HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040209Hirschkorn Exhibits Part II.pdfDA VID J. MEYER SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL A VISTA CORPORATION O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, W ASIllNGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-4361 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPUCA nON OF A VISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. A VU-04- EXHIBIT NO. 21 BRIAN J. HIRSCHKORN FOR A VISTA CORPORT A TION PROPOSED CHANGES TO NATURAL GAS SERVICE SCHEDULES 101 LP.C. No. 27 .. . .."'.. AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: . To firm gas service for any purpose when all such service used on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: $&28 Basic charge 47.011 ft per therm Minimum Charge: $&aS SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued Jl:Jne 2, 1 ggg Effective Jl:Jly g, 1 ggg Issued by Avista Utilities , Manager, Rates & Tariff J.dmiRistratien LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 101 Canceling Orioinal Sheet 101 101 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM -IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: ' To firm gas service for any purpose when all such service used on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: Basic charge 79.712ft per therm Minimum Charge: $ SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Ener Efficienc Rider Ad ustment Schedule 191 and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued February 6. 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By ~Vt. . Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation LP.C. No. 27 First Rovision Sheet 111 Canceling - .. . ""---' ..:; 111 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 111 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: First Next All over 200 therms 800 therms 000 therms 649ft per therm 011 ft per therm 789ft per therm Minimum Charge: $ Q.h3O SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. For customers with annual usage greater then 250,000 therms, the prorated share of deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served under this Schedule who disconnect service or switch to a transportation sales schedule. Disconnect service would include but not be limited to customers who close their business or switch entirely to an alternative fuel. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be based on the difference between the purchased gas costs collected through rates and the Company s actual purchase gas cost multiplied by the Customer s therm usage each month. The deferred gas cost balance for Customers who switch from this schedule will be transferred with the customer's account. The Customer shall have the option of 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance, or 2) an amortization rate Issued Marsh 26 2002 By authority of IPUC O~dor No 28985 Effective Marsh 1 2002 Issued by Avista Utilities By:Kolly Nerwood , Vise President, Ratos & RoQl:Jlation LP.C. No. 27 Second Revision Sheet 111 Canceling First Revision Sheet 111 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 111 SCHEDULE 111 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose , subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE:First 200 therms 82.211 ft per thermNext 800 therms 78.337ft per therm All over 1 000 therms 69.115ft per therm Minimum Charge: $ 110.05 lus 27.186ft er therm SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Ener Efficienc Rider Ad ustment Schedule 191 and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. For customers with annual usage greater then 250,000 therms, the prorated share of deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served under this Schedule who disconnect service or switch to a transportation sales schedule. Disconnect service would include but not be limited to customers who close their business or switch entirely to an alternative fuel. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be based on the difference between the purchased gas costs collected through rates and the Company s actual purchase gas cost multiplied by the Customer s therm usage each month. The deferred gas cost balance for Customers who switch from this schedule will be transferred with the customer s account. The Customer shall have the option of 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance, or 2) an amortization rate Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By: Ax i0oi orwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 111 Cancelin OriQinal Sheet 111 A 111A AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 111 - Continued LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO per therm for a term equal to the deferral recovery period to reduce the deferred gas cost balance prospectively provided the Customer has not discontinued service. The Customer's share of deferred gas costs incurred since the last Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment is subject to a true-up for any modifications made by the Commission in the next Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. If the amount billed is different than the Commission approved amount, Avista will bill or refund the Customer the difference between their share of the approved amount and the amount previously billed to the Customer. Customers who tem oraril close their account will be billed for an aid month I minimum char es at the time the account is reo ened. This rovision will to a Customer who has closed and reo ened . an account at the same address within a twelve~month eriod. Qualif Customers served under this Schedule who desire to chan e to an interru tible or trans ortation service schedule must rovide written notice to the Com east n tv (or to t ective date the sc edule chan Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9. 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy. ",Ix :;JrwoOd - VICe President, State & Federal Regulation LP.C. No. 27 First RBvision Sheet 112 Canceling ~ .. C".....~~. 11 r, 112 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. Customers beginning to take servioe under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Dwned Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: First Next All over 200 therms 800 therms 000 therms 48.649ft per therm 47.011 ft per therm 37.789ft per therm Minimum Charge: $ Q.h3O SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Customers taking service under this schedule are not eligible for certain Schedule 155 gas rate adjustments, as specified under that schedule. These customers receive their appropriate share of those amounts via a lump sum bill credit and/or charge. For customers with annual usage greater then 250,000 therms, the prorated share of deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served Issued Maroh 26, 2002 By a\,Jtt:!ority ef IPUC O~El9r No. 28985 Effective Marst:! 1 , 2002* Issued by Avista Utilities By:Kelly Nerwood , Vico Prosidont, Rates & RoQ\,JI:ltion LP.C. No. 27 Second Revision Sheet 112 Canceling First Revision Sheet 112 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a A vista Utilities 112 SCHEDULE 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. Customers takin service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1 , 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: First 200 therms 82.211 ft per thermNext 800 therms 78.337ft per therm All over 1 000 therms 69.115ft per therm Minimum Charge: $ 110.05 lus 27.186ft er therm SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Ener Efficienc Rider Ad ustment Schedule 191 and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Customers taking service under this schedule are not eligible for certain Schedule 155 gas rate adjustments, as specified under that schedule. These customers receive their appropriate share of those amounts via a lump sum bill credit and/or charge. For customers with annual usage greater then 250,000 therms, the prorated share of deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy: ~U't ,:~ orwOOd - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 112A Canceling Oriainal Sheet 112A 112 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 112 - Continued LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO under this Schedule who disconnect service or switch to a transportation sales schedule. Disconnect service would include but not be limited to customers who close their business or switch entirely to an alternative fuel. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be based on the difference between the purchased gas costs collected through rates and the Company s actual purchase gas cost multiplied by the Customer's therm usage each month. The deferred gas cost balance for Customers who switch from this schedule will be transferred with the customer's account. The Customer shall have the option of 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance, or 2) an amortization rate per therm for a term equal to the deferral recovery period to reduce the deferred gas cost balance prospectively provided the Customer has not discontinued service. The Customer's share of deferred gas costs incurred since the last Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment is subject to a true-up for any modifications made by the Commission in the next Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. If the amount billed is different than the Commission approved amount, Avista will bill or refund the Customer the difference between their share of the approved amount and the amount previously billed to the Customer. Customers who tem oraril close their account will be billed for an aid monthl minimum char es at the time the account is reo ened. This rovision will to a Customer who has closed and reo ened an account at the same address within a twelve-month eriod. Qualif Customers served under. this Schedule who desire to chan e to an interru tible or trans ortation service schedule must rovide written notice to the Com at least ninety (0) q rior to t e effective date of t chan Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy: b-t :d'i od - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation 121 LP.C. No. 27 - .. . C'....~~. ~ "H AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 121 HIGH ANNUAL LOAD FACTOR LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: . To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: First 500 thermsNext 500 thermsNext 9,000 therms All over 10,000 therms 666ft per therm 011 ft per therm 789ft per therm 098ft per therm Minimum Charge: $238 , unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: Tho annual minimum U&O &hall bo sovon timo& tho maximum thorm u&age for any normal billing poriod (27 35 day&) Novombor through March (adju&tod to a 30 day billing poriod).'\ny doficioncy ro&ulting from &ubtracting thi& annual minimum U&O from tho total U&O for tho period Novombor 1 through Octobor 31 &hall bo billed to tho Cu&tomor at 33~ por thorm U&O for tho month& of No'Jombor and Octobor '/Jill bo o&timatod if nooossary on an :l'Jorago uso por day ba&i& SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued jl:Jne 2 1 999 Effective July 9 1999 Issued by Avista Utilities By:Thernas D Dukich , Managor, Rates & Tariff Aeministration LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 121 Canceling Oriainal Sheet 121 121 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a A vista Utilities SCHEDULE 121 HIGH ANNUAL LOAD FACTOR LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available and whose re uirements for firm as service exceed 60 000 therms year APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: First 500 thermsNe~ 500 thermsNext 9,000 therms All over 10,000 therms 80.712ft per therm 78.337ft per therm 69.115ft per therm 64.350ft per therm Minimum Charge: $267.63 lus 27.186ft er therm, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM USE e annuaL.n::!1rlimum use sha reater o 000 t erms or seven times t e maximum t erm usa or an normal Qillj a perio durin the receedinQ ~ovem rou h Marc o a 30-billin oeriodt If a deficiencv results from subtractina this annual minimum use from the Customer's total use for the receedin November 1 throu h October 31 eriod annual def!Qjenc ) , e Customer wULhave t remai!lj on Schedule and an amount e ual to the annual deficienc multi lied b the then effective tail-block rate under this Schedule or transferrin their account to Lar e General Service Schedule 111 and the difference between their actual bill for the eriod and their bill for the eriod had the taken service under Schedule 111. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy: ~::::Jrwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 121 Canceling Orioinal Sheet 121 121A AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 121 - Continued HIGH ANNUAL LOAD FACTOR LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Ener Efficienc Rider Ad ustment Schedule 191 and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. For customers with annual usage greater then 250,000 therms, the prorated share of deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served under this Schedule who disconnect service or switch to a transportation sales schedule. Disconnect service would include but not be limited to customers who close their business or switch entirely to an alternative fuel. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be based on the difference between the purchased gas costs collected through rates and the Company s actual purchase gas cost multiplied by the Customer s therm usage each month. The deferred gas cost balance for Customers who switch from this schedule will be transferred with the customer's account. The Customer shall have the option of 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance, or 2) an amortization rate per therm for a term equal to the deferral recovery period to reduce the deferred gas . cost balance prospectively provided the Customer has not discontinued service. The Customer's share of deferred gas costs incurred since the last Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment is subject to a true-up for any modifications made by the Commission in the next Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. If the amount billed is different than the Commission approved amount, Avista will bill or refund the Customer the difference between their share of the approved amount and the amount previously billed to the Customer. Customers who tem oraril close their account will be billed for an aid monthl minimum char es at the time the account is reo ened. This rovision will to a Customer who has closed and reo ened an account at the same address within a twelve-month eriod. Customers serve under t s Schedule who desire to chan e to an interru tible or trans ortation service schedule must rovide written notice to the Com at least ninet y ( rior to the effective date of the schedule chan Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By: ~x ..;::r " Norwood. Vice President, State & Federal Regulation LP.C. No. 27 First Ro'/i&ion Shoat 122 Canceling -.. ",,-__..,. 122 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 122 HIGH ANNUAL LOAD FACTOR LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. Customers boginning to take service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1 , 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm. gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: First Next Next All over 500 therms 500 therms 000 therms 10,000 therms ee61t per therm 011 per therm 7891t per therm 09SIt per therm Minimum Charge:$228 , unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM: The annual minimum use shall be seven times tho maximum therm usage for any normal billing poriod (27 35 days) November through March (adjusted to a 30 day billing period)Any deficiency resulting from subtracting this annual minimum use from the total use for the period Novembor 1 through Octobor 31 shall bo billed to the Customor at 33~ per thorm Use for tho months of No'lombor and October will bo ostimatod if necessary on an a'lorago uso per day basis SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Customers taking service under this schedule are not eligible for certain Schedule 155 gas rate adjustments, as specified under that schedule. These customers receive their appropriate share of those amounts via a lump sum bill credit and/or charge. Issued Jal1l:Jary 16 2002 Advise No :\\./U 02 01 G Effective Marsh 1 2002 Issued by Avista Utilities By:Kolly Nol"A'oed , Vise Prosidel1t, E:rl9r~y Resoblrses Second Revision Sheet 122 122 Canceling LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 122 A VISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 122 HIGH ANNUAL LOAD FACTOR LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available and whose reQuirements for firm oas service exceed 60.000 therms per year. Customers takin service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Dwned Gas. APPLICABLE:. To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHL Y RATE: First 500 therms 80.712ft per therm Next 500 therms 78.337ft per therm Next 000 therms 69.115ft per therm All over 10,000 therms 64.350ft per therm Minimum Charge:$267.63 plus 27.186ft per therm, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM USE !.he annual min mum use s reater o (a) 60.000 \,herms. or (Ql seven t mes t e max mum t erm usa or an normalJlli!j o p iQQ (27-35 durina the preceedina November throuah March Ujadiusted to a 30-dav billina period).If a deficiency results from subtractino this annual. minimum use from the Customer's total use for the preceedino November 1 throuQh October 31 period annua enc e Customer will ave t remai!lj on this Schedule and pavino an amount eQual to the annual deficiency multiplied by the then effective tail-block rate under this Schedule or (2) transferrina their account to Laroe General Service Schedule 112 and payinQ the difference between their actual bill for the period and their bill for the period had they taken service under Schedule 112. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By: Kelly O.Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~ Ax LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 122A Canceling Original Sheet 122A 122A AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a A vista Utilities SCHEDULE 122 - Continued HIGH ANNUAL LOAD FACTOR LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO For customers with annual usage greater then 250,000 therms, the prorated share of deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served under this Schedule who disconnect service or switch to a transportation sales schedule. Disconnect service would include but not be limited to customers who close their business or switch entirely to an alternative fuel. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be based on the difference between the purchased gas costs collected through rates and the Company s actual purchase gas cost multiplied by the Customer s therm usage each month. The deferred gas cost balance for Customers who switch from this schedule will be transferred with the customer s account. The Customer shall have the option of 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance, or 2) an amortization rate per therm for a term equal to the deferral recovery period to reduce the deferred gas cost balance prospectively provided the Customer has not discontinued service. The Customer s share of deferred gas costs incurred since the last Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment is subject to a true-up for any modifications made by the Commission in the next Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. If the amount billed is different than the Commission approved amount, Avista will bill or refund the Customer the difference between their share of the approved amount and the amount previously billed to the Customer. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Ener Efficienc Rider ustment Schedule 191 and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Customers taking service under this schedule are not eligible for certain Schedule 155 gas rate adjustments, as specified under that schedule. These customers receive their appropriate share of those amounts via a lump sum bill credit and/or charge. Customers who tem oraril close their account will be billed for an aid month I minimum char es at the time the account is reo ened. This rovision will a to a Customer who has closed and reo ened an account at the same address within a twelve-month eriod. Qualif Customers served under this Schedule who desire to chan e to an interru tible or trans ortation service schedule must rovide written notice to the Com at least ninety (rior to the effective date of the schedule chan Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy: ?~ Ax ~OOd - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation LP.C. No. Fifth Revisien Sheet 150 Canceling SI:J9stitI:Jte Fe~rth Rovision Shoot 150 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 150 SCHEDULE 150 PURCHASE GAS COST ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To pass through changes in costs resulting from rate adjustments imposed by the Company s suppliers, to become effective as noted below. RATE: (a)The rates of firm gas Schedules 101 , 111 , 112 , 121 and 122 are to be increased by 186ft per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. (b)The rates of interruptible Schedules 131 and 132 are to be increased by 370ft per thermo (c)The rate for transportation under Schedule 146 is to be decreased by per thermo BALANCING ACCOUNT: The Company will maintain a Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account whereby monthly entries into this Balancing Account will be made to reflect differences between the actual purchased gas costs collected from customers and the purchased gas costs determined under Schedule 163 - Natural Gas Benchmark mechanism. Those differences are then collected from or refunded to customers under Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The rates named herein are subject to increases as set forth in Schedule 158. Issued Jl:Jly a1 200a Effective Osteger a 200a Issued by Avista Utilities Kolly Nerwood Vise PresideFlt, Ratos & RoQl:Jlation LP.C. No. Sixth Revision Sheet 150 Canceling Fifth Revision Sheet 150 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 150 SCHEDULE 150 PURCHASE GAS COST ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To pass through changes in costs resulting from rate adjustments imposed by the Company s suppliers, to become effective as noted below. RATE: (a)The rates of firm gas Schedules 101, 111 , 112, 121 and 122 are to be increased by OO.oooe per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. The rates of interruptible Schedules 131 and 132 are to be increased by oo.oooe per thermo (b) (c)The rate for transportation under Schedule 146 is to be decreased by oo.oooe per thermo BALANCING ACCOUNT: The Company will maintain a Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account whereby monthly entries into this Balancing Account will be made to reflect differences between the actual purchased gas costs collected from customers and the purchased gas costs determined under Schedule 163 - Natural Gas Benchmark mechanism. Those differences are then collected from or refunded to customers under Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The rates named herein are subject to increases as set forth in Schedule 158. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By Ax ~NOlWOod - Vice-Presiden~ State & Federal Regulation 131 LP.C. No. 27 - .. ""---' .". AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO (Off Poak) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to Company fer purchase undor supplier s ODL 1 Schedule (2) The Company existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm and interruptible gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: a1.354 ft per therm ANNUAL MINIMUM: $78,385. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS:1. Service under this schedule shall be subject to curtailment or interruption at such times and in such amounts as, in Company s judgment, curtailment or interruption is necessary. The Company will not be liable for damages occasioned by curtailment or interruption of service supplied under this schedule. 2. Gas taken by Customer under this rate by reason of failure to comply with a curtailment order shall be considered as unauthorized overrun volume. In addition to the rate herein Customer shall pay the following penalty for such overrun: a6ft per therm in excess of 103%, and eGft per therm in excess of 105% of Customer s pipeline day allocation, or eGft per therm for all unauthorized gas taken during a pipeline day having zero allocation. Payment of an overrun penalty shall not under any circumstances be considered as granting Customer the right to take unauthorized overrun gas or exclude any other remedies which may be available to Company. Issued J1:Jno 2, 1999 Effective Jl:Jly 9,1999 Issued by Avista Utilities By:Thomas O Oukich , Managor, Rates & Tariff Administratisn LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 131 Canceling Orioinal Sheet 131 131 A VISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and , (2) The Company s existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: 57.600ft per therm ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency CharQe if their aas usaQe durina the prior year did not eQual or exceed 250.000 therms. Such Annual Minimum Deficiencv CharQe shall be determined by subtractina the Customer's actual usaQe for the twelve-month period endina each Auaust from 250,000 therms multiplied by 10.735ft per thermo SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS:1. Service under this schedule shall be subject to curtailment or interruption at such times and in such amounts as, in Company s judgment curtailment or interruption is necessary. The Company will not be liable for damages occasioned by curtailment or interruption of service supplied under this schedule. 2. Gas taken by Customer under this rate by reason of failure to comply with a curtailment order shall be considered as unauthorized overrun volume. In addition to the rate herein, Customer shall pay the following penalty for such overrun: 50ft per therm in excess of 103%, and $1.per therm in excess of 105% of Customer s pipeline day allocation , or $1.per therm for all unauthorized gas taken during a pipeline day having zero allocation. Payment of an overrun penalty shall not under any circumstances be considered as granting Customer the Issued February 6. 2004 Effective March 9. 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy: ~b-r. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation LP.C. No. 27 First Ro'Jision Shoot 1 :i!1 A Canceling -., CO'--- '."." 131A AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 131 - continued 1\ pipeline day shall be tho 21 hours ending at 2 00 P Pacific Standard Timo 3. (a) The service agreement shall expressly provide that Customer at his expense , shall provide and maintain standby facilities of sufficient capacity and a reserve of substitute fuel in sufficient amount to enable Customer to continue operations with a substitute fuel in the event of partial curtailment or total interruption of the gas supply. (b) The Company may, however, make service available under this schedule to a Customer who elects not to provide such standby facilities, if the regulatory body having jurisdiction approves the lack of standby facilities. In such situation the service agreement shall expressly provide that if, in the event partial curtailment or total interruption of gas supply, Customer curtails or suspends his operations he agrees and shall acknowledge that such action results from his election not to install and maintain such standby facilities and fuel.4. Gas service supplied under this schedule shall not be interchange- able with any other gas service available from Company.5. Upon request of Company, Customer shall read Company s meter at the ,beginning of each day and report said reading to Company daily; further Customer shall from time to time submit estimates of its daily, monthly and annual volumes of gas required hereunder, including peak day requirements, together with such other operating data as Company may require in order to schedule its operations and to meetits system requirements.6. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff.7. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158.8. For customers with annual usage greater then 250,000 therms, the prorated share of deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served under this Schedule who disconnect service or Issued Marsh 20 2002 By authority of IPUC Order No 28988 Effective March 1 2002 Issued by Avista Utilities By:Kelly ~Jo/"\...ood , Vise P~9sid9nt, Rates &. ReQl:Jlation LP.C. No. 27 Second Revision Sheet 131A Canceling First Revision Sheet 131A AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 131A SCHEDULE 131 - continued right to take unauthorized overrun gas or exclude any other remedies which may be available to Company. 3. (a) The service agreement shall expressly provide that Customer at his expense, shall provide and maintain standby facilities of sufficient capacity and a reserve of substitute fuel in sufficient amount to enable Customer to continue operations with a substitute fuel in the event of partial curtailment or total interruption of the gas supply. (b) The Company may, however, make service available under this schedule to a Customer who elects not to provide such standby facilities, if the regulatory body having jurisdiction approves the lack of standby facilities. In such situation the service agreement shall expressly provide that if, in the event of partial curtailment or total interruption of gas supply, Customer curtails or suspends his operations he agrees and shall acknowledge that such action results from his election not to install and maintain such standby facilities and fuel.4. Gas service supplied under this schedule shall not be interchange- able with any other gas service available from Company.5. Upon request of Company, Customer shall read Company s meter at the beginning of each day and report said reading to Company daily; further Customer shall from time to time submit estimates of its daily, monthly and annual volumes of gas required hereunder, including peak day requirements, together with such other operating data as Company may require in order to schedule its operations and to meet its system requirements.6. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff.7. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 150 , Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Ener Efficienc Rider Ad ustment Schedule 191 and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158.8. For customers with annual usage greater then 250 000 therms, the prorated share of deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served under this Schedule who disconnect service or Issued Februa 2004 Effective March 9 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy: Kelly Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~Axw 131 B LP.C. No. 27 - .. ""- - ,. n. M AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 131 - Continued switch to a transportation sales schedule. Disconnect service would include but not be limited to customers who close their business or switch entirely to an alternative fuel. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be based on the difference between the purchased gas costs collected through rates and the Company s actual purchase gas cost multiplied by the Customer s therm usage each month. The deferred gas cost balance for Customers who switch from this schedule will be transferred with the customer's account. The Customer shall have the option of 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance, or 2). an amortization rate per therm for a term equal to the deferral recovery period to reduce the deferred gas cost balance prospectively provided the Customer has not discontinued service. The Customer s share of deferred gas costs incurred since the last Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment is subject to a true-up for any modifications made by the Commission in the next Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. If the amount billed is different than the Commission approved amount, Avista will bill or refund the Customer the difference between their share of the approved amount and the amount previously billed to the Customer. Issued Mar~h 26, 2002 By 3I:Jtherity of IPUC Order Ne. 28985 Effective Marsh 1, 2002* Issued by Avista Utilities By:Kelly Norv.(Qod , Vise Prosidont, Rato& & Regulation LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 131 Canceling Orioinal Sheet 131 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 131 - Continued switch to a transportation sales schedule. Disconnect service would include but not be limited to customers who close their business or switch entirely to an alternative fuel. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be based on the difference between the purchased gas costs collected through rates and the Company s actual purchase gas cost multiplied by the Customer's therm usage each month. The deferred gas cost balance for Customers who switch from this schedule will be transferred with the customer's account. The Customer shall have the option of 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance, or 2). an amortization rate per therm for a term equal to the deferral recovery period to reduce the deferred gas cost balance prospectively provided the Customer has not discontinued service. The Customer's share of deferred gas costs incurred since the last Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment is subject to a true-up for any modifications made by the Commission in the next Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. If the amount billed is different than the Commission approved amount, Avista will bill or refund the Customer the difference between their share of the approved amount and the amount previously billed to the Customer. 9. Customers served under this Schedule who desire to chan e to a firm sales service or trans ortation service schedule must rovide written notice to the Com at east n ty ( ) q or to the e ve date of the schedule chan e. The Com reserves the ri ht to refuse a Customer re uest to chan to a firm sales or firm trans ortation service schedule based on firm trans ortation aci or as su constraints. Issued Februa 2004 Effective March 9 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By: ?~ .., orwOOd - Vice Presi_t, Stale & Federal Regulation LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 1 ~2 Canceling .. C'h",~+ 1 ')1) 132 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 132 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO (Off Peak) AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to Company for purchaso under supplier s ODL 1 Schodulo (2) The Company s existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm and interruptible gas service, adequate for the service requested by Customer. Customers bog inning to taka service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1 , 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: 351 ft per therm ANNUAL MINIMUM: $78 385 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS:1. Service under this schedule shall be subject to curtailment or interruption at such times and in such amounts as, in Company s judgment curtailment or interruption is necessary. The Company will not be liable for damages occasioned by curtailment or interruption of service supplied under this schedule.2. Gas taken by Customer under this rate by reason of failure to comply with a curtailment order shall be considered as unauthorized overrun volume. addition to the rate herein, Customer shall pay the following penalty for such overrun: 2a1t per therm in excess of 103%, and aQlt per therm in excess of 105% of Customer pipeline day allocation, or aQlt per therm for all unauthorized gas taken during a pipeline day having zero allocation. Payment of an overrun penalty shall not under any circumstances be considered as granting Customer the right to take unauthorized overrun gas or exclude any other remedies which may be available to Company. Issued Janl:Jary 16 2002 Advise ~Je /I. VU 02 01 G Effective March 1 2002 Issued by Avista Utilities By:Kelly ~Jol"\"'OQg , 'JiGO President, Energy ReGQ~rces LP.C. No. 27 Second Revision Sheet 132 Canceling First Revision Sheet 132 132 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 132 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and.(2) The Company s existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service adequate for the service requested by Customer. Customers takin service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1 , 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: 57. 600ft per therm ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be sub ect to an Annual Minimum Deficienc Char e if their as usa e durin the rior ear did not e ual or exceed 250 000 therms. Such Annual Minimum Deficienc Char e shall be determined b subtractin the Customer s actual usa e for the twelve-month eriod endin each Au ust from 250 000 therms multi lied b 10.735tt er thermo SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS:1. Service under this schedule shall be subject to curtailment or interruption at such times and in such amounts as, in Company s judgment curtailment or interruption is necessary. The Company will not be liable for damages occasioned by curtailment or interruption of service supplied under this schedule.2. Gas taken by Customer under this rate by reason of failure to comply with a curtailment order shall be considered as unauthorized overrun volume. addition to the rate herein, Customer shall pay the following penalty for such overrun: 50ft per therm in excess of 103%, and $per therm in excess of 105% of Customer s pipeline day allocation, or $per therm for all unauthorized gas taken during a pipeline day having zero allocation. Payment of an overrun penalty shall not under any circumstances be considered as granting Customer the right to take Issued Februar 2004 Effective March 9 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By: Ar:... ... :::J O Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Shoot 1 32A Canceling - .. ~I..~~~~"A 132A AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 132 - conitinued P. pipeline day E:hall be tho 21 hourc ending :it 2 00 P P3oifio Standard Timo 3. (a) The service agreement shall expressly provide that Customer, at his expense, shall provide and maintain standby facilities of sufficient capacity and a reserve of substitute fuel in sufficient amount to enable Customer to continue operations with a substitute fuel in the event of partial curtailment or total interruption of the gas supp!y. (b) The Company may, however, make service available under this schedule to a Customer who elects not to provide such standby facilities, if the regulatory body having jurisdiction approves the lack of standby facilities. In such situation the service agreement shall expressly provide that if, in the event of partial curtailment or total interruption of gas supply, Customer curtails or suspends his operations he agrees and shall acknowledge that such action results from his election not to install and maintain such standby facilities and fuel. 4. Gas service supplied under this schedule shall not be interchange- able with any other gas service available from Company. 5. Upon request of Company, Customer shall read Company s meter at the beginning of each day and report said reading to Company daily; further Customer shall from time to time submit estimates of its daily, monthly and annual volumes of gas required hereunder, including peak day requirements, together with such other operating data as Company may require in order to schedule its operations and to meet its system requirements. 6. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. 7. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. 8. Customers taking service under this schedule are not eligible for certain Schedule 155 gas rate adjustments, as specified under that schedule. These customers receive their appropriate share of those amounts via a lump sum bill credit and/or charge. Issued .Janl:lary 16 2002 Advice No AVU 02 01 G Effective March 1 2002 Issued by Avista Utilities By:Kelly Norwood , Vico President, Enorgy Resol:Jrces LP.C. No. 27 Second Revision Sheet 132A Canceling First Revision Sheet 132A AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a A vista Utilities 132A SCHEDULE 132 - continued unauthorized overrun gas or exclude any other remedies which may be available to Company. 3. (a) The service agreement shall expressly provide that Customer, at his expense, shall provide and maintain standby facilities of sufficient capacity and a reserve of substitute fuel in sufficient amount to enable Customer to continue operations with a substitute fuel in the event of partial curtailment or total interruption of the gas supply. (b) The Company may, however, make service available under this schedule to a Customer who elects not to provide such standby facilities, if the regulatory body having jurisdiction approves the lack of standby facilities. In such situation the service agreement shall expressly provide that if , in the event of partial curtailment or total interruption of gas supply, Customer curtails or suspends his operations he agrees and shall acknowledge that such action results from his election not to install and maintain such standby facilities and fuel. 4. Gas service supplied under this schedule shall not be interchange- able with any other gas service available from Company. 5. Upon request of Company, Customer shall read Company s meter at the beginning of each day and report said reading to Company daily; further Customer shall from time to time submit estimates of its daily, monthly and annual volumes of gas required hereunder, including peak day requirements together with such other operating data as Company may require in order to schedule its operations and to meet its system requirements. 6. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. 7. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Ener Efficienc Rider Ad ustment Schedule 191 and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. 8. Customers taking service under this schedule are not eligible for certain Schedule 155 gas rate adjustments, as specified under that schedule. These customers receive their appropriate share of those amounts via a lump sum bill credit and/or charge. Issued Februa 2004 Effective March 9 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By: ~Ut ... ::d NOtWOOd - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation 132B LP.C. No. 27 - .. C"...~~, . ",.,0 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a A vista Utilities SCHEDULE 132 - continued 9. For customers with annual usage greater then 250 000 therms, the prorated share of deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served under this Schedule who disconnect service or switch to a transportation sales schedule. Disconnect service would include but not be limited to customers who close their business or switch entirely to an alternative fuel. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be based on the difference between the purchased gas costs collected through rates and the Company s actual purchase gas cost multiplied by the Customer's therm usage each month. The deferred gas cost balance for Customers who switch from this schedule will be transferred with the customer's account. The Customer shall have the option of 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance , or 2) an amortization rate per therm for a term equal to the deferral recovery period to reduce the deferred gas cost balance prospectively provided the Customer has not discontinued service. The Customer s share of deferred gas costs incurred sincethe last Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment is subject to a true-up for any modifications made by the Commission in the next Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. If the amount billed is different than the Commission approved amount, Avista will bill or refund the Customer the difference between their share of the approved amount and the amount previously billed to the Customer. Issued Marsh 26 2002 By :authority of Per IPUC Order ~Io 28985 Effective Mamh 1 2002 Issued by Avista Utilities By:Kelly Norwood , Vice President, Rates & Regulation LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 132B Canceling Orioinal Sheet 132B 1328 A VISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 132 - continued 9. For customers with annual usage greater then 250,000 therms, the prorated share of deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served under this Schedule who disconnect service or switch to a transportation sales schedule. Disconnect service would include but not be limited to customers who close their business or switch entirely to an alternative fuel. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be based on the difference between the purchased gas costs collected through rates and the Company s actual purchase gas cost multiplied by the Customer's therm usage each month. The deferred gas cost balance for Customers who switch from this schedule will be transferred with the customer's account. The Customer shall have the option of 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance , or 2) an amortization rate per therm for a term equal to the deferral recovery period to reduce the deferred gas cost balance prospectively provided the Customer has not discontinued service. The Customer's share of deferred gas costs incurred sincethe last Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment is subject to a true-up for any modifications made by the Commission in the next Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. If the amount billed is different than the Commission approved amount, Avista will bill or refund the Customer the difference between their share of the approved amount and the amount previously billed to the Customer. 10. Customers served under this Schedule who desire to chan e to a firm sales service or trans ortation service schedule must rovide written notice to the Com at least ninety (or to the e ve date o e sche chan e. The Com reserves the ri ht to refuse a Customer re uest to chan to a firm sales or firm trans ortation service schedule based on firm trans ortation aci or as su constraints. Issued Februa 2004 Effective March 9 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By: ... :::J N orwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation 146 LP.C. No. 27 -.. ("1._-"'.04'" AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 146 TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER-OWNED GAS - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Commercial and Industrial Customers in the State of Idaho whose requirements exceed 250 000 therms of gas per year provided that the Company existing distribution system has capacity adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To transportation service for a Customer-owned supply of natural gas from the Company point of interconnection with its Pipeline Transporter to the Company s point of interconnection with the Customer. Service shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering for use by a single customer. MONTHLY RATE: 13.567ft per therm ANNUAL MINIMUM: 918, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1 . Service hereunder shall be provided subject to execution of a contract between the Customer and the Company for a term of not less than one year. The contract shall also specify the maximum daily volume of gas to be transported. 2. Service undor this schedulo shall bo subjoct to intorruption at such times and in such amounts as, in the Company s judgment, intorruption nocossary. Tho Company v:iII not bo liable for damagos occasionod by intorruption of sorvico suppliod undor this schodulo. Issued Jl:Jno 2, 1999 Effective July 9, 1999 Issued by Avista Utilities , Manager R3tos &. Tariff Administration LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 146 Canceling Orioinal Sheet 146 146 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 146 TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER-OWNED GAS - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Commercial and Industrial Customers in the State of Idaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year provided that the Company existing distribution system has capacity adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: . To transportation service for a Customer-owned supply of natural gas from the Company point of interconnection with its Pipeline Transporter to the Company s point of interconnection with the Customer. Service shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering for use by a single customer. MONTHLY RATE: 200.00 Customer C 12.100ft per therm ANNUAL MINIMUM: $32 650, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS:1. Service hereunder shall be provided subject to execution of a contract between the Customer and the Company for a term of not less than one year. The contract shall also specify the maximum daily volume of gas to be transported. g. Billing arrangements with gas suppliers and transportation by others are to be the responsibility of the Customer. ~. The Customer shall be responsible for any end-use taxes levied on Customer-owned gas transported by the Company. ~. Customers served under this schedule are required to pay for the installation of telemetering equipment and any other new facilities or equipment required to transport Customer-owned gas or accurately meter such gas under this schedule. Such facilities and equipment shall meet all Company specifications and shall be owned and maintained by the Company. Issued Februar 2004 Effective March 9 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy ".Ix Kell O. Norwood - Vice President State & Federal Re ulation LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 146.'\ Canceling .. "'..., . A" 146A AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 146 - continued TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER-OWNED GAS - IDAHO 6. Billing arrangements with gas suppliers and transportation by others are to be the responsibility of the Customer. 4. The Customer shall be responsible for any end-use taxes levied on Customer-owned gas transported by the Company.e. Customers served under this schedule are required to pay for the installation of telemetering equipment and any other new facilities or equipment required to transport Customer-owned gas or accurately meter such gas under this schedule. Such facilities and equipment shall meet all Company specifications and shall be owned and maintained by the Company. e. The Customer, with assistance from the Company when necessary, will schedule its supply such that at the end of the Customer s billing cycle, the Customer s usage approximately equals the amount of gas supplied to the Company by the Customer s supplier during the billing cycle. Tho Company in its solo discretion shall dotormino ...:hethor it has adoquate distribution capacity to accommodato transportJ.tion of Customer owned gas-.8. Gas delivered under this schedule shall not be resold by the Customer contracting for transportation service. 9. The quality of Customer-owned natural gas shall meet the requirements as set forth in the Company s Pipeline Transporters' FERC tariff. +9. Customers served under this schedule who desire to switch from this Schedule to a sales service schedule, or from a sales service schedule to this Schedule, must provide 90 days' prior written notice to the Company. The Company reserves the right to refuse or postpone a Customer request to switch between transportation service and sales service based on firm pipeline capacity or gas supply constraints. Issued .Janl:Jary 1 6 2QO2 Adviso No A VU 02 01 G Effective Mar-sh 1 2002 Issued by Avista Utilities By:Kelly Nerwoed , Vise PmsicJont, ERerQY Rgsorblse& Second Revision Sheet 146A 146A Canceling I.P.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 146A AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 146 - continued TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER-OWNED GAS - IDAHO The Company may entitle or interrupt the transportation of Customer- Owned Gas on its system whenever the Company.in its sole iudaement. determines that it does not have adeQuate pipeline or distribution system capacity to meet all firm service reQuirements.Such entitlement or interruption shall be made in accordance with the Company s "ContinQency Plan for Firm Service Gas Curtailment". as contained in its Qeneral service tariff. Any volumes of Customer- Owned Gas unable to be delivered due to operational constraints on the Company shall be held as an imbalance and delivered to the Customer as soon as operationally practicable. The Company will not be liable for damaQes occasioned the entitlement or interru tion of service su lied under this schedule. Gas taken by Customer under this rate by reason of failure to complv with an overrun entitlement order shall be considered as unauthorized overrun volume. In addition to the rate herein. Customer shall pav the followina penalty for ID:!f..h overrun: 50 er 1illmnJn excess o 03%and 00 er t n excess 105% of Customer p!Qg!jne da or OO er t unaut orize oas taken durina a pipeline day havina zero allocation.Payment of an overrun enal shall not under an circumstances be consi as rant Customer t rioht to take unauthorized overrun aas or exclude anv other remedies which mav be available to Com Gas not taken by Customer under this tariff by reason of failure to comply with an underrun entitlement order shall be considered as unauthorized underrun volume. Customer shall the Q pena!!YJor suc!:!...!!r!f!errun: a for that part of the unauthorized underrun volume which is at least 5% under the Customer's entitlement for such day. but not more than 10% of the Customer's entitlement for such dav. an amount eQual to $0.50 per t~erm. b) 10r that part of the unauthorized underrun volume which is areater than 10% under the Customer entitlement for such dav. an amount eQuaL!Q31.00 per t~erm. Company may desianate that the volume of underrun aas be reQuired to be taken off the system within the foliowinQ seventy-two (72) ~ours.For that part of the unauthorized underrun volume not taken off the system within the seventy-two hour period. the Customer will be assessed a pena~ .00 per thermo Issued Februarv 6. 2004 Effective March 9. 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy ~ Ax......d Kell O. Norwood - Vice President State & Federal Ae ulation LP.C. No. 27 First Rovision ShClot 146B Canceling .. C'h"",,+ 1 A~C 14GB AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 146 - continued TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER-OWNED GAS -IDAHO -++. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. +2. The above Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 150 , Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Tax Adjustment Schedule 158, .and DSM Rider Adjustment Schedule 191. +3. Deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served under this Schedule, as well as for sales Customers who request to switch from a sales service Schedule to this Schedule. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be based on the difference between the purchased gas costs collected through rates and the Company s actual purchased gas cost multiplied by the Customer's therm usage each month. The deferred gas cost balance for Customers who have switched from a sales service schedule to this Scheduled will be transferred with the Customer's account. The Customer shall have the option of 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance or 2) an amortization rate per therm to reduce the deferred gas cost balance. +4. Customers who elect to switch from service under this Schedule to a sales service schedule will be served under Schedule 112 , 122, or 132, as applicable. Issued Janl:Jary 16 2002 dvise No A VU 92 01 Effective Marsh 1 2002 Issued by Avista Utilities By:Kelly Nerwoed , Vise President, Enorgy Reseruces LP.C. No. 27 Second Revision Sheet 146B Canceling First Revision Sheet 146B AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 146B SCHEDULE 146 - continued TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER-OWNED GAS - IDAHO ~. The Customer, with assistance from the Company when necessary, will schedule its supply such that at the end of the Customer s billing cycle, the Customer usage approximately equals the amount of gas supplied to the Company by the Customer s supplier during the billing cycle. f!. Gas delivered under this schedule shall not be resold by the Customer contracting for transportation service. The quality of Customer-owned natural gas shall meet the requirements as set forth in the Company s Pipeline Transporters' FERC tariff. 11. Customers served under this schedule who desire to switch from this Schedule to a sales service schedule, or from a sales service schedule to this Schedule, must provide 90 days' prior written notice to the Company. The Company reserves the right to refuse or postpone a Customer request to switch between transportation service and sales service based on firm pipeline capacity or gas supply constraints. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Tax Adjustment Schedule 158, and DSM Rider Adjustment Schedule 191. Deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served under this Schedule, as well as for sales Customers who request to switch from a sales service Schedule to this Schedule. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be based on the difference between the purchased gas costs collected through rates and the Company actual purchased gas cost multiplied by the Customer s therm usage each month. The deferred gas cost balance for Customers who have switched from a sales service schedule to this Scheduled will be transferred with the Customer s account. The Customer shall have the option of 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance, or 2) an amortization rate per therm to reduce the deferred gas cost balance. Customers who elect to switch from service under this Schedule to a sales service schedule will be served under Schedule 112 , 122, or 132, as applicable. Issued Februa 2004 Effective March 9 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities BY: ~,:.. .....':j O. Norwood - Vice President State & Federal R ulation LP.C. No. 27 First Rovision Shoet 170 E Cancelling .. '" ....'" ~ 170- AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR SERVICE: - continued New Customer Turn-On Charge (After-Hours): There will be no charge for new Customer service turn-ons when such service connection is performed during office hours regularly maintained by the Company. For new Customer turn-ons requested to be completed during other hours, there will be a charge of $~. When a new Customer receives Company- supplied gas and electric service, a single charge of $32 will be required for after hours service turn-ons. Return Trip Charge If the conditions stated in Sections 7 and 8, below, are not satisfied prior to the Customer s request for temporary service, a $55.00 charge, per trip, will be billed to the Customer whenever Company personnel are dispatched to the job site but are unable to connect the service. The charge will be billed after the conditions have been satisfied and the connection has been made. When a residential Customer supplies the trench, backfill, conduit, and compaction for an underground service, a charge of $55.00 per trip return charge will be assessed if the Company s installation crew cannot install pipe on the first appointment or subsequent appointments. SERVICE PIPING AND METERS: I NST ALLA TION - The Company, at its expense, will furnish, install and maintain the service piping to the meter location , and the meter or meters required in accordance with its filed tariff to determine the billing to be made for gas service. RELOCATION - If relocation of service pipe is due solely to meet the convenience of the Applicant or Customer, or is made necessary by acts of the Customer which create hazards to the main or meter or make the main or- meter inaccessible, such relocation will be performed by the utility AT THE EXPENSE OF THE APPLICANT OR CUSTOMER. The Company shall provide the customer an estimate of such relocation costs before the actual relocation occurs. Any structure built over an existing service line, or above or around a meter, that does not allow the utility ready access to its facilities, or allow the free upward venting of gas should a leak ever occur, constitutes an unacceptable hazard that will require correction. Issued Novembor 10 2000 Effective Dosomeor 22 2000 Issued by Avista Utilities Thomas D Dl:Jkich , Manager, Rates & Tariff Administration LP.C. No. 27 Second Revision Sheet 170- Cancelling First Revision Sheet 170- A VISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 170- IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR SERVICE: - continued New Customer Turn-On Charge (After-Hours): There will be no charge for new Customer service turn-ons when such service connection is performed during office hours regularly maintained by the Company. For new Customer turn-ons requested to be completed during other hours, there will be a charge of $48.. When a new Customer receives Company-supplied gas and electric service, a single charge of $48.will be required for after hours service turn-ons. Return Trip Charge If the conditions stated in Sections 7 and 8, below, are not satisfied prior to the Customer s request for temporary service, a $55.00 charge, per trip, will be billed to the Customer whenever Company personnel are dispatched to the job site but are unable to connect the service. The charge will be billed after the conditions have been satisfied and the connection has been made. When a residential Customer supplies the trench , backfill, conduit, and compaction for an underground service, a charge of $55.00 per trip return charge will be assessed if the Company s installation crew cannot install pipe on the first appointment or subsequent appointments. SERVICE PIPING AND METERS: INSTALLATION - The Company, at its expense, will furnish, install and maintain the service piping to the meter location , and the meter or meters required in accordance with its filed tariff to determine the billing to be made for gas service. RELOCATION - If relocation of service pipe is due solely to meet the convenience of the Applicant or Customer, or is made necessary by acts of the Customer which create hazards to the main or meter or make the main or meter inaccessible, such relocation will be performed by the utility AT THE EXPENSE OF THE APPLICANT OR CUSTOMER. The Company shall provide the customer an estimate of such relocation costs before the actual relocation occurs. Any structure built over an existing service line, or above or around a meter, that does not allow the utility ready access to its facilities, or allow the free upward venting of gas should a leak ever occur, constitutes an unacceptable hazard that will require correction. Issued Februa 2004 Effective March 9 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Reaulation A~...-=1 170- LP.C. No. 27 . . ~h~~+ 17nJ'- I) AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued 15.RECONNECTION CHARGE: - continued 15.Gas Service Reestablishment Charge When service has been discontinued at the Customer s request and then reestablished within a twelve-month period, the Customer shall be required to pay the monthly minimum charges that would have been billed had service not been discontinued , as well as a reestablishment charge. The charge for reestablishment shall be: $3+:Q(), provided satisfactory arrangements for payment of all proper charges have been made during the hours of 8:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays; or $4&:00 if such arrangements are made during the hours of 4:00 p. through 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays. If such arrangements are made during hours other than the above, the reestablishment shall be completed on the following day except for medical emergencies or a customer disconnected in error. Any reestablishment completed on a weekend or holiday will be charged $4&:00. 15.Additional Meters at the Same Premises Where the Company also furnishes other regulated service to the Customer at the same premises and such other service also has been discontinued, the charge will be increased by $4.00 for each additional service reconnected at the same time. (remainder of page intentionally left blank) Issued ~Jo'.'omber 10 2000 Effective Dosember 22 2000 Issued by Avista Utilities Themas D Dl:Jkish , Managor, Ratos & Tariff :\dministration LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 170- Canceling Original Sheet 170- AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 170- IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued 15.RECONNECTION CHARGE: - continued 15.Gas Service Reestablishment Charge When service has been discontinued at the Customer s request and then reestablished within a twelve-month period, the Customer shall be required to pay the monthly minimum charges that would have been billed had service not been discontinued, as well as a reestablishment charge. The charge for reestablishment shall be: 24., provided satisfactory arrangements for payment of all proper charges have been made during the hours of 8:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays; or $48.if such arrangements are made during the hours of 4:00 p. through 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays. If such arrangements are made during hours other than the above, the reestablishment shall be completed on the following day except for medical emergencies or a customer disconnected in error. Any reestablishment completed on a weekend or holiday will be charged $48. 15.Additional Meters at the Same Premises Where the Company also furnishes other regulated service to the Customer at the same premises and such other service also has been discontinued, the charge will be increased by $4.00 for each additional service reconnected at the same time. (remainder of page intentionally left blank) Issued Februa 2004 Effective March 9 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kellv O. Norwood - Vice President. State & Federal Reaulation7~~ Ai b-1. ~ DAVIDJ. MEYER SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL A VISTA CORPORA nON O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION A VENUE SPOKANE, W ASIllNGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-4361 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPUCA nON OF A VISTA CORPORA nON FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE ST ATE )OF IDAHO CASE NO. A VU-04- EXHIBIT NO. 22 BRIAN J. HIRSCHKORN FOR A VISTA CORPORTATION PROPOSED NATURAL GAS SERVICE RATES LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 101 Canceling OriQinal Sheet 101 101 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 101 GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: ' To firm gas service for any purpose when all such service used on the premises is supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: $5.00 Basic charge 79.712ft per therm Minimum Charge: $5. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 191 and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Ax .:. ' Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation LP.C. No. 27 Second Revision Sheet 111 Canceling First Revision Sheet 111 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 111 SCHEDULE 111 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE:First 200 therms 82.211 ft per thermNext 800 therms 78.337ft per therm All over 1 000 therms 69.115ft per therm Minimum Charge: $ 110.05 plus 27.186ft per therm SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. . The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 191 and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. For customers with annual usage greater then 250,000 therms , the prorated share of deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served under this Schedule who disconnect service or switch to a transportation sales schedule. Disconnect service would include but not be limited to customers who close their business or switch entirely to an alternative fuel. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be based on the difference between the purchased gas costs collected through rates and the Company s actual purchase gas cost multiplied by the Customer's therm usage each month. The deferred gas cost balance for Customers who switch from this schedule will be transferred with the customer s account. The Customer shall have the option of 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance, or 2) an amortization rate Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy: Kelly Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ~ ~~ ..r=J LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 111 Canceling OriQinal Sheet 111 A 111A AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 111 - Continued LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO per therm for a term equal to the deferral recovery period to reduce the deferred gas cost balance prospectively provided the Customer has not discontinued service. The Customer s share of deferred gas costs incurred since the last Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment is subject to a true-up for any modifications made by the Commission in the next Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. If the amount billed is different than the Commission approved amount, Avista will bill or refund the Customer the difference between their share of the approved amount and the amount previously billed to the Customer. Customers who temporarily close their account will be billed for any unpaid monthly minimum charges at the time the account is reopened. This provision will apply to a Customer who has closed and reopened an account at the same address within a twelve-month period. Qualifying Customers served under this Schedule who desire to change to an interruptible or transportation service schedule must provide written notice to the Company at least ninety (90) days prior to the effective date of the schedule change. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy: Kelly Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation~~x LP.C. No. 27 Second Revision Sheet 112 Canceling First Revision Sheet 112 112 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 112 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1 , 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery through a single meter. MONTHLY RATE: First 200 therms 82.211 ft per thermNext 800 therms 78.337ft per therm All over 1 000 therms 69.115ft per therm Minimum Charge: $ 110.05 plus 27.186ft per therm SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 191 and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Customers taking service under this schedule are not eligible for certain Schedule 155 gas rate adjustments, as specified under that schedule. These customers receive their appropriate share of those amounts via a lump sum bill credit and/or charge. For customers with annual usage greater then 250,000 therms, the prorated share of deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By: Ab-f. ~::l Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 112A Canceling OriQinal Sheet 112A 112 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 112 - Continued LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO under this Schedule who disconnect service or switch to a transportation sales schedule. Disconnect service would include but not be limited to customers who close their business or switch entirely to an alternative fuel. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be based on the difference between the purchased gas costs collected through rates and the Company s actual purchase gas cost multiplied by the Customer's therm usage each month. The deferred gas cost balance for Customers who switch from this schedule will be transferred with the customer's account. The Customer shall have the option of 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance, or 2) an amortization rate per therm for a term equal to the deferral recovery period to reduce the deferred gas cost balance prospectively provided the Customer has not discontinued service. The Customer's share of deferred gas costs incurred since the last Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment is subject to a true-up for any modifications made by the Commission in the next Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. If the amount billed is different than the Commission approved amount, Avista will bill or refund the Customer the difference between their share of the approved amount and the amount previously billed to the Customer. Customers who temporarily close their account will be billed for any unpaid monthly minimum charges at the time the account is reopened. This provision will apply to a Customer who has closed and reopened an account at the same address within a twelve-month period. Qualifying Customers served under this Schedule who desire to change to an interruptibJe or transportation service schedule must provide written notice to the Company at least ninety (90) days prior to the effective date of the schedule change. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By: Ab-t .:. orwOOd - Vice President. State & Federal Regulation I.P.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 121 Canceling OriQinal Sheet 121 121 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 121 HIGH ANNUAL LOAD FACTOR LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available and whose requirements for firm gas service exceed 60,000 therms per year. APPLICABLE: To firm gas service for any purpose, subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: First 500 thermsNext 500 thermsNext 9,000 therms All over 10,000 therms 80.712ft per therm 78.337ft per therm 69.115ft per therm 64.350ft per therm Minimum Charge: $267.63 plus 27.186ft per therm, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM USE: The annual minimum use shall be the greater of: (a) 60,000 therms, or (b) seven times the maximum therm usage for any normal billing period (27-35 days) during the preceeding November through March (adjusted to a 3D-day billing period). If a deficiency results from subtracting this annual minimum use from the Customer's total use for the preceeding November 1 through October 31 period annual deficiency"), the Customer will have the choice of: (1) remaining on this Schedule and paying an amount equal to the annual deficiency multiplied by the then effective tail-block rate under this Schedule , or (2) transferring their account to Large General Service Schedule 111 and paying the difference between their actual bill for the period and their bill for the period had they taken service under Schedule 111 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy: Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~ ,Ix LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 121 Canceling Oriainal Sheet 121 121A AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 121 - Continued HIGH ANNUAL LOAD FACTOR LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 191 and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. For customers with annual usage greater then 250 000 therms, the prorated share of deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served under this Schedule who disconnect service or switch to a transportation sales schedule. Disconnect service would include but not be limited to customers who close their business or switch entirely to an alternative fuel. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be based on the difference between the purchased gas costs collected through rates and the Company s actual purchase gas cost multiplied by the Customer's therm usage each month. The deferred gas cost balance for Customers who switch from this schedule will be transferred with the customer's account. The Customer shall have the option of 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance, or 2) an amortization rate per therm for a term equal to the deferral recovery period to reduce the deferred gas. cost balance prospectively provided the Customer has not discontinued service. The Customer s share of deferred gas costs incurred since the last Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment is subject to a true-up for any modifications made by the Commission in the next Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. If the amount billed is different than the Commission approved amount, Avista will bill or refund the Customer the difference between their share of the approved amount and the amount previously billed to the Customer. Customers who temporarily close their account will be billed for any unpaid monthly minimum charges at the time the account is reopened. This provision will apply to a Customer who has closed and reopened an account at the same address within a twelve-month period. Qualifying Customers served under this Schedule who desire to change to an interruptible or transportation service schedule must provide written notice to the Company at least ninety (90) days prior to the effective date of the schedule change. Issued February 6. 2004 Effective March 9. 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By: Ax ... :::J O . Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation LP.C. No. 27 Second Revision Sheet 122 Canceling First Revision Sheet 122 122 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 122 HIGH ANNUAL LOAD FACTOR LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available and whose requirements for firm gas service exceed 60,000 therms per year. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Dwned Gas. APPLICABLE: , To firm gas service for any purpose , subject to execution of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: First Next Next All over 500 therms 500 therms 000 therms 10,000 therms 80.712~ per therm 78.337~ per therm 69.115~ per therm 64.350~ per therm Minimum Charge: $267.63 plus 27.186ft per therm, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. ANNUAL MINIMUM USE: The annual minimum use shall be the greater of: (a) 60,000 therms, or (b) seven times the maximum therm usage for any normal billing period (27-35 days) during the preceeding November through March (adjusted to a 30-day billing period). If a deficiency results from subtracting this annual minimum use from the Customer's total use for the preceeding November 1 through October 31 period annual deficiency"), the Customer will have the choice of: (1) remaining on this Schedule and paying an amount equal to the annual deficiency multiplied by the then effective tail-block rate under this Schedule, or (2) transferring their account to Large General Service Schedule 112 and paying the difference between their actual bill for the period and their bill for the period had they taken service under Schedule 112. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By: ~"'/vr. ~:JNOlWOod - VICe President, State & Federal Regulation LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 122A Canceling Original Sheet 122A 122A AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 122 - Continued HIGH ANNUAL LOAD FACTOR LARGE GENERAL SERVICE - FIRM - IDAHO For customers with annual usage greater then 250,000 therms, the prorated share of deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served under this Schedule who disconnect service or switch to a transportation sales schedule. Disconnect service would include but not be limited to customers who close their business or switch entirely to an alternative fuel. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be based on the difference between the purchased gas costs collected through rates and the Company s actual purchase gas cost multiplied by the Customer s therm usage each month. The deferred gas cost balance for Customers who switch from this schedule will be transferred with the customer s account. The Customer shall have the option of 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance, or 2) an amortization rate per therm for a term equal to the deferral recovery period to reduce the deferred gas cost balance prospectively provided the Customer has not discontinued service. The Customer s share of deferred gas costs incurred since the last Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment is subject to a true-up for any modifications made by the Commission in the next Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. If the amount billed is different than the Commission approved amount, Avista will bill or refund the Customer the difference between their share of the approved amount and the amount previously billed to the Customer. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Addition Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 191 and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Customers taking service under this schedule are not eligible for certain Schedule 155 gas rate adjustments, as specified under that schedule. These customers receive their appropriate share of those amounts via a lump sum bill credit and/or charge. Customers who temporarily close their account will be billed for any unpaid monthly minimum charges at the time the account is reopened. This provision will apply to a Customer who has closed and reopened an account at the same address within a twelve-month period. Qualifying Customers served under this Schedule who desire to change to an interruptible or transportation service schedule must provide written notice to the Company at least ninety (90) days prior to the effective date of the schedule change. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy: ?~ ~k ~OOd - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 131 Canceling Oriainal Sheet 131 131 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a A vista Utilities SCHEDULE 131 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whose requirements exceed 250 000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company s existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: 57.600ft per therm ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer s actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 10.735ft per thermo SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1 . Service under this schedule. shall be subject to curtailment or interruption at such times and in such amounts as, in Company s judgment curtailment or interruption is necessary. The Company will not be liable for damages occasioned by curtailment or interruption of service supplied under this schedule. 2. Gas taken by Customer under this rate by reason of failure to comply with a curtailment order shall be considered as unauthorized overrun volume. In addition to the rate herein , Customer shall pay the following penalty for such overrun: 50ft per therm in excess of 103%, and $1.00 per therm in excess of 105% of Customer s pipeline day allocation, or $1.00 per therm for all unauthorized gas taken during a pipeline day having zero allocation. Payment of an overrun penalty shall not under any circumstances be considered as granting Customer the Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By: Ax .:. . Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation LP.C. No. 27 Second Revision Sheet 131A Canceling First Revision Sheet 131A AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a A vista Utilities 131A SCHEDULE 131 - continued right to take unauthorized overrun gas or exclude any other remedies which may be available to Company. 3. (a) The service agreement shall expressly provide that Customer at his expense, shall provide and maintain standby facilities of sufficient capacity and a reserve of substitute fuel in sufficient amount to enable Customer to continue operations with a substitute fuel in the event of partial curtailment or total interruption of the gas supply. (b) The Company may, however, make service available under this schedule to a Customer who elects not to provide such standby facilities, if the regulatory body having jurisdiction approves the lack of standby facilities. In such situation the service agreement shall expressly provide that if, in the event of partial curtailment or total interruption of gas supply, Customer curtails or suspends his operations he agrees and shall acknowledge that such action results from his election not to install and maintain such standby facilities and fuel.4. Gas service supplied under this schedule shall not be interchange- able with any other gas service available from Company.5. Upon request of Company, Customer shall read Company s meter at the beginning of each day and report said reading to Company daily; further Customer shall from time to time submit estimates of its daily, monthly and annual volumes of gas required hereunder, including peak day requirements , together with such other operating data as Company may require in order to schedule its operations and to meet its system requirements.6. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff.7. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 191 and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158.8. For customers with annual usage greater then 250 000 therms, the prorated share of deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served under this Schedule who disconnect service or Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy: Ar:... :~;:'j rwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 131 Canceling Original Sheet 131 B AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 131 - Continued switch to a transportation sales schedule. Disconnect service would include but not be limited to customers who close their business or switch entirely to an alternative fuel. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be based on the difference between the purchased gas costs collected through rates and the Company s actual purchase gas cost multiplied by the Customer's therm usage each month. The deferred gas cost balance for Customers who switch from this schedule will be transferred with the customer s account. The Customer shall have the option of 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance, or 2). an amortization rate per therm for a term equal to the deferral recovery period to reduce the deferred gas cost balance prospectively provided the Customer has not discontinued service. The Customer's share of deferred gas costs incurred since the last Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment is subject to a true-up for any modifications made by the Commission in the next Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. If the amount billed is different than the Commission approved amount, Avista will bill or refund the Customer the difference between their share of the approved amount and the amount previously billed to the Customer. 9. Customers served under this Schedule who desire to change to a firm sales service or transportation service schedule must provide written notice to the Company at least ninety (90) days prior to the effective date of the schedule change. The Company reserves the right to refuse a Customer request to change to a firm sales or firm transportation service schedule based on firm transportation capacity or gas supply constraints. Issued February 6. 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By: Ax ... orwood - VICe President, State & Federal Regulation LP.C. No. 27 Second Revision Sheet 132 Canceling First Revision Sheet 132 132 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 132 INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year and who comply with the Special Terms and Conditions set forth below, provided: (1) A volume of off-peak interruptible gas for the service requested is available to the Company and, (2) The Company s existing distribution system has capacity, in excess of its existing requirements for firm gas service adequate for the service requested by Customer. Customers taking service under this Schedule beginning on or after March 1, 2002 must have been previously served under Schedule 146 - Transportation Service for Customer-Owned Gas. APPLICABLE: To interruptible gas service for any purpose subject to provisions of a service agreement for a term of one year or longer. All such service used on the premises shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering. MONTHLY RATE: 57.600ft per therm ANNUAL MINIMUM: Each Customer shall be subject to an Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge if their gas usage during the prior year did not equal or exceed 250,000 therms. Such Annual Minimum Deficiency Charge shall be determined by subtracting the Customer s actual usage for the twelve-month period ending each August from 250,000 therms multiplied by 10. 735ft per thermo SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS:1. Service under this schedule shall be subject to curtailment or interruption at such times and in such amounts as, in Company s judgment curtailment or interruption is necessary. The Company will not be liable for damages occasioned by curtailment or interruption of service supplied under this schedule.2. Gas taken by Customer under this rate by reason of failure to comply with a curtailment order shall be considered as unauthorized overrun volume. addition to the rate herein, Customer shall pay the following penalty for such overrun: 50ft per therm in excess of 103%, and $1.00 per therm in excess of 105% of Customer s pipeline day allocation, or $1.00 per therm for all unauthorized gas taken during a pipeline day having zero allocation. Payment of an overrun penalty shall not under any circumstances be considered as granting Customer the right to take Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By: Ax ::JNorwood - VICe President. State & Federal Regulation LP.C. No. 27 Second Revision Sheet 132A Canceling First Revision Sheet 132A AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 132A SCHEDULE 132 - continued unauthorized overrun gas or exclude any other remedies which may be available to Company. 3. (a) The service agreement shall expressly provide that Customer, at his expense, shall provide and maintain standby facilities of sufficient capacity and a reserve of substitute fuel in sufficient amount to enable Customer to continue operations with a substitute fuel in the event of partial curtailment or total interruption of the gas suppiy. (b) The Company may, however, make service available under this schedule to a Customer who elects not to provide such standby facilities, if the regulatory body having jurisdiction approves the lack of standby facilities. In such situation the service agreement shall expressly provide that if, in the event of partial curtailment or total interruption of gas supply, Customer curtails or suspends his operations he agrees and shall acknowledge that such action results from his election not to install and maintain such standby facilities and fuel.4. Gas service supplied under this schedule shall not be interchange- able with any other gas service available from Company.5. Upon request of Company, Customer shall read Company s meter at the beginning of each day and report said reading to Company daily; further Customer shall from time to time submit estimates of its daily, monthly and annual volumes of gas required hereunder, including peak day requirements together with such other operating data as Company may require in order to schedule its operations and to meet its system requirements. 6. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. 7. The above Monthly Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment Schedule 191 and Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. 8. Customers taking service under this schedule are not eligible for certain Schedule 155 gas rate adjustments, as specified under that schedule. These customers receive their appropriate share of those amounts via a lump sum bill credit and/or charge. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By: ~Vt ~:JNorwoOd - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 132B Canceling Oriainal Sheet 1328 1328 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 132 - continued 9. For customers with annual usage greater then 250 000 therms, the prorated share of deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served under this Schedule who disconnect service or switch to a transportation sales schedule. Disconnect service would include but not be limited to customers who close their business or switch entirely to an alternative fuel. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be based on the difference between the purchased gas costs collected through rates and the Company s actual purchase gas cost multiplied by the Customer's therm usage each month. The deferred gas cost balance for Customers who switch from this schedule will be transferred with the customer's account. The Customer shall have the option of 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance, or 2) an amortization rate per therm for a term equal to the deferral recovery period to reduce the deferred gas cost balance prospectively provided the Customer has not discontinued service. The Customer s share of deferred gas costs incurred since the last Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment is subject to a true-up for any modifications made by the Commission in the next Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment. If the amount billed is different than the Commission approved amount, Avista will bill or refund the Customer the difference between their share of the approved amount and the amount previously billed to the Customer. 10. Customers served under this Schedule who desire to change to a firm sales service or transportation service schedule must provide written notice to the Company at least ninety (90) days prior to the effective date of the schedule change. The Company reserves the right to refuse a Customer request to change to a firm sales or firm transportation" service schedule based on firm transportation capacity or gas supply constraints. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy: Kelly Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ?~ Ao-t LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 146 Canceling Oriainal Sheet 146 146 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 146 TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER-OWNED GAS - IDAHO AVAILABLE: To Commercial and Industrial Customers in the State of Idaho whose requirements exceed 250,000 therms of gas per year provided that the Company existing distribution system has capacity adequate for the service requested by Customer. APPLICABLE: ' To transportation service for a Customer-owned supply of natural gas from the Company point of interconnection with its Pipeline Transporter to the Company s point of interconnection with the Customer. Service shall be supplied at one point of delivery and metering for use by a single customer. MONTHLY RATE: $200.00 Customer Charge, plus 12.100ft per therm ANNUAL MINIMUM: $32 650, unless a higher minimum is required under contract to cover special conditions. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS:1. Service hereunder shall be provided subject to execution of a contract between the Customer and the Company for a term of not less than one year. The contract shall also specify the maximum daily volume of gas to be transported. 2. Billing arrangements with gas suppliers and transportation by others are to be the responsibility of the Customer. 3. The Customer shall be responsible for any end-use taxes levied on Customer-owned gas transported by the Company. 4. Customers served under this schedule are required to pay for the installation of telemetering equipment and any other new facilities or equipment required to transport Customer-owned gas or accurately meter such gas under this schedule. Such facilities and equipment shall meet all Company specifications and shall be owned and maintained by the Company. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy ~ Ax......,..,J Kelly O. Norwood - VIce President, State & Federal Reguiatioo LP.C. No. 27 Second Revision Sheet 146A Canceling First Revision Sheet 146A AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 146A SCHEDULE 146 - continued TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER-OWNED GAS -IDAHO 5. The Company may entitle or interrupt the transportation of Customer- Owned Gas on its system whenever the Company, in its sole judgement determines that it does not have adequate pipeline or distribution system capacity to meet all firm service requirements. Such entitlement or interruption shall be made in accordance with the Company s "Contingency Plan for Firm Service Gas Curtailment", as contained in its general service tariff. Any volumes of Customer- Owned Gas unable to be delivered due to operational constraints on the Company shall be held as an imbalance and delivered to the Customer as soon as operationally practicable. The Company will not be liable for damages occasioned by the entitlement or interruption of service supplied under this schedule. 6. Gas taken by Customer under this rate by reason of failure to comply with an overrun entitlement order shall be considered as unauthorized overrun volume. In addition to the rate herein, Customer shall pay the following penalty for such overrun: $0.50 per therm in excess of 103%, and $1.00 per therm in excess 105% of Customer s pipeline day allocation , or $1.00 per therm for all unauthorized gas taken during a pipeline day having zero allocation. Payment of an overrun penalty shall not under any circumstances be considered as granting Customer the right to take unauthorized overrun gas or exclude any other remedies which may be available to Company. 7. Gas not taken by Customer under this tariff by reason of failure to comply with an underrun entitlement order shall be considered as unauthorized underrun volume. Customer shall pay the following penalty for such underrun: a) for that part of the unauthorized underrun volume which is at least 5% under the Customer s entitlement for such day, but not more than 10% of the Customer entitlement for such day, an amount equal to $0.50 per therm , b) for that part of the unauthorized underrun volume which is greater than 10% under the Customer entitlement for such day, an amount equal to $1.00 per thermo In addition, the Company may designate that the volume of underrun gas be required to be taken off the system within the following seventy-two (72) hours. For that part of the unauthorized underrun volume not taken off the system within the seventy-two hour period, the Customer will be assessed a penalty of $1.00 per thermo Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy ~ ~61.........d Kelly O. Norwood - VICe President, State & Federal Reguiation LP.C. No. 27 Second Revision Sheet 146B Canceling First Revision Sheet 146B AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 146B SCHEDULE 146 - continued TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FOR CUSTOMER-OWNED GAS -IDAHO 8. The Customer, with assistance from the Company when necessary, will schedule its supply such that at the end of the Customer s billing cycle, the Customer usage approximately equals the amount of gas supplied to the Company by the Customer s supplier during the billing cycle. 9. Gas delivered under this schedule shall not be resold by the Customer contracting for transportation service. 10. The quality of Customer-owned natural gas shall meet the requirements as set forth in the Company s Pipeline Transporters' FERC tariff. 11. Customers served under this schedule who desire to switch from this Schedule to a sales service schedule, or from a sales service schedule to this Schedule, must provide 90 days' prior written notice to the Company. The Company reserves the right to refuse or postpone a Customer request to switch between transportation service and sales service based on firm pipeline capacity or gas supply constraints. 12. Service under this schedule is subject to the Rules and Regulations contained in this tariff. 13. The above Rate is subject to the provisions of Purchase Gas Cost Adjustment Schedule 150, Gas Rate Adjustment Schedule 155, Tax Adjustment Schedule 158, and DSM Rider Adjustment Schedule 191. 14. Deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served under this Schedule, as well as for sales Customers who request to switch from a sales service Schedule to this Schedule. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be based on the difference between the purchased gas costs collected through rates and the Company s actual purchased gas cost multiplied by the Customer s therm usage each month. The deferred gas cost balance for Customers who have switched from a sales service schedule to this Scheduled will be transferred with the Customer s account. The Customer shall have the option of 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge to eliminate the deferred gas cost balance, or 2) an amortization rate per therm to reduce the deferred gas cost balance. 15. Customers who elect to switch from service under this Schedule to a sales service schedule will be served under Schedule 112, 122, or 132, as applicable. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista Utilities By: Ax ~.:::J Norwood - Vice President. State & F_ral Regulation LP.C. No. Sixth Revision Sheet 150 Canceling Fifth Revision Sheet 150 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 150 SCHEDULE 150 PURCHASE GAS COST ADJUSTMENT - IDAHO APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Idaho where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To pass through changes in costs resulting from rate adjustments imposed by the Company s suppliers, to become effective as noted below. RATE: (a)The rates of firm gas Schedules 101 , 111 , 112, 121 and 122 are to be increased by OO.OOOft per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. The rates of interruptible Schedules 131 and 132 are to be increased by OO.OOOft per thermo (b) (c)The rate for transportation under Schedule 146 is to be decreased by OO.OOOft per thermo BALANCING ACCOUNT: The Company will maintain a Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account whereby monthly entries into this Balancing Account will be made to reflect differences between the actual purchased gas costs collected from customers and the purchased gas costs determined under Schedule 163 - Natural Gas Benchmark mechanism. Those differences are then collected from or refunded to customers under Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The rates named herein are subject to increases as set forth in Schedule 158. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwood - Vice-President, State & Federal Regulation ,Ix ..,-d LP.C. No. 27 Second Revision Sheet 170- Cancelling First Revision Sheet 170- AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 170- IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR SERVICE: - continued New Customer Turn-On Charge (After-Hours): There will be no charge for new Customer service turn-ons when such service connection is performed during office hours regularly maintained by the Company. For new Customer turn-ons requested to be completed during other hours , there will be a charge of $48.00. When a new Customer receives Company-supplied gas and electric service, a single charge of $48.00 will be required for after hours service turn-ons. Return Trip Charge If the conditions stated in Sections 7 and 8, below, are not satisfied prior to the Customer s request for temporary service, a $55.00 charge, per trip, will be billed to the Customer whenever Company personnel are dispatched to the job site but are unable to connect the service. The charge will be billed after the conditions have been satisfied and the connection has been made. When a residential Customer supplies the trench, backfill , conduit, and compaction for an underground service, a charge of $55.00 per trip return charge will be assessed if the Company s installation crew cannot install pipe on the first appointment or subsequent appointments. SERVICE PIPING AND METERS: INSTALLATION - The Company, at its expense, will furnish , install and maintain the service piping to the meter location , and the meter or meters required in accordance with its filed tariff to determine the billing to be made for gas service. RELOCATION - If relocation of service pipe is due solely to meet the convenience of the Applicant or Customer, or is made necessary by acts of the Customer which create hazards to the main or meter or make the main or meter inaccessible, such relocation will be performed by the utility AT THE EXPENSE OF THE APPLICANT OR CUSTOMER. The Company shall provide the customer estimate of such relocation costs before the actual relocation occurs. Any structure built over an existing service line, or above or around a meter, that does not allow the utility ready access to its facilities, or allow the free upward venting of gas should a leak ever occur, constitutes an unacceptable hazard that will require correction. Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ,j~... ...d LP.C. No. 27 First Revision Sheet 170- Canceling OriQinal Sheet 170- AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities 170- IDAHO RULES AND REGULATIONS - continued 15.RECONNECTION CHARGE: - continued 15.Gas Service Reestablishment Charge When service has been discontinued at the Customer s request and then reestablished within a twelve-month period, the Customer shall be required to pay the monthly minimum charges that would have been billed had service not been discontinued, as well as a reestablishment charge. The charge for reestablishment shall be: $24., provided satisfactory arrangements for payment of all proper charges have been made during the hours of 8:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays; or $48.00 if such arrangements are made during the hours of 4:00 p. through 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays. If such arrangements are made during hours other than the above, the reestablishment shall be completed on the following day except for medical emergencies or a customer disconnected in error. Any reestablishment completed on a weekend or holiday will be charged $48.00. 15.Additional Meters at the Same Premises Where the Company also furnishes other regulated service to the Customer at the same premises and such other service also has been discontinued, the charge will be increased by $4.00 for each additional service reconnected at the same time. (remainder of page intentionally left blank) Issued February 6, 2004 Effective March 9, 2004 Issued by Avista UtilitiesBy Kelly O. Norwood - Vice President, State & Federal Regulation ~ ~u-....-=J DAVID J. MEYER SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL A VISTA CORPORATION O. BOX 3727 1411 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, W ASIllNGTON 99220-3727 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMILE: (509) 495-4361 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPUCA TION OF A VISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. A VU-04- EXHIBIT NO. 23 BRIAN J. HIRSCHKORN FOR A VISTA CORPORT A TION NATURAL GAS SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION AV I S T A U T I L I T I E S PR O P O S E D R E V E N U E I N C R E A S E B Y S C H E D U L E ID A H O - G A S 12 M O N T H S E N D E D D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 2 0 0 2 (O O O s o f D o l l a r s ) Re v e n u e Li n e Ty p e o f Sc h e d u l e Re v e n u e U n d e r Re v e n u e U n d e r Th e r m s In c r e a s e Pe r c e n t No . Se r v i c e Nu m b e r Pr e s e n t R a t e s ( 1 ) In c r e a s e Pr o p o s e d R a t e s ( 1 ) (O O O s ) Pe r T h e r m In c r e a s e (a ) (b ) (c ) (d ) (e ) (f ) (g ) (h ) Ge n e r a l S e r v i c e 10 1 $4 0 , 11 4 01 2 $4 4 , 12 6 50 , 97 8 87 f t 10 . La r g e G e n e r a l S e r v i c e 11 1 $8 . 93 1 $5 9 0 $9 , 52 1 92 9 56 f t La r g e G e n e r a l S e r v i c e - Hi g h A n n u a l L o a d F a c t o r 12 1 $1 , 52 2 $5 8 58 0 35 7 46 f t In t e r r u p t i b l e S e r v i c e 13 1 $3 8 5 $1 3 $3 9 8 69 1 88 f t Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n S e r v i c e 14 6 $4 4 4 $8 1 $5 2 5 20 0 93 f t 18 . 2% ( 2 ) Sp e c i a l C o n t r a c t s $5 0 0 $5 0 0 85 2 OO f t To t a l $5 1 89 6 $4 , 75 4 $5 6 , 65 0 13 0 , 00 7 66 f t (1 ) I n c l u d e s P u r c h a s e A d j u s t m e n t S c h e d u l e 1 5 0 / E x c l u d e s o t h e r r a t e a d j u s t m e n t s . (2 ) A v e r a g e I n c r e a s e i n t r a n s p o r t e r s t o t a l g a s b i l l a s s u m i n g 5 0 c e n t s p e r t h e r m g a s d e l i v e r e d t o A v i s t a s s y s t e m : 93 c e n t s / 6 0 . 57 4 c e n t s ( p r e s e n t b i l l ) = 3 . 2% i n c r e a s e . Ex h i b i t N o . 2 3 Av i s t a C o r p . Ca s e N o . A V U - 04 - Pa g e 1 o f 4 VISTA UTiliTIES IDAHO - GAS RATE OF RETURN BY SCHEDULE 12 MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2002 Pro Forma Revenue Pro Forma Revenue At Present Rates At Proposed Rates Line Sch.Rate of Relative Rate of Relative No.Schedule No.Return Rate of Return Return Rate of Return (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) General Service 101 76%58% Large General Service 111 04%10.88% Large General Service - High Annual Load Factor 121 27%11 .05% Interruptible Service 131 44%1.49 12.14% Transportation Service 146 88%12.55% Total 00%82% Exhibit No. 23 Avista Corp. Case No. A VU-04- Page 2 of 4 A VISTA UTILITIES IDAHO - GAS COMPARISON OF PRESENT & PROPOSED GAS RATES Present RatesCt) (a) $3.28 Basic Charge General Service Schedule 101Increase Proposed RatesC1)(b) (c) $1.721month $5.00 Basic Charge All Therms - 74.197e/Therm 515e/Therm All Therms - 79.712e/Therm Large General Service Schedule 111 Present Rates(1) Increase Proposed RatesC1) 1st 200 Therms - 75.836e/Therm Next 800 Therms - 74.197e/Therm Over 1 ,000 Therms - 64.975e/Therm 375e/Therm 140e/Therm 140e/Therm Minimum - $97.30/Month plus 27.186e/Therm $12.75/month 1st 200 Therms - 82.211e/Therm Next 800 Therms - 78.337e/Therm Over 1,000 Therms - 69.115e/Therm Minimum - $11 0.05/Month plus 27.186e/Therm Large General Service Schedule 121Present RatesC1) Increase Proposed RatesC1) 1st 500 Therms - 74.852e/Therm Next 500 Therms - 74.197e/Therm Next 9,000 Therms - 64.975e/Therm Over 10,000 Therms - 63.284e/Therm 860e/Therm 140e/Therm 140e/Therm 066e/Therm Minimum - $238.33/Month plus 27.186e/Therm $29.30/month 1st 500 Therms - 80.712e/Therm Next 500 Therms - 78.337e/Therm Next 9,000 Therms - 69.115e/Therm Over 10,000 Therms - 64.350e/Therm Minimum - $267.63/Month plus 27.186e/Therm Interruptible Service Schedule 131Present RatesC1) Increase Proposed Rates(1) All Therms - 55.724e/Therm 876e/Therm All Therms - 57.600e/Therm Transportation Service Schedule 146Present RatesC1) Increase Proposed RatesC1) No Basic Charge $200.00/month All Therms - 10.574e/Therm 526e/Therm $200.00 Basic Charge All Therms - 12.1 OOe/Therm (1) Rates include Purchase Gas Adjustment Schedule 150 / Exclude all other rate adjustments Exhibit No. 23 Avista Corp. Case No. A VU-04- Page 3 of 4 AVISTA UTiliTIES ESTIMATED MONTHLY COST FOR SERVICES, METERS, METER READING & BilliNG GAS SERVICE SCHEDULE 101 - IDAHO 12 MONTHS ENDED 12/31/02 Line Average Cost Monthly Cost No.Total Costs(1)Customers per Customer per Customer (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) Services $3,947 246 58,169 $67.$5. Meters $1,116,648 58,169 $19.$1. Meter Reading $488,202 58,169 $8.$0. Billing $1,225,486 58,169 $21.$1. Total $6,777,582 $116.$9. (1) From cost of service study. Exhibit No. 23 Avista Corp. Case No. AVU-04- Page 4 of 4