 1 11 , 12 2 $1 0 6 10 1 $5 2 28 2 $2 3 , 15 4 14 2 11 0 $1 8 18 6 22 8 56 8 57 1 25 7 13 9 24 2 85 4 $7 5 7 14 6 25 % $7 0 03 6 52 8 $5 8 50 8 63 9 2 6 1 $9 1 52 5 $4 1 28 1 57 6 $1 0 6 10 1 $4 7 85 5 $1 8 18 6 68 2 31 8 $1 0 55 0 25 7 13 9 28 , 57 1 28 5 , 71 0 27 1 , 4 2 5 $7 2 8 , 57 5 25 % $6 7 39 3 09 3 $5 6 30 1 63 9 2 6 1 $8 8 07 1 $3 6 36 0 03 0 $1 0 6 10 1 $4 3 80 3 $1 0 55 0 97 6 11 52 6 AVISTA UTILITIES STAFF'S CALCULATION OF GENERAL REVENUE REQUIREMENT IDAHO GAS TEST YEAR 2002 (OOO'S OF DOLLARS) STAFF COMPANY Descri tion IDAHO IDAHONo. Pro Forma Rate Base $58 867 $63 078 Proposed Rate of Return 250%820% Net Operating Income Requirement 445 194 Pro Forma Net Operating Income 460 155 Net Operating Income Deficiency 985 039 Conversion Factor 63926135 63926135 754Revenue Requirement Deficiency 105 Total General Business Revenues $51 919 $51 896 Percentage Revenue Increase 98%16% Exhibit No. 106 Case No. A VU-04- A VU -04- P. Harms, Staff 6/21/04 0' \ ' " t : j ~ ~ ~ ~ '" t : j r. / ) . (J Q ~ (1 ) ~ ... . . . tr 1 ~ ~ fJ ) : : r ' (1 ) . . . . . . . zS " . 0 ~ . z ~ ~ ~ ee O -. J C1 tr 1 ~ ~ ... . . . . . . . . . Li n e No . DE S C R I P T I O N RE V E N U E S To t a l G e n e r a l B u s i n e s s To t a l T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Ot h e r R e v e n u e s To t a l G a s R e v e n u e s EX P E N S E S Ex p l o r a t i o n a n d D e v e l o p m e n t Pr o d u c t i o n Ci t y G a t e P u r c h a s e s Pu r c h a s e d G a s E x p e n s e Ne t N a t G a s S t o r a g e T r a n s To t a l P r o d u c t i o n Un d e r g r o u n d S t o r a g e Op e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s De p r e c i a t i o n Ta x e s To t a l U n d e r g r o u n d S t o r a g e Di s t r i b u t i o n Op e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s De p r e c i a t i o n Ta x e s To t a l D i s t r i b u t i o n Cu s t o m e r A c c o u n t i n g Cu s t o m e r S e r v i c e & I n f o n n a t i o n Sa l e s E x p e n s e s Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e & G e n e r a l Op e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s De p r e c i a t i o n Ta x e s To t a l A d m i n . & G e n e r a l To t a l G a s E x p e n s e OP E R A T I N G I N C O M E B E F O R E F 1 T FE D E R A L I N C O M E T A X CU I T e n t A c c r u a l De f e r r e d F 1 T Am o r t I T C NE T O P E R A T I N G I N C O M E ( l i n e 2 6 - l i n e s 2 7 t o 2 9 ) RA T E B A S E : P L A N T I N S E R V I C E Un d e r g r o u n d S t o r a g e Di s t r i b u t i o n P l a n t Ge n e r a l P l a n t To t a l P l a n t i n S e r v i c e AC C U M U L A T E D D E P R E C I A T I O N Un d e r g r o u n d S t o r a g e Di s t r i b u t i o n P l a n t Ge n e r a l P l a n t To t a l A c c u r n . D e p r e c i a t i o n DE F E R R E D T A X E S GA S I N V E N T O R Y GA I N O N S A L E O F B U I L D I N G TO T A L R A T E B A S E ( l i n e 3 4 - li n e 3 8 + l i n e s 3 9 t o 4 1 ) RE V E N U E R E Q U I R E M E N T I N C R E A S E ( D E C R E A S E ) AV I S T A U T I L I T I E S ST A F F P R O F O R M A I D A H O G A S R E S U L T S O F O P E R A T I O N TW E L V E M O N T H S E N D E D D E C E M B E R 3 1 20 0 2 (O O O ' S O F D O L L A R S ) Co m p a n y Pr o F o r m a TO T A L ST A F F ' S A D J U S T M EN T S : Ga s In v e n t o r y - $5 0 95 2 94 4 65 6 55 2 63 8 80 3 13 4 11 1 29 0 20 7 12 5 34 9 68 1 06 8 26 1 23 4 81 2 61 8 44 1 77 8 77 4 55 4 91 7 ) (1 8 ) 15 5 04 1 53 8 70 9 10 0 28 8 29 4 26 , 3 9 7 70 2 39 3 (7 , 1 9 2 ) 57 2 07 8 19 2 57 2 ) ($ 1 57 2 ) i$ 2 2 7 J i$ 4 4 ) De f e r r e d FI T 63 9 ) ($ 2 63 9 ) ($ 3 8 2 ) La b o r (E x e c . La b o r (N o n - Ex e c . (3 ) Ac c t s . R e c . Fe e s (4 ) (1 ) (1 ) (8 7 ) Pe n s i o n Ex p e n s e De p r . Ex p e n s e (4 ) (3 ) (2 ) (5 ) (6 ) (6 ) (8 3 ) (8 3 ) (5 9 ) (4 ) (8 ) (5 3 ) (3 7 ) (3 ) (4 ) (5 1 ) (3 7 ) (3 ) (1 0 ) (8 6 ) (2 1 0 ) (4 3 ) 10 86 21 0 $3 ) ($ 9 2 i$ 8 8 ) 21 4 ) 13 7 0\ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ s (I ' ) aq .- t - - (1 ) ~ N ~ ~ ~ en :: r (1 ) . . . . . . " r: T :: + . " ~ ~ ? ~. . . . . . ee o -. . . . . . J +: : . + : : . .. . . . . ~ LI n e No . DE S C R I P T I O N RE V E N U E S To t a l G e n e r a l B u s i n e s s To t a l T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Ot h e r R e v e n u e s To t a l G a s R e v e n u e s EX P E N S E S Ex p l o r a t i o n a n d D e v e l o p m e n t Pr o d u c t i o n Ci t y G a t e P u r c h a s e s Pu r c h a s e d G a s E x p e n s e Ne t N a t G a s S t o r a g e T r a n s To t a l P r o d u c t i o n Un d e r g r O 1 U l d S t o r a g e Op e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s De p r e c i a t i o n Ta x e s To t a l U n d e r g r o u n d S t o r a g e Di s t r i b u t i o n Op e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s De p r e c i a t i o n Ta x e s To t a l D i s t r i b u t i o n Cu s t o m e r A c c o u n t i n g Cu s t o m e r S e r v i c e & I n f o m 1 a t i o n Sa l e s E x p e n s e s Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e & G e n e r a l Op e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s De p r e c i a t i o n Ta x e s To t a l A d m i n . & G e n e r a l To t a l G a s E x p e n s e OP E R A T I N G I N C O M E B E F O R E F I T FE D E R A L I N C O M E T A X Cu r r e n t A c c r u a l De f e r r e d F 1 T Am o r t I T C NE T O P E R A T I N G I N C O M E ( l i n e 2 6 - lin e s 2 7 t o 2 9 ) RA T E B A S E : P L A N T I N S E R V I C E Un d e r g r o u n d S t o r a g e Di s t r i b u t i o n P l a n t Ge n e r a l P l a n t To t a l P l a n t i n S e r v i c e AC C U M U L A T E D D E P R E C I A T I O N Un d e r g r o u n d S t o r a g e Di s t r i b u t i o n P l a n t Ge n e r a l P l a n t To t a l A c c u m . D e p r e c i a t i o n DE F E R R E D T A X E S GA S I N V E N T O R Y GA I N O N S A L E O F B U I L D I N G TO T A L R A T E B A S E ( l i n e 3 4 - li n e 3 8 + l i n e s 3 9 t o 4 1 ) RE V E N U E R E Q U I R E M E N T I N C R E A S E ( D E C R E A S E ) AV I S T A U T I L I T I E S ST A F F P R O F O R M A I D A H O G A S R E S U L T S O F O P E R A T I O N TW E L V E M O N T H S E N D E D D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 2 0 0 2 (O O O ' S O F D O L L A R S ) ST A F F ' S A D J U S T M E N T S ( c o n t i n u e d ) : G8 G9 Gl O Le g a l Mi s c . Co r p . en s e s Fe e s (2 0 ) (2 0 ) 20 ) ($ 2 0 ) (1 1 1 ) (1 0 9 ) 09 ) 10 9 $1 1 1 ) Gl l Ad v e r t i s i n g Ex e n s e s (2 6 ) (2 6 (2 6 ) ($ 2 7 (9 ) (9 ) ($ 9 ) G1 2 Av l s t a Fo u n d a t i o n Gl 3 Ac t u a l T h e r m Us a e (2 ) (2 ) ($ 2 ) Gl 4 Sc h e d u l e M Al l o c a t o r $2 3 $2 3 ) Gl S De b t . I n t . Re s t a t e (2 ) ($ 3 ) St a f f Pr o F o r m a TO T A L $5 0 97 5 94 4 65 6 57 5 63 8 79 8 13 4 10 5 28 4 12 4 12 5 35 0 59 9 91 8 25 6 21 6 59 3 58 1 18 9 26 0 31 5 79 0 91 7 ) 18 ) 46 0 49 ) 04 1 53 8 70 9 10 0 28 8 29 4 39 7 70 2 39 3 83 1 ) 19 7 86 7 10 5 $7 7 Vendor Description Adventures in Advertising Brett Sports & Entertainment Brett Sports & Entertainment Community Colleges of Spokane Eastern Washington University Gonzaga University: Hospital Activity Book Interspace Services Inc. Leadership Spokane Playstream LLC Spokane Arena Spokane Hoopfest Association AVISTA UTILITIES GAS ADVERTISING EXPENSES ADJUSTMENT (EXHIBIT NO.1 08 , PAGE 2 OF 2, G11) Purpose Western Energy Institute annual meeting. Avista Stadium naming rights contract. Agreement includes stadium naming rights, signage, tv radio, website and print ads, product promotion and marketing opportunities, substantial media exposure, customer messaging opportunities (safety, service, customer assistance) and other marketing and promotional opportunities. Gas 94. 741. Agreement covers activities at Joe Albi Stadium and various team sporting clubs. Agreement includes signage, radio, print and website advertising, the Avista Hero school program, the Avista Community MVP and other promotional considerations. 634. Annual sponsorship and advertising agreement. Avista receives scoreboard signage for all athletic events, program advertising, product and service marketing opportunities, promotional opportunities public address recognition at all events and other considerations. 367. Agreement includes signage, print and radio advertising, in-game promotions, program advertising and other promotional considerations. Agreement includes signage, in-game promotions print and radio advertising and other promotional considerations. 757. 73. 302.44 Community-oriented advertisement in the Hospital Activity Book for Children. Advertising/signage agreement with Interspace Airport Advertising. Contract includes rotunda signage on the main concourse at the Spokane International Airport. 62. Sponsorship of community education project. Audio production costs related to an interview with Gary Ely for posting on the Avista Corp. website. 096.45 096.45 096.45 230. 183. 16. Avista receives signage at the Arena as well as other promotional considerations as agreed upon by the City and Avista. Annual marketing and advertising sponsorship for Hoopfest of Spokane. Avista is the "master scoreboard" sponsor for this event and is listed as an official sponsor in all marketing, advertising, promotional and collateral material for this event. 4,412. 206. Exhibit No.1 08 Case No. A VU-04- A VU -04- P. Harms, Staff 6/21/04 Page 1 of 2 AVISTA UTILITIES GAS ADVERTISING EXPENSES ADJUSTMENT (EXHIBIT NO. 108 , PAGE 2 OF 2 , G11) Spokane Youth Sports Association University of Idaho Purpose Annual sponsorship of the Spokane Interplayers Ensemble. Agreement includes program/playbill advertising and other promotional opportunities. One-time sponsorship of fundraising event. Gas 676. Vendor Description Spokane Interplayers Washington State University Agreement includes radio and print advertising, signage, message center recognition, public address recognition, marketing opportunities and other promotional considerations agreed upon. One time contribution to the Dept. of Marketing and the College of Business and Economics related to position on the school's marketing advisory committee. 257.41 677. 735.46 Subtotal of Image Advertising and Charitable Contributions to remove from Company Filing $71 720. Reduce Staffs Proposed Adjustment by the Gas Radio Spot Expenses Originally Allocated to Electrical System that should have been recorded to gas operations only: (243.42) 390.46) (1,439.68) 231.35) 945.31 ) 991.65) 137.24) (28 569.11 ) $29 771. 31.703% Total Advertising Adjustment to Allocate to Idaho Gas Allocation Percentage Allocation to Idaho based upon number of customers This schedule is based on the Company s response to IPUC Audit Data Request No. 65 Exhibit No. 108 Case No. A VU-04- A VU -04- P. Harms, Staff 6/21/04 Page 2 of 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 21ST DAY OF JUNE 2004 SERVED THE FOREGOING DIRECT TESTIMONY OF PATRICIA HARMS, IN CASE NO. AVU-04-l/AVU-04-, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: DA VID 1. MEYER SR VP AND GENERAL COUNSEL VISTA CORPORATION PO BOX 3727 SPOKANE WA 99220-3727 KELLY NORWOOD VICE PRESIDENT STATE & FED. REG. VISTA UTILITIES PO BOX 3727 SPOKANE WA 99220-3727 CONLEY E WARD GIVENS PURSLEY LLP PO BOX 2720 BOISE ID 83701-2720 DENNIS E PESEAU, PH. D. UTILITY RESOURCES INC 1500 LIBERTY ST SE, SUITE 250 SALEM OR 97302 CHARLES L A COX EV ANS KEANE III MAIN STREET PO BOX 659 KELLOGG ID 83837 BRAD M PURDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 2019 N 17TH ST BOISE ID 83702 SECRET ARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE