HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040622Fuss Direct.pdfHECEPlEO F~iLED 'i'I t J J'\ t- (ItLtWti ,JUh t.. - tf .. - - c:f~LIC UTILITIES COr?H~1ISSI0H BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF A VISTA CORPORATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO. ) CASE NO. AVU-O4-) AVU-O4- DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MICHAEL FUSS IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION JUNE 21 , 2004 Please state your name and business address for the record. My name is Michael Fuss.My business address is 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? I am employed by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission as a Staff engineer. What is your educational and professional background? I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from Washington State Uni versi ty and a Master of Business Administration Degree from Boise State Uni versi ty.I am a licensed Civil Engineer in the states of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.I am a past president of the Southern Idaho Section of the American Society Civil Engineers and have been a member of various professional affiliations and service organizations. I have over 15 years of Civil Engineering Experience in the areas of Municipal, Utility, Regulatory, and Development Civil Engineering and consul t ing While at the Idaho Public Utility Commission have attended the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) Basic Training Program Risk Management Techniques for the Natural Gas Industry CASE NO. AVU-E- 04 -l/AVU-G- 04-6/21/04 (Di)FUSS, M STAFF at New Mexico State University and the Northwest Public Power Association s course on Unbundled Cost of Service Rate Design. What is the purpose of your testimony? My testimony pertains only to Avista ' s Natural Gas (Gas) rate case.In my testimony I review the Company s Natural Gas Jurisdictional Separation Study (Separation Study) This separation study is used by Avista to develop the Idaho gas unadj usted resul ts opera t ion. I review the Company s Gas Cost of Service (COS) Study, its method of incorporating the results operation adj ustments, and the development of the Class Revenue Requirement. I also review the Cost of Gas in base rates, Gas Special Contracts, and recommend an additional natural gas tariff sheet. How is your testimony structured? My testimony is structured as follows: Summary Gas Jurisdictional Separation Methodology Adjustments Cost of Service Methodology CASE NO. AVU-E- 04 -l/AVU-G- 04-6/21/04 (Di)FUSS, M STAFF Other Studies Adj ustments Adj ustment Summary Cost of Gas in Base Rates Special Contracts Tariff Summary Sheet Recommendation Would you please summarize your testimony? I have reviewed and recommend acceptance of the Company s Gas Jurisdictional Separation Study using the Four- Factor methodology wi th one minor adj ustment I have also reviewed and recommend acceptance of the Company s Gas Cost of Service Study known as the Washington Accepted Methodology with exception of two adj ustments.I recommend an adjustment in usage within the pro forma revenue calculation that resul ts in an increase of $23,000 to current revenues.I al recommend allocating storage expenses and credits based on winter therm usage as opposed to the annual usage proposed by the Company. I recommend that the Company s request to move the cost of gas in base rates to $0. 44989/therm considered reasonable.I believe increasing the cost of gas in base rates will reduce the overall magni tude of future PGA adj ustments If actual gas costs increase, the PGA adjustment will be lower; and if actual gas costs CASE NO. AVU-E- 04 -l/AVU-G- 04-6/21/04 (Di)FUSS, M STAFF decrease, a PGA credit is more likely. I recommend acceptance of the Company treatment of Idaho gas special contracts within the Gas COS Study.I believe the Gas COS Study appropriately allocates gas special contract revenues and expenses. I recommend that the Company be directed to add a tariff summary sheet to its gas tariff schedules. believe the additional tariff sheet will not be administratively burdensome for the Company and it will provide clarity for Customers. GAS JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY Have you reviewed the Company s Gas Jurisdictional Separation Study and do you have any recommendations regarding the study? Yes, I have reviewed the Company s Gas Jurisdictional Separation Study and recommend that the Commission accept the Separation Study wi th a mlnor adj ustment The Separation Study uses the Four-Factor methodology, a methodology first reviewed by Staff when initiated by the Company in 1993.The Separation Study is also consistent with the methodology used in Case No. WWP-E- 98 -, the last Avista Idaho Electric General Rate Case.Furthermore , the general methodology of the Separation Study has been approved for the Company in all of its other operating jurisdictions. CASE NO. AVU-04-1/AVU-04-6/21/04 (Di)FUSS, M STAFF Methodology Please gl ve a brief description of the Company s Gas Jurisdictional Separation Study methodology. Jurisdictional separation is performed in the following steps. Direct Assiqnment All expenses , revenues, and rate base investments that can be directly assigned are allotted to the Idaho gas jurisdiction. Utility Codes For items not directly assigned , six utility codes are used to assign expenses, revenues and rate base to common cost categories.The categories are Avista Electric, Avista Gas, WPNG (Avista Gas OR/CA) , Common to Avista Electric and Avista Gas, Common to Avista Gas and WPNG, and Common to Avista Electric, Avista Gas and WPNG. Four- Factor For common items the Company uses an allocator composed of four factors to allocate these items to the Idaho natural gas utility.The four factors are:Direct O&M Expense excluding labor and resource costs, Direct Labor , Number of Customers, and Net Direct Plant. Other Allocators The Company uses a number of other allocators CASE NO. AVU-04-1/AVU-04-6/21/04 (Di)FUSS, M STAFF such as five-day firm peak demand, distribution operating expense and number of customers to allocate the appropriate Avista Gas costs to the Idaho gas jurisdiction. Adjustments Do you recommend that the methodology from the Company s Gas Jurisdictional Separation Study be accepted without change? No.I believe that one mlnor adjustment necessary. Would you please explain your mlnor adj ustment? I believe the Separation Study is inconsistent In the allocation of plant investment, expenses, and revenues in the following tax adj usting (Schedule accounts in report G-SCM-12A:1999. Hardware/Software/Furni ture Lease Payments, 1999. Airplane Lease Payments, and 1999.14 Sale Leaseback of General Office Building.In the Separation Study as filed, the Company uses allocator 5 -Actual Therms Purchased for these accounts.I believe this is incorrect. In all other areas within the Separation Study where I reviewed the natural gas accounts 1999.09, 1999.13, and 1999., the revenue and expenses were allocated using the four- factor allocator.The same CASE NO. AVU-E- 04 -l/AVU-G- 04- 6/21/04 (Di)FUSS, M STAFF Schedule accounts are also allocated using the four- factor methodology in the Electric Jurisdictional Separation Study.Therefore, I recommend that the appropriate four-factor allocator be used to distribute costs in the stated gas accounts. What is the net affect of this adjustment? Using the four-factor allocator on the listed accounts reduces Idaho s share of taxes and the Idaho gas net operating income by $1, 888 .The Company in answer to Staff Production Request No.1 79 confirmed the amount of the adj ustment GAS COST OF SERVICE STUDY Methodology Would you please describe the Company s Gas Cost of Service (COS) Study? Certainly, the Company s Gas COS Study is a complex operation using three main Excel spreadsheets to incorporate the resul ts of operation , make adj ustments, functionalize, classify, and allocate expenses to develop the revenue requirement for the various customer classes. Output from the Gas COS Study is then used to help design rates.The Company uses the spreadsheet ~ Proformn to incorporate the resul ts of operation and make adj ustments It uses the spreadsheet ~Assign n to functionalize , classify, and assign costs.Assign CAS E NO. A VU - E - 04 - 1/ A VU - G - 04 - 16/21/04 (Di)FUSS, M STAFF contains varlOUS parameters used to develop allocation factors and facilitate cost assignment.The final spreadsheet ~SumcostU organizes the results and provides a revenue requirement estimate for each customer class. The Company s Gas Cost of Service Study also incorporates a number of ~other studies u used to normalize the resul ts and create allocation factors. Some of the other studies worth mentioning are the weather normalization study, the Pro Forma Gas Revenue Calculation, the Labor Dollars study, and the Weighted Meter and Service Cost Analysis. Other Studies Would you please explain the significance of these other studies and why these particular studies are most important? Certainly.The weather normalization study important because natural gas usage is highly weather dependant for most customer classes.The weather normalization study uses regression analysis to determine the amount of gas consumption that is weather dependant for each customer class.It also relates the test year weather pattern to a 30-year normal weather pattern and adj usts the test year usage to reflect normal weather conditions.Staff witness Sterling s direct testimony includes additional discussion on weather normalization. CASE NO. AVU-E- 04 -l/AVU-G- 04- 6/21/04 (Di)FUSS, M STAFF The Pro Forma Revenue Calculation develops normalized billing determinants (therms and customers) adjusting the test year to reflect expected conditions on average.This includes but is not limited to known customer changes , weather normalization , and period adj ustments.The Pro Forma Calculation uses rates in place during the test year to reflect the appropriate normalized revenue generation by the various customer classes. The Labor Dollars Study is a study that embedded wi thin the Gas COS Study that determines labor cost allocation.This study is important because it is used to develop labor allocators used in the four- factor allocator within the Jurisdictional Separation Study. The labor allocators are also used to allocate costs for some labor related accounts. The Weighted Meter and Service Cost Analysis an engineering/ economic study that calculates metering and service costs for the various customer classes.This study is important because it creates weighting factors and cost relationships used to allocate a number of meter and customer cost categories. What is the purpose of the Gas Cost of Service Study? The Gas Cost of Service Study is an engineering CASE NO. AVU-04-1/AVU-04-6/21/04 (Di)FUSS, M STAFF economlc analysis that allocates expenses to establish the revenue requirement based on cost causation.The account-by-account study apportions each expense to the various customer classes or rate schedules.The Gas Cost of Service Study is the starting point in ul timately establishing rates for each customer class.The resul ts of the study provide an indication of the amount of revenue that should be generated from rates for each customer class or rate schedule. Do you agree with the Company s Gas Cost of Service Study? Not entirely; there are any number of ways to perform a cost of service study and any number of items that can be used to allocate costs among customer classes.Any individual or interest group could reasonably argue for changes that would cause costs to shift from one customer class to another.After a detailed review of the Company s Gas COS Study, I believe several small adjustments are required. Adjustments What changes to the Company s Gas Cost of Service Study do you recommend? I recommend changes to the Company s Pro Forma Gas Revenue calculation.The Company adj usts for known and measurable changes in usage by adding or subtracting CASE NO. AVU -E- 04 -l/AVU -G- 04-6/21/04 (Di)FUSS, M STAFF revenue in the Pro Forma Revenue Calculation.In Brian Hirschkorn s workpapers GAl-GAS adjustments are made in gas consumption to reflect actual condi tions, weather normalization, and unbilled usage.The consumpt ion reduction in Mr. Hirschkorn s calculation of revenue associated with Schedules 111 and 112 double counts gas revenue included in the monthly minimum charge.Double counting the reduction causes an understatement of approximately $23 000 in the Idaho Gas Pro Forma Revenue Calculation.I recommend that addi t ional revenue be included in the Company s Gas cas Study to properly reflect normalized revenues. I further recommend adding consumpt ion to the normalized billing determinants used to determine proposed rates. What is the net affect of your recommended adj ustments? The net affect of my adjustments is a decrease in Idaho Gas Revenue Requirement of $23,414 when tax effects are included. Does Staff agree with the methodology the Company uses to allocate storage costs and storage capaci ty release credi ts to the various Idaho customer classes? Staff has reviewed the CompanyNo. CASE NO. AVU-E- 04 -l/AVU-G- 04-6/21/04 (Di)FUSS, M STAFF methodology and believes that adjustment is necessary. The Company allocates storage costs and credits among the Idaho classes based on annual consumption.While this methodology will allocate costs and credits, it does not reflect the true value each class receives when using the Company s storage facili ties. The primary purpose of the Company s storage facilities is for winter peak supply.The use of the storage facilities is very limited throughout the rest of the year.In fact stored gas is currently distributed to Idaho on a systematic schedule.Storage is used in the months of November , December, January, February, and March.Staff believes that allocating storage costs based on individual customer class usage over these months is more appropriate because it better reflects val ues received by each class.Consequently, I have included this allocation methodology in the Company s Gas Cost of Service Study. Furthermore, Staff believes that the storage capacity release credits should also be allocated based on the monthly storage withdrawal cycle.Staff has made two adj ustments to the Company s Gas Cost of Service Study to reflect this change.Staff first allocates the credi t over the Company s fixed storage wi thdrawal schedule on the basis of volume to determine the amount CASE NO. AVU-04-1/AVU-04-6/21/04 (Di)FUSS, M STAFF of credit attributable to each month.Staff then allocates the monthly storage credit to each customer class based on the class s contribution to the monthly throughpu t I have included this allocation methodology in Staff's adjustment to the Gas Cost of Service Study. The storage allocator calculation is attached as Exhibit No. 136.All natural gas rates and Gas Cost of Service resul ts presented in my testimony include these allocations.While the changes to the storage allocations do not change the Gas Jurisdictional Revenue Requirement, Staff believes it provides a more appropriate revenue requirement by customer class.Staff recommends that the Commission approve allocation of storage costs and credi ts based on the Company s actual use of storage. Adjustment Summary What is the net affect on the Gas Jurisdictional Revenue Requirement from the recommended adjustments included in your testimony? The net affect to the Idaho Gas Revenue Requirement is a decrease of $26,367.The decrease is shown as adjustment G13 & G14 on Staff Exhibit No. 107. Have you provided a summary of the Staff adjusted Gas Cost of Service results? Yes, attached as Exhibit No. 137 are the CASE NO. AVU-E- 04 -l/AVU-G- 04-6/21/04 (Di)FUSS, M STAFF resul ts of the Staff adj usted Gas Cost of Service Study. COST OF GAS IN BASE RATES Has the Company requested a change in the cost of gas included in base rates? Yes, the Company has requested to increase gas costs in base rates to $0. 44989/therm. Do you believe an adj ustment of gas cost in base rates is necessary? Yes, over the past several years the Company has requested and received several fairly large Purchase Gas Cost Adjustments (PGA)These rate adjustments were intended to reflect the Company s actual cost of gas purchased for customers above the price of gas included in base rates.The Company is proposing to add the current PGA WACOG adjustment of $0. 27186/therm to base rates to produce a total base rate gas cost of $0.44989/therm. I believe this change in gas cost appropriate.Base rates should reflect the best estimate of what gas costs would be in the future.The more accurately base rates reflect gas costs, the less extreme PGA adjustments will be. Is a gas cost of $0. 44989/therm the appropriate price level to be included in base rates today? While Staff cannot predict the magnitude of CASE NO. AVU-E- 04 -l/AVU-G- 04-6/21/04 (Di)FUSS, M STAFF future natural gas prlces with certainty, we believe that the $0. 44989/therm proposed by the Company is a reasonable price level for natural gas in base rates going forward.Natural gas prices are considerably higher today than in 1988 when the current base rate gas price of $0.7803/therm was established.However , Staff notes that increasing gas costs included in base rates will not eliminate the need for a PGA in the future. the extent actual gas costs lncrease, the PGA will simply be lower than it otherwise would have been.If actual gas costs decrease, then larger PGA credi ts will resul That being said, natural gas is in a period of extreme volatility.Staff believes that natural gas prices will likely vary between $0.300 and $0.600 over the next five to seven years.The Company s proposed cost of gas in base rates falls at approximately the mid- point of Staff's estimated range of future gas prlces. Therefore, Staff recommends that the Company s proposal be accepted. SPECIAL CONTRACTS (NATURAL GAS) How are Idaho Gas Special Contract customers like Potlatch, IMCO, and Lignetics treated in the rate case? The Company has included all expenses associated with serving Idaho s Gas Special Contract CASE NO. AVU-E- 04 -l/AVU-G- 04-6/21/04 (Di)FUSS, M STAFF customers in the general rate filing.These expenses are allocated among all customer classes using the same methodology used for allocating other service costs. order to offset the rate effect of allocating special contract expenses to other customer classes, special contract revenue is also credited to the classes.The result is the inclusion of costs and benefits to all other customer classes. Staff believes that the revenue credit continues to provide an adequate offset to Company expenses as approved by the Commission during the contract approval process.Based on Staff's review of the Company s Gas Cost of Service Study, the credi ts are appropriately applied. Are Idaho Gas Special Contract Customers rates changed as a resul t of this case? All Gas Special Contract Customers inNo. Idaho are served under existing long-term contracts at fixed rates.All current Idaho contracts were in place before the test year used by the Company in this case. While Special Contract rates are not changed as a resul t of this case, the Commission has previously reviewed the contract condi tions and revenue contribution from these customers and found them prudent.However, when the current contracts expire, the terms and contribution of CAS E NO. A VU - E - 04 - 1 / A VU - G - 04 - 16/21/04 (Di)FUSS, M STAFF each contract should be reevaluated and updated to reflect the appropriate cost of service or appropriate level of contribution to margin.Staf f does not bel ieve that any change is necessary at this time. TARIFF ISSUE Do you have any natural gas general tariff recommendations? Yes, Staff recommends that the Company add a tariff summary sheet,denoted as sheet which summarlzes all natural gas rate schedules and all natural gas adjustment clauses wi th the exception local franchise fees.Currently the Company uses a number of tariff sheets such as Schedules 150, 155, and 191 to identify various periodic rate adj ustments such as Purchase Gas Adjustments (PGAs) and Demand Side Management (DSM) tariff riders.While the use of the various tariff schedules minimizes the number of sheets that must be updated, the practice increases the likelihood for rate calculation errors and is somewhat confusing to customers.Staff believes adding a tariff sheet will benefit customers and will not be overly burdensome on the Company. Does this conclude your direct testimony in this proceeding? Yes, it does. CASE NO. AVU-04-1/AVU-04-6/21/04 (Di)FUSS, M STAFF Staff Calculation Allocate Storage Costs Based on Storage Withdrawal Schedule Withdrawal from Schedule 163 paragraph 4 5/28/2004 Storage Capacity Release Credit to Idaho $647 000 Spread of Credit based on the Storage Withdrawal Schedule From Schedule 163 Para 4 Withdrawal Credit Dth Spread November 65179 $61 579 December 170748 $161 316 January 213435 $201 645 February 192780 $182 131 March 42687 $40 329 Total 684829 $647 000 Rate Schedule Allocator Based on Winter Usage Data From Production Request 290 Sch 101 Sch 111 Sch 121 Sch 131 Sch 146 Total November 5148821 1269795 222157 601 50 381259 7082182 December 6649173 1535662 225555 62009 374138 8846537 January 8669247 1939247 204488 60327 378706 11252015 February 7606192 1728687 197331 50236 322536 9904982 March 7340150 1692575 212566 47471 288421 9581183 Total 35413583 8165966 1062097 280193 1745060 46666899 46666899 Summed Allocator for Storage Capacity Credit Credit Allocated To Schedule Based on Therm Usage Sch 101 Sch 111 Sch 121 Sch 131 Sch 146 Total November $44 768 $11 041 932 $523 315 $61 579 December $121 247 $28 003 113 131 822 $161 316 January $155 360 $34 753 665 $1 ,081 787 $201 645 February $139 861 $31 787 $3,628 $924 931 $182 131 March $30 896 124 $895 $200 214 $40 329 Total $492 133 $112 707 $14 232 858 $24 069 $647 000 $647 000 New Allocator EO8 Check New Allocator S22 Check Exhibit No. 136 Case No. A VU-04- A VU-04- M. Fuss, Staff 6/21/04 Sumcost AVISTA UTILITIES AS ADJUSTED BY PUC STAFF Natural Gas Utility Company Base Case Cost of Service General Summary Idaho Jurisdiction 6/18/04 WA Accepted Methodology For The Twelve Months Ended December 31 , 2002 4:37 PM (b)(c) (d) (e)(f) (g) (h)(i)(k) Residential Small Firm Large Firm Interrupt Transport System Service Service Service Service Service Description Total Sch 101 Sch 111 Sch 121 Sch 131 Sch 146 Plant In Service Production Plant Underground Storage Plant 041 000 825,407 882 095 114 729 30,267 188,503 Distribution Plant 598,000 75,115,371 10,131 341 937 240 199,847 214 201 Intangible Plant 766,000 652 766 047 694 902 591 General Plant 943,000 064 228 706,537 67,486 762 89,987 Total Plant In Service 99,348,000 657 773 811 019 128,149 246,778 504 281 Accum Depreciation Production Plant Underground Storage Plant 294 000)740 822)(401,414)(52 209)(13,773)(85 782) Distribution Plant (26 397 000)(22 793,740)880 654)(299,560)(63 624)(359,421) Intangible Plant (626,000)(533,435)(74,422)(7,109)555)(9,479) General Plant 076,000)769,029)(246,806)(23 574)(5,157)(31,434) Total Accumulated Depreciation (31 393,000)(26 837 027)603,296)(382,452)(84 110)(486,115) 13 Net Plant 955,000 820,746 207 723 745 696 162 668 018,166 14 Accumlulated Deferred FIT 831 160)377 462)168,781)(111 638)(24,420)(148,859) 15 Miscellaneous Rate Base 743 000 515,867 138 081 620 839 49,592 Total Rate Base 866,840 959 152 177 023 666,679 145,087 918 899 17 Revenue From Retail Rates 51,419 278 113 651 954 774 521 691 385,070 444 092 18 Other Operating Revenues 156,000 925,383 173 755 897 091 875 Total Revenues 575 278 039 034 128,529 541 588 390,161 475,967 Operating Expenses Purchased Gas Costs 797 892 296,587 923,227 262 238 312 505 334 Underground Storage Expenses 133,805 101 539 23,414 045 803 003 Distribution Expenses 123,435 822 953 214 313 047 8,452 38,66923 Customer Accounting Expenses 918,196 863,897 46,106 235 309 64924 Customer Information Expenses 257 116 220,236 23,672 865 023 32125 Sales Expenses 216 129 213 954 105 26 Admin & General Expenses 593,160 950 686 436 794 663 296 110 721 Total O&M Expenses 039,733 34,469,853 669 631 389,130 344 396 166 723 28 Taxes Other Than Income Taxes 876 000 746,673 104 021 923 168 21529 Depreciation Expense Underground Storage Plant Depr 104 968 79,656 368 389 630 925 Distribution Plant Depreciation 125,000 841 640 226,067 626 013 65332 General Plant Depreciation 321,016 273 548 38,164 645 797 86133 Amortization of Intangible Plant 260 000 221 555 910 952 646 937 Total Depr & Amort Expense 810,984 2,416,399 313 509 32,613 087 376 35 Income Tax 389,744 707 601 469,169 52,362 19,775 140,837 Total Operating Expenses 116,461 340,526 556 330 1,484 027 373,426 362 151 37 Net Income 3,458,817 698,508 572 199 561 16,734 113,815 38 Rate of Return 88%5.40%97%63%11.53%12.39% 39 Return Ratio 1.47 40 Interest Expense 761 000 343 207 336,620 269 805 099 Print Date 6/18/2004 Time 4:38 PM Exhibit No. 137 Case No. A VU-04- A VU -04- M. Fuss, Staff 6/21/04 Page 2 of Sumcost AVISTA UTILITIES AS ADJUSTED BY PUC STAFF Natural Gas Utility Company Base Case Cost of Service General Summary Idaho Jurisdiction 6/18/04 WA Accepted Methodology For The Twelve Months Ended December 31 , 2002 4:37 PM (b)(c) (d) (e)(f) (g) (h)(i)(k) Residential Small Firm Large Firm Interrupt Transport System Service Service Service Service Service Description Total Sch 101 Sch 111 Sch 121 Sch 131 Sch 146 STAFF REVENUE REQUIREMENT CALCULATION Total Rate Base $58 866 840 $49 959 152 177 023 $666 679 $145 087 $918 899 Total Current Revenues $52 575 278 $41 039 034 128 529 541 588 $390 161 $475 967 Total Current Operating Expenses AT $49 116 461 $38 340 526 556 330 484 027 $373,426 $362,151 Net Income AT $3,458 817 698 508 $572 199 $57,561 $16 734 $113 815 Current Rate of Return 88%5.40%97%63%11.53%12.39% Percent of Current Return 100.00%91.93%135.69%146.94%196.30%210.80% Recommended Rate of Return 25%25%25%25%25%25% Net Income Required At Rec. ROR $5,445 183 621 222 $663 875 $61 668 $13 421 $84 998 Income Deficiency BT 986 366 922 714 $91 676 107 ($3 314)($28 817) Tax Gross Up Factor 639261 639261 639261 639261 639261 639261 Increase in Rev. Rqmt. AT 107 284 007 713 $143,409 $6,425 ($5 184)($45 079) Total Recommended Revenue Requirement $55 682 562 $44 046 747 271 938 548 013 $384 977 $430 888 Other Operating Revenues (Staff Alloc)($1,156 000)($925 383)($173 755)($19 897)($5 091)($31 875) Rev. Req. From Rates (Q) COS & ROR $54,526 562 $43 121 364 098 183 528 116 $379 886 $399 013 Staff Adjustment ($213 745)$105 251 $21 840 $10 759 $75 895 Staff Recommended Rate Revenue Requirement $54 526 562 $42,907,619 203,435 549 956 $390 644 $474,908 Cost of Service Index 100.00%99.50%101.16%101.43%102.83%119.02% Recommended Increase 107 284 793 968 $248 660 $28 265 575 $30 816 Recommended Increase (%)98%97%78%86%1.45%94% Print Date 6/18/2004 Time 4:38 PM Exhibit No. 137 Case No. A VU-04- A VU -04- M. Fuss, Staff 6/21/04 Page 3 of AV I S T A U T I L I T I E S ST A F F P R O P O S E D C O S T O F S E R V I C E B Y S C H E D U L E ID A H O - G A S 12 M O N T H S E N D E D D E C E M B E R 3 1 20 0 2 (O O O s of Do l l a r s ) Li n e Sc h e d u l e Re v e n u e U n d e r Mo v e t o Co s t of Se r v i c e Th e r m s Co s t of Se r v i c e Ty p e of Se r v i c e Nu m b e r Pr e s e n t R a t e s ( 1 ) CO S Re v e n u e R e q u i r e m e n t (O O O s ) Pe r T h e r m Co s t of Ga s (a ) (b ) (c ) (d ) (e ) (f ) (g ) (h ) 1 G e n e r a l S e r v i c e 10 1 $4 0 11 4 00 8 $4 3 , 12 1 50 9 7 8 84 . 58 8 ~ $2 7 29 7 2 L a r g e G e n e r a l S e r v i c e 11 1 95 5 $1 4 3 09 8 12 9 3 0 70 . 36 8 ~ $6 , 92 3 3 H i g h A n n u a l L o a d F a c t o r L G S 12 1 52 2 52 8 23 5 7 64 . 82 5 ~ $1 , 26 2 4 I n t e r r u p t i b l e S e r v i c e 13 1 $3 8 5 ($ 5 ) $3 8 0 69 1 54 . 97 4 ~ $3 1 3 5 T r a n s p o r t a t i o n S e r v i c e 14 6 $4 4 4 ($ 4 5 ) $3 9 9 42 0 0 50 1 ~ 6 S p e c i a l C o n t r a c t s $5 0 0 $5 0 0 58 8 5 2 85 0 ~ 7 T o t a l $5 1 91 9 $3 , 10 7 $5 5 , 02 7 13 0 0 0 7 32 6 ~ $3 5 , 79 8 (1 ) I n c l u d e s P u r c h a s e A d j u s t m e n t S c h e d u l e 1 5 0 / E x c l u d e s o t h e r r a t e a d j u s t m e n t s O' \ ? (l t I j -- - ~ ~ ~ tV . C Z J :: r ~~ (J ) 6 " 0 ~ ... . . . . CZ J ..- t - CZ J 5' Z ~C / ) " " - - "" - - O .. - t - ~ ~ . (J q ~~ ~ (J ) ee \ . N I 1 -.. . . . . ) C1 H) I 0 VI o I ~ -- - Sumcost AVISTA UTILITIES AS ADJUSTED BY PUC STAFF Natural Gas Utility 6/18/04 Company Base Case Summary by Function with Margin Analysis Idaho Jurisdiction 4:37 PM WA Accepted Methodology For The Twelve Months Ended December 31 2002 (b)(c) (d) (e)(f) (g) (h)(i)(k) Residential Small Firm Large Firm Interrupt Transport System Service Service Service Service Service Description Total Sch 101 Sch 111 Sch 121 Sch 131 Sch 146 Functional Cost Components at Current Rates 1 Production 008 084 456 863 963 878 269 650 314 340 353 2 Underground Storage (174,818)(175 993)368)229 134 179 3 Distribution 422 937 444 718 463 583 168 334 803 299,499 4 Common 163 193 388 156 536 701 83,482 794 132 061 Total Current Rate Revenue 419 396 113 743 954 795 521 695 385 070 444 093 6 Exclude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp.847 253 27,336,965 933 468 264 105 312 715 Total Margin Revenue at Current Rates 572,143 776 778 021 327 257 590 355 444 093 Margin per Therm at Current Rates 8 Production $0.002260 $0.002352 $0.002352 $0.002352 $0.002352 $0.000798 9 Underground Storage ($0.002457)($0.003452)($0.000725)$0.000097 $0.001641 $0.002186 10 Distribution $0.160534 $0.185271 $0.113197 $0.071410 $0.067729 $0.071312 11 Common $0.058508 $0.066463 $0.041510 $0.035414 $0.032985 $0.031444 Total Current Margin Melded Rate per Therm $0.218846 $0.250633 $0.156334 $0.109273 $0.104707 $0.105740 Functional Cost Components at Uniform Current Return 13 Production 008 084 456 863 963 878 269 650 314 340 353 14 Underground Storage (198 311)(151 648)(34 191)018)164)290) 15 Distribution 11,445,404 095 121 059 087 120 206 725 145 265 16 Common 164 219 3,426 340 513 145 523 21,465 122 746 Total Uniform Current Cost 419 396 826 676 501 918 466 360 360 367 264,075 18 Exclude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp.847 253 336 965 933 468 264 105 312 715 Total Uniform Current Margin 572,143 489 711 568 450 202 255 47,652 264 075 Margin per Therm at Uniform Current Return 20 Production $0.002260 $0.002352 $0.002352 $0.002352 $0.002352 $0.000798 21 Underground Storage ($0.002787)($0.002975)($0.002644)($0.001704)($0.001685)($0.001736) 22 Distribution $0.160850 $0.198029 $0.081912 $0.050993 $0.037228 $0.034588 23 Common $0.058523 $0.067212 $0.039688 $0.034159 $0.031063 $0.029226 Total Current Uniform Margin Melded Rate per Therm $0.218846 $0.264619 $0.121308 $0.085799 $0.068958 $0.062877 25 Margin to Cost Ratio at Current Rates Functional Cost Components at Proposed Rates 26 Production 007 890 456 689 963 859 269 647 314 340 353 27 Underground Storage (60 260)(80 574)264 399 653 999 28 Distribution 249 882 993 804 685 697 192 920 559 325 902 29 Common 329 168 537 791 549 635 994 23,093 133 655 Total Proposed Rate Revenue 54,526 680 907 711 203 455 549,960 390 645 474 909 31 Exclude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp.847 060 27,336 792 933,450 264 103 312 715 Total Margin Revenue at Proposed Rates 18,679,621 570 919 270 005 285 856 931 474 909 Margin per Therm at Proposed Rates 33 Production $0.002260 $0.002352 $0.002352 $0.002352 $0.002352 $0.000798 34 Underground Storage ($0.000847)($0.001581)$0.000330 $0.001017 $0.002392 $0.002857 35 Distribution $0.200264 $0.235274 $0.130376 $0.081839 $0.074612 $0.077598 36 Common $0.060841 $0.069398 $0.042510 $0.036056 $0.033419 $0.031824 Total Proposed Margin Melded Rate per Therm $0.262518 $0.305444 $0.175568 $0.121264 $0.112775 $0.113078 Functional Cost Components at Uniform Proposed Return 38 Production 007 992 27,456 793 963 860 269 646 314 340 353 39 Underground Storage (79 636)(61 591)(13,425)317)(452)852) 40 Distribution 14,268,359 500 995 397 466 150 814 260 186 824 41 Common 329 965 567 578 532 850 405 877 125 256 Total Uniform Proposed Cost 526 680 463 775 880,751 501 549 368 025 312,581 43 Exclude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp.847 161 336 895 933 450 264,102 312,714 Total Uniform Proposed Margin 679 519 126 880 947 301 237 447 311 312,581 Margin per Therm at Uniform Proposed Return 45 Production $0.002260 $0.002352 $0.002352 $0.002352 $0.002352 $0.000798 46 Underground Storage ($0.001119)($0.001208)($0.001038)($0.000559)($0.000654)($0.000679) 47 Distribution $0.200523 $0.245224 $0.108083 $0.063978 $0.046684 $0.044483 48 Common $0.060852 $0.069983 $0.041212 $0.034957 $0.031659 $0.029824 Total Proposed Uniform Margin Melded Rate per Therm $0.262516 $0.316350 $0.150609 $0.100728 $0.080041 $0.074427 50 Margin to Cost Ratio at Proposed Rates Print Date 6/18/2004 Time 4:38 PM Exhibit No. 137 Case No. A VU-04- A VU -04- M. Fuss, Staff 6/21/04 Page 4 of Sumcost Company Base Case WA Accepted Methodology AVISTA UTILITIES AS ADJUSTED BY PUC STAFF Summary by Classification with Unit Cost Analysis For The Twelve Months Ended December 31 2002 (b)(c) (d) (e) Descri tion Cost by Classification at Current Return by Schedule 1 Commodity 2 Demand 3 Customer Total Current Rate Revenue Revenue per Therm at Current Rates 5 Commodity 6 Demand 7 Customer Total Revenue per Therm at Current Rates Cost per Unit at Current Rates 9 Commodity Cost per Therm 10 Demand Cost per Peak Day Therms 11 Customer Cost per Customer per Month Cost by Classification at Uniform Current Return 12 Commodity 13 Demand 14 Customer15 Total Uniform Current Cost Cost per Therm at Current Return 16 Commodity 17 Demand 18 Customer19 Total Cost per Therm at Current Return Cost per Unit at Uniform Current Return 20 Commodity Cost per Therm 21 Demand Cost per Peak Day Therms 22 Customer Cost per Customer per Month 23 Revenue to Cost Ratio at Current Rates Cost by Classification at Proposed Return by Schedule 24 Commodity 25 Demand 26 Customer27 Total Proposed Rate Revenue Revenue per Therm at Proposed Rates 28 Commodity 29 Demand 30 Customer31 Total Revenue per Therm at Proposed Rates Cost per Unit at Proposed Rates 32 Commodity Cost per Therm 33 Demand Cost per Peak Day Therms 34 Customer Cost per Customer per Month Cost by Classification at Uniform Proposed Return 35 Commodity 36 Demand 37 Customer38 Total Uniform Proposed Cost Cost per Therm at Proposed Return 39 Commodity 40 Demand 41 Customer42 Total Cost per Therm at Proposed Return Cost per Unit at Uniform Proposed Return 43 Commodity Cost per Therm 44 Demand Cost per Peak Day Therms 45 Customer Cost per Customer per Month 46 Revenue to Cost Ratio at Proposed Rates Print Date 6/18/2004 Time 4:38 PM (f) System Total 35,426 653 590 440 049 185 066 278 $0.497875 $0.120727 $0.113121 $0.731724 $0.497875 $21. $11.42 281 826 496 290 288 162 066 278 $0.495840 $0.119404 $0.116479 $0.731724 $0.495840 $20. $11. 358 960 483 541 331,061 173 562 $0.510978 $0.133279 $0.131136 $0.775393 $0.510978 $23. $13. 246 348 9,411 285 515 929 173 562 $0.509395 $0.132263 $0.133734 $0.775393 $0.509395 $23. $13. (9) Residential Service Sch 101 598,445 390 267 617 071 605 784 $0.521764 $0. 125354 $0.149419 $0.796536 $0.521764 $21. $10. 798 312 585 267 935 699 319 277 $0.525684 $0.129179 $0.155669 $0.810532 $0.525684 $21. $11. 380 243 154 132 865,377 399 752 $0.537100 $0.140338 $0.173906 $0.851344 $0.537100 $23. $12. 536 372 306 248 113 904 956 525 $0.540162 $0.143322 $0.178781 $0.862266 $0.540162 $24. $13. (h) Small Firm Service Sch 111 008 647 782 268 276 567 067,482 $0.542065 $0.137845 $0.021390 $0.701300 $0.542065 $26. $40. 787 102 592 513 234 580 614 195 $0.524931 $0.123169 $0.018143 $0.666242 $0.524931 $24. $34. 130 111 886,416 299 615 316 142 $0.551460 $0.145900 $0.023173 $0.720532 $0.551460 $28.49 $43. 972 062 751 159 269 690 992 911 $0.539236 $0.135439 $0.020858 $0.695533 $0.539236 $26.45 $39. Natural Gas Utility Idaho Jurisdiction (i) Large Firm Service Sch 121 195 444 269 550 70,930 535 924 $0.507123 $0.114347 $0.030090 $0.651560 $0.507123 $16. $591. 173 898 246 857 752 1,480 507 $0.497984 $0.104720 $0.025348 $0.628051 $0.497984 $14. $497. 206,415 281 135 639 564 188 $0.511778 $0.119261 $0.032511 $0.663550 $0.511778 $16. $638. 187 521 261 271 66,857 515,649 $0.503762 $0.110835 $0.028362 $0.642959 $0.503762 $15. $557. Interrupt Service Sch 131 356 422 220 286 388 928 $0.515784 $0.020578 $0.026462 $0.562824 $0.515784 $5. $761. 343 750 317 128 364 196 $0.497446 $0.010588 $0.018998 $0.527033 $0.497446 $2. $547. 359,276 778 449 394 503 $0.519913 $0.022832 $0.028145 $0.570891 $0.519913 $6.42 $810. 347 658 9,456 14,726 371 841 $0.503102 $0.013685 $0.021311 $0.538097 $0.503102 $3. $613. 6/18/04 4:37 PM (k) Transport Service Sch 146 267 694 134 135 331 468 161 $0.063739 $0.031938 $0.015794 $0.111471 $0.063739 $6. $789. 178 764 337 003 288 104 $0.042564 $0.015319 $0.010715 $0.068599 $0.042564 $2. $535. 282 915 146 081 69,981 498 977 $0.067363 $0.034782 $0.016663 $0.118808 $0.067363 $6. $833. 202 735 149 752 336 636 $0.048272 $0.019798 $0.012084 $0.080154 $0.048272 $3. $604. Exhibit No. 137 Case No. A VU-04- A VU -04- M. Fuss, Staff 6/21/04 Page 5 of CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 21ST DAY OF JUNE 2004 SERVED THE FOREGOING DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MICHAEL FUSS, IN CASE NO. AVU-04-l/AVU-04-, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF POSTAGE PREPAID TO THE FOLLOWING: DAVID J. MEYER SR VP AND GENERAL COUNSEL VISTA CORPORATION PO BOX 3727 SPOKANE W A 99220-3727 KELLY NORWOOD VICE PRESIDENT STATE & FED. REG. VISTA UTILITIES PO BOX 3727 SPOKANE W A 99220-3727 CONLEY E WARD GIVENS PURSLEY LLP PO BOX 2720 BOISE ID 83701-2720 DENNIS E PESEAU, PH. D. UTILITY RESOURCES INC 1500 LIBERTY ST SE, SUITE 250 SALEM OR 97302 CHARLES L A COX EV ANS KEANE 111 MAIN STREET PO BOX 659 KELLOGG ID 83837 BRAD M PURDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 2019 N 17TH ST BOISE ID 83702 SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE